Newspaper Page Text
For tho Woman who Wants to Know. For the Hon and Daughter who Need to Know. For the Business HanToo Busyto Know, What Was Done Last Week In This World of Ours Hlstory-maklng Eventf ln At! Llnes of Activity. Brief, ClHSfiified, Comp'lcte, to Date. A Ready Reference Encyclopedia. jtmerican jiffairs. QEORGIA SLIGHTS ROOSEVE-T. At tho annual banquot of tho Qoorgla Soclety In New York clty, Tuesday nlght, tho uaual toast "Tho Presldont of tho Unitod Statoa" wa8 omltted and ono to '"tho United States of America" sub slitutod. Govornor T?rroll, of Georgla, apoke at length on tho raco questlon,, Baylng that in tho solutlon ot lntornal problema tho peoplo interested ncoded "Intolllgent sympathy wlth'out Interfcr enco moro than Ignorant asslstance wlth projudlced Intermcddllng." Mayor Low, of Now York. apoke on tho subject of chlld labor, aaylng, "ali the proflts of tho cotton Industry aro not worth tho llfo of a alnglo chlld. of Georgla." VHRMONT FOR LOCAX. OPTION. Tho epoclal referendum voto ln "Ver mont, Tuosday, was 30,688 for local optlon and llcense law nnd 28,916 for contlnuance of prohlbltlon. Vermont votod for pro hibltlon ln 1863 by 1,600 majority. , TBNNESSEB NEGROES D1FFER. Nogroos of Tcnnossco aro plannlng a CongrcsB at Blrmlngham In May "to'an* nounco tho exact posltion and fecllng of the negro to-ward the whlto people of the Bouth." It in sald negroes of thls boc llon aro anxlous to correct the Impres ilon that the two races aro flghtlng each otfier aad wlll declare that tho white man of tho South Is the negro's best trlend and- tlio South the best placo for hlm. PUSDIC OWNEIISHIP IN CHICAGO. Tho Clty Councll ot Chlcago has aaked the Stato leglslaturo to pass tho Flnn bllls provldlng for publlc ownershlp of gas and electrtc llght plants. Cheaper llght and beat In tho homes at such a prlco as to mako another coal famlno Im posalble are tha features argued in favor of the bllls. aDDICKS OUT OF THE RACE. John Edwaru Addlcks. who had been Ihc cause of sonatorlol dcodlocks in three Delaware Legislotures, mado formal an pouncemont at Dover Thursday, hls Wlthdrawal as a candldate beforo the present Legislature provlded the regular Republlcans would Joln hls supporters ln a caucus for the selectlon of candldates for tho Senato by majority rule. Thco rles of thls action held by hls cnemles are that the nomlnecs would be frlcndly to hlm, ono of whom mlght reslgn m hls favor. BBRESFORD FOR MONROEISM. Lord Charlos Bcresford, os chlet guest of tho Pilgrim Soclety of the United States, whlch met at Now York Wednes? day nlght, volced tho support of England for the Monroe Doctrine and pleadod for an Amerlcan navy whlch should protect Amerlcan commerce. Ho arguod for a "natural alliance" of Great Britaln and America "through the ownershlp of the great Industries of the world and the sharlng of thelr proflt-s. GROSVENOR BOOK SCANDAX.. Itcprcsentatlvc Grosvcnor, of Ohlo, gavo to- tho newBpapers Tuesday a formal statement of hla connoction wlth the "Book of tho Prcsldents," who30 pub llsher and agonts used hls name and personal needs ln aoilcltlng subscrlptlons. Mr. Orosvenor says that while he wro'te the book under contract, ho had no pe cunlary Interests in Its sale. He denies autbenticlty of aoilcltlng letters signed wlth hls name. KENNAN FLAYS ADDICKS. Georgo Kennan, ln the current number of tho "Outlook" beglns a serles of ar? tlcles on Addlcks and the hold up tn. Delaware. He says that the hlstory of polltical oorruptlon ln Delaware is the hlstory of one man and a single party. V? b?lo others have resorted occasionolly to dlAionest methods no "systematlc at tempt was ever made to corrupt the whole population and buy up the whole State untll Addlcks and the Union Re publican party took tho fleld." He tells of condltlons ln Southern Delaware, whero "selllng votes to Addlcks has grown to be a matter of course among mon of all partles and where hls oorruptlon fund ls consldcred a good thlng for poor farmers. GENERAL, POLITICAL NOTES. Tho New Jersey Senato Monuay adopt? ed a resoluLon urglng tho enlargement and betterment of the navy for defence of Monroe Dootrlne. Leo S. Overman was nomlnatod for United States Sona tor, January 20th by tho --emocratlc Leg tslatlve caucus ln North Carolina to suc ceed Prltchard. Work of Congress* BENATE'S ANTI-TRUST BILL. The Senate passed wlthout dlscusslon Benator Elkln's Inter-State Commerce blll to further regulato railroad trans portatlon. It prohlblts under flne not ex ceedlng $20,000, the glvlng or recelvlng of rebales. HANNA'S NEGRO BILU Senator Hanna Introduced Wednesday, by request, a blll for penslonlng colored ex-slaves who were omanclpated by Lln coln. It provldcs for a graded scale of penslons and bounty accordlng to age, and also for a penslon to relatlves charged wlth care of ex-alnves. The measure ls planned to benefit 350,000 ne? groes. "LOUD" WARNING TO HOUSE. Chalrman Loud, of tho Post Offlce Commlttoe, ln hls farowell speoch Wed? nesday, repcated hls annual warnlng to the House not to approvo the proposed aystom of automatlo wage Increaso for postal employes. Thls law, now ln ope ratlon wlth rogard to tho carrlers, ho sald was costlng tho Government J5.O00.OO3 an* nually bosldos removlng tho Incentlve for a man to oxcell. Loud was warmly applauded, STAFF BILL AGAIN CHANGED. Tho Army Staff Blll was passed by tho Senate for tho thlrd tlmo, Wednesday, wlth the provlslon assoclatlng tho Secre? tary of War ln authorlty with tho Presi dent ln susponslon of all troops and staft corps, restored. Tnls clausa had boon ellmlnated by the House and twlce re atored by tho Senate. _EGISLATIVE NO'i?S. Houso Committeo jn rules decedod to glvo tho Uttlefield antl-trust blll right of way In the Houso attor tho Post Offlce approprlation blll. Monday tho Housp authorlzod tho ro ?umptlon of the negotlatlons wlth Great Brltain for the preservatlon of tho Alaa kan fur noals. Tho Senato blll approprlatlng $1,500,000, for a, new Dopartmont of Agrloulturo hulldlng waa passed by tho Houso, Mon? day. On January 30tb, tho lost prlvato clalma day of the sesslon ln tho Houso, forty flve bllls were rushed through In splte of all offorts to balk thom. Many dated Xrom beforo the clvll war, HOUSE ANTI-TRUST TALK. .Tho LUtlefleld Antl-Trust blll oa modl fldd In commlttee, was takon up ln the Houso Thursday, under a spoolal rule allowlng thlrteen hours' debate, after whloh a flnal vote was to be takon, Under tho same rule the Senate blll to Kr?ilto Bulta under the Shorauit Anti Trust law. wns passed, ono hour's do bate. FAST MAILS FOR. THE BOUTH. Tho Post-Onico Approprlatlon bill wns passed by tho Houso Thursday, Includlng tho Itcm for carrylng fast malls from Eastorn polnts Into tho South and from Kansas Clty south and west. ?xQCUtlUC. TAFT PARDQNS HEYES. Rcycs, tho Flllplno labor agitator, who was convictcd of consplracy o.nd threats ot vlolenco durlng tho recent olgar makcrs' atrike, has been pardoncd hy Governor Taft on the ground that he was convlcted under an old Bpanlsh statutc. SAMPSON HAD APHASIA. Washington dlspatches, Monday, gave tho country a mlld shook by tolllng that the penslon of J.TO a month. granted re? cently to tho wldow of Admlral W. T. Sampson was based on tho showlng of the medlcal rccords of the War Dopart ment that the Admlral sufforcd from acuto aphosla for flvo years before nls death. Thls dlsease denotes tho general brenklng-up of the metital facult,les and lmpalrs the faclllties for speech and wrltlng as well os the Judgment. The Admlral recelved promotlon and hls Cu ban campalgn asslgnment whllo this fact was of offlclal record. It is sald that CapL Chadwlck substltuted when Samp? son was ill and that Llcutenant Staunton wroto tho Santlago dlspatch beglnnlng "tho flcet under my command" and the Gunner Morgan letter. 'PATENT OFFICE IN )002. The Commissioner of Patents recelved 13,400 appllcatlons for patents and grant ?L,27'"e durlng 1902- -" s-? Perlod 2,000 trade-morks, 707 labels and PW prlnts were reglstered. The excess of recelpts over expendltures -was flB9 "514 More patents were issued to cltlzens of tho Distrlct of Columbla ln proportlon to population than to any other Btate or Terrltory, the ratlo belng one to 1,080. CHIEF OF PHIL1PPIXES POLrCE Captaln Henry T. Allen, Sixth Cavalry, has been appolnted chlef of the Phillp pino constabulary with the rank ot brlga dlcr-gcneral. AMERICA'S FIGHTING STRENGTH ,S'ary Root transmltted to the House Monday an abstract of tho returns made to tho adjutant-gencrals of the army by ^i^JU?anVgeneral3 of the various States. showlng tha mllltla strength of HMl".?Sii!i '? bt* M f0,,ows: Ofllcer., r.B?-S=t^te mllittainen 10,853.380. CRAMPS TO BCILD CRUISERS The recent award of contracts for new whlehrS-J? thn, Cramps of ^fl-SSpWa! w?7u. ^ 1>rf!tef,te<1 IV the Unlon Iron ]Z t, nd *!ther8' ls t0 stand- Presl? dent Roosevelt so informed the Callfor nla senators Monday. One reoson glven was the nccesslty of great haste HOBSON RESIGNS FROM NAVY Naval -Constructor Rlchmond P. 'nod son havlng falled in hi? long effort to securo a transfer to the retlred llst on I..6 m!? , ?f .!)oor ?,y?s|frht has tender cd hls reslgnatlon from the Navy. See sfdTth^aVnt^^ hIm t0 reCOa" ASSIGNMENT OF GE.VERAL9 The War Dcpartment announced Wed ?SS'7,th? followlnS aaalgnments to take i C,^Ld^r,nBr tnc coraln* summer: T^{?r;G^eraI Bates' dcpartment *f Lakes, in place of McArthur - PWh^d^?'G.ener?M Wade' Department of tlre" * eV? General D?vls, re J*r,?ad,ler"Gen6ral ???<*. Department of MIndanao. Phllipplnes. ?ar?**ent Brigadler-General Funston, Department Brigadter-General Baldwln. Department T^il?JJUk^ '" Plac(> of Funstoa " Br-Igadler-General Carter from War College Board to Department of PhUl" offira rNSPECTORS OF IMMI Tho recent decision of the Treaaurv ?nPsh oT hnt0 emp,,0>- wome" '"~ on shlps, has resulted In the aoDoInt: S.Mt 1* NT Tork ot flve women?There ?, lwo hundred appllcatlons for the fhf i "8-, Thuey wl" b0 requlred to ooard cuttor?3 y ladd6r ir?m the re^?e ?Jn?Ri?RS MUST NOT BORROW Tho PostofTIce Department at Washliur on issued an order to all postSors tlmt any letter carrler who borrowe? money from a "shylock" at exhorbitant ratos of lntorest would be dlsmissed. ?: ?-? FOR CHTJRCH UNION. x*1?!6 t!llrd onnual conference of the heldT'tho^fn,110^ ?f cK>? -as6 Tuesdal oi bl,a House in New York Hnn? ??? Genera' l-^ffress in many sec t>> .eadng clergymen of all denomlna St^Ttbl onSrc^^l J?^ r?1" Jln? N0T BEATIFIED. lhe Popo has rofused F-ranco's request to bea ify Jonn of Are. saying the laws goyernlng tho procoduro of "he congre gatlon of rlghts must bo observed DOWN WITH CHURCH BARRIBRS. At an lnterdenonilnatlonal meeting ln New York Monday, mlnisters applauded he statcment of Dr. S. D. McConnell (Eplscopal), that "tho increaslng num? ber of non-churched. Chrlstians was due to unneoossary nnd unlmportnnt lntel loctual bar.rlers In tho shapo of nrticlos of falth ralsed by tho churches thom selves." Tho hopo was generally ox pressed that the unlty so apparent every whero else to-day would soon be effeot ed among churches. NEW MISSISS1PPI BISHOP. Tho Rov. Arthur S. Lloyd, Gonernl Secretary of tho Domoatlo nnd Forelgn Mlsslonary Soclety, has beon oloctcd to flll the placo of tho lato Hugh Mlllor thompson ns Hishop of Mlsslsslppi. DOWlE.GOrNG TO NEW YORK. John Alexander Dowio, hoad of tho Zlonlst movemont ln Chlcago, has an? nounced thnt ho will tako tho "Rostora* tlon Host" of from 3,000 to 5,000 pooplo to Now York In tho onrly suminer nnd ondoavor to securo 100.000 convorts. Ho has takon optlons on Curneglo Hall nnd Madlson Square Garden nnd has phuined to hold 1,800 stroet meetlngs dnlly. Dr. ?hW|0' ,Ba/Su ll ls tne sreatost worls evor^ attempted by tho followers of any, rell NEW YORK CHURCH F1GURES, .. J}-, ?iouti 8tatlB'lcs of New York gath* orod by tho Fedorutlon of Church show a thlrd?o? ttr llZf'T PB?P>? o? aboTt T?L,J o ?} the PPPW'ttdon of the clty are Jews and people without any known re llgton and uthat tho unbel aVara aro as m'WLaa tha Jewa' Thoae without any rellglbn are as many as tlie ohurch goors, only ono-thlrd of the estflmated Oathollo and Protestant population belng T/ie Whole Field at a Glance. Our Americnn acnso of humor has been Ucklcd and ish War, General Corbin's cstimate of our mllltary I our pridc of expanding power has been- touclicd by'tho strength n.t 10,853,390 and Jnnuary's incroase in Trons wcek's scenes in diplomacy's nmazing international drnma ury's lmlancc were the lending topics in tho public servieo. on tltc boards nt Washinglon. Jtidging from press com- Tlio prcsenco of 1,000 soidiers at Watorbury, Conn., ment, we liavo smiled East, We3t nnd South to witness to "P6?*" street cars stopped by strike of cighty men has the lofty arnbnssadors of three great European nations *?n l\n?. ?f*n'of Tnn JJ lllb?r Probl<f' Striko vl?* , ., , , .. . ,.. , , ,cncc nt hlizabcth, N. J. BitumiuoiiB conference on wngo in the act of asking an Amcncan cit.zen permission to inorf,nsc (ijsngreca. striko commiasion. finished hcaring of stnnd flrst in line at the slicnring of tho Venezuelan sheep testlraony. ?and gctting a positivo "no" for their nnswer. What* The Wnbasli system won its long battlo for legal ever tho outcome ns to mothod of settlement this incident cnlmnco into Pittsburg. New' Orleans grantcd extenslve ls prcgnnnt with historic significancc. rlghts to the N. O. & S. F. system. Wcstern roads es It can mean but one thing?the triumph of the Mon* tablished cmbargos to relievo froight blockado. Sugar roe Doctrine. ' trust rctlnerics at New York closed down. Pennsylvania's Aside frpm this Intcrnational crisis tho legislativo Chicngo "flier" taken off. Rock Islnnd got Gulf outlet by tilt of tho party in power ngalnst the bad trusts ns op* Southern Pacific to Galveston. posed to tho good ones hns largcly ccoupicd public ntton* 0ut of much forcign news, the chtef is: Defeat of tion. Besidcs actually competing one anti-tTUst bill, for Morocco's pretender in second bnttle- Castro's defeat of the enforccment of existing laws tho Republican ma- rebcls; Germany'fl prohibition of child labor; outbreak of jority hns passed the Elkins bill in the Senato, for the olvil war in Honduras and ominous wnr signs in Jln prevention of rebatcs and has puBhcd through the Houso cedonia. the Littlcfield compromiso measure. Eear of a neces- A harmlcss substitute for phosphorous ln manufoc sary extnv Bession has revived tnlk of a statchood com- turo of matches wns announced in Germany. Prof. Bedell, prorniae in the Senato which body continued "in statu of Corncll, announced method of sonding nltornating and Quay." Another twist to the race issue was given by dircct currents on ono wire at the samo time. Dr. Aron Senator Hanna's introduction of a slave pension bill, by son's scnrlct-fevcr serum officially recognized at Berlin, request. The political sensation of the week was tho Moctings of national federations of churches nt Now unexpeoted withdrawal of Addicks from the senatorial con- York emphosized church unity trend. Dowieism planning test in Delaware with a caucus string tied to it. ' Vermont \o attack iS'ew York. adopted local option and license by a narrow majority of Maryland'a honorcd sons accepted by Con after half a century of prohibition. ', gress for Statuary Hall. , ," ; Licntenant Hohson's resignatiori and tiie disclosuro of Pirst Rhodcs scholarship in this" country grantcd to Admiral Sampson's mental incapaoity prior to the Span- E. II. Lehman, of New York, a Yale man. Commercial, W1RELESS TO R0ME. Tho Italian Minlster of Posts and Tele graphs has announced a blll ln the Chamber of Deputles for a wlreless telo graph statlon to connect Italy and the United States. LARGEST COTtPORATION CHARTER ED. The largest capltallzed, corporatlon In the world, the International Constructlon and Development Company wlth JIO.OOO.* 000,000 capltal, has been chartered in Arl* zona. It wlll go lnto wholesale manufac* turlngln the undoveloped Western States, Vcnezuela, Mexlco and other Southern countrles. BIG RAILHOAD FINANCING. What Is consldered one of tho most remarkablo flnanclal transactlons of the day ls tho courso of the Pennsylvanla Railroad Company in redeposltlng Its-, loan of $35,000,000 wlth the banks frorn-i which lt was borrowed, and drawlng thereon 3 per cent. Thls gives the com? pany the prlvllege for one year of calling any part of thls blg sum for the consld eratlon of 11-2 per cent. per annum, or $525,009. DECREASE IN OLEOMARGARINB. The suecess of the Oleomargarlne act, whlch went lnto effect last July, is shown by the Bureau of tho Internal Revcnue. Slnce that tlme the productlon has fallen off 18,000,000 pounds. WIBELESS NEWS FOR VOYAGERS. The flrst attempt to supply Incomlng steamers wlth a regular news servlce was made Jan. 30, when 100 words were flled by a telegraph company wlth the Mar conl Company for the Cunard liner Lu canla, duo at Queenstown Jan. 31. At present messages are only transmlttdo 20 to 30 mlles from Brow Head. NEW OHJO OIL GUSr-TER. One of the largest oil gushers ever found in Ofllo was struck by Connectl cut capltalists near Vaa Wert last Sun? day. Tho oil fiowed faster than cisterns could be dug to hold lt, and although hlgh embankments were thrown up, lt threatened to flood the community. SUGAR REFINERIES CLOSING. A number of largo sugar reflnerles In and near New York, includlng the Have meyer plant ln Brooklyn, omploylng 4,000 men, the Amerlcan Company's plant at Jersey Clty and the National Company's plants at Yonkers and Hoboken. have shut down fndefinltely. The reason is be? lleved to be the large supply of the re? flned product now on hand. About 20,000 out of work. CLEVELAND BANKS MERGED. The consolldatlon of tho Saving3 and Trust Company and the Cltlzens' Savlrig and Loan Assoclatlon, of Cleveland,' Ohlo, under the name of the Cltlzens' Savlngs and Trust Company, was ratl fied in that clty Monday at n jolnt meet? lng* of tho stockholders of the two con corns. Tho company wlll bo capltallzed at $3,000,000. NE1W YORK WOJIEN'S HOTEX,. The Hotel Martha Washlngton, built exclusively for women by tho Womnn's Hotel Company at New York, ls to bo opened Fobruary 15th. It ls a twelve story up-to-dato hotel, containing accom modatlons for flvo hundred permnnent and ono hundred and flfty translent guests and employlng female help as far as posslble. Its tenants, who nre.already secured, are professlonal and other self supportlng women, many of whom are ntockholders ln the company. Rooms wlll be rentod at from $3 to $17 a weok. WESTEIIN ROADS BLOCK FREIG'HT. Becauso of frelght congestlon on east? ern roads, western railroads l*ave Issued blocknde frelght notlccs affectlng seve? ral necossarlca of llfe, Includlng flour. In conscquence a bread lamlne was Jeared. Uransportation, WABASH WINS AT PITTSBURG. Tho Select and Common Counclls of Plttsburg have granted a franchiBO to the Plttsburg. Carnegio and Western, the Wabnsh oxtenslon, thus romovlng all ob structlons to tho entrance of that road Into Plttsburg nnd Alleghany. AFTER A WASIUNGTON TEtRMINUS. Tho Gould-Wabnsh lnterosts are sald to be ? belrlnd tho syiiUlcato brganlzod to buy the old Ohosupeoke and Ohlo cnnnl. Tho Goulds havo trlod beforo to secure thls canal for n raad-bert from Cumber? land to Washlngton, a short easy routo from tho AlloBhanles. "BIG FOUR" INTO PITTSBURG. Plans havo been porfeoted by tho Van derbllta for a brnnch of tho "Qig Four" lnto Plttsburg, A cross-oountry llno from Galllon, Ohlo, to Youngstown ls to ba bullt to oonnoct two ot tho important Vanderbllt roads. ., RETURN TICKETS ON ALL LINES. Tho North Atlnntlo Assoclatlon, In? cludlng tho llnes of tlie Morgan Shlpplng Comblno, havo effootod nn ngreement maklng roturn tlckets vnlld mutunlly on all llnes. CHI0A0.0 "FLYER" ANNULLED. ? The Pennoylvanla Railroad has deold otl to take off Its twonty-hour "flyer" be? tween New York and Chlcago In order to hroak up frelght und coal congestlon, Tho "New York and ChloaRO Llmlted," r tweiUy-fpui'-how traja wlll ba retained. Soc/o/oyr/ca/. BOOKER WASHTNGTON'S COURTESY. Prof. Booker T. Washlngton, on hear lng of objectlon' to his speaklng at the Galnesvlllo, Fla., teachers" meetlng on account of hls color wlred Galnesvllle's Mayor hls wllllngness to cancel the oa gagement. CTTIES NOT SO BAD. The New Y'ork State mortallty bulle tln for 1902 shows that clty mortallty ls not so much grfeater than xurai as ls generally supposed, CHEAP COAL IN CHICAGO. The dlstrlbutlon of bltutnlnous eoal at cost price by Chlcago authorities, half a ton to each person, has relleved the poor ot that clty. FOR SANITARY BARBER SHOPS. Reprosentatlves of 80,000 organlzed bar bors urgfcd tho New York State Legis? lature to pass the blll Introduced for a Stato Baxher Commlsslon and compul sory sanitaUon of barbors' shops and lmplements. TO DEPOSE CLARA BARTON. The Exccutlve Committeo of the Red Cross Soclety has P?tfsted toCongress agalnst the admlnlstratlon of Clara Bar ton, Us presldent, and agalnst tho re? cently adopted by-laws maklng her ell rible to llte tenure. In response to Pres Went Roosevelfs suggestlon Mlsa Bar ton made publlc the fact that he and Cablnet could no longer act as advisers t7 the, Red Cross. She sald her relatlons wlth the soclety had been mlsrepresent ed. BEGGARS GET ?5 A DAY. Benlamln C. Marsh. a student at the uSvewUy ot Fennsylvania, and an Lint for tho Soclety of Organlzed Char ftv durlng two months' dlsgulse as a regular street beggar ln ?*^P?>^ found that many beggara ^^f" ?u^ a= ? a day. It is posslble to llyo at the varlous charlty shelters free for? a year or more. Mr- Marsh advocates the "work test" os the only guard agalnst fraud. ?_ CARDINAD GIBBONS ON DTVORCE. Preachlng at Baltlmore laat Sunday C_rdlnal Glbbons sald that aivorca was a soclal scourge more hllghting and more destructlvo of famlly llfe than Morraonlsm. RICHES A MISFORTUNB. Addresslng an audience of newsboys at Boston, Presldent Ellot, of Haxvard. sald that lt was a tcrrlble misfortune to be born rlch, as It left no lncentive for work. He told them that an almost suro way to succeed was to be ready tu volunteor to do somethlng beyond thelr real duty and that work was the founda tlon of all the joy and happiness In the world. A NEGRO WARNS NEGROES. The negro edltor of tho Norfolk News, John E. Dlckorson, objected ln hls Jan? uary 31st lsauo to Presldent Roosevelt's action ln pamperlug a fow leaders of hls race to tho detrlment of tho masses. He also worned hls l'ellow negroes agalnst acceptlng tho Presldent's Invltatlons, saylng: "Lot the negro look to lt that, whon he bursts the bonds of Ignorance, he does not cnmesh hlmself wlth the far worse fetters of falso prldo and emp ty vanlty." COAL iFAMTNE CHARITIES. A report on the fuel shortage from charitablo organlzatlons of twenty-flve largo cltlos shows that the cltles whlch provlded dlstrlbutlng centres for coal ln small auantltlos wero much more suc cessful ln rellevlng tho sltuatlon than thoso whlch relled on publlc approprla? tion. The sufferlng was most severe where tlio poorcr classes wero accus tomed to anthraclte and haJd no knowl edga of substltutes. Thoro was an un preccdented employmont of the poor and llttlo |f any Increaso ln the demand for charitablo rellcf. ALARMING DECREASE IN BIRTHRATE. Goorgo F, Shrady, of tho Now York. "Modlcal Record," doclaros that the cle creaso ln the blrthrate among Amorlcan mothcrs ls alarmlng and that a decrcas Ing populatloa wlll soon be the rosult, as ln Franco to-day. The domands of so? clety and uor llfe ln fiots "where a baby Is moro unwolcomo than a dog," are glven as rensons. Our Anglo-Saxon pru dery, Dr. Shrordy says, stnnds in the way of any goneral cnmpalgu of educa? tlon on tho subject. NEW YORK'S CtHlLD LABOR, Superlntendont Maxwell, of Now York Clty, aa|d tlin-t whlla ohlld labor was kllllng the wholo white race of tho South, lt was even worse ln New York propor tlonatoly thnn In South Carolina. Ho told of lnstanoos where little ohlldron were oompelled to work two hours bo* fore school and aftorwards from B to 11 P, M-. BENAMIN KIPD ON TRUSTS. Bonjamln Kldd, the soolologicul writer, sald nt London on hls rotum from tho United States that "tlio truets of to-day were tho revlval ln lnduatrlal llfo of ox* notly the same splrlt thnt croaUcl abso lutlsm ln tho States," and that lt waa "aa vltal to the Interosta of. humftnlty and progresB that flnanclal absolutlsm should be destrciyod us lt was that absolutlsm among rulers shouW be apolUh?u," tfndustri'al. UNION PACIFTC STRIKB FAILS. Tho "Unlon Paclflc Railroad Company has announced that os far as It Is con cerned. tho strlke of Its shop employes is over. Thelr places have been satis foctorily fllled and as tho road ls doing more and better work than ever befone? pieoo work?agalnst whloh tho strikers held out, has been found to be the most successful system and the strikers are not to be taken back., PRTNTHRS' NATTONAL COMPACT. Tho prlntlng trades' conference at In dlanapolls resulted ln a natlonal corn pact. The dlfferent. organlzatlona wlll malntaln Indivldual oxlstences, but all dlsputes wlll be referred to a Board of Appeals. Sympathetlc strlkes cannot bo called ercept by the Executive Board of an organlzatlon. EMPLOYES COfNTROL EMPLOYERS, Employes of the Utlca Flre Alarm Telcgraph Com-pany, of Utlca, N.. Y., who -went on strlke last Soptember, and thelr places belng fllled entered the elec trlcal manufacturlng field as competltors of thelr' former employes, have : now galned oontrol of the orlglnal company. Tho prosent employes wlll bo dlsmissed and the- strikers relnstated. SODDIBRS RULED WATERBURY. Tho strlko o'f street car employes at Waterbury, Conn., continued ln a,serles of rlots durlng the. week.' ln whlch sevo? ral people were Injured and many cars badly damaged. A thousand of tho Stato Mllltla was called out last-Sunday by Governor Chamberlain and statloned at barns and on cars to protect jion-unlon men. Tho company perslsfently re fused to grant tho strikers' demnnds for relnstatement of two dlsmissed employes, recognitlon of-the unlon-'and' a wage Increase and sald the_ cars-would con tinuo to be run by nori-unlbn; jnen .under tho protectlon of milttla asrlong as was necessary. Many contrlbufloris were re? celved by the strikers from other unlons, RIOT IN ELIZABETH N. j". Elizabeth, N. J., was tho scene, Wed? nesday, of a flerce riot among strikers from the Townsend and Downey shlp yards. Tho strlke began two weeks ago and a number of men secured posltlons elsewhere angerlng tho strikers who tried to force them to quit work. Shots were flred and many arrests made. Two mon were wounded. RBWARDING NON-UNION MEN-. The Rlo Grande Railroad has volunta rlly Increased hy 2 1-2 to 5 per cent. the wages of its non-unlon shop employes, contlnuing tho organlzed men at the old rate. Ocienttfic. A SAFETY MATCH AT LAST. Tlie Germans havo found a harmless substituto for phosphorous and the Gov? ernment has placed lt at tho dlsposal ot all the match factorles whlch are stlll uslng phosphorous. A measure has beon Introdiuoed In tho Relchstag absolutely prohlbiting the uso of phosphorous ln maklng matches. Franca has a standlng offer of $12,S00 for tho invcntlon of a satlsfactory substituto for phosphorous but tho prlze has not yot been awardod. TO SEE THE SEA'S BOTTOM. Slgnor Plno. of Italy, whoso hydro scope was recently tested In tho Medl terranean, says hls Inventlon allows a clenr view over an area of sevoral thou? sand yards at a depth of from 400 to B00 ynrds. It can be used on shlpboard to gunrd agalnst submerged objoots and for the reclalmlng of wrecks, otc, Ho has also invonted a subrnarlno bont, littcd with screws and whoels to allow it to crawl' on the hottom of tho soa. HYPNOTISM NOT REMEDIAL. The commission of mental dlseaso ex ports appolnted by tho German Ministry of Education to investigate tho heallng power of hypnotlsm, haa roportod that It Is essontially worthless and that Its uso by laymen Is dangorous. Its only vlrtuo, they assort, ls ln rare lnstancos whoro lt enn be used to remove syrnptoma through suggestlon. Thoy say Its effeots aro. grenter on patlents who rogard lt as mar volous nnd supornntural. ARROPLANE'S UNEXPECTED FLIGHT. ? Tho aeroplano flying machlne, whlch Prof. Langley of tho Srnlthsonlan Insll tutlon at Washington has beon worklng on for several years, took nn unexpeoted fllght In a galo ono day last wook, car? rled nlong the housoboat to whlch It was moored, nnd after a serles of errutlo munoeuvres over tho Potomao, broko looae'und llghtcd on tho flagpole of a steninor whllo tho housoboat rnn Into nnd amashod tho stcamor's raillng. BIBLB MSS. D1SCOVERED. In Calro, Kgypt, the manusorlpt of tho flve books of lloses, written In 11(1 of tho Moslem era or VAt> A, 1'., has boon dlscovefedl Tho manuscrlpt contalns 2fi5 follos. They aro 38 coutlmoters long and oontnln twenty-four llnes to tho page, Comparlsonr) ahow that several possagos are omltted ln tho modern llo brow Wblo, HBLfGIAN WORKMEN'S INSURANCE A Govornmcnt moasuro bafore tho Bel* gluu Ctiaiuu?r provldea inBunuico iu cuuu Joreign tPotitics* of accldont or\ doath to employea ot all comraerclal and Industrinl entorprlses re* cclving n maxlmum wogc of $450 annual ly. Tho Indemnlty Is flxed at 00 por cent. of loss of wage earnlng capaclty whlch amount goes to the vlctlm's helrs annually In case of death. GERMAN DUBLIST IMPR1SONED. Lleutenant Von Grawert, of Germnny, who killed Dr. Ayo, of Flensburg, In a duol Jan. 10th, has been sontcnced to two years' Implisonmcnt in a fortross. Tho duel wns In pursuance to tho flnd Inga of a mllltary court of honor. BRUSSMLS CONVENTTON RATIFIED. After a stormy scone and n suspenslon of sittlng caused by tho lobbylng of su? gar roflnors, the Austrlnn Relchstng ratlflcd tho Brupsols Sugar Conventlon and' passed the thlrd readlng of tho Su* gar Taxatlon bill. RUSSIA RAISTES \>UT1ES. Russla has replled to tho new German tarlft by a revision of tarlff, lmposlng higher dutles on Germany's chlef ex ports. Tho duty on Iron ls raised ono and ono-half tlmes, with a supplemen tary duty of 20 por cent. when imported by land. This Is snld to bo a differen tlation in favor of Engllsh eeaborno goods. AMIHRICAN '"TREIC" BY BOERS. lt ls reported 'rom Lond&u that wlth in two months Oou fomllles of Boers are comlng to New Mexico, where thelr agents havo purchased 1,000,000 acroa of land. whlch is to be pald with an Issuo of $50,000,000 of bonds to bo securod by tho land, stock and bulldlngs. Thoy aro to engage in cattlc-rals lng, ostrlch farrnhig and vlnoyards. CK1L-D LABOR IN GEJRMANY". On January 31st the German Reiehstng passed the second readlng oC the hlll prohlbltlng chlld labor ln shops and fac tories, Twelvo years ln some branches of industry and thirtecn ln others wero tho llmlts set. Movements by the So clallsts to extend the law to agrlculture and household work were voted down. AMBR1CAN" AMBASSADOR'S UNL FORM, After some Inslstenco on the part of tha Russlan Court ofnelals. the new Unit? ed States Ambossador, McCormic, has consented to adopt tho black cloth gold trlmmcd uniform worn by hls predeces sor, Mr. Tower. YANKEE BAND CHARMS KXNG. At the recent concert glven by Sousa and hU band ln Wlndsor Castle Klng Ed? ward asked for encores of several Amerlcan pleces. He sald the next tlmo he wanted all Amerlcan musle on the programme. The wholo court stood whlle the Star Spangled Banncr and God Save the Klng -were rendered. WAR IN HONDURAS. News camo from Honduras Tuesday of a clvil war outbreok whlch threatens to Involvo tho wholo of Central Amcrlca. It ls known that the Prosldents qf Sal vador, Nicaragua and Honduras favor a unlon of the I Central Amerlcan Btatea. Tha present troublo arosa from^tho re fusal of Presldent Slerro, of Honduras, to concodo the electlon of Senor Bonllla. who waa recently chosen to succeed hlm, but who ls charged oy.Slerra with fraud. Amerlcan lnterests asked for protoc tion and-ln response tho Navy Depart? ment--ordered Admlral Casey at San Franclsco to procced to Amapala Hon? duras, where the leader of the revolu? tion is gatherlng troops.-The New York, Boston, Marblehead nnd Ranger are the shlps now under Casey's command. AMERrCAN RAILROAD FOR CHINA. The. concesslon . for a llne of rallway from Chln Tu to Hankow, where con nectlon wlll be made with the Hankow Canton llne, has been secured by Ohin ese ofllclals for Amerlcan capltalists. The llno wlll parallel ttho Yangtze rlvor In a general way and the nativea do not llke tho Idea, as such a llne wlll dlvert a largo part of tho trafflc- now dependent on tho great rlver. RBFOP.M3S IN FRENCH ARMY. Several reforms aro planned in the French Army by Genoral Andre, the Mln? lster ot War. One Is to make it posslble for an offlcer who has been dlsmissed to re-enter tho army by permission of the Cabinot Councll. Another ls to establlsh the army mess, ofllcers havlng hitherto boardod at hotels or elsewhero at their pleasure. ?) PRINCE TO RJENOUNOE THRONE. It ls reported that tho Crown Prlnce of Saxony will rcnotince all rlghts of suc cesslon to the throne because of the elope ment of tho Crown Princess with her chil? dren's music teacher. He wlll renounco in favor of hls 10-year-old son. George. BLOOD F-LOWS' IN MOROCCO. TQiursday's advices from Tanglers told of another battle between tho arniles of tho pretender and tho Sultan noar the gates of Fez In whlch more than 2.GO0 conibatants fell. Agaln tho pretender's support was weakencd by tho Sultan's successful bribery of certnln trlbes. SAN DOMINGO TO ARBITRATE. Representatl'/es ot tho United States and San Domlngo slgned a protocol January 31st provlding that the dlsputed claims of the Santo Domlngo Improvement Com? pany of Now York be referred to lnter natlonnl arbltratlon and that the Domin lcan Government pay tho comipany 14,600, 000 for Its rlghts and franehlsos. The claims have boen tn dlspute several yoars. TAFT ILX. FROM EXPOSURE. Governor Taft was reported 111 from a recurronce of hls Intostlnal troublo, due to exposuro to the sun and to bad drlnk Ing water. Manlla has been doolarcd a clean port nnd the quarantlne has been removed, Cholora is stlll opldomic ln Interlor towns. Jtrt TTfusi'c Xetters. MARYLAND IN STATUARY irALL. Statues of Charles Carroll and John Hnnson, flrst prosldent of the Contlnental Congress, presented to Statuary Hall by tho State of Maryland, were aocepted by tho Senate nnd House January 31st In tho prosence of many dlstlngulshed cltl? zens of that Stato. The statues wero exe culed by Richard E. BrookH, a young Amerlcan soulptor resldlng In Paris. PHILADELPHJA'S ART SHOW. The annual exhlhttlou of tho Pennsyl? vania Academy of Flno Arts. now In pro grcss nt Phl'ladolphla, Is rocelvlng tho hlghcat trlbutes from loodlng art orltlcs. It marlts the doclinlng Interest takton by tho publlo ln what ls known ns "gonre" palntlng. Few examples of thls typo of work aro shown and thero Is a cor respondlng Increase In landsoape palnt? lng and portralture. Thls oxhlblllon has come tn bo regarded as a genulne Amer? lcan snlon. IMPORTANT NEW BOOKS. ?"The BboluJ Evll," with spoclnl refer? ence to conditlons exlstlng ln New York olty, A report prepared under tho dlreo tlon of the Commlttee of Fifteen, (Put nams.) "Tho Grounds of Thetstlc and Chrls tlnu Bollef," by Charles Park ,Flaher. (Serlbners.) j "Mont Peloo ua? thu Tragody of Mttr tlnlnuo," by Angelo Heilprln.' (Llppln* cotts.) "Modlaoval Indla Under Mohammedan Rule," by Stnnloy Lane-Pool, No. G6. ln "Tho Story of tho Notlons." (PutnamsO "Agnosttclsm," by Robert Fllnt, profcs sor of dlvinlty In tho University of Edln burg, CScrlbners.) "Farther North Than Nanson." Tho Voyngo of the Polar Star, by tho Duko of Abruzl. (Howard Bell, London.) "Man, Men and Thelr Masters," tho Bedell Lectures by Blshop Pottor, (Oor ham, New York.) "London ln the Eltjhtecnth Century," by Walter Besant. (Macmlllan.) "BOOK BUYER" NOW THE "LAMP." Serlbner'a llterary magazlne heretofora known as tho "Book Buyor" now appears as the "Lamp," edltod by Robort Yard, $700,019 for MARQUAND TREASUREis: The Marquand sale of art trcasures^ln New York clty, closed January 81st wlth a grand total of $706,019. Tho largast price pald for ono artlcle was $88,000 for a Pcrslan rug. A piano deslgned by Alma-Tadema brought $8,000, Tho pur? ehaser of tho rug later refused an offe* of JjM.OOO for lt. CRAZE POR FICTION SUBSIDING. Jamos M. Whitney,'the retlrlng* Hbra rlan of the. Boston publlc llbrary, sald that the craze for flctlon ln thls country was subsldlng and that th? people as a whole were reading more serlous works. In tho maln llbrary of Boston the de? mand for flctlon ls iess.:than 60 per cent, of the total. FOR A THEATRE. Tho A.merlcan Dramatlsts* Club of Nevc York ls conslderlng tho establlshmenl of a national thcatro from a fund ae cured by popular subscTlptlons for stoclc or s'oats instead of waltlng for Congress to aot. on the resolutlon Introduced fot* thls purpose. J. I. C. Clarke. vlce-prea*. Idont of tho club, suggests that $150,003 j bo ralsed and work bebcgrun at once la a hlred theatre. '? GONCOURT ACADEMY\!JRECOGNIZBTA, After slx years of iltlgatlon the ParlJ "Soclety Lltteraira Goncourt" has been oftldally recognized by the Councll d'Eta* and nllowed to aceep.t "tbe legacy of 65,000 francs a year leit by Edmona de Gon? court ln hls wlll. the donor nxed tha number of mombers at ffcnand gave each 6,000 francs a year to support hlm as a) man of letters. A prlze ot 5,000 francs was offered to the author ot the best Imaglnatlve romanco or novel. Xejai and Criminal. FTLIPINOS STILL ALIENS Antonlo M. Oplsso y do Ycaxo, thfl young Flllplno, who somo months ago, lnstltuted mandamus proceedlngs to com? pel tho Dlstrlct of Columbla Suprema Court to accept hls citizenshlp declara tlon whlch was refused on tho g-round that he was not an allen, has now been declared an allen by the court. As such he Is entltled to becomo a United States cltlzen and hls declaratlon has beon or-. dered to bo recelved. HOMES OF RICH UNPROTECTED. To provo that tho many reoont robbcr-; les ln New York's mllllonalrets dlstrlct were not duo to carelessness of. the .po? llce, detectlves were sent out to (ind out how many prlvate houses could be cn tered wlthout challehge. Withln a fe.v. hours, tho sleuths cntered and roamed through forty-slx resldences through un locked doors, C1RCUS POSTBRS PROTECTED. Justlce Holmea of the United States . Supreme Court. declded Monday ln the caso of Blelsteln vs. Donaldson, that clr cus posters are protected by copyrlght law. saylng that the ballet was as legl tlmate a subject of lllustration as any othor. WOMAN'S CONSCIENCE SACRED. Justlce MacLean of the Supreme Court at New York, ln denylng an appllcatlon for separatlon pn account of the wlfe's ante-marltal error, declded that such a separatlon wouH be Inconsistent wlth ethlcs and wlth clvll law. Ho sald somo space should be '!a|Jowcd:' for repentanco and that not even" a husband had' the right to court ald1 ln'wrestlng from hta wlfe tho secrets of her own consclerce. COPPER PROCES_ DBQISI,ON. The United States Court' at Helena, Mont., declded that the Manhos procesa of convertlng copper ore lnto commerclal copper was merely the Bessemer procesa of convertlng lron Into stoel applled to copper and that tha owners of the pa tent were not entltled to damage for In trlngemcnt. Nearly all the copper In tha country lis converted by the Manhes pro cess. ?ducattonal ZReaim* GIFTS FOR COLUMBIA. Columbla University recelved $120,259 last week, Includlng $100,000 from th* Duo do Loubat for tho establlshment of a chalr of Amerlcan Archaeology. FIRST* RHODES SCHOIiARSHIP. To Eugene ..H, Lehman, of New York, a Yale i-raduato of 1902, has been glven the flrst CecU Rhodes Scholarshlp ln America, Ha ls twenty-two years old nnd has won a number of priaes for oratory, Hls credentials stood hlgher" than those of 200 other' applicants, _8) wlll enter Oxford next autumn. Lead? lng educators of several Eastern and New England States have conferred wlthi Professor Parkln, agent of the Rhodesi fund, and agreed oa Stato conamltteea for tho selectlon of candldate* NEW WAY TO STU\vir HISTORY. William J. Mann ln hls new book en? tltled "America In Its Relatlon to tha Great Epoohs of Hlstory," thlnks it de? sirable and practlcablo for tho sohool boy to study Amerlcan hlstory in its re Intlon to the whole of modern hlstory and not in the old narrow exclusive method Iho boolu Is publlshed by Little. Brown & Co. Boston. T-AC'JUNO VS. MAIIRJ.AGE. Tho "Journal of Educatlon," comment lng on Now York Clty's recent barrlne of nwrrled women from Its 11st of teacbera says "theoretlcnlly thls ls rldlculous-lt lo the best womau for teachlng that ls da. sirable. NEW DOM1NIOAN SBMINARV A now bullding ls to bo ereeted by tha pomtnlcan Order noar the Cnthollc Uni versity at Washlngton. Students wlll ba transferred there from tho aeminary at Somerset, Ohlo. whleh is Inadequate to tho present neads. ^ " '" ILLINOIS AND OHTCAGO JOINED Tho Illlno-is College uV Jadtaonvllto ono of the oldeat ln the West hasbaYn ?"?_! 5&V1 th0 B?'???? ?"cift Slini ^..^".e5e rec?nt*>r rnlsed $200,000 whlch glvoa lt an emlowment of $500000. UARNEGIE TABOOS HOMER Andrew Cnmeglo, apeaklng at the ln auguratlon of Alexander C. Humphr?ya oa presldent of-Stevena Inatltute, Ho nlcai Insututlona were not tha only ona? yeraltles had glven too njuoh attentlon to antlque neroea-"to such aeoundreh aa xtgfure fn Homer." in reading re? cently the prayer of Achlllea he sald lu had been dlsr"**"i and had put th*