Newspaper Page Text
w \. (Contlnued From Blxth Page.) of green satln rlbbon extendlng dlngonnlly from ono corner to tho other and crosslng In the center, whero a eut-glasa bowl of narclssus nnd maldon-halr foma rosted. Mrs. Parklhson, wcarlng whlto Ince over chlffon, wns asslsted ln Tecelvlng by Miss Parklnson, ln black gronodlno, trlmmod ln chlffon and Jot, and worn wlth vlolots: Mrs. O. H. Funnten. Mrs, A. D. Wllllams, Miss Bruce, of Hallfax county; Miss Mary Jones and Mra. Turner Ariington, Mrs. J. Scott Parrlsh was at tho punch bowl, and Mra. Frod Valentlno poured ohocolato. Mlsa Ellso Parklnson, gowned In white organdy, wlth greon rbbons, had wlth her ln tho d-lnlng-room MIsb I.ouise Purcoll, Miss Besslo Tompklns and Miss lioulso tPrlce. Those who called uiirlng the afternoon wera Mrs. J. W. Moss, Mrfi. E. A. Saun ders. Mra. T. F. Jeffrosa, Mrs. J. E. Wll Imd. Mrs S. W. Travers. Mrs. T. W. Pem? berton. Mrs. J B. Blghtfoot, Mrs. W. L. Royall, Mrs. J, B. Enbank, Mrs, N. W. Bowe, Mlsses Quarlcs, Mlsa r^elon War wlck, Mrs. Edward Mayo, Mrs. J. G. Mll? ler. Mrs. A. J. Montaguo, Miss Mlnor, Mi?. L. n. Dashlell, Mrs. S. D. Davles, Mlsr Macdonald, Mrs, Alfred Gray, Miss Ueubih PattlBon, Mlsa Tyler, Mrs. Charles O. Bosher, Miss Buth Tanner, MIbs A. _. Bnnglcy, Mrs. Langhorne Putnoy, Mrs. F. W. Scott. Mrs. Cary EIUb Stern. Miss Sora H. Harvlc, Mrs1. Shermnn Hoar, Mrs. Jnrnea Alllson, Mra. A. C. Young, Mirs. "W. O. Mlller, Mrs. Cyrus Bossleux, Mrs. B. C. Lalrd. Mrs. BT. T. Ellyson; Mrs. C. I>. Todd, Mlsses Mooro, Miss Mary Stu nrt Hayos, Mrs. W. McC. Romsay, Miss Tlmberlake, Mrs. C. H. Talbott, Mrs. E. M. Talbott. Miss Annle Wlgglesworth, Miss Julla B. Ryland, Mrs. C. H. Ryland, Mrs. Bruce Bowe, Mrs. R. A. Patterson, Mra. J. 8. Harwood', Miss Bossleux. Mrs. J. A. Pattlson, Mrs. E. V. Breedcn, Mlrs. J. W. Gordon. Mrs. C. T. Davis, Mra. J. B. Wood, Mrs. Charlos Davenport. Mrs. A. W. Pattoson, Miss Annle Patteson, Miss C. G. Holladay, Mrs. H. J. Johnaton, MIbs Crutchflold, Mlas E. V. Townes. of Pttersburg, Va.; Mrs. Ouy Hequembourg, Mrt. F, B. Isaacs, Mrs. J. K. Jonea, Mrs. M. S. Valontlne, Mrs. Georgo Cooper, MIbs M. A. Jones, Mrs. A. L. Holladay, Mrs. C, W. Tanner, Ml?? Wllson, Mrs. R. 8. Bosher, Mrs. C. B Wlngo, Miss Bosher, Mrs. A. S. Buford, Mlsses Lindsay. Mrs. Btndsay, Mrs. W. F. Danco. Mra. Putnoy. Mrs, A. M. Lyon. Mrs. K. H. Harwood. Mrs. P. _. Conquest, Mlsa Salllo W. Green how, Mrs. Wolch. Mrs. B. M. Blankenshlp, Mts. Warncr Moore. Mrs. F. H. Hablls ton, Miss Patterson, Mrs. J. D. McCance, Mts. C. C. McPhall, Mrs, E. B. Bruce. Mrs. G. W. Blbby. Mrs. J. R. Huhard. Mrs. J. T. Ellyson, Mrs. F. T. Crump, Mra. B. H, Nash, Mrs. _. W. Wlse, Mrs. W. G. Bong. MIrs Mary Hatcher. Mrs. T. B. Armlstcad. Mrs. E, M. ?ong, Mrs. W. J. Whltehurst. MIhb E. T. Tuggle, Mrs. R. G. Thornton, Mrs. J. R Branch. Mrs. R. W. Powers, Mra. Guest, Mrs. O. B. McAdams. Mts. Thomas BUling. Mrs. C. E. Whlllock, Mrs. Charles E. Smlth, Mlfs Aunapaugh, MIsb Michler. Mrs. L N". Jones, Mrs. W. L. Forbes. ? ? ? Reception and Teas. Mr. and Mrs. lienry M. Cannon, of No, 1020 Went Franklln Street, gave a handsome roceptlon last Wedneaday evo ntng ln honor ot Miss Mabel Young, of Ralelgh, N. C. who la spending Febru? ary aa thelr Kloral deoorations, under* Mr. Ham moiid'n directlon, showed the rlch glow of America.n beouty roses and erlmson caxn_tlonf ln the hall, where nooka and oo*y oorners held cluaters of palma and chajideUers^and l&rnps -wero shoded ln rod. Mr. and Mrs. Cannon and Mlsa Young recolved, wlth Mlsa Augusta Talcott. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cannon, Mr. and Mts. F. D. BUrksdale, Mr. and Mrs. G. ?l Cannon, MIsb Cnrrie Lee Campbell, Mlsa Mary irwln, ot Bexlngtoh, Va., and Miss Lella Dimmock. The hostess was olegantly gowned In cream embroidered crepe de chlne, trlm? med ln rose polnt lace and bands of mlnk for. Her ItoVers were Amerlcan beau ties, Mlsa Young, who ls a debivtante of thls wlnter, was girllsh and graceful ln white tucked alk net, worn above pale blue taffeta, carrylng an armful of pink roses. Mrs. Walter Jones and Miss Charlotte Jones were at the punch bowl. Mantela ln parlor* and dlning room were masaed ln green, vrtth vaaes of plnk roses; eve? nlng gowns showed wondcrfully well agalnst tho dark green of plams, arlistlc taste belng espcclally exerted Jn table adornment, where a phwjue of plnk roses and ferns rested on Battenberg lace and ropes of snrilo? dopended from tho chan derler. Plnk-capped silver cnndelabra, wlth silver fllagreo, dlsplaylng sllk ln delicato tracery, encircled tho roBe plaque. ? ? ? Mrs. Edmund Waddlll, Jr., was the bostess at a tea from 6 to 7 P. M. Reooivins- wlth her wero Mra. Arthur M. Cannon and Mrs. Napoleon Bodor, osststed by Mrs. James Kelth. Mra. T. William Pemberton, Mrs. Beland Rankln, Mrs. Preslcy M. RSxey, Mrs. Josoph Brady, Mrs. Shepherd, Mlsa Sorah Wlndor and MIsb Bettlo Clark. At the punch bowl was Mrs. C. E. Boyle. Mrs. Basll Spaldlng preslded at coffee urn. Young ladles ln the dlning room. were Miss Edlth Jones, Miss Pauline Powers, Miss WtUler Jofteess, Miss Blalr Harvk*, Mlas Ellso Watklns, Miss Buth Anderson, M*lss Envraa Bowe, Mlas Bessle Ellyson and Mlsa SlinglufC. The color tones in decoratlons for par? lors and dlning room wero ln red lamps and rod tapors ln silver candelabra be? lng additional ornamentatlon. Red carna tlona and ferns wero in the center of tho ti*a table. Mlas Josephlno Tyler ontertalned at a reception tea Thursday afternoon from 6 to 7 in honor of Miss B'.sa Anderson, of Baltlmore. who Ib her guost The prev.y color schemo was in plnk and green, plnk rosos nnd carnatlons show? lng ln handsome rollef agalnst a back ground of palma and ferns. Pink-shaded candelabra were usod on tho tea table, where the color Idoa was carrlod out ln plnk and green mlnts and Ices. Mlsa Tylor was gowned in whlto chlf? fon above sllk, wlth plnk roses and rib? bons; Mles Andorson had on yollow tnoussollno with violots. Young ladles ossisting were Mlsa Mary Bat.hrop, Miss Hclea O'Ferrall, Miss Mary Portor Sands, MBss Marshall. of Fauqulor; MUea Marle Lightfloot, Miss Evolyn Doltrick, of Lorraino, and Miss Adolr Mlnor. Miss A*ndrew Gray served tea, Mrs, A. J. Montuguo chocolnte and Mrs. B. M. lAnderson icee. Vaientine Card Party. The parlors at "Shadyhurst," Mrs, J. C. Bhafer's handsome homo on tho Her niltngo Road, woro prottlly decoratod jn plnk and groen l-Ytday afternoon for the card party Mrs. Shafor gave ln hon pr of Miss Margaret Btrudwlok and Miss Mary Alken Bnwson. Soore cards and markers gave remlnders of Salnt Valen? tlno, who gavo the color-tono to tho en tertalnmont. Another Valentlno card game was glven tiy Mlas Warfleld and Miss Pannle Cren jihaw, tho aaughtera of Mr, and Mrs, Babney S. Uronahny, Frlday afternoon to a number of tholr little frlends. Parlors woro decoratod In plnk roses, ?mllax and maldenhnlr ferns. PrUes ln* oluded a oopy of Blley's poem, "An Old Sweethoart of Mlne," wlth a heart ln* oloslng a mlnlature on the eover md a hoart-shapod ploturo frame. In Honor of Miss Borden, Mlas Annabel Borden, of North Caro* llua, wa* a guaat ot honor at a, card party glvon last Friday afternoon by Mra. Chnrlcs Evelyn Smlth. Guests lnvlted to moet Mlsa Bordcn woro: MUs s> Kdna Forbes, Mlsa Llndsay, MIjjs ICathlean An dorson, Mlss Oahrlolla Page, Mlsa Nora Leary, Mlsses "Whltlock, Mlss Katherlno Mlehaux, MIbs Berta Atklnson. Mlsa Margaret Shlclda, Mlss Marguerlto W'nr wlck, Mlss Boulah Pattlson, Mlsa Adolr Mlnor, Mlss Estelle de Saussure. Mlss Mabel Young, of North Carolina: Mlsa Mary Belrne, Mlsses Mary nnd HJIlen Brucc, Mlss Sally Rold Anderson, Mlss Mary Wnddlll, Mlsses Katle and Posle Moredlth, Mtea Helen Stt?f?ns, Mlss Nel llo Boykln, Mlss Ella Cocke, Mlss Janle Wlngo and guest. Mlsses Jean and Flora Cameron, Mlss Llly Urquihart, Mlss Jo sephlno utney, Mlss Jula Harrls, Mlss Besslo Bosher, Mlss Payno, MIbs Sadle Sutton, Miss Allcno Stokes, MIbs Dclla Tompklnn, Mlss Bllo Maury Worth. Mlss Qordon, Mlss Sue Bpllman, Mlss Octavla Crenshaw, Mlss Anne Lee, Mlss Claudla Palmor' and Mlss Rebeeca Walker. ? ? ? IN RETR05PECTIVE MOOD. Docldedly, tho twentleth century world of aociety has boen ln rotrospectlve mood thls wlnter, for one of the great suo cessea of the season in Richmond was Mr. and Mrs. Dabney S. CrenshaWs old fashloned party at the Masonlc Temple last Thursday evenlng. Every ono of tho many who went ls declarlng that hc or she never had more enjoyment crewded lnto the same spaco of tlme. HJereaftor quadrllles and polkas may be expected to havo a placo on ball programmos. and people generally, es? pecially chaperonea, wlll bo requlred to take a hand, after Thursd&y's exhlbltion of groco and llvellness. The rather dead allve olrs whlch have seemed to be ln voguo for dance tones wlll losei thelr facor after tho gay molodles whlch repre sented the tastes of a generatlon or two ago produced such lnsplrlng results ln responso to thelr stralns. Perhaps a beautlfully docorated. ball room, tha dr&plng and WTeathlng of whlch waa due to the groat good taste of Mlss Wlllle Withers, had aomethlng to do with the unlvorsal happlness of the company. Perhaps a share of lt was duo to tho elegant old-tlme supper, with Its faultless servlce, and Its dellcloua viandfi. skilfully prepared under the au pervlsion of the Mlsses Wallace, and to the fine wlne and champagne, ?strnlch the host hlmself st-lected. Perhaps the la? dles as thoy came from the cloek-room to the reoeption parlor, wore such smll Ing fnces becauso they had Just been walted on by a klndly, genulne "Vir? ginia mammy," with- snowy Kerchief, ample apron and a bandanna turban, adjusted with the art and flnlsh known only to Just such Virginia retalners. It ls altogother certain that Mr. and Mrs. Crenshaw, by thelr welcome, gavo qulte the flnjshlng touch needed to set ln motion the splrlt whlch lent such charm to what was rightly termed a "Sociable," wheTo everyone contrlbuted their share towards produclng the pleasure of the wholo. The flrst toast of the evtnlng, to "Ken tucky and yirginla," drunk standlng and greeted with hearty applause, told a story and pald a trlbuta whloh all were glad to express. Governor Montague, later ln the evenlng, ln a few well-chosen sen tences, volced the good wiihea and con gratulatlons of the company to Mr. and Mrs. Crenshaw. The costumlng of society on thls occa? slon was something to dellght the eye and gratlfy the artlstlc perceptions. The hostess, Mrs. Dabney Crenshaw, was very handsome ln an lmported black laoo gown with dlamond ornaments. Mrs. Androw J. Montague wore black and whlte sllk net ever taffeta with hand-wrought embroldery. Mrs. Merrltt W. Crenshaw was ln black lace, velling black sllk: Mrs. L. D. Aylett, In net above plalted chlffon, lace applique and and chllton ruchlngs; Mra. James Augustine ln a black Jet robe, dia? monds; Mrs. Stephen Putney ln black lace ovor whlte sllk, garnltured in whlte vlolets; Mrs. Junlus Mosby ln heavy cream Bcngallne sllk, with low cut Liouls XIV coat trlmmed with round polnt duchesse lace and with sllver buttons and buckles'holdlng ln place a crush girdle; diamonds and pearls as ornaments; Mrs. W. H. Urquhart In whlte sllk, real lace and pearls; Mrs. James Allison ln whlte panne crepe; Mrs. L. R. Dashlell ln a charmlng tollet of black and whlte net; Mrs. Polk Miller, In black polnt d'esprlt, turquolse velvet trimmlngs, diamonds; Mrs, Barton Grundy in an exqulslte im ported Paquln gown of whlte Brussels point laco, one of the handsomest worn; Mrs. N. M. C. Ramsey, of Westover, In pale plnk brocade, lace and diamonds; Mrs. James Hubard, of Norfolk, in whlte laco embroidered with mornlng glorles; Mrs. Otway Allen ln whlte lace with ap? plique of plnk roses, and Mrs. Henry Cabell, ln whlte lace and pearls. ? ? * The Confederate Fair. The flrst drlll of the twenty-four eo cloty girls who are to compete ln two companles durlng tho Confederate falr to 'be held for the benetflt of the Home for Needy Confederate Women, beglnnlng March 16th, ln the Masonlc Temple, took place under tho chaperonage of Mrs. A. J. Montague at tho Executlve Manslon last. evenlng, Colonel Jo Lane Stern be? lng drill-moster and Miss Mabol Slms furnlshlng tho muslo, by whlch tho young ladles marched. Preparatlons for tho Confoderate falr nre going actlvely for ward. Tho Home for Naedy Confederate Women, ln bo half of whlch tho falr ls to take place, was establlshed October 15, 1900. Oftlcers or tho homo lnclude Miss Mary Custls Lee, Mrs. A. J. Montague, Miss Ruby Bodekcr, Mrs. L. O. Miller, Mrs, E. Raab, Mrs. Nelson Powell, Mrs. Edgar Itowe, Mrs. D. Ellott, Mrs. A. J. Pylo, Mrs. Allce Roddy, Mrs. D. M. Burgcss. The names ot chairmon for the bootlid at the falr haive already been announced. Some of tho committees, as comploted, to date have been announced as follows: Sofa Cushlon Booth?Mrs. A. J. Monta? gue, chalrmnn; Mlss Irono Fitzgerald, altcrnate; Mrs. John S. Harwood, treas urer; Mrs. Chnrles T. O'Ferrall, Mrs. Barton H. Grundy, Mrs. Hunt Chlploy, Mrs. M, S. Valentlne, Mrs, Qeorgo C. Cabell, Miss Bell Porklns, Mrs. Rnndolph "Wllllams, Mlss May Sulllvan, Mrs. J. A. Coko, Jr., Mrs. A. D. Wllllams, Mlss Forbes, Mrs. Holladay, Mlss Holladay. Fanoy Work Booth-Mrs. X W. Rlch? ardson, chalrmnn Mrs, Robort Blanken shlp, altornnte; Mra, Joseph Noel, troas urer; Mrs. Edgar R. Lafferty; Mrs. J. T. Parklnson, Mrs, Cloyd Byars, Mrs, Don Halsey, Mrs. G. B. Woll, Mrs. Wllllam Gravoloy, Mrs. R. T. Hunter, Mlafeir-s sle Hunter, Mrs. Feathorstone. ^%; Drug Booth?Mrs. G, F. Bagby, chk man; Mlss Ruby Bodekor, oltarnateV, Mrs. w. H. Nelson, treaaurer; Mlsa Mary Woddlll, Mlss Hestor Cabell Tabb, Mlss Dora Pugh, Mlss Lena Warwick. Commlssary Booth?Mrs, Allce Roddy, olialrman; Mlss Davldson altornate; Mlss Reddy, treaBurer; Mlss Meredlth. Mlss Phllllps and others, Baeket Booth-Mra. Hgbert G. Lettfv ohalrman; Mrs. w. L. ?oyal|, alternato Mra, Armtstead Wellfora, treaiwer; Mr* Eppa Hunton, Mrs. James Kelth, Mrs. Alexander Cameron. Flower Boobu?Mra. ?yf. Gordon Mc Bone Palns, Itching, Scabby Skin Dlseases, Swdltngs, Carbuncles, Plmples, Scrolula Perrnanontly lurcd by taklng Botanla Blood Balm, It destroys the active Polson In the blood. If you have aches and pnlna In bones, back and Jolnts, Itchtng, Scabby Skln, Biood fools hot or thln,/ Swollen Glands, Rlslngs and Bumps on the Bkln, Mucus Patches In Mouth. Sore Throat, Plmples, or oftenslve eruptlons, Copper Colored Spols or rash on Skln, nll run down, or nervoua, Ulcers on any part of the body, Halr or EyebTOWs falllng out, Carbuncles or Bolls, take Bolanlc Blood Balm, Guaranteed to curo even tho worst and most deep* seated cases where doctors, patent meal* clnes. nnd hot sprlngs fall. Heals nll sores, stops all achcs and pains, reducoa all swclllngs, makes blood pure and rlch, completely changlng the entlro body lnto a clean, hcalthy eonditlon. B. B. B. has cured thousands of cases of Blood Polson even after rcachlng tho lost stages. Old Rhcumatism, Catarrh, Eczemn are caused by on awful Polaoned eonditlon of the Blood. B. B. B. stops Hawklng and Bplttlng, Itching, and Scratching, Aches and Palns; cures Rheumatism. Ca? tarrh; hcals all Scabs, Scalos. Eruptlons, Watery Bllsters. foul fcatering Sores of Eczema, by givlng a puro, healthy blood supply to affected parits. Cancer Cured Botanlc Blood Balm Cures Cancers of all klnds, Buppuratlng Swelllngs. Eattng Sores. Tumors, ugly Ulcers. lt kills the Cancer Polson and heals the sores or worst cancer perfectly. If you have a persistent Plmpre. Wart, Swelllncs, Shoot Ing, Btlnging Palns, take Blood Balm and they wlll dlsappear before they devolop lnto Cancer. Many apparently hopeless casea of cancer cured by taklng Botanlc Blood Balm. ,.umiik UiOoU ttuim {B.B.ti.) is Pleasant and safe *o take. Thoroughly tested for 30 yrs. Composed of Pure Bo? tanlc Ingredlents. Strengthens weak kld? neys and weak stomachs, oures dyapopsio. Complete dlrectlons go with each bottle. SAMPLE OF B. B. B. AND PAMPHLET SENT FREE by wrlting Blood Balm Co.. 312 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga, Descrlbe your troublo, and speclal free medlcal ad vlce, to suit your case, also sent in seoled letter. Cabe, ohalrman; Mrs. W. T. Hommo-nd, alternate; Mrs. James Roy Gordcn, Mrs. ?Wllllam Moulton. ? ? ? Military Hearts. Miss Eleanor IJndsoy entertalned a number of her frlends at cards from 8 to 10:30 last evenlng. Mllitary hearts waa the game, those present belng Mlsses Helen Adama, Dorothy Chrlstlan, Fan ny Crenshaw, Mary Crunap, Blslo Har? rison, Susle MoGulre, Fonny Miller, Mary Parlsh, Frances Myers, Nannio Patton, Elizabeth Preeton, Elizabeth Reppert, Anne IRoyall, Mary Saurders, Helen Tanner, Edlth Taylor, Barbara Trlgg, Cary Valentlne, Rosalle Valentlne, Imo gen Warwlck, Virginia "Whlteley and Belle Wtlllard. Gov. and Mrs. Hontague. A publlc reoeptlon will be held by Gov? ernor and Mrs. Andrew J, Montague next Wednesday evenlng from nlno to twelve ln the Executive Manslon. The offlcers of the Governor's staff and tiielr wlves will asstst Governor and Mrs. Montague ln reeelving. An orehes? tra will be In attendance and the Man? slon wlll be handsomely aecorated with palras and roses. Receptlons under the Montague reglme have always been attended with such brllliant success that thls will doubt leas draw together. the representatlve throng whlch renders these oocaslons so pleasant. Floral Reception. The floral reception of St. John's Cir cle of King's Daughters held In the home of Mr. ?-& W. Moore Friday evenlng from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock was one of the most charmlng soclal gatherings of tho week. Decorations were ln plnk. In the par? lors plnk rlbbons were festooned from the. oorners of the room to the chande llers, from whlch hung the sllver cross of the order. In the dinlng-room plnk rlbbons extended from the chandeller to the four corners of the tea table, cov ered with lovely Mexlcan drawn -work and ornamented with- sllver candelabra, holdtng plnk candles and plnk carnatlons. Mantels held vases of plnk roses. Those reeelving were Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Moore, Mrs. Ramoa D. Garcln, Mrs. G. L. Currle, Mrs. Joseph Allen, Mrs. W. S. Beasley, Mrs. W. W. Davlos, Mrs. T. S. Moore, Sr., and Mrs. Kate Bar bour Howard. Mrs. Dudley Edwards pre sided at the candy table, and Mrs. Robert Currle, wkh a number of pretty young soclety glrls, was In tho dlnlng room. Tho feature of the ovenlng was made by the loung ladlos: Mlss Fannie Talla forro, Mlss Marguerlte Davles, Mlss Su? sle Davies, Miss Marlo Cartis, Mlss Mary Curtis, Mlss Miller, Mlss Mabel Cob blns, Mlss Payne, Mlsa VIda Chalkley and Mlss Welch, -who each represented a flower. In the guesslng contest as to what flower thls mlght be, Mlss Edna Barbour won tho flrst prlzo, a bouquet of plnk carnatlons. The booby, a plnk chrysanthemum, was adjudgod to Mr, D. C. Rlchardson. A meeting of the clrcle wlll be held Monday afternoon in tho home of Mrs. O'Connor. No. 2C21 East Broad Streot, and a full meeting is requested. Hooper-Healy. A wedding of much Interest to Rioh mondere occurred In "Washington last Tuosday at St. Matthew's Church, whon Mlsa Rosallo Augusta Heely, formerly of thls city, bocamo the bfide of Mr, Frank Hoopor. The brlde wore an ox qulslte cr.eation ot mlstral cloth, with whlte lace hat, and carrled a shower bouquert of lllles of the valley and whlto roses. She onterod the ohurch with hor brother, Mr. Virgll Healy, and was mot at the altar by tho gnoom with his best man, Mr. Blogg, of Baltimoi'e. Aftor the oeromony a roooptlon was glven tho young couple at the home of Mr. Plow den Hlckoy, the brtde's unclo. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper took the 6:50 traln for Phladelphla and Now York, whence thoy wlll sall for Florlda, and after an ab sence of sevoral weeks wlll make Uielr home in Newport News. Many handsome wedding gltts testlned the pcpularity ot th.e palr. The groom presented hls ushers with whlto sllk rlea nnd penrl , "carf plns, Mrs, Hoopor Is nn exceed V-. tly pretty bruuotte and has a host ot l. ide ln thls olty. The groom formerly Uv?4 -n Baltlmore, but ia at present lo cated-. In Newport News. ??,.*.? Personal Hentlon. Mrs, R. T. Huntor and Mrs, W. J. John alon wlll glve a valentlne entortalnmont at tho Mount Vernon, No. 816 East Frank? lin street, February 11th, for tha benefit of the South Carolina table at the Confod orate Bazaar, Many novel attractlons will be davlsed to rendor tha evenlng as merry as posslble. The hostosses hopo to see thfclr frlenda and have C*..', help In ron dorlng thelr undortnklng a suocoss. ? ? ? Mlsa Ellon Briwo, who has bnen visltlng Mrs. Frank Wlllinma, ls now stopplng at tha Jeflerson Hotel. ? ? ? Mrs. Robort O. Rennolds and MUs Emlly Addlson wlll bo at homo to thelr frlcndn r.rxt Tuesdny afternoon from B to 7 o'clock, In tho homa of Mlsa AddlBon, No. 200 Eoat Grace Streot ? ? ? , Mrs. W, R. Vawtor, chalrmnn of tho Tennonsee table, haa cnllod a meetlng of her commlttee for Wednesday nt 11 o'clock. As tho meottng ls Important, cvory member ls roquostcd to attend, ? ? ? Next Frldny, February 18th, wlll be kept ns Foiindcr's Bay at tho Sheltertng Arms Hospital, whero the mlnlsteru of tho dlf? ferent churchcs are lnvited to Joln in a servlco of prayer and song and where vls Itors wlll be cordially wolcomed by the ladles of the Bonrd ot Manngors and by tho Klng's Baughters asBoclatod -wlth tho Sholterlng Arms. lt la hoped that tho Shelterlng Arme wlll be llberally remem bcrod. Mlsa Ruby Bodeker wlll loavs Wednea? day jncxt for Washlngton to nttend the army and navy reception at tho Whlto Houbc Thursday evenlng. She wlll bo tho guest of Captaln and Mr?. Louls Mer rhr.nn, of the ITnltod StatcB army. Mlsa Bodeker has a number of soclal attentlons shown her by army and navy frlends. ? ? ? Frlends of Mrs. Thomas A, Tlbball.of Phlladelphla, wlll be very sorry to hear of her serlous lllno'ts at her homo ln that clty. ? ? ? Miss Joscrphlne Putney, who returned yesterday from Washlngton, had a most dellghtful vlsit to Miss Graham Bell, of that clty. She bad teas, theatre partles and other entertalnments glven ln her honor. ? ? ? Mosbts. Charles Pettlcolns and Juan Plzzlnl attended the Hoopor-Healy wed? ding ln Washlngton Tuesday. ? * * Mrs. Harry T. Ingalls has returned frora Washlngton, -where sho went to be prea? ent at the Hoopor-Healy marriage. ? ? ? Mra. Goorge B. Flnch. of Boydton, Va., wlll be at No. 216 East Frnnklln StTeet, thla clty, for the noxt month. ? ? ? Mlas Mattle Harris and Mlas Morson made top score at the meetlng of the Stay-at-Home Whlflt Club last Tuesday wlth Mr. Tom Moore. Mrs. C. W. P. Brock wlll entertaln tho club next week. . ? ? Mrs. Russell Roblnson, of Nelnon coun? ty, reached Rlehmond Frlday evenlng, and Is at Mrs. Buval's No. 801 East Franklln Street ? ? ? Mrs. Falrfax Montague and iMra. Ben Palmor were vlotors at tho mKitlng of the Sue K. Gordon Whlst Club last Monday nlght. ? * ? Tha Confederate Bazaar Assoclatlon wlll meet next Thursday at noon, ln Lee Camp Hall. ? ? ? Mrs. Ciifford Nlckles. of Phlladelphla, the slster of Mrs. Robert G. Scott, Is ln Rlehmond, and Ib stopplng at the Jeffer son. Frlend of Mrs. Nlckles, who have met her durlng former vlslta, wlll be glad to renew thelr acqualntance. ? ? ? ' M1ss Etta. Lorensteln. of Savannah, (--&,. who has been spendlng the wlnter *^h.h Mr. and Mrs. I. Lovensteln, leaves to-morrow for homo. tMlss Lovensteln made lnnum*rable frlends whllo in our city, who greatly regret her departure. ? ? ? Miss Llna Shlelds and Miss Ellso Stokes havo gone from Warrenton. Va., where they have been -visltlng, to Savun nah, Ga, From Bavannah thoy wlll go to Florlda, Cuba and perhaps to New Orlea-us for Mardl Gras. ? * ? Among the young ladles who asslsted M3ss Elonora Clalre Houston at her tea last Tuesday afternoon and Jolned ln tho game of cards whlch followod ln tho evenlng. waa Mlsa Nellte Green. Miss Green was one of th? most attractlve flgures prosent. ? ? ? Miss Virglnia M. Clarke wlll be the hostess of a game of progresBive euohre to be given Monday evenlng at 8:89 o'clock ln Miss Clarko's home, No. ?14 East Grace Street ? ? ? Mrs. James P. Harrison, of Danvllle, who haa undergone an operatlon at St. Luke's Hospital. ls reported as dolng splendldly. Dr. McGulre performed the operatlon. ? ? -. * One of the pleasantest events of this week wlll bo the "whlst touraament," taklng "place for the benefit of tho Con? federate Bazaar Assoclatlon at 8 P, M., February 13th. ? * . Rlehmond ls pre-emlnently a whlst center, and the Interest felt in the ap proachlng contest of eklll growts keener day by day. ? ? ' . Mr. Frederlck H. Burllngham, fonherly prominent in tho newspaper world of Rlehmond, Ib now on the staff of the New York Amerlcan. ? ? ? Frlends of Mrs. Waller Taylor, of No. 711 East Lelgh Street. are gilad to know sho Is now convnlesclng from. a sevoro attack of pnoumonla. The Maiden With the Valentine. I know not who she was. They keep Her confldence?tho panoled wall, The plcture hat and the sllhouette The whlsperlng roses and the shawl, Nor tell what mansion in the North, TWO 8TAUNCH FRIEND8. THE ABSOtUTE C0NFI0ENCE EACH HAS IN THE OTHER IS BORN OF EXPERIENCP AND MUTUAUTY OF INTERESTS. ' GOOD LUCK BAKING POWDER nover dlaappolnto the bonsekeepar, It ls made from tho best materlaU, ex actly proporttoned, carehilly com pounded, aud always giv*? emiie MtUfaotlvs, Mwiufactufod by tho Southern Manufacturin&Co., RICHMOND, VA. Sho may have grnocd, what stataly hall In old Virglnia saw hor bo? This mald of forty yeara agot I cnnnot say what words she found Among tho Cuplds and tlio laco Of that qualnt mlsulve In her hand To brlght the droom llght to her facei What rlarlng offer of a heart, If horfl should be exohonged ln plac?| Nor whother forty years ago, Sho onswcred lt wlth yoa or no. ? Nor who the lowsr was who sent Hls heart upon that embaseyj Or If ho wore a grand milord, Or baronet, across the aea; Or lf. mayHap. among us here He fonght for hor and vletory In that groiu confllct of her dayj Ot lf ho wore tho blue or gray. I know not If her ohasma have llved ' Tn many a rhyme, on many a tonguo, Or whother somo sweet housohold belle, Hor pralso was no'er by poet aung; But thls I know; had I but been A gollant thon when she was young? Such favor of Bamo Fortuno mlno, Sho Bhould have beqn my Valentlno. ?Cntharlno Young Glen, ln Fobruary Ccntury, SOCIETY QUIET AT NEWPORT NEWS Several Speclal Events of In? terest Durlng the Past Week. (Speclal to Tho Xlraei-Dlspatch) - NBWtPORT NEJWBJ VA., February 7.? Thla has been a ra-ther Qulet woek wlth the soclety poopla of thls clty. although there havo been a number of small soclal events durlng tho week. Tho Compass WJilst Club was enter tained Thursday afternoon by tho Mlsaoa Reynolds at thelr hmoe, on Thlrty-Crst Streot Those playlng were: Mesdamea B. J. Pressey, William Young, Harry Klmberly. H. B. Kowe and J. Wllton Hope, of Hampton; J. K. Croas, R. L. LovelL, Altred Walton, P. T. Marye, J. W. EUlott, A, C. Jonea, W. Boott Boyenton, George R, Babnoy. John Mattlngly, Wil? liam Taylor and Wllllama: Mlasas Mackle Young, Anne Solley, Margaret Pennlng ton and Berkeley. Tho Junlor German Club ls arranglng to give Its second danco at tho Caslno on the Tuesday after Easter. The com? mlttee ln charge of the affair Is already at work, and the danco promlses to be one of the most dellghtful of uho seaso?. A number of the young aocloty people of the clty are arranglng to glve a re? ception and muslcal iMonday evenlng ln tho lecturo room of tho Flrst Preaby? terian Church for the benefit of the Sallors' Reat, the Instltutlon whlch was recently establlshed la Its new home by Chaplaln Steelo. Tho meetlng of the Matlneo Euchre Club was postponed thla woek untll next Thursday afternoon. Mlsses Anne and Clolla SaJley enter talned at carda Thursday afternoon at thelr home, on Thlrtleth Street. Mrs. M. A. Ffnch, 6f Rlehmond, Is registered at the Warwlck Hotel, ln thls clty, to epend several days. Miss Ellzabeth Slnclalr gave a dellght? ful masque ball Thursday evenlng. A larg? number of the youngor soclety folR were present, and the costurooa were pretty and unlque. HEAVY RAIN STORM. Tobacco so Low F^arnners May Plan Less. (Spoclal to The Tlmes-DIspatch.) STOBDBRT, VA., Feb. 7.?Thls sectlon waa vislted yesterday and last nlght by one of the heaviest ralns and most terrlflo wlnd storms of tha wlnter. As a result, the rlver ls out of its banks and tho creek is very much swollen, preventlng the haullng of tobacco to tho Farmvllle market. The price of thls artlcle ls otlll very low. consequen-tly tho j faTmers aro discusslng the subject of not havlng such large plant patches thls year. '? Mayor W. T. Blanton. of Farmvllle, was down on a hunt wlth hls cousln, Mr. C. W. Blanton, of "Green Creek," thls week. They report flne suecess. Among the names of the new students onrolled at tho February term of our State Normal at Farmvllle, we note those of Mlsses M. Virglnia and Bmraa Blanton. We wlsh them much suecess and hope they may reflect honor upon our beloved Instltutlon. Owlng to lllness* of teacher and puplls Green Creek School has been closed two days thls past week. Mr. W. B. Bo Stourgeon, who has been conflned to tho houso slnce last Auguet by slckness, has grcatly Improved and hopes he wlll soon be able to go ln and out among us agaln. PEOPLE IN CREWE. The Baptlst Church to Call a Pastor. (Speclal to Tlio Tlmcs-Plspntch.) OR?JWB. VA., Feb. 7.?Superlntendent W. S. Bocker haa moved hls famlly here and will occupy the house vacated by Chlef Clerk Elllott untll hls house ls flnlshed. Work on. same ls progresslng rapldly. Mr. iHarmon Woodward, chlef clerk for Mr, Becker, la also here. Mr. Becker loft for Koanoko aomo days ago to bo with former Superlntondent Lowe. The congrogatlon of the Baptlst Church wlll meet Sunday nlght to call a pastor. It ls thought a call will bo extondeo" to Rev, Dr, J. Kinchloe, of Manohester. Mueh sympathy ls oxpressed for Mr. McBlroy, who ls now ln tho hospital sick. Hls many frlends hero wlsh hlm a spoedy rocovery. The cottnga prayer-meettngs hoing held by Rov. L. E. Scott, of the Presbyterlan Church, aro growlng In Interest. Tho Dlsclples, wiho havo been wlthout a pastor for the past slx monthB, aro think Ing of calllng Rov. Steven Morton. TAZEWELL IflPROVEMENTS A Smallpox Scare And Quarantine at Norton, VA. fFSpoclal to Tho Tlmos-DliDatch 1 TAZmmtSj, VA,, Feb. P7,-Att Im? portant real estato doal wbb closed horo thla week by whlch Hon. A St Clalr, ox-senator from thls dlstrlct, comes Into possossloii of one of tho oldest and flnest resldent sttos in tho town, and twolvo acres of Lluo gross land noaruy. Tho price pald for the twelve ncres was $2,400. Mr. St, Claar llves about llfteon mllou east of Tasoewell, ln thls county, on a flne farm, whero ho haa roalded for years. Ho wlll eroot a llno resldonoe on hls recont purohaso and movo hls famlly hora durlng the eprlng ov summor. Mr. St Clolr and hls famlly wlll bo Joyfully rocelvod here, aa they aro all well known and very popular wlth tho people. Rev. C. R, Brown, whose wlfu wns a Miss Cooper, tho daughter of tho woll known Wost Virglnia ooal operator, who dled a few yours ugo, will begtn the oreotlon at onca of u fine roaldonco on thelr splenddd pn-operty In tho town. Thla proparty, when oompletod, wlll ba an or noment to thla little clty. Brugglst John El J-ckson wlll alao bulld a llne reirldonco in tho early sprlng, So TazoweJi la atill eujoylng - bullding boo? ? AHfNttAti HTATKMBNT FOtt THR ?Tmil BNDTNO r)BCrBMn?n J1. 1003, OP" TH? CM. pition A.NP a.!taihs nr -rnr. rnrcNix rNst.itAHCE ro<rirANr of dbqor. BBIl 10, 1868) Commoneed riu-lnem, Rnr-TRMIIJin 10, 1888. *?????., wnn OAJITaX.. Amotjnt ot capital atock annaerlbed..... ..?..^m..^. ...... tlJ?oaM0 86 Amonnt of capital atock pald ud Ib oaeh.7 ,~ZZZZ!?2LJZ^!Z l.WM06o? A8JETB. '"."V Varao of ml eetnte owned by the company._.1 rtftA.000 66 Uane on mor'gaita (dul; rwordad and belna the flrst llona on tha fe? almpltf f 'w'*""" npon whloh not more than on* year'a InteraJt la dua....J u*#) m> Intereet aocrued.,."? " . . TjJJffl Valne of landa raortgag-ed, nxeliulr* of btilldlngs and perlslabie '" *'. * improramenta...77. .^7 ... Uahmm Value of bulldlngt mortgnged (lnanred fa/w.OO? aa collatezal)... IctISoO 00 Total valne of aald moxtgaged pr?tnla*a.., ......$137,000 06 B0ND8 AND ftXOOKfl OWMKD ABflOXUTELT BY TKB OOltTATr. . VaUe not P?r IndnflSna; ??? Cnlled Statei awenumint, bonda. .?._..*.. $ .100 000 00 T'swtaSToO Olty ot ftlebmond. Ya. bonda,.,-. 21,000 00 21000 00 ?Vwi> T?.r,k aK,e<"uok ,tock "d<*k ixwda,'1.. 400,000 00 . 460000 00 Bt.P., Mlnn.& Many Br. Co,, 0011. mort bonda. 60,000 00 B8,n71S 00 Cbl. A Nor. Woet. By.0o.iBMi. mort bona?.. 88,000 00 25 320 06 6ooncJl Blaffs Clty-Watar WSrVs Co. bonda.... 100 000 00 JOOOOOOO Denber Oaa and Hlectrio Oo., bonda. WO 000 00 O78O0 00 Mncoln Oas ??a Hlectrio Oo., bonda. 100,000 00 128,000 00 Orpra MUla Taper Co., bonda.,.. 20 000 00 20 000 00 boala-filU 4 NaahTllla R. h. Co., stock.. 80 000 00 102400 00 Bel.. Lackawanna A Weet. lt. R. Co? ?tooki.. 106,000 00 B1O0O0 00 BeUiraro A ftndaon Cosal Co,, itocka. 00,000 00 103,200 00 CTl.St.r Mlnn. A Oma.ny. fjo., "pffl" atoek.. (10.600 00 8T B00 CO S??.1"^1'' ,2?.' 1f ?hiCT. Jar,,V rtw:k. 160,000 60 262 800 00 Pltt, Oln., CM. A St Loula fly Co., atock.... 00,000 00 4TO00 00 Sf1!. 5T^Co-, 4pf,\l it(K:h. IOO.OOOOO 8800000 Flr?t Naaonil Banlc, Ntw Tork, ateek........ 80.000 00 382,3oo 00 NatlonaJ Park Bani, New Vork, rtoek...... 80,000 00 188000 00 Kauonnl Cltr Bank, N?w Vork, itoek.^. 40,000 00 120,000 00 Weitern Natlonal Batik. Sw Tork. atoek. 14,600 00 ^,000 60 S"?."111" J*"?014?1 I,Bnlt< New Twk. atock.... 88,00000 110 OOO 00 NatlWBinjnk of Comnierje, N?w Xork. ateek.. 6.OOO 00 10 #00 OO I PhfinU Natlonal Bank. No-w Tork, itock. 4,000 00 0,300 00 NatlOTial Clty Bank. Brooklrn. atock. 80,000 00 8T.00O OO Brooklyn Bank. Brooklyn, atook. 20.000 00 20,000 00 Troat Company ?? Ani.rloa, atock. 20,000 00 BSiOOO 00 B^onds and Uor^age Oaara-itoa Co., atoek.... 20,000 00 , 78.000 00 D, 8. Htael Cot-porntion ??pfd'' atoek. 100,000 00 34 OOO 00 N?w Tork Mnbial Oaa Llrht 00., atoek. 60.000 60 170 000 00 Oonaolldatad Oaa Co., Now Tork, atock.,. 183.600 00 280.300 00 Amarlcen Mjiht and TraoUon Co.L "pfd'1 Itock 32,200 60 30,434 00 Cen. nnd Sontb Amarlcan Tet Oo., atook.... 100,600 00 108,000 60 "Realtr Aaaoclatae" atoclou^.? 60,000 00 80.000 00 lotol par and maxkat tbIoo (carrlad out at' ~* ???r?? "" martot valne).88,818,300 00 IB.STS.ine 00 |B,tn,SS? ?* OOLrATEEAX LOAMB. vSS. *V?rot! lVoTnaA* 3S0 aharca Con. Oaa Oo. atoek..?.. 836,000 00 t 66,000 06 s 10O ?hurca Ama, Cop, Oo.. atock. 10,000 00 8,100 00 812 BharBB Blfc. Stor. Bat Oo., atock.... 81,200 00 38,420 00 100 ahnres Rtnra Co. Blee. Llabt and ? ? Powac Oo., atock. 10,000 00 21,300 00 ? IIOT.BO* 08 12 ahaxea Mon. Gaa Oo. of Albany, N. ' X., atock...-....,.,. 1,100 00 3,100 00 6 aharea Can. Trnat 60. of N, T., ftoek 600 OO 0,678 00 100 Bharea N. T. Mutual Tol, Oo? atoek 2,600 00 2.870 00 Total par and xnarket vaiae, and amount ~ ?? loaned thereon . 380,400 00 1138,470 00 111)7,600 00 lOT.BOO M Gaifc In the company'a pxladnla office. ............. . a*m n Oaah belonglng to Uie eompuiy In bank.... ..... 6MM4 x? Xntoreat dna and accnicd on bonda not laolndad ln aaxkat talna. ilaui aa Oroaa prerainma (aa written ln tha ponclea) ln oooree of coDeetloa. aot xnora than threa naontba da?. ......TL... . ^T oimtmba Bents das and accrued.??^....................?,..,4 ..?..;??, f iT4 fc Aggregata amoant ot all Aaieta of tha CompaDy, atated at thelr ictool Talnas..,, 87,678,831 1* *ffT*tiTr.r*?r-tB, Qroaa loesea ln proceai of ad*natment or in rraape-aae, lncludlng all xe portcd and emppoeed loaaoa...'(208,218 65 Loaaea r?stated, Includlng Lntereat, coata and other cxpenatti thtnon.. 84,373 60 :. '< Not nxnount of unpald loeaec..^......,,,,,. ,,,,, 83BB8B08 Orosa premlnms recelved aod recelvable upon all nnexplxed fnr* xiaka ' ' rnnnlnr one yeox or leee from data of pollcy, lnelndtag Intar*, eat premluna on paxpetnal flre rlaka, 38,010,912.80; vnaarnad premluma (00 pex cent.).,.|l,CO>9M?0 Oroai premlnma recelTed and recelTabla upon all nsesplrad Sre rlaka runnlng more than ona jr.r from data of policr, 36,162, 088.101 unearned premlnma (pvo raU).......... ...... ...... 2,71748149 Total nntarned pxemloma aa corapvtedl above.,...,.?,., 4Lla73irM I>ue nnd accrued fnr *nl?rie*i, xent, adTertlalnc, and other mtacellaneoaa expanMa ZtSO 00 Commlsftlona, brokerage and other chargra due and to becoma dna to aceatl anfl brokera on premluma pald and ln cooree o* collecUon. 3167,471.88; xatnxn premtumi, 9101,104.27; relnaoranee, 13,860.77.. 281,018 40 Total amonnt of all LlablUtlaa, except eapttal atock and net inrptaa^...M.... 84.830.478 81 Jolnrt stock capital actnally nald np ln eaah...... .......... ........... looo'nfia aa finrplna beyond capital and all other HabiUtl.,.* ?.5S.i34 88 Aggxeeate amoant ot all Uabtlttlca, lncludinf pald up capital atock andi aet rrarplw ST.irrt.eSl 18 BXCEEPT8 E1TRINO THE TEAK. Oroaa premtnma and bllls anpald at eloaa of Ust Year- n ,, 8 788,383 30 Net collected. .UV.^....?........... ...... ,.?. 786,283 30 Qross premluma on rlaka -wxlttan and renewed durlng the y?ar..... 8,985,851 64 Total.. ...... .....87,772,18174 Deduct groaa premlnma and billa ln eotrxae of collectlon at thla data 918,788 8? Entlro premiuxns collectedl durlng tha yeai..,... ...... 88,803,870 85 Deduct roloiurnnce, rebate, abatemeot and re/torn pramlnma .... 1,860,714 62 Net caeh actnally recelred for premluma (carrled out)........ ........ ,.. 85 408858 831 Recelved for Interest on mortgagea., ,_?. ^^' 8*823 88 Becetved for lntereat and diridenda on atocka and bondi, toUateral loana, and from all other aonrcea.,. ........... . 162,88861 Income recRlxed from all other bouiccb?vts.: IUnta..._.?...., 3 87,3811 68 P'-oflt on sale or maturlty lt aecurltlea. ...... 120,042 14 167,827 83 Aggregata amount of Re'celpts actnally rooeired durlng; tba year In eaah.... 88,818,006 88 DZBBnBSEKZirTS BimiHO THS TSAB. Vite. Qross amount actnally pald for Ioeseo lnclndlug 8280,876.62 loaaea ?o carxlng ln prerlona years.3)8,042,878 88) Deduct ull amouata actnally recelred for ealxaro (whother on loaa? ea of the last or of pxexlone rears), |18,040,84, and all amounta actnally recelved for raiaauranco tn other eoxnpanlea, 3287.017.82. Total doductlon... .....4 ...... 808,687 16 Net amount pald durlng the year for loases.............. ._...?_._ ...?.?. mm-m ? 0?sh dtvldends actually pald stockholdera durlxg the year...,,. ioc'mjS Pald for comtnUjlon or brokerage.?.v..., .. . 1.15ll68B 46 Pald for salarles, faea or other chaxsca ot offlcera, olerka, agesta aad an other ,???"'""" cmployea. ..??'....,..,.. 806.368 48 Pnid for Stnto and local taxoa ln ihla and other BUtea...,....^^,. .^^^... 11AMT 5 All other pajmnenta and expendlturea..?-.'"^?..w.?.. ? 43?,878 7o" Aggxegate amoant of aetaal Dlsburaenaenta durlng the year, la ?*.'?;,.??,, 83,4J8,J?7~43 BTJSIKEBS IN TEE STATE OF VIBOINIA DTJBIUa TBOB T?A?, Rlaka written.~........ ............U. 8a.6H.T38 1 Fxemluma recelved (groaa)....,.....^................ .~*~~.,.?? ?,i?jUJ t^,o? I/osses pald...>.... ....?......^....... ..........?**.u. .???..? 60?, Ixjbbcs incurred........... ........... ................ ..M..?... ...^....,. (8lgnod.) QEOEOB F. SHBLDO!*,_ (Slgnod.) _ WM. A. -WBIOHT, Beerataurj. State of New Tork; Clty of New Tort---?a: Sworn to January 20, 1008. batora ._JOHN W. 0OIXIK8, Notary ruWlo, J. B MOORE & C0? Agents, tW& m News reaohes hero of a small-pox at Norton, weet of Tazewell, Thero aro sovoral cases there, and the town ls quarantlned. Tho slx cases ln thls county have all recovored, and thoro la no prospect ot othor cases. Arthur Eiwarda, a boy twolvo years old, who has been llvlng ln the famlly of Joaeph S. Moss, of thls town, for tho past fivo years, wns run down by a traln on tho yards at BlueifUsld yesterday. and one arm cut off. Ho is now ln tho hospital thcro and may recover. Mr, Moss, one of tho woalthlcat cltlzens here, securod tho boy from Pocohontas about fivo years ago, and has been sendlng him to school, and carlng for him. He left wlthout any apparont cause Wednesday evenlng and was next heard of as abovo. Mr. W. B. Lesllo, of tno Cllnch Valley Nows, and hls mother, Mrs. J. A. Leslle, Mrs. W. C. Pondleton, wlfo of edltor of tho Republican, her sons, Fred and James, loave to-morrow for an exourslon trlp to Rlehmond, South Carolina, Flor? lda, and other polnts South, to bo absont about two weeks. COUNTRY'PHONES Prove of Value in Charlotte and Wlll Be Extended, (Speclnl tn Tbo Tlmos-Dlipatch.) RURBKA MIL1.S, VA.. Feb. 7.-Mr. Samuel C Biutlel and wfo lhalvo gone to El Paso, Texas. A ohango of cll mate has beon recon?nondod for Mr. Dnnlol's he?lth. Mr. Banlel la ono ot the largest and most sucoossful fanncrs ot tho county, Tho swltchboards on tho llnes of the Central Tolephono Company liavo been put ln hy an electrlcal onglneer. Now thoro is porfoct oonuminlcatlon all along tho llnes. Thla llno extenda across the country nnd la a great help to thoso ao ceaslble to lt. Thcro aro a number of prvatel 'phonos ln operatlon, oonneot lng wlth tho maln llno. lt ls expected t oexteud the ihios of tho coitipany lnto Campbell and Appouwttox countleo. It la reported that two young peoplo, popular wid prominent In soclal olrolas heroabouta. left for Banvllle, Vn., sev? eral days ago, whore Uwy woro united ln marrlngo by Rev. A. I*. Franklln, of Caboll-Stroet Mothodlst Church. Tfcf happy oouplo woro Miss Fannle Ulxon nnd Mr. Bavls Perkins. The News From Westwood. (Speclal to Th* Tiuits-bltpatch) W-STWOOB. VA., Fobruary 7,-Mr. iJohn A. MoMlnn haa rocoverea froia % spell of gout. w*bioh kept him conflaoa to tho bed for sovoral weeks. iMr. PhlUp Thaclcer oontinttea rarr M, Miss Maggto Ldpscomb haa gona to Rlehmond to ?vlslt her sistor, who ia teachlng there. ? Mr. Harvoy Parsley haa gxmo to RSoh mond on buslness. Miss Beila Holllna haa gona to lUoh. mond to Hv_ CONFIRMATION SERVICES ,j Bishop Randolph to Hold Them ak Yorktown To-Morrow. (Speclal to The Timcs-Dlapitci) YORICroWN, VA.. February 7-W trolnum Earp, of tho Newport Nowa pe Uco forco, and Miss Beuloh Meesick, o| Poquoson. wero marrled at tho resldencti of the bride's parents laat evenlng at 8 o'olook. The wedding was a qulet ono. Bishop A. M. Randolph waa unablo to 1111 hls appolntment hero to-day, batnsj dotolned ln eteraburg. Ho wUl arrtro Mon? day and hold conCrmatlon servloos' st Grace EJpiscopal Ohuroh at 11 o'olook. Tho ladles of York Clrcult gave theli popular pastor, tho Rov, J. M. Bakor, qulto a pleasant swprlso last evenlng' whon a number of them vlslted the por-. sonago at Grafton wlth good thlnga fot household use. The evenlng was greaUy enjoyed. a . Kllled Hls Aunt. (Speclal to Tha Tliu?a-DUpateh) OSBORN'S GAP, VA., Fobruary T? young Btun Mulltna. who e-hot and kllled hls aunt ln Piko county, Ky? laat wlnier, haa been aought and lodgod ln tho coun? ty Jiul to a trlal upon the ehargo. After tho conwnlaalon of bho crhuo Mul Hns iled. and the autliorltles could got no traca of hlm untll raoonUy, Ho hs u natlve ot thla county, and la about olgh. teon yeara of age. Publlo lantlraeat la atrongly ugaliut hlm, " ,. '? ,, '.,iU Southern Ball Telephone and Tele.rash Conoaiiy. For tho oonv?nl?no? ot tu aubocribora tho Southern Boll Teltphono and Talo. graph Company wlll Uaue a dlrootory ?a Maroh 1, 1808. All Informatlon (or mb* inuat b? reoelvodt sot lator U_a ?Totar*. ary 20, 19W,