Newspaper Page Text
ERECT 01L REFINERY Hlghland Park Manufacturlng Spond Thousands. AN EMBEZZLEMENT TR1AL Negro Preacher and Hls Board ofStew arda Are Charged With Misappro priating Ohurch Funds?Busl? ness Changes in Charlotte. (Contlnued from Flntt Page.) CnARLO'TTE. N. C. February 7.-The HlKhlund Park Manufucturlng Company haa purchased from Mecklenburg coun? ty the county home property. whlch con adats of U3 acrua located about two mlles eait of tho clty. Tho puxchaae prlce wtp iU.100 or $75 an aore for tho ontlre traa 'f. is company lntends, at tho eaxllest ^oetafble date, to erect a large oll ro ftriery, whlch will represent an outlay ort $300,000. The stockholders of tho nighland Park Company are among the wealthlest busi cess men of Ehe entlre State. Mr. W. E. "ttolt, Its presldent, la several ? tlmes a Wllllonulrc. and other members of the Board ot Dlrectors are among our largost sapitallsts. Already the company has teaugurated plans which lnvolve the ex psndlture of at least 5760,000. Tho Tlm&s DUpntch last ^-eck gavo a descrlptlon of the laree J450.000' cotton mlll that thls company wlll eroct ln thls clty In the aarly sprlng* The cnglneers and contrac tors were out to-day locatlng thla mlll, and the work of eonstruetlng the build mgs wlll begln next week. Rock Hlll, Colnmbla, Spartanburg and other nearby towns preaented nattcrlng offers for thla company to locate thelr plants ln these rcspectlve towns, but the Board of Dlrectors was unanlmous In selectlng Chnrlotte as tlio basic polnt for the lo catlon of thelr large plants. EStBEZZLEMENT CHARG-ED. In the crlmlnaJ court to be held here next week tho much talked of Clinton Chn.pel Church case wlll come up for adjudlcatlon. It Is charged in the bill of lndlctment that Rev. A. J. Warner and hls Board of Stewnrds nmbezzled $3,500 of tho chuTch funds. Clinton Chapel Ib one of the wealthlest colored congregn tlona In the South. and It owns val uable property In thls clty. The enre comes up on a new trlal granted hy the Supreme Court, and a sp-lenflld nrray of legal talent repreaent both tho proso cutlon and the flefense. With the removal of the Southern Jtallwny's general pnssengor offlces to Atlanta, lt Is understood that the com? pany wlll locate In Charlotte a dlvlslon passsnger office, whlch has herotofore been malntnlned In Atlanta. An Interesting buslness change was Bonrmmmnted last night. Mr. James L. Tapp, who has been presldent' of tlie Tapp Long Company slnee Its orgnnlta tlon, three years ngo. resignod. and Mr. Jullan H. LlttJe was elected to flll the vacancy. Mr. Tapp Is a notlve of Dal ton. Ga.. nnd a buslness mnn of ei - - ?eppt.nnal ahlllty. Mr. IJttle Is ln every sen*ie wnpthy of the- hlgh honor thnt ls bestowod upon hlrn by the Board of Dlrectors of the company. Whlle qutte a young man'. he possesses buslness abll tty of rt hlgh order and enjoys the hlgh est conridence of Charlotto'a buslness tnon. Mr. Oeorge T. M"ndden, of Now Tork clty. succe-jds Mr. W. I, Undenvood as edltor and manager of the Textlle Ex celslor, a well known textfle publlca tlon, of thls clty. For twelve years Mr. Madden has been conneoted with the Dry Goods Economlst of New York. nnd.-Vs ?well fltted for hls present work. .?' The four safe-crackers who,nre now ln Jall In Monroe stlll malCtaln thelr record of unbroken sllence. They hnve perslstently refnsert tr> ~<vo any Infor mntlon ->*> to thnlr Iflentlty. nor wlll thoy consent to be tatervlcwed. Tho North Carolina Bankers' Assoclatlon hnve eni . I>}??f? eoujiBe) to prosecute the men ""* Vh?n "tljelx case comes up for ? -? PETITION FOR REy. T. BRIGHT A Woman Serlously Shot by Her Hus band's Gun. (Bpeclal to The Tlinoi-Dlspateb.) RtrrHERFOltDTON, N, C, February T?Rev. T. Brlght. who waa connccted ?jvjth the Arnos Owens Cherry Tree Com? pany, and who ls aervlns a four monhs' eentence ln the county 'all here, has sent to Presldent Rooaevelt a potltlon asklug that hls sentenco ho Toduced to two months. The petition. we aro lnformed, ?was signed by promlnent people of this county. Shouldtho request not bo grant? ed Mr. Brlght'?ls allowod flve days off of each month upon good behavlor, whlch will reduce tlie to.nn to three months and ten days, about slx woeks of whlch has already exjilred. Sunday morning several mlles from here on the Coxe Road, bawaon Doug lass' wife. at La-wson Douglas.V home, narrowly escaped death. She had gone to a nelBhbor's to get her husbnnd's gun, whlch had been borrowed and was gblng up the steps at her house when the hammer cuught on the steps Hnd tha gun was diRcharged. the oontents enterlng tlie woman'a left breiust. Dr. Downey went out and dressed the wound. Re sa)*s the wonmn Ib ln a bad eonditlon, but he thlnks sho wlll rwover. "Mr. Georgo C. Justlce. wlio has been 'auffering from some serlous nen-oun de rangement for more than a yeur. return? ed from fJrer-ntd'oro last Frlday. whore he had undergone a month's treatm*nt for his dlsorder. fully restored to good heaith. Mr. Justlce ls a well known law? yer. Mr Joseph Huntley dled nt hls home In thls county yesterday afternoon af? ter an lllnesii of a few weeks. He was about eighty years old and one of the best mon ln thb county. OIFT OF MR. DUKE frlnity College Llbrary to Be Opened. The Football Schedule. (Siwdui to Tbf Tlrnei-DUjiatch) DUrmAM, ?f, c., February 7.-JThe for* mal oponing of tho Trlnlty College Li. brary. the glft of Mr. j B. Duke of New York clty, wlll tuke plac-o Monday Fobruary 23d. The occaslon promlso.-* to he a very notable one, a,,d a large ntim fcer of v^ton. are eipected. The Pro ?ramwe follows; Addioss ut prticntatlon Judgw Atmlstead Burwdl ChaHotto N C: address of aoooptance, Presldent John C, ICllgo; dedleatory uddre^, Mr wluJr II. age New York clty. The exerclboa wlll take place in Craven Memorlul Hall be jrlnnlng ut 8 o'clock In the evenlng. After he; ?*rcla.a there wlll be u re,ep ion ln the llbrary bulldlng. The baae.beii loam ),**, begun practlce Almost all of last year's team are back and there are several new men who gw? W0joU? ox beln.: gvod i.uyors. mj. ^ THE BEST STRENSTHEHER. THE REASON Is the best creator of strength, the best blood purifier and the best nerve tonio is that it contains the very best medicines intended for use in theso cases. It contains in right proportions medicines used every day by the best doctors. It is palatably com bined and does not in any way derange the di gcstive organs, as do so many preparations that contain Ood Liver Oil. Lime, Soda, Potash, lron and Maganese com bined with the active principle of Ood Liver Oil, makes a Tonic that is the best obtainable. We cannot speak too strongly of VIN-GU-OL, because we know that it is such a good medicine. It nover fails to build strength, create appetite, and invigorate the whole system. It makes people well. For CIIEST COLDS, COUGHS and BRONCpi' TIS Vin-Ghi-01 >as no equ^alr ,< ' ' / Propared only by T. A. MIL1.J5R, Phnrmaotet, 610Bnst Broad Street, lilolmiond, Va. Stocksdale. the coach laat year, , has been engagod for the season, and he wlll bo here In a fow days to take ctiarge of the toam. The manager Is P., E, King, and Captaln A. B. Bradsher. The fol lowlng schedule of games has been ar? ranged: March 23d, Horner at Durham; March 26th. Lafayette at Durham; Aprll 2d. Gettysburg at Durham; Aprll 8th, A_ nnd M. at Ralelgh; Aprll 10th. Cornell at Durham; Aprll Uth, Oak Ridge at Dur? ham; Aprll 13th. Wako Ftorest at Dur? ham; Aprll 16th. Gullfc-rd at Durham; Aprll 18th. Wake PoreBt at Italetgh; Aprll 20th, A. and M. at Durham; Aprll 21st, Gullford at Greensboro; Aprll 28th, Uni? versity of Virglnia at Durham; May 1st, Frederlcksburg at Durham; May 4i)n Oullford at Gullford; May 6th, Mercer at Macon. Ga.; May ?th, Wofford at Bnar. tanburg. S. O; May 7th, South Carolina College at Columbus. 8. C MURDEROUS ASSAULT Negro Man Attacked Negress and Wounded HerSeriouoly. (Rpecliil to The TUnes.DUpateh.) DURHAM, N. C, Feb. T.?Qeorffa Be low (colored), Just three days out from servlng a term ln the ehaln gang, out the throat of Mary Hodgea and caroo near cndlng her llfe. The aftalr occurred ln the southern ouburba yeatorday even? lng. Severnl cuta were Inftlrted upou the woman's faca, neck and arms, one laylng open the throat and mlsslng the Jugular voln only half an lnoh. The woman waa talten to Uia Uncoln Hoapl tal, wlth small chance of recovery. The rnan. who ls n desperate chaructor, nrade hls eacape and haa not yet been appro hended, The Executlve Commlttee of the North Carolina Teacliem' .Assernbly met at the Curr" \a Hotel here yesterday and elected ' Uollowlnj ofBcers for tlils Dr. F. W 'idable, of the State trnl verslty, presldent; Profeasor W. D. Car mleliuel, of the Durham Graded Schoola, seorotary and treasurer. Mr. llowell Cohb, pmprlotor of the Hotel Carolina here. has loased the Yar borough House, HiUelgh. Tobacco recelpts for the week have been largo, wlth no change In prlces ex cept on tho llne grades, on whloh there ls a i.innll advance over laat waeU. WUson's Magazlne for January brings vory llne liair-loues reproduotlons from iho worli of some of the photo graphers of the country, amons them Homler & Clark, of thls clty, roproitenia tke of the best photograplilo portraiture of the day. It hus been demonstrated ln reoent yeuru that It ls posslble to produce plo tures by photogTaphy. of a hlnh artlstlo order, heretofore unattalaed-a nlgnlflcant fact' tliat tha French and Gennaii? ai well aa the Amerlcan art soclctlos have opwiefl thelr exhlbltlons to pliotoeraphlo workers of artlBtlo ablllty. lt Is conoeded by the professlon that Messrs. Homler & Clark stand ln ihe front ranks along thls llne; thelr worki bears the Imprlnt of that full artlstlc ln* Blnct bo rwely Xound la & photo. MANY NEW FEATURES Great Week ls Promlsed the VIsitors to Bostock's. GORILLA A DRAWING CARD Was Necessary to Shoot Its Parents to Effect a Capture?Othor Attrac tlona That Have Been Provlded. The Bostock AnlmaJ Bhow ls nothlng IX not cemplete, and for the forthooralng wetk wlll present one of the most re niurkable exhlbltlons of wlld and savage animal tralning that haa ever beon pre stnted to lovera of amusement ln thla or any other country1. Of oouree, the aa nouncement made by tha managomtmt Ib that Mr. Bostock haa. after years of sue cessful waltlng and tha expondlture of much money, at laat eeoured a?J actual speclmen of the gorllla famlly. lt waa left for an enterprlslng young French exploror, Paul Du Challlu, who was llberally gupplled by the French Gov? ernment wlth funda, to take on expedltlon lnto the very heart of tho forest of Af? rlca, whore he came ln contaot wlth these terrlble speclmens of the ape man of Af? rlca. He shot and kllled many ipechnena, both full gTOwn and otherwlse, and whlch were eventually brought to the varloua natural hlstory museums of Europe. where they were skelotonlzed and set up by cotnpetent taxtdermlsts. untll thls tlme the word gorllla had been belleved to be a traveler's tabte and a myth. somethlng whlch dld not actually exlat. The gorllla, thls speclal feature of the anthropold. walklng ereot ape? of Afrlca. ls the flrst epecJmen that has ever been aucceasfully landed allvo ln the United States. To proaure him lt was neoesaary to shoot both the father and mother. He ls a brlght, lntelllgent little speclmen. about as blg as a little negrro baby of three or four years of age. Judglng by what we can 'see of hlm, of hls slze, form and character, we should average hlm at about three years of age. He ls covered wlth deep black hatr and lookB llke a verltable little negro. Indeed, so black Ib he that one could lmnglne that charcool would make a white mnrk on hlm. Should lt be posslble to accllmatlze hlm and were he to grow up to full helght and stature, he would reach an enonnous helght of five feet nlne lnches. rineasurlng some way about slxty lnches around the cbest, wlth musoles of arms ?jid ,leg? to correspond?a most truly formldablo be? lng. A speclal house Is belng fttted up for hlm. wlth beds, electrlc heuter and apart ments, and he wlll be placed on exlilbl tlon thls comlng week. Yesterday he gave a speclal reception to the gcntlemen of the medtcal fraternlty, nnd the expressad oplnlon -was that he wbb absolutely tae greatest product of the forest or the jungle that, clvlllzaUon has as yet seen. For the forthoomlng week are speclally announced the followlng features:*By re? quest, tho renppea-rnnce of Professor R, J. Aglnton,; tbe celebrated roller skate expert, In a'sorlss of sclcnLiic and fancy evphltldna of thls popular pastlme. The fti'sl appearance of Madam Oertrude Pl /nnkn. "the lady of llons," Introduclng the tamous supper scone. La Bellc Sollca, the Algrerlan dancer, ln a den of llons. On Thursday, February 12th, a speclal beneflt ls glven for the Masonlo Home of Virglnia. and on whlch occaslon the chll? dren of Governor Montague wlll, at 4 P, \ M? name the U"le baby llons ln the large arena. Indeed, there are so many novel tlea and new features to be Introducd to tho publlc thls comlng week that a pro? gramme of more than exceptlonol merlt ls provlded, and It ls dlfflcult to say how many features can be plnced on exhlbl tlon, as they are too numerous to men tlon. A shlpload of anlmals. conslstlng of llons, benra, tlgera. wolves, snakes and hyonas. haB Just arrlved, and wlll make Bostock's one of the popular featurea of the amusement world and of the olty of Rlehmond. VIsitors td thls exhlblHon thls comlng week are therefore assured of an excep tlonally good tlme. IN WILLIAflSBURQ The Soclal Event of tho Week Was Mrs. R, M Smith's Reception. (BpeeUl to The Tlmes-DlBpateh.) WlLtJAMSBUTvG. VA., February 7.? One of the raost dellghtful events In bo celty recently was a reception glven by Mrs. R, M. Smlth at her home ln thla clty yesterday ervenlng. Among the guesta present were Dr. and MrB. U. 8. Foster, Colonel and Mrs. L. W. L.ane, Jr., Mr. John U Mercer and wlfe, Dr and Mra. Van F. Garrett Mr. C. B. Chapman and^wlfe, Mr. N. L. Ilenley and wlfe. Prof. and Mrs. Hugh S. tmu, Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Geddy, Mrs, J. L*j he Hall. Mrs. L?yon G. Tyler, Mrs. Vir? glnia Chrlstlan, Mrs. E. J. Taber, Rev. W. J. King and wlfe, Mrs. Judge Sydney 8mith, Mrs. B. E. Monoure, Mrs. W. H. Maoon. Mlas M. Bunn, of Madlson. Wla.; Mlsses Annlo Stffobs. Bmllle Chrlstlan, Loulse Honley, Edlth Smlth. Estelle Smlth. Clara Booth. Mary Waller a.m oer. Bessle Lamb. Lottle Oarrett. Mary Garrett. Lettle Warburton. Allce Wrmr ton Julla ArmlBtoad, Nance Turner, Vir? glnia Wlse. Messrs. L. Henley. Jr.. Dt. Davld J. King. Dr. Henry A Wlse. Mr. James T. Chrlstlan. and Mr. Randulpu Harrison. Mr. and Mra. A. C. Peachy, of Newpora Newa, Va.. are "the guesta ofMlss Vir? glnia P. WlSB. Mlsa Virglnia P. Wlae wlll entertain tho Whlst Club on next Prlday nlght Miss M. Bunn. of Madlson, WIs., who has been tho guost of Mra. a B. Chap? man, wlll return home next Frlaay. after a dellghtful vlslt Miss Nanny Turner la the guest of MTs. J. B. C. Spencer, at the "Colonlal Inn." Miss Fannle Ouy, of Rlolunond, wlll bo the gueat of Mrs. J, B, C. Spencer next woelt. Mr. M. R, Haxrell, who i'as been In Rlehmond for the past wee'j, under the treatment of Dr. McGulre, tias returned, and lu muoh better. Mra. \V H. Macon has recelved a rnes sage etatlng that her dn.ightor, Mlsa clue Webb. who U now al Lagrango, Ky,. is vory 111 SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISE The Infusorlal Eei.rth Company's Plant In King George County, (RpecUl to Yh? Tlraei-Diipnleh.) COMORN, K&WO GEORGE COLTNTT. VA. February 7,-Arter a brief suspen-" Blon to enlarge thelr fiuillltiw, etc. "The Infusorlal Earth Manufacturlni Com pany," of thlu county, havo rosumed operallona, an.i are now runnlng on full tlmo. Th? prtrfuots of thla King George Industry aro gnlnlng an onvlable repula tlon ln tho world's rnarkets. the Infusorlal brlcks belng ve y popular and ln demand Tho Interestlng "brlok machlni" Ib opera MU by a ?u? l uirtd Uotjo-powor atoatn Special Mousselines Siik and Cotton Flne, nhoer, ollngy nnd I'Bht, oolors, whlto, Irinck, plnk, llght Muo, lnvonfler, yollow, corn and ltlno, Tho usual 83o qtmllty, spoolnl, I9c Yard. co. We Are Ready?Spring 1903 t r^lUR buyers have spent tho past week in northern markets. That they have not been idle is shown' by the many arrivals of new, lliflslj exclusive and up-to-dato Spring and 1 Summer merchandiso. Truly the largest, bost assorted, most varied and fairly priced we have ever shown. SpecSal All-Wool Albatross.... Full yard -vyldo, aU-wool, and ln nll tho Rbroot anti ovonlnR shwles. Tho usnal 60o qurility, apoctal 39c Yard & ...Ladies\.. Ready-to-Wear Apparel An turasual opportunity to secure reliable and dcsirablo goods at prices far below thoir real worth:' The valucs quoted below are morely Buggestive of the man j you will find in this department. Tailored Suitr A very fashlonable ault of black ehevlot, Beven gore sklrt, full (lared and percallne llned Jacketa, box front, with Blx-lnoh rutne, Jacket taffeta, llned; former prlce $22.50. now J1C.00. Very atyllshly made sulta of spring weight ohevolt. colora "navy and black, aeven gore Bkirta, atrapped aeama, tucked clrcular llounce, Jacket double breoated eton. bell sleovea. velvet col? lar and llned with good quallty taf fetaj. former prlce 127.60, now J17.50. Flnely Tailored Sulta of unflnlshed chovlot, colora tan, blue and black. seven gore aklrt with full tlare. ?tltohed Uiffeta bnnds, percallre llned, Jacket double breastcd eton, stltched aeama. taffeta belt and revera bell aleevea; former prlce $24.60, now $15.00. Light-Weight Tailoired Jacketr "Nloely made of flna black ehevlot, double breoated Peau de Sole revera and taffota llned; former prlce $12.50, now $10.00. Very styllahly out and made Jaekets of hroadcloth. coverta and Oxfords, tab on hlpa and back. givlng it a Ja-unty elteot. taffleta llned; speclal $12.98. Flannel Waists Ridiculously Low Priced. Nlcely made Flannel Walsta, with cluater tucks back and front, 8lres 82 to 44, oolore blaclt. red, navy and green; former prlce J1.10. now 49c, Extra quallty French Flannel Walsta, rusorted stylos and colora, all slzes; former prlce $2.50, now $1.00. , Very faahlonably made Walata of eanvaa, flannel and mixed oloths, all stylos and alzes; former prlco $:..9S. now J2.00. Fancy Flannel "Walata, with em broldered collars and cuffa and soft atocks and tles to match, a complete asortment of colorlngs and slses to aeleet from; former prlce $2.60, now ILO0. Walking at a Reducnon of 40 r>er Cent. Tailored Walklng Sulta of kersT. ehevlot and qneen's cloth and asuort ed lot of the aeaaon's up-to-date ma terlala, stylos and colorlngs, sklrts have alot and strap seams, nloeiy stltched around bottom to make lt perfect hanglngr, Jackets box front, double breasted and tlg-ht-flttlng, bell eleevea and plaln aleeves, with ouffa and sllk revera. They are dalnty and full of atyle and marked at 40 per cent leea than former prlces, JIO.&O, 512.50 and 115.00. lhe New Wash Goods The entire new stock is hero, better and larger than over The prices you will, in every instance, pronounce entirely fair Our advice is, make your selections now while the assortments are at their best. Mousselinc/* A flne, soft and cllngry allk and cot? ton fabrlc, ln dottcd, strlpped and (lgured, cnUrely new effeots, 48 and 50a Linen Suiting*/' L4nen Mlstrals, new and atyltah, In the now shades of greon and blue, 88c. Linen Duck for walklng sults. ln the popular shades, 50c. Embroldcrcd IJncns, now and atyl? tah, ahown here only, 86c Real jlrlah Dlmlties, exeluaive de slg-us and colorlngs. 28c Real Scotch Glnghams, ln new and atyllsh patterns and colorlngs, 25c. Unen Glngharris, the Ideal fabrio for shlrt walat dressee. 87 l-2c. Flemlsh Lace Strlped Lawns, ln entlrely new patterns, 23c New White Good*/* New Mercerized Pancies Mercerlzed Damask, new, atyllsh and excluslve dealgns, 50c, 75c, fcSc. Mercerlzed Oxfords, In fancy baiket weavea, 36c., 50c., $1.00. New Mercerlzed Fanclee, ln new and very effective patterns, 85c, *Wc New patterns In atriped madras, 12 l-2o? 15c. 19c, 25c New P. K., extra valuea, at 1J l-2c, 15 l-5c_ 25c. 85c, 40c, 60c Embroidered Swisse-r ?46 lnohes wlde, now and exclualve deslgna, $2.00 yard. Embroidered Dottefl Swlases, ln an. lmmonse range of ne"w patterna and oolorlngs, 60a. 60o., 75c. Engllsh Galatea Cloths, ln a, full range of colorlnga, 15c, 83o. Now Batlste and LaC0 strlped Lawna, new and atyllsh dealgns, 12 l-2o. Grenadlnes, entlrely new effoota, 60a, 60c, 69c. Now Mercerlzed Oxfordi, ln new and very effeotlvo patterna and col? orlnga, 29c, Wc,, 69a., 75a Fancy Boxed Walsts. ln white, cream and black and white, 69c. $1.28. (2.60 to $5,50. New Grass Llncas, ln entlrely new patterna, $2.00. New Neckwear Entlrely new Ideas ln turnover col lars. 2Sc. 89c., 59c, 69c, 80c New Collar and Cuffs Set, 69c, $1.00, $1.23. New Stocks and Jabotn. of mouose llne, taffeta and llberty sllk, 69a. 9Sc, 11.26 to $1.28. New Ruchas Just ln. ln black. black and white and white and black, 13.9S, 95.93 to $16.00. Special Fancy Pique Llght welght, In .entlrely new do* sltrns. Very do sh-able forwaists, djessos, eto, Tho regular 860 klnd, tpcclal 19c Yard Four Unusual Embroidery Speci&ls Lot 1?Carobrio Bdgea, ln wldtha from 8 to 8 lnches, new and very effectlve patterns; former prlce, 15c, 16 2-3c and 20c, now 10c yard. Lot 2?Cambrlo Edgea, 8 to 9 lnches wlde; this seaion's newest dealg-ns; former prloea 20c and 25c, now 121-2c yard. Lot 8?Nainaook Sats, in new and dalnty patterna, 4 to 12 lnches wlde, 85c, 45o. and 60c klnds, now 25c yard. Lot 4?Nainaook S*ts, ln the newest and moat wanted patterna and in wldths from 4 to 9 Inohea wlde; former prices, 80c, S5c. and 40c, now 20c yard. Some New and Specially Worthy Silks Prtnted Foularda. all Bllk, heavy welght, new and very styllsh patterna and colorlngs; two speclal volues. 69o. and 75c. Embroidered Pongees, naw and styllsh patterna and col? orlngs. $1.23. $1.50. $1.69v, Japnnese Wash Sllk. all pure sllk, heavy welght. entlrely new patternB and colorlngs; the 50c klnd 89c Engllah Llnlng Taffetas, an excellent wearer, all colors, 83o. yard. Special Ladies' All Linen H. S. Handker chiefs. Mcdalllon effect. hand embroldertxl tnltluls, value 25c. Speclal I6&c G^-A^Z^AiA engine. and the output of thls machlne ls 00,000 marketable brlcks each day, The enterprise affords lucratlve employ ment for a large number of our worthy worklng people. and, in varlous ways. clrculatcs many thousands of dollars la that portlon of the county in whloh It ls located. The agrlcultural country for mlles around Is Improvlng and daveloplng much more rapldly than la that ln any other -part of Klng George. Tho colored folks hereabouts are ex tremely retlcent on the subject of James Hayea' recent Incedlary utterancos In the National Capital. Many of the old, cool headed negroes here do not endorse any such sentiment as Hayea Is alleged to havo expresaed. A good many of .them who hon'e hltherto manlfosted blttar op posltlon to VIrglnla'a new Constltutlon, are becomlng more reconclled, or rather. they seem dlsposed to glve the organlc law a trlal. A number of the younger colored men have set to work vlgorously to acqulre some education, and to become owners of property, especially real estate, Some of there ambltlons and asplrlng ones l.ave alroady purchased land. and wlll go North next month to obtain employnT-at at hlgh wnges, to enable bhem to pay for thelr rocently purchased property. The February term of the Klng Osurge County Court convened yesterday with Judge R. H. L. Chrlstlan presldlng. Ow Ing to the terrlble eonditlon of the voids leadlng from all parts of Uie county the number of cltlzens ln attendance waa un usually small. Mr. H. B. Cogblll, who was one mnot* ago appolnted county treasurer to All the <i*acancy caused by the resignatlon of Or. F. F. Nlnde, wlll take oharge ot the. books of the office to-day. ?-? IN STAUNTON Thursday Whist Club Entertalned by Mrs. Frank M. Hanger. CSpoelHl to Tbe Tlmes-Dlspatch.) STAUNTON. VA., Feb. 7.-The Thurs? day Whlst Club was dellghtfully enter? talned at the beautlful resldence of Mra. Frank M. Hanger Thursday evenlng. Tlie dlnlng-room and parlors wero beautlful* ly decorated ln ptnk and whlte Durlng the evenlng rofreshmenta were eerveo, The February meeting of the Beverly Manor Chapter, Daughtars ot the Amer? lcan Revolution. whloh was held yester? day evenlng at the resldence of Mra. 1 Henry Holllday, was one of the soclal events of the week. Soiveral new mom? bors were adraltted; a large amount of buslness was trunsaoted, after whlch do Ughtful refreslimenta wero eerved. There la much comment here on the actlon of the Flnance Commlttee of the Leglslaturo, who recently flxed the sal* aries for the offlcera of the several Stata hospltals. The salary of tho superln? tendent at the Central Hospital at Pe tersburg haa boan placed at $3,000, whlle the salary of the superlntendent of the Westorn Stato Hospital here remaJns at jiv-TiO. It ls thought that the salary of Suporlntondont Blaokford at the Stauntou Hospital trhould be ralsed pro pnrtionntely to those of the other au perlntendents, as the Western State Hos? pital ls tho liu-gost of tta klnd in the State. '-??-? i? > Jenklns? Oestorhuld. (Speclal to Tbe Tlm??-I-I?l'?tch,1 FRBIHORICKSBURO. VA? Fob. 7.~ Among rocent nuuriages of interest In Carolina county waa that at Mr. Thornnn Jenltflns, of Klng Oeorge county, and Miss Ellza Oesti rheld. of Caroline coun? ty. The ceremony took place at the home of the brlde, The parlors were beautlfully docorated. Rev. W. D. Roy. nolds. of Rlchmond. offtclatod, und tlio attendnnta wero Mr, Wllllam Jones with M-8s Ella Purks, Mr. Peter Fontalne with Mlss i.uia Payne, Mr. John Skln per wiiii mihs Bottle Jones. After the ceremony a sumptuous auppar was served to tb? wotjdlng j>artsji t. _ ,., ,r ,_,_ CAPTAIN ALLEN MONDAY NIGHT He will Speak at A. P. Hlll Camp on "The Confeder arte Soldier In Hlstory." (SpucUl to Tbe Tlmes-Dlspatch.) PETERSBURG. VA, February T. Captaln C. T. Allan, of Mextco. Mo., wlll lectura on the "Conlederate Soldier ln Hlstory" at the A P. Hlll Camp Hall Monday nlght, Captaln Allen was' lant Copfederate soldier. and ls well quol tfiod to present the subject ln a forclblo manner. It ls cxpected that a large au dlon.ce wlll hear tho leoture, whlch la given under the ausplces of the Daugn ters of the Confederacy. The recelpts wlll go to the fund for the lmprovecnent of old Blandford Church. Tbe United. Brotherhood of Carpenters and Jolners, No. U13 of thls clty, have effected a permanent organizatlon. and olocted offlcers as follows: rTesldent, Georgo V. Edney; vlee-presldent. A. R, Zeruba; reoordlng secretary, U. T. Fal son; flnanclal secretary. H. U Lee; treas urer, J. H. Strouf; conductor. J. K. Btshop; warden, William E. Brldges. Dr. S. B. B&rham ls spoken of as a succeasor to the lato William B. Clarke, whoae death cauaed a vucancy tn i?i? House of Delegates. Mr. J. B. Seward wlll bo appolnted Com* monwealth's Attorney of Surry cotinty, and he, too. la belng prominently men tloned aa Mr. Clorke's auccessor ln the House. A young Bohemlan woman, drlvtng aJong Washlngton Street. had a nar? row escape from death thls mornlng. Her horse bocame frlghtened, and while lt was runnlng away the wagon broke ln two and the young woman waa thrown beneath the front wheels. She held the reins and the horse 60on stopped. She deellnod to glvo her name to a newspai* man. Rev, M. Aahby Jones. pastor of Le'gh Stroet Church. Rlehmond, wlll addruss the young men'i mootlng at the young Men'a Chrlstlan Assoclatlon to-morrow afternoon at 4 b'olock. Mr, jones has tro quently addressed Petemburg audlenoes, and haa many frlends ln thla clty. Rev, W. B. Beauohamp. pastor of Broad-Street Methodist Church. ..toh mond, wlll asslst tho Rev. B. C. liatchor ln revlvai servloes at Market-Stroet Church, commonclng Fobruary 22d. BlBhop Randolph wlll admlnlster the rlto of oonflrmatlon at St. John's Eplsco pal Church. ln thls clty, to-morrow eva nlng. Ho wlll also oonflrm a olans at Bt Paul a Church to-morrow mornlng, Mr. B. W. WellB, chalrmon of tlie Street Commlttae of Boston, and Mr, Ed. wln Bheafe. also of Boston. wore ln P? teniburg yesterday, visltlng the hlstorlo places In and around tlio clty, under tho guldnnce of Mr. C. A. Clarke, Uie well known battlefleld gulde. Jtlght Rev. John J Monaghan. Blshop of Wllmtneton, Del.. wlll celebrate mass at St Joseph'B Cuthollc Churoh to-nior row mornlng. Hermann the Great. who wlH apnear at tha Aoodemy of MubIo. In thla clty next Thursday, la sald to be en? of tha most remarkabla exparta o/ loceidemnin tho world hea over aeen. "Wlnohoster," a VJrglnlt romsnee, vlU be aeen at tha Acadamy Wednesday eve? nlng, FROM ASHUND Tha New Hanover Bank Opens Its . Doors for Buslness, fSpeclal to Tlio Ttmi'l-Dltpatcb.) A8HLAND. VA? February 7.-'*TJ|o Hanover Bank" openod Ita donra for buolneas. Capltal etook, 135,000. Tho oUloon aro m foiiow?i .Weitw eydaot) presldent; T>. A. Fawcett. vlce-presldotit; W. L. Foy. oashler. Dlrectors?Wal'.er Sydnor, D. A. Fawcett, Cliarleo St?bblna. t,. E. W. Meyberg. J. G. Hughes, J. B. Hall and W. B. Walton. Mr. Cannon Hobson haa accepted a Blfc* uatlon wlth abe Southern Manufaoturlng Company. ^* Mlsa Flora Whlttle, of Martlnsville, Va.. daughter of Judge Stafford Whlttle. ls visltlng Mrs. J, G. Hughes and other relatlves here. , Mdss Ethel Howard, who has beon vis? ltlng In Washlngton. la expeotod homo very Boon. Dr. Stephen Hart has gone to his old home ln Loulsa to spend a few dnya. Miss Nannle Vaden haa returned honve from Baltlmore. where sho was visltlng relatlves. Mrs. Henry Perklna has been visltlng relatlves here. Mr. Duvall, who has been spendlng tho wlnter at Henry CU).y Inn. left town a few days aga Mr. and Mrs. Hlll Conter last evenlng ontertalned the faculty of Randolph Macon College and thelr wlvos. , a Cannery at Wllliamsburg, {Speclnl tn Thn Tltnra-Dlxpntch.) WHiLlAMSBURG. VA.. Feb. T.-Th? regular meetlng of the Bu3lness Mon's Assoclatlon was held laat nlght, Mr. J. B. Spencer presldlng and Mr. John S. Charles actlng Eecretary. Much en thualasm was ahown at the meetlng. Tha committeo whlch was appolnted a few meetlngs ago to look lnto the matter of startlng a cannlng factory here re ported everythlng progresslng nlcely and that they wore ready to reoelve tho cap? ltal stock. whlch wlll be four or five thousand dollars. Tho Jolnt commlttee from the Clty Councll and tho Buslness Men's Assocla? tlon, appolnted to formulate a report on a bond Issue for water worlts. met ln tho offlce of Mr. B. D. Peachy yesterday afternoon. An organizatlon was per fected by the oloctlon of John L, Mer? cer, chairman and H. R, PlUllip, secre? tary. AN ADDRESS TO LIQUOR DEALERS (Speclal to Too Tltne?.DI?p?tch.) SUFFObIC, VA, February 7.?Tha iwo? posed organizatlon of on Antl-Saloon League In Suffolk dld not matorlallio. Rev. J. W. Westfleld, secretary of the etata League, camo here thls week ex pectlng to Inaugurate tho work In oo operation wlth the local clorgymen. The mlnlBtors had a meetlng at hls Inatan'eo, and they wlll not dtvujge all that ahppen ed. Ono of them sald to-nlght that they dld agreo aa to the expodlenoy of the movement. Anyhow, Rev. Mr. West left town wlthout further ado. though, It Is sald, he may return to attempt a further prosecutlon of tho Antt-Saloon L*agu? plana ln revolutlonlaslng tlio Uciuor trafflo In Virglnia, Charles Kellar. a wholesalo bottlor, thls afternoon Issued an addr??s to the deal ors of the State, ln whlch he advocatea utrlot regard for the law. tha orgatuaa tlon of saloon men ln each clty, and the enterlng lnto a compaot whose pro? vlslons shall requlre the dealera to re? port each other. In part, he snys; "I would suggest inat wa work ln har mony with the mtnlstars, rathor than antagonize thein and thelr well meant in tentlons by hlrlng lawyors to flght them and thelr moasurea.'' Mr, Keller says vlolatlons of thi) law have made tho Innocont euffar and hrought tho tralllo Ln dlspute, and con oludes: "I bollevo |n dotng tho rtght, and If wo llve up to an agrement llke thla and dto-ldo ourselvea lnto Vlgllance Commltt tees to see that tho right ls dori'e, these antl-aaloon movoments wlll ooase, and a hlgher degree of respaotlWllty .wlll b* ?Ui4 to woaUtaS!" MARRIED WITH FALSE NAMES Philadelphia Man Writes Reg Ister of Deeds to Change the Records. (Rpeelnl to The Tirn?.DIipateh.^ DURHAM. N. C, Feb. 7.-The Reg lster. of Deeds here had a pccullar ro quest yesterday from W. B. Alexaader. playlng with a theatrlcal troup. On' Novcmber 23th of last year a license was lssued here for the marriage of W. B. Arrlngton and Mlss Gussle Helston, both regtsterlng from Philadelphla. The ceremony was performed here ln the Methodlst Church by the late W. C. | Norman. the pastor. Now Alexander, allas Arrlngton, writes the Reglater of Deeds that they were marrled under fnlse narnea and aaks hlm to alter hls record to the names glven hlm ln tha letter. Thls could not be done. and In anawerlng the letter he advised hlm to get a now license and marry agatn. The real name of tlie groom ls claimod to be Wllllam Dond. Young Man Commits Sulclde <8peclal to The Tlmei-Dlipatcb.) RUTKERFORDTON. N. C. Febrary 7. Alfred Thorne. twenty-two years old, a son of Rev. J. B. Thorno, was found dead In George McDanlel's grocery store. at Forest Clty, thls mornlng. McDanlel had left hls store for a few mlnutes. and when he returned Thorne was deud. and a double-barrel shotgun was found by hla slde. The load entered his rlght sldo. There Is much excltoraent at Forest Clty over the affalr. A 'phone message to Inght statea that Thorne commltted slu cide. A note was found to hls parenta givlng the cause, but It la refused the preaa. TheElite Studio, 307 E. Broad. Art Photography, Artistic Portraits. ? \