Newspaper Page Text
> j* FULTON /?> j? j? ** fiARTON HEKJHTSj* ** GREENDALE PARK * j* j* SEVEN'PINES j? .* JWetps gf Suburbs HIGHLAND SPRINGS .* j* FULTON PARK .*> j? *? NEW BRIDGE * * ; EAST Tha entertalnment to be glven at East RIohmond Sunday School Hall next Thursday. evenlng wlll bo very unlque and eirtertalnlng, belng aomething dlffer ?nt from anythlng hcforo, Tho aale of tlcketa ao far haa been good. Mr. P. H. Flego, the auporlntendont^of tho Sunday Bchool and under whose aolo inanagement the entertalnment will be glven, can bo seen'at hls off lee, East RWhmond Carrlage Shops, ln regard to ?xohanglng sultable books t&r tlckets, whloh can bo dono up to Thursday. Oeorge Fussell, whoae health has been bad for aom'e tlme, la now reported to be lxnprovlng. Mrs. J. Slmpklns, of Ferndalo," con tlnues slck but her eonditlon Is somewhat lmproved over last week. Mrs, Jacobln Brldsmldt, of Auburn, R. I., formerly of Richmond, a aiater of Mra. S. Flego, of East Rlchmond, dled January 81st. after a prolonged 111 tiesa. John McDowell haa had hls resldence newly palnted and lt looks quhe attrac tlve and handaome ln Its new dreas. The lnner decoratlona aro very beautlful. Hugh P. Flege, clarlonetlat, has Jolned the Hlghland Sprlngs orehestra. The Hlghland Sprlngs orehestra wlll probably have another auumon aa Joa. BuhJeller cornetlst spoaks of Jolnlng Mrs. Flego entertalned her mother, Mra. James Booker, ot Rlchmond, a few tovenlngs slnce. E. M. Lettwich is now In Gordonsville, where ho wlll remaln for a short tlme visitlng frlends. The roll of honor of Millei*s school la as follows: Arthur Oakley, Vernon Oak? ley, Elwood McBwen, Rudolph Franck. Wlllle Fowlor, Annie Frank, Hazel Delt-* rlch, Indle Btralth, Laura Rayhorn, Eva Kock. Ethcl Oakley, Cadella Oakley, Wlllle Whlte, Ruth Lord. Ruth Rayhorn. TOCMi StPRIDBOSS* Thero wlll bo services at the Methodlst Bpteeopal Church to-day, preaching by the pastor, Rev. J. C. Cuthrlell, at U:30 o'clock. Sunday-school cs usual at 10:30 o'clock. There will be services at the Unltaxlan Church this afternoon at 8:20 o'clock. Preaohlng by tho pastor, Rev. A. N. Somers. All clty cars transfer to those for Hlghland Sprlngs. The Itilon League was roorganlzed on fast Sunday mornlng with the followlng offlcers for tno ensuing sir months: Mr. Toorie. presldont; Mrs. W. P. Turner,; Mrs. Pollard, secretary, with "W. T. Grltlln, asslstant secretary; Mr. Blrchard, trcasurcr; Mrs. W. P. Turner and Mrs. G. T. collins, organlsta. The 'Blblo Study Class met as usual on Friday evenlng with Rev. A. N. Som? ers. j The class In Amerlcan Hlstory. also met at the home of Rev. A. N. Somers on last Monday evenlng. and wlll meet here after every Monday untll otherwlse changed.' The Marshall Mernorlal Church chotr wlll meet at the Manor House Saturday evenlng for rehearaal. There will be a speclal called meeting ?t the Woman's Study Club ln Llbrary Hall Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The Hlghland Sprlngs Brass Baad was reorganlsed last Monday evenlng. Hugh Flege and Henry Bcrger became mem? bers. Tho club wlll meet for practlce regularly every Thursday evenlng ln Ll? brary Hall. Tho Hlghland Sprlngs Branch of the Natlonal Woman's Alllance met Monday ?venlng last at the home of Mrs. F. P. Reed on Fern Avenue. -nere was a' good attendanco and all preparatlons were made for the Stlver Tea to be given en the 13th of the present month. The German Class met on Wednesday ?venlng last at the homo of Mrs. W. P. Turner. They will next meet with Mrs. B. A. Bowers. The Woman's Study Club met in thelr tlub-room on Wednesday afternoon of lhls week. After routlno buslness was ilsposed of they were thoroughly drllled for thelr entertalnment to bo given on lhe 19th of February Mrs. Charles Beauclerk and Mrs. Ldllle Dancey, both of Rlchmond. were guests of Mrs. F. P. Read on Friday. Don't fall to go to the "Callco Caml Tal." to be glven at the Methodlst Church Ball next Wednesday evenlng! The mlll and factory here have sus pemded operatlons untll spring. The manager fuida it Imposslble to get the tlmbor In aufllclcnt quantltloa to uso owlng to the roads bcliig ln such a con dltlon from rocent ralnr. A number of people are thrown out of etnployment. Mr. and Mrs, II, h. Vlnol, of Vlneltfl-ven last Tuesday ovoni'ng entertalned hand ftomely a few of i-iclr frlends ln honor of Mlsa Isabcl Hendry of Boston, who la visltlng her aunt, ^rs. A, N. Somors. An elegant nuppcr waa sorvcd, aitcr wnlch tho evenlng was pleasantly spont In games and muslc Among those present wero Rev. and wrs, A. N. Som ers, Mr. and Mrs. E. fl. Rood, Mr. and Mrs. II. Xi V'nol, Mlsa Hendry, Miss Mnr gnret Nolan Mlsa Helen Nolln and Jtlsa Vlnol. Mrs, M. J. Cartor ls ntill at tho Oia Bomlnlon HoBpltal, where she went to have her cye oporated on for ciitoract. Her many frlends wlll be glad to know that sho ls Improvlng and wlll soon be well enough to leave tno hospltal. Chlckahomlny Cotincll No. 183, Jr. O. U. A. M., held Its regulnr stated meetlng on Thursday evenlng last, February Gth, wlth Counclllor W. G. GTlften In the cholr. S. C. Slde, who was so severely injured ln tho eye three months ago, la slowly re covcring. The prctty and attractlvo cottage of Captaln Alfred Woodman Is undcrgolng thorough repolrs and when completcd will appear hondsomer than ever. Ho is now painting and decoratlng- tho Inter? lor and as soon as the weather wlll per mlt the work wlll begln on tho outslde. Mrs. Vllllnes. of Baltlmore, who owr.s n cottage on Ivy Avcnue, arrlved here last Wednesday, and wlll be hero and ln Rlehmond for somo days. The restoratlon of Seven PInes to tho war period Is contemplated and the work haa been.plnced ln the hands of Wa?h ington Bottoma by the Passenger and Power Company. Conductor E. P. Kellam's mother ls very 111 at her home In Rlehmond, Miss Lllllo Turner and Miss 1-na Lou Kldd spent Thursday evenlng; at Lynp hurst. Mr. A. HIcks. of New Brldge, has pur- , chased Mrs. Sml.'h's place. Mr. and Mrs. HIcks tnee Tlgnor) expeSt to occupy lt abcut the 1st of -/larch. Daniel A. Smlth pald a vlalt to Peters burg Wednesday. Mrs. Jaoies Kldd, of Rlehmond, vlsttctf Mrs. joel Kldd, of Bellvkw, durlng th? past week. Mlsaes Grace and Edna Stagg enter talncd many of ..nelr little frlends Frt day evenlng at thelr hon-.e on Fern Ave nue. Games were lnrlulged ln, after whlch refroshments were served. The Hlghland Sprfngs School Rt,:i of Honor puplls are as follows: Charlle Aley, Lillie Alcy, Charlle Drake. Rosa Drake, Robert Drake Bertle Ellls. Clarenco Ellls. Clara Jones, Charlle Grlf fln, Hallle Jordon, Elton Griffin, Jane Kldd. Stanlcy Grlffln, ..nnie Ostrandcr, Prcston Jones, Ruth l'ollard, Dou*ylas Kldd. Esther Stlles, Be erly Jordon, Ethel Seatbn, John Trlmmer, Henrletta Trlmmer, John Marano, Elva Ellls. Hen? ry Marano, Nettie Pollard, John Pase dag, Douglas Wlngfleld. This week, when the roads are sulted to tho oecaslon, there wlll be a horse race. The start wlll he made from the store of S. N. West and Mr. West wlll enter hls valuable Kentucky bay mare. A surveyor went over the llne on Thurs? day taklng note of the number of new pole3 that would be needed ln the re constructlon of the road. Mr. and Mrs. Bennle NIchola, of Rleh? mond, spent Wednesday evenlng wlth frlends here. Miss Carrle Lynes and Mr. Charles Reld wero guests at a theatre party Tues? day evenlng lnst at the Bljou. Mlsa Lee K?y. a popular young lady of Qulnton, New Kent county, pald a vlsit to her frlends, the Misses Reld, the past week. Miss Besslo Cary. of Rlehmond, was also a guest of Miss Annlo and Miss Grace Reld last Thursday. Mrs. R. A. Reld ls slowly recoverlng from here scvere attack of Iast Tuesday nlght. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stowe, who have been resldonts of Charles Clty county for more than three years, left last Tues? day for a vlsit ln northern Ohlo, vla Wnahlngton over tho R? F, ?.nd P. Rail? road, Krccl Ftirman, of Petersburg, made a short vlslt to hls paronts last Monday, Mlss Comella Woodfln, df RIohmond, Ih visitlng hor paronts and frlends In thla vlclnlty, John Baker and wlfo, of Rlchmond, aro on a vlslt to frlonds nnd rolatlves here. Edward Furman vlslted hla brother ln Petersburg Tucsday nnd Wednesday. Mrs. Booth has gonc to her home ln North Carolina, for a short vacatlon. Tho schools In Henrlco county aro stlll closed on nccount of smallpox. Mrs. Furman ls visitlng frlends ln Rlch? mond durlng tho present week. Mrs. Lee Wcbb made a buslnea trlp to Rlchmond Thursday. Mlss Grace Stowo Is qulte slck from tho effocta of a severe fall whlch she had somo days ago. Ben. Splcrs., of Petersburg, vlslted hls frlends for a few days durlng tho paat wook. Mlss Comella "Woodfln, of ;Rlchmond, vlslted Mrs. Bowery .Monday afternoon, Clinton Cochran mado a buslness trlp to Rlchmond Thursday. Valentlne Night was lntroduced ln Ful? ton a few nights ago, a week ahead of tho date, and ln a norel manner. Three protty maidens were at the head of the affalr and they hnd barrels of fun at tho expense of thelr frlends. In the af? ternoon they assemblcd at the home of ono of tho pnrty and prepared a number of cloth slgns and Inscriptlcns that were novel and approprlato for the doors ' they were scheduled to be tacked upon that nlght. The slgns were completed In artistlc manncr, and shortly after dark, armed with them aid a paper of plns, they bogan the fun. Here ls what caused the fun and where the Joko appeared. "Mlsery loves com? pany" ln large black letters was found on the door of a young lady. The si'gn was found next mornlng ae the door was opened after breakfast to get the morn? lng paper. "One Boarder Wanted" was found on the door of nnother yotlng lady ns she returned home from cholr practlco. The young ladles wero tacklng thelr last slgn when they were caught at thelr fun. The Jokc the young ladles put up on thelr frl->nde created much laughter and vas tnuch enjoyed. Revlval services wlll be etarted at Den ny Street M. E. Church to nlght. Rev. George Wesloy Jones, of Norfolk, son of the pastor, wlll conduct the services next week. Rev. A. A. Jones, the pastor, wlll occupy hls pn?plt at both services to day. Hls subject at 11 A. M. wlll be "Chrlst Standing on the Plain;" at night hls subject will be "Conslderlng Import ant Matters." Rev. W. S. Leake wlll preach the elghth of a serles of sermons on the Ten Commandments at Fulton Baptlst Church. Hls subject will be "Stcallng." At 11 A. M. nls subject wlll be "Shall we know ono another ln- Heaven?" Mr. Lee foster dled at the resldence of hls father, Mr. Berry Foster, Louis lana Street, Thursday evenlng at 6 o'clock. He was In the twenty-second year of hls age. He had been III for some tlme and hls death was not uiexpected. He leaves two brothers, Messrs. .ixiuls nnd Bernard Foster; also one slster, Mlss Mazie Foster. The funeral took place yesterday at 3 o'clock from the house, conducted by Rev. J. W. Daugherty. The lnterment was in Oakwood. The roll of honor of Loulslana-Street School for the week endlng February 6th, ls as follews: Grammar Grade?Lola Whltlock. Fanny Dansy, Charlle Whltlock, James Wood, Janies Woodson, Mlnnle Hughes, Wllllam Pllcher, Josle Redford. Prlmary Grade?Jesele Romor, Barbara Romer, James Hughes, Tork Pllcher, Hugo Clay, Allce Glll. Mamle Redford, Grace Kersey. Captaln J. M. Bryant, of the Natlonal Cemetery, has returned from Washing? ton. Mlss laura Harrison, who has been qulte slck ls much improved at her resl? dence, "Waverly" on Fulton Hlll. Mr, Ira Sunday has returned to hls homo on Fulton Hlll from a buslness trlp to Newport News. Loulse, the llttle daughter, of Captaln B. S. RIce, who has been qulte 111, ls lm provlng. Mlss Hattle McCauley ls extremely 111 at the resldence of her parents on Fulton Street. Tho Ladles' Ald Soclety of Fulton Bap tlnt Ohurch, wlll meot Monday aJu?rnoon wlth Mrs. F. H. Garber, of aroham StreoL Mrs. Georgo Wllla, who was operated on at tlie Virglnia Hospltal thls week, ls dolng nlcely. Mra. Georgo W. Andcrson, of Nlchol non Btreet, returned yesterday from Washlngton, whCTe Bhe attended tho Gll bert-Shelley nuptlals thls week. Tho Cup of Cold Watcr CLrcle of Klng'a Daughters nnd Sons wlll moet on Monday nlght wlth Miss Maymo Jordan, ot Nlch olson Btroot. BBARTQD&S HEOT8. Barton I-Ioights Councll, Royal Arca num, wlll meet at Parrlsh Hall Monday evenlng, Important rop,orts from aoverol commltteca wlll bo brought up for ac? tion, also new appllcants for member Bhlp wlll be presented. Mrs. G. R. Peaaeley has returned homo, after a. vlsit to relatlves ln Ashland, Va, Miss Annle Thomaa, who has been vla? Itlng frlends ln. LouUa, has returned homo. Miss Grace McGeoTge, of Lakeslde, wlll leave In a.fow days to vlsit relatlves ln Petersburg. ? Miss Annle Walsh, who has been qulte sick at her home on Brook Road ls able to be out agaln. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones, of Newport Nows, wlll be the guest of Mrs. James, of Ladles' Mlle Road, Saturday. Miss Cary Gray, who has been visltlng frlends on the Helghts, ha3 returned to Newport News. | Miss Grace Purvls, of Powhatan County. ls visltlng frlends on the Helghts. Mr. O. F. Harris, of King William. ls visltlng: hla brother. Mrs. S. F. Curley, of Ladles' Mlle Road, ls visltlng In Newport News. Mr. Samuel Hardy, ot Norfolk ls vislt? lng Mra. H. Jones. Miss Llllle Baughan ls qulte sick at her home, on Luck Avenue. Tho Epworth League wlll meet at the resldence of Mrs. W. H. H. Kldwell Tues? day. ?.iss Bessle Duncanson ls qulte sick at her home on North Avenue. Miss Stella Wyneo, of Gayton Is vislt? lng near Lakeslde. Miss Allco Herman, of Petersburg-, la visltlng on Chestnut Hlll. Mr. George Camden, of North Carolina, ls visltlng frlends on Chestnut Hlll. Mr.. Waltor Mclntosh, ot Fluvanna, has returned home, after a vlsit to frlends on the Helghts. Miss Eva Moore, of Charlotte, N. C. ls expected the flrst part of nert week to vlsit her slster near the Semlnary. Mr. and Mrs. W. Berkeley, of Ports mouth, are visltlng frlends on Chestnut Hlll. Miss Allce Hennlng, of Newport Naws. Ib visltlng her aunt, Mrs. Jones, of La? dles' Mlle Road. Mr. Ray Wrtght ls qulte alck at hls home ln Brookland Park. Mr. J. W. Mastes has returned to Fred erlcksburg, after a vlsit to Rev. C. P', Scott, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Haidlnc have re? turned home, after a trlp to Washlngton, New York and Maryland. Miss Gracle King, who haa been sIck. at her home near Lakeslde, ls now ablo to Tesume her studles at school. Miss Peasley, of Hanover, Js visltlng frlends on the Helghts. Servlces will bo held at the Methodlst Church to-day at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.. conducted by the pastor, Rev. L. C. Moore. Servlces wlll be held at tho Eplphany Eplscopal Church to-day at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M., conducted by the rector, Itev. C. R. Kuyk. Mr. Croxton Burnette, who has been visltlng at the home of Rev. C. P. Scott, left last nlght for hls home In Frederlcks burg. Miss Maude Beck entertalned a num? ber of rrlends at her home on Montelro Avenuo Thursday nlght. Games were In dulged ln untll a latohour. Among those present were Mlsses Sue, Agnes and Mae Haupt, Grace Meoni, and the Mlsses .Ashers. Messrs. Allle and Laughton Ha zelgrove, Drewry Ware, Hunter Jones, Andrew Meonl and Mr. Norfolk. After a late hour all returned homo, havlng spent an enjoyable evenlng. Rev. W. T. Hundley has returned home from Galnesvllie, Fla.. where he went to preacn tne dodicatory sermon of the church of whlch he was tho Inatrument ln bulld? ing;. Ho wlll fill the ipulpit of the Baptlst Church Sunday at U A. M. and 8:15 P. M. MAKE SUGAR IN VIRGINIA Freparation for the Year's Crop In Hlghland. NEW METHODS PREVAIL Bcarlet Fever Makes Its Appearance In Mallgnant Form?An Entire Famlly Polsoned from Some Un known Cause. (Speclal to Oh? Times-Dlspatoh.) MONTBREY, VA., Feb. 7.-Theso ear ly days in February have procipltated lhe sugar season and caught the sugar makers napplng. Aa a result, some of lhe buslest soenes now belng enacted in the county are In the* numerous camps lo be found tn every valley and on al most every hlllsldc. Ordlnarlly tho leaaon doea not open untll March, but thla protracted thaw giyes promlse of more than a premature "spoll," henco the bustle ot proparation. It la woll known that the early sap ls much Itronger and moro productlvo, and the former who falls to ltave hla treeB tapped fcuid everythlng in readlnoss for tlie open Itng of the season ls not "on to hls Joh" at all. Evon In these mountalns sugar-maklng ?aa been modornlEod, and but few ad ?lere to prlmltlve mothodB, Almoat every *eoaon, howover, Inqulry from tho cltles lomos to the vlllaga meroliajit, post taOBtor or nowBpaper correspondent, rel ttlvo to the purcliase of the h'cnuino, old tashlonod kettlo-bollod syrup and sugar, Haimlng for lt a superlorlty over the Ivuporatod nrtlclo, SCARLET FEVER. Soarlet fover haa mado |ta appoar inco tn a mallgnant form on Jackson'B ftivor, ln ttia home of Mr. II. H. Terry, There are three casoB. and a ohild of Mra. Lee Hlto was strlclien whlle vlslt lng wlth the mothcr at the home of Mr. Frank Gardner, of the same nelghbor hood. A rievlval servlce has been ln progress In the Methodtst Church for the past two weeks. The pastor. Rev. i R. L. Eutsler, Is osslsted by Rev. W. S. Trirti ble, of tho Presbyterlan Church, and by Dr. Rood, of the Franklln Methodlst Church. FAMILT POISONED. News reached here to-day that all fche members of the famlly of Mr. Otho Gum, near Meadow Dale, this county, became ' vlolently sick just after the noonday meal yesterday, and reports of an at tempt at wholesale polsonlng were freo ly clrculated. Mr. Gum ls a respected farmer ln feeble health, and has no known enemles. Dr. Kenton Trimble, THE RIGHT THING. A New Catarrh Cure Which is Rapidly Coming to the Front. For several years, Red Gum, Blood root and Hydrastln have been recognlzed ns Btandard rcmedles for catarrhal trou b!es, but they havo always bfccn glven separately and only very recently an in genlous chemist succeeded In comblnlng them, togetlier wlth other antlsoptlcs lnto a ple'asnnt, effectlvo tablet. Drugglsts soll tho remedy under the namo of Stuarfs Catarrh Tableta and lt hns met wlth remarkable succoss lh tho cure of nnsnl catarrh, bronchlal nnd throat catarrh and ln catarrh of the stomach. Mr. F. N. Benton, whose address ls caro'of Clark ITouso, Troy, N. V., says; ?'When I run up ngalnst nnythlng that ls good I llko to tell' peoplo of lt. I havo been troubled wlth catarrh more or less for some tlme. Last wlnter moro,.than ever. Trled several so-cullod curps, but dld not got any benoflt from them. About slx weeks ago I bought a 50-cent box of Stuart'B Catarrh Tablets nnd 1 am glail to sny that they havo dono wondefa for mo and I do not hesltate to lot all my frlends Hnow that Stuart'a Ca? tarrh Tablets nro tho right Ihlng." Mr. Goorge ,T. Cnsanova, of Hotel Grlf fon, West Nlnth Street, Now York clty, wrltos: "I have commcnced tistng Stu? art'B Catarrh Tablota nnd alroady they havo glven mo better rosulta tlmn any catarrh curo I have over trled." A leadlng physlclan' of plttsburg art vlses tha use of Stuarfs Catarrh Tab? lets 'In preforonco to any other treat ment for Catarrh of head aml throat or stomaoh, He clalms they aro far superlor to Jn halers, salves, lotlons or powdor and are much moro conyenlent and pleua ant to take and are so luirmless that Httle ohlldren tnko them wlth heneflt as they oontaln no opjate, cooalno or ftiiy polsonous drug. of Monterey, was called, and lt la thought none of the cases wlll prove fa tal. Captaln Harmon H. Hlner, who re? sides north of Doe Hlll, near the State llne, has gone to Baltlmore to undergo an operation at the Johns Hopklna Hos? pital, with the hope of gettlng rellef from the effects of a shoulder wound recelved durlng the Clvil War, and from whlch he has suftered, more or less, ever slnce. Mr. James Trlmble, near Monterey, and Captaln S. J". Reynolds. ot Headwaters, both octogenarlans, and two of the most wldely-known and respected cltlzons of tho county, aro prostrated, tho former, It ls feared, with pneumonia, and tlio lattor havlng suftered a atroke of par Ual paralysls. COSTS FIXED Planet Must Foot the Bill Dueto Suitfor Alleged Libel. < Judge Mlnor. of tho Law and Equlty Court, yesterday rendered a decision wliich ls of pecullar Interest to the ne? groes of tho clty, as lt brlngs to a close the famous case of tho Flrst Afrlcan Bap? tlst Church, whlch has flgured so prom lr-.ently before the publlc recently, havlng flnally found Its way lnto the Law and Equlty Court ln tho naturo of a llbel sult for $10,000 agalnst John Mttchell, Jr., edl? tor and owner of the Planet. The actlon was taken out by Nelson Wllllams, Jr, It wlll be remembered that after a ti-lal lasting ono week tho jury ln the case brought ln a verdict of opo cent damages for the plaintlff, and slnce that timc there has beon conalderable specu latlon ns. to who would havo to pay tho costs of the case, whlch, amount to about $50, It wus thls polnt that Judga Mlnor si'ttlod by a decision yesterday. Judge Mlnor hplds that tho plalntlft ls entltled to hls costs, as a result of whlch the Planet wlll havo to foot tho bill, FEBRUARY GIVES MANY BIRTHDAYS Though the shortest month In the year, February dld very well ln furnlshlng blrthdays for great men. Yesterday was tho blrthdny of that entcrprlslng iiovollst, Charles Dlokens. Other wor thles born durlng tho month of Fobru? ary wore Thomas Edlson, Fob. 11; Ahra Iwvm Llncoln, 12thi George Washington, 2i!d; James RuhsoII Lowell, aMij and Henry W. Longfellow, 27th. Tennessee Commlttee. There wlll be an Importunt meeting of tlio Tonnosseo Commlttee of tho Confod oruto Bazaur Wednesday at Lee Camp Hall at u o'clock A. u. I REV. DR. STRANGE RECOVERS FAST No. Longer Troubled wlth In somnia?-Sailed for Eu rope on Yesterday. (Spcclal to Tho TImcs-DIspatch ) LAWRENCDVILLE VA., Feb. 7.?The Rev. Robert Strange, D. D., rector of St. Paul's Eplscopal Church Rlehmond sailed to-day on the "Kalserin Marla Theresa," for the Medlterranean and the Orlent. He wlll be absent slxty-flvo days and wlll vlsit all places of hlstorlo Interest ln South Europo, Afrlca and Asla. In a prlvata letter recelved yesterday, he sald that hls health had greatly lm proved; that his trouble, Insomnla, had almost dlsappenred and that he antl olpated tho trlp wlth boylsh dellght. Hls many frlends wlsh hlm a hiippy trlp and a safo return, thoroughly re stored to health. GIVEN TWENTY-FtVE Verdict for Dalton, Who Asked Five Thqusand from Mrs. Kuhn. After a hearlng wlilch consumod the entire day, tho Jury ln ulio case of Ed gar D. Dalton agalnst Mrs. Iaabella Kuhn for $6,000 yesterday in tho Clty Clrcult Court, returned a. verdict for I'Xj damages, They were out for probably ten mlnutes. Tho sult ln many respeoid was one of tho most remarltnblo heard ln tho Clty Hall for qulte a while, Mr. Dalton sulng Mrs. Kuhn for tho amount stated for Blander, It was tlio flrst case of Its klnd to oceupy tho attentlon of a local oourt ln sovoral years, the faot that a woman appearcd ai dofondant addlng In? terest to lt. Accordlng lo tho allogationa of the plulntlff, who was represented hy Mossrs, Ordwuy I'ullor and John A, Lnmb, Mrs. Kuhn clrculatod durlng tlio month of laat August certaln falso r?. porls, which datnngod hls eharactor and whlch wero not based on facts, He prayed for damages ln tha sum named, on tho grounds of Injury to hls eharactor and as a punlahmciit to tho defeiidtint. Messrs. Snnds and Sands, rapresontlng Mrs, Kuhn, attomptod to dlsprove tha allogatlons of tho plalntlff, Tho argu ments wero longthy and every Jnoh of , eround bltterly contestod. WILL CALL NEW PASTOR Rev. Weston Bruner to Be Chosen To-Day. DR. BANJKS AT ACADEMY General Meeting of the Eplscopal Co n gregatlons of tho City?Sermons Directed Agalnst the Saloons. Church Services. At a congregatlonal meeting to be held to-day nfter the mornlng aervlce, the Cal vary Baptlst Church, of thls clty, wlll recelve the report of the Pulplt Commlt? tee and wlll ln all probablllty extend a call to the Rev. T. Weaton Bruner, of Baltlmore, who wlll be recommended aa tho successor to tho Rev. Dr. H. A. Bag by, the former pastor of tho charge. Tho selectlon of Mr. Bruner, lt la sald, wlll glve general Batlstactlon In the con gregatlon. The Baltlmore mlnlster ls ex ccedlngly well known and popular hore, nnd roports of hls excellont work are con tlnually comlng In. He has Just returned to hla home from Morgantown, W. Va., the seat of tho Unlverslty of West Vir? ginia, where he led In a most successful rcvlval meeting. Many converslons re sulted from his labors. It la gcnorally understood that Mr. Bru? ner wlll accept tho call If lt ls extended to hlm, He wlll probably vlslt Rlch? mond wlthln the next week. The Rev. Dr. Louls Albert Banks, of Qrace Methodlst Eplscopal Church, of New York clty, wlll addrcss a blg meet? ing of men to be held thls afternoon at the Academy of Musle under the auspices ot. the Y. M. C. A. The doora wlll be opened at 3 o'clock. The subject wlll be "Hornets and Angcls," The choir of Centenary Methodlst Church wlll slng. Mlss Mamle Harrison will be tho sololst, Dr. Banks ls one of the most dlstln gulshed mlnlsters in the United States, and he wlll doubtlcss attract a large au? dience. A general meeting of all tho Eplscopal congregations of the clty wlll be held to-nlght In St. Paul's Church In the Inter ests of the work of clty mlsslons. Bishop Robert A. Glbson wlll preslde and address es wlll be dellvered by x)r. John Mon cure, clty mlsslonary,. and the Rev. Dr. W. E, Evans, rector of Monumental. The Rev. I. S. Boyles, of Randolph Slreet Baptlst Church, wlll ttake for hls subject ln the mornlng "Influence ot the Chrlstlan Homo," and at night "Rich mend's Greatest Shadow," whlch wlll be a sermon In reference to the Influence of the llquor trafflo on lndustrles and morala, ond ls the third of a serles oa "Lights and Shadows of Rlchmond." The pews In the audltorium of Grove Avenue Baptist Church have been com pleted, and the cpngregatl'0n wlll worshlp ln the maln audltorium at the mornlng servlce. The pastor, the Rev. Dr. J. B. Hawthorne, wlll take for hls subjects: Mornlng, "Givlng Chrlst the Highsst Place in Our Thoughts ^and Aftectlons," and at night, "How God Speaks to Men." Tho Rev. Dr. Lewls Albert Banks wlll occupy the pulplt at Centenary Metho dis-r Church at both services. Morning subject, "The Man Left Be hlrd." At night Dr, Banka wlll speak espcclally to students and young men. Seats wlll be reserved for students untll S o'clock. All seats are free anu the pub llce ls lnvlted. "West-End Chrlstlan Church, on Morrls Street, between Main and Floyd Avenue. Preachlng to-day, by the pastor, Rev. Henry Pearce Atklns, at 11 A. M., BUb ject, "Tho Lamb of God," and at 8 P. M.. subject, "Thomas and Other Doubters." Sunday-school at 9:30 o'clock; Chrlstlan Endeavor at 7:15 P. M. Seats free; a cor dlal welcome awalts all. . In St. James Methodlst Church the Rov. W, A. Cooper, pastor. wlll preach at 8 P M. on "Jes'u.V Conceptlon pf Govern? ment," the second dlscourse ln a. serles. In tho mornlng the Rev. Mr. Lumpkln, the young pastor of Epworth Church, will preach, he and Mr. Cooper exchanglng pulplts. The regular monthly meeting of the Baptist Sunday-school Assoclatlon of Richmond and Manchester wlll be held at the Bainbridge-Street Baptlst Churoh to day at 8:30 P. M. The Rev. W. T. Derl eux, of Venable-Street Baptlst Church, wlll make an address. All are cordlally lnvlted. At the nlght servlce at Trinlty Metho? dlst Church tho Rev. George H. Spooner wlll preach a speclal sermon to tho Whlto Rlbboners from the subject, "The Open Saloon." His mornlng subject wlll be "Sln, An Awful Tell-Tale." The Rev. M. Ashby Jones, of Lelgh Sticet Baptlst Church, wlll preach on "Tho Unlty of tho Church Unlversal" ln the mornlng; evenlng, "A Negatlve Rc form." Valentine Party. A valentlne party will be glven by the Young Ladles' Aid Soclety of Grove-Ave nue Bnptlst Church Friday evenlng, Feb runry 13th. Thero wlll bo musle and recltatlons by some of Rlchmond's best talent, whlch wlll grently add to the cvoning's pleas ures. Pretty booths, containlng valen tlnes, fancy work, flowers, candy, etc, wlll bo preslded over by tho glrls. The grab-bag and gypsles' tont wlll no doubt be a sotirce of much fun. Tho admlsslon fee ls small, the tlcket belng redecmed ln cream and cake. Under Treatment. Frank L. Johnson, of Roanoke, has beon ln the clty several days under tho treat? ment of Dr. Joseph A. Whlte for an aftect ed eye. Ho is the' son of Hon. I. V. John? son, a very promlnent cltlzen of Rpanoko, nnd for several years Stato Auditor of West Vlrglnln. Gold Watch Lost. A lady's open-face gold wntch was lost Friday afternoon between Elghth and Broad Streets and tho Old Domln lon Hospital. Tlie Inltluls "B. C. F," aro cut on the back. A roward wlll be pald for lta return to No, 1118 East Maln Street. , Prevents and breaks up Grlp and & 301 E. Broad Sf. (Gor, 3rd.) This week you will find PRICES CHANGED. Everything even lower than last week. Better grades of goods at same prices. Not a pair of these shoes will go back in stock. -?__ Ohlldron'B DonRola Shoos, all solld. good styles; lnitton and laoe- i co 8, Regular prlces, BO, 60, "ift*, ancUoc . . .......... ?*"C Ohlldren's rJonftoui Shoou, all aolld, good stylon; lnce; slzes S'A to cn? II; wld for $1, now.Oyt* About 200 polrs of Ladloa' flhooa, ?oruo of whloh sold for 13.50, ftOr* taostly odda and ends, now . OVO Ladles' Shoei, aevsml styles; butfcon a.nd lace; not a pair vrorth ft 1 1 f% lens than H.76, now ... 4>l.*y Little G?nts' Shoea, aJl solld, good atylei; afcealOlo 12K; regnlax fLf\n prlces fl.OO to $1.60, now. . . VTfL Mlisos' Dongola Kld Shoes. eeveraJ etylea; mostlr all ilzen & to 7ftr B; legular tl,S5 grade, now . . ./"w 600 palrs of Boys' A.lJ,-SoM Shoea | good itylea and good wcarers; in iox graln.and satln ealf; alM?2KtoBM! Bold for HJB6to $1.60, all now 5iQr Ladles' Shoo?, ln Vlol Kld; button ?md lace; made by tho best mo,nti tacturers of thl? country; aedlTtm toes and good style*; ncarly aJl aisos, ?old for |8.00, $.60 and $37(0 $1.69 $1.69 Ladles' patent Colt Shoea, ?up-to-dnte styles. Ladles' 98.00 and gS.SO Shoea, sororal lots to be closed out. We have ln thls lot several polrs of Patent 41 nfi Vlcl Kld?now.5> 1 ?VO BTull diroottons how to make them. Men'a Shoes. In thls department we havo out prlce*} on & great uinziy goocls toless-thaa V of origi?.?l prlccs, Rc mumber the followlng irlooa apply to X}e*r goodi, not to odd lots and old atyles: Men'a Laca and Oongxesa ORr Skooai ?laoabroken.'Ot Men'?8*tln OaUaadVlct ?1 lf) KiaLace;8hoo?. -JJI.^V Several hundred polra ot Men's Shottu, ln sattn oalf, box calf, Vlot Kld; worth. double the ?| <(\ mone?r--nt ......... -4J??uy Mcn'i Wolfc 8hoe*,ln ten good atylest all good, honoat goods; ln box ^?iIl0l.kld:.wl*.,!M $1.98 Men's Hand "Welt Bhoea, ln ohont BO gtyleti; eereral hundred palri thla Maaon'sgoodJi; all leatherra; 9/) Afl Men'a Patxmt Vlol KM, Pat*nt OoM, and all other leathera now ln uae; ln $4.00 and $6.00 grade; tf 2 Q8 Ledlet' Robbera* the SBo. lnr gxevde at. . . .. * "v Mtsaes' Robbera; the Me, | Q-v g-radc ki. * Ofc* Calldren'a Rubberaj the 8co. | "7r grade at. I'w Men'a ? Kubber Boote; Cl % n 13.00 grade at.??*? 1V LadJoB* R-ubber Boote; <?1 ln $8.00 grade at.-pl <**y MlAses' Rnbber Booba; $1,80 QOr gradonfc."OL Chlldron's Rabber Roota; nft* $tt,fi8 grade at . . . /VC Men'a Arotlo O-rershoos, np f\Qr> Dabney & Johnston Thlrd and Broad Streets. SUCCESSFUL CONTESTANTS ????? iN THE tmii TIMES-DISPATCH WANT GOLUS3N Six Prizes Awarded Each Week for Best Drawinga See Want Page. A large number of drawings were sub mitted ln competltlon for tho slx prlzes offered by "The Tlroes-Dlspatch want cojumns flrat week'a cartoon contest. Many of them were good Idoas, very nlcely lllustrated with black Ink on white paper or card board, as requlred by the rules of the contest, and there wore qulte a number drawn on colored paper, while some were drawn wlth pen dl. Unlesa the conteatants FOLLOW THE RULES CLOSQLY they cannot dx pect to wln a prlze. It is also POSI TIVELY AGAttNST THE RULES TO WR1TE THE NAMBOF CONTESTANT ON THE FACE OP THE DRAWING. The name and address nuist bo written PLAINLY ON THE BACK OF THE DRAWrNG. Another fault wlth some of the con tcstants Is thnt they make thelr draw? ings too small. Tbe drawlng sihould be from five to soven Inolies ln wldth, wlth corresponding length. Tako plenty of time; make the draw? lng and letterlng clear and plain. ANY DRAWING THAT IS NOT ORIGINAL wlll be thrown out of the contest. The slx prlzes for tho best drawlnw submttted last week were awarded as follows: Flrst prlze. $2.00 order?L. Fltzgerald, Amerlcan National Bank, clty. Second prlze, $1,00 order?L. A. B, Elghth and Leigh Streets, clty. Thlrd prlze, $1.00 order?Arthur Colllna No. 2111 Churoh Hlll Avonuo, clty. Fourth prlze, 11.00 order?A. E. Warrei\ Adei, Ohlo. j Flfth prlze, $1.00 order-Mrs. M. Wk Glass, No. 7ll Eas-t Lelgh Street. clty. ' Slxth prtze, $1.00 order?C, M. Lynel No. 1424 Grove Avenue, clty. Speclal mentlon ls due the followlnf named oontestants: RICHMOND, VA. TVm, O. Herndon, S. B. Rlchardson, Douglns Stlth. J. S. C, C. MerrlU. D. s. Walker, Arehle Steiner. W. E. Colgin, S. B. Rlchardson, J. W. Smart, G. M. Lyne, J. H. Davenport, Mlsa Lula Calrus, G. M. Lyne, John F. Stlth, Ilee Strauss, _. .. Barton Palmer, Georgo E. i'ou'ea, R. O. Mundon, AMELIA, VA . : Carolilne IC Meson. SALEM. VA. Mrs. C. W. Turner. CAROLrNZE, VAu Mlas Mary Drew. SALUDA, VA. E. P. Fergusson. FARMVILLB, VA. Spencer ArmJstead. ROYAL ARCANUM SHOWS ACTIVITY A Banquet to Be Held Tuesday Evening?Poet Laureates Get in Their Work. Tha Royal Arcanum counclls are gottlng a declded move on themselves ln thls burg. Union, No. 61, wlll havo a banquet Tuesday nlght at the Masonlc Hall on Twenty-flfth Street. Tho . grand ofllcera wlll bo present. Shockoe, No, 895, ls ar rnnglng for her annlversary celebratlon, ns Is Henrlco Councll. Brother Garlick, of Union, slngs: "Of all the good worlt belng dono, Nono cxcols that of Union, fifty-one." IIo Is answored by Honrlco's poot-lau reatoi "All oC you havo got on a go, But none exceeils tho galt of Henrlco." Then look at thls: "Renlly of them all none In flner Than old McCarthy. wlth Mr. Mlner." "All of you undorstand wo are hero Slngs out tho rep. from old Bolvldero." "Elhn quoth she hasn't a rhymlng name, But counts on 'gettlng thero' Just the Bnme." "virglnia chlmes ln wlth a pretty song, And etxya she Is golng ahead right along." Now liBtcn at Dab. Wlllnoy, whoso so uorous volco peals out thls pooan of vi'u'so "Tho Royal Arcanum, long may sho thrlve, And nothlng outstrlp old 895." "All of you boys can got you on n go, But you'11 never overtalte our great Shockoo," "The ayes soem to have lt?tho nyes lmve It." Alexandria Firm In Trouble. (Hpuelul tii Thu Tinies-DUpatch.) ALHKANDU1A, VA., Feb. 7.-Ctty Sergeant Cox to-dny look pos-sasslon of tho property ln tho bullding of tho Ii? tarstuto Puro-Food Oouijmny, us the re? sult of an utliu'iiiiii'iii at the Instanca of C. C. Qartgls & nrolher. of Hultl more, who urgod a cla|m of $3,000 agalnst tho company, due on contract for fur nlshlng supplloB, ?v* ? ' * ? VALENTINE PARTY FOR CHILDREN One to Take Place at the Flrst Baptist Church Afternoon of February 13th. Thero wlll be a St. Valentlne'a partyi for chlldren at tho Flrst Baptlst Churcla next Friday afternoon, February 13th, from 3 to 6 o'clocK. The entertalnment wlll bo under tho auspices of Mrs. George Cooper, oaslsted by the ladles oC the chu rch. Each chlld will recelve a valentlne.upon. presentlng a tlekct at the postofllce, whlch." will be In chargo of Mlss Elizabeth Knlght/ Eulallo Haskor nnd Kate Turpln. A prlze wlll be given to the chlld whe succoeda bllndfolded lu plnnlng a dart In the center of a largo "heart stratohed on ennvau. Another attractlon wlll be the> flsh pond. preslded over by Mlss Alta Cooper, Loulso Knlght, Kata and Amy Wlllianis. Tho eandy tablo wlll ba ln charge of Mra. Duko Putney, asalstod by Ellso Prlce, Mary Wortham and others. Ico cream and enke wlll be sold, and there will bo musle and recltations by MIssm Edna Stevena, Spreull, Blenner, Florence Lench, Genevleve Leach, Suslo Luck, Ell** nbc-th Allan nnd others. A plcasant tlm* is promlsed all who attend. Sum Grows Apace. Seoretary W. Bon Pulmer, of the Vet crun Cavalry Assoclatlon, makes the. followinj- report ot' funds recelved for tafc eroctlou of tho Stuart monument; Amount last roported, Fobru? ary lst.; 2,*10O.O? Mlss Mary ,\V, Halnos, Treasurar J. EX B. Stuart Chapter Daugh tcra of tho Confed oraey. Stattnton, Va. 26.00 Mrs. M. A. E, Wood brldge, Brevurd, N. O. 10.00 Colonel Jno. W. Gordon, clty . 100.00 Colonel NV. R. Johnson, Crescent, W, Va,. 20.00 Stover Camp, C. V? No. 20. Strasburgr, A'o. 10.00 Colonel A. C. Peay. clty 2.M - 173, OT Total . f2.M2.U