Newspaper Page Text
03 EAST BROAD STREET. OLDEST AND LARGEST R1US5C HOUSE IN VIRGIN1A, PUBLIC SCHOOLS Atovement Inaugurated Here by the Mt. Vernon Ladies Association. The VIce-Regent for Virglnia ln the Mount Vernon Ladles' Assoclatlon of the Union has Inaug-uratcd an eft'ort to place the portralt of Washlngton ln the publlc 6chools of Virglnia. The National Socloty of Colonlal I>amcs of Virglnia has rosponded flrst to her nppeals by the glft of twenty-lh'o ($25) dollars to thls end. Gilbert Stewart's last unf.nlshed plc ture, tho best likenesa known of Wash- ! lngton, ls tho ono selected. Tliese plctures wlll be h'ung In many of the publlc schoola before the 22d of Feb? ruary. They aro frhined in three-lnch flemlsh oal;, .slze twenty-slx by thirty Inches, and atttiched to each one In nar? row cormspohdliig frame. hungs tho me? morlal to Washjngton,, written by An drew Reed, nn Englishman, ln U33, nt -the -gruve of Washlngton nnd left by hlm for the. famlly at Mount Vernon. The-Je picturos may bo seen In thr* wln rtow of the Crnig Art Company on Street. Al] persons v.-hn dcslre to nid In plac ln:r admlrable plctures of Washlng? ton ln tho school may send contrlbutions to J. A, McGtlvray, Depnrtment of Pub? llc Instruclion, Rlehmond. Tho plcturen can bo seat to schools throughout tho State whoso superlnten dents wlll get them framed nnd properly hung upon tho walla *,f thelr school rooms. Hoping thnt there mav be many re sponses to thls call bef'ori! the 22d of February. I commend thls proji-et to i irginlans. ?. ? BMMA R. 15AIX, Aleo-Regcnt for Virglnia, .Mount Vernon Ladles' Assoclatlon. Sk. after vandals. Property at the Sitc of the Cathedral at the MeriHf pf Mischievous People. The bullders nnd contractors at work on the Cathedral bullding at Park Ave? nue nnd Laurei Streets are belng both errd very much .wlth vandals who brcak lnto the too] houses nnd scatter thlngs around, and who break nnd deface artl? cles of morp or loss n'nluo. The pollce axe looklng out for tho vnndalg. and Mnjor Howard has tnstruct' ed hls men to arrest all boys or incn ? peen at ihn place who have no blislnesa ?tliere. Favor the Mann Bill. The resolutlon that Uie temperanco .people aro passlng agalnst nny cotn promlse' of the llquor questlon refer lo such exiKJdlonts ns nlgh license nnr" the dispensary plan. The Mann blll Is heartlly enclorscd by the tomperance folks but the other proposttlon uppoarg to them lo bo temporlsslng wlth nn evll that de mamls more hurolc treatiuent. BACK TO JAIL Released Last Week to Go to the Funeral ofHis Chlld. Police Court Work. Joe Shortell dldtt't stay out of Jall long. Last week" he was reloased be cause of tlie death'of hls.vchlld and upon the plea of hls wife. who haa borne much for hlm. Yesterday ho was befora Justlce Crutohfleld agaln for drunken ncss and abuslng hls wife, nnd he was pramptly put under security for twelve months. Wllllam Burk, colored, was put under bonds for twelve months, and also sent on to the grand Jury on tlie allegation that ho snatched n poeket-book from Mrs. Allco Roberts on February 6th in stant, with itu contcnts, JS.25. Charles Teihple, who was nrrested with hiiri, was put under bond for twelve months ns a stisplcious churacter. J. H. Hobs'ori, colored, was placed un rtor bomls aaa also sent on to the grand jury for. break lnto tho houso of J. F. Wlley on 'February 7th. The case of Arthur Warrick, cplored, charged with entering tho house ot I'hlllp Metz on December 24fn,(-dhd tak lng a watch and chaln, and somo flan iK-ls, was eontlnued to the 11th for fur? ther evldence. Suslo Tyler and Mary Stowart, for flghting ln tht- street. were llned $3 each. T. W. Sheppard, colored, was Hned $5 for bolne disorderly in tho Second Statlon, and he pald the costs on tho charsre of assaultlng Henrletta Jackson. Nelson Hay was sent down for nlnety days for steallng a coat. Tom Harris pald Jl and coats for throwlng a rock at "Wlllle Thompson. B. H. Altera nnd C. W. Thomas. who were charged with fightlns in tho Klon dyko bar, paid the costs. of R. M. Tijrner, charged with selllngr llquor wlthout a license, went ovor to tho 10th, THE PROGRAMME AT GRACE CHURCH A Most Attractive One Has Been Arranged For the Morning ServiceThere. The muslcal proR-rammo at Grace Stj-cet Baptlst Church for tho mornlng servlco to-day will bo as follows: To'Deum. Marsh; We "Would See Jesus, Buch. "The Iloly Clty" will be sung by Mr. Haddon S. Wntklns. by r&queat of strangors In tho clty nt the night ser? vlce. Te Dcum In B Mlnor, Buck. The duot, "My Fnlth loolcs up to Thee," wlll be sung by Mlss Snead and Mlss Isn.-ics. Tho quartetto is composod of Mlss Snead, soprano; Mlss lsaacs, oon tralto; Mr. Haddon S. Watktns. tenor; and Mr. B. F. Cosby, basso. A TALK WITH MRS. NEWTON Lady Who ls Dolng a Great Work For Temperance. SOME OF HER EXPERIEN CES How a MInlstor Wns BroughttoEndorso Women Speaklng In Publtc. Is tho Wldow of a Oonfode . rate Offlcer. An Intervlow wlth Mrs. W. B. New? ton, State organlzor of tha W. C. T. U? who wlth Buch wlnsomeness nnd pathos moved a goodly audlenoa to tears on Baturday nlght, was ,vory Interestlng. Mrs. Nowton ls the wldow ot tlio lato gallant Captaln AV. B, Newton, of Staun? ton, and ls probably slxty yearB of age. She ls a lady ot exoellent culturo and attalnments and of a modost, unnssum Ing dlaposltlon and a gontloncss nnd franltness of domeanor that ls charmlng. She ls thoroughly ln love wlth her work and ls meetlng wlth pronounced suocess In all ports of tho State. Sho says sho Bhrank from golng on tho platform and prayed that she mlght not bo called to go ln thls actlve sorvlce; that sho dld not seo how she oould spoak ln publlp, but uiat when the organizatlon called for her sho was lmprcssed that It was the call of God and that, trustlng ln Hlm, sho has been glven strength, nnd through Hls provldenco has been ln strumental ln aoelng five thousand wo? men enllst ln the cause. SOME EXPERIENCES. Among the many Interestlng experl enoes related ls thls unlquo one. Sald sho: "I waa called upon to speak ln a church ln a 'Virglnia town, the pistor of -whlch was opposed to women speak? lng ln publlc, and while he was not ao tually opposed to our work he would not give us any practlcal encouragement. The church, however, was klndly ten derod the ladles of the town for our servlco. Tho mlnlster took a back seat. Ho dld not wlsh to be embarrassed or compromlso hlmself, nor dld I wlsh to embnross hlm for he had a right to hls oplnlon. At tho concluslon of tho ser? vlco I asked that he pronounce the bene dletlon. When he came forward, knelt besldo me nnd offered one of the most powerful and effectlve prayers for Ihe cause and the spoaltor I ever heard, and ono that has beon a benedlctlon to me. As ho arose fTom hls knecs he grnsped my hand warmly and wlth an Inllnlte tendemess of expresslon sald, 'Slster, God bless you and your work; you havo convertod me.' " Contlnulng, Mrs. Newton Bald: "All the opposltlon wo encounter comes from prejndlce or from lack of Informatlon ns to our organizatlon. There ls noth? lng fnnatlcnl about the W. C, T. U. Its lnsplratlon ls ln love for Chrlst and hu manlty. SEEK TO RECLAtM. "We scek to reclalm the wanderer, help tho wldows nnd orphans ot the drunkard, encourage and stlmulnto the woaa, and Inculcate tho prlnclple of to? tal abstinence from lntoxlcatlng bevcr ages and also to ald In creatlng a healthy publlc senV.ment agalnst the trnfflc ln tho same. There ls very little machlnerv about the organizatlon. It ls grand nnd potentlal ln Its very slmpllclty, and whenever wo get the unprejudlced au dienco of the people we make frlends." She says the temperance tlde I3 rlsing hlgher nnu hlgher. and she has great falth in the overthrow of the Hcensed llquor trnflle. Mrs. Newton wlll to-nlght hear Rev. E. H. Spoofier's speclal sermon to the Whlto Rlbboners, and to-morrow wlll be gln nnother tour of tho Stato ln the Interest of her gTeat organizatlon, whlch ls world-wlde In Its extont. HEBREW HOME. Meeting This Afternoon for Annual Elec tion of OfFicers. The Soclety of tho Hebrcw Home for Aged and InKrm wlll meet ln annual ses? slon thla afternoon at 3 o'clock at the synagogue, at 'whlch tlme ofllcers for the year wlll be chosen and reports read, Thls soclety ls a most actlve one, and has accomplishod much good. A full attendanco ls doslred. Neale?West. Miss Beulah B. West, the flaughter of tho late John B. and Constanco E. West and Mr. Thornas I. Neal, the son of J. T. and Mrs. R. E. Neale, were united In nmrrlngo Wednesday nlght at 9:S0 o'clock by the Rev. George Cooper at hls resl? dence, No. 4X4 East- Grace Street. The brlde was gownod ln a handsome blue tnllor-mndo sult wlth hat and gloves to match. They wlll resldo at No. 208 South Laurol Street. Death of Mrs. Behen. Nows ot tho death of Mrs. Mnggle Be? hen, slster of Policeman T. J. McMahon. -was recelved yesterday. Mrs. Behen was a'-nntlvo of Rlehmond. but has been Ifv ing ln Qulncy, Mass., for a long tlme. She had many frlends here who wlll be aorry to hear of hor death. FARM WORK DELAYED Farmers FearSprlng May Find Them Very Far Behlnd. SEVERAL SEINE FISHERIES A Hundred Man Were Noeded at Marl borough to Oporato tho Blg Outflt tha flrst Day?Mad Dog Scaro Oauscs Uneaslncss. (Spoclnl to The THium-DtupatclO COMORN. KrNO GBOROE COUNTY, VA., Feb. 7.?Owlng to tho unfavorable weather oondltlone ovor alnee Chriatmas, no form work of any klnd has been done here or tmywhero along the Potomao i.lope, and the farmers?tlred of a long forcod rest?nro boglniilng to fear that the advent of spring wlll find them be? hind hand with their operatlons. The months of January and February are generally devoted to ouch farxn work as repalrlng old and bulldlng riew fencea, grubbliuj tho flelda to be cultlvated t corn, burnlng brush, clear-ng up new ground, opentng low land drnlns, etc, with a llttle "wlnter plowlng" of rough sod land thrmvn ln. "When thla prellml nary, or "preparatory," work la not well advanced by tha mlddle of February, tlie openlng rJf aprlng, regular pdowlng and oat seoding tlme . finds the farmora very much pressed,' all manner of work de mandlng atfentton at tho same timo. Bad weather durlng the months of Jajiuary and February ls not only do trlmental to the Intorests of the farmers, but lt means "hard tlmes," temporarlly at lcast, for the laborlng classes. who are entlrely dependent upon the farmers for employment and dally broad. When all farmlng operatlons are susp-nded, nearly all the labor ln the rural dletrlcta Is necessnrlly ldle and wlthout lncome, The artlcle ln last Sunday's "Times Dlspatoh," under the cnptlon. "The BcBt Paper of All," Bhowing tho cost of getttng out Just one edltlon of tlio paper, opened tho eyes pt soores of rural readers, who had never before regarded the work as auch a herculeon task with a moncy onlay of such magnitudo. Some who could. not hltherto uee "why ipubllshers should charge 'high prices' for daily papers" havo changed thelr tune and now they "can't see why the subscrlptlon prlco ls not doublo what It is." SEINE FISHERIES. Soveral of the blg selne flshcries be gan operatlons on the Potomac early thls week; tho one at Marlborough, with about one hundred men ln placo the Qrst day to operate the lmmcnso outr.t. The selne near Pascapv.anzyCreak, this coun? ty. Is roported to havo caught thlrty odd barrols of large eat a-nd choice wlnter rock flsh on the second day of Its op? eratlons, and this lmnicnse catch sold ln Washington clty the next day for some thlng llke $300, It ls sald. There never was as much exclteraent and uncasinoss horo about hydrophobla as thero ls just now. many peraons. who never before manifested any concern about It, even when a "mad dog scare" has been going the rounds, are now very much cxerclsed on tho subject. and nntu rally so, for It ls bello-fod that a large number of dogs and farm anlmals ln this nelghborhood have been bltten by a. rnbirl dog In the past two weeks. If every animnl supposed to have been bltton devclops a case of hydrophobla, the dls easo wlll xtend over a larg area of thls county and cause heary losses to far? mers whose cattle and hogs were at tacked swne days ago. There Is a great diverslty of oplnion here as to whether or not the proverblal old weather varmlnt saw hls shndow at noon on the 2d lnstant, nnd splrltcd "argnimr-nts" on the subject are comrnon wherevtr sevoral persons are gathered. It Is ndmltted that "tho sun was ln slght" at 12 o'clock, but lt Is contended by mnny that it was seen only through a cloud, whlch, though thln, wns thick enough to prelude tho posslblllty of shadowp?espeeinlly moonack ahadows, Mrs. Emmn T. Hogan, of Montnna, Is n guest of her brother, Mr. H. B. Cogbiil. at Klng George Courthouse. Mrs. Hogan ls- a natlu-e of this county, and resided hero untll n few yoars ago, v when sho marrled and went "West. Soon after lo catlng ln Montana. her husband died, and she has sinco contlnued the conduct of a cattle ranch In that State. Thls ls Mrs. Ilopn's second vlslt to her natlve county and State slnco adopting Montana as her home. LITTLH BOT INJURFJD. A llttle son of Mrs, Lizzlo Burk, of thls nelghborhood, fell ln the yard of liis homo several days ago mashed the bones of one of his hlps so terribly that be is ln a precarlotis eonditlon. La grlppo in a mallgnant form is epl demlo ln many 'parts of thls county, and tho doctors, of whom thoro are but two in tho county, are wcrklng all day nnd much of the nlght. and find It a hard taak to mako a-round of thelr patlents once In every twenty-four hours. Pnou monia ls repcrted ln sevoral nelghbor hoods Mrs. Honry Mason and daughter, Mlss tJIount Mason. hoit-o moved from "Clevo land," thelr elegant home here, to Wash -__J Fr@? This Wc?k?a cup of Mocha or Java Coffee. The sale of Coffee in our store has become one of especial interest to ns, principally because the brand we carry is of an excelient quality, and all that have used it have found it to be exceedinply good and dellghtful in fiavor and odor. Our coffee is a genuine Mocha and Java Mixture, and would cost a great deal more in the grocery and tea stores. This coffee is imported especially for us, and therefore we can sell it for this re-' markably low price. All the leading hotels, cafes and restaurants, and hundreds of iamihes m lliehmoncl artf nsing it, and we nnd an increasing demand for it each day. We sell this Coffe in 11b, 2ffi> and 51b air-tight cans. ssa sa j?*?}L/* THE CHILDREN ENJOY Life ott-t of doora and out of tlie gamea whlch they play and the eaioy ment whlch they rccelre and tlie efforta whlch they make, comes tho greatcr part of that hcaHhful development whlch ls so csscntial to their happhicss when grown. When a laxative ia needed the remedy whlch ia , glven tothemto cleanseand aweetcn and atrcngthen tho liitcrnal organa on whlch it acts, should be sttclt ns physlciana would aanctlon, becattae ita component parts aro known to be wholcsome and the remedy itnclf frco frotn every objcctlonable qtiality. The one remedy which physiclarfk and parents well-lnformed, approve and rccommend and whlch tho llttle onca enloy* becattae of Its pleasant flavor, its gentle actlon and Its beneficial efFecta is-~ Syrup of Figs?and for the same reaaon lt Is the only laxative which should be uaed by fathers and mothera, , Syrup of Figs is the only remedy whlch acts gently, pleasantly and natttrally without grlping, irritatlng, or nattscating and which cleanses the aystem effectually, without prodttcing that constlpatcd hablt which resulta from the usc of the old-tlrao eathartlcs and modern itnttations, and agalnst which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would havo them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not glve them niedicines, when medlchiea nre not needed, and when nature nceda asalstance In the way of a laxative, giv<- them only the almple, pleasant and gentle?Syrttpof Figs. ' Ita quallty ls due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative prlnciplea of plants with pleasant aromatic Byrups and julces, but also to our orlglnal raethod of manufacturc and as you value the health of the llttle ones, do not accept any of the sttbstitutca which unscrupulous deal ers sotnctlmes offer to lncrease their profits. The genulnc articlc may be bought anywhere ol all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Pjease to rememher, the full name of the Company_ ^,.X^S> CALIFORNIA FIG SYR.VP CO.-la printcd on the front of every pack age. ln order to get its beneficial effects It ls al waya necessary to buy tlie genuine only, lngton. D. C, where they wlll hereafter reslde. Mr. Ogle Henderson, who has been on a vlsit to hls brother, ln Westraoreland. has returned to hls home, at Caah Cor ner, near here. Mlas Floronce Klnslnger, who haa been apendlng some tlme wlth frlends In thla county, haa returned to her homo, ln Goorgetown, D. C. Mr. F. P. Hamllton has returned to hla home ln tho National Capltal clty, after spcndlng a few days ln King George. Mts. Eliza Arnold. of the Port Con way nelghborhood. who has been 111 for two weeks past ls reportcd as belng stlll ln a orltlcal condltlon. News comes from Polnf, in tho lowor part of thls county, that Mra, Phlllp Pemberton, of that place, Is serlous ly 111 with pneumonlo. It was only a few months ngo when Mra Pemberton waa the only member of her large famlly who was not 111 wlth typhold fever, and when four of her chlldren subsequcntly dled of that dlsease. Dr. M. W. Mlnor, of thls place, who has been III for somo days past, *has recovered suftlciently to bo out SHELTERING ARMS Celebration of Founders Day at Rich mond's Free Hospital, Feb. 13.1 The management of the Shclterlng Arms Hospital makes the followlns announcemont: "Tho fourtecnth annlversary of. the foundlng of Bhelterlng Arms wlll bo cele bratod February 13th, at hospital bulld? ing, lCftl East Clay Street. For two years past, the annual dlnner on that'day has been suporcoded by a re llglous sorvlco, followed by a general re? ception to tho frlends of the lnstltutlon, who meot to recognlzo the help of uod In brlnging tho work thus far, and pray lng for hls guldance ln tho futuro and for tho contlnued generoslty of a publlc that has as yet nover failed to respond. At noon on Founders' Day. all denoml nattons assotnble to congratulato the workers on tho evident good already done and to devlso mcans for Its contlnuance. The minlstors from all the churches klndly Joln In conductlngr servlces of prayer and pralso. Tho whole lowor floor la thrown open. Tho minlstors, the cholr, tho hall are nll a reveront audlenco and completos a strlklngly beautlful scone. At the closo of the servlces, slrnple re freshments are served from a beautlful docorated tablo. Tho reception lasts from 12 to 6 o'clock. In tho mldst and part of all, the nbblo faco of the foundress, Miss Rebekah Peterkln looks down upon the sceno as If blesslng those who aro carrylng on tho work commenced wlth her liands, under so many dmicultlos, but now so prosporous. Theso occaslons havo hlthcrto beon blcssod by contrlbutlops most goncrous and gratlfylng, and aro devoted to the currcnt exponses of tho hospital, whlch nocossarily share tho genera] Increaso ln nll llvlng exponses. But the workers are not dlscournged! Rememberlng all I-Io has ralsed up from nothlng In behali of hls sick and needy, thoy bogln year wlth fresh strength and courage, hoplng for tho same throng of helpers, the samo dlvlne sympathy to touch the hearts of glad glvers for Foundor's Day, ?_ .,'8061 VIRQINIA SEASIDE Electrlc Lines May Add to Eastern Shore Progress. (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspntch.) FRANKTOWN, VA., February 7.-Tho ground hogs, If thero nre any over hero, saw thelr shndows Monday, but we bo Ueve thero aro no anlmals of that sort on tho Eastern Shoro, so it doos not mat? ter. Tho weather, however, has appa? rently broken. The farmers aro plowlng land nnd huullng thelr phosplmtos. There Wlll ho a larger amount of guano used thls year than ovor before ln tho hlstory of thls people. Tho oytrtor Industry ls enlarglng in both bay and seaalde. Although tho natural rnBks hnve boen donudeil, nnd most nf them have bocomo vulueless; yot tho plautlng Industry is expandlng and thou sands uf naras nro belng sot wlth tho lusclous btvalve. Prlces havo rangod hlgh thls sonson, nnd the men who push the oystor trude nro Jn good splrlU every. whero. There ls a qulet tallt among thlukinu peoplo of establlshlng a trolloy system of olectrlo onrs ln thls county. From Canovlllo to WIUIs' wharf on tho sonsldo there nre to he found vlllages every fow mlles, and on tho bayslde |a Tlollo Hnven, Wardtown, Frniiktowiv, Brldgotown, John sontown, Shadyslde, Sunnysldo and other growlng vlllugea, al) withln a t]lstnnco of twonty-flvo nilcs. Oystermon are buldlng WlClltt J SuccesBora to CONSTABLE BROTHERS, 903 E. Kaln Street. "Wo shall continue tho busi ness on the old lines. Shirls Made lo Order J. L. OBEBRY, C utter, who haa been with us for years. 's Furnishings, With. a New.TJp-to-Date Stock. With. Speclal Low Prlcoa. Ig< thelr homcs along all the shores, and thls system of electrlc cars, formlng a net work of tho country, Uko tho telephone system already extant, would prove a powerful foctor ln the matorlal develop moivt of thls already prosporous and healthy county. Labor ls growlng scarce In NOrtuarnp ton, and the farmers liavo appolnted agents to go to New York for the pur pose of socuring addltlonal labor for thelr farxns, whlch under the present system are growlng moro productlve every year. The Tlmes-Dlspatch comblno brlngs us a splendld paper, second to none on tho contlnent, and ls n falr exponont of the entorprlse of the capitol clty, Tho peo? ple here gTeet you. FROM CHATHAM The Smallpox Sltuation in Pittsylvania HaiGrown More Serious, (Speclal to Tbe Tlinos-DIspiitch) CHATHAM, VA., February ' 7.?The smallpox sltuation has grown muoh woTse ln tho county durlng the past few days. Hcretofore very llttle uneaslness was felt, and somo went so far as to say it was preferablo to vacclnallon, but the dlseaso is a very mallgnant typo, and doaths from it hai'o occurred In nearly every soctlon, the most recent belng thnt ot a negro, near Sandy Level, Tues day nlght, at wfrilch place there are more thnn twenty cases nt present. Several deaths have been rworted from tho ox treme southern portlon, near Danvllla, where lt la most prevalont. Drs. J. S,. Hailo. of this place, and R. T. Rawllngs, of Fmnklln J'unction, members of tho county Board of Health, wero ln Danvillo on Thursday to meet Chalrman J. "\V. Fuller, ot the Board of County Supor vlsors, to arrango to control tlio diseasos. Tho' recont ralna havo mado a vory fino tobacco Beason, and quito a number bt-pounds waa carrled to the Danivillo market thls week. Most of tho lnferlor grades hnve been mnrkoted, nnd the far rnorg aro holdlng thelr bost grnrlcu untll a rlso ln the marltot, whlch has been off considerably recently. arlndlng has been suspendod at the Eagle Rock M11|b, owing to a hreak down In the maohlnory, whlch wlll be replaced soon aa posslblo, Thla place was vlslted by a very hlgh wlnd storm Wednesday nlght, but as yot no damago has been reported. Rev. Rawley F, Treadway, accompanlod by hls wife and baby, left pn Thursday afternoon for Montgomory, Ala., whore Mr.- Trodway has accaptod a call. Mr. S- A, Clemont, who w?s itppolntcd to the Nnval Aoadomy from thls distrlct, left on Wedpesday for Annapolls to 'bo gln a preparatpry courso for tho Aprll oxamlnatlona, , .. ,? TO IDMIRERS OF "STOHEWALL" JACKSOfi. A few mcdalllons of thls dlBtlngulahed soldlcr. struck ln Parls durlng tho war by order of a dlstlngulshed Confederate Gen? eral for dlstributlon among Jnckson'* adtnlrers, nnd captured ln translt by th? U. S. blockndiiig Hqundron on a blockad' runner tho lost jcnr of the war. and ocqulred by n gontlcman of thls clty by purchaso at tho prlzo Falo shortly aftcr wards, aro of no uso to hlm, nnd he haa authorlzcd me to dlnpose of them. They aro on wldto nictal, the slzo of thls clrole, J? Bull Run, Front Royal. W'm chester, Sirasburg, Harri sonburg, Port Republic, Mechan j icsvilla, Cold Harbor, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Cedar \Moun!ain, Manassas, Sudtey, Har \per's Feny,Shepherdslown,Fred v ericksburg, Chantilly, Mar tinsburg, Aniietam, The Wilde, ness. ot exquJstto workmnnshlp, and havo a. plcturo of the lmmortal " Stonowall," with date of lirthand death on thu obvejto side, whlle the revorso contains tho name* of tho bnttlcs in whlch ho was engaged. I will cnll on unybodywho desirea bo pnr ehasc one on recojpfc of n postal. OP. YOUNG, 23 N, Lombordy St. Owing to the great num? ber of old plates in our e3 tabUahmeht, we are com pelled to destroy many of them in order to make room for tho new ones wo are taking every day. If you think you will want to have a duplicnte mado of the picture you hnd taken here please como in and advise us, so that we will aave "your" plato. DAVIS' GALLERY, 223 E. Broad. 817 E. Broad. MBggg 1 aazasBflgaBaBBCBai Y TO LOAN $10 and upwnrds loaned on Planos and household furniture, on the bulldlng and loan assoclatlon plan, whlch makes the cost much leas than you pay olaowliore, and allow you to pay lt off ln monthly pay raents, runnlng from one to twelve months. Qot others' rntea, then *eo ua Tldewater Loan and Trust Co. Sulto 83-34, Thlrd Floor, Merchants' Natlonal Bank Bulldlng, UC3 East Maln Street. Take Elevator, Tanner Paint 81 OIL CO., 1411. lilust Maln Streot. KICllMOND, VA., / COldl WATlfilt 1'AINTS. FLOOdl I STAINB, HRUSHBS, AND I>AINT? ' BRfl* SUFFLIHS,