THEATRES THJSWEEK Comlng Attractlons at the Academy and BIjou. A FAR-FAMED VIOLINIST Koclan Eagorly Awaited by Lovors of Music?Tho War-Play Winchester. Matlame Her_mann attho BijuU. ACADEMY ? Tu*flday, "Winchester." Saturday, Koclan. BIJOU?Madome Herrmann, all week wlth usual matlnees. The present thcatrlcnl season ls on the wane. Sprlng Is nearly a month off yet, but the slgns of the end of tho theatrlcaJ (neason are In the alr, and already leadlng: men, soubncttos, and all the rest, are beglnnlng to look about for a Summor engngement. Many com panlos closo In Aprll, and the month of showers Is so near now, to one whose salary enda shortly after All Fools' Day, that It ls tlmo to open the cyes to that fact. Thoro havo been some excellent attractions hero thls sea? son, and thcro aro qulte a number yet to come, though, f,rom now on, with the exceptlon of ono or two weeks, they wlll not orowd each other. Manager R. U Olffen -wlll not have a dnamatlc stock company ln Rlehmond for the sprlng and summer season. ln Btead, he wlll organlze a blg muslcal comedy company, whlch wlll nltemate between thls clty and NorfoUt, each pro duotlon belng put on for two weeks. 'A dramatlc stock company wlll probably be organlzed to flll In the tlme not occupied by the Olffcn Company. Un Iess that were done. or some other at troctlon provlded, every other week at tho Academy would be dark. The Muslcal Comedy Company wlll no doubt be wclcomed for those who know Mr. Glffen, renllzo that he wlll put forth every effort to g-lve hls patrons . the best productions posslble. The Glf? fen Company wlll open ln Norfolk on March' 23d and wlll be seen hore tho followlng week. Manager Wolls has not yet announced hls plans. but he has formcd the hablt of keoplng his hand on the pulse of hls patrons, and whatever ho does, he wlll no doubt grlvo the theatre goers here what they seem to want most, MOST SUOCESSFUL WAR PLA.Y. A. most successful war play Is promlsed for Tuesday nlght at the Academy of Muslc. It Is entltled "Winchester," and haa been written by Edward McWade. The drama wlll be glven nn elaborate productlon, wlth entlrely now scenery and accessories, In tho last act thero wlll be shown a "race for llfe," in whlch Miss Margaret May, a handsomo young Bctress, who has been spcclally en gagod, wlll appear wlth her famous jumplng horse. "Mazeppa," ln one of the most sensatlonal and thrllllng eplsodcs ever presented on the stngo. "Wln cheater" ls In four acts wlth tho scenes laJd ln tho Shenandoah Valloy, ln 1SC3. The Btory tells of Major Kearney (Ed? ward Mackay), a Northern offlcer, who ls -woundcd, and nursed back to health by Virglnia Randolph (Miss Margaret May), a Southern glrl. The herolne, a hlgh-splrltcd daughter of the famous Virglnia house of Randolph, falls ln love wlth the Unton army officer, who, to *whlle away the tlme, taught her telegraphy, at whlch sho bccomes an txpert Lator, she makes use of her knowl cdge, \aps a wlrc that runs dlrectly across the roof of her house, nnd from the cupalo takes all tho messnges seat between Winchester and Kernstown, thereby gettlng and sendlng to her brother, who ls a captaln ln the South? ern army, all tho movemeots of the Northern troops. She Is finally dlscov tred to be a spy, but tho men who knew tho secret do not use lt agalnst her, because they want evldence of dls honor, and, lf posslblo, to hang her lover, Major Kearney. Ho, therofore, Is aocused of belng the spy, ls court-mar tlaled, and sentcncd to be shot at sun rlso. Unde,r covcr of tho nlght the hero? lne rldea to Kernstown, havlng pro cured a pass through the llnes, con fesBQs to the general commandlng, and obtalna a reprleve, pendlng examlna tion. for her lover. After an eneounter, durlng whlch she shoots the vlllaln from hls horse. she arrlvcs Just in tlme to prevent the eiecutlon. Tho east la a strong one. and Includes such well known people as E. L. Snader, Edward McWade, J. W. Benson, John Gorman, Thornas Qulnn, Charles Schaeffer, Hen? ry "Walthall, Gny Bennett, Joseph Han na-way, Margaret May, Mlldred Man ners, Florenco Lytelle and many oth ers. KOCIAN HEHE TH7S WEEK. Bohemlan societles throughout the country are much Interested In the pres? ent vlsit of thelr talented countryman, Koclan, and aro eager to do hlm en'ery honor. The artlstie trlumph of thls won derful young vlollnlst, who ls barely elghteen years old, ls well known ln hls natlve country, and has traveled to this, so he by no means comes as a stranger, ln securlng Koclan for an Amerlcan tour, Manager Rudolph Aronson had to falrly drag hlm away from London managers, who were most anxlous to keep so great a favorlto wlth tho concert golng publlc throughout Europe for the blg concerts In London and Parls. Koclan wlll ap? pear here on Saturday, February 14th, at the Academy of Muslc. Koclan, who was a fellow-pupll of Kubcllk, was born February 22, 1SS4. When scarcely more than an Infant he dlsclosed n passlon for muslc, and, be? foro he had reaohed hls fourth year, was the possessor of a little flddle, from whlch--although it was llttlo more than a toy?ho contrived to educe muslc. Hls father, a schoolmaster, was an exceTleht muslctan, and lovingly nurtured the huddlng genlus of his son. He tnught hlm the rudlments of muslc and gave hlm useful Instructlons ln bowlng and flnger lng. thus laylng the groundwork for hls future cducaiion undor one of the fore most masters ln Europe. Koclan, who ls under the management of Rudolph Aronson, made hls Amerlcan debut on November 22, 1302, at Carnegle Hall, New Tork, ln conjunctlon wlth a grnnd orchestra of ono hundred musl clans, under Walter Damroscli's conduc torshlp. MADAMB HEItRMANNr AT BIJOU. Wlth the week's engagement at the BIjou Theatro, whlch wlll begln to-mor? row nlght, the season of vaudeville wlll close at thls popular -playhouse, Thls, of course. does not mean that there wlll not he other attractlons. for there wlll bo ' numerous travellng organlzatlons of the best class, but it does mean that loyers of vaudovlllo wlll havo thelr "last opportunlty of seclng thls stylo of en tertnlnment untll next season, Thls belng true, Manager Wolls has dotor ntlned that hls patrons shall have tho very best that money can secure so that the season shall end ln a blaze of glory, as lt were. He haa, therefore, er.jra.ged for the clos Ing week the organlzatlon headed by Mme. Adelaide Herrmonn and managed by Mr. J. K. Burke. In this bill there are seven acts, each of whlch is strong cnough to stand alone without headlln era, and yet thero are two of those acts which are of unusual strength. Both are well known in RJehmond, and as a matter of fact each is an odditlon to the vaudevilie stago of moro than pass lng Interest. In her latest and best creation, "Maglc of the Orlent," Mme. Adelaide Herrmann clearly demonstrates that she ls rightly entltled to tne namo? Quoen of Magric. All admlrers of the black art, and these are numeroua, are unanlmous in the oplnion that she is an artlst in her line without a peer. *?ne costumes her proOuctlon with marked flnlsh and everything she does Is mysti fylng and startllng. The other featura act of the entertalnment wlll be fur nlshed by Lottle Brandon ln a clrcultous and spectre-like dosh through space, en tltled "Looping the Loop," the majt son sational act presonted on any' stage. The other acts to be seen, each of which could be well featured, aro these. The Fitzgibbons-McCoy trio, who aro comedians and vocallsts of tho flrst water; Leroy and Woodford, whose act ls well known on almost every vaude vlllo stage in this country; Jennle Yea raa-ns, a comedienno who has been called "everybody's favorlte;" Sophie Burn ham, a colorateur soprano of much mr It, and the La Nolo Brothers, comedy ac robats. This is the bill whlch Manager Wells haa secured and which he promises to be fully In kecping with the reputatlon of his house for supplying tho best that can bo secured. Owlng to the large number of tickets ordered and not called for. such ticlteU will be placed on sal? promptly at l-ao oclock for matinees and 7:30 o'clock for night performances. Tho Norfolk Landmark sald of thls attraction last week: ??3hemrai\.by has anothor corklng good vaudovlllo show this week. The popular place of amusement was crowded to the doors last night, and it is only Justlce to the varlous acts to say that each and overy one scorod heavily. "The pcrformance commenced with the La Nole brothers. comedy acrobats, who presented somethlng new. They wore followed by Lo Roy and Woedford, who have ono of the best conversatlonal acts ever on tho Grnnby stage. Madume Adelaide Herrmann came next with her "maglc of the Orlent." Mme. Herrmann has now beon a lendlng firrure before the publlo for over three soasona and she has amply vlndlcated herself as tlio le gltlmate and loglcal successor ln maglc of lnto husband, Herrmann the Great whose namo stood for all thnt was eml nent in tho art of conjmring and illu sions. Mme. Herrmann has provnd not only that she lenrned sucoessfully tho eecrots of tho great maglelan, but also that she has talent and charm of a per? sonal nnture In her own rlght. Miss Sophie Burnham cliormed the aiidlence with her dellghtful slnging and waa forced to respond to numerous encores. She was one of the strongeBt features. Mllton and Dollle Nobles, who have not been seen ln Norfolk for several years, followed wflli thelr one-act comedy, en tltled "Wny Walker Reformed." whlch Is undoubtedly tho cleanest, funnlest and best thlng ln Its llne that lt has been the pleasure of Norfolk theatre-goers to witness since the Granby was bullt. They recelved a curtain call at the fln lsh, whlch was well deserved. Miss Jen nle Yeamans. bllled as Amerlca's come dlenne, caught on from the start. Her act has the stamp of orlginallty and pleased everybody. The porformance closes wlth tho Fitzglbbon-McCoy trlo ln a muslcal sketch entltled "A Mlschlevous Brother." It is full of laughs and closed tho show wlth a hurrah." GEORGE FAWCETT COMPANY. No theatrical productlon New York has ever had caused more of a sensatlon than dld the productlon of "Ghosts" by the George Fawcett Company, with Mary Shaw, at the Manhattan Theatre, where the famous Ibsen play ls stlll runnlng. Its success as an artlstic effort was un equivocal, while the 'play as - a wholo came ln for an extraordlnary amount of attentlon. Invectlves were hurled upon it unanlmously by the dramatlc critlcs, while those same crltics declared that so long as lt had to be played, no better company could have been found to play lt. ? Mary Shaw, who wlll oontlnue for a long tlme under the dlrectlon of George Fawcett, the Baltlmore actor-manager, was compared to Duse, Bernhardt, Mrs. Flske, and the other gTeat women whose art has swayed the world, while tho bup portlng company, conslstlng of Mnurice Wilktnson, Frederlck Lewls, Charles A. Gay and Vlrginln Kllne, recelved the highest praise. Broadway Is loath to be lieve that there are many great actors who have never been seen on Broadway. but on thls occasion lt was admltted wlthout questlon. Frederlck Lewls, par tlcularly. in hls Interpretatlon of the son. was clamorously applauded ln the publlc press. In vlew of this great suecess ln New York, lt ls posslble that "Ghosts" may bo sent to all the principn] cltles of the country wlth this some east. Thls may be several weekH off, however, as lt ls now announced that the New York en v'lgement wlll bo lndeflnlto. -The blg; cltles to be covered on a tour, If one Is undortaken, wlll embrace Boston. Phlla delphla, a return to Washlngton, a re? turn to Baltlmore. Chicago and all the other principal cltles. The George Fawcett Company, with Frank Gllmore, whlch ls now playlng Atlanta and Blrmlngham, wlll return to the headquarters. Chase's Theatre, Bal? tlmore, very soon, and then the com? pany, wlth Mr. Fawcett hlmself nnd Porey Haswell, wlll eo over tho clrcult. On thls Southern trlp tho company wlth Mr. Glllmore has mot wlth phenomenal suecess oyerywhero lt has played, wlth the result that lt ls to be strengthehed and contlnued as nne of Mr. Fawcett's principal ,enterprlses. Miss Lucllle Ln Verne, ono of the great est eharncter no.tressos the cnuntry knows. wlll Joln the company withln a few weeks and will be seen ln all tho productlons. Her nrt has won tho liigh ost prnhe from dminatlo orltlcs all over , the country. NEW SYSTEM OF LIGHTING The Streets of Cape Charles to Be Lald With Malns. . /..? i ?: (Spoclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CAPB CHARLES, VA., February 7.? Mr.'-- Rumblo, of tlio Ponhnylvaniu Gua Llght Company, of Philadolphla, cloned a fieal to-day with Mr. C. A. 'i'ravls to fur? nlsh hlm a plant nnd power for thopur poso of llghtlng the business sectlon of Ohla city, It Is proposed to lay malns through the BtrcotB, for whlch ho '< has eecured a franchlae ^roin tho City Cijiun oll, thoso malns to ' . tapped by those; de airing to avail r ^yelvos of tho pew llght. Mr. Trav'-? already mado don traotB with most of the buslness housea und txpeots to begln work on tho.pliknt ln a week or ten days. The new llght ls somothlng slmllar to acetyllne, but much softcr and brilllunt. POLITICS. Mr. Otho F. Mears ls out ln a card an nounclng hls determlnatlon not to accept a renomlnatlon for Commonwealth's At tornoy, ^Followlng Mr.' Mears' deollnatlon ls the announcemeiit of Mr, T. U. Robort sou, of tho Eastvllle Herald, and John D, Nottlngham, Jr,, for the olllce, Tho announcement of Mr, Nottlnghnm aa a candldate for Commonwealth's Attor ney settles the questlon ot tho father, Hon. John E. Nottlnghnm, member of tho Hcuso, standlng for re-eleotlon, as lt ls hardly thought father and son would run nt tho same tlmo for dlfferent oftlces, and thls wlll strengthcn the chnnces of Dr, Charles Smlth, who ropresented tho county sovoral terms In tho House und who Is a. candldate agnln as floater dolegate, Tho outiook for a llvoly catnpalgn was nover brlehter, and thoro wlll ovldontly bo a llvoly aoramblo for all county ofllees. Mr, J, B. Bell and Edward W. Nottlng tiam, representlng dlfferent sootlons ot the county, aro out as candldatas for com m saloner of tha_ revenuo, while Messrs. Hlram B, Wlllinms and Benjamln Not tlngham,' also llvlng ln dlfferent seotlops. are canaldates for tn? s?m? oflloo, and Mr. Charles H. Savage, of Cape Charles, wlll be a candldate on hls own hook. In explanatlon of two men belng nsso ciatod together for this office, lt has gen? erally been customary for'a man ln the upper part of tho county to joln forces with a lower county maii, pool Uielr In terests and emolumonts of the offlco. John Smlth, colored, was arrestcd rod handed thls mornlng about 'J o'clock ln the storo of EJ. J. Twiford, trylng to aecure an entrance to hls safe. Smlth waa com mitted for tlie actlon of tlie grand Jury. A SL1CIC BWLsDLlfl. A allok swlndlor, under the name of Smlth, has duped several of our people on the Eastem Bhore. His schome Is to represent hts beat belng aBhore ln Borno nearby creek or Btrcam, leaded with olams or oystors, and soliclt boiiio boatmen to transfer the cargo nnd market thom, pnying hlm a nomlnal siun for the same. In several lnstanoea tho money has been pald, but no strandod bnat has yet nmte riwIUed at the polnt dcalgnated by tha slit.. indlvldual. Smlth Is accenipanled by a womnn whom ho olalma as hls wlfo. and la now on tho "Westeru Shoro, where no doubt he wlll ply hls llttle fllm-flam gamo. Mr. A|jel I.awson, a hlghtly respoctod cltlzen of the county, ls sorlouely, 111 with pneumonla. REV. MR. SPOONER WHITE R1BBONERS An Address to Be Dellvered by Him To-Night at Trinlty Methodist Church. Rov, George (H. Spoonor wlll dellvor a speclal dlBcourso to the Whlto Rlbboners at Trinlty Methodist Church to-nlght, and doubtless a largo nudlenco wlll groot hlm, The sermon on tompernnco recently preached by tlio popular mlnlster at Lclgh Street Biuptlst Church has been greatb* compllmented. " "* Mr. Bpooner Is fully abronst wlth the tomperanco tldo. and. hls dellverance aro goins of loglo and oloquenco, Tho resolutlon recently piiased by East End W. C, T. V. commondlng tho pro nounced Btand of the pulpit on the tom peranuo seutlmeiit, reneota the sentlmo'at of the cntlre White lut>bon Army. BROAD AND FIRST E. T. FAULKNER COMPANY THE DAYLIGHT CASH STORE BROAD AND FIRST SPRING GOODS SALE! PRICES THAT STAND FOR ASTONISHING VALUES 1 This is'a carofully thonght-out salo, in which monfchB of offort fuicl thoir culmination in tho shapo of a most complote variety of unmatched bargains. Eomember, it pays to buy your goods hero. Somo of the special values are i 33% Per Cent. Less than Regular Price. Figured Striped Madras, Striped Nainsook, Striped ' Pique Madras, was l5cto 19c, now 11c. A SKIRT SALE. New Line. A Walking Skirfc for $3.79. Stltchcd Sbraps, ln fjray, bluo and black;, A Walking Skirb a.fc $4.98. Sliapcd bands and A Dress Skirt for $9.50. Klltcd seams,' grnpo triminlng. SILK WAISTS. Price Wonders. ; $3.98 BrUliantine Waist, $2.50. Cream homstltchcd tuoks. $5 Peau d6 Boie Waist, $3.50. Tucked front, back and collar, largo sleeves. $6.50 Taffeta Waist, $5.00. "" Accordlon-pleatcd front, bnck and sleeves. $12.50 Barathea Silk Waist, $11. Hand embroidered box pleata. SPECIAL DRESS QQODS SALE ?UNHEARD OF PRICES. I Colored Dress Qoods. Speclal Prlccs. An Etamine for 39c. All colors; these aro worth 60c. French Batiste at 48c. Thirty-elght lnches wlde. 89c Mohair at 75c. Forty-four Inchea wlde. $1.00 French Voile at 89c,* These are speclal, 40 lnches wlde. Sail Cloth for $1.00. Just the right thlng: for sepa rate slcirts. . Cream Dress Goods. Albatross afc 39c.* All-wool, 3J lnches wlde. Corded Batiste at 50c. All-wool, a Hne cloth. 89c Melrose for 69c. i Forty-four lnches wlde. iEolian Cloth for 75c. A nne Silk Warp fabrlo. Wool Crepe de Chine, $1.00 Thls la a speclal number. Black Dress Goods. dreat Valucs. A Whipcord. at 50c. Ail-wool, 86 Inohes-wlde. Crepe Cloth at 75c. AJl-wool, 44 Inohes wlde. 75c Batiste at 69c. 1 Thls ls speclal; lt ls 44 Inohes wlde. 89c Kersey at 75c. Splendld value for skirts. AMelroseat $1.00. Thls ls as good value as the one above. SPRING WASH QOODS SALE UNKNOWN PRICES. Percales. New Prlces. 10c Percales at 83c. Llght spring patterns. 12^Percales for 10c. These are soft flnish. Gralatea Cloths, 15c. Strlpes and solld colors. Crinkle Crepons at 12hc. A full llno of colors. Grendalin Crepons at 10c. A large llne of colors. Madras. New Prlcea. Amoskeag Ginghams at 10c New sprlng stylea. Toile duNord Ginghams,122 New sprlng styles. French Madras at 15c. Tnls ls a low price. Scotch. Madras at 21c. . Sheer and clear new prlntlngs. 39c Silk Gingham at 25c. Scotch checka. Oxfords. New Prlces. Mercerized Oxford at 15c. "Whlte grounds, ln rlngs and dots. Mercerized Madras at 25c. The newest colorlngs. A Soisette at 25c. "White . and colored grounds. Mercerized Oxford at 33c. A silk-lllce) weave. Mercerized Oxford at 45c7 Thla la a heavler weave than tlie one above. BROAD AND FIRST E. T. FAULKNER COMPANY THE DAYLIGHT CASH STORE BROAD AND " FIRST VIRGINIA UGHTWOOD Barrel of it Sent to Wilkes barre. Pa. as Curiosity. NEWS FROM YORK COUNTY Oysters Fatter Than Usual Thls Sea? son and Quantities Gathered?Glou cester Minister Assisted in Car rying District for the "Drys.\ (Speclr.' to Tho Tlmes-Dlspiitch.) YORKTOVSN, VA., Feb. 7.-Vlrginla, "llghtwood" ls an ?unknown quantlty ln tho hllly roglon of Wllkcsbarro, Pa. Miss Annle Olcutt, a former resldent of York town and now engaged ln school-work ln tho Keystono State, wroto Mr, G. E. Bryan a few days ago of thls pltlablo condltlon of lgnoranco wlth the reauest to forward her a barrel of the apllnters as curlosltles, to be dlstrlbuted among her ; many frlends. He rcadlly complled and cut down a masslve plne, whose trunk contalned only about three inches of sap, out of threo feet dlanietor, and forwarded the barrol of fat chlps ns re questcd. The U. S. tralning shlp Lancaster, It ls now learnod wlll lay here durlng tne months of Fobruary and March, thla har bor havlng b?w asslgned her as a baso of operntlons, tnd' as target-proctlca grounds. Aotlce operatlons In ngrlcultural affalrs aro now the orders of the day among the farmers. tho crop of early peas gottlng tlie . blggest shura of attentlon. Largo quantities of snod and fertlllzora arrlvo daily,' Seed tlme wlll bo ln full blast ln a couple of weelw at least, The lusclous York Rlvor oyster, oele brated far' nnd near for Its flavor and flno entlng quulltles ls bettor now than over, fatter than usual. owlng to tho extrenioly low tldes. Tlio Ushermcn of thls vlolnlty are g*t tlng thelr pond nots liKjihapa to entrap tho bony herrlng and toothsomo sliad whlch wlll soon bo here on achedule tlnue. FyKea are gettlng to be used more than ever now; thoy aro glvlng exoellent re? sults. The Chesapoalce StoamBhlp Compnny's gteamep "Choiiotte waa aguln delayed by fog in Ohosapeako Pay aiul was deluycd ln maklng hor landing durlng the mlddle of tlie week. Tho fog httH been a serlous msnace to navlgatlon more than usual durlng thla wlnter, as the vesHols of thls llno, raroly, If ever, fall vtotlms to tlils specles of nmrltlme danger. OYSTER BIRK'KUNa, Mr, J. C. Thpmpson, nanager for R, KJ. Roberts Co, oyster-shucklng house has Just returnod from a trlp to Baltlmqro, whora he went u* make, ?*'? regular ( monthly aettlemsat. Durlng Jonuary tho flrm slnickeri 50OO bushels of the blvaJvo, a remarkably hea.vy output .for the flrst month of tlio enterprlso. Indlct.tlona are that 'ere long tlie Qloucester Shore will be dotted with packlng plants of all klnds and descrl.Ptlons. Roy. Dr. Graves and Mr. Klchard Brls tow of the Gtoucester Munford Bank lng Oo. ' have been visitlng Glaucester Polnt durlng tho week. Mr. Frank Power, accompanled by Mra. Power, were vlsltora here durlng tho mid dle of the week, Mr. Power is a son of the late Dr. Robert Power, so promlnent in this sectlon about fifteen or twenty years ago. Hls vlslt to the scenes of his boyhood is occasloned by the dopreda tlons of people on his large tracks of tlm ber land. He is now a natlve ot Atlanta, Ga., havlng amassed conslderable w.ealth as a publlc contractor In that clty. Mr.- Geo. B. Bryan has beon visitlng frlends and relatlves ln Norfolk and New port News for the past weoV or ten days. Mlsa ,Harrletto Cowles Is flnishlng the unexpired term of Hunts' week school made vacant by the roslgnatlon of Mlss Nellle Oray, who deellned to complete tho schooi year owlng to the enfeebled eondi? tlon of hor health. Miss Cowles is from Hampton. * SOCIAL OPTION. News recelved here in last few days state that Mr. R. K. Mlnson who left here some elght or ten years ago to accept a positlon with tho Southern Paclflc Rail? road, and who up untll last Soptember was travellng passcngor agent with head quarters at San Francisco has just re slgned hls posltlon and gone lnto copper minlng at CUtton, Qraham county, Arl zona. Rev. Wm. B. Lee. rector of the parlshes of Abington and "Ware In Gloucostor coun? ty, spent the week here and took an ac? tive part In the lato local optlon flght whlch resulted ln the dlstrlcts going dry. Mr.. Wlnnle Rowe the popular agent nt Glouce.ster Polnt is agaln able to bo out after a prostratod spell of Indlsposltlon. Mlss Bottle, daughter ot Capt. J. Ash has fully receoverod from tho lato attack of measlos, with whlch she has been afTllcted. Hon. J. F. Hubbard, judge-elect of thls circult, who hns been qulte slck for somo tlme post has reconclled sufflclently to bo In town durlng the mlddle of the week. Hla health ls greatty Improved and he ls agaln able to attend to hls professlonal dutles. Mr. E, T. Matthews of Surry, Va. spent a couple of days on buslness here durlng the week. Mlss Clara Sanderaon has been replao Ing Mlsa Josophlne Glbba, as central at the Chesapeako Telephono Co's offico at Grafton. Va. for a few daya, Mlsa Olbbs ls aufferlng from a sllght attack of tho .grlppe. NEQROES RESTLESS Many Leaving for Other Parts?Mrs. Loth III. (Speclil to Tli* Tluiea-Dlipiitch.) WAYNESBORO, VA, Feb, 7.-For some reason thero apaears great unrest nniong tho negro population of thla and Albemarle countles. Many aro leavlng nnd have left fer other parta. Aaked the rea*on, some say they are going to a Btate where tliey wlll be al lowed to vote. Burglors ente/'od Whlte's dry gaoda store lost pigVA between tha houra of 4 and 5 o'clock, steallng shoes and other wearlng apparel. No arrests. The handsome Templeton homo, oa Wayne Avenue, la now . flnished and wlll soon be ocoupled. Mr. Harry Hogshead, of the flrm ot Hogshead Brothers, Staunton, has ppened a very attractlve drug store on" Maln Street. ? v^ Mrs. W. J.- Loth, who has many Rleh? mond frlends. aa she formerly resdded there. has been dangerously 111 for ten days. Bverythlng that emlnent physl clans and skllled nurses can do la be? lng done, but her condltion is thought fcery crltlcal. TO REPAIR AT ONCE Mrs. Gill Lost No Time ln Clearing Up from the Fire. Mrs. GIU, superlntendent of tha Mala Orphan Asylum, lost no tlme yesterday in gettlng thlngs ln shape after the flre, whlch destroyed the green house, and la havlng the debrla removed. She had her boys early on the ground, and plumbers and carpenters were scoa at work repairing thlngs. The loas wlll probably reach (1.500, while Mrs. Glll sald yesterday she would begln at onca. to ask the frlends of the instltutlon to contrlbute. Offlcera of the assoclatlon and mem bers ot the Board of Dlrectors went out to the home yesterday ahd authoriaed Mrs. Glll to proceed at onco wlth th? ropalrs. Among the plants destroyed by the flre were a number of valuatole ones belong Ing to cltlzens who had them kept thero durlng tlie wlnter. NEW LADIES' CIRCLE WILL BE INSTITUTE1? Since the Instltutlon of a Ladles' Circla of tho Drulds on Church Hlll by Joffer son Grove, the movement has taken a most enthuslastlc hold ln the West End* and In tho near futuro a slmilor organi* zatlon wlll adorn that sectlon of the clty, Belvldero Grovo. No. 24, ls perhaps the most Interested In thls movement, and are aldlng tho commlttee, who aro work. lng ln every way possible. , On Frlrtay evenlng, February 27th, tho team wlll give a seloct ball ln BelvUltre Hall, the proceeds of whlch wlll be used for rogalln for tho team, The Bartenders' Union. The Bnruvidera' Union meets thls af? ternoon lu Murphy's Annex In regular sesslon. Elghteon new membera wlll bo tiilmltt.-d' and a number of appllcatlona wlll he acted upon. The committeo whlch haa tho ball in chorgo wlll mak? a report, wbloh wlll ahow that tha movement haa met wHh phenomenal euccesa. ? The union nmv Includes ln Its member. ?hlp nearly every whlto bartender of tha clty. .DRUO'AhpifcTibrts.-: 403 N 12 V ST. HICMMfiND WA