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SHOULDER WAS CLEFT IN TWAIW Barkeeper is Fearfully Cut by a Negro. THE ASSAILANT MADE HIS ESCAPE Carrying Hls Murderous Knifc | Along With Him. W0UNDED MAN IS OF JHERCULEAN STRENGTH The Negro Struck Hls Terrlble Blow >fVith His Keen Blade, Shearing Through the Shoulder Down to the Bone?Another Serious Wound Also Inflicted. Likely to Recover. as a result of 'a1 mlsunderstandlng ln a IwJTOom at the corner of Elghth and Cary gtreots last night at 7:30 o'clock, Axmegeo, known to hls assoclates and frlends as "Mike," Correlrl, tho proprietor of the place, ls now conJlnod to a bed at the Retrcat for the.Slck, sufforlng from two liorrlblo knlfe wounds, whlle Wllllam Straus, a negro well-known to the pollce, ls a fugir.lvo from justlce, with every offloer l.i tlie clty maklng a strenuous offort to nppreliend him. Whlle tlie physlcians rogard the wounds of Correlrl as qulte sorlous, they aro not looked upon as nectssarfly fu/tal, and Btrong nopes are ontortalnod for hls re covery However, ho wlll probably loso the use of his leit arm, the knlfe having almost separated this member from the body at the sholder, Dr. Flegenhelmer, of tho ambulance corps, givlng lt os his oplnion that" the wound is the worst he hns ever seen. v OVER THE HEART. The other gash from whlch tho saloon man is suffering ls u short cut over tho heart, but whllo tho locality of tho wound ls dongerous no grave apprchensions are entertalned on its account, for tho blado was diverted from the vital organ by cotnlng In contact with a couplo of rlbs. Tho assnult upon Correlrl, who ls an Itollan and who enjoys a good reputatlon with tlio pollce, was most cowardly, tho negro ntteraptlng hls Hfc upon the sllght est provocatlon. after curslng and abus hlm amost boyond endurance, The fellow-countrymen of Correlrl, ncarly all of whom were apprised of the -assatrit shortly after it happened, are hlghly indlgnant. They are lending every issistance in thelr power to tlie polico tt> capturc the would-bo murderer, and it s thouglit that suecess will crown their ?fforts. CAUSE OF THE CUTTING. The dlspute whlch resulted ln the cut tlng orose over one of tho patent hitting machliies, such as are seen in most every ?oloon. They aro so arranged that when t penny is put In tlie slot a person can itrlke a huge leatker padded bag with all ?f hls might, the strength of the u.ow Doing recorded on a dial. Unleja tho money is flrst put in tlie slot lt ls ruln >us to strlke the bag. Straus entered tho bar last nlght ln company with one or two other negroes. Ho purchased a "short," after which he turned hls attenUon to tho macTiine. For flvo or ten mlnutes he pounded on the'* bag, ,failing to doposlt the ponny In the slot. He was cautloned to cease hls -"KCntak, but pald no attentlon to the re quest, which camo from Correlrl, who was behtnd the bar. ' Flnally, tl*ed of. havlng hla request ignoredt dnd'' seeling hls machlne torn to pleoes, Correlrl enmo from behtnd the bar to insial that tho negro leave' tlie place. For thls he was roundly curscd nnd abusod, aa a result of whlch he struck the negro a comparatively aoft blow with hi3 list. PUIiDED A HUGE KNIFE. Straus was evldently expectlag thls, and was bent on goltlng trouble. In Ies3 tlmo than it tokes to tell ho pulled a huge knife from hls clothes, maklng two slashes at the Itollan. Both had thelr eftect, tho ilrst ciiterlng tho body just above the heart and glanclng off tho libs. Tho other entered nt the shoulder from the rear, and sinklng to the Joint. almost severed the member from the body. Correlrl bled profusely from both .wounds; Straus mado good hls escape by dart ing out of the front door and disappcar lng up Cary Street. Ho went towards Penltentlary Bottom. The ambulance was notltled and rc Bponded qulckly, Dr. Flegenhelmer belng ln ehorgo. He rendered what assistunco he could on the spot. after whlch tlio wounded man was taken to the Retrcnt for tho Slck, where for four hours tlio physlcians wero engaged ln ssewing up tha wounds. Correlrl is a rnan of Herculcan .strcngth, nnd could easljy have dlsposed ot tho negro had riof tho knlfe como lnto play. i TROUBLE AVERTED IN COMMITTEE But for tho lnterventlon of frlends thero, would havo been trouhlo ln the commlttee for Counties *at tho Capitol 5'esterday afternoon, and aa It was, blows were narrowly averted. For somo time tho commlttee has had under considora? tlon a bill offered by Senator P, F. St. tNnlr, of Oiles, to annul tho result of a lecent eleotlon held in Pulaskl, ln whlch the peoplo of the county voted to pur chase a certaln Iron brldge. Tlie su pem-isors opppsod the actlon and dewlrod lt annullc-d l>y leglslittlvo actlon. Mr. Thornton U Massle and Comrnon weallli'B Attorney Draper appoared Bstablfshed a Century Ago. . Wedding Qlfts. \A/B have procured for thls Wedding Season many beautlful artlcles whlch can not be dupllcated or found ln any other store ln the United States, B&"Upon satis/actory references we will be pleasea to send goods on approval. Qalt <St Bro., Jeweters, Sllversmiths, Statloners, 1107 Pennsylvanla Avenue, Washlngton, D: C. for tho blll yesterday afternoon, reprosentlng tho supervlsors, and Mr. Henry Elnsteln, of Radford, had just left tho stand as a wltness. Mr. Mas slo was addresslng the commlttee when Mr. Elnsteln mado objoctlon to some statements he had used oonccrnlng tho lo catton of the latter'a county, nnd a dls puto resulted, In whlch Mr. Masslo con tcnded that Mr. Elnstoln's denlal reflectcd upon hlm. Qulek as n flash he went ovor tho tablo for tho Radford man, nnd but for tho prompt steps takon by others ipres eht a flght would undoubtodly hnivo en sucd. When tho inoldent had closodv the commlttee lmmedlately orose wlthout taklng any actl'on on the blll. SENT A TELEGRAM TO MRS. J. L. M. CURRY Tho VlrglnlafcHlstorlcal Soclety hold Its flrst meetlng laat nlght Blnoe the annual eloction of ofllcers. One of tho most In? terestlng actlons was tho decislon to send a tclegram of sympathy to Mrs. J. L. M, Curry, on account of the serlous lllness of hor husband. The message noted that the soclety learned wlth ploosuro that he was better In the afternoon, and hoped for hls spoedy restoratlon. Dr. Curry haa beon a vloo-presldent if the soclety for between ten and flfteen years. At tho meeting last nlght Vlce-Presldent E. V. Valentino proslded, in the absenco of Prcsldent W. Gordon MoCabe, who ls out of tho clty. Tlio sesslon was taken up malnly ln routlno* buslness. SPLENDID NEW TRUCK REACHES RICH/Y10ND Another piece of valuable and mucli neoded pleco of firo apparatus was added to the Rlehmond Flre Department yester? day afternoon, whon tho now aerlal .truck was placed ln commlsslon. Tho truck ls a gem and ls ono of tho most improved pattern nnd wlll comparo wlth anythlng ln the South ln the way of fire npparatU3. TfTo truck ls of the extenslon order nnd ls soventy-flve feet in liolght when fully ralsed. Tho truck was purchasijd several months ngo at a cost of ahout $0,000 and reached the clty Frlday mornlng. It ls -slatloned at No. 2 truck-houso, nt Elghtconth and Grace Stroets, where lt ls in eosy reach of tho blg manufac turlng dlstrlct. Dr. Le Cato Better. Delegato S. "Wllklns Matthews, of Ae comao, ls ln reeelpt of a letter from Senator Georgo "W. Le Cato, who ls In Florlda, for hls health, in whlch tho lat ter says hls oondltlon Is much Improved, and that ho wlll probably bo able to bo ln hls seat by tho otid of the month. Thls Informatlon wlll bo gladly recelved by Dr.- Le Cato's frlends ln tho Legislature. Heptasophs' Benefit. The organizatlon known as the "Lady jMlnstrels," that recently (lllod a very suc cessful engagement at the Academy, wlll shortly ghve a benefit to the Heptasophs of thls clty. A commlttee reprosentlng thls lodgo haa placed the matter ln the hands of Frofessor Melvlllo Danlcls and Mosos Steln, who wlll tako chnrge of the productlon. Dignlty of Labor. Rev. W. T. Johnson, pastor of tho Flrst Baptlst Church (colored), wlll ad? dress the "Womnn's Leaguo Tralning School next Thursday nlght on "Tho Dignlty of L?abor." Young Declared Sane. (By Assoclatcd Press.) NEW YORlv, Fobruary 7.?William Hoopor Young, on trlal for tho murder of Mrs. Anna Klngston Pulltzer, was declarod sane to-day by a commlsslon of lunacy, composed of Drs. Fllnt," McDon ald', and Dana, appolnted hy Judge I-Ior rlck. THE UNION MEN WIN THEIR FIGHT Street-Car Men In Moutreal Gain a Victory by a Compromlse. (By Assoclatcd Press.) MONTREAL, February 7.?Tho Btreat railway strlko was sottlod thls afternoon at a conference botweon atrlko loaders, represcntatlves of tha street railway com puny and niemberB of Iho clvlc commlt? tee. Tho strlko leaders aecoptod tho offer mado by tho company to glvo tho men ah Incroase of 10 per cent ln wages and to pormlt tho organizatlon of a union. A better undcrstnndlng of the condltlons whlch caused a break ln negotlutions car ller in the day was rcuchod. Whllo n union wlll bo pormltted lo exlst It wlll not ho olllclnlly lecognlzed by tho coni I'lttiy. All tho dlschargod men wlll bo re InsUitcd. ^ The cominltloo promlsed to do nll ln lfs power to Induco tlio mon to roturn to work at once. Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear. THE FAMILVS FAVORITE MEOiOINE BEST FOR THE BOWELS\ AU , DroetlsU W. J. BRYAN DECLINES i ? . i He Wlll Not Attend Banquet With Cleveland. TO BE NO LOVE FEAST Iroquois Club of Ohicago Had Put Down on Its Llst Many of the Most Eml nent Democrats of the Country. (By Assoclated Prefls.) CHICAOO, February 7.-Wllliam J, Bryan to-day declared he wouid refuse to nttend any banquet to whlch Grover Cleveland was to be lnvlted. Colonel Bryan's decloratlon was made through an intlmate frlend to the offlcers of the Iroquois Club, whlch Intended to In vlte Bryan, Cleveland nnd other Demo cratlc leadera to a banquet to be hold on tho annlversary of Jackson's blrth day, Marcih 16th. It had been proposed to mako thls banquet tho occaslon1 for a natlonal Dem ocratlo love feast. The Banquet Com mlttoo of the club had prepared a llst of promlnent Democrats lo whom invltatlons wero sent to mako addresses. Tho flrst namo on the llst was that of former Presldent Grover Cleveland. The second ono was that of \V. J. Bryan. Mr. Bryan pawed through the clty to day on hls way to Indluna. He saw the llst of speakers that was publlshcd In the mornlng papers nnd lmmediatoly de? clared that he would not attend any banquet where thero Is neod of Invltlng anyono olse at which Grover Clovcland is to bo present. He rcquested a friend to liave his name stricken off the llst of thoso who were to bo lnvlted. In complianco with Mr. Bryan's ex pressed wish, Judge Tuloy, presldent of the Iroquois Club, was told of Mr. Bry? an's remark. Judge Tuley wlll rofer tho questlon of issulng nn invltatlon to Mr. Bryan to tho Banquet Commlttee of tlie club. Among tho men who are to bo lnvlted are: Grover Cloveland, ITorace Boies, Davld B. Hlll, J. J. Hlll. Richard Olny, Wllllam C. Whltncy, Danlel Liunont, Don M. * Dickinson, Honry Wnttcrson, former At? torney General Harmon nnd Senator Bal lcy. -e CORRIE GRAVES ARRESTED Young Man Who is Charged with Being an Absconding Debtor. Chnrgcd with belng an absconding debt? or, Mr. Corrle Graves, a gcntleman wlll known tn tho clty, was ycaterday morn? lng arrested by Deputy Sherlif Charles Hungerford at hls home on South Thlrd Street. Ho was carrled to tho clty jall, where at a lato hour last nlght ho stlll romalned. huvlng falled to glve the nec? essary ball. Mr. Graves wns nrrested on a caplas fssucd by Judge Wcllford at the lnstnnco of J. L. James, tradlng as the Rlchmond Watoh Compnny, who nlleged that Graves is lndebted to hlm to the amount of $51, nnd Intends leavlng tho State for tho pur poee of avoldlng payment. Lately Graves has been employed by a mlnlng compnny in West Virginia, but. it is claiu ? l>y hls frlends. has main tained his i donce In Richmond, hls wife contlnuing to live here. They, therefore, look upon tlie charge as unfounded. lt seems thnt somo tlme ago Mr. Graves purchased somo goods from tho Rlchmond Watch Compnny on tho instalment plan, Shortly he lost hls posltlon nnd later v.ent to West Virginia, where he secured a posltlon In the mlnes. Hero he made such a good lmpression thnt ho was appolnted a drummer. He returned to Rlchmond and was arrested. HIS ARM AMPUTATED Young Man from Goldsboro, N. C, at St. Luke's Hospital Under Treatment. Mr. Edward C. Donmark, of Goldsboro, N. C, Is gettlng along as woll as could be expected at St. Luke's Hospital, Rlch? mond, Va., whero ho was taken a few days ago for treatmont A very dlstresslng accldent occurred to Mr. Donmark at the plant of the Southern Cotton-OIl Mlll, of thls city, recently. Whlle at work on tho maclilno he got hls rlght arm caught by the saws and shredded of flesh. Mcdlcal aid was promptly ronflorcd, but as eompllcatlons wore apprehemled tho young man was taken to St. Luke's Hospital, where an operation was successfully porformod, tlie arm belng nmputated just above the elbow. Mr. Denmnrk Is a most oxcellent young man, only twenty-ono yoars old, PRODUCE MEN Will Hold Meeting This Week to Adopt Constitution. A general moetlng of the produco men of the clty wlll be "called this week for tho purposo of ndoptlng tho constltutioo and by-laws prepared by a speclal com? mlttee for the now exchange. Tho dato has not yet beon llxed. Tho commlttee drnftlng tho constttu* tion has hold soveral meetlngs rocontlv, and la pretty well up with Its work. lt wlll bo able to roport In a fow days, and as soon as lt nnn'ounoes Itself ns roady. Presldont Jonkins will call the meotlng. Tho socrotnry of tho now exchango has not yet boon chosen for the very sim plo renson tlui* tho laws deflnlng hls dutlos havo not been niloptcd. GOES TO WASHINGTON Dr. Willlngham Will Represent the Board There. Dr. Hobert J. Wlllliu'liam loft ycaterday for Washington, whoro ho will spend three days, beglnnlng to-day, at a con foronco for forelgn mlsslans. Tho Distrlct of Columbla, slturitou as lt is, dlvldos Its OOlltrlbutlona between tho Board of tho North and tho Board of the South. At thla lmrtlcular moetlng representatlvoa from both socthins wlll ho present. Mlsalbnarles worktng under both boarda wlll bo thero. Dr. VYIlllne liain wlll rbprosent tho Southern Board, uf whlch ha la tho secrotaryv INCREASED WAGES Minors and Operators Agree Upon a Higher Scnle ln Indlann. iliy AmocliitPil 1'remi.) INDIANAPOLIS, IND, Fobruary 7,? Tho mlnera and oporntors ot tho cora pctltlvo dlutrlots ugreed to-day upon a scnle of wage's for tho ensuhig year, whlch amounta to an incrouso of four teen per cent. The dny laborers aro ad? vanced twolvo and one-half, tho drlvera twonty-two por cont, and eight por cent. la oddod to tho cost of maclilno niljilng. Whllo the new scnle slgned la only for threo enjh-. Htatos nnd Wastoru Penn sylvwila, lt wlll ba useil ns tho basls, 1C ficoeptod, ln all othor Btatoa, Tho opor ators say tha-t on tho abov* basls the total Inoroasa ln oo?t of oo*l produotlon ln the tmitod Btatoa wlll bo }40,a?,ooo immiully. WILL THROWN OUT Mnde by Olnclnrmtl Mllllonairo to Hls Brlde on Hls Death Bed. ___.^ (By Alioalateil t*r.?M.) _ OrNOINNATI, OHIO, Fohruary 7.? Judge Nlppert to-day refused to reoelve for probato tho oopy of tho wlll of tho lato John MoCormlok Glbson, a mllllon alre, ln whloh he mado Mlsa Henrlotta. Coolla Wblfe hls bencflolary. Mlas Wolfo marrled hlm oil hla donth bod, and ho dled a, week later. The orlglnal wlll oould not be found, and a oopy, mado from stenographer's notes, waa present ed. Tho oourt sald the oopy was shown to bo ? true ono, but tho evldenco dld not show that the tostator had not re vcked the wlll, By thls declslon tho cs tato of Glbson la Inherlted byhls mother niul brother, The oase attractod much attentlon on acoount ot the legol ques? tlon Involved, os well as the romantlo death-bed marriage. j-:?:?. A Strlklng Ceremonial. (By Aiaoclated Press.) ROME), February 7.?The requlem mas? cclebrated to-day on the occaslon of the twonty-flfth annlversary of tho death of Popo Plus IX. was an unusually atrlltlng cermomonlal, Cardlnnl Satolll offlclated. Tho Pope, who was surrounded by the members of the Sacred Colloge, the Pon tlflcal court and the Romnn arlstocraoy, gaivo the. absolutlon and tho apostollc benedlotlon, although he was sufterlng from a allght eold. Thero -wore many Amorlcans ln tho overflowlng congraga tlon. Goes to Washlngton. Colonel John S. Harwood, of tho T. P. A. National Legislatlvo Committeo. wlll go to Washlngton to-morrow ln tho In? terest of the blll oroatlng a portfollo f.f commerce. Tho blll Is now ln the, con? ference" commlttee, and has recoWed many evldencea of favor, but the T. P. A. throughout tho county want to mako assurance doubly sure. If the new Cablnet offlco ls croated, Mr. Cortelyou wlll almost certalnly be appolnted. Southern Vehicle Association. The Southern V&hlclo Association wlll hold Its annual meetlng In Rlehmond, beglnnlng the flrst Tuesday ln Aprll. The edltor of the Clnclnnatl Spokesman, pub lished ln tlio Interest of vehlclo dcalers and manufacturors, has written Mr. W. C. Smlth. No. 314 North Flfth Street, asklng hls vIowb of Rlehmond from whlch to mako cuts for thelr conventlon num? ber. Judge Witt's Condition. Jude "Wltt, while rapldly recoverlng from the effects of tho operatlon per formed upon hlm nbout ten days ago, is stlll unable to slt up, bot able to receive many frlends daily. Chlld-Labor Bill Passeo. (By Assoclntea Press.) COLUMBIA, S. C, February 7.?The House of Represcntatlves to-day passed the blll already passed by tho Senate, prohtblting ehild labor In textllo manu factorles and mlnes. After May 1, 1903, tho age llmlt ls to be ten years; for the year followliig, oleven years, and after May 1, 1905, twolve years. Chinese Immigration. (By Assoclatcd PrcsB.) MANIL.A, February 7.-The Flllplno labor union hns issued a protest agalnst Chinese Immigration, threatens vlolcnce lo provent Its introductlon here and asks tho people to co-operate In the efforts to prevent such Immigration. THE CONDITION OF THE NEGRO RACE Bill Providingfor the Appoint mentofCommission?What Investigation Shows. Gllos B. Jackson has Just returned from Washlngton, where ho was called by tel egram from tho frlends and supporters of the measuro now pendlng beforo Congress for the creatlon and appolntment of the commlsslon of nlno members to be known ns the "Freedmen's Inqulry Commlsslon," wltt) shall Irtqutre into and make a compre henslvo investigation Into tho condition of tho negro. race, thelr educatlonal pro gress and tho best means of promotlng Imvmony between the two racos. ' The commlsslon ls not only to lnves tlgate, but to report Its vlews and oplit lons concernlng the best manner of ad JiHtlng tho troublesomo questlona whlch grcw out of tho sltuatlon. Thls measure was favorably reported to tho- Houso from tho Commlttee on Labor nt tho lnst sesslon of the present Congress, although it soemed to have dl vlded tho two partles in a sharp polltical allgnmont. Tho hlll was strongly combatted ln a minorlty report ropresenting tho full strength of tlio Democratic rcpresentatlon on tho Labor Commlttee. A tslmllar blll wns favorably reported lo the Senate by tlio Comnilttce on Educatlon nnd Labor, authorizlng a commlsslon of five to lnves tlgato tlio condition of the colored peoplo of the Unitod States, espocially wlth ref? erence to tho educatlonal facllltles nf forded to them. Both tho Scnalo and Houso blll nuthorlzo tho Prcsldent to n.ako tho appolntment of tlio commlsslon, wlth tho advice nnd consent of tho Senate. H ls tho wlsh of tho advocntcs of this nic.asuro thnt a commlsslon of nlno bo appolnted, tslx whltes and threo colored, three white men to bo from the North nnd threo from the South. Tho mlnutes of the threo meotings of tho National Negro BuslncBS Lengue, whlch met ro spcctlvely ln Hoston, Chlcngo nnd Rleh? mond, Vn., show that nlnety por cent. of Uie wealth of tho negroos of thls coun? try ls owncd In tho South, and that tho opportunlty fnr tho Inhorlng colored mnu to securaiwork ln tho South Is better than nnywhero olso, and that .no opportunlty to securo work for the meclmnlcs ls nl most 100 por cent. hottor fo;* hlm ln tho South. Ho snys the commlsslon wlll ho cliargod wlth tho InvOHtlgutlon of tho pon dttlon of tho negro. not only ln Iho South, but In tho North, East nnd West. Jnokspn hopes, thnt tho cntlro Virglnia fUlegiitlon ln Congress wlll voto for thls blll, as nn Investigation wlll show that her school fiii-llltlos for tho colored peo? plo nre second to none, nnd that tho deslre of tho whlto people of Va. to glvo. tho no gl'008 a fnlr educatlon was ovidenced at tho roeont inoollng ot tho school Huperlntond ents of tho Htnto, wheroln every speaker spoko uncouraglngly of negro educatlon, oBpeclally Superlntondenta aiass, of Lynchburg, nnd Puillntn, of Munchostor, TO F1ND A Lost Brother, Slster, Rc'atlve, or iMap-nuinl FrlendTiron u Postul. Opua for purtloulnrs to Nailoiini Olrectory and Arclilvcs, llAttllJSBURG, PA, T. P. A. DIRECTORS HAVE FINE REPORTS Excellent Meeting of State Board Last Nlght?-Two New Posts Organlzed. The monthly meoting of the State Board of Dlrectors of the Virginia Dlvlston of tho Travelors' Proteotlve AsBoclatlon waa Imld last nlght at lteadquartera In thls clty, oorner of Thlrd and Maln Streets. Presldent of the Stato Dlvislon, Mr. T. S. Bockwlth, of Petersburg, occupled the cholr, and Mr. H. L. Harwood, Stato bop rctary, recorded the mlnutes. The routlno work belng gono through with, reports wero recelved nnd rend from tho varloua posts throughout tho Stnte, and It was gratlfylng to hear of tho llourlslilng eon? ditlon of tho T. P. A. memborshtp nll over tho State. ? Mr. 13. C. Burrows, tho natlonal buslness manager, with Messrs. C. Walton Saun ders, Horaco F. Smlth, T, S. Beckwlth, Goorgo Glbson, Jr., nnd other members, vlslted South Boston and Lynchburg and organlzed two posts, rospcctlvcly, nt each of these cltlos durlng tho post month, and thls klnd of work wlll onoble tho Vir? ginia Dlvislon to bo much higher in the llst of States as a T. P. A. dlvislon throughout tho United States. Tlio board nlso set Aprll 24th and 25th for tho annual convontlon of tho Stato Dlvislon, to be held at Danvlllo, wheh wlll bo forty-slx days before the Natlonal Convontlon of tho Natlonal T. P. A. As? soclatlon at Indlanopolls, Ind., Juno 9, 1503. Members present at last Tlght's tncctlng wero Messrs. O. Wcmple, of Danvlllo; W. C. Powell, of Norfolk: T. S. Beck? wlth and R. W. Prlchard, of Petersburg, Va., and Messrs. Thomas Polndoxter, Paul Helndel. R. S. Crump, Wllllam Jenkins. C. W. Saunders, R. B. Walthall, H. Ellls, Jr? and H. L. Harwood. of Rlchmond. WITH BOOK CLUBS Delightful Evenlngs ln Greensboro's Llterary Circles. (Spoclnl to Tho TinioJ-DlBpntch.) GRK1ENSBORO, N. C, February 7.? Tho beautlful homo of Mrs. J. N. Leak was tho sccne of a. delightful meeting of tho Edgeworth Book Club yesterday after? noon. A llvely guesstng contest was a fcaturo of tho evening's entcrtalnmont, Mrs, J. W. Mcbane receivlng ilrst prlze, Mrs. \V. L. Grlssom tho vlsltors' prlzo. Tho Friday afternoon Book Club was dollghtfully cntertnined yesterday by Mlss Mendcnhall at tho Stato Normal and Collogo. Club members and lnvlted guosts wero lro.'lted lnto what Is known in college. parlance as the ad mlnlstratlon room. The very appeorance of tho apartment suggested a chnrming comblnation ot the llterary nnd soclal features which this club emphaslzea. Growlng plants, cut flowern and the at tractlvely arranged tea table wero sug gestiro of happy faccs, pretty gowns, sprlghtly talk and gay laughter, all as necessary as tho wrlting desks and book cases, whlch proclaimed mllady'a llterary procllvltlcs. Gcrmany was tho subject of the after? noon. Mlss Mary Stroud gaii-e a charm ingly real descrlptlon of an Imaglnary trlp down tho Rhlne, whlch was Inter spersod by Hhlne legands by Miss Lee, of tho normal fa?ulty. Mlss Kttn Stockard then told of tho unlverslty towns, and Mlss Jamison nnd tho Mlssos Harrls gave somo t.weotly rendered songs of Lhe Rhlne. Mlss Mendenhall, asslsted by a, hovy of pretty normal glrls, served re freshments. Mrs. H. B. Leo cntcrtalned a sclect party of frionds at a card party yester? day afternoon at her home, on Edge worth Street. Ono of the most delightful soclal events of tho week was the card party of Judge and Mrs. R. M. LhurIosj Thursday eve? nlng in honor of Mlsa Marcia Myers, of Washington, D. C. Rov. T. J. Ogburn, the correspondlng secretary of the Board of Forelgn MIs sions of tho M. P. Churoh. wlll preacl mornlng and evenlng to-morrow at Grace M. P. Church, this city. Mrs. 8. U Ollmcr, who has been the guest of Mrs. R. D. Gllmor at the Tar borough Houso In ILaloIgh for a. week, re? turned home lost night. BUCKNER WILL CONTEST He Has Served Notice on Senntor Grif fith Charging Irregularltles. rSnccial to Tlio Timos-Slsnatch.) RALTj'iGH, N. C, February 7.-W. M Buckner, of tho Thlrty-slxth SenatoriaJ Distrlct, arrlved to-day, and served no tlco on Senator Grlfllth that ho will con? test hls seat. The olection was held January 20th to elect a successor to Son ator Wilson, who was killed by his brother. Buckner claims that preclncts wore not counted before Orlfflth was glven tho cer tlilcato of elcctlon, and that those would glve hlm a majority of threo ballots cn-er Grimth. Under tho law Grlfllth has thlr ty days to answor. and in that tlme the Assembly will adjourn. This Is tho only contest in thls Leglslature. Governor Aycock to-day sent a speclal messago to tho Senate givlng tho nam?? of thlrty retlrlng members of tlie Board of Trusteos to be fllled by the Leglsla? ture. DVING FROM FRIGHT A Widow Lady Alarmed, but No Bur glars Were Found. (Speclal to Tho Tlmos-Dlapatch.) HAHRISONBURG, VA., Fobruary 7. Mrs. Bettlo Bogon, of Good-'s Mlll ls sald to bo dylng from tho effecta of a frlght srtio hud Wednesday mornlng, Mrs Begon ls a wldow and llvos nlonc Wed nosday mornlng sha hnd gono to feed her stock and was just onterlng the houso when sho heard a struuge nolee. Soolng tho front door opnn she aunppspd that burgloi-H wero rnnsnek-ing tlio houso. Sho ran into tho yard' sereamlng and bc comlng hystcrienj. rn this comlltlon. n n(*lghbor. hoarlng her aoreams, found her Sho wius taken into tho houso and tlio doclora pronounco tho casa wcllnlKh tomul"*' BlEr,1S ?f burElars could be SUBNARINE MINES OfFicers Dctailed to Study the Hampton Roada Defenses. (Rpoctul to Tho Tlmim-IllBiintcli ) NUVYPORT NEWS, VA., February 7,_ Two army ofllcers, whoso nanioH could not bo learnod to-nlght, huvo boen do lulled for duty at Fort Monroe In con noctlon with tho syslom of submailuo mlries ln Hampton linnds, reuohlng from Old Polnt to tlio Capos. Tho cubles lmvo l-omained lutaat slnco t'ho Spimlsh-Amer loun war, but tho nilnes wero rornoved after tho war, belng u, monaca to iuivI gatlon. Tho ofllcors ln questlon wlll fu in,. urlzo thoinaolvcs ut once with tho locutlon of tho nilno coiinootlons and with tho oporatlng awltchhonrd, whloh Is In sldo of tho fort, nnd oonwnumls a vlew oxtenillng ncross -tho tnouth of tho Ches? apeako to tho Capi-s and tlio ocoun. " ?? f-?*> 'Phone Rates Raisod. (Speclal tn Tho TliiwH-IMHiMitrh.) HAR1USONBURO, VA? Fetrimry 7. Tlie mutual telophono syetom hus rajsed the resldence ratca from ?s to $12, and' Great While Boodi Sale Begim Monday, JULIUS SYCLE & SONS (Keep in Mlnd the Credit Advantages.) You can buy what you want at cash prices, paid in emall amounts weekly or monthly. New Spring Dress Goods Will Have First Showing To-morrow Our new Spring Dress Goods are in splendid showing^ They are exceptionally choice in weave, pattern and color?? the loom of foreign lands and progressive home factorios send you fabricB thafc will cliarui. Oome and look through the stock. If you do not want to buy now, you'U know where to come wheri you're ready. But' there are some very ohoice things that only iirat choose will get?exclusive woaves and colorings not to be dupUcated. 75c French Flannel, special to-morrow. 29o Hamburg Sale, 4c to 25c, worth nearly double. Clearing sale Carpets, Eugs and Floor Oilcloths. Tailor-Made Suits, Furs, Cloaks and "Wool Underwear, ' marked down nearly one-half of the regular prices. the bunlncas rates $10 to $20. Tho cnuse for thla ralso Is the neecsslty of placlng another swltchbonrd ln tho exchange, owlng to tho Increased numbor of nppll cnnta for 'phones. STREET-CAR STRIKE Situation Unchanged and No Vlolence at Walerbury, (By Asuoclatod Pkm.I WATERBURY, CONN.. February 7.? Wlth tho exceptlon of some stono throw lng ln the outsklrts of tnc clty, no dls turbance was reported up to 11 o'clock to nlght In conncctlon wlth the strcot rail? way strlko sltuatlon. A number of cars whlch camo lnto tho oontcr of tho clty from Naugatuck. Watervllle. Brooklyn and Oakvillo had somo wlndows, nn*! the conductors reported that they had been "popporcd a little" ln the out lylng dlstrlcts. A car.on tho Watervllle llno ran Into a. pllo of rocks placed be? tween the ralls ln a partlculnrly dark spot. The motorman was unablo to stop hls car In tlmo to prcvent & collision wlth tlie obsrtructlon, and tho car was deralled and badly damaged. No ono was Injured. F. N. WICKER DEAD Wrote Valuable Articles on Bering Sea (Seal Fishcries (By Annflclnted Prc?s.) NEW ORIjEAN'S. LA., February 7.?P. N. Wlcker, United States appratser, dled to-day. He was born ln Akron, Erle coun? ty, New York, In 183S, and servod ns sec? ond lleutenant In tho Twenty-elghth New York Volunteers and subsequently wlth the Slgnal Corps durlng the Clvll War. He was second ln command to Coloncl lluckley In tho Russo-American telcgraph expedltlon to Alaska In 1867 and wroto a valuable artlcle upon tho Bering Soa scal fishcries. In 1SC8 General Orant mado hlm speclal agent to Alaska. He was collector of customs at Koy West frpna 1878 to 1884. BAILFORTILLMAN Counsel Glvo Notlce They Will Ask for It Next Thursday. {Br Assoclated l'resn.) CHARLESTON, S. C, February 7.? Congressman J. W. ICrost, of Alken. Tlllman's portner, and P. H. Nelson. n leadlng crlmlnal lawycr of Columbia, wlll osk next Thursday that J. H. Tlllman, charged wlth the kllllng of Edltor Gon zales, be rOleased on ball. Thoy servod notlce of thelr Intendod action on Attor noy-Oonoral Gunter and Bollcltor Thur mond thls afternoon. A hearlng upon the wrlt waa grantod to be held on Thursday by Chlof Justlce Popo at hls rosldenco In Nowberry to day. The proceedlngs wlll probably be hold ln Nowberry Courthouse. SHOT OUT HIS HEART A Magistrate Quicker With Hls Qun Than a Farmer. (By Assoclated I'ress.) CHARLESTON', B. C, February 7.? Henry W. Blltch, a truck farmer, of Moggetts, Colleton county, was shot and liistantly Ullled thero yesterday afternoon by Maglstrato Behllqg. Thero had beon some dlspute between them about a land transactlon. Behllng advanced toward Blltch wlth a shotgun. Both men wero urnied, but the magistrate was quicker with hls weapon and llred twlce, a load of buckshot rlpplng out BUtch's honrt. Behllng surrendored to the Bherlff of Colloton. Twenty-five to One Shot Won. (By Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.. February 7.? A twenty-ilve to ono shot, Horton, tho graudson of El Rayo and Fuslladacs, car rylng the colors of Blanchl and McOov orn, won the 510,000 Bnrns h&ndlcap at Inglesldo to-day from one of the best llelds that over contested ln tho event. Cunurd, of tho Morrls stable. was second wlth Claude, owned by iS. J". Daly, next ln llne. Tlme, 2:10 1-1. Endorsed by Rooscvelt. (Br Assocluted I'riyis.) NE7W YORK, Feb, 7.?Pollce Captaln Schmittborger, who recently passod an examlnatlon for promotlon to an InBpoc torshlp and who has been denounced by Dlstrlct-Attorney Jerome aa unflt to hold oflle ln consoquonco of revelatlons mado duYlng tho Loxow Investigation, mado publlo to-day a letter from Presldent BoosevolfB secretary, sta-tlng that "tho Prosldont dlrocts mo to say that he wlll bo dollghted to have you refer to hlm for your ontlro servlco durlng tho period ho was a mombor of the Pollce Com? mlsslon of Now York." , . t ? The Boer Factions. (Ilv AhkiwIiiUmI 1'p'hO BLOOMFONTEIN, ORANGE RIVER COLONY. February 7.?Tho conference here yesterday between Colonlal Becro tary Chnmborlaln and about forty Boors of tha extrcmo party. Inoludlns Chrlstlan Dowet, at wlilch Mr. Chamborlaln rc bukod the delogution for prosouting hlm wlth an address whloh he regnrded as insultlng, Inasmuch as lt Impugnod tho good fnllh of hlmself nnd tho govern? ment, has furthor wltloncd the breach botweon the Boer factions. ,i ? Small Boys Arrested. On eomplnlnt of Miw. Cclla Boso, of Gllmor and Marshnll Streots, Honry Lnw Bon, Arclilo K<*llo>'. Miit Kelloy. ChrlK tlan Splos, Eddle Kcller and John Kel ler, boys whoso ages do not nxceed slx toen, who Uve ln tho iielghborhood of the streots Btated, wero yosterday aftor noon arroated by Patrolmen McMullen and Tylor. Thoy nre clinrged wlth maln. talnlng n nulsanco in the nolghhorhood and Intorferlngwlth Mrs. Roso. m-pp i nT""wost Matu, in tt. 5?ttr LU I jront. Anothor bar palu iKilonalng to nou-reuldonts. feOTJ.OO. Hoiil Kstnlo Trusb Oo. ?frmi miimiiiiiiiMiiiiiii? BARKSDALE TALKS PURE ELECTIONS Says He Is Sure the Passage of His Bill Will Do the Work. Sonator W. P. Barksdale, the patron o! tho propoeed new law to purity the poll tlca Of the State by provontlng the ox pendlture of money at tho polls, la very enthusinjrtlo as to the results whieh wlll follow tho paasoga of hla bill. In dls cusslng the matter last nlght the Sona? tor sald: "The pure eleetion bill In ln tho hands of the Houae, and now atands upon tha Houso calcndar. It may and probably wlll bo rcaohed In n. few days. Thoro la no ecrious objoction to any of tha amendments, save one, nnd upon tlie dc feat of that one amendment all deponds. To lnaert 'corruptly,' ns Is propoaod, la In effect to say that you can do nll of theao prohlblted thlngs; i. e., buy votes,' indlrectly debauch the clectorate, and use monoy to an ujillmitcd degreo, but you must pot so 'corruptly.' To pass such a law os the proposed bill with such on amendmont would not only absolutcly destroy the object sought hy tho bill, but would be in effect a Icgal Invltatlon to debauch nnd corrupt to any extcnt. "Tho sentlmont thnt favorcd the call ing of a Constitutloiial Conventlon was brought Into belng and created Into nn Irreslstible forco by tho lntense dcslre of the people to purgc the electoratc and cleanse and purlfy electlon methods. "If efforts In that bohalf fall, then the sacrlncea In money. tlme and energy ne? cessary to mako a new Cpnstitutlon will, lndeed. haive been ln vaiii, and our 'last eatate wlll bo worse than our flrst. "There can hc no miatake In the ls suc; there ought not to be any hesltatlng or fnlterlng In the atepa to be taken. It is a questlon between corruptlon and In corruption?vice and vlrtue, honesty an4 dtshonesty. Tho provlslons of the bill maj* be drastic, and they should bo drostlc. "There can bo no grcator erlme agalnst the aoverelgnty or tho State than corrup? tlon of the source of thnt soverelgnlty. "Tha punlshnient for such erlme should bo ccrtaJn. swlft. and e*cn terrlhle. "The provlslons of the bll] are clear cut, dlrect and well deflned. and the one who would rlsk hls all In defianco there of would, lndeed. bo reckless of hls ehar actor and Indifferent osto hls fato. "I lnsist thnt tho bill wlll accnmpllsh Its ohjocts os cxpressed ln Its tltle, though the heatlien rago and peoplo Imagine vain thlngs." RAIN TO-DAY Weather Man Holds Out No Hope for Good Weather. A ralny Sunday Is tho proepects whlch confront Rlchmond thls mornlng. The weather man sees no slgn of clearlng skles, and holds out no hopo for Ifh proved weather conditlons. Tho temperature wlll remaln about sta tlonary. It may grow colder toward eve? nlng. but tho ehange wlll not bo great. The nir fclt much llke snow ywJterday, but tho weather man says thero wlll be nono. CHURCH NOTICES. J NEW JERUSALEM. ' AT THE NEW JERUSALEM CHAPEL (133) ?W. Broad Street) Rev. J. B. SPIERS will prcnoh nt 11 A. M.: sublcct, "Tha Purposo of Llfo"; at 4 P. M.. "A Rational Vlew of tho Second Comlng." On Tues day 8 P M., a class for doctrlnal study at Mr. and Mrs. RIcIicb'. 7% W. Marshall Street. Sunday school at 10 A. M. All -wel COme" THE BAPTIST UNION. DEVOTIONAL MEETING OF THE FIfth-Streot Bantlst Church Sunday, Feb? ruary 8th. at 3:30 P. M.; aubjcot, "Ben Hadad's Defpat." 1 Klng 20, 12-2. PresN dont, AMBERS D. AYRES. All person*. are oordlally lnvlted. BAPTIST. ORACE-BTREET . BAPTIST CHURCH (corner Grnco and Foush'eo Streets)?Rev. CHAS. S. GARDNER, D. D? pnator.? Proachlng by the pnstor at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday school ait 0:30 A. M. Prayer-meotlng 'WedncBday at 8 P, M. ~~~STEAMBOATS.~ ~~Clyde SteamshiiHJoTs PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAM SHIP LINE. Appointetl sailing dnyst ' Every TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SATUItDAY, at dayllght, Frcight rocoivod dnily till 5 P. M. ? f SCHOOlif New Students recelved durlng January nnd Fehruary in both Acndomlc and Law DopaTtmcnts, For cntaloguo and Informatlon address ^Presldent F. W. BOATWRIGHT, Rlchmond, Vo, RICHMOND COLLEQE, S/'RINO TWRM BEQ1NS FEB. ItrTH, MISS TANNER'S STUDI0 217 KAST MAIN STREET. iSprlng Terms Beglns FEB. 10, 1903, lllooutlon nnd Inatrumental MubIo, New putiils rocoivod durlng Ifebruary ln bath dcfiurtmonts. %pn WRITERS AND POETS. fSucoessfiU songu brlng fortunes, w* vrlte mufl)o to your words and publbih, GROOM MUSffC CO., ChicBflo,