Newspaper Page Text
*>W "? tO REMODEL LONDON BILL The Saloon Measure is Slde tracked. A FLOOD OF LOCAL BILLS The Tarboro Dlspansary Bill Waa Ratl fied In the Senato?The Murphy or Watts Bili Will Be Passed in a Few Days. (Spcclal to Th? TIme?*DI?pstcli.) RALB1GH, N. C, Fobruary 7.-A great flood of local bllla engaged tho attentlon of both branches of tbie> Loglslaturo to day, The Senato tabled. a blll to regu late the praotlce of optlclans. Tho blll prescriblng tho dutles and Habllltles of : Inn koopors and boardlng-house keepers was mado a speclal ordor for next Wed? nesday. Tho Tarboro dlsponeary blll was ratlfled. N-otablo bllla introduced: By Mr. Relnhart: To amend chapter 832, laws 1'jOI, to provldtt widows of Con fcderato soldlors wlth penslons. By Mr. Glenn: To abollsh the Bosud of Examlners of State Instltutlons, By Mr. Relnhar'dt: To allow ra.llroad oompanies to Uie potltlons as to rato of si?.*o- ln passlng through towns, whsre speed ls rcgulatcd by ordinance. Tho Bonate Commlttee on Propoaltlons and Grlevances conaldered the Ixmdon saloon blll this mornlng, and after a wann executlvo sesslon referred lt to a Bubcommlttee. convlstlng of Messrs. Vajin, Beasley end Brown, to bo romod el?d and reported back next Thursday. The vote for reforenco was a tlo, Chalr* man Vann breaklng tho tlo wlth a voto to refer. There ls to be an entlre re moxlellng of tho blll. Thls ls belleved to> be a. fatol sldo trncWng for tho 1)111, aa the Murphy or Watts blll wlll surely be enacted beforo It ls reported from the commlttee. Noteworthy bllls Introduoed ln the House to-day wore: By Mr, IMount: To establlsh and en largo rural school Ubrarlcs. By Mr. Drewery: Relatlng to Investi? gation of flres, By Mr. Drewery: To amend Inauraneo laws of the State In llne wlth recommen datlons by Insuranco commlssloner. By Mr. Morton: In reference to onths of eherlffs. By Mr. King: To requlre reglstratlon of books sold ln the State. Important bllls passed were: To faclll tate and stlmulate Improvemcnt In publlc roads; to lncorporato Ralolgh and East? ern Rallroad Company; to ratKy, conflrm and approve the rh.irt.-r of the Carolina and Tennessee Southern Railway. TO PENSION SLAVES Confederate Veterans Camp Endorses the Hanna Bill. (Spcclal to Tbe* Tlmoa-Dlapatch.} BIRM1NG-I-IAM. ALA., Feb. 7.?Camp Hardee, United Confederato Veterans, to day unanlmously passed resolutlons en dorslng the blll Introduced by Benator Hanna, allowlng tho penslons to formor slavcs. The resolutlons say ln part. "AVe heortlly endorso thls blll and sln ceraly hope that Congress act upon lt and glve to all worthy ex-slavca. who aro In real nocd a penslon sulllclent to keep them from sufferlng nnd want. A most klndly feellng (almost that of comradeshlp) prompts us to express our selves In thls matter, realizlng the fact that the Southern slavo was not the cause by any act of hla own of tho Bhed llng of one drop of blood ln tTVo Clvll War. "The conservatlvo Southern people en tertaln for the slavo a most cordlal and truo frlondshlp, and slncerely hope that tho presont Congress wlll glvo hlm a penslon imfftclcnt at least to keep hlm from real want and sufferlng."* QRAVE ROBBERY CASE Dr. J. C. Alexander is on Trial in Indianapolis. (By Ansocliti-rt I*nm.I INDIANAPOBIS, IND.. February 7,? The defense took a sudden turn to-day Irs tho trlol^ of Dr. J. C. Alexander for frrave-robbing, when It askod that the State bo reaulrod to elect on whlch count of the Indictment It would go to the jury. Thoro was no motlon to quash tho Indict? ment, The fourth. count of the Indict? ment charged that Dr. Alexander was the "demonstrator of anatomy" of the college, and had possesslon of the body of Rose Neldllnger. After splrltod orgu inents the court overrulcd the motlon of tlio defense. Mr. Spaan followed thls rullng wlth a motlon to wlthdraw the second and fourth counta of tho lndlotments from tho Jury, these counts charglng tho dc fendant wltb havlng and conceallng the body of Rose Neldllnger, whloh, he sald, ?wero seporate crlmes. Thls was also oovorrulod. The court then adjourned untll Monday, when tho dofenso wlll take up Its slde of the case, HOW THE SECOND RIGO SECURED PRETTY BRIDE (Speclal to Tlio Tlmcs-DlBpntch.) PARIS, February 7.?A second Rlgo ls Interestlng Parls. Ho ls a swarthy Rou tnanlan, named Degln, -who has just beon eecrotly marrled to a rlch Australlan hetress, Mlas Mary Daly. Degln was leader of an orcheatra ln a restaurant at Brussels, and Miss Daly enw hlm there. On one occaslon hB broke hls vlolln and she sent hlm anony mousl*- 10,000 franos, -wlth whlch to buy a now one. Ho found out tho donor, pald asalduous court to hor and they were prlvately marrled? Thoy aro now ln Parls. Degin Is plaln to the polnt of ugll ness. Hls brldo ls twenty-two ind vory pretty. COLORED TROOPS PAID Nearly Nine Thousand Dollars Coming to Slxth Reglment. (Speclnl to The Tlnies-Dlsputch.) WASHINGTON. D. C, February 7._ The Sobretary of tlio Treasury has trans mlttcd to,Congress a report of tho judg tnenta rendored by the Court of Cloims for olalma of the soldlers of the Slxth Virglnia Roglment, Volunteors, Bpanlsh War, for tlme between enrollment and ?nuster ln. Thla ls the colored reglment organlzod prlnolpally ln Rlehmond, These olalms In the aggregate amount to 18,783.93. and are payablo at onoo, If no appeal ls taken, They range ln amount from two to two hundred dollars, Joseph B. Johnson, Wil? liam 11. Johnson, Edward W, Gould and P. B. Bhephord, Jr., tho hlghest oolorod Oflloera, belng tho only onoa to reaoh the larger sum. ? ii Oracksrnen ln the Tenderloln, ?.?^i8*i5clB* to Tne 11nie?.ni6patch.) NBW YORK, Feb. 7,-Expert oraoks. men vlslted tha seotlon known as the Tenderloln early to-day and opened two ?afes, one by ekllful drllling and tha *th?r with a chargo of nltro-glyoerltie, that rtmttorod the maMrivo steel box lnto blta no blfger than one'e hand. Hughes Brothers, uontraotors, on "West Twonty Bovonth- Streot, and the Kfilckerbooker nuotlon roomn, on W*Mt Twonty-olghth Street, wore the vlotlma, and batween them they loat nearly $2,000 ln money and allvorware. SPARS WITH HIS WH*E AND IS CALLED NUISANCE (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch) NBVi' YOltK, Fobruary 7.?Rufua Ed son, a lawyer, llvlng In the npartrnent houso at No. 259 "Wost Ono hundred and Slxteonth Streot, waa brought Into the Jlarlcm Pollce Court on a summons served by Wllllam Phelps, a broker, who Ikvea across the hall. Edaon explalnod to Magiatrote Crane that Phelps and hla wife wore ln the hablt of ongnglng In boxlng matohes, tlio Intenslty of whlch waa such os tlmes aa to cause the pleturcs on hls walis to rat tlo. Thls, he Inslated, constltuted a ntrt* sanco, and Justllted hla ualng extreme meosurcs to prevent Hs contlnuonce. At thls polnt Maglstrato Crane asked Mr. Phelps lf ho engagod ln boxlng matches with hls wlfo. "No, your Honor," replled Mrs. Phelps, before her epouse could onswor. VHot boxlng matohes. Just llttle frlendly bouts. That's all. For our health; not anythlng else. So. ot course, when Mr. Edson came to my door yesterday and klcked It ln beforo waltlng for our round to bo over and for me to admlt hlm, we were very Ind-ignnnt." Mngistrate Crane broko ln at thla polnt, saying: "In tho future I would advlse that you both lead less etrcnuous llves. Cut out tho aparrlng. and l1 warrant your front door wlll rexnam lntact. Caae dlsmissed." TWO MEN KILLED; SEVERAL INJURED (By Aiucltted PrfBi.) i TERRE HA.UTB, TND., February 7.? In a head-on colllslon to-day a passen gcr traln and extra frelght traln on the Vandalla, two mlles east of Terre Haute, two men wero Killed. two prob? ably fntally hurt and a dozen passen gers moro or less Injured. The doad are Engineer'KULLEN and Fireman AL CTIOSS, each of Effingham, III., both of the possonger traln. Tho serlously Injured were: F. Kelly, expresa messenger, who was hurt lnternally, and Charles Mc BTee, of Marshall, III., brulsed about chest and head. and badly cut. None of tho passcngers were serlously hurt. All wero taken. to Terre Haute. Both englnes were demollshed and the baggago car waa overturned. CHARGED WITH STEALING $8,000 (By Assoclated Press.) NEW YORK, February 7.?Byron W. Wlnters, for seven years In charge of the customs bureau at tho postoffice here, was arrested to-day or a charge of em bezzllng money belonging to tho United States. The allegcd theft Ib over J8.000, and the time extends ov-rr seven years. Collcctor Stranahan was the complainant. Wlnters was held ln $10,000 ball by Com? missioner Shlelds. for trlal, examlnation belng waved. ? Fierce Battle With Horse Thieves. (By AasocUted Pross.) VINFTA, I. T., February 7.?In a fierce battle between United States deputy marshola and a band of olleged horse thievea at Blue Jacket, I. T., to-day two of the bandlts wero killed lnstontly and another suTTcndered to the oflicers, De? puty Bherift Rowiond. of Caddo oounty, Oktahoma, peTtelved a olue that the band naade Its headquorters at Blue Jacket, aad aicomparded by deputiea, he reached tho house occupled by the band at day llght. A (lerce fight followed, and when tho smoke cleared away Doo Warttenbar Bor and Jlm Stevens were dead. Ben Stovens surrendered, and was brought to the Vlnlta jall. Edna Lyall Critlcally III. (Br Afwclated Prcsa.) LONDON, February 7.?Edna Lyall (Ada Ellen Baylly), tha author, ls grave ly 111 at East Bourne. Sussex. An Entertalnment. The local Hptasoph conclaves wlll: glve an entcrtoinment on the 17th of March, with a vletr-ttrTalslng fuads for taklng care of the natlonal convention here ln June. The entertalnment will be under the dlreotlon of Prof. Dnniels and ?Jrot. Steln. Goes to Michlgan. Mr. H. L. Barlow, formerly with the Seaboard Alr Llne, has accepted a posl? tlon with the Adriont, MIch., knlttlng mllls. H6 left last Monday for hls new fleld of work. Rosemary Llbrary Board. The regular monthly meeting of tho Rosemary liibrary Board, whlch wns to have been held on Tueaday, haa been postponed untll Tuesday, March Oth. The postponoment ls due to unavoidable cir cumstaneca. BELL IS WINNER OF BIG PURSE He Gallops Home Easy Wln ner In Club House Handl cap.Taking $1,500 Purse. (By Assoclated Press.) NEW ORLEANS, February 7.?.When Sherlfr Bell galloped home an easy win ner ln the Club House hondlcap to-day he plaoed $1,000 to the credlt of hls ownor. M. L. Hteym'an. Fuller plcked the best going for hlm, and when called on he came away wltliout an effort, wln nlng by four lengths. Jockey Rodforn, who was hurt yestorday ln tho fall off Brlef, shows but llttle linprovement to day. The attendlng physlclans say he wlll be about agaln wlthln a week or ton days. Summarys Flrot raoe?selling, ono mlle?Carat (8 to 1) flrst, O'Hagon CU to 6) second. The Mossenger (6 to 1) thlrd. Tlme, 1:44. Second raoe?ono nvile?Hedgo (7 to 2) flrat, Fioyd K. (0 to 1) seoond, Melbourno Eollpso <5 to 1) third, Time, 1:4fi S-5. Thlrd raoe-handlcop, slx furlonga?It You Dare (tl to B) flrat, Harry New (78 to 6) seoond, Bummer (7 to 1) thlrd. Tlraa, lac. Fourth raoe-the Club House handloap, ono mlle?Sherlff Boll (0 to l) flrst, Al ??nrt. F,\ I^2*' w t0 ? seoond. Bmshea (10 to 1) thlrd, Tltne, 1:H. Fifth TOOft-selllner. ono mlle and a half-Ceylon (4 to 1) flrst, Tho Way (5 th.^. ?KSf 8^TT .c,l,dwol, (a t0 ? ?B,1U}. raoe-eolllng, slx fui-longs-Jarry Himt (8 to 1) flrst, Mlsa Shunley (20 to 1) second, Stuart young (W to D thlrd. Tlme, 1:171-6, v **ur*. OLD CITIZEN DIEDTO-DAY Llfe of Mr. John Bowers Ended Early Thls Mornlng. WAS VERY WIDELY KNOWN Had Been Identifled Wuh the Business Life of Rlehmond for a Great Number of Years?His Career. Mr. John Bowers dled at hla resldenoe, No. 007 Floyd Avenue, at 1 o'olook thls mornlng. He had been III for Beveral days. The arrangements for the funeral wlll bo ' announoed to-morrow. Mr. John Bowers was born ln Fhila dclphl* loventy-slx yeara ago. He re celyed there' hls educatlon and come to Rlclunond to lnulce thls clty hls home when only about twenty years of age. He had rcslded here for flfty-sir years. Ho was one of those aasoclated wlth the lato John H. BLwonles ln the raove ment that led up to tho Installatlon of a gas plant In Rlehmond. In 1859 Mr. Bowers and Charles D. Yale establlshed on Maln Street,, below Twelfth. a buslness under the flrm name of Yale & Bowers, whlch succoeded well ln the tnanteb* tlllng and houso-furnlsh MR. JOHN BOWERS. lng buslness. Durlng the Clvll War the. conoern of Yale & Bowers manufocturedl powder for the Confederacy and ln other ways contrlbuted to the cause for whlch Southern peoplo fought. Soon'after tho war, Mr. Yale havlng retlrod from tho flrm, Mr. Bowers es tabltefcod hls placo of buslness on Gov emor Street. There he conducted what waa generolly conccded to be the largest house in thls llne of buslness south of Phlladelphla. Mr. Bowers, by hls energy, perseverance and honest mothods bullt up a large eustom, and he was at ono tlme qulte a woalthy man. Hls falling health cnused hlm to retiro from actlve business pursults ln 1S09, and slnce that tlme he has llvedi the qulet llfe of a gentlemon wlthout buslness cares. Mr. Bowers never held publlc offlce. Ho was not what mlght be tertnod a great "mbcer" wlth tho people. He had hls small circle of Intimate frlends and he loved to mlnglo wlth them, He was a man of a good deal of natural wlt and humor, and was a most charmlng enter talner. He. was a good-natured, whole souled man, and one who waa ltberal ln works of charlty. C Mr. Bowers had been a wldower for more than a score of years. Hls wlfe was a Phlladelphla lady. He leaves the fdllowing^chlldTen: Mr. John Bowers, Jr., of Rlehmond; Mrs. Thomas F. Meaney, of Rlehmond; Mrs, W. B. Lo gan, of Shelbyvllle, Ky, and the Mlssea Ida and Lottle Bowors, of thls clty. Soon after the war Mr. Bowers con nected hlmself with. the Second Presby terlan Ohurch, and was one of the most devout followars of tho late Rev. Dr, Moses D. Hoge. between whom thoro was a warm attachmenL OBITUARY. Thomas W. Trent. News was recelved ln thls clty yester? day ot the death at hls home, "Bellbranch," Bucklngham county, Va,, of Mr. Thomas W. Trent. Mr. Trent was the youngest and only remalnlng member of a large famlly. He was the son ot Stephen W. and Ellzabeth Bassot Trent, of "Auburn," Cumberland county, Va., where he was born, Deoerrabor 9, 1821. Por many years prevlous to the war he was assoclated ln buslness wlth the late Robert C. Nloholas, at Virglnia Mllls, subsequently remorJng to hls present seat, where he has slnce resldod. During the early part of tho clvll war Mr. Trent was assoclated wlth the gov? ernment of tho Confederacy, and subso quently saw sorvlce as an offlcer ln Its army. On Jonuary 16. 1867, ho was united ln marriage wlth Miss Catherine Gannaway. daughter of Theo, Gannaway, of "Bel mont," Bucklngham county, by whom he ls survlved, and two sons?Messrs. John G. and Btophon W.. Trent. (Mr. Trent come of one of the oldest and most honorable fomllies ln Southslde Vir? glnia, and he enjoyed a wldo and dls tlnguished eonneotlon Uiroughout the Stato. Belng ono of Bucklngham's oldest and most beloved cltlaens, hls loss wlll bo deeply felt by hls many frlends and relatlves, and by the people at largo of the oounty whloh ho so long adorned by hls many prlvata vlrtues. Galbert Tyreo. Mr. Galbert Tyree, a well-known young man of Fulton, dlod yesterday aftomoon at 1:80 o'clock at the resldenco of hls mother, No. 623 Loulslana Street. Mr. Tyreo had been ln 111 hoalth sov eral months, He waa ln' hls twenty fourth year, and had reslded ln Fulton tho grea/ter portlon of hls llfe. He ls survlved by hls mother, soveral slsters, aevoral brothers and a host of frlends. Tho funeral wlll tako placo from Ful? ton Baptlst Churoh to-morrow afternoon at 8130 o'clock. Tho Interment wlll bo ln Oakwood. Mrs. Olay's Funeral. The funeral sorvlce ot /tho late Mrs. A. L. Clay wlll take placo thls aftomoon at S o'olock at iCpworth Methodist Ohurch. The pall-boarers wlll bo Messrs. H, C. Oaterblnd, h, 15. Busaor, R. L. Balley. T. J, Donce, Auguat ICrangle, Batn Hornl raan, 0. B, Hundley and H. W. Stookmar. William D. Norvell. (Speclnl to The Tlmet.Dlnnittcti.) CHARLOTTD O. H., VA? February 7, Willlam Dabney Norvell, ono of the old psat tmd. most lilghly eatoomed cltlssons ot Chnrlotte county, dled at hls homo at miclnight last nlght. Ho was In tho olghty-ftrst year of hli ago, a llfe-long DomocTat, nnd was wlde ly known throughout the county. Mr, Norvell waa born In Lyncnuurg May 22, 1*22. Hls parents wero Edmond S. and Snlnda Norvell. Me oame to Charlotto Cdurthouso when a iKiy twolvo years ot ago,- and olerked for Colonel Dupuy, On arrlvlng at manhood ho movod to RIohmond and entorod Into the commlsslon buslnesa, the style ot the flrm belng Norvell nnd Jones. In Jan uary, 1852, ho xnarrlod Miss Salllo Hundly, daughter of Ellshn Hundly, of thls clty, and haa rosldcd hero over slnce. Ho loavos a devotcd wlfo and oleven chlldron, flvo daughters-Mlssos Llzzle Dowell, Lee G., Suslc, Salllo, nnd An? nle?ctnd slx sons?E, B. Norvell, Murphy, N. C; E. K, Norvoll, Rockport, Tcxaa; W. D. Norvoll, Choso Clty, Va.; H. J. Norvell, Charleston, 8. C, and J. Hobson Norvoll and Casklo E. Norvoll, of thls placo. The Interment wlll toke place at the vlllage ccmotory to-morrow, Sunday, at 11 o'clock A. M. Thomas P. Robortson. _ (Speclnl to Tlio Tirnui-Dlnpatcbfl ' FARMVII>LE, VA., Fobruary 7.?Thos. P. Robertson, ono of Farmvllle's most popular and foremoat cltizons, dled at hle homo ln thls place to-day about noon, The death, ot Mr. Robertson camo osc a great shock to the communlty, as he had been oonftnod t ohls homo only a Bnort whllo. At no tlme was hln condition oon sldored very serlous, although ha was sufferlng from heart troublo. Thls dis? easo resultcd ln hla death. Mr. Robertson was flfty-flvs years of age, and a member of tho well-known commlsslon house of Duvall, Robertson and Company, of thls clty, who aro also owners of the Farmvllle mllls, one of tho largest roller mllls In Southslflo Virglnia. He came to Farmvllle about thirty years ago, and occepted a posltion as depot agent for tho Norfolk and Wcstern. Ho remalned wlth them about five yeanj af? ter whlch he engoged ln tho ci?,mlsslon buslness, and has slnce beon a conBplc uous flguro ln buslness and rellgloub clr oles. He was married to Miss Pattle Booker, daughter of Colonel R. a. Booker, who survlves hlm. Mrs. Mary Frances Armslrong. (Spcclal to Tho Tlmcii.Ulspatch.l NWPORT NEWS, VA., Pebruary 7.-. Mrs. Mary Frances Armstrong dled at Hampton to-day. She came to Hampton on a vlsit a few weeks ago and waa taken sick soon after she arrlved. The body will bo removed to Saybrook, Conn., for interment. Dcceoscd was a slster-ln-law ot General Armstrong, founder of tho Hampton Normal School, and mother of "Dick" Armstrong, the well known foot ball player. Major W. A. Donaldson. (By Assoclated Press.) BALTJ.MORE, February 7.-MaJor Wal tor A Donaldson, suporlntondent of the National Cemetery ln thls clty, dled tv day from blood-polsonlng as a. result of a sllght wound on hla head. Donaldson was also a veteran actor, and played wlth Juntus Brutus Booth (n 1833. In prevlous years, slnce tho Clvll War, he had been superlntendent of national cemeterles at Anteltara. Marletta, Ga,, Winchester, Va. Clty Polnt, Va., and Beaufort. S. C. Romulua L. Hurt. (Speclal to Tha Ttmes-nispatch.) PETERSBURG, VA., Feb. 7.-Romulus Z>. Hurt, brother of Mr. Samuel J. Hurt, of thls city. dled at hls ltome ln Notto way Thursday. Mr. Hurt's homo was about slx mlles from Blackstone. Ho waa one of tha best-known cltizons ln thls sectlon of Virglnia, and for many years has beon one of tho most success ful planters ln Nottoway county. He is survlved by several chlldren. Thomas H. Steger. (SpcrMiil to Tbe Tlmes-Olspatch,) ROANOKE, VA., Feb. 7.-Thomas H. Steger, an old and worthy cltlzen. dled to-day from a complleatlon of diseases, aged elghty years. Ho waa a natlvo of Powhatan county and a gallant Confed erato soldier. He movod to Roanoke county at the closo of the war and has reslded hero slnce. ? He ls survlved by hls wlfe and eloven chlldren, elght sons and three daughters. Miss Keen Graves. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) CHATHAM, VA, Fbruary 7.?Miss Keen Graves dled at the homo of her father, J. T. Graves, ln the county. She Is sunrlved by hor father, two slsters and one brother, Supervlsor J. T. Graves. of Pigg Rlver Dlstrlct. Tho funeral took place Saturday afternoon, near ?fc& fjome of the deoeased. Miss Lucy Ficklen. (Spcclal to Tbe Tlmei-Dlipntch.) FRBDERICKSBURG, VA.. Feb. 7.? Miss l.ucy Ficklen, a well known lady of Culpeper county, dled at the home of Mr. Thornton Strlngfellow. near Bartna, after a brief Ulness. Mrs. Ellzabeth Cox. (Sncclal to The Tlmc?-Dl?patch.) MAiRION, VA., February 7.?Mrs. Ellz? abeth Cox dled suddenly yesterday at the home of her brpther, Mr. W. C. Sexton, cflerk of Smyth county. IN MEMORIAM. "Oh how pleaslng ln tho slght of God Is a ChrlBtlnn sufferlng wlth patlenoe!" Words so beflttlng the puro soul of Mar gerite A. Qulnn, who departed thls llfe last Sunday mornlng, after ten long weeks of sufferlng, whlch she boro wlth so much patlence and reslgnatlon to the wlll of DIvIno Providence. There was never a murmur or complalnt heard to pass her llps. Klnd and conslderato for those around hor, ub sho had alwnys been through llfe, 80 were hor last momonts. She llved a true, qulot and ipeaceful llfe, and by her amlable and lovable dls posltlon she endeared lierself to many true frlends. As she llved, so sho dled, "Oh. so peacefully," trustlng ln hor Sa vlour, whom she novor forgot a moment durlng the long hours of her paln; Indeed, her last words wero sweet suppllcatlons of prayer to her God. Gono, but not for gotten. IRequlsocat ln ln paco. Her Frlond, M. R. Y. MORE MONEY FOR CAPITOL REPAIRS Hon. W. D. Cardwcll, of Hanover, on yesterday" offlerod In the Houso a blll to approprlate J100.0GO additional for pro? posed ropalrs to the State Capltol bulld? ing, It wlll be recolloctod that tho pros ont Lcglslaturo at a former sesslon ap proprlatod JIOO.OOO for thls purpose, and Captaln Cardwcll and othors are of opln? lon that whllo tho work Is belng dono lt should bo dono ln tho most comploto and thorough mannor. lt ls loaruod that ln addltlon to tho Peoblcs plan, whlch con tomplatos wlngs on clthor slde of the prosont bullding.. Mossrs. Fryo & Clios ternuin and Noland & Boskorvtlle 'nro .now at work amendlng tholr plans to tho same end. It ts.hard to say whnt dlspo sltlon wlll bo mado of tho Cardwcll blll. Entertalnment nt tho College. Prosldent Boatwrlght wlll entortaln the studenta and frlends of Rlehmond Col? lege next Tuesday nlght. Mr. Polk Mlller wlll oonduot tho umuBomout features ln the ohapel, and aftorwarda refroshmanta wlll be sorved In tlio llbrary. Thls oooa slon marlis the oJosb of tho Intermedlate examlnatlons, Goes to Natchez. Jaok Frost, the well known shortstop, ot thls clty has slgnod wlth Nutnhea, or the Cotton States Lcague, and wlll leaire for that clty, withln tho noxt faw days. Ho wlll play at BhorUstop. for the team, AN EXTRA SESSION ? ????? Probable That Roosevelt Will Convene Congress ln March STANDARD OIL COMPANY Messages Purportlng to Have Boen Sent by Rockofeller Protosting Agalnst Antl-Trust Leglslatlon Recelved by Slx Senators. (Br Assoclated Prcm.) WASHINQTON, D. C. February 7.? It can be Btated by authorlty that unless antl-trust leglslatlon, at least satlsfactory to the admlnlatratlon, ls enacted at tho present sesslon, Presldent Rooaovolt, on tho Bth ot March. wlll call an extraor dinary sesslon of the Fltty-elghth Con gTcss. The Presldent hlmself has told members of Congress of hls deslro and of hls determlnatlon ln thls(regard. It ls understood that the annouscemont was dlreot' and unquallfled. It ls further stated that the determlna? tlon of' the Prealdent was reached only after careful conslderatlon of the stren uous efforts that are belng made to do feat any antl-trust leglslatlon by Con? gress. Those efforts havo covered a wlde range, They were characterlaed to-day by one promlnent Republlcan leader, to quote hlm directly, "as the most remark ablo of whlch I havo had personal 'knowl edgo durlng my publlc llfe." Theso efforts cultnlnatod durlng the rast thirty-slx hours, It 13 now doclarod, ln dlrect appeals from the Standard Oll Company, through Its presldent, Mr. John D, Rockefeller, to members of tho Sen? ate not to enact any antl-trust legls? latlon at thls tlme. No less than slx United States Sen? ators have recelved telegrams slgned "John D. Rockefeller," urglng that no antl-trust leglslatlon be enacted. It has not been posstble to obtain a copy of these dlspatches, whlch, lt can be said, are practlcally idsntlcal. Subatantlally they read as follows: "We are Opposed to any antl-trust leglslatlon. Our counsol. -, wlll aee you. It must bo stopped." Aa etated. these telegrams (and lt must be clear that only the substance nnd not the exact wordlng Is here glven) were slgned "John D. Rockefeller." Yesterday mornlng one of the orjunael of the Standard Oll Oompony orrlved ln Washington and called Immediately upon members of the Senate, as lndlcated la the telegrams. He dld not remaln long. Bcarcely had he made known hls busl? ness than he was lnformcd, a blf curtly, bhat -hlB presence here was undedrable, on dhe left wlUt on tntimatlon on that ha would better return to New York. Durlng the afternoon Informatlon non oernlng tho recelpt of the messages leak ed out and became tho subject of some qulet cloak-room discussion on at CJio Een ate. The news also reached the House some of tho promlnent representatlves learninr: the glst of the dlspatches. Then lt became known that this waa not the ffret time the Standard Oll Company, through Its attornoys, had endoavorad to Influence leglslatlon In Congress at thla sesslon. Tho attorneys sfor the com? pany, lt was stated, had opposed vlgor ously the enactmont of tho mcasure submltted by Attorney Knox to the sub commlttee of tho House Judlclary Com? mlttee subsequently when what is known os the LittloCeld bill was reportcd to the House. %, May be in Darkness. (By Asjoclutcd Fress.) CARACAS, February 7.?A commlttee composed of two Germans, two TVenoh men, one Engllshman, two Dutchmen and two Spaniards, ropresenting tho for? elgn residents of Carocos, have lnformcd W. W. Russell, Secretary of the Amer? lcan Legatton, that next Tuesday the clty of Caracas would bo without illu mlnatlng gas and that os a result great fear is felt for the safety of llfe and property under such conditions, In view of tho exlstlng polltical sltuation, the commlttee requested Mr. Russell to use hls good oflloes ln tho namo of tho for* elgn commonlties ln this clty with the commanding oflloers of the blockading warshlps to secure their permlssion for the landing at Laguyara of a oargo of coal, wlUch is now on board shlps at Curacoa,* It la understood Mr. Russell has referred tho matter to Washing? ton. Richmonders In New York. (Speclal to Tho Tlmow-DUmitcli.) NEW YORK. Fob. 7.?FLth Avenue, C. D. Larus; Waldorf, R. A. Taylor, C. Wortham, O. V. Lewls. ? ? ' ' DEATHS. TYRBE?Dled, February 7, 1903, at 1:30 o'clock P, M., at the resldence Of hls mother, No, 622 Loulslana Street, GALBERT TYRBE,. ln the twenty fourth yoar of hls ago. He ls sur vfved by hls mother, Mrs. Joanna Ty ree, soveral brothers and sisteis. Farowell, Calbort, thoa art sleeplng, With death seal upon thy brow; We, who lovo no moro art keeplng, Lovlng watch- o'er thee now. Close art thou brlpht eyos forever, I-Iush and stlll thy moan of paln, And no human can ovor brlng thee Back to us again. And thou splrlt ever loving, I-Iovors stlll around us nero; Everythlng and place romlnds us . Of a preoious brother dear. \ And lt may not be long, brothor, B"er we'U meet in realms above, And be sweetly roanltcd lu Eternal (boundless lovo. Llko a lovoly flowcr thy fadod, Thy wos't young to droop and dle; But tho Savlour calls hls loved ones To that brlght homo thore 011 hlgh, Ono by ono wo wlll gathor with thee, Thou wllst wntch for ono to como, And then at last may wo nll Qather lu our falr and heavonly homo, Tho funoral wlll tako plnco TO-MORROW (Monday) AFTERNOON at 3:30 o'clock from Fulton Buptlat Church, Intor ment in Oakwood. Frlonda and a quaintances are lnvlted to attend, (Norfolk and Newport News papers plooso copy.) LOMAX?Doparted thls llfo lu tho full triumph of falth, OILES LOMAX. Sut urduy mornlng nt (l o'clock, Funoral wlll take plaoo at Flfth Btroet Baptlst Churoh TUESDAY, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. TRBNT?Dlod, at hls homo, "Boll brnnch," Uuoklnghain county, Batur day. Februury 7, 1003. THOMAS W. TRBNT, ln tho elKhty-seooud year of hls ugo. Funeral MONDAY MORNINO. URBAN-Dled, Saturday, January 8lst, at 9:80 P. M.. at the resldoneo of her parents, BBTIIIOR, Infivnt dp;; tliter of John II. and hillu Glbaoi. u'f"'u, aged threo months, twenty days. Funoral took pluoo TUE! froni tha resldence at U o'clock, ' Alst oj iOinmrs Jn palnt ?ox Contest The Times-Dispatch Palnt^Box Contest closed with the piotitre prlntod ln last Sunday'a issuo, Arrangements are belng made for even more attraottve fea? tures for our boy and girl frlends, and these wlll be an* nounecd ln a few days. The winners of paint-oosoB for sending ln the best colored drawlng of tho plcturo pTintad ivro weeks ago to-day arei Susio Ligntioot Andorson, Clifton Forge, Va. Cbarlotto N. Shafor, Dondron. Vn.', Haynle Beay, Jr., Blackstone, Va, Mary Warren May, Wavarly, Va. Pearla Jnstice, Waverly Va. Audrcy Nina Cook, Dlaoka burg, Va, The winners ln lost Sunday'B contost will be prlntcd next Sunday. WON'T RECONSIDER THE JUDGESHIP The Jurist Referred to Would Whip His Opponents With Hands Down. ' Tho talk ln leglslatlve clrcles, whlch has been golng the rounds concornlng the posslblltty of a caucus to rconsldor the nomlnatlon/ of one ot the clrcult Judges ln the State, wlll not crystallzo lnto any tiring tangtble, from present lndloatlons, and should there be a can of the body for thls purposo. Cho Ju'dge In questlon would wln out wlth great ca8?. Tho matter was wldely dlsousaod yes? terday. and all who axe well tnformed on tho subject oxpress the unquatlned bellef that notuing will be dena. lndeea, it would bo the old battle ot 1897-'8 over agaln, whon tho renomlnatlon of the enunent Jurist wns earnestly fought by the ultra sllver wmg of the cauoua be? cause of the allegatlon that ho had noc subscrlbed to the doctrlnos of Hon. Wr J. Bryan ln 1896. Tho members lmmedtate ly around the homo of tho judgo declars hlm to bo one of the ablost of all tha Jurlsts on the clrcult benoh, and a man whose record ls wlthout spot orvblemlah. The Tlmos-Dlspatch ls In recolpt of tho followmg lntorestlng letter on tho suti ject from that prominent lawyer Mr. Jas. P. Harrison, of Danvllle: "I rend wlth regret the itera In' your lssue of Saturday, that thero was stutu talk of cancelllng the nomlnatlon of one of the clrcult Judges becauso he had not supported tho Dcmocratlo nomlneo for Congress In hls dlstrlct. I understand that Judgo Jaokson ls referred to. I do not practice ln hls clrcult, but have had nn Important case beforo hlm, and know how hlgh ho ls Justly held, both as a Ju rlBt and as a man, by hls bar and the publlc. I do not bellevo thore ls upon the benoh an abler, falror, or better Judgo. Ho ls a sound-money Democrat, and dld not, I belleva, vote for Bryan, and possibly dld vote ngalnst the Domo oratlc nomlneo for Congress. But he ls a Democrat, and a "Judge of ablllty und unblemlshed eharactor. Therefore, tho more suggestlon ot such Intomperate par tlsanry Is harmful to the Stato and to our party, and for one I onter my most carnost protcst Such action brlng dls ropute upon our party and brcaka Its ln Is In crroi\ and that thero Is no such fluenco and power. I trust your reporter soheme afoot. "JAMBa P. HARRISON." CAN NEVER RETURN Crown Princess of Saxony Refused Permlsslon to See Her Sick Chlld. (Ily Assoclated Preii.) DRESDEN, Feb. 7.-The separatlon of former Crown Princess Loulse and Pro fossor Giron doos not chonge the present legal sltuatlon and wlll not havo the allglrtest effact on tho dlvorco prooeed Ings, whlch wlll be resumod February 11th. The Princess can nover roturn to tho Saxon court, but she may pos? sibly ofi'oat a reconclllatlon, wlth her own famlly and take up a permanent resl? dence ln Austrla, King George called a councll of. the minlstors to-day and BUbmlttcd to them a telegraphlo request from the former Crown Princess, Bont through her lawyers, begglng to soo her son, Chrlstlan, who ls d>angorously III. The declslon, however, was that, much ns the minlstors mlght sympathlze wlth the mother, lt was lmposalblo to allow hor to return here, as lt would occaslon. popular excltement. WILL BREAK UP HAZING A Stop to Be Put to This Practice at The Naval Academy. (By Aiisoolated Preti.) ANiNAPOLTS, MD.. February 7.?Mld shlpman R. H. Pearson, son of the Sec? retary of Stato of Now Hampshlre, who a few weeks ago had hls Jaw broken durlng a flst oncountor wlth an upper class man at the Naval Acadomy, ton dered hls reslgnatlon to-day to Super? lntendent Brownson. The flstlouffa re aulted from an attempt to "run" Pear? son. Ho was aooused of cowardlce when ho threatenod to report the would-bo hazors and was forced to flght an upper classman of hls own slze and welght. Captaln Brownson, Buperintendent of tha Naval Acudomy, summonsd bofore hlm to-day nll the momberu of the thlrd class and loctured thom upon the lnlqul tloa of "haslng" nnd "runnlng." On thelr refusal to ugree to dlscon tluue the praotlce he restrloted them from nll Ilberty, and to-day for tho flrst tlme In years tho thlrd classmen were refused all llborty and wuro oompelled to adhere olosely to thotr dutles In tho academy sohool rooms und workshop.i. Captaln Brownson eays he wlll brenk up all forius of haxlug at the acado? my. .? ? Made Hls Escape. (Speclnl to Tlio Tlnnw-Plsputcn.) LauXINGTOIN, VA.. Fobruary 7.-J*jm?> Handerson, colored, was shot and badly wounded by William Wllllanis, colored, near Rookbridge Baths, and last nlght Hendersan was btvught to the J>*lng ton Hospital f?r troatmont. Wll-'.iNpa ?uiada hla oaoupa, HAVE YOUR SHIRTS MADE Jtr Let vm make your sMrta to order. They wlll flt bet* ter, wear bettoT, and be more sattsfaotOTy ln orory w?.yl You would be sur prlaed to know how many of the best dressed men ln thls vlclnlty are wearlng our trnvde - to - order shlrtB. TJtey say they are more oomfortable In them. Wo have been maklng the shlrts ?of Traony of Rlchmond'a beat dressers slnce 1880. Wo .are the only monur iaotuirers In the Bouth carry Ing a complete line of For? elgn and Domostlo Bhlrt Ings?mado lnto shirta or sold by the yard. W.5. CONSTABLB & CO., Suceessore to CONSTABLE BROS., B03 E. Maln Street. i MADE H!NG LEE'S L1FE BURDENSOME: Five Boys Arrested Last Nlght by Actlng Sergeant Hat ton A. Amos. The deslre of certoln lads on the Thlrd . Distrlct, who Hve ln tho vlclnlty of Mon roe Park, to have sport at the expeaae ot a Chinamon, reaulted lost nlght ln the arrest of Ernest Morgan, Lyn Mlboh ell, Wllllam Goode, Lyn Chlldreea and George Goode, all of whom are boys rangtng ln age from fourtean to elghteen years and who are of good famllles and' excellent address. They are ohaxged on a woxront sworn out by Aotin* Sor geant II. A. Amos with molicloua mla chlef and dlsturblng tho peace onl qulet ude of Charley Hlng Lee. who conduots a wosh shop at Cary and Laurel Streets. They will explaln to Justico Joha to* morrow. _ The warrant was taXcm. by the offloer upon informatlon recelved by Mr. Work Hancook, a merohant, who has a place dlagonally across from that Of tha Oeles tl*l. It ls claimed and not denled that for months post the llfe of Charley Hlng Lee has been mado a burden by the mlschlevlouBiiess ot boys Uvlng la tha neigbborhood of hls place. Frequently the cltlzens of the vlclnlty.; h?we been treatod to a foott race down the street between the ColeeUal and a dozen or more amall boys, untll now lt ls no infrequent oocurrence, happenlng almost dally. _ FOUNDEROF LIFE INSURANCE Memory of Morrls Roblnson, Flrst Pres] identofthe Mutual. A bronzo tablet tt> the memory Of Mor. ris Roblnson. flrst presldent of the Mu? tual Llfe Insuranoe Company of New York, whlch the Canadlan Soclety Jma placedl on Uie front ot the bulldlng, No, 68 W'all Street, the site of tho flrst office . of the Mutual Llfe, waa unvelled yester day afternoon. Mlss Harrlet Duer Robln? son. a granddaughter of Mr. Roblnson, unvelled the tablet, after a short -address by Dr. Goorge D. Stewart, of the Oanav. dlnn Soclety, and a prayer by theA-Rsv. Arthur H. Judge, the soelety's ehaplalm The tablet is a small square of goldsn bronze with a plain lnscrlptlon la ralaed lettors. It waa exeouted by Tiffany & Co. The only rollef ln the severe Bhn pllclty of the djsign ls a ctrcle at tha to pcentre, half of whlch extenda beyond . the upper edge of the square. contalntng"" ln rellcf the seal ot tlio Canadlan So? clety. Tho Insorfptlon readst : To tho memory of \ t MOIRKIS ROBINSON, r : A Canadlan. : ?') : Born in Nova Scotla, Soptambar, 1784, : -.; : Coslhler of tho Bank ot tho United t : States, who, as the first presldent of : : the Mutual Llfe Insurance Company : : o>f New York, establishod on thls t : epot the buslness of modern llfe : : insurance on tho Amerlcan contlnent, : t February 1st, 1343. t : Thls tablet erocted by : : The Canadlan Soclety of New York. t : February lat. 1903. I , Aftor the ceremonles a lunchoon waa served! ln the board room of tho Atlantla - Mutual Insurance Company. at No. 61 - Wall Street. Addresses were made by Chancollor MaoCracken, of New tfofk ) Unlverslty; Olaronce Whltmon, presldent of tho Merehants' Assoclatlon, and Rlch-; ard A. McCtxrdy, presldent of the Mutual Llfe. ,-'' " Mr. McCurdy told the story of Morrls Rouliuon'a llfe and work. Mr. Robln? son waa tho son of Colonel Boverly Itob lnson, an ofllcer ln the Britlsh army dur? lng tho Revolution, Hls famlly. becauss or thelr loyalty to the Crown, were com pellod to abandon their home at Boverly, near Garrlsons-on-tho-Hudson, and go to Oanadn, where Morrls Roblnson was born In a log house. (He came to New York\ at an early age and became oashier of a bank at Goshen. Mr. MoOUrdy told the story of Mr. Roblnson's buslness carear and tho boglnnlngs of the llfe Insurance buslness ln this country .?Now York Bun, PLAY EUCHRE AT THE VIRGINIA CLUB The Board of Govornors of the Ylr glnla Club have generously tenderod to the Georgia tabls of tho Confederate Ra ssaar the uso of thelr beautlful club* houso (the old Yan Lew maaslon) for a progresslve euohrs party,.to be hold for the bsnoflt ot the bautar, Tho offer has been aooeptod and the party wlll be held In the club rooins on Friday nlght, February llth. between the hours of 6:S0 and 11 o'clock, Tlokets can be obtalned from any mem? ber ?t the Georgia tablo. I CHEftPEST SSS3 near Harrison, tltO.OO. B**l Bsteto Vruab Oo. _