Newspaper Page Text
TIIK TIMRS KOI'NI-KI- 1-iJ-l Tlfl-; DISPATCH, FOUNDBD 1850. -WHOLE NUMBER, 16.173. HICfLMOXn, VA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1908, PRICE TWO CENTS. 3UMMARY OP TO-DAY'S NEWS THE WEATHER. WASniNGTONJ, Feb. 23,,-Forceast: tor Tuesday and vVbdiicsduy: Vlrginia?Increaainn eldudlness T""'"'-1'""". rnln ai nh.'lit or wednesday; vnrlablo wlnds becoming nortli nnd fresh, Nortli (.'.iiiilliii?--Huin ln ''iirft, falr ln west portion Tuesday; Weilni-Hilny rftln, varlnble wlnds bpcomlllg north und hrlsk, Tho ranga of Ihe thermom'oler wns *v\le yesterday. k'.Ihk from 80 nt !' o'clock to Ui ut :l lii tli<> aftornnon. Tlie day ivi'.s u d"lli;!itrul one, ian.1 mnny took ndvaiitage of It fpr otttdoar exerclse. STATE OF THB THBItilOMl'TKn. H A. M. M * 12 M. 50 I! 1\ M. *"> li P. M. 13 tl P. M. 12 12 midnlght...... ?-* Average .*. <*5VS MINIATURE ALAMANAC, Feb; 21, 100". ' Sui: rlses.15:50 I HlGHTIDE, fiun siih.5:57 I Morning.S:45 Moon rlses,,.,1:5s | Evenlng.'im RICHMOND. Congresslonal commlttne npproprlates riioncy for Shafer bullding-Riehmond man falla from a seaffold nnd ls imduntly ititlud?Hlg chiireh may bo movrd to Iho West End-Hold tlilot rob? a lady Death of Jlu, Jamea ' C. Boyd-Des ?perate flght at a turnOce door?Ohserv anco f.i u'nshington's Wrthdav?Mar? rlage "f n Iili'liHion " merchnnt?Creat Occaslon to-muiat at Rallroad Y. M. C. A. .?The i'.'il'..). and Politlcs the subject of u aermon?Trial ..f John M. Klng to - day-1\ Slato baSe-ball league nssured ??The revenuo blll in tho Houso of Dele? gates?Itallans colebrato to-day?Rich mond man wrltes un opera-Kiehrnond*..-" sii-n n petlllon to Congress for >.ii Interstate llquor Is-W?Men arrested, iharged wldi tnoft?-?Great bullding to b .;? ted ..( Tenth and Main?Baptlst minlaters after the Mormons?Stuart inanuincnl to be loeated ln the Capitol SgUan-lnterestlng ehango cont^mplat e.l in the organization of the pollce de? partment?Riehmond Grays have ban riu.-t nnd portralt presentatlon?Unlver? slty of Vlrginia bllls come up to-dny? Lent brglns lu-morro*v-Dc-ath of Mr. Wllllam II. Tatum. MANCHESTER -Lodge or Elks ls Instltntcd and of fi- is i.r.- .?hoii'ii'?Aeeident to au aged lady?Last german of the season?1 wo ... ith:?Tea to be gtven ror the b-meflt ? of liainbrldge-Street Baptlst Church. VIRGINIA. Washinston's blrthday ls eelebrnted wlth nn ImpesEn'g parade in Alexandria"; rovlewed i>y Governor Slontague-Col I'cre oratbrs ftrc heard in Lexlngton? Tha day elsewhero ln Vlrglnla?BIkIiop V tlson to dellver lhe Washlngton and I ?:? haccatniireati-J.mlor Order Am"fl can Mechanlca al Cllfton Forge?West* orer nrgroes drown. I-?-Southwesl Vlr glnl" tel pboni deal i- denled?Betlfleld, . ,? ol t>, r. M-arriH. on the Vorr., t burn : "Drys" ivln In Darvlllc <lls Iricl ln Dlnwiddle?Local or-tlon elec? tlon wlll probabiy be hetd ln vyythevllle ln the spring-Ice gorge ln the Kappa hannock ls broken?Vnluable ;dft f> the Unlverslty law tlbrary??An >alii negro li'i ! at WHItamsburg and hls Wlfe ls arrested-New rallra >d through I-uncn burg trom RLnekstone t>i Chaso Clty Branch of Eaetern Shore Produce Ex . .- ;? be started iu Mdryland?A cr?e.Jucalianal Chrlstlan college t>) he started at Lyn-cbburK?Mnn nearly f ?.-?ii to dentli ln Highland-A young j_^i ? run over hy n traln and fatally ln-. nf*rrii i,.,,- -T-h'arlottesvllte?John I. Chalkley, *>f Hi hmond. kii'.ed ?i Wll llamaburK?J. F. Phtlllps Rlii-il -?t Prlnce, W. Va.?W< n ,i iu Franklin hOlds nri offlcer at b. / with n gun? Norfolk boy lo ? ? nngers ot both hands -Senator Cromwell and Edltor Johnson ?i ive a IHrlit en tho Streets of Norfolk :; Verul students may l?- esp<ll*d from Hampden-Sldney?DoublO tragedy ln Lynchburg. SfarriiiBOM?Garnette KI llotte and Miss Mary Cox in Lynchburg: 11. N". Martln (md Miss I3IlsiabetJi V. <'.-i-v,-,-- .\: Chathsm. Deaths-?Mrs: Snllle J. Anderson B1 lloonoke; Robert Rogers nt Poanoke; E. D. Potter at Belle Haven; Jacob ICetiter at Blncksburg;-Mrs. Mary Kliz,it"'th r:t Lynchburg; .Mrs. J. S. Palmer ln Northumberlahd. NORTH CAROLINA, Counsel fur Ernest Haywood lssue a gtatcment aRalelgh, Self-defense.wlll be the plea: Funeral otLudlow r*kiun.'r?Re ??vai.l ior Young, who yluat Willlamson nt Itamlet Saturday-Tho day in lhe Leg? islature-The House fllscusspa the rove iiiH! blll?County authorities ure ask lt)if for .Stul... sc!i'.i<>: approprlatlon Several deaths ln Greensboro?Ur. W. !?'. Burbanh In a flt of despondun'cy nt fempts r.a take his own hf.-Fraternlty banquet at Purliam-Trlnltv College's new lli.riirv, plvrn by Mr. J. B. Luke. 1-. formallv /oppried. Walter II. P.ige makes the Bpeeeh of the occaslon-Fiije \. n- the Bentence in lhe Blshop pase at Charl itte. GENERAL. Senator Tlllmnn makes a siirprislngly moderate speech ln S n:ii.' oh the In diniinla (Ml!.?'.? poslpfflce affalr-riennle passes tho omnlhus publlc bullding, bill with nn approprlatlon for Klchmond?? Tli-nr-Adrnlral Henry C, Taylor presentr-d wlth a handsoma sword by Indlana Lcg islature?British Hausc of Commdus passes a vote of cehs'ure on Wur Se.-n1 tarv BroderlcVi-Blrthday Of Wnshlng ton'celebrated ln many citles of th.' lnnd -Thomas Kclson Page pays ?loivI:J_j ?tribuu* to Oenernl Lee in Atlanta, wnere ho nddressed tln- Vlrgfnla Soclety?Su? preme Court renders an lmportant de cislon in regard in tronsmlf.sloh of lot tery ti.'kets; Chief Justlce Ftiller dlsseu-s -Shlp suhsldy bltl b ' n Merchant Marine rfptl fnvorably to ' Turkey promises rms Hiiggestcd by .1 ?r-There Is to bc ii alleged erueltles p Sii'.tes (ifiloers ln Tth ii.iuu.-il Convon oi uif unugnters of ili? Revolution In bcs plon lu WushingCon: i.irr nght antlclpated over elertlon of nfflcPrs-Plans prartl caUy completed for iho merper of tho intpre>n?''of plantu eonlrolled by bnef ini'i-Nento awnrded damages agalnst rullmnn Cuninntiy f..r fallun- to'.' eerve hlm m?-nl untll nfter whtu- ihteous had flnlslmrl .'iitliur?Blggest erow.l over piith.-rcd ln Xi'w Orleans wlthessed cntry of lte>c MAY LYNCH NEGRO WHO STABBED EDITOR (Py A??octiitoil PresO WATHENA; KAS., Feb, 23.-l'au| Crln Bteail, edltor ot Tho Tltnes, wag probabiy fntally stabbed by u drunken nogro named Ft'iinU Wnriuir, and oxcllemcnt is nm nlng hhVM ?t Wath.inn aud ut Troy, whero^ tlio negro has boen placed iu juii. tiu>iv (h tullc of lynelihlng iu case (Irinstead Oiinstend served tienrly n yonr, ln juil ln ItKK) for lihul, nnd edlted hiis piipor from hls colt, -c DEGREES CONFERRED BY JOHNS H0PK1NS (hy Af.?,i-lMt..| I'roisr) haltjmohe. mi>., Fobruary 2::.-Julu:s 'Hopklhs Unlv.oi'stty to-duy rfleiji-iiied thQ twenty-wuv'i'ntli aii'rilvct'aui'y of Its foiiiui |ng. Besldos |he prulfqii of L're.-ii.i-nt 'ftlilornian, of lhe Tuliipo l'.'.'illl'onii:i) Uni ver.sltj', nnd the aiinuiil tuldie^.s of Preai* dont Heinsi'ii. u nuinber uf degrees were eunfi'i'i'ed, anii'iig tlio ruclplenta belng Fiedert'k lluttnn Getmuu, uf lhe U"-'! w?>'.slty uf Vlrglalu. MONEY TO BUY THE Mr. Martin Gets Ap'pro priation Throucjh. SENATE FAVORS SHAFER SITE Virginla Senator Secures AIJ the Money Meeded. CAPT. LAMB SENDS TELEORAMS HERE Wants to Know What Are the Wishes of the People?Presiclent Cabell, of the Chamber of Commerce, Says Buslness Organizations Have Spoken for Pres? ent Site for Office. Senator Martin yesterday tuccecded In havlng attachcd to the omnibus publlc bulldlngs blll, which was passed by tho Setiatc, a sum sufllclcnt to meet the ad? dltlonal amount requlred to condemn the Biiafer bullding property for b slte for an addltlon to the present postofllce. The addltional approprlatlon is Intended to mc-ct the diffcrenco between the sum already approprlated for thls purpose and that awarded by the Jury ln tho condem natlon proceedlngs. In other words. Mr. Martin has suc ctedc-d ln havlng the Senato Commlttee report favorably upon the propositlon to approprlate all the money necessary to buy the Shafer bulldlng. and the Senate promptly passed tho hlll. CAPTAIN i.AMH TELEGRAPHS. Itcpi?ehtattye Lamb, as soon as he leurned of bhe actlon of the Senate, sent tr.e followlng telegram to Mr. Ashton Starlcc, vvlio was foreman of the jury thal tho Shafer bulldlng prop *j_enat-i Commlttee, under suggestlon of Martin, havo rjjeommended ai.iount pro yldSd for by your jury. What do people of Hichmond say? 1am ready to carry out tliolr wishes." A telegram practically like thls was soit to Colonel John Murphy .and to otiR-r buslness men. Mr. Martin had a conversatlon over the long dLstance 'phone wlth Secretary Dunlop, of the Chamber of Commercei intnrrr.lng hlm ot what had been dnne. Presldent Cabell, of the Chamber of Commerce, wns asked last nlght II he had heard from Captaln Lamb. Hc sald ho Iuid reeelved a. message bearing inci dentnlly upon this subpect. ENDORSED BY BUSINESS MEN*. Mr. Cabell was nsked If the Chamber of Commerco would be called to act ln this -matter. "So far is 1 can see now and am ad ylsed lliere is no occaslon for any meet? ing," he rejilicd. "The Chamber of Com? merce at a speclal meeting called to con slder tho question of a site for the post otllco declded In favor of tlio present site. The Tobacco Exchanse and other buslness organlzatlotis have taken sim actlon. What ls the uso of the busl? ness organizations speaking further i;pon tho subject? Our wishes are known at Washlngton." Colonel Murphy could not be found by a Tlmes-Dlspatch reporter, but be Is known to favor a slte on Bread Street. Mr. Starke does not favor tlio present slte. Colonel W. O. Skelton, a member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber ot Comnibree was blghly pleascd when hc told r.f what Jlr. .Martin had nccom plished. Jfo thouKlit the great majorlty nf tlie buslness peoplo wanted tha post vilBct. where it now is. Tliis vlow is em Jury a Verdict of Manslaugliter in tlie. Trial of tlie Petersburg (Speclal '" Tho Tfiuos-l-lspatcii.) CHARLOTTE, N. C..; l''C'bruary __.? Arlliur L. BIshop, tho slayer of T. J. Wilson, was to-day seutenced to fivc years at hard .labor iu tho State penltcn tlury. Tho septenco wus pronounced by Judge Walter 11. Neal tliis morning nt S o'clock. BIshop was accompanled' to the cnur't-room by his wlfo uud a deputy sherlft. When called upon co stand up |ie aroso and dld not seem to bo in tlie Uuist agitated, MIs demeanor never changed one in.ta when thu senteiico was pronouiiced, HiHliup's CQunsej gave r lle-o of an appeal. Thls stop wlll hardly be taken, as your cori'ospondeiit learns that hls counsel have advlsed hlm accopt wlthout a murinur thu sentonce uf the court. The actlon of tho jury ln hriiising In u verdlct of mansluiiBht-T yesterday af l(-i noon was' somovvhut of a suipriso. It was gonerally surmlsed tliul tlie case WOUld result ln a mlstlial, Tho jury Stood Ihree for acquittal, sl.. for maii sin_!giit.r and thrcp for second d-gfoe inurder. Yosterday morning tlio three men who had held out fnr hWdei; lu tlie second deiirce declded to come oye. to tho six who were ln favor of a verdlct fnr manslauBhler. l.ulev ln iho day tlie three who voted. for acquittal declded to sgieo lo a verdlct of nianiiluughter, wlth tlie uiiderstiiiidlngHlitU thu Judgo would i,ot bo huid qu the prlsoner. pluiHizcil by Iho fact that tho aettvlty or tho Chamber <if Commerce nnd other or gunlzall-ins wriH unanlnioiiM. Several prnmlneiit buslness mon around und ftbout Iho hotcl.-s laat nlght were of tho opinion tliat Senator Martin hnd a< oompllshcfl much groat bdds, and tlmt tho blislhess Interests of Rlehmnnd would bo best served hy kcepinK th? Fed ernl bulldlng whero It now Is and properly enlarglng Its ncconiniodatlons. Features of Ihe Bill. Tlio press dispateh from Washlngton says: Senator Fulrbiinks to-day introduced the omnibiis publlc bulldlng hlll, reported by the Senato Commlttee on Publlc Dulld Iiir.; npd Grounds. Tho blll subscquently pasaed tho Senate. By tho blll the ambjtnls avallablo nre Incronserl to tho followlng: Harrlson. Ark., tlOO.OOOi Home, Ga.. $131, 000; Jacksonvllle, Fla., .528,000! George town. S, C 1630.000; Annlston. Ala., $150. 0>;0: Ellzabatli Clty. N. C, $110.00-0; Dnr ham, N". C, $130,000; Goldsboro, N*. C, $50,000; Nasl.vl.1e, Term., $73-1,-1-; Martins vlllr;. Va., $15.0-0; Rock Hlll', S. C $15,000; fchcrman, Tex.. IU5.000; Batesvllle, Ark,, $76,0(0. A new bulldlng Ls authorlzed at Natch Itochs. La.', to cost $00,000; addltlonal Im? provements at Macon, Ga,, are authorlzed to cost $300,000; addltlons and Increase, Richmond, Va., to a total of $591,628; At? lanta, Ga., Increase for sito to. S-oO.OOO. ALLEGED OAMBLER FORFEITS HIS BOND (Bj- Press.) CHICAGO, ILL., Feb, 23.?Harry Bro laskl, alleged swlndler and head of the turf Investment concern of H. BrolaskI <k Co.. fallcd to appear ln court to-day and Justlee Hall declared hls bond of $2,000 forfelted. BrolaskI was to bc ar ralgned on four chargea of con,ductlng a gambllnj- Institutlon. Mlss Mattle .Woodln. manager for Benc dict & Co., and M. J. Bc-ck, tho attomey, were in court. but thelr cases were con? tinued untll March 5th. BEEF TRUST IS COMPACT Plans Practically Complete for Merger of Interests. NO FRICTION WITH COURT The Big Concerns That Are Involved in Judge Grosscup's Decision Will Not Bo Included in the Merger for the Present. (By Assoolateil Pr_*s.) CHICAGO, ILL., February 23.?Plans are practically complete for tho mcrging of tho Interests of the flrms that com prlse ,the so-called beef trust. Unless something unforeseen arises Aprll lst wlll see the offlcial anuouncement of the in corporatlon of a securltles holdlng com? pany, which eventually may control the meat trado of the world. Unlikethe pop? ular idea of the packers' merger, how? ever, for the time belng it Is not to em brace ovcrything in slght, nor is it(j to be capltalized at $500,000,000, as announced for the Unlted Stute_ Packing Com? pany. Further, the plans contemrlate n'o frlctlon with the Federal courts becauso of the recent decision by Judge Grosscyp agalnst the packing house comblnatlon. The nucleus ot" the great comblnatlon of world-wlde interests, is to he the merger of the smaller independent plants boughjt last year by the bl? packers preparatpiy to the general merger planned at that tlmo. The seeurities to be held by the new corporatlon are those of the G. II. Hatnmond Packing Company. the Ohiaha Packing Company, Ihe Anglo-Amcrican Flcrwer Company, the St. Louls Beef Company and the Unlted Dressed Beer Company, and posslbly several of the out slde stock-yards now controlled by Chicaso interests. Clilcago wlll be tho headquarters of the comblnatlon, but as far as the public i.s cbnoerned thero wlll bo no immedlata change ln the operatlon of the Indlvldual plaiits under tho new regime. lt is planned to head tho new securl? tles company wlth present offlcials of tha Indlvldual compunie.s instead 6i with tlie blg packers themselves or those imme d.ately a.'s_ic...Uo wlth them in "Thij Hig Six" companles. The slute.of offl? cials for the securltles company has been prepared unu is said (o contaln tho namc-s of J. C, Mc-lvln and J. P. Lymnn. of tlie Hatnmond Company; Frederick Cowa.n, oi' the AriglOrAmerlcan, and E, !?". Robbtns, of the Omaha Packing Com? pany. Probably the Iist-iiamed will be chairman of tho Board of Directors. lt is not known deflnltely what- will bc the capltal of tho secuiities holdlng company. but It Is thought the- flgurp 'wlll bo In excess of the purchaBo price of the companles to lie comblned, probably somothing like $50.000,000. THAWING DYNAMITE THEY MET DEATH ll!.. Assochitcd Press.) CON'NELLSVI'LLE, PA.. Feb. 23.?Two ItiilUuis wero kllled, two fatally injurod and a number of others sligl.tly hurt by an exploslon of dynaniite on tho jinltl moro und Uhlo double-tracklng opera? tlons, near Rock wood, T>;\, The men wero thu-.vlng dynamlto, when lt ex liludud,' scntterlng death und destruction ln all diroctloiis. The two Itullmi.. klllecl were hurled lnto tho Costleman Rlver, a tllstahce of one hundred feet. nnd thelr bodlos wero horrlbly mutllat.d, Tho naines of tho kllled and Injurcd cannot bo learned, as thoy aro k.iu\__i only by thelr worklngL numbers, FAST TRAIN WRECKED. AND TWO KILLED (lly .Vssii.,liit.d press.. DIXON. MO.. Fch, 2.1.-Tl)o St. Louls and Sun Friinoisco fast overl.iud train. "Meteor," was wrocked lu'st night utar thu aiiscoiunti) -Rlver crosslng, ut Ar Wlllluin GlfCord, Wells-Fargo express mosweii;jor, of Sl, Louls, wiu kllled, aud J.nglhe.r, of N'.wbu.g, suslnliied brokun rlljs and Internal ju* Juries that iiuiy provo fatal. Four of tho crow wcro\ soi'lously' Injurod, Nouo of tho passeiigcVa were liijurcd, except slightly. \ A LEADING CIT Death This Morning of W. H. Tatum. HE WAS THOUGHT TO BE RECOVERING Had a Sudden Relapse and Then Sank Rapidly. HAD AN EXTREMELY INTERESTING CAREER Served His Country Valiantly Durlng the Bitter Civil Struggle?Since the War He Had Madea Name, for Hlmself for Honesty and for Ability in Busi* ness Affairs. "Mr. William H. Tatum, one of tho oldest retall grocers In Riehmond. one of the bravsst soldlers in the Confede? rato service, and one of the most hlghly estcemed'1 cltlzens of thls clty, dled at his resldence, Xo. &M 1-2 East Lolgti Street, nt 1:23 o'clock yesterday mornlng. He had not been in good health for some tlme, but hls fatal lllness dates back only a few weeks. TIe was, how? ever, thought to be recovc.rlng from a severe attack and was able to move about the house, when he had a relapse and then sank rapidly. Mr. Tatum was born in Henrlco coun WILLIAM H. TATUM. ty, not far from Riehmond, on the 15th of Aprll, 163S. He came of a good old Vlrglnla famlly. After rocelving a bus? lness education he, in 1852, entered tlie prroccry buslness in Riehmond a? a clerk for George A. Hundley, lle served tnnt firm until the war came on. Then he enllsted wlth thp flrst company of the Howltrsers, s'ervjng with that commnnd throughout the wnr. Ho was at the surrender at Appomattox. There was no truer, bravcr nor more devoted de? fender of tho Confederato eause than he. HIS' BTTSIN-KSS CAREER. At the close of 'he war ho agaln en? gaged in the grocery buslness on Broad Street. The tirm wa.s known then as Hundley & Tntum. After a year or two Mr. Tatum embarked ln buslness solely on his own aceount. That wa.s In 1807. Ever since tliat time he lias conducted hls store on the samo hlock. Since tho bullding of Loo Camp Hall hls storo has. been on tho ground door of that structure. There Is no person or flrm who has. conducted a' groctiry buslness In the clty for a longer perl^d of tlme. Mr. Taturij was threo tlmes married. Each wife was named Mary, Tli-3 flrst wns Miss Mary Armstrong; tha {'???c'ond Miss Mary Pearman, nnd the thlrd Miss Mary Walker, who survivc-s him, Thcro wero chlldren by each unlon, a few of SEVERAL B WERE EXCHANGED Senator Cromwell and His Brother Havean Encounter With Editor Johnson. ?Spivliil t.a Tho rimea.puiiatcli.) NORFOLK. VA.. february -'!.~a per unter oeeurred this afternoon trcot ln fronl "f tlie Clianil s.inal an ou Maln of C'oiiiuiiii'i'O l.i'tu.' tor of tlio Norfolk ( Benator e. 'e. cron Bliorlff A, <?? Cron ?xt'haniro.l. t llugli Joh uty Domocrut, nnd ?11 und hls brother, II. Sevornl blov.s imbtitints ware sopurntod nnd place.l under arrest before nny one hnd been diunnged to any exu-nt. All partles wero urreatod and t.iken to tho pollce Hlntlou, where they wero bij.ll a.I ,.. ........ ....,., . . . ' : i :' I Ni'ii lll : t , . , i. ? . t iqnlzanee to appear Taylor to-morrow nioru ed in tlielr before Just Ing, , ; Tho ntfulr growH out oi tlio posltlon tliat Edltor Johnson has taken in hls pupor iu refenmoe to tho ruglstrutloii in Bet'kley. Senator Croniwell has bmui ci'ltli'ix.'ii hy Mr. Johnson for not obttiln Iiik th.! pausuge of a spoalal act tluii wlll allow a I'Offlstratlon to bo had, aud Sona lor Cromwoll has dofendotj hls position hy stuting th'H the matter ls biilng con? sidered by a commlttee. Mr. Johnson and the Cromwells havo been, ou opposHe siilas in thn f'"'',~c,li fl?''t tlutt haa been fa'o|i)g,..oii"~iii <*N0"*7 l)buiity, ?' \ < \M whom aro now livlng. Mr. Tntum also leaves a brother, Mr, John Tattun. who hns born conncctod wllh hlm tn buslness fnr thlrty years, nnd ii slster, Mlss Loulse Tiituin, who rosldcd wlth hlm. Mr. Tittum was a M.ikou and hold mem bcrshlp ln st. John's Lodgo, No, 88. Ho was its trcosurer for twonty-flvo years, TTo was nlso a member of the Royal Ar? canum, nnd carrled lnstiranoo ln thut order. A DBVOITT HAFTIST. Mr. Tntum was a most dovout Chrlstian. Ifo had long been a member of tho First Baptlst Church, and was ono of the most regular attonriants upon tho servlces thero. He conducted n Sunrfny-Bchobl class, whlch was ono of tbe largest In thr, clty. Mr. Tntum was a true blue Vlrglnlan, a gentleman of the old school. All who knew hlm llk.d hlm. Hls was a famlllar flgure on Broad Street, near hls buslness plucc, It wlll besadly mtsscd. Ho was given to works of charity, and thore are many who wlll call hls memory blessed. Mr. Tatum was n memhor of Camp, und a detail wlll bo mado to attend hls funeral. NEGRO SHOT TO DEATH IN RIOT ON A TRAIN (Br Assoclsted Pross.) LAKE CHARLES, I__A., February 23. Passengers on tho incoming Kansa3 Clty Southern train last nlght reported that a terrlllo riot took place on the train, In whlch a negro was shot to death and three white men seriously Injurcd, one, probably fatally. , A crowd of whlto men boarded tho train at a saw-mlll town south of Lcesvllle, took possesslon of the smoker, nnd then Invaded the negro coach. Instantly a flght started, shots and" curses were heard and tho car was almost wrocked, When the train reached DeQulncy the tralnmen managed to cject, six of the worst dls turbers. No arreats are yet reported. It is thought that ono of the wounded white men wlll die. No names are given. In Jealous Rage James Cooper Shoots Wife and Himself. HER INJURY NOT FATAL The Man Will Probably Die from the Terrible Wound Which He Inflicted Upon Himself?His Con? dition Critical. (Speelul to TUo Tlnies-Disputeli.) LYNCHBURG, VA.. February __..?One of the dttrkest tragedles tihat has been rc-corded ln Lynchburg for u long tlme occurred here to-nlght. In a monient of jealous rage James Cooper drew hls re volver, und after shooting hls young wlfo In the head, sent a ball crashlng through hls own braln. Mrs. Cooper wlll recover. but the husband's condltlon is now so serlous that ho wlll not live until morn? ing. Tho couplo came to Lynchburg from Reldsvllle, N. C, to accept posltlons ln the Lynohburg Cotton Mllls. According to statements made by those who boarded in the same houso wlth them, they did not get along very well together, nnd Jlr. Cooper seemed to he jealous ot. hls wlfe, who is an exceedlngly pretty glrl of about seventeen years of ugc. Al about haU-post _ o'clock to-nlght Mrs. Cooper prepared to leave with sev? eral frlends, with tho intention of spend Ing the evienlng out. Her husband com ni-.ndcd her not to leave. but some time ufU-rwaiils siie- walked through tho lia.ll way to tho back porch. In less than a minute two pistol shots were heard. Jlr. Cooper Iuid followed hls wlfe, and when they reached the porch he liud pulled out his pistol and lired. Tlilnking that he ha.l accompllshcd hls liitentloii. he then turned the w'eapoil 011 hlmself. Cooper fell from tho pptveh wlth hls bralris oozing from a hole that entered r.ear tlle ''Ight eye and passed entirely through hls head. Mrs. Cooper was shot just behlnd the rlght ear. but the' ball glanced around the skull, and her injury ls not necessarily danfeerous. THE RICHMOND AND TIDEWATER RAILROAD Tho scheme to bulld the Richmond and Tldwater Rallroad has npt only not been abttndoued, but Mr. Falrfax C. Christlan, tho promoter of tho onterprlse. thlnks tho chnnces aro growlng better every day. The poo;ple of tho countles through whlch it wlll run from RIchmond to GIou cester Point, has the dcepest and tho best imused hnrbor on tho Atlantic coast, are clamorlng for tlie road, and have voted subscrlptlons to tho capl? tal stock. Mr. Christlan ls of opinion that tho Richmond peoplo wlll eveiitually see tlio groat value of such a road nnd wlll como to the support of tha movement to bulld lt. He sald he had l'.gurcs to. show tliat on aceount of tho Jack of faellltles for doallng wlth Rlohmond, BfiUl'moro, I'hli adelphja aiid New York gotii iinnually S4.n00.000 of trade from Iho seetion pro? posed to he tra.orsod., whllo Rlchniond gets hardlv inorp iluni $, CHANGES ADOPTED IN BASE-BALL RULES llly Press.) CHICAGO, ILL,, February 23.?Pence relgneil supremo at tlie jolut meeting hero to-day of the Amerlcan nnd Xn tlenal Loiigues and tlm Niitlonnl Asso ciiilloii of Mlnor Longucs. When tho RiitiierinK udjoiu'Divi lo-nlght a unlform foul strlke rule had boen mloptuil; prfctlou atldeel to tlie rule rogardltig tlio tii.ike-up nf the dluiiioiid, und an amend ment nildeil to tho ba||. hull rule. W(th tlioso change^ and ? few otliera of mlnor linportance llio commlttee de? clded tlmt tho ruloo wero as perfect aa cmilil bt1), and to-morrow's sosston will bvi devoted to llio formallou of sehedulv-.s. stralghtout Deiiioerata und luslonists for thu past two years. LOTTERY Supreme Court Renders important Opinion. CHIEF JUSTICE FULLER DISSEMTED Verdict of Court Sustains the Lawof 1595. opinion Written by justice harlan lt Declares That Lottery Tickets Are Subjects of I raffic and That Con? gress Has Perfect Right to Prohibit Their Transmis sion from State to State. (By A'soelatrd Press.) WASHINGTON, Feb. ".I.-Tho power of the government to prcvent tho pas sage ot lottery tlckets from one State to another outsldc the Unlted States m,il1s was passed on to-day by the UriltOd States Supreme Court. Tlio questfin arose ln connectlon wlth tho c.iso of Champlon vs. the Unlted States and that "of Francls vs. tho Unlted States, and in both cases tho constltutionallty ut tho act of Congress of 1S05, prohibiting the transmlsslon of lottery tlckets trom one State to another by exprcss and other wlso was challenged. Tlio opinion In tlio Champlon cas? was deli,72ri'd by Justlce Harlan and sustained the valldlty of tho law. In lhe Francls case J113 tlco Holmes spoko for tho court, holding that the offense alleged dld not come wlthin tho seopo of tlie law ln questlon. The cases have been on docket of tho Supreme Court for a long tlme, and evl? dently presented many knottj* problcms to' tho court. Champlon at tho tlmo of hls arrest was in Chicago, representing ivhnt wa.s known as the Pah-Amerlcan lottery o. Puraguny. Tlie partlcular ehargo agalnst liIm was that of delivering a box of lot? tery tickets to the Wells-Fargo Kxpress Company. in Texas, for shipment to Callfornia. ITe was arrested in Chl? cago to be tnken to Texa.s, and linme dlately sued out a wrlt of luibeas eorpus, whlch tho Fcdornl Clrcuit Court slt tlng iii Chicago refused to grnnt. II-: ap? pealed to the Supreme Court, and it *vns thls appeal which was decided to-day, tho declslon being adverse to him. POLICY SHOP. Francls opera ted In Cineinnati, Oliln, and was charged wlth conducting a "pol? icy shop." Tho numbers wero sclcctod by players In Newport. just across tiie Ohlo Rlver, tn Kentucky, and brought to tlie maln ofllce, lu Cineinnati, by fer? ry or over n brldge by carriers, Tlils, It was charged, was a vlolation of tho statute of IStio, and Francls was arrested and found gullty. Hls sentence was ntllrmed by tlie Circuit Court of Ap? peals for tlie Slxth Clrcult. and the case then removed to tho Supreme Court. Tho effect of Justlce Holmes" declslon, revers lng the lower court, Is to send Uio case back for a new trial. The- prlnclpnl contention of counsel for tlie lottery mon was that tho suppressldri of lotterles belongs to the pollce powers of the several States and not to tlie Fed crul Government, and conseciuently the law of 1S05 Is In derogatlon of the Tenth Amendment. They nlso cohtended that Iho sending of lottery tlckets or policy (Contlnued on Second Pngo.) RICHMOND MAN FALLS TO DEATH Mr. Joltn I. Chalkley. of This City. Instantly Kllled Yesterday. (Speclnl to "'Tlio Tlrups-ntspnteli.l WIIjLIAMSHURG. VA., February 23. About l o'clock tlils afternoon John I. Chalkley. foretnan of the force of palnters at tho Eastern State Hospjfal, fell from thn new ward bullding nnd was Instantly kllled. Tlio imfortunato man was at work on tho cornlco on the south sldo of tlio portlco, when without wnrnlng. tlie rope sllpped, pro'clpltatlng hlm to the ground. forty or f.l'ty feet beneatli. Hls arms, legs and neck wero broken. and he was uthorwlso mangled. 'Mi', Chalkley wns about thirty yenrs old nml l'.'\-i\] iu Itlchniond, whero he has n wlfe anrl soveral elill.lren. Hnd tlio ncaldent, whlch caused young Chiilltiey's dniiih, ouourrod flve mlnutcs later anothor l'atnllty would have lie.>u added to tiu" horror, hh another patnt.-r was preparlng to mount tlio same scitf* fold from whlch the uni'ortunuto man fell to hls death, As tho man fell ho sald, "r.ookout," In falllng he turned over und over lu tlio nlr, sti'llilng nn tlio linrrl oement tloor In the areuwny south of tlio portlco. Chalhley wns n sobor and In.lustrtous nuin, who was very popular wlth his us soclutes. Tho remalns woro talcon charge of hy tho liosj.ltai nuthqrltles and will be shippod to Illcliiuond tL)-niorro\v*'nii>rnlng. Tlils is tli? sepond b*S(| neeldeiit tlutt has hns oecurrea at tim noiv buildliig, but tho other was not fulal. Mr, Chalkley livod with his faniily at No. 110? North Twenty-seveuth Street. He was lu ehargo of tho ptilntiiiK con tract at ' VVIIllamsimrg fov Messrs. llet.ri.-r Jt Ciunzert, of this clty, ' TO ERECT STRUCTB A Steel Building is to Go Up at Once. WILL BE EICHT STORIES IN HEIGHT Site at the Corner of Tenth and Main Streets. THE HOME OF A BANK i AND MODERN OFFICES lt Will Be Occupied by the Amerlcan ' Natlonal Bank?Work of Tearing Down the Old Structure to Be gin April lst, and Contract for New Building to Be Let Soon Thereafter, Tho Amerlcan Natlonal Bank yester? day decided to erect at Tenth and Maln Streets an elght-story steel bulldlng to be a, homo for tho bank and a modern ofUce structure. Messrs. Oliver J. Sands and Wllilam C. Camp, tho former presldent of tlie Amer? lcan Natlonal, and the latter. manager of tho savlngs department of the bank, spent all yesterday in Baltlmore in con aultation with tho architlect. After tho conferenco they agreed upon the new building instead of reniodelling tlie old. Mr. C. E. Wingo, vice-president of tho bank, said yesterday tliat much would dcpond on the result of tho consultatlon with tho architect. Last light. when Mr. Sands roturned ho sald tliat the old building, now tho buslness home of tho Vlrginla State lnsurance Company. Whlt tet __ Slieppcrson, the Prcsbytcrlan Pub? lication Commlttee und others, would bo sold and tho worlc of tearing it down would begln the flrst of April. About tho flrst of May tho contract for the new structure would be let und Its erectlon would bcgln at once thereafter. Jlr, Sands sald furtlier that lt w__s thelr pur? pose to havo the bulldlng ready for occu paney by January lst next. AVILu COST A FORTUNE. Tho cost of this tallest structure ever erected in Rlohmond will be $175,000. I_ Is to bo a model and modern olfice build? ing from basement to roof. The Amerl? can Bank wlll be on the street floor. and will have as handsome quarters as any bank or other ilnaiiclul institutlon in thn South. Tho basement wlll be handsomely tltted up for ofllcos and beglnnlng with tho second lionr for seven stories oflices wlth every convenience will be piled one . upon another. There are to be elghty rooms ln nll. These are for renting to lawyers and others. ? Thls is to bo RIchmond' ffrst sky-scrape'r. It wlll be the flrst modern olllca bulldlng to be erected here as such. Saturday nlght, Mr. Robert Lecky, Jr., vlcc-presldent and secretary of the "Vlr? ginla State." reeelved notificatlon that tho bank would want their ofHces the earllest" nioment posslblo, as the old build? ing would probably have to go, The Vlr? ginla Stato, never wllllng to stop tho march of progress, but over ready on the otlier hand to join In and help it along. oftentlmes ambltious to lead lt. at once surrendered Its iease and spent yesterday"moving while others took holl? day. Tlie company will soon be com fortably lixeel ln Its oflices at Ninth and Maln, formerly occupled by the Passen ger and Power Company. WERE INDEPICNDENT ENOUGH. The fates ot tho other tenants ot tho bank aro nlso worth followlng. lt ls a romarkablo and Interesting fact that every ono ot the chlef tenants of this bulldlng Mill erect handsome buslness homes of thelr own. The Virginla Stnte Is to havo a splendid structuro at Fifth aud , Maln. Messrs. Wtiittet and Slieppcrson aro to haife an? other on Klghth Streot; hetween Maln and Franklln. whlle thn Presbyterian Commlt? tee is havlng plans drawn for an at Slxth and Graco tliat tho clty will be proud of. So far from perplexlng and dlscouraglng tho buslnoss people of RIch? mond by runnlng them out, lt only glvea them a good excuso to set a home of their own. Tho proposed oflico building at Tenth nnd (Maln will bc a sp.endld adverttse tuent of tho presporlty of RIchmond and tho Aemrlemi Bank. RETURNED THANKS TO GEN. MAURY'S DAUGHTER Pickett Camp lnst night vyas preslded ever by Conunander Phillp' Paul Win? ston. Major James II. Dooly, Flrst Vlr glnla Reglment, wns eiected a membei ot' tlie camp. Mrs. Halsey, a member of Gencrul D, If. Maury Chapter, Daughters of tha Confederacy, of Philadelphla, wns tlcoted ihonarary inember of tha camp, nn. the vetorans adopted a set of resolutlon./ of thanks to her uud bor assoclatcs ol llio chapter for the work they haii ae, c.iinpllshcd Ui ralslng ;u inonumont to tln Confi dordte dead, Ccinmonder William Kean, of Louls, Camp. visltod tho camp and gave somo valuablo Information in refcrenco to ihe pi iisl.iti law. Comrado l_.mmai.uel Francls sang some Coufederato songs. which were very much enjoyed by tho commandcr of I_oui_a Camp. WERE KILLED WHILE COMING FROM FUNERAL (Hr A..,?-ht.,| I't-o.-.-. JOLIET, ILL., February 23.?Two men wera Instantly klll.d. two fatally hm_ aud one badly tnjurecl last nlght at Braeoville, a mlning town south of Joll? et, when tho Alton iuid l_ariaa_ Clty Llmlted struck a oarrlag.. comalnlng tiva mon. Tho men had boon to a funeral und were on tho way to tholr homts .... South Wllmlnston.