Newspaper Page Text
COTTON AND CATTL Market for tlie Former Was Very Qulet, DEMAND FOR CATTLE FINE Prices Ruled Highcr?Local Tobacco \Market Active, Though Owing to Bad Weather the Rcceipts Have Been Light. .Y13AV ORLEANS, Fob. 23.?COTTON Tho spot cotton mnrket wan vory qulot to-day; quotnilons unchanged. Iniluenccd mnlnly by the Iniprovonient In prices at Llverpool the market for con tracts opened 5'ini polnts abovo Saturday's closlng. (fl'Kht iluctuatlons followo.i, nnd the marekt cased off a few points, tlio board at the closo sliowlng net gnlns of 2"(M polnts May, 9.1.,.. 684; Ootober, S-14&?S.46. ''lIVERPOOL, Feb. 23.-COTTON?Spot cotton In falr demand. prices 2 polnts hlgher. ' Amerlcan middling, 5.94; good middling, 5.6G; middling, 5.SS; low middling, 6.28; good ordlnary, 5.14; ordlnary, 5.02. The .sales of day wore 10.00.1 bales, of whlch 1,000 were for speclntion and ex? port. and Included 9,100 Anierlcnns: re? celpts, 14,000 bales; Including 7,7o0 Amerl? can. ? ?Futiires opened steady and closed qultl, Amerlcan mlddlins, g. o. c. Febriuirv, B.22; February-*d~trch. 5.21(&o.22: March Aprll, 6.2l"|6.22; Aprll-May, 5.23: ? Mny June, 6.24@6.25; Juno-Julv, 6.25; July-Au gust, 6.24; August-September, 5.12; Sep tomber-October, 4.S1; October-November, 4.GKg*4.62; Novembei'-Dece7ilber, 4.65. CATTLE MARKETS. CHTCAGO, ILL, Feb. "".-CATTLE?Re? celpts, 26,000 head; strong to 10c. hlgher. Good to prlmo steers, S5.f.0tiT>.iiO: poor to medlum. J3.2uijt4.50; stockers nnd feeders, J2.35i3M.00; cows, Sl.40-.i-l.5O; .hoil'ers. $2-/4.75; camiers, *1.40t<.2.a0; bulls, $2.25.'."i 1.50; calves, t,T4>.,.s; Texas-fed slcors, SIK(i5i-S.2.">, ilows? Recelpts to-day, -H.WJ0 head: to-morrow. "5.0OO head: left over, 12,... head; opened PffilOc. lower, closed on nn nockle deellne. Mlxed nnd bulcliors, "Ki.GOffrf.SO: good to choico heavy, J7.2-Vfr-7.I5: ropsh heavy, }.'..!H'"iI7.25; light, "JJ.50Sii.00; bulk ot salos, JI..95S.7.25. Sh'eep?Rocctptsk 22,000 head; ehceii steady; lambs steady to tiac lower, Good to choice wethers. $o?/5.75; falr to ohoice mlxed, 5-1(56; natlve lambs, "477.'(i 7.50. EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., Feb. 23.-Ca\T TLE?Actlve. 25c. hlgher. Prlme s*teors, S5.I5rri-5.-IO; butchers, $4.2"."i4.75; helfers, $3.75#4.7S; cows, $2.7tj'5r4.2f>; bulls, J3'fl.25; fresh cows, strong A'enls, 25c. hlphcr. Tops, *8.23ff"f9.75; coom to good, J5.5iK.i9. Ho.srs?Light .srndes slow, others actlve, Heavy, J7.GT.'77.75: mixod. $7..r.O-|7.i'/); vork ors. $7.-10fii7.-l5; plfrs, $7.2"-"-77.""; st!i;,'S. ?5..71'i G. Sheep?Strong: lambs. 10?20c, hlgher, Tops lambs, S7C.i7.10: culls to frood. Jl.-yti? G.DO; yenrllngs. *5.frfHj?: cwos, S4.75ti,"i; sheep. top mixod, $5(36.25; culls to good, $2.25@4."0. EAST LIBERTA". PA.. Fob. 23.?CAT? TLE?Hlgher; choico. $5.35'J5.50; prlme, J.'i.lS'TfS.SO; goo.l, S-t IHVuo.l.l. Hogs?Actlve. Prlrrie henvios, S7..'>: modiums, $7..'*ft'r 765; heavy yorkers. S7.-KKi7.5n; llsrht. $7.25'* 7.30: plgs. 57437.15; roughs. "5.50S27. Sheop HiBher; best wot.hors, S5.3.|'ir..50: culls and common, S2.50fi.>.5.;>; choico lambs, St'i.Mi'* 7; yeal calves, fS.5n.i9. TOBACCO MARKET. Rlclimo'tiil, A'a., Fob. 2.1, 1903. The tobacco market fur tbe week end ing February 20th closed active. On account of tlie cold, dlsngreeahle weather the past week recelpts havo fallon off very much, especlallv on sun-curcd. There was an unusually largo percentnge of damaged tobacco sold tliis woek. Tbo price for this kind looked vory cheap, yet most of it sold for all it was worth, con dition taken into considoration. Frldav's market showo.l up wlth some rooiI siin cu7-ed stuff tliat sold vory well, several piles brlnglng from fll'iiir, per hundred. Dark stemmlng niui brlght tobaceos have a steady market nt prevloas quo? tatlons. Total amount sold this weok at the four warehouses, 382,944 pounds. Tho quotatlons nre as follows: SUN-CURED TOBACCOA Prlmlngs .?. 3.50?* 4.50 Lugs, comnion . 4.50? G.00 Lugs, good to prlme. 0._b"gt> 900 Leaf. common. 6.50? S.50 Leaf, medlum . 8.50(0 9.50 Leaf, llne . 10.50? 13.00 A\n?ppei_ .>.. M.00<8>'l6.50 BRIGHT TOBACCOS. Smokers, common .$450(ff$G50 Smokers, modiutn . G.50? S00 Smokers. llne... 8.5*!_S-lo'0O Cutters, commfrn .....,-. "..OO? .10.00 jCutters, medlum' .'..mooffi) 12.00 Cutters, flno .:. 12. iVNW 15.00 Cutters, fa ncy . 14.00? 17.00 FJJers, common . 5.0o?. 7.00 FI ers, medlum . 7,00? 9.00 Flllers, flno . 9.00W 12.00 "Arappers, medlum .13.00? 18.0Q "Wrappers, flno .20.0flrT/ 25 (V) wrappers. fancy .30.00? -10.00 Leaf. medlum . 6.50Ti> 0 50 Lenf. Rond . 6.50? s!oo BROWN SHIPPING TOBACCOS. Lugs .... .?4.50fi$ 5.60 Leaf, medlu m. 6.75? 7 50 Leaf, good . g.oo? 9.50 AA". D. CXJSHMAN, Suporvisor of Sales. LYNCHBURG TOBACCO MARKET. Lynchburg, A'a., Fob. 23, 1903. ??hm,*J_7J-c!,bUirb' tobac<-? market shows no material chungo as compared wlth lafcUweek, with tho excepllon of a de" cided increaso in ihe amount of brlght tobacco that ih belng offered. Tho I - cre.aso in the offorlnj-s of brlghts s ox pected to contlnue. Prlcea remain about stationary. whllo the quallty of tl 8 breakB shows a tendency i? imnrove Quotations are as follows: _ DARK GRADES. LnGsi S .U.?-il3.00 Common and dark lugs. 3.00fl> 430 .. DARK STEMM1NG TOBACCOS. 3-"'p,1.:???,????,.* i.oOSS 5.00 Medlum dark lugs. 4.00(01 4.30 Good dark lugs. 4.25"?}' 5.00 LLAl' ? Cornmon dark loaf. S GO? c 00 Medlum dark loaf. H-.SOOT1 ('. ;ri> Good dark loaf. 7 i"Kia}(i s <?j Flne dark leaf.10.000 3. Extra llno durk leaf.11.50018.00 Black wrappers. 15.ot/u iai.oo BRIGHT TOBACCOS. Common . COflif* G.00 Medlum brijiht . c.00? 7.(H! .9??$ . 7.OC0 h.aa LI-.A1- ? Common cutters. 9.000-11.Mi Good cutters .'L'.'.Kaii .,?''":',,cutters . 14,00015,00 BRIOHT WRAPPERS? Common . G.OOQ) 8.00 Medlum . s.inifii 10,00 Opod . 12.00'ij) li.00 *'">," . 15 (mi 20.00 61 UIOGANY WliAl'I'KRS - V;'";! .!??'?"?" -"?"*' AnV^Khis-'*'*;.-2'W^.OO Common . SOOCf 12.00 M-a-iliurn . 12.50fi 17.5-1 Opoa . 17.:,?;-. 35 0 Fancy .3:,..>v.( 55.ou Report of tobacco sold on tlie f.yneh biiri; miiik't l.y Mr. .b.lin L, Oglesby, ?.f Ll'liches' Wan-liuiii,., for liin two weekB endlng February 21, lSVUI: Sold weok vndliig I'.-I.runrv llt-h, 1,"I7. 100 pounds; week <-11.u..?? February 2lst 748.8fX); decreuHc for iveek ondlng 1'a-la ruary ?21s|. 508,800 iiounds. Snld from Oo? tober 1. WlB, to February 21, i:n.;, i::i?;i. 3200 poundH: from Ociober 1 ISOI, i-, i-\ 1, ruary 21, lirc, u.i'.s.i.h.i pounds; i.viia.-. tor 1803, 1,440.4-JO pouiuls. Rf.-.'i-ipl.s tlils week luivo in.-u much Mghtor than l:^^t, caused by tho very cold .v.iiither ahd the bad conditlon ol tln. roads, whlcli. iu niiiny places, aro alniost ?'rnpaeslble. Recelpts of brlght tobacco much hc-fivior t.luui fnr Kiniia.. tveeks pust, Prices 011 ull KiiidoK iiuiio w.-ll Husliilijed. DA1IK TOBACCO. Common lugs .J .l.Kjfi} 4.5') Medlum lugs . i.tijit, 5.00 Good lugs .'. ',:,,?, a;.i? Gwuiuiou ii-ur ,,. b.wii ti.69 (l'-STABLISIIEn 1SI13.) MEMBERS New York Stook Exohange. Kew York Cotton Exohange. PHIVaiE V/SRES TO Medlum lenf . C.OO? 7.G0 l.oml leaf. 8.00@TO.0_ Flno lenf . 10.50f. 1.4.00 Wrnppcrs .,.16.00# 22..0 BRIGHT TOBACCO. Green lugs ., 2,500$ 4.0C Green leaf .001i> 5.50 Common brifrht lugs. I5.0D.C 7.50 Good brlght lugs . 7.501. R.50 Flno brlght lugs . S.W.i. 9.50 Common cutters . 7.00-if. 9.5(1 Good euttcrs . O.iiOJ. 11.05 Flno cutters . 11.00? 12.50 No wrappers ofTered. PETERSBURG TOBACCO MARKET. Petersburg, A'a., Feb. 23, 1903. Market very actlve and prices nre high. (.iiotutions aro ns follows: Cmniiioii lugs .$ 3.<W.f. 4.00 Oood lugs .> 5.00 Short leaf . R.OOfi! R.00 Mouiilum leaf .'.. CSOIfi) 7.50 Good to flno shlpplng leaf. 9.00W lfi.00 Good to flno wrappers.12.50? 21.00 PEANUT MARKETS. NORFOLK. VA., Fob. 23.-Prloes in the peanut market are qulto. TTiore Is hut one change to note, namely, thnt of P. E. peas, whlch Is roducod from $2.75 a bag lost Saturday to J2.50. Tho prices nre as follows: Fnncy. 2%c; strictly prlme, 2%c; prlme. 2'..c.; low grades, 2c; mnchlne plokod, l.s'd'.'lje.: Spanlsh, 70c. bushol. Blnckeye peas, $2.50 a bag; black and spccklc peas, 11.10; clay nnd red peas, $1. Peanut bugs, ln hnlcs-fiS In. 7 4-10c. ri.Tl.rtSRT_.RG, VA., Feb. 23.-PEA NUTS? Spaonlsh new, nctlve at 72c. AMr ginin's, new, nctlve at 3c. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, FEB. 23. 1903. ARRIVED. Steamer Brnndon, Rhodes. Norfolk, merchandlse nnd passengers, Old Domin ton line. Steamer Pocahontns, Graves, Norfolk nnd James River landlngs.. merchandlse und passengers, Virglnln Navlgation Co. Steamer Yemnssee, Slmmons, Phtladel phia, Pa,, xnerchandlso nnd passengers, Clyde llne. Tug Radlant. Baltlmore, barge of oll, Standard Oll Compnny. Tug Tallie, Baltlmore. fortillzer, Vlr glnlii-Cnrollna Chemlcnl Companv. Dredgo Rognon, Taylor, SufToik_. J. C. Shafer. . SAILED. Stenmer Brandon, Rhodes. Norfolk, merchandlso and passcngors", Old Domln ton line. Schooner E. A. Schrlbner, Dodd, .James Rlver, light. Bai-ge Alliemarle, SIpple, Baltlmore, wood. PORT OF WEST POINT, FEB. 23, 1903. ARRIVED. Steamer Charlotte, Murphy, Baltlmore, pasengcr nnd general cargo. Steamer JIary Tyler, llayncs, Matta ponl Itlver landlngs, pasoiiKers and gen? eral cargo. SAILED. Stenmer Charlotte, Murphy, Baltlmore, passengers and general cargo. PORT NEWPORT NEWS, FEB. 23, 1903. ARRIVED. Slenmer Slienandonli, Llverpool, / Steamer Stnnhope, Savannah. ' Steamer Almora. Glasgow. Schooner Eagle Wlllg, Boston. Schooner Dcnnlson, Provldence. Schooner Low, Salem. SAILED. Barge Darby, Allyn's Polnt. Bhrge J. A. O'Drlen, Washlngton. Steamer Buona Venturn, Portlund. Steamer Slanhope, Bremon. Steamer Rappuhnnnoc, Llverpool. RAILWAY COMPANY TO PURCHASE STEAMER (lly Asso. Inti-it I'ress.) LONDON, February 23.?The negotla tlons for the purchase ,by the Canadlan *Pnciflc Railway of fourteen B'eaver Llne from Elder Dempjstor and Compnny were sallsfactorlly concluded to-dny. The price pald Is not yet dls closed, but lt ls said to bo about $7,500,000. The deal ls regarded here as havlng nn Important bearing on the proposed Ca? nadlan fast mail servlce, as it probably will elliiiinnto the tonder of Elder Demp st.or and Compnny tihere'for, and leave tlio Canadlan Eacidc Rnllroau Company in a better posiiion td sccure the contract. D. O. Mills is Better. (Hy Assoelutod Pri-ss.) NEW YORK. Feb. _3.-Tl?. condltlon of D. O. Mills was better to-day according to statem'onts made at his resldence nnd It wus said thnt he had not been so ill as reported. Ue hns a cold and expect s td be out in a few days. SWORD GIVEN Indiana Legislature Presents One lo Indiana's Commander. (tly Assoclnted I'rpas.) INDIANAPOLIS, IND., February 23 ? A teptlmonlal sword wns presented to lte:i.r-A<l|t>lriil.l Icnry C, Taylor, who com mandod tlio battlesliir- lmli.-ina ln tho Spaiiisli-Aiiii'i'li-:in war. tu-ihiy hy Ihe |.co plo of Imliiiiia through llu- ,.1'iii'ial As MioMy. AdinlrnJ Taylor, hls wlfo aiul daughter weio present. Governor Durbin presented tlie sword niiit Admlral Taylor responderl. Governor Durbin recplved tho follow? lng I'-li'i.inni. fi'oiii Hi'i'i i-lai'v ol Iho Navy Moody: "Pormlt mo lo expresa thc giniiii.'atlon <?r the nnvy and my own us well that (iu. Stuto of liidlauii has i'liiifi-ii'.'d so alg? nal an honor upon Admlral Taylor. Tho lllgh rupiitation he |)an v.on ln war In Ihe coinmtiiid uf Un- idilp, |,earH I!...- nninc .,i your Stnte ho itii.iQ tliiin niniiilaiiiH ln pL-uco, Aa chlef of tln- pcr >?? mnol apd prliu Ipnl odvlsi r of tin- Racro tuiy upon military -tuetuliiria. iiiumi him n.-is lareely tlio loa'ponslblllty for tho I'liiiii-iH'.v of ilu- navy for tlm natlonal ii.'i.'ii..-, und i vv.'i.oin,. thi--. ocfdslou td Wui ti' Ui,- fldellty wllh Whlch lli dlHchargpii hls trust," i :.,i, puililn reeelved Iho follow? lng iiuiii tln- I 'ri's.d.-iii: "Whlto llousv, Wa. Iiiiigioii, |). c "Fobruary 30, wk "My ]),-nr aovcrnor.-r-l om hq nicnscd I i ll ,iin thal yoi. uro 1(1 |)r< Sl iu ,i HWOI'tl to Adinlml T.iylor. il.- i. nnu of ilu pmst "iio'i.-iit olllcera ln |ho ouiln. navy i|- . vviirk lli l!u- wai cOllOgu wa... oiliv gf tho i-iil.-f iiistiuiiu.ntulUli's ln Hcpuiii.B Un- pii'p.-.ii'iliii'.-is nf ihe nnvy whleh mado il ko <lfi''U'ii( lu .he Hpanisli war, nml ln- ls ilnliur liivuluiililc worl. al Iho prca. i.u imiui.-iit os dilel' of tli,- |.li;,,?.?,,, 0f Su vig.-ilion ir;, piarlically, as ilih-f of bta-ff. "I'*iiltlifiiily yours, '?Tlll_;<_Jf* 'UE ROOSEVELT." iv.'? ??-. Argument to Be Heard Before House Committee. CORPORAT10N COMMISSl'N Body to Regularly Orgnnizc Next Mon? day?Senator Opie lll?Resolution toCut Off Introduction of Bills After March 5th?Gosslp. Tho bllls offored respoctlvcly by Mr, Boaz, of Albemnrlo, and Mr. AVest, of Loulsa, deslgned to pormlt the croatlon of nn executlve ihead for tho "Unlverslty of Vlrghila, will como up for flnal con? slderation by tho House C07nmltteo on Schools nnd Colleges thls afternoon at -I o'clock.. Hon: Charles P. Jones, reetor of thc University; Hon. Eppa Hunton, Jr? of this city, nnd Mr. Danlol Harmon, of Chnrlottesville, who wero na7ned by tho Board of A'isitors as a subcommlttoo to appear ln behalf. of the Boaz blll by the. Board of A'isitors, are ln tho city and held a conforenco at Murphy's last 7i!ght. They will appear and pross the pnssngo of the Boaz measure, which pro vides tor tho slmple crentlon of an exeoti tlvo head and leaves tho deftnltlon ot hls powers, dutlos and salary, as well ns hl3 olectlon, to the Board of Vlsltors. Tho West bill, which was offered by request, provldes for a compostte board, containing threo members of tho Board of A'isitors, threo of the fnculty and three of the Alumnl Association, whose duty it shall bo to elect the presidcnt, doflno .hls powers nnd dutles and llx his salary, lt ls sald that tho faculty and the Alumnl Association nre behind tliis bill. Mc-ssrs. Jones, Hunton ni7d Harmnn and Congressman Glass aro nmong those who will speak to-day for the Boaz blll, and the olher measure will have a number of strong advocates. So tho meoting prom iso.5 to be a very lively one. The Legislature ls golng to take a step shortly looking to a termlnntior. of its sesslon. and most of its membc-rs seem agrceable to thls course. Not long ago Captain Charles Trotter Lnsslter, of Petei'shiiry, endeavored to secure tho ndoptlon of a resolution Ilmit ing tho sesslon to tlie flrst day of May. Thls was earnestly opposed by Mr. Hun ley, of Mathbws; and otbors, and ftnnlly a substituto,. prepared by Mr. Cardwell, of Hanover, was adopted, whlch declared lt to bo tho purpose of tho body to dls poso of Its work. ns speedlly as mlght be found conslsteht with tho publlc good. Now Alr. I-Iunley proposes to do a llt? tlo llnillliig bhnself nnd will to-day offer tho followlng resolutlon, cuttlng off tho introduction of new matter aftor March 5lh "Resolved, by tho Houso of Delegates. the Senate cohcii'rrlhg; That after the 5th of Maroh. 1903, no bills shall be lntroduced othor thnn thoso 7-ol:iting to thc revislon of Mie laws to con form to the new Con? stitutlon nnd those ennctlng such new Inws ns are necessary to put said Consti? tutlon lnto complete aud effectlve opera" It Is bolleved that even wlth the Hunloy resolution adoptod, tho Legislature wlll havo enough work to do upon mattors already lntroduced lo keep It hero untll lato ln tho summer. The resolutlon of Mr. Hunley will llkely pass. as strong leadors, both In the House and Senato, havo declared themselves In Its favor. Ohalrman John AAr. Churchman. of the House Roads Committee, snid last night that he bolleved that his blll on the sub? ject of corporatlons would pass both houses ln tlme for the w.w corporntlon commlsslon to organlzo and proceed to buslness on Monday next. as pr&videX ln tlio schodulo nf the Constitutlon. The House wlll llkely finish the conslderation of the goneral tax bill to-day and wlll go immediately Into tho subject of corpora? tlons. Tbo latter blll has been prepared and revlsed by several stub nnd full com mlttoes, nnd Mr. Churchman thinks there is no reason why lt should consunie a great deal of tlmo In either house. There is somo talk of an omergeney act, en abling tlie commlsslon to organizo, s.iould tho general blll fall to set through thls woek, hut a strong larwyer who was a member of tho commlttee of tho conven? tlon sald last night that thla would not be necessary, as. the Cnnsiltutlon Itself made nmplo provlslon for organization, both ln tho body of the instrument and in tho schedulo. Thero are a number of promlnent Eomoera ls npplylns for plncos on the clerlcal staff of the com? mlsslon. Since tho retirenient of Mr. C. Leo Moore from. the race for chlof clerk It ls hard to say who wlll Ket thnt place, but the frlends of Alr. J. Smith Rrocken brough, of thls clty, aro prodlcllnfr that he wlll havo a good appointmont with thc comnilssioii. There .seoms to bo a dlsposltlon, other tliings boing equal, lo distribulo tho pulronage with somo re? gard to geographlcal locatlon, and each grand divlsion of iho Slato ls expected to got a sllco. lt is llkely that Hon. Bevcrly T. Crump, of thls clty, will bo mado presldent of tho commlsslon, Among tho promlnent Democrats apply. ing for places with Iho commission is Mr. AVlIliam, Stegor, a promlnent buslness man uf DdiivillB, News renohed here yesterday nfter noon of a dlitlculty In Norfolk clty yes? terday afternoon between Sonator E. I'MiaU-y Cromwell, of Norfolk couiity, aud Edltor Johnson, of tho Norfolk County DoinociiiC. Alr. Johnson nml Senator Cromwell had nut boen on good lornts for somo tlmo, belng at Ipggorlieada ovor fnctlona| phr* ly troubles in Norfolk counity, and whon thoy met. accc-rdliitj t" tln- story, bluws won- passed, Thoy nre both well Known iind promlhenl Democrats in thelr section, bul Sonator Cromwell Is a "fusioiiist" aud .Alr. Johnson n "straiglit init." Benator John N. Oplu Is lll nt hls room ni tho Vai.-iiiin.. Houso. Sonator Oplo has noi t.n well Lu- Rome tlmo, but lt ls only wlthin tlio last low days thnt ho has tui'ii forced to ithandiiri hls seimlo rial dutlrs. Wbii,- hiB conditlon ls nui i-imsiiii-i-i-d serious, thc frlends ,.f tln, Vtilloy Senator appear a llllh reBtless coiioqrnlUB hlm. aml lln-y all Inapo ln- will shortly reebvor, Tho Houso ('iitiiinliioo fur Ce'urts of Justlce has ropprtuil fuvoruhly' tho blll offored by Ilon, 1!. S, lslnekbiirii Smith, of Clarko, ti. aiitiuii-izi! iho appointmont by thn new Clrcult Courts of ono ball oornnilHslonar for >'ii<:li bf tlio counties uf tlu- Slato Th.. blll ls t.i 0rfeg, tlvo when tho new .indl.'lniy systoni i-n.-s Into ii> .-r-iiiini un tim ilr.M day of Feb, ni.iiy, |90] The lit'jl lunvld.-s lhal iho court shiii .?i|i].nint one of lhe comm|_ sloiiora ln cliaiKory as ball i'<>iiiiiilKM<im>r for eueh ciaiinty. The Houso CominlUoo qjj the Chesu ?i.i-:il.<> und lls Trlhularlos aud tlio tionnto Commlttee on Fish and Qume wlll pioot thls iiltoriioou lo comnloto thu Inklng ..f lOS||mon>. 'I"-' .I'lr.lau bill to break tim llaylo? Niirvey, und lo i..-|i,.rt Uie- uu-iis urq una v-'.'.v or ainailn-r u. ii,,. lv,-i, |,? dl.M for nctlon. Good furocasters aro i>redli>tlii_ tliat tlio hlll wlll bo ndvor.iely reported, but w]H most llleoly't-ru-f- tho Houso, Wlint t -o Its rato In tho Sonnto, howover, la stlll a question. MR. W. H. MULLEN 7s THE STATE OROANIZER Mr. XV. IT. Mttllon, secretary ot tho Trado and "Labor Council, hns boen np ipolntod Stato orfcanlzcr for tho Amerlcan Fedcrntlon of Labor, Ho wlll nssume tho dtitles of hls now posltlon almost lm moillntoly, but wlll probably oontlnuti ln hls present posltlon wlth tho local branch of tho trciricndous ordor. Mr. Mtillon recoived notice of hls ap? polntment to tho covotcd nnd honorablo nnd responslble position lnst Saturdny, slnce whleh tlmo ho hns been tho rocl picnt of many congrntulatinns from hls numorous frlends. Tho duties of tho posltlon nro set forth by Iho name whloh lt carrlcs. "Stato or ganlzer of tho Aemerlcan Federntlon of Labnr," He wlll bo conilned onllroly to Vlrginla, and lt wlll be hls duty to or gnnizo such local brnhches as mny spring iiiP over tho atato. The posltlon is a ro munerallve one, and wlll pay Alr. Mulion hnndsomely. Jlr. Mulion is ono of the best known labor men in the olty, hnvlng onon con nccted wlth the Typograplilcal Unlon for years. LECTURE OF WILLIAM WEBSTER ELLSWORTH Mr. William Webater Ellsworth loc tured on "Tho Personai Washlngton" at Y. M. C. A. Hall last nlght, dellghtlng tho large and representntive audlonco, composed of many members ot tho Wo MR. WM. WEBSTER ELLSWORTH. man's Club, as well as lovers of beauti? ful Engllsh. Mr. Ellsworth is a pollshed speaker, and hls hearers enjoyed a treat; The lecturo was splendldly lllustrated wlth stereopticon vlows, sliowlng Wash? lngton from youth to old apro. A largoly-nttendcd reception at tho Woman's Club followed. THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF WHEAT UNDER WATER (By Assoclnted Press.) EVANSVILLE; IND., Feb. 23.?Floon> from trlbutary streams havo converted the Ohlo Rlver lnto a soa ln some places. Bdtween -here and Pndueah; Ky,, tbo rlver 1's'tirteen mlles wlde. Thousands of acres of wheat uro under water. On the In? diana slde, opposite Owensboro, Ky.. the land is covered for a dlstance of .seven mlles. Stenmbonts cannot land nt many polnts along t.he rlver- because of tho hlgh water, and thls causes hardshlps ln communlties where they dopend upon the boats for irnnsportation nnd niails. WANTS TO PUT STOP TO EMIGRATION OF GIRLS (By Assoclnted Press.) VIENNA, Feb. 23.?With the object of stopping the wholesalo emlgratlon ot young girls to Amerlca, which ls occa slonlng tha llungarlnn Government con Blderable concer'n, Promler De Szell hns sent a clrcular letter to tho local authorl tles of Hungary calllng tholr attentlon to what he describes as thls "melancholy fhct." He dtrccts that the authorlties onlv permit mlnors to emlgrate when sanctioned to do so by thelr parents or guardians and when they travel ln charge of ndults. -. - Not Congressman Lamb. Somo of the frlends of Congressman John Lamb have concelved the ei-roneous Impresslon that a Norfolk speclal, print? ed in an afternoon paper a few days ago wlth reference -t-d a possible duel, which was not fought, referred to the representatlve from tho Thlrd Dlstrlct. Such was not tlie case. IS GENSURED House of Cpmmbns Pass Vote of Censure on British War Secretary. (By As.oel_.ted rreaa.) LONDON, February 23.?The crltlelsm or the Brltlsh War Oillce to-day culml niited In a vote of censure on War Sec? retary Broderlck in tho Houso of Com inons. Tho motlon was In tho shape of an amendment to the address ln reply to tlio speech from the throno, rogrettinfi nie r.ict lhat "the organization of the army wns not.suited to the neods of the Emplre, and that no proportioiiate gain ln a sirength of otllclency had reaulted from tlio recent Incronso of military experl? enco. Tho motlon was ldentlcal wlth nn nmenilment movod by Slr Henry Camp liell-Baimerniai), tho Llberal lender, wlien Mr. Brodorlck introduced. his army ro lorm scheme In 1901. To-day, however, tho vnto of censuro was ?proposed by Mr. Backott, an inlluuntlul Conservntlvo, who was Ktipportod by a conaldernble seetion of rcvoltlng lJnionlsts, Major l-i't'ly, ConseP.iUlvo; Charles Dllke, udvaiicod Radicttl, frhd otliors hav? lng spoketi lu (U-nuncliillon -of thc War Otllco, dvcliirlng tho coiintry wus "tlroc'i nf lls pollcy of moss nnd mudtllo," Mr, Broderlck ropllcd; He snid he welcomod n dlrect ntlack and defoused healedly. If not very coiv. Inclngly. iho schemo for which he was responslble. Ho rldloiilog tho Idea that droa. 'Britaln could *._? poud on hci'-blllzeii army, whlch ho do scrlbt-d as "a mob of ?. oluuloors," and pleaded to be glven tliiiuU) carry out hls army cofrs scheme, :is tho result o( wliii'li "tlie army for tho I'.rsl llino ln livlng momo'ry ls abovo Us supposed full stroiigth lu every braiioli, axcopt Ihe lu fli))try." Tln- foiirs thiu tho go't'onimenl mlght bo diifeateil on llio Hrodciiak uiiHuiiluuini ln tho Houso of i.'omjuon_ wero tntiilo tbe most uf earili-r |U tlie dny by tlm Houra wlto appiireiitly lnllupiiced tho sliiup ye, lupso whleh took playc ln consols ou llio Stock Excliange, (.'uiisliig depressloii of I the gouerul ll.t ut tho ulosv. of tlio day, \ STATION IN CITYJALL New Scheme That May Soon Be Presented In Council. WOULD BE TOTAL CHANGE Tho Iden Is to Flt Up a Statlon In the Basement ofthe City Hall and Abolish iho Present Ones. Preaent lndlcntloii3 polnt to tlio Intro? ductlon ln tho Council, nnd iposslbly the Pollce Boai"d, nt an early date, of a schomo, which, if adopted. wlll result ln the rovo lutlonlzatlon of the pollco depurtment of tho clty and tho inaugiirntlon of an en? tirely new system, whlch may show a decided lmprovement over tho plan that has beon ln vogue for yenrs, It Is proposed to cstablish ln RIchmond what ls known ln pollco paxlance as the olght-hour system. Thls means that In? stead of operntlng as now, tho department wlll bo placed on a new basls. tho men belng rcquired to slave only elght hours ench day, whcreas they now work Togu larly nlne hours. Instend of throo districts wlth a statlon to each dlstrlct, as there are now, there wlll be ln the future, grantlng, of course, that tho plan carfles, only ono' dlstrlct, whlch wlll embrnco the entiro corporate limlts, and ono statlon. Thls will be centrally locitted. |ir?r sumnbly and preferably ln the Clty Hall. RETURN ALL OFFIECRS. By the abolltlon of the threo districts. none of the oflices of captaln wlll be done nway wlth, whllo probably all of the sorgeants wlll "also bo retalned.. But. In? stead of a cnpt.-iin being held responfllble for a certaln dlstrlct, as ls now tne cus tom," ho wlll for tho perlod of elght hours each day be hold nccoumtablc for the do lnga ln the entiro clty. nnd he will have the manngemont of many moro pollcemen thnn he now has. The plan doesn't contemplnte any change In the executivo head of tho de? partment. for by those who nre most ar dently advocatlng the system it ls renl lzed thnt no better or more capablo per? son could be sceured to till thls naturally necessary posltlon. In n word, the duties of the Chief wlll be pretty much ns thev now aro, wlth the exception that ho wlll he brought In close touch wlth tho de partrriont. The agltatlon of the olght-hour system Is the result of tho repented demands for moro pollcemen In the clty. Certnln Inter? eated city olliclnls lately been Inver. tlgatlng the pllice systems of dlfforcnt oltles, nnd it has been dlseovered that the modus operancli ln RIchmond ls qulte dlfferent from tho present system in most cltles over tlie country. It is clalm? ed that fewer patrolmen are on the streets In RIchmond. than in other towns wlth a department the same size nnd worklng under a dlfferent system, as result of which the proposed change will be ugltnted. CHEAPER SCHHME. It !s nrgued that tho olght-hour system Is much chemper. More patrolmen. it Is clalmed, could be put on the streets for less money than under the present pollcy, while the men would bo better fltted for duty. In a word, It Is stated that Ihe1 Richmond plan ls nntiquated and Ineffl elent, wlllle the now system would provc an emlnent success. Tlme after tlme, year after yenr, thc Board "of Pollce Commlsslonors come to the Council with a request for moro men, They nre not g_.en slraply because the city dnesn't see its way clear to paylng the ndditlonol expenso. It has been ad mltted that the streets are not sufllclntly patroled, nnd that more pollcemen would prove a boon to the communlty- ln the way of protection, hut other departments have gotten away wlth the spolls. And so it has happened that the coun? cllmen, realizlng tliat more men are need ed on tho streets. Jiavebeen looking about for some system for reach Ing thlm result without putthig more men on tho pay roll. And nt lost >t is clalmed, that the plim has been worked out and wlll. if trled, prove a xnammoth success, estah lishlng nll that is clalmed and 5 vlng the people better protection for the same money and without addlflonal men. CITY HALL BASEMENT. To be conclse. tho new system embraces an expendlture of 11 few thousands for the purpose of flttlng up a sultable cen? tral statlon, but this sum. It is nrgued, would soon bo ropaid to the clty. lt ls proposed to remodel thc basement' of the Clty Hall. makinjrlt lnto an up-io-da'o pollce bnrracks, wlth cells sufflcient for the retentlon of those prisoners who may bo taken In during tho nlght or day. By thoso who havo Investigatcd the mattor it is stated that those cells could be erected for a comparatlvely small amount. and that no o.h-er expendlture would bo necessary to put tlio system in opernllon, It ls proposed to do away with tho three statlpns, ceftti-allzing tlie men nt a central slatlon. For Illustratldn snke, !t. will bo slalcd lhat 100 men are netlvo l.v engaged ln patrol duty, outslde. tho captnins and sorgeants. D1VISION OF FORCE. Under the -clght-hour system tho "hun? dred mon would bo divided into threo squads, not nece.'isnrlly ati equal num? ber for ench of Iho threo dlvlslons of. tho day. It ls recognized that n's many offl? cers are not needed in tho day ns at nlght. consequently ll has been suggest ed that tho hundred bo apportloned us follows: Forly between 4 P. M, andl'P M. und 12 P. M, nnd S A. M. This would eave twenty men for the dny duty, from S A. M, untll 4 P. ]._. Tho change wlll contempluto the reduc tion of threo sorgeants, two boing used on ench watch nnd three In the station Tho wiitehos would he llH follows; Day wntoli, from ,S A. M. to 4 P Jf Evonlng watch, from l v. u. to 1*2 i>. m Morning watch, from 12 tn s A. M, VENEZUELAN GUNBOAT^ RETURNED BY GERMANY (fly Press.) PORTO CABHLLO, Fohrunry 23,-Tho Venczuelun giinbont ReHtauriulor, whlch was enptured by tho Gci-tmina, wus haiid ?>d ovor hy them to thc Veuezuelmi nu thorltleH hero to-day, Al 11 o'clock thls morning Commundnr I'linlboud, of thls port, jieciimpniiieii hy :.n liitcrpivter ninl Ihe Gorman Coiniiio il'.iro ghrcdqi'. went 011 bourd ihe Restau niilor, whlch Ib now lylng In tii|s' hnr l_nr, ln order to effeet tho .Ivery of iho slilp to Vonussiielii. At 11:30 o'clock tho German llag wus lowored, tlio Genniui ciMilsor Vlnota llrlng 11 suluto us tho col? ors wero brought down, At 2 o'clock thls uflcrnooii the Kestuiirudor holslcd a Veu iKiieiaii lUig und-wUs then .hniidoil ovor to Coinmuiulci' Chulboud, by Cominodoro Hhredor, Tho 'Viiiuta uftorwurds stcamed out of thls port, FINANCIAL. Secures ag5I0 Lot In Srcnlor Now Yorkv Bnlnnoo ffl per or 12 pur cont. 1)1h cotint. for Cnnli. Thoy wlll ho worth !fo,000 fcon yenrs front to-day. 25 per ccrit. (luarnntccd Incrcme in tho Valuo of. our lots wlthin oun yonr from No? vember, 1W2, oryour monoy rcfuiulod wlth fl por cent,. lnterest. ' Wo linvo *H,(X)O,000 lnvoslwl ln Urooklvn Lnnd. Park-llko linprovimii'nfcHfi'uo ftn-, "iorfeHuro Conl.rnot, Prcc Dccdln ciiseol t eutli.,. No ilotofl, 110 niorlgngos, no tiiYr-H tlll Jnmtary, 10O5. I"""""E TRIP TO NKW Y01UC. Can rofnr to lfl Hnrikfl; also to Cornmerclal Agonclcs, For fiirthor pnrtloulnrs cnll on or writo T. L. DAUGHTREY, "Roprescntlng "Wood, Ilarmon & Co. 42?13 Merchants Nntlonnl Itnnk Bullding, RICHMOND, VA. Capltal,.$200,000.00 ' Surplus and Undivlded Proflts, , . $628,852.94 DoBignatod State, Uniied States and City bepo3itory. BaSa Collectians a Speciaity. lnKS)J Largest Bank Dcposltory South of Baltimore. JOHN P. BRANCH, Presldent, JOHN F GLENN, Cashier, JOHN K. BRANCH, Vice Presidcnt MAY MuVE THECHURCH Want to Take Second-Baptist , to the West End. THECONGREGATIONMEETS And After Discussion Lays the lmpor? tant Matter Over Until a Littlc Later On?Some Views. Lengthy dlscusslon last nlght by the congTcgatlon of the Second Haptlst Church developed tlio fact that qulto a number of tho tnost pro7n!nent and In fluentlal of Ito members are ln favor of locatlng tho proposed now houso of wor sliip far Into the West'End, whoro In the courso of the developmonl of the clty lt wlll be tho center of what promlses to be tlie most prosporous nnd desirable com munlty of I.Ichmond. The entlre quos? tlon, however, was lald over untll thc next buslness meetlng of the church. when a llnal vote wlll probabiy be taken. WHY KfcUECTED. It wlll he recalled tbat tbe plans of the church were rejected for one reason be? cause they dld not provlde what many o.f the members thought was an adequate arrnngement for the Sunday-school, It wns deslred, above all thlrigs, lo have a briglit and cheery room for the childreri, But the lot at Franklln and Adums, It was hold, would permlt of only ono con structlon?the Sunclay-nchool would have to bo in tho bas-emont nnd partly in the ground", So the church appointed a com? mlttee to consider the advlsablllty of so curing a new sito. Last nlght thls commlttee reported to the effect that no. othor slte waa avall able. It recommended that the new church be erected upon the slto llrst selected nt Adnms and Franklln. Consldorab'.o dlscusslon followed the nresentation of tho report. Thoreupon de-" veloped a proposltlon that tho church move far out lnto tbo West Hnd, where it would bo in tho llne of the march of the clty. Promlnent mem!>ers urged that iu ton yenrs' tlmo thls great sectlon In the nelghborhood of Lee monumont would bo thickly settled by somo of tbo best people Ir. Hlchmond, nnd that an old and strong Baptlst church would ho needed tliero. Somo of the downtown members mlg... be lost by the change, but the church would De bullding for all tlme, and would have to look far lnto Iho future. WILLING TO >VA1T. One of the most influential members in the cnurch declared that for hls part he waa wllllng to wult flve or ten years to bulld, provlded the church oventually went further west. Personally lt wouiu bo' rnoro convenlent for hlm to have tbe church at Adams and Fi-anklin, but he was forcod to see that In the days to como the church would regret lt If lt loeated there. Counter nrguments were presented, and Unally, when a vote was about to be taken, lt was moved that in vlew of the great importanco of the matter It be laid over untll the npxt business meetlng of the congregatlon. Tho motlon prevalled by a large majorlty. 9 New Seaboard Trestle. (Speclnl to Tho Tlmos-lilBiMitcli.') BUSH, VA.. February 23.?A force of hands has been at work on Long Branch trestle, near here, on the Seaboard Alr L,ine Rallway for saroral weeks past, putting in a new frame brldge ln placo of tho old plle bridgo. ? Tho fnrmers of thls sectlon nre bnck ward wlth thelr wprk. Llttlo plowing has been done and few tobacco plant beds havo been burned. Aiessrs.i Arthur Fcrgnson nnd John Colemnn, of Dlnwiddle county, kist elght cows ln Nottowuy River during tho freshot lnst week. H, budwlcjt Marcuson, who has been engagod ln business ln New Yorh for the lnst twelve months, has returned to mako hls homo In this county. a . Polk Miller at Blacksburg. to Tlio TJinoB-IllKlint.'li.) BLACKSBURG. VA., February 2". Folk Miller nnd his negro qunrtette guvo an lnterestlng and enjoynblc concert ln the Vlrglnla Polylechnlc Instltute Audl torlum lnst Friday nlght to a crowded house, Tho roads belng so mnddy between here and ChrlstlaiiHblirg, Mr. Miller sald ho bo|lovod ho could snfely say "lhat' ho had been all tlio wny through Mont Bomory county." . . * Petition in Bankruptcy. (Siio'ti.l ti. Tb" Thiio>"|iiiti-rO TA'NCHfllJlta, VA.. Fobruary 'J3.?A poiltlbn I" bankruptcy hns boen illoil in tho clork's olilco of tho Unlted Stutos District Courl from E. II. Amos, a farm? er nnd denler lu tobncco at Cumbcrlaiul Courthouso, wlth llabllltles of $3,2H7T0 aml c-xou.ptions of "180. The cr"illlors reslde ln Hlchmond, Ciiinbcrliind. Farmvllle und Chicago. . Rlchmonders In New York, (Sjioelul t<> Thc Tliiios-lilnpiitcli,) NI3W YORK, Feb. :;:*.?1 loiol uirlvals: ?\Valdorf, T. D. Kloltos; Aslor. W II Thimipaon; Hiiloii Square, M. -Miller 'Al belt L. IJutului", St. Donis, (j. R i-iielpa und wlfo; Hroadwny C!oiilru|, i? Hi-lllu'l nior; Coiitliienlal, l>3. I>, Bniriiiiori-oii; Ash? land, O. W. MeCitrthy; Uolfmnn, p. |,. Audrcws; RliiKfci.iroiigh. Q, |.;, Btnuis. \V. 1-1. Tliompaoii; Navuro. B. V. Goodiiuin. 1. 1. Struuso, M. M. Slrniiso: Cadllluc, 13. "WcstbrooU und wltc; NetlicrJund, li. Itouli, C. W. Branch & Co. BANKERS ant! BROKERS Member* of New York Cotton Ex chango and Chicago Board of Tra_,_ New York Correspondents? LADENBURG, THALMANN & CO PRINCE & WHITLEY, LEHMAN BROS. (NEW YORK, Prlvata Wircs to ?? BOSTON. (CHICAGO. OF VIRGINIA. Richmond, - - - Virginia CAPITAL, - . - 35CO.000.0-i SURPLUS, ? . ? $240,000.00 Presldent, JOHN S. ELLISTT, Ciuhlcr, WILLIAM AL MLL DIRECTORS. Alex. Cnmcroni John S. Kljctt, Jos. Jt Fonrqiirenn, T. C. William.;, Jr., Home, S. Hawes, U. G. Viilcntln.., James ]). Crump, J. I. *? __t_lm, A. H. Ellcrson. J. .... GLIFT & CO., 909 EAST MAIN STREET. BLrLL. 'PHOiNE 397. ST0SKS, B8HDS, QR&EN, COTTON BOldliT AND SOLD ON COMM1SSION. 1015 E. Main St. nichmond, Va, Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold for Cash or Carried on ihe Most F.,/orable Terms. Investment Securities a Speclalty. ?Phone 366. mm L. W5LLMS & SONS BANKERS. Dealers in RICHMOND, VA, SOUTHEaS INVESTMENT SEOURSTIES. MUNlCiPAT_ BONDS A SPECIALTY. Correspondenco Invlted. Lancasler&Liicke BsnkersandBrokers, R.CHMQHD, VA._ SOMEWHAT 0F A SENSATION A Remarkable Lettcr_ Read by Mr. Crittenton Last Sunday. Mr, Chanos N. Crittenton, tho mllUon alro drugglst of Now York, spoko Sun l day afternoon to a largo audlence ot ' men gathered at the Academy of Muslc. j Tlio meeting wns ono of tlio best evor I held under the ausplces of the Y. M. C. A. Thi-'iirrungoinotita were excellent and every detall went ol'f smoothly. As usual, thu slngliig was a speclal featuro of tho servlce. Tlm sermon hy Mr. Crittenton mado a great inn.n'os.sion. Tho speaker read to tlio aiKlii-neo a letter whlch creatod somewhat of n sensatlon. it was nd? dressed ln hlm nnd came from ii man who wanted to know lf he crn^Jd ho a.ived. Tho iotlw guvo mioh u record of crlino and honor us was sufholent to rnlso tho halr on tho head of thoso who hearil, Mr, Crittenton read ,it to show what tlie splrit of Ood could do wlth a man, however liardencd ln slu, Tlio I'ovlval inoetliigs belng hold at Unlnu-Stnllim Methodlst Church hy Mr. Crittenton wlll contlhuo through noxt Sunduy. Two iner.tlnKS wlll ho hold each day, On We.dnesibiv un xill-day moetlng wlll 1)0 held. Al l>:_!0 o'clock ln tlio moi'll Ing ihei'o wlll bc Jl sunriso servlco, con ducled by Mr, Frank Bulea; at 0:30 o'clock a prtiyer und pralsn servlco, con? ducted by Guptuln Moiitgamory; at 10:31 o'cloclt a sermon by tho Rov. Mr. Okey, of Danville; nt !tii>- o'clock u aermon by Dr. John llnillinii; at -1:30 o'clock A _>ur< mon by Mr,' Crittenton and at nlght A sermon by Mr. Crittenton. Tho peopli huvo beon rcquestod to biing thelr _____? nor und oat at the cliurcU,