Newspaper Page Text
ONE GENT A WORD. CHARGE SS Cents, Cash ?nAdvanoe THESE ARE THE WONDER WORKING WANT HOS, THAT BRING GREATEST RESULTS. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 Gente, Cash in Arance ONE GEHT A ?.S?? WANTED?????? WANTED, REGISTERED PHARMA? CIST, Reply, stating experience, etc (o Box 2?. Newport News, Va. WANTED, ADDRESSEsT?" TWO or throe young men, with tnlont for draw? ing nnil a iIcbJj-o lo make money.,. Ad? dress D. T., caro this oltlco. WA ? TED. ?? ONCE. ? MAN 57 nome experience In hardware business; ?end references. ? Rood position. Ad? dress "?.," Covlngton, V?. WANTED. A GOOD DAIRYMAN TO take entire charge of our herd of Jer neye; must be a good milker and feeder; Ringle man n/eferred, MlNIBORYA KAUM. Box eoi. Richmond, or Telo pilone 1005. WANTED. GOOD AGENT FOR UNOC cupled territory; free outfit; cash each week for whole or spare time. WEST? ERN NEW YORK NURSERY CO.. Dopt. D, Rochester. N. Y/ ' ? /WANTED. SALESMAN TO SELL. whlBkey In bond by a leading Kentucky distiller: liberal commlRslon to right parly. Address DISTILLER, care this office, WANTED. A GOOD CARPENTER: capable of acting as foreman; one thai hna had experience as auch preferred; steady work and good wn?c-s for right party. Apply E. T. MANKIN, 812 East Main, to-morrow at 8:30. ? WANTED. A WHITE MAN TO WORK on farm, three miles from Richmond; good home to right man. Apply 500 N. Fifth Street. WANTED. A... COMPETENT MAN. either pressmarr or transf?rer; rrilirt'be Bober and Industrious; one who has had experience on folding-box ' work, both from stone and aluminum; good posi? tion and wages to right man. Address PostofClce Box 208, New Haven. Conn. WANTED, HARNESSMAKERS: GOOD ?wages, and Btcady work; transportation advanced: no labor trouble. Andres? I/OEWT3NSTEIN" & SONS. Charleston, "W. Va. WANTED, REPRESENTATIVES FOR the sal? of high-grade copper mlnlnp ?tocks, which are paying a dividend of 2 per cent, monthly; ?-1 contract for right party. For particulars, etc*, .ad? dress HENRY B. SFALDINO. Barker. 2M-2J7 Broadway; New York. ' ?- j Wanted, an energetic, ambi'tt. ous young marl ,for newspaper work; soliciting, off Ire work, -etc.: one who has some knowledge of the printing bus? iness proferred. Good opening for a ?young man who would want to create for himself a pleasant, permanent and profitable position. Address, with ref? erence, statin? age, where last employed, etc., HUNTER, care Box <W7 Charlotte, -N. C._ AGEHTS WANTED. GET MY OFFER BEFORE' ACCEPT lng an agencv; samples free. ??????, St. Louis, Mo. MAIL ORDER SUPPLY HOUSES? The latest novelty out. Miss Floro Do? ra's Trousseau; eend ten cents for jam pies and t*rm*. UNIVERSAL SUPPLY ' CO., Boston. Mass. * SITUATION WANTED?MALE. WANTED BY BRIGHT, WILLING BOY. just from school, position of any kind. Address BOY. care this office. WANTED. WORK IN OFFICE BY IN telHgent boy. not afraid of .work. Ad? dress "WORK." caro this office. Room 17. WANTED. A POSITION BY A FlRST class book-keeper; hlB present employer will recornmend lilm. Address ENERGY, care this office. LUMBER INSPECTOR OF VAST EX perlence In Ad. & Kd. Lumber desires a position at once; best references. Ad? dress LUMBER INSPECTOR, caro thlB office. ?WANTED. BITUATION BY MAN WHO Is experienced as locomotive fireman. Address W. N. SALE. 1D25 Bedford Ave? nue. Lynchburg Va. WANTED. BY A REAL BUSINESS man, a position In insurance office as book-keeper or policy writer; can write a legible hand. Address ENTE NOUS, care this office. WANTED. BY A MAN WITH EXFER~ enee, a situation as butcher; Is a fino cutter and can give goo^ reference. Ad? dress W. N. SALE. 1525 Bedford Avenue, Lynchburg, Va. "WANTED?A YOUNG MAN OF EX perlenco, who la an all-round offi??? man. desires to secure a situation lu. Richmond. AdUreas'W. S. COPELAND. care this office. WANTED. BY A MAN OF THREE years' experience, ? position as book? keeper, office assistant or shlupiug cleric, now employed, and wlll.iglljfjbts?u of reference from present emjiifoyeTHA-fl dress WILLING, care this .office. WANTED. BY A YOUNG MAN. A POSI tlon in an office of a wholesale firm; can give reference from prominent ?wholesale men In city: have been with present employer nearly one year as book-keeper. Address WHOLESALE, care this office. WANTED. BY A YOUNG MAN OF EX. perienco and highly recommended, a position with a desirable firm as book, keeper, shipnln?AClork. or generi! .-.'of? fice work; some collecting would" not bo objeetlonnblp. ?Has been with pres? ent employer5 nrtilwwir. Double in'rv books proferred. Address "DOUBLE ENTRY," care thls offlce:_ ~" "HELP "w?NT?D^F????L? WANTED. COOK AND WASHER AT 117 West Main Street. WANTED. A COOK; SMALL FAMILY; good pay; room. Apply at 12S North Thirty-second Street. WAN ? ED. A GOOD COLORED GIRL TO cook and clean for a family of four. Apply at 1923 E. Franklin at once. -., WANTED," WOMAN TO COOK. IRON and help in hohe? for family of two. Apply at 1310 Floyd Avenue, WANTED A BRIGHT. ATTRACTIVE young lady 20 to 25 years, to' take ?hiN??T VT?f?T?? r^eJ}'^111 "trence, to MELVILLE DANIELS. Room 17 Tlrnes-Dlspnjcu Building, ? ? M * WANTED., WHITE WOMAN WITH reference, to cook, wash and Iron for family of four; good wages, permanent home; suburbs of Richmond. Address HENRY, caro of Rnral Delivery No 3 Richmond, Va., ' WANTED, A QOOD WHITE WOMAN to cook and clean and take entire charge of houso for family of three adulte (widow preferred); must havo first-class reference; gond wages and splendid homo for the right por?on. Addross "COOK," care this office. ??urBss SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALE ???^TMflu7'"X'?OS?T10N AS MATRON! housokooper or companion for ladv; ? best reference furnished. Addrees ,W A. Mil this office. ?OUNC1 LADY DESIRES POSITION IN hotel us housekeeper or elerk; best ref? erences. Address M. G., Room 17, Timos. Dlspatoh. SrOHNQ LADY WISHES POSITION IN office; is experienced In filing, copying and all kinds or office work. Address N.. ?ivo this office. .WANTED. BY A CULTURED LADY who writes h good hnnd office work a part of day, or would do work nt home; could address envelopes or any light work. Address S. C? cara this office. WANTED. SEWINO OF ANY KIND OR any work that can he done at home Addrees SEAMSTRESS, caro Room 17, r, limes Building, ' ' SIX PRIZES CARTOON CONTEST THIRD WEEK. SECOND PRIZE. $he Wmfa W?MT u t F m m MRS. BLANCHE A. STITH, 60S M. Twenty-third Street, City. Six prizes will be awarded each week for the best il p? wing sub? mitted, illustrating that it pays ad? vertisers to use The Times-Dispatch want coltmns. The six prizes will be awarded in the following order, viz.: First prize, ?2; second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth prizes, 51 each. All drawings must be original and "must be made with black ink on. white paper or cardboard, and should bo five to seven inches in width. Name and address must be written plainly on back of drawing. Do not senu lettera, but inclose stamp if you wish drawing returned. Do not fold, but roll, when mailing. Address ail drawings to "Cartoon Contest," Room No. 17, Times Building. All drawings must reach The Times-Dispatch office not later than 12 P. M. each Saturday, in order to be counted ?n the week's contest. Every reader is cordially invited to take part in this highly instruc? tive and most interesting competi? tion. SITUATION WANTED?FEMALE. WANTED, BY A LADY OF EXPERI encc, a position to teach English In a school or family. Address Miss SALLIE 13. STEED, Warflcld. Va. WANTED, BY A LADY OF SEVERAL years* experience, a position In hotel as housekeeper, or in linen-room, store? room or pantry. Address A. B. C, care this office. ? WANTED, AT ONCE. BY A LADY OF four years' experience, a position in hotel as housekeeper or In llnen-roonj or pantry; no objections to leaving- this Stato. Address X. "Y. Z., caro this of 11 ce. YOUNG LADY. DESIRES POSITION AS stenographer; experience and best ref? erences; would work for small salary. Address M. J. St., cai? TImcs-LMspatch. A LADY WITH SEVERAL YEARS' Ex? perience In hotel as housekeeper and linen-room wish a position In a hotel as housekeeper or In a linen-room; can give the very best references: no ob? jection to leaving the city or State. Ad dress Miss L. X. IL. caro this ?frico. WANTED, OFFICE WORK OF ANY kind immediately by young lady anxi? ous for worh; reference. Address M. O., care this office. WANTED. BY A REFINED AND CUL tured lady, a placo In hotol linen-room or as housekeeper, having experience ir. sewing-, and can ho useful generally in either house or hotel. Address A, B., care this office. ? LADY OF REFINEMENT DESIRES a position as companion, or to teach small children English and Music. Miss L X. ADAMS, cara Carrier No. 1, Pe? tersburg, Va. A FIRST-CLASS LADY"' STENOGRA phor desires a position; hnvo had nearly seven years' experience, and am also an?? fiualnted with general office work. Ad? dress EXPERIENCE, caro this off?c?. WANTED. A POSITION AS CASHIER, entry clerk or office work by bright. In? telligent lady nf experience (reference? Mr. W. S. Copeland, Room 10. Timos Building), Address "CASHIER," care this office. ~ BOARDERS WANTED. NEWLY-ESTABLISHED BOARD?NG housc can accommodate two gentlemen, also table boarders; good board at mod? erate terms; 315 E. Cary. WANTED. BOARDERS FOR THREE ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished; ex? cellent tablo fare. Apply 203 E. Graco Street. WANTED, BOARDERS FOR THREE . ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished; ex? cellent table faro. Apply 209 E. Grace Street. WANTED, BOARDERS FOR TWO DE Ughtful connecting front rooms, sec? ond (loor; also special rates for table boarders; 209 East Franklin Street FOR RENT. WANTED, ? TENANT FOR MODERN HOUSE, H08 Park Avenue. 'Apply on premises; Immediate possession given. FOR RENT-HOTEL BEL AIR. SEA son of 1903. One of the most successful summer resorts In Virginia: well fur? nished. Address YODER & SPESSARD, Now Casti o, Va. . FOR RENT?THAT CONVENIENTLY situated Dwelling, 110 N. Fourth Street, between Graco and Franklin Streets; ? rooms beside basement; rent cheap for good tenant. B. R. LIPSCOMB, No. 1310 East Franklin Street. LOST-FOX TERRIER DOG, NAMED Percy; six months old; short and- whit'; ears, nnd face tan and white; lost on Main Street near the postofeice about 3 o'clock. Reward l? returned to 201 W. Franklin Street. WANTED. BY AN ELDERLY AND capable lady, a position to care for u , ?.? or boy, or to tako caro of an Inva ? {Id, having had somo years' experience '?J.both; willing to work and docs not object leaving the olty. Address S. C, caro of Woman'B Christian Association. WANTED-BY A LADY, WITH FIVE years' experience In hotel, a situation as housekeeper or In linen room! d<>e,< not object to leaving city. Address II. S-, caro this office. Exchange colum?T FOR LEASE OR RENT?CHAMTLAIN Dwolllng HOUSE: outhouses and 35 acres of land, orchard, etc., in Essex county, Vn., 12 miles from Tappnhun niK'k, county seat; 7 miles from Lnyton's Wharf. Address A. S. GARNETT, Champlnln, Va, ROOMS "WANTED, WANTED, TWO OR THREE PLEAS Hiit furnished ROOMS, with board. In a seloct loen.llty and with a private fam? ily; satisfactory references furnished. Address X,, care this office. ROOMS TO LET. WANTED, ROOMERS FOR LARGE, nicely furnished front ROOMS: porce? lain bath In connection. Apply 213 North First Street (third lloor). FOR RENT?THREE LARGE. NICELY furnished front ROOMS: porcelain bath in connection. Apply 213 North First Street (third floor). COUGH DROPS. TWO GOOD MULES FOR GOOD BRED WANTED, EVERY ONE TO STOP THAT MARES; also Bloyolo and Gnsollno coughing hy uaJng the CHEROKEE , Slove for sale. Address Mrs, A. LILTS, Cough Drops. 6d. per box. Bu suro to 1 Burkvllle, Va, ? ' ask for tho CHqROKSlfl? FOR SALE, FON S.vuE-LAUNDRY AND ??.?.?.??? WAllONS for ?ale. l>o;h new and B<-< ond-hand, Some bargains. \y, c. SMITH, No. 314 North l-'ULIi Street. WANTED. TO SELL 2 2-HORSB ?Trucks, 1 eecollrt-liand, Richmond rwule Phaeton, second-hand grocery nai:nn. Come quick for bargains. ? c. nilis TOW, No. 19 South Fifteenth ? Street WANTED. WAN. V.u), TO BORROW $500 FOR twelve months on A No. ? fecurlty: IUj einl Interest paid. ..udrcsj "LUAN." . caro this office. I WISH TO CORRESPOND WITH SOME' one that understands the laundry busi? ness thoroughly. Address DAVID SI I ELTON. Wekefleld, Va. WANTED. IF ANYIJODY HAS F^R sale a girl's rig, gentln horse and run? about In good condition, please notify MRS. PRUE, care this office. W?KTTED, ON ONE-YEAR LEASE, ?with view to purchase, 10 to 15 acres truck LAND; light soil: moderate ! rental; near Richmond preferred, but | not necessary. R. L. M..; P. O. Box 35S, Richmond. WANTED, TEAMS FOR HAULING LUMBER?We Will pay 54 per day for good four-mulo or horse teams; steady work for balance of the year for three or four teams; will nay by t>x> thousand If party prefers. Address POTTS &K1D DER. Barhamsvllle, New Kent county, Vn Va. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WAN TEI). PARTNER, WITH AT I least 12.000, In whoksalo business; big profits; good Held. While experience ls> not necessary, a thorough business man ! to take activo Interest is preferred. Ad? dress GOOD BUSINESS, care this of? fice. WANTED. SILENT PARTNER WITH 12,500 cash for good paying business; references exchanged. Only those mean? ing business address "SILENT PART? NER," care this office. FOR SALE?GOOD PRINTING OFFICE (2 preses) complete; good location; do? ing big business and publishing a pay? ing weekly paper; thorough Investiga? tion solicited; rare chance. MELVILLE DANIELS. Room 17. Times Building. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SA LE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED, good paying business (wholesale and retail); ^?rrage cash sales ?& per day; beet location In city; G7."/? buvs It. MEL? VILLE DANIELS, Room 17. Times Building. A TRUE BRAIN AND NERVE FOOD, KOLA CELERY AND PEPSIN CEL Pep-Ko Is the only true brain and ner%3 food ever discovered. Cel-Pep Ko cures nervous exhaustion by feed? ing tho brain and nerve centres with cerebrln, thus supplying new energy and. vitality for the whole system. Col Pep-Ko will strengthen your heart. In? crease your flow of language, Improve your nerve and brain power, sharpen up your business ability and energy, mentnl or physical work f'nr lawyers, preachers, lecturers, singers, students and business men. Cel-Pep-Ko will cure nervous headache, despondency and the blues in five minutes. At your first opportunity try a glass sf Cel Pep-Ko at any cafe or send for a sam? ple bottle to ar.y drue store or the Hy geia MTg. Co.. AUGUST ARNDT. Dis? tributing Agent. Richmond. Va. AWNINGS, TENTS AND FLAGS. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DECORATING FOR BALLS AND PARTIES. CALL DELL 'PHONE 2112, J. ROSS JONES & BRO., NO. 002 E. BROAD STREET. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF Costumes for Masquerade Balls, etc. J. ROSS JONES & BRO.. 902 E. Broad Street Bell 'phone 2142. AWNINGS, FLAGS, TENTS, made at short notice. We decorate for all occasions; prices reasonable. Mail and out-of-town orders given prompt attention. 'Phone No. 2573. M. G. COPELAND CO., N. 108 North Ninth Street. ASSORTMENT OF G0-CAR1S. ! FINE ASSORTMENT OF GO-CARTS; old ones taken In part payments for new. OLD DOMINION WILLOW & RATTAN WORKS, 400 North Seventh Street. ANTIQUES. THE FINEST LINE OF ANTIQUE FIIR niture, Brass Goods, China and Brlc-a Brac In the city: special low orlces dur? ing February: :???-3? N. Eighth Street L--HMOND ANTIQUE FURNITURE CO.. dealers In Antique Furniture, Brass Goods, Copper Plate. Cut Glass. China, etc., 219 W. Broad Street BICYCLES AND REPAIRS. IF YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL. RENT exchangre or have a bicycle repaired call on JOE BICKERSTAFF. There is only one JOE and only one store?1S03 E ?? In, _ BOARDING ANDL?VERY STABLEST WANTED?? FEW MORE HORSES TO occupy tho ' commodious dry. warm stnlls at the celebrated Temple ? and Madison Boarding and Sale Stables, whero every attention will be given for the most reasonable consideration; special terms and rates made for fancy horses: ample room fur vehicles. B. D. KAY. Prop. CREAM PUFFS. SPECIALS-POLK \ ROLLS. WELL filled Cream Put's. Snow Balls. Jelly Rolls, filled with tho finest currant Jel? ly. 'Phono In your order, "will be Johnny on the spot." E. PER1UNSON, Baker, 421 N. Sixth Street. CEL-PEP-KO. CEL-PEP-KO, THE WORLD'S BEST . nervo tonic, can now be had at.any drug store, a six-ounce sample bottle, free of charge; ask your drngplst for It. Kola Celerv and Pepsin Is the only tonic for cntnrrh, colic, colds, dyspep? sia, Indigestion and other diseases. Try It, It will make you strong-, healthy and happy. The Hvgela M'f'g Co., AUGUST ARNDT, Distributing Agent. CLOCKS. ?WAiaiT UP~ IN TIME.-Sri-TEER'S ALARM CLOCKS, tho best made, for $1; giuirnnteed for one year. A. SCIIEER. Jeweler, Nn. 1655 Eaat Mam Street, rrpesito Old Market._ FOR SALE BARGAINS. WANTED, EVERYBODY TO, BUY OUR Vapor Rath Cabinets and get the bene? fits of Hot Sprlnga at home, Price ?5. OWENS & MINOR DRUG COMPANY. BS0 DOZ. FRESH-LA ID EGOS. 22C.? Sal tubs choice Culpeper Creamery Butter, C0o,? this Is the only and original article; pura, sweot, finely flavored and sura to ? piense. Try a pound. 11. O'BULUVAN, COSTUMES. 'Phono No. ?r.7il, M. O. COP ELAND 'Co., No. 10S Ninth S't-eot, COP?pr-M,-S MADE TO ORDER FOR ???? PRO? FESSIONALS n-d AMATFURS nt s'<ort notice. COSTUMES for ???G or SAL^. WT(!fl. FALSE FACES. GREASE PAINTS and TUK-VI/KIOAL SUPPLIES, ? Cni| to sen us. j_ FURNITURE MOV?NO-WE DO IT, right. INDEPENDENT; TRANSFER COMPANY, FRESH CANDIES. FRESH CANDIES EVERY HOUR AT KAEMPITB, 110 N. Ninth Street. ????? you ever tried theroV FRANKLIN HOUSE. LARGEST BOARDING AND FtTRNlSH ed-room house In RICHMOND: room? a specialty, furnished or unfurnished. Of? fice open DAY and NIGHT. 'Phono 2855; enpncity. CO,_ fto?Tture" REED FURNITURE. BABY CAR rlagcs and Go-Carts made, repaired arid defined to look like now; Rubber Tires put on. OLD DOMINION WILLOW & RATTAN WORKS. No. 400 N. Sovonth Street. WANTED-FOR CASH. HOUSEHOLD Furniture, No. 330 Brook Avenu??. Beat prices for Peat her Bed?. Bolsters, Pil? lows, Stoves. Household Articles, Mis? cellaneous Books._ FUx E WHISKIES. O'tJRADYS PURE CANADIAN MALT Whiskey, 65 cents per quart; regular price, 83 cents. This Is only for to? day. D. O'SULLIVAN. GENTS' COLUMN. KAEMPF'S CANDIES. BELL 'PHONE G3?. ?I f REE- YE A R-OLD RYE WHISKEY. COc. per quart, nt CEASE'S, corner Sixth and Broad Streets. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JFWET.ftY repaired and warranted. AS SCHEER, Jeweler, No. 1555 East Main Street, op? posite Old Market. IT'S UP TO YOU TO GET FIXED UP as cheap as possible- pet your Furni? ture Upholstered and removed dur'ng dull season; birr discount. J?RGENS-, No. 627 East Broad Street. WANTED, ALL WHO ARE AFFECTED with that tickling In the throat, couch? ing or hoarseness and wish for relief to ?et a box of the CHEROKEE Cough )rops, 5c. a box at drucr stores and con get a box of the CHEROKEE Cough Drops, 5c. a box at drucr stores and con? fectioners. Sent by mall for Oc. In stamps. 0. B. DYER,, 6H B. Murshall Street, Candy \fanfr. h?Tp wantedT A MOST PROFITABLE EMPLOYinsNT for men, women, boys and girls every? where during all or spare time. Enclose two two cents stamps for reply. THE NEUBERTH NOVELTY' MFC. CO., 1003 Scott St.. Baltimore, Md. ' ? LOST AND FOUNb" FOUND?WELWOOD WHISKEY. FULL quart. Bottled In Bond, ?1.25, at CEASE'S, corner Sixth and Broad Sta. BABY CARRIAGES. EJVERY STYLE and kind from M to $50. at J?RGENS*. No. 421 Ef.r.1 Broad Street HALF-PRICE SALE] MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT EXACTLY V? PRICE 6SC. BUYS J1.50 MONARCH SHIRT OR A ?l.oti ECLIPSE SHIRT. 2SC. BUYS A 50C. SHIRT. ?1. ?1.50. $2 HATS FOR 75C. SALES CLOSES MARCH 2, 1903. SAM'L E. DUGGINS, 2 WEST BROAD ST. HOT ROLLS. YOU REMEMBER THOSE HOT ROI.I S mother used to make: well ATKINSON makes the same kind at No. 327 Brook Avenue; Old 'Phono, No. 2G19. LADIES' COLUMN. rVoME-MADB CARAMELS AT I KAEMPF'S. 5C. AND IOC. BUYS POPULAR STAND ard 50c. and 76c. Sheet Music at FER GUSSON BROS.'. 11 "West Broad. CHERRY WINE! FOR JELLY. 25C. PER bottle, at CEASE'S, corner Sixth and Broad Streets. LADIES, IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD to buy a new suite of Furniture for the sitting room, get your old ones reupholstered, to look like new, nt J?RGENS", No. 6-1 East Broad Street. Big: discount during dull season. HOW CAN J?RGENS SELL THOSE beautiful Baby Carriages so cheap? Ho buvs them in car-load lots and is sat? isfied with a small profit. No. 421 East Broad Street. DAVIS' FOB PHOTOS AND PORTRAITS AT THE FOUNTAIN. ORANGE PHOSPHATES. LEMON PHOSPHATES, WILD CHERRY PHOSPHATES, THE BEST AND FINEST FANCY SOFT DRINKS IN THE CITY, MARCHETTI BROS.' STORES, DOfi K. MAIN AND ?17. E. BROAD. LIQUORS. RALEIGH RYE. J?.2S PER BOTTLE. A drink for men of brains. CEASE'S. PLY'MOUTH GIN, 70C PER BOTTLE, at CEASE'S, corner Sixth and Broad. ?HOT0GRAPKS. PHOTOGRAPHS OF RICHMOND FOLK WATCH THE WINDOWS OF THE ELITE STUDIO. No. 207 East Broad Street, for the now display of Photo? graphs this week. Richmond people ire now sitting. THE CARBON STUDIO. NO. 107 EAST Broad Street, has no Interest or con? nection with any other photograph bus? iness In Richmond, except at this num? ber. Here always can bo found every? thing up-to-date and flrst-clasa In the portrait lino. MISCELLANEOUS. PLYMOUTH O IN, 7AC. PER BOTTLE, at CEASE'S, corner Sixth and Broad Streets. _ PAX COMFORTER NO. 2 LEADS. CUR Inff Cough when others tall; every bottle warranted. Found at A. BODEKER BROTHERS, SCO West Marshall and 2303 East Main. ,DAVIS' FOR BROOCHES AND CHARMS. W. H. WHITE, CATERER. OLD ?Phines. 1139 and Sosl, STRONG HOREHOUND DROPsToOOD for a cold, at KAEMPF'S. NORTH v.; * ?LINA CORN WHISKEY. 60c. per '.art, ut CEASE'S, Sixth and liioad Streets. 10.000 ?3? f.ES FINE ????t???* HAY; 8,000 Bales Choice Clover Hay, S5 cent;;; 500 tons Rock Salt for Stock ?? cents for 100 pounds; 50.000 Oallcne While Koroscnso Oil, 13 conta, B.-;ng your can. U; O'S ULLI VAN. ? DAVIS' G.ALLERIES. S17 AND 223, E. Broad. WANTED. DEAD OR ALIVE-ANIMALS moved from all parts; no charge. B1CKER3TAFF. New 'phone 1240. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING positively and permanently cured. DANIELS' SCHOOL OF VOICE AND PHYSICAL CULTURE, No. 627 East Broad Street. FRESH AH? MAKES ?" CHTLD healthy, strong and beautiful. Don't fall to see the great bargain? !n the greatest stock of Babv Car? riages nt J?RGENS?. No. C27 Eaflt Broad 'Street, 'Phone 2GG7. DANIELS' METHOD OF DEEP breathing and Physical Cult>iro strOngthena the lungs, gives nctinn to the heart and Is nature's greatest blood purifier and nerve tonic, 'fh.rt requisite of a long life la deep breath? ing and a stralcili hack. Everv pu? pil attending DANIELS' Large ?onool has INCREASED THEIR CHEST EXPANSION FROM 3 TO 5 3-i IN? CHES. Information and reference fur? nished on application, No. 627 East Broad Street,_ '. REDUCED PRICES] PRICES REDUCED ON WATCH WORK: Cleaning, fl; Main Springs. $1; 20 years' experience. WM. TOBIEN. Jr., ?08 E. Broad Street. Richmond. Va. Specta? cles _nnd Eyeglasses, 23c. All work guaranteed. PLUMBING AND TINNING. C, H. COSBY, 7'? WEST BROAD Street. You can have your plumbing and tinning- don? promptly and stove ropHlred, Old 'phone 2736. PERSONALS. W. H. WHITE. CATERER, OLD 'Phones, 1139 and 3?S1. SCOTCH KISSES. HAVE TOH TRIED them? KAEMPF'S. HO N. Ninth Street. CELIX MALT WHISKEY. 69C. PER bottle, at CEASE'S, Corner Sixth and Broad Streets. WANTED, TO SELL?HAULING, BY the INDEPENDENT TRANSFER COMPANY. FERGUSSON BROS. {11. WEST BROAD) are selling all late popular standard 60c. and 70c. Sheet Music at 5c. and 10c. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT ALL our repairing of watches, clocks and Jewelry Is fully guaranteed. SMITH & WEBSTER, G26 E. Main Street. DON'T BUY A BABY CARRIAGE UN til you have seen the beauties and low prices at J?RGENS'. No. 421 East Broad Street. IF YOU WIS*H TO LOOK INTO PAST, present or future consult Mrs. JACK? SON. 1S0S East Marshall Street, Prices: 25c. to $1; strictly confidential. DE SPATN'S FURNITURE COMPOUND makes furniture, plata glass nnd plated niPtals look like new. The Cable Co. use It on their finest pianos; the Home Sewing Machine use It on their best machines. For sala by J. H. RUSBY, 00 East Broad and 1403 East Main. BUNGARNER'S F1NT2 OLD MOUN taln Whiskey, 75 cents quart, 9 years old; absolutely pure. 8 pounds Cream Cheese, 35 cents. Large quart bottle Spanish Queen Olives, 15 cents. D. OrSULLTVAN, Eighteenth and Main Streets. SPECIAL" 500 SOLID GOLD PLAIN AND SET RINGS from $1.25 up. Gold filled Watches from $8.50 up. A. SCHEER, No. 1555 Ea?t Main Street, opposite Old Ma rlcet. SEWING MACHINES! SPECIAL SA?E FOR TEN DAYS. WE have a few machines slightly scratched; If you want a bargain, call at once. NEW HOME OFFICE, Ninth and ~ ST0RAGE~R?r?M. ~ FOR CHEAP AND DRY STORAGE room apply to Richardson & Chan pell, No. 501 West Main Street (Bclvl dero Building). SHOE PARLORS. DON'T WEAR RUBBER SHOES, CAUs? iner the feet to sweat; have your shoes whnlesoled with rublior soles for $1; will keep off rheumatism and save doc? tors' bills. Our rubber soles are sewed on; no nails or pegs. 'Phone 2?67 DREWS ELECTRIC-POWER SHOF FACTORY. TIR F. Main._ ""W? TCH ES ~CL?15?S~REP?IREDr* WATCHES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY repaired at very lowest prices. J. WEINSTEIN. 1501 E. Main Street i,r?-u-iiin ???Ml BY USING THE SCOT'S ?""TEST ?[EB (OLD 'PHONE SB) # HE WILL GALL FOR YOUR WAMT ADS. NO TROUBLE SPARED AND EVERY EFFORT USED TO PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH. WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW"" WE S?LL PAINTS, OIL, VARNISHES AND PAINTERS' M'NDRIES. Quality Ou aran teed. ? Price. Reasonable, LEIBERMUTH-ABRAMS CO.. HS5 E. Main. Doll phone USO. POULTRY SUPPLIES. EGGS FOR HATCHING, INOUMTORS, Poultry Foodn. Loa?o Ponder and Ronp Curo. FANCIERS' SUPPLY CO.. ?oa. 517-519 West. Binad Street. "liTery'stableo " Wanted, tue public to know wo have Cabs for M?e, dar aii-.l tit t JAMES M DONOLUH. No 1., ??.?. h Eighteenth Street, 'phone Nos. ?61 ?uitt 315. BUSINESS WANTS. w. H. wlrur?T cateHbr, OLD 'Phone? 11,1? and &VS1. WANTED, THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that we nave on hand nome new Wa*> ons to sell .cheap. JAS. M DON0UG1J A: CO., No. 15 North Eighteenth Street, G tn?? ESS' BROWN STOUT, DOG hoarl bottling;, ?2.05 per dozen bottles, al CEASE'?, corner Sixth end Broads Sta. WHO TUNED ?YOUR PIANO? WHY; FERGUSSON BROS., 11 West Broad, of coursa. They, guarantee their work. 8,OC0 BUSHELS CJJOTCE FEED AT' '? ', Conti?; M.(X1 Bushels Virelnln Corn.? M centf. Make money bv savins It, Buy of D. O'SULLIVAN, Eighteenth and Main Streets. WE ARE AT THE SAME PLACE. SER vnnra for Richmond hoT.ien for women ?p'.? mon In Northern cities and States. Apply SOUTHERN INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. 21L N. Sixth Street. THE BABY CARRTAOE THAT MOTH er used to wheel 1= out of date?J?rgen ha;? tho large.?! stock of the latest up to-date corrlages in the My at loweet prices. No. 4SI Eant Bitmd Btroet. , 75C. HALF SALINO MENS SHOES G ladlf.V, COc; every pair sewed: no nails,' no pecs. DREWS ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY. 71? E, Main. 'Phone,; 20R7; free dolIvOry. Cut this advertise-? ment out. Is good for 10c. WANTED, ?VERY ONE THAT 18 troubled with coughs, honrsenesa or sore throat to try the CHEROKT'H COUCH DROPS. The Old R-PaMa Cough Cure, Se. ner box at all drug stores and confectioneries. ENTERTAINMENTS FURNISHED FOR benefits of churches. lodges, societies, etc., br the DANIELS ENTERTAIN? MENT BPREAU. Professional or Am? ateur talent. No. 627 East Broad St. STENOGRAPHERS?WANTED PUPILS for private Instruction by. teacher or experience; graduate of Pitman system; recent teacher of shorthand In Smlth deal's Collego. Address Mrs. MAUD SWINDELL, No. 317 West Grace Street, city. AFTER THE WEDDING CEREMONY the procession forms, marches to JONES BROS. & CO. (HO? East Main), the up to.dnte from cellar to attic house fur? nishers, and selects from he*t and largest?, stock In city at lowest prices. PUPILS PREPARED FOR THE DRAMATIC OR VAUDEVILLE STAGE AND PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT. DANIELS' SCHOOL AND PRIVATE THEATRE, 627 EAST BROAD. THE MOST COMPLETE SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH. FURNITURE HOSPITAL?ALL KINDS of Furniture, both old and new. sue-, cessfully treatd. Broken log's, arms oi backs set In neat, scientific manner... Internal Injuries of every description radically cured. Bruises and scratches honied, and all external Imperfection* removed, restoring even the oldest fur- f nlture to perfect youth and beauty. Charges reasonable. Consultation free. Office hour?, from 7 A. M. to fi P. M. C. E. LYDA, "F. D. (F. D. Furniture Doctor), No. 119 West Main Street. Old 'Phone, 2507. FREE HALFSOLING; CUT OUT THIS, advertisement, bring It to us and pay cash for a pair of our Guaranteed 53.50 ? SH<~10S and wo will halfsole them when needed free of charge, or If the upper? : break through before the first sola ? wears out. will give you a new pair ? instead. DREW ELECTRIC POWER I SHOE FACTORY, No. 710 East Main St. ?' Physical Culture. .| ? Deep Breathing-, Richmond, 2, 20, '03. Mr. Melville Daniels; Dear Sir,?When I commenced my course with you In Dramatic Art, which Includes your method of deep breathing and physical culture, my chest expansion was but two (2) Inches. I practiced my exercises faithfully, and at the end oS one week mv expansion .had increased to 5 Inches. After the eighth lesson It was 7>.i Inches, and I. am rapidly gaining In weight and strength. I cheerfully recom? mend your methods, as they are all yott>( claim for them and much more. Yours truly, CASPER ? WENDLINGER. i DANIELS' SCHOOL OF ACTING AND Physical Culture. 627 East Broad. UPHOLSTERING. C C. LEVY. NO. 544 BROOK AVENlIE. makes Mattresses. Cushions and Slip Covers to order. Bell 'nhone lCbtj. BIG D1COUNT FOR UPHOLSTERING and recovering your Fu-HMire ?"?"?3 the dull season, at J?RGENS'. No. C1 East Broad Street. IF YOU WANT ? GOOD HAIR MAT tress, a nice Coueh. Box Couch, your Furniture repaired and t reu?hol-tered in best manner, your old Harr Mat tresses made over like new or a alee, soft Pillow Bolster or Cushion. wlJT? to JACOB UMLAUF'S, No. 1? Weal Main Street; his werk and p-tce? -'J please you. He will also pacft &nd obg your furniture and ohlm "wltli tar?. Bell 'phone rft!,_ SPECIAL NOTJtCB, WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY^AN? Silverware at wholesalo prices. Call ? j, WE1NBTK1N.S, IMI IS. . MainJBtrwtt. S? WED "WOOD/ ~ ?AVE MONEY BY " BUYING ^ YOUF WOOD at II. S. ITRBAN'S. Snwed pine, f\,H) and ?,75; oak wood. $6. Bowe and Marshall Streets. Old 'phone l.'g?._ TOWN T?fi?S, AFTER YOU HAVE TRIED DIFFBn? ent cought remedies and found no relief, try the Cherokee Cough Drops and be happy; only 5c. per box. Trade aupplledl by all wholesale druggists and O, B. DYER. Candy Manfr., CM E. Marshall Street. _ WA>i.ED?sop GIRLS. TO TRY OUR ITALIAN OLD -FASHj lone.l Croam Chocolates. MARCH KTT? UROS,' STORKS. ??* En.ot Main e-nd 617 En?t Rroiid._ ???G???t?" TO" CLASS ???. W. H, WHITE, CATE TIE?, 0/LO ?Phonaf? H3D and St?l. SCCPPHRNONO. BLAOKBEltRY AN??, Port, Hie. par botti?, at CEABK'ft ?tv i tur ?utti and, lirotui SItmi*