Newspaper Page Text
Miller <S Rhoads. Miller 6 Rhoads. A White Bed Spread Sale .An entirely new lot of White Rcdspreads?many of llicm with tlie prices scalcd down from what siniilar bcclsprcads have been Belling for. . _? Two rcasons for scaling these prices?one is tliat wc bought elosc.y and can sell thc same way, and thc other is?well, it just suits us to stimulatc busincss a lillle by making sacrifices to some extent. A neat arrangcinent for a brass or iron bed is thc bc.lsprcnd with thc valance. or cnt out corner?the spread fails over thc sides and thc "cut out" arrangcinent fits snugly in around thc corncrs? no imsightly looking bed with this arrangement. 75c Value for 65c. Good quality Crochclcd Bedsprcnfls, 11-1 size; well hemmed; several de? signs. Special Value at 92c. Medium welght, full 31-4 size, Mar selllcs designs, nll hnmmod, soft fin? ish and launders well. $1.10 Value for $1. Fine Crocheted Spread, 11-4 size, with heavy ralsed designs, . $1.25 Value for $1.10. Same dnslgns ns the dollnr spread, but finer qunllty. $1.50 Value for $1.25. Fine Crocheted Spread, ln Marscllles designs, $2.00 Value for $1.59. 12-4 size?the InrR-cst mnde?sult.iblo for Inrge old-fashloned beds; nicely finished Jn Marscllles designs and herringbone hemmed. A Special Value at $2. 12-4 Flno Crocheted Spreads, wlth vn lanco or "ctltout corner" for bmss or iron beds; hean-y hand-tied fringe, $2.50 Value for $2 00. Real Marsollles Sprend, 12-4 size, In beautiful floral nnd scroll designs. Fine Values at $2,98. Real Marsollles and Sntln-Flnlshed Spreads, hemmed or frlnged and very nffcctlvo designs. iUarseilles and Satin finished Spcads in white or colors, $3.98, $4.50 and. $5. Our supply and assortment of Spreads for single beds, cots and cribs is just as complete as that for the full-sizec. beds. Crib Sprends (or Child's Bed Spreads), of nll klnds, ln whites, blues, plnks and satlns?75c, 81.2*5. _5i.n<?. Single-Bed Spreads, $1,00 Fine Crocheted Qullts, in Marsollles designs; soft llnish, gstf &^3m WILLIAM F. T. MOLLENHATJER. The young?t vlollnlst ln ihe world wlll nppcar nt .Jj-o- Y. M- c- A. Thursday eve? nlng. Hfj. is..w:illhim F. T. Mollehhauer, Jr., ond'is only four years and nlne months old. Ou tho platform will ap? pear at the samd tlme his gvandfaxlu-r and his father, Messrs. O and E. Mollen liauer. This -vviil be the flrst tlme tlmt XUphmonders have over hnd an oppor tunity ta s,-n threo gencrutlons perform 5)ig together. Tho llttle fellow, who ls actuallv less ?than li\-i- years old, is a beautiful chlld, wlth dark halr and large dark eyes, soft as those or a gazelle. He performB'on ajnlnlatiire instrument, but hls notes nre plainly heard when tho threo play together. He Is also a com poser, young a.s he ls. Hls; father saTd yesterday that iho abllfty to play tho vlolin was born In hlm. The boy hns played In New York, where ho wns very favorably reeelved, He i-ocs from Richmond on nn European tour. lle does not play a melody or two pounded in by car, but plays his snios from the page, ns wlll be seen ln tho dlf llciilt Hall Trlo ln which hc performs the llrst vlolin, Hls father aud grandfathcr nre noted vlollrilsts, BAG IS SNATGHED Mrs. M. C. Callahan thc Vic tim of a Thlef on Fifth Slrcet Yesterday. Suddenly and unekpoctcdly an unknown isnatch thlef robbed .Mrs. M. C. Uullahan, of No. 730 North FJfth Street, last )ilght nf her shopp.lng bag, contaiulng llvo dol? lars, a number of valuablo papers nnd qulte a few dress somplus. na she was comlng up Flfth Street Bhortly nfler 7 o'clock, iu roula t'i tho clty, where sho Inlcndod dolrig a lixtlv shopptng-/or to day. ' She was ud'ompanied \>y her mo? ther aud both screamed lusilly whon tlie thlef got away with the satchel, ns ii result r,f whlch many peoplo wore at tracted nml no end of excitcrticiit c-rt-ated, A fow mlnules after tln- rpbbery both appe ired at lh ? & '"'.<1 Sl i.l i .. whi ? Scrgeani Tnlley was possi i ,i pf iho facU ln the case. H-- aaslgned the uf fulr t'i Olllcei Cox but al a late hour |asl night no clue i,* to thu iduniltyof Ilu' thlel had been uiicovercd by the patrojman, although lie'acourcd tho vlc iiilty in h.-arcit oi t'i., m m or some ono who got a clear \i- vv of him. MAY HAVE l;!:i:.\ ',', illTK. Mrs. Cullahan is doubtful whetlu r ihn roblier was a white 01 .?? negro, Sho says he was a young fellow nnd a good riiuii(-r. He was nf llght romi-lexion, nud may havo been a Caucaslun, uut of thls she l_ not positlve. Th,> oftlccra aro not reudy to bellevo lhat t.lifcs robber was a whlle riiun, ul though f'acis polnt to such 1, Ing t ?;,? .(?use. They qrgue that tho hold-up o? eurred lu a sectlon of tho city Uugoly Infi-iiii'd by negroes, and thejtthliili th,,t the robbv-r wa.- a lealdc-nl of ti?- ,... Ojtlon. (*?. Vka r-ut-cry was one of Uie bt>ld_..l re corded In polico clrelos In some llme. whllo facts brought out by Mrs. Cal? lahan load tho ofllcers to bellevo that tlie thief must have boun both deter minod und perslsrtcnt. In order to get possesslon ot thc cov otod bag the robber -was compellcd to hold with Biicli tenaclty us to break a heavy wrist chaln, This choln Is still iu Mrs. Callalian's posscssion. ll was only n llttlo past sevon thnt Mrs. Callahan nml hor mother wore com? lng up Flfth Streot. As they nenrcd tlio corner nf Lelgh Stroot a )nnn hove lnto vlew. li.. was udvaricing frnm tho .ip poslte dlrectlon and no partlcular ntUn tlon was (jlvi n hlm, GRABBED THK BAG. They turned in enough to allow tho roan to pass, but ns ho enmo aiongslde Mi ?. Callahan, who wns on tho outside, ho grabbed tho hand bau, evldently ihlnklntr. sho was only grinplng u wlth her flngers. Thn satehol .iif| not glve way, ni ti... tivin twlstod nnd jorked wlth tho deslred result, tho satcho] separat Ing from tho chaln, All of thls had come about so r'uickly thal both hnd boon taken by surprlso, Tliey had oxpectod nothlng of the klnd, and tlio robber wns movlng alone once !: ? oi fore they had nn opportunity to '-'?" -"i alarm, whon Mrs, Callahan 1 ? imi d ;.t th.- top of hor volce. Number-. of pooplo wero attractied by the nol - bul bof re nny biitslder iir '''*?'?"' ' : ":' ci ".- tlio mnn had dl?an P ' ? i i awn .-. ii,-.,rl,y all, v, |i,. waa '"' '?'???' Uka the wlnd, so they camo dl tlie Secopd Statlon nml niade II -ni' .1 whi tlior Iho mnn \vhO " I":!"' ' ?' ? ' no bag lost nlght is one "'. ati or? i ?:? : gone or slmply a Btray crhnlm l wl ? happenod ln Rlehmonij but, 1 |VI illu I- |, il,-- oIllCOl'H aro naiv lous tlio womon of th,- eltj bc eau ? i nol in -? irry too much . hatigo in ' ?. or . .' rv ii,, ni too loosely 1 '? i y foar ii ri petition of tho -ii.f ih.- emitcli thi-r. II. V. t vn v ,\i. rnsiiR FOSTER & FOSTER Undertakers. 307 North 7ih St. Telephone 2H2.1 Kviiiltnttt 328V AFTER THE A Delegatlon Waits Upon Baptlst Mlnlster Here. FEELING MUCH AGGRIEVED They Inslsted That He Cease Mnking Publications Regardlng, Joseph Smilh, the Hend of Tholr Church. Tho Mormon scct, as lt Is roprosented In RIchmond, hns manlfeated a distinct and declded dlsapproval of an attack made upon it by a Bnptist pastor here, lt hns done nothing more nor loss than appolnt a delegatlon of elders to walt upon tlio mlnlster In question and cxpos tuluto with hlm?have lt out, ns lt were. The matter has attractcd some liltlo at? tentlon In tho East End, und the end of lt Is not yet. The Baptlst clergyman, lt ls true, reeelved tlio delegatlon nnd nrgued with them, but he dld mot change hls views. So far from rctreatlng from the posltlon ho hnd, bo prepafed an? other broadsido and wlll very shortly let fly agaln, HAVE BEIvN ACT1VE. For somo tlmo past Ihe Mounons have been qultf? actlve In RIchmond, partlcu? larly on Church Hlll, where they have been maklng a houso to hotisp canvOs, How successful they have been In win? ning converts it is Inipossihle to say, but they havo cortainly been at work. Upon the Hlll Is sltuated the Broiidus Memorlal Bnptist Church, of whlch the Rov. Clarence P. Stealey is the pa.stor. I'n connectlon wlth his church Mr. Stealey edlts a llttle paper cnlled "Thc Ques tioner," ln whlch he prints the news of hls congregation and ln whlch at tlmes hc tia_ something to say cdltorially. The ac tlvlty of the Mormons came to the atten tion of Mr. Stealey, and be nt onco throw nn edltorlal llrcbrand lnto the camp. First of all he gave a loiig strlng of Mor monite prlnciples. 'Must now," he said, "there is need for tho peoplo on Church Hlll to Know wno the MOrmons ure, and to have n llttle better und'erstandlng of their doctrlnes lhan they,are liable to glvo in their llrst efforts to wln a hearing. We have a great many facts in regard to them, and wlnie there Is no personai feeling agalnst the young men who uro dlssemltiatlng their literature under tbe name of Latter Day Salnts, we do want to warn our peoplo Lhat they are of a late day and have no connectlon whatever with tlie spirit und teaching of Bible wrlters, They are 'wlse as serrjehts,' hut you can go no further ln tho quoiation. Here aro somo Of thelr bellefs. ??*???_ the nextt issuo we wlll have something more to say." The "next issue" appeared ln duo tlme and ln it Mr. Stealey went pretty heavl ]y after Joseph Smlth, tbe great prpphet bf aiOrmonism. He nrgued that no rellg- | ton can riso above the xnoral statue of its > founile)-, nnd he thereupon proceeded to j declare that Joe Smlth had no moral , statue at all. "lf there is nny system that Is worse | than Mormainism,'.' sald Mr. Stealey. In , coricluslon, "we cannot thlnk what lt ls, j for It clalms to honor tlie Bible, at tho \ .--atn.- tlme puttlng more honor upon such ! vlslons as joseph Smlth clalmed to have. ? 'No streafn can ri^o hlgher lhan tho 'foun- | tain-liead.' " WENT TO SEE HIM, Thls was too ruueli for the Mormons and a commlttee of elders have recent? ly been to see Mr. Stealey the mat? ter. They dvL-lared that what be had said false, and tliey made a pretty urgent suggestlon tliat lie dlscontlnue publlca tions of Ihe surt. Jlr. Stoaley said yes tcrday that there was no fhreat or anj' ihlng of the sort. They wislied, how? ever, to lriform hlm that whut ho had sald wns false. Accqrdlng to the pastor of Bi ?iddus-Membrlal he replied to the elders tliat he wus pretty well satisficd with tho sourccs of his informatlon. The upshot of tlie wholo aft'air is that Mr. Stealey hns written another edltorlal agalnst tlie Mormons, and will publlsh it in tho t'orthcomlng issuo of hls _>.i per. He said yesterday that hc had no Idea of withdiTiwing from tho field ur ceoslng hls fire. CHARGED M1TH STEALING A WATCH AND A RING Iwo whlto men, Charles Johnson and Edward Bontley, were arrested ln East 1'ianklin Street lnst niKht by Detectlve Sergearits Wfeli and Glbson on a charge of having robbed .1. !?;. Cook, a vlsitinr me rehnnt. of a gold watch nml a diaxnoilu. rlng. These are .still mlsslng;. not as yet havlng been recovercd. ' " Fioni all nccounts II seems tlnt Cook was out Saturday nlchi with two mon. supppsedly Bontley and Johnson. Ftnallv ".'??V^,'V'nllul "i' i'1 the l'nlon Hotel, corner of Fifteen and Maln Street, reglsteritig for the ni.-lit. " When Cook awoke he dlscoverpd thnt hls diamond pln an.l watch hnd been taken. ihe pollco were nollfled nnd Chief Hownrd nso-'lgnod Detectlvcs Wren aud Qlbson io thc case. They last iiKht ?_? rpstedMhe two above meiitloned yoniu. mon. Thoy were locked uptat the Flrst ?i'_,_.5',.:;n;l?,,!'K,,r,"""!""' "> "' HAVE_CREAT TIME Presentation of Porlraits and - a Grand Banquet Last Night. Tho annual celebration of ih?- Rich? mond. Gruys, Suventleth Vlrginla Roiil Sf...'*,. ";..l,i'"K'lt. was a uillquo affalr, nml ?h 5 . .'' ,'"-lu>''1 by both the acllvo and yetenui membera of the organlza conslsted of presenta wres .it .il] iho ex-captiilna lo ilu- n.-'.n 'laili.n, ?ml h 'i i" all ai Dlckanson's i.'.'"i Rroad Btreet, llon exer.lsos took placo und werp very Interostlng. ' i ? x-cantalha follows: 'U. V: V. Crawford. ,1. K. i Mityo, Edward insi; i.oiii,; j. Bussloux li. C. 0. lius.'i,' ix i-;, ]|,..s A. Charles 0. Snvllle, it offlcers ai.: Captaln Henry ',. I iirl:i I'H.m ainl I.U-uii-uaiits Ttobei't Le MaBiuier and llaivoy l_, Jonltlnu. Cuii taln Travers Danlel rprido'the speoch iu' '"iiiliiK the liiii'lrnlls, nud it was a mull happy ono, They woro recnlvcd mi be half uf tho as-ociatioii hy Mr. Joseph <" llickorgoi), wbo spoko lu a niost Imi.ny and uloquent velii, ' Al ili<- lianqiir.1. Whloh was ,-in olcglint one lu ovory dotall, fornier d.leuteuant 11. <-.'i'lsi.ti preslded us tiastmustor. nnd nruyer was offered bv Mr, W Fii'tcii.-i" Rlchardson. L'ovi rs' woro lald im; wns cvenly-llvi!, nml ih, ta.'iitly onjoyed by all w|i,, at__niled.' Tho "W.-M-Kiiil A,?,,|?' ma,|,. ,,,??, inaiidolln ijiuslo, nnd tlutre was orutary ,-,iiiiin-. Manv Hpepehes w.-iv madq and ih. y \vera all vory _)_u>py, inn oC au iiu i rom] iu nuture. The Gruya is one of th,. ,,|i|.-.i uiiiHury iiri.-.aiii'/.illiiiiii iu tln- B.iute. havlng cuino llito iu J.H, Establlshed n Century Ago. Qorham Plate. ?yyEHollGoi'liiitii flith'-l TabloWnro ntthb'itiiiinifii''i"''<'tl Pll??2i Thoquanlltyis nlisolutoly Uio (lnost, nnd for Ihni. ronsoii wo kcop no otlior IjutGOH-HAMl'laATK. tiGFUpon satisfactory references we mlll bo pleascd lo send goods on approval, GALT & BRO., Jexvclcrs, Sllversmiths, Stalloncrs, 1107 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washlngton, D. C. THE CARNIVAL IS IN FULL SWIMG The City Full to Ovcrflowlng Witli Guests-The Great Parade of Rex. (By Prroi'l NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 23,-Wlth thou? sands of vlsltors hero from ovory soctlon of the country nnd with ovory arrlving train swelllns the congoslinn nf strnngers on tho streets. New Orleans carnival ls now in full swlng. The llve trttnk llnes for the past woek havo boen pushod to lhe limlt of thelr resnurces ln hnndllng tlio travel to tlio clty. All tralns aro from threo to llve hours late. Evory hotel ls crowded to its capaclty, and huri dreds of boardlng houses aro full to overilowlng, -whlle half a dozen or moro steamers aro provldlng accommodallons. Tho weather to-dny was por feet, and the route of tho parndes was a mnsa or color. Canal Street and Interseetliig streets held a multlludc of peoplo whon Rex. tlie king of the eirnlval, made bi* entry into the clty. Thousands on tho river front grooted tlio royal llotilln. The merry monarch waa eseorted through lhe streots by the pecrs nf hls realm nnd a numerous mllltary and naval eontin gont. Miss Allce Roosevelt. Admtral Scliloy, General Joe Wheeler nnd other distingulshed guosts vlewed tho parndo frnm tlio balconles from the Carial-Stre'et Club. EX-GOVERNOR TAYLOR He Will Appear nt the Academy of Music Friday Evening. The nnnouncoment that ex-Governor Bob Taylor. of TenncsseO, a humorous locturer of fame, and a mnn who crowds hls houses, would appear at the Y. M. C. A. Hall next Friday nlght Is an or ror. Tlie entertainment will bc given at the Academy of Muslc, and ls taken there by tho Young Men's Chrlsttan As isoclation, because tho demand is so great thnt tlio Association Hall wlll not begln to hold thoso who deslro to hear hlm. The snle of rescrved sents to non-sea son tickot holdcrs goes on to-day at 1 o'clock, nnd there Is alroadv a Ilvejy inimber of orders in, but seats can be secured hy 'phone at 1 o'clock to-day ut thc Y. M. C. A. bullding. and will Tjb on sale nt tho snmc plnce untll Friday night nt 7 o'clock. when tho chart wlll bo taken to tho Academy, Onvr-rnnr Ta?lor is ono of the most popular lecturers in Amerlca?a man who brings run*=hine and good cheer wherever he goo*.. ~ OH DECK AGA1N He Celebrated Washington's Birthday, and His Lions Qbeyed Him. Washington's blrthday opened brlght and clear. The hour of opening was announced for ton o'clock, but from nine o'clock r:ght forward steady stroams of people arrlved by every car. The prln? dpal feature, lhe crowniug attractlon of the wonderful contlnuous programme that was given all day was tho reappcar anco of Captaln Bonavlta, tho marvol ous monarch of lions nnd tho greatest nnlmal traincr of his time. For the lirst time since tho opening of thc ex hlbltion In Dccember last, owlng to tho very many llghts ot his wild aml savage anlmals, and In honor of Washington'.; blrthday, bo was able to present hls rchiarkable pyrnmld act o? tho Pan Amerlcan Exposltlon. Yesterday varlous lions acted ln perfect harmony, obeylng hls sltghlest wlsh aud command, and sebrhlrig t" recognlKo that they were prepared for once in thelr llves to b ? docile cliildron, subject lo his Wlll nnd command ln honor of tho Father of hls Gountry, Geurgo Washington. thc founder of Uio grcnt Amerlcan republlc. 'i'll.* day was an oxceptionally Une one, nnd tln- iiiai-.y other "ealures or popular lnterest lhat were provlded by tht: man ugcm.ont contrlbutod to thc oxceptlonnl progruti7i7ie and tho amuseuient of the publlo. Positlvely curctl iby fcUeso Liltlo Mlla, They also relicvo Plstrcss front DysncpsLi, Indigcstlon nml Too ""earty, A per I'cct remedy for D'jziness. JTausea, Drowi.' 'iess, liail Tai to in lhe Moui j, Co;l'c<l Toiigue, I'ain in thc Side, TOlvPI'J LIVI-R. Tl.ey Reguhtc thc Uov/cli Twdy ycgelable* SmaH Plll. _ Snia.l Doa-5.4 amal>IP.v.ce. Pento0aa0ttsttti90900a?in(ttio0i30 ? Ooctai and \ | tPersonal X p&0(f.cf0e0ffff000aaa0#000ffffff]a% " TIh mnrry ln hall, whon boiirds wng And wclcoirro mcrry Shrovctlde." Slirovo Tuesilay dorlvos ||H namo from tho narly church prnollco of _liri.stl.irip confosslng thelr kIi.s nml lmlng shrlvmi on lhat, day in prepanillon for thu ponl tcntlnl sensoh to follow. lu the cbuts'o of llme n revornliin to tho old i_updrba llnn und llacchanullnn t.pi-lngtlmc Ets tlvnl. dpv'oloped llio originai Slirovc Tu.a day Into tln! Mardl Gras of tho Franch,' llio carnlval of ttnly, tbe Fastcu Evo nf Srntliind, tlio Ffenst of tho blg his for the Grccks nnd tlie I'uuuakc Day of rural Engllsh nnd EngllBh Vlrglnia.' No ono cnii cxnclly till tho nnsurlnltnii by rlght nf pancukes wlth thls osptSblnJ day of tlm week nnd tbe year. An old Snxnn name for Februnry Is trauslatcd lnto "month of cakes," because thc nn cient Pagnns used to offer 'cakes lo the sun-god during its courso. Auotbor reason ls glven by/ti Catholic ecclc-ldstla ln tlie followlng pnrngraph: "When l.Dit wns kept by a strlct uh Btlneh6e from ment all through Ihe t'or ty ddys. ll was customnry 10 uso up ull tho tlrlpplngs nrid lard ln tho maklng of pancaltes. To consumo nll lt wa.s usual to cnll in tho apprentlee boys und pjh ors about tbe hnu-o. nnd thoy were _um nioncil by a bell. called tho pancake bell." A dlttv of Molhor Guoso refcra to thls pancake bell. ? "Pohcnkes and frltlers. i Say llio. bells of St. I'olor's. Where must we fry 'Clh7 Say the bells of cold lllgham. ln vikhI't laild tlmnow. Sny tho bells of VWllinborough." ln many of tbe Engllsh hnys" schobls, "tosslrig tln; pancake" ls nn event of the school yoar in which thc groattsst Interest ls taken. Much ceremony attehds it at Wrstmlnsti-r. whitSS the cobk in lesplen ?,lent white attlre, boar!r_- a panenke ln a irylng pan, ls preceded by a vorger wlth a sllver maee, who es-corts hlm from the kltchen to the school room, where tho boys nre nsscmbl.d ln cager expec tn ncy, Thc cook trlos to toss his pancake over nn Iron har runntng achoss thc Hchool )'onm. Thc boys make n ru-h. ono boy for c-ich form In tho school. and lli" buc cessfuT contostnnt In '.taklng the cakc" is awarded a gitlnc-a hy the dean of tlie school. lf tho cook acqults hlmself ivith distlnctlon, he also recetves a porqutslte. As Regards Audrcy. Tlie Natlon Hotel Roporier says: "Publlc ' curloslty may he m.-inl festcd to know the name of thc hotel at Warm Sprlngs, Va., where Mlss Mary Johnston, of "To Have and t" Hold" fame wrote her novel 'Audrey.' A hotel wlth llterary atmosphero and cnvlronmeni should add tn Its regular. every-day buslness. And th?_re nr<- some mcii aiid women who have written books whu should go tn such an estubllshment bc< foro they write another," Fosslbly lf "somo men nnd women" hnd seen Mlss Johnston's cottage. smobhored ln tho enibrace of tho red rnmblcr io-f, hnd drlven over thc mountalns whlch wnll ln thi- Warm Sprlngs valley when tho rhododendron was ia lli.' full glory of Its hloom, or had watched the hlde, xitid seck of llio Bhadows on the long rldgo leadinp. to Flng F.ock. they would let nolhlng prevent thrni from gainlng tho addltlonal Inspiratlon which nature in such a guise Imparts: Betrothal Dinner. The engnKemont of Mlss Lucy Colden de Lancy Kearny. the debutantc daugh? ter of General nml Mrs. Kearny. of W'asli inpton, to Mr. Julien Hlll, oC thls city. was announced at n dinner par'ty glven Saturday evenlng last In the home of Mlss Kearny. Thoso present wero Miss Allco'Vv'nrd, Mlss Poselthwalte, Mlss do Peyster, Miss Hlll. Miss Crosby, Mlss Powell, Mlss Washlngton, Messrs. Sel berti Borghettl, V.'ills. Azplroz, Kearny; of Now York; Pulldo, /Vckland and Hlll. Decorations a.-proprlnte to the occaslon took the form of hearts and cupld.:. Mr. Julien Hlll, who ls one of the most popular young soclety men ln RIchmond, Is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Wllllam Hlll, hls father being promiitently ossbclated with the Stato Bank of-Virglnia. Tlie nniouncomcnt of hls cn_rngem<'nt natu raily creates much Interest here, Another betrothal ln whlch Rlchmoml nnd Vlrglnia people have a llvely con cern apri"ared yesterday In the columns of tlie New York llernld. which said: ?li'3. Thomas Marshall announced on Vv'i'dnf-<-(lay tho engugement of her (laugh? ter, Miss Sbpliy Grlswbld Marshall, to Jlr. Ju!if>n Jncquclin Mnson. Mlss Marshall is a cranddaughter of Mr. Davld Parlsh Barhydt, of thls clty, nnd a gieat-gtanddaughtcr of Chief jus? tice' Marshall. On the tnaternhl sldo Bh. is reletted to the Wnloott nnd Griswold fiimllles, ni" New England, Mr. Mnson is n Smithernor, rclding ln New York. nnd helonus to tlie old A*lr K'nin famlly or thnt. nanip. The weddlng will probably take place thls spring, Committee rieetings. Thr- ladies of^thc Florlda table. Con federato Bazaar, wlll please meet thln nfUrnoon at 5 o'clock at Ko. OU) Eust Franklln Street. * ? * A meel Ing of the Lo.ulslaria tablo com r.ilttr-e will be held tn-d-u- nt 11 A. M. at tlie home of Mrs. Coleman, No, !S North Flfth Street. The commllteo nf the South r'nrollit.-i tnblR at tlie Cpnfederate Bazaar will meet In the home ol' the chairman, No. w>3 F.ast Grace Stroet, thls morning _Lt 11:30 o'clock. Mrs. Eubank specially reiiucsts a full meotlng for the ncljustment of licci-ssary nnd Import-iht questlons. Mrs. Archor Anderson, chairman of tln? Vlrginla tablo nt tho Confedernto Bnzaar for the Ditvl'i monument and tho Cou ftderato Mtrpourn, hns called a commltlco mcetlrjg bt that Iclilr- for tliis fon-inon nt 11 o'clock. Tbe moetliiff will be held al No, ir:.i West- Franklln Street to dls russ buslness ol' gi"nt lmpoi'la'uce . The Alnbnnin eommBtee l- rbn'tiesi -l to rric-ot wlth Mrs. J'. II.'a-, ut No. 1_00 Floyd Avenue. to-d/iy al nooti, Tho Oonfedcrhte Memorlnl ._!tor__ry So? cloty wlll nieej VVedliesday ?| uorm. Tbe Confedcratn B 'i.irir AssQclntjon wlll uieqt Thursday ut nooii lu Lee Camn Hall, Tlie Rlclimoiid German, Tho last uotUlon bf the wlnter sehiion wns danced by niombi.r's and guesta of Ui. Itlchmo id C| i".,',n ciub laut es-bnliiir in Ui ? M'i-ioiiI ? Tomj lo Colonel Jo l._-11 ? Siern led. nml iii? ep tlllon ln pyory respect wus both brililant uud e' Donallon Hay nt St. Paul's Church Home fpr Aged' Women wa. obsfi'ved ln n gruUfylng nianner yesterday. Ladli'ii comppwlng tlio Boavd ol' Manu gor.-i fnr Iho Homo wulcomed visltors who called and luncli wus served iruin | to i:_o I', M. Mih. Alslon I'lboll i.nit Mra, lliuighti'xi usslHiul In tlm dlnlng ioqiu, Jlriiiy (locosriury urtlclrs ln tho v.ay of IH'iivinioiisi nml J'lU'lilalilna- woi'e sent. tn, nnd llioso iiiloix-slid iu tlie lliiine winii to express thtlr (ippiec!iitlv>!i to ull wlio rciulereil asylstancu and rellef whero It wns greatly neoded. Patriotic Reception. A pretty nffnlr of UiIh rvo:)ln.?. from S to 11, wlll ho Uio t.'onfii.lei'iite rbqoptioii hold lu th" of Mih. C, \\". _NassJe, No. :'VM East Brotid Street, fnr the' iit of tlm Oeui'Mlu tabhyal the Confade.'nlo Uuzaur, Those recelvins wlll' lo: jiies. PRICE $ I, ? hk.wr wuik s price $| , Arni-lt.vlnsncrodric.Unn? kIiiiUIiiit, splry, brnlny. r-nllfdilenliiLr InMrncllvo nnd hopn-lii?|.lrliifr book, rovcliHii? Iho nui, thn now Inl our i vrr-llvliii i.?n h * tlnofc Kiilrltiu, iv tluiugh now lmiv.iII.mI lu hmtl*B,cliry"(ili"llc Blate. Tha boollta unlipie, glll, IInlsh iind cgrriictly eiititleil J nn nook. is *ni BY GOL. A. J. RQUMS. (Written whilo a sojourncr at Lee Camp Soldicrs' Home, Rlclimond Va ho cause of wountls), Author of "THE PROMISE OF PEACE" and other works , - Itc ui.i.,110, of tliU.NEW STORY siiwIncCty prbfncc" tlils .on.nrk-' ' ablo iMAk, whllo u,o nutl.of proVcs his Oicbry stop by Btop. an.l dcmofislratds Uuil, in lhe rtilnc-s of Uie*tlmes of Iho Chilstlnn Rogcneraliorii man comes I i n.rth rtiiBW nnd freo of tlio;bdhdnt-o of Stdnii nml coh"ei)itoiit donth, h.ell nml J Uio gravn, nn linitioilal spiiitn-siihstaiilial iniin, porfcet. riven ns our Fallicr wlucli ls irt Jlonvrm is pdfecfci BaUin,nnd nll tltnt Ifl lo Ood, thctice ronvm-il. forei'oi' nml etcrmilly non cst, For, in tlio fnliipss of mnri'fl rtootiei tlicrc vtli'ily <'.,iii<.h n. now nnd bU'riini stntc of Uiiii;rs?lhe Sun bf>'iin " mnnifest, Ood nll in nll, ||,e tcmporal n.trtli nnd tlio lie.ivons tlieienf is tlicn past, enrfying wlili (liem nll that wns liorn of or einiiimted from Adn'mio (IihI<?vnltv, nnd ivlmtBOever is itiiniiciil lo the C'lii'i?t,> for in" tlie ,iow and cloinid cnitli ni,,! Iieavciis?then renlaiiifosiPtliCrc is never nny mme plnr-e f.utfi.l for .Sula^pml liis kino.lrmi, wliicli could only ljo In ii77(l of tlio pn,"s.lic temporal e.trtli-t.lio oiirse of tlie fjroiiml--miide for.'fallcn man's snkri, until thn day of inan's lopurifli'itl i.m und thc loxlitiilion of nll tlifngs of Gbi", Hut see tho BOOK. lt -iH iiidebd miirfuc, f"V.ciiro n cripy ut once. Onlv 1,000 copios ordered al prc.-ent, P.rlt'b ONE BOLLAR per copy. . -Address nll coiiimunieiitioti.s (o ANDREW J. ROGERS, or Thc J. L. llill Priiitinjr Co., P. 0. Box 8/,3, Riehmond, Va. clains Mu&sle, Snclllfiffs, Boiisjoy, lluirlic. Hlchard-on. Bllluji*. Chrlstlan, HarwOod and Rlddick. The recolvlng riarty wlll be afHlsteffl by MIsses Mary nnd Mrirla. Cur ? i--*, Miss Nonnte Miller. Mi*s Vlda Chalk lej'i Ho-vtilo French, Mlsa. Edna Bar hoin, MIs- .hun, Powers. Miss Rosn -'?"uyir, Mlf.., Mi.ho| UbbblnH, .M I *?< Pri.h r-teii Mclfdvitt; Miss Alic<* Goodwin: Mlsa i.illie Alleo, iriss, jyjiel W., Mi--. Urace "-"chermcrhorii. Miss Jultet VVoddy md others. Mlsa K.-aie Puller wlll reolte and n muslcal progrnmrrie' wlll be r.-n -i.-.'-.-al'. Elegant Reccpiti|n. Shrovc Tue-'dny wlll hmf a brlllinnl ? I .slnr- in RlchmonO. for one of the most ! gapt receptioos of tho wlnter wJII bo tivon thls evenlng by Mih. Charles !?;>.. lyn Smlth, farhed as q hoftoss for her, graclousness ond powera bt'ohtertainlns. .Mr. nnd Mra. Smlth wlll be assbnod In ?vloiim Ing-, thelr frlends by Mr. nnd Mr*. l-lu'gh Skipwlth. Mrs. Sm|th wlll be ln ; inK ai:.! Mrs, Skipwlth in whlte. Dccora tloria wlll be ln pjji'h and green, palms, l..i I'mii'.- roses and pink carnations fonnh :r beautiful parlor, llbrary nnd din? lng room ndornment; A number of >..ft, molodlpiis selectlona wlll he played diirlng ?'?? eptlon hours. The number of gallant gentlemen nnd beautiful fr 0711011 present wlll uirn thc tideof tlme a littlc backward and roylvo the berlod whon tho Intermlngllng of tho exes hrought aboul tlie Impplest poss]* hle results at all -*>oclnl guthcrings. Mrs. C. Mooro will entertath at prpgressive euchrc thls evenlUK ln honor -if her slsters, Mlssoa Susle, Rhoda and Edna bavls. Mrs. Moorc wlll bo assliited by Mra. \\"yih>* Davis aml Master C. !???? M ao'ro' r., wlll score. Decoratlons "111 i>.- ln ink a nd whtU. A mcetlne of the nebrcw Mcrhorlal A? oclatlon will bo held Tuesday aftcj noon al I o'clock to sottle up thc buslness in Ident tn tlie t'-.i recently Blven. Tho ladles dcslre t? return thanks to thoso who so klndly assisted them. Much lnterest ls helng manlfested In tho colonlal tea and lecture whlch wlll ba given l.v tho your..,- ladles "!' Lau? rel Btrebi Jlotliddlst Church t..-i:!-:'nt. The pastor, Hev. Dr. II. B. ""ohnsbn". wlll maltc on address on "Woman -What Wus Sii.j Made For?" Those taking v-'.ri ln the entertalnment wlll wear costuraes whlch wero wuni .luritig the colonlal perlod. The "sllvcr tea" given yesterday from :? to8 P. M. in No. llt N'T'ii Thlrd Btreel, the home of Mra. Adolphus Utair; for thc bencflt of the G.-orgla table, waa n greal s>uccess, Tho iadies'who liad ehargo of the "Mar'dl Gras party. -given at thc- Mount Vernu.i last afternoon, frorn II to 6, feel tliat thoy havo inuoli reason to bo satlsflttd with tho lssue of thelr efforts nnd the pleasure iftorded thc littlc people of thelr ucauala Dames to Meet. Thc- Colonlal Darrjes will linlil their Fob? ruary meetlng ln tho rooms ol lhe Vlr? glnla Hlstorlcal bullding thls afternoon at 4 o'clock. ? * ? Souvenirs. Thc ladles of lhe Arkansas table htv.-c :-oeiire.l ii unlque a.:ul attractive pouvenli for thelr table, through Mr. taperton" local ilgeat of the \Vhltchur3t & Hoag Cbrnpuny, in the snape of u cellulpld -treet car tiekot holder, : 1. c,!:.-,-_ the State c'lul-of-ar.iis on ono flde. nnd a handubrce cut of the "fiddle" om hlomntlc of tho ?'Arkansaw Traa/cler." on thc othor in eolors. The souiviinlr was espeelally deslgned, and tho .Arknnsns table will get the ben - Rt 0" its llrst urpaioaranco ln Hlchrhoiid. Souvenirs for tho Mlasourl tablo nre cellulri'd "apo rriciMures \\UU-U ovory wrj mnn will'ltnr.ioiliut.-ly aeslro ns an invnlu nb!e .-idilll!o:i to her work hashet. Or.c side has tho crbssed Confcileratc. ilass ln eolors, the other tho Missoiifl cbat-bC :iv:ns agaltist the red. Miito anil blue. Tlie chalrman und commlttee 01' -t'm- Mlssoui'j table liH'.-e boen most succcssful. ? Souvenirs whlch linvo been oi'dored n'td wiu soon nrrlvo f6r tlie South Carolliia table nre chlna pl.aqucs, with tlie Btate eolors ln banda und lhe coat-of-ariris ln thn center; ricKtnney?Waddill. Al tho rfeeldenco of tho brldo's motlior. M;s. Mary Waddlll. Xo. 318 *N*orth Twolfth Ptre-etj at U:'k o'cloclc yesterduy rnornlug a tiuiet homo weddlng wns performed Thc- contthctlng partles w0^.^'^^'^ r, Waddlll nml Mi'i Frank W. McKlntiey. 'I'h-. 'ooivi'i.niy was p.-rl'iarnn-d hy R?V. U 13. EgslCHlon.' und Alr. atul Mrj. M. ,.!,;,, uaok lhe iiiioM traln for a Noi'th eni tour. Tln- weddlng was very (iiilet, thiv 11 tcnv-'frtenils helt'.g preccnt, viish waddlll Ib 'i1'11'' ""! ,,lnv *" th" c'iv whero sho luis u fiost p? I'licnds, Vi "vtcKlnncy |s a ncphey,' ol the (ate nave'rnar NVlllIani McKlnr.ey. atul I.s n pop u'li.r .-?iii-sii-.un of l.uii.'- and Rlddick; of llilc clty. Pei'.^onn. Mentlon, Mr. aud Alr". Iloward Canipl.Gll. Mra, O. P. Qour apd Mi'.s Agu:-:, Cloni' nre voglstoi'i-d ut Uiitol pnn.oiul. in Ormotid, Pla. They .Wlll vlslt tho I'ainmin Siliita hucln pmnko gi'oiro, und bii.-a- i.ii<lt u,.. Ti.inuku Itlvor tlip and lln- hItmiiIIo drlve upon the pceau boaah und back. MIhs A-lmii lllniii, bf Bii.Tilk. i:( |)..,. gliss't et' her Hls.ter, Mrs. Churjos 8.1, Ilos w'oll, at No, -ir. BiibI Franklin Stroet, .Mrs. I'luirloH II. plaey l<>!t rinlur.lny for Omaha,, ip visil her brother-. .Ur. J0I111 I,'. Ueahun. ^ .Mi.-s Si|ihy Whlle is i,'ih-|lii!S M!,sa IMllli Wholiin, uf North Clmrlo.; Stroot, lialllmiue. Tho niauThig... of MIi-.s AUnnin G. Wud dill lu -Mr, l<\ U', jiicKlnpuy, took p|a.e.o yesterday nt 11:30 A. M. ln the hom? ol thc brlde's, mother, No, 816 North Twolfth *--?'?""I. thc Rev. R. B, Eggleston oflS clatlng. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wnlker. Mlss R?. bo,.,,-, Walker, Sllmtcr C.-..1 Walker; Mr. and Mrs T. H. \Vu31;?r and son, Mr. and -Mrs. C.-.h-ln Salterilfeld and famlly, Mr. and Mrs, n. <-. aray, or Newport News and Mr. Rogc> P. Wnlker. iitt-ndcd tha amilv.-:'M.ry of XIr. and Mr., Julinn Morris weddlng nr_.i Ihe birthday of Mrs. R. L. Walker ai "The Oaks." ln Albe niarl" oounty, yesterday, The anhauncemeni wns mado Sunday ol thc engagement nf M1.S Ruby Florsheitn to Mr. isaac Flegorihcimer, ro;0!.ver ot th" Prudehtlol Banklng and Trust Com? pany., Both ure well known nnd hilve the best wlshea of tholr many frlends. Wednesday nf thls weok boln_? A.h W.<1. r.elday, the nionthly meellnB of thc Cou, fctierato Memorlal ' Llterary Socloty, vhicli would f.'ill on thnt driy, wlll br! defcrred untll the next Wednesday March, ?'V2?.?QOe3S*3?-..3oe0e^S43O?O?*-''*! ?-: *" %Sriap <S/iots Tja/ccn k _/_ ST " f Jn Jfcotol <?ot)bhs .. o o eec**2:Sd?st2?1i "There wa.- no braver soldler In tlm ranks of tho Confederate arm)' than tin U..U1. D. S. Pollock. of Pulaskl,'' said former Governor .!. Hope Tyler at Mur? phy's last'nlght "When Ihe call io arms was glv?n ln 1801 la- and hls brother bade Ihclr old motlu-r good bye ami went td tho front. AIniost ln tlielr flrst battle'both wcr.-. shot down. Davld recovcrad, but tlio wound thnt plcrcd hls brother wns fa? tal, and hc; dled 011 thc lleldL, "Slnce tho war Jlr. Pollock has been a falthful citizen and ,1 strong laxvyer, aml I belleve .ihe peoplo nf the county deslre hlm to be their supe.intcndvh- of Birhools/' "There wlll be no commlsJ-'ion named by the Leglalatur-e to odjust the Bt_atutes In cotifornilty wlth the new Cbnstltu tloii," said a prominent House leude| laat night. "I:s ;:i.: 1.; t place, we nro maklng gou'l progri -.1 with our work, aud In tlie next it would bo a confesslori that. we are not capable .>;' dolng Lhc work which vvc voluntarlly umlertool: when we i.i'u.'d tn name a commlxyloii last fall. "For my own part, I favored the ap? polntment of a commlsslon at tlie pro]. tlme, but you may put lt down tliat tlterv* wlll W none now, anl that wo wlll _? t througli and adjourn early Ih. June. "N",i, 1 have not thought nf glving u'i? tnv flght for pure eloi tiona in \'Jr_liila*.'" -,:ii! _-?- -xi.'f v>:- v,'. p. Barksdale, nf Jluli fax. at Murphy's., % ??'i'-n- tax blll ha.. preventcd lls /-.nstc! ifatibti by tlie Ilouse so far, but my frlends in Lliat body will "? ?? that It ia ""Mr. Dtiko iuid other strong and popu? lar l.-a.ii-.-- are golng tn u ? th. ir bet-i i'il Io--\ ,-r-' m .'-I,- 1 li it tbe vv-ir.l 'cp.rupt |y' Ih strlcken out. and from wh-it I have im doul 1> will ., 1 dom . _'bu may say that ','..- mean tu prcas tbe bill through, I. aii-v li i.-i in line wlth tho hlghest nnd !'.,:"> sentlment In Iho State." "I have roplled tp thc bpmmltteo tliat waitd a;..'ii nio aud asked mo to run I'or' the Senat< thls fall," r?d Hon. ._. I". Sto: rnes of Newport News, to a Tlmes L :--.a'ti-ii represi atatly.p at Murphy's last nii-? 1. ... -i Infni-ai.'l thc gpiitlomen who in-1 nno tho honor tha'l I hnd doterm ucd !?? stand liB?'Jn f?r <?'"' H"""" '"' D ' ":,t"' nnd could not. therefore, nceedo to l.belr pxprenscd wishes as in tbe upisei. branch.'.' Mr. Stcanies !_?. one of tho most popu lar and falthful ot tlie House membpre. and hls colleague.. and frlends wlll I o gia'd t? learn of hla infoiitlona to rerafiih lii thal body. "By all mhimer bf means ihe new prlmary 1 j 1 ? ? 11 for nu ninatlng cantildatea for offlco in Virglnln ouptlit lu be p:v I'civeil," iK'iil :i iiin.nSiiriil Demo'crilt '-?' Ni-vv Ford's 11 -1 nlght. ' ' "I belleve Iho Democrats of ihe'-'fit.tto nre IJOhlnd Ihe new i|._p;irture, and ?!?? blro tlmt It Hluill b. glven afaif trlal, wlth tho vlew tn perpctmttlng lt. "Tlio cbnveiitlon v/na wlse ln ma|v"hi_C U ext'ond lo tho ufllce of"* fnit.-.l Butb. Senator, and 1 have no doubt nny tymd, il-ile fnr thut lilgh nfflce would feel a .oy in :."?!', Ing that tho wlll of Iho people, so c|early cxpro'iised, bo enntra VClll'll." Amoii-r iho guvsU al Muv phy's lnst uiilit wero Hon, A. T. Lin? coln, inombor of t!_*? Oot|'.-'iMiilon-'l C nivi ntl a from Hmvth nnd Bland, and llon. Henry W. il.'li. Judg. of 1 hu C "'* pcrntloil I'nlllt nf thq rily of rimuii lon. , Vh-Hijiiuns liero hi-u nlgbl wcrei Miiriihv'v-A, B. J, flumirioii, Nnrfolk; W. S. WbllRiuai, Nyi'folk: ?'. T. Colllns, 13, vv. rii. v.-iirt. siaunton; W. H. I.lV-sey<( Ni-wpni'l News; Rniti'l's li. Gult. i.yiu b liUi'Hi lliiii".- AV. Staunton; ChaH, V. Jnn.K. .Mnntcivv; B, B. ShleldH, Vlr? ginla; C"hirlt'. W. llinion, Kri'derick county; 11. II. Tlm-, !.i'i_d_i'lck Auns IiiiukIi, Norfill:. I.pv-ington-\V. II. Vai.-s. Norl'.illc; Thomas H. Truynkuni, J. J, l.aWM'il, Boutl) Boston. Now Fovd's?E. E- K.cssJer, Vlrslnla, iiiTMorts cnMK th tiih sntKAcii lil llii: ss,)i!i|. iih ln ii'i 1' n.-f peaspn, 'I'.hey don't ni.'i Iheinaelvoa ?ll off t.hut fXvay, hrnvavor, hut mri-i'Jv i-.--.iiii 11 la tiio sya, tr;n. llnoil's riai',-ii|-ai'l|l:i rnr.iQVPS. timui, wurds yl- duiiBcr, multts liv-ilth Bur?i.