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TILLMAN'S CALM SPEECH Addressed Senate on Indlan ola Postofflce Affair. IN UNION TO PAY TAXES He Sald South Was Continually Being Beminded of the Facl That Her PeopleyWere Conqucred?Booker as Secretary of Anything. <ny Ajwocluteil Press.) WASHINGTON. D. C, February 23.? A large crowd was atlriicted to the Sen? ate lo-day, most of them visiting Daugh t-ira of the Amerlcan Revolution. Wash Ington's farewell address was lead by Mr. Dubols. of Idaho. Tha omnlbus publlc bullding blll was passed and the post* office appr/oprlation blll was considered without flnal actlon. Mr. Tlllman spoke tor nearly two hours, prlnclpally ln reply to Mr. Spooner, on the Indlanola pjsiolhce case. He sald that II the policy of the admUilstrotlon ln regard to th<i equailty uf lhe negro was carried t?ut"'dr>d Booker Washlngton should be appoliited to tho Cablnet he would vote for'. h'ie "confirmatlon. He dla not conclude' his .remarir.3. Durlng the rcadlng of Washlngton's ?d dress. Reed Smoot, Senator-elcct from Utah, entered the chamber and took a deal beslde Mr. Kerns. The Rawllna res? olutlon calllng on the Secretary of War for Information concernlng court-nmrtlal cases In th? Philipplnes was favorably reported by Jlr, Lodge and adopted wlth an amendment llmltlng the reply to suni mories of the records and testimony. Another amendment, whlch waa adopted, ?xcludes the caso of Major Ln AV. T. Woller. Mr. Kerns, of Utah, presented the cro tl.-ntlals of Senator-olcct Reed Smoot, of Ctah, whlch were read. Mr. Smoot i was elttlng ln the rear of the ohambor when lhe document was read. . Mr. Burrows, of Michlgan, stated that a protest had been flled with hls com rr.'llee agalnst Mr. Smoot's admlsslon. The credentials and protest were filed. A House resolutlon was agreed to. pro? vldlng for the ereetion In Washlngton. T3. C. of bronze equestrlan statues of Count Pulaski and Baron Steuben, of the Con tlntntal army, and approprtating $50,000 for each. POSTOFIC BILL, ".Ir. Mason then called up the post offacft approprlatlon blll. Its formal read Inc was dispensed with and the blll was read for amendment. The statehood amendment was passed over for che time belng Mr. Mason ylclded to Mr. Falr b.inks. who presented nn omnlbus public bii-liilng blll. Mcssra. Dnnlel and Martln. of Vlrglnla, mnde nn en.mest plea for an lncreased nnproprlntlon for n huildlng nt Ports rrimith. Va. Mr, Martln explained that the nmendment wns directly ln line wlth trr- p.ii|aos?? <>f the hlll. and asked Mr. FiilrbnnkR why he nb.teotcd lo It. Mr Fulrhnnks declared lhat hls rea? son wns that the commlttee had lnformn thnt there was n real estate dcal or COii.l.iriHllon to run up the nrlor*. Thls Mr. .Martln empha tlcally denlcd. (in a vfia ai nd nsi'y vote the amendment was lost. 2n io :if. All other nmeiirlment* were voted down and the l.tll wns pnsi<a>d. ConsMcra tlon nf trie postofflce appTO prtntlon blll was "e<siinied. The presldent pro tem Hpp.-lnt?*d M-ss-s. Alcer nnd Baron vlsltors to tho Mllltary Academy. He also nnpolnted Messrs Mc Comns nnd Oanlel vlsltors to th Naval Acnrlemy. Mr. Tlllman. who had he?n standlng iri the nlsle rnde-i vnrlng to get recojrn' tlnn to spenk ifigtirdlng the Idlanola, Miss.. onse, Imiulred what wns up T tlio post.affiee hlll went iif*r. The presldent pro-tem replied he the S' n.i lor from Routh Cnrnllnn was eoirdng up on hls fax-t. ni wl.irh the Senute was cn vulsod. Mr. Tlllman snld he would have to surprlse hls frlends nrd aistonlsli hls enemles lf he wns not mlld and temper ate In what he had to ?ay. "lf we hnd known at the be-glnnlnK of tba Clvll Wjjir," *nJd he. "what wc know now. there .would'*'hnve been nn wir," He lnquired why thi* larg'* majorlty fif |?w .ibldlng iioopte Iri Indlatnoln had .heen puialshed hecausa*. there was n small. law less and l.rutal element." ll wis i-on triiry. he snld. lo tha? fundamRntiil prln rtples of AnRln Snxon jurisprudenc*. IN l'NION, NOT 01" IT. Replylng to some remarks by Mr, Spooner In hls speech. Mr. Tlllman eald: "It Is not lu tho dreams of the wlldo?t ass that roams over the Southern States wlth a ?'iis skln on hlm that the Federal Government Is not supreme." hut. he snld. there were some cognlte proposll Ioiib which hnv-e beon Ignored. He. snld that In tho South the people have a constant remlnder that thelr inacestors thlrty-flve years ago were conquered. "We are per petually remlnded." he sald, accentuat ing hls words. "that we aro In the Unlon, but not of It excopt to pay taxes." Tho poison ln Oi* race conditlon In the South, he .lenlured, lay ln ihe referee Bystem whlch had been adopted. Tho balance of power. he In tho natlon? al Republlcan conventlon* was held by the macblne of the South, nnd that ma chlne was romposer" of negroes, w hen the people of tlie South, snld lie. l?se p?. tler.ef. and "do r.ruet. l.liier, "f*-ttful flendlsh and navage thlngs thero is a* howl from men who know riotti nu aad have never heen soutla of tlie Pofomao, but who have theorlised." Contlrnjlng, nnd i.ddr??sslng the Kepuh* llcan slde. he said that ir ihln policy of negro equallly ls carried out ard lf -,nnio of ihom could li? Riven plapes ln tho Cablnot, he would vot<; for them. "1 wlll vote to eonfirm Hooknr Wash? lngton as secretary of anything. Lot us have a ne?rr<>. a gfinulrio negro, not u mulatto or hybrld. Then let us rnako them offlcers In the army und the navy, Let us glvo ihern pro rata share of nll tho cood Johs wherever they exlat. with? out regard to local rondllloras." He added tliat nothlns of the port would be done After speaklng for near? ly two hours, and, n )t coneludlng. ho yleliled ror am PXfiCUtiVe sesslon. The pOBlnfflee npprojirlatlon hlll Is still before il.e Benate, Al f.:"" o'elOck P. M. tlie Sonate ud* louriaed. DECIS10N FAVORS DEWEY: IS ADVERSE TO SAA1PS0N (lly Aani.da.len PrnsA -WASHINGTON. l"eb B.-The Unlted Itatos Supreme Court lo-day d*elded the prtse money eattB brought by Adtnlral Dewey in hehalf of hlmaolf nn.l the offl* iara und men of hls tleei on account of Ihe vfauselH Hunk at Mnnlla lluy and after. *Y Lo not gripe r.or 1: j .? ?. the ai!; lary cailtli. 'Iwe; act keutly jej IJrorxipiiy, clCBuie ellertuaU} und Sold hy all dru?i,'h>>'*> ""? c*--ia?. OUR NAME under your collar stnmps von ns a wearer of tho best clothes money can-btiy. This ts the time when winter gets it "right in tlie neck"?in fact, he completcly "loses his head," and the coming spring, with its mclting" ways, means meltinrr prices. To-day about forty $15 Suits are marked $9.75. The n?w Dunlap Hats are in, I and every one's praising the new shape. ward reclalmed. ln their favor: but the eases of Admlral Sampson, for whose name that of Admlral Taylor was sub Rtituted in hls own behalf, and that of hls offlcera and men. on aceount of the Marla T.heresa, Bunk at the battlo of San tlago, were declded adversely to the clalmnnts. Tho Theresa was Bunk after belng res? cued. whereas the vesscls roclatmed at Mnnlla nre still in use. The court flrst passed on tho Dcwoy case. Taklng up the question as to whether tho Spanlsh vessels Don Junn de Austria, the Isla de Cuba and tho Isla de Luzon were properly adjudlcated as prizes for the beneflt of captors In vlew of their condltlon Immedlately after the engage mont at Manlla. and thelr belng Biibso quently ralsed and put Into commlsslon, the oplnlon says thnt lf the offort at sal vagc hnd falled or If the cost had equalled or execoded the value, the captors still would be entltled to bounty. Taklng up the Snmpson casea on passlng on tho case of the Marla Theresa. tho court reverses the decree of condemnu lion of the Dlstrlct Court to the effeet that t.hat vcssel nnd a'l the property taken from her and from the other vessels were lawful prizes of war. nnd dlrects that the libel flled by the naval offlcers be dls mlssed. NEW YORK COURT UPHELD IN EXTRADITION CASE Gly Ansoclateil FresK.) WASHINGTON. Fob. 23.?The Supreme Court of the Unlted States to-day afflrm ed the Judstment of tbe Court of Appeals of the State of New York dlscharglng from the custody of the Chlef of Pollce of Albany, N. Y.. Charles K. Corkran. iv.ho was hold on a warrant by the Gov? ernor of New York grantlng a requlsitlon from the Oovcrnor of Tennosseo. The case ralsed the question as to vvhnther Corkran could have been held lo he a fugttlve from Justice from Ten nessee lf It wero shown lhat he was not In the State when the alleged acts for whlch he was arrested were alleged ta liave been commltted. The Supreme Court held that If on the testlmony of Corkran, uncontradlcted. he was not In Tennessee at the tlme men tloned, he wns not a fugltivo from Justice under the Federal atatute. ? ,??? SUPREME COURT DECIDES PRIZE CASE (By Ansocluted Prees.) ?WASHINGTON. D. C, February 23 In the Unlted States Supreme Court to tl_>y Justice Holmes dellvered an oplnlon ln the Unlted States vs. the crew and nfHcers of the warshlp Mangrove. The cost lnvolved the prlze money for the enpture of the Spanlsh steamer Panama clurlnB the Spanlsh-Amerlcan war, The New York, the India na and the Wllmlng ton clalmed n part of the prlzo, ' but tho court held that they were not wlthln sIr nnlllng distance at the tlme of the cap ture, and, therefore, were entltled to noth? lng. WILL TRY TO HAVE TESTIMONY PRINTED (By Assorlntofl PreM.. WASHINGTON, Feb. __i.-The Senate Comrnlttee on Phlllpplnes to-day declded to take no further testlmony regardlng iitroclllci alleged to have been commltted by Unlted States army offlcers In the Phlllpplnes. Sevoral men are ln the clty ln an effort to glvo testlmony regardlng the* casea of Father Augustlno and the alleged vlolatlons of tlte rules of warfare at the battle of Calooran, and to-morrow they will present tholr evldence to Sana tor Carniack, of Tennossee, wllh a vl'fiw to publication ln the' ? Congreaslonal Record. NO MORE PROBING INTO PHILIPPINE AFFAIRS (By AsKftclHt.n Preii.. WASHINGTON, February 23.?The Sen ute Commlttee on Phillpplno Islnnds to '? day reported u(lversely Senator CarrniicV's ' rosolutlon dlrecllng the cornmlitee t,i con 1 tlnue tlie lnvestlgatlon of condltlons In the Phllipplnes, I The commlttee fleiclOd not to prlnt tha compllatton of recelpts and expendlturfis In the Phllipplnes, as It waa found tha expense would bo about $65,000. THE StflP SUBSIDY BILL IS BEATEN House Commlttee on Mer chant Marlne Refused to Report It. iju A-noe-Utud I'n-vs.'i WASHINGTON, D. C. February 2S. The HouBfi Commlttee on Merchant Ma? rlne and Fisherl&a to-day voted nol to report the shlp subsldy blll to the House, tln vote belnK 6 to 10, Thoso votlng for lt were: Grosvenor, of Onlii; Young, of Pennsylvanla; Green, of Massaoliusottsi Fordney. of Mlchlgan; WHichter. of Maryland; Llttbiflekl, of Malix... Thoxe votlng agaln. t repnrtlng ll Were; l'tepresentatlvoa Hopkins. of 11 Inols; M|. ,-.??? r,r M-iaron-'iv "tf-?nf. pf Mnne. Bota; Jones, of Washinglon, Republlcans, auu tjjiight, of Ml-Sins.ppl; Small of North Ciu'oiina; DuvU. o_ piorlda; Mc Dfttniott. of New Jeraey; Bclmont, of New york. and Snook, of Ohlo. D.-mo cratn. Koprehentative Vreeland, of ISew York, i waa not ?.reaent, \ BIGFIGHT ANTIGIFATED Daughters of Revolutlon WJ11 Have a Wrangle. MRS. FAIRBANKS WILL RUN Wants to Succoed Herself, Whlle Somo Say She Is Inellglble ? Llvely Debate Over the Seating of the Vice-R. gents. (By A-Soclut.n rr_i?.. WASHINGTON, D, C February 23. The twelfth Contlnental Congresa of the Daughters of the Amerlcan Revolutlon convened In thls clty to-day, Approxi-j mately 1,000 delegatcs and alternatea were present from all the Statea tn the Unlon. The congTeas wlll be ln aeaslon throughout tha week, and already bld? falr to be marked by aeveral warm con tcsts, the prlnclpal one belng over the offlce of preSldent-general. Mrs. Charlea W. Falrbanke la a candl date to aucceed herself for the aecond time. She already haa-aerved one term as prcsldent-genersl and one term before that as vlce-presldent-general and the op? ponenta to her re-elecUon claim that her tenure In both oflices operate aa two con? secutlve terma, an amendment to the constltutlon Inhlbltlng the offlcers from aervlng more than two consecutlve terms, Tho advocates of her re-electlon contend that tha amendment was not retroactlve and thnt she ls therefore ellglble. Mrs. Danlel Mannlng and Mrs, Donnld McLean, both df New York clty, wlll be conspleuous ln the aampaign for presl dent-generaJ. The election wlll occur Thursday. Lrvmt/ir debate. The feature of to-day's proceedlngs were the address of welcome of Preal dent-Gerieral Falrbanks, the response by Mra. Mary Phelps Montgomery, of Ore? gon, whlch took place thla morning. and the ceremony of ralslng on the slte of the Memorlal Contlnental Hall the flag pre? sented to the society by the Sons of the American Revolutlon. of Washlngton. The afternoon season was ushered In by a llvely tllt over the question of seat Ing on the floor of the congress oll the State vlce-regents os tho altornates to the Stato regents. The motion to that effeet was made by Mrs. Robert E. Park, of Georgla, who wlth Mrs. Donald Mc? Lean, of New York, led the afllrmatlve slde of the debate, whlle BIra. A. G. Draiper, of thla clty, led the negatlve. It waa flnally voted to aeat the vlce regents In the absence of the regents themselves. Edwln VVarfleld, of Baltlmore. pre.l dent-Bencral of the Sons of the Amer can Revolutlon, mado an nddress. In whlch he pald a hlgh euloglum to Preslderts WashlnRton. I.lnclon nnd McKlnley. He arralgned Congress for not havlng ap proprlated money for the ereotion ot Contlnental Hall, SIXTEEN-TO-ONE BULLETS TO QUELL THE RIOTERS (By Asioctated WASHINGTON. D. C. February 23. The War Department has sent notice to the Governora ot each State i^ the Union that lt ia preparcd to aupply them upon demand and according to their legal al lowances with "rlot cartrldges." Thls Is a new form of ammunltlon, prepared by tho experts of the Ordnance Bureau. to cnab!o offlcers of tho law and soldiers to ropel rioters with the least possible loss of life to the Innocent spectator. The shell Is like that of the regular shell used in the army rlfle, wlth the Im? portant nxcoptlon that instead of the long nlckel-plated and steel-clod bullet,. two balls are placed ln tho mouth. Tho de ?tlgn waa apparently to securo something of greator range than buckshot, yet not dangerous to persons at a dlstnnce, The cartridge la chargod wlth about thlrty-tour gTalns of smokeloss pmvder. Tho balls are mado of a mlxture. of tmid nnd tin ln the proportlon of 1G to 1, and are sllghtly coated wlth parafllno. ; The rilameitor of the ball Is 0.3$ Inch, and tho weluhtls 42 gralns. The servlca prlmer for smoke lees powder ls used. The cartrldges have sufllclent accuraey for cffecOve use at 200 yards. SECRETARY CORTELYOU ASKS FOR A BUILDING (By Assoelated Press.) WAUHINOTON, February 23.?A scheme for tho organization of the new Depart? ment of Commerce and i.abor haa been lald before Congress by Secretary Cortel? you In the eatlmates transmltted to thnt body to-dny through the Secretary of Trensury. In addltlon to the twelve branchos of the publlc service transforred to tho new department trom other dopurt mentB whlch have been approprlated for Secretary Cortelyou asks for approprin llons for salarles aggrogatlng 5668.690. The salarles caver the Secretary's offlce. the Buroaus of Corporatlons and Munn fueturcs and suhnrdtnate dl>.'lHlons. Sec? retary Cortelyou asks for $7,000,000 for a bullding for the department. PRESIDENT REFUSED TO SIGN THE BILL (Bj> Assocltttod Prem,) tVASHINQTON, 13. C, February 83, Tho Persldent to-day sent to lhe Sonato a voto of the blll to plnce irancls 8 Davldson. late a hrst Ueutenant of tha Unlted States cavalry. on the retired llst. He polnts out thnt tho otTicer was dls mlssed twenty-seven years ago and has nervlce^to the government since. and says It would be an Injustlce to other ofllcers wlth honorablo recorda to retlre Davldson. IMPORTAIMT DECISION IN RAILROAD TAX CASE ... , (Hy Aa.?aji..|ate.l Pretm.i VyASHlNCiTON. Feb, 13.-ln an opinion d.-llveiiri t,y Justlce Holmes ln the ause of Kidd vs. the Btate of Alabama. tho Cnlted Slatias Supreme Court to*tlay held that u Stuto has the rlght to tax the stocli of a rallroad Incornoratoit In another State whloh ls held by the Slate ueeklng to I exerclse the power. Tho opinion affirmed tha decfelon of the Supreme Court of the Slute of Alributnsi. .? ??- , ?Will'am R, Day Confirmed. | .n.- '-v.rl.nert |*-..?a*..) WASHINGTON, D. C, 1-Vt. 23-Con flrmatlona by the Senote: Wllllam R. Day, of Ohlo. assnctnte JUKtlee of the Supreme Court of the Unlted Stuies; John K. Rlchards. ol Ohlo. clrcult Judge for the Slxth Judlclal Clrcult; Henry M. Hoyt, of rennsylvanli*. SQllo \ltor general. 1 V ?. No hlgher Standard than that of Gorham Silver implicd by the trade-marlc, the Lion, the Anchor. and the _, is known to the trade. The bulk of silver warc other than Gorham fails appreciably below the standard, yet costs as much. All respomlble Jeweters kecplt THE DEHCIENCY s BILL IS PASSED Adopted by the House and Sent to the Senate With One Amendment. (By Aitoclated Pre??.) "WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 23.-The Houae to-day pasaed and sent to tho Sen? ate the general deflclency approprlatlon blll, the laat of the regular budgete, It carrled $18,-8.781. The only amond ment qf Importance was one approprlat lng $1,100,000 to replace tho atores and storehouse at Rock Island nrsenal, re? cently destroyed by flre. The blll to amend the railway snfety appllance act was sent to conferenco, and the confereoa were Instruoted, on motlon of Mr. Underwood, of Alahama, not to Inslst upon that portlon of the House amendmont glving the Intorsttito Commerce Commlaslon power to reduco below flfty per cent. the numbor of cars equlpped wlth pntont nlr brukes. Tho Houae adjourncd untll to-morrow. ? TALK OF A COMPROMISE Rumors as to the Statehood Blll, but / Little Hope Entertained. (By Prem.l WASHINGTON, D, C. February 23. All day thero haa been talk of compromtse on the statohood blll. It was generally un? derstood that what la apoken of aa tho Spoonor blll?the two-State blll drawn by tho Wleoonsin Senator?would be satlsfac tory tothe Republlcans. The terms of thla compromlse havo herotofora been known os the State of Montezuma compromlse. The Democrats, whlle talklng In a con cllatory iplrlt. sald they had llttle hope that the Republlcan propositlon would be ncceptable to them. It 13 qulte llkely that when this pro(pT5sltlon Is submltted, the Democrats wlll havo a conferenco. Probably'a countei1 propositlon wlll then be mado, provldlng that when Arlzona has a poulatlon whlch Is the average for a representatk'e in Conjrress. It shall br admltted Os a 8tato; also that a censua shnll be takon every yoar. The Democrats say they want a provlslon flxlng a date whlch wlll brlng Arlzona Into the Unlon. Thls would not be satlstactory to the Republlcans. Whlle tho efforts toward n compromlse are In progress, there aro only a few S'-nators who expect an adjustment to be reached and tho prospocts of statehood legislatlon aro still rcrrfbte. There.was nn carnosf conferenco ln the faenuto Chamber after an adjournment. partlclpated ln by Senators Aldrich. Quny, Hanna, Foraker, McComas, Boverldge and Keano, when lt was deflnltoly decided thnt the propositlon for a compromlse nn two States should be submltted to tho Oenmcrats. Senator Quay presented a niemorandum of tho Important features of the compromlse to Senator Bate. who wlll present It to a conforonre of Demo? crats called for 10 o'clock to-morrow. It Is said that tho Republlcan proposi? tlon wlll bo rejected and a counter-prop osltlon mado. Democratlc leaders say that they ennnot accept the compromlse suggested and Republlcans any that no further susrBe.-tlons wlll be mado. Presidential Nomlnatlons. (By A-socUted Preis.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 23.-The Presldent to-day sent the followlng nomlnatlons to (he Senate: Postmastera?Georgla, Hattle F. Gllmer. Toccon. Loulslana?Rnoul J. Bienvenu. St. Mar tlnsville; Joseph T. Lablt. Abbevllle; Henry C. Ray, Monroe. Misslsslppi?John C. Cllfton. Senatobla. North Carollna?George XV. Robblna. Rocky Mount. ORDER OF DRUIDS Jefferson Grove to Meet To-Night. Ball at Belvidere Hall Friday. Jefferson Grove, No. 14. Drulds, wlll meet to-nlght at Sprlngfleld Hall, Twonty slxth and M Streets. ?. On Friday nlght Belviflcre Grove, No. 21, will glve n ball at Belvidere Hall. Mr. L. C. Olssolbrecht has received a letter from E. II. Goetze. of San Frari* clsco. a memher of the Suqreme Grove, commendlns hlm for hls good work for tho order in thls city, Tannehlll Denies. A letter hns heen received here hy Mr. L. C. Olssetlarecht from Jesse Tannehlll, the well known bnll player, ln whlch ho denies the stnlement thnt went out that he and hls brother Loe had beon whlpped in a light by Cy Seymour. the hnll player ln Clnclnnti. Tannehlll sald that he beat" Seymour alone, because he had boen in sulted by tha latter. THE OWNERS CAN RECOVER DAMAGES An lmportant Opinion Deliv ered by Justlce Brewer in Supreme Court. (By AssocUtad Pre??.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 23,-Justico Brew? er to-day dcllvered the opinion of the Unlted States Supreme Court In the caso of tho Unlted States vs; Arthur LIner, holdlng that ln oascs in whlch th? prop? erty of prlvate Individuals ls destroyed through government lmprovements thu ownors are entltlcd to recover damagea. Llnox and WalUams are tho owuera of rlcu plantatlons on tho Havannah Itlvor. and whlch. It ls clalmed. huvo heen rulnca b>, floodlng. owlng to tho conntruotlon of a daiu hy the government. They brought sult In the Pedural Clrcult Court of South Carollna nnd were awarded 310,000. To duy's opinion iirTlrma the opinion of the Souih Carolliin court. The coun he|d the destrnction of the land to be equlvnleut to taking lt for the purpotie of making lmprovements. The Chlef Justlce "-."-J....JuMlre.s Hinl.-.n and Whlto anl'ed?-'Guf? "''"""ntliig opin? ion. whlch wan _yye*?<i by Ui&k last .named. _M \ 7 \ MANCHESTER ELKS' LODGE Temporary Organization Is Effected and Offlcers Chosen FAVORABLE AUSPICES .njury to an Aged Lady?Last Dance of the Season ?Two Funorals?Coun? cil Oommlttee Meotlngs. News Notes. The Tlmes-Dlapaich Bureau. I No. IKtt Hull Street. . "Cnder the moat favorable and flatterlng ousplcea a lodge of Elka was organized and temporary offlcers woro eiected In Mar.ohestor lart night. wlth a charter membershlp of the cream of Monchos ter'a cltlzenshlp, and wlth a set of offl? cers that reflect most gracefully upon the new organization. Dlatriot Deputy Phll G. Kelly had chorge of the errangoments ln hls offl? clal capaclty. and Secretary T. R. A Burke. of tho RIchmond Lodge, acted aa temporary chairman of the meeting. There wore o numbor of other mombera of Richmond Lodgo preaent. Tho meotlng waa called to order by Mr. Eugone W. Llpscomb, through whose cll orts, asslsted matorlally by thoso' of Mr. T. L. Cerslcy. the bhafter list. was aecurcd. After the meeting was called to order Mr. Burko was asked to tho chalr, and Mr. Louls Solgel was made tomporary secretary, The followlng set of offlcers wns thon unanlmoualy chosen: F_"xalted ruler. Eugene W. Llpscomb; eiteemed leadlng t knlght. Ernest H. WcIIb; esteomed loyal knlght, J. H. Pat? terson; estcemed lecturlng knlght, Ben P. Owen; secretary, Wllllam J. Morrlsett; treasurer, T. H. Beottlo; tller, John Moore; trustees, Georgo ol. Gary, W. B. Brndloy and E. T. Duval. Mr, Bon P. Owen was aelocted as a commltteo to aecure a hall for the In? stitutlon and inatallatlon on March 16th and for a permanont placo of meeting. and Messrs. CharleB F. Jonea. John W. Moore, W. R. BentUe. J. F. Duval and T L. Cerslcy were appolnted bb a com? mltteo of entcrtalnmont for tho occa? slon. Wlth the organization of the lodge and the Inatallatlon before the clore of the Icdpe year?the lst of Aprll?Manehoster wlll have a representatlvo at the next Grand LodRo meeting In Baltlmore In July Tho Instnllntlon wlll probably bo held at the Masonlc Hall on the nlght of March 16th. AGED LADY FALLS. Mra. Mnry Llpscomb. mother of Chlef of Pol'co Llpscomb, who fell ln h?r room the other dny nnd badly lnjurrd her hlp. wns not consldored so well lu-it nlnrht. She llves at Ninth and Stock ton Streets. LAST OF THE SEASON. The dance Riven by the Monday Ciuh at l.MirW Hall last nlght was the la.?l untll after Lent. Thero was a Inrso nttendnnce lnst nlffht. and a pleasant tlme was had by all present. Aftor Lent the danee? wlll bo resumed. TWO DBATITS. The funernl of Mrs. Helen E. Rlst who dled nt tho homo of Mrs. Hnnn.ih Holt. hor mother, N*o. Mi* Perry Stre>-.t. on Sunday, wns from Mnunt Plsznh Church. nenr Mldlothlan, yesterday af? ternoon. the servlces belng conducted by Rev. R. M. Chandler. Sho was the wldow of Wyndom Rlst. nn-l Ih survlved by n four-year-old chlld, The remalns of Mrs. Sarah F. Tounst. who dled at her home nenr Bon Alr Sunday afternoon, wlll be burled ln tho famlly burylng-trround thls afternoon at __:f? o'clock, tt_e servlces to bo con? ducted by Rev. Porter Hardy. SMALL TALK. A tea wlll be Riven at the residenee of Mrs. A C Hardinp on Maf-ch 5th fnr.tho beneflt of Balnbrldgo-Slreel Chfrch. Miss TVale Fahr has gone to New? port, Tenn., for a vlslt to frlendR. Tie Biilldl^e- and I.ands fomrntttee wlll meet nt 7:-l0 o'clock to-nicht. The Ordinance Commlltoe wlll meet at 7:30 o'clock tn-morrow nlght. John Prue wns sent to Jnll by Mayor Maurice yesterday for ateallng an over coat. Rernnrrt Cole nnd H?nry Kahn were fined K-.KO ench fnr flphtlng. A notice has hoen posted In the he-nd aunrlprs of th?v Flre- Department by Chlef Cronks. rennastlnj, all peraons not to loaf about the place. AT THE JOYNER HOME A Fund Started to Continue the Search for the Missing Child. .Speclu] to Tlio Tlm<-8.r>li<|iiitc!0 CREWB, VA., February 23.?Mrs. W. G. Lutton has but recently returned from a vlslt to Mrs. Joyncr, Luln Joyn er's mother, at Churchwood, Sho re? ports that the llberal contributions of Crewe poople ln ald of thls wldow and her llttle ohlldren have been greatly ap preclatod by thom. Tho mother seems greatly cheered slnce hearing that a fnmous dotectlvo would take hold of the matter. nsklug only that his expunsos bo pald. It Is now Mra. Lutton's objoot to ralso funds for thls cause, Penpla of othor States ara b-comlng Intercsled. A lady In North Carollna hns rec.-ntly contrlb utod $25. Several lotlers hnvo b?on re? eelved from Indlvlduala in dlfferent s?'c tlons,,-nsklng how they cun ald ln thls worlhy ennso, Mra. Thnmns Colllngs gave a-dPllght ful entertalnment Saturday evenlng In honor of hor brother. Mr. Wlllle Colllngs, of Norfolk. CnrroniB and othor gamea woro greatly enjoyod hy the young peo? plo, among whom woro Mlsses Llzzte Hlnes. Mazlo Gllls and Nelllo Bobhltt; Messrs. T. C. Colllngs, Wllllo Colllngs and others, Prlzoa ln a contest wero won by Mlss Mnzle Gllls and Mr. Wlllle Colllngs. Delightful refrcshments wero servod. Tho postofflce and bank closed here to. day ln honor of Waahlngton's birthday, wwUR "I write to let you know how 1 _,rinrocl_t? vnn? Omc-toii, I coiiuiionceit t?kln_ thitn Uii NoTeS C?r_,.id took two t.u OBnlboxBi ?nil n??V?d ? t.JS ?_-!n ?nd W_dii._d?y, Anrll Ub, I Pii?"|%_?__ ??. _ worm VS ft. Innc attd over _ ..inuiiii. _.,n_fl. worttn. Pre. lon. lo n>y Uktuit (.._._,?_- | muJI ?_-i.-U.ia_i."' * upe"'vor,?' ' ?l"ay-8?d ? , VVm. K. Jlrowii, m Franklln Sl., Brooklyn, M. _f, Beat For* The Bowels CANDYCAT-W'T.C Pl??-?nt, Pilnulilo. Potfnt. T?it. Oond. no (lnnd, Hevcr si oken, \-__ken tu Orlpv, l... _5c SOe. Ke.or Ji'lil ln bulk Tlm _<Miiiimi liililol _tmuii.ll CUO. iiu_r?iit,:_(l to cure or ycur uioii.y tm. k. Sterllng Remedy Co,, Chicago or N.Y. 594 t ANNUAL SALE, TEN NIU..0H BOXES Dr. Tudor, presldlng clder of thls dla? trlct, prenohed at the Mothodlst Church yostorday, and also conduetrd aervlcoB at tho Y, M, C, A. In the afternoon. ' Rev. Stephen Morton/ of Wythevllle, haa aocepted the call to Ine Dlsclploe* Churoh, and ls expeoted to take charge Bomotlme In Marclu LOTTERY TICKETS : ARE BARRED (Contlnued from Flrat Page.) sllps from one Btate to another does not ooiiatlluto an act of lntaratate oommorce. Justlce Harlnn'a opinion ln the Cham? plon caBo prococded entlrely on the the ory that tho tranamlaalon af lottery tlck? ets from one Btate to another ls a form of tntorslatc commerce, because thoy aro a aubjoct of trafllc and have a monoy vnluo, and honce that the law was a regulatlori of IntcrBtate commerce. Replylna to the contentlon thut the "intute ln thla caae prohlblts rather th?n r.gulotea commerce, and that such waa not the Intention of tho Constitutlon, Jus tlct Harlan aald: HAS P1SRFECT RIGHT. ''Are we prepared to say that a pro vlBlon whlch ia In effect' a prohibltion of the carriago of such artlcles from State to State Is not a flt or appropriate mode for tho rogulatlon of that partlc? ular kind of commerco? If tho suppres* Mon of lottery tralllo. carrled on through Interstate commerco. Is a matter of whlch Congross may tako cognlzanco and ovor which Ita power may be exerted, enn It be posslble that It Is helplcss lo suppross such trafflo, as carrled on through In? terstate commerco? Must It tolcroto tho trafflc and almply regulnto tho manner In whlch It mny bo carrled on7 Or may not . Congross, for the protectlon of tho peoplo of all tho States. nnd undor the powor to regiilnte Interstate commerce, devlse such means, wlthin tho scope ot the Constitutlon, and not prohlbltcd by It. as wlll drlvo that trnmc out ot com? merce among the States? "ll n State. when considering leglalatlon for the supprosslon of lotterles wlthin Its own llmlts. may properly tako Into vlew the ovlls that Inhero ln the ralslng of money In that modo, why may not Cnngross, Invested wlth the power to reg uluto nll commerce among the several States, provlde that such commerce shall not bo polluted by tho cnrrylng of lot? tery tlckets from ono Stnto to another?" Referrlng to the fnrA that tho law makes the offenso crlmlnal. he sald: "Surely It wlll not be sald to be a part of any one's llberty. as recognlze.l l.y the supreme law of the land, that he 'ahall be allowed to Introduce lnto com? merce among the Stntes an element that wlll he confcssedlylnjurlous to tho publlo morals." D1SSENTING OPINION. Summlng up. Justlce Harlan said: "We decided nothlng moro In the present caae than that lottery tlckets are subjects of trafllc among those who choose to sell or bOy them; that tho enrriage of such tlckets by Independent carriere from ono Stnte nnd another It thereforo Interstnto commerce; that under Its power to regu lala commerce among the soveral States Congress?subject to the Ilmitatlons Im po's'-d hy the Constitutlon upon the oxer c'so of the powers granted?has plennry authorlty over such commerce. and mny prohlblt the carrlace of such tlckets frorn State to State and that leglalatlon lo that ind and of thnt chnracter ls not Incon sl.stent with any llmltatlon or rostrlction Imposed upon tho exerclso of the powers granted by Congress." Those who Jolned with Justlce Harlan In sustalnlng the law were Ju?tlces Brown, Whfte, McKenna nnd Holmes. Chlef Justlce Fuller and Justlces Brewer, Shtras nnd Peckham unlted In a dlssent Intr opinion, dollvcred by the Chlef Jus? tlce. Tho Chlef Justlce snld that the naked qur-stion Involved In tho is "Whether tlio prohibltion by Coneress of the car? riago of loilery tlckets from ono Stato to anothor hy means other thnn the malls Is wlthin the powers vested In that body by the Constitutlon of the Unlted States." He contended thnt "the lottery act cannot be broupht wlthin the power to regulato commerce among the several States unless lottery tlckets aro nrt'cles of^commerce or unless the power to reg. 'ilnte Interstate commerce Inelird's 'he nhsolute nnd excluslve powpr to the trsinsportatlon of anythlnir or any ho'H- frnm one State to another. "An Invltat'on to dlne or to take a dr'vo. or a note of Introductlon. all be come nrtlcles of commerce under lhe rul? lng of thls by belng deposlted wlth an oxpress company for transporUtlon." Concludlng, he says: "I refi.-ird thls deolsinn nn Ineonslstent wlth the vlowa of the frnmer* of the Conbtltutlnn and of Marshnll. Its great etpoun-lor. Our form of Rovernment may remain not wlthstandlng letrMntlnn or iler>|rl'**i, but ns long njro ohserved. lt Is wlth Rivcrn ments ns wlth reltplons?the form may survlve the*>tnnr?." THR OTTTF.R CARE. Tn overrul'nB the Court of Appeals and. the Clrcult Court In the Francls caro, ln which the nffense ehnrped r>nn?.l*ted ln cnrrylng ?he policy sllps nr oertiflcates frnm Kentuckv across the Ohlo Rlver to Ohlo, Justlce Holmes snld: "The n.?">nmptlnn ha? been that Ihe ?*lln? carrled frnm ICentncky lo Ohlo were papers purportlnu to bo or to re1(-. resent n tlrket or lnterest In n lollory, but ln our opinion these papers dld not purport to bo or do either. A pnper representlnp an lnterest in n lottery ls a doeument nf title to the purchaser nnd holder?the thlng by holdlnsr whleh ha may rririkri Rood hls rlght to n chniieo Inthe same. bnt the sllps trnnsported were not tho rlurnhaspr's documents. It ls truo thnt they enrresnond In eontents and.Ro ln one sense renresente,! or de plct'ed tbe purehnaer's Interests; hut 'rep? resent' 'n ?he stntu'e means represent to the piiri-hnopr. lt mov ?.?nnd ?? *??(? Indtcted IWn*tc. nnd thls th"?o sllps dld nnl do. Tlie fiineMnn*. of lhe ?II.M rn'irlif hnve he?n nerfnrm?fl hv rleurrln tinno m n }innU nr bv rraemorv If the whole Inttery r.u?<lness hnd heen done by one mnn. They ns llttle ropresented the purehn?er's .chnnees ns tbe stub*. In n check book represent the fuims com InK to the nnvees of Ihe cheeks." Justlce Harlan dellvered a dlssentlne opinion ln thls ense. _? CELEBRATION OF DAY IN THE METROPOLIS ?TH* A?soHa.tcil Proan..* NEW TORK. Fob. 2S.-While there was no nftlclal celobration to-day. thn day was gonerally ohserved as a holl* onv ln the o-rentor oltv. and there w.ih conerous dlsplny of huntlnR In honor of the flrst Presldent. The publlc m'lmois, Fodernl Stnte. olty nnd oounty nUlees, cxcbanBe?. banks. etc. were closed nnd ln the down tnwn district llttlo himl* nrsR wnn trnnsneted. Mnst of tha ro tnll Htor?R. too, wore elnsod. Tho weather wns brlght, nnd ln onn* Bennenca there was an exodus to tho country. ?_ BRITISH AGREEMENT WITH MARINE COMPANY (Ii.V Ai'?IJ,'lll",.l I'l'.iirf. 1 LONDON. Feb. *"?.?Repiylng to a fiues tlon tn Ino House of Commons to-day Gprnld Bnlfour. 'presldent of lhe Rorird of Trade. eold the penernl llnes of agree* between tbe Drltlsh Opvornment nnd the Intfrnntlonnl "VJercantlle Marlno Company had been determlned upon. nnd the House woiiid hnve an opportunity to dlscuss the nrrangoinentB before lt wuo i anally oonoluded, ACADEMY OF MUSIG Friday Night, Feb. 27, EX-QOVERHOR BOB TAYLOR, OF TENNESSEE. Admlsslon, 26, 50 75c, and Sl RoRcrvcd Scnts. Y. M. O. A, Butldlnp, Ttiesdny, 2*td, 1 P. M. Academy, FrlUny, 37th, 7 P. M. Orders booked now linvo flrst scloo* tlon on tho 21th. ACADEMY. T0"I0HT TUESDAY. MIAWH-FOR EVERYBlbb.V "Wednesday, Feb. 26. Matineo and Nlght. POSITIVE APPEARANCE OF LEWIS MORRISON lnGoctho'8 Beautiful Romance _m &*iWfL s tb A prodnctlon colehrated throughout tho ontiro Engllsh Rpcnklng world. T*VICE DAILi AT 2 AND 7 P. M. ADMISSION 25c CHILDRBN 15c. CONCSRT COMPANY APPEAR ING AT Y. M. C. A. HALL, TH'JBS.- FE3, 26 Three goncrntions of "MonolisU. Never before hns this oeeurred upon anj' stage. Grandfathcr and father and son. WM. F. T. MOLLENHAUER, JR., child wonder violinist, aged 4 years 0 months. HANS VON DREHER, renowned Gcr man I'ianist. Scats on sale at Y. M. C. A. llall Tues-" day, -1:30 P. M. THE VALENTINE MUSEUM ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. Open dally from 10 A. M. to a P. M. Admlsslon. 25 cents. Free on Saturdays. THE CONFEDERATE MUSEUM TWELPTH AND CLAY STREET3. Opcns dally from 9 A. M. to 8 P M.. Admlaslon. 23 cents. I'ree on Saturdays. SCHOOLS. Vitality for the Warm Weather Ry Taking tho POPULAR COURSE IN Physica! Culture. MISS JESS1I R.PEKBLETQN Announcus thu opening of bcr last clnss of eho'swi-.un in Physica] Culture on Thurs .()ii,v'"iift-L'rnoou. 'Fubnuirv :!0th, at 4.30 ? o'Vloi'k, nt tho Women's Chrlstinn Associ? ation. Flrst afternoon free. For fttrtlior partlculars apply to 12 H. Fourth Street. STUART MONUMENT IN THE SQUARE Tho intense enthuslasm or Mnjor A. Tt. Venable ln tho cause was, as before, tho movlng feature of last night's meoting of the J. E. B. Stuart Monument Asso? ciation at Camp Lali. Major Venable wine up to town from Fannville a parcol o( resolutlons ln h!a pochet nnd flre in his heart to further the worli of ereetlng a llttlng equestrlan statue here to the lionor of his beloved oommander, who gave hls lll> in defenso of hls country in tlio great struggle for constltutional llberty, Mnjor Venable had the full sympathy of lha-commlttee, and hls aotlvo and vnluablo suggestlons woro adopted after thoy had been revlsed Bomowhat hy iiimselt and Mr. Joseph Bryan. The commltteo appointed to confer with the Ftnanco Commltteos of ihe Leg? islature reported a hlll pcrmlttlng the selcctlon of a slto in the Cnplto) grounds. and calling for an approprlatlon of $10,000 to bo pald when tho Association shall havo raised ' "10,000 from other sourues. The proposed sito ls at tho in tersi.otlon of two llnos, one drawn south crly through tho center of tho Capitol. tho othor drawn casterly through the center of an Imnglnary extension ot Franklln Streot, A p^rsonal examlnatlon hnd convlnced the ISxecutlve Commlttee that thls ls nn idenl slto on tho crest of tho slopo he tween tho Capitol nnd tho Fed?i'ul bulld? ing. Tho Tlon, Henry Wlckhum, chalr mnii of tho Sonate Flnance Commlttee, wlll soon present thls blll. , Actlve "efforts wirl now be made tn lu dwue the Clly Connoll to I'ultlll tho plodge mudo by rts predecossor, whlch at the tlmo of Stuurt's death, promlsed hls ?wldow to "eroct a suitabio innnuinent to hls memory." A llbernl approprlatlon would bo oonsldored a dlsclmrge nf thls ohllwatlnn Tho ennvnss of tho clty und Stnto for Indlvldual siibsorlptloiiB Is also to be vlgnroiiKly prosocuted. Those present were Cnptnln M. J. r?tm mnck In the chair, Captaln XV. Ben Palnier, secretary; Mr. Jeffrey MonlaKiie, ass otant secretary; Colonel Charles T, O'Ferrall, Colonel John W, Gordon. Ma? jor A, 11. V'Miahlo, Mr. Joseph Bryan, Mr. 1,, .U. Vaughan, Mr. Joseph W. Thomas. Mr. Frank T. Sutton and Judga. ~3, C. Mlnor,.