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I WILL CURE YOU OF Rheumatssm ELSE NO MONEY IS WANTED. Any honost person who suffcra from Rheumntlsm Ih welcome to thls olter. vrT.^i.". a,Ml.eclallBt ln Rlioumatlum, and , f.^iiLeal0.'1 mo,'? c<laos than any other lv_i>Hlclnn' ' t,llnl<- Por 1(1 yrmra 1 mndo {'SS*ti cxP,0,rl,?ncnts wlth dlfferent driigs, (2/H.R "" ''iiown rcmodlos whllo senrch ing tho world for-aomnUiIng botter. Mno n?I "_'lBO J found a costly eliemlcal In Ciermniiy whlch, wlth mv provlmm illscov orics, givos me a certiiln cure. iJ n Imcin that It enn turn hony jolnts into flcsh ngaln; but It can curo tho dls /oaso at any complotely nnd for ?over, I hnvo dono It tully 100.000 tlmes. I know thls ho well thal I wlll furnlsh J"V rcmecly on trlnl. Slmply wrltc me n PORtnl for my book on Hheiimatlum, nnd J win moll you nn order on vour driigglHt jor six bottles Dr. Shoop's Itheumntlc curo. Tnkc It ror u month nt my rlsk. lf lt succeeds, the cost Ih only JTi.fiO. It lt lalls, I wm pay t)-0 drugglst myself?nnd your mere word shall dncldc It. I mean that oxactly. If you Hiiy tho re? sults are not what I claim, 1 don't expect a penny from you. I have no aamplcs. Any- sample that can nffoct chronlc Rh'cumallsm must ba drugged lo tho vcrgo of dnngcr. 1 use no Buch (Irugs, and It Ih folly to take thom. You must got tho disease out of the blood. i My romedy dooa tliat cvon In tho most dlfTlcUlt, obstlnate casos. lt haa cured tho oldeat ensos that ,1'ever met. Ana in nll my experlence?In till my 2.000 tcsls?I novcr found nnntfior remedy thnt would cure one chronlc caso ln len. Wrltc mo and I wlll send vou the or? der. Try my rimedy for n monlh, a? lt ean't harm you anyway, If it fails lt ls free. Address Dr. Shoop, Box 2S8, Raclne. WlH. ? Mlld casea. not chronlc. aro often cured by ono or two bottles. At all drugglsts. REX ENTERS INTO HIS OWM corgeous Pageant Presented in NewOrleans. RECORD-BREAKING CROWD Thrilling Story of Cleopatra lllustrated in Twenty Beautiful Floats?Admlral Schley and Gen. Joe Wheeler Given Great Ovation. (By Assoclated Press.) NEW ORLEANS, LA., February 23.? Rex made hls trlumphal entry into New Orlcans to-day, und tho Krewo ot Pro teus presented thelr gorgeous pageant to right In the presenco of perhaps tho largCBt mtiltltudu of peoplo ever gathored ln tho streets of thls carnlval clty. Tho number of strangers excecded that ot any previous year. Asldo from tho homago pald tho klng, the feature of tho afternoon porado vas the popular dcmonstratlon In honor of Admlral Schley and General Wheeler, both of whom had been creuted dukos of tbe real for the occaslon. They rodo neat tho head of tho processlon through solld masses of Bhoutlng men and crowd? ed galleries of applauding women,- At tho concluslon of tho parade, Admlral Schley, accompanlcd by Mayor Capede vlllo and Oeneral Wheeler, was escorted by tho Contlnental Guards, ln thelr plc turesquo costumo of the Revolutlon, to tho armory of the command, where Attor ney Fllmoro presented the Admlral with a lovlng cup bearing an engravlng of the llngshlp Brooklyn. Tho Admlral made a fellcltous acknowledgment of the gift. Ptbteus rode through streets ?Ongested Wlth peoplo at tho head of nn unusually magnlflccnt pageant. Tho subject chosen was Rider Haggard's novel ,TCIeopatra," and the thrilling story ot tho Egyptian ljueen was lllustrated In twenty beautiful floats. Followlng the parade Proteus was host at a. brllllant ball at the French Opera-House. Admlral Schley, General Wheeler, Miss Roosevelt and Miss Root wero tha dlstlngulshed guests, Nearly overy State In the Unlon was reprosented In tho attendanco, which also Included many guests from abroad and the offlcers of the battloshlp Texas and tlie Frenoh crulser Tage. The curtain roso at a quarter past ten, presentlng the; maskers grouped ln a strlklng_ tableau.', Tho maskers occupled tho floor for an hour, after whlch tho ball became gen? eral. GERMANY REQUESTS IMMEDIATE PAYMENT (Hy Assoetated Press.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 23,-After fallure ln the effort to obtain from Mr. Bowen the lmmcdlate payment in cash of the ?5,500 stclrlng, which Tt "was provlded ln the protocol of February 13th should bo pald to Germany thlrty dnys from that dato, Germany to-day requested Mr. Bo-' wen to glve a draft for tho amount, pay ablo in Caracas on the lattor date. Mr. Bowon was agaln forced to decllne thls request, which he dld polltcly, at tho ?amo tlmo remlnding Herr Baltazzl that be was bound by tho terms of tho penco portocol. which provlded'that tho ?5,000 ahould bo pald at Caracas on tho 15th of March to tho dlplomatic representa Uve of Germany. - . MRS. DOWIE ORANTED DIVORCE FROM HUSBAND (Hy Assoclateo r.csso CDARINDA, IO.. Fob. 23,-Mrs, Eliza? beth K. North Dowle was to-day granted a dlvorc'o from John Murrny Dowio, father ofl.ho_.lon leader, John Ale.xandor Dowle, of ChlciiRO. -"it-Minaor Mrs. Dowio, who had doserted her hus? band. that ho was ropulslvo ovor. bearing, and cruel. Ono of tho stlpula tlons of tho dlyorcp wns that slm was to allow her huahnnd $6,1)00, nnd thla sum wus pald hlm In gold toiday" sumJ As Mrs. North, n wldow, Mrs, Dowln was probably worth *1CO,(X)0 nt tho tlmo ot her mnrrlago to Mr. Dowle. TWO MAIL CLERKS BURNED TO DEATH (By Assocliitod Prnas.) CLEVELAND, O., Feb. 2_.-In a colll !i|on between a west-bouiui pnsaengur rain and nn enst-bound frelght on tho _|g Four, nenr Barca, two mail clerk.. aro reported to havo beon l-urned to death ln tholr car, Both trains caught flre. The trains met nbout hnif a mllo east ,C the street railway tuniiel and were runnlng at full specd. Both englnes wero. jlemollshod, Mr. Claytoris Well. Senator Graham Claytor, who camo vory nearly dylng front' nocldontal bs phyxlatlon from gas ln hls room oi. j-ranklln Street, has entirely reooverod, ind was In hls soat ln the Bonato Chani ir yeatorauy. K FITZ LEE ON WASH1GTON Father of Hls Countt a rcat Mllltary Lcadei. SONS OF THE REVOLUTION Two Nolablo Banquets Last Nlght; One at Murphy's, Olher at Jefferson. Virginia Haa Slatue In Statuary Hall?Houdon's Sest of All. The Sons of lhe Amerlcnn Rbfolution hnd a most enjoyable cclcbratlon last nlght nt Murphy's Annex, The .banquet nnd tho pbst-prandlal pVogrammo wcrb arranged by Dr. J. A. "Whlte, Dr, B. B, Mlnor and Mr. Arthur 13. Clarko. An cx cellent foitst ot good wns spread, and each son of tho Amerlcan Itevolutlon ate wlth as much enjoyment, apparently, as sonic of Woshlngton's soldlers who .wlntered at Valley Forge might havo done had such an opportunity been granted them. About forty wero pres? ent, (Jll promlnent men of clty or Stato. When the dlscusslon of vlanris had been complcted to the satlsfactlon of all, Mr, Samuel H. Pulllam. second 'vice-prcsl dent. was toastmuister In the' absence of tho presldent, cx-Judge L. L. Lewls. GENEttAIi LEE SPEAK3. To tho toaBt, "Washlngton." Oeneral Fltzhugh Lee responded. General Lee spoko well. Mnny sald ho wa? novor In better >voice or hrlrditcr wlt. Ho dwelt on Washlrrgt*""'* ? "..ary maneuvres and sald that they suffered not at all In the Ilght of modern and more sclentlllc know ledge of warfaro. Tho fact of tho buslness ls, Father George Washington has been hol.llng hls own agalnst all klnds of modern llghts, and Ls one of tho few hlstorlcal charac tera whlch does not got umallcr og one gets away from them. "Lieutcnant-Governor "Wlllard responded to lhe toast, "Vlrglnla," nnd mnde an excellont speech, though he dld not have llme to prepare hls extemporaneous speech, as so many dellghtful Impromptu speaTcers llke to do. HAS PUT NONE THERE. Dr. LawB. of Washington, late presl? dent of the UniVersIty of Mlssourl, spoke about the Houdon statue. snylng that there were flve coples of it in eslstence. He pronounccd tne Houdon thn best statue of Washington, without cxceptlon, ln ex lstonce. Ho sald also that the staute of Wash? lngton In Stautuary Hall, at "Aash Ington, was not plaed there by Vlrglnla at nll, though the Jjiscrlptlon, whlch ls the same as that on the Houdon statue says It was. I>r. Laws saya It ls nothlng but a plaster east, costlng only $2,000, and ls not worthy of tho man or Vlrglnla. The Natlonal Government hnd lt put there, and Vlrglnla Is suffering the very un profltablc advertiscment of han'ing put stich a statue of her greatest son ln thls natlonnl hall. Others nlno spoke. . The evenlng closed wlth somo vocal muslc hy Messrs, Tienry Hotchklss, George Morgan and James Cowardln. SONS OF THE P.EVOLUTION. The Sons of the Revolution held thelr banquet at the Jefferson. Among those present were Messrs. J. Alston Cabell. Dr. Robert FI Williams, Dr. C. R. Roblns. Mr. Wllllam Chase Morton, Mr. Alfred B. Williams. Mr. Wlllls Smlth, Colonel T. M. Talcott, B. B. Munford, Jr., Hon. AV. R. Duke. J. R. V. Danlel, Judge Dew and Mr. R. S. B. Smith. ?In the absence of Dr. George Ben. Johnston. Mr. Cabell was the toastmaster. Mr. A B. Williams, Mr. Smith, Judge Dew nnd others responded to toasts. The Jefferson served thern an elegant dln LAID CORNER-STONE OF GALVESTON'S SEA WALL (By Associated Press.') GALVESTON. TEX., Fob. ta.-The cor ner-stone of the "1,000,000 sea-wall was lald to-day wlth imposing ceremonles nnd a parade of cltlzens and olYIeers and' marlnes and sallors from the Unlted States battleshlps In the harbor. HIS BIRTHDAY WAS OBSERVED Memory of George Washing? ton Was Celebrated Most ... Generally. Patrlotlsm was rampart in Riehmond yesterday, nnd the natlonal day of the Father of Hls Country was remembored by young and old Amerlca allke. Tho day was, probabiy, moro unusually celebrated than upon any former occa? slon ln recent yenrs. In addltlon to the closlng of Federal, State, and munlcipal oftlces, mnny maiiufacturlng concerns,und other buslness flrms closed down. for* a wholo and a part of the day. Tho batiks and tho exchanges dld no buslness, and the cluba had open house. Lnst nlght mnny of tho secrot orders held smokers and recnptlona ln commom moratlon of tbat day. Tho most ekiborate of thoao entertnlninonts waa thnt given by tho Daughters of Llberty at Corcoran Hall, wheru an oyster supper was scpKod. Tho Bluos pnraded in tho nfternoon and at nlghl had un cntertaliimont nt thelr armory. A saluto was given the Wash? lngton hl'inument in Capitol Suimre, and tho handsomo body of soldlers innrched through tho prlndpal streets, where they were greeted by crowds ot peoplo on lioll day parade. On Maln Street vory llttlo buslness was *-ono, but Broad Streot rnsemblod notliltig loss thnn a hollday nppeurnncu. Many prlvate partles wero given at whlch tho many storlos concernlng the groat Washlngton woro rolntod. Tlio jm* trlotlo Boelotlea culebrnted ln tholr iisual way, and the Rlohmond Grays' Associa? tion obsemd tlmir annual rounlon In an atrnospliero teoinins wlth WuHhlngtoulans. Altogethor. a nioro gonornl obsorvunco has not beon held hero for yenrs. Tostorday havlng boen obaorved as tho aiuilvorsary of tho blrthday of Goneral WoHlilngton, tha Federal . olllceB were closed, excopt thnt tho postnfllce was opened for tho sale of etnmps up to noon and thoro was a mornlng doli?i'ery of malls. A few q? t,h0 olllqluls, or tholr as slstants, woro ln tholr respoctlvo ofiloos to attend to some buslnoas matterg-that bad accumulutcd upon thelr .mud* ? ??? -___. **is4raS,llhriri\Gir S a o.? o.wilk Coats,, Scc our line of Ping Pong Silk Coats, prices ..,,-_-__? $s>oo to ..,,. *2f/.__r. J_y Ladies' New Silk Frock Coats, in taflfcta, with *rr. ?-. capes, and finished with stitching-, romaine lining, at ^/tV. UO 7?eu> Watting Skirts. FAVORABLE Earl of Dunraven Talks About Irish Land Question. , A FINAL, SETTLEMENT Bill, if Drawn on Llne of Report, He Says, Will Removo the Cause of Friction, Whlch ls Reacting on Great Britaln. (By Assoclated Press.) LONDON, February 23.?The Earl of Dunraven was Intervleived to-night re sardlng the report of the Irlsh landlords and tenants' conference in Dublln. of whlch ho was chairman. He spoke hope fully regarding the prospects of leglsla tion whlch he thought would end the dlf flcultles In Ireland. Lord Runraven sald: "The utterances of Klng Edward. of Brltlsh publlc men, the temper of:.Ire land, the reception of the conference's report by the publlc-.and the actlon of the government slnce the publication of tho report are all favorable Indlcatlons polnt lnj_ to the success of the governmei.t'a Irlsh land bill, whlch, if it contains Just and generous offer, wlll make good the flrst Imprcsslon, on whlch all cle pends. Tho blll, lf drawn on the llnes of the terrns of the report, wlll lnsure a flnal settlement and remove the causo of friction in Ireland,'whlch Is reacting unfavorablo not only in Great Britaln, byt throughout the Emplre'. and on our klndred ln the Unlted State..' Lord Dunraven repiled to the adverse crltlclsm of the report, saylng that the conferees could not lay down a specilic formula to be adopted. They were obllged to deal wlth the matter on the broadest lines, conslderlng both tho Interests of tho natlon and those of tho Indlvldual landlords and tenants. He dld not think that the government would be able to speclfy a strlct formula, whlch. lf at? tempted, would confuse the Issue. The minor dctaiis of any plan based on vol umtarlsm must be left to the purchasers and selk-rs. The conference only soUght lo formtilate-the condltions under whlch lt would be possible to complete the transfer of the lnnd wlthln a reasonable perlod. His iLordship concluded by say? lng that he dld not thlnk that the de? mand on the State trcasury would be dls proportionate to the beneflts gained. TWO MORE FLATS Cry for Apartment Houses Here Find ing Some Response. : Two mort__apnrtment houses are now belng contemplated. Captaln Andrew Pizzint and Mr. Louls Plzzinl, hls brqther, have plans under conslderatlon whlch i if carrled out, will call for an exp?ndl ture of $-..000. The slte of the proposed structure Is yet to be determlned upon. Tho Hotel Majestlc, of New York city ' wlll llkely bo reproduced, Thls ls re garded os one of the L-est _an_i)y hotel3 ln the world. Property on West Avenue was sold yesterday by the Real Estate Trust Com? pany and the purchaser. whose name ls not glven out, will erect two modern apartment houses on the site. HE PROMISES MORE REFORMS Sultan of Turkey Agrees to MeasuresProposed in Joint Note of Powers. CBy Ass<>clatea Press.) CONSTANTLNOPLE, February 23. Tewflk Pashn, tho Mlnlster of Forelgn Affalrs', nollfled tho Austro-Hungarian and Russlan nmbassadors to-day that the Sultan had asreed to adopt tho schemo for reforms ln -Macedonla. Tho powers'recommend, ln addltlon to the ap? polntment of an Inspector-general of gendarmerle for three years, wlth ample powers to act Independently and to requlsltlon troop in case of emergency, und tlio rcorganlzatlon of tha . nnd pollce undor European ofllccrs, <_nd that Cliristlans bo adinltted lnto the gendarmerle ln num? bers proportlonnte to the populatlon, wlth? out belng requlred to read und write. tlie Turklsh langunge. Amnosty ts also do iiiiindcd for all persons who havo beon arrested for polltlcal offense3. The scheme for administratlon nnd fl nanelnl rnforms in Macedonla, uh proposed by tho powers ln Iho note,, besldes plan nins a more eriultablo colleetlon of tnxes, that local expenses shall bo n llrst ehargo on tho roventies of each vll >et. ln tho event of thero belng a sur pIuh It mny bo sent to Constnntlnople. -dcusurcs nro nlso demiinded for com pclllng Ihe Albnrilans to respect tho ltiws. Tho power whlch It ls proposod to glve to tho inupoclor-gencral of gondarmeilo, whoso appolntment or reeall nnd whoso siifcosHor must ho eoiiflrmcti by tho pow? er:., thus vlrtually cletaohlns hlm from tho dlrect control of tho uutliorltles at Constnntlnopli), is ulmoHt suro to Incur opposltloii from tho Turklsh Govortinicnt, The latter also wlll moHt llkely object lo tho proposed tlnnnclnl urranremoiits uud to' tho busls on whlch lt is planned to ro crult tho gondarmerie, whlch. woro tho KiiKgestlons uf tho powers carrled out, would ln sovoral districts be enUroly com pesod of Cliristlans, owtng to tholr pro doirilnancti ln certaln parts of Macedonla. lt la understood, however, that tho pow? ers nre deturmlned to admlt of no mod Iflcatlon of tho I'efnrm schomoi that thoy demand Its appllciitlan wlthout dolay and that thoy uro prepured to udopt coerclvo measures to Insuio Its belng .acrupulous ly carrled out, An Imperlal Irado hns beon Issued an thorlslng *.Ue Tul'klal. mlnlster of ,war to piirchiiso ten ulldiUonal Muxlm rauia lli'u uuiia, CRAZED BY LIQUOK HE SHOT AT WOMAN And Then Edward Nash Was Overpowered and Taken to the Statlon. Imaglnlng hlmself a. cltlzen of the wlld and woolly wost, hls braln bonumbed by too much whlskey, Edward Nush, a ne? gro well known to the pollce. dashexi out of a bar at the corner of Second and Byrd Str-eets thls mornlng. dlscharglng n revolver in the alr. As a consequenco May Carter, a negro v.-oman. about nlne teen years of age, was wounded ln the left brcast, while Nasb. was overpowered and arrested by Patrolmen Neisz, Toler and Bryant. He Js now a prisoner at the Second Statlon, and this mornlng, provlded the woman is sufficlently well, ho wlll be airalgned ln the Pollce Court. The woman was shot down ln hor tracks without so much as even suspect ing that danger was near. She was re turnlng to her home ln Morgan's Iiow, near t'he sccne of the tragedy, when the shooting oeeurred. She was removed to the parcntal roof, and heTe. Dr. iTeg enhelmer. of the ambulance corps. dress? ed tho ivound, whlch he pronounced seri? ous nnd possibly fatal. Aftor shooting the woman Nash made no decided effqrt to get away. Ho scarcel'y reallzed the purport of tho ac cldent, and before thls dawned on hlm tlie other womeri had rclleved hlm of hla weapon. They detalned hlm until tho po? llce arrlved. Patrolmen Bryant, Toler and Neisz were in different parts of the clty at tlie tlme of the shootlhg, but all were nt tracted to the spoE by the sound of the shols, threo of whlch were dlscharged. They reached Second and Byrd Streets about the same lnstant nnd at once os certnlned the trouble. When the officers, however, attempted to arrest Nash- he_^iowed flght, declar Ing thut enough pollce were not ln Rieh? mond to effect hls capture. It was only whlskey talking, and thls the offlcers knew, for without bo much as strlklng the man ho was'overpowered and held untll the patrol wagon arrlved on tho scene. In thls ho was hustled nnd carrled to the station. I j aTf/ t/te ZjAoatri?s. ? *????*? ??'?'? ? '.'i .....,i...,, "Zig Zag Alley;' Is appropriately named a trlck farce. The slap stlck plays one of the most imporUmt parts in the plece. Its characters are made up of an Irlshm;ui?one of tlie regular stage klnd?a. Hebrew pawnbroker, who conformed to all the rules of farce comedy, but was not at all llke any of hls race; a messenger. boy, too qulck to be anything like the real artlcle; two dress-sutt tramps of the usual type; an Jrlsh -wash lady, a soubrette, who dressed llko the . prlncipul female rlder* in a clrcus, and_a lot of glrls, who aro Just thrown ln for "looks." All of these sing and dance and gen? erally mlx themselves up through the three acts ln a manner that It altogether satisfactory to the audlence. At least, so It seemed last nlght The performance ls half vaudevilie, and there were several members that were exceptionally clever. The trick bicycle ridlng of Zeb and Zarrow was one of these. Thlo ls one of tho best acts of its kind ever seen here. The two perforraers can do almost anything on a wheel. It must make the mem? bers of the orchestra feel very uneasy durlng tbe progress of the act. It seems about certaln that the rlders wlll spill themselves over lnto tho orchestra Just before they finish thelr exhlbltlon. Ella Shields, bllled as the "Southern Night ingalo," does a slnging act that calls for several encores. The conversational song in the second act also caught on well. Llllle Sleger rcnrlered a concert solo, the effect of whlch was somewhat spolled by the pantomlmlc buslness of the oth? ers who occupied tlie stage durlng this number. The performance lasts nearly threo hours, and it was enjoyed throughout by the usual Monday nlght audience. Broadhurst ^& Currle's blg muslcal comedy, "Mr. Jolly of Jollet," which, comes to the Academy to-nlght, is tho' latest offerlng of these popular mana gors, and from Its record up to date It bids falr to outstrip many ot its older rlvals ln the rnce for publlo approval. The author. Charles Newman, has se lected a themo for the story of hls play that wlll Interesl nll people who enjoy the relatlon of facts nnd fancios of stage llfe, It tolls of ,a promlnent trageu.un, who on account of his waning popularity, Is obliged to enter the variety buslness, and, togithei' wllh hls leading come a comic song nnd dance team, lt wlll ba seen at once lhat thero ls a great tlold for burlesqulng certaln characters, and tho comlc treatment of tho sltua tlons and uialogue by the nuthor hns re sulted ln nn extromely clevor entertaln? ment. The company Is hended by tho unlquc comedlan, Edward Garvie, and lu additlon to a Inrgo company of clever performors It carrles a speclally solectud chorus of lovely blrls. In Lewls Morrlson's elaborato presen? tatlon of Iho now "Fuast" much dllll culty Is exporleiieed on ono,nlght Btands ln placlng'tho scencry, which Is of an imiisually elnhorato nnd lntrlcate klnd, lt ls therefore cttstoinary for tho ad vanco agent to questlon tlio local man Bgera ns to .tho exact nicasurement of tho stage, helght, .leptli and wldtli, Ho then notlflea the stngo citrpenter back wlth the company. who provldes nccord Inglv. Another necessary feii.tu.ra is a number of trnp doors from whloh flnmou leap ln'the BroeUen secno nnd Sntnn's Inips dlsnp-pcar lnto the llames of tho lower Inforno at hls command. ln ono Westorn olty somo soasons ago, aftor the usual Inipilrles us lo nioasurc mants, whlcli seemed to nnnoy tho 'ocul ninnngor for somo tuiexplnlned roaaon (possibly hecauso ho "ran a dalry and dldn't know mueh abmjt thoopry hoitBo"), the agent askeil, "How many trnps havo you?'" "Your folks iieodn't woiry about. tholr olothoa r.eln' cat up, Wo don't need no trnps horo. Thoro nln't boon n rat or a mauso seon In tho houso slnco wo hud theso hero cats ln," wns thn un oxpeated reply. Lewls Mqrrlson hlmself wlll appear ns Mephirffl fop the last time at the Academy to-inorrow matlnee aud nlght ln a spioudid now productlon of "Faust." HOAR WAS THE ORATOR Spoke Under Ausplces of the Unlon League Club. BIRTHDAY OF WASHINGT'N People May Bo Led for a Time by a False and Tlnsel Military Glory, but Will Return to Principles of Washlngton. . (By Asjociotcd Press,) CltlCAGO. ILL., February 23,-The anniversary of tho blrth of Georgo Washlngton was gonorally observed In Chicago to-day, tho prlnclpal celebration belng that under the auBplcos of the Unlon League Club thls evenlng In tho audlturlum, Senator George Hour, of Jlassachusotts, was the orator ot the day and dcllvercd an eulogy upon Wash? lngton before an audlence of 4,000 people, Hla address was ln part as follows: "Ed-ward Everett ln a great oratlon bo? foro tho war called upon hls countrymen as lt seemed for a tlme in valn, to for get, to turn a deaf eor to unpotrlotlc counsels,: to tho mad cry of treason and dlsunloniand return onc<? more to the patrlotlc counsel of Washlngton, It seemed for a tlme as It the appeal wero unheeded, but tho spasm of popular madness and rage passed by and Wash? lngton resumed hls placo again as our supreme counscllor and leader. He be? came onco moro the cxamplo and idol ot every Amerlcan soldler and statesman. and the farewell address became once ngain the polltlcal bible of every Amer? lcan. "Doubt not that thls shall happen agaln und agaln. Other temptatlons wlll come tous and party splrlt, like Satan sltting at the ear of Eve, wlll' speak again Its baieful counsel ln the ear of tho people. . Popular .excitement wlll be klnd led by the lust ot emplre and passion for conquest- The ,'oyes of the people may bo dazzled fen- a tlme by a false and tlnsel military glory, but whlle tho plc? ture of Washlngton hangs ln every vll lage, whlle hls statue adorn our prln? clpal cltles, whlle hls monuments adorn every State, whlle1 tho detall of hls great career Is studled in every unlversity, whllo hls image ls ln the heart ot every youth, tho people wlll come back again to the wlse. sober and Justcouns.el ln whlch llcs tho path to truo glory and safety, Iho Amerlcan people wlll never long go astray, so long as to every great question of natlonal pollcy, of natlonal duty 'they know what Washlngton ."would havo sald and know what Washlngton dld say." In the evenlng the prlnclpal event was tho banquet at the Union Leaguo Club, where Senator Hoar was the guest of honor. Other speakers of tho cven_ng were Presldent Bancroft, of the Unlon League Club; Presldent Ellot, ot Har? vard College; the Rev, Frank W- G"n saulus and Slahop Gaylor, of Tennossee. PAGE'S TRIBUTE TO ROBERT Er LEE (By ABSoclated Press.) ATLANTA, GA., February 23.?The an? nual banquet of the Vlrglnia Soclety ot Atlanta was held to-nlght at the Fled mont Hotel, wlth Thomas Nelson Page. of Vlrginla, and John Fox, of Kentucky, as the guests of;honor. Toasts sponded to by these two authors andby BIshop Behjamlne J.' Kelly, of Savannah, Clarkc Howell,.and Henry IL Cablniss. Tho toasts of the evenlng were in honor of George Washlngton and General Ro? bert E. Lee. Before the banquet, Mr. Page addressed a large audlence at the Grand Opera House, and pttid a glowing tribute to the memory of General Robert E. Lee, the South's great hero. He spoke under the ausplces of the Vlrglnia So? clety of Atlanta. ln part, he said: I have searched ln valn ln history to f.nd Lec's superlor, and only onco or twice haive I found his equal. My bellef Is that the North hiis prodted as much by her monopoly of history "wrltlng as by her monopoly of other manufactures. Nor do I charge agalnst thoso wrlters more than lgnorance of facts. No proud monu? ment rlses to-day ln tho Capitol of thls natlon to do honor to its greatest soldler and its greatest cltlzen. The tlme is not yet. It is still a delcute matter to handle, and we should be patlent wlth those whose associations have flxed un changeablo prejudlces ln thelr mlnds. Some daj- there wlll stand In the na tlon's Capitol a great monument to hlm, erected not only by the southern people. whose glory ls that he was the frult of their clvlllzatlon and leader of thelr armles, but by the Amerlcan poople, phose pridc lt will be that he wns their fellow-cltlzcn. .Meantlme, he has a nobler monument than can bo built of marble or of brass. Hls monument is the adora tion of.tho South. hls shrino Is ln every southern heart. OBITUARY. Mrs. James C. Boyd, At 0:10 P. M. yesterday Mrs. Jane C, Boyd dled at tho resldence ot her son. Mr. W. S, Forbos, on Franklln Street. Mrs. Boyd was sovenly-scven years of ago. Though her health hnd been do clinlng for several years, hor death wns a groat surprlso to all of hor famlly and frlends. Only a weok ngo did hor condltlon becomo nlarmlng. Her frlends and acqunlntances wero very nurhorotta and her douth will croata profound sor row, not only Jn RIchmond. but ln other communltlea, where sho was known and loved. Sho was born and roared In Gates county, North Carollna, whero Bho wns lirst married, and rosidod untll nftor her husband's death, Sho nftorwurds ro piovod to Oharlotto, In 180y, whoro sho llved untll her romoval to Rlohmond ln 1880, Mr. Hoyd, hor second husband. dlod aliout olavon years ago. Mr. W. S Forbos was her only chlld, Ho waa'nii Infnnt when lliu father dlod. To her niatornal wlsdom and dovotlou ho la largoly Ipdohted for hls nohlo qualltles ot mlnd and,heart. Sho exurtnd n po tent uiul wholosoino lnfluenue over hor flvo gi'iindclillfiren, to whose welfaro kIiq tiovoted much tlmo and labor. Tholr rsorrow ovor her douth la deep and koop. Mra. Boyd wns baptUed lnto followslilp of tho Baptlst Churoh lu North _-?iro|lnu at tho ago of twonty-sovon. For many yeara sho waa ono rt the most exomplary, Influential niu'l tiftlolent memberH of tlio Tyion St. Bui-tlst Church of Cltarlotto. Sho rounltod wlth tho Flrst Baptlst Church of 1'llchmoiKl ln 1SS0 during tlie pastorato of Dr, Huwlhornc. and slnco thou |ias been ono of Ita moat loyul membera. tn gentlonoss, muekiiess, ciheorfulnea.*, pallonce and pnrsovorfliicc ln tho perforniancQ of her ohllgutlons to God ajul man she wus un tdcul C'lirls tlan, Her deparfure waa as calm and beautiful an an uulumuul sunaet. Wllh DO YOU fiET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Have You Rheumatism, Liver or Bladder Trouble? To Prove what SWAMP-ROOT, the Great Kidney., Liver and Bladder Remedy, will do for YOU, all our Readers IVIay Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. Paln or dull nchc In the back is unmls takable evidence of kidney trouble It is nature's timely warnlng to show you that the track of health ls not cleor. ( , lt theso danger slgnals are unhoeded, more serious results are suro to foilow, Brlghtts dlseaso, whlch is the worst form of kidney trouble, may steal upon you. Tho mlld and tlie extraordlnary effect of tho world-famous kidney und bladdar remedy, Dr. Kllmer's Swami.-llont, ts soon reallzed. lt stands the highest for Us wonderful cures of the most dlstress cases. A trlal wll! convlnce nrv one, nnd you may have a sample bottle freo by mail, Backache, Urlc Acld anclUrlnnry Trouble. Dr. KHmer & Co.. Blnghn nton. N. Y. Gentlemen,?"When I wrote you last lunrch for a sample bottle of Swamp Root. my wlfe was a great sinTerer from Laekache, rheumatism and' urlnary trouble, nlso excoss of urlc neld. After trouble, also excess ,of unlo acld nnd llver trouble. After tryibtj the sample bottle she bought a. largo He here at the drug store. That dld h so much good she bought more. The effect of Swamp-Root was wonderful and almost Immedlnto. She has felt no return of the old trouble since. F. THOMAS, 427 Best St. Buffalo. N. 1". Lame back Is only ono symi.tom of kid ikv trouble?one of many. Other sj'mp tomn showlng that you need Swamp Root are, belng obliged to pass water often durlng the day nnd to get up many tlmes at nlght, Inablllty to hold your urine. smartlng or Irrltation ln pnssing, brlck-dust or. sedlment ln the urlne, catarrh of the bladder, urlc acld. con stant bcadache, dlzzlncss, sleeplessness, nervousncss. irregular heart-beatlnf, rheumatism, bloatlng, irrltabllity, worn- , out feellng, lack of ambition. loss oC ilesh, sallow complexion. If your water when allowed to remain undlsturbod ln a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, forms a sedlment or settllng. or has a cloudy appearnace, lt-: Is evidence that your kldneys and blad? der need Immedlate attentlon, In taking Swamp-Root you nftord nat iirnl help to Nature, for Swamp-Root ls tho most pertect hcaler,and gentle ald to the kldneys that ls known to medlcal sclence. '.IS mp*Root Is the great-dlscovery of I>r. Kllmer, tho emlnent kidney and btad .!>??:? speclallst. Hoapltals use it wlth won? derful success ln both sltght ond severe cases. Doctors redimmend It to thelr r-vfients nnd use it ln thelr own famllles, liocauso they recognlze' in Swamp-Hoot the greatest and most successful remedy.. If you have the slightest symptoms of lidncy or bladder trouble; or If'there Is a. tracc of It In your famlly history, seijj; al once to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham-' t'.n N. Y., who wlll gladly send you fre*?' by mail, Immedlntely, without cost to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and a book of .wonderful Swamp-Root tesli monlnls. Be sure to say that you r.>r? thls generous olfer in Tho Riehmond Dally Times-Dlspatch. Tf you are already convlnced thnt Swamp-Root is what you need, you can pi rchnse the regular flfty-cont and one do.'lar size bottles at drug stores every wbere. Don't matce 'nny mlstake, but: remember the nnme. Swamp-Root, Dr. ICiPner's Swamp-Root, nnd the addreaa, Blnghamton, N. Y? on every bottle. out struggle or fear she passed from the -world's dlm twlllght lnto day. Notlee of the funeral service wlll he given later. John H. Anderson. The death of Slr. John H. Anderson oe? eurred Sun.lay afternoon at hls home, No. 308 North Twenty-slxth Street. Mr. Anderson was slxty-nne years of age. Ho was a. of Naw Kent county, but had long mnde his home In thls city. He leaves hls wldow and sev? eral chlldren. The funeral wlll tako placo at 11 n'clock thls mornlng. The interment will be made ln Oakwood Cemetery, Miss IVlnttie Bowles. Miss Mattle Bowles, daughter of "Mr. S. P. Bowles, resldlng near Epworth, Klng Wllllam county, died at 9:30 o'clock last nlght, aged twenty years. Tho funeral wlll tako place from Heb ron Ohurch at 11 o'clock to-morrow mornlng, belng conducted by Rev. H. A. Wlllis' Miss Arnette's Funeral. Tlie remalns of Miss Laura Arnette. who died Saturday last at tho home of her mothor, No. 10(1 South Mndlson Street, were yesterday borne to her for? mer home, Lousla. and there In the pres ence of lovlng frlends and klndred Inid gently to rest. She was a girl of flno charnctcr and noble tralts, und bore her long sufferlngs with great fortltudo. Mnny nnd beautiful were the rnre Ilowers attestlng tho aipproclatlon ot thoso who loved Iier. Funeral of Miss Rilchic. Tho funeral of Miss Vlrglnla .".itchln. .vho dled several days- ngn |ft Wushlng :on, took placo yesterdny afternoon frnm tho Mu!n Street Stntlon. The Interment was made in Hollywood Cemetery. Jacab Kcister, (Sneclail to Tlio TIuii-s-MN'-.h.-Ii ; BLACKS-BURC-. VA., February 23..-, Jacob Kolstor dled on Friday lust, aged elghly-elght yoars. The funornl services wero conducted In tho Methodist Church hero nt 2 P, M. to-day. Jonatliiin 11, Evans Camp, Con foderato Vetornns, ncted ns escort. Tho pnll-bearersw6rn tho followlng mcnibcrs of Evans Camp Gimrd, Bons of confoderar.o Veterans; J, P, llarvey, C, XV, Clardnor, C. L. I'edigo, II. S. Hubbert, W, W, Ar* go'nilght and A, L. LnncBstor, Tho Interment was mado ln tho famlly burylng grocml, Mr. IColstor leaves sev eml soiis nnd daughters. Mr. ICelster was lllied hy all who knew hlm nnd a large copcourso of frlends pn'd thelr last sad respocis to hls mem? ory. Mrs. Martha J. Franklln. rS""<*M i The Tiini.?.|i|*.>iiteh.1 FAMPLIN CITY, VA., l>Vb. '.'.t.-Mra. Martha J. ""ranklln rtlod ut her resl? dence hero yestordiiy of pnuumonla, uf tor nn lllness,nf nlno days, Sho ls siu'vhod by a husband. Mr, J. R, Pranltirn. nnd slx uhlldren?Mrs. J. r>\ Connully, Hon. XV. C. .Messrs. lt. L. W. J. l-Yankllti. of Pampllu, Mr; S. H. franklln, of Dynehburg, und Mrs, C. T, Watklns, pf Riehmond. Mrs. Mary El|-abeth Bratly, (Buectul tn Tlio TI-ui>?.I>Uputdi.} I,YNC.U3URa, VA., February ffj.?Mrs. Mary liHlBabcth Hrady, who had heen ln 111 henlth for the past year or so, dled nt 2:16 thls morning at the Home and Rctreat. Deceascd wns a daughter of the late Henry Bloshy, and was born In this' city forty-clght years ago. She is sur-: vived by the following chlldren: C. Rl. Brady; of RIchmond; Jlrs. L, D. Creasy. nnd Mrs. C. S. Coffee, ot Lynohburg. Mrs. J. S. Palrper. ..,.', (Snerlnl to Tlie - HEATHSVILLE, VA? February 23.? Mrs. J. S. Palmor dled of consumptlori , at .her home. in Cherry Point, North umberland county, Sunday night. aged" about' thrlty-elght years. Sho Is sur? vlved by a husband nnd flve chlldren. Her remnins wlll be Interred In a prl- ? vato cemetery to-morrow afternoon. Rev. G: W. Beale wlll offlclato. Mrs. Sallie A. Anderson. fStiecl?l to The Tlmes-Plspntch.. ROANOKE, VA., Feb. 23.?Mrs. Sallie A. Anderson, wldow of Dr. Charles B. Anderson, was strlcken with paralysis at 7 o'clock thls morning and dled at 11 o'clock. The deccased was a natlve of ' New Kent county, but had reslded. tn' Roanoke thirteen years, -'She is sur-' vlved bj' soven children, ' four sons and three daughters. Her--remai'ns wlll be taken to Richmond for Interment; E. U. Polter. (Speclnl to The Tlmes-Dls.iatcb.) EXMORE, VA., Februnry 23.-E. _, Potter, one of the oldest and most proml nent citizens nf Accomac, dled at hls homo ln Bell Hnven to-night from pa ralysis, wlth which he hnd been a suf ferer for a number of years. Hla age-. wns about slxty-seven years. Mrs, J. C. Scheffer (Kneeliil to Tlie Tlmus-I)|_imtch.) , STAUNTON. VA.. Feb. 23.?A telegram. was recalwd hero to-day annnuncing the ? death of Mrs. J. C. Scheffer ln Washlng-.". toni D. C. Alrs. SchclTci* was tho wlfe nt Julius C. Seheffer. former proprletor . of the old Vlrxlnin flolel. ot thlH clty. Robert Rognrs. S ?' ' tn The TlB)m.-.)|_|m.c_0 ROANOKE. VA., Feb, _.?Rnbwht Rngors. a brlckmason of thls clty, dled to-day from a compllcation of troublea, - aged forty-four years. Ho Is survlved by hls wlfo. Miss Morecock's Funeral. .Si?.i>lnl to llio Tlincs-PI.pntvh.) WILI-lAMSBima. VA.. Fobruary _3._-. Tlie fimorul ot Mlss Vlrginla. Morecock waa largely attended ?t the Eplscopal Church yesterday. The servlces were Improaalvely l-erformed by tho Rev. w. A, R. Good wlu, tho roctor, and Rov; h. B Whar? ton. D. D. Tho tloral offerlngs wert' U-autlCul aml ln profuslon. The Interment wan lu Cedar Orove Cemetery, DEATHS. ANDERSON.?Dled. Sunday, at 2:10 P. ,\l,, at hla resldence, No. 80s N. Twenty alxth Street, JOHN H. ANDEHSON, formerly of New Kent county. Va. Funeral TO-DAY (Tuesday) at 11 A. M. from resldence, InUrment Oak wood. ..alttmore and Brooklyn puy_.-ra copy. BOYD.?Dled. February 23, 1503. a.t 6:11) o'clock, at tho residence of her son. Mr. W. 8. Porbes, Mra. JANE C. B&YD, aged aeventy-aoven years, Kumiral notice later. GARKI-TT,?Dled, at Longawood. Klng William county. Va.. February 83. Ifl-J, at Q P. M.. JOHN M'HENRY OAR. RETT. Infant aon of J. a, and Ada Mcticiuy Garrett. aged flfteen moabbi.