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Tlie Times-Dispatch PUBLISHRD DAILY AND WEEJKLY AT 4* N. TENTH STREET, HUMIMOM*. VA. "BNTRRED JAN. 27. 1SK13, AT RICHMOND, VA.. AS SKCOND CLA88 MATTER l'N'IMIlt AOT OB* CONUHESS OP MARCH 8, 1S7". THK DAILY TIMES-DISPATCII IS SOI.D AT TWO CENTS A Ciil'Y. THE SUNDAY TIMES-DISPATCH IS COLD AT 1"1VE CENTS A COPY. DAILY TIMES-DISPATCH H* MAIL. Wc. A MONTH. .'**. A YEAR! *?"??"'? '?2S SIX MONTHS; ".l.M FOR THREE MONTHS. SUNDAYT1MES-D1SPATC1I R\ MAIL. $2 A YEAR. ?, ,,, ,., THE DAILY TIMES-DISPATCH, !"> CLTJDtNG SUNDAY, BY CARRIt'.R, lGc. THK SUNDAY TIMES-DISPATCH, BY CARRIER, .",<.'. PER WEEK. I . WEEKLY TIMES-DISPATCH. ?! JEAR ALI. CNSIttNED COMMt'NlCATlONS WTI.l. BE RE.IECTED. . ??_ T REJECTED rOMMCNICATIONS Y\ ILL '"OT HE RETUHNKP UNLESS AC !0MPAN1ED BY STAMPS. CPTOWN OFFICE AT T. A. MILL ERS', 51" E. liiiOAD. T1IESDAY, FEBRHARY 24, 1!>"". MR. BRAXTON'S ADDRESS, Mr. A. C. Braxton dld good work for Vlrglnla nnd for the cntire Sputh ln the admirablo address he delivercd beforo the Southern Soclety of New York on Satur? day; night nnd whlch wns prlnted In The Times-Dlspatch of Sunday. Ho brought lils Northern hearers face to face with the negro questlon and showed them thnt what wo have done to rld our politics of the black cursc was a polltlcnl nnd eoclologlcal necessity. Thero Is nbso ..lutely no ratloxial answer to anpwer to tho argument whlch he made, and nll falr-mlnded mon at tho North must rcc cgnlze tho fact. 13tit thnt was by no menns tho most lnterestlng nor the most lmportant part ot Mr. Braxton's address. At tha out eet ho lald down certaln prlvileges df gr>cllllcs. and of government in whlch ho eald the Southern people bollevcd, and they nre worthy of tho most serious con Blderation by Southern Democrats. Wo tniotc: We belleve that monopolles aro bano "ul, particularly in the ncccssltles of llfe, -iind should therefore be discournged; when ?linpracticable to prevorit their exlstencc -Rltogether, wc 'belleve that they should bo placed under tho strictost supcrvlslon end regulntlon, to prcvent lmposition nnd nbuse. We belleve that no institution phould be tolcrate.d whlch tho government ls unable to regulate nnd control, and that the posslble oxlstonce in this land of n power greater than tho government; ls the doctrino of anarchy Itself. \Ve bellevo ln a sound nnd stable, but elastic, currency, whlch cannot be mon opollzed. We belleve that labor has as much riKht and as great reason for organization nnd eo-operntlon -is capltal, but that disre gard of law ls equally reprehenslblo and none the less demorallzlng and Injurlous in each. We bellevo thnt in all matters, domestic ns well as intcrnationnl. powor and re Bponslbillty should over go hand ln hnnd. We belleve that a largo army ls unne ccssary, oppresslve and dMngerons to our free instltutlons, but we advocato a lnrgc and pnwerful navy, whlch, never imperll lng domestic llberty, ls necessary for lhe protectlon and extension of our com rf.erce, the acquisltlnn and malntenanc* ol forelgn markets fnr our surplus pro duets, and. llko a falthful wntch dog, ls dangerous cnly to our enemlea. We belleve thnt many of our manufne turlng Industrles, whlch the natlon so tenderly nursed In thelr infancy and sup pcrted In thelr youth, havlng now rlvcd nt man's estate nnd ac'aulrod "falr rcimd bellies wlth good capon llned," Bhould be flred out of tho nursery and made to shift for themselves.' ; XVe bellevo that tho greatest human ogency for the moral growth of the In dividual, the prosperlty of our country and tho preservatlon or our government ls popular educatlon?tho one good llilng of whlch lt is hard to got too much, and that therefore the Stato should do Its utmost to encourage and advance It with allclasses of her cltlzens, regardless of race or color. Flnally, M"rVChaiirnrin. we bolievq that Amerlca 3s the . greatest country* that ?oou ever made, tbat hero tho torch of llberty is never to bo extingulsbed. hen the human race is to reach the utmost pinnacles of its perfectlon, and that we nnd our posterlty, Ilnkcd to its Cortuhes by indissoluble bonds. are, ns ono faml? ly. with our brethren of tho North, tho East and the West, to contributo to its greatness and partielp.ite ln Its glorious di-stlny. tlll human government shall hnve perlshed from tho earth. S.:me tlme ago we suggested that a ?ci.raferenco of pomocrats ha held in Vir iglnla to, conslder thn polltlcal situ'allon frum a natlonal polnt of vlew and to tftrmulate an.l prorhulgate a compendlum of iundamentals to bo commendod to the next Natlonnl Democratic Conventlon as the basls of a piatform. Wo ventured the opinion uhat lf Vlrglnla would tako the Inltiatlve In thls matter other South? ern States would fall in line. lt sceme t?i us tOiut ' the part of Mr. Braxton's address whlch wo hnve quoted "urnlshea fu<>)i a basls. it seem:; tn us that nll Democrate could stand comforl ahly on such a piatform, lt ls a brave. yet eonsprvntlve deiln ratlen. and we be IJqye th-it ihe Democrats of the North would rally to bho support of the Demo brate ?f tho South on a phitform IlKe thls. lt is tlme for the South to spenk out. l.t is tlme for Vlrglnla to urieah out and take lhe Kid. lf Demqwacy is to bo enved and preserved ln Its purlty the Routh must do it. Mr. Braxton has fur r.lehed tlio cue, und tho South h-J3" n elorlous opi rlunity. DEFR/VUDING THE NEQRO, ?'?<? VAlifrh-tn, .'X-Mnyor of ?? I an atl irnoy iu tho At ? '?'?? - al U'ashlmrton, has calllng attentliin to Uio " l> ".I jx rrw u'.ae.i, onrj ti ''? d, "ii tlie negro of the Bouth by ,!,, , ..,,,.... ,, ,, ?nj. j0 (1|c. black fi.Jl:a tia;ii thi: ?.?"'?-:: to 'Urnlsl) ti,'.!:i ptnsloi Jhelr floscondanta Jucig.i < tlior of tfta ex-tiluve pens.... hns heen before Congr.'.?n dtirlug tho jnst ten yearn. 11,- Buya thnt nll money i? fjefray tbo ei'jiensea of th.- t.nj (?.,., lupplied by hlm, but that thc-re hns been ->fjf>iale found,' both wldte men : :.,) -l0. jro ?neu nnd women, who have not hesl Ittted to piuctiue up.,11 nw. Inexperleiice >f tlio uiieducated notTPfca of th... Koutii >ud havo dc(xdv*d an.| robU'.l them by "aallectlnir money under pretepso ut ?fojjiu i rney |SJ-ued /rauds i-h.K !"< b'<"'l(ig avi's aud nn ls an to Wnshlngi?i for the purpose of nldlng tho |)ns,?n.go of snld blll. Not ono dollnr of the many thbusnnds Jthu.s ralsed hns ever been npplicd to Ihe objocts for whlch lt was eollectcd. Some of those dliihonost peoplo havo pretended thnt Iho money wns lo bo uncd ln the omployment of par? ties uud ln vnrloiis other ways to press tho pnssago oC thls law. Not contont wllh tho frnud thoy havo already commltted,' they are now at temptlng. ho ndds, to rrtlso ten cents por cnjilta from. tho negro people, glving Iho samo falso rensons. mul nddlng to thetn thnt It ls necessary to have nn attomey to lnduco the Poatofllco Department to co-opernlo In proventlng frnud. Judgo Vnughiln, who, by the way, Is n Southern man, concludes by saylng thnt he hO_t trled for yonrs to prevent these frnuds, and thlnks thnt something ought lo bo dono ln iho States to apprehend tho men who nro thus preylng upon the negroes and brlng thom to Justice. Thls ls an old dodgo, and hns liccn of? ten exposed, but tho average negro Is easy proy to nny fnklr who comes along, especially lf tho faklr pretends to ho dolng something for tho negro through tlie gov? ernment. Tho negro has been taught to belleve that he is tho ''wnrtl' ot tho natlon" nnd to look to tho government for support, us ho formerly looked to hls mastcr. Hc wns flrst duped by the pi-onitso that tho govornpient was going to glvo 1o ench nnd every blnck man "forty ncros nnd a nlulc," nnd he has been In a state of oxpectancy ever slnce. Ho has been fooled tlme and agaln, but ho does not learn by experlence, und nny fnltlr who holds out to him tho hope of nn'appro? prlatlon from Congress or some legisla tion or Fedoral Court decision In his favor enn he qulte suro of gettlng a part of the negro"s monoy to furtbor the scheme, Wo do not seo what the State authorities can do "to protoct hlm from tho faklrs, lf ho Inslsts upon being victlmlzed he must take the consequences. A B1T OF IMPERTINENCE. Tho TImos-Dlspatch hns never en thused over the propositlon to placo a statuo of Gcnerai Ixaa In the Capitol at Wnshlngton, although wo liavo had no special objuctlon to tt. Our only objec tion, as stated moro lhan onco, is that wo do not consldev It any great honor for General Lee's statuo to bo placed ln Statuary HaJl. ln company wlth tho statue ot Brigham Young. nnd others even more objcctlonablo, whom lt is not necessary to name, nor do wo wlsh to givo the Northern people any grounds for bllevlng that tho people of Vlrglnia aro deslrous of forclng tho government to "recognize" the South's hero, But we confess to a dlfferent feellng when wo read from our Washlngton correspondent that some of. tho Northern Congressmen are maklng the polnt that Vlrginla has no rlght to place a statuo of Lee ln Stat utary Hall, a_ sho was not a State of the Unlon when the act ot July 2, 1SM, was passed. In that net ll is provlded thnt "tho Presldent Is hereby authorlzed toMnvite each and all the States to pro? vlde and furnlsh statues in marblo or bronze, not exceeding two In number for each State, of deccased persons who have been citizens thercof, and illustrious for thelr hlstorlc renown, or from dls tinguished olvlc or military oervlcos, such as each Stato shall determino to bc worthy of thls natlonal commemorntion; and wh'en so lurnlshed the same shall bo placed ln the old hall of tho Houso of Representatlvos, ln the Capitol of the Unlted Stalos, which ls hereby set apart, or so much thereof ns may be necessary, as a Natlonal Statuary Hall, for the pur? poses heroin indicatcd," That act has never been repealed and ls still ln force. lf it does not include Vlrginla, no more does It includo any State that has been admltted since 3SIM. We do not. claim for Vlrginla nny rlghts or prlvllegos that nre not enjoyed by other States ot the Unlon, hut we claim for her the same rlghts nnd prlvlleges that other States enjoy, and thero must be no discrimination agalnst her. AVe claim that sho occtiples in the sistorhood of States a posMIon quite aa honorablo and important as that of any other State; that sho is cntitled to all the rlghts nnd Iramuiiltlcs of statehood, re gardless of the fact that sho seaedod. Sho hnr?_ .tho same right to ocenpy her niche in Statuary Hall tli.u. New York, or Ponn sylvonia, i r Ohlo, or any ollier Stato has to bc ?/ thelrs, nnd sho has tlio rlght, under the act of l.SCI, to put into tliis nlcho a statue of Robert E. Lee, or Stonewall Jackson, or Jefferson Davls, or any othor man whom sho dollghts to honor. And whon Congressmen from oth? er Statos undortako to lnterforo or to dl.tuto to her, lt arouses our resehtment and our Indlgnatloii, and wo feel Ukc tclllng thom to nilnd their own buslness. Vlrginla ralsed no objectlon when ot.lior States put their dlstlngiii-hed r.ons ln tho nlches asslgnod lo them, and othor States niiist not raiso objectlon when Vlrglnia ej.erc.SQ3 her prlvllege. Thero ls somo littlo Stnte soyorelgnty lofi, and Vlrginla clalms uii that belonga to her; Whllo nn tht. lubject. lot un say that If a statuo of General I.ev ls tu bo made, the work should be dono ln tliis genera? tlon. when thero nre Jn Die land BClllp toi.i who knew hlm In the flosh und knew nd hla features. Nn well eaulpped an 0 make the plece. il Leo whon hia 1 "ii' " was belng hls oye'rV fvuturo >sc, Moreover, ho subject, and hls k. OUR QREATEST PO^SESSION. When u great scholar, or a gvoat pljy, Blclun, or ii great lawyer, or a great n n.'iiK-ii'i' illes thero h'.u!ways ln Ui. fi-h-mh, of such a man u fpellng that there iu great wasto, nnd tlmt ll |_ ? pjty th(> man epuja not leavo us mi Inhcritance to hls son, or his frl-ini, thi, knowledge whlch lu Jlfcllma he litul accumulnt.-ii anti onublu tl.o reclpient to taku up hls work v.'Ih-:?? la. h.'l't pff and carry it on, Eir Thomas i.i''>wnc soomj t-, havo hnd thls thnutiht ln hls mJnd whl u tu. ..;,.,! i? onu of hls delightful essaya thatt "jntiu, taldsl uf iill )ny i!iid_-a.v_>__ tin/i; i.s om. thought tlmt dojocte m<--~tli-it nit ji.<iulit.d parts must ' pcrlsh wlth myself, nor can ho lcgaolod nmong my honored frlenils," That was a 'gen? erous thought, nnd could hnvo como only to a mnn of gon.i'otis Impulsos, a man .who loved und voiilod knowlcdgo as thls mnn dld, a man who loved humanlty. But stipposo thlfl could be dono, ctupposo n mnn could "Irgnry among hia honored frlends" all hls nccumiilatlons ot know? ledge; stipposo one oonld recclvo an 'od utviUon by Inhcritance, There would bu no Incontln. to tho chlldren of cdiioutcd parents to sludy, Just ns thore ls now littlo inccntlvo to Ihe chlldren of rich parents to work. Whlch, boliiR interpre? ted, means that tho Croator know best when ho mude each mnn tho custodlan ot hls own knowlcdgo, and when he do crcod lhat oacli man's knowlcdgo should pcrlsh Wlth hlm. Yet, a. man's knowlcdgo nnd a man's educatlon nnd a man's experlence do not ol together perish Wlth hlm. Enough ls left to incilo olher men to nd'dltlonul study, nnd tho richest possosslon of tho world to-day Is Ihe accumulalcd know? lcdgo and experlenco of thoso who havo passed away. I'hat Jis why thls genera? tlon ls so rich, aud why thls genoration ls maklng glgantic progress. Wo are stnnditiK. as ll were, upon tho shoulders or nll generatlons that havo precetled us, We can look back over thelr llves, and wo can look aiicad. Wo enn tako tho experlenco of Ihe world, much of whlch we havo recorded ln tho books, and we can use that to our advantago und for our advancenient The npplicatlon of thls knowledge and thls experlenco to tlie nf f.-iirs of llfe, is practical scle'nce, and we aro careless and indifferent to our own interests lf we fall to apply thls science ln government, in buslness, In education? al methods, ln all sociological condltions and i)i rcllglon. THE LAWOFCHRIST. An Atncrican gentleman in J'aris who witnessed a servlce flield fbr tho French soldiers, was moved to make tho followlng commonts to a relative to whom ho was wrltlng. Jt is such an cxccllent cxposl tior. of the "Law of Chrlst" that we reproducc it. I think a good deal of our dear ones In henven und reallzo that ln a littlo whllo tlio places that know us will know us 110 nirrc. lt wlll apparently mako no dlf fercned to the places when we are gone, But what nbout our souls. when thls agl taied IICo ls over? What a blosslng to have enjoyed the teachings of Chrlst ln childhood! Sunday we were at the sol? diers' niass at St. Phlllppe du Route. I was glad to watch the common peasont lads. In thelr course unlform down on thelr knees praying, whllo tho mystery oC the corrimunlon was being celebrated by the prlcst at the altar. Tho hope of Frnnee, ns tho liopo of all people, llcs In thoso who publlcly recognlze God and on bhelr knees pray for help, strength and guid nnce. I recognlze now that Chrlst ls grcatest, chlef and master, becauso Hls sacrlllce was greatest, becauso hls ser? vlce to mnn is so far and away the great? est servlce over renderod. Tho great sc crot of llfe ls servico through love. It ls verv slmple for me Intelleetually, but what is harder ls that progress toward hlrdi levels of thought and actlon ls so slow, Patlence ls not easy to acqulre. though ono recognUcs it is one of tho most important of the stepping stones up. I hnvo boen readlng the eplstles of St. Peter. How strong und vlvld they are! He seems to teach that wo grow through falth, knowledge, temperance, patlence, eqdliness, charity, brotherly kindnoss. To love, that is tho nll in jiU-_ An Ohio court has been aclled upon to supprcss by injunctlon a certain brand of piely. Isaac Tenncnt, a pious cltlzon of Mount Gillad, ln that Stato. has been attendlng rcrival servlces at tho Church of the Unlted Brethren, and being more or less enthused, he got in tho habit of saylng "amen" too often and too loud. Isaac always mado his way closo to the front, and at each meeting, in the ex cess of his plety, his ejaculations rever beratcd throughout tho edlilco and hls volce, whlch the plaintlff declarcd was harsh at best, grated on tho ears of all ?he other members of the flock to an exr tent that was unendurablo, and thoy had to seek relief in injunctlon proceedings, Tho court allowed a restrainlng order, but later modif.'ed lt in such a manner that Tenant had tho prlvllege of at? tendlng meetlngs, but had to worshtp in sllcnco. Tenant is wealthy and has em? ploycd lawyers, who wlll carry the case to the Supremo Court, There was great trouble up In Shelton, Conn.. on Sunday. Muskrats made the troublo, and damage to tho ninount of $33,000 wns the result. Theso anlmals bur rowlng beneath the dam of th0 lnrgest roservoir In tho town, lot out tho town water, whlch swept away a second dam, and an lmmense flood descended upon Shelton. Brldges, houses, fehces and other property wero washod away, and whllo thero were several narrow escnpes, thero was no loss of Ihe. ln thls part of tho country beayers hnn-o heen known to do a great deal of damage to farm lands nnd county brldges by maklng their own dams across tho streams, nnd thon. ap? parently, just fnr mischlef. hreaklng thom, |_ut tho imiskrat, whlle numerous, hns never __.ttemp_.od SUCh untics ns that recorded Sunday ln tho Connectlout town. Usually John Erlcsson haa"roceivod "all" tho credlt for deslgning tho Monltor nnd too ofton the Monltor has reeelved credlt for a vlctory which sho dld not wln ovar the Vlrginla (Merrimac.. But now come the heirs of Theodore R. Timhy who show that ou January IS, isi;;, Tlmby illed a caveat clalmlng tho Invontlon of the re volving turr'et, which the dlstlngulsh lilg feature of Lhe Monltor. Tlmby .<?? celved about J5.000 in rpyaltles from tho biillders of ih" Monltor. Now ins heirs aiii for moro adequato compensatlon aiid for full roroKiiltion ot hls servlces, To thls end they huvo sont a petltlon to Congress, Tho Timhy people mtty not got nny monoy from lhe govornmenl, but an in iiulry into tlio matter cannot but bo pro mutlvo of Uin truth of history. We do not Know unytning about the causeg whlch led up to tlm terrlble iragedy reported from Raleigh, We only know that a promlnent cltlacn of tlmt plty was shot and kllled by umoIIit protri Iiuiit fltlzen; thut one llio huu been. do stioytit nnd unoilii-r forever plouflojj, and ull becauso of 4I10 n'leloiiH habll of carry ing couciiulod weujxms. If thoso mon lun] "hot bcep urmc-it, they would hoth have been allVB to-day, They inlj-ht Ikiyd hnd a dililculty, but thoro would huvo beon '_ no hloodehcd, it ls n atrnngo thing, In deod, that ncnslblo men wlll trust thom 30?ves wlth a doadly wenpon. In New o7le"nns"on Baturday lnte, Poter Pnrrell, a local polltlclan and offleo* lioldcr of soma noto, went to hls home nfter boing out with ihe boys nnd goltlng protty full of tanglo-foot. whlskey, As noon as ho ontercd the domlcllo, he com* mcnced to nbuso nnd hnat hls wlfo. Flnnl l.v, ho klclted hor out of tho houso, and when hls son, n youth of twenty years of age, romonstrnted, ho atlncked tho young man. in the flght thnt ensuefl, youtig\ Fnrroll shot hls father dend. Thus tho temperanco orators have been affordcd another "horrlblo ex.implo" to dllale upon, but thoy wlll flnd somo dimciilty In dotormlnlng whlcli wns most to hlarnc, mean whiskoy or a low nrder of polltlos, Tho rlch and Tcccnlrie Mrs. Gardnor who personally Inspected S.andow's mus clog, hlred a Clilneso theatre ln whlch to ontortaln her guosts, fondled llon cubs ln tho 5"oo bc foj'o a hugccrowd nnd onco rodo In nn engine cnb when thore was no other wny of renchlng her deatlnatlon, has given to Hoston tlio Gardner MuseumJ Tho bullding Itsolf was orlginnlly nn Itallnn palace and wns brought ovor liere nnd sot up almost stono by stono. Tho renult is a thing of beauty. Ono pic? ture In It cost j"3,0OO. Tho mttscum Is fllled wlth ptctures and other works of nrt. Tho people of tho Eastern Shoro of Vlrginia bonst of produclng tho best oys t.ers and aweet potatoes ih lhe world. Roady sale is found for both. They have organizcd a produce exchango whlch has aided greatly in brtnglng a'jout larger prices nnd creatlng a groater demand. An Onnncock correspondent of the Baltlmoro Sun says the communlty of lnterest Idea: "has changod the slato of tho farmer hero from almost destltuto circumstances to prosperlty." Though dead, the lmmorlnl Georgo yet speaketh. Ho said tho banks and tho oxchanges must do no buslness yester? day, and, behold, no buslness wns dono. Notwlthstandlng the declslon of Judgo Grosscup, tlio beef comhinc asserts that all the hlde has not yet been taken off It. "Dead men tell no tales," unless thoy be defeated polltlclans, nnd then they are sure to explnln how thoy were wounded ln the house of thelr friends. The Montgomery Advortlser suggests "autobus." It Is nt least shorter than automoblle, but It wlll probabiy kill as many. Klng Edward Is havlng hls eyes treatcd. Thls has no reference whatever to the operatlon recently perform-ed by Mlnister Bowen. The Postofflce Department will spend $100,000 for automobiles thls year. Tho thlngs aro comlng at great Bpeed. In addltlon to other honors, John Mitch? ell has had a flvo cent clgar named for him. Isn't lt getting abput tlme for some. body to nomlnate Admlrnl Dewey for tho presldency agaln? And now, Judge Grosscup, wlll you klndly glve your Judlclal attentlon to the rotail manipulators of beofsteaks? There ls a dlfterenco between parlia ment and a Jackpot. A klng can open a parllament. A Monroe Doctrine that all the natlons so readlly agreo to leave us no exclte ment at all. The usual varlety of Goorgo Washing? ton outs are now enjoylng thelr annual work-over. Tho annual cry from Macedonia, "Come and help us," agalnst tho Turk ls now boing heard. The Franklln Times-Democrat has gone lnto the Governor-making business. It may be well to romind some that r.ent beglns on Wednesday. Aftnr nll tho cold snap dld' not develop any decided scarcity of coal. With a Comment or Two. For somo reason or othor we often read that somo man or"other has "dlsappeared BUddenly." It would be truly remarkable to read of one who dlsappeared' gradually. ?Orange Obsorver. Do not the vnst majorlty of men disnp pcar gradually? Ex-Presldent Cleveland and the Vlr? glnla Presa Association arrlved ln Flor? lda last week about the samo tlme. The Jacltsonvllle Tlmes-Union and Citlzen published an editorlul of wolcome to Mr. Cloveland, but sald not a word about tho pencll pushers from tho Old Dominion, all of which leadu us ,to romark that Grover must ho greater than tho Vlr? ginia press ln tho opinion of our Jnek sonvlllo con temporary,?Cllfton Forge Re vlow. Tlio coples of the Times-TJnlon whlch reached this ofllce whllo tho Fabcr shov ers wero in Florlda contnlned moro In edltorinl nnd news columns about tlie Vir? glnlans than about Mr. Cleveland. Even tho hlgh wlnds that havo prevalled ln most parts of tho Old Dominion havo failed to . halie uny fruit from the Vlr? glnla pluin treo. Superlntendent Slcmp evldently has the situulloti Hioroughly ln hand.?Staunton NeWH. Porhaps all lhe fruit bad beon gnthored before tho iiqw superlntendent entered tho orcharcl. Wnlt tlll next reason. The news that the Georgla pench crop has not been hurt, but probabiy liolpwl, by th.i cold wavQ wlll he received wlth genulno pleasuro by tho whole couii iry.? SavimiKili Nows, Cnn't Lxiu'lly und'eratund how zero woather cun ho of benellt to peaeh treea, but glad to hear about it, anyhow.' Not sutlalled- wlth "tho corn whlskey wc-ll," thnt Plttsylvnnltt Mulhatlon has now dlscovered u "gat- troo."?Uichnioiid Tiines-Dlspatcli. llo must bo irying to flnd u way to put the Vlrglnla ecltlon. out of business.? Montgomery Advortlser. That wlll provo to bo a- enso af "black jiuk agalnst tluinder." H the Tlllman moutih could' l.o muz zlcd nnd tln-. l'i csldontlal arm no Hhurt eni'il, the rucn i>ue.itlon would bo nourer iidjuatnumt.?NashvlU*J Nows. li wpuld seem thal, so simplo n rau tdy for the evil ought to bo appJIei". ln tho courso of tlnia ! %?tri' jfcour With Virginea ?ditors. :| Tlio Emporla Mossenger conoludos a strong artlclo on good roads with thls pnragrnphi "It must not ho supposed, howovor, thnt roads can bo bullt ohcnply, Good ronds cost monoy, and lots of lt, but ln proportlon lo tho beneflts to every clti zo'n, farmor,, physiclan, or what not, they will bo cheap." The Suffolk Hornld condenses muoh ot tho artlclo that' Solomon chooo abovo rlches In tho followlng: "Yes, why not stop nll thls fuss about tlie negro and let us linvo rest 7 IC he ls not satlsfled wlth hls conditlon horo in lhe South, lot hlm movo North or soninwhcro else, VV*r* can spuro hlm.- Such publlclty ns ho ls now gottlng wlll be detrlniental to tho colored inun's lnterest nnd retnrd hla progrcsa more than any? thing eiso, Let hlm alone!" Naturally tho Newport News Press ls Iri favor of a strong navy." R says; "A chnlu ls no stronger thnn Its wcak est polnt. aml If wo would esmipe humllln tion and incalcula.ble loss, It buhooves us to strengtlien thls naval llnk in tho bul warka nf tho niitlon'a honor and in tegrlty." This Is from tho Norfolk licdgcr: "It ls nnuounced from Itlchmond that the up-couritry judge wlll probabiy como out of tlio investlgatlon muscatbed?whlch suggests tu ns to lmrulre how a mnn looli.s when lio I1113 been pretty thoroughly scathod." . The Roanoke Tilnos has thls to say ln the way of a cust-lron truth: "Thero Is one thing ln favor of which the peoplo of the different counties must make up their inlnds, lt' tahey wlsh rond Improvement, and tho qtilckor tho bettor. ll Is, ln order to make roads money ls necessary, nnd a great deal of it, Talk und printer's ink nnd theorizjlng and spec uliitlng upon tho different wjtya of gcttlng them without money wlll never amount to a row of plns." The Bcdford Democrat has come square ly down on tho "hog nnd hominy" plat l'crm. Heur it: "Wo boast of our salubrious climate, of our fertilo soll and of tho great varicty of Its products, nnd yet u. glanco lnto our grodery stores tclls a talo that should innko us stop nnd thlnk, and at tho rlsk of belng called moddlesomo we venturo thls suggestlon of a proper subject of med Itatlon, which wo put In tho form of n qiwry. Why should so flne an agrlcul tu7al county ns Hedford be compelled to buy flour, bacon, la'rd, butter, beans, po tatoes, apples, grapes and numerous other products or tho fleld to fced Its agrlcul turnl population, nnd corn, hay and mlll foed for its stock. and grnss seeds and nrllllclal fertlllzors for ita flelds? Wlll our farmers medltato on thls prohlcm and glvo us thelr answers?" Augusta Chronlclo: A Parlsian paper suggests that we Joln Pranco nnd Russla a'.d mako 11 trlplo alllanco of It. Thnt would bo a spectnele truly, the two great republlcs of tlio world arm ln arm with the ono clvlllze.l autocratlc monarchy! Louisville Herald: The receptlon given by New Orleans to tho Presldent's daugh? ter ntteyts the supremacy of that splendld culture, that courtly conslderation for'and noblo deferenco to womanhood which makes the Soulhland the parrtdlso of the falr sex. Nashvllle American: If the Democratic party ls to recover Its posltlon in the 1111 tlon it must call its stronif men to tlio fmnt and rele.gate tho SoclalWs an.l w.nktings. Some mon are belng talked nf for Presldent who aro not blg enough to be ln a City Council. Norlli CarolinaSentiment. The Durham Herald ls trylng to cheer tho fallcn. It says: "When Vick recognizes lhat hls docapl tation means the securlng of the North Carollna delegatlon by Mr. Roosevelt ho should eonsolo hlmself. in that he was sa'crlflced for the good ot tho party." Tho Wihston-Salem Sentlnel rises to re mark: "Presldent Roosevelt's adminlstratlon has been dlstlnctly yellow. If the Dem? ocratic party thinks that is what Lhe eountry wants, then Mr, Wllllam R. Hearst. edltor of the Now York Journal and Amerlcan, Is Just tho man It should romlnaf-O. l!e can glve us the real ar? tlcle, wlth a few lurid slde touches," The Greensboro Telegram gocs for the law-makers thus: "A member of tlie General Asembly sald ln a speech yostcruay that he and his fellow law-makers were 110 better thnn tho peoplo who sent them to Ra? lelgh. The trouble ls. we fear, that too many of tho leglslators are not ns good as the people who sent them." The Ralelgh Poat says: "There aro many cvidences that tho demngogues who still play in the back yard of tho Democratic party nre bocom ing moro and more offonsivc to all honest cltlzens," "Webster's Weekly seems dlsposed to. In sinuato somothlng about rlngs and thlngs. lt says: Senator Oivermnn hns appointed Mr. Fred L. Carr, present member of the Legislature from Green county, hls prl? vate secretary. Senator Slnimons set the proccdent two years ago by making Rnp rosentat(vo Watts, of Iredoll,. hls secre? tary. If Watts Is made chnirman of the Democratic State Executlvo Committoe, nnd Can- secretary, It Is belloved that Messrs, Situmons nnd Orerman can aafe ly trust the Legislature and SUu,; Com? mltteo to bohave themselves whllo our Senatora aro atudylng jinlinnal affnlrs. Tho edltor of tho "Warrenton Record has .evldently been travellng by buggy or wagon over tba red hllls of hls county. Noto thls paragraph; "Mud" ls a present. Hvlng, natlonnl lssue, affeotlng thn hapiptnesH -jf all chiHses and agea overywhere. Its exter mlnatlon would bo ono far-reachlng, per? petual vlptory for peaoo nnd prosperlty, Mud coats the natlon more rinnunlly than all other rtralns up.-?, itH roBQUrcoa coni hln.od. it breods I'solntlon nnd Ignorance! poverty nnd polltitlnn. Tho Carollna Legislature ls near its end, nnd tha Ashc>.>llla Cltlzen has thls to say of it: Wo do not hosltato lo say no such con? ditlon ever beforo evlsied nt ihiu Btago of lhe sesslon, when the calendais of both n.ntsea were "cleared" of work, Thls iH aUogethor a hlgh lestlmnnlal tn tho work? lng energy, u? wpll ns capaoity, nt oui' prOBplit General Assembly, for whlch tho niemberH deaervo tho approval uf thler constltuents, Remarks About nichmoncl. Pi'o.lericksburg B t nr 1 Rlclinioiid's Ciiuncllmeii aro propurlng to glve her people p'ura food. 11 ow would lt do to puro water to tho prnposlllnn? Surely tho people: aro tlrcil of trylng to Juma.s Hlvcr mud, Virglnln.. Ginsetto""' (vVlillanisburg); Af? ter iiiia i.r two more laiYorts t|iu itlch moud papers wlll havltlio Trigg uhlp yurd lu I'ull blast ufciu'il g__B____fl______l KEEP YOUR HAIR. J i and Hair Tonic Kakes ihe Hair Grow, Keeps the Scalp HeaSfhy. ( Sold Everj'wherc in $1.00 and 50 Cent Bottles. A.E..BremerGo., chicago. !-*-_<{'___ )^WiT_i___5______>___-r tfn'^i?_v-,-^.^--j-S m+HT-rHm+m-tH+t+f t i \ \ ?--+^-M-M-^+-M-+4--f-f>-r -M-+-H* * Blrmlngham News: lf tho Democrats cannot get together wlth Mr. Bryan's help, thoy may be forced to get togethei without lt. Florlda Tlmes-U nion: "The wlsest man In publlc llfe ls ho who knows tho publlc mind just before/tho peoplo reallzo what thoy hai.o declded to do." Ho who works on thls Idea may sucoeed ln holcllng olllce if that bo the helght of hls ainbltion?he wlll "never say a foollsh thlng and never do a wlso one." f^ivannah News: Tho negroes of MIs sisslppi aro aald to bo organlzlng in the interest of a presldcntlnl boom for Sena? tor Hanna. Hls introductlon of the ex nlavo penslon blll has wnrmed thelr hearts to hlm. The blucks aro rnpldly reuchlng tho concluslon that ..iey prefer money to soclal rccognltlon at the White House. Chattanooga Tlmes: Whon n man of tho Senator Quay pattem can "hold up" tho Unlted States Senato for weeks to forco tho possagd of a bill In whlch he has a blg personai Interest?a rdllway charter ln New Mexlco, and also has "a man" for Senator from that terrltory? whon thls happens openly, Amerlcan.; should be modest nbout crltlciplng gw ornment mcthodg m South Amerlca, Hus sla and Spaln. WISE AND OTHERWISE. The Tight Wad. . If a body meet a body Oolng after rye, If n body bo tlght-waddy Tohter man must buy. ?Chicago Tribuno. Failed to Recognize lt. "Ho senj; a, copy of hls dlalnct story down lnto tho country whero ho studled the dlolect." "And dld ft make the natlvcs angry?" "(>h. no; they couldn't understand it," ?Chicago Post His Sort. "What kind of tobacco do you smoko, Rlvers." asked the friend who had drop ped In. Rlvers hestltated a mornent. "As a rule," sald Brooks, comlng to hls rellef, "he smokes cut plug, except when I run out of lt and happen to havo somo other klnd in ray desk."?Scranton Re? publlcan. The Other Kind. It may be true that George ne'er told A falschood, but I guess If all tho truth were spread out flat Boforo wo'd dlscovcr that Ho acted moro or less, . ?Chicago Record-Herald. A South Carolina Finding, , AVluit was tho verdlct the coroner's jury returned?" "Willful noglect of duty on the part of the deccased. He went out unnrincd, knowlng tho other follow waa ln town." ?Chicago Kecord-Ifcrald. Birds of a Feather. Whero's your ground hog now??Rich? mond Times-Dispatch. Evklc-ntly ho has jolned hands wlth the coul trust ln an effort to freeze.out the Amerlcan peoplo. Hogs, llko hlrds of "feather, flock together.?Fredorlcksburg Star. Personai and General. Tho Brighton Railway Company ln Eng? land Is perhaps tho latesl to tulopt the Idea of runuii)-. motor cars on Its tracks. It Is thought that for locnl servlce in purtlculur the automobilo servlce wlll he much moro ecoriomical than tlio heavy trums. Presldent Roosovelt's autograph out in glass wlth a diamond Is a unli.ue souvenlr whlch wlll soon pass lnto tho possesslon of tho Northw?tern Unlver? sity of Chicago. Rov. Charles C, Trucsdell, who dled laat ,.eck, has been at the head of tho Chi? cago Rellef and. Aid Socloty slnco 1871. and was one of tho most widely known experts In thls Uno in tho country. BIshop Tugwoll, of Western Eciualoriul Afrlca, ls ofl.en asked, when m Eng lund': "What Ih tho size of your dloces.? "I generally nnswer," ho suys, 'by sny In'g 'you can put England ? nnd Wales, irelnntt nnd Scotland, Franco and Ger? many liito nny illoceso and still have room to spiu'o,' " ln ono of hls South Afriean speeches Mr. Chamberlaln iiskodi whether tho now colonles wero yot ablo "to stand alonv." Was it mallep or acoldent tlmt led tho sU-nogruphiT to I'eporL hlm tlj) iiutuil'liig Into tho abllity of tho colunlus to uiatid u loan? Presldent noosovolt has consented" to uct us'ii roeniber of tho gene'ruj oonunlt tcoi whlch is In charga of tho fund be? lng ralsed to bulld u memurlal to Henry Wtird 1-eeelier, ln Brooklyn. Tho Kalser's clgav.i uro half aa long again aa those <>n whlch thu onliiin.y niot'tal pulls. They com,. from lliivuiui, whero thoy uro made especially for thu Etnpcrov, Isjaoh boftrs a "liaviuia rlng" oriuiniontod wlth tlie Empofor's portrait. Ho pays :t0 to 30 ceiits uploco for them, wllllo even hi Goiiniiny, whero tobacco Is very clieap, slmllat' elgiiTa could not bo bought for lesn tlum jf 1.20, A snow Hlorm costS tha o|t.V'. of Nuw york u p'-'liy penny. On Wednesday iimn iiiai 'aeveral thausanil tpairuj w rj engaged at clearlng awtiy Iho tmow. alitl |t Is ..stlniateil thut tlio littlo )).(z isiii-1 u( 'Ptiosdiiy wlll cost Iho clty ti-tis wy no lesa than JSOO.CUQ The M&n ABOUT DAILY CALENDAR?Pcb. 21, 1102-Strawberrles dlscovered ln Florlda by Chrlsiofo Colombo. 1003?Rvnchod New York over th0 B, A. L. "diPD?Klrkwood put an oyster ln blg slew, lfiOO-OyHtor still thoro. Up to thls tlmo wo havo hecri undor a bushcl, OW light couldn't shlno,,for wo wera ln dnrknoss nnd could not havo told vhoreof wo spoko, if wo had spoko. Jgnorancc was not bllss, for wo wer? worrlcd very much, and hatcd to show, oi.r Ignorancc. "Wc blded our tlme, whatcvor that ls, nnd we wntted not. "Wo seldotn wot, but tfhere aro tlmes vhen peoplo havo to wot, and thls haa been, ono of those. Wc nlso wnxed wroth, because yye dldn't know what to havo said If wo had b-eon lr.tcrrogated. We, nlso seldom wnx, but thls tlme wo wuxed a wholo,Int of wroth. Now thn light has broken ln upon us, nml wo can tell wlth tho oa.slcst graco pbaslble wlmt It Is to havo somo molst fnow. banner Evans is the party from whom we got tho Informatlon. Mo sald It wu" a ded suro thlng that v.n'd havo aome "molst snow" on Sun dny, If wo dldn't havo somo raln. We know wlmt raln ls when we see It, nnd wo know tliat lt dld not raln on Sunday, hen-fa thoro must havo beon some "molst snow.V Wo had boen uiiaAr, tho trnpres-don that it would turri out*:*tp\be aoinethlng Ilka regular snow, and haaljnado all arrange rnc-ivts nbout havlng a blg flro ht oui llttle hall room, Wo had pastcd a neu plecb of paper over the holo in tha wln* rlow and had put a plece of earpet and some old clothes down at the crack under the door Wc felt all rlght to ward off the worat kind of snow. And then wc wnlted. When tho rln-wn aroso over the Jefferson Hotel and told us It was tlme to get un .ana ..light. the flre, wo looked out th< 'vfriidoW nt tho molst snow. It was thcro. And people wero gottlng up across tln street and comlng out to sweep off thelt front steps, and tho Bong of the mllk man wns heard merrlly ln the dlstance. Afl the sun cllmbed up from Sevcr 1'lnes, and east hla eyes toward us ht tipped a wlnk, Then we awnkencd the Six, and told th.-m to go out and seo tho snow. They got. thelr slnd ready and we tlet our sllk haiidkerehief and some stock? ings nround thelr eara ar.d out thoy wcnl lnto tho back yard. In tho afternoon we nll went out to th( cemetery and read the epltaphs, and plcked out n. good ono for the weather prognostlcator. And now we know all about molst snow. Wo had the pleasuro the obher day ol meetlng a blg fellow twlco our size. who came hero ahead of "Mr. Jolly of Jollet." As he wns blgger than us, wo had t? agrco to cverytnlng he said, and we had to keep laughlng all tho tlmo, Mannger Charlle Rex also laughed. and It wns all nbout two umbrellaa that the blg man frind. The moon was shlnlng and wo asked hlm what ho was dolng wlth two um brollas. "It was a dark and stormy nlght," h< saia. "1 was In West Vlrglnla-Wheel* 5r>g." "Then you must have been -worklng ln the mines." we sald. He-frowned at us, and Charlle Rex satd "Shuh." "No, slr," he continucd. "I put up at the hotel and told t'ho proprletor to cal! me at 7:11 in the morSilng so's I could cntch mv traln. The wlnd howled out aide as I wrote my namo on the blotter. " "Where shall I put this grlp and thi* enne?' 1 asked the man, 'ao's r can get it qulck when I want to run for tho traln ln the A. M".7" " 'I'll put lt rlght hero, behind tho cor? ner of thla safe.' he sald, 'and when you como down ln tho mornlng you can tak? It and go ahead." "Then I handed hlm my eane, that some people gave mo once forrecltlng a plece at a Fourth of July celebratlon. He put It behind the safe, and I wlth drcw to my room. "At 7:10 A. M. n rock ivns thrown agalnst my wlndow and I got up. and when I saw I 'had one mlnute in -which fo catch the train. a streak of llghtning could not havo caught me. "Down stalrs I rushed, reached behind tho safe for my enne, selzcd lt, and caught the tall end of the traln as it wap pulling out. "When I had tlmo to draw my breath, ?T looked Sn my hand. aml there wer? these two nmbrellas and nary a cane. "Next timo I leave a cane In a hotel ofTlce I'm goner take lt wlth tne." We hud to take hls word for it, be? cause he -wns blgger than us, nnd bo* causo ho said he'd put us next to some of the pretty glrls in hls show. HARRY TUCKER. Short Talks to the Legislature. Frcdcrlcksburg Star! . Some of our logislalors go up agalnst the Barksdale pure electlon bill llke a vawl boat opproachlng an iceberg. Doubt icss both aro cbllling proposltions. Penlnsula Enterprlse: The legislature of Vlrglnla. it is gratl fylng to note, ls dlsposed to make tlie approprlatlon asked for to the Jamcs town Exposltlon, and if the papers of tho Stato reflect tho wlshos of its peo? ple, and ihey scfcmi to bo too unanlmous to leavo much doubt ln tho matter, tho ald for tho tindertaklng should bo as surcd without further delay. ' Norfolk County Tlmes: The Legislature Is worklng hard nnd falthfully ln splte of the flings its ene mles aro conslantly making. Cllrtoh Valley Nows: Mr. Pollock turned down nsr superlnten? dent of schools because of a purely "per uaniil" mnttor botwoon hlm nnd Mr. St. Clair, tho representntlve frnm Glles? And Mr. Pollock a gHJOd iiiun, too, und well qualiiletl for the place? Fool who? That "pernnnnl" matter ls not the mllk ln th?? cocounut nt all, we venturo to any. Enstern Shnro liernld: Soveral bills looking to changea ln tho llquor laws beforo tho Legislature. We do not thlnk, however, that thoy meet condltions The members of tha Legislature could flnd an oxoollent law ln tliat now la forco ln Marylnud. Put on a Hlgh license, and reqiilro euch up pllcnnt to como lnto court endorsed hy a dozen ropntnhlo freoholdors of hls com munlty. Thon tho day of llttle, dlsromi lable gorggorles in out-of-the-way places would bo over wuh, and much that is ol> jcctlonuhlQ in t**o lhiuor buslnoss woqld be gotten rlil ot, It would he a great bunciu to our sectlon to havo such a law pussed, Up to lhe Stanclarcl. Norfolk County Tlmesi The Times-nispatcb is meusurlng full> up to tha Htandiird Its frlends predlcted when the conaolldatloii w.'is inado. II Ih r aploiidld paper and ahould go lnt? ovory Vlrglnlau homo.