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iTho Kiad You Havo Always Bought, and' wlilcli has been Mn tiso^for^oyor,30, years, lias borno tlio Bignatnro of ^-0 - and has been mado under liis pcs. CjPLSjd/?tf-tr#'A... 'sonalsupcTvislon since Hslnfnncy. **t?r_-?v; f-cotcsiW; Allow no ono todeccivo yott'ih thls. All Gountcrfclts, Imitations and** Juj.t-a?-g__._d'' aro but I Experiments that triflo wlth and endnnger tlio health of Infants and Children?Experlenco agn.inf.fc Experimcnt. What is CASTORiA Castorla ls a harmlcss substltute for Castor Oll, Paro goric, Drops and Sootblng" Syrups. It ls Pleasant. It contithiH neitber Opinm, Morphlno nor otlier -Narcotio subj-tance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Wornis and allnys. Fcverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collc. It relloves Tcethtng Troubles, cures Constlpation and Flatulcncy. It assixnilates tlio Food, regulatcs tho Stomach and Bowels, glving licalthy and natural sleep. Tho Chlldren's Panacea?Tho Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. WILL BEGIN TO-MORROW Asli Wednesday. the First Day of Lent. BISHOP *S REGULATIONS Issues Directions for FastingancTPrayer During ihe Forly Days?The Ser vices to Be Held Here. Aah Wednesday, tbe first day of Lent, tho season of fasting und prayer, wlll bu observed to-morrow ln all the Cuthollc und Eplscopal churches of the clty. Tho day whl mark tho beglnnlng of tho eolcnin Lenten perlod, whlch, partlcularly among the two rellglous bodles named, ls regarded as one of the greatest and most Important instltullona of the church, l'lom to-morrw up to Eustcr?l'orty days there will he a ceusatlon ot worldly atnuse ment of all sorts, and tho church-golng people wlll devote themselves io fosllng ond prayer. Servlces wlll be held daily ln the churches, THEJ CATHOLICS. Among the Catho!lc3 Lent la always nn occaslon of great solemnliy. On to-mor low tho churches will bo crowded wlth thoso who go to have tlio cross mado wlth ashes upon thelr foreneads. Thcre alter each day several massee wlll be said nnd at stated tlmes night servlces will be jif'held. Special scrrnons will be preached. f. Tho Lenten regulations havo just been prcparcd and Issued by Uishop Van Uo Vyver. They are as follows: REGULATIONS FOR LENT IN THE DIOCESE OF RICHMOND. I, Ash Wednesday, tho flrst day ot Lent, fails thls year on February 25th. 1. All the falthful who 'have completed thelr twenty-iirst year are, unless legltl mately dlspenstd, bound to observc the last of Lent. 2. Thoy aro to take but one meal a day, oxcoptlng Sundays. 8. Tho meal allowed on fast days ls not to be taken untll about noon. I. A small refreshment, commonly called collatlon, ls permitted ln the evo ? ning. G. The followlng persons nre exetnpt from tho obllgatlon of fasting: Persons under twenty-one years of age; the slck; nurslng women; those who are obllged to do hard lnbor and thoso who, through weakness, cannot fast without great pre Judlco to thelr health. 6. Tho falthful nro remlndod thnt be sldes tho obllgatlon of fasting Imposed hy tho church, tho holy season of Lent ahould bo, ln nn ospecial manner, a time or earncst prayer, of Korro-.v for sin, or sccluslon from tiho world and Ita nmuse nlnntminna oC K?nftrous ulms-glvlng. 7. Tho Pnschul time extends from the flrst Sunday ln Lent untll Trlnlty Sundny. during whlch tlme all CathoIIcs who have nttnlned a llttlng ngo nro hnund to ro ceive worthlly tho holy eommunion. ir. fli^rv/'l1? w "" W* tn th0 Unlted Statos, dated August 3, 1SS7, tho follow? lng wpeclal dlsponsatlons nre granted' 1. Tho use ot flcsh meats 18 permitted nt allI meals on Sundays, nnd onco a dav on Mondays, Tuos.Inys, Thuradaya and Saturdays, wlth tho exception nf the soo ond and last Saturdays of Lent But flcsh moat nnd flsh aro not to bo used at tlie saino meal during Lout, ovon on Sun? days. _. Tho uso of butler, cheese mllk and eggs ls also permitted ovory day ln Lcnt 3. It is allowed" to tako In tlio inornlnc some wni-m llquld, as tea, coffoe, or tliln oliocolnto, mnde wlth water, aiid wlth thls llquld a moutlifiil of brond. 4. Those fnr wlinin the hour of noon may ho an liieonvenlent tlmo for dinner may Invort tho ordor und tnko tholr collatlon ln tho morning, and thelr dlrmor ln tho evenlng, B. Tho use of liog's lard, or dVlpplnir, lastoad of* butter, is authorlzed ln propar Ing permitted food.' d. Fersons exeuipt from tho ohllgntlon Of fustlng nro froo to tako metit moro lhan onco on thoae daya whon its uso i.s granted by dlapensatlon. III. By "vlrtuo of an Indult granted to us by tho Holy Seo, Marol. 16th, 1...., wa per mlt to all work ing men and thelr famllies the use of fleah moat onco a day on nll fast daya and ahatlnonco daya throughout , the year, wttlt tho oxceptlon of Frldays. . Auh Wednaadays, tho .Wednesday and 'A. Saturday of Holy Week, and the Eve of ChriHimas. Thoso who avatl themselves of thls In dult are not allowed to use flesh meat and flsh at tho same meal, and they are earn PBtly e__hort-ed to perform somo other act of mortlflcatlon, such as abstlnence from lntoxlcatltig llquors. The Rev. Pastors are reminded that on the flrst Sunday ln Lent the collee? tlon for the indlan and Colored Mlsslons ta to bc taken up in all the churches throughout tho dlocese. By order of the RT. REV. BISHOP. THE EPISCOPALIAXS. Wlth the Eplseopallans speclal unlon servlces wlll be held each day during Lent at S o'clock in the afternoon. Thi schedule Ib as folIowB: Monday?St, Mork's. Tuesday?Grace Church and Church of tho Holy Comfort<_r. Wednesday?Holy Trinlty and Monu montal. Thursday?St. Paul's. \ Frlday?St. Jam?.s and St. John's. Saturday?All Sklnts', St. Andrcw's and Churches. At the Church of the Eplphajiy, in Bar toji Heights, servlces wlll be held to-mor? row at 11 o'clock. Throughout Lent ser? vlces wlll he held on AVednesdays at 8 P. AL and on Frlrtays at _:30 P. ___. THE NEW STATIONS Most Impressive Servicesat St. Mary's Sunday Night. Impressive servlces were held at St. Mary's German Catholic Church Sunday night, when the new statlons of the cross ' were blessed. BIshop Hald. of North Carollna, was present and preslded. As a cross was placed on each statlon, the bishop made approprlate rcmarks and oftered a prayer. The stntlons come all the way from Germany, and are sald to he among the most beaiiti.ul ln thc South. They rop resent the journey of Chrlst to Mt. CaJ vary. BEST OF THEM ALL Mr. Glass Completing Arrangements for School of Methods. Arrangements for tho School oC Methods to bo held next summer at Charlottesville havo nearly been com? pleted by ilr. E. C. Glass, thc superln tendent. Mr. Glass has gone to Cineln nnti now on buslness relatlng to the summer school, and soon he wlll be In a posltlon to announce tho faculty. From what has already bc-cn done the comlng s.s.-iion of tlie echool of Methods prom Ises to he far the best ever held. Rubbing u-ith lininicnts, blistering, the ap plication of plasters; in fact unything that wilL produce counter-irritatiou, is good for exleriial treatment ol Rlieuiiiatisrii, but these siuiplc retucdiesdo not reach the sea'_ of the tior touch thc real cause, aud rclief is therefore only temporary. Rhcuinatisin is <lue to Uric Acid and other irritant poisons in the blood, aud as it circukiles tlirougli tlie system, these acid poisons nre deposited in thcmuscles, joitits nnd nerves, and ?fij_posure to night air, cold east witids, orany sudden cbange iu tlie weather, will briug on an attnclc which may last for n few duys or linger on for-i-onuis. Every battle with -R__.ei.mati.i__-. leaves tbe blood in poorer condition, while tbe . corroiling ncids are gradunlly cnnsuuiing the oils nnd fluids that lubricate tbe tuuscles nud joints, and they become slifl und Bometimes iuimovnble. Rheuinatistu, with its sbarp, cuttlug pains, can never be couqnered until tlie ucid blood lins been clcansed aml puri fied, nud nll irritating substances neulral lzed und filtered out of tlie system, uud notbiug does this so promptly nud effec tually ns S. S. S, Under tho purlfylng nnd tonic effects of thia vegetuble rem cuy tlie blood is made pure, the general health is rapidly built up und tbesulferer ol-tauis happy rclief from the torturiiig, ungglng pams of RUeuuiatisiu. Get rid of Rheu niatisin before it itjiakes you n ner? vous, peevish cripple, or pain racked ipvalid. , write for our special book ou Rheuoasi Mstn. which will he Bent free. The Swlft Spooifio Cq., Atlanta, (__ , , GOOD TEAM IS ASSJRED A Stato Base-Ball Loaguo ls Soon to Be Organized. WILL TAKE IN FOUR TOWNS 'Squire Donatl Already ln Negotiation With Good Players, and Says Rieh? mond Wlll Surely Capture the Pennant. Wlth the nows that the House of "Dele? gates yestorday mornlng voted to ex empt base-ball and foot-ball conteats ?from -Uxatloh ia Vlrglnla, 'Squire V. (Oharley) Donatl announced that a Stato assodatlon of base-ball ciubs has been perfected, thus assuring the vevival of the natlonal game ln Riehmond this sum? mer. The season will open not later than, May lst. ond wlll contlnue without cessatlon until cold,, weather interXeros ?with th? play. 'Squlro Donatl, who wlll doubtless be elected presldont oE tho league at a meet? lng to be held ln the near future, says that the association wlll be composed of four clties, wlth flve towns candldates for franchlses. Riehmond, Petersburg and Newport News wlll certainly be ln the leagiio, but whother Norfolk or Man? chester wlll hold tho faurth franchlse ls yet a quontlon. Both citles aro making efforts to land the covetcd membershlp, and at present chances nra about even. A LEAGUE MBETING. A league meetlnig ,wlll bo held probabiy ?wlth thla Iflon. ln vlew hn him loontod n pnrk olnmir In tho olty. lt wlll Im altunled wlthin a /ow mltiuto" wnllt of thn oenta't of town, boing nonr thn Coalnn, Hnre, an oxcollent ploco of land for bnao-bnlj phiylng haa been lennrrt by thn rnnnngor, nnd wlthin tho noxt fnw d.iyn ho wlll un* dortnko the noocHtwy Improvomenui, Ho protntnofl to glvo tho plnyorn tho bont cllarnond In tho Stntn, nnd iiN?urcs tho publlc that tho Rrand Ntnnd nnd blnnchera wlll far mirpans iho accommo* datlonn in othor cltlen. AS TO PICl'HRSnKRO, ?Mnimgcr Brookwoll, of Potoraburg, l conCilont that a'n nll profen?ilonal tonm wlll arouso tho pooplo of hl? town, Ho haa dooldod to romortnl th0 park nnd grounds and glvo thn iponpln a flrnt class, wlnnlng aggrogatton. Rlohmond haa nlwnyH bonn n hiiccosb ful hall town, and even ninntetirH hnve mado monoy out of the namo ln thls clty. Tho pooplo bm/o dtaplayofl a wlUlngncM to turn out, and tho grund stand and bleaoheri* at Broad Street I'nrk havo wen durlng tho past few ytara heen tho ucene of many excltlng and wcll'/patronized con? test s, '8<|uIro "Charloy" Donatl says that he ln porfoctly wllllng to huck a local, all profosfllonal, pald team, for he ls sure thnt the publlo wlll glvo hlm thelr patronnge. Ho ln now negotlatlng wlth ono or two well lenown players, and Jtwt as ooon as tho dotnlls of the new league haivo beon completed, he wlll oy a mnnagcr for the local aggregntlon. "It la my intention," sald the 'Squlre, "to glve Riehmond the. best nine ln the aisoclation, and the folks may gamble upon gettlng away with the pennant. I will compol my manager to respect the salary limlt. hut I will have a team that understands the game. I am now nego tiatlng wlth a couple of pltchors and sev? eral flelders, all of whom wlll probabiy be seen ln a Riehmond unlform tMs sea aon. THE MARRIAGE OF MR. HERBERT WALDROP Mr. Herbert "?"". Waldrop, the well know young Brook-Avenue merchapt, was married at 4 o'clock yesterday af? ternoon in Henderson. N, C, to Miss Edlth Jennlngs, of Staunton. Mr. and Mrs. Waldrop are expected Can you flnd the old gentleman that paid her farc? noxt week either at Petersburg or New? port News, when the applicatlons of Nor? folk and Manchester wlll be flnnlly pass? ed upon. Newport News ls ?heartlly ln favor aof grantlng the fourth franchlse to Norfolk, whlle Riehmond ls oome what Inclined the same way. Peters? burg ls ohamploning the cause of Man? chester ond wlll make a strong flght to land the team ln the town over the rlver. Those who have the lnterest ot the league at heart aro entlrely lm>partlal. They caru llttle whether Norfolk or Man cester is taken fn the league ond wlll vote for the clty that glves the most promlslng result from a money-maklng standpolnt. Bo"Eh citles have thelr good polnts, but Norfolk belng much larger eeems to glve moro proralse. Then, too, by placing thls clty in the league, more complete and nearly unlform clrcult would be establlshed. The better and more complete the clr? cult. the better the schedulo, is the ar? gument that ls being advanoed. In thls way rallroad fares would be cut ln half and a blg saving i>ecorded weekly, there? fore, it looks very much as lt the eastern end of the league wlll be ccm posed of Newport Nows and Norfolk ?ind the western by Riehmond and Pe temburg. HAVE GOOD TEAMS. Messrs. Brockwell and Denny. repre sentlng respectlvoly Petersburg and Newport News. have beon ln conference wlth "Squlre Donatl for some tlme. As a result it hns boen determined to or ganlzo a Stato leaguo. and wlth this Idea ln vlew the threo gentlemen have agreed to put good teams ln tho fleld from tholr respectlve towns. Since then Manchester and Norfolk havo beon communlcated with, and each ls at prepent trylng to land a position in the four-c-arnered asso? ciation. Messrs. Dnnatl, Brockwell nnd Denny have, after maturo dellberation and con? slderation. decided that a four-club Stato assoclntlon would prove a wlnner and re-estnbllsh ln the State tho old fond ness for the natlonal game. Thoy aro convlneed that four ciubs would mnko money, nnd thnt propcrly managed all would qnlt the soason blg winuors. The gentlemen have decided thnt the pntvons of tho gamo, tho fnns, nre on tltled to a first class artlcle of ball, and accordlngly It hns been agrood that pald toams Bhall reprosent overy clty In the association. Of course. the snlary llmlt shall be kept wlthin bounds, and no team will bo allowed to bnnkrtipt Itself by ex pondlng too much money ln paylng play? ers. The llmlt wlll ho $700 por month, nnd each organization wll bo llmlted to elevoii plnyors. NO FINANCIAL LOSS. With thls llmlt, lt is flgured that ench team can got througQi tlie eoasnn without ontalllng nny flnanclal loss to thoso who put up tho money, and at the samo tlme n flrst class artlolo ot bnll glvon the ipooplo, At any rate, R ls Intonded to Im* provo porformnncos for tho past few yeara. v Tho outlook for ball In Nowport Nows thls season ls better than over boforo ln tho hlBtory of tho gatny ln Virglnln, and thera see-mn llttlo doubt but thnt a brlght seasnn ls ln front of a twun ln thls olty, Heretoforo the patronngo of the game ln this olty haa beon handlcappod by tho lo? catlon of tho ball park, whloh has beon fully an hour's rldo from the buslness portion of tho town. ThlB haa held tl>j? partonage down conslderably, nnd all teams have suffered more or loss for want of support, Mr, Denny, wWo wlll baok the team thla summer, wlll al?g act ns manager, Ho ls determined to rrAk* tha jaunr* mav, und to reach Richmond this morning. The above Information was contalned ln a telegram sent by Mr. Waldrop lost nlght to hls manager. Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch also reeelved tho followlng from La Crossc, Va. Mr. Herbert Waldrop, one of Rlch mond's merchants. left La Crosse, Va., wlth Mlss Edlth Jennlngs, of Staunton, for Henderson, N. C, where they were married at 4 P. M. Mr. Cease Convalescent. Mr. G. M. Cease, the prominent llquor dealer, who was operated on at St. Luke's Hospital last Thursday by Dr. Stu? art McGuire, ls now convalescent. GOVERNOR IN THE CELEBRATION They Spend Day and Night at Alexandria?Children Con? trol the Capitol. The Governor and six members of hls staft spent yesterday ln Alexandria, where they went to particlpato in tho celebration thero of Washington's birth? day. Those who went with Mr. Moti taguo were Colonel Georgo C. Cabell, chief ot staff; Colonel John S. Harwood, Colonel Mann S. Valentlne. Colonel Hen? ry M. Lowis, of Charlottesville; Colonel L. W, Lano, Jr., of Wllllamsburg, and Colonol R, N. Hai-per, of Leesburg. Tho Anderson Light Infantry, of Richmond. a part of tho Scvonticth Reglment, waa escort of the Governor and hls party. Captaln Thompson wns tho offlcer Iu ehargo, Hls Excellency wlll not bo back untll this morning. State oflices wero closed yosterday on aceount of legal hollday. Executlve Clerk Blgger wns at hls desk ln tho Govomor's offlco for some tlme, havlng returned from Roanoko clty, whero ho spent several days, greatly to IiIb own enjoyment. Many kindorgartcn chlldren vislted tho Capitol nnd Llbrary* during tho day, ln ohnrge of thelr teachera, and a, luipplor company than theso llttle peoplo wero never soon, They wore shown the Houdon statue of Washlngton, and In tho Llbrary bulldlng they saw tho porti-aits of tho many men who havo mado Iho Stato Illustrious. Thoy wont Into ench of tho ofllccH of (he Stato lio|inrtmonts, nnd tho queatlons they asked would havo tnada Webster's Unabrldged look palo. Commissioner of Agrlculture Kolner waa at hls ntllce for soyeral hours. Hn hns not yot declded whon ho wlll call another mootlng of tlio St. Louls lOxpo Bltlon ComnilsHloncrs, Mr. a. E, Mur rell, the chief clerk of the hoard, Is now In St, Louls, whero ho ls lonklng ovor tho Hltuatlon from that atandpolnt. Ho wlll flnd out what spneo wlll bo asslgtied to Vlrglnia. Ho wlll ho back shortly, so as nol to loso moro tlmo than necessary from tho Leglslature. 'MDsmypmsunt 10 QWWS1IES Our New Spring Line ot 'arriages ^ Oo-Carts Ranging in prices from $4.50 to $50 is now in, and we assure you that the styles, prices and serviceability aie far superior to anything we have ever shown before. Don't, by any means, fail to see our new line before purchasing, or surely you will regret it later. Seventy-five different pat? terns to select from. CHAS. G. J UJK UaiyS ' SON, 419-21 E. Broad Street, between Fourth and Fifth. ^Lf\0l off the price // A tt E I of every coucl* / >a& U>/0 ??u.L*?.re 15 this week. All Prices in Plain Figures. Plenty of Credit if You Want It. THE UNION IN TROUBLE Vexed Questlon Has Not Yet Been Dlsposed of. ' ACTION OF THE CLERICUS Tended to Undo'What Has Been Done The Conservatives Are In Con? trol of the Committee Named. The Minlsterial Unlon of Riehmond la up agalnst lt agaln hard and strong. Apparently a. Batlsfactory lssue was reached at the end of the recent troub lous tlmes, but thl3 lssue Ia turning out to be aomething entlrely different from what was expected, and there are more troublous tlmes ln sight. HAVE A MAJOR1TT. The apparent vlctory of thoso who wlshed to have the sessions of the union opened to the dlscusslon of va? rlous subjecls, commonly known as "llve topics," "current events" and bo on, turns out to be no vlctory at all. Though they were voted down in the generai meetlng, the conservatives who wished the doors closed to all such dlscussions have practlcally a control ot tho sltua tion. As wlll be recalled, provlslon was made for a Buslness Commltteo, to which was to be referred all topics proposed for conslderation by the gen? eral body. If thls committee reported favorably any matter it would be ad? mltted; otherwise lt would not. The members on the commlttee wero appointed by the several denominationnl meetings, and it develops that of the four already appointed three are conser? vatives?"Dr. R. P. Kerr, for the Presby terians; the Rev. Carey E. Morgan, for the ChrfBtlans, and Dr. C. S. Gardner for the Bapttsts. Tho fourth member Ia tbe Rev. XV. B. Beauchamp. for the Methodlsts. who is ln Une with thoso -who wlsh the union opened for legitlmato dlscusslon. But Mr. Beauchamp roeognlzes the Inevitable. He said yesterday that the conservatives had a majorlty and he expressed the be Uef that no subject whatsoever would ever get bv that commlttee. ACTION OF THE CLERICTJS. Entlrely apart from thls. however, Is the actlon ot the Eplscopal Clericus yes? terday, whlch actlon glves a new twist to the sltuatlon. Por a long tlme the clerlous was unablo to decide whether or not lt ahould take any step at all. But few of its members have been at tendlng the meetings of the unlon, and as a body It hardly felt in the posltlon to act Flnally, however, after a very conslderable dlscusslon, the followlng resolutlon was adopted by a vote of IU "Resolved, That the clericus will ap polnt a member for the Business Com? mittee of tho Minlsterial Union, provlded that no questlon for dlscusslon shall be considered ia the union untll it has boen referred to lt by the expressed consent ot every member of the committee." "We feel that every denomlnatlon should be in a position to protect It self," doclared a member of the cleri? cus afterwnrds. And that ls all ho would say about tho matter. BEGIN ALL OVER AGAIN. The actlon of the clericus practlcally puts the unlon back whero lt was at flrst and destroys the work accompllshed as a result of the long and nnlmated dls? cusslon at the lost moetlng. Tho Kerr resolutlon was reconsldered, because lt provlded for unanlmous voto ln tho unlon beforo any matter not strictly devotlonal could bo lntroduced. But lt ls just as hard to got a unanlmous voto In the commlttee; one man may block cverythlng, and then the unlon Is Just where lt was at the beglnnlng. Whon tho resolutlon from tho clericus is lald before the body there wlll probabiy bo Just such another dlscusslon ns waa had beforo. The result is freely predlctod by mnny. It has already been demonstrated that a mnjorlty of thoso ln the unlon aro agalnst tho "unanlmous voto" Idea, nnd they wlll probabiy voto thnt way ngaln. Tho clericus wlll not como ln on Uny other consldorntlon, nnd thoreforo tho cleri? cus wlll stay out. "It wlll cortnlnly rosult ln tho wlth? drawal of tho Eplscopallans lf they per slst In tho stnnd thoy havo taken," sald a Presbyterlnu mlnlster yesterday. Whnt ls moro remnrkablo, thls mlnlstor Is ono of tho consorvallvos. PR. COOPKR'S OPINION. Soveral mlnlsters wero soon yesterday, but they dld not enre. to dlscuss tho matter for eoiislclerntlon. Dr, Georgo f'.anpor, presldent of thn iinlnii, said ho regrotted oxcecdlngly that tlio sltuntloii was HUeh ns It is. Ifo wlll probnbly call thn Buslness Commltteo tognthor ln a fow days. THE RlfsCUED CREW ARRIVES IN PORT (By AsB.ielittoil Vn'**.) SAVANNAH. OA.. Fob. -S.I.?Tho sohoonor D. II. Rivorn, from Trlnldad (Captaln 0. Peck) has arrlved wlth four of tlie crow of.tho Unttod States colllor Alaxandor aboard. The Alexander broko hor siiaft on tho tenth of February. Five of the ofllcers and potty oflleora ot the Alexander volunteered to man a small boat and seorch for help. Forty-eight hours aftor leaving the colller they wuru GOOD EYESIGHT is a blesaing. Those who need Glassea, whether chlldren or adulte, may roly, on our export service and securo the best only at lowest possible prloes. Wo look to the preservatlon of tho eyestght as well as the appearanoo of tho wearcr. Complete Optlcal Manufacfcuring planb on the premlses. PRESCRIPTION WORK OUR SPECIALTY. THES. QALE5KI OPTICAL CO., CORNER NINTH AND MAIN STREETS. plcked up by tho schooner Rlvers. The four seamen who came to thls port are Peter McGllnchey, boatawaln; L. Rey nolds, paymaster; Harry Ross, quorter moster, and John Staunchon, second bs sistant englneer. DAUGHTER OF GOVERNOR HAS A FATAL FALL (By Asfloclateil Press.) JACKSON. MISS., Fobruary -..-Annle, the flve-year-old daughter of Governor Longino, to-day tell from a second story stalrway ln the Exeoutlve Manslon and sustalned injurles which will probably prove fa_I. Goveriior Longino, who Is attonding tho Mardl Gras celebration in Natchez, was summoned home by tele? phone. New Position, Mr. Calvln C. Cook, formerly conneoted wlth tho Richmond, Npws, and recently wlth The Tlmes-Dlspatch, has accopted a lucratlve position wlth tho Plttsburg Herald. Mr. Cook has boen connectM wlth the newspaper Interests slnce boy hood days, and hls success as a news? paper man has boen notlced by othor papers, and Mr. Cook starts ln hls new fleld wlth brlght prospects, accompanied by tho congratulatlons of his old em ployers, and his many frlends wiah hlm success. S. A. L System's Earnings, Followlng Is a comparatlve statement of tho approxlmate earnings of the Sea? board Alr LIno for tho second week ln February: Week endlng HFebruary 15. 1903, $249,357; 1902. $231,215; Increase, $16,112, Two weeks endtne February 15, 11)08, $509, 725; 1902, $483,5...; Increase, 526,172. July lst to February 15, 1903: $7,733,194; 1902, $7,090,326; IncreaBe, ,642,868. With Railroad Men. Mr, D. C Ogg, tralnmaster of the Chesapeake and Ohlo Railway at CUfton Forge, ! was Jn the city yesterday. Mr. XV. D. Foster, who, for somo years past has boen connocted wlth the telegraph department of tlie Chesapeake and Ohlo Railway, has reslgned hls posltlon to travel for tho R. J, Reynolds branch, Contlnental Tobacco Company. Mr. Butler Still in Bed. Mr. N, M. Butler, drlver for Mr. R. C. Jones, who was hurt Saturday evenlng, whon a streot car wrecked tha wagon of Slr. jones, is still confined to hls bed. PRESENT THEM WITH A LANTERN Presldents Stevens and Wil? liams at the Y. M. C. A. To-Night. Tho flrst anniversary of .tho Rallroad Department of tho Young Men's Chris? tlan Assoclatlon wlll ho observed to nlght at 8 o'clock wlth speclal servlces held at tiho Maln-Slroet Statlon. In nddltion to tho usual reports and ro uiarks hy Stato, tntertiationnl and local sccretark-s and railroad ofllcials, tt ls ex? pected that Presldent Georgo W. Stevens, ot tho Cliesapeako and Ohlo Railway, and Presldent John Skqlton Wullums, of tha S-ivbourd Alr LIno Railway, wlll ench pro sont a un.- Inntern to tho men on their respective rallroads socurlng tho hlghest number of members. A Boclul reception und rcfreshments wlll follow tho regular progi'iiiumo. Tho followlng ls Iho stutl.sllcnl report of the dopurtinont for tho your 11)02: Vlelts to tho rooms. 30,533 Isatlis taken . 3,437 Sccretary's vlalts to shopa and yards . 213 Svicrotary's vlalts to slck and In Jnred . Ti Ltttors written in rooms. 2.IS26 I'npers dlstrlbuted . 3,781 i-'ooks d|j_wii from CUfton Forge Llbrary . 108 31 educatlonul clusoes. nttoiuhuice.. 49tf 11 sooluls and entorlaininenis. at tundiinoe . l,_S3 25 Bpeuial gospol nu'etlngs for men, nltondaiico . 1,120 71 I'llliln clussc.i, fittoiulaiieo,.....,., R.946, 4H mon's nieetlngs, attoudance. 9,570 Professcd ooiivorsloiis . 144. Memhorshlp for flrst year. ati) tlT-suiit mmb-__hlj? _.%.,. 454 THE HIGHEST VALUE FOR THE LEAST KOMEY. New Navy Beans, per quart.. r8c New Lima Beans, yc pound QC or 4 pounds for.fcuC .' Be?t Granulated Sugar. lb_43c Lake Fish, per dozen. ..12c T. M. Shoe.Blacking, 2 boxes. .5c Best City Meal, per peck, _\?_ 18c.; or, bushel.09G Large Canned Virginia To- ?.. matoes ., pC Whi^e A Sugar, 6 pounds for. .25c Arbuckle's Coffee, pound.... .ioc Cordova Coffee, pound.gc Good Salt Pork, per pound... .gc Imported Macaroni, pound..,.6c Blackberry or Catawba 1 ffj _ Wine, per quart. I Hw Extra Fine. Naval Oranges, per' dozen.15, 20, 25 and 30c , Snowflage Patent Family OC. Flour, barrel, $3.90; bag, '?? Good Green or Mixed Tea, 9C<ra per pound. ?*?"?? New Lake Fish, par dozen... 12c Carolina Rice, per pound.5c Fresh Country Eggs. dozen.. .18c . ULLMAN'S SON Downtown Stores. 1820-1822 East Main Street. Uptown Store, 506 East Mai shall Street. Both 'Phones at our two Stores. SYR3PT0MS OF AN Bad taste, no appetlte, stomach re- ? volts at the sight of food, hoadacho, tired, languld feellng, sharp palns In rlght slde, bad complexion, don't sleop well, feel out ot sorts all over. BLAKKS' B. & S. DIME LIVER PILLS were made to curo all such symptoma. They glvo a. good appetlte; makes you sleep well and get up feellng re freshed; evory thing you . eat tastes good; wlll cnuso the head to feel clear and tho bralns more actlve; ln fact, they wlll efflect an enttre ehango of) splrit and appcanvnee ot any one who has boen suafforing with an InacUve llver (bo Biire you got the rlght klnd). PRICE, 10c. PER; BOX or THREE BOXES 25c. Prepared only by THE PRESCMPTION DRUGGIST, Hancook and Clay Sts. nnd Bevorljr and Randolph'Sts., Riehmond, Va. FOR SALE BY REUABLE DRUGGIST& ^ywi.4iiHauBaaaaan^maaimaansatm_ '19 and upwards loaned on Pianos md housohold furniture, on the bullding and loan OHSoclation plan, whlch makes tho cost much less than you pay olsewhere, and allow you to pny It off In monthly pav ments, runnlng from one to twelve months, Get others' ratea, then soe us. Tldowalar Loan and Trust Co. Suite 33-31, Thlrd Floor. AlovchanU' NaUonal Bank Bullding, 11C8 Eust Main Btreet. Tako Elevator. Excelsior Face and Foot Powder INSTANTANEOUS PATENT-UEATHER POLISH, liiUrnutionnl .Vliuiiifiicturln? Co., Goo, II. "Durgoea, Com'l Agt., 115 W. Cary St., OHy,