Newspaper Page Text
Live News andFresh Gossip From the Cities and Towns ofVirginia. WASHIR Virginia's Largest Celebration in Alexandria. THE GOVERNOR PRESENT With His StafT He Rcviewed an Extcn sive and Elaborately Arranged Pageant ? Day Fittlngly Re membered Elsewhere. (Spcclfvl to Tbe Tlmcj-Dlsnatih.) ILEXANDRIA, VA., February 23.?The ono-hundredth and seventy-flrst annlver aory of the blrth of George Washlngton ?Was to-dny celcbrated by the cillzons ot thla hisloric old town ln a moat appro? prlate and belittlns manner with a grand milltar,', cl't'ic nnd Industrlal processlon. Tho parade was about two inllos ln length; thero wero elovoi bnnds. and about 3,000 uniformed mon ln lino of pro cesslon. lt wa3 a gala d:ty for tho old town, aud ono long to be reinembcrc-d. Every house along the llne of march was profusoly decorated wlth an abundance of flags and huntlng, a'ud buslness was practically suapended during tlie after? noon. Several thbusnnd Washlngtonlans carao by boat nnd trains, and long before tha magrililcient pageant startcd Klng Street, the mnln thoroughfnro of the old city, wns a secthing mass of humanity, Tho processlon stnrted promptly at 2 o'clock und traversod the prlnclpal paired streets of tho clty. Mary lA'ashington or fianlzatlon turned out in tho prncesslon. .The chief marshal of the parade was ?jtfajor Wllllam M. Smlth, with a number of aldes and a largo stafC of mounted inen. Followlng the Major nnd his staff of offlcers camo Governor Montague ln a hack wlth Mayor Goorgo L. Simpson. Tho Governor reeelved a great owatlon oJl along thc llne of march. Followlng came dlstingnlshed vlsltors and tho mombcrs of the Clty Council. Bonrd of Aldormen, together with dls tlnguishcd ivisitorsi Tlio Provlslonal Batnlllon of tlio Sevontietli Vlrginla Reg? lment nctod ns an escort to tlio Governor. Tt was composcd of tho followlng com? panles: Campany If, of Richmond, Cup taln Thompsoii! Company L, nf Fredor Icksburg, Captaln Revore; Company G, of thls city. Lioutennnt Cochran. The parado proper was headed hy a platoon of ten mounted pollcemen, under Lleutenant James Smlth. The llrst dlvl? slon of the parade was headed by slxty pieces of tho Unlted States Marlne Rand, under flrst asslstant leader Charles F. Smlth. Colonel George YVayne Anderson, of tho Seventloth Vlrglnia Reglment, was marshtU of thls dlvlslon, wlth Major Sevillo and Captaln Ashby Mlller ns ^iides. Then came a coiripatiy of Coast " Artii'.ery of the Unlled States, followed by Jicld music and two companles of ma rlnes; n,'xt came the Fourth Bitttery Fleld Artillery, U. S, A? nml Second Reg? lment Calvary Band, mounted, and two troopors of Second Reglment Cairalry; next camo tho Dlstrlct Natlonal Gu.ird Rand, which hendcil a bnttallion of the "Washington Llght Infantry, In comman'd of Mnjor House. Followlng camo about 360 of the Spanlsh-Anicrican war veterans of Washlngton, and tiicn came the Washlngton Tlmes' Xewsboys Hand, whlch headed the Washlngton nnd local Jodges of Knlghts of Pythlas, and then followed tho Knights of rilaccabccs, boLh uniformed. A H1STORIC ENGINK. The second dlvlslon of tho parado was headed by Wallor's Rand, of Washinj.' ton, and consisted of ihe englne com panies of the city. All of tlie enginea were decorated. nnd the men uniformed. Tho most attractlve feature of this part was llio old Frlendship hand englne, of whlch comp-iny .Wiv^hinglon was a mem? ber. Tho eomptuty was establlshed in 1770. It first started with n blicket brlgado, hnd later Washlngton presented the com? pany wlth d hand englne bought ln Phll adelphia. The old cngino went to pieces, and tho present englne was given aboUt 1SI0 by a Mr. Rogers. of Baltimbro. Tlie englne was to-day drawn by four grpofried horses, and nlne boya carr|ed Iho buckc-is that wera used to quench lires when Washlngton wns a member of tho com? pany. Tho third dlvlslon was marshaled by W. R. Hamllton and conslsted of tlio illf fcrcnt sorret organhcatlohs of llio clty and Washlngton, lncluding tho Red Men, Junlor Order of Unlted Amerlcan Me chsnics and Maclilnlsts' Union, from bhe Washlngton Navy Yard. Tho muslc In this dlvlslon wns furnlshed by a drtim cc-rps nnd one band. ? Tho fourth dlvlslon wns known as tho trndes dlsplay, and wus marshaled by Charles B. Paff. lt conslsted nf about flfty floats, ln whlch tlio varlous tradea und tndustrles now golng on In the clty were ably roprcscntea. AFTER THB PARADE. At the conclUBlon of the purade snvonil thousand uniformed men wero ehtertaih in Armory Hall, and llio other local or gnnlzations provlded for onterlalnlng tMr organlzntlons, whleh wero under the ausplces of tlie Entertainmont Commlt? tee on the parade Thr; press luvlshly entertained a number of vlsltlng acrlbos at tho new Hotel Rammel, whero tlioy kept open houso nll nlght. The featlyltlea were kept up lo-nlght. Most notable of the feattirca of to-niglit'a dolnga was ii ..riinii banquet tendered lo Governor Montague by tho Alexaridrja -WaHh-lnftiin Lodgo of Masons. Tho mem? bers of tho Alexandria German Club gave a delightful german ln honor of tho vls .Itlng ofllcen of tho compaiiles partlclpot Ing A number of private cluba and olh ors kept opi n lu. ull day, ruid tha ivla ?'? n '???' i ? treated In tno old Vlrginla I ?'"? Ull i I! Ull d I ',.' d< ,1 It WUH Montague and the ' ; !l I iff, logellier w||h Major ?1 ??' -'?' ' '?' lli and .ii., members of h " " ? ? ' M ir rieorgo 13 .Slmpson, '; ,: d cn nted -?n thc qast '? '?' ''? '?' ? i Sln ot, between Cam hlock 01 rld Chrlst I'rotestHnl l.plscopal ' ,";)'"'' "?'" ;" ?< ??'.ui wns n regular f ommunli o i.t f,,r ,:,.,,.% <?_., ,.., COLLEGE ORATORS Washington's Birthday Observed at Washlngton ;'.n<i Lee. (Bpoclal lu 'ii." xiiu ',]. Btcti _ flfSXINGTON, VA., y bruui 23, Waali iagtoii'vi birthday waa o)._.rv< | >.. ,.. (0 day, by thu closlna of Du : inill ? nml Ihe/two brml-H uml the suspeiirlnn ol ull nciillfiulo dutlos ;,t tho Viigina Mlllluy ly'.lt'.ito und at Wui*i)l|iglou and Loe l/i,ivu'_liy. In honor of tha day tlio ?V.'u.'Lliii.tuii Llterary Soclety ol Waahliigv tm) and hi'ld its iilnety-firal nnnlvor tinry of tln- soclety U'-iil.'ln ln iho f_op Chapel wl tho Uulv.i'slty. Tho ?Oitrclscsl toii-l.tccl, -f 0.rut.'i.ii-) nnd a da V ? hme, nnd wero ntten.led hy an npprecla* tlve audleTtcp. Muslc for tbo occnslon w.'is fiirnlKhed by tho Vlrginia Mllltary Instltute Orchestra, Professor llerinnn KrnuBO, leader. Tho oIIIcoi-h of the celebratloii were: Presldent, Harry Wilson Hamllton. ot Stcelo'a Tavern, Vn.; vlcc-prcsidcnt, Kd wnrd Cnmpbell Miller, of Ablngdon. Va,; secretary, T. C, "vlercdlth, of M.issnahu Betts; <-hlef marslial, Albert Marshall Dun ..?111, of Sprlhgllcld, ICy. tho orntors nnd thelr BUbJects were; Stnnlcy Scott, of Xnrth.'irnplon eounty, Va.>*-siibject, "Tho t.lhorty Hall Voltinteers;" I'obort Albert l.npsli*y,.of Grernvllle, Vn.-subjoot, "Tho Mnn Behhid the Oiins." tho r*ue"tlon do* hat.ed wns "Resolved, Thnt Thcro Slioulil be an l-lducil.loii.'.'l QUallflcation for Suf frnge In lhe Unlted States," Tlils cpios tioi) wiib rlebntcd in the afflrmnllvo by .1 S. Henderson, of Polisooola, Ma,, nnd Osca'r A'nnce ArmBtrons, er Beverly. W. ".':i,: in tho negaUvo by Davld Hopklns IhilBton, of Harrlsonbiirg, Vrr., nnd Amerlcus Dawson Trmulle, of Poolosvllle, Md "Wie nddrossos were all ably dollv ered nnd well received. At Fre-lcrlcksburg. ("peclnl'to Tli.i, Tlnies-Dlspntcli.) 1 FRFMRICKSBCKO. VA.. February 2.".-Wnshlngton's blrthday falllng nn Snn day this yonr, thero wns but llttlo ob servance to-day. Tho Wnshlngton dudrds, whlch usually havo their annunl target practlce, went lo Alcrxandrla to partlcl pe.te in tho parado thore, and, tliere fore, the tnrget shooting was postponcd. To-night tho Mnsons met ln thelr lodge room to honor tho memory of Washing? ton, ns Is thelr annual custom, nnd sor cr-il short nddressos wero made bv dirfei1 cnt members, nnd tho occaslon was a very plcasant ono. A GOLDEN WEDDINQ Four Great-Grantlchildren Were Among Those Present. (Siaeelnl to Thn 'riines-blspntcli.5 SUFFOMv, VA., Feb. 2a.-*\Ir. nnd Mrs. W. XV. Knlght Sunday celebrated thelr weddlng at Wlgglnn' Cross Roads, N. C. Thero woro soven chlldren, elgh teen grnnclchlldren and four grcat-grand chlldren, Mnny brought gifts of goklen coins. Thero was no publlc obsoryniiee of Washington's blrthday in SulTolk. The Suffolk Grays went to Norfolk and pa raded. ? ?i Virginia-Carolina League. CSiaectill to Tlio Tltnes-Dlspiitcli.) DATMVIL.1.E. VA,, Feb. 2a.?A telegram from Davy Crockot't from Greensboro to-night, states thnt a. meoting of tho proposed Vlrginia-l'arollnn I.eaguo wlll bo hold here to-morrow nlght at elght o'clock for tho purpose of orgunlzlng the new lenguo. Tho proposed league will embrnco Ronnoke, Lynchburg. Danvllle, Greensboro, Charlotte nnd "Wilmington. The Inrllentlons noiv aro thnt the leagiia wlll bo organized. w Franklin DeputySheriff Finds Will FriUVs Alotlier Ready With a Shotgun. (Speclnl to Thu Tlmcs-DlspatchV) ROCKY MOUls'T. VA., February 23.? The "300 reward offered by tho Governor cf West Vlrginia for iho arrest of Wlll Frith, of this county, charged wluh klliing two white mon ln Hunter, W. Va., somo two weeks ago, partlculars of which were given ln tlils correspondenco on Satur? day. has stlmulated and increased tlie effort to arrest liitn. A party of 6 men, hend ed by Deputy Sherlff Bcauregard Webb, raided Frith's futher's home, slx mlles south of here, on Sunday morning la; aboul 4 o'clock. The party surrdunded the ihouso nnd Webb entered the home. The old lady, tho boy's mother, drcw doublo-barrelod shotgun on tho olllcer avd threntened to klll him If he did nut lcavo the houso. She had Iho drop him nnd the ollicer begun to parloy with her und her >husband und flnally got tho drop.on both ot them. He thon searchod tlio iiousc, but tho lilrd had Ilown. The l.e.l be had recently left was,warm. They had evidently boen on tho walc. for the ofllcers. Both (.Ioc) and hls son Wlll wero ln jall troro eightcen months ago for cut llng Rlchard Meiiofee, of thls county, nl ' falally. Al. Baldwln und J. Kob iuctte. of linldwl: ncy, wero at Ferrum and Waldsbbro Sunday on the lookout for Frlth. nnd were hero whon tho party whlch unsuccessfully raided Frith's futher's home. eai'ly Suii rl.iy niorning returned. They returned to Roanoke Sunday afternoon. Mnneo An? derson, also wanted for miirdor, a woll known negro of thls placo, ls still ut large, an.l the odlccrs are unable to lo- > catc hlm. If babies were for sale the most invet erate bargaiu-huntiu^ woinnu iu the world would not look for n bargain baby._ She would want the best baby that could' be bouj-ht, rcgaidless of price. livery womau naturally craves q hcahliy, hnndsotue i-liikl, nnd her crnv ing can be gratified if she will but rc lneraber that the chlld's health is her owu giit, aud to give health she must WBfr have it to glve. Mothers whose babies have heen weak und putiy have nursed in atrcugln I tlu-ir fiist Btrotif! chlld /ffiij\'\ a'u'r usiug Dr. Piercu'H Tv/tl V'5q\ lfa'*'0"''e Prescriptiou. It >v a u \ fcs*? 1^ the best preporative for niaternity, etironniging the appetito, qttieliiii; the ncrvca and iiiducing ic* liesliiii^ sleep, lt gives tlie uuither Btrengtji to give licr cbild, nml makes this baby'u odvetit pruclicully paialesB, "My wlfe had becu fcick tienilv nll her llfe ? My* Mr. lt. II. Pricke, of P?teribnrg, Mrnaid d.. llliiiois. liux J67, "nnd aifler IryTuir every* la Ing I could lliinic of I mnde up my miuj (o n ' I'avculte prtscrlptloil.' I f'.f. mx bodles, .?? ilch my wife took. u tablcspoonfid tluce timci u day, uiltil the buby cain?a. She f-lt tactti-r ..iii-i taliing the flrat boitic. ?ud wiiwibaby ?-u? l.oiu he weielicil nine niad u li.ilf pLiuidi. Tp, ili.y bc i< ?; v inoiitlistiUliiiid irnlgha lw*mty*twa pound* He i.? as good a child aa any one could '?''??''? Tb? '' ,c:'-' Wn h?- I" "?"> heallliy un nny >??? ? ll< Ua aud alw taya tbe un-of your a ... ii" i'i > tenpnoii' was t|iij-c.-uisc.. nf h'.ich a l>r. I'iercc's 1'lvasrmt PejCcts are the best Biid sak-ct 1,'txutive fo| the use ul 'U'llCiltU WO.JlCU. f Alr. Archer M. Huntincjton's Gift to Newport News. MANUAL AND NORMAL And for Both Races nnd Both Sex'es. Tho Schools for Nogroes Wlll Be in Dlfferent Buildlngs-A Fine Spnrring Match, (Spcclnl to Tho Tlmcs-Dlspntcli.) NKWl'OKT NEWS, VA., Fobruary 23. SupcrvlBing Prlnclpal Wlllla A, Jenklns, of tho publlc schools, to-day reeelved a let? ter from Archer M. Huntlngton, adopted son of the late Colll. P. Huiitlngton, stat Ing that ho and hls mother aro preparcd to glvo ,'?_.,000 i'or tho founding of a school to bo known aa tho Huntlngton Manual Tralnlng and Normal Instltuto, to be lo cated at Newport News. The purposo of tho school will be tho tralnlng of publlo school'tcuchoro, it be? lng tho speciflc doslro to reach those who would otherwlso not he able to receivo such instructlon as teachera, these teach? ers belng competont to lntroduce manun! tralnlng into the common schools of tho .State, and lt is understood that thoro will bo two' bulldlngs. one for whlto and ono for colored puplls. Mr. Huntlngton suggests that the school for colored pu? plls not be h normal, but rather a manual tralnlng hlgh school. It ls undoratood that tho school for negroes will work in horinony wlth the Hampton Normal nnd Agrlcultura] Instl? tuto, nnd lt ls tho understnndlng of Mr. and Mrs. Huntlngton that tha alm and In tentlon of tlio founders and subscribers to thls undertaking that tho planta, when ready for work, shall bo made part nnd parcel of tho State school system, gov erned, dlrectcd and' supported hy the Htxtc, nll of which shall be dono nnd the money pald on condltlons that a like sum of $30,000 be ralsed before any subscrlptlon ls asked of Jlrs. Huntlngton or Mr. Hunt? lngton, Tho school authorlties say that there is no doubt of thelr ablllty to raise tho other ?U.OtK), as it Is practically a-isured. The crew of the Unlted States monltor Purltan celebrnted Washlngton's birthday to-day by ptilling off a number of ath letlc coatesta. A "sparrlng match" be? tween two searaen, Spong (white) and Liutgley (colored), wns thc prlnclpal event on tho programme, The men went at each other llko they meant buslness, and six llvely round's were fought. The whlto man e.isily had the best of lt. and during the slxth round the negro w.n3 as bloody as a Btuck plg. Tlie negro fought llko a demon, howover, refuslng to go under, and tlie ofllcers flnally put an end to the matoh to prevent brutallllcs. Tho liu-jyo resldence of Mr. W. E. Cot tre|l, on tlie Boulevard, just outslde the clty, was destroyed by flre at 1 o'clock thls morning, A plano, nn organ and a few chalrs were saved, and nll the rest of tlio furniture and qoutents of the house woro lost. The house and furniture were vdlued at nearly 510,00), and' tho house was Insurea for $3,000 and the furniture for $.00. The flre was caused by a dofec tlvo Ilue, and was dlscovcred by Mr. Cot trell nt 1 o'clock, Hon. L. P. Stearns to-day announced that he wlll not bo a cmulidate for the Stato Senato, but at tho sollcltation of his frlends ho wlll he a candldat. for re olectloti to tlio House of Delegates from tliis clty. Mr. Stearns was walted upon by a delegatlon of promlnent Democrats. THE LAW LIBRARY The University's Collection is Now a Most Valuable One. ? (Spcclnl to Tho Tlincs-DlnpiitchO UNTVERSITV OF VIRGINIA. VA.. February 23.?Judgo Lambert, of Chicago, a distinguished alumnus of the Unlirersl ty, has glven tn tho law llbrary of thls Institutlon a full set ot Illlnols reports, conslstlng of 197 volumcs, with nine vol umes of dlgests. Thls is a most Importnjit addltlon to tbe law llbrary, and wlll he ot' utmost value to pi'Oteaoors and stu? dents and lo the bar of the Stato who nuiko uso of tho UnV.erslty llbrary. Thla glves to.the llbrary n complete set of Unlted Slntes reports of Massachii setts, New york. Vlrginla, West Vlrglnia, PohnBylvonla, New Jorsoy. Connectlcut, Kansas, Ohlo, Kentucky, Mlchtgan, Ne braska, lowa, Tcnnesseo, aud Callornla, tho liint named ha?vlng boen presented a year ago by another alumnus, llr. J. p. Lnnghorno, of Snn Francisco; In'addltlon to theso, tlio llbrary possesos a coniplcto set of tho Natlonal Reporter System, Amerlcan DocIsIohb. Amerlcan Reports, Amerlcan State Rciports, thp Law Reports Annotated and a largo col? leetlon of BiiRllah Doolalons, Includlng tho Engllsh Rultng Cases, tbe Intest collec? tion of leadlng Engllsh cases. Resldes theso nre to I>_ found ln the llbrary nll tlie Intest alds to the runnlng down of casos, such as dlgests, ehoyclo p.-etllns, etc. Add to those a goodly num? ber of toxt books on all tlio important toplcs of tho law, und It wlll ho seen that tho law llbrary of thc Unlversity pr,,. senis a worklng f.old for tho lawyer only equalled ln tho Stato by tlie llbrary of the Supreme Court of Appeals at Rich- I mond. Tho llbrary la belng conatantly ' en-1' Inrgcd through tlio goneroslty of ulumnl ' nnd the Uborallty of tlie vlsitors an.l It 1s hoped lhat ln tlie course ,,f' .. Li years, lt wm bo equal to any domands Uiai wlll bo mado upon lt. Thoro ls now belng prerpnrod hv waaio Banks & i nmpnny, of I'lillnrlelphla ?' i.r?is.,n,? book plate, whleh wli show Imem iffa. 'Jt t,ac" l,00lc wh,wo 1U" ATLYNCHBURG Propositlon to Start a Co-Educational Christian College, .Speclal lu Tlm Tl'tn-a-DUnatcli . LVNl.lll_i.Tl.c_, VA., Fohniury ?3.-Al. option waa soourofl ti.-dny nn (ho properly of Hotel Weatovor, u liamlsomo stj'uoture erected iu boniu daya hy Prnfosnr ,\, jiqj,. wood, prliioipal o( Mllllgnn Collego. at Jonnson cny, To,w. Ho proposes, If Lynchburg wlll contrihute flfteop huiidixd duiiurK. ta purcliase tho property und ubo lt for tlie ostiibllshiiioiit of a eo-eduen tionul colloge, to ho known as tlio vir glnla Clirlstlan CQlleffo, 'J'lu- Inilustrla] Conunltliio of the Lynchburg board of Triido mot thls morning, nud wm tako Btej)e to coiiect tho amount speoliiod hv Mr. llopwond, Tho jiew school wlll ho ojioraled under tho ausplces uf (ho Chrlst Inn Church, nnd it ls olnlmed thnt It wlll have two huuilreil Htiidont. to Btnrt wlth of whom \v|ll ho iroin Vii'slnla unti Nbrth Carollna. lt is etnletl thnt Mllligaii Collego will not bo nbnndonod, but that tlio Lynchburg school wlll bo mado tho most Imnorlant 0f tho two. IN ROANOKE A Story Publlshed in tho West Virglnia VVelch Recordcrls Denied. (Spoclnl to th*. >riMi,--iiis[iiii.-h.i, VA? Feb. 23,-The Inst isstio of tho Wcleh Itecordcr, of West Vlrginia, publlshed a story to tlie cften1; tbat a mnn namod Sykes, or hls wlfe, wns bellevod to havo cntiBCd the death of tholr baby by pnlsonlng nt Dnvy, and bnlh hnd gone to Norfolk. Mr. H, L. Sykes, tho man referred tn, ls a Itoa* nokcr and camo here lnsL Thursdny wlHi hls wlCo to bury the chlld, nnd both wero surprlncd to read lhat they lind beon suspected of polsoning tlie iiifant. Rlr. Sykes Rnys a woman wan looking after hls two chlldren that nlght, nnd ha bellevos sho gavo tho childron- morphlno to qulet them, and gave them Loo much. Tho baby dled, nnd tho other chlld, elah tcon months old, enmo very noar ityln'?. lle Intended romnlnlng here untll Satur? dny, but wlll to-morrow go to Dnvy nnd havo the matter Invcstlgnted and ho nnd hls wlfo oxoncrated. ' his neckTbroken A Negro Boy at Suffolk Fall3 Headlong Over a Fence. (Speclal to The Tlroos.nispatdi.) SUFFOLK, VA? Feb. 23.-Frank De Dootch, a ton-yenr-old colored boy, Sun? day nlght had hls neck broken ln Nanso tnond county, not far from Suffolk. He was cllmbhig- over a cross fence, when ho fell, Btrlklng on tho hoad. Tho boy dlod beforo a doctor could arrive. Rev. J'. XV. Wost, fleld secrotary of the Vlrglnla AntbSaloon League, on Sunday afternoon Inauguratod a crusade hero ln the audltorium of tho Clty Hall Thea? tre;' Concludlng n temperance address, thcro wero clrculated cards to bcar tho names of sympathlzcrs and the amounts thoy wero wllllng to conlrlbute. Rov. West hnd anothor meoting thls even? ing. Mayor Brewer to-day announced that he was wllllng to be one of twonty-flvo men who would stand the price of ro* pluelng tha home of Mrs. Honrlotta Stephenson, which was burned Sunday, ABIRTHDAY PARTY And a Young Lady Bravely Rescued on - the Homewnrd Journey, (Spiietal to Tlie Tlmea-PlBpatch.1 VASHTI, VA., Fobruary 23.?Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Klrko gave a blrthday party to tholr friends Friday nlght ln honor of thelr daughter, Miss ICatle Idrke. Oulto a number of iiandsome presents wero presented tho young lady, nnd all tho guests had a pleasant tlme. On returnlng from the party Miss Hat tlo Campbell's horse reared up and threw her ln Snow Creek, but sho was quickly reecued by Mr. XV, H. Cobb, who plungod tho stream and soon landed the falr damael safely on slhore, tl%ereby per formlng a wonderful teat of bravery and dlsplaylng great prcsence of mlnd. Report has Just reached us of the death of two chlldren of smallpox near Sandy Level, The weather contlnues cold and the fatmers nre very much worried because they cannot get to work. CONTRACTOR K1LLED J. F. Phillips Run Over by a Train at Prince's Station, West, Va, (Sraeelal to The Tlmes-nisnatch.) BEAVER DAM, VA., Februarj' 23.-A telegram was received here thls morn? lng from Thurman's XV. Vn., say Ing that Mr. J. F. Phillips was kllled Instantly by a trnln last nlght at Prince's Statlon, W. Va., whero he was employed ns a contractor. Tho body came down to-day on the afternoon traln. 'liho funeral wlll take place to-morrow. Miss Hattle Southworth, *vho has been tho guest of Mrs. J. L. Thompson for the past woek, left yesterday to vislt her slster, Mrs. Lunston, of Lorraine, Henrlco county. Miss Katharino M. Fontaine Is sopnd Ing a week ln Riehmond as the guest of Miss Marianne Meade, on Third Street. --O-; Fire in Northumberland, (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-lilwnnt.-li.) a-UCATIISVILLE, VA., February 23.? The home of Solomon Blackwell, a re specte.l citlzen of Avalon, Northumber? land county, was destroyed by llre Sun? day nlght. Tho origln of the liro is un? known, The loss ls estlmated at $175. No Insurance. This the Sequel of tlie Dis tilrbance at Hampden Sidney Last Friday. (Speclnl to Tlio Tlraos-Dlspaitcli.) FARMVILLE, VA., Fob. 23,?Tho fa? culty of Ilumpdon-Sldney College was In sesslon thls afternoon, trylng tho stu? dents against whom thcro is mado the grave ehargo of creatlng a disturbance durlng the intormedlato exerclses Friday night. Thlrteen woro up before the Cu. culty, of wldeh number some aro of tlie most promlnent familles of thls aud oth? or States and among the bost sludents of tho college. . xhe unfortunate fusllaclo of cannon crackers and llre works Fri? day nlght rlght at the docr of the bulld? ing iu whlch tho exorclses wero belng held, created consternatlon througiiout tlio largo audlence and greatly arouaed tho presldent and Us faculty, and ls the reason for iho sumraonses and inveatlga tlons of to-day. Tho declslon reached by tho faculty to-day ls wlthliold until to-morrow murn ing ehupol exorclsos, at whlch Llme ll ls curroutly reported thpro will be a ntim bor of oxpiilsluns. At least, thoso found to hav? heen tho leadors in tho un seemly conduct wlll ho sent tci their homes, whllo thQlr followors. wlth iso voro reprlmnnd, will bo lucky IC retalned on probutlnn. Thls ls tlio llrst occtir reiiei. of thls charactcr which hns b?..'ii known at. this ancient and lionorod iu stltutlon for many yoars, and has created a profound honsation, as well ns gen? eral regret, not only at thu collego, but throughout tho ontiro Stato. It Is roportod hero t-o-nlght dlrect from thu collego that a majorlty of tho slinloiitN uro in sympathy wlth tho thlr? teen men who wero to-day boforo tho fnculty. The hiVCHtlgatlou wns thor? ough, umlniiclng overy known breiich of oonduct mi tlio part of tlio aecuscd stu? dents from tho flrst day ot th-> present sosslon, Soiiih of tlio rmm on tho wlt* ncss stund wero obduriito and Intrnc tablo, refiisilng to tuiswor n nutnber ?.f ijuc.stious put to thom, Of tha thero uro said to bo all grndes, frnm tho seulor class down to tluit nf fi-oHlmmn. Thore seems nbsolutoly no ground for tho report whlcli lias gono out thut thera wlll l?o anothor outbroak b.i any of tho uomiBixl siudontH aro oxpelled, "dl ls qulet iibmit tho campiu niul build? lngs to-night, nnd lt i? tho oplulota nf tho moro uoiihoi'Vivuvo tliat after Hho faeulty's docliiiun to-rinrrow mornlmr. Vjho remulnlnir students wiU resume their Au* llea ivilli tholr cu?t.g?.avy earnesluesj Weems Steamer Gets Up to Fredericksburg. THE TOLJRIST FOLLOWED Stafford County Finds it Difficult to Get a Board of Penslon Commis? sioner!.?Soveral A pointoes Havo Dcciined lo Serve. fSlipcliil tn The TlmcH-ninpatch,. FREDERICKSBURG, VA., Feb. 23. Tho Ice gorge ln tho Rappahaimock Rlv? er, whlch had slopped navlgatlon for several days, wns broken up yesterday afternoon by tho stoamor Northumbor land of tlio Weems LIno, whlch ronehod thc wharf horo siifely and left thls af? ternoon on schedulo tlmo. Tho steamer Tourlst, of tho Peoplo's LIno, whlch broka soveral bladea In her propoller Thursday nlght In an effort to get through tho leo and hud' slnco lald about livo mllea below thls clty, camo up to hor wharf here in the path mado hy tlio Northumberland. Tho Tourlst left to-day as usual for Urbanna, lind from the latter place wlll go to Norfolk for a new propeller boforo rcsuml.ig her reg? ular schcdule. Stafford county is experlcnclng great dlfllciilty In securlng a Board of Pen? slon Cominlsslonersi. Dlfferent gentlemen have heen appolnted from time to time, bv.t havo decllne'd lo servo. lt was thought thal thc last nppolnltnentii would ucccpt, but Messrs. John M. Hull and R. C. L. Moiicnre, Sr., have glven notice of thelr decllnatlon, and Mr. Poyton, tlie other appolnlco, hns not quallfled. At thc clvll servlce exnminatian. for substltute clerks and carrlers In tho clty postotlico here, Iho "appllcants -wero Mlsses Agnea A. Orillln, of thls clty; Evelyn Holme.s, formerly of Spotaylvanla county, now of Washlngton, and Jason C, Grant, a colored school teacher hero. The names of the successful ' candldates wlll not bo announced for somo tlme. Somo of the farmers of Orango county havo not yet sold their crop of last year's wheat, aad aro still holdlng thc ccrcal for hlgher prices. HAS B13E.N PROMOTED. The frlends ln thls city of Dr. J. F. Anderson, of llio Unlted States marlno service, now rtattoned at Washlngton, aro grattfled nt tho promotion of that gentleman from asststant surgeon to pnst asslstant surgeon. Lr. Anderson wns formerly a resldont of this clty. Jlr. Fuyetto Raney, of Rappahaimock couunty, now over elghty years old, has never had the toothaclio, headache, Ixiclc ache or earacho and has never iwed ten cents' worth of medicine of any klnd. Ho Is sttll liale nnd hardy and n most re morkablc spcelmen of vlgorous old ago, Mr. B, C. Rowo, rnall agent on the Plodmont, Frederlcksburg nnd Potomac Railroad between this clty and Ornnge, who has been oxtrcmely III and whose llfe wns almost despalrod of. Is now convalcsclng nnd expoets to resume hls duties early next month. Mr. T. B. Jonos, a thrlfty farmer of Culpopcr county. hns a flock of forty llvo ewes, whlch has so fnr thls season produced seventy-two lambs. WEIGHF.D 1.730 POUNDS. Mr. Henry W. Edwards, a promlnent young fnrmer of Stafford county, nenr tliis city, elaughtercd a few days r.go a beef of the short-horn breed, four yenrs old. whlch welghed 1.T30 pounds.' Thls splendid s7-ieelmon would be hard to sur pnss by any of tho experienced cattle raisers of the upper countles. Mr. William Crenshaw has dona-ted 5-10 towards tlio bulldlng ot the now chapel to be erected near Thorn, Hlll, ln Orange county. Mr. W. E. Compton, who hns been confinod to his homo by slckness for over four monllis, ls able to be out and Is rapldly Improving, Ho now expecls to resume hls duties In tha clty post ofllce here on March lst, Petltlons nre being clrculated ln Mad lson d!strlct, of Orange county, calllng for a local option election ln the near future. - ' ' Tbe ladles of the Trlnlty Episcopal Church xVId Soclety gave n birthday party In the dlnlng room of the Exchange Ilntel to-night, from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. whlch wan Ihrgely attended and a large sum reallzed for the trcosury of tho society. Llttle sllken sacks had been sont out lo rnombers and the varlous frlends of tho denbmlnatlon, encli rcclplent belng re quested to return the snmo contalnlng a penny for each birthday he or Bhe hns passed. Refroshments were served' wlth? out addltionnl ehargo. BALL AT BELLE 11AVEN Enjoyable' Society Even! Given in the Town Hall. (Speclal to 'llio TlDics-Dlspatch.)' ONANCOCK, VA., February 23,?Tho Town Hall at Belle Ilnvcn was bcauti fully decorated Friday night for Iho thlrd grand ball held there dtu-ing tho season. Thls one was a Martlia Wash? lngton ball. About sevcnty-flve guests wero present. Professor Scclzl's orches tra, of Norfolk, furnlshed tlie muslc, and Dr. L. H. Mn.son was mnster of ccroino nles. Refroshments wero served at 12 o'clock. Among thoso present woro Mlsses Mary Wllson, Mlnnto Johnson, Allce Snell, Nolllo Balley, Dora McKnown, Luura lTopklns. Sallie Johnson, Besslo Savage, Mary Humphroy, .lennlc Ames, Lucy nnd Mary ICellam, Holen Mapp, Nlna Young, Rpsa Mears, Eilitii Kellam, Margaret | Bmltli, Sudlo Balley, Mrs. A. A. Mears. ! Mr, and Mrs. 13. J- Amos nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, J. U. Nlcholson;' Messrs, W. S. ' | Wllson, Josoy Johnson, Georgo O. Nock, ' j Edward Mapp, J. Wlso Smlth, I'ursey j Wftlkor, Erederlck G. Mapp, Allen Rfc- j Cahe, Rurlolgll N, Mears, Julius A, I I Srultl), S. H. Mapp. W. Q, Mnpp, John 1 I Gliidstono, J. G. Gladstone, Ehiey Rob i 1ns, CJlaudo Whlto, A. J, Dcuighty, John Wlse Kellnm. Hrnont Wescbtt. Jennlngs K.ellani. Hoy D, Whlto, T. M. Scott, , Clniviico Holland and Prof. A, L, Burger, BLACKSTONE RAILROAD It Wlll Run Througli Lunenburg to Cliase City, CSpeolal ta Tho 'I'lnieH-lilmiiiteli.) CIIABI3 CITY, VA., Fobruary 23.?Clvll Hnglneoi" McKeniion, wlth hls nsiilslunts, left hero to-day for Blnekstone to pli.cQ stloks i'or thoViutlng ot tho new rall? road from tlmt town lo thla placo. A labor force wlll nt ouoo comnieiico work on tlio roudway. Tho eradliig la ll&lit untll the Interlor ot buj..enl-Wg. ia nm-.i od, Tho onslneors suy tho otitlro Una i-iin he LOiiHtructeil ut ft ei-in-ruriit'vo'y snuill expendituro. It la oxpeuted to coni pli'tii tho road this your, Farmers nr_ now ch.ofly engaged in jirci-irlng plant land. Tobac-o la thelr in.,'ioy crop. A scarylty of luhor pre vall-'-""'h'hw small tructa and wlth a liorso or an ox worklng, for thomHolves. Whlto labor Ia moro utlllzod on the fnrina than cvor. Mocklonbtirg Is n largo oounty. Its area ia *ll",""' acres. In tho year 1S00 tho point* latlon wn? 17,008. r?i ifjoo lt wns Sfl,66Ta In tho last Uvonty yourn tlio negro popu ln tlon haa decronned 108, nnd tho wlilto Increnflod 1,02-1. Thore tuC-i boen an im* mlgratlon or whltes and an oxortim of ne? groes In somo localillos. If tlils ratio contlniifs tho whlto populallon will ho ln the majorlty In n faw dociidos. Mr. Stcphon P. Read ls tho only nn nouncod candldnto Cor the Hoiiho of Dolo gates ut tho electlon to bo held on tho 12th of March. Mr. Reud hnn an experl enco of four years ln tho Vlrglnla Son? ate, nnd is notod for fldellty to hls pub? llc dullos, and hns ahlltty to fUl tho po? sition. Grent lmprovements are helng mado to bho grounds of tho MccUlcnburg Hotel by Mr. Holland. ' I3y a novel and unlqtio arrnngemont nt consldcrablo expense. ho wlll convoy tho watera in a ooiiijtant mip ply from two wells to n contrnl bulld? ing flxod for drlnklng and for bottllng tho wator from two separnte conduits, Tho wells nro several hundred feet dls tant from oach othor, but Uio wntors nro entlrely dlstlnct In tholr Ingredlents. Southsldo Council. No. 0. Junlor Crder "Unlted Amerlcan Meohnnlcs, ls a flour ishlng organization hero, and wlll to-day, on,. Iho annlversary of Washlng ton's blrthday, rnlso a Unlted States fl.-ig oJor tho now publlo scnoul bullding and p/e sent lhe school wlth a iilble. Tobacco sales havo been light horr* thls month nnd lt ls ?>)tlnin,tod that S0 pi-r cent. of the tobncco tributary to thls mur- ! ket has been sold by tbo. prodiioors. But good roads and weafher often dovelop an unexpected c-unntlty, which planters havo held back in barns. NEARLY FROZEN Overtaken By the Storin oi Last Weak In Highland County. (Speelul to Tbo Tlrnes-DlasDatch.) MONTiSREY, VA? February "".-Jnmes Snyder, a laborlng mnn, whosa homo ls near McDowoll. this county, wns over? taken'by tho recont storm whllo roturn Ing from tho lumber camps of Wost Vlr Klnla and so nearly frozen to death that he has beon unable to walk since. When ticai tho Hull Hotel, on tho enstern. slopo of tho Alleghanies, hls cry for help was heard nnd ho was carrled from tho drlft Into whlch ihe had holplessly fallen. He was flnally gotton homo, but hls feel arn so frozon ns, tn tho ,tudgmont of hls physiclan, to nocoHsltalo partlal, lr not entlre, amputatlon. Snyder Is a hard -,-orkIng man, wlth a large famlly to sup? port, and much sympathy is Colt for hlm. OLD NEGRO KILLED IN W1LLIAMSBURG His Wlfe Is Charged With Having Caused His Death and Burned Body. (Speclal to The TlEK-s-nispntcli.') WILUAAISRCRO, VA, February 23.? Jnmes Clty nad a murder mystery yeater? day afternoon. Georgo Thornton, colored. uged slxty-llve, was found dead ln hls bed. Hls clolhlng was burned off hlm. but nothlng elso had caught afire. Thls caused susplelon. A coroner's Jury was empanelled and to-day brought ln n ver? dlct that Thornton camo to hls death by foul play, a blow on tlie head nnd by, by a party or partles unknown to the* Jury. Dr. Stephenson mado an examlnatlon of tho dead man nnd found lhat he had boen struck a heavy blow with n blunt instru ment oii the head ond another on the face. Susplelon polnted to Nancy Thornton. the dead man's wlfe, and thls evenlng a warrruit was sworn out by Justlce J, Cl. Carlton and placed in the hands of Depu? ty Sherlff Geddy, who wlll arrest lhe uc cusod woman to-night. VVhshington's blrthday was ob**crved here to-day very qulotly, the only out ward slgns of a natlonnl hollday belng tlie closlng of the court and postofhee and publlo schools. Mr. George P. Colemnn, a former Wll Hamsburg boy, ls here from Wlnona Mln'n., on a short vlslt. Ho has many frlends liere, who aro glacl to soe him again. Mrs, Coleman Ih also ln Vlrginia Messrs. J, R. Brlnnerman, of Alexan? dria; Carroll Taylor, of Riehmond; H. c. Lightfoot, of Newport News, nnd Dr. \V? V, Hoy, of Potersbury, were here yester? day to attend' tbo funeral of Miss Mo-i cock. Sherlff Ul. R. Harrell left thls mornlng for Riehmond. A "Shadow Soclal" will bo given ln the hall ot the Young Men's Chrlstlan Asso? ciation at Wllllnm and Mary College to-mori'ow night for the benellt of the organization. A Physician's Tesfs. Di-ldhi's Dfscnso ond Diabotca Aro I**oaitively Curublc. Juflrjo Honry 8. Footo, a former member ol our Suite Supreme Courl Couimlislon, nnd on? of tho best known Jurlsts ob the Coast, makci tho followiDg certltiuu.te' "I mn askud to cortlfy tha followlng factn. A woll-koown piayalclan lu tctlvo practlce put two oasciof Iirlght't UHeiie nml one of Dlabctoiion tln FuIton Compouude. Hc l? wllllng tlio ruaulw abould bo known, tiul for profoaslonnl ro?60ns without Iili name. Aa tho rutulta uro ?o opponod by ul) incdloul worka, I wns asked to laveatlsntn and ro port the faote, whlch I dld.'aad I flnd aud cnilfy ui ! follows ?? 11 An phyelclnn of uniiiicittoiiod ataml Ing tuid nblllty lain Jaait to.lcil tlio l-'ulluii CJuua puundelu llirue caaca wlt'i t'uuiij rcaaulta : Cane aYo. 1?llra. T,, obronle llrluht'e Wi-niei aa.inl albunienurla dropny etc.i Ilmlia r.lmosl ig burillntr. I.'huu irrotmoiiL without ruaull. Uudui tho Coinpouiiil tb?. drupsy dl?r?t'l?>--urc'il In llilrty duya, , oud of thu iiiiiiiuieu lu lau. CurcU. (.'use No. li?Mr. Brll'lit's lala.ntu of 9 I yeara' atandlug; all.lill.oii large, dropsy, do. ln 3 ' wruk? ftlliiunoii reduced n tiaili, aud n few inr.e^i < laier bII.uui.'U li.awii to a truco aml droway enclruljr Bonu. l'allenl lualatud ? wua wi'l! und l.-i'i tor nii I ujcteiuloil trlp. (Too early, It Ia kllsvrd, for |>or> IlallHiMUV.) k OUB8 So.J-llr* Y? Chronlc dluliclcai nlitBlcInn I ?utea " typlenl cnn-o, wcarat I evor m..-,' l-'lrui i.mi days paln ilt?Bpp?ured nnd augur ilncrenilnu. Kco oud r.iporl! " buitiir reduced liulfi liiipruvuuiuul womloiruli ailirarB llli.c leaa every t.iNt." "Aakod whut laurcenlnuo are curublo lay thega Com ouuda, ttip pliyalciuii repllml: >? i duu'i Itnow. bullt inuat bB Inr H-nemlyn liuudrcd, If uiy owu cuaua uru any orilnrloii." " AtU-at: lIuxiiY 8 roorB. "<U3 Montgomery Ht., Him frimelaco." A?L--d WllRt taoliiillvl.1 ailly tliuuglu oj U, judw Footo .?eplludi "I uui tatliilud thu curu hiia laeoa fouud," Ji0,'J.lo,nl.worl",.IVBr,5,',,,!l,v* '?"?-ht's UtsonHd and biab(iti?H ?i? luouriibhi, hui t)7 uor cent ara poslilvely reoovurlug uudur tlio Fulton Com* poiiudfc. (ConiniQii forma. or hlihioy complulut uiitl rbeumaUsiu otto but short rosiHiL. i>o) Jvf Ci5i?,1.f?'.' VH$ B" KOl'll P "Oltve ?nd 61.50 for the Ihubiitio Cowpouud. Jolin J. Fultun C'o? 4Sn Moutgoiuerj Kt., Sau Kr.iuoisco, 8nlu com lwuudprs. Froo tesin niuda f r lmtloutn. Ua* sorlptlva puiuphlet aiulJeU lruu. OWEHS & MINOR DRUO CO., UlSTUlUUTOIiS, FINGERS ^UTOFF Had Lost Fingers on Other Hand Two Years Ago. WARRANT IS WITHDRAWN Rov. E. B. Hatcher Closes His Mlnlstry at Norfolk, Whero He Wlll Bo Foi lowed by Rev. Dr. Blackwoll, of Wilrnlngton, N. O. (Spcclnl to Thc NORFOLK, VA.. February 23.-R Iclinrd Sawyor, a whlto boy, iiKod sixtocn years, whlle at work thls morning at 7 o'clock nt Ambroso ."Bros.* mill, ln Horkley, got hla rlght hand caught ln a h.-iw and nll ot hls fingers sovercd complctcly from tho hand. Hc was removed to St. Vln eont'B Hospital, Norfolk. Sawyor, whl!? at work at tho E. N. tiarnos Company about two years :igo, hnd the mlsrortuna to loso nearly all of tho fingers' on hla left hand. _ Tho warrcnt sworn out Saturday by Alborta Lee. colored. a#alnst Edltor John E. Dlckerson, Jr., ofthe Norfolk News nnd Advortlser, was; witlidrawn to-day bofore tlio paper had been served. War? rant Offlcer Speddcn said that Dleker son has agrrecd to prlnt in tho next issue. of his paper a statement prepand by At? tomey James F. Duncan, counsel for Al? borta Leo. in whlch nll that wiis Bald about Alborta, Is retrnctod hy tlio edltor. who apoloslzcsi for any wrong that mlght have boen done the complnlnant. Rev. E. B. Hatchcr closed hls mlnls? try hero last nlerht .ts tho pastor of the Flrst Baptlst Church, Mr. Hatcher leaves hero to-morrow for Eluvanna founty. Va.. to Joln Oils famlly, but wlU pass through Norfolk In a.bout ten dnya on hls way to Baltlmoro to tnke up hla work as Bnptlst mlsalon secretary of tho Stato of Maryland. Rov. Mr. Black well, of Wilrnlngton, N. C, the new paslor of tlie Flrat Baptlst Church here, wlll be-' gln hls work.Aprll lst, and during tlio month of Mareh the pulplt wlll be aup plicd by varlous clersymen. on the first two Sundays by Rov. Dr. Rlcharda, ot Whlto Hall, Now. York Stato. 5KATING AT CHESTER Only One Mishap and That Was Not Serious in Its Results. (Speclal to Tbe Tlmc?-r>Ii"palcli.. CI_I_ST1_.R, A'A., February 23.?Tho young i?cop.o ot thls communlty havo had onother happy swison" skatlng on tho lake here. L'p to Saturday nlght of tho pnst week a party of them "could bo secrn thero day and nlght, and only ono accl dent occurred, when MLss Kate RulHn ventured too fnr on lee thnt had beon oxposoil to the meltlng rnys of tho sun nnd plunged In about her depth ln water. She was rescued by the young men pres? ent, who extended a. pole to her, whlch wa._ kept on hajid to meet such an emer goncy. Mlsa Gertrude Sims, of Norfolk, Is still vlsttifafc- reiatlves hero. Mlss Adclalde Snelllngs. of Mccklen bia-g county, Is stopping wlth Mlss Mubc] Robertson, of thls place. Mlss Loulse Potts, of RIchmond, has also been stopping wlth MI3S Robertson, for a few days. Mrs, I__. A. Swlneford. of Drewry's BlufT. was here to-dav. Mr. C. II. D. Stewart. of, Masa., was ln the vlllnge to-<lny on busl? ness wlth the Farmers' Mutual Beneflt Assoclatlon,. He ercjiects to return to Sprlngfleld in a few duys. Tlio Chester Luml>er Company Is con tomplntlng placing a snw mill ln their plant In connectlon wlth thelr plnnlng buslness. It Is sald that one or moro now resldonC?s nro in contcmplatlon of constructlon hero. Tho Ladies' Pnrsonnge Soclety are plannlnpr to have an oyster supper nnd cntertalnment hero soon for tlio beneflt of tho Methodlst parsonage. LOCAL OPTION An Election Will Probably Be Held In Wytheville tn the Spring. .Stvecl-l' to Tho Tlmw-l-i_pat_.) WYTHEVILLE, VA.. Feb. ___.-A local option election wlll. in nll prohablllty, be held ln Wytheville In tho spring. A petltlon contalnlng moro than ll_e requls Ite number of slgnature* hns already been dled wlth the clerk or the County Court, and It Is expected thnt the judge wlll order an election to be held in the latter part of March or the enrly part of Aprll. No election of thls kind 1ms boen held in Wytheville maglsterlnl dlstrlct since IS*.).". when tlie town went "wet" by a largo majorlty. Thoso who favor no llcense ure of the oplnlon that the dls. franchlBcment of vote wlll re? sult lu a nuijorlty for tho "dry" slde. . F. A. Mnssie's lllness. fSpcclnl tn Tlie Tlmes-DIspatcli.) CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA? Fcbrunrj 23.?Mrs. Mnlvern Pattoreon, of Rich? mond; is here to attend tho bedsldo of her brother, Mr. Friuik A. Massic. who - - i? eytrenils. Mr, Mnsslo wns tnken 111 about two woeka ago of pncumonlu, wn'ich wus achte from the beglnnlng. Heart trouble supc-rvened, and on yester duy afternoon ho wns parnlyzed lu one ?lde. Hls denth ls expected ut uny iai? inent. o Telephone Snle Denied, fSpcclnl to Tho TlnicB-Dlspatcti.. PULASKI, VA., Feb. 23.?Mr. B, ?Luughoii, general manager oe the Vlr Blnlu and TennoBsee Tejephone Company, With bend oflices at thls place, snys, ln reference to tlio report that tho Bell Tolophono Compnny hns got ton control of tho Vlrginla nnd Tennesseo Company, that there Is no foundation for or truth hl the report, Woslover Negroes Drowned. (Spci'lnl lo Thu TIui-S-Plsi-iiUli.) CITY POINT, VA., February 23. Jtio Mooro and Adklas, colored scrvmita of Mrs. Bamsoy, of Westovor, aro ro? portod lu have been drowned nenr Jordan Polnt LlglithouHo on tholr rotum homo from hero ln a smnll snll boat. Negro Boy Injured, (Slicclul to Tlio Tli-i__-T>Unntcli.) GOHDONSVILLE, VA,, Februury 23.? Ollvor tiiiiy, a young colored hoy, whllo rldlntr a frolght truln at thls plnce Sun? day nlglit, hnd thu mlsfortuno to hnvo hls left Jog so hmlly mnnhed that lt had to bo tnltoii off, On Monday tho Injured hoy wus taken to Iho" Cliesnpuuke and Ohlo Rullway Hospital at CUfton Foi'Be. . Two Fingers _3lown Off. (Speclal tn 'Tho Tliiiua-Dlnpnteh.) _U!_ATH._VJI.I.K, VA.. Fobruary j>3, John Clurk, Iho littlo son of Ashton Clarke, of this pluee, had two of hls fin? gers blown off lui_t nlght by tho oxiploBloa of a dynamlto cf.rt.'ldt.e, whlcli he wu_f jji-ylng wltlv . " i