Newspaper Page Text
THE ONLY WHEAT FLAKE GELERY FOtffl Satisfactorily caoked, ncconltng to etrict principles ol cullnary chemistry, which renders it the butter sultedto tho Casy yielciing up of its nutritious qualitir-to the system. The lowprico pl-acej lt wlthin the reach of all. ' ready to m m a ?bie gabin m a royal castle Promotive of Mgh health and lenffth of days. -while tlie eating of itnpore .'.oods nndenninds tho health, nnd ende in prematuro disablcment and death. Dyspeptics should e?t DR. PRICE'S TRl'ABITA FOOD nnd note its agree able restorative qualities?conslstently nsed, it deieats insominia. Pnp,r8dby pfilDE GEREf-L FOOD 00., Batflo Cre?k, Nich. Dr. Price, tht creator of Dr. frier's Cream Betklng JPowder and Deltcioux Flavorinjr HxtrUcts. one Nearly Severs Other's Head With' a Knlfe. ?fTHEN HE MADE HIS ESCAPE Terrible Fight at the Mouth of a Fur -lace Which May End in the Death of Ohe of Those Engaged in It. Whllo firlng a furnace tn the Tredegar Iron Works yestcrilay afternoon. shovcl lnc coal and dripplng wlth perspiration,' two negroes?llarvey Push and "Dlck" Johnson, engaged In a flght for llt'e, as a result of whlch tho former ls now a fugltive from Justlce, presumably hld ing in tbe clty, whlle the latter Is an inmalc of tho Clty Hospltal, suffering from a serious and probabiy fatal knifo blado wound ln hls throat, and ono or two other staba of more or less conse iiuence. The scrap oeeurred shortly af? ter 5 o'clock and was witnessed by a dozen br more othor rmployes at tho Svorks. who lr.terfered jusl as quickly us they could reach tho men. Johnson wiis sloshed across tho throat and stabbed twlce ln the body. llo blod profusely from each of the wounds and was exhausted from weakness when tlie ambulaiice arrlved on the scene a ,?ew minutes later, having been calk-d ? by telephone. Dr. Flcgenhoimer, who was jn charge of the wagon, dld what he could to rcliove tho suffering of the no? gro, which was lntense, aftor whlch ha was llfted gently into tho vehicle and carrlc-d wlth hasto tq the publlc institu? tion. HEAD NEARLY SEAT/RED. . Hero a more critical examlnatlon of the wounds wero mado. The negro was on an operatlng tablo for an hour or more, durlng which tlme the hospltal surgeons took a number of stitches lu tho wound ln hls throat. Hls head had been nearly sevoriid from hi.s body, and the deep; ugly gash only raissed peno tratlng tha jugular veln by a fraction of an Inch. Tho other stiibs were of less ltnportanco and are not at all dan? gerous. Realizing that ho had wounded hls antagonist, Pugh fled, darting from tho mlll wlth tlie speed of a groyhound. Ho has not beon seen since, and Is supposed to bo hldlng lu the clty. The pollce are on a close lookout for tho negro, and hopes are entertalned for hls capture,. Almosl Immediately aftor tho fight Ser geant Sowell und 1'atrolmun Gary were on the scene, having heard of tho at tempted murder. They chased tho fleo Ing negro for n number of blocks, but ho lost hlmself from them ln the mysto, rlous Penltcntiar)' Bottom. Tho olilcors Ikivo a good doscriptlon ...f Pugh, and lo ?some of tho pollcemen he Is known well. Thls mornlng at 1 o'clock, when tho different rellofa departed from the three respectlve statlons tho ofllcers wero rea'd descrliitUms ot I'ugh, and nll wero nott Jled to bo on a closo lookout for hlm. aa lt ls feared that the wounded man rnay dic- and the affalr assume the grayo proportions of a murder. PO"WBRFUL MAN. From all accounts, it soems nnd Johns>.n havo worked t> the Trcdcgnr AVorks fur severi belng engaged at tho sarno fur were powert'ul men, thelr inus. been hugely dcveloped by th exorciso in wlileh thoy cnga flred one of tlie furnocps. Testerday afternoon the men were en? gaged ns usual ln stoklng tho oven. wlie? they fell out over some Buppbsedly trly ial matter, tho nature of wlileh I;-- not No Plague Aboard the 1 r is (By Athoilun.,1 it... ?. AVASHINCTOK, Ff-Ji, -"l.-'J ? followlng t'liblrgrttin was rtcelved to-day ;u thu ytate Di--|iartinent from Vito-Cuusii) Liy Ht Uaroiilona, Himln: """? -alujfuo uboaid tho Irls; mulurlal fever. Vossel wlll proceed to Mnrsolllea without comtnunlcatlng with Majorca." Tho vessel j'efcrred to ls a merchant shlp, which cleared from nn Amerlcan port under ausplcion' of l>elng Infccted. Tlie Stnte Department followed her up by cablegram tho result nliove noted. PEABODY COLLEGE Site of Over 450 Acres ln Alabam Offered for Site. (By As.oc-iited Press.) SCOTTSBORO, AI.A., February _3.?R Is annoiiiiced that a donation of '50 ftcr.s of land near thls place wlll ho offered to the trustees of tho Peabody fund, pro? vlded tho proposed teachers' collego wlll bo loco.ted near Scottsboro. The land, lt Is said. wlll bo offered by tho Mlsses Smlth, owners of a largo por tion of Tully Mouiitnin. Thc grant, if tho school ca_n be seeured, wlll bo abso? lutely wlthout cost and w-111 Includo the sanltarlums now located In Tully Motin tlan. lt Is stated tluit many hiduce ments wlll bo made hy' the citizens of thls place for tho locatlon of tha collego here. YT.RDICT FOR THE RAILROAD Awnrd, by Agreement, Against Amalga mated Society of Railway Servants. (Uy Assoclnteil I'rfH.) . LONDON, February 23.?ln accordanca v/ltli an arrangement arrlved at between cho parties to the sult, tho court to-day awarded tlio Taff Valc Rn'llrond Corn rar.v -Tll.,000 damnges agalnst tlie Amal gamnted Socloty of Railway Servants. After a Ioiik trlal tho caso of tho Taff Valo Rallroad Company agalnst tho A'malgamated Soclety of Railway Ser? vants, Involvlng -maiiy of tlio questlons of great Importnnce to trndes unionlsrn, r.sulted. Decemher 19th, ln n verdlct In favor of the plaintlff. Tho latter com plalned of mallclous innlestntlon, plcket lr:g. Intimldatlon, etc,, during the strlke of I.0O. MADE THE FASTEST RUN ON THE MIS5ISSIPPI llly A__o.latoil rr.M.) NEW OHI.KA.N.--, I.A.. l-'.Iirunry 23. Completlng one of tlm fastest trips over made on tho rlver, (ho blg steamer Clty of Loulsvllle, wlth 130 carnlval visltors board, has arrlved at her wharf. Sne left Clnclnnatl last Wednesday nt 1 P. I moklne stops at Loulsvllle; Memphls! Greenyille, Vicksburg and other polnts, and covered the l,r.:U mlles In 106 hours, less than four dnys nnd a half. NEGRO GETS DAMAGES FROM PULLMAN COMPANY (Hy Assoeliitiirt Proas.) TRENTON, N. J? Feb. 23.?In the LTnited States Court hero to-day a jury awarded SoOO damages to Rov. Henry P, Johnston, of Camden, n colored man, who sued tho Pullman (*ar Company for $10, 00_. Johnston ls edltor of llio Chrlstian Advocate,; and on March 23th last whilo rlilink ln a Pullman car between Riclu nuuiv!. V_i., Washlngton, Bought ser? vlce ln tlio dlnlng car. lh- clalmed that lu--was rofuscd food iiy dlfferent su*tpr fuges, notwlthstandlng he npplicd threo time.. Pinally, when nll tho passongers had been served aiul tlio employes Wero eat Ing, he sald, he was offered food. Will Get iho Cup. Tlie RIchmond Oollpg? bnsc-hnll team will reeelve the cup given by tlio Inter collcgiato State Athlotlc Assoclatlon. GRANT IS GIVEN F1FTEEN YEARS Tlie Negro Wlio Shot Sandy Hogan Over a Gamo of Craps. Unless tlio Supreme Court roverses the di mi of twelve cltUehs bf Rlohmond, '?? nvl i Grant, a negro, wlll spor.d thu ' >tl flfi n yeara oi hl, liiv tn tho penl | ii lai v ii, Waa coin iotofi In tlie Hust h ? Court yesterday aftornoon of mur ad Blvon sueli .i sentonoe in prlson. ?i nt iv com loti d of (ho murder of llogfiii. whlch occurred juit ?'' fu '? il U nfii r Ohrlstmaa, whl|e tho ' ? ' ?? nn!) r - r ol hor iiegrues ''''' ! : l ? ??.n itice in tlie ?I'h ? ?? i ' thi evldence ml tl : th ? laylng of llo ; K;uj I affalr, and the ? ? Ui iso a lema [ ' ' '' wlth th npprova) nf Lh. who The caso Waa on trlal dui m: fho wholo ly, u mi imil Uin ' over im [ lt seoiiii tliat iii-'iMii, Ci-uit and a num , bor of other i?.-..>->... copgiegoted i? a .?riiiii houae ahorlly after _-hrlstraaa ? foi tha i.n,"0 pf playlng "sWu" und ... .i row aroaq between ilrant, wii ch lqrinlimt< d in ot tho formur by thu lut 3 ).. .,! i__._ft.iJ .._. Riehmond Men and Mlnlstors Slgn Petition. ADDRESSEDTO U.S.SENATE Rev. Mr. Miller, of the Reform Buroau In tho City and Makes Address to Pastors of Riehmond Churches. Tlio Rov, O. R, Killor, fleld seorotary of tho Reform Ruroau of Washington, D. C, ls ln tho clty, nnd ls Bocurlng slg naturos. to a petition addressed to tho ITnlted' States Senate, calllng upon that body to act favnrably on the Interstate llquor bill?n mensnre to proteet the rights of Stntes, counties nnd towns which may voto ln favor of local optlon, no llcensn, or prohibltion. by mnldng llquor shipped fi-om ono Stato lnto nnother Biibjoct to the laws of tho State Into whlch, lt ls shipped as soon ns It exosscs tbe Stato llno. At tho Methodist mlnlstors' moetlng at Centenary Ohurch yesterday mornlng Mr. Miller spoko on tho subject and work of the Reform Bureau. He snld that the prlmary object of tlie- Reform Btireau wns to seoure the possage of lmportant reform legislation at the Natlonal Capltal along tho llnes of tomperance, S.abbntli obsorv a.nce, antl-dlvorce, antl-gambting, etc Ho spoko of several lmportant reform laws whlch hnd been se curedl largely through tho work of tho bureau. Ho mentloned soyen bllls which hnd! beon passed by Congress nnd whlch had' beon drawn up by the R-eform Bureau and lntroduced at its ro quest. Mr. Miller snld that the bureau was mnklng great efforts Just now to socuro tlio pnssnge through tho Unlted' States Sonate of House bill 15,3.11, gener.-Uly known ns (he "Interstate Llquor Act." Thls measuro alms to proteet no-llcense and prohibitlon terrltory agalnst brewers, dlstlllers and wholesale llquor dealers from outstde of a State, and to prevent thelr sendlng llquor Into suoh torrltory In original packages; thereby nulllfying the voto nf the people. Thls blll passed tho Hoiiso of Rapre sentatlves on January 27th. and ls now pendlng In the Senato. Mr, Miller presented a petition, which he read. nnd to whlcli be sald he do-1 slrcd to secura a "largo number of slgna tures of lnlluenlial men. The petition ls ns follows;, "To the Unlted States Senate: "Tlie underslgned hereby petition your honorable body to pass Hrxiso act 15,331, gonerally known as tho 'Interstate Llquor Act,' to proteet the rights of States, counties and towns which may vote In favnr of local optlon, no-llcense or pro? hibltion. by making llqnors shipped In tho oi-iglnnl packages frnm one State lnto anothor subject to tho laws of the Stato lnto whlch it ls shipped ns soon as lt crbsses tbo State llne." Ho said: "Thls is practlcally the old doctrine nf Stntes' rights as applied to the llquor trafflc, To tne it seems a burn Injr shame and nn outrago lhat when a town, county dr State votes to abolish saloons, outs'cle llquor flrms. under Fed era.l protectlon, should send in large quantlties of llquor^ In the original pa'ck ages, and thus practlcally uulllfy tho law. Undor present Interstate commerco laws tho Unlted States Supreme Court, in tho Rhodes vri. Iowa case, doclded tliat llquor shipped from ono State Intn another Is not subject to the laws of the State into whlcli lt- Is shipped untll after lt is deliv ered to tho conslirncc." Under the present law a wholesale llquor tlrm out side of the Stnte can come in and sell llquor ln a manner not al lowed to a flrm Inslde of the State. Mr, -Miller stated that tho Roform Bu? reau, with other orgmilzntions whloh are pushlng thls matter, ls trylng to get people ln every State to wrile at onee to thelr two Unlted States Senators, urglng them to help socure the possage of thls important blll. He sald that the brew? ers nnd dlstlllers aro thoroughly arousod nnd alarrhed, and aro pourlivg lnto Wash? lngton in great numhers, determlnod to use every meaii3 possible to defeat the passage of thls bill. But if many of the Chrlstlan people wlll show enough posl? tlve lnterest ln tho ma-tter to wrlte at once to thelr Senators in favor of the blll, lt wlll be passed before Congress adjourns on March 4th. SIGNATURES SECURED. At the closo of hln address Mr. Miller presented the petition above referred to, whlch was heartily slgned by Bisliop J, C Graiibery, wno happened to be present, and by nll tho other minlsters preaent. Alr. TMiller was ca.ling on several of tlio promlnent men of the clty, glvlng them an opportunity to slgn the petition. AA'hen seen yesterday afternoon he hnd socured tho Blghdlures of John P. Branch, Colonel A. S. Buford, John C. Frooman, AV. L. Waltors. C. la. Cook, S. E. Blshop, S. H. 'Bowman, J. O. Alwood, L. C. Chrlstlan, TJ. B. Dugger, George M. Smithdwil. H. M. Nuckols. nnd others. Among the mlnlstors he hnd secured the slgnatures of Blshop J. C. Qranbery, Pro siiiinir Eldor R. H. Bennett, AV. AV. Lear, AA'. B. Beauc)ianvp, L. B. Betty. J. B. 1-lawthorno, AV, R. L. Smlth, John iTnn iion, AV. A. Cooper, Geoi_e II. Wlloy, J. 0. Bnbcock, R. -M. tARuxey, L. C, Moore, E. P. Parham, R. P, Lumpkin, AV. A. Laughon, John T. Bosmau, J. B, Askow, Asa Drlscoll, .1. T. i.umpkiu. I fulton T/oms. \ x + Fulton Dareau o* Tho Times-Dlspatch, Pooplo's Drug Stoiv. Was'iihgton's blrthday ivus lltttng'y observed at Fort Lee yesterday after, on, belng tho lalslng. f iho Unlti d suu's Qag upon Fdri Leo school, Thn I iiffair was conducted \>\ n canniiittee % from Patrlclt ilonry Council, No, 12, j, ' <>? U*. A, M., of Fulton; wlio guvi: Old . Qlory and Its _tn.ll tq tho school. Thn ih"!'" .' ! lO?y toi k |)1 ic- nt :i i.'.'lm . ? ? ? nn ai n- nc. pf i ivi ral liuii 1 dr. i, liicl.ii-. ropr. aanlatlveq bf tim 1 ordor and!.,;- ,,r m,. Bohool Board, ! Tho Das ".v-as received on hohalt o? tho sohool by Mlsa Agnea Crowder, the teacher of tho school, Tho pupUs of tho school woro Boslies ,.r the natlonal colara and wavofl biitmerR of the siuik. AA'hlle ! the eatlre audlence was sfnglng "My ? Country, "J'U Ot Tlno" the liag was r ed by a llttle girl. Tbo rpgt o" thu ov nii s was spent ln .? soplal hc-sIqh, con latlng '.r iipoeebos from menibors <if lllfl Qrdey nnd inlalives Of tho clill.Ir?*n. . ln .i illlapidu. -.! hou.-,- on Clrahum MMBs/mrpiMsm Stroot, Just outsldo of Pulton, ln a flls tresslng caso of povorty. In tho home thoro resldcs a fntlier, molhor and a number of Olilldron, who nro In doatltuto clrcumntruica., bosldes llio inllior. mother and three chlldren nro III and uro wlth? out food nnd modlclnos. Tempbrary re? llef wna glven them Sattnrday nnd tho nelghbora aro dolng nll ln thelr power to rollovo their wiints. Tho churoh oa aro at work ln thelr be hnjf, Any contributions left at tho IVoplo's Drug storo or wlth Rov. W. S. Loako wlll bo handed ovor to tho famlly. Tha funeral of llusscll, tlio littlo son of Mr. nnd Mra. .Goorgo Davla, of Fur m.rdsvllle, toolt placo Sunday afternoon from tho rosldenco. Tli" servlces were conducted by Rov, John W. Daughorty, pastor of tho Apoatolic Churoh'. Work upon tho doopcnlng of the Jamea wlll cotnmenco In nlioiit t?m dnys, I're-p aratlona nro fast belng completed to be gln tho work. A number nf men have all arrlved, nnd tho lnrgo dredge, M. J, l>egono, of Philadelphla. wna towed into tlio harbor Sundav. HONOR PUPri-S. Tho honor puplls of tho achools ot lowor Honrleo county for tho past week aro mi follows: Lioulslann Street School?~&Ua. Gauldlng, Edna McCabe, Ronn Clnrko, Mamlo Saundors, Gmco Nelson, Walter Encho, Ciusslo Loonard, Edlth Loonttrd, Graco Hn.rtellus, ireno Seay, Edlth Hartcllus, Ohrla Sears, Joalo Mlnter, Catherlne M Inter. , Fulton Hlll School-Lola Whltlock, Charllo Whltloclt, Jcsslo Romer, Allco Olll, Vlvian Clarko. Wllllo Chnllcloy, Ire doll Enronghty, Fannle Dansy, Lowoll Wllds, Bnrhara Romer, Marlo Wllds, Jamos ITughos, Graco Kersey. Laairel Hlll School?Mamle Amory, Bliuicho Burnett, Lewla Blocchll, Panny Burnetto, Harry ITodglns, Vcsta Bur netto, Troe Hlll School?Mlss Bnuer's class? Edna Drlnkcr, Cltir.a Jenklns, Gertrude Portewlg, Annlo Shaw, I.nnnlo Wnrrlner. Mlsa Wngner's class?I.loyd Beasley, Bmmctt Drlnkcr, Irene Southward, Lella Warrlner. Allco Hoke, Clyde Southward. Mr. Gordon Enronghty entertained a number of his frlends at hls resldence, No. 3S2B Seventh Street, Wednesday. An enjoynble evenlni. wns spent In musio nnd parlor gamesv. Tlie Fulton Hlll Quartette and Mandolln Club wore pres? ent and enllvened tho evenlng wlth thelr selectlons. Stntlonmnn James Grubba, of Englne Company No. S, Is qulte slck nt hls resl? dence on Nlcholson Stroet. Mrs. "Wllllam French hns returned home n-Cter a pleasajit vistt to frlends ln Wnshlnprton. Representatlvos of Bowhntnn Lod_.e. Knlirhts of Honor, last woek ih-id to the h-Mrs of the lnto Dr. Wlllinm Farrar }2.000, the amount of hls claim wlth the order, The settlem-ent was made In less tlinn twori-y days after tho papers were presented. Mr. Charles Chlldre^s left Saturday o.f ternoon to accept a po.-ltion wlth a large book bindery in Danville. ? Mrs. J. M. Brynni ls qulte sick at her rosldenco nt the Natlonal Cemetery. Tho funeral of Hugh Kennedy. thc flvc year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Ken? nedy, of Loulslana Street, took place yosterday at 3 o'clock. DUG UP~THE BOXES AND GOT THE REWARDS (Bv Ass.cSiiti'il Prois.) KNOXVILLE, TENN., February 23-~ 'Squiro A. Buffatt, of a speclal investl jrating commltteo, to-dny swore out a warrnrit agalnst a negro charging fraud In obtaining approprlations for burlals from tho Knoxillle County Court. It Is clalmed tho commlttee vlsltod tho county cemetery nnd exhumed n num? ber of cofflns. or boxes, ln whlch it wns clalmed paupers had been burled. If la charged thnt of thls numbor about sev enty box,-s had no bodles ln them. It ls alleged by the committoe thnt the burlals of the empty boxes hnd been practlced to get money from the county for ''burying paupers." _ MOBILE'S MARDI GRAS Emperor Felix Arrives and the Keys , Are Turned Over to Him. (By Aasucluteil Press.) MOBILE, ALA. February 23.?Tho Mardi Gras festlvltles hero begun to-day -wlth' tlio arrlval of Emperor Fellx and hls attendants, to whom the keys of tlio clty wero delivered, A publlc rcception in his honor was hold this evenlng, and to-nlght liis queen was crowned. Tho clty ls crowded wlth visltors. GREAT 0GCAS10N AT CATHEDRAL Gregorian Vespers Clianted. Bishop Van de Vyver's Fine Sermon. Ono of tho largest con_rregatlon3 ln tha history of St. Peter's Cathedral assem blevl Sunday night bo hear tho Gregorian vespers solemnly chanted by a tralned ehorus of l'oxty members of the Knlghts of Columbus, und a sermon sultable lo tho occaslon preached hy the Rt. Rev. BIshop Van de Vyver. Thoso who had tho good fort uno to g-et eoats in tho church, many being turned away, owlng to tho crowd, declare that tho sermon was the most forcoful und eloquent ever delivered here by tho BIshop. Ilis subject was tho "Saaument of Pemince," For more thon a half hour, during which tlmo ho spoke, the vast oongrogatlon listened with rapt attentlon to hls vigorous words. Ilo hundlod hls argumonts in inusterful stylo, most whlch were drawn from Ch'rlst's words 1n Ilis apciotle-s?'-'Whose sins you shall retiiln, they aro retalned j whose slns you shnll forglvo, they aro forglven." J-lls subject proper wns preceded hy words roferrlng specially to tho work of tho Knlghts of I'oluinhus. Ho compllmented tlii'in on thelr lnrgo atteiidiince, und ex hiirii-vl thom piirticulairly to follow out thelr groal prinoip'lo of loyalty to . God nnd country, Tho BIshop will IITcowIro preach u course of sermons during tho Suiiday evonlngs of I/ont, The eclebrani of tho vespers was Very Rov. J. ,1. Howler. vilar-geiiQiul of lliu diocose, nsslstod by Rov. Fatbors O'Rell |y nnd Mnnty, of thn Sacred Hcnrt Church, and Rev, John McVe'rry. of St. Patrlck's, Mlsa Nlnii. Kandolph preslded nt tlio 01' gan, The Knlghts o_. Columbus, somo 200 stroug, inarehed into tho churoh ns tho rliolr sang "Onvyurd, Chrlstian Soldiers!" Thero were four ehantois couslstlng of Mossro. Wllllam Fltinogan, John Finnc nun, Leo Rlviigher nnd J, Morocock, These and tlio chorus roiiriored wlth grcni btfncl tho alli'i'iiiitn vorse.s of tho PhuIiii*; "Dlxil Deinluus" nnd M___atus' Vlr." The vcraos of tho second and fourth Psnlms n'ltornated wlth tha wholo chonw n)id a linrmi._ilz.iil qiinrtetta ooniposixl of .Me-^rs, Walter M.iliini.y, Georgo Powell, Dr. Wil lliiih McGowan and Mr. Keennn, Tlm "\'iiil Ci'i-aioi-" of tho t|Uartotto wus vory flno, aa nlso tho "O Halutarla" of Mr. l-'o Meaghdr, nud Iho dtiet "Ave Reglntt" of -Mi'SHiia. Cu.nopa and Keennn, Miizuil's '?Muglllfjcllt" Was Btrlk Ingly rcndi-i'eil, Tlio chorus wus ]cd by Mr, George Mc Di'iiiiolt, ou Tuesday, March Jkl, the Jutilleo of pnpn Lvii will ho colebrnted at tho Cn tltedral wllh solen.n high mass ?iuU u eermou by RtV, l/at'Uer W&tora. Good Shirts. To all who regard good llnen ns ono of llfo's noccflsHIc" it is Itnport ant to know thnt wo aro rcgardod by tho bost drcssors ns tho makors of shirts thnt urlvo satlsfnctlon. Dress and fntir.v slilrts. Our Iniportod Scotoh, Mndrns ni7(l Oxford Shlrfcings aro uxcollontj solid eolors, blue, pink, whlte; neat dark and wliltn strlpos nnd llgurcs; All mado lnto shirts thnt ilt?or sold by tho yard. Prices, $2.00 Up. W. S. Constable & Co., Successors to CONSTABLE BROS., 903 E. Maln Street. LEGAL "NOTICES. TO ALICK A. OOODAVIN: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED lhat a lot of land descrlbe.l as follows: 70x140 feet. Lot No. 4. Square 30. und Lot No. 16, Squarn l.i, Highland Park. loeated ln Brookiand Magisterlal District. Hnnnco county, A'a., wns sold on the 13th dav ot January. ">9w, "or dellnquent taxes, Ibvles. Interests and costs due thereon, for tho yoar ISfS, to tho Commonwoalth of A'lr? ginla; an applicatlon for tho purchaso thereof hns been fliod ln thls office, nnd It appearlng from the records In thls offlce that you are Interested In tho sald land. you. are further notllle.I to appear here ln four months from the date of thls appli? catlon nnd do what may bo nccosary to proteet your Interests. Given under my hand thls 10th dav of February. lKO. SAMUEL P. AVADDILL, Clerk Henrlco County Court, Vlrglnla. A copy?Teste; SAMUEL P. WADDH.L, aerk. TO MARY E TTLER, HARRIBT A. TYLER ."- MARTHA ORAYSON: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIKIKO thnt n lot of land descrlbed ns follows: Forty elght feet on Compromlse Streot, loeated In Falrflold Magisterlal District, Henrlco county, A'a., wns snld on the 17th day of Fobruary, 19>>), for dellnquent taxes, levles, interests and costs dll'e thereon, for the year 1R9S, to the Commonwoalth of Vlrglnla; nn applicatlon for the pur? chaae thereof hns boen llled In thls otTlee, nn.l it appearlng from tbe records of this offlce that you aro lntcre.*>W\l In snld lnnd, you are further notifled to appear here in four months from tho date nf thls notlee and do what may be necessary to proteet your lntersts. Olven under my hand thls lGth day of February, 1903. SAMUEL P. AA'ADDILL. Clerk Henrlco County Court, Vlrglnla. A copy?Tosto: SAMUEL P. AA'ADDILL, Clerk. TO JAMES H. I1ARTON: YOU ARE 1IKRE11" NOTIFIED thnt the two lots of land descrlbed as fol? lows: Lots Nos. 7 nnd 12. ln Hlock 14. each CO feet. In Barton Heltrhts. loeated ln Brookiand Mnirlstc.rlal District, Henrlco county. A'a. wns snld on the dav of February, 1K>4, for dellquent taxes, levles, Interests and eosts duo thereon, for the year 1S92, to the Commonwoalth of A'lr? ginla; an applicatlon for tho purchaso thereof has beon flled ln thls offlce. and It .appearlng from the records of thls of? flce that you are interested ln the sald lnnd. you nre further notifled to appear here In four months from the date of thls notlee and dn what mny be necessary to proteet your Interests. Given under my band thls 16th day of Fobruary, 1903. SAMUEL P. AA'ADDILL. Clerk Henrlco County Court, A'lrginla. A copy?Test?: SAMUEL P. AVADDILL, Clerk. MEETlrtUS. Headqunrters Riehmond Commandery No. 2. Knlghts Templar. rtlohrnond, A'a., Feb, 23. 1903. Goneral Orders. SIR KNIOHTS-ATTEND A STATED (.'onelnve of your Commandery at your asylum In the Masomc Temple on TUESDAY, 24TU 1NSTANT. at 8 P. M? In cltlzen's dress. Merrbers of the Commandery of St. Andrew, No, 13, and translent Sir Knlghts are courteously Invlted to be present. By order of the Emlnont Commander. THOS AV. M'CAW, Captaln General. Atte-st?W. M. AA'llliams, Itecorder. NOTICE IS ifERK-BY GIVEN THAT tho annual meetlng of tho stockholders of the CHESAPEAKE AVHSTERN RAILAVAY wlll be hel.l at tlie prlhcl" pa! offlce of tho enmpanv. No. 1011 Kast Maln Street. Rlclimohd, A'a.. on Tuesday, the 3d day of March. ]S>i3, at tho hour of 30 o'clock A. Af. for tho election of dlrectors and for tho transaction of such other business as inuy properly como before lt. JOHN L, WARD. Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN THAT the annual meetlng of tho Stockholders of tbe CHESAPEAKE WESTERN CO. will be held at tho prlricipnl office of tho Company, No.- 1011 E. Maln Streot, Riehmond, A'a., on TUESDAY, lhe 3d day of March, 190.1. at 11 o'clock A. M? for thn electlon of dlrectors nnd tho transaction of such other misiness ns may properly como beforo tho meetlng. JOHN C. AVARD, Secretary. NOTICTE,?THE ANNUAL MEETINO OF tbe Stockholders of (he VIRGTNIA HOT SPRINGS COMPANY. fpr the purposo of olectlng Dlrectors nnd for the trans? action of such other business ns mav lawfiilly como beforo tbe meetlng. wljl bo hold nt tho offleo of the Company, Chesapeake and Ohlo Rallwav C.enoral Offlce Bullding. In tho citv nf Riehmond, A'a., on TTJIsSDAY, Feliruarv 24, 1903, at 12 o'clock M. Tho transfer books wlll bo closed on Monday, Fobrnarv 1(1, 1903, nt ll P. M., and roinnln closed until 10 A. M. Wi-dnosiluv. February Vh, 1903, _A. TREV.VETT. Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEET ING OF THK Stochltolflora of THE E, R. TAYLOR COMPANY wlll bo held nt tbe offleo of the Company, No. lou East Mnlri stroet. Rlohmond, A'n,, on MONDAY, March 9. 19^3, at 4 o'clock P. M. CHARLES IC. COULL1NO, 8ecri'?nrv nnd Treasurer. ADMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE. HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADM'lNIS trator of tho estate of niy futhor tim lnto UOUKIt'l'. C, MORTON1 herobv reqiiest lhat nll persons havlng claims ngnliiHt sald estato will prosont t.Uem tn me .nnd those indobted lo snld estato wlll pleaso iiiahi- pnviiK iu to mo. AV. JWALf.l-.R MORTON, Admlnlstrator of Robert C. Morton dee'd, NOTICE. NOTICE OF AOENCY-^TO"ALL WHOM It may coiicerii: Know nll hy thoBo pres* ent>-. thnt I havn apiioiutod L. B. II \N COCK an.l GEORGE A. I.ATlliioi' n,y agents ti. CQtiduol the general wood und ciuil buslness nt Thlrty-llrst and Popinr Streets, Rieliiunnd. A'n.. under thn atvlo oi UANCOCK & LATHROP. agents for XV, F. l.ynum. AV. F. BYNUM. Pub* ruiuy, 13, 1903. Mnjor Anderson Improving, MnJor AVillliun A. Anderson, Attorney. viieral, who ii niukr livutmeiit nt St. Luko'a Hospllal, ls niuitlng flno jirogrouu toward rocoveryr I AUCTION SALES?FUTURE DAYS. By Oco. E. Crawford & Co., Roul Estitt" Agonta nnd Auctloneors, .03 UiihI Mnln Street. T-RUSTEI-'S SALE ? 1 OF THE FARM KNOWN AS ROCKETTS, LYINO ON ,-EW FOUND RIVI.R, IN HANOVER COUNTY. CON TAlNINtl 211 ACRES WITH LARGE HRICK RHKII.HNCE, - IN GOOD ORDER, In oxoctitlon of a cortnln tloed of trust Ix'iirlng <lnlo Fohomry Mlh, 11)02. and duly rocordad ln tho clerk s offlco ot Hnnuvor County Court, D, U. ?!, pngo 276, nnd by order of Ihe henollcliiry In sald dced, there having been dnfnull ln tho payment of a pnrtkm of the money thcroln sccurod, t wlll offer for sale, on Uie premlses, on SATURDAY MABCII 7TII, at 1 o'clock P. M,, tho property abovo referred to, nnd whlch Is too well known lo requlre a more iletalleil ilcscrlptlon. TEIlMS?Cnah ns to cost of salo, nnd nny tnxos thnt mny bc duo, nnd a nnto of three hundred and elglity-nlnc (,3,...0O) dolldl'8, wlth Interest from February Mlh. 1003, untll pald; the rcsldue as follows: Four .hundred and eleven (..11.00) dnllnrs ln one yenr and four hundred nnd thlrty Ihret! (.133.0.) ilollfirs In two years, nnd tho balance ns mny be announced nt salo. C, A. CRAWFORD, Trustee. Ry A. ,1. C'huwntng Co., Real Estnte Atictlonocrs. POURT SAI.E *"-" OF LOT AND IMPROVEMENTS, NO. -121 CABELL STREET. In oxoctitlon of a decree of tbe Law and Equlty Court of the clty of RIchmond. entered February II. 1M3, ln tho sult of Mason vs. Maaon, wo wlll. as Speclal Commlssloners th.foby nppolnted, aell by auctlon. upon thc promlses, on THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1903, nt 4:30 o'clock P, M.. tlie proporty num? bered as abovo, frontlng 2_*_ feet on tho north llno of Cnbell Street bv a depth of 00 foot to nn alloy 10 feet wlde. . TERM?Ono-lhlrd ensh. bnlanco ln equal Instnlments nt 0 and 12 months for notea, Intercst added, and tltln retalned untll wholo of purchnse monoy ls pald nnd conveyarieo ord-red bv the rourt. OlLES ll.' JACKSON, C. F. WHITTLE. Spoclal Conrmlssioners. I hereby errtlfy that tho bond reqnlred of the Speelul CommlsBloners hy the above decree has been dulv irlven. P. P. WINSTON. Clerk. I HIGH CONSTABLE'S I wlll sell at publlc auctlon on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, I903,_ nt 11 o'rlook A. M.. at No. 41. West BriTad Htreet, the followlng proporty, lo eatlsfy a dlstress warrant ln my hands ln favor of Ben, Nelsz vs. C. I. Copplnger. to-wlt: Curtains, Show-Case. Clgars, clocks. lee Hox. lot of Glossware, Bottles, (las Stovo, Illackherry Wlne. Gln. Brandy. 2 Pt. bbla. Whlskey. Mlrror. Back Bar, Bar Coun ter. Partltlon, Electric Fan, etc, etc. TERMS-Cash. E. C. GARRISON, II. C. C. R. REAL ESTATE. HP1N & HUME, Real Estate and lnsurance. FOR SALE. (Q 7-;0 AX ATTRACTIVE DWELL ^0,/C.U |N-G ln "West End." Beauti? ful locatlon; very modern; 12 rooms. ?7 OnO WEST GRACE STREET RES -J")"WlDI_NCE of 12 rooms. ?f.9 ?>Of. AN* S-ROOM BRICK DWEL _P__.,Ot_"_f i.i-vjQ on Twentv-Bc-venth Street between Broad nnd Marshall. Duy a Homa on Ghestnut Kill. We havo 6omo beautiful ones, varying In prlco from .1,750 to -7.O.). some of whlch can bo bought on a SMALL CASH PAY? MENT AND BALANCE on very easy terma. A VERY PRETTY I.OT (56 feet) on Grovo Avenue can tie bought chenp if CLOSED AT ONCE. OR THE OWNER WILL EXCHANGE for Improved Prop? erty. WE HAVE SEVERAL CIJSTOMERS for SMALL HOMES on Church Hlll from Jl.OC-i to $1,300. If you have such e place for sale now Is your tlme to list lt. mnni m\m\ < SUMS TO SUIT. LOWEST RATES Unsurpassed facllltles for the colloctlo ' rents. Liheral advances mado. Promp iturns guarnntced. GHAPIN & HUFfiE, 13 N. I Ith St. FOR RENT. ,*0R RENT. That very hnntlsome TJlRi.K-STORY BRICK DWELLrXG No. OU Floyd Avenue, in elcgdnt comlitinn in every respect. SUTTON & CO., Tenth and Bank Streets. M GRDIE.AH3E. (Approved Fob. 12, 1903.) GRANTINti PERMISSION TO THE TREDEGAR COMPANY, A CORPORA TION DULY CHARTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF VIR ? (JINIA, TO CONSTRIJCT AND MAIN TAIN A CEMENT CONCRETE RACJ3 WAY UNDER TREDEGAR STREET NEAR THE, LINE OF S1XTH STREET. Bo it orilained by tho Council of tho clty of RIchmond: lst. Thal permlasion ho nnd Is . hereby granted The Trodegar Conipany, a cor? poratlon duly charactered under the laws ol* tho State of Vlrglnia; to construct und nialiiiain a cement concroic racoway un? der Trodegar Htreet near tho Une of Slxth Stroot. subject tu tho conditlons hereln stated. 2d. Thnt sald racoway Is to he con structed according to tho plan presented by eald Trodegar Company. and now on filo ln tho offlce of Clty Englneer; and also ln such manner and lyith such ma-. torlals us shall bo satlsfnctory to the Clty Englneer. Ilil. The sald Trcdcgnr Comjiany shnll at all tlmes keep sald racoway ln proper ropalr. und shall make such rcpalrs ns tho Commltteo on StroetH mny ut nny tlmo doem roiisoiutblo for tho safoty of persons uslng tho hlghway ovor sald racoway, 4th. The perinlBHion hereby granted shnll at nny tlmo bo suhject to nny amendment or revocutlon by tho Clty Council. Upon ti rovocnlion or nniendmont of said per uil.sloii, tho sald Trmlegnr Company, or nny Buosotiiient owner of suld incowny, sliull liiimi'iliately conform to such mtieml ment or rovocnlion. Oth, Tho sald purmlsslon Ih glvon subject to llio conditlons thnt t.ho aald Tredegar Company. PJ' a\\y suhsoquent owner of sald racoway, wlll Indemnlfy. relmbuisa and savo harniless tho clty of Richmond for nny charges,, or cost tlmt tho clty may be roqulreil to pav by rea? son of any person belng Injured or clnin agod ln nny way, ln property or pexsou, by tho constructlon. exlstonco, or lin proper or negllgetit iiiaiutciinnco of suld rucewiiy. ? , , , uth. Beforo nny work ls dono under thls ordinance, tho suld Tredegar CiJimmiiy shall obtaln from tho Clty Englnoer hls written porinit to exeavuto lu streets of tho clty. ? ? ? 7th, For a fnlluro to conform fully to tho provislons of thls ordinance. or uny amoiidmoiit or revocutlon thoreof, or uny roqulrcmont thoreundnr, the suld Treilegnr Company, or uny subsequent ownor ot sald rneoway, sluill bo liublo to a Ihui of not loss than ten nor niuro than llfty dollars; each duy's l'ulluro to bo a sepa rate ol'fonse. _t)i, Thls orillnaiu'o shnll bo In forco from Its i>u,ssu__e, UEN T. AUGUST. i city cieric By Tho Vnlonllne Auctlon 6d? Auctlonners. 012 Ifl. Brond Btrcot. D IjTvEL7<Y^>nTi-'M 0V WATCHEA NoV?,!,Y,^Sfc\?t3t,?*1 w"?"?0?-i T.,U.SnlTuFl',,,lly> MORNING, FEB 24TTT at 10:"0 o'c ock, 100 llno sT, bi rini.ii iin Oold-llllod .AVhlchOS, RO 1 R?Ln5rt WntcliOB. FJIlver AVntchosAvair-h Chilfmi? Cuff Buttons. MroochoH and rnlsenlT ,^m,_ Jnwelry. Rolie.l-Plntnd ^./'"""'"""?ooub Snln mado on account of dlssolutlon of conaern. and tho ontlro stock; must be THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO? ?_Aiictlonoc'rB. C. II. Ollver, Auct;nneer. X24 West Broad Streot,?.' f. UC.TION SALE" TO-DAY AT 10 ?M """* of a vory largo lot of housohold ru d kltchen Furniture, 10 Oalc nnd AVnlmit Chnmber Suits, 3 Parlor Suits, 1 Ch?nii Press, I B.ank-Case, 1 Top Hllggy nn"u stends, Buroaus. AVashstntidsr Tablos Sl.loboards, Sewlrig Mnehlnosi C hnlr's ged Springs, Mlrrors, PletureiV CloelM Wnrdrobos, Kltchen Safcs, Cook and Heatlng Stovo*. MattresHes, otc, _ GEO, V, OLIVER, Salesman. AUCTION SALES?FUTURE -DAYS.. By Auguatlno Royall & Co. No. 19 10th St., Manchestor, Va, and ..TC,M' Worthnm & Co. 18 N. Oth. Riehmond. Va. Real Estato Auctloneers. Bankrupi Gourl Sale OF ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE Original Growths of Timber Land IN POWHATAN COUNTY, Containing 1,000 Acres, , Mon or Less, ABOUT TWO AND ONE HALF (3 1-2) MILES from POWHATAN C. H. ON FARM VILLE AND POWHATAN R. R.; ON MARCH 5, 1903, AT J2 O'CLOCK M. IN FRONT OF THE UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE, ON BANK , STREET, RICH? MOND, VA. fn-'iiursiinnee of a decree of the Unlted tates Dlntrlct Court for the Eastern DMtrlct of A'lrginla, ln tho matter of Robert Thrift, bankrupt, entcred on the ith of February, !"03. AVe the underslgned. wlll soll at publlo auctlon 011 the day, hour, and at the plnco mentloned above?the followlng valuable tract of land, lylng and belng ln Powhatan Co., A'lrginla, near Powha? tan C. ll., about 2'J mlles from Negro-Arm Statlon on tho Farmville & Powhatan Rallroad; containing l.Oii) acres, more or less. A plat of thls Prop? erty will be cxhlblted on day of snle, or may be seen by applicatlon to Auc? tloneera before day of sale, Thls property adjolns the lands of Danl. Hatcher, Esn,., and Is justly con? sidered one of the most valiiablo trncts In sald county, for Its tlmber, whlch eon slsts or original growth of oak nnd plne; thero Is on thls land a largo nuantlty of ftrst-clnss rallroad ties: Its proxl mlly to the rnllrond nnd Its excellent faclllties for Hhlpplng make It excecdlng ly valuable, and taking Into consldera? tion tho large nmount of tlmber whlch can be cut from thls land. lt offera speclnl Inducements to tlmber dealers and gettors. By dlrectlon of eald decree. the under? slgned were dlrocted In thelr dlscretlon to offer tlils property ln tho followlng manner, to-wlt:? Flrst. Thev are authorlzed to sell tho wood and lumbor 8 Inches nnd ovor ln dlamoter. on tho stump. wlth authorlty to cut and remove tho samo wlthin threo (3) years from date of sale: Tho pur? chaser to pay one-third (1-3) of the pur chase monoy in cash, and the balanco ln slx nnd nine months, equal Instal ments, wlth Inforost ndded from date ot sale, the purchaser to execute hls notes for deferred payments; tltlo retalned un? tll whole purchaso money Is pald. Or seeondly. They are authorlzed to sell sald Heal Estate, Including all lum? bor thereon. and without any resorvatlon thercfor, 1-3 casli, nnd tho balance In 8 and 12 months, In equal Instalments. wlth lnterest added from date of sale; tho purchaser to execute hls notes there for; title to bo retalned untll the wholo purchaso monoy Is pald. In either caso the purchaser or pur chasers shall have the rlirht to pay all cash If ho or they shall so desire, or to antlcipntc all deferred payments by paylng- tho prlnclpal sum duo wlth ln? terest to date of payment. Tho underslgned reserve the rlght to offor first tha timber sepnrately; to bo removed aa above stated; and then to offer the land nnd timber, reservlng tho rlght to accept whlch ever bld In thelr Ju.lgment ls bost for tho lnterest of oll partles concerned. A. B. APPERSON. Admln. of Jas. L. Apperson, Tr.. dee'd, GEO. A. JONES. Asslgnee & Trustee, By Augustlne Royall & Co., Real Estnte Agents and Atictioneers, Office:. No. 19 Tenth Street Leader Bldg., Manchester, Va. A UCTION SALE ?"? OF One of tho Nleest Suhurhan Houses and Lots on Maury Street, Just outslde the corporute llmlts of Manchestor, Vn., Im medlately ln front of Nlnth Street, 011 WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY" 25, 1903, at 4:30 o'clock P. M., on tho premlses. ? Bv requost of tho owher (a non-rcsl tlen't) we wlll sell nt publlc auctlon, on the day, hour and placo name above, that very nlce two-storv Frame Resldence, sit? uated on the south side of Maury Street, In the countv of- Chesterllold, between Nlnth nnd Tenth Streets. Thls handso7ne lot fronts 31 1-3 foot by 1C3 feot deop. Thls Is a most deslrnble homo, Just across the street from the clty llmlts, whero the tax is voi'y smnll. and nt tho same tlme have nll a.lvniitnges of the- clty. Cal] on the underslgned beforo day of snle for further tnformation. Thls property prosents many advantages and should attract speclal at? tentlon. TERMS?Liberol, and mnde known at AUGUST1NE ROYALL & CO? Auctloneers. By Edward S. Roso Company, Real Estate Auctloneers. TRUSTEES' AUCTION SALE I OF HOUSE AND LOT ON SCOTT STREET. By virtuo of a certaln deed of trust dated 12th of July, 1S92, of record in c'lork's offlce, Henrlco County Court, D. B. 1-10 A, pngo 147, defuult havlng heen mado in the payment of the debt theroln socured, and bchig requlred by tho bene flc.lary so to do, wo wlll on AVEDNESDAY, THE 2CTH DAY OF . FE11RUARY. 1903. AT 3 P. M., soll by auctlon, upon the premlses, 27xlS2 feot of land, wlth tho Improvementa thereon, situated on tho wost llno of Scott Strcot, Kl foot north of a ln-foot al lav, ln tho snld county of Henrlco, TERMS-Cn-di ns to oxpenses of snle, nnd balanco due on bond of jou); tho resl duo us may be named at tlmo of salo. L. AV, GLAZE BROOK, E. U. SPENCE. JO LANE STERN, Trustees, M' Qeo. AV. Mayo, Auctloneor, 1205 East Maln Streot, r/HN'S AND RoFs* SUITS AND ? PANTS, RICYCLE PANTS. OVER? COATS, SHOES. SWEATERS, OVER ALI,S: LADIES' SKIRTS. CAPES, CLOAKS. KHIUT WAISTS AND DHESS ES, NOTIONB, W__ AT AUCTION. I will bciII ot my nuetlon-houso (second (loor) ut 10:30 A. M. AVEDNESDAY, VMil 25. 1003. 217 Men's Suits, 3m, Boys' Suits, 453 pair Piinlu, 28 pair ltleycl'a Pants, .71 Over ooats, S-i A'osts, 21 SweatoiH, Ladles' Shlrt Wulsts, Hugliuis, Sklrtu, Cnpos. Dressos nnd Clnuks. 30 Chlldron's Conts, Mnn'a AVhlto nnd Co or'od Shirts, Ovornlls, Tles, Collars, Cuffs, Collur aml Cuff Buttons, Men's, Children's und Ladles' Shoo?. Notlons, etc. * A. R, Mayo, Proprletor. Uoo. 14. Valoutlno, Balcmnau,