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Stationery, Off ice Furniture and Supplies JNVENTORY 5ALEI t. havo a ls_r_*<_ stook dSf Dos'kf', Mlliig Ctiso's. Cahinets, _Bbok-C-_8_.s> OBtlirp, Sktionory and Offlce Supplies, that wo will soll ut 20 por cont. ofT for cash, ouly to rfiducboiir INVEN'I.ORY which wo will tako MAKOH lst. NO OOODS CHARGED AT THIS REDUCTION. ? ft. ----?-?a e- '-_?_ Book-Cases. Our Sdc tloiml Book Cases cnn bo built to nny size or Blmpo du BlrodtjgrdWf. wlth your j llbrary. nc v e r too liirfro or too small. A constn tit t) 1 c ti s u re. Bckc mnde and lowest, In price. Unlts t-.2r? np; I_._sph ancl tops. Till lst March 30 per cent, off tliis price, rr^_^^^_dL^__J-__j I / $1.50 Up. $3.75 Up. Tin.fiizo 10 J-i .. 7 x .Mjinchen. Other styles nnd" sizes from 65c up to $4.50. Bookkeepers' Chairs. These clialrs aro mado of the very best, cnrcfully se lectad wood; slm? ple ln fltSfilgii but of perfect con Btruction. All other kintls tn Rtock till Mnrch lst, SOpercent. otf thls prlco, Cash Boxes. Filing-Cases. Enslosfc nnd shnplnst mcthotlof llliiiRleticrrt, nccouhta iitul " follow Iiik up"' possiblo or dcrs. Thoy iiroducu n "system " in your of? flce that is ntiiiioniul vvorry fcnvor. Till lst March 1,0 iwr cont. off thls prlco, Standard Typewriters Thlrty or forly dollars wlll now buy, ln our Tymiwritor Department, n better rtmcliluo than ever bofuro. Wo havo others, too, ns low iih ton (lollrirs, Southern Stamp and Stationery Co., Entlre Building. Twelve-Slx Mnln Street. Agettt Olivor Typcwrltcr. MAYNARD GASE WAS CONTINUED Will be Heard ln the Police Court Next Saturday Morning. Sfoung CUfton Maynard, tho Swansboro vouth who was arrested ln Buchanan's jowelry store Saturday afternoon by Po? llceman Toler, had hls caso continued in tho Pollce. Court to Saturday for wit at'Sics. The young man, In the nbsence of his parents. who are In Florlda, has not s cured couiiscl. Hls futhor will be here :ai ly this week. The boy ls only seven tter years old, and if found guilty wlll se sent to the Roformatory. M_r. Buchanan will t?tify that Uie foung man wns ln hls storo last Thurs iny evenlng, and at thnt time a diamond rlng was mlssed. When tho boy was loarohod on Saturday, the inlssing rlng vus found, wlth another. The case waas not gono lnto at all yes X'rday. Nlck Bell, the colored walter, formerly irnployed as a walter at The Larigely; r as Hent on to the grand Jury'for housc brtaklng. He is alleged to have en? tered the Langley after ho had been dis .hfcrged wlth lntent to rob. Albert Senlmnii, for being drunk nnd Jisorderly and for reckless driving, was .'lned ,10. Charles Jones, for assaultlng and. beat l),B ames Rurrcll, was assessed JS, Douglas Tyler refused to move on whon Ihp pollceman told him It was his move, und hls stubbornncss cost hlm J2.50. Robert Franklin assaulted and beat hls %v!fc $10 worth. Charles Banks wns cliarged wlth taklng scme candy that dld not belonff to him, and hc was placed under bonds for ten days. J. E. McCreery pald $2.50 for flghtlng Or. tho street. Wlllie Lawson was charged KO for beat Ing Currle Frooman. Wlllle Allen was sald to have attempted ;o cut Junlus Llgh'tfoot, but it didn't imount to much! und J2.0O satisficd tho ..-minonweallh. Phonsy Qraves nnd William Hayes eaoh f.ald $10 for fl_-htlng on the street. Melvin Vla paid $10 for assaultlng Kato rm. Martin Molloy was dr-ducted of ta for lrcspassing on tho premises ot II. M. Smlth. Paul Wllliams wns sent down for ten laya for throwlng rocks. DR. MOORE HERE Will Probably Succeed the Rev. Mr. Crawford?Committee to Meet. Dr. Gordon B. Moore, of Furman Unl .ersity, wlll In all probabllity succeed tho Rov. C. H. Crawford to tho posltlon 9f superlntendont of tho Aiitl-Saloon of Vlrglnia. : Dr. Mooro. who ls one of the most wldely.l_nown.__nd dlstingulshed Baptlst minlstors in tho South, wus ln tho cltv yosterday, Whllo members wlll not nd mit tho fact, lt ls understood tliat ha comes at tlio liivllatlon of tho E.ccutlvo Commltteo of tho league, which has practically offered Hlm the position He went tuvuy yosterday wlthout antiouna |n_r any decision. but lt Is generally be? lleved that ho wlll accopt tho call Tho Exocutlvo Co)miillloo of tho Icaguo wlll moot Wcduosday afternoon ln tho parlors of tho Y. M. C, A. THE KING CASE IS TO BE TRIED TO-DAY Thero soems but littlo doubt that tho iaso of ex-Aldorman John M, Klng, jharged wlth havlng acceptod a brlbo irlillo a mombor of tho Council, wlll go ?n trlul thls morning lu tho Ilustlngs _.ourt, So fur us could' bo oscortalned yosterday afternoon, both sldos aro ready lor trlul. and thero Is no prospeot of a .urtlnu' delay. -VYIII Probably be Onlled. Whon soon yestcrdity morning, tho Jtev. :_,._ L. Goodwwln. of St. Mark's JSjilscopul Qluu'ch, de'oliu'oa that he '__a_j reeelved no call from Ashland or any other placo thercabouts. Ho prefers to walt until he gets one before b. iay.. what ho wlll do wlth it. "*_ It .3 understood that a commlttee from the Ashland church came to Richmond Sunday and heard Mr, Goodwln preach. Thoy wero much pleased. and there ls ?very likellhood that a call wlll shortly be forthcomlng. The lmpresslon prevalls tliat Mr. Good? wln wlll rernaln ln Richmond. VTsilors Here. Dr. Donald Guthrlo, of Baltlmore, and Dr. Theron Rlce, of Atlanta, exchanged pulplts Sunday. Roth will bo ln the clty to-day. Dr. Guthrlo wlll bo tho gucst of Dr. Kerr, aad Dr. Rlce of Mrs. Jamieson, nt the Semlnary. General Johnson Improves. General Bradley T. Johnson Is, at the Old Dominlon Hospital yot, but is much improved, and recelves many old frlends ?dally. 009000000000 0(79000800 &?>000 g ffiarton Jfe/ghts. | a&0t>&0Siii000000e>000t}0?f000?iSp The Washlngton Blrthdqy party glven by the "Glrli.' Circle" Friday nlght at the home of Mr. C. P. Scott was a great success. Tho tables were beautlfully dec? orated in the natlonal colors, and silrer candelabra. Tho large number of guems were wai ted on and entertained by the glrls of the "circle," who were drcss<-d ns Colonlal dames. Throughout tho e.vo ning thero was much exijoyable musJo and many recitations. Mrs. John Thomas, of Carollne county, ls thc gucst of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jetex. of Ladles' Milo Road. Mrs. Thomas Armstrong, who has boen vory slck at her home on Montelro Ave? nue, is now ablo to bc out. Mr. Thomas Chinault has returned to Carollne county afler a pleasant vlslt to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jeter, of Ladies' .Mlle Road. Mr. J. W. "vtilllams has returned to hls homo from a buslness trlp tlirough Vir glnia and Wost Vlrglnia. Mr. J. R. Eowles has returned from a business trip to Loulsa. Mr. Porcy Chisholm has left for Frcrt erlck's Hall to i.lslt frlends nnd I'ela tlves Jliss Hickerson,- of Luck Avenue. "who has been qulte slck, is now ablo to ho out. luvltatlons hnvo been issued for a birthday party to be gh-en bv Mlss Eve? lyn Hurrls at her homo on Vlrginla Ave? nue. Mlss. Mary Jones, of Euck Avenue, who has been vlsltlng Mrs, Conncrs. of Man? chester, has returned homo. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. What Postum Did There. A wcll-known flguro at tho Natlonal Cupltal is that of an attornoy-at-law und sollcitor of patcnts, who has\ been prac tlolns before tho courts and the Dopnrt mont of the Interlor ut Washlngton for ? moru than twenty-tive years. The ex poiienco of this gentleman with coffeo Is uimsually Intoresting, for it provos.fhat although the IU results from coffeo nro slow, they are sure. Ho says; "J lmvu conaumed coffeo at my raeala for manv years, but of lato years have been m'\ noyed by derang'ed atomach and aleep li'i-snuss, palna ln my head, iiervousiies.-i nnd confuslon of tho mlnd, About elgh teon months ngo I quit coffeo und com moiiccd to uso Postum Food Coffeo nnd havo cxporlcnocd tho most plousing nnd l-cnoilclal results therefrom. Jt htta nided my dlgestlon. Increased my uppctlto for hoalthy food, uppeiwed iny Htomnch, lnvlgoratod my braln, coarod and qulotod norves nnd mlnd. and onutiieti mo to sloep soundly eight hours _.,..._/., lho twonty-four. lt has Im fi. i? ii?Uoyu.M!y IUU' olienrfuliiess to my lrih. ,,auiJ_caU8ec' ma to look on tho ha Mittod m? .' PUm *'? ffW?n?*- * o or ,,? .,T t0 9?TnWre bral? WOl'k tlltlll c UinnRv n iSP-Ji * ,WCmkl ?>?ns--i?r lt ft ?'"wy, V,? dol""'voa of Its uso. i'or tho m.? il??/.tUm.,'"s n" ?b80luto curo loi tlio His that coffoo causes. It not only ouros tlio ravages of coffeo but stlinula es to vlaror una hoalthy actlon tho brulii and all tho organs o the im man body, u hm. wlth mo aud w h miniy o( ,?y frk-ixla, thls ls ,?y authorlty for tho stiitonient." Natuo iurnlBliod by Postum Oomi>any, DuUlo, MleU, ? I - >_??'.?,;>':_?.:? RICHMOND MAN WRITES AN OPERA In Collaboration With a New Yorker the Work Will Be Completed. Mr. Richard Goodall and wife, from New York, are registered at Murphy's Hotel. Mr. Goodall is here to collaborate With Mr. Samuel Proskauer, of thls city, on a'pure comic opera, the theme of whlch ls entlrely new. Mr. Proskauer concelved tho story whllo visiting South Amerlca and the AVest Indles a Bhort tlme ago. On arriving in New York be submitted tlio book and lyrlcs ho had written to Mr. Goodall, whom he knew was entirely efllcient In preparlng the work for the stage, as he is a stage dl? rector of larjre productlons of this kind; also an author of recognlzed abtlity, one of hls lmportant productlons belng the great English success "Morocco Bound," produced under tho management of the late A. H. Chamberlyn. The musical comedy was revlsed on Arneidcan llnes by Mr. Goodall and pi-oducod under his directioii at tho Park .Theatre, Boston, ln January last year wlth great success. Mr. Proskauer's book and lyrlcs In? terested ?Alr. Goodall so much that ho agreed collaborate wlth him. He also succeeded lu lnterestlng Mr. Byrd Dougherty, the clever New York com poser of oporatic muslc, and who ls wrlt ing the muslc for this opera, Mr. Goodall wlll remain hero some four or flve weclts to complete the work in collaboration -wlth Mr. Proskauer, and whlch he has hnd In hand for souie time. There Ls a possibility of the opera's Initlal productlon taking place here lij the near future. Mr, A. Baldwln Sloan, the celebrated composer, has written the muslc for one of Mr, Proskauer's recent lyrlcs; and Is Intended for one of the most celebrated prlmn donnas ln tho country. Mrs. Goodall Is a beautiful and tal-< ented young woman. Before her mar ringo she was the German Countesa Gerlas. Hor grandfather. Count Gerlas, was tho Intimate frlend and compnnlon of Emperor Fredcrlek, the present Kalser's father. She is tho mistress of seven languages, and is a talented vlo linist and palntcr. ITALIANS TO CELEBRATE Will Observe Shrove Tuesday at the Country Club House. Tho Itnllun-Amerlcan cltlzons will oh scrvo Shro-i'o Tuesday at the Italian Country Club, on Brond Street road, thls evenlng:, nt which time there will bo a supper. gamea and danclng. Presldent Chasle Trailorl has com? pleted arrange-nients for a celebratlon that will ecllpse all provious efforts, Property Transfers. Rlohmond: Mary E., Wllllam B, Gray nnd wife, S. S. McKunnoy und Muttie E. und Charles Gass'or, Ji'., to Henry Schluo ter, 15 feot on west sldo of Fourteeiith Stroot between 'Jncltson and Duvul, $l,CU). J. C. Hofheimei- to AA'altor P. A'ulteh, '20 2-,'i feot ou north sldo of Avenue, 11!" 1-3 fei^t weat of Boyd Stroot, "1,200. Henrlco: Tax Titlu Company of Hleli? mond to Emma M. Cosby, 30 feet on west sido of West Street, 150 feot south of Wood. $"2,85. J, AVells' Torry nnd wlfe to LoRoy E. Brown. .! acres near Nlno Milo Roud, 1 aero and (5 feet nn AVaslilngton Stroot, iiorthonst corner Blalr, subjoct io pay? ment of threo notes aniountlng tn 91.1M-.t>-. C. "XV. Tlirockmoi'ton, spocial commis? sloner, to Garlnnd II. Ellls, 82 1-2 acres on Brond 'Street Road, 8 mlles from ltleh niond, ruservlng '>? vondor's llen for $700 and iiitoi-est, J1.20O. Young Men's MIsslonnry Soclety of Graco-Stroet Baptlst Ohurch's truateo to Pnnnio fjutton, 55 feot ln Duvul's addl? tlon, S-fjO. ITunry S. AVbiRton and wlfo to Ger trudo St. C? wli'e of AV. 11. Eanes, 30 fuot on wost sldo of A'lno Slreet, 1DO feet eonth of Mnlnl iflSO. fjiimo to Edivaiird T. Eanes, 30. foot nn west sldo of Vliio Blroet, 120 feot south Cf Muln, "1S0, rl - House Held an lmportant Ses? slon Yesterday. Ino session of senate Latter Body Adjourn3 to Honor thc Father of His Country -Great Pr g ress Mado on Tax Bill?After Buildingnnd Loan Assoc'ns. The Senato waa In sesslon a few mo ments yesterday. and adjourned out of j rer.pect lo tho memory ot Georgo Wash? lngton. The House devoted the day to a con? slderation of thc tax bill, and very nenrly cbmpleted the arduous, tdsk. A blg liglit was made to ralse thc license tax for thu sale of plstols, nut it was a loslng ono, and lhe matter was left ns In tiiie original blll, tho llcenso boing placed iit $20. The feature of tho sesslon was the ef fcrt of Mr. Smlth, of Clarko, to have tho tax reduced'oh xnutunl bullding and loan assoclatlons. whlch recoilcd und resulted ln the doubling of the tax on all bullding ar.d loan assoclatlons fiom top to bot tom, tho lax belng graduated In tlie blll. Alr. Jennlngs, of Lynchburg, spoko agalnst the Increase, but ho was defealed, Messrs. Early, Sipe, Gent ar.d others declarlne thnt they should be put out of buslness. On account of tho celcbration of Goorge AVashlngton'a blrthday, but llttle ot ln? terest took place ln any of the commlt tces. The House. The Houso was called to order at 10 o'elcck by Speaker Ryan ar.d prayer was cffererl by Rev. II, P, Atkins, of the Christlan Churoh. The only bllls offered were by Mr. Bls coc provldlng for the establlshment of a normal school for glrls In the cHy oC Predericksburg, and by Mr. Smith, oC Ciark, to allow the Board of Supervlsora of VA'arren county to borrow money. TRe general tax blll was taken up aa 11 speclal orderfl and much progress waa made with lt, but few omondments having fceen offered. AA'hen the section was reached wmich relates to the tax on steam laundries, Mr. Sebrell, of Southampton, champloned the cause of tho old colored washer woman, whom, he sald, might be taxed lf tho largruage were not made plalner. Ho thought wrltitfers and flat-lrons might be construed as machinery. Mr. AVhlte hcad, while ndvocating the report of the commlttee, was asked by Mr. Boaz if he c-culd explaln the dlfferenco between a macnlno polltlclan ond other polltlclans. Tbe reply of tho member from Norfolk was that steam and machine laundries were needed In Norfolk In order to wash the solled llnen of the polltlclans. AVAS VOTED, DOAVN. Mr. Cardwell moved to restrlct tho sale of plstols to bhose allowed by law to carry them, and he spoke ably for his amendment. and it -was opposed by Mr. Mcrt, of Brlstol, who is a dealer ln hard ware. Mr. Rlco. had previously offered nn amendment. flxing a license tax of "o0 upon "persons selling plstols. A llvely discusslon ensued, whlch wns carrled on mainly by Messrs. Cardwell and Mort. The blll flxes the license tax at J20. The amendment of Mr. Cardwell was rt Jected as was also that of Mr. Rice. Mr- AVhitehead got In an amendment in? cluding dlrks and bowle knlves in the sc-ction. and a rnolion by Mr. Ivoake to strlke out the entlre section was lost. Durlng: tJho conslderation of the blll the AA'estmlnstcr klndergarten, sixteen strong, was brought ln, nnd the llttle pupils waved dimlnutive Unlted States flags vig orously In honor of tho father of hls country. Mr. Sebrell moved to so amend as to provlde for the pay7nent of an addl? tlonal tax upon merchandlse sold through slot machlncs, and it caused much dis? cusslon. The amendment was lost, and tho House pi-oceeded and made much progress with the conslderation of the measure. Mr. AA'httehead got through an amendment prohlbltlng tbe dispensing of lntoxlcatlng liouors, throush slot machines, and Mr. Kurman offered a bill to make valld a certaln deed by A'irclnia F. AVeaver, con veying certaln land in Riehmond clty. REFUSED TO ADJOURN. Mr. Featborston at 12r3S P, M. moved to adjourn out of rcapoct to tho memory of George Washlngton, but the motlon was lost, ayes, 22; noes, 22. Tho member from Campboll' has not yet mlssed a day since the sesslon be? gun, and ho thought that an ndjournment was due to the Father ot Hls Country. Mr. Cardwell mo-ved to strike out the sectlon providing for tho tax on under takcrs but, he withdrew it in favor of one offered by (Mr. Sipe, whlch dof.ned the term "undcrtakor" more expllcitly. Thls was adopted, and Mr. Sebrell succeeded in gettlng an amondment adopted pro? vldlng that tlio tax on undertokers ln counties nnd towns shall bo $5. There was some discusslon over a mo? tlon of Mr. Smlth, of Clarko, for a grad? uated tax ln the lnterest of tho wcakor cdmpanles. lt was rejectud and Mr. Early moired to strike oui $50 as the tax on Bullding Assoclatlons and Insert $100. Thls wns caj-rled, and the joko was on Mr. Smlth. By hls motlon to reduco he got an oxact iloiiblliif,' of the tax. Messrs. Slpo, Gont and others doclarlng that they should be either prohlblted from dolng buslness or mnde to_ stop charglng ihe peoplo usurious lnterest for i7ioncy lonn ed. Mr. Jonnlngs, of Lynchburg:, opposed tho amcnihnent, but lt was almost unanl mously adopted. The House at 1:15 P. M. adjourned to mcot at 10 o'clock to-dny. Tho Senate. Tho Sonate proceedlngs werQ opened without prayer. Mr. Scars presented potltlons ln fnvor of tho ijrassaeo .af tlio Mann blll. Thero belng only thlrtuon Sonators present. Mr. Barksdalo said; "Mr. Presldent, I move that tho Senato do now adjourn in respect of tho mem? ory of tho Father of Hls Country." Tlils mntlon wns adopted by a votn of 8 to 6. Tho Bcsslon lasted only two and u. hnlf mlnutcs. UN1TED M0DERNS Now Lodge Instiluted at Monroe Hallon , Snturdny Night. Monroo Lodgo of Unlted 'Moderns wns orgnnized at Monroo Hull Saturday nlght wlth a charter llst of forty-slx .inombors, Tliero woh a largo atleridinico, nnd muny Modorns from tho threo othor lod_-e_'lu tho olty woro present. Stato Suprenu. Ci'lco Chniicellop D. AV, Thuyer wus present mld eiuiducled tho wnrk of orgaiiUutlon, assisted by Dlstrlot Organ Istors AV. H. Cavedb nnd ] 1, r. Blshop, Clmrlos L. A, Dooppe, clianoollor of Fulton Lodgo; 0. F. Tinslcy, regont of Dlxlo Lodgn, and J. H. Oroery, .olian cellov of Vlrglnla Lpdgo, wero present utid atislsted lu thu eeromonleu, After tho Instltulloii of iho lodgo and oxemplllh'aii"ii of the degroo woric of tho OVdor, tho followlng oillcm'u woro oloeUid; Chiinceilor, charles I. Phllllpa; pnst rhniicollor, , Dr. AI. I,. Anderson; r.Ront, T. M. llnrgrnvo; orator. flj. W. Mlller; RUldo, E, 0, Maltcrri; rcctjrdor nnd llnnn cio, W, Frecl RIchardHOii; wnrden, W. II, liagby; walohmnn. Wllllum F. Rtlcknoy; trilBteCB, Dr. M, I_. yMiflcraon, Charlea 1. 1'lillllp.-, 3. D. Cm.lg, .Ir. Monroe f.odgo hns stnrtcd out wlth n Irifgo membeiHhlp of the most r.-ptc Hontntlvo men of tbe clty and ls bound to fu-RC rnpldly to tho front, not only ns K-nnrds numbers, but In nll tihliiRs frn lerniil. Tlio new lodge wlll m.oi rogu lnrly on tho flrat and thlrd Mondays ot every month. BRIGHT PUPILS ON ROLLS 01* HONOR Tho honor roll of Ilcrmltnge School for lnst woek Is as follows: Hlrarn Snnders, Charlio Scay, Melvln Sexton, Mary, Tlettlo Fromnn, .Vnnlo Ladd, Evn Lndd, Bisslo Stiiplos, Mary Soay. .ho followlng ls tlie roll of honor for Deep Run School: Clrammur grade?'Helen Bowles, Fearl Biarr, flernle Cottrcll. Agnos Bowles, Hclcn Sniller, Fanny Splller, Walter Duvn), Harry Scott, Rrulph ICuhn, Wllllo Splller. Prlmary grado?Sadle Bowles, Stanley Browning, Jlmmlo Barr. Tho roll ot honor for Thlrty-slxth Stroet School ls as follows: Florence Donnelln, Edlth Tyreo, Florence Wharton, Vlrglo Lnnty, Ermn Batcs, Bfrva Bates. Tlio followlng puplls bf Laurel School Huccessfnlly passed thc lntcrmedln,te ox amlnatlonB: Klslc Harvol, Lottlo Jones, Ethol Jonos, I/othrldge Mclton. Granvllle, Jones, Wllllo Smith, Ewell Perross, Bcs sle Smlth. Carrle Goodmnn, Bello Wal ton, Julia Ford, Frank Toombs, UNION NOTES Tradesand Labor Council to Meet To Night?Barbers' Union. A regular meeting of the Trades and Labor Council wlll be held to-nlght. The unlvcrsal card system wlll be ono of the questlons to be discussed. Local, No. JSS, Unlted Brotherhood of Carpentcrs, wlll meet wlth the Jolners to-nlght ln a smoker. At tho organization of tho Barbers' Union Sunday afternoon Jlr, Samuel Splegel was eiected temporary chairman, and Mr. Gus Runge secretary. Another meeting wlll be hold next Sunday at No. 227 North -Seventeenth Strcoc, at 2 o'c:ock. The charter list wlll bo held open untll 2 o'clock thls afternoon, at tho Model Shops, on Maln Stroet. Highland Sprlngs. There was a large congrcgatlon Sunday nt the Methodlst Eplscopal Church to hear Rev. F. Q. Wells, of Richmond. Hls sermon on "Prc_ponderenco of Thought'-* i was masterly and was hlghly appreclated by hls hearors. Mr. Wells also preached j to a large congregallon ot Beulah Church i (Charlos Clty Road. ln tho afternoon at [ 3:30 o'clock. I Rev. A. N, Somcrs fllled hls pulplt at the Marshall Memorlal Church at 3:30 o'clock to a good congrcgatlon. Mr. and Mrs. Calrnes, of Conneotlcut, arrlved Saturday evenlng and exrpect to take lmmedlate possesslon of the slate roof dwelllng In Kalmla A.venue, known as Paradisc. Mr. Calrnes will engngo ln buslness here. "Falrvlew," tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Read, was sold the past week by Mr. Reed to parties Uvlng in RIch? mond. Mr. and Jlrs. Reed will occupy for the present the house recently put ?up by Mr. Reed in Elm Avenue. Mrs, \v. P. Turner, who tho past week has been 111 wlth the grlp, was ablo to b_ out yesterday. Mrs. Davls, who has been qulte ill tho past few days, Is much more comfort nble. She Is stopplng wlth hor frlends, 'Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Dudloy, at Sunset Cottage. Sampei P. Turner. of RIchmond, __<_ ccimpanled by hls IltUe son, Samuel, Jr., were guests at Bellevlew yosterday. Mrs, Strawbridgo' and chlldren, of Rich? mond, vlslted Mrs. Atchlson ln Dalsy Ave? nue on yesterday. J. B, Atchlson, also of RIchmond, was a irtsltor on yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. Atchlson. Judge In Norfolk. Judge Waddill is In Norfolk holding court and will bo thero for_a day or two. Dlstrlct Attorncy Lewis went down thero yesterday. THE CHURCH AND POLITIG Rev. Alr. Cave Discussed a Very Live Topic on Last Sunday. In hls sermon at tho Thlrd Christlan Church Sunday nlght the Rev, P. A. Cavo discussed tho very llve loca.1 subject, "Tho Ohurch and Politics," a themo which has agitated ministerial clrcles here for some timo recently. 'That tho church," sald Mr. Cavo, "must be concerned for tho weifare of tho people; that sho must tako notlco of human rlghts and manlfest an actlve interest in the prcservation and lmprove? ment of publlc moruls goea w|th tho say? lng; that tho church at certaln times and in certaln places has assumed too much ln shaplng tho politics of tho people la verily truo, but certaln lt Is that not rnany Protcstant churches havo been great offendors ln this respect ln recent years, "Indeed, the Protcstant church hns beon all too eautlous.and hus ofl'crod npologles i'or fallures to porform ner duties that huvc beon absolutely defonseless In tho light of God's rlghtoous law. Nor, touch ing tho moral Issues that appeal ln valn to the sohemlng polltlclan of to-day for riphloous settlemont, is tho church as pronounccd in her utleranco and as ac tlvu in her offorta as sho ought to bu. Sho needs to bestlr hersolf nnd manlfest decpor Intoi-ost In tho thlngs thnt con? cerned hor Lord and whlch now alfect tlio lnterosl of hiunuiilty. "Henco I say," continued the prouebcr, "tlie church cannot I'ullllI hor Ood-given iii'sslon ln thc world aud not havu Bomo whut to do wlWl polltlcs. "Hondor, thei?ure, unto Cacsar tho thlngs that aro Cuesnr's, nnd unto God the thlngs tliat aro Ood's. Horo is tho chtirch'a warrant fOF talclng part in pol? ltlcs. Christlan mon and women owo something to tho government under whlch they llvo besldes posalvo submlsslon urid Jiicok sllonco, ? "No mnn, theroforo, enn he a good clt lycn of li'no klngdoni of tienvon and a biul cltlzon of tho klngdom of earth. Tho gov oiiiiiiont Is un liistltutlun of God, Ho has ordalnotl tho nnd for whlch It wns Instl tntcil und tho purpoau. whlch It ls to servQ. "Tho church should take a flrtn stand for tho prlnclples of Chrlst lu any and overy party whero sho mny oxort ihor lr.Iliio.nco and power far thu protnotlSn of good men to offlco, tho iinprovemant ot publlo moruls and tlm exlouslou of tho ii'lr.n of rlghtcousiiim "Tho churoh of Clirist should no ln pyl Itlcs to tho extout of hor Inlluenuo to con? trol our iBKlslutois nud glvo oharaoter to our leglslatlon und Just und rlylUcoua ud _iiiii._.trut.o_. pt our Ja/wt;.'' FC? RJ Riehmond, Frederlcks* n W Ob burg & Potomac R. R Tralns Loavo Riehmond-Northward. ? i'lr /*i'J["?'\?ni':.Vyul St- ''"-rough. o:lii A.'.M., dally, Maln Ht.'I'luotgh. t!;4.a A. ?M.. dally, Maln St. All Pullmnn Cars. ":f,>l A. Mi, excopt Mondnv. Byrd Bt, Through. All Pullmnn Cars. 7:15 A. M? woek days. Elba, Ashland ac commodntlon, 8:00 A. M., Sunday only. Byrd St. Through. ":I0 A. M? woek days. I'.ryd St. Through. 12:0.i noon. week days. Hvr.l St. Through 4:00 J". M.. week days." Uyrd St. Fred* orsburg nccnmmodntlon. S'25 -.r'..M" ',I.,1-?r. w,lln 3t> ThroiiKh, G:2? P. M., woek days. Elba. Ashland ac* com moda tlon. 8:06 T>. M., dnlly, Byrd St. Through. 11:10 F. M,, woek days. Elba. Ashhina ac* commodntion. Tralns Arrive RIchmnrid-SnuthwaTd. 0:40 A. M, week days. Klha. Ashland ac* commodntlon. 8:CO A. M.. dnlly. rtyrd Rt. Through. 8l2n A. M., week rl.iv:.. Hvrrl St.. Frcd crleknbuiK accomnindji.tlnn, *o:S *V, % Y0?k1;*,a'"?t ?y*?l St Through. 2S tI'-..^- dl},1_1 Mn,n Bt- Tkrotilhi ":00 P. M.. woek days. Elba, Ashland ac commodntlor. in'V 4 ' -,,M" , ' !'''*""'?., ,''*????'' St' Through. tOr25. P. M. dally. Maln St. Through. All Pullman Cnrs. " 11:00 P. M. week days. Elba. Ashland ac cnmrnnriatlon. 11:a?i "ri ^l" weeif "ays' B*vr'' 3t- Through. -All Pullmnn Cnrs. 12-i?;t'^- B1',-, a'*!,y. :m''n Sl*- Through. Nntir?-Pullmnn Sleeplng nr Parlor Cars ? "i-*? U?Tl.n-'Vr:Jv('v,' ISr**' aororrimoila tionp. ?^' !?',?U s E'C W' nnvp w- p TAYLOR, Gonl Man'r. Ass't Gon'l Man'r. Traf. Mnn'r STEAMBOATS, American Line. NEW TORK, SOUTHAMPTON. LONDON SalllnK wednesdays at ? "> A M. gt. Paul, Feb. 23. Phlladelphia, March 11. St. Paul. March IS. Vaderland, March.21. Red Star Line, NEW YORIC?ANTAA'ERP?PARIS. Salling Saturday at 10 A. ,M. Kroonland. Feb. 28. Finland. Msrch U. Zeeand, March 7. A'aderland, March _. Plers lt and 15, North Rlver. Offlce, 73 Broadway, N. Y. AV. B, PALMER & CO., . H BAY LINE T0 BALTIM0RE Via C. & 0. Railway and Old Point U. S. MAILR0JTE. Leave Riehmond via Chesapeake and, Ohlo Railway dally, except Sunday, at 4 P. M., connectlng at Old Polnt wlth the superb steamers of tho Old Bay Line. leaving at 7:15 P. M., arriving Baltlmore G:30 A M., ln tlme to make connectlon wlth all tralns North, East ond AVcst. Short rail rlile and al! nlght on oue of the finest steamers. in Southern water. Re turnlng, arrive Riehmond 10 A. M.. dally, except Monday. For tickets and g-eneral Informntion tjpply at general offlces Chesapeake and Ohlo Rallway, Riehmond Transfer Com? pany and 100(5 Eaat Maln Street. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP 00. Night Une (or Norfolk Leave TUchrnond dally at 7 P. M., stop plng at Newport News ln both dlrectlons. Daily except Sunday by C. and O. Rail? way, 9:00 A. M., 4 P. M.. 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. by N, and AV. Rallway; all llnes connect at Norfolk wlth dlrect steamera for Now York, salllng dally except Sun? day. 7 P. M. , Steamers sall from company's wharf (Coot ot Ash Street) Rocketts. H. B. AVALKER, Traf. Mnn. New York. JOHN F. MAYER, Agent, 1212 East Maln Street. Riehmond, Va. Transportalion Company, Steatnship Line. Direct Route to Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. 3. Steamer.s leave Norfolk for Boston Tues? day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. For Providence- Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at G F. M. Accommodatlons and cul slne unsurimssed. Passengers and freight taken for oll New England polnts. Tick _t? on sale at Chesapeake and Ohlo and Norfolk and Western Rallway offlces and No."81t"> East Maln Street -? VIRGINIA NAVIGATION C9MPAN Y. JAMES EIVEB DAY LINE. ?1 Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves MON? DAY, AVEDNESDAY" and FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Cloremont nnd James Rlver landlngs. nnd connectlng- nt Old Polnt for AVashlngton, Baltlmoro and tho North. Stato-rooms resorvod for the nlght at moderate prices. Electrlc cars dlrect to wharf. Faro only $1.50 and $1 to Norfolk. Muslc by Grand- Orcheslrlon. Freight received for abovo-named places and all polnts in Eastern A'trsdnln and Notrh Carollna. IRVIN "WEISIGER,. General Mannger. E. A. Barber, Jr,, Secretary. Easily , Recognized. No troublo to seo tho likon'ess or tlio art qual? lty ln the pliotograplis wo muko. All tho (jic turos wo turn out aro really oxcollont. AVo guahintee thc finish, thu llkonosa and tho nonnandnoy of tho work, Prices HoftHonublo. The Elite Studio, Art 1'hotouriiplicr.s, 307 I.roml Street. f. A. WHITTY, florist, Broad and Ninth Sts. Vlolota, 75c, liutiiJrefl, ?"??.??"?'?. i..."- -,_,_;i....... LEAVE 1UOIIMOND-I.ASTBO..ND. 7:45 A. M,-l_x, Surtday-Locul to Nowport Isows. *? Po7di]?6lnTDany~E,tprCSS t0 Nor?olk *"< 4i00,P"-.iA,t'7,K.x' S'in.-Exprosa to Norfol and Old I'olnt. 6:00 PM,-Dnlly-r.henl to Old Polnt. ,? ,? ,-vr'VN_,rjII1|r:-w'''s'rBOUND, 10:10 A. M.-__,x. Sun,-Local to Cllfto Forgo. 2.W?i 1f;-D;'llb;-Exprcsn to Clnclnnatl, f-oulsvllle, St. Louta nnd Chicago, ' io _ ,' M.--J_'x1Sim.-Local to Doswell. i 2?'i' M1--D?lly-Kxpre.<.s lo Clnclnnatl, Loulsvllle, St. Lpuls nnd Chicago. JAMES RlVF.R DIVI9ION. 10:&.&_ M---Pn"y-To Lynchbtirg and CUfton Fnrgo. i5:.5 ^JJUtS*' Sun.-Local to Breme. C. E. BO-LK, W. O. WARTHISN. l_en 1. Manager. Dlst. Pass. Agt. ._i_ ?_\ SOUTHERN RAILWAY _nCHEDULE IM EFFECT DEC. 14, 100a, ' TRAINS l.EAVE AND ARRIVE F0 OBTEENTH. STREET 8TATI0N, _ TRAINS I.B/VE RICHMOND. VA. 7:00 A. M? X_, 7. dnlly. for D.nrll1o. Char. lotto nml nll locnl x.atlons Sonth. ronnoctlni nt PnnTtlliv for atatlons to Lynchburg, aiid wlth D nnd W. Ilnllvvn. for M?rtln"lll_ ind stntinnn on thnt llne. At Greensboro for ill slntlons enst nml ?vo?t thersnf 13:60 p. K., So. 13, llmlted train dnlly. fnt Jack*oiiTllli? nnd .11 Florliln polntaj EInvnna K?_. nan, etc. Consctets sit Mosolcy wlth I"iir ro-HI. nnd Porrhatni. Rnllron.l; nt -Sreensboro for Duf. linm. nnlclk-h nnd Wlnntnn-S_l?m; at Dan-rilla wlth No. _?. tlnllprl 8lnte.. tnst mail. aolld trnln, dally, for Now Drlcnns nnd polnta Coliiinbli). Suvnnnnh nnd Jii.Unn-rlllo. Drnw iiiK-ltoom' BufTot Bleopor Richmond to Atlanta nnd Blrnilnuhnm. Throucb conch for Chua Clty. Oxforrt nnd Durham. Throngl) -trnln, wltb Slecper, Snllshury to U?mpbla. Dlnlng Cnr R.-rvl.... 11:05 P, M., No. 11, Soother- t_xpr.??, dnlly. for Atlnntn, Auttusta. ^eksonriHo nnd polntf Sonth. aipppor for Dnn-llle, Greonsboro, Sal< Inbiiry nnd Charlotte: open at Itlcbmond 0:8f P. lt. Connectlon wllh Now York and Florld( Express and Sonth-i-estcrn Llmlted, whlch ca_?, rlo thrnimh Sle.pera to Anitastn. *_.annatv, Jncksonvllle. Tampa. Nashrllle, ?emohlN. At< lanta. ,Now Orleans, etc. Completp Dlnln?-0M scrr lee. Also. rullmnn Tourlst Sloaoer Mon, dnys. W.>i.ii->s<?iy* nnd Frldaya TOa?tiln.__<.n tt Snn Frnndseo, wlthout clmnitc. wlth conuectloa "?r nll polnts In Texas, Mexlco and Callfonda. 6:0O P, It,, No. 17. local -U'ly. except 8o_H dny, for K>ys.llli> nnd Inter_>i('-ltnte polnta. TRAINS ARRIVE IN RICHMOND. 6lB6 A. K. and <:25 P. K. From A-lnnta, Aiumatn. Jackson.llle, ? Aaher.lli. and all p*ntt Sonth. 8:40 A, K. From Keys-llle nnd local itatioaa, 3:25 P, M. From Dnrham. Charlotte. DanrUV. and Intermedlato B.atlon*. r.ocAL Fn._i_._rr. Nos, 61 and 02. botween Mancbeitw aa4 Nennolla, YORK-RIVEB LINE .."U THE X_VUi__lT__ KOJJ.'E NOKIH. LEAVE RICHMOND. 1:30 P. ___., Nt>. 18, Ualtlmors Llmlted, dallj excopt Sundays, for West Piilnt, connecUng ai West I'olnt wlth steamers for BalUmora uf York Rl.or landlngs llomltiys, Wcduisdayi an. Frldoys. 9:15 P. M,, No. 10 (Mondays, Wcdncsdayr and Frldays), locnl express for 'Weat Polut anl Intermeillntc atatlons. ConcecU u-'th stage al Letter Manor for Walkerton and Tappahannock, 8:00 A, M,, No, 74. local mlxed. dally except Sunday, for West Polnt and Intermedlntt stntlons, tonni'etlnc rlth stuprea at Lcat? Manor fot Wnlkerton and Tappuhnimoclt TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 0:15 A, M., No. 15, dally, from Weat Polnt, wlth connectlon from Baltlmore Sundays, Wtd nesdnya and Frldays. 10:15 A, M., No. 0? Wcdncariayi and Fridayf from West Polnt and locnl -tatlons. 4:50 P. _?? dally, ezcept Sundays, fro? TVest I'olnt and Intermedlate atationa. Bteamers aall from Polnt 8:80 P, Tt. Mondays, Wedneadays and FrWluys, and wlll call at Allmonds, Claybaxik and GlooceatW Polnt. 0. W. WBSTBTJRT, Dlstrlct /?na?enKer Ag-ent, 020 Eaat Mnln 8tt/: ;, Rlohmond, Va. 8. 0-... ARD-vYICK. Qeney.'...'- n??pn_rer Agent. C. V -V.CICERT, General Manaueu;^ /.-Bhlncton, D. 0. SEABOARD Am Line Railwaw TRAINS LEAVE RJCHJEOND-DAILr 10:28 P. AL Sea-board Florida Llmlted t? St. Autrustlhe. . 2:15 P. M. Seaboard Mail to Savonnab Jacksonvllle. Atlanta and Southwest. 12:32 A. M. Seaboard Express to Savan? nah. Jackson-villo, Atlanta and South? west. 0:10 A. M. Local for Norllna and Hamlet TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND?DAILY, 6:40 A. M.. No. 34. from Florlda. ,t 6:10 A. M. No. 50, from Florlda, Atlont-. and Southwest. 4:55 P. M.. No. 66, from Florlda, AtlanU and Southwest. _:45 P. M., from Norllna and local polnta CITY TICKET? OFFTCE, ?Phono -105. 1006 Eaat Main SL ATLANTIC COAST LINE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILT BYRD-STREET STATION'. 8:30 A. M. To all polnts South. - 9:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. & XV. "Weat 3:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfollf. ? t4:10 P. 3)1. Goldsboro Local. 5:56 P. lf. Petersburg local. 6:50 P. M. To polnta South. 9:35 P. M. Petersburg and N. __"W. AVest. 11:30 P. M. Petersburg local. .11:50 P. M. "Florida Special.". TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 4:07 A. M., t3:'0 A. M., 7:35 A. M., t8:4? A. M? U:10 A. M., U:42 A. M? 2:00 P. H*> 6:50 P. M., 7:13 P. M.. S:B6 P. M. t Except Sunday. t Except Monday. . C, S. CAMPBELL, Dlv. Pass. A?_. . W. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pass. Agt. Norfolk^Weslern LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 9:00 A. M.. NORFOLK LIMITED, Ar, rlvcs Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Stops only at Pctersbun;, Wavqrly and Suffolk. 0:00 A. M., CinCAGO IDCPRESS. Bultol Parlor Car, Petoraburg to Lynohburg eund Roanoko. Pullman Slecpers Roanoke ? Columbus, Dlueileld to Clnclnnatl; als< Roanoke to Knoxville, nnd Kaoxvllla to ChattunooKa and Memphls. 12:_0 P. M., ROANOKE EXPRESS- foi Farmvllle, Lynchburg and Roanoke. 3:00 P. M.. OCEAN SHOR1. LIMITEHD, Arrlveu Norfolk _:20 P. %t. Stops only a Potorsbiirpr, Waverly nnd SutTolk. Connecti wlth sieninerH to Boston Provldence, N?W York, Baltlmore and WashlnKtop. 6:06 P. M? for Norfolk and oll statloni east of PetorsburB. 9:35 P. M.. NEW ORLEANS SHOR1 I_JNK. Pullman Sleeper. RIchmond tt Lynchburg, Petershurg to Roanoke: Lynchburg to Cli;itt:inooira, Memphls an. Now Orlenns. Cnfe Dlnlntr Car. Tralna nrrlvn from the West 7:35 A. M, 2 P. M. nnd 8:5- P. M.; from Norfolk H:Iv ,\ M? U:<2 A. M. and 6:50 P. M. Officc N'o. M.S lCiiat Maln Stroet. \V. B. BEVII-L, C. H. BOSLEY. Clon. Pass. Agent. Dls, Pass. Agent l3IC.iri.0r_D AND reTERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Beginiiing April lst, ltiO__, Cars ieavea corner Perry aud SaveniK, ' Struett., MancheBier, overy -iour (ou tat\ hour. _rom 6 A. il. to 10. P. ii., lost car V V.-M P, M, W Cara leava fataraburic. foot nf Byca inore Street. ever*. nuur from 6:30 A. ___. to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECI_i_ EXCXTftBIONS, W CB_NT8-R0UND TRIP-?. CBNTi. Clyde Steamship Go.'t PHILADELPHIA, KICUM0ND AND NORFOLK STEAM SHIP UNE. Appointc.1 sailing tluyas Ever; TUESDAY, HUDAY am, 6UNDA-. ut ila.vliyht. Eroight reeelved d?il/ til fi i\ M,