Newspaper Page Text
THE TIMES. FOtmDRD m. | WHOLE NUMBER* 16,195. K l.tSPATCH. FOUNDLD IM. 1 _____.? UICHMOND, VA., SATtntDAY, MAKCH 21, lOCW PRICE TWO CENTS. SUMMARY OF DAY'S NEWS; THE WEATHER. WAHttlNOTON, March '-O.-Forecnnt! VlrelnliL-nulii, followed by raln and coldor Saturday; Butidny falr; fresh West to north wdst wlnds, North Cnrollnn-Raln nnd not so warm Saturday; Sunday falr; IroBh .-West wlnds. Yostordny waa a vVarm, sprlng-Hko day, and up to mldnlght last nlght tho mcr cury hnd glvon no lndlcutlons oP lho full. prophoBlcd hy tho wctttlicr people. ?'BTATE- OV THE THERMOMETICR. I) A. M.<L!3 ^V-::::::::::::::::::::":::::::::::::::g 0 P. M. ,'.L' I) F. M. S 12 mldnlght..*? __ Avorngc. c*1 i*"3 IligheRt tompcraturo yesterday.7|j Lowoat lomperuluro yostorrtay. ;. Mcon tenipcnituro yeaterday.. M Normal trunpernlure for Maroh... \) Departurf. from normal temneratlire.. 11 Preclpltatlon during past 21 hours.... oo MlNIATUru"ALifANAC. March 21, 1903, Hunrlses.Cd4 I IIIGH T1DB. ytiiin hcIb.0:21 Morn tiK.i0.r? Moon rl8__...r.3l | Kycnlng.R*31 RICHMOND. das atove rosponslblo for tlie death. of 3, A. Lovo, ot Mcrklcnburg. at the Vnl enllim HotlBO-State tax on llnuor doulers doubled by tho Sonato Commltteo on l.?l nutKio-Mann blll amended und favorably reported to tho Sonalo-Henrico peoplo dlscuss action of Flro CommissJoners. opinion of tho Clty Attorney~--Falr Koldlors drlll at iho Confedeiato Fnlr? Phlladelphia t<Mtrri defeat* Kir-hmond Col? lego liovs-Large slorn-post for a liatlle uhlp Ib fashlonod hero?Movement for thn relief ot aged Presbyterian inlnlstors-? J-oe Camp conslders appropriatlon or a thousabd dollars for New Orleans trlp? Councilhion talk on blll for the now Jall--? Tho Torrens syatem ably dlscussed in commlttee-Report on Campbell case mibmltted to LoglKlature by ?\orgeunts-at nrms-Lloutc-nant-CSovernor Willard dls elaims any tntenlloit of offending f on fedoralc veterans?Meeting o; tho 1 ro* ditco Exchange. MANCHESTER?-Ll nuor llcenso matter iK postponed??Seliooi trustees to romaln. unchanged ror tne preaent-Bowling Club practlclng P.-31'1 -Entortalnmcnt for the benellt of con? tral Cliurch-Elks' Lodgo to be Irwtl tuted next Thursday nlght?-Mr. wns and Mlss lluband made one-Suecessful ple party-Religlous servlces to-day. VIRGINIA. The coal Iands of Buchanan and thelr tttlo-Home of a negro wrecked with Hvnamlto at Christlansburg-Lawyor and edltor at Woodstook marrics suddenlv? Tolophono company organlzed In Patrlrk county-Legal flght lu Stafford over a - cow-Threo well known men mentloned for the ScniLtc, to succeed Dr. Le Cato? Bond issue for proposod electric road do feated ln Stafford county-Clarenc. Hodges shot by Duek: Carter In Roanoko -Flrst Baptist Church In Alexandria to relebrato ita annlveraary on April lfltn? ronvent to bo bullt at Woodstock Danvlllo wlll Joln Vlrglnla-Caro Ina Rase fcallLeague-Ohl-Street Methodlst Church ln I-otcrsburg haa been pulled down? Llquor llcenses ln Newport News ralsed _Ordlnance prohibltlng women In bar rooms becomes cffecllvo In Portsmouth to-day-National Elks* Itomo at Be'lford soon to l>e dcdlcated-Oyster shells jit Norfolk ura bringlng good pricea?Pe lersburg Councll rcnows contract with ?Passenger and Powor Company for street ]lBhta-Washlngton and I^oe defoais l-lastern Collego of Front Royal al Lex? lngton. Marrlage?-Samuel I.. Pltts and Mlss Sadle S. Travers ln Maryland; D. B. Funua and Miss Annle E. Feathor n Boanoko; Mllton Burner and Mlss Lula Pohncstock Ln Maurcrtown. Dcatbs-? Clarence B. Jones in Portsmouth; Jullus L. Harrell ln Norfolk; Miss Helen Myers In Strasburg; Mrs. Sadle V. Anderson ln Petersburg; Bernard Starke ln Foters hurg; Colonel Thomas L. Proston at rhaiiottesvllle; Mrs. James Plper at Bris? tol. NORTH CAROLINA. Svdncy Blalr, an old citizen of Rock? ingham county. is killed by a. slxtcen-yeai> old . negro boy. Hls Mlss bull c Walker. a school teacher. who was nis housekeeper. Is three times wounded. rno negro is caught plllaglng tho house-? Proliminary hearing ln tho caso of Dr.. J. M; Baken of Tarboro, charged with thn ittlllng of Dr. H. T. Bass. Baker is balled for trlal at t.ho Septomber term of tho rourt-North Carolina Capitol Commls Klon thlnks a mllllon dollars ls needed for improvements and oxtenslons?St lo Press Associatlon to meot at Wrlghtsv lle bulldlng a new huntlng lodgo-Judgo Boyd hcars a untaue caso, GENERAL. Presldont has reappolnted Crum lo ho collector of port nt Charloston, S.-O.-?? Thought certaln that Congress wlll he ronvened in extra sesslon during onrly part of October?Clauses ln Cuban treaty Pald to be confltcting aml may temi t ln making it of no avall?Freighter cpllldes "v th Fail Rlvor boat, resulting n dea h Hnd injurv of many?Hotel burned ln Mlchigaii;'ono mun killed antl many very badlv b r icd-Arguments In the Wabash rnjunotlon suit aro conoUidcd. aiul Judgo Adams has declslon under udvlsemeiit-^ Aefan.. flnlshes Its slde of th? Nortlwrn gociiritlea Company chso and he Oavorn* ment wlll concludo to-day-~B ds ie Prt for thn now battleshlps-~*3? ndl igs of Ki-and? lurv ln case of the West Virglnia Rght ar" lald beforo Presldont Roosevelt 2._stock markel- shows genera Imin'ove nient nnd closed actlvo with prlcos of nuinv issuos at tho best; monoy easiot?-* Mlsslssippl situatlon is oven moro ciltl Diil* other lireaks ln tho levees aro mni porious thnn the llrst, und water ts hlghor than ever before-Moukey gavo tlro nlarm ln New York and saved mnny lives .?Car caiight llfe on the Rtooltlyii Brldge nnd ti. smtilb pnnlc ensued t.liat mlght havo proved serlous but for prompt Bi-tkm. CUBAN TREATY MAY NEVER BE AGREED TO (l(1y AHHuclnted Press,) WASHINCTON, Mtircli 20.?Acting Soe rotary of Stato Loomls nnd Mr. Qucsiula, tho Onbttn -minlster, after illscusslng Uio prospocts of an oNcliaugo of ratlfloatlons for lho Cubun treaty wlthln lho tlmo llmlt, to-dny declded to ctiblo President I'almn, reiiuestlng hlm to call lho Cuban Congress In cxtrunrdlnary sossion Im liiedlately for thls purpose, as that body citlionvl_i> wouid not meet untll April V, (ftiv'qii days aftor lho oxplrntlon of t'.e legal tlmo llmlt of tho ojrehango of ratlti ratlons. . . Such Imporfect roadlngs of tho treaty cup ho had at thls.stogo that tho State Dopartmont ofllcluls haj-e somo doubt ?s to tholr abllity to. do anythlng what? ever wllh tlio convention, Tho amend nients mndo hy lho Senate, imrtlculutly. tl;at iiddlng l" lho raill'ylng artlcle, inuy ros}l|l in tlio ciuniilctq loss of lho tronty. ritoro uro onnfllctltig clau.sos whlch lt may not be posslblo to roconi-ilo. ?????--8 Secretary Hay Back. " (.Siie.-liil to Tlio Tlfues-l)l.riBti:|i.ll WASiiLN'CTON, D. ()., Marcl) 20..?See reiary liay roturnod |u Washlngton to flny.JIo oiijoyeil a porl.od of porfeel reat Stirlng hls fortnlght's sttiy at-Tliomnsvlllo, ?>>? and camo back greatly. beueflled ln NEGRO BOY ESCAPES LYNCfflNG Had Killed Old Man and Wounded His Niece. SHE SHOWED GREAT PRESENCE OF MIND Rukhed on the Boy and Was Able to Bar the Door. GREAT EXCITEMENT NEAR REIDSVILLE Governor Aycock Wires That the Law Must Be Re3pccted and That a Spe? cial Term of Court Will Be Held. Prompt Action of the She riff in Suppressing a / Threatened Lynching. (Spoclal to The Tlmca-Dlspatch.) REIDSVILLIC, N. C, March 20. -Olie of the durkest crlmes in tho annal. of P-Ock Itighum county was commltted in the Cnrmel section, flve mllos from Beldsyillc. last night. John Brnadnax, a negro, slx? teen years old, killed Mr. Sydney Bla'.r, an cstlmablo old cltlzen, and shot hls niecc, Mlss Salllo AVnlker, in tlirco dif? ferent places. Mlss AA'alker\is a school teacher and housekeeper for Blalr. About dark yesterday afternoon, whilo Blalr snd hls nioce. Mlss AValker, worn at suppor, the negro entcrod ihe house and engaged In convcrsatlon wlth Blnir. AVithout warnlng he drow a plstol and flred tipon them. Blalr was kllled al? most instantly, two balls taking effect. Ono entered at the collar-bono nn-1 the other pierced the bowels. Mlss AValker was wounded at three different places. ono ball taklng effect Just under tbe skin of tho neck, another wont through the muscle of tho arni, and -another grazed tho' thlgh. AVIth rarc presence of mlnd Mlss Wa'lk er rushed on the negro and pushed him through the door. whlch she barred. nnd then placed a qullt undorncath the pros trato form pf her uncle. Sho then left tho bulldlng to notlfy nelghbors, who rushed to tho scene. AVhen thoy arrlved tho negro wai found in . tho kltchen in tho aet of pillaglng. AA'lthout resistlng ho was captured. AVhen unarmod hls pistol was found to hnvo been reloaded, and but for thelr fjiilek actlon he would probably havo es? caped. About tlio tlme Deputy Sherlff .Tohn C. Faucette nrrlvcd thero was talk among thoso whom hnd gathered, which indl? cated thoro wns danger of tho negro bolng lynched, Two or ihrio suggested that ovidenco wns concluslve, and that the nogro's confesslon mndo doubt irnposslhla, but thoy wero qulckly told that thls would not do. BOLD SHERIFF. "I know your faces." snld Deputy Sher? lff Faucette. "If you hnrm hlm, or por mlt hlm to bo harmed, I will havo you every one arrested.-'-' Tho news of the horrlblo crlme qulckly spread to adjolnlng farms, and'wlthln a short tlmo tlm premlsos were erowded; Tho negro mndo n full conl'esslon; statofl thnt ho wns told by anothor person to commlt. tho deod, and it was hls lntentlnn to sonrch tlio premlsos for monoy and VHluablcs. Mr. Balr was nbout slxty years old. n natlvo of Plttsylvanla county, Vlrglnla, nnd had beon a rostdcut of thls county ten years. Mlss Salllo Walker wns hl_ hotisekeepnr and tnught school ln tho nelghborhond. Sho ls about twehty-fivc yoars old nnd wns do voted to hor ngod unclo. Mr. Blalr was robbed of slxty dollars recently, and ofilcers havo boon trying to locato tho porpetrntor of that crlme. Yesterday Brnadnax passed through Beldsvlllo and soveral pnople nsserl that ho hnd n numbor of wntchos, now clothos. and two or threo vnllses. Ile loft tho Carmol section, whero ho hnd beon worklng as a fnrm Inboror for somo tlmo, about tho tlmo tho monoy wns mlssed from Blnlr's homo. It Is supposed thnt ho got tho monoy nt that tlmo, nnd THE LARGEST EVER FASHIONED Pattern for Stern-Post of Bat tleshlp Loulslana Will Be Shipped To-Day. Tlie wnnxton modol of tho storn post of tho Loulslana, whlch, whon completed, wlir lio tho largest battloshlp lu the United States navy, wlll bo shipped to duy from thls clty, whoro It has Just beon completed, by tho Itlchniond Pattern AVork.,, Tho pattern ls perhaps tho largest of Its klnd evnr ninde. it Is forly-seveu i'e-t long. Hvory llno ln It |a dlfforcnt, und heiico tho work has hnd to bo done en? tirely hy hnnd. From twenty-llv. to thirty nieiv havo been engaged ou It for tlie past seven woeks, Tho ateel eust whlch wlll ho '.iiodelctl from tlio pattorn wlll welgh 1:1.1 or l.'JO tons. As slntod abovo, tho pattern wns mado by tho Ulohmond Pattern Works, whlch ls now one oi' tlie Iurgost concerns of Us klnd in tlm country. ft goes l.o Nowport News, whero the'. batt|oShio '.? being bullt. . . returnod lnst nlght to got what Jewelry and othor valunbl.s ho could find, aov._-.Non NOTIFIBD. -Iicrlff Plnnlx notlfled Oovornor Ayceck thls mornlng ot tho crlme, and Was hsi sured that tho negro would hnvo trial by spoclal torm of court. Mayor Watt alsb rccolvcd tho followlng telegram from thn Oovornor: "Plonso uso your good offlces to pre scrvo pcaco of Stato. Spoclal torm court wlll bo ordered. Asstiro tho cltlzens that tho law wlll bo speedlly onforced." F/x-Sherlff Htilchorson und othor lli fluoiillnl cltlzens havo gono to tho sec? tion whoro tho crlmo wns commltted to ndvlso tho nclghbors of Blalr ngnlnst nny vlolonce, Owlng to tho fenr of lynchlng the negro was carrled to Orccnsbofo to-nlght. Com? pany O, Thlrd Hoglrnont, Nntlonal_ Ounrds, wns statlonod at the armory' Iho cntlro day undor orders. GENERAL CORBIN ON VISlT TO THE GOULDS (Br Anuoclntn.1 PrrM.) AVA8HI.NG-TON, March 20.?MaJor-G-en cral Corbln, odjutant-goneral of tho army, nnd Mrs. Corbln, left horo thls evenlng for JokyI Island for a wock's vlslt to Mr. and Mrs. Edwln Gould, During Genoral Corbln's absence Colonol Willlam Hall wlll aet aa ndjutant U. S. TAR GIVEN MEDAL BY BRITISH GOVERNMENT (By Asuoclntc) Pri>HH.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 20.-.I. Ryan, a sailor now servlng on tho monl? tor Purltan, Hampton Roads, haa been prosented by the Brltlsh Gov? ernment with a sllvor medal In recognltlon' of his servlce os a troopor In the Canadlan scoutn ln the campalgns In (ho Transvaal, Orango Freo State aiid the Capo Colony. The mednl was for? warded' through the Stato Department, and wlll bo dellvercd to Ryan at tho fimt opportunlty. ' BEEF TRUST ORDEREDOUT The Missourl Supreme Court Found Five Firms Guilty. ALL WERE HEAVILY FFNED Maintained an Unlawful Combination lo Control the Price of Meat?Met on Certain Days to Fix the Price. (By A.s.cintC- Pross.) .TEFFJ-RSON CITY, MO.. March 20.? The Missourl Supreme Court to-day found five large beef packlng oompanles gullty of maintalning an unlawful combination to control prlcos of meat ln the State of Missourl and issued an order of ouster, prohlbiting them from dolng business In thls State, and to pay a flne of $5,000'each and to bear tlie costs of tho proceedings. Tho companies are glven thirty days in whlch to pay the flno imposed, and If during that time they shall accept the Judgments aud pay the flne the ouster wlll bo held in abey nnce and the compaJiles wlll bo por mltted to continuo thelr buslnoss in Missourl. The companies afftected by tho decision nre tlfc Armour Packing Company, Cu duhy Packing Company, the- Hammond Pucklng Company and Swift & Company, of Chlcago, and the Sehwarzschild & Sulzberger Company, of New York, The oplnlon to-aay holda that the evidence obtalned nt the hoarlrigs show conclu slvely that thoro was a combination of packers to malntain trust prlcos on beef In Missourl; tliat tho packers met on certain days to llx the prices for tho cur ront week: that rebatlng was done; that thu samo prices prevallod at all the cool ers at the samo tlme; that no competl tor could enter tho field ngnlnst tho pack? ers, bocnuse tho combination would cut tho prices of beef, It was also charged by the Attorney Genoral tliat the companies wero gullty of selllng diseased meat,_ v THREE A1MD A HALF DAYS TO SAN FRANCISCO (Speclnl to Tlio OMAI.A, NEB? March ' 20.?Regarding tho plans of tho llarrlman-Venderbllt llnos for the comlng yoar a Unlon Pa? cific ofllclal sald yestorday; "Wo proposo to cut tho tlmo from Now A'ork to San Franclsco to threo nnd one half days. This wlll bo nccoinpllshed as tho resiilt of work now about to bo be gun. Contracts havo ulreudy beon lot for doubllng 144 mlles nf track. Thls road wlll havo ton thousand mon at work thls spring, lf they can bo obtalned, on new constructlon work. "The Southorn Paclflo ls now plannlng a tunnel through tho Novudu Mountulns, lo cost $10,000,000. Thls wlll mako a tro liiondoiis dlfforoneo In present schedules. Tho heavlost work, however, wlll be the reductlon of grades nnd stralghtonlng of curves, Involvlng JIO.OOO.OOO of expendl turcs." LEE CAMP HOLDS A BIG MEETING There was n gieat blg mootlng of Lee Camp last nlght. Tho mattor of approprlatlng $1,000 to pay tho expenses ot' cnrrylng delegates und others to Now Orleans on tho occa? sion of the rounjon ln May was brlefly discussed, nnd wns passed by untll next Frlday nlght, Thls questlon ls Intorostlng ull membors of Iho camp, nnd thero wlll llue'y ho a largo iittendanco noxt Frlday nlght. Tho cttnip hopes to curry a lurgo crowd. South, and overy offort wlll bo mnde to provldo for tho trlp. _ ? Behind Closed Doors. ? (By A.-.-luieil 1'i'C-i.) , ?. ', NEW OU1.EANS, I.A., March 20.-1 ha mornlng's session of the Wornen's Suf traglsts comprlsod a work conference be? hind closed doors, In whlch tho delegates and membors only partl.lpat.d. LAY DEAD ALL ALONE MANYHOURS ????? j J. A. Lovfe the Victim of a Gas Stove. FOUND LIFELES5 ATVALENTINE HOUSE Every lndlcatlon That His Death Was Accidental. 7 ?' ': WAS A MERCHANT OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY Came to Richmond to Purchase Goods Evidently Turned on the Wrong Jet in Lighting the Gas and Failed to .? Turn it Off and Was Found at 6 o'CIock Yester? day Afternoon. In a room reeklngwlth escaped gas, a man. supposed to bc Josoph A. I.ovo, a Mccklenburg county ?merchant, was found doad ln bed yesterday afternoon at tho A'alentino House, iii thls clty. Tho caso is' cleariy one of death hy asphyxltttion, though whether ftccl&ontal or otherwise cannot, of courso, wlth accu racy be sald. indlcatlons, however, seem to substantiatc the bollof that Ignorance of a pecullnr arrangemont of gas fl? tures is tho sole cause of the tragedy. A thorough investigation ot the eircum stancos devolops nothlng which would cstnbllsh a theory of suicide. CAME THURSDAY NIGHT. The residence of tlie dead man at tho A'alentino House dated from ThuC-dny; evenlng. About 10:30 o'clock that nlght ho entered tho place and engaged a rooin for a nlght's Iodglng, for which ho pald in advanco. From all accounts he ex? pected to leavo tho next mornlng, ond lie did not even ninke arrangements to got his breakfnsj. The strunger wns dressed in a sul,t of black. No register ls kept at the house, and the "proprietor did not even Inqulre the nnino and occupatlon of the lodger. Tho man was nt once shown to hls roorn, and nothlng more was seen or heard of hlm untll he was found dead. DOOR WAS LOCKED. About 10 o'clock yesterday mornlng a chnmbermald went to the room, but fcund the door loeked. Freriuently whon stro'ngor.s come In late at night ,thc-y sleep late. and no movemept wns made to dlsturb the slumberer. Throughout the day nothing was'seen or beard of tho man, rjhI It was supposed that he hud gotton up and gone about hls business. The ne.\t> vlslt mado to the room he oecu? pled was in the afternoon at 5 o'clock, when the chambormald went agaln, this tlme to clonn up. The door was still loeked. and tho circumstnnces wero noled wlth susplclon. Tho woman peered through tho key hole, hut could see nothlng. Tho view was obstructed by the key sticklng in on the other sldo. A falnt odor of gas could be detected. and thls at onco con? firmed the susplclon. aroused by tho looked door. A skcloton key was used to removo the other and tho door wns flnally opened. When tho rush of gas pcrmittod thoso on the outslde ln enter a ghnstly sight met thelr eyes. Stretched upon he hed, wlth his mouth open and hls hands out spread, lay the lodger of the nlght before. Ho wns st'lff nnd cold in death, und hnd evldentlv been so fnr somo hours. THE GAS THRNED ON. An Investigation soon rovealed lhe eaiise for the comllthm of tho mnn. The gas plpe In tlie room sorves n double purpose?heatlng and llghtlng. There ls attnehed to It a jot and nlso a plpo whlch communloates wlth a gas slnve. The stove nnd tho Jot havo IndependeiU stop-cooks. It was from the stovo thut the deadly gas was comlng. Tho probablo courso of ovonts can only bo guossod at, but tho accepted theory onslly nccounts for what followed. The man ovldontly entered tho room and reached up to llght tho gas. He turned on tho stove, but lliidiiig thut that dldn'l work he turned tho othor and lighted tho jot, Tho stop-cock to tho stovo he loft open. After completlng hls ar? rangements for tho nlght, whlch owlng to tho lateness nf tho hour were proba? bly brlofly dlsposod of, tho man turned off tho Jet nnd wont to bed. But tho gas from tho stove was stlll escaplng. nnd it continued to do so ' throughout lhe nlght Tho man went poucefully off TRIVIAL MATTER SAYS DIRECTOR He is Under Arrest Charged With Embezzlement to the Amount of S 15.000. (By Assorlutc'd Press.) IUlIDADiai.PHIA, l'A? Mnrch 2rt.~ Cliargcd wlth eipbo-zloniont and othor Irrogularltles to th" amount of uhout $10,000, Goorgo 11. White the vlco-prosl dent nnd n dlroctor of tho Hank of Houtli Pcnnsylviinlu. at Hyndniau, Bodford county, wus arrested by a deputy murshul to-day und hold ln -s.(|00 ball by United Stutos Commlsslnnor Cralg for u further honrlng noxt week. The wurrant wus sworn out hy 8p*clal Bank Hxnmlnor AV. A. Mason. who sluled thut ho was nctlng under lusiructlons from l-iitte.l States Attonic.-Oeneral Ktiox. Whlto was arrested al hls ofllce ln thls clty. He did not appear ngllnted nt the oluirg. s nindd agalnst hlm, and treated tho mattor as lf It were of small Impnrtnneo. "lt ls onlv ii trlvhjl matter," ha said. "Merely a "littlo mlsunderatunding In banklng busiiie.s that can bo easlly tiflfa." .- , Into a sleep, from whlch ho was tn Imve no waklng. Ilo dled as poacofully. Not even tho bod clothes wore dlsarrunged. As soon ns tho body wns dlsooverod Coroner Taylor wus summoned, and vlew ed tho remnlns. Ho pronoiinced do.itIi due to nsphyxlatloti, nnd utihosltatlrigly deolaros It io-bo accldenlal. Ho dlscov ored no slgns whatsoever. of suicidal tn tent. PAPEPS POUND ON HIM. Efforts to Identify thn mnn wore nt flrst fruitless. AViion hls person wns searched, howovor, thore was dlsooverod upon hlm a lottor addross to "Josoph A. Love, Chase Clty. Va.," and a bnnk book on tho Mecklonburg County Bank, of Chase Clly, Tho book wns ln tho name of J. A. Love & Co. An attempt wns mado by Mr. C. O. Pettlt, proprlotor of tho house, to got a tolegrnm through to Chase Clty, but tho offlco was closed for tho nlght, . Further Itivestlgntlon developod tno fact that tho supposed Mr. Love camo to Richmond ou Thursday, and that. ho came hero obviously for tho purpose of purchuslng supplles for hls Storo. Ilo wus wlth ~lr. Johnson, of C. B. Antrlm & Co., wholesala' grocers, on ThurSdiiy nnd ho had an cngagement to meot him ugaln yesterday. He did not appear. however, nnd Mr. Johnson left'town at 6 o'clock . In the aftornoon boforo com mtinlcatlon could bo had wlth hlm. One or two gentlemen from Mecklen btirg county wero seen by Mr. Pottlt, who wlshed to Identify tlio mnu beyond doubt. Mr. Read, member of tho House of Dele? gates from that county. wns called In, but hc could add nothlng to the little stock of ovidenco In httnd. Ho hnd heard of Mr. I.ove. but had nover como lnto personal contact wlth hlm. ? After somo furthor innulrles Mr. Pettlt turned the remnlns over to Undcrlaker Bliley, to bo prepared for burlal. Mean while steps, wlll be tnkbri lo got word to tho man's friends and relatives In Chase clty. SEVERAL SiM.LAR DEATH S. Tho frcquency of accidents and doaths in Richmond from gas stoves and ;the liko occusloiiH. remark. AVitliln recent tlmes thero have hecn several dcaths here from asyphlxlntion. THE MONKEY GAVE ALARM Saved Llves of Several Per? sons as Well as Hls Own. LAMP EXPLODED IN STORE By Continual Screeching Ring-Tailed Monkey Attracted Attention of Po liceman, Who Turned in Fire Alarm?Birds Smothered. CS.cclal to Tlie Timos-Illspatch.) NEWARK, N. J., March 20.?A ring tailey monkey wns tho means this af? ternoon of probably saving tho llves ot n number of persons who were asleop ln n large apnrtment house, when fire broke out in a blrd store kept by Charloa t. ~_w? mnn, on tho ground floor, a't that ad? dress. The anlmal ga'i'e the nlnrm, and by hls continued screeching attracted the ?utcntlon of Patrolman MacDonald, who had just passed tho store. Tho monkey cage was ln the rear of tho store. About 3 o'clock a kerosone lump whlch wns left burnlng. oxnlodod. The burnlng oll spread about the lloor and soon tho storo wns nllre. Tho 'nionkey wns crouch ed ln a corner of the cago when somo of tho oll touched hls body. lmmedlately tho llttlo boast bogan hls screeching. Tho owls soon jolned the monkey, and it wns not long before the I'.re depart? ment was on hnnd. Tho flro flgliter_ forced tholr way into tlio itoro, When the smoko cleared away and tho ilro was nxtlngulsbed It was found lhat llttlo dnm nge had boen dono by the flames. but a few llves had been sacrllVced. Two canarles and a reed blrd were smothered. BANKER ASSAULTED BY NEGRO WITH HATCHET (Hy AK.o.liit-cl r'i'PHS.1 SPRING CITV, THNN.. March 20. A. D, Paul, ono or tho most prominent cltlzens of thls placo nnd proprietor of a local bnnk, was nssuulted lnst nlght by Don. Dnrwln, a negro, whom ho had disoharged from his servlco, The negro used it liatohot or some liko Instrumont, and Mr, Paul's skull wus frncturod 11. nddltlon to othor Injuries. Late reports to-day say ho is ln a pre carlous coudltloii, Dnrwln flod nfter eom niittlng tho assault, nnd a posso und bloodhounds gavo chase, enpturing hlni nfter a long run through tlm?eountry. Ofilcers with dllllculty prcvontod a moli formlng and taklng thn negro. Dnrwln was removed to tho county jull at Day ton. GIRL A BURGLAR TO GET BRIDAL OUTFIT f. nr.'iiil lu Tlio Tlluni. hl.Ii/itch.l PBRI3V, CONN., Mnrch 20.-To get monoy for hoiisekooplng when married, twelvo-yenr-old Lona Cook coiil'cssod that sho had broken lnto und robbod plght hmiscs ln Bristol. Sho sald sho saw no wrong ln her ncts bocnusn the imiiins sho dospo||od wero thoso of the rlch. Iu tho Clty Courl yostorchty, Judge Nowoll o.uiiinllt.d her lo tho ludustrlul School for Cilrls, al Mlddloton, Sho ls tho daughter of Aloxuudor Cook, a load. Ing cltl.en of Bristol. LIQUOR MEN TO FIGHT Will Oppose Before the Council the ln* croase in Their Licensos. Thoro wlll ho an attempt rquda nt the next moetlng of tho Coiinnon fouuoll to liavo tlio city llquor llcenses recoonimlt ted, wlth Instructlons lhat thoy bo cut eonsid.rably. As wa.s Klalnd ln thls papor yosterdny mornlng th" reud.lustiuoiit of Iho llt-uor llc.iinos jilacos '.'15 suloons in iho flrst ($?BU) olnss, aml leuvos a fow, vory fow, ln the thlrd clnss. Thoro are not many ln tho liitormodluto griulo, niul iho doiil eYs nro dls.utlsflod as a resiill. Tho Plnunce Coninillteo sqya that tho burige-t wns prepared and tlie npproprln tlons mado lo run tho city wlth au ldea In vlew of recolvlng ovor ?UO,000 addltion al from tho llquor dealers. nnd If It Is cu{ tbe departments will run short ut Ih" ,eu~ of the .car DOUBLED THE TAX ON LIQUORMEN Mann Bill May Yet Win ' ih the Fight. IT IS AMENDED AND IS REPORTED Applies Almost Wholly to the Rural Districts. INCREASED REVENUE FROM RAISING TAX Estimated That the Amount Will Reach the Sum of a Hundred Thousand j per Annum?How the Voto on the.Mann Bill in the Com? mittee Stood Before lt Was Amended. ' The Mann Ilquor hlll haB won Its flrst step towards vlctory, having been ro? ported as an amondment to tho general tax blll,. whlch oame from tho'Senato Committoo on Flnanco yoslerday to tho upper branch of the Gonoral Assembly; Thls was accompllshed yesterday. oon trary to indicatlons up to that tlmo. Whlle tho : amendment embodying tha Maiin features of the famous Quarles Barbour reBolution, foii'ght over s'o long ln tho recent C'onstltutlonal Con'ventlon, and the Mann blll, whlch was practlcally the former with the cltles exempted, will cause a blg light on the lloors of tho two houses, yet its' passage is confldently predlcted by. Judgo Mann; tho popular patron, and Messrs Wlckham and Boaz, tho chalrmen ot the Senato and House Commlttees on Flnanco, ? aro of opinion that it will go through, . EXKMPT TOWNS.. Tho amendment was so modlfled as to oxempt towns. ot G00 inhabltants and, ovor, and all waterlng| places and sum? mer rcsorts. I It provoked a long strugglo in commlt? tee and orpon tho proposltion with towns of 1,000 and over exempted, the body was a tlo, tho vote having been 7 to 6 agalnst lt boforp tho latter was offered.' But flnally yesterday morning tho ? patron agroed to tho further modllicatlon ex otnptlng towns of 500'nnd ovor and all Biimmer resorts nnd waterlng places, and the way was clear, thore oppcarlng llttle opposltlon on tho fi'iial 'vote, . ?? WAS A CONFLICT. The blll was roported as an amendment to tho omnlbus rovenuo blll rather than ns an independent measure, beeause lt was ln conflict with somo of tho provl? sions of the latter, and lt mado a part of a new basls of taxatlon for the Ilquor dealers of tho Stnto. It Is estlmated thnt tho not gain in rev enuo from thls.sourco wlll bo about TAX DOUBLED. Tho prosont tax on Ilquor dealers Is doubled nnd thls wouid brlng an increaso of $.00,000, according lo Messrs. Mcll walno and Boaz, and tho docrenso of $.100. 000. ' Under tho Mann blll amendment wlll rodtico thls mun und mako it $100,000 not. Judgo Mann ls satlsfied with tho blll as roported, inusrnuch as lt was the best ho could get, nnd ho bellovos |t wlll prac? tlcally drlvo tho oross-roads bar-room out of buslness In the rural districts. The iimondmont provldes thnt boforo proeur Ing a llcenso to sell ilquor wlthln tho territory Included In lho blll, whlch ls nll tho rural districts with tho towns, &c, mentloiiod abovo exempted, tho appllcant must havo tho ondprsontciit of a majorlty of tho quallfied voters lu tho maglstorial dlstrlct where tho sald llcenso Is do sirod. That tlio Ilquor pooplo nro golng to put up a pOwerftil flght agalnst any change, and, especlally tha Mann amond? ment, thoro Is no doubt. but woll postod leglslators aro of opinion that tho blll as amended wlll becomo law. HOW THEY VOTRD. ' Tho commltteo orlglnally llnod up six to six on tho Mann blll, wllh Senutor St Clalr ahsont, as follows: For tho blll?Messrs. Wlckham. Lupton, keo.oll, Chapman, Donohoo, Claytor. Against tho blll?Mossrs. Hurvoy, Mas slo Cnrrctt, Sliac-kolford. Anderson, Sulo.^ As indlc'ated, Mr. St. Clalr'wns away nnd ho could not be recorded ono way or tho othor. STREET-CAR BLAZE CAUSED A PANIC Wild Dasli for Loop and Fire Extinguisher Prevented a Serious Dlsaster. (?>(ioi-liil to Tlio Tluien-nispiitclj.l NEW YORK. Maich ;'0.-Tho slght of a. Balph Avonuo tiolloy car ablazo from a burning fuso oh tho loop ut tho Man? hattan ond ?f the Broohlyn Rrltfge. causod a small panlc during tho tnornlne rush to-day, Tho car got nflro nn thu bridgo, and tho motorman mado a wlld dnsh for tho loop, nono of tho passongors-bolng aware of tlio blaao. As soon as tho car arrlved, thero was tui insiant crusli, whlch camo very holng a fatal panlc. The qulck ncMoti of tho pollco, howovor. pre ventef} lt, Brldge Patoctlvos Brodorlck und Lnuderbaum. with a flro extinguisher. soon had the Are under control. One man started to turn ln an alann, Imt wns nr.rentod. PRESIDENT REAPPOINTS NEGROCRUI Determlned to Force Him on Charleston. SENATE WILL BE ASKED Tb ACT Almost Certaln That Congress Wllli Be Corivened. BIDS ARE ASKED FOR THE NEW BATTLESHIPS Findlngs of Grand Jury in Case of Flght Between Miners and United States Deputy Marshals In West Vlr-. glnla Laid Before the Pres? ident Has Not Been Mald Public. ' Tlmes-Dispatch Bureau,; No. 1417 G Streot, VN. ;W? "Washington, D. C? March 20. ' Tho Prosldent late thls/afternoon re- ';, appolnted W. D. Crum, dolored, to the posltlon of collector of the port of Char? leston. ' Tho Senato at the 'regular sos- ' slon did not act on ihe appointment, 'j though tho Commltteo on Commerce, to whieh such appointments'. aro reforred,* / reported against conflrmation, The most strenuous .fforts woro xnado by the Re? publican Senators- closest to the ndmlnls ti'utlo,*?-7to have tho commlttee^Sct on the nouilffiitlon at tho Xfetra Hj*?5Ton. but tho Democrats, with 'thokaltrof Sonator El? kins and two or threa,other Republlcans' on the commltteo, prcwanted tho com mlttee's reportlng. Tho President, who has nevor swerved ln hls'detormlnation to forco tho appoint? ment of tho nogro upon tho-whlte peo-'.'. plo of Charleston, desplte.tho protest ot nearly. every buslness man ln tho clty,???, rcappolntcd Crum to-day, nnd tho Sonato \vjll ibo, nslcod to. a'ct.'oii .tlio appointment whon it noxt convones, whlch'wlll nimost , cortalnly bo in Octobor. T'hero ls thought to bo no dpubt that an oxtra sesslon will be called for about October 10th. NEW BATTLESHIPS. . The clrculars asltlng for blds fnr tho threo 16,OO0-ton battleshlps attthoiized' by tho last naval appropriatlon act woro Is-t.: sucd to-day. Tlio shlps will bo practIcal-\ ly Identlcnl with tho Conne.ticut and* Loulsiana, thtf prlnclpal "change belng . sllghtly henifler armor "for 'tho super strueture und sllghtly llghter. armor at tho top of tho regular armor helt. Tho blds aro' to bo opened Juno 3d. Tho shlps aro to bo completed In forty-two months. Ex-Governor Atklnson, of West Vlr- - glnla, Unltod States Atlorney for The southorn dlstrlct of that State, to-day../ prescnted tho President with an Im- ?' portant roport mado by tho grand jury to Judgo Benjamln F. Keller on tho re-'-' cent contllct betweon mlnors nnd deputy . marshnls at Stundlford, Rajelgh county, Wost Virglnia in whlch five men wero killed and nearly twico as many wound-': ed, Tho grand jury lu Judgo Keller's court Investlgated tho tragedy In grent dotall, and has gono Into a full roport pf tho affalr. 'Judgo Keller thought lt was his duty to sond tlio roport to-tho Department of Justlce, aud lt was siib- ' mltted to Solleitor-OMiernl Hoyt, acting Attorney-General to-day hy Mr.,. Atkltl son, who brought tho report'to Washlng? ton by dlrectlon ot tha Fcdernl, judge, Mr, Hoyt dlroctod that tho roport bo lald boforo tho Proshloiit, as lt was re? garded as un lmportant rtocument, Thti grand Jury t'/xes tho blame for tho trugedj*. i . / IS MADE PUBLIC. The spoclal roport of the Federal grand jury Jn Judgo Kollar's court, was madrt publln to-nlght by permission of Attor noy-Goneral Knox, Tho grand }urf a**. sisns as u reuson for maklng n speclal roport, tho fuot tltttt thero hnd been gravo violatlons ot the lnw, endlng ln bloodshed, nnd that wido nowsnnper no torloty, with gross mlsro'^resontatlons, had been glvon the affalr und grent In? jury dono tho officers of tho court. Tho report recounts tho efforts of Charles Evans, of tim United Mlno Wnrkors, to provont reslstjinco to lho sorvlco of tho wrlts, aud goes on to say that tho mob was enmposed largoJ,,v of tho lawloss oloment of tho com munily, or strnngers who hnd come In thuro lo tako advantago of tlio luwless noss orlgliiatltig with, and foslcrert by tho Unltod Mlno Workers in tlio vlclnlty of th" troublo. A report kIbhocI hy tlilrteen tnotnbors of. tho grand Jury, pralses the conduct of Populy -Marshal l-'iinnhighani nnd Sherlff Cook. MR. JONKS I-RO.MOTKIi. It was announced at tho general of? flces nf Iho Southorn Rallway in thls clty to-day that Mr. A. Gordon Jones luul beon appolnted asslstant to Genoraj Siipeiintendont Sumner J. Colllns, Tho piislllmi Is ono creatod for Mr. Jones. who (or sovoral yoars, nnd up to about two werks ago, was suiierJntondout of lho Hotitliuru. W.irron R. Choato suoeocded hlm yes. terday. Mr. Jones wlll havo lils head iiuurtci's at Sallsbury, N, C. Tll.LMAN ASTUTJ3. It has lieeu dlscovered ut tho Treasury Pepartment tluil Sonator Tillman Is moro than a match for "t'nolo ,loo" Cnnnon,.' aud all of the rest of tho Republlcans horo, who havo perslstcntly refused' to allow tho p-.iyinont by the Oovornment of Its just dobts to Indlvldual Statos, If tlia Stato ho south of Mason niid Plxon. Mr. Tillman camo near enii'ilng on cxtro. sesslon of Coneress beeause of tho action of tho Republlcans, headed by Mr. Can? non, in refuslng to nllow tho clalm of South Carolina for UtW for moneys ad vattced In an old Indlan war. To avolrt an extra sesslon of, or to'defeat the Ken eral di-ftcleney blll, Mr. TJllman's amencl ment had' to bo accepted. Sonator Tillman went over to tho Tr*?_? vry Department tho othor day to &>??<? about the clalm. Controlter TrafloweU e.ainlned the blll as passed by. th* lti?$ Congress. He found that Mr, THIman ? '?,amendment yroyldea for the p?yroent at