Newspaper Page Text
MORE BREAKS IN LEVEES Most Serlous Yet Occurred on Rlver Above Memphls. SITUATION GROWS WORSE New Maxlmum Recorded In Momphls. Refugees Crowdlng Into the Clty Faster Than Thoy Oan Be Cared For (rty Ainiocltitcd I'rcsii.) MEMPHIS, T1SNN., cMarch 20,-Tho foellng of hope that was produced yes? terday and last nlght by the Mlsslssippl Rlvor comlng to a stand at thls point, with 40.1 feot on tho gaugo, was dls pelled to-day by tho occurrcnco of two addltional breaks In lho St, Francls levoes north of tho flrst crevasse at Trlco'a Landlng, Ark., nnd tho grave roports that aro bolng received from Mlsslssippl as woll as by a rise of-one tenth horo. ' To-day tho St, Francls leveo gnve way at Random, Shot and Shawneo Vlllngo, Ark., tho llrst about , forty-ono mllos ,from Memphls nnd tho second about thlrty-llvo mlle.', Both crovassos aro rc portcd to bo serlous, tho one at Shawneo belng tho worst of the threo. The situa? tlon, thoreforo, ln Arkansas is'' much compllcnted nnd made more grave than t nny tlme during tho flood. Just whnt wlll bo tho extent of tho damage and sufferlng wlll not bo known for several dhys, and tho calamltles havo come so ' thlck and fant that relief mca'sures havo been and must be for sovoral pletoly inndoquate. The Ipng llno of lovees thnt protect tho vast and fortllo della. reglon of .that Stato are reported to bo in critical conditlon at many polnts. At many places the water ls swceplng through tho embankments, floodlng Iands and vlllagea, and ln othor places tno embankments nro overtoppod by the floods and enormous c'|uantltlcs of water 'aro being dlschargcil Into the country behlnd the embankmonts. The most encournglng feature is that the rlver hore has remnlned statlonary all day, NI5W MAX.IMUM. The stago thls morning was 10.1, a rise of 0.1 In twelve hours. Tho stnge has not changed during the day. Thls ls the grcat est recorded and sets a new maxlmum. It ls hoped that tho fail will bogln to night or Jto-morrow. The two breaks on the Arkansas shore are thought to bo exertlng a groat Infiuence on tho flood. ns a large amount of water Is escaplng through them. Refugees are crowdlng into Memphls nnd tho facllltles aro too llmlted to care for them. Secretary of War Root hns nnswerod to nn appeal that he wlll do what he can to glve relief to the (lood BUfferers. Tho government wlll Issue tents for the refugeos. These tonts wlll bo pltched on vacant lots, nnd eommls eary Buppllos wlll bo Issued to tho suffcr ers. so that thoy wlll dot lack for neces Bltlea. Out of the refugco situatlon thero Is growlng a grent hardshlp to tho clty ond to tho planters of tho reglons that nre not as yot flooded. From tho protected Bectlons ablo-bodlcd negroes and thelr ontiro fnmilles aro comlng to the clty Jn largo numbcrs. osieslbly as flood refugees but it Is clalmed fhelr real pur? poso ls to escapo work and be cared for by the clty nnd charltablc organlzn tlons. Thls ls not only lncreaslng tlie clty's burden, but ts worklng gr'uiB ,, hardshkp upon tho planters as they cotf not securo laborers who aro so badly needed nt presont, RAILROAD SITUATION. , ,, , Tho rallroad situatlon west of Memr phls shows no Imprcvemcnt, ond. al? though tho varlous systems that hrivc had tholr tracks washed away by tho flood nre maklng strcjiuous offorta nnd aro Bparlng no money to open thelr tracks, lt Is reported to-nlght thnt trafflc ls stlll complotely suspended, and that no predlctlons of tho tltnh of relief enn yet bo made. Tho two crovnsscs of to-day may tend to compllcnto tho situ? atlon, and it Is hlghly probablo that thls new rpotirlng ln of water wlll destroy tracks at other polnts In Arkansas to the west of tho present gaps, By roundnbottt ways tho rallways are carrylng wost-bound posseagcrri j.o thelr destlnatlons. In tho clty the situatlon ls about tho samo. Much of tho manufacturlng dls? trlct Is stlll flooded, nnd In the residonco portlon thoro is much sufferlng. Povel opmonts to-day tend to show that tho ro portB from Marlon last nlght were some? what exnggerated. The leveo was not dynamltod to-day. ? WEATHER BUREAU'S DAILY RIVER BULLETIN (Dr ABBoelntoil I'rpsn.) WAHINGTON, X>. C? March 20.?The only now development In tho flood situ? atlon slnCo Thursday nlght Qias been tho breaklng of tho Jovee at Random Lako, ,nenr Pecan Point, Ark. Tho wntor through thls crovaBso wlll comploto tho floodlng of Crlttonden and tho etistorn portlons of Oross, St. ^Francls and Lee countles, ln Arkansns. The wntor wlll reach tho St, Francls Rlvor through tho Tryonsa Rlvor, Thls wlll prolong the flood crosts below tho mouth of tho St. Francls, partlcularly from llelona to Vlcksburg. and the oxtreme gravlty of tlhe Hltuation should not ln tho least ho un derostimnted. Tho local situatlon nt Memphls con? tlnues practlcally unchanged, tho rlvor .belng ubout statlonary at forty feot. lt |s now evldent that tho stngos from lle? lona to Vicksburg wlll bo somewhat, hlgh Positively nurcd foy tiiesq utao pins, ' They also relievi. plstres3 from Pyspepsfa, Indlgestlon and Too Hearty Eatlng, A per? fect reme4y for pir..|ness^ N^usca, Prowsl liess, Bad Tasteln tlio Mouih, Coatecl Tongua Paln Jn tho Sldo, TORPH > LIVER. Tfccy Rogulato the Jiowda, J?iuely Vcgctable. ?maUPIII. ImallDoM. ?mall Ft lo?? DR. PRICE'S TRYABITA FOOD THE ONLY WHEAT PLAKE CELERY FOOD. "I eon-ldet Tryablta Food the grealest achlevement of my life." GROCER8 SELL IT. W-^K<yfc4W' - or than at flrst Indlcatod, and about as follows: Iloleiitt, ft'bout flfty feot, a moro deflnlte forecast at thls tlmo bolng Impossible, owlng to tho uncertalnly as to tho amount of crcviiHso water that Is comlng through thu St, FrnnclB! Arkansas Clty, flfty throo; Greonvlllo. forty-nlno, and Vlcks bttrg, flfly-two feet. For tlhe Now Or? leans dlstrlct the forocasts contlnue the samo, Tho rlver has now passed tho high wator mark of 1897 and to-nlght reads 19.0. LEVEE DYNAMITEDTO EASE WATER THROUGH (Hy Assoclntocl Press,) VICKSnURG, MISS.. March 20.?Show ers, accompanled by stlff northwost wlnds, have cauBed Incroosed anxloty for tho safety of tho Icveett In thls sec? tlon, A moro rapid rlfle of tho rlver Is also notcd, tho gauge here reglsterlng 61.1 feet to-nlght, a rise of slx-tentlis ln twolvo hours. -.A private levee at Eavls, south of hore, wns dynamlted In several places with tho object of easlng the wator through, and to prevent tho great damage fcared from a sudden rush. At tho crosslng of tho Blg-Black Rlver nnd the Yazoo and Mlsslssippl Valley Rallroad back water has spread all ovor tho roadbed for sovoral hundred yards north and south. BANKS HOLDING WELL ABOUT NEW ORLEANS (By Assoclated Press.) NEW ORLEANS, LA., March 20.?At noon to-day the guage read 19.7, whlch makes the record for hlghest. water. By nlght It had returned to 19.G, but hlghor water Is sure to come. The levee line from IJaton Rouge down Is stlll Intact and ln flne conditlon. None of tho rail? roads out of New Orloans aro exporienc ing any trouble. Whalovon anxloty ex ists has passed, owlng to the' work dur? ing tho post few days of favorablo weather.- but vlgllancc Is malntalned. and large forcc3 of men are kept at work all along the llno from Vicksburg to the Gulf. _ PISTOLWASNOTLOADED AND NO HARM WAS DONE (Tlr Assoclated Press.) PARIS, March 20.?At tho close of Sarah Bernhardt's performanco In "Werther," at her theatre yesterday evenlng. follow? lng tho dramatic cllmax when Werther seeks to klll hcrsejf. the audlence was startled by a woman's volce In tho body of the theatre crylng, "I. too, wlsh to dle." Thls was followed by a ipistol shot. It proved to an attempt at EUicido by Madame Paule de Martlgny, a weli known newspaper contrlbuter. She was accompanled by her daughter, who, knowing her mother's sulcldal Intent, had Withdrawn tho ball cartrldges, so that the shot dld not cause any damage be? yond a temporary panlc. DEATHS OF DAY, (ny Assoclated I'ress.) PHILADELPHIA, PA., March 20.?A cablcgram from Florence, Italy, an nounces the death to-day In that clty of Charles Godfrey Leland, tho author and jottrnallst. JACKSON, MISS., March 20.?Assoclato Justlco Samuel H. Turret. of tho Mlssls? sippl Supreme Court, dlod at hls home ln Clark county to-day, near where ho wns born nearly sevonty years ago. Ho had a long nnd oventful publlc career. Ho was a member of tho secesslon con? ventlon In 1801 and an offlcer ln the Con? federato army four yoars. He was ap? polnted to the supremo bench by Gov? ernor McLaurln In 1S07. ? MAKE RETURN IN CAMPBELL CASE Officers Back and Report to Thelr Respectlve Houses. Sergeants-at-Arms Frank B. Watkins, of tho Senato, and J. M. Johnson, of tho Houso, returned from Amherst yes? torday morning, whero, on Thursday, they each sorved notlce on bohalf of thelr respectlve houses upon Judge' C. J. Campbell that after twenty days from sald sorvico the Gonoral Assembly wlll proceed to consldcr nnd voto upon tho 'question of hls removol from offlco upon tho chargea alleged ln tho Joint resolu? tion recontly adopted, full coples of whlch wero sorved, along with the formal notlces, Followlng is a copy of tho re? turn mado to Clerk Button, of tho Son? ate, by Sorgeant Watkins yesterduy; "-"xeedten ' by dellvorlng a true copy of wlthln notlco, accompnnied by a copy of tho Joint resolution, statlng thn caust-s alleged therefor, to C, J, Campboll ln Amhorst county, Vn., on March 19, 1903. "Sorgoant-nt-Arms Sonuto of Virginla." Tho return mado by Borgoant Johnson to Clork Wflllams, of tho Houso, was In tho oxact form of tho one printed abovo. Tho ofllcers say they hut} a nlce trlp to Amhorst nnd that thero was no spo? clal Incldont uttendlng the ofllclal serv lng'of the papers upon Judgo Campboll, Thoy alrrlved in Amhorst Wednesday night, nnd sent word to Judge Camp? boll that lf conveniont they wouid moet tho latter ln hls offlco tho next morning. At 10;ao o'olock on Thursday they en tored tho ofllco of tho accused Judgo, whoro thoy found hlm In company wllh a numbor of friends pnd fonnally dls oh.argod thelr duty, und mlssing train conneetions, romalned ln Amhorst untll Thursday nlght. Tho twenty days allowed Judgo Camp? bell undor tho Constltutlon ln whlch to' mako his unswor to tho Gonoral Assem? bly wlll oxplro on Tuesday, .April 7th, Aftor that dny tho Goneral Assenibly may, wheiiover elther Houso shall ohoo.-e to do so, tako tho ninttor up and pro ceop to Its consldoratlon, whon Judgo Campboll wlll answer, ond what wlll bo tho natura of hls answpr no ono knows, but it hns becomo ovldont that lt 1. not tho dlsposltlon.df tho body to allow hlm counsel, as tho Cornmlttoe for Courts of Justlce contond thut procodonts uro agalnst thls course, - The enso ls now rapldly rcachlug Its flnoj stago, and the end wlll be watched 19V wjtlt Uie vtmost tattirost, }, ;\ . _i , MONTAGUE IN NEW YORK I Went Desplte Fears as to Leavlng the Legislature. REFERRED TO LEE STATUE Belie.ed Tlmo World Come When the Name of Lee Would Be Regarded as Common Heritage of a Com? mon American People. (By A-?ocl~te- Presa.l . NEW YORK, March 20.?Tho alumnl of tho Bota Thcta PI, together wlth the chaptera of the fraternlty In New York and vlclnlty, tondercd a banquet at the Waldorf-A?toria to-nlght to the Govor nors of Now York, Moasachusetts and Vlrglnla. Governor Odell was unable to bo present, but Governor John L. Bates, of Massachusctts, nnd Governor A. J. Montague. of Virginla, wero seated at tho guests' table on oach slde of ex-Gov ernor James A. Beaver, of Pennsylvanla, who presldod. In Introducing Governor Montague, of Vlrglnla, ex-Governor Beaver sald ho had recelved soveral lotters from the Governor saying that he wns afrald ho would not be able to come, as he did not know what de. Ilment.tho Legislature would bo up to if ho left them to t)??lr own de -vlces. Governor Montague sald he should be at home In New York, for lf New York, Massachusotts and Vlrglnla had not been together In tlmes whlch tiicd men's pouls, then no States In tho TJnlon had been. Before the Pllgrlms landed Virginla wns hammerlng away at a free government. "I have heard crles to-night from West? ern colleges that In States known as the Norlhwest Terrltory. and which Virginia gavo as a peace offering to the country after tho Rovolutlonary War. In that concesslon it was voted thero should be no slaves In that terrltory. I w-ould to God that that section had nbt been struck; if It had,not been we mlght havo been saved clvll war and bloodshcd. "While I have not concurred In uho res? olution of both houses of the General Assembly that now Is the time to erect a monument to Genoral Robert ~. Lee at Washington," I believe the tlme wlll como when the name of Leo will be regarded as a common herltago of a common American people." - PRODUCE ASSOCIATION Its Members Hold a Pleasant Confer? ence With Retail Grocers' Committee. The regular semi-monthly meotlng of the Richmond Fruit and Produce Asso? clatlon took place last nlght at tho hall of the T. P. A., corner Third and Maln. At a provlous meetlng of the assoclatlon an Invitatlon had been extended to the Retail Grocery Assoclatlon to appolnt a committee to cxplaln the meanlng of a ccrtnln clrcular letter sent tho members by the Retail Grocery Assoclatlon, in re? gard to the manner and to -whom they sold thelr goods. Thls committee from the Retail Grocery Protectlve Assoclatlon was present, nnd a goneral conference took place along llnos Indlcated In the clrcular mentloned. The conference betwoen the members of the two orgnntaatlons was very pleasant and courteous, and the meetlng was much enjoyed. Telegr aphlc Brevities. PHILIPSDALE, R. L?Three women woro Instantly kllled and a fourth was serlously lnjured -while walking from Packtucket to thls place on the trncks of tho Now York, Now Haven and Hart ford Railway. Tho vlctlms in trying to avoid one traln were struck by an onglno on another track. BUFFALO, N. Y.?C. Moensch & Sons Company. and Moensch, FIsJor & Gaons sten, of Gowanda, two of the blggest tannory concerns In thls part of the country, aro Insolvent. Appllcatlon for tho appolntmont of roccivors for both companies was made to-day. MOULTR1E, GA.?John Henry Bryant, colored, wns hnngod here to-day for tho murder of Danlel Buckner, whom ho kllled during an altercatlon over a ?wo? man. t *rft the Zfheatres. $ ? Tho Fawcett Company is playing to packed housos at tha Bljou In "Camllle," Tho organizatlon has nchloved n most remnrkublo succoss, and could easlly havo glven tlie ploco for a full week to capaclty audiencos. Next weok wlll mark tho closo of the regulnr season at tho Academy, Thero wlll bo two vory strong attructlons, and tho Monday followlng tlie Academy Musical Comedy Company will mako its flrst appearanco for tlio spring nnd sum mor season ln a magnlflcont rovlval of Tho Lady Slavoy, Tho company makes its flrst iippoariincQ on Monday nlght In Norfolk, and both Miinnger Leath and Mnnngor Giffen look for a tromondous succoss. Tho stock company wlll divldo Its tlmo botween Richmond aml Norfolk, making now productlons evory two weeks, That section of tho Goorge Fawcott oompiiny heuded by FranU Glilmore comos to tho Bijou noxt week In one of the blggcsit scenlu productlons of tho yoar, "Slboiia." Thls pluy mot wlth great success in Baltlmoro, whenco thls company comes now, "Rlchard C?rvcl" ls now In the thlrd your of Its succoss, as Interpreted by Androw Robson. Thls play will bo presented by Mr. Robson ond his company nt tho Acnd omy on Tuosday, matlneo and nlght. The ontire scenery and tho eimlpments aro carrled by tha orgunlsatlon. "Kobln Mood" in its entirely now out nt of scenory, costunies and Jighting ef? fects, with Its nugmontod chorus and soverul now principals, wlll he presented at tha Acaderpy of Muslo next Frlday eventng apd at tho Saturday mutinoo, On Saturday evenlng ^"Mald Mar|an," tllt. JWW coroJo oppj-ft, VlU bo *e*r$, . Ji . ? . LICENSE QUESTION Manchester Councll Wlll Con slder lncrease Laler, POSTPONED FOR A MONTH Action of Leglalatlve CommHteu Caused the iDelay?Bowling Club?Installa tion of Lodge of Elks-Flne En \ tcrtalnment?Personals. Manchestor Bureau Tlmcs-Dlspatch.t No. 1102 Hull Btreet. | Just flve mlnutes was consumed last nlght by tho Common Councll of Man chostor In Its speclal Bosslon. Tho meotlng waa called for tho purpose of consldering tho roport of tho Flnanco Commltteo In Its recommcndatton that tho Ilquor llcenso of tho clty bo Incrensed to ?ltfj, lnstead of $30, as lt now stands. Chalrman Wakefield called tho moot? lng to ordor, and Immediately aftor the roll call Mr. Glll movod that tho Ilquor dealers and thelr representatlve, Mr, Er nest H, Wolls, bo heard, aftor whlch the Councll go Into exocutlvo sesslon," There was no cecond to thls motlon, and Mr. Bradloy offered an amendmont that tlio wholo mattor go over to tho next regular meotlng ln April. Mr. Bradley gave as hls reason for maklng thls motlon that the action ot tho Flnanco Commltteo of tho Leglsla? ture, ln lncreaslng the State llcense 100 per cent., had materlally changed the conditlon of things. Hg folt that no hasty dctlon should bo taken on the re? port of tho commltteo, as he dld not, and ho dld not thlnk any member of the Councll dld, desire to put tho Ilquor dealers out of buslness. He sald that Councll should take no action In the mat? ter untll the Leglslature had acted, and he thought that such action wouid be taken bofore tho next meotlng of Coun? cll. Mr. Sampson soconded Mr. Bradley's motlon, and Mr. Pettit nsked .that the Ilquor dealers state tholr posltlon on the motlon to- postpono. On txAalf of tho dealors, Mr. Wolls sald that he wouid be glad to havo a postponoment, ns he thought that Coun? cilmen wouid be better prepared to vote upon the subject after thoy had consld? ered tho action of tho leglslatlve com? mlttee. Mr. Pettit nlso secondcd tho motlon made by Mr. Bradley, and it was carried unanlmoualy, nnd upon motlon of Mr. Owen Councll adjournod. In convorsatlon with Tho Tlmes-Dls patch representatlve sevoral members of Councll stated that, in view of tho sit? uatlon as presented by tho Leglslature, they wouid not agreo to an Inaroaso of the clty llcenso, as they dld not thlnk It Just to tax a legltimato buslness out of buslness, One momber who had orlglnally voted In commlttee for $125, sald ho wouid not agreo to voto for It if tho Loglslatura persisted In putting tho State llcense up to what the commlttee roported. It ls qulto likely that whon tho mat? ter comes up agaln, no lncrease wlll be made, or, at least, that lt wlll bo nom lnal. Thoso present were: Mossrs. Bradley, Sampson, Pettit, Owen, Ferguson, Cox, G'ill, Grlzzard, Reams and Wakefiold, SCHOOL TUUSTBES. The llst of school trustees ln Manches? ter will remain as at present, untll the Leglslature makes somo provlslon for tha electlon of such trustees, At the meeting of tho Clty Assembly last nlght In Joint sesslon, Clty Attor. ncy Clopton so advlsed tho body, The schedulo of the Constltutlon, soction 11, says: "School trustcos now ln offlco, or tholr successors (by death or removed from clty), shall remain ln offlco untll othor wiso provided by law." No othor provlslon has yot boon mado, and tho four trustees whoso terms have Just oxpircd under the old law will continuo ln office. BOWLING CLUB, Richmond Bowling Club wlll have a strong compctltor ln tho MnndheBter club, whlch ls now prnctlclng at Dobbins' aL leys. Thls club Is making good- scores, and when tho spring tournament opens tho club wlll be formldablo opponents for champlonship honors. There aro a num? ber of candidatcs for placos on tho toam, but Mr. Dobbins has not yet plcked hls men, FINE ENTERTA1NMENT. A Inrge crowd enjoyed the entertalnment at Leador Hall last nlght for the benoflt of the Contral Mothodist Eplscopal Church organ fund. The affalr was a great suc? cess. The muslc wns furnlshed by tho old Cehtepary Church oholr, and wa3 tho? roughly enjoyed. Soio* duets and quur. tettes woro rendored by Mesdames Clowou and Gunn and Messrs. Clowos and Loh mnn. and Mr. D. L. Pulllam read Tenny son's "A Dronm of Falr Women," whlch wns lllustrated ln tabloaux by n number of neautlful young ladlos, Includlng Mlss 03 Ruckor, Wolls. Welslgor, Day, Cheatr hnm, Pool, Graves, Lovcll, McRoa and Owens. ELKS' INSTALLATION. Exalted Rulor-elect Llpscomb, of tho MRnchestor Lodgo of Elks, stnted offl-' oinlly lnst night thnt tho Installatlon nnd lnitlatlon of tho now lodgo wouid take placo nt tho Mosnnle Temple, Manchestor, on noxt Tihursdny afternoon and nlght. Tho papers and paraphornalla will bo on hand ln n day or two, and ovory thing will be ln reodlnoss for the Institutlon at that tlmo, ?, _.,_, EIjLIR-IHJPAND, Mr J W. Bllls and Mlss Allce M. Hubtind'woro marrlod nt tho residonco of tho brldo's pnronts, Mr. ancl Mrs. W. 8. Huhand, Elghtoonth and Evorott Streets, Thursday nlght. Thoy wlll rcsldo ln Rluri chostor, whoro Mr. Ellls Is engaged ln buslnef%OTES IX GENERAL. Tho plo party glvon for tho benoflt of Clopton-Streot Church Thursday nlght ut U-io homo of Mrs. M. A. Burk wns u gront succoss. Tho nicmbors of tho church turned out Jn largo iiumbors. Horvlcoa nt Clopton-Stroot Church Sun? day. Sunday-school at 0:30 A. M.J servlces at U A, M. nnd T:S0 P. M., liy the pastor, Rov. W, W. Slsk. Sunheams Socloty at 3 o'clock. Tho young mon's prayer meeting at Clopton-Stroot Church to-nlght will be concluctotl by Mr. Hurdy Bolton, of Rocky Mottnt, N. O. Rov. 0. V. Palcly will begln a Borles of rovtvnl meotlngs at Balnbrldgo-Streot Bnptlst Church to-morrow. The meotlngs wlll contlnue sovernl days. Sorvlces at 4 T. M. and S P, M. Rov, J. S. Porter, of North Carolina, wlll preach on Monday ulght nnd throu.hout tho entlro sorles of meetlngs. _ Mrs R C. Anderson, of No. 614 North Nlnth Street, ls improvlng at Virginla Hospital. . " _ ., Mlss Josslo Parhum, of Oapron, South ampton c-ounty, ls with her mielo, Mr. Wllllam BtU'ham, ou Beocli Stroet. Mrs. Mary Robinaoii, of Caro line, " with hpr slster, Mrs. WW'ftW WJlJJe, Anoyi 'Ayenvw ? V f, EXTRA PAY ONTHEJAIL Chalrman Gordon Explalns Finance CommfUee's Actlon A CLAIM ON CONTRACTORS Money Held to Be Duo from Them for Delay lo Compiete tho Work In the Tlme Agreed Upon byThom. Muoh Interest Is felt tn certain quartera regarding tho dHtorenoe of oplnlon fce tweon the Flnanco and Groumls and Bulldlngs Commlttees of tfha Clty Coun? cll as to the payment of $5,827.27 to the Stewart Iron Works, of Cinclnnatl, for extra work on tha new elty Jai|, The Grounds and Bulldlngs Commltteo has approved thu c-lalin and wants lt paldj City Engineer Cutshaw holds that the city has a counter clalm on acoount of increased expense by reason of delay in complotlng the prlson, and appears to bo sustalned by City AUOrney Pollard; tho Finance Committee feels that the mat? ter should -be more carefully looked lnto, und to thls end submittcd to the Com? mon Councll a resolution, which that body rejected, wl.hholdlng tho payment of the $16,000 provlded ih the budget Just adopted untll .the tjuestion has.been ad Justod. The subject wlll probably be brought to the attentlon of tho Counoll agaln at the next regular meetlng, if not satisfactorlly adjusted ln the mean? time, FINANCE COMMITTEH'S ACTION. Tffe dlscusslon of thls matter, In the Common Councll's speclal meeting Thurs? day afternoon, and the refusal of the body to follow the course suggested by the Finance Committee, was much talked of about tho City Hall yesterday. Chalr? man james R, Gordon, of the Finance Committee, was seen last nlght. by a Tlmes-Dispitch reporter, and asked as to the rcaeons that Influenced tho com? mittee to ask that the payment of the money provlded ln tho budgot be with hold. Theso are the facts aa glven by Mr. Gordon: Long before the present Councll came into power there was passed an ordlnanco authorizing thn constructlon of a new clty Jall, to be bullt under the supervls !on of th. Comtnlttoe on Grounds and Buildings. An approprlation of $6S,-00 was mado for the purposo, and the clty en glneor drow plans and speclflcatlons. Tho contract waa awarded to the Stew? art Iron Works, of Cinclnnatl, and, the work was undartakon. lt was to bo completed wlthln a stated tlme, or, so the Finance Committee thinks, the cjty was to b.-reimbursed for any extra expendi tures on Its part for the rontal of a sult abl. bulldlng ln whlch to contlne tbo prlsonors. The work was delayed, flrst for one rea? son- and then another, untll long after the tlme tlmlt had explred. but during tho constructlon numbors 0f changps were mado In the plans, and extra expense wao entailed upon the controctors, so they clalm. Flnally, tho prlson was completed, ana the questlon of extra compensatlon for tho contractor camo up. It was adJuBted by aws-rcling >5.S27.22 for the extra work, and tho Grounds and Bulldlngs Committee re? ported a resolution to tho Council, ask Ing that this amount be npproprlated to pay tbe additlonnl expense, No reduc tion was made for tbo mon?y expended for rontal by the clty. The resolutlop was sent to the Councll ana referred, as usual, to tho Flnanoe Committee. At tr^e same tlme the budget wns nearlng coijipletlon and tho. depart? ments of Wio clty were more or I.hb Idle for the want of money with whlch to carry on tho work, MX-NBY TO (X>MPI_1_T__ IT. Ju3. before the budget wae flnally made up and reoommendfld to the Counoll, Clty Audltor Warren went to the Clty Engineer to learn how much would be needed for the new Jall fund. He wan Informed thnt $10,Ono wns necessary, ac? cording to flgures mndo b- thb Grounds nnd Bulldlngs Commltteo, Thls intjludo. the settl.ment for extra work and did not embrnce any reductlpn for the delay oocnsJoned and the expenso Inc'urred by the city. Tho resolution nsklng, for the money. wlth whlch to pay the extras wns not referred to tho Finance Commltteo untll tho nlght tho budget was reported. They hnd nover soon tho paper, and tho lump sum of $10,000 hnd be_n lnsorte<j on the statement of Mr, Warron, aftor ho had invostlgnted. The budgot was passed nnd becamo n a law, the $10,000 belng placed to the credlt of the Grounds nnd Bulldlngs Commltteo as a new Jall fund, No effort ASK YOUR GROGER FOR Walter Baker's O.CA The FINEST COCOA In the World Cost. Less than One Gent a Cup Forty Highest Awards ln Europe .nd Amerlua Walter Baker&Co,^ ena-inhidUvQi.-, DonMir, Mw, Best for medicinal uses f Y.ur ptoynlelen wtll m you tha* yeti ehwlO alwawftaveBomeira-dwhlikertalM houae. For aeoldents, falntltitf spellti, e-bftustlon, and other emonrenoy cases, lt relleirei and rerlvea. But you mtisl, havo _cod whiskey, puro whiskey,' for poor whlskoy, adulteratefl Whiskey, may do deelded harm. HAYNER W1IISKE Y ia Just what you doed fof lt _ oee dlrect ftem #Uf owe dlstlllery to you, with all Ite orlgtaal Btrength, richness and flarpf, carryln* a UNITED STATES REGISTEKED DISTILLEK'S GOARANTEE of POR. ITY and AGB andsatlti. tho dealers' enonpous proflts. We bato over a quarter 61 a mllllon eatlsfled cuBtomors, exclUBltelr tamlly trade, who know ltis best for mcdlolnal purposee and prefer ltfor othor uie* KkiVtwUjr YOU ahould try II YouimoneybeekU you are hot Mtisfled. Dlreot f vom our distillery to YOU Um Dialcrt' Proflts! Pravmlt Adultinllonl " HAYER WHISKEY PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE 4 FULL $3:22 EXPRESS Qi.AE.TS O PREPAID We-wfll send you FOtTH FtrLL QUART BOTTLES of HAYNEB'9 SEVEN YEAKOLD RYE for 13.20, and wo will pay the express oharges. Try lt and lf you don't flnd lt All rluht nnd aa eood aa you over used or oan buy from any'oody elso at anr prlco, send u baok at our expense and your 13. co wlll be returned to you by next mall. JUst thlnk that ofler over. How could lt ba falrert If you oro not perfectly satlsflcd you are not out a cent. Better letua send you a trlol order. If you don't want four quarts yourself, jret a friend to joln you. Shlpmentmado lu aplainaealedoaae with nomarkBto show what's "orfera for Arli, Cal., Col? Idoho. Mont, Ner, N.i\fcf._pre.,Uta_, Waah. or Wyo. must be on tho basls oF ?* <l??rt* (orMOO by Kxprcss Preaald or SO <{ua_ ta ;0t ?l?,00 by Frelght PrepaJd. Wrlte our aeareat offlee end do lt NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLINQ OOMPANY AILANTAiM. DAYTON, OHIO 8T, LOUIS, MO, 8T, PAUL, MINN. 151 DisTHJutRT, Tmo?, O. EaTAK_U-nn> lMfc has been made as yet to draw upon thla sum. ... In the meantime, after jpassing the budget, the Finance Committee held its rogular monthly meetlng, and prlor to the session Chalrman Gordon, as is hls ln varlab.le custom, looked through tbe pa pors to bo takon up. Ho camo to the one in regard to'the ettra warfe and mnde kiqulries to ascertaln lf any raduction had beon made for nddltlonal Wxpense incurred by the clty, and whlch wan occa? slonod by tho dolny on th6 bulldlng. Clty Engineer Cutshaw informcd hlm that It had not, and Clty Attorney Pol? lard held that< the elty had an equitable clalm whloh could bo logally collected So a speclal meotlng of the committee wns called. and these facts lald before them, wlth the result that a resolution wbs adoptod and sent to the Councll rocommendlng tliat tho' Audttor be in struet.d not to Issuo a warrant for the payment for tho oxtras untll after the Finance Commltteo had Had an oppor? tunlty to lnvostlgate. At the speclal meetlng of the Councll Thursday aftornoon this rosojutlon cre? ated long and cxcltlng debato, It met wlth bltter opposltlon from the Grounds nnd Bulldlngs Committee, and the Fi? nance Commltteo was severoly crlticised by membors of the former body. The resolution waa lost. Followlng tho actlon of the Council ln rejectlng tlho rosolutlon, the FJnnnca Com mltee heid a meeting, at whlch the recom mendatlon t,hnt the extra sum bo appro* printed wns talten up. Thls resulted in a report belng formulated to tho effect tliat the approprlation be rejected, on six grounds, whlcb were set forth yes? terday In The Tlmos-Dlspatc'n. This now goes to tho Councll. Tlio chief reason tho Finance Commlt tse has for recommendlng tihe rojoctlon of tha approprlation Is thnt thore Is n dlstlnct alfference of oplnlon betw;een the Gtounda and Bulldlngs Committee on the ona slde, and the Clty Engineer and Clty Attorney on the other, ns to Justness of th. clalm for extrns. Tho Cfty Attorney nnd Clty Engtnoer hold that the clty U entltled to an offset for tho expense oc caploncd by tho delay in completlng the Jall. SAYS ~7VLiU BE PAID. There ls a dlfforonce of oplnlon as to whether rjr.not.the money can now be pald to tlho contrnctors'. A member of tho GroundB nnd Bulldlngs Committee sald last nlght'that the clalm of tho contrnc tor, whlch 'had boen agreed upon, could bo pald wlthout consnltlng tho Councll or nnybody else, Mr. Gordon waa of Jus* the opposlte oplnlon. Tha di?lay in com? pletlng /tho jnll was accounted for ln tho maln by the Groun'ds and Buildings member by clmngos mado In tho plans nfter tho contrnot for the buildlng was awarded. Colonol Cutshaw waa seen, but he do olinod to dlscuss Kho matter, stating that ho had stated hls posltion on the floor of tho Councll, He is opposod tp pajdng for tho oxtrag clalmod, and was, so during tho tlme tho mntter was bolng odjusted. MATCHlTD THE WORK Hotel Destroyed by Flro and One Life Sacrlflccd. (Jly Amoolatocl Jf'rci..) OftAWD KAPID9, MICK.j Maroh. 30. By tho caraloss throwinu down of a lighted match by a guoit in his room, a fire wns started at 7 o'clook to-nlght whloh practlcally dostroyed the Claron don Hotol, ut Caiuil aud Sovonth Stre.ts, entalllng a totnl loss of betwoen $60,u00 nnd $100,000, and ouuslng tho loss of one llfo und the moro or less Injury of b.v erul others: The dead: XV. .. HAWKINS, trnvollng man of Hay City. Mleh.: body dlscovorod aftor the flro had boon oxtlnguiahod. Tlio Injurod! I'eter -tornburg, Chlaago; travollng man sovoroly burned on fnce and hands. Mrs. WUUum I-uugherly, danclng teach or; of thls clty; head burned, Guy Door, yardman, hoad and face blie terod, . . Warj-y Morris. bell-boy, brulsed ar.d burned on luiuds and face. Peter eternberg went to hln room on tha socond floor und after le.nltlng thu giis, throw the lighted match ainpng U lot of hls sllk goods, which liniii-dlaiaiy took fire. Ha mado a, desperute offort to o.vtlngulsh the t'lamo-, bplng suvun-ly burned before ho rushed out nnd gave the alarm. The flames spread through tha four-story brlik buildlng wlth great rapidlty, and by tho tlme tlie flro depart mont got to work tha flamos were hurst? ing from hear|y overy window. Fortunutoly, at tho hour of tho fire most of tho guests wero out of tliei. rooms, A panlo en.uod among thoso ln tha uppor storles, and a number of thril? ling resouea woro made by the flremen. Tho body of Hnwklns was found Im baok room on tho thlrd floor, bacfly charred, Ha had -?en out Off from 0-< capo by the flames 1? front, and hls iooiij looked out ovor ^he power ounal iu the rear of tho hotol, wiiero lt woi^ia have beeiv imno^l-Je to reaoh hlm from1 the ouUl-. .. w lf W. '. -'Iht Ivi. bee? known, FAIR GIRLS DRILL AGAIM Colonel SterrTs Soldiers the Feature of the Falr. BOOTHS DO FINE BUSINESS Many Donations Received from Differ? ent Sourcea?The Programme Outllned for This Evenlng and Monday. Tho milltary drlll by the young ladles undor Captaln Joaephlno Sullli7an -waa agaln the grent attraction at tha Con? federato Falr last evenlng. Tha crowd to see them wns even largar than on last Tuesday nlght, thlrteen hundred and flfty tlcketa boing takon ln at tbe door. Mlsa Mary Custls .Lee, General Fitzhugh Le. and Miss Anno Lee woro among those who had seats on the stage. Tho glrls responded to the roll-call and went . through tho different movements with the samo onthuslasm- and precislon as they havo always shown, and tho young captaln dlreoted them with tho samo grace and powor of command Whlch ls her dlst!n_u:shlng ohnracterls tlo. After tho drlll M13S Mary Leo pre? scnted tho color-bearer of the company, Mlsa Pago Royall. with tho Confedorato flag, whllo tho orchestra played, "Dlxlo," ond tho crowd applauded heartlly. COLONEL, STEKN HONORED. A llttlo later in the evenlng tho youttf -oldiors assombled at the front of tho stage, and Mlss Royall, on behalf (^Mlio company, gave Colonol Stern a beautlful ?basket ns a .token of thelr approolatlon of hls ktndness and courtesy to the glrl soldiers. Tho booths, oxcot tho fobaooo booth, whero the ladles wore absent on ao-' count of the Sabbath, woro dolng a good buslness. Four sofa cuslilons were be? ing sold at Mrs, Montaguo's booth. Sam Ylck was kept busy. at the lomonode booth and seiwod hla pntrons with the srplllng face whlch ho invarlably woars. Mrs. A i von N, Rosonegk was con-' stantly bccuplod with tho salo of her baskets, Sho and her nsslstnnfs wore the Shrlners' caps Thursday nlght, nnd by way of approclatlon, mnny of. tho" Shrlners loft thelr rpocRet-*lx>oks at tho booth, ao Thursday wns a bunnor nlght ln tho way of sales. A numbor of articles were voted off nt the furnlturo booth, of tvttloh Mrs. Rldgoloy ls chalrman, last nlght. Among others, a handsomo mahogany table to Mr. R. M. Brander; a student's lamp and contornpleco to Mlss Elvlra Canopa; a handsomo hand-palnted pln-cushlon v_ Mts? Dlllon; a sofa plllow and shams tb Mlss Mary Toofy. A comblnatlon mnntel is bolng voted hero to Mrs. A. J. Pylo. A dona? tion ot a llbrary table, recelvod yesterda afternoon by Mrs. Montnguo from Rlncksburg wlll bo dlsposed of by Mrs. Rldgoley. Tho Goodyoar Rubbor Company, of Washlngton, mado Mrs. D. M. Burgess a donation yosterday, Tho candy booth, tha work of Mr, D, Wiley Andorson, Is consldered tho handsomest ln construo tion In the hall. A DANC7INO CTjASH. Tim entortalntuont last afternoon was furnlshed by Mrs. Wlntnr'o donoing olnss, thn flrst numbor bolng tho mlnuot, danced by four llttlo glrls; Mlss Olodys Peyton, Mlss Margnret Word, Mlss i/ucllo Mooro, Mls*t Cllff Godsoy. Othor dnnces wert tho two-stop, tho Bljounnl," and the wnltz. A tlny tot?-llttlo Mlss Maude Pond --who Is only llvo yoars old, dancod tho inost ditllcult stops with so muoh eose ns to attract a groat deal of notlco, Thls afternoon at tho Confederate Falr tho ohlldron wlll bo entortalnod by a Bostnck benefit given for tho drug booth. To-night tho <iuartotto frotn Both Ahabn. Synagoguo wlll render charmlng solectlons. Tho Musonlc Homo chlldrcq wlll attend ln a bodV, nnd Steln'a or< rhestra wlll furnlsli tho muslo. Monday iiftornoon Mrs. Glll's boys wlll vlslt the falr, ancl Monduy nlght the Blchmon Ught Infantry Blues, with theli fcnnd wlll ho present. About a dozen anO a half of tho Blues wore at tho hall laat ovonlng to assiat ln Iteeplng ordor during the drlll. w c*-? ' ' Arrest of Jackson. Clty A??o?l?tc- Prew.) SBLMA, ALA.-Horuce Jackson. want. ed upon aovcital charges of postofllce aad bank robberles, was arreated here to clay by Poatofftco inspoctor KUo, of Oin clnnatl. It la understood that Japkson has served provloualy three aentencea ln prleon for varioua offonsee. He wea c?r? rled to )Mont?omery thls evenlng tor pre? llmtnary bearlng. .. ,