Newspaper Page Text
ONE CENT A WORD. MINIMUM CHAR8E 26 Cents, OiihliiAdiinei THESE ARE THE WJNDEf? WORKING WANT ADS. TNAT BRINQ ORUTEST RESULTS. MINIMUM CHARQE 25 Cents, CflshlnAdwnot ONE CENT A WORO. HELP WAWTED-FEMALE. ? ft. IWANTED, A NURSB AT 117 W. MAIN Btreet. '_ (WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK AND do gonoral houso work. Apply, with reT ercncca, between 10 A. M. and 12 M,, G03 N. Tenth Streot,_ ftvANTED, A COOK, WHO 19 CAPABLE to tnlto chargo of the kltcimn and who knows how tn cook woll; ?10 wlll bo pa d to such pnrson; elther whlto or bluck, Apply to 119 Nofth Elgllth Streot, .WaNTKD, LADIES, ALSO MEN, TO copy letters ftt home und return to usi good pay: strletly gonuino, Addross EXCELBi6r MANUFACTURING Cft, B, Cleveland, O. iWANTED, LADIES TO MAKE- NECK wear from sample; cxperlonco not necessary; steady work, good pay. Bend solf-addressod stampod onvelopo. 1DEAL MFO, COMPANY, G08 West 133d Btreet, New York. _____________ 8ITUATION8 WANTED?FEMALE. .ANT13D, A POSITION AS COMPAN lon or nurso to an Invalld lady or chlld, or convnlescont attondant; have litid ex porlenco In nurslng. Addross 0. T, J,, Carrler 8, Potorsburg, Va. JvVANTED, BY A YOUNG- LADY, ~A posltlon na book-keeper or an asslstant; references furnlshed, Address BOOK KEEPER, Barton Helghts, Va. WANTED, AT ONCE, POSITION BY an exporlenced lady stenographor, with . good references, Address Mlss J,, caro thls office. ANTED, A POSITION AS COMPAN lon to an Invalld lady; wouid bo wllllng to go uwny during the summer months ns nurso or care tnker. Address G. T. J., Carrler 6, Petersburg, Va._ ;? HELP WANTED?MALE. WANTED, A REG IST BRED PHAR MACIST. Apply' 334 Bouth Plne, JVANTED, MEN AND WOMEN TO start a mall ordor buslness at home; good Income; no capltal reriuired. MUTUAL MAIL ORDER CO., Albany Bulldlng, Boston, Mass. jwanteTx A COMPETENT HOUSE SERVANT. with good references. Ap? ply at 12 W. Grace Street from 9 A. M. to 10 A. M. Saturday und Monday. AV ANTED. 25 MEN. APPLY TO. J. T. OOODWIN. Fore'man of Boller Shops, Monday morning at 7 o'clock, Amerlcan Locomotlve Company. SvANTED, AT ONCE, YOUNO WHITE man or boy to ?work on farm; good wages; board and lodglng furnlshed free. AddresB J. XV. SCHAEFEU, Lumborton, Va. B QUARRYMEN AND DRILLERS wanted; steady work; good wages. GUILiFORD & WATERSV1LLE CO., Graiilto. Md. iWANTED. A FEW GOOD MACHINERY MOULDEP.S for heavy work: hlghest wages to steudy mon. BIRMINGI.AM .MACIIINE & FOUNDRY CO.. Box 410. Blrmlngham, Ala, w. SALESMEN WANTED. iWANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for Laces nnd Ertfbrolderle. for Virginla and West Virginla on commlsslon; none need answer unless can glve sallsfac tory references and has established trado. Address H. COMING8 & CO., 41 Llspenard Street, New York. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALE. iWANTED. A POSITION BY COMPE tent young man; wlll guarantoe trado sufflclont to moro than pay salary; woll known and recommondod. Address "HUSTLER," caro this offlco. WANTED?A MAN OF AE1LITY AND experience, whose house Is gol/,g out of buslness, wants to represent whole enlo grocery house; knows clty trade personally and can get resuits: also knows the trndo of Norfolk, Ports? mouth. Hampton. Newport News, Pc , tersburg. Farrnvllle ancl Lynchburg. lf you need a man a personal lntervlew is rcquosted. Address XV., care Station A, clty._ FOR SALE. DRAND OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE Columbia CYCLOPEDIA (30 vol.) nt saorlflco: Buckram blndlng; up to date: low prlco. Addrcsa "ENCYCLOPEDIA," caro thls office. ' JVVANTeTj, PURCHASER FOR GOOD FARM of IH acres, not far from Rich? mond; wlll meet nny ono wlshlng to buy. F. GUY, Rural Dellvery No. C, Henrlco, Va. FOR SALE-HOTEL FURNITURE AND good wlll fnr $2,f>r0; paya from J1.S00 to $3,000 nnnuallv. Who can beat thls? Wrlte BARGAJN, Box 2?, Buenn Vlsta, Va._ ETlisiness FOR SALE-OWNER WISH Ing to rotlro wlll closo otit a nlco stock of Familv Grocerlcs nnd Storo Flxtures, vnluo about $2,000, and leaso the storo room, Ina town of 8,000 Inhabltants nnd a prosporlng communlty. Apply nt once to A. P. BIBB & CO., Charlottesvllle. Va. t _ W>R SALE-A FARM, L84G ACRES: houso, 5 rooms; gond outhouses, For Informatlon address P. M. D., BelBches, Sussex county, Va._ e- - ? ' ? ~ WANTED, IvVANTF.D. A DRIV1NG HORBe! 'SUIT able for lady. Apply COX'S STABLE. rear of S25 W. Frankiln Stroet. fvVANTED, POSSESSION BY THE IfiTH of April, centrally located HOUSE. con? talnlng sovon or eight rooms. Address W. XV. T? P. O. Box 140, clty. SIX PRIZES CARTOON CONTEST SEVENTH WEEK. SIXTH PRIZE. IF You HAVf A Use: thb TlMLzS-BlSPATCH w*nt ADS AsA Coaxer, MISS S. A. ROTHGEB, 904 E. Marshall St., City. Six prizes wlll be awarded each woek for tho best drawing aub mltted, lltustratlng that it pays ad vertlscrs to uso The Tlmes-Dispatch want columns. Tho six prizes will awarded In tho followlng order, via.: Flrst prlzo, J2; second, thlrd, fourth, fifth and slxth prizes, II each. ALL DRAWINGS MUST BE ORTG INAL AND MUST BE MADE WITH BLACK 1NK ON WHITE PAPER OR CARDBOARD, AND SHOULD BE FIVE TO SEVEN INCHES IN WIDTH. Namo and address muat be wrltten plalnly ON BACK OB* DRAWING. Do not send letters, but lncloso atamp If you wlsh drawlng returned. Do not fold, but roll, vhen malllng. Address all drawings to "Cartoon Contest," Room No. 17, ( Tlmse Bulldlng. All drawings must reach Tho Tlmes-Dispatch office not later than 12 P, M. each' Saturday, ln order to be counted in tho week'a contest. Every reader Is cordlally Invlted to tako part' In thla hlghly instruofive Contest. FOR RENT. FOR RENT?UNEXP1RED LEASE ON 303 South Fourth Streot; present ten? ant moving out of tofvn reason- for rentlng; desirable for a boarding-house or sub-lottlng ns Hats. FOR RENT-DESIRABLE OFFICES IN Crenshaw Warehouso, recently occu? pled by the Virginla-Carolina Chemical Company. Apply to S. D. CRENSHAW, No. 11 South Twelfth Street._ FOR RENT-HOTEL BEL AIR. SEA son of 1903, Ono of tho most suecessful summer resorts In Virginla: well fur? nlshed. Address YODER & SPESSARD, Now Castlo. Va._ BOARD WANTED. FIRST-CLASS BOARD WANTED FOR self and wlfo, during April,. In Rich? mond. Address, at onco, G. E. C? 1703 Wallaco Streot, Phlladelphia, Pa. WANTED. BY YOUNG LADY. REA sonnblo board In prlvato famlly; cen? trally located. Addross X. Y. Z., Clay Bank, Vn. WANTED. BOARD AND ROOM BY young man of qulot hablts, near Thlrd or Fourth and Maln Streets; wlll pay J15 por month and share room with an? other xoung man, Address JOHN, care thls offlco. BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED, OCCUPANTS FOR PLBAB ant Rooms, with flrst-class table board. 608 Wost Grace Stroet. " LOST, IN THE STREETS, NICKEL Plated Carriago Door Handle. Reward lf returned tp No. 409 East Maln. Street. LOST-YESTERDAY ON FRANKLIN OR Main Street, between Eighth ana Twelfth, a small roll of MANUSCRIPT, contalng notes from records of Chester gold county. Finder wlll ploase notlfy 707 E. Frankiln Street._ FIVE DOLLARS REWARD WILL BE pald for tho return of a BANK-BOOK and THREE CHECKS, lost Wednesday from Tenth and Clay to Nlnth and Frankiln. Mrs. A. G. SPRATLEY, 1000 East Clay Street, or thls offlco._ BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED. BOARDERS FOR ONE large hall room; also two double rooms; n room always for translents; 201 East Frnnklln Street._ $20 SECURES TWO SHARES 8 PER cent. Preferred Stock with one sharo pald up common stock In a large, sub stantlal mnnufacturlng ? company; bal? ance payablo In easy instnlments; ox coptlonal opportunity. Wrlto for par? tlculars. P. O. Box 204, clty. ROOMS WANTED, WANTED. A SMALL HOUSE. OR 3 OR 4 connectlng ROOMS, sultablo for Ught housekceplng. on Church Hlll near Chlmborazo Park preferred; roferoncos oxchonged; state locatlon. Address R, W. G., caro thls offlco. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER (ACTIVE ORSlhENT, MALE or fomale) wanted with fc.00 ln a bopk onterprlsn; such parttier to control the cash; Jmtidsomn, qulck prpflts ussured. Address BOOKS, caro thls offlco, for partlcitlnrs._ft BUSINESS WANTS. BPANISH YUM YUM FOOD FOR THE godsat KAEMPF'S, Nlnth Streot. POTTED HAM OR TONGUE, 40, GEO. L. HAYNES & CO? 118 N, Eigh? teenth Btreet._'_ WANTED. DEAD OR ALI.VE-ANIMALB, moved from all , parts; no charge/ BICKERSTAFF; 'phono 330S,_ FUDGE AT KAEMPF'S, 110 Nlnth Bt WANTED, TO BELL 200 BU8HELS Blackeyo Peats at 6c. por quart. GEO. L, HAYNES & CO? US N. Eighteenth Btreet,_ WANTED, 500 BOYS AND MEN TO keep tholr best glrls or wtvos ln eood humor by feodlng them on our best-the old fashlonod Italian Cream Choooliitcs; only at MARCHETTI BROS.' STORES, 006 East Maln and 617 East Broad. GOOD VINEOAR. 18C. GALLON. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., H8 N. Eighteenth Street._ DREW'S NEW WAY TO REPAIR SHOES; a wholo sole; no Joint to leak, no nalla to tear the sock; Mcns, |lj Ladles, 86c. 'Phono 2667. Wlll call ancl delivor. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER' SHOE FACTORY, 716 E. Maln._ WANTED, YOU TO TRY ANT1-DYS peptlc and Tonlc Spring Water for Indl? gestlon, Collc, Gastratlon, Dysontery, Dlarrhoea, Kldney nnd Bladder troubles, Plles, Teethlng bables and general health. Dr. W. B. Gray says it's tho greatest dluretlc known. For sale at Morrls'. 525 East . Broad Street, and Sprlngs, Burkeville, Va. DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD books, pamphlets, papers, etc, I buy them.' fc. H. HEY, 733 East Cary. i_NE SUIT OF CLOTHES GIVEN away free with every $30 worth of seeds and hardware. J. T. KING & CO., COS East Marshall, -y_ HAVE YOU TRIED COSBY'S FLOOR WAX? Well, Just glve lt a trlal and you'll never use any other; IS East Broad._ _C* BAG GOOD SMOKING TOBACCO for 4c GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Street. AFTER THE WEDDING CEREMONY the processlon forms. marches to JONES BROS. & CO. (1403 East Maln), the up to-date from cellar to attlc house fur nishers. and Selects from best and largest stock in city at loweajt prices._ WANTED, EVERYBODY TO GO. ON tho Grand Excurslon to Willlamsourg, Va., SATURDAY. March 21st. Ronnd trlp II. Train leaves C. R: O. 1 A M.: returning reaches Richmond nt 7:20 P. M. Lunch will be served by Aid Society of Bruton Parls Church for 2. cents. Tickets on sale at- Jefferson Hotel. Murphy's Hotel, Miller &Mlller's, Coleman's Drug Stores._ """' LADIES' COLUMN. SCOTCH KISSES AT KAEMPF'S. Nlnth Street._ TOYS AND DOLLS. TOMPKINS, 311 West. Broad. VANILLA' CHOCOLATE AND WAL nut Caramels, at ICAEMPF'S; Pure and Fresh._ GOOD CHIPPED BEEF S AND 10C PER .half pound cnn. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO? 118 N. Eighteenth Street._ THE GIRL3 ARE PRETTY, THE GIRLS are sweet, but they like the deliclons nhosphates of every flavor at "THE FOUNTaIN," 906 East Main. 10 BARS GOOD LAUNDRY SOAP FOR 25c GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Street._ 3 CANS THISTLE BRAND CORN FOR Xc. GEO. L. HAYNES & .CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Street. MISCELLANEOUS. B1CYCLES. TOMPKINS. Ropairing, KAEMPF'S CANDIES ARE THE BEST; try them._ 3 3-POUND CANS TOMATOES FOR 25C.; slnglo can, 9c. ' GEO. L. HAYNES & CO.. 118 N. Eighteenth Street,_ DID YOU SEE 'EM? THE FINE SUITS of clothes T. J. KING & Cp. is giving away freo; 508 East Marshall._ ROLLFjR SKATES. 40C. ..PAIR: ROL lors, 8 to 10c TOMPKINS, 311 West ? Broad, _ QUART JAR SWEET MIXED PICKLES for 10c. GEO, L. HAYNES & CO? US N. Eighteenth Street. _ LARGE CAN GOOD LUCK BAKING POWDER for 8c: small can 4c. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 11S N. Eighteenth Street._ WANTED, EA'ERY MAN THAT WEARS a shlrt to know that tho place to havo them mado Is at BISHOP'S, tho Shlrt Bullder, 702 E, Maln;_ LARGE JAR C1IOW CI rO^V FOR 10C.. regular 25c. slzo. OEO. L. HAYNES & CO.. 118 N, Eighteenth Stroot._ IF TT'S WALL PAPER YC-U'RE LOOK; Ing for nnd want the bost nt satlsfac tory prices call and seo ua. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER, 208-210 North Fifth. PERS0NAL8. DON'T DO ANYTHING UNTID YOU bco Ufl. F. D. BRAUER & BROTHER. ADD THE DA.DIE8 RECOMMEND KAEMPF'S CANDIES. _ BEST AMERICAN BAHD1NES, 4C. BOX. GEO, l? HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elgh? teenth Streot. NEW PACKBD SALMON, -C. PER CAN. GEO. U HAYNES & CO., 118 TO Eigh teonth Street. _ DARGE JARS MUSTARD. 5C. EACH. OEO. i_ HAYNES & CO., 11S N. Elgh? teenth Stroot. _ . IT'S A C1NCH-A SUIT OF CI.OTHES freo wlth cuch $30 worth of seeds and hardwaro from T. J. KING & CO., GOS Eust Marshall._ The dast rose of last'summer lms fnded?plant, now seed. T. J. KINU & CO, soll all 'klnds of flower sceds; lowest prices; 508 Enst Marshall._ ENCOURAGE HO M E ? INDUSTRY. Suits $15 un. Trouscrs J5 un. RICH? MOND TAILORING CO., Charles A. Sponco, manager, Slxth and Maln. ^ 2 POUNDS OOOD GINGER SNAPS OR Soda Crnckors for 9c. .OEO. L. HAYNES ~_ CO.. 118 N. Elghteenth St. WANTED, YOU TO KNOW THE BEST placo In Richmond to got. a perfect fit llng Slilrt ls BISHOF'S. tho Shirt, Bullder, 702 E. Maln. _ WANTED, CDARA. I-A.TIE AND ALU the rest of tho girls tp tell thelr best follows to buy our old fashloned Italian Crcnm Chocolntos: best ln the clty. MARCHETTI BROS., two stores, 900 E. Mnln and 617 E. Broad. _ AWNINQS, TENTS AND FLAQS. LET US MAKE YOUR AWNINGS NOW/ and put thom up whon you aro roady: window awnlngs mnde nll sizes. Just 'phono 2142 and wo wlll call and glve es? tlmates. J. ROSS JONES & BRO., 802 East Broad._r_ BlCYCLEsi IVER JOHNSON BICYCLES, BEST Wheol ln Richmond, for tho money. Only nt TOMPKINS' CYCLE STOR10, 311 Wost Broad. BICYCL-Ts AND REPAIRS. THAT'sTlIM-JO BICKERSTAFF, THE export?He .has one store, 1S03 East Maln. Ho sells, buys, rents oxchnngespr re? palrs anythlng In shapo of a blcycle. 'Phono 3398. BOOKBINDING AND PRINTING. WE DO BOOKBINDING. DETTERING and printlng. S. B. ADKINS & CO., No, C Governor Street._ ~ CREAM PUFFS. SPECIALS-POLKA ROLLS. WELL fllled Cream Puffs, Snow Balls, Jelly Rolls, fllled with the flnest ourrant jelly. 'Phono in your order. will be Johnny on tho spot." E. PERKINSON, Baker, 421 N. Slxth Street._ FofTsale?bargaTns. the latest in art' wadd papers. f. d. brauer & brother._ darge bottdis good tomato cat sup. 10c. geo. d. haynes & co., u8 N. Elghteenth Streot._ SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES IN VIR glnla socond crop seed potntocs at T. J. KING & CO.'S, 508 East Marshall. ODD HOMESTEAD VINEGAR. PURE nnd good: full quart bottlo for 10c. GEO. D. HAYNES & CO., 11S N. Elghteenth Streot. _ LARGE SUPPLY FRESH COUNTRY Eggs, Buttor nnd Old Vlrglnla Hnms. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. __igh: loenth Streot. FOR SALE. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Grocery Wagons. If you noed Rubber Tlros. Runabout, call to soo me. I can snvo you monoy. B. C. BRJSTOW, 19, South Flftconth Streot._ WE HAVE AN ASSORTMENT OF NEW Home-mado Wagons, also good second hand Wagons. new slnglo Trucks. now Davton, soveral second-hnnd Phaetons nnd Surrys, Dalry Wagons, henvy Carts, sultablo for haullng coal) palnt ing nnd repalring promptly dono. RICHARDSON BROS., 013 and G15 Brook Avenuo. 'P.hono 14G7. ?_ WANTED, TO SELL COUNTRY PEO plo grocories at low prices. All orders by mnll shipped promptly and satisfac tlon gunrnnteed. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO. US N. Elghteenth Street._ FOR SALID-THH FOLLOWING SEC bnd-hnnd Tvnowrlters: Cnllgraph, $10; Densmoro. $15; No. 2 Remington. |35j No. 4 Wllllams, good as now, $50: Ham mond, $17.50: No. G Remington, $50; No. 7 Remington, $55: No. 2 Smlth-Promler, $f>5; No. 2 Ollver. $55, and othor machines of standard mako nt reduced prices. Anv of tlio nbove wlll bo shlppod out of town on trial. THE BAR-DOCK TYPEWRITER CO., 712 E. Maln St. GROUND MEAL. IF YOU WANT GOOD CORN-BREAD buy puro country wntor-ground meal from GEO. L. IIAYNES & CO., US N. Elghteenth Stroet._ GOLD FRAMES AND GILDING. WANTED-aODD DEAF GILDINO IN old portrnlt or mlrror frnmos. -We nre tlm l.ndors and do moro In thnt llno than any other houso in the Stato. Tho largest dlsplay of genulno Gold Framos in tho Suuth. Wo wlU call and glve estlmates for glldlng and rosllvorlng mlrrors. THE CRAIG ART CO. GENT8' COLUMN. KAEiMPF'S 40C. MIXTURB CAN'T B_l beat. _ - OUR PRIDE FLOUR, 25C. PER BAOi wo guaranteed it. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elghteouth Stroot._ GOOD-BYE. DOLLY GRAY-I MUST hurry to that spoclal sale of flold and gnrden soed ftt T. J. KING _? CO.'S, 608 East Marshall._ GOOD MIXED CAKES, S POUNDS FOR 25o. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Street.______ BEFORE ORDERING THAT NEW SUIT como and see tho nlc.o nnsortment at Slxth and Maln, Sults, $16 Up! Trouseru, *5 up. RIBHMOND TA1.LORING CO? Chns. A. Spenco, Manager., 3 PLUGS REYNOLDS' SUN-CURED, Bwcot Brlor, Old PCftch, Grapo or Plum Tobacco for 2Tjc. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Streot. YOU WILL NEVER WEAR A READY mado Shirt after havtoig ono mado to order at BTSIIOP'S, tho Shirt Bulldor, 702 Enst Maln._ THE GIRLS ARE PRETTY, THE GIRLS nro sweet, but they llke'the dollclous phosphates of every llavor at "THE FOUNTAIN," 906 East Main. WANTED, EVERY SWELL DRESSER to remembor that a Now Stock of - Hats and Haberdashery whlch Is brlmmlng full of now ldeas wlll be -shown yoti by SCHNUR? MAN, Tallor, Habordasher nnd Hattor, 907 Maln Stroet._ 76C. HALF SOL1NG MEN'S SHOES; Ladles, 60c; best leathor; ervery pair restltchcd; no nnlls, no pegs. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY, 716 E. Maln; 'phono 2067. Will call and dellver. Thls advertlsoment good for 10c. payment half sollng. HOME^MAolTcANDIES. KAEMPF'S CANDIES ARE ALL HOMB mado; perhaps you novor know that. Como ln and seo us; lt don't'cost any thlng lf you don't buy._ LAMPSTO BURN. _1__-_?-__. $2.50 AND $3 BICYCLE AND AUTO moblle Gas Lamps; wlll bo sold for one wook only at JI. and $1.60. JOE BICKERSTAFF. 1803 Enst Maln; 'phone 8398._\ MESSENGER SERVICE. WESTERN UNION MESENGER SERVICE. MESSENGERS FURNISHED FOR ERRANDS, DELIVERY OF LETTERS, NOTES, CIRCULARS AND LIGHT .PACKAGES. CALL BY XV. U. CALL BELL OR BELL' PHONE 186. __ MONEY ORDERS BY TELEGRAPH. MILLINERY OPENING. MRS. M. WORTHAM BEGS TO AN notln'co to her friends nnd public that sho will have hor SPRING and SUMMER OPENING on the 24th and 25th. Sho has Just roturnod from New York with somo of the most handsomo Imported Croa tions that wlll be found ln the clty thls Beason; 216 North Thlrd Street, near Broad. . * ; r ' NOTICE. _. MR. T. H. PEACE WILL BE GLAD TO soo hls frlonds and customers at 118 N. Eighteenth Street, whero he can soll thom grocerles cheap._ OIL STOVES. MANDY. BE SURE TO GET THE WICK less Blue-flamo Oil Stoves from T. J. KING & CO,; they aro tho best; 508 East Marshall. POULTRY SUPPLIE9. THE CELEBRATED CORNELL INCIJ* bator nnd Poop O'Day Brooders: nona better: fow so good. FANCIERS' 8UP? PLY CO., 617-619 West Broad Street. POULTRY NETTINQ._ POULTRY NETTING IS NOW SELLING for 2c. per ynrd nt. T, J. KING & CO.'S, 508 East Marshall. PARASOLS. WE MAKE THEM, SCltREMP & TUMA, 317 North Fifth Stroot,_ RL^r7AB6UTS^ND~WAG6NS. , FOR NEW AND SECOND HAND RUN. ftlTouts, Wagons Phaetons, SiHTles Dnv tons, como to soo mo. W. C. SMITH( No 314 North Fifth Stroet. SPECIAL SALE. $1.25 FOR HALF CORD KILN-DR1ED WOOD; $2.50 to $3 for half cora sawed Plno and Onk Wood, dollverod. Boe o* 'phono J. B. LACY. SAVE MONEY. IF YOU WILL SAVE MONEY GN grocerles glvo us your number and wa . wlll sond a pollto salesman to your door, w.ho wlll tako your ordora rind de llver tho goods prornptly. GEO. L, /HAYNES & CO? 118 if. Eighteenth 8t, SUITS TO ORDER. ... r i- ii- j rr-rr. . .? "EVEtflY ST1TCH MADE IN RJCSfc mond." Nico assortment of Sults, $11 up. Trousors, $5 up. RICHMOND TA1< LORING CO., Slxth and Main. ChorlM A. Spence, Manager. _ ' 'SPRING CLEANING. t , DON'T OVliXRLOOK THB GREAT BAR galn prices on Palnts, Olls, Floor Stalnfl, , Bathtub Enamels at T. J. KINQ <$ CO.'B, 608 East Marshall. ^ _ 8HIRT FITTERS. , WANTED, EVERY MAN THAT . IN* tendis to wear a Neglegoo Shirt va_ spring and summer to seo our llne_ol 1 forelgn and domestlc Shlrtlngs. BISHO_\ Tho Shirt Bullder, 703 East Maln. _.. , -1 SAWED WOOD. SAVE -MONEY BY BUYING YOTOti WOOD at PT. S. URBAN'S. Sawed plne* $4.50 and $5.75; oak wood, $6. Bow? kn<\ Marshall Streets. Old 'phono 1320. _ B* SPORTING GOODS. BASE-BALLS,. BATS, &C? BIG STOCiq TOMPKINS, 311 West Broad. ??i TOWN TOPICS. _'? STOP AT THE UNION HOTEL-KATBJ3, $1.50 ond $3 per day. TEAS. OUR GREEN, BLACK ENGLISH Breakfast or Mlxed Tea can't be beat for tho money. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO.. 118 N. Eighteenth Street. _? . UPHOLSTERING. ~~ C. C LEVY, NO. 544 BROOK AVENUE; makes Mattresses. Cushlons and Sllp Covers to order. Bell 'phone 1036. :? WALL PAPER. AN ELEGANT LINE OF ART WALL PAPERS. F. L. BRAXTER & BROTHER.. TEN DOLLARS* WORTH OF WALL Paper glven away absolutely Freo. No humbug. Wrlte to-dny for partlculars. No communlcation answored unlesg'. stamped envelope ls sent us for reply. P. A. ARTHUR & CO., No. 302 East Maln Stroot, Richmond, Va. GET RESULTS ..~? ? SOUTH S MHTEST SUPPUER THE H_&. TIMES-DISPATCH Want Columns JUST PHONE DANIELS (OLD'PHONE 38) HE WILL CALL FOR YOUR WANT ADS. NO TROUBLE SPARED AND EVERY EFFORT USED TO FURTHER YOUR INTERESTS RAILROADS._ RE ft D Richmond, Frederlcks D Bo V Ti burg &. Rotomac R. R Tralns Leavo Richmond? Norlhward. 4:15 A. M., dnlly, Byrd St. Through. 6:15 A. M., daily, Maln St. Through. 6:45 A. M? dnlly, Muin St. Tliroutsh, All Pullman Cars. |;54 A. M., excopt Monday. Byrd Bt. Through. All Pullman Cnrs. Iil5 A.K., woek days. Elba. Ashlnnd ac? commodatlon. 1:00 A. M., Sunday only. Byrd Bt. Through. 8:40 A. M? weelc days. Rryd Bt. Through. |2:05noon, week days. Byrd Bt. Throuish, 4:00 P. M., woek days. Byrd St. Fred orlcksburg accommodatlon, 6:06 P. M., daily. Maln St. Through. 0:25 P. M., weok days, Elba. Ashland ac commodatlon. 8:05 P. M? dally, Byrd St. Through. 11:10 P. M., woek days. Elha. Ashland ac. commodatlon. Tralns Arrlve Rlehmond?Southward, IHO A. M., week days. Elha. Ashland Ac commodatlon, 8:00 A, M? dnlly, Byrd St. Through. 8:26 A. M., woek days. Byrd St.. Fred erlcksburg accommodatlon. 12:05 I?. M.. weok days. Byrd Bt. Through, 2:06 P, M., daily, Maln St. Through. 4:00 P. M., weok days. Elba. Ashland ac commodatlon. 8:46 P, M., dnlly, Byrd St. Through, 6:00 P. M., dnlly. Byrd St. Through. 10:26 P. M., dally, Maln St. Through. All Pullman Cars, 11:00 P, M., week days. Elba. Ashlnnd ac? commodatlon. ?,-_-._ 11:40 P. M,j week dnys. Byrd St. AU Pullman Oarn. _? __, 13:26 A. M., dally, Maln St. Through. Note?Pullman Sloeplng or Parlor Cars on ull tralns oxcent local accommoclntlons. W. D. DUKE, C. W. CULP. W. P. TAYLOR, qen'l Man'r. Ass't Gen'l Man.'.. Traf. Man'f THE CONFEDERATE MUSEUM TWHIiFTH AND CDAY BTREBJT8. Opena dally from 9 A. M. to 8 P,/_~..'. Ai-a-Men, $ eettt* ?w .ft 8?tur4i.y?. RAILROADS. S0UTH_r.;j RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEB. .., 1803, TRAINS LEAVE BIOHMOND. 7:00 A, M.-Dnlly. Local for Charlotte, 12:50 P, M.-Dally. LlmiVod, Buffet Pull? man to Atlanta and Blrmlngham. New Orleans, Momphls, Chattanooga nnd all tlio South. 6:00 P, M.?Ex, Sunday. Koysvllle Local. 11:05 P. M.-Dally, Llmlted; Pullman ready 9:30 P. M,. fnr nll lho South. YORK HIVER X.INE. Tho fnvorito routo to Rnltlmoro and enstorn polnts. Loavo Richmond 4:30 P. M, Monclay, Wednesday aud Friday, 6:00 A. M.-Excopt Sunday. Local mlxed for Wost Point. ? -,,_"''?_ 2:15 P. M.-Local. Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday for West Point. 4:30 P. M.-Excopt Sunday. For West Point, connectlng with steamers for Bal? tlmore and rlvor landlngs Mondays, Wodnosdays and Fridays, ... _ TRAINS ARRIVE RfOHMOND, 6:65 A. M. nnd 6:25 P. M.-Froni all tho South. , 3:25 P. M. 8:40 A.M.-From Keysvlllo. 9:15 A. M.-Btiltimore and Wost Point. 4:50 P. M.?From Wost Point. H. O, ACKBItT. O. M. S. II. H AKDWICK, O. P, A. O. W. WB8TBURY. D. l?. A., fllclimoiicl, Vu, SEABOARD Air Line Railway TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND-DAILY, 10:2. P. M. Seaboard Florlda Llmlted to Bt. AuKUHtipe. 2:15 P. M. Senboard Mall to Sayannah, JncUsonvllle, Atlanta and Southwest, 12:83 A. M, Senboard Express to Savan? nah, JacksonviUe, Atlanta and S-ou?h west, 0:10 A. M. Local for Norlina nnd Hamlet. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND-DAILY, fi:40 A. M., No. 34. from Florlda. 6:10 A. M. No. 60, from Florlda, Atlanta and Southwest, ?. ., iiSHV. M? No. 60, from Florlda. Atlanta and Bouthwoet. 6:45 P. M? from Norlina and looal polpta, VCri'Y TICKET OFFICE. Tbon??&^ jK?6 Paat M?ln St. RAILR0AD8. Ni^Ntri-M-tn LEAVE RICHMOND DAIDY. 9:00 A. M.. NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar? rives Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Stops only at Petersburg. Wnvorly nnd Suffolk. _ 9:00 A. M., CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car. Petersburg to Lynchburg and Roanoko, Pullman Sleopers Roanoko to Columbus, Blucfleld to Clnolnnntl: alao Roanoke to Knoxvllle, and Knoxvllle to Chuttanoaga and Meinphls. 12:20 P, M., ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmville, Lynchburg nnd Roanoko, 3:00 P, M., OCEAN SHORB LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk 6:20 P. M. Stops only at Poterslmrg, Waverly nnd Suffolk. Connoots stoumers to Boston, Provldonco, New York, Baltlmore and_ Washington. ,, 0:60 P. M., for Norfolk and all statlons east of Petersburg. 9:35 F.M., NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Slceper, RIohmond to Lynchburg, Petersburg to Roanoko: Lynchburg to Chattnnuoga, Momphls nnd New Oiionns. Cnfo Dlnlng Car. Trnlns nrrive from tho West 7:35 A. M.. 2 P. M. and 8:50 P. M.; from Norfolk 1U10 A. M., 11:42 A. M. and 6:50 P. M. Offlce No. 838 East Maln Street. - W. B. BEVILL, C. H. BOSLBY, Gen, Pass. Agent. DIs. Pass. Agent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAW-T BYRD-STREET STATION, 8:30 A. M. To all polnts South. 6:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Potorsburg and N. & fw.vWM^ 3:00 P. M. Potorsburg and Norfolk. tl:10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. 5:60 P. M. Petersburg local. 6:68 P. M. To polnts South 9:35 P. M. Petershu.g nnd _i 11:30 P, M. Potorsburg local, tll:50 P. M. "Florlda Speclnl."_- ;_ T TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND . .a- a _r +,'. >AK A M 7-1-. A Af.. 6:60 V. M. 'io pomia .u?wi. w . 9:35 P. M. Potorsburg nnd N. & W. West, 11:30 P, M. Potorsburg local. 11:60 P. M. "Florlda Speclnl."_- ;_ TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. ?:07 A. M, IoVa. M.. 7:~. A. M.. t8:? a'm, 11:10 A* M., 11:42 A. M.. 2:00 P. M~ 6:60 P. M./7.-45 P. M., 8:50 P. M. __ t Exoept Bunday. f Except Monday, 1 o; s. campbbi'lv d|v. pos?. Agt. w, j. oRAia, Gon;a3??s- Agt, RAILROADS. .DUT~_. & Ohio Ry. 2 Hours and 25 Minutes to Norfolk. LEAVE RTCIIMOND-EASTBOUND, 7:15 A. M.? Wec-k dnys-local to Newport Nows and way statlons. 8:00 A. M.-Dallv-Llniltcd-Ariivos Wll? llamsburg 0:58 A. M.. Nowport Nows, 10:30 A. M., Old Point 11:00 A. M? Norfolk 11:25 A. M. 4:00 P. M.-Weolc cliiys-Specliil-Arrlvoa Wllllamsburg 4:60 P. M.. Newport Nows 5:80 P. M? Old Point 0:00 P, M., Norfolk 0:? P. M, B-00 P M.?Dally?Local to Old Point. 6,00 MAIN L1NE-WESTBOUND. 10:10 A. M.-Weok days~-Local to Cllfton Forgo nnd way .statlons. 2:00 P. M.--Dally-Spcclal lo C nclnnall, Loulsvlllo, Bt Louls and Chlcago. Btlli P. M.--Weok diiys-l.ocul to Doswell. 10:30 P. M.-Dally-Llmltod lo Clnclnnatl, Loulsvlllo, St Louls nnd Chlcago. JAMES RIVER LINE. 10:20 A. M.?Dally-Express tp Lynchburg, Cllfton Forgo and prlnclpal statlons. 5:15 P. M.?Wook days-Local to Bromo, C. E DOYLE. W O WARTlIEN, Ooii'l Manager. Dlst. Pass. Agt. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURU ELECTRIC RAILWAY, Beginning April Ist, IB02, Cars loavo cornor Porry nnd Seventh Streets. Monohestor, overy hour (ou tlio hour) from ti A. M. to 10 P. M., last car U:60 P. M. , _'?_-_????? Cnrs leave Pcteisburg, foot of Syca more Stroot, every hour from a:M) A. M. l? FRI?DAYMANIi Sl/NDAY SPECIAL EXC'URSIONS. B0 CENTS-ROl'ND '?'1_u^~50 C-3NTS, T'IF. VALENTINE MUSEUM 'rWKLFTH AND CLAY STREETS. Opens dolly frum 9 A. M. to 8 R, ,Mt Admiaelon. S? ccmtii, Free on Ba,t ___^__t__amm_mm_mm STEAM 30ATS. Merchants and Miners Transportatlon Company. Steamshlp Line. Dlrect Route to Boston, Mass., and Providence, R.l. Stenniors leavo Norfolk for Boston Tuos? day, Weclnesduy, Frlday nnd Bunday. For Provldonco Monday, Thursday und Satur? day al C P, M. I'assong-rs nnd freight takon for alr New England polnts. Tlck ois on snlo nt o, & o. Ry and N. & XV, Ry. offlcos nnd Nn. S19 Eust Mnln Streot. i 11. II. WRIGHT, Agt.. Norfolk, Va. | HjlJifGlNlMiM ,1AM1SH UIVKU DAY LINlfi. Steamer POCAHONTAS leuvos MON? DAY, WEDNESDAY nnd FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Oia Point, i Newport Nows, Cluromont unU Jumes ' River lumilngs, niul counecting at Old ! Point for Wuslilngton, Baltlmore nnd iho 1 North. State-rooins resorved for tlio nlght at moderulo prlcos. Electric cnrs diroct to , wljnrt, Faro only $1.50 und H to Norfolk. Music by Grnnd Oroh-sti'lon. Freight recelved for abnvo-nnmcd pluccs and ull polnts lu Eastern Vlrglnla aud Notrh Carollna. 1RV1N WEISU5ER,. Gonornl Manager. E. A. Barher. Jr.. Secrotnry. Nlght Line for Norfolk Leave Richmond dully ut 7 P, M., stop plng ut Nowport Nows lu both dlrootlons. Daily uxoept Sunday by C, nnd Q, Ru|) way, 8:00 A. M., 4 P. M.. 9 A. M. and 3 p. M. by N. and W. Rullwuy; ull llnes connoot at Norfolk wlth dlrect stcumor* for Now York, aalllng dnlly Sun? duy, 7 P. M. Steamers sall from company's wharf (foot of Ash Stroet) Rockotts. II B. wAl-ICWR, Traf. Mnn. New York. r' ' "'.' JOHN F. MAYEW Agont, i2is Eaat Maln Stroet, Rlcmond, Va,. ??'?ti ' " STEAMBOATS. American Line. NEW YORK, SOUTIIAMPTON, LONDON Salllng Wedncsdays ut JO A. M. Phlladelphia, April 1. Now York, April 15. St, Paul, April 8, Phlladelphia, April 22. Red Star Line. NEW YORK-ANTWERP?PARIS. Salllng Saturday at 10 A. M, Konslngtoti, Maroh 28, Kioonluiid, April 11. Southwark, April 4. Zeeluiid, April 18, Plers 11 nnd 15, North Rivor, Offloe, 13 Broadway, N. Y. XV. B. PALMER & CO.. Clyde Steamshio Co.'s PHILADELPOTA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAM SHIP LINE. Appolnted sailing dtiyat Evory TUESDAY, FRIDAY nnd SUNDAY at dnylight, Froiyltt recoived dtuly till 6 P. M. _ Ibay line 1-oIiai.t'imore Via 0. & 0. Rwy. uml Old Point. Leuvo Uli-luuuiicl via U. & 0. dally nrqil Siimluy, ut 4 V. M., iwu. ut aid Point ivltli ntouuiora ut Old Hav l.lnu, Icuvlu. 7:15 V. M.. uiflvln. lliiltiniuiu d:.'lu A. W., cou. Noi'lli, Rust und Wiiat. For tlctu-ta mul lnr?riuutlo? up nly to 0, * 0, Itwy. und Trutiufrr _o_i|>uijy, 1000 1-Mst Mulu Bti-uul. POOL MATCH OHAMPIONSIiiP OF THE WORLD betwcon GRANT EBY, of Now York, champlon| XV. 11. OLKARWAT1-U, of Pittsburg, ex-chainpiou. Sungor Hull, March 23d, 34th and 25th, Rosorved seats ou salo at Tho'Tujcedo, 707 Eust liivai, ^_ , AMUSEMENTS. I J o u riatlnee To-Day FAWCETT COMPANY wlth Frank Glllmoro and Gnwo Klinball, ln CAMILLE -^_ -J __m<A iai 8 </_ ACADEMY. TUESDAY, Maroh 24th, Matinee nnd Night, ANDREW ROBSON in RICHARD CARVEL Prlcos, Mntln. oS5o to $1, Nlght,S5o to $1.50 K-fits now on salo. TWICB PAII.Y AT 3 AND 7 P. nt ADMISSION 25o CHILDREN 15c An-E.anlng of Mlrth and Myittryy Y; M, C, A, HALL,, -d? Saturday, March 21 st, 8i30fc<. m, THE FLOYUS.^ Altlflt-ERSJ^BH. ftosw-vo4 B^.J^taf ?._ . . ?._._._. _f_4___i____