Newspaper Page Text
liveNews and Fresh Gossip From the Cities and Towns of Virginia. ALEXANDRIA CENTENNIAL Flrst Baptlst Church to Cele brate Its Anniversary. WELL-KNOWN SPEAKERS A Week of Servlces Wlll Be Held, Dur? ing Whlch Time Several Notable Baptist Mlnlsters Will Be Heard in Alexandrla. (Speclal to Tho Tlme.-DI-P-tch.) A__EX__NDRIA, VA., Maroh ZO.-Ar , rangemonts havo beon mado by the con gregatlon of the Flrst Baptlst Church to celebrate the one hundredth nnnlvorsary ot Ita orgaalaatlon wlth a week of np proprlate servlces, commencing Sunday. ?AprU 19th. Many distingulshed clcrgy men of thls denomlnatlon wlll be presont, . lneludlng all of the former pastors of tho church now llvlng. The flrst sermon Sun? day mornlng, Aprll 19th, wlll be dollvered by Rev. Dr. R. J. TVHllngham, secretary ot the Forelgn Misslon Board of tho Boirthern Baptlst Convention. Tho fol? lowlng Monday evenlng the addross wiu be delivered by Rov. W. E. Hatcher, D. D., lili. D.. of Richmond. Wodnosday ?vening the centennial orntlon wlll bo .ellvered by Rev. W. C. Bittlng, D. D , of New York, who spont hls oarly llfo. ln Alexandrla. Thursday evenlng ad? dresses wlll bo delivered by Rov. I. M. Mercer, D. D., aiM Revi C. H Ryland, D D., the latter of Richmond Collego, and both formor pastors of tho church. Rev. G'eorge L. Hunt, D. D., LJ_. D., the presont pastor, wlll partlcipato ln tho exerolsos. It has boon due largcly to hls zeal and energy that the celebration Is an assured success. .,_,-__, Tho flnal exerolsos wlll be held Frlday evenlng and wlll be of an lnterdenomlna tlonal charaeter. The local clorgy wlll bo Invlted and tho evont wlll be a "homo evenlng." A rocopUon will be hold hy the ladies of tho church. Tho Flrst Bap? tlst Church was orgunlzed Aprll 22, 1893. During Its long hlstory lt has been closo ly assoclated with the Hfe of tho clty, numborlng in Its mombershp many of tho most prominent citlzone of Alexan Plans for tho organizatlon of a Cham? bor of Commerce for Alexandrla aro now belng dovolopod by a committee appointed by the Washlngton's Blrthday ABSocla tlon. It is proposed to construct a flno bulldlng horo ln a central locatlon to cost about 510,000, to serve Uio purposo of a home for a business mon s club as woll as a Chamber of Commerco. Tho commlttcemen have interviowed tho bus? iness mon of tho clty and oxpross tho oplnlon thnt tho project can be mndo a success. ln thnt evont lt ls expected that tho business Interests of Alexandrla would be greatly ad.anced. SHOTIN ROANOKE Clarence Hodges is Paralyzed from His Neck Down. (Spoclnl to Tbo Tlmos-Dlnpatch,) ROANOKE. VA., March 20.-ln the liailway of the Oilrd floor of a house on Ballroad Avenue about 1:30 o'cock to-day Duck Carter, of Henry county, got lnto u dliTlculty with Clarence Hodp-es nnd \V_tf! Martln while under the lnfluemoe of ilquor, and shot tho former In the right sldo of the neck. Tho ball narrowly os? caped the Jugular vein and lodged In tho trplnal cord, paralyzlng hls body and Ilmbs from neck down. Cnrtor was ar? rested ond lockod up, and Hodgos takon to tho hospital, whero he ls ln a critical conditlon, with llttlo hopo of recovery. Hls etatement waa taken, whlch is to the effect that Carter camo lnto tho houso drunk, declarlng that he had ronted lt. A guarrel''eri8uea; and he drew hls gun. Martln '_S_bbod him and tho weapon waa dlscharged, tho bullot strlklng Hodges. Carter is a son of Samuel Carter, an ox-constable of Honry county, nnd ls promlnently connocted. Ho ts nlnoteen years of ago. Hodges ls sevontoen and the Bon of a woman who resldes In the house -whoro the shooting ooourred. THREE CANDIDATES Well-Known Men Mentloned for Dr. Le Cato's Vacant Seat.,. (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dispatch.) ONA_^N_*OCK, VA? March 20.?Dlsous Blon as to who shall succeed Dr, George iVW Le Cato as Stato Sonator from Onan cock and Northampton countles ls noy llfa. Three candldatos havo hoen spoken ot?Bonjamln T. Guntor, S. Wilklns Mathews, and Otho Mears. It has been Bfllclally announced that Mr. Guntor wIlL bo a candldato, and Mr. Moars wlll ln all probaolllty bo ln tho fleld. Whllo Mr. Mathews has stated ho wlll not run, hls friends yot hopo ho will bo in tho raco. These threo mon havo beon proiplnont ln tho polltics of tho Virglnia Kastern Shoro for mnny years, and should all eivtor tho fl'cld, tho flght wouid bo very llvely. Mr. Gttnter and MV. Moars nro :*ommonwealth'B Attornoy of Accomao ind Northampton countles, respoctlvely, ind both havo decllned to nccopt anotlior lerm. Mr. Mathows Is tbo mombor nf ihe Houso of Delegates froril Accomao county. Bond Issue Defeated. (8p_ol~l t" Tho Tline.-DI-p-tch;) FREl?KRlCKKHi;itC;. VA., Mnrch 20. rho election |n Stnfford county on the questlon ot mibscrlblng Jlfty thousand .(ill.irs to the ciipltHl sinclt nf tho Frrd ?rlckBburg and Rappaharmopk Eloctiio Rallway resulted ln the d. font of the prolect bv a innjnrlty of about two hun _r.fl. All ?f llio pr--Incts have not been heard from. At Stufford Storo and Brooke sv.ry vote wa.s east agalnst tho sub ecrlptlon The Weems line wlll put a river stenmer ?>n tho Rappahannock, b.ginnlng Aprll '.st. to rily b-fween thls city and ITrhuunu :rl-wookly, golng and returning, Tho llenmer will bo named Caroltno, ln honor >f Carollno county. Danvillc ln the League. (Spoclal to Tfce Tliue_.DIip.tcb,0 DANVII-I-E, VA.. March 20.?Mr. CJeorge Temple, who lias had the it.atter of r&is ln ? "Tbe moit wonderful inudl.lno for all l_roncbl-l affecUoni. * ? Ho*. Mlis.l'-Uitv, lCattl- <---y, -.Unerjok, Irelm-l, 1R0WN S TROCHES wSasSRSfo ^_______^__i__. nnnuiue BRONCHIAL Boutl fldeni_ _ tvUt wiinff-Wtmamtmmn Ing tha amounl necessary to s??talti I local leam fdf lho Vlrtilnla-Curollnt. Loaguo, hns boon suoceasful, and Dan vlllo wlll be in the leaguo. At n. meotlng held recontly nll tho cltles ombracod ln lho leaguo announced' thoy wero ready, and Dnnnvillo was glvon untll to-mor? row to necbrtaln what sho wouid do, Danville bolng In llno practlcally assuros tho lcngtio, whlch wlll embroce Roanolto, Lynohourg-, Danville, nnd Groonsboro. NEW TELEPHONE LINE Hlllsvllle and Stuart Company Organ? lzed In Patrick, (Spoclal to Tlie Tlmca-Dltpatch.) STUART, VA,, March 20,-Captaln T. J. Banka, of Carroli; T, L. Clarko, S, C. Scott and othors met at W. W. Lee's, near Lovors' Leap, ln thls county, on yostorday and organlzed th Hllls? vllle and Stuart Tolophono Company, hnvlng for Its object tho conncotlon of the two places and the Intormedlnto polnts by tolophono. The line ls nlrcody partly constructed, and wlll be comploted wlthln tho next thlrty or forty days. Thls wlll put thls county lnto dlrect oom munlcatlon with nll the Southwestorn countles of tho Stato and with Mount Alry. N. C. , ? Tho peooh orop wlll be practlcally a fallure ln thls sectlon thls year. It wns killed lu the bud during tho cold spell about tho mlddle of Fobrunry and tho treos aro not bloomlng. ? Vory llttle farm work has been dono ln thls communlty for tho present crops. Thousands of fruit treos aro belng plnntcd thls spring, and tho people ex pect to mako Patrick county the lendlng npplo produclng county in tho State in tho noar future. WITH DYNAMITE Ohrlstlansburg Ib Startled at Nlght by Terrlflc Exploslon. fSooclal to Xtie Tlme.-Dlspntch.l CHRISTIANSBURG, "VA., March 20. A most terriflo oxplosion, whlch nwnken ed nnd startled tho inhabltants of the town, occurred tiere nt 2 o'clock thls morning, when the houso of a colored woman, named Fannie Rohlnson, was partlally dcmolished by dynamlte belng placed on tho front door step. Tho wo? man ond her ohlldron wero asleop In the house' nnd escapod unhurt, whlch ls almOst mlraculous. Thoro is no cluo as to who tho perpetrators woro, and the woman says she ls urmblo to ovon form a susplclon. The damage to the house ls estlmated at $100. -? In Wytheville. (Spoclal to Tho TimoB-DIsoatch,) WXTHBVH-LI-, VA., March 20.?Dr, John T. Graham, a promlnent physlclan and physlclan ln chargo of the Wytho vllo Sanatorlum, foll in hls offlee Wod nosday and fractured hls arm. He is get? tlng alung nlcely. John W. Lowls, ln Jall at Salem for criminal assault on a lltte glrl at the Rorer mlnes, noar Roanoke, Is from near Wytheville, having been renred a fow mllos enst of t_,e town. Ho always bore a goo_ reputatlon ln thls vlclnlty, but has been always consldored wcak mlnded. a ? Tennessee Electlon Frauds. (Speclal to Tlie TlmeB-Diapatch.) BRISTOL, VA, March -O.-Ohancellor I-Iaynes to-day declded the electlon con? test caso ln Uie flrst Judlclal clrcult of Tennessee, declarlng A. J. Tylor, of Bris? tol, to hfuve been olocted Judge last Au? gust over State's Attornoy Dana Har mon, Harmon contestod Tylor's electlon, and tho contost has rovoalcd gross frauds on both sldes, causlng tho chancellor to apeak with alarm of tho situatlon ln hls wrltten opinion, nnd to condemn many of tho partlBan olectlon ofllcers. Harmon will appeal to tho Btato Suprem? Court. George P. Tarry Injured. (Speclal to Tho Tlmes-DlBpatefO BOYDTQN, VA., March 20.?George P. Tarry had tho misfortuno to have one of Ms logs broken thls afternoon. Mr. Tarry, In company with Mrs, Tarry, was drlvlng along tho publlc road near hls homo, From a sudden Jerk Mr. Tarry lost hla balanco and fell from tho vehlcle with tho above result. Convent to be Built. (Spoclnl to Tho Timoa-Dlspntch.l WOODSTOCK, VA., Mauph 20.?The au thorltles of tho Cathollc Church aro nego tlatlng for a iot ln thls placo upon whlch thoy proposo to oroct a bulldlng 150x300 feot, four or flve storios (hlgh, to bo used na a convont, Tho suporlor quallty of tho mountaln water now used ln this town ls tho attraotlve feature. CORRECT STORY OF .. BUCHANAN LANDS No Appllcatlon for Them Pendlng ln County Court. - Orlginal Patent, , (Speclnl to Tlio Timos-Dliinntoh.) , ABINGDON, VA., Mnrch 20.? In tho is suo ot last Sunday mornlng ls a hlstory of tho largo land clalms of Frederlck Pcnraon (or B. F. Butlor) on the head watore of Sandy River. Tho proporty lloa wholly ln Uuchunnn county, nnd In? stead of lylng In ono valley it comes nearor lylng under a (hundred hllls, that Ho so closo to euch othor that lt would seem to havo beon tho deslgn of tho Crentor, whilo loslng but llttlo of tho coal velns, to lenve oponlngS between them .slmplo enough to pormlt man to work lnto and bpon thom wlth tho utmost economy. Tho land ln controvorsy wus orlglnnlly patented by Biiilth und Banka, and was sold to help pay tho exponso of tho war of 1812 and 1X14. Tlio salo wus mado by \V. IX Taylor, nnd the land wuh pur chosocl by Willlam I.unih, of Ridhmond. l.ainb's cxeciitor sold II to Josoph llagan and Harah l'urcnll, Hiirah I'urcoll sold to Joseph Culbert.son, who sold tho samo to Josoph Hagan. Thon Josoph Hagun con veycd liis rlght to I'ntrlclc Tlaimn, now llvlng ln Hoott county, Vn. In May, 187-1, patrlck llagan deeded this land (whloh be then esllinated ut 76,000 ncros, to whlch good Utlo ex lst od), tho entlro Srnllh aud RankS patent belng 200, OO) acres. Tilila deed nover went to record, I'earson prO fcrrlng ono of different charaeter, and about 1KS3 Huguii mado to roarson a new and more witlsfuetory one, wlth spo? clal warrnnty to all hls rlght, tltlo aml lntorest In iho Smlth und Hanks pat? ent. lt was at that tlmo sald thut B. F. Butler had an Interest ln the land so pur? chased by I'enrson, who, on Maroh 20, ]>7f, lllod in tlio United Slates Clreult fourt at Ablngdon, Va., dc flur.itlons ln ejectmeut ugalnst forty-seven of the ad verso ooeupants of tho land. Forty-llvu of theso aetlons uro stlll pendlng ln tho I'nlti-d Statos Clreult Court at Alitngdon, Tho ldea that uny such uctlons are pend? lng ut Ciih-ndy ls nows to your corre? spondent. Theso uro tho lands that aro alleged ln tho artiolo ln last Sunday's Tlmes-Dlspatch to havo insplred tho blll to have all suits under tho hiiid-gruhbcrs' ncta to moro than 60,000 acrea trled ln the Clreult Ccurt at Richmond, and no wher. ou*. DIED ON HIS HQUSE-TOP Portsmouth Man Won on the Roof Dolng Some Palntlng. THE ORDINANCE IN EFFECT Beginning With To-Day Women Wlll Not Be Allowed to Enter Saloons In Portsmouth?May Enter Gro cery Where Liquor is Sold. (Speoinl to Tho Tluics-Dlspatch.) NORFOLK, VA? Marali 20.?Wllllam DonnJng, of Portsmouth, a flroman ln tho navy, dlod suddenly on tho roof of hls houso, cornor of Glasgow and Poarl Streets, thls morning. Mr, Dennlng was on tho houso-top palntlng, A gcntloman passlng on tho streot saw hlm fail, and, tliinking that ho hud falnted, callod to anothor, who wont up to tho roof and found the man dead. It ls supposod that death resulted from a sud'den attack of heart troublo. A wldow and chlldren and a brothor, Dr. . H. H, Dennlng, survlvo hlm. Beginning to-morrow tho ordlnanco pro hlbltlng women from entoring saloons wlll bo enforcod In Portsmouth. Thls ordlnanco does not prohlblt women from cntorlng grocery stores whoro'Ilquor ls sold, aa does a simllar ordlnanco of Nor? folk, but thoy must koop away from tho whlskoy sectlon of tho store, F. Haonsolman, a civll onglneor, en? tered suit ln tlie Court ot' Law and Chan cory to-day agalnst tho Norfolk-Hamp ton-Roncte Shlpbulldlng- and Dry-Dock Company, clalnilng $"i00 for surveylng tho defendant company's property on Hamp? ton Roads and maklng bluo prlrits and maps for the proposed now ship-buildlng plant there. John G. Tilton ls counsel for tho plalntiff, who sues for $i,000 dam? ages. The largest stoekholders of the enterprlse are from Ohlo. Tho drowned body of a whlto man, np parently about flfty years of ago, washod ashore yesterday afternoon near Lowls' tishery at Ocean View. Tho body was In o< suit of black oil-sklns, nnd on tho head was what Is known as a So'wester" hat, whlch Indlcatcs CAPTAIN MARTIN. LIEUTENANT HUNT. Recently Elected Officers of tlie Farraville Military Company. that tho man wua a sailor. Tho faco was partly eaten away by crabs, and there was nothlng on tho body by whlch It could bo ldonctfled. Tho body was buried ln tho paupors' lot in tho clty oemotory. OYSTER SIIKLLS DEAR. Oystor shells aro ln actlvo demand hore at 41-2 conts a bushol, Salos hnvo beon'. mado' thls weok ' at 5 cents a bushol. That Is a hlgher prlco than thls by-pro duot of the oystor buslness ovor brought horo beforo. lt Is not many years since sholls wero not sold at all. Thoy woro glvon away to any ono who wouid tako thom from tlio yards, whoro thoy woro ln tho way of tho shttckors. Tho reason of tho rlso ln tho prlco ls tho Increaaed ttso of tho sholls for road-maklng and bulldlng pttrposos, It has beon dlscov? ered horo recontly that oystor sholls mnko tlio bost foumlntiona for hoavy bulldlngs, becauso they tlo not sllp in tho soll. Wliorovor thoy aro placed thoy stay, and thoreforo ennstituto a stablo foundation for tho stone or brlck and coment that may bo lald abovo. An? othor causo of tho hlgh prlco ls tho lack of output. Thoro has boon a mllllon busliels of sholls thls season whoro thoro should havo boon doublo that numbor. Tlio oystor shuokors hnvo not put out thu usual proiluet of slu-lls or of oyslors. At tho flrst of tho sonsoil some largo | pnokors sold sholls hy contract nt '? nnd 21-2 conts a bushol that wouid command doublo thnt prlco now. Thoro nro not moro than lliO.ono busliels In the mnrkot now, whon thoro ls a clemand for four tlmes thnt supply, MIHSINU?PJOUHONAIj ITIQMS. Nelther ono of lho two latost Indontl lli-utlnns of tho unknown doad men hns ;proved oorreot. Tho Mrs. Huntor, of Npw Doreliester, Jlass,, who supposod ihe man Huntor or Allen, who waa mui' dered here by Wttttors, ho nogro man who Is to bo luinged, snys now thnt sho was mlstnken ln her Idontlllonllon. Frank \V. Kldtldgc, of Greonsboro, N. C? says ho was inlstakon In supposlng thnt ho iiad traced lils mlssing fathor In tho tnutllated body of Iho mnn whloh was found floating lu tho water horo. Mcanritno an lnqulry has cntne from liidley IJark, Pa., for a runaway boy, Itaymoud Manlovo Smliu. who ls sovon tcen years old, flvo feot eight Inches tall, and Is oquippod with brokon front tooth- Theso facts show tlio stnrlllng number of porsons who uro mlssing from thelr liotnos, somo of thom from thelr wlvcs. Thoro havo beon two men and ono womnn whoso bodlos woro bui'lod hero wlthln forty days wlthout Idonil tlcatlnn. JOHN S. W1S1C KKNDS PAPKP.S. Papors ln tho suit for civll rights camo horo to-day from John S. Wlso. In lho flrst suit brought by llrickhouso agalnst HtSttMSKB :( WOODWARD & SOU LUMBER BOUCH ANP DHESSED Gallup tthd others, judges at the eleo tloh ln Novombon alloBinB' that tlie plaln? tlff, a negro preachor, had not boon ftl lowod to vote, and therefore was de prlvcd of hls clvll rlghts, there was tt technlcal error ln Iho blll ln falllhg to doclaro that the defendant had commlt? ted the Wrong tho pupors In the sult wore lnlended to chargo hlm wlth. Bo? foro that waa amended tho nnswor had beon flled ln tho United Statos Clreult Court Tho pnpers sent now are to no tlfy Colonol Goorgo E. Bowden, the olork, thnt tho plalntlff wlll boar the coSts of tho court for tho crrors, and to fllo tho consont of tho counsel for tho dofohdants, "Willlam II. Andcrson, of RIohmond, for tho amonded blll nnd po? tltlon. Tho letter ls from tho offlce of John 9. Wlso ln Now York, but tho pa pers boar tho slgimturos of Jnmcs H. Hayes and _. C. Cnrtor, of Richmond. Tho caso Is set for trial In May. .? ? Kllled by a Llvo Wlre. (Spoelnl to Tho Tlmos-Dlapntch.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA? Maroh 20.? George Chrletlan, n negro omployed by the Newport News. bakery, woe eleotro cntcd hero to-nlght by comlng In oontaot wlth n llvo wlre. Ho caught hold of tho wlre leading to a slxteen candlo powor llght at a pofnt whero tho Insulatlon was worn off. It ls thought tho feed wlro must havo been crossed wl.h a street wlre, ns death was Instantaneous, and there wns curront onough to burn off threo flngers. . . Boy Serlously lnjured. (Speclnl to Tho Tlmos-Dl-patch) EAST RADFORB, VA., March 20.-" Charles Roberts. aged nlno yoars, son or P, C. Roborts, flrcman on tho Norfolk and Wostorn, had both foot crushed off hore thls afternoon whlle atternptlng. to board a frolght traln. It ls foared that he will dlo. ELKS'HOME SOON TO BEJPICATED Arrangements Made for Elab? orate Ceremonles on May 21st. the Date Seleeted. (Speclnl to Tlio TI-iPS-Dlspnt-h.) BEDFORD CITY, VA., March 20,-Tho National Homo of tho Elks wlll be dedl cated on May 21st, tho dato now belng offlcially announced by tho committee havlng tho mattor In charge. Tho occa? sion wlll bo a notablo event In the his? tory of Bedford, os plans aro bolng made to accommodate 15,000 Elks from Vlrglnla and othor States. Excurslons wlll be run from many polnts, brlnglng tho visl? tors to Bedford and returning wlth thom after tho oxerclses. So great a con courso, of course, could not bo accommo datod In any bulldlng horo, so the oxor clsos wlll bo hold ln the opon alr, and tho splondld grovo adjolnlng tho bulldlng wlll afford a cool havon for rest and pleasure. Tho plans havo not boon fully maturod, but Mr. Mondo Dotwllor, of Uarrlsburg, Pa., wrltos to Mr. Louls Lazarus, of Lynchburg, a mombor of tho commltteo havlng chargo of tho Homo, the loadlng features delermlned upon. .Governor A. J. Montaguo wlll dellver tho addross ot wolcomo in behalf of Vlr? glnla, and Sonator John XV. Danlel wlll speak on a subject not yot seleeted, Tho orator of- tho day wlll bo Mr. Dotwllor, nnd prnyor wlll bo sald by a local min? ister. Ropalrs on tho Homo nro nearly com? pleted, but It wlll requ'ro good manago niont to put everythlng ln shlpshapo In tlmo for tho dedlcatlon. Mr. Edward Ronnort, of Baltlmoro, hos arrlved, and wlll dlrect ovorythlng. Mr. Ronnort is tho son of Charles Ronnort, of Hotel Ronnort fnmo, nnd ls thoroughly nt homo In nll matters rolatlng to hotol mniuigo nient, Ho camo wlth hls wlfo morely to diroct tho work of oponlng tho Homo, but thoy nro so much ploased wlth the beauty of thls mountuln town they may inako It thelr homo. Mr, Dotwllor wlll soon tnko up tompo rury (piurtors at tho Homo, und may ro niuln during tho ontiro summer, Thero uro flfty liiniatca to bo tuken whon the Home Ih oponed, Mr. Ronnort statos that $l_,00O has nl ready beon Hpont ln Imprnvomenta and ropalrs. Berfoct hoatlng nnd plumbing systenis havo beon instnllod^ nncl nll tho senrs of tlmo on the bulldlng hnve beon hoaled liyMho carponters, mri.ons and pnlntora. Tho furylturo connected wlth Hotol Bedford Is belng renovatod and wlll bo used tho flrst yenr, but Its placo wlll then bo takon by nn entlroly new equlpment. Tho wnljs havo been pnporod over tho entlro house, but Iho choico of graylsh pattoms ls not In harmony wlth tho cleguneo of tho othor appolntmonts. Tho grass sowed ln front of the Home last fall has como up nicely, and the car. pot of fresh greon mokos the bulldlng show to great advantage, Tho stroets loadlng to tho Home ln overy dlrectlon wlll bo macadiiml-od, nnd contracts for the work wlll be lot ln a few days. It ls nlso proposed to uso th. grovo nd Jolnlng aa a klnd of park, and concerts wlll bo glven to the publlo by tho band thut wlll ho orgunlzed from members of tho Homo. T)io annual mriint.nnn.o fund wlll be t:ifl,O00. nnd any Elk whoso lot mukea him an inmato of tha lnstltutlon wlll bo oared for lu luxury and entlro freodom from car* ) *:.m-iv; ? . i ??. OLD CHURCH PULLED DOWN But No Corner-Stone Found In 010 Unlon-Street Bulldlng. THE SWIFT CREEK M1LLS The President of the Oompany Says That Work Wlll Begin Not Later Than May Ist-Some Help at Etlrick and More to Come, (Spoclnl to Tbo Mmaa-Dtapateb.) PETERSBURG, VA? March 20.-No corner-stone has beon found at tho old Unlon Street Methodlst Churoh, and tho walls havo now beon pulled down. Ono brlck, In whlch a small hollow ls eut, ia the only thing found that wouid suggest a oornor-stone, and Mr. Bartlott Roper, who.purchosod tho church proporty, now has thls ln hls possesslon. Mr. Roper In tendod turnlng over to tho Mothodist Church whatever tho corner-stone con talned. and Is sorry that nothlng wus found that could bo kept aa a momorlal of tho old bulldlng. The presldont of the company whlch recontly purchased tho Swlft Croek cot? ton mllls, ln a lottor to Petersburg, says that the Swlft Creok mllls wlll begln work not later thnn Mny 1st. Some of tho help ln tho mllls at Ettrlck wlll take po sltlons ln thls factory, nnd other help wlll come from North Carolina. Only about ono-half of tho Confedorato pcnsloners ln Petersburg have appeared at tho offlco of tho clork, of the court to have thelr papors properly certlfled. The law rcqulres that thoy appear before March _5th?next Thursday. DESBRTHD FROM THB MAINE. C. Hj Gllmoro. a sallor, who confessos to hnvlng deserted from tho United Statos battleshlp Malno whllo that shlp was at Newport Nows, was arrosted In Peters? burg by Pollco Offlcer Peyton Stewart to-day. Ho wlll bo held for naval au thorltlea. Tho wlll of the lato Mlss Robecca P. Whltohead was proved ln the Corporation Court to-day. and Mrs. Nolllo Whltohead Lynch quallfied as executrlx. The case of the negro, Vaughan, charged with tho murdor of anothor ne? gro ln Dinwiddle county, has been con tlnuod untll tho next torm of the County Court. Mr. P. H. Drewry, of thls clty, reprosents Vaughan. Mr. W. F. Nufor, of Mlchlgan, ono of tho owners of tho Virglnia Lumbor and Box Company, ln thls clty, ls In Potors? burg on buslncss. Conslderablo acttvlty ls reported in real estato ln Dinwiddle county. Many -furms havo recontly been sold ln that countj*. OFFICERS ELECTED. Post C, Travelors' Protectlvo Associa? tlon, held a vory enthuslastlo meotlng at tho rooms of the Young Mon's Busl? ness Associatlon, ln thls clty. lost eve? nlng. Messrs. Horaco Smlth. R. B. Wal? thall and C. W. Saunders, of Richmond, were guosts Thoso gentlemen extended nn Invltatlon to tho members of Post C to a soclal, to bo glven at tho Travelcrs' Protectlvo Associatlon headquartors In Richmond noxt Friday evenlng. Roports of the offlcors of the associatlon showed it to bo In excellent conditlon. Tho fol? lowlng ofllcers wore olected: Vlco-Prcsldent, R. .E. Lunsford! Sec? retary nnd Trcnsurer, R. AV. Prlchard; Board of Dlroctors, R. S. Glll, W. XV. Warren, J. H. Slator, R. W. Colller, E. A. Hartloy, C. C. Alloy, O. D. Androws. Chalrmon of varlous commlttees, as follows; Rallroad-H. P. Stratton; Press? T, Stanley Beckwlth; Hotel?L. P. Rob? ertson; Leglslatlvo?R. A. Martln, Jr.; F.mploymcnt?<F. H. Holneman; Slck?C, R. Loath; Membcrshlp?W. Hi Lunsford; Physlclan?Dr. II. G. Lelgh; Chnplnln? Rov, John Rldout, Delegates to Stato Conventlon?Homor Atklnson, O. D. Androws, R. A. Mnrtln, Jr., R. W. Colller, T. Stnnley Beckwlth, B, P. Robertson. W. Koonlg, R. E. Lunr ford, XV. T. Bnygh, T J. Gllls, W. W. Hlnos. H. P. Stratton, C, R. Lenth, J. H. Slator, T S. Beckwlth and R. W. Prlch? ard. GAME WELL CONTESTED Washington and Lee Defeats Eastorn College of Front Royal. (Speclul to Tho Tlincs-Dlsptitcli.) LEXINGTON, VA? March 20.?Tho baso-ball senson wns oponed thls after? noon nt Washlngton and Lee Unlvorslty, by tho Unlversity nlno dofcatlng East? orn College, of Front Royal, Vn,, ln a colsoly contestod gamo. Both nlnos play od good ball, although tho gam# was slow at tlmos to tho spect'ators, who numbored 400, Each pitchor recelvod flno support, ancl untll tho last man wns ro llovod tho gamo was In doubt. Tho 'Varslty presontod nn nlmost ontlrely now tonm, whlch showed up woll, nl though weak In batting, whlch wlll Im priwo with tho soason's advancomont. Tho groat foaturo was the star thlrd bttso playlng of Horo ford for 'Varslty, who acceptod wlthout error twolvo changes, mnny vory dlillcult, Scoro: H. H. E. Unlvorslty.101001,00 0-3 5 2/ Collogo.OO00 0O2 0O-2 4 3 Two liase lilts-Clnrko, of Collego: Hnrofnrd. Unlvorslty. Struck out by Ilakor, 5; by Downlng, 8. Baso on balls off Parkor. 1; off Oowning, 4. Loft on basoH?Unlvorslty, 5; Colloge, 3. Hattorlos-Unlvorslly, Baker nnd Bng loy; Collogo?Downlng nnd Shacklett. Umpire Diwld Barclny. a ' Petersburg Street Llghts, cHpeeliil to Thu TloioB-Illnpntcli.) PETERSBURG, VA., March 20.?Tho Councll thls ovonlng ronowefl tholr con trnct with the Virginla Passenger nnd Powor Company for llghtnlng the clty with olectrlclty. Tho Amerlcan Welsbnch Company wero bldders for tho contract, but thelr llghts woro not satsfuctory to Uio commttee. ln Prlnce Edward. fSucclul to Tho TlniFH-Diiipiitcb,) OVERBY VA., Murch 20.-Mr. Bur woll Vaughan, one of the oldest cltlzens of this county, was pnruly.ed yestorday evonlng nt tho homo of hls son, nl thla Jlgor without Yolume 1cm and hl~ power of -poooh de~troyed, Cards are out .or tno marrlage of Mr? E, W. Mndlion and Ml*? Kate Crawley, both of Cumberlond oounty, on the lst day of Aprll, Tho farmers havo flnlshed burnlng plant bods nnd are plowtng for tobaooo, IN PITT5YLVANIA J. T, Hundloy lt Convlcted of M?n* ?laughter at Gh-tham, (BpooUl to Tbt Tlmei-'-iipatcti.) CHAT.LVM, VA? Maroh 20.-J?ok T, Hundley waa convioted of manslauchter Thumday afternoon and sentenced ta three year. ln the penltentlary, In De oember laat Hundley shot, Instantly klll ing, Albert Orlfflth ln the home of Hund ley's father, A petltlon contalnlng more than two hundred names has been presented to Judge James U Tredway, praylng that he order a local option election In Tun? stall dlatrlot. The eleotlon wan ordered to be hold on the 24th of Aprll. A llke petltlon Is now belng clrculated ln Dan River dlstrlot, but the roqulslto number of names has not beon secured. Mrs. Ernest Heald, of Lynchburg, ls vlsltlng hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chls woll Dabney, ?> .'?',?:_ Mrs. Wrlght, of Cambrldgo, Md., lu tho guost of her parents, Rov. and Mrs. A. A. Whltmore.-' A glngor-snap party was glven at tne homo of Mr. C. G. Lovors. SURPRISE VlARRIAQ E Miss Sadle S. Travers Becomes tho Brlde of Mr. Samuel E, Pitts. (8p.el_l to Tho Tlme?-Dl.pBtch.) FREDERICKSBURG, VA., Mnrch 20, Mr. Bamuol E, Pitts, a promlnont busi? ness man of Bparta, Carollno county, and former member of the Legislature, and Mlss Sadlo S. Travers, oldest daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Travers, of tho samo county, woro married yestorday at the resldence of Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo C. F. Myers, noar Frcdorlck Clty, Maryland; whoro tho young lady was vlsltlng. Mrs. Myers bolng her nunt. The ccremony wns performcd by Rev. Atwoll Conner, aftor whlch Mr. and Mrs. Pitts loft for Washington, where thoy wlll spend a fow days boforo golng to their homo nt Spnrtn. Tho brldo was olegantly nttlrod ln a tallor-made sult of blue cloth nnd carled whlte carnatlons, Both the brlde and'' groom aro promlnont nnd populnr In tholr natlvo county of Carollno. Th. marrlnge hns caused a groat deal of sur? prlso to tho many friends of iho couplo. ns tho principals hnd not thcmR.lvos con templatod havlng tho weddlng at thls time, 'untll Mr. Pitts arrlved on a vlslt to tho young lady, and whilo thoro they jolntly ngreed to havo tho weddlng; per? formcd. . Soon to be Married. (Speclnl to Tho Tlme.-Dl.pnt.h.) -WTTHEIVII-L-., VA., March 20.?An announenment of conslderablo lntorest In social clrcles has boon made horo. Tho engngomont of Mlss Katherlno Pcndloton to Mr. Robort G. Mooro Is announced, tho marrlage to tako place on Aprll 21st. Mlss Pendloton is the youngost daughtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robort N. Pcndloton, of Wythevlllo, and is connected lhrrjut;h out tho Stnto with, many of tho Old Do mlslon's most prominent famllles. Sho is ono of Wythevlllo'sl most chnrmlng young ladles. Mr. Mooro Is a well known yoang buslnoss man of Roanoko. Fuqua?Foather. (Speclnl to Tho TlmoB-Dl.pntch.) ROANOKE, VA., Mnrch 20.?Mlss An? nie E. Feathcr and Mr. Don R. Fuqua, ot thls clty, wore married In Salem to day, Rev. Mr. Engle, pastor of tho Metho? dist Church, omclatlng. Burner?Fahnestock. (Speclal to Tho Tlmcn-nispntch.) WOODSTOOK. VA., Mnrch 20.?Mllton Burner, a prominent farmer of Shenan? doah, and Miss Lula Fahnestock, daugh? ter of Willlam Fahnestock, of Frederlck county, woro married by Rev. S. A. Sha ver, of Maurertown, yestorday afternoon. LEGAL BATTLE OVER OWNERSHIP OF COW Four Lawyers at Work on the Case ln Stafford?It Will Be Appealed. (Speclnl to Tbo Tlmes-Dl.pntcb.) FREDERICKSBURG, VA., Mnrch 20.? A trial in Stafford County Court thls weok Involvlng the ownorshlp of a cow, attructod a groat donl of attontlon and nfforded much amusement and Interest to a Inrge crowd of spoctators. and promlsos to bo a famotis caso. Joo Baker tho tonant on tho Greon Bank farm, ln Stafford county, bolonging to Major XV. S. Embroy, of thls clty. Ho hnd beon llvlng on tho plaoo for slxtoen yoars, but Mnjor Embroy bocame dls satlsllod wlth hlm as a tenant', and Bak;or sought anothor furm. In turn Ing ovor tho proporty nt Groon Bank, Baker clnlmed that a certain cow. wns the property of hls wlfo, und Major Em? broy wns confldent that tho cow was his. The cuso llrst camo up ln a maglstrato's court, and waa romovod to tho County Court of Stafford, whoro thls weok four lawyers took part in tho procoodlngs bo? foro Judgo Chlchester. Tho caso wont agalnst Bakor, nnd waa appealed, and wl bo carried to tho Clreult Court. Mrs Baker, who clalms tho cow, and H tho most promlnont wltnoss, though only " yoars old. ls tho mothor of aeironteen .lilMren. fourtoon of whom aro llvlng, and ftvo nro married. Tho Clty Counoll at Its meotlng last nlght decldod to commeneo tho pavmg of tho prlnclpal streots horo wlth granlto snalls on Monday, Maroh 30th. A good roads con von tlon wlll bo held at Snolsylvunla Courthouso 011 noxt Coun? ty Court nay, which wlll bo Monday, Aprll 6th. Tho bnrn bolonging to Festus Cartor, In Spojsylvanla county, was dostroyod thls weok by fire, togothor wlth con tents,\ among whlch was 130 bushels of whoat. Losb, ubout |G00, with only 175 insurnnco, -Mlss Carrlo Pondletop, teacher of tho publlo school at Mussnponax, In Spotsyl tyanla county, hus resiguod to accept a olorlcal posltion In tho Government Prlntlng Olllco in Wushlngion, to which sho has. been appointed. Bass llslilng ln tho Rapahnnnock Rivor ls ex_el|ent now, and a spoclmon weigh ing 61-4 pounds was caught Just abovo thls clty wlth hook and llno yosterday. Mr. A. Loowenson, of thls oity, left last nlght for Now York, from whlch point ho sailed to-day for Germanyy ip Joln hia faii'illy now vlsltlng ln tliat country, and return to thls couptry wlfijl thom. Thoy are'expected tc> arr,vo,,,nj their home Jn tfUs city ?Vout the mjddla, ,01 M-y. y_ - . .,-' .VA,. ., .. LICENSES ARE RAISED Newport News Councll In creases Tax on Llquor. PETITION TO THE MAYOR He Wlll Be Urgently Aaked by the Sa? loon men to' Veto Ordlnance?LI* censee for Insurance Companlea and Glrcueet Increaaed, (Speclul to The Ttm.t-IMip.tcli,) NEWPORT NEWS, VA., March 20.? The action of the Councll ln ratslng tha rotall Ilquor llcense for tho clty from $150 to $250, and the ordlnary clty Ilquor llcense from tlfiO to $300, (has oouscd wan ln the aaloon camp, and the Mayor wlll bo potltloned to veto the ordlnance, The llconaca for Insurance companies and clr? ouBea wero Increased 100 por cent. lt la proboblo that tho Ter-Centennlal managers wlll arrango a publlc meeting at the Academy of Muslo, Rlohmond, ln the lntore.t of the exposltion appropria? tlon, ln the hope that ln thls way they can better adqualnt the leglslators of Uho purposo and benoilts of tho project. Tho Brltlsh Bteamnhlp John H. Barry, Captaln Watson, arrlved In port to-day for coal, bound from New Orleans for Hull, England, and reportod passlng at sea on the 18th tho schooner Edward 8. Stotesbury and tho crew of tho schooner. C. 8, Glldder, whlch was wrocked on Lookout Shoal on tho nlght of tho 10th. Captaln Watson does not know tflio detalla of tho wreck, recelvlng only tho above Informatlon In passlng tho Stotesbury, whlch roported nll well aboard. John Bailey was arrested hero to-day for the Sussex county nuthorltles for at? tempted crlmlnal assault on a whlto lady ot the county. He ls belng held for an ofllcer. Tho new Old Domlnion steamshlp Mon? roo wlll be glven her builders' trlal to morrow. The shlp wlll run outsldo of tho capes and roturn tho same nlght, President Gulllaudeu and other oftlcinla of tho llno will bo passengers. Tho Mon? roe wlll bo queen of tho flcet. BEDFORD WANTS THE NEW NORMAL A Mass-Meetlng of the Cltl? zens of the Town Wlll Be Held on Monday. (Speclul to Tba TlmM-Dispateh.) BEDFORD CITY, VA., March 20.? There wlll bo anothor masa meeting ol the oltizens of tho town and county held ln tho courthouso on Monday to take^ctlon ln regard tq urglng Bcdford'a clalms as the locatlon of tho proposed Stato Normal School. Tho meeting la called by Mr. J. Lawrence Campbell, ohairman of the committee rocently ap? polnted by the peoplo of Bedford Clty, but tho aid and sympathy of the cltl? zens of tho county wlll bo enllsted at tha mass meeting Monday. Mr. Campbell and Judgo J. Randolph Tucker were ln Richmond Thursday, and appeared be? fore tho Commlttoe on Schools and Col legcs. An efffort ls also being made to havo tho Virginla Prsss Associatlon moet ln Bedford at the annual outlng thls sum? mer. Messrs. M. T. Harrlson and E. D. Gregory have ,very advantageous ratea from Bolmont Semlnary, and boardlns houses In tho immedl.ate vlclnlty, and the stay of tho cdltors will bo mado aa ploasant as posslblo, Mr H. C, Rosspr, lessoo of tho Penka of Otter. wlll cxtond tho courtosles of tho mountaln, and thoso who may wlat* to spond tlio nlght and seo tho BUnrlso wlll not bo charged for lodglng. Tha locnl llvery stables havo agreod to glvo a roto not oxceedlng 60 cents for tha round trlp. Bedford's clalms wlll ba prescnted bofgre the Exocutivo Commlt? teo that mcets ln Richmond next week, ond thoro Is a strong sentlment ln favor of accoptlng tho invltatlon, Tobacco sales havo been vory,' heavy thls week, and on Thursday IW.OOO pounds woro offered. Prices aro holdlntf U Mr? XnTs1 Wler, of Rowena, Pa? pres? ident of tho Bedford Mining Company, and Mr G???? R' HeIs,oy' ?f MarlDt,n' Pn oounsel for tho company, woro ln Bedford"thto week, and pald out $10,000 to residents of tho south sldo of the coun? tv for mlnoral rights. Thls company, chartered with a capltal of $500,000, pro nosos to mine nsbestos and shlp tha Eroduct from thls point. They wlll con? trol tho property to the wost of Gooso Creek whlo tho mlnes of Amorlcan As bestos Company aro sltuntod on tho onstl slde. The Amerlcan company wlll soou begln operatlons on a largo scnle, ana tho last of tho honvy mining mnchlnory has been safely carrled to the Hubbnrc. farm, where mining was begun last tall. Rov. F T. McFaddon, D. D., of Lynch? burg wlll Tlollver tho boccalaureato ser? mon at Bandolph-Macon Academy on Sunday, M? 2lst. Tho oommencomenl addross wlll bo mado by ex-Governo?i Charles T. OForrall on Thursday, Juno 4th. Tho nnnital iiold day contests wlll tako placo Saturday, Mny Oth. Mr. Almond Hopklns hns left fof ShrovopoPt, Ln., whore ho wlll go lnto trainlng on tho Dotrolt Amerlcan Leiagii? team. Mr. Hopklns wlll act ns pltche?l nt a salary ot $300 per month, MARRIED WOMAN FIRST TIME HE SAW HER (Rpeclnl to Tho Titnes.DlnpatPh.) WOOPSTOOK, VA? March JI0.-A r<t mnntlc marrlage ln thls place Wednes? day nlght was the cause of conslderahla Intorosts. Lomuel Bordon, a lawyer andl edltor of the TrJbune of the Poopie, first met hla Intended brlde at the mIhoa-J station upon the nrrlval of tho 8 o'clocK train Mr. Borden had advorl.lsed in a nmtrimonial paper for a wlfo, He re' colved a roply (rom Mrs. Amundn D6or. of Monte.uma, Ind. Photographs wero oxcharged, and all inouirles wero sntls factorily answered. Sho wus ?que_te?J to come on. and a few mlnutey after hor nrrlval she becamo the brlde of Mr, Borden. ^AWARNlNG-to feel tlred before exer? tinn ls not lazlness-it'B a slgn that tlo fee lug by beglnnin* to tftfce W<>9? # m** . I