Newspaper Page Text
IS PROMPT Places Troops at the Dlsposal of Sherlff of Rocklngham. SPECIAL TERM ORDERED Every Eftbrt Made to Insure tho Protec? tion and Legal Trial of th? Negro Accused ofa Double Crlme in Rocklngham County. (Speclnl to Tha Tltncn-rJlnpntch.) rtALEIGH, N. C, March 20.-Governor Aycock rooelvod a tologram thls morn? lng Crom tho HliarJff of Rocklngham county asklng that tho Rcldsvlllo mill? tary company bo ordered, subjeot lo lils cornmand, to enable hlm to protoct u. prlsonor In Immlnent dnngor of lynch Ing; that a.burglarly and murder hnd boen commltted lato lost nlght/' noar Rolds? vllie, und a vonOrabla and hlghly es i tecmed man had beon kllled ond hls nicco shot threo tlmos by tho biirglar. ??Tho telcgram did not glvo tho names of any partfes to tlio terriblo affair. Tho Governor promptly ordered tho Rolds? vllie Rlfles subject to tho sherlff's coiiv mand," wlth Jnstnicllone to protect tho ' prisoner at all hazards, nnd gavo notlco that'a spoclal term of court wlll be or-' dercd at once to try the prlsonor. It !a Impos-lblo to ~~eortaln os yot' whether 'tho trial of Ernost Hnywood ? for tho kllllng of Ludlow Sklnner , will, como up at tjio npproaching torm pf "tVako Court, March "23d, or not.' , Tlie Impresslon soems to provail that thera ?wlll bo a conllnuance. However, thero ia, groat nctlvity now among counsel for botli proBecntlon and dofensc. Counsel on both sldes nro non-eommlttal aa to" the probablllty of a, trial. The Red Springs Oll and Fertlllzer Company, of Red Springs. Robcson count}*, waa chartered to-day wlth flfty or moro stockholders to oporato a cot? ton seed oll mill and ferllllzor factory. ? Joh'n H. M(.Eachern & Son and XV. P. Wllllams aro among tho largest etock Jiolders, A charter was lssued to the Dey-Hoath Mlller Morcantlle Company, Washington, If. C. Capltal stock, $25,000. Oentral Lodge, K.; of-P., has announced tho commlttees ln charge of thelr proJ po?ed street fair'and merchants" carnl? val. tho varlous** 'commlttees havlng thercon somo of -tho..most prominent merchants and btudness m.n of thoj'.lfyi Tho fair and carnlval is to be hold dnrlng the woek of May 25th. Tho ofllclnl call has beon lssued for the Democratlc city election; prlmarles to he held on Frlday. March 27th: the polls to bo open from 0 A. M. to 7 P. M. The conteaf for the Mayoralty ia waxing especially interestlng. wlth bIx candldatea ln tho fleld. wlth prospeeta for a scventh strong Independont candidate In the per eon'of Mr. Joseph E. Poguo. hls followers termlng Uiemscivos. "Reform Democrats.'} Somo of the othor-cw-Sldnt-s nro A. Mi Powell, prosont Mayor; J. Stone "Wyrine) AV. E. Falson, and Petcr Salos. Governor Aycock has accepted an Invl ! tatlon to dellver an educational addross nt Mt. Ollvo Aprll 4th. Tho occasion>wlll no tho campalgn for a bond issue for ercctlng now grndod school bulldlngs. The 131st North Coj-otlna Supreme Court report camo from the prcssos of the Btato prlnters to-day, and are ready for dellvery. . . The Secretary of State announcea tliat lie has a qunntily , of. printed coplej* .'of 1 the Watts whlskey net,- whlch will be' fiirf nlshcd to any cltlzen' who requests them NORTH CAROLINA'S CAPITOL. The Commission Thinks ?1,000,000 ls Needed for Extensions. '_:">''? (Speclnl to Th. .?|~i?s-ni.p?tch.> '?? KA-LEIGH, N. C March 20.?At the lato session of the Legislature a commla eion composed of Governor Aycock, Chlef justlce Clark, Sonator Norrls, nnd Repre eentatlves Graham and Drewry was ui> polntcd to look Into tho mattor of en largtng tho Capltol knd roport to, tho next Legislature. Chlef Justlco Clark tsays tho extenslon Js greatly needed, an^ will cost nbout $1,000,000. The dornor Btone of tho Capltol was lald ln 1S33. the gratr*^ used In eonstructloa ull comlng from a quarry owned by tho tate, whlch ls one mllo from tho bulldlng. Stone has boen steadlly taken from the quarry over slnce, nnd the qunllty Is now better than that of tho stono used in tho Capl? tol. The commlsslon wlll soon meet. The bulldlng now in use ls fnr too cramped for present neods, and Is not able to con taln the Suproino Court and Its llbrary, the Stato Llbrary, tho Atlornoy-General, Buperlntondont of Publlo Instructlon, Of conaonipHon" i_ u reoiark often made of a fleshy man. The r.mark expreese* the populur recognitiou of the fact that the sign of consumption ia euacutioo, loss of flcsh. On tbe other hand, a gain in Besh Ib a ?ure sign that wast-, ing diseases are be iug cured, Emuciated peo? ple with obstinate coughs, bleeding lungs, night-sweats ?na weakness, have I been perfectly cured by the use of Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery. Tne several steps of the cure were re cord.d in ouncea and pounda of iu creasfng weight. When there is galn |n flesh the wasting disease is being ?urely cured, Mr.WUlH.Whitmlrc, ham Co.. V?., writesf "Our son contracted a deep cold obout the flrst of July, 1899, and had a terrlble cpogh. Wo called o doctor snd h. pro. oounced it irrltntion of the bronclilal tube., with ??tbm?Uc. trouble, and hc luforiued me tbat my ?0U ?-? U-blt to die at suy tlme, Re told me ihat Vwe could keep the bronchlal tubesopen. he mlght Wtc lidui but ufter trcutinghini .evtral Several almost niiraculou* cures brousht obout .y tne uset of these medicine., and ol course I gad w.cdctful falth in them, He used three ottles of'Golden Medical pkc.very' at howe , ?nd oue vlal of the ' PelleU,1 and was then woll euou'sru to go to We?t Vlrglultt. taklqg a nupply *.ItU"ilm, 1 am ju*t ia rs-cipt of a letter from him from nhkn I quotc 1 ' / am ukU am Maraji The Common S-n~e Medlcal Adviser, I008 large pagea ia eeiit//.. on receipt ol itampn to pay expenro of uiailing only, 6et)4 31 one-cent Btamp3 for the clotli bouud volume or only 21 stamps for tha book in paper Address Pi", ft. V. fitfM, Buff~io, N. V. Anheuser-Busch The wonderful progress of this Association is shown by the following table of sales: 8,000 Barrels sold in 1865. 18,000 Barrels sold in 1870. 131,035 Barrels sold in 1880. 702,075 Barrels sold in 1890. 939,768 Barrels sold in 1900. 1,109,315 Barrels sold in 1902. Largest Brewery in the World OrdeM prtimpdy Hlleit hy _ J08. STUMPF, Manager Anheuser-Busch Branch, Richmond. Corporation Commlsslon, etc, and thero nro no commltteo rooms at all, leglsla? tlvo comrnlttcos having to meet In throe bulldlngs. It ls proposod to haivo two wlngs at tho north and south ends of tho present Capitol, ouch wlng to bo tho bI.o of tho presont bulldlng. When tho Cap 'Itol- was bullt. lt was declared to bo tho flneat publlc structure ln tho United States, nnd tho geographles of that perlodi so statcd. BASS-BAKER TRAOEDY Story Told by an Eyc-Wltness of tho Occurrence at Tarboro. ' The followlng Is an account of tho Tar? boro tragedy ot Monday morning, glvon by an oye-wltness: ; "Dr. Bass wus outsldo the postofllce, near the door, and sclzcd Dr. Baker Just as he camo out. Struggling. they crossed tho sldowalk. Into tho street. Then for a moment Dr. Bass' hold waa broken, hut beforo Dr. Baker could retreat moro than a few feet ho had caught up with bina and scized him. "By this time Colonel J. L. Brldgors, J. T. Mooro, Martln Carstarphen, Her bert Jenkins and probably olhors had ut temptod to luterfcro by pulllng Dr. Bass back. Thls onabled Dr. Bakec to break away agaln, but hls adversary wan soon upon him. As he was belng pulled back, Dr. Baker pulled out hls plstol and llred twlce In qulck successlon. During' the struggie whlch then ensucd by Dr. Bass and those holdlng Hilrn, he pullod hls plstol, whlch was dtscharged' ovor tho heads of tho crowd. Somo say tbat Dr. Bass had hls plstol pointinff at Dr. Baker, and In pnlllng lUs arm away tho plstol was dlscharged. - . "He then made what he lntendod to be an ante-mortem statement, whlch dlffers scarcely any ln what hns beon related above. Ho stated besldes tihat tho llrst shot of Dr. Baker was deflectod by hlm; that he caught the plstol with hls loft hand, and between hls thqnib and index flnger are the plaln marks of powder. ? "It was evldcntly thls shot that broke the wlndow of the drug store of H. E. L. Cook and Company. The bullet from Dr. Bnss' plstol had been. located ln the ,upper right tiand corner of Constantine's ,up-town store wndow. These throe, flhot are all that can be accounted for. Some clalm that there woro four shots flred. . After tiho shooting Dr. Baker went into hls offlco and placed hlmself ln the cus tody of the sherlff. _.ater Captain H. A. Watson, Justlco of the peace, issued a warrant for hls arrest. retumable upon the arrlval of Hon. B. IT. Bunn, who will represent the prosecutlon. "Dr. Baker's friends contend that his act was Justiflable; that it was dono solely In self-defense. Not a parllcle ot the evldence dlscloscs tho remotest ele? ment of murdor."?Tarboro Southerner. IN GREENSBORO Judge Boyd Hears a Unique Case in the Federal Court. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dispatch.) GREENSBORO, N. C, -March 20.?There was an unusual procceding bofore United States Court Judgo Boyd here to-day in whlch a North CaroIInlan, a Virginia con? stablo and tho Mount Airy and Eastern Railroad flgured. Some tlme ago when this road was placed ln the hands of a rccelvor, an Injunctlon was also issued forbiddlng any party from bringing suit agalnst tho corporation. wlthout flrst obtalnlng pormission of the court. A far? mer and buslncss man, llvlng near Mount Airy, N. F. Bowman, sold cross-tles to one Whlte, superintondont of construo tlon, and there was a balance duo Bow? man, as ho clalmcd, of $14.58. He sucd the road beforo a mogistrato, recovercd Judgment, and placed an executlon In tho hands of S. T. C. Boyd, a constablo of Pat? rick county, Va. Boyd served notlce on the offlcials that unless they pald tho judgment he wouid put up tlio road and soll it. In consequenco of these proceedings, tho matter having. beon brought to Judge Boyd's attention, ho Issued a rulo agalnst Bowman and Boyd to show cause why thoy should not bo nttached .for coon tempt of tho ordor of the court prohlblt Ing any suit without flrst obtalnlng per mlslon of tho court. Tho partles mado tholr appearance, represented by attorneys, nnd had the hearing continued untll the flrst Mon? day ln April, in tho meantlmo giving a good stout appearance bond. A vacant lot, 2CxU8 feet, on South Elm Street, waa purcliased thls morning by C. W. Jennlngs, for $7,600. He wlll nt onco erect a. four-story brlok bulldlng thereon. Mr. T. B. Ogburn, for a long tlmo head galosmnn of tlio firm ot Lesso, Clilsolm & Strnnd, has accepted tho posltlon of man? ager of tho savlngs department of tho Southern Loan and Trust Company. . . ' Spu'rt In 'Frisco. (By Assoelntod Press.) NEW YORK. March 20.?A sharp ad? vance ln the shares of tho St. Louls and San Franolsco road to-day guvo eolor to tho rumors of nn early announce? ment of the 'Frlsco-Roclc Island deal. Pesldent Yokum, of tho 'Frlsco Llno; W. H, Moore, of tho Rock Islnnd Compnny, and represontatlve8 of J. P, Morgan & Co., had a protracted conference, and Wall Street incllnes to tho bellof that all tho lmportant dotalls of the comblna? tlon have been perfected. Rock Island common made somethlng of a spurt ln tho murket, presumably ln sympathy with the movement ln 'Frlsco, . Ask for a Delay, (By Assoeliitcil Press,) NEW HAVEN, CONN., March 20,?Tho reply of the directors of tho New York, New Haven and Hurtford Rallroad to the Grlevance Commlttee announces a proposltion countor to that of tho men. The rallroad company.propoaes to socuro from its operatlng department. flgurea on whlch new wuge schedules can bo offered to tho men on Wednesday, March 26th. A reply was eont to Prosldent Hall saylng that }be commlttee wouid awalt a furthor mossage from tho board ou March 25th. ,-, ??-Ttay?"' * . -' " &TAR CT'ool AItIC'-Jftmw> JtUflnn and Jay Grf"' \_roes, woro Imtmed here to-d,- \ murder of Donald Me '-. ;? >, .. L.iilL|4jranvaf^.'Wa, NEW HUNTING LODGE FOR VANDERB1LT Miss Mary Woollen. an Ashe? ville Belle. Will Be Wlth the Giffen Company. (Speclal to Tho Tlaies-Dlspatcb.) ASHEVILLE, N. C., March 20.?George' W. Vanderbllt contomplates making some notablo addltlona to his huntlng lodge ln the Plnk Beds section. A small-slzed for tuno wlll be expended In making the Pinlc Eeds lodge tho flnest huntlng lodgo in the entire South. Mr; Vandorbllt's superlntendent of con? structlon and a forco of workmen have already been ordered to Buck Sprlnfes, where tho lodge ls sltuated, to begln ac? tive work. Tho work wlll commence In two weeka and wlll bo under the personal suporvlsion of Mr. Vanderbllt. Mr. Van derbllf s huntlng lodgo is located In one of tho flnest gamo preserves to bo found ln the country. It Is eleven mlles from Candler and In the very best trout rc ..gion ln Western North Carolina. TOie reglon is carefully _ruarded against poach era. It came to llght a short tlme ago that 160 acres bt land ln the heart of the Van? derbllt possesslons on Bent Creek be longe'd to the State, and no sooner was the fact known than one of Mr. Vander bllt'a workmen secured a grant for the property. It Is a matter of conjucture how much proftt the owner wlll make off of Mr. Vanderbllt, whether or not he wlll expect a fabulous sum for hia holdings. The announcement Is made that Mlsa Mary Woollen. a society belle of Ashe? ville, has gone upon the stage and is wlth tho Academy Muslcal Comedy Company, managed by 11. L. Giffen, which comes to Richmond March 30th. It Is sald that Miss Woollen JoLned the Giffen Company ln New York, wTiere she has been on a ^vieltof soveral weeks to her aunt. Thls company played an engagement here the past season, and It is understood that Manager Giffen .hen offered Mlss Woollen an engagement later on ln the season. Sho was a leader In nmateur theatrlcals, hlghly talentcd and extremely pretty, nlneteen years of ago. , ? ? Wrightsville Seleeted. (Speclal to Tbo Tlraos-ni-patch.) GIIEENSBORO, N. C. March 20.?The Executlvo Commltteo of tho State Press Assoclatlon ln session here to-day se? leeted Wrlghtsvlllo as the next place of annual sosslon. The tlme was not flx? ed. ' _ POLICE STICK TO WOMAN THEORY Chlef Bull Suspects the Same Woman He Has All Along of Burdick's Murder. (By Assoclated Press.) BUFFALO, N. T., March 20.?Superln? tendent. of Police Bull said to/day that hia oplnlon as to wlio kllled Edwln L. Burdick has not beon changed at any tJme slnce the tragedy. "A woman killed Burdick," he declared, "and I suspect the samo woman now that I did the day of tho murder. I be? lieve Chlef Cusack and the distrlct at? torney aro of qulto tho samo oplnlon." Tho toregolng statement was mado by tho supotintendont ln nn lntervlew deny nylng a publishod report whlch quoted hlm as saylng: "It looks moro llke Pennell's job thun any tlme slnce tho murder." Slnco Burdlok was murdered the police Ihnvo beon trying to learn, among other thlngs, what klnd of a woapon waa used in the commlsslon of tho crlme. A golf etlck and tho mlsslng coektall bottle havo boon considered. The latter ls now ellm Jnated from all consideration. Dr, Dan zer, tho modlcal examlner, sald thls ovo? nlng that a coektall bottlo never could hnve mado the wounds whloh klllod Bur? dick. It is posslblo, he sald, for tho back of a hatchet to have caused tlho wounds, which, ln hls oplnlon, wero mado wlth an Instrumont wlth a sharp edgo, and It Is posslble that a golf stlck, such as a puttor, could have made them, Formor t)lstrlot Attorney Thomas Pen ny sald to-dayi "Not a dollar of Mr, Pen? nell's life Insurance wlll go to Mrs, Bur? dick," Mr. Penny made thls statoment ln vlew of tho publicatlon of a roport that only $25,000 of the onormous Insurance carrled by Mr. Pennoll wua made payable to his estato, Tho clfcumstances gave rlso to surmlses that Mrs. Burdick mlght bo chlef bonellclary. ' ? i For Mrs. Reed. Editor Tho Tlmos-Dlspatchi Sir,?Enclosed you wlll flnd $1 for desti? tute famlly Mrs, Dalsy Reed. SYMPATHIZER. Cut Glass The World's Best Urllllaut, SpurkUnt, Exolusjvo Deaigna-A wurdeclUiUhest Medola The /li.h?U?fnsrave<i0^ THB E, B. TAVI.OR CO? -Qxohislvo Klohniond Aaonts, ' 1011 J.. Atyln, Bt. 0 B.Broud St.. DR. BAKER ISJ5AIL.D Prellmlnary Hearing at Tar? boro Held Yesterday. EYE - WITNESSES HEARD Ante-Mortern Statement of Dr, Bass ?nd Testlmony of Dr. Baker?No Evldence of Murder ln the Flrst Degree?Balled at $10,000. (Bpectal to Tlio Tlmen-Dlspatch.) RALBIGH, N. C, March 20.?Tho pre? llmlnary trlal of Dr. J. M. Baker for kllllng Dr. H. T. Bass was heard thls morning at Tarboro boforo Judgo (Joorgo H. Brown. Dr. Baker had provlously glven boll for his appearance Monday, but a warrant Issued by Judgo Brown, made returnabfo Friday, gavo hlm tho Oholco between comlng home and bolng im prisoned untll tho hearing, or remalnlng away untll then and surrendcring him .self, whlch latter waa done. Ho returned from Norfolk and spent last nlgiht with country frlonds and came ln thls morn? ing. Search was madi> for hlm at hls res? ldence last night. After tlie warrant was read and wltness? es sworn, tho Judgo ordered a recess un? til Donnel Gilliam, One of the altorpeys for tho defense, could arrlvo at 11:30 on a speclal train from Goldsboro, whoro he mlsscd connectlon with the regular train. The hearing was resumed by the Stato lntroduclng F. D. Duncey, who was pres? ent and saw the beginning and end. Thls ls hls' statement in brlof: DANCEY'S STATEMENT. He met Dr. Bass as he camo out of tlhe postofllce. He was then standlng about tho mlddle of the sldewalk with Dr. Bass, at a wlndow near the door, talklng about hls wlfe and llttle boy, who had been slck, when Dr. Baker passed between them and went into the postofllce. As Dr. Baker camo out and reached tho door Dr. Bass selzed him and began to strlke. Tlicy went back Into the postofllce and then out, Dr. Baker first and Dr. Bass follow? lng and striklng. Stepplng to the Bkle walk, Bass held on to Baker. Baker ran across the sldewalk, pursued by Bass. As Baker ran, wltness saw tilm reach ing to hls pocket, where a plstol protrud ed. Bass was grabblng at hlm, trylng to solze tho plstol. About the mlddle of the street Bass caught Bakor by the coat ln the baok. Baker stepped out, and stlll reacliing for hls plstol, retreated to the sldewalk. On tlie crosslng at Cook's drug store Bass caught up with him. Baker by thls tlmo had hls plstol out. He turned and ad? vanced towards Bass about three stcps. Bass, held by Uhose attempting to part them, lunged forward and caught the pis-' tol, whlch was almost Instantly after? wards dlscharged, the powder burning Bass' hand. Baker advanced about two stops and flred a second shot,' tho fatal one. At the time the last shot was flred Bass' arm's" were held at hls back. Tho Wltness, when he saw Baker'.s plstol, has tened to solze hlm. Ho selzeci Baker, but dld not get lils hand on the hand ln whlch the plstol was grasped until the second shot had been flred. The wltness men? tloned Colonel John L. Brldgers, Hcr bert Jenkins and Martin Sarstarphen /among 'thcaje". attcmptllng to part tho two, and as the men who at one tlme or another had hold of Dr. Bass. Colonel Brldgers only saw Bass have Baker hy the coat in the street, and be? fore the shooting, whlch took place af? ter the sldewalk was reached. ANTI-MORTEM STATEMENT. Dr. Bass' anti-mortem statement was then offered as evldence. The dcscrlp tion of tho encounter, as gtvon hy Dr. Bass, states that no words wero, used by elther. The very slght of Baker innde hls blood boll. but he promlsed his friends he wouid not klll, "Unless forced to do so. The flght began at tho post? ofllce. Baker broke away from him. Ho pursued ?Bnker to prevent hlm uslng hls plstol. Ho had tho plstol ln hls hand. When dlscharged, Jie was pulled back. He dld not know that but one shot was flred. He thought this was done when against tho front of Cook's drugstore. OTHER WITNESSES. Wlll Spragglns testiiled that he, hear? ing shots, ran from the stnblos near the Town Hall. When he reached the corner, he heard Bakor ask: "Dld I hlt hlm?" Wltness replled he dld not know, Some one, the wltness was not posltlvo who, but thlnks lt was J. T. Moore, sald: "You know you put lt in his stomach, and f?red." J. T. Moore wns Introduawl. Hn saw the> flght after tho sldewalk waa roacli ed. Hls descrlptlon dlffer'ed very llttlo from that of Mr. Dancoy. Dr. Bass, when he took hold of the plstol, "had been shot. Ho did not hear Bakor say anythlng af? ter tho shooting was over, nor had ho any rocollectlon of having sald a word to hlm. A. B, Cosby dld not seo tho fight. Ho was In the bank. Ho cnmc_<iut when ho heard the shooting nnd darriod Dr, Baker's coat to tho ofllco. He heard Dr. Baker say that he had put two lnto hlm. He could not swear whether he used the word "duni" or "damn" pro cedlng the "him." Drt Staton tostlfled as to tho wound. and the course of *lio bullot. DEFENDANT'S STATEMENT, The testimony of tho defondant dld not differ mntorlnlly from that offorod hy tho Btato. Thls fact wns statod by counsol for the defenso. Tho ense was sub? mltted to tho Judgo without argument, tho State nnnounclng thnt lt dld not nsk that the defendant ba held wlthout bull. Tho defenso addod that, of eourso, lt was undorstood tlio caso had not been fully gone Into, but only so much ns to enablo, the Judge to dotormlno tho mattor bofore hlm?the questlon of ball. Judgo Brown sald thoro wns no crl donce of murdor In tlio f.vst degreo, and the ploa of self-dofenso having boen In terposod, wlthout expressj'tg an opinion ns to the lowor degree, It. was hls duty to requlra the defendant to glvo ball for his appearance at tho noxt term of Crlni Inal Court, when lt wouid bo Incumbont upon hlm to satlsfy a Jury of tho su'li cloncy of his plea. A Justlflod boml of $10,000 before the clerk was the araec. Thls wns prornptly glvon, . i.?? ? Vlrglnians Here, Vlrglnlnna hero last nlght wore: Murphy's?J. R. Tucker, Bedford; J. D. Clny, Honston; XV. li. Uvezey, Newport Nows; Cnlloway Brown, Bedford; F. W. Klng, Cllfton Foige; T. K, McKee, Vir? ginla. New Ford's?H. Q- Dlckenson, I.oulsa; O. E. Matthews, I,ynoliburg; W, XV. Bry? an nnd Wlfo, potorsburg. JLoxIngton-Mr. Hurt, Chatham. Speclal Servlces. Ppeplal rovlval sorvjees begln at Ran dolph-Btroet Baptist Criurch pundnv Maroh g?di preaching overy utgh,t , *._.h?HM.w,e. itiiiko. i>tjf\ ., , ? NORFOLK "& WESTERN R'Y.| THE ONLY ALL-RAIL LINE TO ? ?<? IUIy### WEST V_ . VESTI TRAINS BULED DAILY EAST r j *NORFOLK LIMITED" arid "OCEAN SHORE LIMITED/ Bo.h run solid from Richmond to Norfolk in 2 hours and 20 minutes -without change qf cars. (See schedule tn another column). LOW COLONIST RATES NOW IN EFFECT TO CALIFORNIA. WASHINGTON.^MONTANA, AND OTHER WESTERN STATES. , SEE THAT YOUR TICKETS READ VIA NORFOLK O WESTERN. ticket ofpicesi By.rd-Street Statlon'j Richmond Transfer Company, 819 E. Maln Street) Murphy'- an<_ Jaff-reoi. Hotels, ancl COMPANY'S OFFICE, 838 East Maln Street; JOHN E. ,WAQNER, Clty Passenger Agent. C. H. BOSLEY. Dist. Pass. Axt W. B. BEVILU Gen'l Pass. A?t. YOU SEE well and you look well when fitted wilh our superior Spectacles or Eye-Glasses. Ihe best that optical skill can produce is at your service and at reasonable prices. "Good For tbe Eyes." The S. GALESKI OPTICAL CO. Cor. 9th dhd Main Sts. GLOVER, TBMOTHY, GRASS SEED. SEED OATS. CORN, SEED POTATOES, Etc. "We mako a speclalty of Hlgrh Grade PIEDD SEEDS, buy In largre quantltles and aro prepared to mako low prlcea, quality considered. Write us when buylng. N. R. Savage S Son Qrain and Seed flcrchants, Richmond, Va. E SAL-. A HANDSOME BRASS CHANDEUER, wlth (8) eight brass B. &. H, Lamps. Has been used for a^short tlme to llght a church, but Is In good conditlon, and wlll be sold for less thnn half the orlginal cost, . Apply to Dixie Antique Furni No. 309 North Elghth Street. MEMBERS, Tha ANNUAL. Meetlng of Post A wlll be held at headquarters, Thlrd and Maln Streets, SATURDAY NIQHT, Maroh 21st, 8.15 o'CIock. Delogates to State Conventlon wlll be elected and other matters of speolal lmportance wlll be taken up. H. L, HAHWOOD, Secretary. Something You Weuit! A man to sell your FARM. Aet now, for lifa Is uhort. Delay is vokl of all busin-s- prlnclple, I wlll sell your REAL. ESTATE or sell you REAL EOTATE anywhere ln the United States. Apply at once. Agent? wanted ln every county. COLES CLAY. No, 219 eiQh,^,1 Street, ... ^.^wnfcV* l_F__-V__.-_a____'<' ..?.v_fi?.n~_iM-i. ANNUAL STATEMKNT FOrt Tniff YHAH ENDINO DECEMBEH 81. 1002, OF THW GOJJ. nrrioN and Aitpair8 ot* thh titvi-ttroor. and london and ci_onH iNstJRANoa OOMPANY OC LIVKKPOOX,.' OHOAMIZKD IJNDHR THB t,AW_ OP BNGLANn. UADB. THB AUDITOIt OF I'UBUO- ACCOUNTS, OP TIIB C0MM,ONWEAtTH 0? VIK0IN1A, IH , GEO. W. HOYTji Prineioal Virtflola. DAVBNPOHT * 00.1 I'UaSrJANCK Tl) THE LAWS OP VIIU1INIA. ItOSlcloilt MiimiEcr, HENKY "W. BATON; Deputy MnnnR-cr, ?,??.?.?, . rn . Offlco, 40 WILLIAM STItBBT, NBW YOHK; Goncrnl Agent ln Virginla. DAVBNPOftlI * jJOJ Kesldonco, HlOHilOND, YA.; Orjjnulzocl or Incorporatod, 1830; Commcnced Btulneei la unltw _tatosK 1813. _ AB8ETS. Vnlue of roal estato ownnd tiy tha company.? .....-....,..........* $l,86fl,_S_ 00) LoonH nnd mortgngu (duly recorded iintf being,tlie flrst Hens on tho fee simplo) Upon, _?-,? whlch-not mnr. thnn one yenr's Interest ls duo...,.. ;<??._? ?'8?i'I?2,V_ tnteroat due 011 nll snld inortgage lonus. $807.50, interest nccroed thereon $32,764.-... 88,083 14 Vnluo or Iiinils ntortKiiged, excliwlvo of bulldlngs und porishabio Im- _ . provoments... .?.?...,.?" I_'9?S*959 9? Value of bnllclliiit- niortgnged. 2,713,6.8 00 Total valuo of sald tnortgaged premlses. .....,?._.^.._. |6,408,60S 00 BONDS AND SXOOKS OWNED ABSOEtrTELY BY THE COMPANY. "Pnr Vnlue. _...._...._.... $1,100,000 00 Unltod Stntos bonds...*... ?Stnte of Now York bonds.....?.. Clty oC Klcbmond, bonds.? Clty ot Boston. bonds...., llerniillo Co., New Mexlco, bonds New Mexlco Terrlturlnl, boiicj...-. Clty ot Now York,.bonds_............ 776,000 00 Atchlson. TopokO nnd Hiinta Fo Bwy.... 3"9'555 22 Northern I'nclflc 'Kwr.,.'??? .59*552-59 I'uloii I'nclflc Bwy...,....'. 122.222 22 St .Louis, Iron Mouiitnin nnd Soutnern llwy-. i2?,022 2? Atlnntlc Const Line llwj*. bonda.. 202'222 22 Chlcngo, Milwnulteo and St. Pnul llwy. stock.. 100.000 OO rillnols Centrnl Bwj. stock...? Baltlmore and Ohlo Bwy. atock....*-.??? ' 100,000 00 5,000 00 180,000 00 0.000 00 0,000 00 60,000 OO 80,000 00 Mnrkot Valuo. $1,570,445 00 107,625 OO 0,600 00 101,700 00 6.800 28 6,018 75 ? 842.843 75 102.000 00 103.600 00 104,000 00 118,000 OO 206,760 00 102,600 00 01,000 00 88,030 00 Total pnr nnd market valuo (carrled ont at _ .. markot ynhui)..,-. $3,000,000 00 Cash in tho company's princlpnl ofllco..........;.....?........? A.... Cnsh Ibelongiug to the compnny in bnuk...^.?,..,?...???????????.?? Interest duo and accriiiul on collntcrnl lonns..._???',*.? ? ??????? ?? ?*???? ?__'_ Gross premluma (as wrltten. in the nolleies) ln coursn of coilectlon, not moro than threo months due.?'..-..4.?..^4????~.???.?? Bont duo und nccrtied..,.........?......?i.?......,? All other property buloiiglng to tlio company................,.....?., $3,032,833 TS $-,?_?, 8S9 TS .A.... . 8.781 40 ............. 1,480,804 64 188 00 -,886,880 83 10,000 00 3,600 67 The grosB amonnt ot nll the nssets o? tho compnny. Deduct ngonts' credlt hnlnjice**. $11,232,031 31 . 27,317 04 Aggregate amount ot nll a.sets o. tho company, stated at thelr aetuat-^alUB....$11,204,714.37 __ABffi._T_S. Gross clnlins for ndjustea nnd. nnpnld iosses dutr and to becomo due.... $ 4,022'79 Gross lossea ln proccss of ncljuntmeut, or in siispenae, Includlng all re- ??*-- ? portod nud supposed lossea.???.???.'.::. ' ,A'?? ? Lossea reslstcd, includlng interest, costa, and other cxponsoa thereon.... 40,600 00 Totnl gross nmount of clnims for lossea.'Ii??'?!!? kq Deduct ruliisurnnco thereon.?_ ? .??.????? iui.-ui oa Not nmount of unpald Iosses.,"'i'i"":i,.*. Gross premlum* received nud rccclvnblo upon nll uno-plrpd flre .rlsks runulns one venr or less from dnto of pollcy, includlng Interest, premluma on perpotmil llro rlska, $4,708,333.23; unenrned prcmlums (flfty per cent.).? ?.:??'?'?'?.-'? $-,88?,loo B. Gross premluma recelvod and rccolvnble upon nll unexplrefl flra rlsks ruiiulng more thnn ono yenr from dnto of pollcy, $4,07S,003 21; un enrneel promlums (pro rnbi). _,tHU,uua <u ? 0.4,137 65 Totnl unearned promlums as computeel abovo.........'I";v;'"?','>Z'Ai'l.~l Amount reclnlmnblo by tho lmrared on perpetunl flro Insurance! pollcle. belng 00 por cent. of tho prnmlum of deposit received........................... Net premlum resorvo nnd all othor llabllltles, excopt cnpital, under the llfo lusurnnco or nny other spcelnl department.?_????_.i.V*"i CommlsslniiB, brokerngo un<I other ehnrges due nnd to becomo duo to agents and brokers on premlums puld an<l ln course cif coilectlon-......;............... Return promlums, $60,000; rclnaumuco, $180,401.00; contlngent UublUty ,$20,000.... 1,030.806 04 280,588 57 N 08,810^77 207.60.1 87 260,404 06 Total amonnt of nll llabllltles. except capltal Btock nnd net surplpa.^..$0,802,611 85 BEOEIPTS DUBINO THE YEAB. Grosa prcmlums and bllls unpnld at close of laat year.............. $1,100,080 67 Deduet axnouut of aauio no't collectod.?.?...- ?' u 2,466 26 v.f ......f.fl. $1,163,115 4t Gros. promiums'Vn Vl.k.'wrltton and renewed during the yenr. 0.480,078 14 Deduct gro'sV preinium? an'il 'bt'lis In cou'rio of coilectlon at thls date. Entlro premlums collected diiilng tbo yenr...... S'SS'JJi ?. Deduct lelnsurnnco, rubnto, nbatemont und return premlums. 8.006.383 83 Net cnsh nctunlly-received for premluma. SSSiT-d/wlitC?^ nll other sonrces.;"",;'*;?.'. Inconio received from nll other sources?via.! Bents.,. 185,039 63 121,346 70 07,144 80 Aggregoto amount of receipts actnaliy recelvod during tha year ln-caah....??? DISBUBSEMENTS DUBINO THE YEABU* Gross nmount nctunlly pnld tor Iosses (Includlng $600,844.80 loaae* - occui-Ina la provlous yeara). ?i,?.,,v?? <m Decl.lct nll amounts nctunlly r'-'?lvc_Lf?,r.8"lTa?*0.-^?51i?r..?n '?"",??,?' $0,043,157 23 thei st or of previous yenfa) $28,877.07. nnd aUSmoanU actually received for relnsurmico In other compunles, $820\710.01, ToU! docluctlou. 4.......M..* ...^?......? 863,066 88 Not nmount pnld during tlio year for lossea.i.;..?..? "'fo* set'Xl0nnd' ldcM* 'tiixcs ln* Vhts' -tid other Sta't'es'. fa.ISS.04B-*. 1.068,107 aa tatiiav no All other puymontfl aud axi>eiidlturea. Aggroguto amount of actual dlsborsements durlwj tbo year, ln caih. 108,178 88 "8,188 t8 888,! ..* ?9,888,610 73 BUSINES8 IN THE BTATE OP VIRGINIA DUBINO THE YEAB, Mr* I6T, Premlums. .received (6foa8)?????-r??^?^^''"^?"V!?!!!!.^^.V..V/.V.!!^,.^,'.'.*." .!!!!!! iS.Oba 04 Blsks .wrltten. $9,1BT,10? 00 ?-,78. 88 l/jssc-H naltl.. Lossea luuurred (HlgnecJ.)' (Slgm-il.) 42,178 04 GEO. W. nOYT, Deputy llannser, II. W. BATON, Manager. Stato of Now York; Otty of New York?sat Bworn to January 28, 1003, beforo GEO. D. COBEY, Comml-aloner. DAVENPORT & CO., General Agents 1113 E. Maln Street. INEY TO LOAN $10 nnd upwards loaned on Planos .ncl liomtchold furnlture, on tlio bulldlng and loan asaoclatlon plan, vvliloli niakos tlio cost niuoli less tliun you puy elaowlioro, und allutv you to pay lt off ln rnonthly pay? ments, running from 0110 to twolvo montha, Got others' ratta, then seo ua, Tldewafer Loan and Trust Co. Sulto 33-34, Thlrd t'loor, Merolmnta' National Dank Bulldlng, UM Uaat Maln Streot. Tako lOlevutor. LW_?.iiii^W_-^.*4twai!^^ ?~:whi-a\:-M.->Zv .'1 r_rr*y%a?<<Ai D#tjADPIC^IQ^ ttn n i?"-sr HICHMONI CXIQNSv^ HICHMOND VA". HALF RATES TO FLORIDA For s.ttlers and Home-Seekers via tba Beaboarcl Alr Line Rallway. Beginning Tuesday, March 21th, and overy Tuesday theroafter lu March and April, tho Seaboard Alr IJne llallway wlll -ell suttlers' and liouio-seokera" tick? ets to Manatoe, Brnldontown and loiien ton, ln Muiuitee county, Flortda, for $15.75 0110 way and $20,60 round trlp from Hlchmond, aiul foor 115.10 one way and $2_.76 roupd, trip from. Petersbura. Manateo county ls tlu? moat forilio aeo tion of l-'loi-lcU. It la on tho west coast, well below tho front line, and thousands of aorea o( tho bost unocci*. pled landa aell ror $46.00 to lif.O.vO j>?r aore, They wlll pay toi' theniaalvoa ?n?r>y. tlmea tho flrst year. In 1903 ono aoro nettad ?1,83S,7B in early vegotablea, Thlrty acrea <it aelary brought $30,607.00. Tho county ls tlio healthlest ln Florlda ; und tho oliniate doll*htful. The tarnon fl.hlng Of. thl? coa.t, Saratogu. Bay, Is tho flneat ln tha worl For luforuisitlou apply to Z. P,| dlstrlct pa.sHeti.o.- agent, Hlchmond, V IJom-y "NVhyto, agent. J&jtor^Var*. V to Char.ea B, liyunV'k*fnva4 r., ^HMmmWim^''' ,_JK'>____a___l.j___*\ A" ?'??-:.?'?? -??.,H'--'V