Newspaper Page Text
CORDES, ~TWJTvERY SPECIAL,. ...VALUES IH... Laclios' Exfcnv Fine Gange Lisle Hose, Hennsdorf dye> double lieels, solos aud toes, .aetiutUy worth 50c? Speolal 35c, or 3 palr for Sl. Ladies1 Fast Black Era broiclered Lace Lisle Hose, entirely new designs? Special, 50c. Cordes, Mosby SCo. DEFENSE ENDS ITS ARGUMENT Famous Northern Securities Case Will Ooto Court for Decision To-Day. "(By A_so-I~t-d Pre...) BT. IiOUIS, MO.. Maroh 20.-Arguments to defenso of the Northern Securltlea .Company, on trial hero boforo tho United Btates Circuit Court for tho Distrlct of Mlnnesota, closed to-day, and the caso Kill be placed flnally in the handB of the four' judges to-morrow. During the threa days of argument tho attorneys for tho defendant havo oecupled nine hours, and up to adjournment to-nlght the govern? ment has takon flve hours fo. presenta tlon of arguments. , C. W. Bunn, of St. Paul, counsel for the Northern Paclllc Rallway Company. opened to-day's session, and former At torney-General Griggs closed tho caso for tho Northern Securities Company. The last hour of the session waa oecupled by Special Counsel T. D. Watson. of Pittsbiunj, who closod the case for tho government. Ho wns talklng whon court adjourned for tlie dny, and ho expects to ooncludo by noon to-morrow. Tho famous merger case wlll then be in lhe hands of tbe court for decision. Attorney C. XV. Biinn ondeavored lo .show that prlor to this case there had 'never beon n suggestioii that a consoll rfatlon of rallway Interests was a vlo? latlon nf tho antl-trust net of July -, ISO0. In coneluding for the defendant, Attorney-Oenernl Griggs asserted, that tho piirpose of the antl-trust net wna to control the operatlon of indlvlduals en Ragrd ln commerce, and not to control the ownershlp of corporations so engaged. He asserted that a man or 'iiien cait buy "nll the property ho or they havo the .iipltal to purchase, and that the >aw can? not llnilt the amount of jthat purchase. ? A NEW INSTITUTE Mr. Wiley Goes to Establish Such a Placo in Jacksonville. Rev. George II. AVIley, suporlntendent af the Methodist Instltute, corner of Nlno leenth and Main Streots, loft lnst nlght via Seaboard Air lAne to spnnd Sunday ln Jnclcsonvill., .Fla., in tho Interests of clty misslon w%>rfc Mr. Wiloy' wfll "holp to start a work slmllar to tho ono he ls at tho head of here. Ho wlll remaln for soveral days and return to Itlchmond about tbe middle of next week, lie goes on the Invita? tlon of the Methodist preachors and laymen of that city. Thls ls the thlrd or fourth place of tlie klnd opened slnco the Richmond work began three years ago. THE FLOYDS TO-NIGHT Slight of Hand and Mind-Readlng at the Y. M. C. A. To-Night. Tho Floyds wlll euterlaln 6'n the Mem? bera' Course at tho Young Jlon's Chris? tian Assoclatjon to-nlght at S:~0 o'clock. The programmo will conslst of wonderful ' feats of pr.sfldlgltatton, marvelous trlcks in legordemaln,' and now experlments in modern maglc. Mrs. _"16y'd wlll my.stlfy the audience wlth mental tolopothy and transmlsslmi of thought. ISvery senior rnember Is eiitltled to a reservcd seal on presentatlou of hls tlckot, whilo ho can bring. hls frlonds at half tho usual prlce. Non-members may securo tlcket. includlng reaervod si>als al flfty contB. Each erit.rtainm.nt closos wlth ono of the proiossor's orlginal |llu_lon_, "Tho Mystery of Morro Castlo," "Tho Mor nuin's Drcarn," "The Escape of Marque .o," or "J-atost llluslon." CONCERNING FIDUCIARIES )vTr. Andorson Offers an Amendment to His Bill on the Subject. Colonel George Wayne Andorson, of Richmond, yestorday ln the Htate Sen? ate nr_sonted an amendment to tho hlll whlch ho offered a fow days ngo-regnril lug llio sotll-iinnt of accounts by luiiiclari. s. Th- m-l r.<iulres iho clerks 11C rinirt to lile Itbts of all flduclarjo. on lhe ftrst day i)f Januarj and Juno terms. .iving naio of iippolntmenta, r.iurns and i.ettlojnoiits. Tho penalty ls u rino or from CO i.i j_00 nnd Iosh of ofllce. Dr. Wither.poon To-Morrow. Dr. yVlther.poon, pasior ?t Oiwo Stroet Prihbytoiian Church, wlll preach, both to'morrow mornlng nnd nt nlght Th.- Doctor will tnko l'or his subjoct for hls moining dlaeourse?"Covetoi48~_s_ vorsus Convontment," and ut nlglu hls Hiihject will be: "Chrlst and an linp, i f.i.t Falth." Improving Rapidly. Mis. Augusta M. Davls, of Kast Ulrh mond, who hus been at tho Kotroat for moro thnn two weeks, is lmprovlng a/tor muoh nufferlrig. Bhe ba* remov.d to Nu. Ulrt North Twonty-nlnth Street. ls Crilically 111. ? Mr. Thomas Duke, Jr., u woll known lyetwlnary imrgeon, of thls city, is crJU Soally 111 af lile resldence, No. ?001 "VeA--lo J?l~_W<~-.. * \f THE COUNTY SURPRISED What it Thinks of Fire Depart ment's Action. GET READY TO FIGHT FIRE And Will Then Flght Annexatlon aa Warmly as Ever?Mr. Pollard's Cpinlon?Mr. Lecky's v. Resolution. There ls a d'lsposltion on tho part of cortnln of the prominent resldents of Honrlco county to look upon the pro poiiod aotlon of tho Board of Fire Com? mlssloners of Blchniond as" a retallatory measure, suggested ln vlew of tho,oppo? sltlon presented by tho county to the oxt.enslon of tho city llmlta. The groateat surprise was mniilfestod on nll sldes when it became generally known that tho commlssloners were on Urtainlng a proposltlon to withdraw flro protection from tliose tliicltly settled sec? tlons of the county making up tlio subtirbs of the city. Varlous oplnlons woro oxpressed, and one ot thom was that above indlcated. There wns a foollng that the clty was now expresslng Its dlsploosure at tho position taken by tho county whenever a men-suro for extension Is suggested. WHAT ONT- OF THEM SATS. A well-known omcial and' property owner of Henrlco wns questloned yoster? day about tho matter. Ho sald, in offeot: ?"Tho county, bo far as I know, has never nskod tho clty for nre probecllon. Tho nsslstanoe they have glven <us has boen voluntary. Whenever thoro was a. flro ln a ncarby, section in tho-county tho clty sent its engines and gavo us tho uso ot thelr ddpnrtment. Regnilarh tho Board of Supervlsors would get bllls for damages to hoso, etc. -whilo the ap paratus was at work ln the country, nnd they wero always pald promp ly. There was nover any questlon ralsed. The Richmond department wns very klnd to us and wo recognized and nprcclated the kl^owSwe hoax that Che Fire Commls? sloners are considering the propos tlon of wlttdrawlng from u.s thls protectlom Thoy undoubtedly havo the rlght to do so lf Uiey care to. I don't know whether tho county will make any movement to ?otost it. Tho proposltlon seems to me to >-insplred by pique. We have op? posed 'annexatlon. whlch the, clt>' bo ardently deslres. and we aro now belng nald back for dolng it. Perhaps the clty hopes in this way to whip us lnto line. wf dldn't hear anythlng of thls now movo untll the annexatlon matter was nn ln the T-Cglslature, '?lf the Board concurs ln thls reso utlon wo shall in all probabillty proceed to_es tabllsh chemlcal statlons ln the thickly sott oa parts of tho county. and bo pro narea to llght annexatlon ns vlgorously a. ever TC we were Included In the c ty wo couldn't get thorough fire servlco or many years to como. There nre "Otwater malns. Thore nro not enough of them in Richmond itself yet." SUPKRVISOR TADKS. Mr J B. Roso, a well known member of tiio 'Board of Supervlsors, wns also seen about the matter. He expressed great surprlso nt tho proposltlon before tho commlsslonors. but declared that he hnd not glven tlio irlntter much thought. He too oxpressed the bellef that In the' event that tho clty wlthdraws flro protection from tbe county the latter wlll estnbllsh a chomlcnl systom In some of the thickly settled portlons of Honrlco. Mr. Robort Decky, Jr., member of the Board of Fire Commisslonrrs, who of? fered the resolutlons puttlng lnto effect the oplnlon of tbe Clty Attornoy ln re? lation to the clty sendlng Its flro npp.a ratus to the county, foels that tho publlc does not understand the purport of the oplnlon nnd hls resolution, asd thereforo glves both the oplnlon and hls resolution o tho publlc. MR. POT-T-ARD'S OPINION. Mr. Pollard. Clty Attornoy, says: Richmond, March 14, 1003. .onrd of Flro Commlsslonors, clty: Gentlemen,?I nm It rocolpt of a commu ilcRtlon from your clerk, dated the 14th nstant, In whlch you nsk my oplnlon ns o whethor your -board "havo tho rlght o send tho clty's flro appartttiis .oul pt ho clty ln response lo requests for ns ilslnnco." In response to thls request, I lave to say thnt It Is provlded by sufM iccllon B of section of the clty ihnrtor tliat "tho Bonrd of Flro C'om nlssloners shall havo nnd oxerelso fully ind exclus.i'oly all pnwors necessary for he govenmont, malntalnnnce niiii dlec lon of tho f.'to dp'partmerii of lhe oity und ho premlsos and proporty thereof/' nnd >y tho samo sub-soctlon It ls ftirxho.: irnvided thnt your hoard shall "tnke any, ill such actlon in tho promlses (I. o? to icoom'pUsh the purpose of whloh tho do larlmont wns organlaed) as lt mny decm o bo rpaaonable, necessnry nnd propor." In vlew of thoso very comprohonslvo mwers conforrod nn your bonrd, I nm if oplnlon thnt wtfercwer a f.w> occurs uitsldo of the clty llinits, whlch would cndor It re'osbnably probnblo thnt tho I'ro wpuld bo conimiinlcatod. or mlght io cornmunlcated to bulldlng or strtic uros wlthln tho clty llmlls. that in such :as.s you would ha uulhorl~od to ro *pood to calls to nld in tlio oxtingulsh tnont of tho flro beyond the clty llmlts, l.iit. whoro such .onillllons do not exlsl you nro not authorlzed, nor should ynu, rospond tn calls beyond tho llmlts of the clty, nnd ln order that thoro may he no lulsundorstandlng or contuslon I sug KMl that tho hoard aftor inspectlon or MMN TAKE PITY ON YOUR FACE. TRY AVIR6 und flnd out whal. a really (.oniiortalilo sliavo is. Colinpsible Tubus 25 cents at Barbers aml Druggists A, II, BremerCo,, Chlcago. MEfillNGS. jXttMaaMi0JMAUJJMJMSJaak^*JJtMJ^M^ Sloss Iron and Sleel Company. Notloo ol Stoekholders* Meotlng of Sloii Iron and Steol Company. In accordanco with the By-L-aws no? tlco ls heroby glven thnt tho annual meet? ing of lho StncUholclorfl of tlio SL.OS8 IRON & STEEL, COMPANY wlll bo .held ttt tho offlces of tho. Company ln Blrtnlng litui), Aln., on 'WEDNESDAY, April 1, l!)0;t, at 12 o'clock noon,' to elect Dlroc tore for tlio on_iilng year and .for tho tranrUiGllon ofsttcli. othor, buslness as may como beforo tho ni.otlhe. Books for tho transfer of atock wlll bo closo.d from March 21st, ife); at 12 o'clock noon, to April 4th, 1D03, at 10 o'clock A. M. (Slgned) ' J. ,\V. M'QUHEN, Seerotary. Atlantlc Conat Llno Company, Office of lho Secretary. NOTIC13 IS 11EUEP.Y GIVEN THAT A general pr Hpeclnl mootlng of the Stoek? holders of the AT.UANTIC COAST L.1NH RAIlntUAD COMPANY has beon cnllerl by tho Board of Directors to bo hold nt tho offlco of thOvCompnny ln the Clty of Rldhrhond, Vlrglnln, nt 11 o'olock A. M., on TUESDAY, THE 21 ST DAY' OF APRIL. A. iD.. 1WKI. for tho purposo of coiislciorltig}' nnd acting upon tho pur? chaso of tlio railroads and other riropor tv. rights, prlvlleges and franohlsos of the1 Florlda Southorn Rallroad Compnny, and also for tlie purposo of conslderlng nnd acting upon tho- purchus'e af tho rnllroads and other property, rights, prlv? lleges and francblses of tho Banford nnd St. Potorsburg Rallrond Company, both corporatlons created and exlstlng undor tho lawsof the Stato of Florlda. whlch wlll bo submltted for thelr &W??1, ? Secretary. DIVIDENDS. Sloss-Sheffleld Stoel and Iron Co THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE thls day declared a D1VIDEND of ONE and THREE-QUARTERS (1%) PER CENT. upon tho Preferred Stock of tho Company out of tho earnings for tlio quarter endlng February 2Sth, 1903, pay a-blo APRIL, 1st, 19011, at tho offlco of tho Guarnnly Trust Company of New York. Transfer books wlll bo closed nt 12 o clock noon on March 21st, nnd reopened on the morning of April 2d, 10(fl. J>, XV. M'QUEEN, Secretary and Troasurer. Now York, March 10, 1903. FOR RENT. SPECIAL RENT BARGAlN IN AN UNEXPIRED LEASE FOR 905 WEST GRACE STREET. A. J. CHEVVNING COMPANY, Real Estate and Lonns. MHgMfMPCCIIMIMCHH Newly arranged and papered, on the THIRD FLOOR of the TIMES DISPATCH BUILDING. Light, heat and Janltor service. For prlco and partlculars apply to the TIMES-DISPATCH office. m?aaaaaaaawwaaaaaa FOR SALE. BFEOIAL OFFERS. Colo., Bnca co., ItiO n. lnnd. Conn.. Fiilrfleld co.. 5.1 n. .t impts, Gn., Thomnsvllle, 10 n.; flne res. slto. 111., Edwnrilsvlllo, res., 2 tencment houses, otTIco bldg. nnd II lots. .,.,,. 111., Pulaskl co., 21 n. .. Impts., fruit belt. Chlcago, Onk rnrk. bldg. lot, Blefleld Add. Chlcago, Morgan I'nrk. 2 lots, Waali. HJs Chlcngo. Itiivcnswood. 0 r. res. .. lot; Hliude & fruit; 8 bIM. to It. n. Ind., Stnrke co., 20 n. & Impts. Knns., Nhuwnec co., 40 n., 10 rnl. from Topeka. Kniis., Iloiirbon co., S0 u. & impts. Knns., .liickson co.. S0 u. & impta. Knns;, llourhon co., 100 u. & impts.; 140 a. cultlvnlcd; nenr lt. rt. Knns., I'nisons, res. nnd 4 n. Me? Hope Islnnd, of 100 n., nenr Portlnnd; 18 r. hmiso, prlvato whni-f, bonutlful woocls, etc; flne locntlon for aummer home. Md., Ourrntt co.. .'170 n. .t Impts. Mnss., hnng Meadow; good res. nnd % ?a. Mlch., Cnlhoiin co., Ofi n. & Impts. Mlch.;, 2(1 bldg. lota, 1820 ft. frontngo, Bolmont nvo? north of .Boston. Minn., Todd co., 72 n., jnach. & mpts. Minn Tnrlrl co 80 a.. ~>> ti. timber. Mo, Mnoon c^-OO n! & Impta., 05 n. timber;, n. tlllnble; nnnr lt. It. Mont., llenverhencl co., -110 n. & Im its. NVIi., Sliericlnu co.. 18-10 n. & Impts.. 10 ?. timber; 1 Vj ml. rrom B. B. N Y.. Greeno co., 83 n. & Impts. n! x\, Ornnge co.'. 8 n. fruit nnd truck farm; 0 i\ house, barn; nenr "??{'? nm N. IL, McUtun co., stock rnncb. 25B0 II., 1000 n. tlllnble; snrlngs. , .'.-'_ Ol lo Wnvtio co., Sl n. wheat lnnd. nro?,' I? co.. vlOO n timber lnnd. I'n Erlo co., SM1 n. & Impts. S 6 Chostor co., 617 n. .. Impts,, B0 a. tim I,,.!" r>00 ii. tlllnble; nenr R. lt. Tex", Alvln, 10 H. & Impts.; nll In fruit ,<i berrioai M ml, to It, It. Hnt. Salt bnkci City. res & lot. Viish., Plerce co., 100 u. & impts. W. M. OSTRANDER, Noi-th Amorlcan Bulldlng, Plilliiilolphiu. other- Investigation, from time to tlme, dotermlno wlth what boundarlos such con dllons exlst that would justlfy tho bonrd tn respoml to calls for ald beyond tho City llmlts. ln response lo your inqulry, speolnlly rolntlvo lo tho Richmond Codar Works nnd tho ltlelumilid l.oeumotlvo Works, nnd othor places where tho Councll hus oxpressly uutliorl/.ed tho locatlon of llro nliirm box statlons. beyond tho clty llmlts, I nni nf oplnlon thut whilo tho actlon of tho Counoll ln thls matter can? not nbsolutoly control you, your actlon under tho chnrter of tho clly bolng ex lnslvo, yot suoh doternilnntlon by tho I'ouiicll should be"accepted by you rus do toininlng your duly In tho promlses, un loss tho actlon of tho Counoll Is ln some particular caso so iinroa.snnahln as to Justlfy you tn dlsrogai-d tholr dlrecllon, a conditlon hardly eoncelvnblo. Vory rosp.elfully, (Slgnod) 11. U. POLLARD, ' Clty Attornoy. Tliri KKSOI.UTION. Mr. J_ecky'a paper follows: AVhoroas, thls Hoard of Firo Coinmls sioners havo requested of tho Clty Attor? ney his oplnlon ns to whothor "we ha/ve tho rlght to k.iuI the clty'a f.'ro nppui-iitus out of Uio clly in responso to roquosls for nsslstanco," to whloh request we now havo hls npinion; aml whoreas the gplnlOll of tho l.'ity Attornoy slnles thut wo are not authorlzed to ro.poiul to culls beyond. the clty llmlts, unless |t la ron soiuihly probable thnt tho llro would bo coiiimuiilcatcd, or mlght bo conimiinl cnted to buildings or Hlructures wlthln (ho clty llmlts or lo such bulldlngs ns may havo been oqulppod wlth prlvate llro alarm boxos. Hiongh locatod beyond the clty llmlts; th.rol'nre, Bo it resolved, that tho chlof englnoor of thls dopartmont in view' of that de? cision, cuiinot send ussiMaiir., oxcept in such oasos us will como wlthln tho oplnlon nf tho f'lty Attornoy. ltcsolvcd, socond, thatt ho i.'ity Attornoy ho requested to prepare suh a general law, nnd tliat such luw he piv.-.-niod to our roprosoi tnth-cs to tho lagisluture, pormlttlng dl-orotlnn to ho oxorolsed hy tho vuilons llro ijepartmenla nf the cillos In Hoiidlng rcliof lo any othor citles, or lo any Stato, eharltnblo or oducntlonal Instltutloa whlch muy be iu daiitcr oi by ^ BANKRUPT NOTICES. inthe jbiBrntcT coyn&.?*???? 'UNITED STATES POIt THW EAST? ERN DISTR1CT OF VIRGINIA: ltt Ihe Mntter of 1 ' No, !).*!.! Bankrupt. . Banltrupttsy, ORDER Ot- NOTICE FOtt DtSCllARGE. . On thh. 10th day of Mnrch, A, D, 1903, on readlng tho nollllon fur dlschargo tif tho bankrupt, lt ls? . , __ ; Ordered hy the court, that a hearing ho hnd upon tho annie on tho 81st DAY OF MARCH, A, D. lIKfl. boforo sald- coltrt, at Richmond, In snld distrlct, nt 12 o clock noon! findthat tiotleo thereof bo publishod ln Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch, a nowspaper printed ln sald distrlct, nnd that nll known 'credltors and other persons In Interest mny1 appear n.t the snld tlmo and placo, nnd show cause, If nny thoy have, wl y the prnyer of tho snld petlllonor should not bo granted. ... ? And It Is further ordered by the court, lhnt\tho clork slinll send by mall to al known credltors coples of snld petltlon nnd thls ordor, addrosscd to them ttt. thelr plnccs of resldence ns staljed. _ Witness tho Honornhlo EDMUND WAD D1DI-. Jr,, Judge of tho snld court, and (lie sonl thereof, nt Rlehmond, ln sald (11s trist. on the ICth dny of March, A. D< 1903. A G, E BOWDEN, Clork. By Joseph P. Brady, Deputy Clerk. IN THK DISTRICT COURT, OF THE UNITED STATES EOR THE ' EAST? ERN DISTRICT OE VIRGINIA: In the Matter of 1 No. 377. CHAS, 13. DRINARD, Y -, , In. Bankrupt. . Bankruptcy. ORDER OF NOTICE FOR DISCHAROE. On -thls 1.6th day of Mnrch, A, D. 1903. pn readlng the petltlon for dlscharge of the bankrupt, lt ls? , , , Ordered by the court, that a hearing ho had upon the same on tho 31st DAY OF MARCH, A.D. 1903, before snld court, at Richmond, ln snld distrlct, n.t 12 o'clock noon; nnd that notlce thereof be publlshed ln Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch, a nowspaper printed ln sald distrlct, and thnt nll 'known credl? tors and othor persons ln lnterost may nppenr n.t tho snld tlmo and placo, and show cause, lf nny they havo, why tho prayer of lhe sald petttloner should not be granted. -.,... And lt ls further ordered by the court. that tho clerk shnll send by mall to all known credltors coplos of sald petltlon and thls order, addressed to them at thelr places 'of resldence ns stated. _,.._, Witness the Honornhlo EDMUND .WAD DII.I., Jr., Judge of the sald court. and the seal thereof, nt Hlchmond, In sald dis? trlct, on the 16th dny of March. A. D. 1903. Attost: . _._ _'.j _, , C. E. BOWDEN, Clerk. By Joseph P. Brady, Deputy Clork. IN THE DISTR1CT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES POR THE EAST? ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA: In the Matter of ) No. 357. ROBERT W..CUTCHIN, \ In Bankrupt. - Bankruptcy. ORDER OF NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE. On thls 16th day of Mnrch, A. D. 1903. on readlng the petltlon for dlschnrge of the bankrupt, lt is? , , . Ordered by the court, thnt a hearing lie had upon tlie samo on tho 31st DA. OF MARCH, A. D. 1903, before sald court, nt Richmond, In snld distrlct. at 12 o clock noon; and lhat notlce thereof be publlshed ln Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch. a nowspaper printed ln sald dlslrlct, nnd rhat nll known credl? tors nnd other persons In Interest may appear at the said time nnd plnce, nnd show causo, If nny thoy have why the prayer of tho sald petltloner should not be granted. '..'.,_, And It ls furthor ordorod by the court, thnt the clerk shnll send by mnII to nll known credltors coples of sald petltlon nnd thls order, addressed to them at thelr plnces of residence ns stated.______ .1; Witness tho Honorablo EDMUND WAD? DILL, Jr? Judge of tho sald court, nnd tho senl thereof. nt Richmond, ln sald dls trlst. on tho 16th dny of March, A. D. 1903. AUeSU G. E. BOWDEN, Clerk. By Josoph P. Brady. Deputy Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TlIE UNITED STATES FOR THE EAST? ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA: i In tlie Matter of ) No. 447. JAMES Ii: NOWLAN, \ ? In Bankrupt. ) Bankruptcy. ORDER OF NOTICE FOR "DISCHAROE, On thls 14th dny of Mnrch, A. D. 1903. _on readlng the petltlon for dlscharge of the bankrupt, it ls? , ,"???_'? Ordorod by the court. that a hearing be .hnd upon the snme on the 31st DAY OI< MARCH. A. D. 1903, before sald court, nt Richmond. In said distrlct. at 12 o'olock noon; und that notlce thereof be publlshed ln The Tlmes-Dlspatch, a nowspaper printed In snld distrlct, and that all known credl? tors nnd othor persons ln Interest may Appear at the sald tlme and placo, nnd show cause, if nny thoy have, why the prayer of the snld petltloner should not pe granted. .... And it ls further ordered by Ihe court. that tho clork shall send by mall to al known credltors coples of snld petltlon nnd thls ordor, addressed to them at thelr plnces of resldence ns stated. Witness tho Honornble EDMUND WAD? DILL, Jr.. Judge of the snld court, and the soal thereof. nt Rlehmond, ln sald dis? triet. on the 11th day of March, A. D. 1903. _ Attest: _ _ BOWDEN, Clork. By Joseph P. Brady. Deputy Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THB UNITED STATES FOR THE EAST? ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA: In tho Mntter of No. 37. CHAS. TIIAI.IUMI-R, In Involuntnry In.olunla'rv Bankrupt. I Bankruptcy. ORDER OF NOTICE FOR DISCHARGE. On thls 16th dny of March, A. D. 1903, pn readlng the potltion for dlschargo of tho bankrupt, lt Is? , , , Ordorod bv tho court, that a hearing ho hnd upon tho snme on tho 31st DAY OI' MAROH A. D. 1903, boforo sald court, nt RIohmond. ln snld distrlct, at 12 o'clock noon; nnd tliat notlce thereof ho publishod In Tho Tlmos-Dispatch, a nowspaper printed ln sald distrlct, and that nll known credl? tors nnd othor persons In lntorest mny appear at tho snld tlmo nnd placo, and show causo, If any'thoy hnvo, why the prnvor of tho salcl petltloner should not be granted. , _ , . ,_ And It Ih further ordered by the court, that tbo ^Jerk shall send by mall to nll known orodUora coples of said pc-tltlon and lllia order, addressed to thom at thelr plrioes of resldence as stated. m_ ^ Wltness tho Ilonornblp EOMUND }VAD D1I.U Jr., Judgo of the sald cour , and the seal thereof. at Richmond ln sald dls? trlct. on the Ulth day ot March, A. D. 190,1. Attest: o E.BOWDION, Clerk. By Joseph P. Brady, Deputy t'lork._ tNi THB DISTRICtHcOURT. TpF THE UNITED STATES POR THE EAST R RN Dl ST RI OT OF V1RCIINIA: ln tho Matter of No. 3S0. ROBERT A. VADEN. ln Bankrupt. I Bankruploy, ORDER OP NOTICE POR D1SCHAROE. On this 11th day of March, A. D. 1003, on roadlng tho petition for dlschargo of tho bankrupt, lt ls? ? . ., , , , , Ordered by tlie court, thnt a hoarlng bo had upon thn snnio on tho 31st DAV OI; MARCH. A. D, 1903, befciro sa d court, at Rlohmond, In fmld dlstrlct. at i. o olooH noon;nnd thnt notlco thornot bo publlshod ln The TlmoH-Dlspatoli, a nawspaper printed ln sald dlstrlct, and Miat nll known erecll toi'8 und other poraona In Intorest may apnoni' at the sald tlme nnd placo, und snow cause. if nny they have, why tlio nrayor of the salcl potltlonor should not 11 An""u ?ls' further ordered by the court. that tlo clork shnll Bend Uy. ninll to al knowti cr'eclltora copioa of sald netltlon.nnd tliis order, nddrossed to thom at thelr nlacoa nf lesldenoo as ?l?'f;ViIVn waii Wltness tlio llonorablo KI3MUND XX AO DI1.I,. Jr. Judgo of tho sald court. und tho seal thereof at "?cl''"""''*,,V,nl'i'o?.' trlat.011 the lith day of Maich, A. D, 190,1, AUCHU 0 E. BOWDEN, Clerk. Ry Joseph P. Brady, Deputy Clerk. NOTICE. NOTICE. Clty Audltor's Offlee,' Richmond. Vn.. March 11), litctt. THK L1CENSH TAXES OP |003 HAVE l,,'i.;.s.;s.,land placed ln thls pffjpe for the Inspectlon of all PpncenioU. * Theso uWssmopts tncil.tulo ;lii porHOUB 3rt.lHie'^u^eo?.^;-m Wt ln of Mnrch. .008 at 7:30 P.;*fvGIi _ ??,t. nopo "f hearing nnd com. dei "^ ?l ? la finm sald asKcssmoiitB. All !"-??<>' a im - ested are notliled tu ftfLW4 ?????? inool lugs or the c-ommlttey, f ?"(. '.'.'''.f}' ,\ Oltiaslllvntlnn of taxes vvlll t Jftuwut lb lo tnuiic oxcopt by order:,Pt tt?_ S,"> '-,?' '?? c-ll, on n-eomni.ndutlon of tn.a cotniiiilteo on Flnanco. - WARREN, . ^PW,, >(, , ? Audltor. SEALED PROPOSALvS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celvod at tho oftloo of Trensuter, South* ern I.innoh, Natlonnl Boldlnrfl' Home, Ellssnbeth Clty cotlHty, Va? Uhtll APRIL 2, 1903, and then opened, for fttrnlshllg antl dellvery of COAL, In accordanco Wlth inslruotloiis nnd speclfleatlons, coples of whlch, wllh blnnK liroposals, nnd other Inrormatlon, hiay bo had Upon appllca? tlon to tho Trcrtmirer. FORT MONROE, VA,, MAROH 40, 1903. Sealed Proposals, ln trlpllcate, for ftir nlfehlhg a 12-Ton Slenm Locnmollvo here wlll be recolved untll 12 M, APRIL 20. 1903. U. S. resorves rlght to ncocpt or roject nny or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on appllcatlon. Envelones contalnlng proposals should be mnrked "Propondls for Locomotlvo, nd dresBod G. P. TOWNBLEY, Q, M. Clty of Richmond, Vlrglnla. -. Offlco Clty Wntor Works, ? i Clty Hnll, Mnrch IS. 1903. SEALED PHOFOSALS WILL> BE RE colved at thls vor.Ico untll ^?,ND?>>Y. Aprll 6, 1003, at 5 P. M.. for Uio coli strttotlon of a Steel XX*a or rower and Steel Substructuro near Iho.NOW Roser volr. Tho substrurftiiro w II bo 120 jroot nbovo tho pedestuls tp bnso fWn* Tho tank wlllbo 30 feet; ^Jwneter nnd 30 roet hlgh, nnd wlll ?n_v0f{1/l o.0".1,: enl metul covor ?r.. hood.. lnel udod ln tho bld Wlll be a 10-lnch Supply 1,??,.?.f Cnst-Iron nnd nn s-lnch Waale^.Ovor flow Pine Tho substructuro, tank, stp plAnt. wnste plpes, ?!^.?"PM?? ?* clldlng pnlnllng. must bo hl<Udetl Un thn nrnnnmil Th- bldder wlll be ro qttlr'efi^subrn!? lhe deslgn nlnnj.. de tall drawings nnd slrnln sheots_ wllhi hls bld. Fnch bld must be nccompnnlod. wlth a oertlflod check of $MX>. The com? mltteo on wntor reserves tho rlght to roiect anv or nll proposals._ rc.cci nny chart___S n BOLLING. Superlntendent. NOTICE T0 CONTRACTORS. Offlce of Clty Engineer. Richmond. Vn., Mnrch 18. 1903. SEALED PROP.0-.A-_S WILL BE RE celved nt thls offlce untll 4 P. AL?MON? DAY, Mnrch 23, 1903, for BUILDING A CONCRETE WALL wost sldo of sewer nt Soventh and Hospltal Streets, Shockoe Creok Improvomont. Speclflcntlons nnd full Information to blddnrs onn bq had upon appllcatlon at this offlce, A certlflod check for $2(50 must ac company ench bld. Tho Committee on Streets nnd Shockoo Creek reserve the rlght to roject any and all blds offe,^d.EcuTS7iAw Clty Engineer. Tho Clty of Richmond, Vlrglnla, Offlce Clty Water Works, Clty Hall. Alarch 18, 1903. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at thls offlce untll MONDAY, Aprll 6, 1903, at 5 o'clock P. Al., for tho followlng supplles and contract work for tho year endlng Deoomber 31. 1903: Thirty 6-lnch Hub-End Gato A'nlves. Twenty 8-lnch Hub-Erid Gato Valves. Ten 10-lnch Hub-End Gato Valves. Eight 12-lnch Hub-End Gato Valves. - lfl-Inch Hub-End Gate Valves. -20-lnch Hub-End G'ate Valves. Twenty Doublo Nozzle G'ato Flro Hydrnnts?one nozzle 4 lnoh nnd one nozzle 2 1-2 Inch. Htlb to^be four feet below surfaco pavement. 100 4-lnch Cnst-Iron Plpes, per ton. SOO 6-lnch Cnst-Iron Plpes, per ton. 000 8-lnch Cnst-Iron Plpes, per tom - 10-lnch Cnst-Iron Plpe*, per ton. - 12-lnch Cnst-Iron Plpes, por ton. - 16-lnch Cast-Iron Plpes, per ton. - 20-lnch Cnst-Iron Plpes, per tnn. fiO.000 pounds Speclnl Cnstlngs, Crosses, Teos, Sloeves, Bends, Reducov., etc, from 4 to 20 Inches ln dlameter. C0 Vnlve Boxos. _fiO Smnll Stop-Cock Boxes. i_50 Aleter Boxes. ,,, . 20,000 pounds Plg Lead (best qunllty). 2,600 pounds Best ..iplng Solder. - pounds Gasket. BltASSWORK. 3C 1-lnch Tapplng Cocks (Hodesty machlne). . , 111 l-2-1nch Tapplng Cocks (Hadesty jnnchlno). ? ? " 144 3-1-lnch Tapplng Cocks (Hodesty machlne). ? _ , . 36 1-lnch Roundwny Stop Cocks for lend plpe. ;-_ ? , 96 S-l-lnch Roundwny Stop Cocks for lead plpe. 96 5-8-lnch Roundway Stop Cocks for leftd plpo. ? , 60 l-2-lnch Roundway Stop Cocks for lend plpe. - , 24 3-4-lnch Roundway Stop Cocks for lead nnd iron plpe. , 72 I-2-inch Roundway Stop Cocks for lead nnd Iron plpe. 12 1-lnch Corporation Cocks. 12 3-4-lnch Corporation Cocks. Brnsswork to be of best qunllty (see sample at offlce) and will be let as a whole. 375 5-8 Water Meters and Connections. 100 3-4 Water Aleters nnd Connections. BO l Wator .ueters nnd Connections. Per cublc yard for Dlgglng nnd Refill Ing Trenches in paved, mncadamlzed, gravelled and clay streets. Por square yard for Rolnylng Granlto or Cobblestono Pavlng. * Per squaro yard for Laylng New Grnnlte Pavlng. Per cublc yard for Furnaco CInders. Per ton for Haullng Plpe nnd Speclals. j An supplles to be delivered at the shop or plpo yard. except plpe and sneclals. whloh shall be f. o. b. at Rich? mond, Va., In such quantltles from tlme to tlme as the Superlntendent may dlrect. Speclflcntlons nnd further In? formation cnn be obtalned at thlB offlce. The ? Committee on Water reserves tho rlght to Increaso or decrease tlio abovo named quantltles twenty (20) per cent., and also resorves tho rlght to roject any or nll blds. A certlflod check for $500 must nccompnny ench bld, except . where blds If for brnsswork only; ln thls case hld must bo nccompanlod by a certlflod check for $100. CHARLES E. BOLLING, Superlntendent. The Cltv of Richmond, Virginla, Offlco Clty Water Works, Clty Hall, Maroh 18, 1903. SEAI.ED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at thls offlco untll MONDAY, April 0, 1903, at 5 P. M? for tho follow in*r suppllos: Six (0) 21-lneh Cato Valvos, Two 12) 20-lnch Gnte Valves. Nlno (0) 10-lncli Oato Valvos. Soven (7) 12-lnch Gato Valves. Six (6) 10-lneh C.nte Valvos. Two (2) 8-lneh Cato Valves. ElKht (8) 0-lnch Onte Valves. Forty (10) Valve Boxes. 501 21-lnch Cast-Tron Plpes. 121 -u-lnch Cast-Iron Plpes, 73 10-lnch Cast-fron Plpes. 42,000 .pounda Speclal CiiRtlnBB. [ono 30-lnch by 21-lneh Tee. ono 30-lnch Sleove and reninlndor of 21-, 20- nnd lo Inch Speclnls, Crosses, Teos, Bends, S^OW)8'pounds PlK Load, best quallty. 1.2(H) pounds Gasket. Haiillnir Plpn nnd Sneclals por ton. CuttliiB and Rofllllng Plpe Trcncb, por oub. yard, .... . ,_ All Plpoi Spoclals and Valvos to be dollvorod f. o. b. nt Richmond, Va.. Jn such ctuanUtlos ns mny bo dotermlned bv tho Stiperliitonclent of Wntor AVorks All other suppllos to bo dollvored at water-works shoi) or plpe ynrd. Speel ricatiohs and further informatlon can bo obtalned nt thls office. Tho Com? mlttoo on Wator reserves tho rlsht to IncroaBQ or decrease the abovo named (itianlliles f>. per cent., und nlso ro-jervos thu rlglit to rojoct nny or. all blds. A cortlflocl clioolc for J.W0 must nccompany encli bld. _ ,.,_, CHARLES E. BOLLING\ Suporlntendont. J.EGAI. NOTICE. To tho Heirs at Law of Robert Klng ninl A. Klng, hls wlfe. the latter some? tlmes callod Mrs. Fclulia Klng, and both partles dead; . ?', Yott aro liorobv notlflod that a tract of lnnd, poutulnliig Twc, Hundred (200) Acrea, more or less, slUintfid ln w\niolla county und Stato of VU'Blnlu, ln'Jackson M'ig laterlul Disirld, near the Iands of Pnul Jonps und ,1. H. Wllson nnd lho Appomut tnx Rlver. was sold o? tho SMith iav? Aui-iist, i^sti. (or cic.iinciuent tuxos, levies, intoroats and costs, to tho Comiiiunwenlth of Virginla; an npnllrutlon for tbo put eliaso hereof has Won flled lu t; of? fice, und It apijoating from tho iu''0'"/-* in thla offlco tlmt you aro Intorested u the sald land, you are fiiithor notlfled to npp'our ln four months from the dato of thls notlco ii iul do what may ho necea saiy to protoct .vour lntorests. (VIvon undor my lmud thls 20th day of February, IWS: ___ ._, COIjE.a)AN> Clork Amella Connty Court, Vlrgb'la. Moudo Uusklna, A.ttorney for AppHcant. 1 *A AUCTION SALM-PUTUrm ?AV8, Bv The Valontlne Auctloti Co,, , Auotloneara, A ^^M* Wo'&L0* CaSA RlDGIBTElt, StfOW CASES, COUNTER8 AND BHELVING, SYRUPS, ClOARS, TOBACCO, ClOARETTBS, CONFEC TIONERI'ES, ELECTRIC FANB, MAtl BLE TOP TABLE M1RROR, CANDY JAU8, UNEXP1RED LEASE, AC, AS A WHOLE, AT NO. 7lf EAST BROAD STREET, NEXT TO B1JOU THEATRE, MONDAY, MARCH 23, AT 12 O'CLOCK M. We wlll soll for EDOAR ALLAN, ,TR? admlnlstrator of Abdttllali Bnkoh dc? ceased, at No. 714- East Broad Blreel, noxt to Bljou Theatre, ns a whole, tho ontlro stock and flxtures. vlz.: Ono Flno Italian Marble Sodn Fountnln, com nlolo, with large French Plato Mlrror', 12 Syrup SplgcilH, 2. Soda and 3 Llthla Ftuicots, cohiplote Assoi-ttnent of Syrtlps, Ono National Cnsh Reglster, hltnost now; 2 8-foot Ovnl Front, Metnl Friiine, Show Cases, 1 0-foot Ebony Framo Sltow-Casc. 1 Doublo Deck Show-Case, 1 4-foot Nlckol Framo, Oval Front Show-Case, about 8,000 Flno nnd Medlum Clgari* nnd Che roots; 3,000 Clgarettes, large lot of Smolc Ing ond Chewlng Tobnccos; Fresh Stook of Cnndles, Nuts. Rnlslns, Flgs, Dnlcs, Orapes, Cnkes, Crackers, &C.J Candy Jars; 2 Electric-Celllng Fnns, Ice Box', Hot Chocolnte Urn, Marble Top Tablo, Chalrs and Stools, Wttll Cnoo Countors, Sholvlng, Porlleres, Sodn Fountain cotin ter with coppor wntcr box; tobncen Knlfe, tovo nnd Plne, Wlndow Bh'idcs, 2 Lnriro Mlrrors, Clgar Electric Light, Ice Cream Freezers, &c, Also unexplrcd lonso of sald, storo, 1 EDGAR ALLAN, JP... Admlnlstrator. THE VALHNTINE AUCTION CO., Auctloneers. Geo. W. Mayo, Auctloneer. BANKRUPT SALE OF ONYX SODA FOUNTAIN AND APPARATUS, MARBLE COUNTERS, SHOW-CASES, V1CTOR TALKING MAC1HN13. NA? TIONAL CHECK MACJIINE, NA? TIONAL CASH REGISTER. ICE CREAM PLANT, TABLES, CJIAIRS, CIGARS. TOBACCOS. OAK WALL CASES. MIR RORS, ETC, AT AUCTION. By vlrtue of.a decroe entered in the Dlstrlct Court of tho Unltod States for the Eastern Dlstrlct of Vlrglnin on Match the 18th, 1903, In tho matter of John C. Bowers, bankrupt, I wlll offer for sale, at publlc nuctlon, on the premlses, No. 427 East Broad Street, at 10:30 A. M. FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1903, 1 Tuft'8 Full Onyx Sodn Appnratus and Fountain, 30 SyrupH, lu three sectlons. wllh 5 Plato Mlrrors; Marble Countors, wllh copper stralners; Holders. Tttmblers, Shnkers. Coffee and Chocolate Urns, Na? tional Check Machlne, National Cash Reglster, 3 large Plate-plnss Wall Mlr? rors, 4 Clgar and Candy Show-Cases, very handsomo Oak Clgar nnd Candy Wall Cases, with Plate Mlrrors; Vlctor Talklng Mnchlne. 2 Wlndow Mlrrors, Complete Plant for the Mnnufncturc of Ice Cream, 13 Copper-frnme nnd Marble top Ice Cream Tables, 4S Flne Copper nnd Vlenna-frnmo Chalrs. general nssorttnont of Extracts, Floor Linoleum. Office Desk and Stool, Pictures. Palms, Screens, Cnndy Jars and Scales, Clgar Counter, Paper Racks, Hlgh-grade Clgnrs. Smok Ing and Chewlng Tobacco. Fancy Candy nnd numnrous other articles. Arrangements can be mnde wllh partles controlllng property for an cxtenslon of lense. TERMS?On the stock, caah; on tho flx? tures, cash, except on a sum of $1,500, with Interest from Juno 11, 1902. payablo as follows: JiCC. with Interest. payablo April 11. 1903; J500. with Interest. pnyable November 11, 1903; $500, with Interest, pay able June --. 1901. _ ? HUGH A. M'CURDY, Recelver. Geo. XV. Mayo, Auct,!onecr. Mar. 21-6t Wm. B. Plzzlnl Company, Real Estate Auctloneers. AUCTION SALE OF DESIRABLE BRICK DWELLING OF SEVEN ROOMS. BATH. ETC, IN WEST END. At the reciuest of tho owner we wlll offer for salo at publlc auctlon. on tho Pr0ml-TfiURSDAY, MARCH 26. 1903, , \ J .it 5 P. M., the seml-detached brlck dwelllng No. 318 North Lombardy Street, Between Grove and Floyd Avenues. Thls house Is in splendld order nnd will make elther a most attractlvo In? vestment or a splendld home. Bargaln hunters wlll do well to attend. TERMS? Llberal and announced at sale. Mar. 20-td. By A. J. Chewnlng Co. pOMPROMISE STREET LOT. In executlon of a trust deod, dated Au? gust 1. 1900. of record In Henrlco County Court, D. B. 159 A, pago 400. dofault be? lng mado ln'the payment of note theroby secured, and belng retpilred by beneil clarv so to do, J wlll sell by nuctlon, on FRIDAY. 27TH MARCH, 1903. nt 6 o'clock P. M., upon the premlses, tho lot frontlng 29/feet on Comprotn 80 Streot by a depth of 139*. feet belng lot No, 2. as shown by plat rocorded ln D. B. 107. page 400, Henrlco County Court. TERMS?Caah. - _, A. J. CHEWNING. Trustee. Mar. 20-td By James H. Crenshnw, Real Estato Auctioneer, 1013 E. Alnln Street. ?pRUSTEE'S 8AL'B_ , DESIRABLE SUBURRAN RESIDENCE ON BROOK TURNPIKE WITH 15V_ ACRES OF LAND. By vlrtue of a certain deed of trust dated tho 13th day PA'^ebrna.ry^WO^and recorded in tho elerk's office of Henico County Court In D. B. 129 "A." pago 390, dofnult havlng been mado In tho Payment of a pnrt of tho debt secured thoroby, nnd belng requlred so to do by tho bone ficlarv thoreiA. I wlll sell, by publlc auc? tlon. on the promlses, on " MONDAY. MARCH 30, 1903. at 4 o'clock- P. AI.. the property descrlned ln snld trust deed, ns that pleco or par eel of Innd, wlth the lmprovements thore? on, lylng nnd bolng ln Henrlco county. Va., contalnlng flfteen nnd one-half (>?/.) ncres, more or loss. frontlng on tho wost Klde of Brook Turnplke, three-fourths of n mlle from the clty of Richmond; lm? provements conslst of a Stuccped Brlok 1 iwolllng of nlno rooms nnd othor buiia Irik'B, formerly the resldence pf John a. .'rt'iisluiw de.eased. 1 wlll sell sald land to pay the followlng chnrges: ?_?_?_ TERMS-Cash sufflclont to pay expenses of executlng thls trust, nll unpald taxes to dav of salo. nnd to pay $3 ooo (balancf duo on the last note forJaL5-J0) and liiter; est on snld $3,000 from Fobrunry W !?-? tho reslduo at one nnd two year*.; to he evldencod by negotlnhlo notos. wlth^nlei est added and secured by trust aeea ou snld proporty. w ' RlcKg( Trustee. By Jnmes H. Crenshaw, Auotloneor. Alnr. 18-03 - _ -T-RUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE A JAMES RIVER ?m^A\Se 'B* ma!?. ft ThfPafment "f ce'-tnln notes thoreln se M1.1.S nnd bolng so requlred by the heue oarV w"e wll' sell hy'pi.Wlo auctlon, In .7,ni nt Henrlco County Courthouso, on fl "wi-DNE-l-AY, MARCH 25. 1903. at 12 Ai. Die property descrlbed In sald flW\n?Wtii|n trnct of land ln the lower part 0. Henrlco oounty, Vn., ly ng nn James River and on both sldes of the Osborno Turnplke, about 7 mlles from ift cltv of Rlehmond. known ns 'Barrltler's,* nnd cnntnlning 190 noros, ho the same. moro or loss. Belng tho same land con voyod to Ben.amln .1. Wostervelt by deed from J. R. V. Dnnlel, Speclnl Commls? sloner duly recorded ln tho elerk's ofllce of iieiirlco C'ounty Court In D. B. 148 A, '"TBRMS-Sufflclont ensh to dofrny tho oxpouse of executlng thls trust, nny taxes that mny be due and unpald, nnd to pay wo notes of fl.OM ench, wlth Interest on both tit'O per cent. from December 5, 1901, nnd any bnlance nt 1 nnd ?? yours from .eoiired on ^iW^fe^ Jno. C Easley, admr. of fi.- J~. Chafflu, Trustee. de'd. /d \ Mar. JW? ib.ut V AUCTKHf SALES-FUTURB DAYS. By Hi A, M'Curdy, Renl Estato Attctlonoer. . , r^OMMISlONER'BnSALB V_. ? OF , TWO-8TORY FRAME DWELL1NO, No. 1208 Beverly Street, JUST WEST Otf RESBRVOltt flTREEt1, Oranger VB. Turpln Ac. Decree of Lnw ancl Equity Court, Novom? ber 21), 1902: . , Pursunnt to the ituthorlty of abovo men? lloned decree, the undoralgned wlll ottaf tor salo, upon tho premlses, nt 15 P. M., on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1903, lho nbove-inentlottnd roni estate; lot 30x 120 reet. Tho pfemlBos can bo InHpected ut nny rnnaonnble hour. _ ? TERMS?Ono-thlrd cnsh, resldue at I nnd 12mont.hs; purchaser. lo glvo negotl ablo note, with Interest ndded, and tha tltlo rolnlned untll full paymeiit. GEO. W. LEWIS, Spoclal CommlBsloner Tho bond requlred of Spoclnl Commls* slonor ln tho nbovo ciuibo has been duly, executed. . ? P. P. W1NSTON, ClOrk. Mnr, 20 By II. Seldon Taylor, Real Estate Agent nnd Auclloneer, No. 8 Norlh Elevonth Streot. C OMMlSSIONER~S~~SALE OF THAT v-1 VALUABLE STORE, NO. 112, WITH DWELLING ABOVE, ON 'NINTH STREET, BETWEEN ORACE AND FRANKLIN, NOW OCCUPIED BY W. W. FOSTER AS A P1IOTOGHAPH GAL LERV; ALSO TWO WELL BUILT AND CENTRALLY LOCATED 3-BTORY AND BA8EMENT BRICK DWELLING HOUSES AND LOTS,, NOS. 117 AND 119 ON, EAST SIDE Ol'" EIGHTII STREET, BETWEEN GRACE AND FRANKLIN. By vlrlue of a decree of tho Chancory Court of tho clty of Rlohmond, entered Mnrch 13, 1903, In the suit of Mary I. Boz.l & others vs. Irvlng T. Anderson & others, I wlll, us Speclal Commlsslonor thoreby appolnted, proceed to sell at pub? llc auctlon, on the premlses, on FRIDAY. MARCH 27, 1903, Ihe real estate nbovo mentloned, In tha followlng order, commenelng nt 4:30 P. M.. wllh that nlce storo nnd dwelllng. No. 112 Nlnth Stroet, between Grace ancl Franklin. The lot fronts 21 "A feot, moro or loss, and runs back 120 feet, more or less, to n wlde nllev. 2d. Dwolllng No. 117 Elghth Street, be? tween Grace and. Frankiln, contalnlng 10 rooms, bosldes bath-room and other niod em comtorts. The lot fronts 20x07 foet. more or less. 3d. Dwelllng No. 119 Elghth Street, be? tween Grace and Frankiln, contalnlng 10 rooms, bath nnd other modern Improve? ments. The lot fronts 28x06 foot, more or loss. Tho convenlenl nnd desirable locn tlon'of thls property should attract tho attention of lnvcstorB, whether for occu pancy or Investment, .there belng at all tlmes a good demand.' by flrst-class tcn nntg. for houses ln this centrnl locnllty. iTERMS? One-fourth cnsh, balance on a oredlt of 0,12 and IS months, for negotlablo notes, with Interest added from dny of salo; or all cash at optlon of purchaser, subject to conflrmatlon of the court, and the tltlo to bo retulned untll a conveyanco Is or? dered by the court. The purchaser is to pay the taxes for the year 1903. WM. B. M'lLWAINE, . Speclal Commlssloner. -The,bond requlred of the Spoclnl Com mlwfiloner by tho nbovo docreo hns been duly glven. . CHAS. O. SAVILLE, Clork. Ma r, 20 __. ;.'.5 By H. Seldon Taylor, , -Real Estate Agent and Auctloneer, No. 8 North Elevonth Street. COURT SALE OF THREE VALUA? BLE BUILDING LOTS. WITH A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE ON EACH. NOS. 211. 301 AND 303, S1TUATED ON SOUTH SIDE OF WEST BROAD STREET. JUST BEYOND ( THE MA? SON 1C TEMPLE. By virtue of a decree of the Chnncery Court of tho clty of Richmond, entered Mnrch 13, 1903. In the Bult of Mary I. Bozel & others vs. Irvlng T. Anderson & others. I wlll, as Speclal Commlssloner thcrebv appolnted, proceed to soll lho nbove-mentfoned renl estate ? nit publlo nuctlon. upon the. premlses, on' THURSDAY. MARCH 20, 1903 commenelng nt 4:30 o'clock P. M., ln lho followlng order: ..... Ist. Thnt valuable lot, with a two-story brlck and frame dwelllng thereon, ?o. 211. on south slde of Broad Street. be? tween Jefferson nnd Madlson, frontlng: 24x127 feet, more or less, to a wlde puo '-?2d?TC|iat desirable lot. with a 2-story frame dwelllng thereon, No. 301. at south? west cornor of Broad and Madlson StreetB. frontlng 15 2-12xC0 feet. moro or less, to "adf'/hat nlce lot, with n 2-story framo dwolllng thereon. No.. 303 and adjplnlng No. 301. on south ,-alde' of Broad Stroot. between Madlson aud Monroo, frontlng 10 2-12-xCO feot, more or less, to an alley. Thls'property has a brlght futiire, and an Investment mndo ln lt now must prove PITERM&-One-fourth cash, bnlnnce on a credlt ot C, 12 and 18 months, evldencecl by negotlablo notes, with Interest itdded from day bf salo; or all cash, at optlon of pur? chaser, subject to conflrmatlon of tha court. and the title to be retalned untll a conveyanco. Is ordered by tho court. "Lha purchaser Is to pay the taxes for tho yea< 1903 WM. B. M'lLWArNE. ' Spoclal Commlssloner. Tho bond requlred bf the Speclal Com? mlssloner by tho above decree has been duly glvon. cHAg Q SAVILLB( ^ Mar. 20 _\Vj_; _? By J. B. Elam & Co.. Renl Estate Auctloneers. EXECUTOR'S SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE BIlPcK^TORE PROPERTY No. 228 W. Broad St., IN REAR THEREOF, No. 305 North Madison Street. Bv virtue of tho wlll o"f Mrs, KatUorlna ,3 rteVeasod nnd for the -purpose ot dlvlBlon. I wlll selV by publlc auctlon, on tho Premlses, or, <,__ nt R o'clock P. M? tho vnlunblo cornet*. Btnra nronertv, No 228 XV. Broad Street. co%erPXdlson"with lot 20x132 feet l| Inches to an nlloy ln common 17 feot 4 lnThh? atoro'ls n most substantlal ono, bo? lng woll bullt. having threo slorles, above "ollnr. nnd besldes tbe Inrge nnd attrao? tlve store thero Ib a good dwolllng with the modern convenlences abovo the store, whlcb could easllv, If doslied, bo rented Indopnndently of the storo. Tho store nnn dwelllng ls now under an annual loaso or $700 to an excellent tenant, ancl the framo dwolllng ln tho rear, known ns No. ?im N. Madlson Streot, contnlns about flvo rooms and rents for $10 per month: tho entire property rentlng at tho rate of *?.*? per uiinuui. , ,, wii'l-. This ls a most deslrablo corner, ?fiejne Immediately ln front of the Postofflco Sub-Btatlon A, ln the rapldly developlng sectlnu of Broad Streot, and should com? mand the attention of all partles soelilns a pormnnont and des rable invesiiiient. as the property wlll each year materlnlly in? creaso ln valuo. , _?'_', ?. 1 TERMS-Ono-ihlrd cash, balnne.a at 1 and 2 years, with Interest added nnd se? cured by doed of trust upon tho property! or tho wholo In caeh, at tho optlon of tha purchaser. _VAI/_BU SENPi BxooutoP. Mar> %f Augustlne Royall & Co., Renl Estate Agents nnd Auctloneers, Office: No. 10 Tenth Street (Leuder Bulldlng), Munuheater, Va, ? -pRUSTBE'S AUCTION SALE. By virtue of a deed of trtiBt dated March 15, 1900, and duly recorded lu tho lltiBtliiBs Court, clerks's offlco, for tho ctyof Manchester, Va.. ln Deed Book 21. page 119. 1 wlll so 1 (belng requlred so to do bv the benellclarles) nt publlo auctlon t-hat very nlce vacant lot. front lne- thlrly-ilve (30) feet on tho west Hna of Soventh Street botwe-en Porter and Porry Streets, running back one hundrecl und ten (U0) feet deep to an alley ten, (10) feot wlde. The nbovo lot wlll be sold on, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1003, at 5 o'clock P. M? on tho premlaes. TERMS-Cash ns to tlie expenses oj salo, taxes, lf any be due and to pay off two notos past due, ono for flfty dolla a nnd the other for two hundred dollara. Tho resldue upon such terma us yvlll Ml mado k?^I?tl!a,BEVERIDGE. Jr., ? Mar. 21,22-24. *yn??u*