Newspaper Page Text
THE mSM WSM. ?& I WHOLE NUMBER, 16,199. HICiFmOND, VA., THURSDAY, MAttCI-I '2(3, 1008. PRICE TWO CENTS. ?im/.' ,. fi. .. M .. M 47 SUMMARY OF DAY'S NEWS THE WEATHER. WASIMNC-TON. Mnrch 2*.?Fprecnst for TliuiHihiy niul l-'rl'iay; ? *' ,.,,,??. Vlrgliifn-Fulr Thiirsdny aml V,rl'_ay' wartncr Frlday. llght. ..V'"'1.'.,c, w .*.. h North Carnllii~-Fiilr T.liursjln.v ' ',(L',. : dny; warrnor frlday, llght, varlable wlnds. Vesterdiiv \va~ ono of thri most dellg-it fui iIuvh o_ tho hi-Hfon, Tlie mereiiry wan Zm .,." th" wurmes. portlon of the clay andI fell thereuftoi. untll nl mldnlght the fill- wiih chllly. Conllriuod fair weather Is expected to-day nnd to-morrow, BTATE OF THjTt7U-_.MOMI_T__R. n A. M.' .-. i9 12 M.'. 3 P. M. (1 P. AJ. fl P. M. .. 12 mldnlght. *?'_ Averago .M1!"3 Highest temperature yesterday.CS Lowest temperaturn yc-l-i.lny. ? Mean temperature yestol'duy.. oi Normal tcnuioraturc for Mnrch........ n Dennrturn from normal temperature. 0. Preclpltntlon during Ptt-t 24 hours.... W MI_.iXTt.-iB ALMANAC. Mnrch 2C, 190_. Bun rl-M.????>?' I TI1G11T1DE. . nn MtH.BJ2C Mornng.2.53 Moon ilse.....i:~S | Evenlng.<l.1"> RICHMOND. Mann llquor blll to bc voted upon to flaj'i an attempt to amend lho measure pehdliig-Tax removed from boardlng. Iioiise keepcTH-Blll to prevent H.-rvniitB uway paaaed?Thrilling escupe of Or. It. II. I'itt. und Father Donovan-? Flno dlscourae <m the- klnilergarlei. by Mlss Blow?Woll Ictiown mliil.ter wods -Petltlon tn prevent freight tralna from riumiiig on the Sabbath?t.rlllluiit -ceno at .tlm Confederate bazaar lnst nlgh-? riearwater wlns tlie pool tonrnunient? Kliitirt As-oclutlon to ask the elty to re deem Its pledgo-Baptist cdltors vlalt "Mrs, Jefferson Davls-Dr. W. XV. L~n fl rum Inucli lmproved-Blg bread plant to be. erocted here-Freshet ln the river nl mos't ut''an entl-Bills of importanco to l!i" milllnry offered In Ihe Senate-Clp nr-diii.n tn the bo-IiooI HUpbt'lnlerirtent blll '?!".<m.-iius -ir Mr. Willlam lf. Culllng wbttll lliterred in Shoekoe Cemetery-? llnwIt-eiH lo hblfl un . l.ctlnn-Osteopath blll noslponei. iniill to-nlght-Young cirl wlm shot h.r.air linprovlng?Committee appointed to conrlder the ..dvlsabillty of reduelng the sl.e <>f tho Councll?-Rich? mond team dofeat.d by I'hlladelphlus? Vehlelo A-soflutlou to ineet ln Richmond ?Elk. Oloot- offieers. MANCHESTER -Those lnjured In yesterday's wreck rentlng well-F_11.~' Lodge to be Instl tuted to-day-lllii-.s of Arr. Rowcn Mrs. Bradley lo glve an entertainment Pliie meeiliig ln progress at the Baptist Church. VIRGINIA. C. II- ltohliiHon. negro police Justlce nf Rloodlletd, Ih not allowed to practlce ln Nowport 'Newsi Police Court-*Jegro falallv stahbc.i near Bristol-Locnl op? tion -lecltons lu Vork county-Senator Ople Is ont agaln-Klng Ooorgo road~ badly wn.hed und county swopt by a (?Wigne-Trial of uegrn woman at Ablng rion for murder r.f Roanoke druinmer?? Judge Waddlll to glve oplnlon In ScUmoele land award case lu Norfolk to-day-? Blackstono .tlrred over approachlng II ,en?e or no llcen.e election?County brldge- wnshed away ln Powhatan and mlll-dams broken-?Chase Clty ? mlnoral water and now hotel growlng in popu jnrltv-VVoodberry Forest defeats Bt. Al l.liiis"- to 2-llpnry Plntcr. chtirged wlth iho, murder of hls .son, l~ rclensed -ln Slaunlon?New national bank nt Manaja.; K_!(?siltmtioii in Farmvllle ls unsettl.d, . no dlupcii-ary yet niul the town dry Kidnnppers Hned ln Tiucwell-Peters lmrg's Cliamber of' Commerce nnd Ita Kood work?OoiUerence as to coal-carry Inf facllitips nt Roanoke-Klng .\ llllam inns.-meetlng endorse.. Mann blll aud urges county supei-vlsori. to approprlato 5300 for a Confederate monument. Alar rlages-Bev. James 11. Benderllte and iAIIbs Nellle Crow In Norroik: Willlam Smlth and Mlsa Ta.ssle McMorrow In nrniigo; R. A. Stuart nnd Mlsa Mary Jones lu Stafford: Jullu. W.hlte and MI-s .Inlla DodHon In Northampton: Rev. Ern est Stcvons and Mlss Ellzahelh Nolail Snead In Nelson: E. N. Newman and Allss Marv Augusta Aloon in I.yiichliurg. j.fuihs-All.-s Ruth M. Pntton In Staf? ford! Judge Joseph B. Prlnce in South Bmpton: Mr~. Allle Petern Rlche.-on S' Amherst; Edward H. Ulffcndcrfer. \\m Balllnger In Loudoun; Alrs. D. D. Routli ln Petersburg. -NORTH CAROLINA. A number of charter- granted at Ralelgh yestorday?-Doyernor Aycock. Superlntendent Joyner aml Dr. Molvor plnn a campaign of educatlon lu North Carollna thls summer-i.ev. Jasper C. Masslo, of Maiislleld. 0.. haa been called to lhe Taberiinclo Baptlst (..hurc.h nt Ralelgh-Trinity College defeats Lafay ntto at Durham 6 to .".-Kederation of Worniin'n Clubs will glve cntortalnmenta In several citles to rnlso funds for tno Ralelgh monument-Oeneral J. S. Carr wlll bo the orator at the ATemorlal Da.\ exercl.ies at Greensboro Aluy 10th. GENERAL. Oonernl Slr Hestdr Alncdonnld, rather ,than faco a court-murlial, siioots himaelf through ihe ?rnln Iu a Paris hotel-Irlsh land 1.111 introduced 111 Brltlsh Houso of Commons and la favorab y recelved? Rurdlck's good name Is defended bs n fr lend wltli whom he talked o'hia trouh? Rhnrtlv before hls death-Stock prices brolVc'slmrply and closed at tho lowest of in"\\Dy?.'Presldent of lhe Now Vork Contral rofuses to conflrm or clonj the fumoi-H nbout comblne wlth the Pennsyl vanuZ-rrc.oHury In mnrk-t for purchaso -if sl vor bulllo.i to coln lnto money for tho Fll Plnos-Two fnvorites and two heavlly 'backed second ^\^,^Zn.e Rennlngs-New York Stock Exoj ange soon to move into tlne new bulldliiB-?? Presldent Castro wlthdrawH ih s rcsigna tlon und resenls charge that hls tender 1ng It was a furcc, ns such he snld would ho Imposslblo lu one who.o heart i\us warmed by heat of groat Ideals?-Cablo may be used to oxchaiH'c r~tlllcatlon or Cuban treaty if it ls approved In tlmo-? J-urllier onforclng of tho clvll sorvlco rules embraces most all posltlons-Dr. Ab bltt's color bllndiicss pi'OVOlltod hlm from becoming an army surgeon-PennKylva nla Rallway wlll snond seventy milllous jn lmprovement.--River ls falllng at A.omphis and crltlcal Hltuatlon ls passed ?Rogular army officor to lio dotalled to mako nn Inspeotlon of Vlrglnla mllltla boforo tho uow rldes aro Issued to thom _Crazy Vlrglnlan goes to the White JToiiEO to soo Alr. AIoKlnley, hls soi?, or nny of tho AIcKlnleys. SENATOR HANNA HAS NEWS OF ILL DAUGHTER (Br AsMi.lntsil Pr,~s,"i CLEVELAND, OlllT), Maroh CB.?Sena? tor Hanna recelved a tolegram from Thomnavllle, Ga.. to-dny stutlng tliat tho condltion nt hls daughtor, Ruth, wns sllghtly lmproved, her tnmpornturo bolng somowhat lower than yeatorilay, "SVlille thore was doubt ln tho mlnd.. of lior physlclaiiH at flrst aa Io tho exaot na turo of hor Illness, they havo now posl? tlvely dlagnosed the caso aa typhoid fe? ver. STOCK EXCHANGE TO GO INTO NEW QUARTERS (By ,Vs8oelat-d Preti.) NEW YORK, March 26,?Tlie membera ' of the Btoc~ E-xchange wlll take posses eloii of thelr new bullfllng Aprll 22d. The day wlll be glven over to formal exer? cises. conslstlng chlefly of speech-mnl.lpg. nnd buelnca- wlll bo Buspenaed untll the followlng dny. Ropreseptatlves of tho other local ex-haug-!, and from out-of town Instltutlons hiwe been Invlted to p_r..lclp_te. THEYHUNG - JUST OVER PRECIPICE The Peril of Dr. Pittand Father Donovan. THE TRAIN RAN INTO A LANDSLIDE Accident Occurred Whlle the Passengers Slept. PULLMAN car poised OVER A DEEP GULF An Accldenl That Could Not Have Been Foroseen or Avolded, in Whieh Two Men Were Killed?Dr. Pltt Gives n Graphic Account of Ihe Occurrence. Two feet, probably less, was all thnt on Monday morning last dlvlded a vall toad coach, ln whlch, among other pns Kengers, were tlie Rev. R, H. Pltt, D. D., of thls clty und the Rov. Puther Dono? van, formerly of thls place, from tlio brow of a preclplce whlch fell sheer .tvonty feet to a stream of v/utor be? low, * It was on the sldo of a mountaln ln Georgia that the thing baponed, und tlie cause for lt wus a lundalldo On tho Houth ern road. whlcb wrecked a train und killed two men. Tho two mlnlsters, the only'ir. for Rlohmond. woro ln the sloopar to gether, nnd thelr danger was for the moment uppalllng. It soemed almost a mlracle that the entire strlng of curs was not tlung wlldly off tho mountaln slde and the people wlthln carrled to a horlble denth. The eseapo was ntirow, but Dr. Pltt ls how baok tn town -cafo and happy.. ? ... . ." AVAS CO-IING 'j-iOMlE. * AVheii he left AUunta. Sunday about mldnlght, Dr. Pltt was maklng ida wny home after a vlslt to Blloxl, Mlss,, whoro he had attended tho annual mootltuj of the' Southern Baptist Pross Associatlon. He nnd .hls closo friend, Dr. AV. AV. L.tvn drum, wlth whom ho was sta,ylng ln Atlunta. wont to tho atatlon'togethor nnd took tralns ln the opposlto dlroctlon. Dr. Liindrum was golng further South for hls health; Dr. Pltt wus uomlng, or In tended to come, stralght to Richmond. Untll the train pnssed Mt. Airy, prob? ably the hlghest point on the llno, ull went smoothly and well. But than tho trouble cume. About 0:'J5 o'clock In the morning, while those ln the rullm-.n .".ars were sluinborlng peu'eefully, u attd den shock went through the train nnd nwnkened tho sleepers, startled and won derlng. A rapid serlos of heavy lolts followed, and then tho train c.imo to a slnndstill. It was obvlous to all by thls tlmo that there was a wrock of some sort, and soon tho worst fenrs of the pas ! sengors were conllrmed. A porter camo running by nnd gave out tho news tlmt tho englno had turned ovor and caught tho onglncer and flremnn undor lt, nnd that Bovornl cars wero smushed or tle rnllcd. OAITD A PREC1PTCE. As soon as Dr. Pltt could get an aut sldo vlow of the situatlon ho saw what made hlm shudder at tho danger In whloh ho nnd the other passengers wero placed. Bofore him was tho wrock. Tho Pullnian was not thrown off tho track, as luck woulrl havo It, but It stood on tho edgo of the, mountnln sldo, hanglng over a preclplco whlch dropped sheer TO BUILD GREAT BREAD PLANT HERE Phlladelphia Syndicate to Be? gln Buslness In Thls Clty. Mossrs. Ferdlnand Rlock und Georgo J. Sohelfcln, of Phllndolplila, who clalm to ropresent a $500,000 bakery syndicate of New York nnd Phlladelphia. uro ln Rich? mond, having arrlved yosterday. lt Is thelr nvowod purpose of iicqulring ovory bakery ln tbe clty of Hlchinond, or start nn opposltlon buslness of such mam moth proportlons tlmt thu Hmaller fol? lows wlll eventually bo driven out. In thls ovent bread will soll for four cents a loaf, they say, Tho gontlomen lnformo.1 a reprosonta tlvo of Tho Tlinns-Dlsimtoh lnst nlght thnt, regardless of tho outcomo of nego tlatlons between. them and tho locnl bakers, the syndicate wlll bogln the erec? tlon In tho near future of an Ininien.o flve-story plant. Tho dlmonslons wlll bo (10 by 210 feet, nnd It wlll bo located on a rallroad, AVlth the Idea In view of locatlng ln Rlohmond, tho gontlemen havo ongagi-d tho servlces of two renl erUutfl flrms, nnd they are now In search of a slte sultnble for tho plant. FIRESWllLGcToiPF F0R LACK OF CARS (Br Ai?ocliitsrt t'reM.) THURMOND, W. ArA? March 25.--OW Ing to a frelght copgestlon It ls roported to-day that flres wlll bo put oiit ln 3,000 or moro coko ovens ln thn Now Riyor fleld, ns lt Is linposslblo to securo cnrs for traneportatloii of prgrly.ctii, feot, moro or Jess, to a felfenili of water b.ilow, A llttlo henvlor shoek and ovor the entlro (raln wouid havo gono, According to Dr. Pltt, tho cause of the uculdont wus a lundstlde, caused by ralns. A truck wrtlkor had Just pnssed by tho point Whtiil tho slltli! ououffot), but ho dldn't have tlmo to wum tho train, whlch was even Ihcti .ipproachlng over tho brow of the hlll. lt scerns that lho up 'rJroaqh' of the train of Itself gnvo the last sllght Jar needed to tuinble tho dlrt down, nnd hut a moment or Iwu after It fell the englno plotlghed lnto It. Tho englnoi-r aud llrein.ui. who wero caught undor tho etis'lna and scalded by hot sotatn und wator from tlio brokon boller, wero tttken back to Toccoa, whero they both dled. The puHsengi-r* went btlok to Mt. Airy, whore for llfteon hours thev stayed tho, guests of the road on Whl'ch tho wreck occurred. I hen they set out agaln, After n flve-hour delay ln Danville, Dr, Pltt reached homo at 9 o'clock Tuesday nlght. much tlio'worso ror wear. out wlth no bones broken. FATIIBR DONOVAN TIERI,. ln the samo car wlth Dr, Plt wus tha Hev. Pather Donovun, formerly of St, Joseph's Cathollc Church, of thls clty Tho two struck'itp an acqualntance and carnc to Richmond togother. Fnthci-Don ovan ls now stntloned at Montgomery, Ala.' He Is In Richmond on a visit. BFG SCHOONER SUNK I1M COLLISION AT SEA (Br Ar-soelAted I'rei".) VINBYAItD HAVBN, MASS., March 25. Tho loss or tho hlg schooner Mary Morso, bound for Now York, wlth lumbor, as a? of a collision wlth the PhUadel phla ahd Boston steamor Parthlan, avbs Lignalled lo tho tug Storm King by tho Parthlan as Jt passed the Vlneyard to day. The Parthlan had on board the crew of tho schoonor and the slgnals lndlcatet. that the collision occurred off Egg Hur bor, N. J? nt 0 o'clock yestorday morn "rhe Parthlan sustalned injurles to her stem and was leaklng, but hor dama..e was not seriouBi PRAISE FOR GEN. WOOD Complimentary Order Issued by War Department. GOING TO PHILIPPINES HeWill Assume Command of the Mlll* . tary Department of Mindanao?Will Study Other Colonles On tho Way Over. <By' 3?oii.ted Presi.) . WASHINGTON, D. C, Maroh 25.? Brlgodlor-aenernl Wood left here to-day for Boston, whonce he sails In a day or two for tho Phlllpplnes, to asaumo com? mand of tha milltary department of Mln danuq. Colncldont wlth lils departure from tho clty, Seerotary Root to-day Is? sued the followlng order; "By dlrectlon of the President, Briga dler-Goneral Loonard Wood, U. S, A., having flled tho roport. whlch completes hls servlces as milltary Kovornor of Cuba and as commander of the milltary forces stntloned In that Island from December, 1S99, to the close of Amerlcan ocoupa tlon, Is relleved from further duty ln con nectlon wlth the affalrs of the former milltary government of Cuba. "The admlnlstratlon of General Wood, both as milltary commander of the dlvls? lon and Copartment of Cuba, and us mil? ltary governor, was hlghly credltable. The civll government was managed wlth an eye slnglo to the benefit of the Cuban people under tho supervlslon and control of tho milltary governor;'tho Cuban peo? ple themselves had an opportunity to car? ry on tholr own government to a constant ly lncreaslng- degreo. so that whon Cuba nssumod hor Indopondence sho started with tho bost possible chance ? of suc coss, "Out of an ulterly prostrato colony a freo republic was bullt up, Tho now natlon started undor moro favornble oon .11 llons thnn Iuik ever beforo boen tho enso ln nny slngle Instanco nmong her fellow Spanlsh-Amerlcan ropttbllcs, Tho record stands alono in hlstory and tho l.enoflt conforred thoroby upon tho poo? pie of Cuba wus no greater than the hon? or conforrod upon tho poopie of the United tSatoa, "Tho Wttr Dopnrtmont, by dlrectlon of tho Presldont, tlinnks General AVood nnd tho offlclals, civll and milltary, serving under hlm, upon tho complotlon ot a work no dlfflcult, so lmportant nnd so well dono." ? Kn rotito to tho Far Kast Goneral AVood wlll vlslt J.gypt. Slngiiporo, tho Strults Sottlement, Butiivlu, .Iiiva nnd posslbly othor polnts, under dlrectlon from tho AVar Department. whoro obsorvntlons wlll be mado tts to tho methods of othor pow? ers In tho omploymont of natlvo forces lu tholr colonlal possesslons, especlally wlth reforenco to tho mannor nnd ex? tent of tlio utlMviiitlon of natlves as sep arnlo organlzutlons nnd In conjunctlon wlth the rogulnrs. LIQUOR DEALERS TO MAKE PROTEST Finance Commlttee to Hold ari Open Meeting Monday Nlght. Tho Finance Commlttee, of tho City Councll hns iirrnngHd to lmvo nn moetlng Monday nlght, whon the llquor dealors und any othor porsons who havo fiin11 to Hnd with the IIcouho rate, as llxcd by them, wlll bo glvon an oppor? tunity of bolng lieiird, Au offort wlll be nia.lQ tn pluca eaoh saloon lu tlio olnss lu whlch It belungs, according to tho tirnom.t of huslnoss dono. WILLBECONSUL-GEN'L AT HAVANA. CUBA. JBv AMoelnten I'l'M-.) ? ? , ., WASHINGTON, Maroh 25.?Frnnk M. Stelnhart ls to be nppolnted UomiuJ, Gonoral at Havana, succoedlng AVIUInm A. Rublee, who wlll be appoUitoil Con oul-Genoriil nt Vietinu, Mr, Stolnhnrt iri a resldent of Illlnols, IIo Is now agent of tho War Departmeiili in Cub* BURDICK IS WARMLY DEFENDED _____ Friend Who Knew Him Well Tells His Troubles DEFENDS HIS NAME FROM EVIL REPORTS Vlctlm Had Long Gonversatlon With Hlm Before Tragedy* WANTED TO PROTECT FRIENDS AND CHILDREN Declared Evldence Agalnst Hlm Was False and That He Held Up Dlvorco ProceedingB Iri Order to Spare Friends Whom He Liked from Disagreeable Notoriety, -. (By Afisoclat-il t'ro?i. | INDIANAPOUS, IND., March 25.?E. T. Burdick, the murderod Iiuffalo manu facturer, conildcd hls troubles to Hor bert H. Rice, a buslness man ln thls olty, only a fow weoks boforo Mr. Bur dlck's doath. Mr. Burdick and Mr. Rice were personal friends. The former mado frequent buslness trlps to Indlanapolls.t Hls last vlslt wfls on January 2rith, when he called on Mr. Rlco, Ho appeared troubled and he took tho opportunity to unbosom hlmself to Mr. Rice. "He led me to u qulot corner ln the factory," sald Slr, Klce, "and began telllng me hls troubles, prcfaclng hla re marks by saylng- that he dld not know why he should tell them to me, but 1 was so far from Buffj-lo that It wouid be all rlght. He talked of hls wife and Pennell's attentlons to. her. He sald Pennell and his wlfe wont to Buffalo and were taken into soclety und the ac? qualntance of hls-wlfe and hlmself wlth the Pennells soon rlpened lnto frlend shlp. The families were together a great deal. They pbi_Vd' golf. attended dances and the Peimellt. had th.-freedom of the Burdick horrie.'' He sald Pennell -was a brllllant chap soclally, and that ho admlred hlm, and know that hls wlfe admlred hlm also. Ho sald Pennell aud Mrs. Burdick seemed to enjoy each other's compuny partlcu? larly, but that he had had no susplclon* at hrst. "Burdick sald that he afterwards learned that Pennell and Mrs. Burdick were having clandestlne meotlngs, He dld not state tho source of his liiformu tlon, but he sald he confronted both with tho accusutlon und both confossed to having lmproper relatlons, "On the promise of Pennell to leave Buffalo and tho promise of hia wlfe not to meot Pennell ngaln, Burdick suid he ngreed not to tnke uny action ln the matter. Nelther promise was kept, he sald, as Pennoll remalned In Buffalo and Mrs, Burdick soon was meeting hlm agaln. THREATENED TO SUB. "AVhen Burdick learned of the matter he threatened to brlng suit for divorce. Agaln they ploaded wlth hlm, he sald, and on the solemn renewal of tho prom Ises ho let tho matter rest onco moro. Notwllhstandlng those promlses Ponnell stayed ln Bufi'alo and continued to meet Mrs. Burdick. "Mr. Burdick snld ho found a sllp of paper contalnlng n llst of meotlng places and dates, mado out In clpher. On thls paper was one address an.l dato Burdick thought he ileciphored correclly, lio went to thls address nnd found Mrs, Bur? dick and Ponnell togother. AA'ith thls ovldenco ho determlned lo obtnln a dl? vorco, ho Bald. "Burdick held .*. conferenco wlth Pen fContlnued on Seventh Pngo.) ,l NO DECISION ON OSTEOPATH BILL The Matter is to Be Taken Up Agaln at 8 o'Clock To-Night. Tho Gonoral Uu ws Commlttee, of tho Houso hold ti long sossion yestorday afternoon nnd consldered the blll offered by Senator Harvoy, of Putrlck. to re qulro osteopuths, Chrlstlan scleiitlsts aud all heulers to stand tho regular medlcal oxiimlnutlon, und passed It by untll to nlght nt 8 o'clock. Tho ooniniittoe at temptod to hold anothor mootlng last nlght, but falled of u quorum, only Messrs. Lasslter, Wallaco, Cuinniiiig aud C, C. Bakor bolng presont. lt ls but u renewal of tho long and woury struggie had over tho measure ln tho Sonttto, und H largo numbor of tho frlonds aud oppononts of tho mousuro wero nu hand to l.o hoard. Messrs; TvimvIoss und Joffl'ies wero present ns counsel for tho Chilstltin sclontlsts, and they put on sovoral wltnesses t.nd rend a number of let tem ngiiliist tho hlll. Drs. George Ben Johnston uiul Wllllam H. Gordon woro present tn pross tho mea? sure, and woro to have spoltou for lt iast nlght, except for tho fullura of tho commlttoo ln litivpj <i (luoruni. Whuu tlio piutter comes up SB'*11'. lo-nlglil n lurgo number of Intere.tad partles nro ex? pected to bo on hand. TORONTO OPERA HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE (jjr Awoclatafl Proai.) TORONTO ONT? Mnrch 26,-rTho To ronto Onern Ilmiso wiih burned 10-day, Th* estinlnted loss ls *lM,ono. Tho ?.'?# ls sunpqsud to havo orlglnatod from trlo wires ln the bo* offlco. MACDONALD CHOSE DEATH OENERAL SIR HECTOR MACDONALD. FUNDS FOR THE TROOPS Bllls Offered in Senate by Mr. Anderson Yesterday. MONEY IS APPROPRIATED Matter of.Courts-rVlar.tlal-rr-.Riflo Ranges ,for Practlce?Pay for Volun teere When They Are Called Out. Senator Anderaon iprosonted two bllls in tho Sonute yesterday rolatlng to the Vlrglnla volunteors, Tho llrst amends llio court-martlul law no as-to permlt ofil? cers to recelve such eoi.imutation for quarters and rutlons as mny be allowed by tho Goverrtor, and makes clear that they are to recelve pay whlle golng to and returning from the place where the oourt ls ordered to assemble. The uecond npproprlates money for the malntenance and Instruetlon of the >rolu_i teers, and, for thelr malntenance and pay when called out In ald of the clvll au? thorltles. . It wlll be remembered that the Con? stltutlon ctits off nll coutlnulng appro? prlatlons. and therefore deprlvea tho vol unteers of all support. The Anderson blll approprlates $25,000 for the purposes In? dlcated, whlch Is to bo known ns tho , milltary fund. lt aulhorlzes lhe milltary board to u_ cept the glft or grunt or to contract for tho uso of stiltahle camp grounds for the nnnual encamipmvnt of lhe voluntoers or suoh part thereof as tho funds malto posslble,. Tho blll requlres tho Governor to pre sarlbo suoh rules. aud rogulations to gov ern tlio cnmp as wlll Insure ns far as posslble inatructlon ln all the dutles of a soldler In cainp'or In tho fleld, nnd re? qulres tho milltary board to ptwlde sult ablo rlflo ranges for the Instruetlon of the voiunteera ln 'the acpurate u_e of thelr woapons. Tho blll approprlates $10,000, or so much thereof as may be neceaaary, for the pay nnd mulhtoiuuujo nf the troops whon enlk-d out ln llines of rlot, tiimult, breacli of thu pcuoo and lu ald of' tho clvll Au thorllles. ORCHARD SINKS FIFTEEN FEET An Acre of Land on the Po tomac's Shore Goes Down With Terriflc Nolse. (.Hp-i'lul tu Tlio Tliucd-Dlstiiitcli.) Jll.AT.LSVlLL-1, VA., Mnrch ,5,-A groat deal of alarm was oiiuaoi. by tho sinklng of tho peach orchurd nr Alr. Cinr rett Pungan, sltuated near tho shoro of tlie Potomao River, nt Lodgo, N'nrthum liorlnnd county. recently. The orchard covored nbout an acro or" land, aud when It siinl. a terrlllu riimbllng aud louilng polse could bn heard. l'or soveral nilh' around. Although tho orchard ls about flfteen feot below tho level of the sur roundlng ground, lt ls scurcoly dnmaged, an nono, or at least very fow, of the trees were uprootod. Mr. Pungaii ovjiecfsi io gllt her a crop of frult from tho irees i|il s . eason, No renvonitl.le cause l? advanced | for the sudden sinklng of llio liindV Alr. j Dungnn's dwelllng Is sltualcd only a fuw I ?yardu from tho orrv'iard, ,'( Idpl of British, Army Shoots Hlmself Rather Than Face Charges Agalnst Him. (JJj* Aisoclotod Pro.o.) PAMS, March 25.?Mnjor-Genoral Slr Ilector Macdonuld, commandlng tho Brlt? lsh forcos In'.Ceylon, and one of the fore most bnicors'ln tho Brltlsh army, agalnst whom charges, basod on lmmoral acts, wero flled somo tlmo ago, commlttod sulclde to-day at tho Hotol Reglna here. Ho shot hlmself ln the rlght temple shortly after noon, and explred a fow mlnutes later, The Goneral was alone ln hls small chamber on the mozzanlne floor of the hotel at the tlmo of tho tragedy. One of the female uttandants heard the plstol shot, apd openlng tho door, saw tha General's llgure stretohed out 'on the (loor wlth tho blood gushlng from fi bullet wound ln tho hon'd. Sho ran screamltig to tho balcony overlooklng tho lobby. of the hotel whore many guosts, Includlng a number of ladles, were ns sombled. Tlio proprtetor of the hotol ivns the llrst to reach the oxplrlug man. Tho commlssary of pollce was notlfled, nnd uccompanied by a doctor, proceeded to u prellmlnary lnvostlgatlon. Two notos, wrltt.n ln Engllsh, woro found lylng on u tabla ln hls. room, nnd thoso wero taken possesslon of by the nuthorltlos, but lt ls said tholr con ten ts have no bear lug on flTe sulclde, ln the Genoral's coat lylng on the bed wore found somo photogruphs. Tho Brltlsh Ambassador nnd constil lvere no tltled nnd Consul-G.nerul Ingalls vislted tho hotel and took chargo ot tho body. COCUDN'T BEAR DISGRACB. Slr Heetor Mucdoniild arrlved in Paris lnst Prlday ovonlng from London on hls wny back to Ceylon. whero lt wns un? derstood that an Immcdlata court-martlal wouid bo hold to clear up tho chargos mndo agalnst' him. Ou reachlng tho hotol nt 11 o'clock at nlght ha wns told that only a small and liulifforont room was ni-iillable, He replled that thut was qulto mifiietcnt, Ho was not nccompanlod by nny ulde-de-camp or n valet, Ho sald he'only lirtonded to stuy a dny or two lu Parls, Lllllo was soen of hlm after hls nr? rlval. Ho was, howovor, In tho lobby thls morning about noon, und lt ls be? lieved that a nowspaper prlntod In Eng? llsh. contalnlng n rosumo of thn gravo (Continued on Second Pago.) VANDERBILT SAYS WILL BE NO CHANGE No Truth in Statement That New York Central Passed lnto Other Hands. (By l*rc?0 PARIS, March '_5.-AV. K. Vunderbllt, lu reyiy to an lnqulry to-night, handod tho followlng stutement to the Asso cluted Press ropreseiitiltlve: "Thore ls no truth lu tho stutement that tho New York Contral has pussed lnto other hands, Tho prosant dlroa tors uct ln hnrinony wlth the other. No clmngoH uro contemplated, and I Know of no ono of thoin who wlshos to tililrk hl* responslblllty, (Slgned), "W. K. A'ANDER^BIUT. 1NDIGNANTLY DENY THAT THERE IS "FIX1NG" SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Mureh 83, A report having beon rccoh'ed frotn Mil* wuukeo tlmt tho ('orhott-MoGovern light, whlch ls schoduloil to tnke place ln thls clty noxt Tuesday evenlng, had been. "flxed" for Corbett to wln In the sev? enth round, both tho nglitorsjlnillgnantly deny thut thoro hns beeu nny ngroo ment whatever between tlieni, oxccpt Ihnt tl.ey nre tn Ught for the eh.iinploii shlp nnd lo Uo thelr best, germaITnaval attag h e will oversee docking AVASHINGTON, D, C, March 25.?Coni mi.iuler Irwln Sclieyer, naval nttacho of tho Germitn onibiissy hore, hns boen 0|. flcrod io Newport News, \'a., to tirrauge for liio docklng of the German wnnshlp Gnuelle, whlch wlll urrlve there ln a few duya from A'enesuelun .waters, TO VOTE ON MANN BILL TO-DAY - Brilliant Argument Was. Heard Yesterday. THE PATRON OF THE ACT SPEAKS Fight for the Other Slde Lee by Mr. Anderson. BOARDING HOUSES ARE EXEMPTED. Will Have to Pay No Llcense Tax to tha State? Effort to Place Lawyers On An Equal Footlng Wllh Doctors Slgnally Failed. Than- waa a great (Ight ln the Sta?a ~ Senato yosterday for the rovonuo blll. In the flrst place, the Mann aet as tflC } taxlng llquor dealers and up to tho meth>' od by whloh llcense shall be granted wa#i dlacussed, but a voto not reachod. Judga. Mann made a strong speech, lt mlght ba sald a brilliant argument, for tho toaW. tures of tho blll that havo beon embrace-l? In the tax measure. Ho met hls matehli. In Senator Anderaon, of Richmond, whty' while agroelng wlth Judgo Mann as t'c*.; the,good that would result from tho car-. i rylng out, of the Judge's Ideas, contendetlj; that tlho Nottowny, Senator waa procecd*I Ing along tho wrong llnes. Mr. Anderson's contentlon was that th* Alnnn blll wouJd tako away from the-peo? plo the rlght to say whethor or not llquop. should be sold, nnd to place tbls powor. ln the hands ot a judge. He argued that. thlB was undomocratic and ugalnat tha!?. popular rlghts of the people. Judge Mann sought to : convlnce tha... mlnda oC ihe Senators that tha people; who seelc .to sell llquor be mada/.' to bear the. burden ot' aecurlng the 11-; oenae. -. ' ? -i . AG-AlNST ALli SALOONS. . *': Judge Mann made hls posttUnvpIaln. - Hav* Indlcated that.hb ls a prohlbltldnlst out- . rlght, and step by stop ho wlll, If he can, _ break up tho sale of llquor ln Virginla;:: Ho did not come outrlght und say thls.;. but he edged up to lt so closoly that no.. one could fnll to understand hls posltion.. Tho Sonate gave tho entire dny to tha\ consideration of the. revenue blll. It -?-.? about 4 o'clock in the-afternoon when tha ; features of tho "Mann blll,. tho,:; the tax measure, wero reached. Nearlyl. ? all the spneo resorved for visltors waa ; oecupled. Tliero wns a perfect jum be- , hlnd the ralllngs. Peoplo in tho gallery, craned tholr necks and pooped down aa . 1C looklng for Fred Opper's Juggornnut to"., run ovor Oaston and Alphonso and Leon,"" whon Clerk Button'read tho "sub-head,"1 "Llquor Llconse," Judge Mann moved over to the slde ot; Senator Wlckham, who Ihas been leading) tho llght for tho rovonue blll. The Judga ovidently felt the responsiblllty.upon him. Strnngors nskod that Judgo Mann" ba pointed out to them. They saw a gen- . tleinan wlth grny moustacho and gray, chln beard-a man of most plcasing ap- -. penranco, a typo oC the ideal Vlrglnla) gentlomnn. and not such a person ns hl_l onemles havo plotured, AMENDMENT OFFERBD. Tho readlng of thls featur. of the blll had not proceeded far before mon begaa to lnquiro of each other "iil tho Jlg up9" The long, tail, .trlklng tlgure of Ben* ' ator Andorson Btood up. and he startoc.? a ball to rolllng. that kept on rolllng and wlll roll on thls mornlng. Ho offered thl~ vory Important amendmont: "But In thoso countles, cltlos, towns nnd mnglsterial distriets of thls State. ln whlch an eloctlon haa been held for such county, clty, town or mng? lsterial distrlct, nt whlch n majorlty of tho qualified votors votlng shall vote In favor of the Mann llquor lloen-P law, whlch election shall bo called und hold In nccordanco with tho provisions of ohnptor twonty of. tho Code of Vlr? glnla, excopt that the ballols Bhall he marked 'For tho Arann llquor llcense low,' nnd. 'AgaHTst the Mann llquor llcense law,' llcenses to samplo llquor merchants shall bo granted ns foi. To those who havo read the bill, .nr* nenrly everybody has dono so, thls clause would come ln In llno twenty-flve ot pago throo. In othor words, to reflucn 1 lt. to plain Engllsh. Alr. Anderson want*. . the people thomsolve. to say whether op ;.. not they ivant the Mann blll. The Mann blll providon thut befoi* grnnting a llcenso? "It shall further plalnly appear to tlie siitlsfnetion of a court that n majorlty of tho qualified voters ot tho distrlct or town In whloh the prlvl? lege ts soiigh'. to be exerclsed nre. In favor of tha appllcatlon." Alr. Anderson movnd to amend aftor tha i word court so as to road? "lt slmll further plalnly appoar to the Kiitlsfuctlon of tho court by a statement slgned by them, whlch, how over, may bo onntroverted by any per Hon opposed to grautlng tho llcense, that a majorlty of tho qualified voters of thn distrlct or town lu whloh lhe prlvllege is sought t<? bo .xerolsed are in favor of tho npplloation." Alr. Andcrson sald hls object wns to glvo the Judgo somn lest or means of Uecidlng whether or not the mujority of tho qualified voters did or did not t'avor thn llcense. He thought If one elootlon oould not be gotteu for the peo? ple tho noxt bost thlng wa.s lo luve n petitlon. Mr. Anderson also moved to striko out tho requlrement ilial it should plalnly ap? pear to tho satlsfaction of the court "that tho sole of nrdent splrits at that wlll not bo -ontrary to sound publlo pol? lcy or injuiioiis to thn inorals or ma'.-ri. | Interest of tho comnHUilvy." He argued that tho town sound publlo ppllcy wns not deflnlto. and that i~~ decision of tho Judg" must turn upon hls prlvate porsonal v'.u'-v of the llquor questlon. So uho he iii-fcd lt would be in re. ,