Newspaper Page Text
PRICES GO DOWNWARD Unsteady. Stand Made During Early Hoiirsof Dealing. N. Y. CENTRAL AND PA. These Were the Only Stoeks that Showed Any Strongth-Prlcos Broke Sharply and Closed nt Lowest of Day?Bear Leaders Up. (II** Asimclnto. l*ro??.) NEW YORK. Mnrch 2S.-Tho etoc.t mnr? ket mado an unsteady stand ngalnst re acUon for a tlmo to-day, but beforo tho closlng dlscouragement hud apparont y overcomo tho spoculallvo mlnd ngaln and prlcos broko sharply to tho lowest of the dny. There woro lndlcations of an organlsod bear lcadershlp on tho decllno. Early reslstaace to reoction was sustaln? ed Drlnclpallv by Pennsylvania nnd Now 1-ork Centraj; No oUier cause was appar ent for tbJs but Uio publlcatlon ot re v"4d asserUons that the control.of New York Central waa vlrtunJly lodged n tho hands friendly to tho Pe-msylvanltuln torcst. Thls asserUon was met wlth 01TI c__i donlals of varylng emphasis, - but, r^orthd-sl. tho prlco of U.eso two ,stoeks roso about a po nt over last nignt. inis wSi? aXter tho pressuro of tho I?ndon spninsr was ovor for tho day. _ 8 Th^persfstent wcakness sof U'o London mnrkot ls having a strong sympatheUc effect here. and tbo lato upward roactlon ln Brltlsh coiisols wna consldered surtaK factor. but thls wns not untll tho S had broken to 00 earller In tho day. As many Brltlsh flnanolal transocUons ]_? basod upon a theoretlea mlnlmum on consols of 90V thiB had considoruble effect on tho Engllsh monoy market. Wlth tho rcnowed demand from the. in tcrior for curitmoyand tho continued draln to the sub-Treasinr. thls ls tho dotninant fact whlch confronts tho flniui . clal world. Tho declslon of tho gwnsyU vanla directors to Issue about fS3,000,(HW of new stock at onco at *G0 *.er share waa the occaslon of a lato drlv. ngalnst tho market- Tho provlslon for paymont ln threo installmejits, running from Juno ' 16th over to October ?6th, did not soem to alleviate the uueaslness caused by tno rrospect of thls heavy requiremont upon the money markot. Tho rathor sovero Uquidalion ln Amnlgtunjited Copper wna another unsetUing influence. An lncldcnt of tho dav was tho selllng on tho curb of United States Steel S's at 80X. whlch waa on a parity with Uio low prlco of tho day of the low stock on tho exchange. Total salos of bonds, par vuluo, $2,120, 000. United States 3's, reglstered, nnd new 4"s, coupon, advanced y, por cont., and the old coupons.and tho now 4 s, reg? lstered, advanced i_ per* cent. on tho last call ? \ ? Tho total sales of atocks for tho day were 498,900' shares. MONEY AND EXCHANGE?CLOSE: Monoy on call stendy at 6(JTC per cont.; closlng. 5Vj per cent.; tlmo monoy, stoady; 'slxty .days. 6?sy_/per cont; nlnety dnys, By. per cent; six months, 5W>& por cent., prlmo morcantile paper. S^ifflC por cont. Sterllng exchange heavy wlth actual buslness in bankers" bllls at t4.S6.9Wf4.87 for demand and at $4.S2.75#4.S3.S0 for slxty day bllls; posted rated, $4.S4"_@4.S.; com rnerclal bllls, ?.S3V4?4.83V4; Bar sllver. IS%; oMxican dollars, 3S%. Government bonds strong; railroad bonds Irregular. ED1TORS' VIEWS. irVhat tho New York Evening Papers Have to Say of Yesterday's Trading .Speclnl to Thi- 3-m.s-_>l.patch,) NEW YORK, March 25.?The Evenlng Poet says: Soveral rathor unploasant de velopments, from tho stock markot's point of vlew, upsot prices ln tho after? noon. closing tho day with many consld erable decllnes. The day opened lnauspiclously enough, with a half-polnt break ln consols on tho London market. Whilo this Htrlklng in cldent wbjs under discussion, Wnll Stroot learnod, flrst, that tho sub-Troasury was a creditor thls mornlng at-tho cloarlng hous., showlng resumptlon of lhe Treas? ury wlthdrawitis, and 'second, thnt $500,000 gold had been ordered from Argontlno. These announcements did not prepare the flnanclal mind to-recelve enthuslastlcally the lator statomont,- from Phlladelphla, regarding the Pennsylvanla Rallroad'a plans to ralse ita addltional $100,000,000 on now stock. Littlo ot speclal comment ls neded on the day's courso of prlcos. As a rulo, the markot closed around tho lowost. Do Dllno In Southern Paclflo sharos was pos? slbly Interestlng .in vlew of tho alleged contost for cofitrol. ,So was a 8 polrit fall ln Amalgamated Copper, whlch was commonly ascrlbed to a wavorlng of the London copper markot. A point worlh i noticing Is that, boforc tho day was ovor, tho London market had dtstlnctly turned, consols and gold mine shares reoovorlng nharply on tho buylng lncldont to bnr galn-day. Wall Stroet, after such move .nents as to-day's, Is llkely to watch for slmllar reactlons. Tho Mall and Express says: Tho local speculation was lnfluenced In conslder ablo meosuro by the Uuctuatlons ln con? sols, altliough thero were somo homo fac? tors at work, whlch helped to bring about the erratlc prlce movoment that marked the courso of tho day's market, The ro sponso to London wns reflected in an ear? ly fractlonul declino and a subsequent recovory, ln which the llst generally wns carrled above last nlght's closing In a few cases, notably In Wabash preferred. J/onn nylvnnla, Sugar. Motropolltan and Con? solldatcd Giih, to tlie extent of about a point. After r-malnlng dull fnr a tlme, wlthln a na' -oSv rango of fluctuntlons. speoulatloii. agnin benamo weak. and net galns In n number of Instancos were turn? ed lnto losses. T"io Commorclnl-Advortlser says: To iiay's markot continued under proKSurn from tho samo quarters that woro ln strumental ln bringlng about tho <_~~lin~ of tho procedlng days. Tho downward movement, however, was decldedly un even. In tho early part of tlie session lt looked as though tho short Interest wore trying to reduco Its eommltments. nnd tliat a few stocks wero belng spoclnlly depr~~sed in ordor to facilltato "cover ln_r" elsnwhero. Bt. Paul was the flrst stock selectnd for thls purposo. and wns forced down rapldly a point and moro soon after tho openlng. Then Amalga? mated Coppor was taken In hand nnd slml'arly pr. ssed for salo. Up to the flnal hour of business, however. the rost of the lst held ?'?'comparatlvely flrm. wllh frno ?lonnl ln many cases over last nlght'e llguros. In tho last forty-flve mlnutes of the trndlng a fresh attack was dlrected sgalnst tho market. wlth Penn? sylvanla ahd Bt. Paul slngled out to the brunt of tho selllng. The profeslonal .lemont took s p~~slmlirtic vluw of to day's actlon of tbo Pennsylvanla Com prny on tho ground that the new stock THOMAS BRANCH &C0 (E8TABI.ISHED 1838.) MEMBERS How York Stook Exohange. Now York Cotton Exohange. PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS. Inveslmenl Securities. < OFFICIAL RANGE AND SALE OF STpCKS IN NEW YORK !______oooo---0oo(~~~--?x~xxx~-~~x>^^ _... -.______ n.-n^h A r.n.. t-flnk-M and Brokef*. SALES I 200 Amorlcan Cnn coln. 300 Amorlcan. Cah pfd.....>?. iwo Amerlcart Oross Twlno..,...i.< Amorlcan Cotton Oll cotn...... 200 AniGiMonn i_~_oiiiollv~ uoni.... 200 Amerleah Locomotlvo ptd...., 2100 Anaconda GO0 Americah. Car und Foundry... 8S00 Amorlcan Sugar. 2600 A., T. and Bnnlo Fo com...., 100 A., T, nnd Sante Fo pfd....... 97800 Amalgamated Coppor.......... 7000 Baltlmore and Ohlo. 7.00 Brooklyn-Rapld Trntislt....... 7900 Canadlnn Paclflo.iV.iini 1700 Chesapeako aiul Ohlo......... Citniida SOUthern. 200 Colorado ftouth.rn com. Colorado Southorn lst pfd. Colorado Southorn 2d pftl....... 4-1500 Chlcngo, Mll, alitl St, Paul... 3640 Chl.i Roek Island and Pao.... 1300 Colorado Ii*uol and Iron. 1900 CJilcago Oreat Wostorn. 100 C? C, C. and St. LoUls. ui 1000 Consolldatcd Oas. <*W 400 DoloAvaro and Hudson. 109 Dol., Lack and Wostorn... U0O0 Erlo com . 35 1000 Erlo lst pfd......... 00% 4000 __rIo 2d pfd.i. 63% 300 Oeneral- Electric. 103, 1700 lllinols Contral. 339V4 200 Laathcr.............. Mi 2900 Loulsvllle and Nashvlllo. l<wy_ OSOfl Manhattan OIOO "Motropolltan IMin, ->i~_?_4-_.,"?,.. ,?,'? 27W Moxtcon Ccntral. -7V_ By thom** Branch A Co., Sanker_.?nd Broker*. Open. Hlgh. Low. CIOse.9ALl.~l! *"?' 18000 Missourl Pnolflo. 200 Mo.,'Kan. and Texas _orrt..i D00 Mo.i 'Kan, and Toxas pfd.?i G300 Now i York Contral,,?....!... 2400 N, Y., ont, and Wostorn,.. ,2100 Norfolk and Woatem. .'...<,.. 49.00 P.nnsylvanla ,.............?>. Proflsed- Stool Car,,.,.,....... 100 Prossed Staol Car pfd. 200 Pooplo's Ons Trtist. 17000 Readlng com............ 100 Readlng lst pfd. ? Readlng 3d pfd.. 500 Ropublio Iron and-Btoel oom. 300 Re publlo Iron and Steel pfd 200 Sloss ................ .???<?.?? 900 St. L. and San Franoisco... 100 St. L. and San. Fran. 2d pfd. Soaboard Air Llno com. ? Soaboard Alr Llno ftb\.i.,\,y 800 St. L. and Southwestern ptd. 14700 Southorn Pi.olllo..,........ i.w. 4&00 Southorn Rallway com. SOO Southorn Rallway . pfd......... 5200 Tonnosseo Coal and Iron..... 1600 Toxas Paclllc. 2400 Unlon PnclIIo com. 100 Unlon Paclflo pfd. 5600 Unltod States Bteol com. 4900 United-Statos Steol pfd. 800 Va.-Cnrollna Chom. com.,.:. '.,'.. vti.-Cn.rollna-Chom. pfd. 1700 Wabash com. 8500 Wabash". .pfd.???? 000 Wostorn Unlon. . 700. WIsconBln Contral....... 600 Wlsconsln "Central pfd. 13634 184% Open. Hl-h 107% 10SM 25% fit'% 135% T 142% 'tis% 102 69% 84 '26 78 eiv. 80 Wi 69% MV6 03% 81% 92i/_ 05% 37% 91% 90% 88(4 80% G2 *2-V_ 49% 88 25% 40% ttA 13G 7li_. 143Vi 93% 102 00% 81 .25% rm 135% ilU'/ii 70% 141% '-~% 102. 58% 84 ? CLOSINO BOND QUOTATIONS. U. S. refunding 2's, reglstered.'.107 U. S. refunding 3's, coupon . 10?% U. S. 3's, roglstorod. 107V4 U. S. 3's, coupon ...??.?????. *?J_, U. S. new 4's, roglstorod. 136% U. S. Now 4's, coupon....... 130% U. 8. old 4's, reglstered. 10S% U. S. old 4's, coupon.....uo U. S. E's, reglstered. ??>? 103% U. S. G's, coupon. 103% Atchlson, gonoral 4's.... iw<_ Atchlson, odjustmont 4's...'...'........... ?0 Baltlmoro nnd' Ohlo.Ve................. 10-V4 Baltlmoro and Ohlo 3%'s.-.,..;.. 82% Baltlmoro and Ohlo Conv. ?.-'?.,.....101 Canada Southorn 2ds. ?*?>_ Ccntrnlof Georgia 5 s........... 1U7 Central of Georgia 1st Ino..,.. ?. Chcsapealce and Ohlo 4%s.,,.,,...,.. iw Chlcago and Alton 3%'s....;... 76% Chlcago, B, and Qulncy now 4's...... 92% Chlcago M. and St, Paul gen. 4's.... 110-}* Chlcago and Northwestern con. 7s.. 131% Ohlcago, Rock Island antl Pao. 4 b.. 100% 0.1 C, C. luid St. Louls gon. 4'b.... 100% Chlcago Tormlnal 4's. ? Coorado, and Southern 4 b. 89% Denver hnd Rlo Grando'4's. 9?% Erlo prlor llon 4's..... 97% Erle Gonoral 4's...,......'.j. Wi Fort Worth and Donvor Clty lst's.... 110 Hocklng Valloy 4%'s.................... 108% Loulsvllle and Nash. Unlflod 4 s..., 09 Mnnhattan Consolldatodi gold 4s.... 103% Mexlcan Contral 4'h....... 7s Moxlcan Central 1st Ino.... J?% Minn. and St. Louls 4'b...... 101% Mlssourl, Kan. nnd Texas'.4's........ 99% Mlssourl,'Kan. nnd Tpxna 2d'_....... SO'/i New York Contral gon. 3%'a. 103 New Jorsey Contral gon, 0*8. J3i% Northern Paclllo 4'b. 103 Northern Paclflc 3*8. 72% Norfolk and Wostorn con. 4's.100% Roriding Gonoral 4'a..,. 97 St. L. and Iron Mountaln con, 6 s,... 144 St. Louls and San Frnnclsco 4 i St. Louls Soutliwostnrn lsts.. St. Louls Southwostorn 2ds. San Antonlo nnd Arkansas Puss Southrn Paclllo 4's. Southorn Rallway 5's. Toxas and Paolflo lsts.... , Toledo, St. L. and Wostorn 4'a. Unlon Pivolllo 4's. Unlon Paclflo Conv. 4's.... AVabash lst's. Wabash lid'? :,;...,. ?Wabash Deb. B'b . Wost Shoro 4's ....*r_ WheolInK: and Lake Frlo 4's... Wlsconsln Central 4's. Contlnontal Tobacco 4's.. Colorado Fuel- con. Roek Island 4's. Ponnsylvanla con..... M. and O., collateral trust 4*s. Contralof Goorgla 2d Ino. Va.-Carollna Chomlcal Co. com. Va.-Carolln'a. Chemlcal Co. pfd. waa belng ollotted to tho etockholders at a wylow .flgure. Thero wiuin othlng elso In Uie day's news to'Whlcl* Uio weaK ness of tho market could bo roforrod. Uio most plauslblo oxplanatlpn stlll seoms lo lio ln tho "boar" oncrattons of ft l'owoi, ful Voculntlvo body. i tho pcraonncl of whlch ls by tliis tlmo notorloua, Tho Evenlng Sun -WnWa^o^k Irreguhu*' movemonts ln .to-d???, ""^ mnrket thero wus evldent a fooblo anu hes tutlnitondency toward rocovory. M wiEf to bo oxpectod, ln vlow of yoa terOayV contlnued^lecUno ln prices. the openlng doallngs wore 'oh^tortaed by somo t.verlshness and 'r.^lSfev^t'er no huoIi pressuro as . wae . evldent yestei layfw-os obsorved. Nelther was thoro hi thls mornins'8 news or ln tho day's de velopmonts anythlng to account direotiy %J_e mo??^In^^intte assor tlons rogardli g tho chango In tho man*; agemenTof tho Now York CentralCpm nany wero unconllrmod ln somo dlrootions and donlod n othore, but lt was tho con S opinion .tliat tho rooorW wero not aJtogeUor wtuiting ln .oundatlon, Nelther New York Contral nor Pennsy - vai wus? however, parUou ar'y*W&?nfc nont in Uio day's markot. A further ad? vance ln Uio dlvidend rrb. on Amerlcan Tobacco Comnanys common stock was ahnouricod, but tlmt has now hocomo a matter of Intorest only to tho soloot few intVre.sted ln Consolldated Tobacco stock Tho 4 por cent. collateral bonds of the latter concern woro altogether unaffocted b>To-dav's dlscusslon of tho genoral flnan? clal slti.atlon and of tho efforts of pai* tlcular corporatlons ellcltod no now faots and apparontly brought about no chaiigo In tho varlous polnts of vlow. Posshntsra Is now tho dominant noto in tho roglstor, and U10 thomos of dlscusslon most con stantly hiu'pod upon aro }na xmreat ot labor and tho oongestlon ln tho Invest? ment stoeks. Those partlculnr stoeks moro or loss undor. the lnlluenco of act ual or threatenod labor troubles moved to-day ln llno wlth Uio romalnder of the markot. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. RIohmond,. Vn., March 25, 1903. STATE SECURITIES. Bld. Asked. North Carollna 4's, C, 1910.... 102 ... North Carollna O's. C.. 1S1B.... 132 ... Va. 3's, now, C. and-R., 19.(2.... 90 BJ Va, Centurlos, 2-3, C. aud R. 90 0 I.AII.UOA1*) BONDB. A. C. L. R. R. Con. Trust 4's.. 94 96 Char., Col. and Aug, 2d Ts, C... 11B .. . Georgla Paclflc lst O's.-C.. 1920.. 120 ... Ga., So. and Fla.. 1945......... 114 ...' Goorgla, and Ala. Con. 5's, 1945.. 110 ... Nor. and West. Ry- 4's, 1990.. 100 ... N. nnd XV. Ry. Pocahontas 4's.. 00 ... Pet. Class A 6's, R. ,0.. 1920.... 114 ... Pet. Class B 6's. R. C 102G? 120 Rlch. and Meck. lst 4's, 1948.... 80 ... South-Bound lst 6'S; 1941. 110 ... S. A. L. Con. lst 4'S. 1950. 83% 84% S. A. L.-Collateral Trust 5's.. 103 RAILROAD STOCKS. Pftr. Atlanta and Charlotto ......100 100 ... Atlantlc Coast Line "A"..,.100 128 Atlantlc CoiiBt Llno aom..,._00 12S Chesapeako ond Ohlo.100 48 Nor. und Weat. pfd,, 4 p. c.,.100 90 Norfolk and Western com....100- 71 ... Seaboard Alr Llno pfd.100 41 42 Seaboard Alr Llno com.100 24% 2-% Southorn Rallwny pfd.100 92 .... Southern Rallway com.100 31 , ... B-.NK AND TRUST COS, Amorlcan National ..,..100 125 ... Rroad-Streot Bank.26 2(i% ... Clty .25 83 First National..100 200 204 Metropolltan Bank of "Va.,..2.i ... 27 Plantors National .100 3.10 ... Southern Trust Co.100 112% ... INSURANCE COMPANIES. Va. Flro and Marlno.25 37 MlSOI.I.l-ANEOUS. Amer. Tob. Co. pfd., 8 p. c.,.100 ... 150 Amorlcan Locomotlvo pfd..,.100 93% 96V. Consolldated Tob. 4's bonds,.100 62 ... Va.-Oar. Chom. pfd., 8 p. c.100 125 127 Va.-Carolina Chem. com.100 62 U3 V.-C. Chom. Col lnto ral T. 5's.. 100 BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. BALT li.MORE. MD., March 25.?Soaboard Alr Llno common, 24%; do, preferred, 40%, Soaboard 4's, 83%. Atlantlc Coast Llno, common and preferred, no sales, WALL STREET QOSSIP Copper Takes a Tumble?The Labor Situation Hurls the Soft Conlers. (SiibcIuI to Tbu Tlinoa-DI-piilcli.) NEW VORK, March 26.?Tho oponlng of tho Block market was irregular, but firmer thun mlght havo been expected in vlow of the late decllno of tho provlous dav ln the wt-knoss shown ln London. , Tho siipplv of uoininlssion houso orders did noi Indlcate that the professional liammerlng of prices hud brought uny Im? portant llquldatlon. and London at flrst did not seem to bo much of a seller. In tho early afternoon attempt by traders to bring about a rally, tho mar- , ket ugaln lapsod lnto cxtremo diillnes., ?but tho bellef that thero would bo no strika on tho Now llnvc-n or Manhattan, or ln sorne other places where strlk.s woro talked of, hnd _~_mew.Tiat rens.surlng effeot. SOUTHERN PACIFIC: Tho Southorn Paclflo poo] was credlted wlth supporting tho stock hero, and It waa thought,- from tho courso of tho Lon? don prico, that the pollcy of selling abroad ~o as to rotaln tho stock ovor tho meetlng for votlng purposes wus stlll bolng pur eued. AtMAI/IAMATBD OOPPBR, A. (.'. P, fult tho woaUness In tlio prico of nt .t?. ln London and tlio -vory bearlsh attltudo of forolgn holders of Rlo Tinto and oUier coppor wtoc-ks. WABABII JNJUNOTIONl A* all tlio documents from the Wabash injunction case must bo printed ln book form for tho porusal of tho court, it ls snld that a decision probably wlll not be handod down untll noxt wook, or oven lator. BOND WITHDRAWALS: A Wn_.iIn_.ton spoclal says: "Tho movomont to withdraw bonds depositcd to seoure bank circulation, whlch at ono Llmo wns qulto actlvo, has almost coased. Appllcations aro stlll on flro aggrogatlng ovor jfi.OOO.OOO and coverlng 'tho period from now untll Novombor lst, but lt ls probablo that many of, thom wlll bo wlth? drawn. "For March tho appllcations on fllo foot up *2,__0.000, and. all of thom, or nearly all, wlll bo usod up thls month. Aprll appllcatlonfl aro llght," THE SOFT COAXiERS: Tho soft ooal labor Bltuatlon probably lnlluonced somo Phllndolphla sales ln stocks of tho road Interested, and pnrtl cularly Norfolk and Wostern. METROPOLITAN: Tho ohango of front on the part of one of tho exports who now oertlfles that he flnds Metropolltan's aftnh-s ln good shapo forced somo coverlng, and thoro did not appear to bo much stock In tho markot. TENNESSEE COAL & IRON: Tennessee Coal and Iron reflected changod condltions arlslng out of tho ox ptratMn of oontracts mndo at low prlcos, onahllng tho company to tako ndvantago of present markot condltions. NORFOLK & WESTERN: Tho plans for Norfolk nnd Westorn for lncreaslng fncllltles so as to accommo dato the enormous volumo of buslnoss olTerlng ls making,. bulls on tho stock. MARKET STAGNANT: At noon and ln tho early aftornoon trading ln tho markot became almost stagnant and showod jio Impulse elther wav. The rnlly In Brltlsh consols was a favorable feature, but tho forolgn trnd lng throughout was too trtfllng to glve lt much i-pal Importnnco. Tha Westorn crowd wus elthor oom mltted to tho short Bido or olso gettlng out of tho remalnder of tts long stock. AMERICAN- SUOAR: Amorlcan Sugar rallled a little, and w.hllo lt waa adimitted that thoro had beon 'somo trado selllng, It was moroly long stock. and lower wnll Stroot was not In ollned to follow the prico down, Sugar In tho aftornoon acted rather woll, and It was believed thnt tho short Interest put out In expoctatlon of defeat of Cubnn treaty wns large, whereas thero, was fnlr prospoct of ratlflcatlon later on. NEW YORK CENTRAL-PENNA: Tn the form tho rumor took the story of a Ponnsvlvanla Interest ln a posslble chango of control In Now York Contral was not oredlted. Sorno ohango of con? trol. however. In vlew of tho known largo hnldltigs of tho Rockefellors, Is a dlffor ont mattor, nnd the stroot almost unanl? mously thinks Lhat nny change would bo nn lmprovement. Tho stock conso quontly showed consldorablo strength In a rathor wenk market, THE CLOSE: . ?? The markot closed wenk nnd tho fool? lng abroad was vory pesslmlstlc. Tho trond of sentlment loanod toward exng gomtlon of posslble frlctlon botweon Im pnrtunt rallroad Interests and conBlrtera tton of tho amount of undlgested un.der wrltlng stlll In the hnnds of syndloates, The short Interests was by good market Judges bolleved to havo becomo consldor nbly extended, nnd thero wns a tendonoy ln somo rnthor good quartors to consldnr that ln vlow of tho oxtont of tho deollno from t.ho rxtronio hlgh prices a fnlr rnlly mlght booh bo In ordor. COTTON MARKETS. NEW YORK, Maroh 25.?The cotton markot opened stoady and unchanged to an advanco of 3 polnts, und followlng tho call rulod rathor Irregular, but narrow and qulet. Tho openlng lmprovement was ,-Iilollv duo to tho Btrongthoning of tha Ktatlstical posltlons as Indlcatod by tho recniil henvy oxport movoment whlch on pouragod ronowed purchases for business nocouiit. Aftor tho : lntlul galn prices worked downward a fow polnts undor huavlor ostlmatos for to-day's recolpts aud less favorable accounts from tho Now England mlll, situation. Theso factors In connoctlon wlth tho good woathor ln tho Himtli nnd Indlfforont cables proved moro potont factors than tho small ostlmates for to-morrow's recolpts nt lloustnn, whlch woro ostlmntod nt from 900 to 1,000. At tho lower lovel bulls agaln came to tlii< support nf v.iluns and thn market ro oovorod to about tho oponlng tlgures around thut lovel, wlth tho bull leuclora upparently conc.rned ln an offort to maln? tain prices. Tho exports for tho day wero full, amountlng to 111,261 bales, brlnglng tho totnl thiiB fnr for tho season un to r.,7-i!,'_ll balea or 1(14.837 bales ovor thosci fnr the samo period lnst yoar, and thla checked nggresslvo selllng, ho t.hnt tho lossos wero Hmnll und tho markot flnally stoady, not unchanged to 3 polnts lower, thls belng tho low point ot tho day for llio lato months und wlthln 2 polnts nt tlio lowest on May and July. Totul snles futures estlmated at 100,000 bnles, Cotton futures opened stendy; closed stendy i Open. Hlgh. Low. Clos. M_reh .'. 9-92 9.93 0.02 9.93 Vnrll . 9.02 9.93 9.92 0.93 May . 9.99 10.00 9.93 9.05 Jun'o . 0.77 9.79 9.71 9.70 july . 9.78 9.79 9.74 9.70 August . 9.40 9.48 9.43 0.43 September .... 8-8S SM 8-8(1 S-85 Ootobor . 8.65 8.BS 8.52 8.52 Novernber .... 8.00 8.43 _ 8.42 8.42 Docember'. 8-44 8.43 8.40 8.40 Spot cotton closod. qulet; mlddllng ui> lamls, 10.15; mlddllng gulf, 10.40; cales, 012 balo-. Cotton, qulet| mlddllng, 10.15; not re? colpts, 20 balos; ?ross. 0.804 balos; salos, 012 balea; stock, -9,064 balos. Totul to-day at all sei-ports?Not r. colpts, 15.843 balos; oxport to Groat Brltnln, 8,654 balos; to Franco, 2,100 balos: to tho Contlnent, 9,702 balos; stock, 613,959 bales. ? ?? . Consolldated at nll soaportsTNpt' ro; colpts, 02.87S 'balos; oxport to Groat Britain, K),tj32 balos; to France, 0.G10 balos; to tho Contlnent, 62,009 balos, Total sinco Septomber 1st at all Boa ports?Not recolpts, 0,947,738 baloH; export to Groat Britain, 2,397,003 balos; to Franoo. 097.908 bales; to tho Contlnent, 2,510,103 bales. , , NBW ORLEANS, Maroh ffi.-COTTON Spot cotton vory qulot to-duy; quotations unchanged. ' ? > , Tho futuro markot nlso qulet. though a Bomowhat nervous conditlon was dlsplay? ed at flrst. Thoro woro no features. to causo tho (luotuatlons, and nelther bullB or bears showed tho sllghtont desire to manlpulato tho markot. Aftor mld-dny tho market oasod off. tho closo showlng not Iosses of 2?G polnts. Cotton futures qulet: March, 9.7S?0.R0; April, 9,R0?9.82: May, 9.S20O.B3; Juno, 9.86? 9.87; uly, 9.S7?0.S8; August, 9.03?fl.04; Sop tomber, 8.SS??.90; Octobor. 8.43?S.44r? No vombor, 8.31@8.82; Docwnbor, 8.31?8.82, N'HW YORK, March 25,?Tho Cotton Ex ohnngo wlll bo cloaod on Friday and Sat? urday, April 10th nnd 11th. THE PRODUCE MARKET. Rlohmond, Va., Maroh 25, 1903. QUOTATIONS. WHEAT Longhorry.go ?81 Mlxed .?.g0 ?81 Shortborry . 80 l&Kl No.,2 rod . 81 V.1. bag lots. 70 ?80. CORN- _? '.. Whlto (Va.) bag lots. 50 ?62 No, 2 whlto . 52 No. 3 whlto . 50 ?61 No. 2 mlxod . ol No. 3 mlxod.)?? 48 OATS No, 2 mlxed. 40 No. 3 mlxod. ??% No. 2 whlto.41 Wlnter soed . 68 ?03 RYE. 63 ?03 NEW* YORK, Maroh 25.?FLOUR?Qulot; Mlnnosotn uatont, J8.90@4.20. Rye Flour Qulot. Cornmeal?Stoady. Rye?Stoady, Borloy?Dull. . _?, _ ?? Wheat?Flrm; No. 2 red, 78%o. OptlonB decllnoil sllghtly aftor tho oponlng undor lower cables. but rallled on coverlng and wero flrm nll day.- Aftornoon demand was chlellv for May and lmpelled by roports of llboral export salos, Tho markot closod flrm at %?%c. not advanco, Maroh clospd at 8l%o.; May, 77%o.; July, 75%o.; Soptembor, 73%c, ' ' _ .. , ; Corn?Steady; No. 2; 57o, Optlon markot broko earlv in tho day under llquldatlon, then recovorod wlth,wheat, and aftor a flrm last hour closed partly %c. not hlgh? or. April closed at 57o.': May, 49c,; July, 4Se.; September, 48%o. Oats-Dull; No. 2, 42. Optlons weak aftor tho oponlng, but rerovered lntor wlth oorn, Mny cloaod at Becf-Steady. Cut Moats?Dull; plcklod bolll.s, 10fPll%o. Lard?Stendy; WoBtorn stcamed. *10.4~: roflnod. flrm; Contlnont, ttl.OO; Compound, .7.5<~P. Pork-^FIrm. Tullow?Flrm. Rosln?Flrm. Turpontlno? Qulet at 00%c. ?? . '" ? Coffee?Tlio market for coffeo future* oponed stoady at unohanged prlcos .and was flnally qulet, net- unchanged lo J polnts hlghor on March. Sales, . "'P00 bngs. Spot Rlo, qulet; mlld, stoady, Rlco?Flrm. Molassos?Flrm. Sugar? Raw. steady; roflnod, stendy. Butter?Urisottled; oxtra croamory, 29a.; factory, l~#10c.; Stato dalry, 17<fi)_7c. Oheese?Flrm; Stato, full cream, fancy small. colorod. fall made, 15c. j whlte fall mado, 15%c. ?Egg~-Flrm; Stato and Penn? sylvanla, bost, 14<S.4%c.; Southorn. 14c. Potatocs?Vory steady! Southern ?.2_?3i Stato and Wostorn, por 180 pounds, .l.OOCf. 2; Long Islnnd. J2?f2.25; South Jorsoy sweotfl, $2.500.1.75. Poanuts-Stcady; fancv handpioked, 4%@4%o'i othor domostlo. 3<Q) 4V_c. Cabbngfis?Qulot; domostla, per bar? rel, rod, _0c.<S.l; Southorn, _0c._.N._0. Cot ton-By steamor to Llverpool. 12c. CHICAGO, ILL., Maroh 25.?Trading In tho graln plts was moderate. and aftor nn enslor oponlng nll gralnti olosnd hlghor, Muy wheat whoat bolng %o, hlghor; May corn up %@V.c., and oats y/S.-~c. hlg.lior. Provisions closod strong with tho Mny products from 2%.__6c. hlgher. Tha leading tuiures rnnged as followsi Open. I-II(fh. Low. Closo, ^??S-Ti'-'? 72%, 71% m COUN-No. 2. . July ... 432 43(5 ' 43 43V_ Sept. 42$ I 43 42% 43 OATS-No. 2. ?,? Mnrch . ., ?? ' ?1% May ... 3 % -2% 31% -33% Iuly 30% 301/J ?&%..: ml ? sont.:.::::::: ~s m ? 29%" m ML3S PORK-Por bbl. May .17.05 17,05 17.05 17.*) July .10.90 17.18 10.90 17.15 Sept.10.70 10.87% 10.70 18.87% LARD-Per 100 Ihs. ._???_,?_ - --'??' May . 9.90 10.10 9.00 10.10 , July . 0.05 9.82% 9.05 9.83% Sont.9.07% 9.82% 9.67% 9.82% SHORT RIBB-Per 100 lbs, May . 0.70 9.85 9.70 9.85 . July . 9.40 9.62% 9.40 0.&2% Bopt.9.33, P.4.% 9.33 9.42% Cash quotntlons were a* folows: Flour dull. No, 2 Bprlng wheat. 76<K70o.; No, 8, 78o,; No, 2 red, 70V.c0.lHo. No, 2 oom, 41..-.; No. 2 yollovv. 41%P. No. 2 oatH, Sl.Jo.i No. 8 whlto. 32<3'84o1 No. 2 ryo. 49a, Oood feedlng bnrloy, 41n.j fair to choico maltin_rr 47?i03o. No. 1 Ilaxsood; 11.10; No. 1 northwoslorn, .1.12.71,13; prlme Tlmothy: soi.l, 13.42%, Mess pork, per barrel, .17.00.. 3T.Ue~rj lard, por 100 pounds, _10@10.12%; short i-lbs Hldoa (Iooho), $; dry sal.od Hhouldois (boxed), }S.7-(f.8.87%i ahort ,clear bIcIob (boxed), fl0.37%(ii'10.~-. Wlllsktiy, basls of hlgh wlnos, .l.iS). ClovflV, contract grade, Ji ..f/s. Butter?Flrtn; orenm ory, 18 <P_7%o.| dutry, 14..24o. Effi.~--V.rni nt. jnark, cases inolutled, 13o. Cl?oes_v-Stoa'4j: ? al _.<S>1h%o. RecolptB--Wheat, 519,600 bti-h elB| corn, 161,100 bUBhelsi oat., 408,900 bush" jeisj hogs, 27,000 hoad. j flAt/ttMOftMuMi)., Maroh _5-FLOUH>-> QUlet, Whoat?Dtilli spot and the m_nth, 77%cj April, 77%@77%c, | Southern by aam plo, 7043/77140, . Corn?Easler| spot and the month, 47%@47%o,! Apfll, . 47%?47%d.| Southorn whlte, 42@41%<i> Oats? Q_let( No, 2 whlto, 42%o. Rye-FlWnT No, 2. 58c . BUtter, Checso and Sugar-Flrm and unohahged. Eggs?Steady and un? changed. CATTLE MARKET. CHtOAGO, ILL., Maroh 2-.-CATTt.? Kocolpts, 24,000 hoad: 10?16o, lowor, Good to iirfnio steers, $6?6,50| poor to medlum, |3.76!3>4.0O; Htockors and. fooders, t2.76?4.85; oows, $1.5O#4.60j helfers. $2,50?4.76| oan tiora, $1.60?2.76j Bull.; $2,2fi?4.60! calves, $3? G.7B) Toxas-fod steers, |4<B>4.60. Hogs?Ro-. colpts to-day, 27,000 head; to-morrow, 20, 000 hoad; loft over,.7.000 head! lG?20c. low? or, Mlxod and butchers, $7.30?7.65j good to oholoo honvy, t1,t$<@1,1tn rough heavy,^.GS; Ught, |7@7.40; bulk of sales, ll.srm.55, Bhoep-Rocolpts, 15,000 ^ hoad; stoiuy to Btrong; lambs steady to iaa, lowor. Good'to.choico wothors, f6.60?f?.Mi; falr to oholoo mlxed, $4.50?6.40| natlvo lambs, $5.-6(5*7.40. ? EAST BUFFALoTn. Y., March 25. CATTLIC?Unohangcd, Veals Bteady. Top, $8?8.26| common to good. M%jM^0no%? AotlVe and strong. Heavy,?,^?0?8; mlx? od, ?7.8O07.OO| yorkors, $7.06?7,75; pigs, $7.0;,Btags, $G.75??.16. Sheeii und L^iTfibs? Steady; top natlvo lambs, |7.06?7.7B: culls to good, fc,60?7.GO| wMt-orm $7.W?7.06: yearllngs, $G.25@f!.S5; owos, M?& snocp. top mlxod, $('?0.26; culls to good, I3.26S6.S0. NEW YORK, M^Toh 25.-BEEVES-1 Slow, but Bteady, Btoors, $4(36.60! stock lnmba Blondj", modlum gruleH clpw nnd 15?26o. lowor. Shoop,_$4.2!,?0; lambs, $5.75 mOO', spring. lambs. $7 por hond, Horb Flrm; Stato and Pennsylvania, $7.80?7,90; choico, $8. CINCINATI, O., Maroh 25,?HOOS? Qulot at $G.26?7,70, Cattle-Hlghor at $2,50 ?6, Sheop-Strong at $3,76?6. Lambs Strong at $4.50@7.60._ MISCELtANEOUS MARKETS. PEANUT AND PEA MARKET, NORFOLK, VA? March 25,'?The peanut markot ln. Norfolk Is Btoady. The only chnngo ls In machlno plekod nuta from iV.c. to 2?2%o. Tho prlcos areas follows: Fancy, qulot nt 8a.;. strlotly prlmo, 2.>4c; prlmo, 214c: low grados, 2c; ma? chlno plckpd, 2?2%o,; SpanlBh, 80o. per bUBhol. Blackoyo.pca*. $2.26 bag; black and spocklo poos, flj.clay and red peas, SOc. Peanut bags ln balos-08 ln.. ,7 4-lOc PICTERSBURG, VA., March 25.?PBA NUTS?Spanlsh now, markot vory flrm at 77%a; sollors asking more, Vlrglnla's? Qulot at 8o. DRY GOODS MARKET. NEW YORK, Maroh _3.?Tho ooolor tem poraturo has had Its offeot upon dry goods, and ospoolally wlth second hando, ValuoH aro Btlll on a hlgh piano, but manufocturora complaint that at present flguros thoro ls llttlo proflt, nnd rathor than wcakon thoy profor to oloso thelr mjlllH. Unloos cotton brooks matorlally tho praspoot of Idlo maohlnory ls brlght. NAVAL STORES. WILMINGTON. N. C. March 2T..-8PIR ITS TURPENTINE-Flrm at 06c: ro colpts, 8 casks. Rosln?Flrm at $1.95: ro o<*lptB, 162 barrols. Crude Turpontlne? Flrm nt,$2,40?4; receipts, 83 barrols, Tar? Flrm at $1,06: rocolpts, 642 barrols, BAVANNAH, GA., Maroh 26.?TURPEN? TINE?Flrm at 06c,! rooolpts, 71 cnsks; salos. 33 cnsks; exports, 00 casks, Rosln Flrm; rooolptB, 773 barrols; salos, 1.G63 bar rolBj oxports, 1,510 barrolB. CHARLESTON, B. C, March 25.?TUR PENTTNEFlrm at 65o. Rosln-Flrm, COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. NEW YORK, Marah 25.?Cottonaeod oil very dull, solllng at 41o. for prlmo yollow ln small lots, and hold hlghor for largor quantltles. Prlmo orudo horo nomlnal; prlmo crude, f. o. b. mllls, 34%?35c; prlmo summer yollow. 41?41%c,; oft Bumraor yol? low, 3.W39C.; prlme whlto, 46c; prlmo wln? ter yellow, 46o. Prlmo moal, $27.60?28 nomlnal. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, MARCH 25, 1903. ARRIVED. On account of hlgh wator ar? rlved. SAILED. Steamor Pocahontas. Gravos, Norfolk and James Rlvor landlngfl, merchandise and passengers, Virginla Navlgatlon Co. No othor boats sallod on account of hlgh wator. PORT OF WEST POINT, MARCH 25. ARRrvED. Steamer Baltlmoro. Courtnoy, Baltlmoro, passengors and genornl cargo. SAILED. Steamor Bnltlmoro, Courtney, Baltlmore, passengers and goneral cargo. PORT NEWPORT NEWS, MARCH 26. ARRIVED. Schoonor Honry Wlthlngton, . Now Haven. ' Schooner Allce E. Clark, Providenco. Sclloonor Augustun Hunt, Portland, Steamor Patrla, Boston. SATU3D Schooner Charles Davonport, Bangor. Schoonor J. M. Haskoll, Bangor. Schoonor A. M. Colburn, Provldence. Schooner Vlklng, PortBmouth. Barge Florrlo, New Bedford, Barge Voluntoer, New Havon. NO FOUNDATION President Cassatt Denios Rumors About tho Pennsylvania Road, ; (Hpcclnl to Tho Ttmo-.Dlnpatoh,) PHILADELPHIA, PA., March 25. Presldent Cassatt, of tho Pennsylvania, Baya tho story printed ln tho New York Trlbuno, so far aa lt uffeota the Pennsyl? vania. Rallroad, la wlthout any founda? tion' ln faot and ls unwarrantod, The Trlbuno's roport ls moroly a repotltlon of tho Btorythat hns boon printed many tlmes ln tho lnst fow months that the Vandorbllts havo voluntarlly surrondored the control of tho Now York Contral to tho Ponnaylvanla - Morgan - Rockofeller comblnaUon, . v. It ls- bolloved by a groat many pooplo that tho Vandorbllts^ wlll oventually ro tlro from actlv manugomont of tho proporty, but as thoy wlll .rotaln tholr In? torest, tne change wlll affect tho man agoment and conduct of tho company moro than tho ownershlp. . Mr. Caseatt's donlal- as to tho control golng to tho Ponnsylvanla ls omphaUc, Tho Coal Situatlon. (Spoclnl to Tho Tlmos-niBpatcb.) NEfW YORK, March 25.? Tho Coal Trado Journal says: "Tho mnrkot for hard coal has boen a haltlng ono during the past wook, inasmuch us buyors woro few; tho dlRposltlon to hold olf Is nothlng new at thls tlmo of yenr, whon ovory one Ib ox poctlng the oponlng prices, Thls year, moro than ln many recont yoars, tho con? dltlons havo beon such as to cause ono to awalt tlio offlcial announcement. Tltflro has been such a fluctuatlon ln values and tho volumo of buslness dono has boen so vst that wlth tho return of opon weather thore la doslre for a halt. Wo havo hnd lt for two woeka past, and now thero wlll bo a rush of buslnesa agaln, whlch wlll last for months upon months. "Thoro haa boen a great deal of ox poetancy aa to tha openlng prlcos for thls soanon, Thoro was a dlBcusslon upon thls Bubjoct In Now York on tho 24th Instant by tho prosldents, and lt seems Bafo to announca that prlcos for tho month of April*wlll lio'im tho basls of flfty conts a ton dlacount from clrcular Issued ln Ootobor lost. Thls wouid mako tho f. o. b, prlcos at Now York harbor polnts $4,26 for grate, $4.50 for egg, Btove and ohest nut for April dollvory, not. wlthout dls count of any doscrlptlon whatBOOverj lho understandlng Ib that prices are to ad? vanco during tho sonson at jthe rate of ten oonts a month, so that at the olose thoy wlll flnlsh.un wlth tho llst as lt has boen filnco the strlke. "Prosldent Baer, we understand, ls ln favor of a $5 rate fnr anthraclte, and the onoratlon of tho slldlng scale wlll put tho nrire at that flguro within a few months; Ltlli untll tho ciroulnrs actually appear thoro wlll ho aome who expect me,rely a cohtlhuahce of presont rates, A. T. Oo. Dlvidend, (Jjy A??o?t"t<>d PWM.) A . NEW YORK, Muroh 25,?-The Amorlcan Tobacco Company. hus.doclnrod thq reg ulnr' ouartorly dlvidend of g por cent. onlte'preferred atock. and a <llv dend of 8 nor'-oeht. on Ita common Atock.. 'Ihls la iviv Increaso of 1-3 por cont, oh,tha Uttor Issue, j M-IANWAC *+***t+-M ?*MM**? 18 pcf c*nt. auaranteed Intrea.e iu tho value of oat lot* wlthln ono year from No vombor,,190~ j 01 yotif monoy rofttnded wlth _ po_ cont, IntofroBtl i V. 6 hhv _ lnvostfldln Brooklyn Lnnd. Park-llko lmprovomont~ flm Noh Forfdltnro Oontrnct, Fttt need In c*se ot r_?th. No notos, no tnortgago., lio tftxe. tlll itnntiaryj 1005. |I0 Secures a $510 Lot in Gre-to- Now York. KtjlMitQ 90 por month ot 18 por cont, Dl~ C0T~.vXfntworth $8,000 ton ycora iroiii to-d/iyi _ T. t. DAUGHTREY, ^i~~~a?~aB^ MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Oapltil.$200,000.00 Surplus and Undlvldad Proflft, . . $628,852,94 Designated State, United States and City Depository. ??-&&& Collections a Speclalty. '"Sfflf*' Largest Bank Depo?ltory South of Baltlmora. JOHN P. BRANCH, Presldent , ' JOHN P OLENN, Ca.hl.f, JOHN K. BRANCH, Vlce Presldent HIGH WATER IS PASSING AWAY Lester Street Wlll Probably Be Free by Thls Evenlng. Falllng at Columbla. There will be no furthor damage by the hlgh water ln the river. At'll o'clock laac nlght tho. water at Columbia Was 18-1-10 foot nnd falllng, whlch means that from now on tho water wlll BWiftly make its way to tho bay through Dutch Cap. , i It ls qulto llkely that by thls evening Lester Street wlll be open, and comniuul catton will be once more establlBhed bo? tweon Fulton and'Richmond, The wntor lost nlght on Lester Btr.ot waa about a foot hlghor than on the pro? vlous nlght, but it ls now falllng rayld iy. Tho rlvor boatB wlll resuma bubinoBS to morrow, It Ib bolloved, and tho wor~ of cloarlng tho Btrootn of mud and dcbrlH, and cloanlng up the wharvos and bulld? lngs wlll probably consumo the latter part of tho woek. Stroot carH havo not yot beon ablo to got through Loster Stroot, and tr~.i~.-Ora are mndo to row boats. No BorlouB damage hae beon dono oy tho freshot, whloh Ib now paBslng away, ex? cept Inconvonlcnco in tho transaction of business. FACULTY LECTURE Last of tho Serlos to Be Qiven To-NIgM By Prof. Wlnston. The slxth and last of tho sorles of fac? ulty leotures wlll bo givon thlB evenlng at 8:15 o'olock by Profossor Charles H. Wlnston. Hls aubject wlll bo "Expori pientB," ln whlch ho wlll dlBcusa tho re? lation of oxporlmonts to othor sourcos of knowledgo. tholr valuo ln tho dls oovory and tostlng of truth and tho logl? cnl prlnclplos according to whlch thoy mtiBt bo mado. Ho wlll dlBcuss also tho plan ot oxpcrimenlatlon in modorn mothodB of teachlng and ospoclally ln laboratory work. . A numbor of oxporlments wlll be re? forred to by way of lllustratlon, aomo of them famous ln hlstory of sclence, otherB of them of moro rocent date and known for tholr fnr-reaehlng praotlcal rcsults. A'few experlmonts of oach class will bo trlod boforo tho audlenco, among them wlroless telegrnphy. _ Tho lo'cturer wlll show ln conclUBlon that tho prlnclples announced bolong also to other flcionces, and to current probloms of soclology. hygleno, polltics and oducatfOn. ? ' .''._ Professor Wlnston ls caBlly ono of tho most entertalnlng loeturers ln the t, and ho has alwaya drawn largo aud - ences. ? TI.obo who hear hlm wlll nnd hls treatmont of the subjoct most dollghtful as woll as InBtruotlve._ OBJECTED TO SLEEPING WITH HIS WIFE'S DOG NEW ro^Wa^^An George j~ Smlth, of Brooklyn, to-day. ln the Myrllo Avonuo Court. mado answer to tho chargo mado by hls wlfe, Graco Smlth, mtTbo had failed to aupport her, he do clnrod that he objocted to hls wlfo's blg Newfoundland dog occupylng hl* bed Mrs Smlth declared hor husband hadnt 5 "n her tlie klnd ot homo that ho had offered hor a room on Fulton Stroet They havo beon marrlod a year. Hmlth's lnwyor sald that becauso of the yovmg wlfe^r "la~lnoBB" Smlth hnd ofton hls mother's house for breakfast. Tho case was adjournod. ;_ ? May Play To-day. Richmond Collego wlll agaln tacklo tho PhlS thla aftornoon at Broad-Street Pi rk when they expoct to mako a muel. bottor showlng agalnst tho professlonals thln when they last met. Tho Inds havo had much practlce wlthln tho past.few da. b and oro ln better tr.m thnn at any oroviouB tlmo this soaflon. . Captaln Staplos had hls mon on the dia? mond lato yestorday afternoon for an iToTr. during whlch tlmo the boys wero VlT0or.0molryrow?rak/ternoon the college boya wlll Play the Universlty of P^n^'va"'aJ whon one of tho best games of t|io sea? son ls oxpootod. _^_ DR. W?wHjSdRUM MUCH BETTER He Has Gone to the Far South for a Week's Rest. and Recreatlon. For aome tlme past the many frienda hero ot Pr, W. *W. Landrum, of Atlanta. Have be en sorlouely conoerned ovor r*. norts to tho effoct tha^hls health waa eteadlly deollnlng. They wlll bo d-llght ed t? hear now that U,a conflUlon B,?0WB hoJohange for the worBe, and that he ?em_, "n tU. to be just at thls tlme botter than usual. Dr. R. H. Pl?, of thla clty, on mftto frlend of Dr. Landrum, haa Juat roturned from a trlp through tha South, Whlla away he vlslted Atlanta and stav ed wlth Pr. Landrum, for wlipm ho preached last Sunday mornlng. According to Dr. Pltt. Pr. Landrum ls keeplng up very well. Ho flllecj hls pul? plt sunday night, and ls, as ever, actlvo Jy at work InWa oongregatlon.. Ho has gone to l,h-'|iouth of Florld^ for a week* rpat and recreatlon, ......?'?' Stoeks! If you ? aro "long" at Btocks, tako your. loss and go "ahort." Thls, m'arkot wlll havo a break bf from 5. to 10 polnts. To 8ELL Stoeks at thoso pr|cos is llke "flnd Ing monoy ln tho snow." Margln, 2 por cont. No Interest. C. B. Wood, Stock Broker, No. 4 8outh' Twelfth Streot,' 'Phono 761, RICHMOND, ? VIRGINIA. Silverware, Jewelry, and Valuable Papers of all descripticras a,ro safely kojit by The State Bank of Virglnia, RICHMOND, VA., in its firo and Burglar-Proof Vaults of tho most improved con? struction. . Charges modorato. J.M.GLIFT&CO. Bankers and Brofcers, 909 EAST MAIN STREET. BELL 'PHONE 397. Stoeks, Bonds, Graln, Cotton BOUQHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Our lettor on tho flnanoial situa? tlon wlll bo rnnlled on request. G. W. Branch & Go. BANKERS and BROKERS ;?'.'?? ' .'?'.'' ?'-"' Members of New York Cotton E? change and Chicaso B.?r_ of Tiuir: New York Correspondehte? LADENBURQ, THALMANN & CO PRINOE &. WHITLEY, LEHMAN BPOS. (NEYY. YOHK, Private Wires to J BOSTON, t CHICAGO. ? Cotton! Ten cent* ls high for Cotton, and 11 cents ls hlgher.; but lt? wll*?sure ly sell for U, and posslbly 12. My advlco has beon for somo tlme to lly" BC<rrv.?cne''.s tho best. Orders aoeented for 26 Bales or moro, on 3f $1.00 por bale, , No Interest. C. B. Wood, STOCKS, QRAIN AND COTTON, No. 4 South Twelfth Street, 'Phono 701, RICHMOND, - - - VIRGINIA. RICHARD W. MAURY Banker and Broker. 1015 E. Main St. Rlohmond, Va. Bonds and Stooks Bought and Sold for Cash or Carrled on the Most Favorablo Terms. Investment Seourjtles a Speolalty. 'Phone 386. C Lancaster&LuckB Bankers ?ad Brokers, RICHMOND, VA, J0NN L. WILLIAMS & SONS BANKERS, Pealers |n JUCJIMONP, VA* SOUTHERN INVESTMENT : SECIIRITIES, MUNICIPAX BQNPS A SPESCIAVTI^ i ??: a yprrespondenya invlted*.