Newspaper Page Text
ONE OENT 1 WORD. MINIMUM ONAMI 25 Gtnti, OnhlntdfinN THESE ARE THE WONDER WORKING WANT ADS. THIT BRINQ OREITEST RESULTS. MlfiiMUM OHARBE 26 Cents, CashlnAdvanos ONE CENT A WORO. MfiLP WANTED-FEMALE. iitaW$$$m1$9ta\ IWANTEO, LADIES ON CHURCH HtLL to start nmong thelr friends fiomothltu. hrand new that uays woll; eosts noth? lng; niJlondId chanco. Addross LI? BRARY, caro thls offlco,_' WANTEP, LADIES TO MAKE NECK woar from sample; experlence not iieccs earyj steady work: g'ood pay. Send self addrei.ed starnped envelope. IDBAl MFQ. CO., 608 West 183d Bt, NfyTgrJ^ 8ITUATION8 WANTED?FEMALE. JwANTKD, BY A YOUNO LAPY OF several years' experlence, posltlon as book-keeper, head or asslstant!' beat of references. Address B. K., care tnia of f. flce. _ -_ (vVANTBP, AT ONCE. ' POBITION BT an exporlonccd lady stenographor, wlth good reforences. Address Mlss J? care Thls office. _______ X/APY OF EXPERIENCH PESIRE8 posltton during summor months or by fallj teaoher of Engllsh, Mathomatlcs, French, Callathenlcs. Piano, Bnnlo, Oul tar and Fancy Work. Address CABLE, Carrollton, Va. _____________ .WANTEP, A POSITION AB COMPAN lon to an Invalld lady; wouid bo wllllng to go away during tho summer months as nurso or care takor. Address O. T. J., Carrler 0, Potorsburg. Va._ HELP WANTED?MALE. WANTEP. TWO FIRST-CLASS COAT TAILORfl. Apply at once to BTOKES & DUNN, 211 Eost Broad Btroot. )?ANTEP, RKLIABLE RBGIBTERED PHAR.IAC18T, sober and lnduatrlous, compotent to take chargo. PAUL FLETCHER, Harrisonburg, Va. , K QUARRYMEN ,and prillbrs wanted: steady work: good wagea. GUILF6rD & WATERSVILLE CO? Granlto, Md. wanted. a few good machtnery MOULDERB for heavy work: hlBhest wages to stoady men. BIRMINOHAM MACHINE & FOUNDRY CO? Box 440, Blrmlngham, Als. WANTED, .FOR THE U. 8. ARMY: Able bodlcd, unmarrled men, between ages of 21 and 85, cltl.ens of United Btates, of good character. and temperats hablts. who can epenk, read and wrlte Engllsh. For Infor? matlon appy to RECRUITING OFFICER, 110 East Broad Street, Richmond. Va. 6nFuATION8 WANTED?MALE. iWANTED, BY A4 BOOK-KEEPER^ posltlon wlth responslblo flrm; graduate Eastman College, Poughkeepsio. N. Y.: ,' all clerical offers consldered; best ref erenees. Address Z. R. M. caro thla office. *" AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, BTATE AND COUNTY agents to soll my newly patented Combs. Guaranteed to remove dand? ruff. curo falllng halr, nervous head acho and scalp ailments. 32 varletles. Everybody uses combs and wants the*e, ? Men and women agents gettlng rich. Wrlte qulcic for terms. . Samplo 25c; money back lf you want lt. PROF. LONG, SALESMEN WANTED. BALE8.MEN?SIDE LINE, PAY8 HOTEL and cigar money every day; goods pald for when sold; pockot samples. Olve present line and territory. MAER GUM CO.. Memphls. Tenn.._ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BTOP PAY1NG RBNT.WE WILL BUY you a home on easy torms. Call or wrlte us. OREEJNE .& .CO., V. and, 15 'Chamber of Commerce. fc?", , .. ? , -_: ? , ? : BUSINESS CHANCES. I.OUBLE YOUR MONEY IN A FEW months and RECEIVE DrVTDENT>S ln the meantlme. We offer the best busl? ness proposltion ovor submltted; secur? lty placed In your hands. SEAMAN & CO., Droxel Bulldlng, Phlladelphia, V"11, - ,.? BOARD WANTED. iWANTED, FIRST-CLASS BOARD IN Tirlvato resldence for reflned famlly, gontieman. wlfe and two llttlo glrls. Ad? dress. giving partlculars, P. O. Box 321. i ? ?- b ROOMS FOR RENT. BTRICTL,Y FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD can be hald at 008 West Grace Street: travelers deslred; half block of Elba Station and car llnes. WANTED. iWANTED, TO BUY A BAKERY. CALL. Between 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. FERDI NAND BLOCK, Murphy's Hotel. Room 205._ HvANTED, TO BUY FOR CASH, ON Maln Street botween Slxth Street and Monroo Park, a good Detached Brlck HOUSE; please glve number and low fr ANTED, SEVEN OR EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE on Marshall or Clay Streets; wlll take unexplrod lease. Addross, statlng prlco and locatlon, HOUSE 8, cara thls office._ FOR RENT, FOR RENT?HOTEL, BEL AIR, SEA son of 1903. One of the most sucessful summer resorts In Virginla; well fur? nlshed. Address YODER & 8PESSARD, New Castle, Va. ( SIX PRIZES CARTOON CONTEST EIQHTH WEEK. FOUfcTH PRIZE S. R., 902 E. Marshall Street, Clty. ?? Six prizes wlll be awarded each week for the best drawlng *ub mltted, illustratlng that It psys sd vertiRers to use The TimoB-Dlspatch want columns. Tho six prlzes .wlll awarded ln the followlng order, viz.: Flrst prlze, $2; socond. thlrd, fourth, flfth and slxth prlzes, Jl each. ALL DRAWINGS MUST BB ORIG INAL AND MUBT-BE MADE WITH BLACK INK ON WHITE PAPER OR CARDBOARD, AND SHOULD BE FIVE ? TO SEVEN INCHES IN WIDTH. Name and addresa must be wrltten plalnly ON BACK OF DRAWING. Do not send lettera, but inclOBO stamp if you wlsh drawing returned. Do not fold, but roll, vhen mslllng. Address all drawings to "Cartoon Contest," Room No. 17, Tlmse Bulldlng. All drawings must roach Th* Tlmes-Dlspatch offlce not later than 12 P. M. each Saturday,'ln order to be counted ln the week's contest Every reader is cordlally Invlted to take part ln thls hlghly lnstruotlv* Contest. ' '_. FOR RENT, FOR RENT-UNEXP.RED LEASE3 ON -03 South Fourth Street; present ten? ant movlng out of town reason for rent? lng; deslrable for a boardlng-houso or sub-lettlng- aa flats. ?_ FOR SALE. WANTED. A PURCHASER FOR A nice COTTAGE at Bon Alr; furnished. IMARSHALL M. GILLIAM._ FOR SALE?SOME FINE PEDIGREED Belglan and Flemish Giant Hares-,, can bo seen at 807 W. Maln Street. Any one deslrlng to purchase call at onco and a_k for Mr. WEST._? $T._00 BUYS LEASE, GOOD-WILL, Stock and Fixtures of one of the ntceat Hotels ln State, clearlng $3,000 year; great bargaln; must sell. good reason. MELVILLE DANIELS, thls offlce. FOR SALE?EIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE, wlth excellent porches, lot 50x100 feet, Wllloughby Spllt, Va.. near Ocean Vlew; beautiful scenery and unsurpassed flsh lng. Wlll bo sold for less than cost Address S. C? P. O. Box 167, clty. FOR SALE?THE FOLLOWING SEC ond-hand Typewriters: Cnllgraph, 510; Dcnsmore," $15; No. 2 Remington. $33; No. 4 Williams, good as now, $50; Ham mond, $17.50; No, C Remington, $50; No. 7 Remington, $55: No. 2 Smlth-Premter, $55; No. 2 Ollver, $55, and other maohlnes of standard make at reduced ? prices. Any of tho nbove wlll be shipped out of town on trial. THE BAR-LOCK TYPEWRITER CO.. 712 E. Maln St. est price. Address Box 15S, clty. BUSINESS WANTS. FUDGE AT KAEMPF'S. 110 Nlnth St MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ES tate; -409 East Broad. GOOD VINEGAR, 18C. GALLON. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Street. WANTED. DEAD OR AL1VE?ANIMALS moved from all parts; no charge. BICKERSTAFF; 'phone 3398. DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD books, pamphlets. papera. etc, I buy thom. B. H. HEY, 733 East Cary. 5C. BAG GOOD SMOKING TOBACCO for .c.. GEO. L. HAYNES __ CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Street. ' t SPANISH YUM YUM TOOD FOR THE gods at KAEMPF'S, Nlnth Street. POTTED HAM OR TONGUE, 4C. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO;, 118 N. Elgh? teenth Street. FREE-OAS RANGES PUT IN FREE. The Jowel Gas Rango ts the best in the world: largest faotory In the world; a posttlve guarantee with each rango, and we defy competltlon and con tradlctlon. HARRIS HARDWARE CO., 409 East Broad, Agents. WE1 WANT TO BUY YOU A HOMB nnd take small monthly payments. In vestlgate our plan. as we only charge you 3 por cent. for the money: others chargo 6 and 8 per cent. GREENE & CO., Nos. 16 and 18 Chambor of Com merce. ? i BUSINESS WANTS. DRBW'B NEW WAY TO REPAIR SHOESj a whole eolei no Joint. to lonk. no jialls to ,tear the socks Men p. tl: La_Ie?, 85o, 'Phorte 2087. Wlll eall nnd flellVer! DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY, 71C B. Maln. WANTED, TO BELL 200 BUB.tBLS Blaekeye Peati at 60. per quart. GEO. L. HAYNES ft CO? 11S N. Eighteenth Street. . WANTED. 600 BOYS AND MEN TO keep thelr best glrls or wlves ln good humor by foedlng them on our best?the old .ashlonw. Italian Orearn Chooolatesi only at MARCHETTf BBOS/ BTOREB, ?06 East Maln and 617 East Broad. LADIES' COLUMN. SCOTCH KI8SE8 AT KABMPF*!., Nlnth Btreet. VANIT/LA CHOCOLATE AND WAL nut Caramols, at KAEMPF'S; Pure and Fresh, GOOD CHIPPED BEEF 8-AND 10C. PER half pound can. GEO. L, HAYNES & CO., 118 N, Eighteenth Stroet. , THB GIRLS ARE PRETTY, THE GIRL8 are sweet, but they llke tho dellelous phosphaten of every flavor at "THE FOUNTaIN," 80? Eaat Maln. ' GOOD SALT HBRRINGS 6C. PER dozen at GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 North Eighteenth Street. 10 BAR8 GOOD LAUNDRY SOAP FOR 2Sc. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO? 118 N. Elghtoenth Streot. 3 CANS TRI8TLE BRANTJ CORN FOR fSo. GEO. L, HAWES & CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Stroet. MI8CELLANEOUS. KAEMPF'S CANPIBB ARE THB BEST* try them. POULTRY FENCINGt AT prices at 409 East Broad. CASH TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ES tato; 400 East Broad. BMBLEM JEWELRY FOR THE NEW Order of Eagles at SMITH & WEB STER'S, 620 E. Maln, 8 3-POVND CANS TOMATOES FOR 26C: elngle can, Oo. GEO. L. HAYNES A CO., 118 N. Eighteenth Streot. NO TROUBLE OR CHARGE TO MAKE esttmates on reupholstoring old furnl? ture, Get your work dono now at dls count prices. JTURGENS', 421 Eaat Broad. RINGB AND BUTTONS FOR THE NEW Order of Eagles. Step ln and see them at SMITH & WEBSTER'S. 626 E. Maln. BASE-BALL SEASON IS HERE. HAR? RIS HARDWARE CO? 409 Eaat Broad, Just rocelved large etocle Base-Balls, Bats, Masks. Gloves, etc, otc. WANTED, EVERY MAN THAT WEAR8 a Shirt to know that the place to have them made ls at BISHOP'S, the Shlrt Bullder, 702 E. Maln. QUART JAR SWEET M1XED PICKLES for 10c. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., US N. Eighteenth Street. LARGE CAN GOOD LUCK BAK1NG POWDER for 80.: small can 4o. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., U8 N. Eighteenth Street. MISCELLANEOUS. UNION HOTEL?EVERTHING NEW; tl.50 and $2 per day. LARGE JAR CHOW CHOW FOR 10O. regular 25c. slze. GEO.; L. HAYNES & CO., U8 N. Eighteenth Street. NOTHING TOO LARGE, NOTHING TOO small;.try us. RICHMOND PRINTING CO., 1208 E. Franklin Street. 'Phone 2662. FOR DAMP WALLS AND LEAKY Roofs call on L. D. JOHNSON; the greatest thing on earth for same; has beon ln uso In thls city for twenty years; can furnieh any nmount of the best tes tlmonials: 1434 East Main Streot; 'Phone 164. ' IF IT'S WALL, PAPER YOTTRE LOOK lng for and want the best at satisfac tory prices call and see us. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER, 208-310 North Fifth. GET A NICE EMBLEM BUTTON FOR the Order of Eagles at SMITBT & WEB? STER'S. 026 E. Maln. ?_ PERSONALS. DON'T DO ANYTHING UNTIL YOU see us. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER. ALL THE LADIES RECOMMEND KAEMPF'S CANDIES. WE'LL SAVE YOU MONEY. RICH? MOND PRINTING CO., 1208 E. Frank? lin Street. 'Phone 2062. BEST AMERICAN SARDINES. 4C, BOX, GEO. L. HAYNES & CO? 118 N. Eigh? teenth Btreet. NEW PACKED SALMON. 9C. PER CAN. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 11S ffc Eigh? teenth Street. WANTED, CLARA, KATIE AND ALL tho reat of the girls to. tell tholr best fellows to buy our old fashloned Italian Cream Chocolates: best ln tho clty. MARCHETTI BROS., two stores, 906 E. Maln artd 617 E. Broad. PERS0NAL8. _ BNCOURAGH ir O M & Ljl\_&V$$M' HUltS (16 tm. Trotiser* (6 Up. RICH MOND TAILORING CO., Chftflea A. Spence, managor, Slxth and Maln. WANTED, YOU TO KNOW THE BEST placo ln Richmond to get a perfect flt tliig. Shirt is BtSHOP'S, tho Shirt Bullder, 70. E. Maln._' wTlY NOT BUY THB HOUSE YOU ARE llvlng In7 Wo wlll tell you how to do lt. Cnllor write GREENB & CO., Nos. 18 and 18 Chambor of Commerce. 2 POUNDS GOOD G.NGKR BNAPS OR Boda Crackers for 9e. , GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Bt. LAROE JARS MUSTARD, 6C. EACH. OEO. L. HAYNES & CO.. 118 N. Elgh tocnth Street._?_ ,r ANTIQUE8. ~~ SPECIAL SALE FOR TEN PAYS OF sovnral flno plecoB of Antlquo Furnl? turo and Brlc-a-Brae. 809 and 811 North Elghth Street, .'_. AWNING8, TENTS AND FLAQ8. LET US MAKE YOUR AWNINGS NOW ond put thom up when you aro ready; window awr.lngs mado all slzes. Juat 'phono 2H2 and we wlll ealt nnd glve eg tlmates. J. ROSS JONES & BRO., 903 East Broad. ______________ SAVE MONEY AND ORDER YOUR Awnlngs now; remomber the hot wave-s qflmlng. 'Phone -576 and we will enll. M. G. COPELAND CO., 106 N. Nlnth Street. Out-of-town ordors rocel'.. prompt at? tentlon._ ' BABY-CARRIAQE8 AND QO-CARTS. BUY OF THE MANUFACTURERS; latest 1003 deslgne. SCHREMP & TUMA. 817 North Flfth Streot Old ones cloaned and rebleachcd. ?_,. BICY~CL~E_~ ivER JOHNSON BICYCLES. BEST Wheel in Richmond, for the monoy. Only at TOMPKINS' CYCLE STORE, 311 West Broad. BOOKBINDING AND PRINTINQ. WE DO BOOKBINDING. IiBTTBRING and prlntlng. S. B. ADKINS & CO.. No. 0 Governor Street. BICYCLES AND REPAIRS. THAT'8 HIM-JO BICKERSTAFF. THB expert?He -hns one store, 1803 East Maln. He solla, buys, rents exchanges or-ro? palrs anythlng In shape of a blcycle. 'Phone 3308. ._ *"* CONFECTION8. ICE CREAM, $1 PER GALLON; PIES,' Cakes and Pastrles in every stylo; Frults. Tobacco, etc; 'phone 2253. WIN' STON'S, 537 Brook Avenuo._ ? CREAM PuFf's. SPEOIALS?POLICA ROLLS. WBLL fllled Cream Pufts, Snow Balla, Jelly Rolls, fllled -wlth the flnest currant ,1elly. 'Phone ln your order. "wlll be Johnny on the snot." H. PERKINSON, Baker, 421 N. Slxth Street. . QOLD FRAMES AND GILDING. WANTED-GOLD LEAF GILDING IN old portrait or mlrror framos. We are tbe leaders and do more ln that line than anv other house In the State. The largest dlsplay of genulne Gold Fromes ln tho South. We wlll call and glve estlmates . for gtldlnir and resllverlng mlrrors. THE CRAIG ART CO. POR 8ALE?BARQAIN9, THE LATEST IN ART WALL PAPERS. F. L, BRAUER fc BROTHER. LARGE BOTTLE GOOD TOMATO CAT SUP, lOo. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N, Eighteenth Btreet._? OLD HOMESTEAD VINEGAR. PURE' and good: full quart bnttls for 10c, GEO. L. JJAYNES & CO? 11S N. Eighteenth Streot. LARGE SUPPLY FRESH COUNTRY Eggs, Butter and Old Virginla Hams. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO, 118 N. Eigh? teenth Street, _. FOR SALE. A FINE) ASSOHTMBNT OF Grocery Wagons. If you need Rubber Tlros, Runabout, call to seo mo, I can savo you monoy. B. C. BRISTOW, 19 Bouth Flfteenth Stroet._ WANTED, TO SELL COUNTRY PEO nlo grocerles at low prlcos. All orders by mall shlpperl prornptly an.l satlsfac tlon guaranteed. GEO. L HAYNES & CO? 118 N. Eighteenth Streot,_ OROUND MEAL. .f"y6u WANT GOOD CORN-BREAD buy puro country wnter-grotind mcal from GEO. L. HAYNES & CO? 118 N. Eighteenth Stroet._ GENTS*" COLUMN. KAEMPF'S 40C. MIXTURE CAN'T BE boat. ? _ ____________ OUR PRIPE FLOUR. 26C, FEF. BAG: we guaranteed lt. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO? 118 N. Eighteenth Btreet._ YOU- WILL NEVER WEAR A READY made'Shlrt aftor having one made to ordor at BISHOP'S, tho Shlrt Bullder, 702 East Maln. _ ' ' GOOD MIXED C'AKES. S POUNDS FOR 25c. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO.. 118 N. Eighteenth Streot. _ | BEFORE ORPERING THAT NEW 3UIT como. :ond see tho nlce assortmont at Slxth and Maln. Sults, {15 up: Trousers, Ml up. RICHMOND TAILORING CO., Chas, ,A. Spence, Managor. . ,,? 3 PLUG-- REYNOLDS' SUN-CUREP, Sweot Brler, Old Peach, Grape or Plum Tobacco for 25c, GEO, L. HAYNES & . CO,, 118 N. Eighteenth Streot._ THE GIRLS ARE PRETTY, THE GIRLS aro sweot, ,but they llke tho deliolous phosphates of every flavor at "THE ?? FOUNTA1N," 600 East Maln. ' ' 75C. HALF SOLING MEN'S SHOES', Ladles, COc; bost leather; evory pair restltched: no nalls. no pegs. DREw S ELECTRIO POWER SHOE FACTORY, 716 B. Maln; 'phono 26G7. Wlll call ana dellver. Thls advertlsemcnt good for 10o. payment half sollng._ " HOME-m"aT3_TcANDIE8. KAEMPF'S CANDIES ARE ALL .HOME mado; porhnps you nover knew ' that, Como'ln and soe us; It don't cost any? thlng lf you don't buy._ HOTELS. UNION HOTEL. CATERS TO REGULAR and translent boarders, Rates, $1.B0 and $2 por day; lodglng, 50, 7Bc. and tl! meals. DOc, each. Weekly rates, $7 to $9. Speclal rates to partles and excurslonlsts; evorythlng now; culalno unsurpaased. HOT ROLLS. WANTED, HOUSEKEEPERS TO KNOW lf tholr cook ls out of flour they can always got Hot Rolls, Turnovers, Bis cults, Loaf Bread, Fresh Home-mado Pies, eto., at ATKINSON'B, 827 Brook Avenuo; 'phono 2619. BY USINQ GET RESULTS THE SOUTH'S *,?TE* SUPPlIeR THE & TIMES-DISPATCH Want Columns JUST PHONE DANIELS (OLD 'PHONE 38) HE WILL CALL FOR YOUR WANT ADS. NO TROUBLE SPARED AND EVERY EFFORT USED TO FURTHER YOUR INTERESTS HOME COMFORTS. UNtON HOTEL.-HOMB UKB, COM* fortable, reasonablo, NOTICE. MR. T. H. PEACE WILL>BB GLAD TO ees hia friends and cufltotners at 118 N. Elghteenth Street, where he can Mll thom grocerles cheap. PRINTING. SEND US YOUR PRINTING. RICH? MOND PRINTING CO., 1208 E. Frank? lln Sy-eot. 'Phono _602. PLUMBING AND TINN.NG. C.V H.. ' COmY,'." 423 WEST BROAD Street. You oan have your plumbing and tlnnlm. dowo promptly and stove repalred. Old 'phono 2786., POULTRY NETTING. THE CELEBRATED CORNELL INCTJ bator and Peop O'Day Brooders; none botter: few so good. FANCIERS' BUP PLY CO., 617-610 West Broad Street' ?? RELIABLE BARBERS. hlto Barbers' company, wno mtro ced .cuttlng halr 15 cont*. shaylng 10 its, ls stlll ln tho buainesB wlth th? *t of barbers. We wlll be pleased THB , OLD RELIABLE RICHMOND, Whlto Barbers' Company. who intro? duced .cuttlng cent betrt . - to Beo our frlonds; 120.. East MaJi. Streot. CHARLES P. BEITZ. Preaident. RUNABOUTS AND,WAGON*. FOR NEW AND SECOND HAND RtTN-i aboutS, Wagons Phaetons, Surrlee Dar? tons, come to see me. W. C. SMITH. No. 814 North Flfth Street. , ? ' ?** 80RGHUM._ J JUST RECE.VED A FRESH SUPPLY of that good oW VlrglnlA Sorghum. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elgh? teenth Street. SPECIAL SALE. 91._6 FOR HALE CORD KILN-DRIBD WOOD; $2.50 to'$3 for half cora sawtd Pine and Oak Wood, delivered. See of > 'phone J. B. LACY. ??* ' SEWINQ MACHINES. SPBCAL SALE THIS WEEK ONLY,' . We have a few of our scratohed ma? ohlnes left. They wlll be sold at whole sale price. Como quick, or lose~ youf.. ohanoo. ? NBW HOMB OFFICE, Nlntft and Broad._ - ' SPECIAL NOTICE. .???.-.'?-.??"?? WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND Sllvorware at wholesftlejprlees. Call at J. WEINSTEIN's, 1601 E. Maln Street. ?____,__ ?-!-..??' '..?'???..* STORAGE ROOM. . ?; FOR CHEAP AND DRY 8TORAG-S room apply to Blchardson & Chap pell, No. 501 West Maln Street (Belvl dera Bulldlng). ? ' '?? SUITS TO ORDER. "EVEBY STITCH MADB IN RICH* mond." ?''NIee nssortnient of Stiita, $11 ? up; Trousers, $5 up. RICHMOND TAl LORING CO., Slxth and Maln. Charle* ; A. Spence, Manager. , SHIRT FITTERS. ~" _,-,-.-?-. WANTED," EVERY MAN THAT IN.'-' tends/ to woar a Negligee Shirt thls. spring and summer to see our line ot forelgn and domestlo Shlrtings. BISHOP, the Shirt Bullder. 702 East Maln. y : special; pr'ices. union hotel-special meal;* rates to business men._ SAWED^OOD. SAVE MONEY BY BI.YING YOUR Wood at H. S. URBAN'S. Sawed Pine, $4.50 and $5.50; Oak wood, $5.75. Bowo' and Marehall Streets. .Old 'Phone 1320. . SAVE MONEY. IF YOU WILL SAVE MONEY ON grocerlea glve us your number and we wlll send a pollta salesman to your door, w.ho wlll tako your orders and de- - llver the goods promptly. GEO. . L. . HAYNES & CO.; 118 N. Elghteenth St. tIeHasT our green. black 'english1.. Breakfast or Mixed Tea can't be beat for the monoy. GEO. L. HAYNES A ' CO,. 118 N. Elghteenth Street. ~ UPHOL8TERINQ. ~~~~ C. C. LEVY, NO. 644 BROOK AVENUE. makes Mattresses. Cushlons and Sllp Covers to order. Bell 'phono 108*. WALL PAPER. ~~ AN ELEGA NT LINE OF AKT WAUl PAPERS. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER. TEN DOLLARS' WORTH OF WALIi Papor glven away absolutely Free. ?No., humbug. Write to-day for partlculars. No communlcatlon answered unlesg stamped envelope ls sent us for repljr. P. A. ARTHUR & CO.. No. 302 Eas. Maln Street. Richmond. Va. _ WATCHES, cUoCKS REPAIRED. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY repalred at very lowest pr!c~~.??-;3.% WEINSTEIN, 1601 B. Maln Street. '.. RAILROAD8. R r ? n Richmond, Frederlcka ? ????? burg & Potomac R. R Tralns Leavo Richmond?Northward. 4:11 A. M? dally, Byrd Bt. Through. 6:15 A M., dally, Maln St. Through. 6:45 A. M.. dally, Maln St. Through. All Pullman Cars. _. _ _. 8:64 A. M., except Monday. Byrd Bt Through. All Pullman Cars. _? 7:16 A. M? woek days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodatlon. ?:00 A. u? Sunday only. Byrd Bt Through. 8:40 A. M? week days. Bryd St. Through, 12:05 noon. woek days. Byrd St. Through, 4:00 P.. M., week days. Byrd St Fred erlcksburg accommodatlon. 6:05 P. M., dally, Maln St. Through. 6:25 P. M.. woek days. Elba. Ashlana ac? commodatlon, t:05 P. M? delly. Byrd St, Through. |1:10 P. M? woek days, Elba. Ashland ao comrrci.latlon, Tralns Arrlve Richmond?Southward, 1:40 A. M? week days. Elba. Ashland ao commodatlon. 1:00 A. M., dally, Byrd st. Through. 1:25 A. M., week days. Byrd St.. Fred* i erlcksburg accommodatlon. VB:06 P. M.. wook days. Byrd St. Through, 2:05 P. M? dally, Mam St. Through. 0:00 p, M., week days. Elba. Ashland ao commodation. _ ? ?_ _, 6:46 P. M.. dailv, Byrd St. Through. ?:00 P. M? dalfy. Byrd St. Through, 10:26 P. M., dally, Maln St. Through. All : Pullman Cars. 11:00 P, M? week days. Elba. Ashland ao commodation, 11:40 P. M? week days. Byrd Bt, Thro.gte. , All Pullman Cars. ? _, ?_ 12:26 A. M.. dally, Maln St, Through. ATLANTIC COAST LINE i'RAINS LKAVE RICHMOND DAILY BYRD-STREET STATION, 8:30 A. M. To all polnts Bouth. _ 0:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 13;20 P. M. Potorsburg and N. & XV. WMt 8:00 P. M, Petersburg and Norfolk. 11:10 P, M. Goldsboro Local. 5:56 P. M. Potorsburg local, 6:60 P, M, To polnts Bouth. _ _ < 9:85 P. M. Petorsburg and N. & W. West. 11:30 P. M, Petersburg lqoal. Ml:50 P. M. "Florlda 8000101.'* TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. . ? 4:07 A. M? 46:40 A. M,. 7:85 A- M.. t8:4l 'A. M-. 11:10 A. M? 11:43 A. M.. 2:00 P. M* ffiO P. M.. 7:45 P. M_ 8:56 p. W. t Excent Bnndny. t Exoept Monday. C. S. OAMPBBLL, Plv. Pass. Agt (JV, J. CRAIO. Gen. Pass. ' RAILROADS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SOHEDULE IN EFFECT FEB. ?2, 1008, TRAINS LEAVE RIOHMOWD. 7:00 A. M.?Dally, Local for Charlotte. 12:50 P. M.?Dally. Limfted, BufEet Pull? man to Atlanta and Blrmlngham, New Orleans, Momphls, Chattanooga and all the South. ? _ 6:00 P. M.?Ex. Sunday. Keysvllle Local. 11:06 P. M.?Dally. Llmlted; Pullman ready 9:30 P. M., fnr all the South. YOEK RIVER X..XE. Tbe favorlte route to Biltlmore and eastorn points. Leave Richmond 4:80 P, M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 5:00 A. M.?Excopt Sunday. Local mlxed for West Point. - . 2:15 P. M.?Local, Monday, Wednesday and Friday for West Point. 4:80 P. M.?Except Sunday. For West Point, connectlng wlth steamers for Bal? tlmore and rlver landlngs M/Ondays, Wednesdays and Frldays. TRAINS ARRIVE RfOKKONO, 6:65 A. M. and 0:25 P. M.?From all the Bouth. 8S5 P. M. ,, .,; 8:40 A.M.?From Keysvllle. 8:15 A. M.?Baltlmoro and West Point, 4'50 P M.?From West Point. ? a ACKRRTii m! S, H. HAROWIOK, O, P. A, o7 W. WEgTBURV, ?. T. A.. Rlcbmonq, Va. (OfNorfaik^Wesleni ?K1TZ.Y-?"?> LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. ?:00 A, M.. NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar? rlves Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Stops only at Petersburg. Wavorly and Suffolk, 9:00 A. M.. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car, Petersburg to Lynchburg and Roanoke. Pullman Sleopers Roanoke to Columbus, Bluefleld to Clnclnnatl: also Roanoke to Knoxvllle, and Knoavilla to Chattanooga ond Memphls. 12;20 P. M? ROANOkE EXPRESS for Farmvl lle. Lynchburg and Roanoke. 3:00 P.XM., OCEAN JHOBB LIMITED, Arrlves Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stopg onfy at Petersburg. Waverly and Suffolk. Connects wlth steamorw to Boston. Provldence. New York, .BalUmpre and AVashlngton. 6:66 P.M., for Norfolk und all statlons east of Feterspurg. - ?i?*L p<- ^" N?yy OBLBANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleeper. Richmond to Lynchburg, Potorsburg to, Roanoke: Lynchburg to Chattanooga. MempTiis and N_w Orleans. Cafo pinliig Car. Tralns arrlve from the West 7:85 A. M.. 2 P. M. and 8:56 P. M.; from Norfolk 11:10 A: M? U:42 A. M. and 6:50 P* M. ' Office No. 838 East Maln Streot. W. B. BEVILL, O. H. BOSLBY, Gen. Pasa Agent- Pls. i'ass, Agent _ RAILR0AD8, iR&riF^. Chesapeake \m-+w$LJ3 g ni_:__ ou 2 Hours and 25 Mlnutes to Norfolk. LEAVE RICHMOND-EASTBOUND. 7:45 A. M.?Woek days?local to Newport News and way statlons. 9:00 A. M.-Dally?Llmlted-Arrlves Wll? llamsburg 9:56 A. M., Newport News, 10:80 A. M., Old Point 11:00 A. M., Norfolk 11:25 A. M. 4:00 r. M.?Week days?Speclal?Arrives Wllllamsburg 4:5. P, M.. Nowport . News 0:30 P. M.. Old Point 6:00 P. M., Norfolk 0:25 P. M, 5:00 P. M.-Dally-Locnl to Old Point. MAIN LINE?WESTBOUND. 10:10 A, M.~Week days-Local to Cllfton Forpe and way statlons. 2;00 P. M.?Dally-Speclal to Cinclnnatl, Loulsvllle, St Louls ond Chlcago. ~:15 P. M_Week days?Local to Doswell. 10:30 P. M.?Dally? LImlted to Cinclnnatl, Loulsvllle, St Louls and Chlcago. JAMES RIVER LINE. 10:20 A. M.-Dally?Express to Lynchburg, Cllfton Forge and prlnclpal statlons. 6:15 P. M.?Week days?Local to Bremo. C. E. DOYLE. XV O WARTHBN, Gen'l Manager. DUt. Pass, Agt. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURO ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Beglnning April Ut, 1002, Cars Jeave corner Perry and Seventh Streots, Manchester, every hour (on the hour) from 0 A. M. to 10 P. M., last car 11:50 -P. M. Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Syca more Street, every hour from 6:80 A, M. to 10:30 P. "M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. 60 CBNTB-ROUND TIUP-SO CENTS. STEAMBOAT8. Clyde Steamihio Co.'s PHJLADELPjnA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAM SHIP UNE, Appointed sailing days: Every TUESDAY, FRIDAY and BUNDAY. afc.cUyUg-i Freight reoeivfd daily tilf 6 f, M- j RAILROADS._??. SEABOARD Air Line Rajlwav TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND-PAILY. 10:28 P. M. Soaboard Florlda Llmlted to St. Augustlne. . /, ? _ 2:16 P. M. Seaboard Mall to Savannah, JacksonviUe, Atlanta and Southwest. 12:32 A, M. Seaboard Expross to Savan nah, JacksonviUe, Atlanta and South? west, 9:10 A. M, Local for Norlina and Harnlet. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND-DAIH. 6:40 A, M? No. 34, from Florlda. 6:10 A. M. No. 60, from Florlda, Atlanta and Southwest. _ _., ,. ;?.-.' . 4:65 P. M.. No, 66, from Florlda, Atlanta anofBouthwest. . , , , . E:45 P. M. from Nor na and local polnts. ? *** .CITY TICKET OFFICE. 'Phone 403 i?06 Baat Maln St. 8TB AM BOATS, ymkarwrnwaWfi Steamer POCAHONTAS leave. MON? DAY, WEDNESDAY und FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Clnramont and J_.mes Rlver landlngs, and connectlng at Old Point for Waahlngton, Baltlmore and the North. Stnte-roomB reserved for the nlght at moderate prlcos. Electrlo cara dlrect to wharf. Fure only Sl.W and fl to Norfolk. Muslo by Grand Orchestilon. Frelght received tor above-immcd placou and all points ln Enstern Vlrijlnla and Notrh Carolina. JRVIN WEIsfGER,. Genoral Manager. B. A. Barber, Jr? Secretary, OLO DOMINJON STEAMSHIP C0. Nlght Un? (or Norfolk Leave Rlohmond dally at 7 P, M., atop Blpg at Newport News ln both dlrootlona. Daily except Sunday by C. and O. Rall? way. 9:00 A. U-. * p* M-,,9 A' M. and 3 P. M. by N. aud XV. Rallway; all llnes conneot at Norfolk wlth dlreot steamers for New York, salllng dally except Sun? day, 1 P. M. Kteimors aoll from company's wharf (foot of Ash Street) Roeketts. Ji. B. WALKER, Traf. Maii New York. JOHN F. MAYER, Agent, STEAMB0AT8. American Line. NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON, LONDON ' Salllng Wednesdaya at .10 A, M. Phlladelphla, AplM. Phlladelphla, Apl. 22. New Vork, April 15. St, Paul, Aprll 29. Red Star Line. NEW YORK-ANTWERP-PARIS. Salllng Saturday at 10'A, M. KonBliigton, Maroh 28. Kroonland, Aprll 11. Southwark, Aprll 4. Zeeland, Aprll 18. PlerH 14 and 15, North Rlvor. Offlce, 73 Broadway. N. Y. W. B, PAL-UEI. & CO., BAY UNE TO BALTIMORE Via 0. & 0, Itwv, nnd Old Point, V. S, M~I~ HOUTE. Leave Richmond via C. & 0. dally except Sunduy, at 4 l". M., con. ut Old Point wlth Bteauicri of 0|d Bay Llno, leavlng 7MB P, M,, nrrlvluc Uultlmoro 6:80 A. M., con. North, En?t and We?t. For ttckoL and Information an nly to C. 4 0, Rwy. and Transfer Company, 100t$ Kust Maln Streot. FOR RENT. -i.-M?*-HV-?I-i* ? l,-iM._?iM_| ___*__^_____*_%_______M\___%^_%___*___?____i___*__4_\ 'tftffffiffifiwwwwtffftff FOR RENT. SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE OFFICES. Nowly arranged and papered, on the THIRD FU-OR of the TIMEQ DISPATCH PUItOINQ. Hflht, hoat and Janltor servlce. Por price and partlculars apply to the TIMES-DISPATCH offlco. ilMUMNIIMMMUHH-t AMUSEMENT8, APRIU5TH CONFEDERATE BAZAAR Remember the Date ACADEIN/IY. ?-> BOSTONIANS. FRIDAY AND SATUKDAY MATINEE, RORIN HOOD. SATUKDAY NIGHT, MAID MARIAN. Prlcos, S5u, -5o, 50o, 760, $1.00 nnd #1.50. ANIMALM TWICB PAILY AT 2 ANl> 7 P. AV ADA1ISSION 35c CHILDlttiN iSe, THE VALENTINE MUSEUM TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. Opens dally from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Admlsslon, 25 coi.ts. JTree on Saturdays. | UDY SUVET' 1 MUSICAL NEXT WEEK COMEDY 00 Prlce.: Mnt.?25 aud 50o, Nlghfe-25,80,78o (Seats oa salo to-day,; 13 I J O UI MATINE8 TO.OAY. FAWGETT CO. With Frank Glllmoro and Graco Kliubull SIBERIA Next Week ON THE SEWANEE BIVEB. Tenth of Associatlon Course, Y. M. C. A, Hall, MONDAY, Maroh 30th, 8.30 P. M. MISS IDA BENFEY. Reserved seats Friday, March %J, l p. U.