Newspaper Page Text
Tialhimer's Sale of Satchels and Bags S/lghtly Sot/ed, at Half Price. 75 Satchels and Bugs! of all kinds, slightty soiled and shop, worn, to bo sold at a gecafc sucrifico. TALK FULL OF INTEREST ?????? i Lecture by Mlss Susan Blow on the Klndergarten. IMPORTANCE OF.SUBJECT' An Attentive Audience Heard Her DJs course, whlch Was Pronounced One of the Most Brilliant Hoard In Years. Betoro a large and lappreclalko audi? ence last nlfilit at tlio Woman's Club, W whlch sho was presented by Governor Montaguo, MIhb Susan 'Blow, ono of the most distingulshed ediicators In the coun? try, dcllverd, ,under tho auspices of tho Richmond Educatlon Assoclatlon, a lec? ture pronounced by those who hoard tt: to be the ..finest and most scholarly ot Its klnd over heard In Richmond. ~lia~ Blow |a a natlve of Norfolk. Va., but many years of hor life wera spent In Bt. Louls, whero she wns Instrumonlal ln introduclng lnto tho publlc school. the klndergarten H>'~tem. Moro recently she Im. boen travellng ovor lho country'do IV.erlng lectures. She Is at thls particular time Just enterlng upon a tour through the South, where sho hopes to arouse grcnter Interest In the great klndergarten mothod whlch haa already taken hold In othor sectlons ot - the land. From here ?ho wlll _o to Norfolk, nnd tFTen to Greensboro, Criar'eston, Khcocvllla. New Orleans, and possibly Moblle. Sho Is a distingulshed scho'lar. and has wrltten aeveral well known'books. ? THE KINDERGARTEN. The subjoct dlscussod last nlght by Miss Blow was "Tho Klndergarten," about whlch she is, through her long and successful oxperlcnce, well qualified tb apeak, After an Introductory reference , to tho fact that Amorlcans are the most romantlc peoplo ln the world, and that the prlnclple ot tho educatlon of the peo? ple ls grounded In .the Declaratlon of In dopendohce Itsolf, sho went on to dls? cuss the various iph'ases of tho subject Bho ? had undertaken for tho evenlng. Bho Bpoke of tho necesslty of early traln? lng of the chlld, a tralnlng whlch should begln between the ages of four and six, tho period when tho chlld is forming Its Ideas and Ideals. Tho at mosphere of tho early school is not adapt ed to this early ago of the pupll, and hence tho need of the klndergarten. tho two great efforts of' Whlch are'to klndjp lionl thy nffoc'tlbhs.. and ' shape tho wlll. 3-etween tho agea'of thr_. and six tho braln of tho chlld as Its greatest- con efructive actiiity and muscular traln? lng ls easiest. Mlss Blow went on to speak in appre elatlatlve torms of the Immorlal Froebol, nnd hls method, which is now adopted the worjd ovc-r. She dwclt partlcularly upon IHs work for the tralnlng of tho-'o wh'O wore In turn to traln the chlldren. Upon thls tralnlng she lald the utmost lm? portance, and declared that tho greatest eool of all educatlon is to nurturo tha Iiurturers.. PRAISED THB SOUTH. . . At ono point Mlss Blow took occasion to speak In compllmentary terms ot. the Boulh, Tho southern tempernment, waa more onthuslastlc, ls bottor adapted to the llfo of tho children than the colder, more conservativo wind of the Northi To lhe South. sho sald, sho looked as a sec? tion from whlch the greatest and best leachors nro yet to come. WAS SHUT UP WITtt IT Dr, Curd Wlll Tell His Experience With ' Smallpox. The Church Hlll doctors oxpect to have a most .Interestlng dlscusslon of small poj. to-n.lght at tlie resldence of Dr. XV. H. Parker. Tho leader wlll bo none?ithot than Dr. Isaao Curd, who has cortainly boen ln closor quarters wlth the dread dlseaso than any physlcian In thls com? munlty. For weeks ho was shut up wlth case after caso. "seolng nobody but hls patients. Ho knows tho disease thorough' ly. ond hls experlence wlth ._ wlll bo Intorostlng to hear, and ot valuo to hls medlcal calleagues. At tho tlme of Dr. Curd's agreolng to nurse tho smallpox patients hls practlco of selt den.a. an<T devotlon to duty Won tho ndmlration nnd gratltudo of tho clty. .-' SAENGER HALLE OPEN1NQ Mr. Lawler Will Enter taln Hls Friends This Evenlng. Old Saenger Hallo, rojuvenated, repalnt ?*., rofurnlshod, and rofroshed, wlll bo formally oponed to the publlo to-nlght at whlch tlmo the lessee, Mr. M. J. I.awler, wlll tender-hls friends and the publlo an openlng feast, wlth a musl? cal programmo, and somo good thlngs to ?at. i Mr. Lawler Is well known,as the pro? prietor of the Merohants' Cafe, whlch he wl|l contlnue to conduct ln connoctlon wlth hls now place. . Ladies'Degree Oonferred. The wlves and daughters of Masons liad a' delightful tlme at Smlthdeal Hall last nlght when the ladles' degree was conferred, In tho nadmlnlstratlon of the Jionors, Worshlptul jamos H. Capera was ?sslsted by Mlss Edna Bloomborg-. Fol? lowlng these exerolses an aftraotlve mu alcal programme waa oharmlngly rendor ed. ELMER COLUNS IS ACQUITTED OF OUILT ?'.' (B? ABKoelated l'r.??.l OEORQETOWN, DEL? Maroh 26. Flmer Colllns was to-nlght acqultted of the chargo of kllllng his wlfo, Ilda. Tho case was, aftor belng on trial l'or two weoks, glven to the Jury at 0 o'clock to nlght, and the verdict was renderod foi^r *>.ours (ater, -. ....? Mee| f>"ex. in Wa?hlngtoni '.'." (By ..b-Qolntei. 1'rtiun.) NEW ORLEANS, LA., March 25.-The conventlon of tho Woman's NatlonAl Suffrago Assoclatlon oame to a cjose to , pight,. after a,. eessloh presided ? ovor by Mrs; Austin Stone "Cullen, of Canada;-;.. Ttie next c.onventlop wlll be.l~.W: :lp ,Wl-*~.n*toi., D. 'q,1.. CONDITION OF INJURED . / Those Hurt In Wreck ln Man? chester Restlng Well. NEW ELK3* LODGE TO-DAY Institutlon Will Bogin at 2 o'Clock Thls Allernoon?Mr6. Brad|ey's Talk. Illness of Superlntendent Allen. Church Services. Manchester Bureau Tlmos-Dlspatch,) No. 1102 Hull Streot. J Engineer C. C. Lamb and Flreman George illx, of tho englno and frelgW train that was badly wrecked lil "arl chestor, wero roported lis gettlng along as woll as posslblo last lilght. Tho mon were Injured (n a collision be? tween two frulght trulns at the trestlo on tho Atlantlc Coast Line In Manchester, not far from tho entrance to the James Rlivor brldge. Tho collision was duo to the Inabillty of the tralnmen, toi oporffto the brakes on a train or forty cars bound1 for Richmond. upon a track occupled by another frelght train, the englno of whlch was In charge of tho Injured met, As tho engines struck there was u great crash, nnd car/i wero deralled and badly damaged. All of them were empty. The englno, operated by the In? jured mon, was at a standstlll and headed for tho Atlantlc Coast Llno yard*.' A block of tracks was torn, a tele? graph pole avos broken, and the trestle ?*as damaged. Engineer Al. Crooks and his flreman, In charge of the train com Ing to Richmond, Jumped and Baved themselves, as dld tho tralnmen of both tralns. Tlio accident caused somo delay ln all tralns comlng Into the clty from the South. Those that came ln whllo the ro? mo vnl of the wreCkage was ln progress, came around by the Belt Line to Elba The collision occurred about 4 o'clock A. M? and the track was cleared about 11 o'clock. The Injurles to Mr. Lamb were a broken arm and shoulder hlade, some scalds and other brulses, and Flreman Hix was badly Injured' Internally Inslde, sustalnlng many cuts and brulses. His conditlon is serlous. ELKS' IN9TALLATION TO-DAY. Everything ls in readlness for the 1*1 staltatlon of the Lodge . of Ellta, Ui Mnnclies'ter to-day. Dlstrlct Deputy ??Phll S. Kelly and hls ofllcers wlll reach the Masonlc Temple at 2 o'clock thls afternoon and wlll at onco bogin the ceremonles. whlch wlll proba? bly contlnuo to 9 o'clock. After that a banquet wlll be served by Brother Shercr. of Ford'c Hotel, who has arranged for one of the best ho has ever prepared. ". Exalted Buier Eugene Llpscomb has arranged wlth the Passenger and Power Company to havo a speclal car on hand for the accommoAatlon of the vlsltlng Elks from Blchmond. ILLNESS OF MR. BOWEN. Mr. R. A. Bowen. who has been 111 for several days, was reported as restlng easy last nlght, Superlntendent Wlllls Allen. of the Almshouse and Cemetery, who has been slck for sevoral weeks, ls reported as Improvlng. MRS. BBADLJET'S TABLE, Mrs. W. B. Bradley, who will be one of tho ladlos ln charge of the Virginla table at tho Confederate Bazaar next month, ls preparlng to glve an ontertaln ment for the benefit of her table. MB. PORTEB'S SERVICES. The meeting last nlght nt tho Baptist Church, where Rev. Mr. Porter, tho ovan gollst. Is preaching. wns largely attended and much Interost waa shown. Mr. Porter wlll preach at 4 o'clock thls afternoon, hls subject bolng "Un foldlng of Character." To-nlght ho wlll ngaln conduct sorvlces. Tho moetlngs wlll probably contlnue through noxt week. FURTHER FIGHTING AT SAN CARLOS (By AnNocI.t-il PrpBS.l SAN DOMINGO. ' REPUBLIC OF SANTO' DOMINGO. Tuesday, Miu/ch 24.?Tlio Inhabltants of thls clty wore agaln thrown Into a stato of alnrm thls afternoon by the fact ;;that further flght lng Is taking plnce at Sun Carlos. near here. A commlsslon has left 8an Domlngo for Azua and Bnrahona, dn tho warshlp Indopendoncia, in ordoMo brlng about tho surronder of those places. Tha twrshlp Colon has left horo for San Pedro de Macorls, ln order to compel thnt town to surrender. Revolulionlsts Aro Masters. (I!j* Asuonlnturt Pross.) MONTE CI-nUffTO. REPUBLTC OF SANTO DOMINGO, March 25.?Tho ad vlces recolyed horo from Ban Domlngo show that Gonoral Alejandro Wns Y. Gll nnd hls rovolutlonury followors nro mastors of San Domlngo Clty, and It Is snld that General Mlguol Plclmrdo, the Minlster of AVar, and GoneriU JiJOn Franalsco Sanchez', the Mlnlstor of For? elgn Affalrs, whot had souglft refugo ln tho United Statos "consulato, surrondored themselves lnst nlght to tho rovolu? tionlsts wlth a small group of followors. The revoltitlonlsts are ln possesslon of two of tho three Doinlnlcan ivnrshlps, namely, tho crulser Indepondencla nnd the gunboat Oolon. River Bulletln (Ry AsiocUtcil I'rcsa.) WASHINGTON, Maroh 25,?T7Ve -Mlssls? sippl contlnue. to fail af Memph'ls nnd rise below, The stages* to-nlght jn tlio lower rlver where interest now cenfors weres Vlckshurg, Kl feet, statlonary; New Orleans, 20.2 feet, a rlrie qf o.l foof. WOODWARD4 SON LUMBER ROUGH ANU DRE8?ED VELLOW PINE, WHITE PINS, HAHDW00DS, SA6H, BLIND8 AND DpORB Best and most complete assortiueut in the South, . Warehouse with 4,600,000 feet capaciiy. ... Maxia wvstlug seven aww, WrlU lor prlco, EBY LOST THE MATCH Clearwater Won Out by Good Margln Last Nlght SHERMAN DOESN'T REPLY Good Attendance at the Last Series of the Tournament at Saenger Halle, Championship Trophy On Exhibition at Tuxedo W, H. Clearwater, of Pittsburg, twlce champlon pool piayer of tha world, last nlght defoatod Grant Eby ln tho flnal 2uo-polnt gamo of a GOO-polht match at Suongef Halle, ln the presonoo of 11 largo ciowd of cnthuslastlo lovors of pool, Mr. Eby has -already dofon.od the Brunswlck-Balko champlonshlp emblom twlco during a porlod of less than a year that It has been ln hls possesslon, and nlhough ho was defoatod In. hls presont match by Mr.' Clearwater, hls work was marked at, tlmos by brllllant and long runs, tho hlghest numbor of- balls pock otcd by hlm wlthout mlssing being flfty slx, whllo .hls opponent secured . at one time forty-flve, ' It ls vory falr to Mr. Eby to say that the element of luck was not ln hls favor, a number of brllllantly suecessful shots leavlng hlm where lt became a necesslty for hlm to elther play Safety or make a reckless and costly shot, whlle on the other hand the balls broke moro favorably for Mr, Clearwater. DESERVES CREDIT. Mr. Gus Mlchelbacher, proprletor'of the Tuxedo Bllllard and Pool Parlors, de servos much credlt for the enterprlse he has shown In golng to a large expense ln flttlng up Saenger Halle for the contest and guaranteelng the purse for whlch the oxperts contcstcd. Arrangornents are under way wlth the Westmoroland Club to schedttle a game at tho club-house thls afternoon, when Mr. Eby and Mr. Clearwater wlll glve another exhibition In a 200-polnt game for the benefit of tho club membera. SHERMAN SILENT. Mr. Frank Shorman, of Washlngton, ex GRANT CBY m PRINCIPALS IN THE POOL CONTEST. champion, has not responded to the chal lenge Issued by Mr. Eby on Tuesday nlght ln whlch the champion challenges Mr. Sherman to play a 200-polnt game for a purse of $1,000, Mr. Eby haying posted a cash forfelt of $100 with Mr. Mlchelbacher as evidence of good falth. The followlng Is the score of last nlght's play by frames: SCORE BT FRAMES. Clearwater. Eby. 4 11 14 . ': ; o 15 1.0 16 0 14 0 15 10 1 6 9 0 . 15 5 ' 9 12 ' 2 15 ** 0 15 ? 0 15 0 2 12 1 ? 15 0 1 1+ U " 1 " 3 ' H 0 36 o ; ? ? ib 8 __0 191 Total. 155 Flrst sorles-Eby, 212; Clearwator. IS-. Socond serles?Eby, 1.6; Clearwater, 223. Orand total?Eby, 513; Clearwater, 600. The Interest manlfested ln tho games has Indlcated that Mr. "Michelbacher's Judgmont In bringlng tho exports here was not mlsplaced. BUYSCARY WAREHOUSE Mr. Lolgb Pays $12,600 for Property. Handsomo Pranklin-Street Resldence. Mr. Egbert O. Lelgh has purchased of Messrs. T, M. AVortham & Company the John R. Cary warehouse, recently offer? ed for sale at publlc auctlon, The sum pald by Mr. Lelgh Is. reported ?.12.600, whlch Is considered a bargaln. It Is understood to bo an lnvestmont on th? part of Mr. Lelgh. Mr, Nealo ls now tlio lessoo of tho warehouse, uslng It for the storage of tobacco. Mr. J. J. Hlcock wlll havo a flno resl? dence orected on Wost Franklln Btreet. lt Is No. 813 and wlll cost, excluslvo of furnlshlng. botweon $26,000 and 130,000. Mr. John T. Wlnston has boon awarded the contract . and wlll begln work at onco, The statoment recently publlshed thnt Messrs, J. B. Elam & Company sold Nn. 1019 West Marshall Street lo Dr. C, A. Blanton on last Frlday was a m.etnke ln so far as to the real estato agents making the salo. Messrs. A. J. Chewhlng Company aro tho enterprlslng agents who sold the property. VYIIX RECOVER Young Girl Who Shot Herself lmprov? lng at Ihe Hospltal. . The conditlon of Mlss America Bertucci, the young glrl wlio attempted ear? ly yosterday mornlng by shootlng, was much lmproved last night. It ls thought eha wlll rocover. Tho-pai'ent8 of the glrl aro hoartrbroken ovor tho sad affair and are unable to Jmajd*... why she wlshed to kill l.wseic.. They say ahe was givon anything she wIsli-4, ( MMMftSAYS. ITS^HEl&Si;; MtiMMtiM ISOLDINTRAIN-LOADS. The Best Drlll of All at the Confederate Falr. Under colored llghts, tho glrl soldlors, commanded by Captaln Josephlne Sulll? van. gave the most satlsfaotory drlll of all at tho Confedorate Falr last nlght. It wlll be repeated at 5 o'clock thls after? noon, I At tho close of I'.te dr.;! Gencrul TPs hu_h Lee mado a flno speech to the sol? dlor glrls, ln whlch he sald'had he "had such soldiers as these ln hls army, war wouid havo beon a pleasant thing for hlm and ho wouid have gone further."He pre? sented Captaln Josephlne Sulllvan a pic? ture from her "brlgade." She was also presented wlth a handsomo bouquet of Amerlcan beautleB by Colonel Jo Lane Slern. After the drlll last nlght Mrs. Valen ttne and son conducted an auctlon salo of some fancy articles, whloh brought a good . prlce. PILLOW FOB THE GOVEBNOB. A handsome sofa plllow was voted Gov? ernor Montague from the Candy Booth of Mrs. Nelson Powell. It was made of the autographs of the Governors of each of tho Southorn States. Tho plllow was the work of Mlss Francls Powell, it ls made of rich red satin and tho names are wrltten on heavy whlte silk rlbbon. It was presented by Colonol Jo Lano Stern, Mr, XV. Dunford, of Nlnth Streot, drew the, handsomo lamp from tho Furnlturo Booth, The smoklng Jacket at tho Tobacco Booth was won by Mr. Walter Hurt, and ho wlll please call at booth for same. Tho New Homo sowlng machlne ls much admlred and ls belng voted off by several of the ladles, The machlne ls ln chargo of Mrs. D, M. Burgess. A Standard sowlng machlno. donated to Mlss Ruby Bodeker, Is also belng sold. Tho cake, represontlng a fort, In the restaurant, Avas donated by Lewis Broorn through Mrs. Sodler and brought the sum of twenty dollars. It was won by Captaln AA'lse, of the Thlrd-Street englne house. The shaw! rafflod ut Ear] Miller Booth was won by Mr. Arthur Loth. Tho same can be had by calllng at the booth. Tho flno Cablo piano donated by the Cablo Company Is on exhibition ln the muslo booth. Thls Instrument ls bolng dlsposed of by a rnfflo. Tho tickets aro tl each, and thls beautlful Instrument avIH go to tho porson holdlng the lucky num? ber, Mr.."Bobby" Mnok, of the Bostock Com? pany, was on hand yestorday afternoon wlth "Tobo," dog nnd hls monkeya, and showed thom off ln u numbor of perform ancos to a largo nudlonco, The ohlldren wero dellghted wlth thelr nntlcs nnd ap plauded most llbornlly. Llttlo Mlss Oladys Peyton presldod nt the ,piano und fur? nlshed muslc for tho nnlmuls. A prlzo fight took plnco botwoen two llt? tlo dogs roprcsontlng Corbet and Fltzslm mons. and tho monkey Mnrk Hanna acted ns reforoo, A rislng voto of tlianks was tendered Mr, Bostock for hls intorostlng show, MISS LEE TO RECE1VE, In oompllaiioo wlth tho request of many of tho ndmlrors of hor distinguished father, who doslre to pny thelr respeots to hor, Mlss Mary Leo has consonted to recolvo hor friends and the publlo gen? erally at the Bazaar from 0 to 10 o'olock. Thls wlll glve nn opportunity to the many who doslre to moot thls muoh es teemed lady, Tho nttentlnnoo lnst nlght was splendld. Thero wore a numbor of mombers from tho Sevontloth Roglmont on hand, anrl also a cpmpuny of the Bluos, Tho falr wlll probnbly cjose to-nlght, and the proceedings ivlll be of unusual Interest. A Small Fire. ,'Tho clothing storo at. No. ia North Soventeonth Streot, across from tho Flrat Pollco. Station, was sllghtly datnnged last nlght by a flre, whlch orlgln:...-i ou tho second lloor. Tho blaze wus ' kly e?;i,ingulshed., and tho loss avI1| bo sumll. No one was Injured, and tho llr.mon were at the place only a short tim* LAND BILL IM HOUSE Nationallsts Cheer Readlng of the Measure. WERE ST1RR1NG SCENES Lord Abercorn and John Redmond Shako Hands?Schomo Is Ono That Wlll Cost Mlllions and Wlll Bring Peace to Ireland. (ti)- /imoclnt?- ProM.) LONDON, Maroh 2B,?Tho Irlsh Soor.-" tary, Mr, Wyndhum, Introduood tho go. orntnont's long antlolpp-tod Irlsh land blll In tho Houso of Commons thls afternoon. It iproposos a grant of 100,000,000, for the purposo of tho blll, Tcnants nro to pay throo nnd ono-fourth por oent, lntorest on loans from tho governmont. Mr, Wynd? ham suid ho thought tho sohome would not lnvolve {500,000,000, but that $700,000,000 could safoly bo advanced on Irlsh land. Tho advancoa to tononts aro llmlted to $2,500 tn tho congostod dlstrlots, and $6,000 elsewhoro. Tho blll alBO provldes t,hat un tqnanted farms and graiing lands shall bo sold to noighborlrig tonanta, ond that throo commlsslonors to bo known os fitato Commlsalonors, shall eupon.iso tho salos. Tho namos of tho throo oommlssloners aro Mlohaol Flnuono, sooretary to the Bongal novontfe and .Statlstlcal Dopart? mont; Frodorlok B. Wronoh, now ono of tho Irlsh Land Commlselbnors, and Wil? llam _.. Balloy, ono of tho asslstant oom mlBsIonors on the Irlsh Land Commls? slon. Thoy wlll be under, the ganoral coil.-ol'of the Lord Lleutenant of Iroland. Tne blll wlll become effeatlve Novernber lst. GREAT THRONG. The koon lnterost folt in thls now legls? latlon, whlch, It Is hopod, wlll ipromoto poaco nnd contontmont ln Iroland, waa' shown by tho orowdod houso. Tho peers. gallory and tho distingulshed strangor'g gallory were f.llod, and thero has boen no such gathorlngdf membors of Farllanment slnco the openlng of tho session, Tn tho diplomatlo gallery s'at Unltod Statos Sec? retary Henry Whlte, an Interosted speo tator whlle almost evory Irlsh ,poer llsten- , ed to Mr, Wyndham's exposltion of tho blll. From ,an-early hour thls mornlng the stone bonches from the Houso of Com? mons' ontra'nce to tho doors of the lobby, were paoked wlth !m>patlont Irlshmen, among whom were many prlosts. Most. of these went away withqut'aeelng even. the fnside of the' executbve ohamber, the gallerles of whlch were crowded os has not beon tho casofor many aday. Michael Davltt, the "fathor" of tlie Land League, oelebrated hls flfty-seventh blrthday by re-enterlng the House for the first time slnce no c-ased to be a mombr, ln order tp hear the Chlef Socrotary for Ireland; unfold hia plans, For the most part the Llberal members sat. glum, tho applause comlng from tho Irlsh benches, A hush of oxpoctanoy fell over the House whon Mr, Wyndham roso to speak. When the gallerles found hlm symipathetlo a feol? lng of rellef prevailed on nll sldos. air Henry Campbell-Bannerman, tlfe Llberal leader, sald little, and other promlnont Liberala wound up wlth tho admlsslon that lt wns "a great blll." STRIKING SCENES. The flrst roiullng of tho" blll was follow? ed by a rush to the lobby whero ensuod sceneg that mlght well-' make tho lato Mr. Parnol turn ln hls graivo. Earl Dud ley could bo seen amldst a crowd of Nationallsts, who scarcely a year ago would rathor havo suffered every penalty than assoclate with tha ofllclal hond of the Irish Government. Besldo Lord Dud ley stood tho grlzzled llttlo Sir AntlioifS" McDonald, the f.Tst National Irish Soo? retary. Horace Plunkett, Lord Ai.eagrl. Lord Ashbourne and many Unlonlst Jolned tho group. Tha Duko of Aber? corn. tha most powerful landlord ln Iro? land, askod to be Introduced to John Redmond, and'a mutual frlend brought the Duko to the leader of tho Nationnnst party, wlth whor~. the leador of tho Irlsh landlordg heartlly shook liandsi and they patchod up thei poace of Irelandloyer tho' Houso- of Commons refreshmont bar. TO FLOAT STOCK. Mr. Wyndham, who was heartlly cheeS ed. when ho arose to speak ln tho House, anhouncod at the outset that the govern? ment thought cash ald was necossSry for the fulnltment of the proposod schonie. but lt attaohed greator lmportance to tho credlt oporatlon than to tho oash opera tlon, Ho then unfolded tho sclieme, whlch provldes tor advando-TJif monoy for tho purchaso of land ,by CTi_ fBhonlB. The ndvances wlll be ln the shape of casTi and not Btock, but ln order to enable the cash to be* ralsed a new stock la to be floated. It wlll be called "Ouar antoed 2 3-4 ipor cont. stock," and w**~ ho unredeemable for thirty yoars. Mr. Wyndham doubtod if $-00,000.(100 of the ptock would bo noedoi?. It wlll ffe Ir-* suod at the rato of $26,000,000 yoarly for the f.rst threo yoars, and aftorwards pOs sibly ln larger sums, In addltion to thls fho government proposod a froe grant of $6,000,000 to bo ralsed by nddltlons to tho stock, tho fntorest and sinklng fund ot whlch wlll be borne by the treasury, and tho maxlmum annual cTiorg-f of whlofi will not exceod $1,950,000, Against ITIIf* charge on tho Brltlsh treasury lho .rfi!*. govornment proposos forthwlth to coiri mence roductlons in ,the cost.of adminls trntlon amountlng td $1,250,000 por aTwunT forover. ? FroQoedJng, Mr, Wyndham doalt wlth the polnts of tho blll whlch contalns a" bowlldoVIhg mass of (lguros, showfng how ndVances wlll bo made and tho terms ot ropayment, but lt seoms In the maln to b**_ on the llnes lald down by the land confer once roport and wlll be satlsfaotory _B tho landlords arffl tenants. In tha nourso of hls speooh, whloh was punotuatod by c*i__.8, Mr, Wyndham sald tho lafi"ilor~" of Iroland woro bolng rulned fVnanolally. and thnt the tonants were bolng rulniff morally, and the tax-payera of England wero paylng $700,000 per annum to tltS land commlsslon, and $7,000,000 fo Hfe Irlsh police, whloh largeiy was noadod I*" doal wllh lllogalltles arlslng frolTi tlie land questlon. ' "Is lt remarkable under these ol.cunf stances?" a-sked tho Irlsh tiecretary, "lf tho landlords and tonants come 16 gether?" ~ NO RISIC. **> Mr. Wyndham did not thlnk any recon dlte or vellod reasons need be loo .ed f(~| Past experlence showed tho Stato ln curred no rlsk In giving suoh ald, Fronf llio taxpayora vlewpofrrt, It was '~*ated that ald for land puroha.e was a e.c* commerclal trnnsactlon. By tlio ald of tlTH State 80,000 tenants had already bought tholr holdings, and'Tlio State hnd not lost a half-<pBnny, Publlo oplnlon supporti.". repayment, nnd thls was hlgh moral so ourtty. besldoa whloh was lho soourlty of tho land Itself. Mr. Wyndham proceeded. saylng thnt ln vlew of tho strong rocommendatlon of tho rocont land conferenco tho govern? ment had provlded' that tho landlords rnlght make thelr own arrangonionts wlth t)ie tonants Jf they tallled wlth the pol Icy of the prosant blll, whlch Jnstead of oxpatrlatlng tho landlords. as stated in some <iua. Fers, would,. be lioped, enable \ thera io rora_\_? l!> th* country, WELL AND STRONQ AFTER FIVE YEARS' SUFFERINB. Snuffs and Inhalers Did No Good. ?Pe-ru-na Cured. A Commodore's Letter, Pe-ru-na Is Known From the At? lantic to thePaclflc. Dr. Hartman ts Recelvlng Hun? dreds ot Letters ot Congratuta tion and Commendatlon Dally All Classes Wrlte These Letters, From the Hlghest to the Lowest ANY man who wlahea perfect health must be entlrely freo from catarrh, Catarrh Is well-nlghwilyorw*';,-.almost omntprOsont, Porul,-?.!_-___-x^i.'.:'/ abso lute safeguard known, A cold la the be? ginning of oatarrh. To prevent oolds, to cure colds, Is to oheat catarrh out of Its ivlctlms, Peruna not only ourea ca? tarrh. but prevents lt, Catarrh affeotlons may be aoute or ohronlo, mlld or severe, ephemeral or stubborn, lastlng or fleetlng, palnful or Mr. Peter Schaefer, Commlssloner of Hlgh Rldge, 4444 Mortea Street, Hlgh Rldge, 111., wrltes: "lam a perfectly well and strong man to-day, thanks to Peruna, I suffered for five years with an unpteaaant catarrh of the head, a&: gravated lf 1 caught the least cold. No snuff or inhalers Itelped me any, but five bottles of Peruna cured meand 1 give you unsttnted praise for your medicine. lt deseryes lt."?Peter Schaefer. trlvlal, but they all have one orlgln, one' nature?catarrh. They all have one curo?Peruna. A Commodore In Our Navy Endorses Pe-ru-na. Commodore NIoholson, 1837 B Btreet, N, W.,-Washlngton, D. C, wrltes 1 "Your Peruna hns boon nnd ls now usod by so many of my friends and ao qualntances as ,a curo for oatarrh that I am convlnced of Its curatlve qualltles, and I unhesltatlngly recommend lt to all perBons suffering from that complaint,"? Commodore Nlcholson, Tho day was when men of promlnence hesltated to glvo thelr testlmonlals to proprlotary medlolnes for publlcatlon. Thls remalns triie to-day of most pro prletary medlolnes. ' But Peruna' has become so Justly fa? mous, Its merlts are known to so many people of high. and low standlng, that no one hesltates to see hls name ln prlnt recommendlng. Peruna. Ovor flfty, mombora of Congress have wrltten tholr ondorsemont of the world famous catarrh romedy, Peruna. A Hut of Wltnessee?-Pe-ru-na ? Ca? tarrh Cure That Resta on' the Unso llclted Testlmony of Thousanda, . Thla ls an age when theoriea have llt? tle or no weight on the average mlnd, but actual demonstratlon ls demanded.:: The busy people of to-day have nelther.: tlme, nor Inollnatlon to- -apeoulate, and turn wlth dlstrust from everyth'lng that, does not plalnly bear the stamp of fact. The reason Peruna has galned auoh unlversal hold of the confldence of . the ; pooplo as. a catarrh oure ls beeause all statements concernlng' lt are accom? panled by facts. A book contalnlng -peclmens selected at random from a cloudof wltneseea who haA'o boen cured of chronlo catarrh by: Peruna sent froe by The Peruna Medl? olne Co,, Columbus, O. ' If you do not derrve prompt and aatla factory results from the use of Peruna wrlte at onco to Dr, Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and-he wlll be ploased to glve you hia valuable ad vlce gratls, ? . Addross Dr. Hartman, President of Tne Hartman Sanltarlum, Columbus, O. THE STEEL TRUST TO MERGE ITS PLANTS <B. AMOcl-t.- rron.) TRENTON, N. J? Maroh 26.?-The Seo retary of Stato's offloe waa notlfled thls evenlng . that the Unltod States Stoel Corporation would to-morrow fllo artlclos merglng Its varlous plants. The Infor? mation glven convoyed no ldea as to tho capltallzatlon 'of the now company, or as to whether thore would bo any change ln name. * ? ARRESTED BECAUSE OF HUSBAND'S MURDER (By AMocl~t-~ Press.. , EATONTON, OA., Maroh 25.?Mrs, John T. Grlflln, widow of a planter who was shot and kllled Monday, presumably by negroos, was arrested here to-day on susplclon, of compllclty ln the murdor. Mrs, Gr.tln's nephew, a young man named Knowles, ls also held In connec? tlon wlth tho orlme. _,? Sorrow In London. (Hy A-?u-latoil I'..",) LONDON, Maroh 25,?Tho traglo ond of "Fightlng Mao," who, tho son of o Iligh land cottar, roso from n posltion of a drapor's aBslatant to bo an honorod gen? oral In tho Brltlsh army, has caused groat surprise and doep sorrow ln Lon? don. Tha naturo of tha offensos wlth whloh he was charged had not booome gonernlly known to tho publlo, but had becomo common gosslp ln milltary clrclea, and although In tho army and among hls Hlghlandor comrades, ospeolally, thoro ls keen grlef. Tholr feeling ls that It was "better to die thus than faco dlshonor." Slr Heotor Macdonald waa separated from hls wlfo many yoars ago, before ho got hls commlsslon. He has not llved wlth hor slnco. Ilo leaves a son, who Ib belng educnted ln an Englsli publlo sohool, ..,.1 ? ' J*eleg. aphlc Brevities. SAN JUAN. PORTO MCO.-Thore wns a grand receptlon nt tho theatro yoster? day evenlng under tfio auspices of tl ?*_ Cltl~0na' Committoo in honor of Mlss Alice Roosevelt, followlng un elaborate dlsplay of flrewoiKs on tlio I'laza, whloh lasted untll 10 o'clock. NEW yORK.--J'udgo Lacombe lu tho Uplted Stqtes Clreult Court to-day denled the appllcatlon of .Vhltaker Wrlght for ball. SEVEN INJURED AT WEDDINO CELEBRATION' (By A-weUted Press.) COCOA, FLA., March 26.?In celebra? tlon of a weddlng here a serenadlng party flred an old cannon. At the aecond dla-. charge tho cannon exploded among the bystanders, parts of lt strlklng houses a block off. Seven persons wero Injured, two serlously, ENCINE TURNED OVER KILLING ENGINEER (Dy A-tocUted Preit.) OODEN, TJTAH, Maroh 2S.?The flrat fatal accident on the quagmlre of tha Ogden eut of the Southern Paolflo, across the northern arm of ihe great Salt Lake, occurred last nlght, when an englne ran off tho track across the slnk. The tracks had sunk six Inches and the engtne was overturnod, Firomnn Watson belng killed and Engineer Jenkins sllghtly Injured. THE CUP DEFENDER TO BE LAUNCHED APRIL 11TH (liy Assoclated Press, 1 BBISTOL, R. l? March 25.?If the pres? ent plans aro carrlod out, tho nsw Amer? Ica's cup yacht wlll be launohed about 0:30 o'clock on the afternoon of April lltlv and tho yacht wlll be the flrst to have a "dayllght" launchlng since- 1893. Sklnner Skinned Them;. (Dy Aatoclated I'resi.) - BOSTON. MASS., March 25.?It ls re? ported that Irregularitlea have been dls? covered in the transiictlons of the flrm of M. F, Bklnner & Co. by whlch varlous towns, Includlng East Hampton ' and Greenflold, thls State, were lnvolved. by the Issue of dupllcata bonds and Uie forglng of tho names of town officers. M. F. Bklnner, who dld buslnesa under the flrm namo, has dlsappeared frdra the clty. It ls believed that the amount ln? volved wlll be between |_0,000 and $70,000. i ' . a ' i ? '? Banquet to Arthur Q. l-ewi* (tS|inc|_l to Tlio TlluM-llUp-ieh.) NORFOLK, VA.. March 25.?The ?o honilan Soolety tendere* a birthday re? ception to-nlght to Arthur G. Levyla, president of the National order, and the well known dramatlo authorlty and au* thor. Promlnent cltlzens and newspaper men ';ora Virginla, Washlngton on<J BaN Umo* were present.