Newspaper Page Text
STUARrSMEN TO ASK CITY $10,000 for Monument to the Cavallor Hero. CITY'S PLEDOE OF 1864 Jh; ,_ Revlved In Support of Welghty Petition of Taxpayera to Be Presented ??; at the Councll' Next Meeting. Greatly oncouragod by tho patrlotlo and ?frell-appTOved action of tho Leglslaturo In grantlng a slto ln Capitol Squaro and $10,000 for tho purposo of oroctlng aa cnuestrlan statue of Q'enornl J. 13. B. fituart, C. S. A? aa a monument to hlm _elf,,and lho poerless young cavalrymon that foilowod i lilm through tho traglc days of tho Confoderato war, tho Voteran Cavalry Associatlon, a/n. V., aro about tp try to brlng thelr long labors almost to nn end, by securlng an eciual appro? priatlon In monoy from tho clty, whlch tho monumont wlll go to beautlfy and jglorlfy, ln tho lrnmodlnto defenso of whlch the gallant and IndlsporiHuble Oen-, eral gavo up hls llfo. To that end, tho followlng petition has been prepared and ii? belng clrculated for stgnuturos; '?To the Honorablo, tho Clty Councll: "Gentlemen,?We, the urideralgried clU rens of Blchmond, taxpayers, approclat lng fully the storn patHotlsrn, hlgh gener ulship and noblo vulor exhlbltod by ?Major-Goneral J. E, B, Stuart, C, S. A., In crontlng and maklng glorlous tho cavalry arm of tho Arrny of Northorn Virginla. In our lato struggie for the pros ervutlon of constltutlonul llborty, and re cognlzlng the fact that ho gavo hls llfo In battlo In ropulslng a vandal rald upon thls capltal clty; und romemberlng tho clty's solcmn Councll ordlnanco of May .14, 1804, whereby lt was agreed that In consldoratlon of Mrs. Stuurt'tf allowlng tfier husband's body to romaln hero undor Its caro, tho clty wouid 'oommemoralo by a sultablo monument, Its gratltudo and hls servlces.' j "In tho presonco of these hlgh consld eratlons, wo urge you (and wo belleve that Ihe sentlment of all tho people is wlth us) to apportlon and approprlate ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and placo lt at the dls posal of tho Votoran Cavalry Associatlon of fho Army ot Northorn Virglnia, to bo Msetl by them ln erccting un ecpiestrlan ttntuo of Gonoral Stuart on a Bolected slto In tho Capitol rescrvatlon." , .Thls polltlon is bolng clrculated by tho local offlcors of tho association nnd oth? ers. Tho officers of the associatlon aro: Qeneral Fitzhugh Leo, president*' Genor Als L. lt. Lomox,-M. C. Butler, Willlam yfl. Payno, XV. P. Boberts, T. T, Munford 'and^ Major H. B, McClollan, vlco-presl flenls; Captnln W. Ben. Palmer, seero? tary; Mr. jeffry Montaguo, asslstant sec tetary; Mr. E. A, Catlln, treasurorj Cap tiln Marlon Dlmmock, chalrman Exocu fve Commltteo; Colonel Charles T. O'Fer ,iall, Major A. B.'Venablo, Captaln John Lamb, Messrs. Joseph Brynn, James B. ? lordon. John W. Gordon, P. H. Mayo, fc. C. Mlnor, Charles Seldon, Frank T. lutton. Joseph W. Thomns, L. B. jl*Yiuglian, James Vass anjl James B. .verth, oommltteemen.. Tho commlttee "rlll'go to the Councll meotlng'oh Monday, 'April 7th, ln a body. to present thls petl ?lon. and air members of tho assoclntlon iro requestcd to attend also. ?Tlie ordlnance of Mny M, 1S54, referred <0,- nnd upon the moral obllgatlon of yhlch tho associatlon basos Its hopes, p tlio followlng, passed two days aftor 3tuart's death: "Whoreae, the peoplo of Blchmond, In common wlth tiielr fellow-cltlzons of the Confederato States, havo to deploro tn the death of Major-Goneral J, E, B. Stu? art not only the loss of ono of tho flrst jillltary characters of fho age, but also tho loss of a cltlzen whose emlnent pa /.riotism and pure llfe gavo tho best guar anteo that his great milltary capaclty wouid never be otherwlso .employed than in the causo of freedom and for the wel fnre of hls country; and "Whereas, thoy not only recognlze tflils thelr great mlsfortune, ln common wlth the rost of tholr countrymen, but bearlng tn mlnd that ho yielded up his heroic splrit iln tho Immedlato defonse of thelr clty and ln a suecessful offort to purchaso thelr . eafety by tho sacrlflco of hls own llfo, they are protoundly moved wlth sontl , jncnts of gratltudo for hls great servlces nnd of veneratlon for hls glorlous mem ory, and aro dcslrous to express nnd to record tihelr sonso of peculiar obllgatlon Jn nn emphatlo and a permanent manner; therofore, bo It "Besolved, That the Councll of tho clty jof Blchmond, in bohalf of tho cltlzens 'thereof, tonder to tho famlly of Genornl fituart thelr deepest and most hoartfolt cjmdolenco, ancl oornestly requost thnt tho remnlns of their grent bonofactor may bo pormitted to remain undor tho oyo and gunrdlanshlp of tiho poplo of Blchmond, and that they may be allowed to com memornto by a sultablo monument thelr eratltudo and hls servlces." '' A copy of tho abovo proamblo and rcs ' olutlon wne communlcated to Mrs. Stu ?rt and mot wlth her approval. General Stuart is buried In Hollywood, and hls ?firave is marked by a monumont orcctod et the expense ot hls famlly. Tho clty '\as not cnrrlcd out Its purposo expressed h tho ordlnnnce. A number of years ago /ho Councll offered the Stuart Monumont Committee the 8.0,000 slto nt tho Junctlon [bt Broad Streot nnd tho Brook Boad, ln ; jllscharge of Its obllgatlon, but owlng " \o nn unfortunate dlsngreement, whlcli lt ' Wouid bo unprofltablo to rovlve, the slte ?vns rojectea by tho commlttoo of tiiat l lay. It sooms to bo vory gonerally deslred .thnt nll concerned should let dlsagroenble ?fbygonos Bloep, and all unlte, in a sympa "Hand Wrought" In the arts tna chlnery ls i good servant but a bad master, In other words, machlncry unai* sisied by hand-work produces no work of art, The Gqrham Co. Sifaersmiths has realized this truth and no piece of silver leaves its workshop that has not received the loving finishing touches of the trained human hand. Some are entirely hand wrought from start to finish. .But all bear the one distinciiishing stamp of value?the Gorham trade-mark. thetlo movement to ralsc hlstorio honors to the noblo dead and to tho undylng prln? clplos for whlch all the droadful sacrl flcos of the past and tho many plnchlng llmltatlons of tho presont wero made. HAS ~)ONE FINE BUSINESS Gratlfylng Reports at Meetlng of Trust and Safe Deposlt Company. Tho annual meetlng df tho,stockholders of the Hlchmond Trust and,Saf_ Deposlt Company was held yosterday at 12 o'clock. Tho reports mado by tho offlcera of the company showed Its condltion to bo most favorabla During tho past year tho company pald to its stockhold? ers dlvldends amountlng to J.0,000 and added $_.,..2.G0 to its surplus, making that Itom now J7~_,1_-.G-, Tho followlng were elected dlrectors for tho ensuing yoar: , Messrs. E. B. Addlson, John L. Williams, Jamos H. Dooloy, S. -XV. Travers, John W. Bothert, XV. M. Habllston, J. William Mlddendorf, Baltlmore, Md.; C. Sidnoy Shepard, New Haven, N. Y.j Robert C. Davldson, Bal? tlmore, Md.; Krnst Thalmann. New York- F. R. Pemberton, New York; Isaao T. ?Mann, Bramwell. W. Va.; W. W. (Ma.kall, Savannah, Oa.; John Skelton Williams, Robert S. Bosher, S. D. Cren? shaw, E. G. I-elgh, Jr., J. Stowart Bryan, Beverly B. Munford, Bppa Hunton, Jr., and H. I~ Cabell. . . This is practlcally tho samo board whlch serv-U last year, with the excep tlon of tho addltion of Mr. Hunton. who is of tho firm of Munford, Hunton, Wil? liams & Anderson. of thls city. and Mr. Mackail, who ls president of tho Savan? nah Trust Company. and very prominent, In tho business development of tho South. Thls is one of tho largest and most successful trust companies ln the South, and tho result of the year's business reflects the highest credlt upon the management. ' , ' - ? 0000000000000000000000000% 1 fiarton Jifeiff/tts. \ 0000000000000000000000000^ Thero will be a flne concert ln ^_tho Parlsh Hall Frlday ovonlng, March 27 h at 8 o'clock, for the benefit of tho Solid South nnd Tennessee tables In tho Confed? erate Bazaar. _ The very best talent haa been secured and a dell'ghtful programme arranged. Tlckets are on salo at tho drug store. also at Mr. Jones' notlon store. Admls? slon. twenty-flvo conts. Mrs. J. P. Haupt, who haa been very sick at her homo on Virginla Avenue, la Btoadlly Improvlng. Miss Mayme Crovo erpects to spend the Easter holldays wlth friends ln Wash? ington and Baltlmoro. ' Mrs. J. W. Atkins. who has been qulto slck at her homo on Miller Avenue, Is Improvlng. _ . , Mrs. Coffey, who has boon quite slck at her home ln Brookland Park, is lm? provlng. _ ? ',..'?'_? __ Mlss Helen Brlggs, who Is vislting In Newport News, will return to-morrow. Mlss Esthor Feather is vlsltlng her frlend, Mlss Goldle Dickons. Mlss Amy Carter, ot Greensboro, N. C, is vlsiting her aunt, near tho Seml? nary. .'?'" '?'? , , Mlss Reta May Flanagan ls quite slck at her homo on York Street, wlth the measles. Mr. Whlte, who has been qulto sick at hls homo on Ladles' Mllo Road, has recovered. MIbs Ellzabeth Chrlstlan Is qulto slck at her homo on Monterio Avonuo. Mlss Mary Haw, of Hanover, ls vlsltlng frlonds ln Hlghland Park. Mrs. Smlthors, of Ashland, ls vlsltlng Mrs. Wlngfleld in. Hlghland Park. Mrs. J. XV. Atkins, who hns been quite slok, ls able to be out ngaln. Rov. D, 1C. Waltholl has returned from Goochlnnd. Mlss Ermlno Loirtso Thompson, who hns been qulto sick at her homo ln Flnalto, ls ablo to be out agaln. Mrs. A. F. Mlllor Is quite slck at hor homo. Mr. Todd, of Chestnut Hill, has left for Fork Unlon, to vlslt friends. Mr. J. St. Jones, who has been vlsltlng hls parents, has returned to Atlanta. Mr. J. ,W. Sharp lias returnod from a buslnoss-trlp South. CRUSHES OUT #% THE LlFE^PiO Tlie most loathsome and repulsive of all ^^^?9^_W ?^i. _f Hving things js the serpent, and the vilest and .^ssa**^ -~-^9f_f0r most degrading of all human diseases is Contagious Blood Poison. The serpent sinks its fangs into the flesh and almost instantly the poison passes through the entire body, Contagious Blood Poison, beginning with a little ulcer, soon every drop of blood and spreads throughout the whole system, Painful swellings appear in the groin., a red rash and copper colored splotches break out on the body, the mouth aud throat become ulcerated, and the hair and eye brows fail out j but these syinptoms are inild compared to the wretchedness and suffering that come in the latter stages of the disease when it attacks the bones and more vital parts of the body, It is then that Contagious Blood Poison is seen in all its hldeous ness, The deep eating abscesses and sickening ulcers and tumors show the whole system is corrupted and poisoned, and unless relief comes soon this serpent disease tightens its coila and crushes out the life. The only antidote for the awful virus is 3, S, S, It is naturo'm romody, com posed entirely of vegetable jngredients, S, S. S, destroys every vestige of the poison, pnrifies the blood and removes all danger of transmitting the awful taint to others, Nothing else will do this. Strong mineral remedies, Uke mercury and potash, dry up the sores aud drivein thp disease, but donotcurq permauentiy. Send for our home treatment book and write us if in need of medical ?dvice or epecial iuformation. , Thi3 will cost you nothlng. IHE SWIFT SPECMG CO.. ATLANTA, CAs COUNCIL IS TOO LARGE Committee Named to Take Up Questlon of Smaller Body AND TO PAY THE MEMBERS Probnble Thnt a Report May Be Made in Favor of Both Proposltlons. The Jolnt Committoo Chosen. Presldents WlHlam M. Turpln and Sol I_. Bloomberg, of the Board ot Aldermon and Common Councll, rospectivoly, yos? terday mornlng returned to Clty Clerk B. T. August the name aof those members who have been solooted to servo on a Jolnt commltteo whlch, undor resolution, Is to Investlgato tho advlsablllty of de creasing the roprcoontatlon of the varl? ous ward8 ln tho Council and the fea ulbllity of a plan to pay membera for thelr Bervlccs. From the Common Councll there wlll be Mesars. Garbor (who wlll be chalrman), Fergusson, Heslep, Hlcks and Ellett. From tho Board, Messrs. Whittet, Wood, Hall and Donahoo. Mr. Garbor haa been mado the chalrman becauso he la tho "father" of the rosolutlon, and lt la now up to hlm to say when and where the commltteo shall- meot. MAY MEET SOON. As yet tho chalrman Is undecldcd as to when he wlll.have a moetlng of tho body, but an effort wlll bo mado to get to? gether and formulate a .oport before tho next rogular meotlng of the Coun? oll, although thla seoms Improbable, as tho questlon ls one that wlll requlre long and caroful oonslderatlon beforo any declslve actlon ls taken. Slnce tho resolution was offerod in tho Common Councll and adopted, thore has been much Bpeculation as to tho .outcome of tho investigation. Thore aro those who predlct that it wlll bo recomrnended that tho roprcsentatlon of each ward ln both branches bo materlally decreased. It haa boen argued that tho CoUncIl as it ls at present constltutod has too many mombors for the good of tho clty, needed leglslatlon bolng,unnecossarlly de layed by falluro of aufflclont members to attend meetings to constltuto a legal quorum. In addltion, lt ls held that even after the body ls in session, much tlme Is lost and delay occaslonod by tho dobato and frequent lnterrujitlons, lt belng noxt to Imposslblo to have every mombor thor? oughly understand a proposltlon. A DARG-'E BODY. At present the Councll 13 composed of ?flfty-slx members?flve councllmen and threo aldermon from each ward. Thls ls said to ovorshadow any slmllar body ln the country. whero tho city Ib no larger than Richmond. Two councllmen and one alderman, lt is claimed, would be an lmprovement over the present system, and would facllltato materlally tho accompllshlng of import? ant business. Frequently members of both branches In prlvato conversatlon have stated that there wero too many men In tho body. Thus, It would seem that tho proposltlon ? to decrease-tho number wlll meet wlth approval. ? ? Tho schome to pay the councllmen a small sallary as a compensatlon for the dutles performed by them wlll probably bo recomrnended and may be adopted. THE REORGANIZATION OF THE UNIVERSAL ( Reports are abroad to the. effect that a reorganizatlon of the Unlversal Tobac? co Company ls lmmlnent. Transaotlons ln the stock of tho com? pany havo recently boen vory few, but during tho past week two hundred shares were sold on tho curb at Now York at 21-2 apleco, whlch ls nearly ten polnts lower than the former prico bf the stock. It is said by somo that thls purchaso was by partles who contemplated a com? piete reorganizatlon of tho company and that ln all probablllty some of those ln control at present wlll drop out. Some of tho most important constltuent flrms of the Unlversal havo passed from under Its control, Board of Canvassers. The Governor was busy at hls routlne business yesterday untll 2 o'clock, ex? cept for a short tlmo ho waa ln the meet? lng of tho State Board of Canvassors. Thls body transacted only a blt of unlm? portant business. The Governor spends a consldorablo part of his tlmo eonsldor? lng bllls that have passed both branches ot tho Legislature. Just now, among the proposed moosures wlth whlch ho Is wrestling Is that whlch Is deslgned to cut out from eligibility to election to tho State iBoard of Educatlon all sohool suporlntendonts who havo wrltten a book or invented a sohool appllance. Case Continued. Tho caso of tho fourteen-year-old boy, Wlllle Mittor, who was arreBtod by Cap? taln Tomllnson on the chnrgo of belng a vngrnnt, went over to Aprll .th In tho Police Court for investlgntlon. Tho boy Is alleged to have imposed upon tho pub? llc by appeals for ald for hls bllnd father, Tobacco Notes. Mr. John Ross, of Llverpool, England; Mr. J. H. Bell, of J. & F. Boll. of Glasgow, Scotlnnd, nnd Mr. Charlos Campbell, of I.oulsvlllo, Ky., who havo beon vlsltlng tho Kentueky markots, aro now ln Vlr? glnla. Mr. C E Kersey, of Danvllle, waa ln the clty yestorday. THE IMPERIAL OUT IN THE WEST Acqulres Control of Stenv merles of American To? bacco Company The movemente of tb. Imperial Tobacco Company of Kentueky aro belng watch ed here wlth no littlo IntereBt, The new concorn has Juat consum mated, a deal whereby tho control of the two plants of tho AVIlllam Clarke & Sons Company, at Hendorson and Paducah, and also tho Btommerles of tho Amorlcan To? bacco Company, at Heiidersou and Nobo, Ky? como lnto Its control. Thoro ls good reason to bollovo that the, formatlou of tho Imporiul Tobacco Com jiany of Kontucky works tlio flrst step ln a movomopt to oovor Uio wost hns alroady doua Vlrglnla and North Caro? llno. Tho movement wlll have tho ot foct of ellmluatliig a largo number of cxportors frop. the trado. 00 BROAD ST. OPP. FOUSHEE. Store for Success nnd Success for the People, J. H. BU5BY The OreatCash and Credlt Store. ;... Try Our Pay-Easy Plan.... PRINOr enthusiasm pervades tho store, Wo aro now readv?our stock is new ancl at its best. The store is ?-yours. Come and see how well we can pleaso you. We extend to the ladies of Richmond and Manchester a rriost cordial invitation to call and examine our immense stock, either as observer or purchaser. GRAND QPEHIHG QF OUR M1LLIHEBY AHD LADIES' DEPABTMEHT. The whole of our spacious socond floor erowded to overflowing. Millinery Department Under the Sklllful Hand of Miss Hattie Jacobs, of New York. You will find this department ,up to date with the latest and. most artistic creations. Ladies9 Department Collarless Blouse Venotlan Cloth Buits, taffeta lined Jackets, sklrt nlne gored flare, yoko offoct, percallno ?lrop, suit trimmed wlth taffeta bands. Nobby Tailored. Sults of flno Engllsh Tweed, postlllon blouso wlth trlplo capo, stolo front, trimmed wlth sllk>. ornaments. Crash Sults In all tho spring- colors? milltary blouse, trimmed ln silk and fancy stltch. Complete llno of Chevlot Homespun and Venetlan Sults, ln the season's swellest effects. Nobby Skirts of Granito Cloth. Silk Waists Black ahd Whlto Poau do Soie Waists, wlth broad tucked front, Monto Carlo laps, pouch sleeves. Whlte Peau do Cygno Waists, wlth tho new Bertha, stripped ln ecru and white laco, Shirtwaists Evory dollars' worth ln thls depart? ment ls new.and fresh. Beautlful Linen, Percale and Mad? ras Waists. Very styllsh Whlte Striped Madras, plaln back wlth tucked graduatlng yoko In.front, hemstltched linen.stock. Beautlful'White Linen Walst, tuck-. ed back, front of embroidery, pearl buttons. All-Wool Chevlot.Skirts. Latest stylos ln Dross Skirts, Silk trimmed. ' All-Wool Soven-gored Etamlno Skirts, wlth band of taffeta, hablt back. Bluo, Black. Oxford and pray Walk? ing Skirts, wlth strap seams, box. plalt at tho bottom, yoko effoct. Nlce values In Tan, Gray nnd Black Cloth Walking Skirts, stitched seams, wlth straps, and flaro bottoms. Beautiful Black Cloth. Dress Skirts, wlth tucks, trimmed wlth taffota, plaited bottom, panel front. All-Wool seven-gored 'Etamlno Skirts, wlth bands of taffota, hablt back. Spring Jackets New llno of Ladles' Silk and Covert Jackets. dhlldren's and Misses' Silk Cloth Coats. Covert Jackets ln all the now styles, Silk Box Coats, Plng Pong Coats, and Louls XIV Coats. . Ladies' Underwear In Endless Varlety. Tho world-renowned R. & G. Corsets Spring Parasols,, Indla and Japan styles, London ,Club Umbrella ls what lt looks, solldlty ln Itself; thls appllea to strength as well as stylo. In fact, ovorythlng for Ladlos' wear can bo found in our department store. Mens' and Boys' Clothing You'may take your pick from thousands of new spring patterns?such as Mixed Cheviots, Fancy Wor steds, English Covert, Black Thibets, Blue and Black Cheviots and Fancy Cassimeres, Wool Oi-ash and Blue Serges?all cut and tailored by the best tailors, Men9s and Boys9 Suits? Every Style and Prlce. Spring Pants, White And Fancy Vests. Soomtr, Deatsch A Co. 1903 Sack Suit Men's And Boys9 Hats, Shoes, Under weur, Neckw'r, And ings. Spring Overcoats In Nobby Effects. Business and Full Dress Suits Your Credit is Good. Try Our Pay?Easy Plan. Branch Store-'l403 B. Main Street \Chestnut Jfcill and jfct'ghland !Park \\ -*?2?W-^-^?j-*i**I"I*'.**i**i?.-*.?i**i**I**i?***i"r*i******* Mrs. Stocklng, of Richmond, ls the guest o? Mrs. Spratley, ln Hlghland Park. Mr. Neurohr, of Thlrd Avunue, has purdhased tho house ownod by the lato Mr. Randolph, whlch was thought to havo been bought by Mr. Wlnston, of Barton Helghts, but thls was afterwards found to bo' a mlstaka, The choir practlce wlll bo held ln tho lecture-room of tho Methodlst Church thls evenlng.'All tho members are earnestly requested to be presont, as the Easter muslc wlll be practlcod. Mr.-'Wlllle Huxter, of Fourtlh. Avonue, Ib away from home. The llttle son of Mrs. Kiles, ln Hlgh? land Park, ls Improvlng, after a sevoro spell of slckness. . . Mlss Wlllle Palmer has returned, aftor spendlng somo tlme wlth Mrs. Wllllam al. Cole, on Thlrd Avenue. Tho Senlor Card Club met last week at tho home of Mrs. John R. Llvesay. on Thlrd Avenue. Among thoso present wore Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Vauter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Llvesay, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wlngflold, Mr. and Mr3. Garland Clark and Mrs. John R. Llvesay, Dellclous rcfroshments wero sorved at n lato hour. Mlsa Emma Justlco, who has beon vls? ltlng hor friend, Mlss Katiherlne Watkins, of Thlrd Avenue, has returned home. Mlss FlorenCe Chapln, Mlss Mattlo Bur tuln, Mlss Paulhie Redd and Mr. Walker Huxtor, who havo been on tho slck Hst for somo tlmo past, are rapldly Improvlng, It ls reported thnt Mrs. John R. Llvesay will soon move into Richmond, and hor homo on Thlrd Avenuo and Wlllow S root wlll be occupled by Mr. and Mrs. Kells. I tfulton Tfows, | Fulton Bureau, Peoplo's Druff Store. The long, wlde, beautlful road, known as the Government road, connectlng Chlmbora.o Park with tho Cemotery, has beon wrocked. The magnl flcont diivowuy la Impassnblo for several sciutires, nnd the wator from tho beautl? ful aprlng at tbo baso of Chlmborazo Park !b running ln overy dlroutlon. Sev? eral months a?o tho road-bed bogan to slnk and great flnsures appearod From the effoots of tlio hoavy ralns of tho past several days the road haa been worklng overtlma ln settllng, The road ls closed from the park to Graham Stroot, a alstanoe of a half mllo, At the baso of tho park the most dam? age was dono. Tho road here hns sunk olght or more feot A largo number nf pooplo havo vislted tho sectlon in tho past two days. Tho conditlon of the road has boon wlred tho onglnners' dopnrtment at Washlngton, and Inspeotors wlll he hastoned hero, Tho speclal commlttoo nn pastor of Fulton Baptist Church wlll moot Sunday, As yot no action has beon takon to secure a new pnstor, Mrs, Fred. H. Oarbcr, who has been qulte slck, is somewhat lmproved. Mrs, Anu Onvln, ono of the oldest In Iwhltants of Fulton, Is II! ftt her resl? dence on Loulsluna Street. Mrs. Llnda Talley, of Dluwlddlo county, ls tho guest of hor aunt, Mra, A. A, Jones, of Doiiny Stroet, NORFOLK m WESTERN R'Y THE ONLY ALL-RAIL LINE TO ? ?? \ATVK?^nr VESTI- ^ BULED pACT 1 W H*0 1 TRAINS $ DAILY ?^~A\0 1 1 I I-?J "NORFOLK LIMITED * arid " OCEAN SHORE LIMITED/ Both run solid from Richmond to Norfolk in 2 hours arid 20 minutes without change qf cars. (See schedule in another column). LOW COLONIST RATES NOW IN EFFECT TO CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTON, MONTANA, AND OTHER WESTERN STATES. SEE THAT YOUR TICKETS READ VIA NORFOLK & WESTERN. TICKET OFFICES: Byrd-Street Station; RIohmond Transfer Company, 819 E. Maln Street; Murphy's and Jefferson Hotels, and COMPANY'S OFFICE, 83B East Maln Street) JOHN E. WAQNER, Clty Passenoer Agent. W. ?.. riZVilX, Gen'l Pa.s. Agt. C. H. BOSLEY. Dist. Pass. Atrt Crocker-Wheeler Company, Manufacturers of DYNAMOS % arid MOTO-Pk^ Electrical Engineers for an economical drive of Pumps, Blowers, Hoists, Printing Presses, Machine Tools, etc. Washington Office: 1417 New Vork Avenue, Offices anU Works, AMPERE, N. J. Eietlilor Face and Foot Powdor JNSTANTANEOUS PATENT-l.RATHER POUSH, liltcniutlonal Muiiulucturlni; Co., Geo, II. flurgos., Gom'l Agt., ...6 W. Cury St., Olfcy, WN H CULLINGWORTH ICO, COAL, COKE ih WOOD Lower Phoua SoO. U|) pt* i'l-Oiio ?14