Newspaper Page Text
LiveNews andFresh Gossip From theCities and Towns of Virginia. NAVY-YARD AWARDCASE Government Contends Avvard for Extra Land IsExcessive. IN THE FEDERAL COURT Judge Waddlll Wlll Hand Down Hls Opinion In the Case To-Day?The Property li On the Southern Branch of Elizabeth Rlver. (Speclal to Tbi Tlmoi-ni?pntcli.) NORFOLK, VA? Maroh 25?Judge Waddlll ls expootod to open tho Unltod fttates Dlstrlot Court horo to-morrow. One of Uie cases pondlng boforo hlm, and on whlch he wlll dellvor an opinion to morrow, la the award for tho lnnd whloh the government wlshos for ths extenSTon* of ths navy-yard. The award by com tnUwIonera was $572,000 for 272 aores. TmJ rovernment contends that that ls ex cesslve, aad asks for a Jury to reappralse the value of the land. Judge Waddlll Is to deolde wheflter or not to grant the prayers. The land'ls on deep water, hav ln? a graat proportlon of frontage, and fi consldered valuable. It ls on the south? ern branch of the Ellzabeth Rlver,. and adjolna the navy-yard. The spring term of the Prlnoesa Anno oounty Clrcult Court, Judge R. Rl Pren tla presldlng, cKsefl last evonlng. The prrndipal case was tho $10,000 damag*. ?ult brought by Q. H. Forbes, a lumber dealer agalnst J. Woodhouso, member of the late Constitutlonal Conventlon. TM eult was for alleged falso arresU Forbos ?waa arrosted upon tho chargo of grand laroeny for cuttlng timber wlthout au thorlty. Mr, Woodhouso brought tho matter to tho attention of tho Prlnoess Anne grand Jury, but no 'indtctment wa<* found, the members of tho Jury holdlng that Mr, Woodhouse should hrvre suod Mr, Forbes in the civll court, lnstead of bringlng a crlmlnal action agalnst hlm. A Jury of eleven members hoard tlio dnm Bge suit, but fallod ln a verdict, and were. ?Hschargad. Nlno of tho Jurors favored a verdict giving- Mr, Forbes $1 fiamageB, out two, who opposod gloMng hlm any? thlng, held out and tho result was a' tnlstrlal. ACTRBSS DIES IN JAIL. Mamle Warde dled ln the Jall hospital thls morning. She had been slck ln tho hospital for a long tlme, and preparatlons wero made to sond hor to tho almshouse, She was a varlety actress, who playod at a theatre ln Unlon Stroet for months, and wns well known among tlio habltues as a pretty and llvely woman of twontj^ eight or Uiirty yoars of age, Sho had also played In Newport News. Sho was ar? rested ln a Talaot Streot bar-room ln ono of tho recent ralds ot the placos ln thai Street, and put in Jail for tho fino sho was not ablo to pay. The Bay Shore Railway wlll start run-. nlng to Ocean View next week. Tho ter? mlnal will be at Tazewell Street, as ).st summer, for a fow days, ot- untll ttf. ralls- can bo laid lnto Clty Hall Avonuo . tp tho placo whoro the Berkley Street Rallway stops in front of tho Montlcello Hotel, Meantime tho matorlals hnvo como and the workmen wlll begln making the new tormlnal at Ocean Vlow on tho boach property acqulrod thero by tho road ro cently. That new termlnal wlll onablo the road to land Ita passongors on tho bench near tha pavlllon of tho hotol. The Reld property on the water front, near tho Norfolk and Wostorn Station? was sold thls morning for $51,000. Tho name ot tho purchaser was not an? nounced, but lt ls surmlsod to be tho railway, Thore ls a wator frontago ot 260 feet; honco Uio property' Is vaiuablo 'or transportation purposes. INLAND WATER WAY. Congressman John I-I. Small, of North .arollna, and Seerotary Forrest, of tho Merchants' nnd Manufucturers" Assoola iion. of Baltlmore, will leavo horo Thurs Jay for a tour of lnspoctlon along tho route of tho proposod lnland water way, ? The party wlll be gono ton days and wlll father Informatlon, whloh wlll be sub? mltted to Congress, The votors of the Seventh Ward cast thelr ballots .yesterday for and agalnst improvornonts t.o. the ward by Issulng $140,000 ln bonds. Of 111 voters, nlnoty-slx voted for B.nd flfteen agalnst Issulng .tlhe bonds. Whlle many residents of tho ward Ipredlcted that tho voto wouid bo ln favor of tho Improvements, they dld not oxpect a largo majorlty ln favor of the bond Issue, Whlle thero aro now only 140 reglstered voters ln tho ward, thoro aro about 400 who nre qunliflod for reglstra Uon. Tho ward has grown rapldly during two years, and by October lt ls likely that 600 residents wlll roglBtor. The heavy ralnfall recently, together wlth tho warm wenDhor, hns caused a rnpid growth of vegetatlon. It was snld thls morning by nn observant farmor that ln hla oxporlonce here of twonty-soven fears ho had never known so early a iprlng, He sald that Btrawborrles nro ma turlng early, and that ho ls advlsed by North Carolina growers that thero aro already ln that roglon many young ber rieu on tho vlnos. Thls farmor and many truckora In thls sectlon aro approhondlng a frost. Thls, lt hoavy, they foar wouid be destmctlvo. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. The engagement of Davld Jacobosky and Mlss Robecca Mlchaelaon ls an? nounced. Mr. Jacohosky und MIbb Mlch? aelaon wlll be at homo to tholr frienda Sunday, tho 29th Instnnt, at tho resldence of Mrs. R. Welsel, ln Holly Streot. Tho followlng is a compnmtlvo stete ment of approxlmato earnings of tho Seaboard Alr Llno system for tho second weok ln Mnrch: Week endlng Maroh 15, 1003. 1361,741; 1902, $243,172; Increaso, $1_,5GS. Two weeks nn" lng March 15, 1903, $531,3-11; 1902, M90.7K9; lncrease. $40,552. July 1 to March 15, 1903, $8,778,855; l'.*02. $8,603.8.1: Increaso. $775,474. W. J. Baughan. a mechnnlc, employed , at tho Seaboard Alr Line shops, mot wllh a pecullur accident wiliilo at work yes? terday. Mr. Baugham was hundllng a large hnmnier, when It Bllpped. struck hlm undor tho chln and apllt hls tongue, whlch waa caught between hls teeth. A physlclan's asslstance was necessary to sew the tongue, several stltehes belng necesBpry. The Injured man was sent to Ms home. IN KINO GEORGE ttoads Badly Washed by the Rains of the Past Week. (SpapUl to Tlio TI*-i'?-l>Up?trb.) OOMJORN, VA., March _0.?Thls sec? tlon haa beon vlslt od by several euonnous ralnfalls alnce Sunday morning, und. as a result, Ihe streams aro overflowed uml the country lnundated. The roads uro so broken and tfullled that travel ln vehicles ls noxt to Imposalblo, Thore was no mall urrlval at thls place from Fred erlcks? burg and beyond from last Friday till Tuesday afternoon, Klng Cleorge bolng out off from communlcaUon wlth tho out slde world by hlgh water, a- oyolone passod ovor $hls-vnt*lHhbor hood about 11 A- M. Monday, and leveled Morty ?YerrtbU*.* ?? JW Kanls. $t\ about thirty yards wldo and tioarly o. mlle Ih leiiRth. rtrruit trees, fonco., _o~.-old~, fodder staoks, eto? on tho farm of Abram Jaekeon, a. nrosberous colored farmer near horo, Were blown down nnd oarrled a eon-ldnrabls dH.t~-.c_. Ji.-~s~n'- llttlo plantatlon was badly damaged, ho bolng tho hoavlest losor by the tornndo. Por tunatoly, only eeveral dwelllng houaos ln tho nelghborhood wero Inoluded In the track of the terrlfto wind, and theBO were not damaged. IN CHASE CITY Its Mlner al Water and Splendld New Hotel Qrowlng In Popularlty. (Speclal to Tbe CHASID CITY, VA., March 26,-A moet? lng of the stobkholder- of the Chase Clty Mlneral Water Company waa hold at tho hotel yesterday nnd arrangemonts mado to lssuo bonds and mako addltlonal und extenalve , Improvoments, 't'ho de? mand tor tho wdtors was Increased and saleB aro large,' AU who patronlie the Meclclonburg aro hlghly pleased wlth tho splondld accom modntlons, and the baths aro sald to ba unexoolled, Among tho guests aro At torney-Gonerad Anderson and wlfe, R \V, Powers nnd wlfo, John A. Coko and wlfo, Thomas F, Jeffross nnd wlfe and Mrs. C. E. Whltlook, of Richmond; J. G. Penn and* wlfo, of Danvlllo, and Mra. Page, of Now Jorsoy. The Bnpflsts hore havo declded to erect a new and more oommodlous church bulldlng. It wlll be o_ brlck wlth all do? partmonts oompleto. Tha pastor ls Rov. Herbert T. Wll.lnm_. The late Joseph A. Love, who was asphyxfatod In RIohmond lnst wook, nnd whose remains wore brought horo and Interred at hjs old homo a few mlles dts tant, was a most estlmable man and a useful one to his communlty, Ho had an Insuranoo on hls life for 31.200. One pollcy was taken- out last month for Jl.OOO. Thore aro more Inqulrles for lands In thls section than have been known for many years. Sales of tlmborod lnnds are made at good prices. The old llold pine woods, heretofore regarded as compara? tlvely valuoloss, are now ln demand. Sales of tcrSacco contlmie to bo largo, and Instead o{ the crop belng exhnusted a_ the buyers supposed a few weoks ago it soems to pour In along overy rond whenever tho weather Is favorable. The rains have hoen heavy, but no dnmnge reportbd. __-. IN POWHATAN County Brldge Washed Away and Mlll Dam Broken. (Spoclal to llio Tlmea-DlBpatcb.) POWHATAN C, H., VA., March 26.? Tho rains of the last few days weto the heaviest that have fallen ln thls sec? tion of tho county ln tho last ton years. Creoks that hava naver beon known to overflow hnvo boen up. and ovorflowing. Flno Creok waB so hlgh that the mlll dam At Flno Creek mllls broke aml wnshed away. Just below tho dam thero was a oounty brldge that was also washed away. Tho brldge was bullt thoro Beveral years ago at a consluernble eost to tho county. Tho wnshlng away of tho brfilgo and the mlll dnm ls a con sldorablo loss ln thls Bootlon of tho oounty. Flno Creek mlll ls run by Mr. K. I_. Plarco, who has a good run of oustomors, and It Is to be hopedI thnt the dam wlll soon be rebullt nnd thlngs wlll progress as horotofore; Both the Jamos and tha Appomattox Rivers havo boen vory full and somo places to ovor? flowing. _?-??" IN ABINQDON , Trial of Ella Gray for Killlng a Roanoke Drummer. (Spoclal to Thn Tlmo.-lM-pat-h.. ABINGDON, VA., 'March 2.,-In the trial of tho Commonwealth ngnlnst Hlla Bakor Gray for tho killlng of C. M. I_ob ter, nllas Chester, on tho 22d of January last at Ablngdon. very slow progress has been mnde, aa tho defeiiBe ls flgthtlng ovory partlclo of ovidenco and overy incn of ground. Tho introduction of evidence of porBonal effoots found on and belong ing to the deceasod wns flnally allowed, lneludlng oertnln lotters. The most Im? portant witness for tho Commonwealth, Luoy ProBton, who llved next door to tho dofondant, toatlfiod that sho heard three shots. and lmmadlntely nftorwards tho dofondant ran bareheatlod Ihrough her ynrd. From prosont prospects tho caBo wlll not bo oonoluded tlll bhe laat of thls woek. Senator Ople Out Aghln. (Sp.cliil to Tho Tl-.e--Dl.p_tch._ STAUNTON, VA., March 2G.?Sonator John N. Oplo, tho "Tail Sycumoro of tho Valloy," ls ablo to bo out agaln, nnd ox? pects to roturn to hls1 dutles ln tho Son nto ln a fow days. In hls dnlly wallts ho Is most cordlally grooted by numerous cltlzens ln overy wall- of Hfe. It ls ngalnst the advlco of hls physlclans that ho is tnklng oxorclso so soon after hls illness, but tho "old war horso" oxplalns that ho haB "nover Burrendered yet." ONE STEP MORE Will be fatal to the sleep-walker. Will lie draw back or will he take the final, fatal step? A great many people are in perll liko the sleep-walker. They nro dlseased. The disease is progressing day by day. The tlme comes wlien oue more step away from health is fatal. T.he man who lias suffered from indl? gestlon or gastric troublo goes some night to a dinner and returns homo to find he hns taken that lnst step from health which can never be tak? en back. To neglect the cure of iudigestion or some other form of stomach trouble is daugerous. It is also inexcusuble. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medlcal Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other orgnns of digestion aud nutrition. lt purlfies the blood, stimulates the livet, cures biliousness, niul elimiiiates bilious poisons from the sys? tem. "The pral-e . would llke to cive your * Goldeu Medlcal Discovery' I cnunot utter in ?worda br descri.e with pen,? write* Jus B. Ainbro-e, Jisq., or 1305 j. Mlftlln 6t? Hunt. ? ? lagdon, Pa. "1 wus taken wlth what our phyaician. Mld wan lnUI?8tiou. 1 doclored with lhe bc_t around here and found no relief. I wrote you, aud you udvL.d me to uae Pr. I'lerce'a Goldeu Medlcal PUcovcry I look three bottlea aud 1 fell *o good that I .topped-belng cured. I huve no .ymptoms of ta-tric trouble or indlgestion now." If you ask your dealer for "Golden Medlcal Discovery" because you havo coufic.ence in its cures, do jiot allow yourself to be swHched ofi to a medic ne clalmed, to be "juBt ae good." but which you did not ask for and of wliich you fcnow nothing. , , _ You can get the People's Common Bense Medlcal Advissr, looS pageu, pa? per covers,/..- by seuding ,i one-cenl stamps, to pay eapenae of niaiHng only. Address DivX V. J? iexco. Uuflalo, N, V. R0B1NS0N D1SBARRED Bloodfleld's Negro Maglstrate Cannot Practlce Law. IN THE PENITENTIARY After Hls Term In the Penltentlary Waa Over Hls Polltlcal Disabllltles Were Removed, But Hls Llcense , Was Superseded. (Spoclnl to The Th_ci-Dl?p?tch.) NEWPORT- NEJWS, VA? Maroh _..? In tho Pollco Court thls morning Pollce Justloo J. D. G. Brown rulod that.C. H. Roblnson, tho nogro Justlco of thn poaco of Bloodllold, hnd no atandlng as a law? yer In hls court, and that ho could not pormlt Roblnaon to praotlco beforo hlm. Tho matter was ln oourt on a quostlon ns to RoblnBon's rlght to practlco law ralsed by a nogro attornoy. Promlnent whlto lawyora appearod ln court for bolh Bldos, and the law on the BUbJoet was dls oussed for two hours, Roblnson was convicted some yoars ago In Wnrwlck county of embezzlomont, and was sont to tho ponltentlary. Judge Peek superseded hls llcense to practlce law.; Later Governor Tyler ro movod Robinson's polltlcal disablll? tles. Tho nogro has practlced law ln tho county since, It Is stnted, and ho has boen permltted to tako out a llcense by the commlssloner of the revenuo ot tho county. Ho was recently elected a Justlce of the peace, J. Thomas Nuw some, a colored lawyer of tho clty, ob Jeoted to appearlng in a case In court In whlch he represented tho plalntiff, \vlth Roblnson, who represented the defense, nnd who, Nowsorne submltted, had not the rlght to practlco thore, having boon debarred from praoticlng In the county court by renson of his convlctlon of a. felony. A bltter argumont was made by both B.oblnson and Newsomo at tlie tlmo and Justlco Brown declded to contlnue tho hearing of tho questlon untll to-day. The crowd of spectators was so largo whon tlio caso was called that the Jur, tlco retired to tho Corporation Court to henr irgumont of counsol In the caso, Justlce Brown held that the removal of Robinson's polltlcal disabllltles simply re? stored hlm to cltlzonshp wlth all tho nntural rights thereof; that tho praotlco of law wns a prlvllege nnd not a natu? ral rlght of cltlzonshlp, and that, there foro, lho rlght to practlce could not bo clalmod by a lawyor who hnd been con? victed of a felony, whoso llcense had beon suporseded, and whoso polltlcal dlsablll tlos had afterwards beon removed, unless thnt lawyor should go about seourlns that rlght ns though lils applicatlon wero an original one. He rulod that RoblnRon wns clearly wlthout. the rlght to appear at the bar of hls oourt, and that ho oould not be recognlzea beforo him as a prnctlolng attornev. IN THE COUNTY, The caBes ot April Roblnson, Robert Carter, Eatello Whiting and Lllly Epps, who aro charged wlth felonlous ussault on the three sailors of tho German steamshlp Albano, and wlth robblng the seamen, wlll bo heard ln the Justlce's Court ln Bloodllold Saturday. lf the caBes are flent on to the grand Jury lt 13 probablo that a speclal Jury wlll bo empunelled to hear the ovldenco and dotormlne whother or not the prlsoners shall bo lndlcted. The Warwlck oounty authorltles have all along dlsputed the olty's rlght to try these oaaes, and when tho clty role.ased the prls/iners thoy re arrestod thom. It has Just come to light that tho county polloe have had in Jall all tho tlmo Robert Cartor, tho nogro who at llrst was .believed to havo es cnped, Ho was arrestod aftor tho clty pollce capturod tlio othor flvo negroes. Ben Powoll oscaped tho county authorl tfus on habooa corpus proceedings, George Tlnsloy was glvon eight yoars In tho penltontinry In the Corporation Court and aftorwards granted a now trlal, wheroupon Commonwealth's At? tornoy Roblnson nollo prosoqulod tho cuso. The county authorltles ronrrosted TiiiHley, but now lt dovolops thoy havo turned Tinsley loose, saylng that thoy do not want to try hlm lf tho clty wants hlm to havo a now trlal, A now lodgo of Odd-Follows wlll bo organlzed horo Friday nlght, nnd It wlll begln wlth a chartor mombershlp of sovonty-four, whlch Is tho largest that any lodgo In thls sectlon was organlzed wlth. The followlng promlnont Odd Follows wlll bo presont: Grand Master W. D, Hlll, of South Boston; Grand Marshal J. J, Mitchell, Phoebus; Past Grand \Vurd5ns E, 13. Northern and T, B, Tlornoy, Thoy wlll bo ln charge ot the mootlng and whon ofllcers are eleot o.l will Install thom, BASE-BALL CLUB. The Newport Nows baso-b.all club haB arranged a gamo hero wlth Maryland A_-rlculturnl College April 1-lth. and Richmond College wlll probably como on the 10th, the day of the Four-Clty Leuguo meotlng here to arrango achod ulo for the season, Tho artlllery achool at Fort Monroo wlll probably Bond Its nlno hero to play tho locnls on tho ISth. A gamo Ib proposed wlth Cornoll on tho Oth, but It Heema that there Is a move? ment to got tho gamo by the artlllery school for tho Fort, and there may bo a flght for lt. Tho Board of Dlroctors of the Nowport Nows Gonoral Hospltnl has termlnated tho affalr ln whlch nurses, superlnten? dent, head nurse and physlclnns woro lnvolved. Tho resignatlon of Mlsa Bar? ry, the hond nurso, was acceptod. The resignatlon of six nurses wero not ao eepted, and tho nurses wero reprlmanded for talklng tno much about tho trouble, It ls understood that Mlsa Mabel Jonos, the Buperlntencleut, wlll reslgn, The wholo disturbanoo seems to have been croatod by tlia nurses on a/ccount of rules that woro laid down for them by tho now superlntendent, whlch they re? garded as onurely tno Boyere, Mrs, Reglna Fltohett, aged elghty yenrs, fell ln a tlltoh ln Hampton and wouid probably bnve beon overcome by Btrangultttlon but for the tlmoly n.sint anca of a negro, who, after offootlng the rcHcue and seolng the aged woman safe, quiotly dlsappeared. The relatlves are trylng to ascortaln hls name to express thelr nppreclatlon, but bo far havo boon unsuctvssful. NEGRO DROWNED Attempted to dump From Rappahan? nock Steamer to the Wharf. (Spe.-t-l to Tha Ttiuoa-nUpntcli.) FREDERICKQBURG. VA.. March 25,? Wllllam Payne, of Lancastor county, colored, was drowned Monday nlght at WUboii's Wnotf, on the lower Rappahart nook Rlvor. He wns a passenger on tho steamer Easax, and at WUson's Wharf he attempted to step from the steamer before lt had touehed the wharf. It was tilfht, ahd he tell In the water. Hyery effort wa_ mttde to resoU- hlffl, but he wns drowned before help oould teach hlm. The body waa reoovored. Full returna from tho rallroad election In Stafford oounty show that the majorlty iigRlnst lhe subBorlptluti of $00,000 towarda tho capltal atook of tha Froderickaburg nnd Rappahnnnoak l.leotrio Rallroax. Compnny by tho county waa greater than nt flrat reported. The majorlty of the. genoral vote agalnst the propoaltlon waa 2.C nhd of the freehotdor voto, -10. The total ooat to Loulsa oounty for the treatment of bhe recent smallpox caaes ln the Green Bprlngs tielghborhood amounted to about $600. MoBsrs. Monouro and Wallace are tear Ir.g down tho large nld brlok faotory at Folmouth, ahd wlll erect a pickle factory on the site. Thls bulldlng was ownod by the Green estate, and before tho war cotton waa manufactured ln It. SlnOe then It hns been Idle, and was looked upon as one of the landmarks ot thls soctlo(n, ' Judgo John T. Ooolrlclc, of thls clty, haa beon invlted to dellver an addross boforo tho Unlon Vetorans' Loglon at Plttsburg, Pa., on Aprll 9th next. A numbor Of dla tlngulshed soldlers snd cltlzons wlll also speak on tho occasion, Judge, Goolrlcka aubjoct wlll be "The Surrender, from tho Standpolnt of an ex-Confedorate Soldler." Tho young aon of Mr. Robort Woolfrey, of Orange county, whlle playing wlth an nxe, let lt fall on hls foot, and three of hls toes were aevered. 1 LOCAL OPTION FK3HT Election toBe Held To-Day and Meet? ings for and Against Last Night. (Spoclal to Tlio Tlmos-Dl-patch.) CHARLOTTESVIL--I-, VA., Maroh 25.? The local option campaign, whlch haa been engnglng the attentlon of the voters of thls city for tho past fow weeks, closed to-nlght. At the spaclous armory of tho Montlcello Guard Mr. Danlol Harmon, a promlnont attorney, and Dr. Charlos W. Kont. of the Universlty, spoko to over ono thousand peoplo In the Interest of local option. whlle nt the courthouso ad? dresses agalnst prohlhltlon wero made by John B. Moon and VV. Sam Burnloy. Genoral Rosser and IV.ayor McCue. who wero nlso bllled to speak, were nnablo to bo present. . Tho lntter meetlng was only arranged lato thls nfternoon, and tho audience thero was com paratlvoly small. Varlous guesses nre made on the result of tho election to morrow. Tho VWcts" say tholr majorlty wlll be between ~0 and 70. Tha "Drys" predlot a close vote, and aro hoplng to wln out. WRECK AT AMHERST Through,Freight Crashes Into a Local Freight Sl.iftlng Cars. (Speclnl to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.*) AMHERST, A'A., March 25.-A freight wreck on the Southern Rallroad oeour? red at Amherst dopot last ^venlng nt 7:80 o'olock, when one brakoman, J. Aumack, was conslderably brulsed up and knocked senseless for somo tlmo, whlle his injuries woro not regarded as serious. Four ompty cara woro torn to spllntors, and several loaded box cars conslderably broken up, whilo thelr con tents wns not much damaged. The northbound local freight wns shlftlng cars s.t the station, nnd through freight traln. No. 72 came dashlng along, plow lng through a part of tho local that was on the maln llno. The onglneer and flroman escaped unhurt, and but little Injury was dono to tho englne. ? LIQUOR ELECTION IN BLACKSTONE Llcense or No Llcense Left by the Council to a Vote of the Cltlzens. (Spoclal to Tho Tlmea-Dlapatcli.. BliACKSTONE, VA., Maroh 25.-The questlon uppermost ln the mlnds of the pooplo hero thls week, and the one heard dlsoussed on every corner from morn tlll e>. e, ls that of llcense or no llcense, Thl8 wns iproclpltated by tho actlon of tho Town Councll on Frlday nlght, when they doclded to hold an election ns to whother or not thoy should grant llfiuor llconse for anothor year. Thls wlll not bo a legal oleotlon, but tho Councll will aet in ao cordanco with tho result of tho ballotlng, tho quostlon of grantlng belng Jn tho hnnds of tho Counoll by renson of the falluro of the Constltutlon to provlde for tho holding of spring electlons ln tho towns. Thls necessltates the old Council holding ovor, and the questlon of llcense to ho settled by them. Tlie oloctlon wlll bo hold oa Frlday of thls weok, nnd the threo judges takon from tho different sldes of tho questlon wlll dotermlno tho qunllflcatlons of each mnn to voto, 113 thero hn,s boen no full registration in tho town undor tho new Constltutlon, Judgo W. II. Mnnn wns horo on Sun? day nnd dollvorcd an addross In tho Mothodlfit Chuj-ch that aftornoon ln tho interest of tho antl-snloon advocates, Ho also Bxplnme% hls blll ln tho Sonato, and tho effects of Its operatlona wlth tho amondmonts that hnvo beon attached to lt. Tho judgo Is reported to hwro sald that hls blll wlll mean total prohtbltlon un? less the Judgo to whom appllcatlon ls mado for n llconBe shall havs a skin an Inoli and a half thlck. Another mootlng waa held In tho Moth odlflt Church on last nlght, at whlch tlme qulto a numbor woro present, hicludlng many ladles, Remarks wero mado by Rovs, W, M. Seay, of the Baptist Church 1 Theo P, Epes, of tho Prosbyto rlnn Cliurch, and James Cannon, Jr? prlnclpal of tho female Instltuto; alao by MesBra, H, II. Seay, R. F, Dlllnrd and George P, Adams, Every offort ls belng put forth by the temporance peoplo tn bring out tho full dry vote, nnd they nro clalmlng vlctory already, Thero aro threo saloons horo, and thoy pay a town llcense of $500 eoon a yoar, a total of $1,-00 in all. Ttuw far thls llcenso haa pald tho greater portlon of the town's exjpondl turea, and wlthout lt taxes wlll be mato rlally Increased, Tbls wlll causo aome to vote wot who would probnbly not other wIbo do 80. As soon as thls looal flght ls an other wlll bo preolpltated. embradng Not toway and Amella, In tho eloctlon of a member to the Legislature to auocped Hon, R, G. Southall. recently reslgned to take hls seat Jn Congress. Soveral names havo beon lnentloned In thls con? nectlon, but It ls believed tho i'.ght wlll narrow down to Colonel Meado Haskins, an attorney of thla place, and Hon. H. E. Leo, an attorney and Mayor of Crewo, It Js reported that the lattor wlll bo en dorsod as the nntKsaloon candldato, Thls belng tho homo county of Judgo Mann, moro than ordlnary interest ls felt here ln tho blll bofore the I~>glslature whloh bearu hls name, and .here U a, strong dotermlnatlon among the adrooatos of that blll to sond eome one to tho Log lalature In thorough sympathy with IU Inteiitlons, No dntra hn~ been aet for thla olootlou, us at thls wrltlng lt Iiiih not b~on-. rderod by thu Speaker' of tlie Houuo, but It ls expected that he wlll do bo lu a dny or two end u>r-p~r~ tlon. nre boltiy mado in uiit.-lim.tlon ot hi* ordor, BRIDESOF THESPRING Mr. E. N. Newman and Mlss Moon Married Yesterday. CEREMONY IN LYNCHBURG Beautlfully Decorated Audltorlum of Westmlrlster Presbyterian Church a Scene of Especlal Beauty. Other Marriages Yesterday. (Spoclnl to Tho Ttmea-DlBpatch,) J LYNCHBURG, VA? March 25,-MIsb Mary Augusta Moon, of thls clty, and Mr. Edward Nowton Newman, of Rich? mond, wero united In marrlago horo thls evenlng at Wostmlnster Presbytorian Churoh. The ceremony took place at 9 o'clock, and at tho hour appolnted the beautlful audltorlum of Uho church was erowded to Its utmost capaclty with friends and relatlves of tho young couplo. The chanccl, whlch stands at qulto an elevatlon abovo tho moln floor, had boon convertcd Into a mass of flowers and ovor greon plants, tho formor belng the graco ful Easter llllos and tho latter palms and ferns and other plants. Theso woro placed upon a foundation of whlto cloth. Tho background of the plcturo wns the grand new organ of the churdli, whlch rlscs from tho chancel platform to tho roof and prosonts nn Imposlng array of golden plpes and oxqulaltely pollshed woodwork. Tho ceremony wns impresslvely performed by the pastor, Rev. R. H. Flemlng, D. D. Tho brlclosmalds, who woro charmlng gowns of SwIbs en. tralno, wlth laco mo dalllon trimmings, nnd carrled Easter llllos, woro Mlss Mary Flemlng, Mlss Katherlne Horsloy, Mlss Lucy Coleman, Mlss Allce Bnrnes, MIbs Pearl Watson, Mlss Bosslo Martln and Mlss M, Bertha Flemlng. Tho mald of honor, Mlss Katherlne Moon, a slster of tho brldo, who ls a lovoly blondo, was attlror ln a costume of point d'esprlt laco and carrled Easter llllos. Anothor slster of t/ho brldo, MIbb Floronco C. Moon, who woro a dress of whlte chiffon, wlth lace trimmings, acted as ring bearor. Mr. Nowman wns attonded by hls bost man, Mr. T. Garnott Tabb, of Richmond, and by tho followlng groomemen: Mr. John O. I-Iaytho, of Lynchburg; Dr, Lov eielto S. Enrly, of Potorsburg: Hon. H. D. Flood, of Appomattox; Mr, E, R. Whlte, of Washlngton, D. C'i Mr. S. A. Harris and Mr. S. H. Taylor, of Lynch? burg, and Stato Sonator Frank C. Moon, an unclo of tho brldo. The ushers wero Dr. N. E. Patlllo, Wll? llam Beasley, James R, Kylo, ot Lynch? burg, nnd Aubroy Isbell. of T.ynchburg. Professor XV, S. Adams proslded at tho organ and renderod most oxprosslvoly and effectlvcly Mendelssohn's weddlng maroh for the processlonal, ond tha weddlng chorus from "Lohongrln" for the roces slonal. During tho ceremony ho played Boftly and eweetly tho selectlon, "0, Prom? ise Me." Immediately after the marrlage the bri? dal party nnd relatlves and frlendB re? palred to Hotel Carroll, where a reception was hold. Lator on a banquet was sorved In the dlnlng-room, and, of eourso, thls lncluded tho cuttlng of tho bride's cake and the dlstrlbutlon of Its Interesting contents, Soon after tho banquet Mr. nnd Mrs. Nowman boarded ono of tho fast llmlted trains on tlhe Southorn Rall? road for an extonded Northern tour. They wlll be abscnt untll April 10th, when they wlll roturn to Richmond, tholr futuro home, There wero of handsome and costly bridal presents, mnny of whloh wero sent by friends resldlng at a dis? tance, ? Mlsa Moon Is a oharmlng and attraotlve young lady, and ls tho daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moon, formerly of Snowdon, Bucklngham county, but for the paat ten years residents of Lynch? burg. Thelr home ls sltuated In Rlvor mont, Lyndhburg's beautlful Biiburb. Mlss Moon's father Is a near klnsmnn of Con? gressman J, A, Moon, ot Chattanooga, Tenn,, and of Senator ThomaH B, Mnrtln, of Virginla, On tho mnternal sldo she Is descended from Governor Dlgges, colonlnl Governor of Virginla, ond ls closely ro latod to Hon. W. H. Bonz, of Albomarlo, a dlstingulBhed momber of tho Virginla Leglslature. Sho Is also a grent-nfeco of ex-Governor Thomns Walkor Gllmor, of tiiis Stato, Mr. Nowman ls the dlstrlct Biiperlntonn ent of the MassachuBetts Mutual Llfo .liBiirance Company, wlth hendquarters lu Richmond. He is most hlghly esteemed in buslness and soclal rolntlons, Ho Is a son of the late Captaln and Mrs. Wnltor N. Newman, who removed to Richmond In the yoar 1855 from the Valley of Vir? ginla,' nnd whoso fnmlllos embrnce many promlnent and Influentlal cltlzens of tho State. Includlng Judge E, D, Nowman, of Woodstock. nnd State Senator Georgo B. Keezell. HIb father wns a captnln In tho Confederate army, and for a numbor of years aftor tho war ho was connocted wlth tho offlcos of tho Btato Trousurer nnd Audltor In most lmportant poBltlons. Hla grandfather, John Nowman. Bsq., was a roprosontatlvo of hls county In tho Leglslature, -/-'-'-;?_ HENDERLITE?CROW Marrlage Ceremony In tho Flrst Pres? byterian Church, Norfolk. (Bpnclul tn Tho TluioH.PIspnti'll,) NORFOLK, VA? March 25,?Mlss Nel? lie Crow. daughtor of tho late Georgo L. Crow and Mrs, Virginla Crow, and Rov. James H, Hendorllto woro marrlod at the Flrst Presbyterian Churoh thls aftor noon. Tlio ceromony wns performed by Rov, Dr. Joseph Ronnle, pnslor of tho church. nsslsted by Rov, p. T, Hondor llte, of Huntlngton, W. Vn? a brothor of tho groom, The mald of honor wns Mlss Julla Caatex, of Goldsboro, N, 0? and Mr. Dwlght Sloun, of Aldorson, XV, Va? was best man, The ushors woro Dr. Chnrles Crow, of Loxlngton, Vn? brother of tho brldo; Archlo Rntos, nf Ports? mouth, a cousin of the brldo; 0, V, Sos Boiiie, of Norfolk, and Judgo B. n, Whlto, of Prlncess Anne, Tho brldo, who was glvon away hy hor brother, George B. Crow, woro a gown of bluo brondoloth, wlth hnt and glovos to correspond, nnd carrled brldo's roBos. Mlss Castox woro n gown of nream laco and hat pf llko mntorlnl. Hor flowors were Easter llllos. Rev. and Mrs. Hondorllto leavo thls evo nlniT *>r a trlp to Now York and Wash? lngton. They wlll be at homo two weeks henco ln Hondorson, N, O,, tho groom belng tho pastor of tho Prosbytorlan Church at that place, Soon to be Married, (?Spmilal to TUo Tlmoa-PI-ptttdi,) WYTHEVILLE, YA? March i5,-Mr, und Mra, J, Haller Glbbonoy onnounco tho marrlago of thelr daug'htor, MIiih l'tetr la Lollln Glbbonoy, to Mr, I.ouln Llndsny j.wol, of Pittsburg, Pa? whlch wlll bo oelohrated ut Bt, John's, Hplsoopnl Ohuroh, .Wytheville, on Wednotfflay svenliiff, AprllJ 16th. Tha brlde ta. one pf \vythevllle'a "most attraotive young tadtao. Tho groom wa* formorly a resident of Chrlstlanaburg, Vt. : ?/?*;_ STEVENS?SNEAD Beautl.ul Home Ceremony In Bellevue, In Nolsori Oounty. (Speclnl to Tlio Tliiic?.DI-Utttch.). _ LYNOHBURG, VA., March _6.-ReV. Er neat Stavons, pastor of Memorial Metho? dist Churoh,. and MIbs Ell~abo.~ Nolan Snead, daughtor Of Mr. and Mra. John Snead, were married thla evenlng at the brldo'a homb, "Bollovue," In Nolaon coun? ty. Tha ceremony toolt plaoe ln the apa cloua liarlora of the noble old manalon, and tho colobrants woro Rov. W. B. Mooro, pastor of lhe brldel Dr. J. G. Itoed, presldlng eldor of. tho Lynohburg Distrlct, and Rev. R. H, Bennett, presldlng older of tho RIohmond Distrlct, Llttlo Master Estls waa rlng boaror, and tho beat man was Mr. Harry Snead, bro? ther of tho brlde. The brldo'a alstor, Mlaa Annlo Bnead, aoted aa mald of honor. Tho couplo .advancod to tho Btralnn of tho weddlng mnrch, played by Mlsa Lolla BnGad, elater of the brldo, and' took tholr places undor a large and beautlful florol bell. atisponded from tho colllng. Prpmlnont cltlzons of Nolson woro prea? ent at tho weddlng, and Mr. John Bell Wlnfroo waa a gueat of honor froin Lynch? burg. A dolightful ropoat followed tho corornony, and tho happy young couple loft ahortly nfter over tho Bouthorn road ; for a Northern tour. ' Whlte?Dodson. (Sneclol to Tbe Tlmci-Dliipntch.) HBATH^VII_LE, VA? Mnrch fc.-Ju lliis Whlto and Mlss Julla Dodaon, of Avalon, Northumberland county, woro qultely married at the homo of Jamea Dodson on MondayN?vening last by Rov, G. W. Beale. "Wiay wlll llvo at Avalon. Smlth?McMorrow. (Spnclol to The TlmM-Dlipatch.) FREDERICI^SiBURO, VA., March 25.? "Willlam Smlth and Mlss Tasslo McMor? row, both of Orange county, wore mar? ried thla weok at tho homb of tho brldo, Rov. M. W. Smlth offlciatlng. Stuart?Jones. f~P~clal to Tho Tlin-?-DI?pntch.) FRED.iR.CICBBURG, VA., Maroh 25. R, A. Stuart, of Baltlmore county, Mary? land, and Mlss Mary Jones, of Stafford county, woro married' at tho homo of the brldo thls week. ^ Interestlng Announcement. (Bn.clnl to Thn TluieH-nispstch.. WYTHEVH-LE, VA., March 25.?It Ib announced that the marrlage of MIs Catherlne Pondleton, youngeBt daughter of Mr. and Mra. R. N, Pondleton, of Wythevllle, to Mr. Robert O. Moore, of Roanoko, wlll take place on tho 22d of Aprll, Mlss Pondleton ls one of Wytho vIllo'B most charmlng young ladles. NEW NATIONAL BANK Cltliens of Manassas Are Subscrlblng to Its Capltal Stock. (Spocliil to The Tlinc.-Dlinatch.. MA~.ABAAS, VA., March 25.?The cltl? zens of Manassas ej.ldcntly thlnk tho now National Bank hero wlll be a tuo 0083. Thls ls evldont from lhe VTumGor of people who havo taken stock and the number of flharea takon. About $10,000 of the capltal atock lias boon subscrlbed and the pooplo of Manassas would havo taken tho last dollar of It could' they havo BOtten lt. It Is tho purpoae of tho pro motcrs to get tho stock well scattored throughout the country. Many wealthy ahd Influontlal men havo subscrlbed to tho stock. Mr. Robort Lynn, of tha Stnto poniton? tiary, left here to-/lay ln eha.KO of R. L. Mclnteer, who waa sontenced to three years' lmprlsonmont In tho penltontlnxy for shootlng at hls brothor wlth tntont to kill. .- . Chased by a Mad Dog. (Speclnl .to Tho Ti-i.fl-Jl-patch.) 6UFPOLK. VA.. March 26.?As Presl? dent John Klng. of the Suffolk Pnanut Com? pany, wns golng to hls factory oarly thla mornlng, rldlng a blcycle, he was chased by a mad dog, The dog attnekod hlm on tho wheel nnd flnally grabbed a shoo. An oxamlnntlon proved that no skin waa brokon. ? NO DISPENSARY IN FARMVILLE The Situation ls Rather Un settled and the Town is ??Dry" at Present. (Bpectal to Tho FARMVILLE, VA., March 25.?Contrary to expeotatlons, a dlsponsary was not oponed In Farmvllle. thls mornlng, and from present prospocts tho town wlll re maln dry for somo tlme to como, whlch wlll ho H~llBfi.ctory to both sldos, lf tho llquor pooplo fall In tholr efforts to got tho dlsponsary aot for Farmvllle Distrlct repealed. The Dlsponsary Bonrd fully ex? pected to put In oporatlon a dlsponsary thls mornlng, but tho Town Council. whlch was In sosslon last night for tho purposo of dlscuHslug tho mattor, show? ed them a fow polnts whlch Bot thom to thlnklng. Tho Town Councll clalms that tho Dlsponsary Board. whlch hus gono ahead, bo your corrospondont ls Inform od, and bought a stock of llquors, ronled n house nnd appointed a dlspensary tond pj;, Is an Ulogal body, nnd has hnd no rTglit to proceod ns thoy hnvo dono. Tho not of tho Loglslaturo auihorl_lng the dlsponsary Htutos that throo shall constltuto a Dlsponsary Board, und tliat tholr torms shall bo for ono, two and threo years. Tho present board was np polntod two yoars ngo, whlch throwa out Mr. W. T. Clark, who was appointed for tho one yenr torm. Tho torm nf Dr. Wln? ston explrns the lfith of next month, and tlmt of Dr. Bldgood oxplros one yoar from that dalo. For tho abovo reason tho Councll clalms that tho board was not a logal ono, ,_ _ Tho maln roason, lt Is aald, for not oponlng a dlsponsary Is that no .ono ls willing to tnko lho rlsk of furnlshlng money for tho runnlng of a dlsponsary under present olraumstancos. Tho Town Councll wl'll tako no aotlon regarding the mattor, so far as tho appolntmont of a now DlHPonsary Board and tlu) nocos sary approprlation for runnlng same, un? tll tho law-makers declde what thoy wlll do They' do not cara to purchase a Htne. of. llquors and go to othor when thoro I . u pri'b .'Uty of lho J..g|_ laturo ropoallng tho aot, whlch would throw tho Btock on thelr hands, and fur thermoro, tlje Councll ls alroady ln dobt nnd would have to borrow monoy to car? ry on the llquor trafflc, Dr. Wlnston, a londlng temporance lead? er of tho tpwu, ls ln Richmond to-day in tho lntorest of tho dlspensary people. Tho othor sldo also havo ropresontntlve. thore, Bomothlng doflnlte regarding tlie repoallng of (ho aet ls oxpoctod to-mor? row, Judgo Watklns left for Richmond yestorday mornlng. Ilo la tho patron of tho blll, and It Is roportod that ho haa slgned a paper tliat ho wlll voto for tho iep-i-1 of tho not, Hon, J, J, Owon, jep resontatlvfl from thls county In tho House, by requeet, (..troduced tho blll yosterday, METHODISTS IM SESSION Baltlmore Conference Opens In Frcderlcksburg. A METHODIST ORPHANAGE A Commlttee Is Appolnted to Consldsr nnd Report on the Questlon of Es tabllshlng Such an Institutlon, - Bishop Smlth Presldlng. (Speclal to Tb* Timea-IMipatch.) FREDERICICSBURG, VA., Maroh X.-t The Baltlmoro Conference of the MeUwx dlst Eplscopal Churoh, Bout/h, opened la tho Methodlst Church here thla mornln( at 9 o'clock wlth religlous Bervlcea, led by Bishop A. Coke Smlth, of North Car. ollna, who wlll presldo over the sesslon*. The openlng: prayer was made by Rev. J. A, Anderson, of Central Church, BalU? more. A roll call of the ol'erlcal ond lay. delegates showod that nearly all bf tfiw nif.mbors of the conference were present, Dr. Jarnes E, Armstrong-, presldlng elde. of the Roanoko Dlstrlct, was elected sec? retary, and ho appolnted as hla asslstanU Revs. E), V, Rogester, Georgo T. Tyler, Jnmea P. Sturnp, H. S. Coe and W. E, Water.. Tho conferenco dectded to meet overy morning at 9:80 o'clock. The after noons wlll bo dovoted to commlttee meet? lngs, and-speclal programmes wlll bo ar? ranged for each nlght. Rev. W. G, Hamniond moved that ono olerlcal and ono lay dolegato be appolnted from each dlBtrlct of tho conferenco to consldor the questlon of establlshlng a Methodlst Orphanngo, whlch was carrled. Substl? tutes for ubsent delegateB were reported to vurlous boards and commlttees, The matter of arranglng for publlc worshlp during tho conforonco was left ln charge of tho presldlng older, Rev. J, W. Duffey,! of thls dlstrlct, and Rov. George T. Ty-i lor. tho pastor of tho church hero, A com-j muntcatlon was read from tho Board ot' Church Extension at Loulsvllle, statlng} that lt had flxed tho assossmont of thtf Bultlmoro Conferenco for thls year af $5,137. Tho mntter was reforred to the Commltteo on Churcfh Extension. ' REPORTS RECEIVED. ? Tho roport of tho Board of General Ed? ucation was mado by Rev. J. B. Hamj mond and the reports of tho publlshlng houso at Nnshvlllo and of tho Sunday' Bchool Board woro rocolved. Mlss Nlni'i Wllson, of Baltlmoro, made tho report of tho Conferonoo Board of the Women'l Forelgn Mlsslons, and Mru. J. B. Porry. of Wostbrook, Md., that of Women'? Homo Mlsslons. The report of tho 8un? dny Leaguo of Amerlca was reforred tn tho Commlttee on Sahbath Observance.'.l A Commltteo on Sabbath Observance( was then appolnted as1 follows: Revs. O.) C. Beall, J. B. Honry, W. H. March, HJ Wolls, U. P. Welklo, F. A. Galvs, A. Al P. Neal, J. O. Waggnor; laymen, M{ Walls. G. M, Roy, W. W. Dukncll. RJ W. Hlll, J. A. Calhoun, H. M. CUnar dentst. V The followlng Commlttee on Orphana.e was named: Rova. J. A. Andersdn, li Hammoml, W, G. Hammond, B. F. Ball' C, W. Cantor, J. B. Engle, N. Steveruy W. N. Waggnor; laj*mon, L. W. Davh. - C. M. Armstrong, F. Wcavor. J. __. Roder, M, C. Sessler, A. E. Huddleson, M. A. Patrick. A communlcntlon from tho trusteee otj tho ondowment fund for superannuated; proachors was received And referred t*,' tho joint Board of Flnanco. tj-' BIRTH OF WESLEY. ? '' A commltteo, composed of the presld, Ing olders of Baltlmoro and Enst Baltl^ moro Districts, Rov. W. II. D. Harper and ev. Dr. B. XV. Bond, rospectively,' and Rov. E. B. Prettyman, of Baltlmoro,' wos appolnted to confor w'th tho con feronces of tho Mothodist Eplscopal and Mothodist Protcstant churches of Baltl? moro in regard to tho two hundredth an? nlveraary of the blrth of John Wesley, with tho view of approprlatoly observ** Ing tho some. , Tho twentfoth questlon wns called and tho followlng presldlng elders reported, and tholr charucters wero passed: Bal? tlmoro. W. H. D. Harpor; Enst Baltl? moro, B. W. Bond; Wnshlngton. J. W. Duffey; Wlncliester, H. D. Hnmill; Rock? ingham, Davld Bush; Roanoko, J. E. Armstrong; Lewlsburg. J. S. Hutchlnson; Moorefleld, J, T. Williams. Rov Tl. H. Brown, of Stevens Clty, proached at tho Presbyterian Church hore to-nlght nt 7:80 o'clock. Rev. Dr. John; Hannon dolivcrod hls famous lecturo, "Tub Phllosophy of Dlogenos, at tho Methodlst Church at 8 o'clock beforo nn immcnHo audlonoa, whlch heard the splendld address wlth evldont pleasure and satlsfaotlon, _______ PLATER RELEASED Boy Thought to Have Been Murdered Found Alive nt Grottoes. (Speclul to Tbo Ttmca-nUnntch.) _^ ? H'PAUNTON. VA., Murcti 25.-A gf' deal o intorest has beon taken hy trial of Henry Plater, Sr? churgeH \i the murdor of hls son. Honry i-la, Jr wh. was to havo beon trlod to-n\ row A-out a yoar ago tho suppoi . h_nos of a human belng wore found ln _mnll n oco of woods near whoro Plat, had formerly llved. about four mil* south of Staunton. Though It wns knowl ? hat Plator hnd gono to Ponnsylvanla1.. hocause of anothor troublo, clrcumstanlUU ovldonco polnted to hlm. an.l ono and aliy nroclnlmod that lt wouid tako more than , a Phlladolphla lawyor to keep hlm from \ bolng hung. .. Wlth tho caso ln thla desporato condi? tlon for tho defoiiBo, ho socured na hla counsol Mossrs. Jnhn B. Cochran and j, W. H. Pllson, who set to work upon the onso, and soon had conclustve ovl? donco to provo that tho boy. Plutor, hart beon soon by sovoral rollnble porson* since tho discovery of the bones. At last they actually found the boy nllve and well, llvlng wlth Mrs. Fulton, at Grot? toes, Va, i; . I It soon lenked out, howovor, that tho at tprneys for tho defense hud thls solar plexus blow ready for tho Common wealth. and the numerous wltnesses who woro ready to testiry agalnst Plater be? gan to "seek tho tall timber," and when. tho County Court mot yesterday, Platec was ordered roloased. -? Negro Fatally Stabbed, i*8ni!..|.il I" Tho Tlmi'S-Dlaniil-h.. BRISTOL, VA., Murch 25.?Harrlson Bowcrs, a colored man employed nt tho, Bristol Iron Furnace, ls believed to have; been fatally stabbed ln Urlstql, va., thla af? tornoon. Ho was ussalled by John Taylor* and Churles Wrlght, colored, who settled, a gi'Udgo by stabblnK hlm twlce ln th<j back. tho knlfo blado penetrntlng hls lung, Taylor nnd Wrlght dlsappeared ancl hav .n not been approhehded. -.-p .-, The Perfectlon of a puro, rich, unswoetoned oondensec. mllk ls Borden's PoerlesB Brand Evapo rated Cream. lt ls always avallablo for every uso lo whlch raw mllk or cream ia dovoted, and Is far superior to tho aver? age quallty of elther. Prepared by Bor? den's Condr?*??d Millr. Co,?fidvt