Newspaper Page Text
CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATIOW Mapped out ln North and South Carollna and Georgla PROMINENT MEN TO SPEAK Efforts Wlll Be Made to Awakan In the Countles Interest ln Local Taxatlon . for School lmprovement and ln Consolidation of Distriets. (Speclal to The Tlmei-nuiiatch.) J RALEIGH, N. C March 25.?Governor Aycock, - State Superlntendent of Publlo Inatructlon J, Y. Joynor, and Dr. Charles D.', conatltutlng the Exeoutlve Commlttoe of the North Carollna Edu? cational Aaaoclatlon, co-operatlng wlth the, Southorn Educational Board, held a conference to-day mgordlng the propoeed educational campaign for tho comlng aummer and fall. ? Thoy havo prepared a clrcular letter to all county superintendents, asking ifor Information aa to eontlment ln tholr countles aa to local taxatlon, consolida? tion of achool dlstrlcta, and lmprovement of achool houaea, Tho spoclal purpose ls to aacortaln tho bost localltloa for con centratlng ngltatlon on these subjnets td* the beat advantngo. Aa soon aa thla In? formation la ascertalned, the campaign wlll bo mapped out. Aa waa the case laat summer, a number of prominent men 'ln publlc Hfe, aa well na those engaged ln tho professslon of teachlng, havo voluntoered tholr servlcee for tho campaign, tholr exponaoa to be pald by fupds from tho Southern Edu? cational Board. Dr. Charles D. Mclver, who ls distrlct dlrector for the Southorn Educational Board, says South Carollna and Georgla. wlll Inaugurate slmllar campalgns. Ho has Just roturned from Atlanta, where he held a conferenco wlth tho Governor, j and State superlntendent, and wlll go j to Columbla Aprll 11th for a slmllar con? ference wlth tho South Carollna board. He saya especlally aotlvo campalgna vwlll be conducted ln all three States. CHARTERS GRANTED Unusually Large Batch at Ralelgh Yesterday. (Speclal to Tho Tlines-Dlapatch,) RALEIGH, N. C, March 25.?An unu eually large batch of new corporations wero granted charatora In the offlce of tho Secretary ,of State to-day, among* them bolng two Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Companies; ono for Unlon county, and the other for Gaston county. Robert A. Caldwell and John F. Luper nro among tho lnconporatora ot the Gaa thn county assoclntion. headquarters for whlch Is at Dallaa, and T. J. XV. Brown and Robert H. Howe aro among tho ln corporators ot the Unlon county assocla? tlon, whloti haa headquarters at Monroo. Tho Burllngton, . N. C, Prlntlng and Publlahlng Company ls- (fliartered wlth 150,000 capltal authorlzed, and only 1300 eubscrlbed, tho Inoorporatora belng C. A. Anderson, W, T.;. Williams aml J. W. Murray. Tho Vlctor Buck Company, of Llvlng ton, wab chnrtered wlth $10,000 capltal, Georgo XV. Mountcastle, G. F. Hawklna end othera belng fho Incorporators. The E. F. Shuford Manufacturlng Com? pany, of HIckory, flled notlce wlth tho Secretary nf Stato of an lncrease of capl? tal from $90,000 to $225,000. The Clty Fuel and Ico Company, of "vVinsto-Salem, waa chartored wlth $25,000 capltal, D. H. Klng, J, G. Kemer and F. F. Kemor incorporators. Tho Catawba county Nowa Publlshlng Company, of Newton, wa3 chartered wlth 12,600 capltal to publlsh dally or weokly newspaper and conduct a Job ofllce, C. H. Mebane, ex-State Superlntendent of Publlo Instruetlon, and C. II. Mebano, bc-lng among the Incorporators. The Pledmont Morcnntile Company, of Greensboro, also recelved a charter to flay. Tho capltal of thls concern ls $100, 100, _uid the Incorporators are E. R. Carter, R. R. Klng and A. B. Kimball. IN GREENSBORO Asheville Educators Wlll Soon Start a School ln Greensboro. (Speclal to Tbe Tlmes-DUpatch.. GREENSBORO, N. C.,' March 26.? Professors H. E. Hamby and J.A. Winn, ?xporlencod educators of Asheville, have closed arrangomonts to begln a boys' lilgh school In Greensboro a.t the open? lng of noxt fall term; A ne\y Lodgo of Pythlans was to have fceen organlzed at Thoitfasvlllo last nlght. On acoount of slcknosa of soveral char? ter members the interestlng ceremony was postponod for ten days or more. Rev. J. E. Wllllams and family arrlved to-<lay from Fountain Clty, III., and wlll ocoupy tho new parsonago recently pur Bhased by tho congregatlon of the _*rlends" Church hore. Mr. Wllllams ro ?ently accepted tho call to the pastorate ?f that church. General Jullan S. Carr, brlgadlor-gen Eral of the North Curollna Dlvislon of fnlted Confederato Vetorans, has ac Bepted tho invitatlon of tho Guliford Chapter of the J.AUghtbrs of tho Con? federacy to bo tho orator at Memorlal Day exerclsos, May 10th. C. N. MoAdoo has leased ono of the ?tore rooms undor the Guliford Hotel, nnd wlll open a stock exchango, John I~ Klng, soorotary of the Central Carollna Assoclatlon, of Groensboro, aaya that unusual efforts wlll bo made to have the next fair a record breaker. Comlng ns lt doea, tho woek of the great re? unlon horo of non-resldent natlve North Carollnlnna, he haa opened headquarters thla early, In order to havo amplo tlme to carry all hia plana into oxecutlon. Mr. Edna Lidge, of thls clty, has been awarded tho contract for gettlng out the programme for the next Stato Fair ? t Ralolgh, and has already gone to work on lt. Called to Ralelgh, (Speclal to Tha Tlmes-Dlspatch,) ^RALEiail, N. C? Maroh 25.-Tabernaole dBoptlHt Church to-nlght extended a unan AUL STRAIGm FRONT. MODElil ALASPIRITB CORSETS ?ss WOMAN ??r? FASHION lmous call to Rov. Jaspor C. Massee, now pustor of the Flrst Baptist Church at Mansfleld, Ohio, to bocomo paBtor to suo cocd Rov. W. D. Hubbard, reslgned, Mr, Massoo ls a native of Georgia, graduate of Mercer Colloge and Southorn Bap? tist Thoologleal Semlnary. The church has assurancos that ho will accept. MONUMENT TO RALEIGH Entertalnments to Be Glven In Several North Carolina Cities. (Speclal to Tbo Tlmea-Dlipatoh.) WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. March 25.? Mr. Llndsay Patterson, of W'natori, pros? ldent of the North Carolina Federation of Woman's Clubs, conternplates giving a series of entertalnments ln May ln Wln? ston, Greensboro, Durham, RaMflU, Sal? lsbury and Charlotte to ralae funds for tho Slr Walter Ralelgh monument. The ontertalnments wlll oonslst of tableaux, lllustratlvo of the prlnclpal events of Ra-, lclgh's llfe, Interspersed wlth recltatlons from hls poems and songs datlng from Ellzabethlan days, the scores of whlch are copied from original manuscripts ln the Brltlsh Museum. The entertalnments wlll bo glven under the ausplces of' the Federation of Clubs, and wlll no doubt bo of great hlstoric and literary value. Trlnlty, 6; Lafayerte, 3. (Speclal to Tbo Tlnieii-Dlapatcb.l DURHAM, N. C, March 2o.?Trlnlty Col? lege base-ball team to-day defeated La fayette College at Durham ln a well con tested game by a score of 6 to 8. K1DNAPPERS FINED Charged With Carryinga Man Into West Virginia to Arrest Hlm. (Speclal to Tba Tlni?a.Dlapatcb.) TAZEWEU-L, VA.. March 25.?The Jury thls morning returned a verdict agalnst J. T. Bllllpps and T. C. Harjman, wlth a flne of J02.C0 and thirty fays eaoh In jall. They were trled ln/ the County Court on an appeal frorn a Justlco of Pocahontas for kidnapping a man named Whltt on the 24th of January last and carrylng hlm across the Stato line of Virglnia lnto West Virginia, to arrest him upon a charge of flrlng mlnes of the Pocahontas Colllerles Company. Whltt, wlth others, was arrested on fugltlvo warrants at Pocahontas. They objocted to being trled by P. P, Dilllon, the Justlce before whom the warrants were returnablo, but Justlce Dilllon per sisted ln trylng the case, and the prls oners refused to roturn on thelr recoqml zance, clalmlng Dilllon had been Judl clally employed by the Pocahontas Col? llerles Company, who was prosecutlng tho case, Out of this grows a motlon to. bo trled ln this court for tho removal of Dilllon a3 justlce- for malfeasanco. COAL CONFERENCE W. C. Builitt and Norfolk and Western Officers Discuss Facilities. (Speclal to Tbo Tlmea-DlspRtch.) ROANOKE, VA., March 25.?A number of promlnent coal men, includlng W, C. Builitt, of the flrm of Castner, Curran and Builitt, are ln the' clty, holdlng a con? ference wlth General Manager L. B. John? son, of the Norfolk and Western, ln re? gard for facilities for handling coal and other matters between the varlous com? panies and the rallroad people. Asslstant Genaral Manager J. C, Cassell, of the Norfolk and Western, wlll leave here to-morrow for Europe. Ho wlll be accompanled by Rev. Arthur Rowbotham, paBtor of the Second Prosbyterian Church, and W. E. Roblnson, president of the Vir? ginla Bridge and Iron Company, and wlll be gone for a month, ln the hope that hls health wlll be entlrely restored whon he returns. / ?? ?-f THE HANN BILL Massmeeting in King Willlam Unanl mously Endorses it. (Speclal to Tbe Tlnina-Dlapatch.) KING WILLIAM COURTHOUSE, VA., March 28.?At a mass-meotlng of the cltl? zens of the county held yesterday at the courthouse the followlng resolutlons were offered and unahlmously carrled: Rosokved, Flrst, That wo, tho cttlsens of Klng Wllllam county, ln mass-meetlng assembled, do hoartlly ondorse tho Mann llquor blll. and respeotfully request our Senator and .representatlve tn Vlr_1nia Leglslature to glve it tholr hearty sup? port. Resolved second, that our representa Uves ln General Assembly be request ed to amend the llquor llcense by chang |ng the same so that exceptlon as to clder shall read "excopt aple clder." It was moved and unalmously carrled that tho Board of Supervisors be author Ized to approprlate $300 towards erootlon of. the Confederate monument at Klng Wllllam Courthouse. ??- - ' . Albr^iarle Barn Burned, (Speclul ro Tho TlmoH-Dlepatcb.) CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA? March 25? A large barn at "Bontivar," thls county, the property of Mr. R. H, Rawllngs, was destroyed by flre to-day wlth Its con tents, conslstlng of flfteen hundrod bar? rels of corn, a large quantlty of hay and othor provender. Loss, 11,600; unlnsurod. Come in and Be Clothed. You will look your best after we get through ?with you, We will put the Suit up iu good style?guarantee all there is in it; oloth, work uianship, style I Prioes, $25 Up. W. S. CONSTABLE & CO? Successor. to C0N5TABLE BROS,, 903 E. Maln Street. A BANQUET IN APRIL Petersburg's Chamber of Com merce and Its Useful Work LUMBER WASHED AWAY The Fiood In the Appomattox Has Been a Record-Maker?Excellent Flnan? clal Condltion of the Clty?Blds for Refundlng Bonds. (Speci-l to Tb* TtmM-Dlipttch.) PBTBRSBURG, VA., March 2fi.?Early in Aprll the Chamber of Commerce of thla oity wlll lnaugurato a porlod of re newed ootlvlty, and the boglnnlng wlll be marked by a aplendld banquot, to whlch two or three hundred bualnoBs mon wlll be Invlted. Mon dlatlngulahed ln flnanoe, oommoroe and law wlll dollvor addreaaea on the oooaalom Tho Chamber la anxlous to havo aa large a membor Bhlp aa poBBlble by the evenlng-of the banquet, and every effort wlll be made to have two hundred membora by that tlme. The committee havlng the matter ln chargo wlll bbo that every buBinesa man tn the clty ha* an opportunlty to untte wlth the body. For twenty-flve yeara the Chamber has looked after matters that conoerned the lnteresta of the people of -Peteraburg, and whenever thore wae anythlng that needed attentlon, the people have always gone to the Chamber and made known tholr wlahea through lt. Whlle the body haa done so much, itia fully reallsed that atlll more could have been done lf there wero moro membera to be repreaented by the varloua commltteea. Juat at thla time, when the clty la mov lng forward ao rapldly ln many reapecta, there are exeeedingly Important mattera that need the attentlon of thla commer oial body, and lt ta hoped that the busl nes~ men of Peteraburg will come to the support of the' Chamber and ald 'it in dolng Btlll greater good for the-bualneaa Intoreata of the clty. A RECORD FRESHET. The blggeat freahet ln the Appomattox River for ten yeara waa at Ita helght about 0 o'clock thla afternoon, While the water la very hlgh, floodlng many streets and atopplng work at aeveral manufacturlng planta, no damage of great oonaequenoe haa resulted thus far. Several thouaond feet of lumber may have besn washed away by the tlme the water subaldea, and a large quantlty damaged by mud and water, but no fur? ther loases are expected at this tlmo. Tho Finance Commltteo of tbls clty wlll recelve blda for the whole or any part of the l8sue of $100,000 "refundlng bonds" untll Aprll 2-d. Theae bonda bear four per cent, intoreat nnd run for forty yoara, the lntorest and prlnolpal bolng payable ln gold. The1 iaaue la made to retlro $100,000 eight por cent. bonds lssued In 1S7S, $40,000 of whlch waa used In bulldlng Anderson publlc achool. - Peteraburg Is ln excellent flnanclal conditlon. The aggre? gate taxable valuo of roal estate ln 1002 assessment ls $6,831,227. Undor thls valu atlon the llmlt of debt would bo $1,~0~,000. Tho total dobt of the clty now amounts to $1,1121,000, but thls amount is reduood by the sinklng fund, whlch now haa to Its oredlt In aecuritlos and cash $402,078.40, and whloh Is belng Increased at the rate of $30,000 annually, RETAIL CLERKS. The Retail Clerks' Internatlonnl Pro tootlve Assoclatlon held nn enthuslastlo meetlng at A. P. Hlll Cnmp Hall laat nlght. Thoro was a largo turnout of clorlts. Neal (Bradley, tho negro who waa run over by a traln nlglit beforo laat, dled of hls Injuries last evenlng, A local frolght traln on tho Norfollc and Wostern Rallroad la aoon to bo run wost of thd clty at suoh a achedule na to fnclll tate shlpplng- along that line from Peters? burg. A movoment Ia aald to be on foot look? lng to tho bulldlng of a handBoma flat on upper Sycamoro Streot, t Woodborry, 8; St. Albans, 2. (Spoclal to Tho Tlmei'Dlapatch.. v ORANGE, VA., March 25-Woodberry defoatod the St. Albans team here thls aftornoon by the score of 8 to 2. The pltohlng of Walker for Woodborry and tho fleldlng of tho home team were tho features of tho game. "Oouglasa pltohed a good game for St. Albans, but hls sup? port was poor. Score by Innlngsj R, H, E. Woodberry .... ,,100610010?8 0 1 St. Alban.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jl 1?2 0 11 ELKS' OFFICERS Thomas Boudar Was Chosen Exalted Ruler Last Nlght. A large and onthuslastlc moetlng of Richmond Lodge of Elka was held last nlght. The offlcers for the comlng lodgo year, whlch begins Aprll lst, wore eleoted as follows: Exalted ruler. Thomaa B oudari esteemed leading knight, Preston Belvln: esteemed loyal knight, W, M. Lawronco; esteemed lecturlng knight, T. B. Hlcks| tller, J. F. Crone; secretary, T, R. A. Burke; treas? urer. John O. Stampor; trustee. H. A. Wll? llams; reprosontatlvo to Grand Lodge, I~ O. Wondanburg. Exalted RuJer-eleot Thomas Boudar wlll mako hia appolntment^ at the flrst meet? lng ln Aprll, PJ BU1LDERS OF CARRIAGES Southern Vehlcle Association toMeet Here. EXCELLENT PROGRAMME The Vlsltors Wlll Be Glven a Roya Reception In Thls Olty-Oonven tlon Is to,iVleet In Mur phy's Hotel Annex. The Southern Vehlole Associatlon wlll meet In Richmond on the 7th, 8th and Oth of noxt month, when fully a hundred delegates from evory seotlon of tho flouth wlll oonveno for the purpose of dlsouss Ing matters of importanoo and Interest to the buslness ln whloh they are en gagod, i For sovoral weok* the local oarrlage makors have been bually engaged ln preparlng a reoeptlon for the vehlcle bullders, and now everythlng ls ln apple, plo ordor for the delegates. However, a speolal moetlng of the looal committee wlll ba held Friday nlght, whon the flnal detalla will be arranged, It ls expected that the conventlon oommlttee of the Chambor of Commerce wlll meet wlth the oarrlage men. COMMITTEE IN CHARGE. The oommlttoe whloh has charge of the entertalnment of tho vohlole bulld ors ls composed as follows: C. G. Bosher, chalrman; Davld Alnslle, B, T. Crump, J. H, FlnoH, J. T. Dunn, L R Bpenoer, W. C, Smlth and E. C. Hughes, Tho oonventlon wlll oonvene at 10 o'olock on the morning of tho 7th ln the assembly room of Murphy's Hotol annex, thls hostelry having boon dooldod upon as headquarters. They wlll llston to an address of woloomo on bohalf of the Stato by Govornor Montague, and of tho olty by Mayor Taylor. Prosldont J, G. Anderson, bf Rock Hlll, S. C, wlll ro spond on bohalf of tho associatlon. Adjournment wlll bo tnkon at 1_:_0 for lunoh, and ln tho aftornoon tho dolegatos wlll bo driven ovor tho olty in oarrlngoii, that thoy may have on opportunity of vlewlng tho many polnts of Intorest At nlght tho party wlll be tenderod a party at Bostock's, From 10 untll 12i(10 of tho day followlnir wlll bo dovoted to buslnoss, and In tho aftornoon tho party wlll be takon to Sovon Plnos on ohartored trolloy cars. Upon roturn to tho clty ono of tho thoa troa wlll be vlsltod. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Tho oonvontlon wlll bo brought to a oloso by tho annual elootlon of offloarH ond the choloo of a clty for tho noxt place of meotlng Thls wlll bo oapppd off at nlght wlth a sumptuous banquet, tho best that Colonel Murphy oan prepare. Govornor Montnguo wlll, ln all proba billty, respond to a toast. Tho Southern Vohlclo Assoolatton is ln Its Infanoy, having beon organlsod only* last year at a blg gathoring ln At? lanta. It has boon growlng stoadlly and rapldly for tho past yoar, numberlng among Its mombers some of the best known and most promlnent vehlcle bulld? ers ln the Southern States. The present ofllcers aro: J. G, Ander? son, Rock Hlll, S. C? president; J. T., Henderson, Valdosta, Ga,. secretary and treasurer, ALLEQHANY TUNNEL Chesapeake and Ohio to Enlarge It for Two Tracks. (Special to The Tlinea-Dlanatch.) CLIFTON FORGE, VA,, March 23,? The Chesapeake and Ohlo Rallway Com? pany has declded to enlarge Alleghany tunnel, west of Covlngton, so as to bulld a double track through lt. Work wlll be begun ln the near future. Thls tunnel ls one of the longest on the system, belng 4,703 feet ln length. The work wlll requlre six or eight months, and when flnlshod lt wlll greatly lmprove the train service. Thls -Improvement has been long needed, and when completed the company wlll In all probablllty doublo track the road to thls placo, so as to bo ablo to handle the coal from the New Rlvor and Kanuwha flelds wlth moro dlspatch, Tho town has sufl'ered conslderably for the want of coal oil thls week, Tho Standard Oil Company's station here has boon out for several days past, owlng to the delay of the rallroad company ln hapdllng tho ordorod supply. The stores of the town have had a run on dlp can dles, and tholr Biipply ls now oxhausted. Mr, James M, Thomllnson nnd MIbs Currle J, Gardner wero marrlod at the resldence of tho bride's father last nlght, Rev. J. A, Barker, pastor of tho Bnptlst Church, offlclntlng. Thoy wlll resldo at Groenloe, Va,, whoro Mr. Thomllnson is ongngod ln buslness, Tho handsome rosldence of Dr, J. C. Wysor, ln Wost Cllfton Forgo, Is rap? ldly nenrlng complotlon, and whon fin? ished wlll bo ono of tho bnndsomest dwoll Ings In the town, Mr, N. X. Grnft, for many years a clgar manufacturcr In thls placo, wlll shortly move wlth hls famlly to Pitts? burg,, Pa., where ho wlll engnge ln.busl? ness, Mr. XV, D. Bowlos, who for tho past sovoral yoars has been head clerk for Wills. Parker and Compnny, has reslgned to accopt tho posltlon as suporlnlepdent of stores for lho Alloghnny Oro nnd Iron Company, wlth hondquartors at Goshon, 9 SMALLPOX STAMPED OUT Scare at Scottsvlllo Now Over and Al| Danger Past. (Speclal to Tlie TlniPB-Dlapatch.) SCOTTSVILLE, VA., Maroh 25.?Small? pox has caused conslderablo excltemont In thls community for the past few woeks, About a month ngo a young man named Snapp came home from Newport News slok, In a few days he developed a gonuliie caso of smallpox. A atrlct quar nntlna wna establlshed Immediately and the dlseaso has not spread, though every inember of the family had elther small? pox or vaflolold, and two of thom, a young lady nnd young man, dlod from the droadful dlsonse. Thoy wero brother and slster of the young man who brought tho disease from Nowport News. Tholr homo Is about two miles from Scottsvllle, and the town and county authorltlos have used overy precaution to prevent tha spread of tho disease. Rev, Wllllam Oresham, roptor of Bt. Anne's Parlsh, who has been ln Southern Callfornla for tho past threo months, re? turned to hls homo, nenr Olondowor, to day, and wlll Immediately outer upon hls pnstoral dutles, Ho ls muoli lmproved jn health. ? Married ln Washlngton, Marrlage llcenses were Issued |n Wash? lngton yesterday to Thornton S. Jones, of Orange oounty. Va., and Allle O. Boul wave, of Carolina oounty, Va.; Samuel J. Hedrick and Balsy D, Dobgon, both of Port Republlo, Va.| Joseph A. Herring and Jennie Wood, both of Prlnoa Wllllam county, Vfc ' SVNNY JIM is coming next week in person. He will call at your house and present you with a large package of F O RC E 1* Give it a fair trial, and you will learn why he' became Sunny Jim PEABODY FUND MAY BE "LOCATED" Trustees Have Dlscussed Dls posltion of It?A Curry Memorlal, Posslbly. Wldo-aproad Intoreat la felt here ln tho oharaotor of the.dlspoaltlon that wlll bo mado of tho Peabody fund. When Dr. Curry became 111, and he waa vory alol. whon tho Board of Truatsea ot tho fund met, tho quoatlon waa at onoo BUggostod: "What would bocomo of - tho fund lf Dr, Curry Bhould dlo7" AU folt that lt would hardly bo posslble to flnd a man who would admlnlstor Its oarn lngs as well as Dr. Curry hnd dono for bo many years.' Tho bollof haa boon growlng atep.~lly alnoo the death of Dr. Curry that one of two thlngs would bo dono wlth the |2,100,000 that remalna of tho logaoy of Mr, Peabody to popular eduoatlon ln the United States. Ono augges'tTon. waa that lt should be located. Thls .can best be lllustrated, posslbly. The Vlrglnla State Female Normal, at Farmvllle, has been rocolvlng SS.000 annually, say, from tho Poabody fund. In locatlng the fund enough money . would be put aalde to yleld $5,000 a year, and tho earnlng would be perennlal, alnce the prlnclpal would not be touohed. The trusteea would aeleot certain schools whlch were dolng a flne work, were flll Ing a misslon worthlly and needed help to meet the demands made upon them. These would have entruated to them certain amounts whlch would make a aubstantial annual yleld to be used ln meetlng the expenses. . The other plan suggested ls that tne entire fund shall be turned over tc. the members of the General Educatlon Board, whlch is dolng so much now ln the interest of educatlon In the South, Tho prlnclpal will probably never be touohed, at least not for a long tlme, When tho Peabody Board met some tlme ago ln Washington the questlon of What should be done oventunlly with the fund was dlscussed, * It would not bo surprlslng lf the trus? tees used a part of the money for the establlshment of a memorla to Dr Curry. but what shape thls w'" take ls probably a mattor llttlo dlscussed so far. IS (Continued from Flrst Page.) nell and Mrs. Burdick, and Pennell and tho woman agreed that they would not contest the sult for dlvorce, but would nld In securlng lt ln a qulet way to avold notorloty ns muoh aB posslble. They promlsed to flle-nn answer to hls oomplalnt wlthout delay. Thoy did not fllo tho answer, however, but Instead put detoctlvos on tho track of Mr. Bur diok, havlng resolved betwoon them selves that thoy would contost the sult. "Burdick sald the detectlvos followed every move he made, and trumped up a lot of false ovldonce agalnst hlm, whloh Involved hls friends, roapoctablo people of whom ha thought a groat deal. Bur? dick sald he llved at- n hotol apart from hls wlfo for somo time, and tho detec? tlvos, knowlnff thla, drew oonolualona adverso to hia moral oharaoter and made tho most of It. "Burdick did not know that he was be? lng wntohod by the detectlvos. He told ino that he waa In a atato of dlstraotlon and that ho aought tho aoclety of hls frlonds for rollof from hls etate of de? presslon, Ho sald thnt ho had takon hlghly rospectable women rldlng In hia automoblle nnd had stopped at rospocta ble eatlng places; that ho had mot hls frlonds on the atroot and had treatod them to soda and candy, and that he had played golf and attendod sootal fupctlon... He snld that he oould seo roadlly how persona intont on dolng him wrong could mlsconstrne hls actions nnd Impugn hls motlves, WANT-.D TO PROT1.CT FRIENDS. "Burdick did not know of tho ovldonce obtalned agalnst hlm until after the do tootlvos |iud reported to Pennell aud Mrs. Burdick. They then endeavored to got hlm to withdraw hls sult for dlvorce, threatonlng to uso such ovidenco as would tend to hesmlroh the .charactor of OURE YOURSELF OF DRINK HAB IT wlthout inoonvenlenco of any klnd or |ob8 of bualness tlmo. "Orrlne" ls a aolentlna preparatlon whlch tones up tho stomach, re8tores normal condltions and forever deBtroya oravlng for llquor. $1 per box, 0 bose. for $5, Polk Miller Drug Co., __. E. Maln Street, Polk Mlller-Coleman Co.- Fi~~?* -y>. Broad , Btreets, RicKmoftO. " sevorul respeotable persons. Mr. Bur- | dlok said that thls evldence was all un truo, Ha told me that he conduoted hlmsolf wlth proprlety, and had done .nothlng that wouid rofleot on hla moral oharaoter. He dealred to proteot hls frlonds anfl hls ohlldron. "Ho sald Mrs, Burdick oalled on hLrrf and ploadod for tho prlvllege of having* tho ohlldron wlth hor, and that he con-' sentad to let hor havo ono at a tlme lf ahe wouid dollvor lnto hls hands the false evldence sho hud agalnst hlm antFagret. not to mako uso of It, whloh she refused to do. He told that Mrs. Burdtck told hlm that she lovod Pennell ln a way sho could nover lovo him. "Ho sald tl*_t he now roalfxed thore has always boon aomothlnSf laoklng ln her af feotlon for hlm. Ho had provldod hor wlth a good home, and they had llved hnpplly untll Pennoll dlsrupted thelr famlly relatlon.. Ho sald that on more than one occaslon Ponnell had threatened to oommlt gulolde, Ho sald that whlle/tho Ponnells wero ln tho oast Mrs, Pennell had wrltten hlm a letter, pleadlng wlth hlm to drop tho dlvoroe proceedings, statlng that lf he dld not there wouid bo a double sulclde. that of herself and Arthur. About the last thing that Bur? dick sald to me was, that he had about decldod not to push hla suit for a year or more ln'order to;keep Pennell and Mrs. Burdick guesslng. Burdick was heart broken and completoly crushed, Tears* stood ln hls *eyes as he told me of hla trouble." ' Mr. R1oe sald he asked Burdlok why he dld not klll the man who had wrecked hls life, and Burdlok replled that suoh a thing oould hot be thought o_ on ac? count of the ohlldren. Mr. Rloe has wrltten Dletrlot Attorney Ooatesworth, at Buffalo, telltng hlm,, of Burdiok's oonfesslon to hlm "wlth a view of.oontradlot.nn the evldence that tends to besmlroh Bihdlck'a oharaoter, Rloe said Burdlok had no bad hablts that he knew of, and that he alwaya eonstderod hlm an estlmahlo man, THE BURDICK CASE MAY 00 TOA JURY (By AiaoaUtea Prtte.) BUWALO, N. Y., Maroh 28.?Dlstrlot Attorney Coatosworth sold to-day that ho expeotod to wlnd up tho inquest lnto the Burdick murder by noon to-morrow. The hearing wlll be resumed to-morrow morn? ing. "Havo you dlscovored any nsw evl donoeT" ho was askod. "We have brought out at thls Inquest everythlng that we have," replled Mr. Coatosworth, "The publlo knows now as muoh about the caso as the authorltles do. Nothlng of Importanoo haa developed lately that we dld not know before the Inquest be? gan," Mr, Coatosworth sald he knew nothlng ooncorning a plot alloged to have been concoctod by Ponnell to entrap Burdlok by uslng a woman as a lure, and thareby preventlng Burdick from presslng the dl? vorco suit agalnst hls wlfe. ; Askod lt the oase wouid go before the j grand Jury, Mr, Coatoaworth saidi "It depends upon Judge Murphy's ac? tion. If ho lssuos a warrant for any known person, or for John Doe and Jane Doo, lt wlll havo to go bofore the grand Jury," THE PENNELLS' DEATHS. Sinco tho name of Arthur R. Pennell be cume so promlnent ln tho Burdick In quost tho authorltles have beon no cuniuliitlng evldence bearlng upon tho cieath of Ponnell and hls wlfe, resultlng from tho plunge of thelr automobllo from Konslngton Avonuo Into the qunrry. It Is likely that an Inqiifst Into the death of tho Pennolls wlll follow tho lnqulry lnto the death of Burdick, In trnclng tho movemonts of the Pon? nells ?_% the afternoon of the trlp, the po? llco havo loctrnod much. During the hour and ton mlnutes of that drlve four in? teresting incldonts that soem to be well subBtantlated took place. A fifth inol-. dent, the alloged net of Mrs, Ponnell ln omptylng a small flask of whiskey and throwlng the bottlo away, seems to havo tho shadow of a doubt cast upon lt, al? though Jacob Gelger, a laborer, who saya ho wltnessed the Inoldent, positively avers it ls so Tho first Inoldent ls the rldlng of the automoblle up and down In front of Frank G'elger's farm houso at the corner of Bai? ley and Kenslngton Avenuos, slower than a pfjgioii could waik and ln a pourlng raln fur about half an hour. Tho second Inoldent was tho stop at Georgo Volks' saloon on Kenslngton Avenue, where Volk says Ponnell bought a glass of whlskoy and took another glass of tho sume ll? quor to hls wlfo. Volks' mother lives noxt door to the Pennoll homo on Cleve? land Avouue and sho Js therefora well aoqualnted wlth ponnell. The thlrd Inol? dent was a ropotltlon of tho Bulloy Ave? nuo loltorlng ahd mnnoeuverlng at the oorner of ..amiliiHton Avenue and Giieder Stroot for five or ten mlnutes at the samo snall-llka pace, and ln tlie same drench lng raln. Tho fourth Inoldent, tho last feature of the drlve. asldo from the trag? edy itself, Ia the etrangest, lf not the most, slgnlfloant of all. Thls Is the Inol? dent of the Pennells lettlng down the canopy. pr top of the ma^hlhe eo that they were eatpoaed to the heavy down* pour of raln. Thla happened two or thre? minutea , before the auto took Its flnal plunge. A Multitude of Grocery Bargains Sugar Corn, 4 cans for..............95c.;. a-pound cans Table Peaches..........7c. Large cans Pie Peaches....7c. Best Oranulated Sugar, pound......4*^0. Quart bottle Tomato Catiup........10'ci Small Smlthfleld Hams, pound...... 15c T. M. Shoe Blacking, 2 bozea....5*. Best City Meal, per peck.18c, or, bushel .:. .-.3c. Large Canned Virginia Tomatoes.....8c White A Sugar, 6 pounds for.......35c Arbuckles* Coffee, pound............10c Cordova or Lion Coffee, pound......gc a-pound can Grated Pineapple........8c Imported Macaroni, pound.........-". .6c Blackberry or Catawba Wine, quart. .ioc Enameline Stove Polish, box........4c Cuticula Soap, a for.SC Snowflake Patent Family Flour, bar? rel, $3-90; bag.......93c Good Green or Mixed Tea, pound....35c Enameline. box ,..................*4C;: Carolina Rice, per pound.5c Best Tea Dust, pound......aoc S. ULLMANS SON Downtown Stores, 18ao-i8aa Eaat Maiq : Street. Uptown Store, 506 East Mar? shall Street. Both 'Phones at our, two Stores. '??> ?' They Have Done Good Where Others Failed I BLANKS' B.&S. LIVER PILLS. For sale by reliable drugglsM. Price, 10c' ,per boxj 3 boxea, 25c For the Bride. A Jowerly _tor_ la the natural placo tn eoe~ glft* of lasting valuel There are many thlngs here that beautlful, uaeful, and ?lu_t wlll hold thelr worth almost 'nd_ flnltely. Numberlesa article-. in jewelry. etc, that wlll glve much plea~ur? to tho brlde I LUMSDBN, 733 Main Street,