Newspaper Page Text
AVfcgdabte Pr epnrationfof As slmllaltag flicFood andRcd ula ting ihcStomachs andBowelaor S lMFANls/CHUDKKTM Promotca Digcstion.Chcerrul ness andltestConlains nelther Opium.Morpliino norMincral. IjotHArcotic. ^jlJ^arOtanrSiMVELmXHSR Pumpkm Seed>" Jlx-Smnaf R*MI*SJlf sfitur.Sfrd- f IrnktiSumr ADetfecVRcmedy forOonstlpa 'Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoca Worms .Coiwulsions .Fcverish kness and LOS9 0FS--EEP. FacSinute Si'gnnture of XEWYORK, CASTORIA For Infontfl nnd Ohildren, The Kind You Have Always Bought %s v jD_fiC?COW.OF-WRARRER ln Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA '*!t. , TH- C_NT?UR COMPANY. HtW VOAK, OITV. THE HOWITZERS TO HOLD AN ELECTION Wlll Choose a Successor to Lleutenant John W. Booker. The New Orleans Trlp. Tho Richmond Howltzors held thelr rogular weekly meeting Tuesday night. After transacting routino business tho battory attended the Bazaar in full-dres3 uniform. Second Lleutenant John W. Booker, owlng- to change of residence, has tendor cd his rosignation to Adjutant-Gonora! Nallo oa an ofllcer of the battery, and tho followlng orders have boen issued: "Armory Blchmond Howltzers, "Rlcbmond, Va., March 24, 1903. "Order No. 7. "In compllance wlth Spoclal Order No. 27, from the Adjutant-Oonoral's ofllce, tbo enlisted men of thls battory aro here? by ordered to assomblo in thls armory, in fatlgue uniform, wltliout sldo arms, on Tuesday evenlng-, Murch 31, 1903, nt ? S:30 o'clock, to clect a socond lleutenant, to flll tho vacancy caused by tho reslg natlon of John W. Bookor. By ordor "WHjI-IAM M. MYBRS, "Captaln Commandlng Battery A." "The Richmond Howitzers and Tholr Historlc Home" wlll soon bo roady for tho printers. This book wlll contaln a hlstory of tho Howitzers from Its organi? zatlon und a sketch of Richmond, to i gother with advertisements ot promlnont . flrras ln and out of Richmond. The His ' tory Committee, howevor, Is stlll hard at work. Thoso books wlll be glven away in Rlahmond, en route to and ln tho clty of New Orleans. Thls book wlll bo a bl_; advortiaement for Richmond and Vlrglnla B3 well. ?,. ? Tho following lott'er has been rocelved: "Headquarters Flfth Rogimentnl Infantry, "Georsria Stato Troops-, "Atlanta, Ga., March 17, 1903. "Captaln Willlam M. Myers, Richmond, Va.: "Doar Slr,?Iyearnlng that you contem plate, wlth your company, vlsiting Now Orleans within tho noxt fow weoks, I do sire, on bohalf ot the Fifth Reglment of Infantry, Qeort_ia Stato Troops, to ox tond to you and your command an invi? tatlon to Btop over in Atlanta as the jrucsts of tlio Flfth Regiment whilo pass Ing through on your way to Now Orleans. "Hoptng that you wlll find It conve? nlent to pass through Atlanta and to stop wlth ub, I remaln, "Yours very truly, '"Cl-IFFORD I~ ANDERSON, "Colonel Commandlng Flfth Reglmont Infantry, Georgla Stato Troops." Tho city of Atlanta 1ms nlso oxtondcd tho battery an Invitatlon to bo Its guests during the trlp to New Orleans. Slmllar Jnvitatlons hnvo been recolved from towns nnd citles In tho States of Tonnes. co nnd AJi.banin. Tho danco wlll bn glven ln the armory Frlday nlght. 27th. from 8 to 2 o'clock. Rofreshmonts wlll bo served. Lleutenant Edmund 1'. Taylor ls con fined to hls room by lllness. Property Transfers. Richmond: R. B. Bowo nnd wlfo to Car? ollno C, Hugh S., Harry C, Robert M, and Joseph G. Beattlo, Agnes B. Stowart nnd Mnrlnii D. Cooloy, 170 foet on tho nouth sldo of Hanover Street, soutiheust corner of Rowlaild Street, 1752.80. ' James 11. Evans to E. G. Talloy, 21 C-12 feet on tho east. sldo of Tlilrtleth Streot, 110 0-12 feet south of Clay Stroot, $1,67-. T. 11. ISdwarda, speclal commlssloner, to flenry Corr, 25 feet on tho north slde of Orleuiis Sireet. 5-10, Lucy Alfred Gruham's trusteo lo R. B. Bowo, 20 feet on tlie south sldo of .Maln Street, 22 9-12 feet west of Sludlson Street, $2,800. Frederlck F. Martin to H. S. Waller Bteln, 30 feet on tho south sldo of Couttg Stroet, W> feet east of Bt. 1'aul Streot, $-<i0. Richmond Really and Pevelopmont Company to XV. Ben Duvls, 40 feel on the east Blde of Flfth Stroot, S3 4-12 feot bouth of Maln Street, W.OOO. Rebekah Wntkins aud R. Lancaster Wllllams to Bello Hnmbletnn lllckok, ~o tc-et on tho south slde uf Frankllii Street, 105 feet east of Shafer Street, .10. Henrlco: O. I* Penoon and wlfo to F. B. l.owl~ 60 feet on Uie north sldo of Belmout Avenue, plan of Bclmont, .240. T. A. fJBXnb and wife to XV. n. 1>. Mon cure'B executor, lot. 1, 2 aml . ot block 7, Brookland Bsrk. 1700. XV R. D. Moncure b executor to Bessle A Moncure, lots J, 2 and 3 of block 7, Brookland Park, 1600. , _,, . Edwln Flcasants and wlfe and Edwln Pleaaa-.t-' truateo to Clarence 1'. Har iVood. 85 feet i?n tho weat slde of Thlrty V second Stroet, 114 feet north of Clay Street, $420. E, S. Read and wife to Nellie D. Vlnal, lots 8 and 0, block A, seotlon 6, Hlghland Sprlngs, 9A. Falrmount citizens expect soon to havo a flrst-olass water works system. It ls proposed by the company, for whloh Governor Charles T. O'Forrall ls attor? ney, to bore an arteslan well and to ereot two tanks of 00,000 gallons capaclty each. Tho househoklers wlll have a plentlful supply for thelr uso and the town wlll have a flne protectlon ln oase of flre, The sewerage quostlon ls of the most lmportant feature, os Falrmount is rap? ldly bulldlng up and bocoming thlckly populatod. _ Mr. Joo W. Ralnoy, one of Falrmount s young buslness men, was eleoted Town Sergeant at the last Councll meeting. jMr. W, C. Thomas was recently elected spoolal police of Falrmount. Mr. Jackson has lnaugurated a slng? lng school, whlch- meets evory Tuesday nlght at the Falrmount Baptist Churoh. ? Mr. John Bass ls very slck at his home on Chelsea lllll. Heavy oak crossovers havo recently boon put at oach street crosslng, adding much to tho comfort of tho people, Mrs. Gilliam D. .Lanoaro, of Crewe, ls in Falrmount, having been summoned to the bodslde of her slster, Mrs. Wlllle Miller, who is sinking at hor home, No 1312 Twenty-thlrd Street. Mrs. Vlolet Wllson ls also wlth her. Mossrs. G. C. Smlth, James C. Gentry, Georgo W. Walnwrlght, Edward Davls and Frank A. Jones-loft Wednesday night for Danvlllo, Va., to reprosent Falrmount Loaguo at the Stato conventlon of the Epworth League, whlch ls boing held ln that city at this tlme. Mlss Annle Lovlng ls vlsltlng her cousin. Mr. Charles Lovlng, of No. 2200 Falrmount Avenuo. Tho tost of tho dry powdor chomlcal flro extlnfe'ulshlng apparatus wlll bo trlod thls (Tliursd'ay) ovenlng at 8:80 o clock ln tho vncant lot at tho corner of Twonty secOhd Stroot and Falrmount Avonuo lf the weather pormlts. All property own? ors nnd Intorosted cltlzens uro Invlted to attond tho test. Falrmount ls soon to bo lighted by eloctrlclty. Mr. Burkort, chalrman of tho Eight Committoo, says swlng lamps of the latest lmproved pattern wlll t>e used, such us aro now bolng put in uso ln Richmond. ' Tlie Commltteo on Streots met Monday night at tho homo of J. H. Creory. Messrs. Creory, Josoph Gregory and W. Burkert wore present to oonB.WerJhe conditlon of tho streots whlch wore damaged to tho extent of several hun? dred dollars by tho recent rains. Tho Falrmount Rollof Assoclatlon wlll hold Us next meeting at tho home of Mr Roonoy, No. 1100 Twonty-llrst Stroet, Monday ovonlng, Aprll 7th. ,?vH.,ni Ttov Mr Babcock wlll begln rovlval s.'ut Falrmount Methodist Church next Sunday, March 29th. Tho town ls putting on a Sprlng-lIta} attlro. Many houses nre bolng repalnted and soveral dwelllngs nro golng up. Tho rocont tlio on Short r SHeet, Whloh destroyed sevonUJ J??? nled by colored people. was not ln I'Ulr rnoiint as reported, but in tho county between Richmond nnd Falrmount. Pho town hns no oolored Inhabltants. _ FAT BABIES Are Famous Sleepers. Tho Baylng, "Sloepy as a fat baby," exproHsoH n good deal, for fat hahlns aro famous llttlo follows to sloop. What a contrast is tholr rofroshlng rest to tho nltolilng and tosslng of a slcopless coffeo drlnkcr. A BOOd elder of Sprlngllold, 111., found a wny to brlng refreshlnB sloep In place of lnH.uiinln. "Untll threo yearK aeo," ho Knvs, "f?r flfteen years I was troubled wltii n thrnhblng In my stomach, wan yery nervous, kidneys out of ordor, troubled wlth severo headnchos and .Irondful insomnla. ' "After Irying nll sorts of remedies I camo to the eoncluslon that my troubles wem tho result of drlnklng coffeo, and seotng nn artlole ln tho paper about postum T dotormlned lo try it. 8<> i qult coffro and took on Postum. It agroed wlth u1" from tho flrst cup. At llrst 1 drunk It dllutcd, thon puro. I iellshe.1 II, too, nnd lo my groat Joy 1 was soon free from stnnmch troublo, ner yousneso all gone "nd 'X-M r|par, and ln Btoad of b"lnK wakeful r*,r i.-ilf the r.lpht I sloep llke a fat baby und got up ln the morning rct'roshed. Tltls I pwo to hav? ing qult coffeo aiul takon to drlnklng postum." NniiiPH furplshed by l'ostuln Co., Battle Creek, Mlch. Nothlng marveloys about lt, hut il.oro ls a reason. lf h.u'thy, sound sleep Ih worth anythlng to you. drop coffee an.l glvo Postum a short triul? say len days. Thut wlll tell the tale. OBJECT TO THE BILL Fault Found Wlth Barksdalo's Servartt Act. PASSED BY THE SENATE Thought it Mlght Serlously Affect Labor People?Mr. Hobbs Says tho Farmers Do Not Want It. ln tho Sonate yosterday tho Barksdalo blll to prevent-'persons from porsuudlng or ontlclng sorvants away was passod, Whon it came up ?tho pondlng questlon wns callod and tho act wont through by ono voto to spnre. Thero wero somo Sonator. who deslred to speak upon thls moasuro. Mr. Hobbs was ono of thom, Wo says tho farmors wero opposod to lt. Tho ropresentatlvos of tlio trucklng and tho mining seotlons thlnk lt an unwlso moasuro. Tho la? bor pooplo In cltles and towns are sald to bo ngalnst It. The blll, as amended and passod, roads as follows: (Bo lt onacted by tho General Assombly of Virglnia, Thnt if any porson shall knowingly entlec, porsuado or procuro any sorvant who shall havo contructod ln wrltlng or orally to sorvo hls omployor to unlawfully loavo tho servico of hls master or omployor, thon such porson and servant may bo suod atngly or Jolnt ly by tho master or omployor, and on recovory may havo Judgment for doublo tho vnluo of tho actual damages sus talnod. 2. Any person vlolntlng tho provlsions Can you flnd Clara's mother? _ c-,....--. ?c -.?-.!? in v?Bt~rd_.v's Tlmes-DlsDatch: The sky Une forms ala Solutlon of puzzle ln yesterday's Tlmes-Dlspatch: profilo. of thls aot shall bo doomod gullty of a mlsdomoanor, and fined not oxceodlng one hundred dollars, or conllnod ln Jall not excoodlng throa months. Mr. Barksdalo statoa that tho peoplo of Hallfax county desiro the pussago of tho aet. ? ,, . , Thero are some who aro lnollnod to thlnk that the blll mlght bo so construod as to serlously ombarrass worklng poo? plo. flRS. THURSTON'S CLASS Medal Contest to Take Place Thls Evening at the Y. M. C. A. At tho Y. M. C. A. Hnll to-nlght the Praetlcal Class of tho Richmond School of Expresslon, conductod by Mrs. W. E. Thurston, wlll contest for tho modal of? fered annually for proflcloncy, the mom? bors of tho class bolng Mlss LUlle Hoch ler, of RIohmond; Mlss Clarlce Edwards, of West Point, and Miss Lura Bates, of Washington, D. C. Dr. Jero WItherspoon, Dr, W. R. L. Smlth and Mr. J. D. Crump wlll aet as judgos. Tho medal wlll bo presonted by Dr. W. R, D. Smlth. The programmo wlll presont other at traotlvo f.atures, and tho ocoaslon prom? lses to be ono of much Interost. Patrons and frlonds wlll bo cordlally welcoinod. j{t tho Vhoatres, 4.1~t-M~H"]-H-.^'M"H~H-I-H-W?M-l? "Tho Lady Slavey," whlch is to in augtirato tho season of the Academy Muslcal Comedy Company, bears a rep utatlon such as fow works of llke char? ter hiwo boon able to boast slnco that form of thcatrleal ontertalnmont becomo so wldoly popular. Tho play has beon flled for tho comlng prosentatlons in Richmond wlth much now, bright and thoroughy up-to-date materlal, both as rcgards muslo andi comedy, whilo tlio danclng wlll bo moro elaboruto than thelr orlginal productlon. Tho "Lady Slavey" wlll mako her llrst bow on Monday noxt. Seats go ou sale to-day. "Slberla," whlch tho Fawcett Com? pnny is proseiillug ut tlio Bljou thls weok wlth such succoss, belongs to thu rommi tlc inolodrama realm, whlch has takon such a f.'rm hold on tho popular sontl inont wlthln tho last fow years. It 1. an ailnilralily construotod pmy, so llllod wlth heart Interost tlmt lt carrlea tho audience ulong on n hlgh tldo of onthtislusm. Tho Fawoott Company always iplixys to Inrgo and onthuslustlo houses ln Klch inond, but it is doubtful If the membors of thu organizatlon havo ovor boon ro? celved wlth such frantle domonstratlona ns they havo during the run of thls won dcrfuliy popular nieloilrauia. Thero wlll bo a malliieo to-day, n_-.I tho regular perforiHiinees for tho rest ot' tho WOok, To-morrow nlght a bciroflt por foriiiuiieo wlll bo glven for lhe Confed erato Homo for Noeily Womon. Mr. M-Koo und Mr. Fawcett dn.ideu to help tho good causo along lo tho extent of fioniitlng tho full .recelpts of ono perform ntico. At the Academy of Muslo next Sntur tuy ovonlng >I. C. Barnubee, XX'. II. Mao? Dohftlrl, Grace Van SttltldlfeiM *"?'*??? Bostonltths, orlglhnls nnd liowly JfiBAftfl flrtlsts, wlll present "Mald Marlati. ? Ihe , bsouoI of "Bobln Hood'' re.ulf os a much blggor.conKpany thati Us P*-0*1011^^,' ?}."* contnlns a.story of tho '?m.01u?t2"*-:te"'Jj tho Sherlff, Llttlo John, Mald Marlon and nobin Hood, wlth nlchard Coottr lo Llon*. i'orces flghthiB ln the wars pf the erusados. Tho sConio dlsplny when lt Wns orlglnally presented lato lnst senson at tho New York Gardon Theatro, *aa very mngnlrVcent, nnd the costumos ox eelled nll pr'evloUs pt'oduotio*ns m*"10. *5 tho Bostonlans. whllo tho opora won im modlato favor, so that ts rovlval nt tho Academy of Muslc wl bo "uro o bo attractlvo. Thoso who wltness*. lt ln Now York wlll note aome vorj lmportant changos tlmt havo boon milde in both book ahd scoro, Sovoral now ^mbm havo boon Introduced and tho ensombio groatly olaborntod. Tho BoBtonlans , 011 gagomont wlll open Fr day ?l^ *m "ttobln Hood." Thero wlll he a matlneo on Saturday, ______ REFERRED TO COMMITTEE Not Likely That Petition of Students Wlll Bo Grantod. Tho petition of tho Richmond College studonts asking for tho abolltlon of ex? aminations has beon roferrod by tho fac ultv. to a commltteo conslstlng of Pro? fessor- Whltsitt, aB-iaiw an^ltch* oil. A roport Wlll probably bo submltted nt tho soml-mohthly meotlng of tho facui? ty on tho flrst of noxt mouth. Thoro appoars to bo not tho sllgntest posslblllty that tho petition wlll bo grant? ed. It Is sald, however, thnt. tho facuity wlll probably recommend to tho trustees at tholr noxt meotlng thnt the colloglato yoar be changetl from two to threo terms, ns has boon dono nt Johns Hopklns, Cor nell and othor lnstltutions. INDEMNITY PAID FOR DEATH OF ITALIANS (By Assocliited PreBB.). WASHINGTON, March 20.?Secretary Hay has delivered to Senor, Mayor tles Flanchos, tho Itnllan ambassador, nn or? dor On tho ? Unltod States Treasury for $,",000, tho sum approprlntod by Congress as lndomnity to the helrs of Glovannl and Vlncinzo Slro, Italian subjocts who wero kllled at Irwln, Mlsa., July 11, 1901, and of Salvutoro Ltborto, who Was lnjured at the samo tlme. ? Richmonders in New York. .S[>.clal to Tlio TlmuB-Dlspatch.) NEW YORK, March 25.? Normandle, E, Normlngton; Unlon Square, A. T.. Mlllor; Contlnontal, J. Baker, O. H. Rus soll, I-I. A Atklnson Cabinet Members Return. (Ily Auuoclato. Pr_n..) WASHINGTON, March _G?Attorney Gonoral Knox has returned from a snort vacatlon Bpont at Palm Boach, Fla. Soc? rotary Shaw has also returned from a trip through tho South FRED H. CARTER IN MUCH TROUBLE Charged With Taklng Blcycles from People?Wanted in Newport News. Fred H, Cartor, colored, ls ln a wholo lot ot troublo. He was arrested by De? tectlvos Tomllnson and Glbson on tho charge of taklng two blcycles from differ? ent peoplo, and thero are othor feolors out l'or hlm ln Nowport Nows. Tho two cn-es hero agalnst hlm went ovor to April .tlii and communlcatlon wlth Newport News wns estubllshod. Tom Harrls wont down for nlnety dayB for stenllng a plstol. Charles Folnor and Nell Grlflln pald $5 ench for belng dlsorderly on tho street. Willlam Smlth, colorod, for belng dlsor? derly and nttomptlng to cut R. W. Nor man, was charged $10. Julla Johnson was drunk and dlsorderly and had $2.60 placed to her account. Francls JohnBon, colorod, had tne Bame amount charged up. John Anderson and Edward Horne. plnyed craps; .2.60 eaoh; Joanetto Lowls, for bolng dlsorderly on the street, wlll toll about lt to-day. The caso of Iron theft from the T|do wator Quarry Company went over ^aln, thls tlme to Aprll 2d, for Important wit? nesses. In no other cut glass ls found such cry-tel uleariiess.porfecMon p cut tluif, beauty of deslgn and brilllance. THI: 11. D. TAVJ.OR co. .Jxclusivo RIohmond Akoi 1011 J,, Maln St. 0 K.-lroiul &fc. Kxclusivo RIohmond AKonts, SB~5J n? ?* ??,_ ocanfiniq nf th. happy home. of to-day la a (und of "i-ftSHSJi i2^rkhtll?ng and tho best methods of promotlng SS 23 haoJffiV' Wiih proper. knowledge, each hour of health and WpHk. ? 0f effort may bo made to contrlbute to that end ??d-ue oinosg . f th b t mediclnai agents SSSded WU the wellSSLed, medlcinal agents are used SS"when natuTe needs assistance and while the importance of r&Xo- the svVteS effectually, when bilious or constipated, has cleansing he system e ^ lt wa_ nece88ary J?nLorr ti X satts, extracts of roots, barks and other cathartics whieh we?em& to be, objectionable and to call for con atantly inX?X^anCs8having learned that the most exceHent laxatlve nnd carmlnatlve prlnclples were to bo found ln certaln plants, SlnctaX in Se leaves, the Callfornla Flg Syrup Co. dlscovered fm0th.dof obtalnlng such prlnclples ln their purest conditlon and nf^Jesontinrthem with pleasant and refreshlng liquldsin the form most aSSfbl to the system and the remedy became known as SyrupSl^ F?gs-as flgs were used, with the plants, in maklng it, beCThis ?SeXmfd^?now rapldly comlng into universal use as the h_0t nf fSv lSatives, beeause it ls Bimple and wholeBome and cleanses Snd swSsS^em effectually without disturbing the, natural iCtJSZXwithout unpleasant after effects and its use may be discon *""?_ ^^^SS^^ it9 "-??? should remember ?h?MtUt_Tone remedy whlch physlclans and parents well-lnformed anprove'and recommeTd*U use II whlch ,they and their Uttle ones aUke enjoy, beeause of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action aud its benfyCr^pof for sale by all reliable druggists, at the regular price of flfty cents per bottle, in original packages only, having the name of .Iie rmedy-^yrup of' Figs-and the full name of the Company cilifornia Fig Syrup Co.*-printed on the front of every package. (<**_ V Loulsvllle. Ky. San rrsneiico, Cal* New TovK? N. T. New Way to Repair Shoes A wholo solo. No Jolnt. . No ? nalls. No pegs. Every palr re Btftched. Best leathor. Men's, $1.00; Ladles', 85c; Half-Soling Men's, 76c; Ladles', 60c 'Phone, 2667. Wlll send anywhere and dellver, dre:\a/'S Electric-Power Shoe Factory, 716 Eaat Maln Streot. Cut thls advertlsement out, It ls good for 10 cents dlscount. Can Cancer Be Cured ? It Can. Wlthout the uae ot the knife we curo Cancers, Tumors and Chronlo Sores, charglng nothlng for examinatlon. .Our patients aro our best friends. Come and see tho cancers we hayo removed and cured from our now habpy patlenta, and aro dally curing. Thoy are wonderful. If then you nro not satlsfled, we wlll pay nll your expenses. Kellam Cancer Hospital Twelfth and Bank Streets, Richmond, Va. MONEY TO LOAN $10 and upwards loanod on PlanoB ind housohold furnlturo, on the bulldlng and loan assoclatlon plan, whlch makes tho cost much less than you pay clsewhero, and allow you to pay lt off ln monthly pay? ments, runnlng from ono to twelve months. Got others' rates, then seo ua. Tldewater Loan and Trust Go. Sulte 33-34, Thlrd Floor,' Merchants' National Bank Bulldlng, 11C8 East Maln Stroot. Tako Elovator, CALLED ON MRS. JEFFERSON DAVIS Baptist Editors Vislt Her ln a Body ; Also Went to Beauvoir. Tho annuul moetlng of the Southern Baptlst' Press Assoclatlon ln Biloxl, Mlss., has just closed, nfter a most pleas? ant and Interestlng session. Two or throo promlnont Richmond mlnlstors, lnelud? lng Er. R. H. "Hltt and Dr. R. J. Wll llnghani, wero preHent. Biloxl Ib, ? next to St. Augustlno, the oldost town in Amcrlei-, and Its hlstorlo aurroundlngs aro full of lntorest. Tho featuro of the meeting thore was a. vlslt of tho assoclatlon to Heauvulr, tho Davls home. Lator, tlm odltors called ln i. body upon Mro. Jefferson Davis, who |~ staylng ln Biloxl. Mrs. Davlu nianlfosled much plrasuro and gratlflcatlon ut tho vlslt, Sho appeared to be In hor usual h. __ Dr. E. E. VolU, odltor of tho Baptlst and Bell.ctor, of Nushv llio, wus elected presldent of the assoclatlon, The Rov. Frunl! Barnott wns mado socrotary. Pr. Philips Away. The Rev. Dr. A. L- Ph|ll|p-?i scrretHty of tlio I'resb'ytorl.'in Commltteo on Publi? catlon am? WPWOl siiperi.ilen.lcii]. of H;..n .1 a.M.<l Young People- PrCloUcS. I,,; left lhe clty for a week'n work ln ho So .th At Ornngeburg. S. CV ho ad d eBS-d a Broaehors' Instltuto for colored mlnlstors undor the M.trtln s-home. Ilo will jo d Sunday-school Instltutes ut Ai ien and Ohurloston, iij tfouth Curallu. You Recognize a Qood Likeness ? We make photographs that look like the subieot?perfeotly posed, pro? perly lighted, well finished and righ't in all respeots. Prioes reasonable. The Elite Studio, Art PhotosraphcM, 307 Broad Street A Pretty Business Suit. iiii^SillpSii prcttie!.? iSd niMt -fyllsh sult you ovor got for tho monoy. ?ewis /irenson. "Correct Jailoring." eo* Sast Main Jtreet. WANTEB---500 WHITE GIRLS T-.HfllUE CHEROOTS AND CIQABS LEARNERS PAID WHILE BEING TAUGHT ...JPPLY TO THE... WH8TLOCK BRANCH 23D AHD CARY STREETS. RIOHMOHD, VA. Do You Know ?h~. th~ llfo of a Shirt or Collar dapendsUpon the way lt \* *??*?> the way lt ls washed and Iroried? YoTwIII insure the llfo of your Llnen by sendlno lt **> "?' THE LEXINGTON LAUNDRY, No 311 North Twenty-flfth Street. '- 'Phone 2164. Tvoewrltefs?All Klnds __f.t-.di~d ~>~Vm ?"14. e-ulian. ?1. ~'P?lr-., -nd icnteU ffiXE& mnmA^iti' r_~!!: &t___ia__\ jSuu't buy until J <"?,.?? I"""ll1 ,.r.J?rtl.-d advic-. l?iiuin? ...ol writluu on ouri ? un ?toc~ for wli'dinn III M_ }'l'il!ie'?"?hi'mird"on u_ii.oviT, Jt jrou KnutnUOOPtyi'Ot THE CQNFiEDERATE MUSEUM TWELFTII AND CLAY STRl-BTfl. Opens dally from 8 A. M. tp 8 P- M.. Admlsslon. 25 centa Free on Baturduy* YOU SEE well and you look well when fitted with our superior Spectacles or Eye-Glasses. Vhe best that optical skill can produce . is at your service ? c/?? at reasonable prices. "Good For the Kyes.' Vhe S. GALESKI OPTICAL CO. Cor, 9th arid Main Sts,