Newspaper Page Text
IT CUTS OUT GOOD MEN Blll Relatlng to School Super Intendents Very Unpopular. GOVERNOR HAS IT NOW He Has Untll To?Morrow to Gonsldef lt?Hls Voto Wouid Glve Satlsfu. tion to Mnny?May Be Unconstitutlonal. No suporlntondent of tho Virginla schools who has wrltton a hook or who liiis Invbnlod uny school appllanco can bo n momber of t.ho Stato 13oiiril of Ktlti cutlon, Bitys ii hlll whieh ls now on tho Governor's doifk for hls approval or clls approval, having- pnsflcd both brnnchos of tho Gonoral ABBcmbly.. Tlio school Btiporlntcndontfl of tho Btato arcr naturnlly up In armB tignlnsl the blll. Ono Ib rc ?Jibrted a? snylng that II dlsoouragcs scholarshlp nnd tlio nnturnl uso of tho abllity of tho Stato suporlntondontH nnd JiUU a premlum on Ignornneo. Tho new Constltutlon -provldeB thnt tlio Board ot JOdueation shall hiwe among Its mem? bers two Stnto sohool Hiiperlntendents. Tho blll Bftckg to ellmlnato from the ellglbles all Ihosa who at nny tlmo /ln thelr llvos havo wrltton a Bohool book, n. map, ehart, Bpclllng- blnnk, or InveriTod any Hehoo] appllancc, having lho practl? cal effeot of Ilmltlng tho forco of tlie Constltutlon and rendorlng Incllglblc to electloii mnny ot tho wlsost nnd best BUperlntondcnts ln tho Stitto. F1NB MEN KXCI.UD15D. Tho very men who havo been most promlnent ln tbo sohool affalr* of tho Btato, who hnifo dono most for tho schools nnd wlm nro looked upon ns tho, mos,t desirable for memborshtlp on tho board wouid bo no longer among thoso from whom the nclcctlon could bo mndo. Evory orr? probnbly who has thought of the mat? ter has consldered Mr. ID. C. Glass. of ..ynchburg, ns well nigh certaln to be ono of the BUperlntendents to bo chosen. and yet hls spellor and other books wouid. ex clude hlm nnd brlng about a low to" tho Btato of the servlces of ono of Its wlsest and" best men, Othor mon of equeal valuo nnd useful noss wouid be excltided. A number of persons have exprossed the opinion thnt ,the law, If |t become3 ono, wouid bo' unconstitutlonal, since that Instrument ptatos that nny superlntendent ls ellgl blo to electlon, whlle tho blll wouid havo the effect of llmlllng tho number of ellgl blen, Tho Governor wlll haive to return tho blll wlth or wlthout hls signnturo on Saturday. If lio sees flt to veto It, niany promlnent and thlnking peoplo through ,out tho Stato wlll 15e glad. -.. WILL BE FUN FOR ALL MotherGoose Market to Open To-Nlght at the Cavalry Armory. The Mother Goobo Markot wlll hold eway to-nlght at the Cavalry Armory on Beventh S'tTeot. north of Lelgh. j The ontertalnmont whlch Is glven under tho usplcefl of tho ladies of Immanucl :..JjJa.ptlst Church, wlll bo ono of the most iiovol and Interesting of tho year. There wlll be many unlquo and strlklng featuros ln whlc ha groat number of chlldren and young folks wlll. tako part. The ladlos ln chargo of the market wero busy untll a late hour last nlght decorating the armory and flttlng lt up ready for tho openlng. A,-largo stago has beon erected and there aro commodlous and prottlly decorated booths from whlch cream, candy, frults, flowers and fancy articles wlll bo dlspensed. There has beon a large salo of tickets and tho success of tho entertalnment is sssurod. Local Optlon Elections. (Speclal to Tho TlmeH-DlKpatch.) TORKTOWN, VA.. March 25.?Notlces havo beon posted In both Grafton and Bruton Districts nnnounclng April 27th as the day sot by Judgo Smlth, of tho County Court, for holdlng local optlon elections ln both thoso districts. Six Physicians Said Diabetes. Br\_ht'm DIbcbbo Bftd Diabetes Aro Posltlvely Curoble. John A. Phelps, of the Hotel Hepeller, T8I Butter stroet. an old-ttme Bon Frnnotioo btl_t> tuoss mnn, Intertle'wed Dcoomber 31, lBOii Q.-it ie bard for peoplo to belloTeUrtght'i Dl-Bii.o and Diabetes ire ourabte. Wlll you ICt Ull tiiuutlon your oiiln t A.- You may. I've told tnaoy nbout lt. Q.?Did _ihy~lot__s deolare It l.l?betM t A.?A half doien did. For three yoars X de? cllne- it-nJtly tlll llnnlly t had to wll uiy biislne-i. The last dootor I'd llve ouly ebout _Ik weeks nuU edvlsed mo to stralgbten oul tny ofTatrs. Q.?How noon did you begln to taend under tho I' .llton C'ointiounus f A,?Tho speciUo gravlty soon bogan to drop, but It was uoarly _ year beforo I wus porfeotly BOUIlll. Q.?Did nnv whom you told of lt take lt ? A.?Sov~r?l cu-.B of iJlnliutcH and'l Dlsoaio, upon huurlng my -ipuricuoe, .took It and roeovered. (_.?Cnii you rooiill tho namos V A,?I clou't llke to moutlon tbcm without tliolr po.mlKslon. One wns u fr'ond ln Oolllti wnod, Ohlo, who wns ponslonod oll by hld oom. piiny as Inourablt'. Ilo recovcred, Anothor wu.h llint of u well-io-do lady In thla oity. who ?vun olio glven up by her physlolans. Bhe ll bow pcrfcctly well. Q.?Whi-taojou thlnk now of tho ourablltty of olironlo Urlglil'H r.inoa-e und Dtnbotos t A.?I havo known for sovorol yoar- that they aroournblo. Cj.?Ilut tho books say that they aro not? A.?Cortainly thoy do, and f..r thnt reason mnny will not at llrst bellere it, but they ..111 grndu-lly. Modlcal works agree that Brlght's Disease and Dlubotos aro lnourable, but 87 per oent, aro posltlvoly reooverlng undor the Fulton Com pounds. (Common forms of kldney oomulelnt and rh.unintinm offer but short reslstenoe.) Prloo, II for the Brlght's Dloouue and 11.60 for tho D!u~otlo C-muound. John J. Fulton Co., 430 Montgomary St., San Franclsco, sole oom poonders. Freo toats mado for putloats, D? eorlptive pamphlot mallod free. Owens &. Mlnor Drug Co., Dlstrlbutors. OBSERVANCE OF THE SABBATH Col. Bowman's Constituents Appeal Agalnst Sunday Tralns. Colonel A. M. Bowinan, of Roanoke, county, offered ln the House yesterday. tbe followlng: Interestlng; petltlon slgrned by forty-six persons, whloh was referred: "We, the' underslgned cltl.ena ana ta~?> payers, respectfully ask our representa tlves to have passed at the next session of lho Oeneral Assembly a law to pro? hlblt tho desecratlon of the Sabbath In overy manner posslble, and especlally deslgnatlng what conBtltutes perlshable freight and the months It ls1 perishable. Tbo'present law is'only a screen for rallroad companies, as they wlll attach a box car wlth a barrel of potatoes o"r apples ln ft to a traln of from flfty to seventy empty "hoppera" and run It aU day Sunday as perlshable freight, traln aftor traln belng run In thla manner, kcoplng men from thelr famllles and their churohes whlle other cltlzens are ""fftjo?* ing tho Sabbath. We would suggest a law allowlng thom only to haul iperlshable freight and not allowlng them to "flll out." Tho snrriTJ law\ should apply to all legal holldayS, and should mak_ the minlmun. {500 Instead of VA as at presont, 110 to bo pald the lnformer. Wlth ventllated and refrrgerator cars thore Is no excuse for the wllful vlolatlon of the Sabbath and tho lmerruptlon ot rellglous eervlces by the ear spllttlng shrlek of the locomotlvo. Wo beg you to glve the poor rallroad men the same prlvlleges now granted to postofllce and bank employes. COMPROMISE BILL. The Bonate Committee on Fish and Came yesterday afternoon ftworably re? ported the blll offorod by Hon. W. D. Cardwoll, of Hanover, to put qH the ques? tlon of breaklng the Baylor systom sur? vey untll next year, and to appolnt a commltteo to look lnto the questlon. The blll wlll pass the Senate. A Little More VaJue For your money than you can get anywhere else, and CREDIT FOR EVERYONE. Solid Oak Dlnlng Ohair *, hlgh embossed baok; braoo turnod spln dlos and post, A blg valuo for' 95c Solid Oak Drossor, well flnlshed and neatly carved, swolled top drawers, 20x24, oval Frenoh beveled plate mlrror, A blg bar galn for . $11.50 Handsome Solid' Oalt Wardrobo, doublo doors, paneled front and sldes, shelf and hooks com plcto for ,.,,, #8.50 Protty 3-pioce RooopMon Sulto, hand somoly carved, mahogany flnlshed frames, tuftod backs and good up holstoring, coverod wlth CiX _\_\ fancy damask, only. l>lv,J)U New Baby Carriages And Go-Carts ln all tho latost styles of gearlng, flno cush lons, and better than nny storo shows, and at the lowest prlcos for Cash or Credlt. From 16.95 57*95.910 and UpTo?40,oo. Mattings. $li;00 Roll, 40 yards t 7.50 18,00 Roll, .0 yardB 7.08 14.00 Roll, 40 yards 0,50 17.00 Roll, 40 yards 11.00 Othors llJ^J oents por yard up. r_ezI7E?jz?7_7^rHai 7 and 9 West Broad Street, Vhe Cbcape-t Cash or Credlt Store lu tho City, TO INSFECT THE TROOPS Regular Army Offlcer toVlew Vlrglnla's Mllltla. THE CONFEDERATE ROLLS Southern Governor* Approvs tha Plan to Publlih Them and Offer to Aid In Every Way?Rural Dellvery Routes. Tlmos-DIspatoh Hurnau, No. 1417 O Btreot, N. W? ?' Washlngton, D. O,, Msroh 28. Major Purker, asslstant adjutant-gono ral, temporarlly in chargo ot tho milltary dlvlslon of tho War Dopartmont, hns sont the followlng telogram to Adjutant-Oon oral Nalle at Rlohmondt "The Dopartmont ls ready to lssuo magailno arms and ? equlpm.nts undor seotlon 18 of the mllltla law as soon as the numbor requlrod to arm tho organlsod mllltla ln your Btato oan 6o detormlned by personal lnspootlon of an army offl? cer. Tho Boerotary of War dcslros you tn advluo by wlro the earllost dato and plaoe whoro. an Inapooto/ oan eaoh of your organlsatlons." Beoretary Root haa deolded to detall a regular army offloer to lnspeot all Btato troops before Issulng tho Krag-Jorgensen rldes.' ? TKB MUBTBR ROliLS. Tho work of copytng Confedorato muitor rolls ln oonn'ootlon wlth tho recent ordor of tho Seerotary of War, that the namos of all Con? federate soldiers be printed ln a rootor tobepropared by the governmont. General Marous J. Wrlght, who has done a great deal bf hard work on'the Con? fedorato records ln "The Reoords of tho Robelllon," Btild to-day ho had not ro celved any orders or Informatlon In re? gard to ths work. He haa recelvod many lnqulrlos from old Confodorates regard? ing the work, but thus far he has not been able to make any satlsfactory re? ply. It wlll not be long, however, before the order ls Issued regarding the nature of tho work and the methods to be pur? sued ln executing It, The ex-Confederates are manlfestlng general Interest ln the work. Tho Gov ernors of several of the Southern States ? have replled to the Secretary of War's letter sollclting their help ln obtalnlng! aoourate company rolls, and all thus far heard from have pledged their earnest co-operatlon. Governor Montague ls among the State Executives who have al? ready wrltten Secretary Root. The work to be done wlll raqulre several years. RURAL ROUTES. Reprcstnatlve Flood, of the Tenth' Dis? trict, was hero a short time yesterday. He returned home by way of Richmond last night, Whlle hero Mr. Flood looked after varlous mattera at the depart mentB and Bucceedcd in having two rural dellvery routes establlshed ln hls dls trist. Each of them runs.out of Loving ston, Nelson county. Mr. Flood haa succeeded In securlng about flfty rural freo dellvery routes In hls dlstrlct. Tho people , are very gen? erally plebsed wlth the system. However, there Is a flght over a propo? sltion to^stabllsh a routa from Buch anan, in Bot?tourt county, to a point noar Hlgh Brldge, ln Rockingham coun? ty. It was propoBed to abollsh the post offlcos of Tlroga, Roarlng Run and Lom bnrdy on the route, The flrst nnd last named offlces wero onlyi recently estab? llshed. Mr. Flood recelvod a petition, slgned by more than a majorlty of the people interested, requestlng that the routes be not establlshed and that tho offlces be continued. Mr. Flood for? warded' the petition to the department wlth the request that the wishes of the majorlty ot tho people interested In the three offlces named bo respected, and the route was not establlshed. He learned at the department yester? day, however, that lt was charged that he had opposed "the establishment of the dellvery route beeause it waa proposed to make a Mr. Fulwller, a Republlcan, whose brother ls Republlcan postmaster at Buohanan, the oarrler, Mr, Flood says he had no suoh ldo.a: he Blmply fol? lowed the wishes of a majorlty of the people. As a matter of fact he.had a froe dellvery route establlshed from Fln? castlo lnst week, and tho oarrler Is n Republlcan. However, the route from Buchanan was establlshed, but only Roarlng Run postofflco was dlscontlnued. Mr, Flood recently socured the appoint? ment of Dr, James Abbltt, Jr,, ot Appo? mattox county, as a surgoon In the army, l?j? the appolntee falled on the examina? tion, owlng to hls belng color-bllnd. whlch had never Beforo boen suapected. Sur goon-Gonoral Rlxoy says Dr, Abbltt stood tho profosslonal oxaminatlon ln an excellent manner, Dr. Abbltt graduated a yoar or two ago from tho Medlcal Col? loge of Virglnia, and has a wlde ao qualntance In Rlohrrjnnd._: POLTTICS IN TENTH, I haven't heard anythlng recently of tlie proposed candldacy of formor Lieu tonant-Governor Echols for Congress from the Tenth Dlstrlct. A gont|oman from that dlstrlct told mo Saturday he felt protty well assured that there wouid bo no opposition to Mr. Flood next tlme. Ho thought thls wns likely ln vlow of tlio fact thnt thls wns Mr, Flood's flrst term ln CongrosB, and the further fact that ho has made thus far an exoellent representatlve, Llko wlne, nnd "wood to burn," Congressmen generally Improve wlth nge. Thero are two oomlng men ln tho vir? ginla delegatlon, lf thelr constltuents glve them a chanco to beoome s^isoncd, These two are Carter Glass and Hnl Flood. LICI3N8I.D TO WED. Llconses to marry wore laaued to Vir? ginla couplos hero to-day as followsI Josoph Horrlng and 'Jennie AVood, of Prlnce Willlam county, by Rev. George E. Maydwell. Samuel J, Hedrlck and Dalsy Dean Dad son, of Port Ropubllo, Rockingham ooun? ty. Thornton S. Jones, of Orange county, and Ablle Boalmoro, of Carollno oounty, by Rev, F. M. Bristol. Virginla free dellvery routos have,been establlshed, to begln May 1st, as folr JOWS! Bannlster, Plttsylvsnla county, one routo wlth ono carrlor, coverlng a distanco of twenty-one miles, and an area of elghteen square miles, 444 peoplo llvlng ln one hundred and eloven houses, wlll be aervod on thls route. Buohanan, Botetourt oounty, one addl? tional route, 23 miles long, coverlng elghteen squaro mUe_ and servlng 710 people llvlng In 160 houses. Tho pootofflces at Teroga and Lom bardy and the speolal service from Loni bardy to Natural Bridgo wlll be dlscon? tlnued, as wlll also Star Route 14619. The postofflco at Roarlng Run will bo dlscon? tlnued. ... po-toffiees have been superseded by ru? ral froe dellvery In Virglnia and North Carolina as follows i Farls, Washlngton county, Va.j mail goes to Qlado Spring, , ' Moore'* Oroek, Pondep oounty, H, 0,| mall goos to Atklnson, Sterllng, Robsson county, N, 0,| mnll , goes to Barnosvllh}. _ - *0?v*r?J o| the JDlder wttaohwi of the Postoftleo toopartment, who know tho lato Willlam It. Culllngsworlh, former postmaslor ftt ttlchrrtohd, oxpressed grent rogrct tu tlny nt nows of hls tioath. Among thoso who Unnw hlm huro ho wn_ ~~ popular ahd aa woll bolovod an ho wns In RJahfnoiid. VV, B. H. : CHOOSE DEATH (Continued from Flrst Pago.) ohargos brought agnlnst hlm and ern bolllshod wlth tho Oonoral's portrait ln Mll Uniform, camo undor hls attentlon. Ho left the lobby,. golng to hls room and the plstol' shot followod soon aftor. Tho .Oonoral's sulcldo has profoundly ehooked tho Urltlsh ofllolalB horo, Thoso about tho hotel, who had conversed wlth Blr Heotor Maodonald recently, say ho ehowed no slgns of exoltement or mental worry, Roie From Rnnkii Major-Oonernl Blr Heotor Maodonald, who ls an alde-do-eamp to Klng Dldward, wns born In 18B3, enllntod In tho Oordon Hlghlandors nnd eorvr.d nlno yoars ln tho rnnkd. Ilo aoaompanlod Blr Frodorlolc. (now Lord) Roberts In hls fninous maroh to Cabul) was present nt tho battlo of Kandahar and was promoted to bo socond lloutonanti Blnoe thon Mnodonnld hns sorved In tho Boer war, 1881, In whloh ho took part In tho battlo of Mnjulm Hlll) the Nllo oxpodltlon, _.8S1-'8G. Buakln, 1888; the Nllo, 18801 oapture of Toknr, 1891 j oommandod the Second Infantry Brlgado of the Dongola Expodltlonary ForOe, 18B0! oommandod the Egyptian Brlgade, 1807-'08. taklng part In tho battles of Abu-Hamed, Atbara and Khartoumi re? celved tho thanks of Parllnmont and was appointed nn aldo-do-carnp to tho lnto Queen Vlotorla; oommandod the troops In the Slrhlnd Distrlct of India, 180.;. oommandod the Hlghland Brtgndo, South Afrlca, 1800-1001; was woundod at tho battle of Panrdeburg and mado a Knight Commander of the Bath, nnd oommnnded, the Southorn and Belg-Um Distriets, India, from 1001 untll 1002, when ho wns nppolnted to command the Brltlsh troops In Coylon. Tho .Oeneral has born repeat edly mentloned in oflloial dlspatches for gallant oonduot ln the fleld, nnd has about half a dozen orders .and medals and nearly a doren clnsps. Hls sobrlquot of "Fightlng Mao," Rlven by the rank nnd fllo of the army, was indorsod by the Brltlsh pooplo in the Boer war, and hls promotlon to an Indlan command was looked upon ns only tho stepplng-stono to stlll hlgher milltary ap polntmonts. At the tlme of tho battlo of Paarde berg, Heotor Maodonald wns, In tho' eyos of the tmiltlttide In England, tho man of the war,; Tho publlo surrounclod hlm -wlth a halo of herolsm, eonsldorlng hlm Ilon heartod and lnvinclblo and us a solf-mado man, ono, ln fact, of themselves. They spoke proudly of hls ' havlng beon a draper's asslstant.' Insplred wlth martlal ardor, he havlng learned hls drllls from a retlred corporal at Invornoss, and en Usted In the ranks. His wound at Paar deberg causod much anxlety, but it was not dangerous, though sovere. He had been summoned from India, where ho had been serving slnce the Egyptian'cam? paign, to procced to South Africa, -when the Boer -war broke out and when the Hlghland Brlgade lost Its chlef, General Wauohope, on the black nlght of Magers fonteln. Macdonald recelved the com? mand of the Scottlsh Reglments. He re malned ln the fleld throughout the cam? paign, but had no opportunlty of accom pllshlng any brilliant fent, suoh as that of Omdurman, in the Soudan, when hls coolness ln changing front at a crltlcal moment of tho Mnhdlst second attack saved Kltchener's flank. SAVED THE REAR AT OMDURMAN. It was of hls conduct at Omdurman that the lnte Mr. George XV. Steevens wrotet "But" tho cockplt of the flght was Macdonald's. The Brltlsh mlght avenge hls brlgade; lt was hls to keep' lt and to kill off the attack. , To meet It he turned hls front through a compiete half circle, faclng successlvely south, west and north. Every tactlclan in the army was dellrlous in hls pralse; the lgnorant correspondent was content to watch the man and hls blacks. . " 'Cool os on parade,' Ia an old phrase. Macdonald Bey was very much cooler. Beneath tho strong, square hewn face you could toll that the brain was work? lng as lf packed In lce. Ho sat solid on hls horso, and bont hls black brpws to? ward the green flag and the Remlngtons. Then he turned to a galloper wlth an order and cantered easlly up to a bat? talion commander. Maglcally the- rlfleB hu3hed, tho stlnglng powdor smoke wlsped away, nnd the companies were > rapldly threadlng back and' forward, round and round, ln nnd out,. ns If it were a flgure In a dance, In two mln? utes the brlgade was together agaln ln a new place. The-fleld ln front was hast enlns toward us In a whltoy brown cloud of <Jervlshes and orders, Macdonald's Jaws grlpped nnd hardonod ns the flame spurted out agaln and the whltey brown oloud qulvored and stood stlll, "He saw everythlng, knew what to do, knew how to do lt, did lt. At the flro he was ever broodlng watchfully behlnd the flring line; nt tho cease fire he wns instantly ln front of lt; nll saw hlm and know that thoy woro bolng nursed to trlumph," HIS COMMISSION GTVEN BY LORD ROBERTS. Hls flrat famo was achleved ln the Afghan campaign of 1S79, when Lord RobertB prntsod hls "coolness, Judgmont and gallantry" in hls dlspatches. In, command of a small hlll block houso, wlth slxty-threo Gordon Hlghlandors and part of a Slkh reglment, Mncdonalrt learned that Afghana woro lylng ln walt to eut the ataff to plocea. Ho found . them two thousand strong ,on a steop hlll and defeated thom, ao that Lord RobertB snld: "But for his exeeltont ser vlcos on thls occaslon lt mlght probably havo hoen Imposalblo to wirry out tho programme of our march." Then when tho famous dash to Can dahar had boon completed Roborts pre? sonted a sword to Macdonald, wlth hls personal thanks. nnd nt tho ond of he war offored tho choico of a comm sslon or the Vlct'orln Cross, tho commlss on belng prornptly chosen and obtalned nlne yoars after onllstment. After that Macdonal.Vs tlmo was spent almost entlnjly In actlvo sorvlco nnd tho wlnnlng of honors In Egypt, ... a ? SPECIAL RATES Via Seaboard Alr Line Rallway, Accoun Followlng Occaslon. United Confodornte Veterans' Reunlon, Now Orleans, La., May 19-23, 1903. Ono cont per mllo each way for tho round trlp. Tlokets on snlo May .Oth to 2lst, lnolusiVe; roturn llmlt Mny 21th, except by payment of flfty conts, tickets ex tonded to Juno 16th. Meeting Amerlcan Medlcal Associatlon, Now Orleans, La? May 6-8, 11)03. One fare for tho round. trlp, Tlokets on salo May 1st to 4th, lnclusive: roturn llmlt ten days from dato of salo, ASSIST NATURE. 'Thoro aro tlmes when you should nsslst naturo, lt ls now undertnklni? to clennso your systom-lf you will tako Hood's SnrsaparlUa t.he un dertaklng will be suecessful. Thls great madlclne puriflea nnd bullds up as nothlng elso does, ____________ CHEAP RATES TO NEW ORLEANS Via Seaboard Alr Line Rallway. On nooount of tho mootlng oi the Na? tional MnnufaoturoiH' Assoolallon of Now Orleans, April lBth-17th, tlokots to thnt point wllj bo sold ut ono faro for tho round trTO via tho Boabopd. Alr Llno Rallway on April Jlth, 3?th and 13th, ,The*/ wlll bo good returnlng untll April JDtU, but by payment ot a, tea at 50. centu irnty bo (?xtendea to April Both, , MEETINGS, 0AAtMtMAMAM l&bfrJt/>iiXMMM&*A*AiW+AAM Sloss Iron and Steel Company. No.loi of Stockholders' Meotlng of Sloii Iron and Steol Company. In ficcordance Wlth tho By-Laws no tloo ls heroby glven that tha annual meot? lng of tho Stockholders of,tho SI_0~9 IRON & 8TEBL COMPANY wlll bo .held at lho offlcos ot the Company In Blrmlng ham, Ala., on WEDNESDAY, Aprll 1. 1003, nt 12 o'clock noon, to elect Dlroc lors for tho ensuing yoar and for tha triitisnctlon of suoh other business as may oome boforo the meotlng, Books for tho transfor of stook wlll be olosed from March 21st, 1003, at 12 o'olock noon, to Aprll 4th, 1003, at 10 o'olock A. M. (Slgnod) J. W. M'QUEEN, Secretary, Atlantio Coast Llno Rallroad Company, Offlco of tho Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT A general or speclnl moetlng of tho Btock holdors of the ATLANTIC COAST LINE RA]_._tuAD COMPANY has boen called by the Board of Dlroctors to be held at the offlco of tho Company In tho Clty pf RIohmond, Vlrglnla, at 11 o'clock A. M., on TUESDAY, THE 21ST DAY OF APRIL, A, D,. 1003. for the purposo of considering and actlng upon tho pur? chaso of tho rnllroads and othor propor tv, rlghts, prlvllogos and franchlses of the Florlda Southorn Rnllrond Company, and also for the purposo of considering and aotlng upon the purchase of tho rnllroads and othor property, rlghts, prlv llogeB and franchlses of tho Banford aml St. Petersburg Rallroad Company, both oorporatlons created and oxlstlng undor the laws of the State of Florlda, whloh wlll be submltted _ot tholr approynl, H. L, BORDEN, Socrotary. Richmond, Va.. March 24, 1003. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETINO Of tho Stockholders of THB ALBK MARLE PAPER MANUFACTURING COMPANY wlll be held at tho offlco of Mossrs. Wllllams. Bryan & Wllllams, Flrst National Bank ? Bulldlng, RIoh? mond, Ta., on THURSDAY, April 9, 18C8, at 12 o'clock M. CHARLES M. BOSWELL, Socretary and Treasurer. Rlehmond, Va., March 23, 1903, A MEETINO OF THE STOCKHOLDERS 6f THB TIMES COMPANY wlll be held on SATURDAY, Aprll 4. 1003, at , 12 o'olock M,, at the offlce of the company ln RIohmond. A. R. HOLDERBY, Jr., Secretary. SEALED PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Offlco of Clty Engineer, RIohmond. Va., Maroh 26, -1903. SEALICD PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celvod at thls offlce untll 4 P, M. MON? DAY, MARCH' 30. 1903, for PAVING WITH GRANTTE SPA.LLS CERTAIN OUTTERS AND THB ROADBBDS OF CERTAIN 6T_.EI_TS. _^_ For FURNT8KINO- AND SETTINO NEW GRANITB CURBINO and for I-AYING GRANOLITHIC CURBS AND OUTTERS, aa per llst on flle ln thls offlce. ' For BUTLDINO A CONCRETE WAU~ at Sevonth and. Hospital Streets, Bhockoe Creek lmprovement,.-and EXCAVATION AND FILLINO for eamo. SpeclflcatlonB and full Information to bldders can be had upon appllcatlon at thls offlce. A certlflod <ohee_: for 1250 must accom pany each bld. . The Committee on Streets and Shockoe Creek reserve the rlght to rejeot any and all blds offered, and to award the con traot as a whole' or ln separate parts. W. E, CUT-THAW, Clty Engineer. FORT MONROE, VA., MARCH 20, 1903. Sealed-Proposals, ln- trlpllcnto, for fur niahlng a 12-Ton Stoam Locomotlve hore wlll bo recelved untll 12 M. APRIL 20, 1903. U. ? S, reserves rlght to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished ? on appllcatlon. Envelopes contalnlng proposals should be marked "Proposals for Locomotlve," ad dressed C. P. TOWNSLEY, Q. M._ REAL ESTATE. Something You W_N.nt! A man to sell'your FARM. Aet now, . for Hfe Is short. Delay ia vold of all business prlnclple. I wlll sell your REAL ESTATE or sell you REAL ESTATE anywhere In the United States. Apply at once. Agents wanted In every county, J. COLES CLAY, Manager International Farm Agency, No, 215 Elghth Street, Lynchburg, Va. Farms, Mills, &c. For Sale, GEO. E. CKATOORD & OO., Gntnloffuo Froo. ; 803 E. Main St, FOR SALE. GREAT BAR8AIN! Beautiful Modern Home, Chestnut Mill, Half Block Front, on Althea and 4th Avenue. Prlce $5,500. CHARLES A. ROSE, Roal Estnfe Agont AN ORDLNANCE (Approved March 13, 1903,) GRANTINO PERMISSION TO ST. LUKE'S ASSOCXATION TO CON? STRUCT AND M.UNTA1N TWO AREAS ON THE WEST SIDE OF ST. JAMES STREET BEWE1.N BAKER AND CHARTIY STREETS. Bo lt ordaluod by the Councll of tho Clty of Richmond: Ist. That porrnlsslon be, and tho samo ls horoby grantod to St, Luko's Associa? tlon to construct and malntuln two aroas ou tho wost sldo of St, Jamos Streot be? twoon Baker and Charity Streots. Sd. That the sald areas aro to be con struotod according to tho plan presonted by'sald St, I.tiko's Assoqlatlon, and now on dlo ln tho offlco of Cltly Engineer; and also ln such mnnnor and wlth such ma torlnls as shall bo satlafactory to the Clty Etiglnoer, 8d, The sald St. Luko'a Associatlon shall at all tlmos Ueop sald aroas In proper ropnlr, and shall mako sueh ropalrs as tho Commlttee on Streots mny at any tlme doem ronsonnblo for tho safety of persons uslng tho hlghway over snld areas. 4th. Tho said St. Luko's AssoclaUon shnll pu.y tho rata tlxed by tho ordlnanco of the clty allowlng construotlon of areas or vaults ln sldowalka or nlleyB, Gth, Tho premlsslon heroby granted Bhall nt any tlmo bo ^suWoot to nny amendmont or revocatlon by tho Clty Counc.ll. Upon n revocatlon or amond? ment of snld porrnlsslon, tho snld St. Luko's Assoolatlon. or any subsequent owner of sald houso, shall |mniodlat?ily conform to suoh amendmont or revoca? tlon, Blli. Tho snld porrnlsslon ls glven subjeot to tho cnudlt'lons that tho sald St, Luke's Associatlon, or any subsequent owner of snld houso, wlll lndomnlty. relmburso, and save harmloss the clty of Rich? mond for any chargea, damages, or cost that tho olty may be requlred to pay by reason of any porsons bolng Injurod or damaged ln any way, ln proporty or per? son, uy tho oonstruotlon, oxlatenoo, or lmproper malntonnneo of sald nreaa. 7th, Beforo any work Is dono undor thls ordlnanco, tho sald St. Luko's Associa? tlon shall obtain from the Clty Engineer hls wrltten permlt to excavate ln tho Stronts of tho olty, , _ '?;, .'.?-' ?..' 8th, For a fallure to conform fully to tho provlsions of thls ordlnanco, or any amondment or revocatlon thereof, or anv roquircmont thoroundur, tho aald Bt, I^ulco's Assoolatlon, or nny Bubaequ&nt ownor of sald houso, shnll be llable to a flno of not oss than t<m nor moro than flfty dollars| oaoh day's fallure to be a nopsrato offense.' ... Oth, All ordlnancos or ]>nrts_ of ordt naueos aro horoby ropoale.1, so far as tno ptttnu may pontllot horowlth, Joth, This ordlnanco shnll bo ln forco .4M4I City Clork, AUOTION 8ALfi_?THIS DAV. By Hi, Soldon Taylor, Real Eatato Agent ahd Atictlofieor, No, 8 Nofth Elevonth Stroot, n OURT SALE OF, THRBE VALttA *-< blh duildtncl lots. with a Frame dwellino 1-ioube on each, nos. 211, 301 and 303, situated on SOUTH SIDE OF WEflT BROAD STREET. JUST BEYOND THE MA? SON IC TEMFLIS. By vlrtUo ot a deoroo of tho Chnncory Court of the .clty of Richmond, entered March 18, 1903, ln t.ho suit ot Mary-I. Bo.el & others vs, Irvlng T. Anderson * others, I wlll, as Spcelal ComtnlBSloner theroby appolnted, proceed to sell tho above-montloned roal estato nit pubUo auctlon, upon tho promlses, on THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1008. commonclrlg at 4:80 o'clock P. M? ln tho followlng ordor! ?; lat. That valtinbls lot. wlth a two-story brlok and framo dwolllng thereon, No. 211, on south slde of Broitd Street, bo twnon Jofterson and Madlson, frontlng 24x127 foot,, moro or loss, to a wido pub? llo alley, ?',_,,. 2d. That doslrabls lot, wlth a 2-story framo dwolllng thoroon, No. 801, at south? west corner of Broad nnd Madlson Stroots, frontlng 16 3-123td0 feot, moro or less, to 8d. That nloo lot, wlth a 2-story frnmo dwolllng thereon, No, 803, nnd adjolnlng No. 301, on south slde of Hrood Streot, betWOen Madlson and Monroo,. frontlng IB 2-12x00 foet, moro or loss, to an alley, T.hla proporty hns a brlght futuro, and an Invontmont mado ln lt now must provo profUablo. TERMS?Ono-fourth cnsh, bnlance on a oredK of 6, 12 and 18 montha, ovldonoed by nogotlablo notes, wlth Interoat added from day of salo; or all caah, at optlon of pur chasor. subject to conflrmatlon of tho, court/and tno tltlo to bo retalned untll a conveyanco ls ordored by tho court, T.ho purchaeer ls to pay the taxos for tho yoar 1003. .WM, B. M'lLWAINH, \ Speolal Commlssloner., The bond requlred of the Speolal Com? mlssloner by tho abovo deoreo has been duly glven, CHAS. O. SAV-LLE, Clerk. Mar. 20 , Wm, B. Pizzlnl Company, Real Eatato Auctloneers, A trcn6l*7 SALE~ DESIRABLE BRICK DWELDTNQ OF J BEVEN ROOMS, BATH, ETC, IN WEST END, At. the request of tho owner we wlll offer for sale at publlo auotlon, on the premlses, on THURSDAY, MARCH 2?, 1903, at 6 P, M? the seml-detoohed brlok dwelllng. j No. I18 North LombardyStreet, Between Grove and Floyd Avenues, Thls house la ln splendld order and wlll make elther a most attraotlve In? vestment or a splendld home, Borgain hunterg wlll do well to attend. - TERMS?Llboral and announced at sale, Mar. 20-td, By MoVelgh & Gllnn, Real Estate Auctloneers, No. 1112 E, Maln Street A UCTION SALE OF Ho. 928 Brook Avenue. At the request of the owner we wlll offer for salo, on the premiaes, on THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1003, at 5 o'clock F. M., the above dwelllng, The lot fi*onts 28 feet on the west side of Brook Avenue and runs back 106 feet to an alley, TERMS? Announced at sale. M'VEIGH & GLINN, Mar 22-td, Auctloneers. Geo. W. Mayo, Auotloneer, 1206 Eaat Maln. KB F RI G E R A T ORS, IRON BEDS, HAIR MATTRESSES, GO-CART, COOK STOVES. FINE FURNITURE ETO., AT AUCTION, I wlll sell at my auctlon-houao ut 10:30 A. M, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1903, 8 RefrlgeratorB, 6 Iron Bods. 2 Halr Mat? tresses, 2 Book-Cases, China Press, 4 Wardrobes' Twdn Go-Cart, 5 Sewlng Ma? chlnes, 4 Chamber Sults, 3 Parlor.Suit.-s, 3 Sideboards, 4 ExtenBlon Tables, 2 Flno Cooklng Stoves, and a' largo Une of house? hold and kltchon Furnlture, A. R. MAYO, Proprletor.' Geo, H, Valentlne, Bnlesmnn./-_ AUOTION SALES?FUTURB DAYS. ' A.' Im Adumson, Real Estate Agents and Auctlonera. Parffition Sale of lmproved Real Estate At Auctlon. FINE PAYING INVESTM-3NT. We wlll sell at publlo auotlon, on tho premlses,- on TUESDAY, MARCH 81, 1003, at 5 P. M., three houaea and lots, front? lng 65 feet on east alde Nlnth Street, Noa, 118, 118 and 120, These houses are1 good rontors. They are located ln the center of the olty. bolng wlthln two squareB of the courthouso, postofflco and bnnk bulldlngs. Also wlll sell at the aamo tlmo one vacant lot, frontlng 84 feet on Vaden Street ln Atkisson's Addition. TERMS?One-third cash, balanco six and twolvo' months._ ?-,,-,_ ROBT, S. RIVBS. A, L, Adamson, Auctloneer. Mar 26-6t _ _ By Augustine Royall & Co,, Renl Estato Agents and Auctloneers, Office: Leador Bulldlng, (Manchestor, Va. TRUSTEE'S SALE 1 OF A Nico Llttlo Farm In Chosterflold County on the Wnrwlck Road, near tho clty of Manchestor, on MONDAY, MARCH 30th. 1003, at 12 o clook A. M.. on the premlses. By vlrtuo of a deed of trust executod to tho undorsigned, dated July 7th, 1S97, and duly reoordod ln tho County Court, olork's offlco, of sald county In D. B. 94, pago 350. and bolng requlred so to do, I wlll soll at auctlon on tho day, hour and plaoe named abovo, that nlce llttlo farm, front? lng oa tho Warwick Road, contalnlng 15 acres, adjolnlng tho Iands of J, D. Roun treo, Slator Meyors & Co., J. S. Clayton ot nls. Thls ls nlce land and wlll make a nlce suburban homo. TERMS?Cash as to expenses ot sale, taxos, 1f any be duo, and to pay off tho note secured ln tmlcl deed, $126, with In? torest from July 7th, 1003. till pald; tho rcslduo upon such torms as wlll be an nounced at Bale^..,.^ noTA^ Mar 26,2(1,27,28,30 Tmatoe. NOTICE. NOTICE. Clty Audltor's Office, Rlohmond, Vn? March 19, 1903. THE I.ICKN8B TAXES OF 1903 I1AVE boen asossod and placed ln thls offlco for tho Inspectlon of all concerned. Theso assossmonts Include all porsons llnblo to a class or speclflc tax for 1903, nnd wlll remain ln thls offlco untll Lho 80th DAY OF MARCH. 1903. Tho Commlttee ou Flnanco wlll meet ln tho offlco of tho Comnilsslouor of Rovenuo on Monday and Tuesday, the 30th and 3lst of Maroh, 1903 at 7:30 V. M,, tor tho pur uobo of hearing and oonsluerlng appeals from sald assossmenta, AH porsons Inier osted aro notliled to attond theso moet? lngs of the commlttee, as no change of filasslflcntlon of taxes wlll afterwards bo made, except by ordor of tho Clty Coun? cll on recoiiimondation of the Commltteo on Finance. ^ ~ WARRBN| Audltor. NOTICE-HAVINa QUAUFIED AS Exeoutrlx under the wlll of the late WILLIAM R. TRIGG, I hereby request all partles having clalms agalnst hlm to fl'e the samo wlth me, and all partles Indebtod to hlm wlll pleaso sottlo wlth ROBERTA H. TRIOO. Execturlx. Rlohmond, Vn., March 23, 1903,_ ___-.___?._-____. '"' -*' Virginla-Carolina Chemical Co.. 'Rlohmf'l, Va., March 23. 1903, coupons no,' :m, 6f THE FIVE Per Cent. Co' , jo.1 Trust Slnklng Fubd Oold Bonds7 iVthls compnny, wlll bo pald on pi\ .-iitatlon bv Tho Contral Trust ComjiVily, 64 Wall Streot. Now York Clty. on and aftor APRIL 1st, 1903. 6. W. TRAVERS, TreMU**o?\ AUCTION SALES-FUTURB DATO, , By H. Boldon .TAJ-lor,? Real Estato Agent and Auctlon**., No. 8 North Eleventh Btreet. COMMl8S10NEliJ~~8A-_lD O* THA* , VALUABLB. store, no. ua. with DWELLING ABOVE. ON ."nINTM STRBETj BBTWHEN ORAOB _AKD i FRANKLIN, NOW OCCUFIBD BT W. W. FOSTER AB A PHOTQORAPH OAL* . LERY: ALSO TWO WELL BUII/T AND CBNTRALLY LOCATED B-BTORY AND , BASEMENT BRICK DWELMNO ' HOUSES AND LOTS, NOB. 117 AND 11? ON EAST HIPTD OF KlOHT. _ STREttT, BETWEEN GRACE AND F.RANKLIN. Hy vlrtue of.a docroo of the Ohaneery Court of the oity of RIohmond, entered ., Maroh 13, 1903, ln the sult of Mary I. Bo~Gl & othora va, Irvlng T. Anderson A othora, I wlll, ng Speolal Cor~nifaslon.r thoroby appointed, proceed fo soll at pubJ Ilo auotlon; on tha jpromlses. on FRIDAY, MARCH 87, 1908, " the real eBtnte above mentloned, In the followlng ordor, oommenolng at 4:30 P. M.. wlth that nice Btoro nnd dwelllng, No. 112 Nlnth Stroet, botweon. Grace. and Franklln, The lot fronts 21% feet, moro or Iobs, ond runs back 120 feot, more or : less, to a wldo alley. . 2d. Dwelllng No. 117 Elghth Street, be? twoen Graoe and Franklln, contalnlng 10. . rooms, bostdos bnth-room and othor mod, . ern oomforta. The lot fronta _6xG7 feet, moro or loss. , '?'?./-?_ 3d. Dwelllng No. 119 Elghth Stroet, be- >.? twonn Grace and Franklln, contalnlng l-~ rooms, bath and othor modern lmprove? ments. Tho lot frontB 28x60 feet, more or ~ lesB. Tho oonvonlent and deslrable /loca- .; tlon of thls proporty should attract th, attentlon of Investors, whether for occu pancy or lnvostmont. there bolng ftt all tlmes a good demand. by flrst-olass ten- ? ants, for housos In thls central locallty. . TERMS?One-fourth cash, balance on'? orortlt of 6,12 and 18 months, for negotiabl* notes, with lntorest added from day of sale: . or all ensh at option of purchaser, _n_bj_ot to oonflrmatlon of the oourt, and the tltl*-. to bo rotalned untll a oonvoyance Uf or* ??. dorod by the court. Tho purohasor tt to.; pay the taxos for the_year 1903. ? ? -. ? ? WM. B, M'lLWAINBJ, . Spoclal Commlssloner. The bond requlred of the Speolal Com? mlssloner by tne above decree ha* been dulj^ glven.cHA^ q BA;v-___t c^ Mnr, 20 _ . ? ?? ?< .' Ooo. W. Mayo, Auctloneer, BAN*KR*OPT SALE OF ONTX BODAI FOUNTAIN AND y APPARATUS, ... MARBLH COUNTERS, 8HO***V-CASB3, ' NATIONAL CHECK- MACHINE, NA? TIONAL CASH REGISTER. ICB CREAJC I PLANT, TABLES, CHAIRS, CIOAR8, A TOBACCOS, OAK WALL CASES, MIR- :. RORS, ETC., AT AUCTION. By vlrtue of a deoree entered !n th* : Dlstrlot Court of the United States fof , the Eastern Distrlct of Vlrglnla on March .., the 18th, 1903, ln the matter of John C..' Bowers, bankrupt, I will offer for sale, at publlo auctlon, on the premlseSrj'Na 427 East Broad Street, at 10:80 A. M.' FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1808, 1 Tuft's Full Onyx Soda Apparatu* aod Fountoln, 80 Syrups, ln three seotlons, wlth 5 Plate Mlrrorsj MArble Counter*.-'. wlth copper gtralnors: Holders, Tumblers, Shakers, Coffee and Chocolate Urne, Na? tional Check Machlne, National Cash Register, 8 large Plate-glaj~? .Wall- Mlr- j, rors, 4 Cigar and Candy Show-Caees, very handaome Oak Clgar and Candy ? Wall Cases, wlth Plate Mlrron.1 Vlctor Talklng Machlne. 2 Window Mlrrors. Compiete Plant for-the MaJiufaoture ot lce Cream, 13 Copper-frame and Marble- . top lce Cream Tables, 48 Flne Copper,anav VIenna-frame Chalrs. general assortment m ot Extraots, Floor Llnoleum, Offlce Desk and Stool, Plctures, Palms, Screens, , Candy Jars and Scales, Clgar Counter, P'apor Racks, Hlgh-grade CIgars, Bmolc-.. Ing and Chowtng Tobacco, Fancy Candy and numerous other articles; -. . Arrnngements can be made wltn partie* ,,. controlllng property for an extenslon ol ;, lease. ? ? ' ? \-_ ' ? TERMS?On the stock, ca?h; on the flx- ; tures, cash, except on a sum of fl.BOft wlth Interest from'June 11, 1902, payable as follcrwsi $500, wlth Interest. payable , Aprll 11, 1903; $500, -wlth interest, payable Novernber 11, 1903; |600, wlth Intere*-, pay? able June --, 1904. _ __ _ H. A. M'CURDY, Recelver and Trnste*. I Geo. W. Mayo, Auctloneer. Mar. 21-Ct_ .' By Jamee H- Crenshaw. Real Estate Auctloneer. , 1013 B. Maln Street TRUSTEES SALE . OF A DESIRABLE SUBURBAN RBSIDENCID ON BROOK TURNPIKE WITH 15% ACRES OF LAND. By vlrtue of a certain deed of trust dated the 13th day of February, 1890, and rocorded in tho elerk's offlce of Henrlco County Court In D. B.. 129 "A," page 396,. default havlng been made ln tho payment of a part of the debt secured thereby. ; and belng requlred so to do by the bene flclary thereln, I wlll sell, by publlc auc-. tlon. on tho premlses. on ' MONDAY. MA_tCH 30, 1903, __ at 4 o'clock P. M., the property descrlbea . ln sald trust deed. as that piece or jjar- . cel of land, wlth the lmprovements theren on, lylng and belng in Henrico county, Va., contalnlng flfteen and. one-half (16**) aoreB, more or less, frontlng on, tbe west , slde of Brook Turnplke, three-fourth? o< a mile from the clty of Richmond: lm? Srovements conBlst of a Stuccoed BrloH... welllng bf nlne rooms and other bulld? Ings, forrnerly the resldence of Jphn B. CrenBhaw, deceased. I will sell sald land to pay the followlng charges: TERMS?Cash sufflolont to pay expensM of oxeauting thls trust, all unpald taxe* ; to dny of sole, and to pay $3,000 (balanoa due on tho last n0te,for $3,540) and Inter? est on sald $3,000 from February 16, 1903. . tho roslduo at one and two years, to be evldcnced by nogotlable notos, wlth Inter? est added and seoured by truat deed oa sald property. _ -???-?,.;.-.? W. A. RICKS, Trust*^ By James H. Crenshaw, Auctloneer. ? lmmedlately after the above I will offer . for, snlo 8V4 acros of land, with a beautl? ful oak grove, nearly opposito the above dusorlbed proporty. It ls one of the moat handsomo bulldlng sltes on Brook Turn* plko. A largo culvert runs acros* the lot, wlth whlch the purchaser oan conneot wlthout ohargo. Also soveral other tract* of land, contalnlng from 10 to IS acres, will be offerejdAM_s r CRmga_^ Mar 26-td_ By A. J. Chewniwr Co., Real Estate AuoUoneers. n-RUSTEETS BALE ' V.?.j WOODVILLB I-CWi . By vlrtue of a trust deed dat?? Fefc runry 10. 1901, of record ln Henrlco Co\tu*f Court, D. B. 101 B, page 817, default b*.". Ing made ln the payment of the debt, thereby secured, and belng requlred by the boneflciary so to do, I wlll nll bj) auctlon, upon the premlses, on _ MONDAY, MARCH 80, 1908. __, at 5 o'clook P. M., the Lots frontin*. _Tf feet on tho south sldo of Boldon Street, betweon Twonty-slxth itnd Twenty-MV onth Stroets, ln the town of Woodvtn* nonr tho nortlieastern llmlts of the cltH of Richmond. TERMS-Cash. --??-.----, A. J, OHJUWNTNO.i. Mar 24-td _ TtimUM-i Qoo, W. Mayo, Auotlonesr, BANKRUPT SALlfOF OROCIORTIJi. MACH1NERY, ENGINE AND BOIL1 ER. SHAFT1NG, OFFICE DESKS, IRO* SAFE, ETC., AT AUCTION. By vlrtuo of a dooree entered In thi Dlstrlct Court of tho United States toif tho E-vitem Dlstlct of Virginla on March 24, 1903, In tho matter of John J. Wll? llams, bankrupt, I wlll soll at No, 14 S. Flfteenth Streot, at 12:30 P. M., FRIDAY, MARCH 27. 1903. a largo and goneral Hna of Grocerles, Clgarettes, Pollsh, Essenoes, Brooms, Mutches, oto.: Englno and Boller, Pul verlzlng. Cracker, Corn and Pepper Mllls, Scales, 2 Offlco Desks, Iron Safe, Bhaft* lug, Pulleys, Belting, Tools. eto., etc. Snlo boglns on grocery stock. WM. E. BRBDGES, Trustee. Geo. W. Mayo, Auotloneer. By A. J. Ohewnlng Co. QOMPROMISE STREET LOT. In executlon of a, trust deed, dated Au? gunt 1, 1900, of record fn Henrlco County Court, D. B. 169 A. page 408, default be? Ing made ln the payment of noto therebjr secured, and belng requlred by her.tfl? olary so to .do. I wlll soll by auotlon, ?i* VrIDAY/ 87TH MARCH. 1W3, at 6 o'olock P. M., upon the premleee., the lot fro'ntlng ?9 feot on Comprora ?? Street by a depth of 189*4 feet. bolrij tot No, 2, as shown by plat rocorded tn D, B? 107, pago 460, Honrfco County Oourt, TERMS?Caah. Mar. ?-t4