Newspaper Page Text
Bi^patrl) THE affiaWft^aSKH I WHOLE NUMBER, 16,206. RICHMOND, VA? FHIDAY, APKIL 5, 1003. PRICE 1-WOCENTS. ~* SUMMARY OF OAY'S HEWS THEWEATHEH. WASUINGTON, Aprll X?Forecaat for Frldny and Saturday: ,. ?rlAHU, Vlrglnla-Increaalhg clotid neas Fr dnyi jbrlHl: lo hlgh iouth wlndsi Saturday ?howors and ooldor. n?ii.?i?? North Carollna-Falr Frlday; Baturday coldor, nrobably Bhoworni brlik to hl?n louth wlixifl. Yeaterdiiy wna the warmast day of the ?eauon, tho morcury roachln* 77 at a Vclock In the aftornoon. Tha ohaneei are that tho tompcrature will bo practica.iv unohanged to-day, btit to-morrow ooldor reathor la projnlsed, aooompanled by lliowora. flTATH OF THE THHRMOM10TEB. A, M. .,?. M. P. M. F. M. ?P, M. ffl U mldnlght."' ?" Averaga.-.?? ** Hlgheat temporaturo yaaterday.T? I/mcst temperaturo yoatorday. m fitean Umperaturo ycBtorday ?.m Wmal tomperaturo for Aprll.. ..i?? Eeparturo from Jiormal temPerature.. oo Pi'oclpltatlon ,durlng_past U houre.... 00 .MINlATimiSA^NAO^^ gun rlac.... 5:M I mOH T/pB. funaots.0:33 M?rn ng.?;}} Moon BOta.,..12i00 ) Evening.??" RICHMOND. A aweenlng vlotory won 1" tho Houae >y tho TamcBtown blll-Substltute for fho Mann llquor moaaure to bo offorod to flayl-Senat* adopted tho Houw "??,!"? Flon to adjourn May lBth-Deathi of j*. Jobn Mahony?Govornor and Second Au dltor ondeavorlng to flottlo Vlnrinla dobt -Hlchmond tobacco trado to conaldor ?xhlblt at Bt. J.oula to-day-?-Bc-dy ofU L. lAick, of Fulton. found ln the dook, jrhero lt had boon slnce-Chrlstmnsi Kve-? Blll to ropoal tho chartor of .tho Mconan fcsvlllc Turnplko Company?-Llvoly meot jng of t-no Board of Pollco ciotnm aalonera -Tndlana teachors leava for homo Obaorvanco of Arbor Day yoaterday Intarestlnir bntlallon dri 1 lnat nlght-? Face of Llncoln on a check for tho Jorrer Bon Davla monumont-Yoatorday tho ?warmest day or tho Beason-^-Clty Flnanco Oommltteo lowera a nnmbor of; llquor ifteniics. MANOTESTBR?Strect Com mlttoo not able to tfettlc about tho dlvla Rn of money-Clty Englneor 1b oxon eratPd-Mattor of totophoneconnoctlpn _ITlro CommlBslonors meet and olcot tno force-row In a' HuU-Street Btoro? . Funoral of Mr. Georgo W. Franktln?? Illncss of Mr. Robert Toppnn?CommU tooa to meot?Church Bervitfes. VIRGINIA. Flrgt breaoh of promlso sult ' over brought in Newport N?wb-?Two Wllad and ono lnjured ln colllslon In, yarda. In Kow-port NeWH-DlapeiiBKry _wlns at Farmvlllo-Pastor of Hollneas Church at 'Banvlllo on trlol-Albort ljogers. of Pe teraburg, klllcd by a traln at Kcysvlllo? Mtb. Rooaovolt and hcr chlldrcn at an om Virtfnla fl?h fry-Chaae Clty's townjjer goant tracked a atolon,ox fourteon mles ??Vlvglnla-Pcnnaylvanla dobata to-nlght Jn l-.illadolphla?Qualnt old home burnod S Lee?-Charlotto'a Antl-Saloon Loague L_wator for I.ynchburg from Pedlar jllver-Conductor wounded at Y**0 ldentlflea negro Aseallant?Muoh buiw lrur In Orange?-Man who clalms to bo from Rlchmond stou sheet gold ftora on A)"5andrla dentlat-Drake'8 Branoh. 1b ln 'Jrx>rated?-Steamer Charlotte on flro Itat1onPRt Noriolk n^y-yard_North . Carollnlan In prison for .dpbt ,at ?or folk?Norfolk'n new flltratlon plant ln operatlon-J. 8. Wllllams tn;lng to^ao currGloiiceBt<>r Polnt water front iold ?n^_Zchiidren at Cllfton Forge lnjured n"ayinK w th torpedb-Nownort Kowb. to Cve carnlval whcn W?st VlrglnM? launohed-Antl-SMoon ;L?Pie of Am heret will not compromte?;g?1th^^ ?Fhono rate war ln Covlngton-warm Bprlnga postofTIco robtaod?-^eyrooi. pay ' Kir taxea in Halifax in order to vote? Dhar/ottMvJHo doctor arreatcd Jotmifr nractlce-?Arbor Dny at Pocahontaa? M? Oray glven aixt?een yoara for murdor uylvanla. Marrlagos?-F. A. Lowie and ?Mlsn Sallie P. I^oe at Emporia. w. v. Rlttenour and Mlw Myrtlo Albert- ln Shonandfah; J A Dunlap and M>? Claxa Potterfleld in I>oudoun T. 1m Cave ana S5". Sorta McGebee at CharlotteBvlUe; M Smilh and Mlas Mfiry L. Salo In Jue sox- Harvey Gtvrrott and Mlss Eva Dayls vnt4i. Ros'i at Coatcsvlllo, ra.j lu. w. MadlHon and Mlm S. K. Crawley u Adrlanoe. Poatha-N. E. Johnaon at i.awr"n"evIllo; S. R. Daldwin n Frod eriok- D H. J- Uoklltor at Galnoaboro; Mls^Mabei Chlploy ln 0>xlnBtonj Mrs. Hattlo Bruyn at Dwaarklll. >-,Yf, Mra ri W Cartor at Dnvla, W. va? Tiioj^as M McCauley at Vaucluae Statlpn; Georgo ?rooDor at VanhU: Mra. J. N. Ryland at lnvoPrmav; A J. MIIoh at Danvllle; Mra. Jeaao Burrows In Culpepor; J. P. Jennlnga ut Rorl House; MrB. Carrie v. Ivent m Fluvannal Samuel AVatklna at Church Road. _ NORTH CAROLINA. Offlcea of Southom Rallway dlylsion au porlntendcnt removed from Sallsbury to broenaboro-Arreated |n Greonaboro for lelllng patent medlolnoa wlthout a llcenae !__B^iana In Hendoraon have a prieat of thelr own fnlth?Wiilte omployos ln 4he Coaat Mm. ahopa at Wllmlngton bea i negro. and flfty negro emploj-ea -go on itvllco?Governor Aycock mnk ng a veolVa tour of Eastorn Nnrth Cnrollnn? bueation of extondlng Rololgh's llmlta fo bo,10ft to a vote?Blds for threo per ?nt. Stato bonds unaatl.sfaotpry and ra [ected. Four por cont. bonda will bo ad certlsed. GENERAL ' Prealdont Rooaovclt mnkca a long apwch ln Chlongo on tho Monroo dootrino and U loudly and ' vlgorously applaudod by packed houso-Reproaentatlyo Hay, of iho Seventh Vlrglnla Dlatrlct. declarea for Gorman for tho Domofratlo nomlna tlon for tlio Proaldoncy?Horrlblo oatns tropho harely avorted ln roar-cnd oolll ?lon ln Tonneasoo on Bouthorn Rallway. md flfty paaaongers woro allghtly Injurpd ?Argumenta In tho, contoat over tho Southorn Paclflo conHnuod-j?Nprth^ At Inntlo squadron ordered off tho Vlrglnla oanoa to bo roviowed by Admlral Dewoy S-i-Tosomlto Club, of San Franolsqo, aa ?uro tho bout between Corbott and Jof filPB and tho ovunt will tako plnce diir ng t'.ha lattar part of Augiiat?-Emp'eror ? frllllani on a vlslt to Klne Chrlatlnn of Penmark---Mls8l3?ippl Rlvor aituatlon ron-nrdnil ns gi'ont v moro rnvornnlo Kfgagoment of Mlas Elllo Carmlohael and KB Haydock, promlnont aoelety Bndrwialpeas mnn of Clnclnnntl, a an n'u\n\ ?1-? Slock market waa wak and ?lmo\?\ontlrely In tho handa of tho j>ro foaaloW-l oporatora-Larsro crowd aaw b farclell atoaploohasa at Bonnlnga traok, n whteh evory horao excopt tho favorlta m during tho raco?Klng Edward hna fleclded doflnltoly to pay a vlslt to tho Vatlean?Aoting Socretary of the Nf vy Parllng decldoa that ho hna no authomy to hronk the oontraot wlth Norfolk b?j>h erf)?Bluo Jacketa landod at Banto Do mlngo Clty to proteot the Amerienn oon aulato thore?Two pnjlcomen and two cltlzona Ulllod in a aerloug rlot nt Mon larey, Mox.-Elovon ? mlnes and over a thousand mlners Idloln the Pan-Handla rnglon of West Vlrglnla?ColoneJ iJob lon promoted to be auperlntondent of oon ?trnctlon of tha Bouthern Rallway, FAMILY BURNED IN DINWIDDIE COUNTY (Bpoelal to Vh* Vlmon-Dlipotch,) PETHRBBtTRG, VA? Aprll 3.?The en tlro famlly of Petor Epea, lnoludlng htm" eelf, vvlfa and Hlx ohildren, woro Borlously burneil at tholr homo ln Blqwiddle oounr ty to-day by tha exploslon of a Jamp. Onq ohlld la doad and another la not ox jK?oted to Uv*. . . .I:'.' ,?.'".! \ :;..-, ? PRINCIPLE ISABOVE HARMONY W. J. Bryan peclares HImself on the Issues. RAPS THOSE WHO LEFT IN LAST FIOHT Rldlculous, He Says. to Drop Prlnclplo Because Defeated ADLAI STEVENSON ALSO MADE A SPEECH Appealed for 8olld Front to tho Com mon Enomy?Mr. Bryan 8?y? That Dofeat la Botter Than Vlotory Qalned by Any 1 Sacr Iflco ' of Prlnclplo. (Iijr AMOclttsd Presi.) DEfl MOIN.ES, XA., April 2.?Three hun drod Democrata attonrlod th? Jefferaon lan. banquet horo to-nlght, and tho de niur.d for tlokon could not be ntot, The attondanco mui repreaentatlve of tho Domouratlo party throughout the Stu.10. 'l'ho prlnoipal epoakera wero 'WJlllom J. 13ryan? and f'ormer Vlco-Preaidont AdJa; E. Btovonaon,- Willlam Randolph Hearat, of New York, who haa boen announood as a apoaker, aent a lotter ln whlch he urgcd contlnued devotlon by Uomocraia to tho polltlcal 'principlea of Jefferuoa. Mr. Btovonaon gavo hla viowa aa to the proper polloy for the Demooratlo party ln the comlag ProBldontlal campaign. He aaid ln part: "ln the approochlng atrugglo for po? lltlcal aupreraacy, appeal wlll be roode more earneatly than ever bofore to Dom oorata to prosent an unbrokon front. An appeal to all, r'egardlosB of past party afllllatlona, who condcmn favorltlam ln leglalatlon; that favorltlam whlch onrlohoa the fow at the expenae of the many; to all who, by wlee leglalailon, would ourb tho powcr of the truata, that oonatant roonace to'honoat hUHlncaa entorprloa and tp popular government; to all. who con? dcmn extravagarit fitul waatoful expendl ..turea. of the p'ubllc money; to cJl who condomn tna ]atter-day polloy of forelgn conquest; ln a word, to all who would restore the - aafe 'and econornical methods ln govornment eatabllshcd by the found ers of the republlc." MR. BRYAN'S SPEEOH. Bospondlng to the toaat "Demooraoy," Mr. Bryan spoke ln part os followa: "Whllo thia-banquet has not been ad vanced aa a 'harmony banquet,' It la much more ln tho lntore8t of harmony than hlgh-prlcod banqueta whlch are held for the purpose of seourlng a aeleot au dlonce for tho men who have not recont ly appeared on tho etump ln behalf of the Democratlc party." "Harmony, liko happlneas, la not ae oured by aeeklng for lt; It oomea aa the reward of rlght dolng. Harmony la a thlng to bo felt, not o thing to be talked about. The more mentlon of harmony BUggoata dlfferencea that need reoonollla tlon, and the voolforous talk about har? mony among those who dlsturbed lt. left the party and lent thelr Influencoa to the onemy. meroly rec.alla the lasuea that oreatod tnat dlsturbanoe and naturally suggeHta tho lnqulry whether the prodl gala have repented or demand repent ance of tho party. "Tho dlfferonce whlch exlated on the money queatlon atlll exlata, for whlle the Ropubllcans are boasting that tho money queatlon la aettled, monoy la\tlght ln the great flnanolnl oentera, and the flnanclera of thla cpunlry aro. resortlng to extra ordlnary methoda to get onough money lnto clrculatlon to carry on buslneas. "On tho tnmt quostlon tho aamo Une of cleavage appears. Tho men- who threat onod a panlo If ailver waa restorod, nbw throaten a panlo If tho truata are dls? turbed, and tho trust magnatea are cast lng about for a Domocratlo candldato ao much llko a Ropubllcan that the truata can roat eaay, ho matter whlch candldato la elected. "Reorganlzatlon meana retreat, and ro treat meana demorallzatlon and dlaaater, From tho low atandpolnt of expodlence, rotreat could not bo Justlfled, The party pollod nnarly a mllllon more votea ln (Contlnued on Thlrd PngeJ SENATOR CLARK IN STREET FIGHT He and Congressman Brun dldge Beat One Another Over the Head. <By Aaaoclated Proaa.) LITTLB ROCK, ARK., Aprll 3.?A flght ooourred here to-day ln front of tha Capl tol Hotel, ln one of the promlnent Btreeta of the clty, between Unltod Statea Bena tor Jamea H. Clark and Congreaaman Brundlgo. Tho dlffloulty waa over a atate mont glvon to a roporter by Mr. Brundlgo ln an Intervlew aoveral weeka ago. Sena tor Clark atrnck Mr. Brundlge aeveral blowa ovor the head, whlch were prompt ly returned by Mr. Brundlge, There waa a great many membera of the Leglnlature and othera ln front of the hotel at the tlme, and they (nterfered before any ae? rjoua Injury waa dono to etther of tho combatanta. TWENTY-TWO FAMILIES RUN OUT BY FIRE (By Aiioclattd Ptea*,) NB"W YORK, Aprll 2.?One poraon doad, ao badly burned as to be unrecognlnablo, eight others tnjurod, a panlo ln whloh twenty^two fumlllea wero drlven' lnto the atrset and a property losa ftf $10,00^ mako tip tho rftHult 6f a flre whlch atart* ed to-n)gh1 fn a flve-atory tonement houao ln Rlvihgton Btreot. Of thoae lnjured only two, Mra. M, Hochman, forty year* old, and Samiinl Unchtiian, elght years old, wore Rorloualy hurt. Tho flre, the pollco say, la the reault ot the annunl cloan-up of tho Bast Bldo Dlatrlot prTbr to tho Feaat of tho Pana over. Thla oleanlng had bogun, and the hnllway of tho blg tenemont waa fllted wlth old boadlng. Tho flr* atarted> undar tho atalrway on tho ground fibor hall, PRINTERS ENJOINED BYSTATECOURT <Dr Aaaoclatad Proaa.) ATLANTA, QA., Aprll ?.-Judg* J. H. liumpkln, of tho Buporior Court, tonlght grnnted a tomporary .ltijunotton reatrnln Tng tnombara of tho Atlanta Typograph Ical Unlon and tho Btoreotpyera* Unlon from lntorforlng wlth mon who dealro to work ln tho prlntlng eatabllahmenta of tho oltjr. About 1W prlntora and atereo typoro havo boon on atrlko for sovoral daya, demandlng reoognltlon of tho un? lon, and ono or two vlolent colllMoni havo ooourrod between atrlkoro and men who oontlrfued to work. Judgo Burnpkin wlll rrant a heorlng upon tho tomporary Injunotlon on Aprll 11th, CHAIRMEN MEET TO-DAY AT MRS. J. T. ELLYSON'S A meetln* of the ohalrmon of the SJn tertalnment Commltteea pf the Confed orate Baaaar. wlll bo nold at noon to-day ai.tlio realdenoe of Mra. 3. Taylof Elly aon, No, 10 Eaat' Franklln Btreot Murdered and Thrown Overboard. (By Aaaoclntad Preaa.) MOBIL.E, . ALA., Aprll 2.?Andrew X/aendor, a Cflfeek barge tendor, waa mur dered aome tlme Tueaday on board a ooal barge at tho foot of Bcaurogard fltreet, and hla body thrown lnto tho rlver wlth lrdn wolghta attaohod to lt LOWERING OF LICENSES Actlon Taken Yesterday by CIty Flnance Commlttee, MAKE NUMBER CHANGES lt Waa Impoaslble Laat Nlght, However. to Learn Just Whlch Saloono are AfFected?After a . Flat Llcenae. Aa a reault of tho tlmo dsvoted to hear? lng the pleasr of tho llquor doalora, tho Finanoe Commlttee yeaterday aftornoon mado. between thlrty-flve ?ma' forty ohangoa ln tho llcenae aohedulo recently prepared by them. Tho aeaalon'was ae oret, and lt waa lmposalblo to learn what aaloona wlll bo affootod by the flndlnga. The commlttee waa ln aeaalon for a ?paoo of three houre, ona after another Of the bara affected by the Jilgh llcenae aohemo belng afforded rellef. It. la un deratood that a majorlty of tho ohongea were from the flrst (1250) to the aecond ($150) cloea, whlle aome fow were taken from the hlgh degree bunoh and removod to the loweat (1100), and a few, a very few, from the $150 crowd to tho 1100. Juat how muoh tho olty wlll auBtaln from loaa of revonue could not be aacertalned, and wlll probably novor be known. Ono of the members took patna to flgure the loaa, but by apeclal requeat lt waa not announced to the commlttee, and aa the orlglnal 11st waa made ln pencll and the orasurea carofully made, lt waa next to ImposBlble to learn aufflclent to war rant a calculatlon. In overy lnatanco the comirtlttee trled to deal honeatly and falrly wlth the ln terestod and proteatlng llquor dealera, and a number of membera are hopefu] that uo appeal wlll be taken from the flnal flndlnga. Howover, It may be stated that the Ll? quor Dealera' Aaaoclatlon la determlned upon a flat llcenae propoaltlon, and the matter wlll doubtless flnd Ita way to tha. Common Councll next Monday nlght. MISS CARMICHAEL TO BE MARRIED Her Engagement to a Proml nent Soclety and Buslness Man of Cincinnatl. (Speclal to Tha Timea>PI?eateh.) BPRINGFIELD, O,, Aprll 2.-The en? gagement la Just announced of Mr. Qeorge Haydock, prealdent of the T, T, Haydock Carrlage Company, to Mlaa Ellle Car mlohael, of Rlohmond, Va. Mr. Haydock la tha aon of the late Thomaa Haydock, durlng hla llfotlme a wealthy and ln fluontlal oltlzen of Cincinnatl and one ot lta most promlnent buaineaa men, Mr, Haydock la ona of the beat known of the younger Boclety men. He la a member of tho ridlng club, and took a promlnent part laat Baturday nlght on Oie occRBlon of lta blennlal olrous, He la a great lovar of fho horae, ana haa al waya been aottvo in looal amateur rao Ing, Mias Carmlohael apent laat wlnter ln Cincinnatl, whero ehe haa made a num? ber of very oharmlng frlenda. She la the daughtor of Rev. Hartloy Carmlohael, who a few yeara ogo waa rector of St. Paul'a, tha moet faahlonabla Bplaoopal Ohuroh In Rlohmond, The woddlng wlll tako place ln Juno at Rlohmond, Va. Mra. Haydock, Mr. Haydock'a. mother, and' hla alator, Mlaa Thomag A. Hay dook, who are now abroad, oxpeot to roturn to Cinolnnotl wlthln a few woeks. Mr, Haydock Is now, la RlchmcnO. SEBRELL'S NEW LIQUOR MEASURE Offered as a Substltute forMannBill. FIGHT TO COME IN HOUSE TO-DAY If p^vls' Motlon Prevalls a Great Battle is Expected. SEBRELL'S PLAN IS , FOR LIQUOR STORES Applles to 8ectlona Embraced In Mann Blll and Haa Dlapeneary Featuroa. Contalna Closlng Regulatlom and Forbida 8ale of Llquor ?; Save In Unbroken Packages. A great flght la golng to tako placo ln tho Houae ovor tho Mann llquor araend ment to-day, and it promiaoa, If poa alblo, to ocllpae. ln Bplrlt and lntoreat that rooently oonduoted ln the Sonata, when the prlnclplo embraced ln" tho amondment of tho Nottoway 'Benator on tho llquor queatlon awopt through that body by a voto of 20 to 6. Tho turn whloh tho matter haa takon waa alto gether unoxpected and waa brought about by tho motlon of Mr. Davia, of Potoraburg, whon; tho general revenuo J. N. SEBRELL, JR. bltl oomo up on yeat?rday, to havo that portlon of the Bonate amendments relatlng to tho Mann blU paaaed upon by the House before golng to tho conforence commlttee. He atated that he earneatly favored the blll, and thought ln vlew of tho publio demand for lts pasaage ltB atrength should be teated by the Houso at once. He aakod that hla motlon go by. untll to-day, in order that Hon. J. N. Bobroll, of South ampton, who waa proparlng a substltuto, (Contlnued on Blghth Page.) JOHN WISE WAKES AS FROM A DREAM Declares That Negro Is Lfnfit for the Franchlse and All Whltes Realize It. (By Anaoclntod Proaa.) HEfW VOMC, Aprll 2.?At the regular monthly dliinor of tho Baptlst Boolal Unlon, held at tho Munhattan Hotel to? nlght, Jobn S. "Wlse, former Congresa man from Vlrglnla, spoko on the negro queatlon. Tho attltudo of the natlon, he aald, toward the queatlon has all along been that of Indolonce. No whtte eiun, he aaBerted, would aubacribo l,o a polloy that meant ultlmately a bllght upon the raco to whloh he belongod. "It la Idlo to-day," ho sald, "to try to enforco laws pormlttlng tho negro fran ohlae. You cannot flnd a whlte matter whore he Uvea or under what olr cumstancea you go to hlm, who wlll Bubsorlbo to a polloy that mouna oven tually a posslble negro domlnatlon. "Thoro la only ono aolutlon to tha ne? gro queatlon. Vhe natlon muat recede from tho poaitlon taken by lt on the mat tor of negro Buffrage, Tho natlon must romlt to the State oontrol of tho auf frago lasuo. Thls may be a groat ooncos slon, but lt la a conooaslon of eound, common son:?>. "By roduolng tho queatlon of sqffrage to a eeiiBlble baala, you wlll touoh the tendor spot of tho Bouthorner. I am one myself, and I know lt wlll reaoh my heart. "You eoon must toll the negro he can? not havo all thnt he, expoots; you wlll bave to toll hlm thls at tho ooat of a raco war among ouraolves." EOO THROWERS WERE ALL PISCHARGED (Dy Aumu'lutod 1'ri'sj.) NWW YORK, Aprll a.?Tho flvo men vreated Maroh. -7th on tho chargo p( . ' (' thfowlng deoayed ?gga and v*gotaT)le? and other mlaslloa at tha aotora and aoenery ln tho faroo "MeFadden'a Bow of Flata," thon playlng ln a thoatro hero, wero arrnlgnod agftln In tho Harlem Court beforo Maglatrato Eatil to-day. All woro dlaoharged, aa tho pollca oould not Identlfy them aa havlnf thrown any of the mlaellea. THIRTY CONVERSIONS AT EAST-END CHURCH Rrrival ajrvlcea aro ln progreai nlght ly at Enat End Baptlat Churoh, Tho pnator, Rov, 3, T, Tuoker, la bolng aa elatod by Rov. W, W. Blak, of Man oheator, Durlng^flo woek thoro havo boon thlr ty profeaalona and reatoratlona, Tho meotlngs wlll oontlnuo through thlo wcok and probabljr next, WOMAN HELD FOR MURDER OF HUSBAND (Br Aeaoelated Praea.) JBATONTON, OA., Aprll 2,-Mra, J. T. Orlffln and hor brothor, Bamuel Knowloa, woro to-day bounfl ovor to tho fluporlor Court for trlal for tho murdor of John T, Orlffln, a wall-to-do plantor. Orlffln waa ahot and killod at nlght and tha* orlmo waa attrlbutod to negroea. SQUADRON ORDERED OFF THE VIROINIA CAPES (By Aaeoolated Preai.) FTBNSACOIjA, FliA., Aprll 8.?Roar Admlral Hlgglnaon haa laaued ordera for tho battloahlpa of tho North Atlantlo aquadron to aall Aprll 20th for the South orn drll grounda, twonty mllea oaat of Capo Henry, Tho veaaola are duo to ar rlvo thoro Aprll 27th to bo revlwod by Admlral Dowsy May lat. , TWO KILLED ICOLLISION Empty Coal Cars Collide Wlth Repalr Cars at Newp'tNews CARPENTERS ARE AT WORK A Thlrd Wa? Torrlbly Injurod?The Two Men Killed Had Their Necks Broken and Died Instantly?Vor dlct ot Oorohor's Jury. (Spedal to Th? Tlmoa-Dlapatoh,) NEWPORT NEWB, VA., Aprll 2.?A train of twelvo empty ooal-oara from pler No. 2 colllded wlth the end oar of a llno on a repalr track ln tho Cheaapeako and Ohlo yarda thla aftornoon about S o'olook, and roaulted ln tho death of two mon and tho Injurlng of a thlrd. Tho ooroD^r's Jury fo'und that the men oame to tholr death through no fault of thelr - own, The dead aret IiLOTD ROBBRTS, oar ropalrer, nook broken. ROBERT MAPES, oar repolrer, neok broken. The lnjured man la "W. M Fonton, alao a car repolrer, who had^rj. log broken and waa otherwlao maahed aTid brulaed-. Aocordlng to the evldenoo adduoed at tho lnqueat, tho end car of the uncoupled oara on the repalr traok ln aome way had been shoved to a posltlon whloh mado lt oxtend partly acrosa the track on whloh empty coal oara are returned to j tho yard from plor No. 2. At 12:15 o'elock 1 Yard Conduotor E. Q. Royer made up a j traln of thlrteon ompty cara, to bo loadod I on pler No. 8. Ho explalned that ln j maklng up the traln It waa nocossary to ' hlt them hard enough to make them couple. He dld not bellove that the end car at the other part of the track could have been shovod aorosa the coal plor return track whon he mnde up tho traln. Tho jury ae"emed to be of tho oplnlon that the over-extendlng oar waa placed at that tlmo. The traln of emptles from j pler 2 waa tho flrst to pasa that polnt ) _I (Contlnued on Thlrd Page.) THE FUNDS FOR CITY'S NEW JAIL Grounds and Bulldlngs Com? mlttee Draws Upon It?Af? ter Stewart Iron works. The Commlttee on Qrounda and Bulld? lngs last nlght docld'ed to pay the sala rlea of omployoa who are absent from work on aocount of lllnosa, and to alao remunerate auoh subatltutoa aa may nll thelr poBltlon whlle they are away, Thla queatlon haa boen Imnglng llre for A month, and a mimimr of attachus about the Clty Hall have been deprlved of thelr money. Tho voto waa unnnlmoua. Upon tho recommondatlon of Clty En glneer Cutshaw, U A Haake, basement janltor at tho Hall, was dlsmlssod, Ho wlll be allowod pny for thls month. Hla posltlon wlll bo fllled by John Leiunan, who haa beah'aotlng ua subatltuie. Ho [a from Jockson Ward, and was noml natod by Mr. Pollock. Thonms Wiyiams, a oltlzen of Fulton, waB oleoted ds subatltute, upon tnotlou of Mr. Grlmea. He had two oppononts, and three ballots were necossury for a choloe. Tho Stewart Iron Works waa glven no tlco that lt muat nnlsh cortaln nilnor do talls at tho now Jall In tha next twonty daya, otherwlao tho clty wlll havo tho work dono pnd ehargod agalnst them. The oommlttco lnstruotod thi ClLy Kn glneer to huve a door construoted ln the roar of tha prlaon, whlch Is to bo pald for out of tha money allowed by the Pinance Commltteo ln the budgot In pay ment for the aofllement of extias, Thla sum Is supposod to ba lu dlapute, but tho Qrounds und Bulldlngs Commltteo doeen't thlnk so, and propoaos to draw on tho account at tholr pleaauro, JAMESTOWN W1NS OUT jNHOUSE Great Fighiof Tldewater Ends ln Victory. DISTINGUISHED MEN PRESENT Advocates Say Blll Wlll Pass the Senate. HOUSE HAS BRUSH ON THE MANN BILL Senata Agrees to Adjournment Resolu tlon With Amendment and Several Intereatlng Bllli are Offered In the Upper Branch?Day'a Sea slon In Both Houaea Is Full of Public Intereat Tho foaturo of tho leglslatlve aeasion yeaterday, wao tha aweeplng victory whlch orowned the great fVght of the JameBtown Exposltlon advocatea, through the paasage of thelr blll In tho House, approprlatlng. 1200,000 to. tho' proposed great ahow, by a vote of 58 to 30. Chalr man Boaz, oaalated by. Mr. Slpe nnd othera, earneetly reslated tho pnjjsage of tho blll, but undor the eyo of one of tho moat poworful and aistlngutshod lobblea gathored sat the Capltol durlng the acs alon, the Houso swept. asldo all opposl tlon, and passed the blll amld n whlrl wlnd of applauao, whloh lt-, took.'tho Speakor somo tlmo to quell. Tho blll now goes to tho Senate, and thoso who oro puahlng lt. doclaro thelr confldence In lta ultlmato pnssago, and there la no reaaonablo doubt that lt wlll be algned by tho Govornor. General Fltzhugh ?ee, presldent of tho Jamestown BxpbslUon.Cbmpnny; Hon. J. Taylo'r ' ?llyaon, and a largo numbor of otlior dlatlngulahod" Vlrglhlaris .wore on tho floor durlng the brief. but apirlted tlght. and tho hall waa falrly packed wlth enthuslnstlo shoutors. Mr, Jonnlngs, of LyncHburg, and sevoral other members of the Flnance Commlttoo votod wlth Mr. Boaz agalnst tho paasogo of tho blll. ^ , ,_ General IJee oxpressed hlmself a8 hlgh ly gratlfledfat the result ot tho flght. He reltoratod hls oft ropeatod conf.donco ln the aJblllty of tho Stato to make the np proprlatlon, MANN BH/ti UP. -, There was much of publlo Interost ln the House besldos the paaBago of the ex posltlon blll. The goneral Insuranco meaa-; uro offorod by Mr, Caton was plnced on the oalondar, and thore waa a allght opon lng sklrmlBh ovor the Mann llquor amond mont to the genoral tax blll, whloh ro sultod In the matter golng over untll to day, when a motlon mado by Mr. Davla to rejeot all tho Senate amendments to the House blll, snvo that of Mr. Mann, and to concur ln thla ono. Vnt.Ha BE FOUGHT OUT. A blg flght on tho morlts of the Mann blll ls antlclpated, and tho result yes torday 1b taken as favorable to lts adop tion. The Senato amendments to the Stato hospital blll wero agroed to, and the Edmondson good roada jnensuro was ordorofl to lts engrosa mont. Anothor Intereatlng measuro on grosaed waa that of Mr. Caton to pro teot whnlosale merchnn? ngalnst the sale of stocks of poods In bulk by retall mor ohants, In tho Senate, Mr. Shnclcolford offorfd a reaolutlon, whlch was adopted, calllng upon tho Attornoy-Gonern! for hla onlnlon ns to tho cotiRtltutlonnllty of tho blll ve toed by the Governor to proyont book aollers and nuthora from bocomlng mom. bors of the Stato Board of Educntlon., The Sonate ngrood to Houso Jolnt rosolu tloti' for a rocoss from May Ifith to No vombor 10th, and tho appolntmont of a commlsslon to ravlew tho work of the body durlng tho rocess, aftor lt hnd boen bo nmended M, to have the commlsslon (Contlnued on Seventh Pago.) LINCOLN'S FACE ON CHECK FOR DAVIS Unlque Clrcumstance Assocl atlng LIncoln and Davls Singularly. Very ourloua thlnga happon aometlmes and glva foundutlon to the atatoment that trulh la atranger than flctlon. A cashler of ono of tho Rlohmond banks waa yeaterday calleil aipon to go through tho form of passlng upon tha valuo of a cheok for $10, drawn upon the LIncoln Bank, of 8t. l^iula, whlch bore tho faoe of Abraham Llnooln on lt and whloh was made payable to tho Jef forson Davla Mouuniont Aasoclatlon, If not dlrootly, lt waa drawn for tho pur poso of contrlbutlng to tho orectlon of a monument to Presldent Dayla. Tha cashler looked at tho check, underatjjod, smlled and wondorod wliat Abo T.lncoln would say If he could kuow that hls plo iure was belng used to dlgnlfy a subscrlp tlon to u fund for perpotuatlng the inom ory of Mr. Pavle. The check was probably sent by a Vlrglnlan who Is now llvlng In St. I-oula, nnd thoro uro many of theso. No one has yot suggested that tho choclt ought to be be.Muso it-boro tho llke u?_. ot Mr. Uuc?^_v THRONGS CREETED PRESIDENT DIscussed Monroe Doc trlneBeforeBIg Crowd HALL PACKED FAR BEYOND CAPAGITY Doors, Halls. and .Lobblei; Jammed Wlth. People. BANQUET TENDERED BEFORE THE ADDRESS One Hundred and Flfty Gueata Preaent Besldea the Presldent and Hla Party?Mr. Roosevelt'a Speech Waa Vlgoroualy Applauded Throughout lta Dellvery and at Close. (By Aaaoclated Preaa.) '' CHICAGO, ? ILil,., Aprll 2.?SIx thouaandi people ln a hall, the soatlng capaclty-of:. whlch ls but flve thouaand, gave onthual* '? astlc greetlng to Presldent Rooaevelt whort ho atepped upon the stago of'the audi? . torlum to-nlght. Tho groat bulldlng haaj. held many a throng, butnever one thaf was jao hearty and unstlntod ln lta apv.0 plause for,any man, as the crowd tha< : fllled lt to-nlght. From tho flrat flootf to the roof, lt was packed to lta utmost' dapnclty. Every soat waa occupled, nndN although tho jOisles were kopt'cleor, all. tho spaco ln tho lobbles and on tho stalr-i '.<[ ways was taken, and even the passage- '?"= waysleadlng to tho hall from tholbwery floor, woro Jammed wlth hundreda of. ? men, who were utterly unable to hear.'-, a word of the Prcsldont's addreso. "When the Presldent, escorted by'thb.' mombors of the local commlttee, appear- ^ ed on the" platform, -he..'waa. mpt-;wltrf\ great enthuslnsm, the vaat crowd rlslng'*1 to lta feet and supplomentlng itBvheai'ty -."? cheers wlth wnvlng programmes and-.' flutterlng handkerohtefs. The Presldoiic : acknowledged hls reception wlth. repqat-.;, od bows, and at otico! took- hls. ricuL--.he--,'? tween Franklln MncVengh, tho chnlrman of tho commlttee,--and Mayor Harrlson, who was to dollver tho formal addross of welcome. As soon as. hla volce could be hoard, Mr. MacVoagh ln a fow words, announced that tho natlon's Chlef Executlvo would</. bo made welcome to the clty by Mayor/'. Harrlson, who thon spoke brlefly, extend Ing to the Prosldont hearty welcome and oxpresslng the ploasuro folt by the neo- ! plo'of Chlcn'go at his vislt, and offer- , ing hlm thelr bost wlshes for a happy;- > and plonsant trlp durlng hla two nionths'v, vacatlon. Tho Presldont bowed hls thank.T to'1-.' Mayor Harrlson, and to Mr. MucVonghi who mtroduced. to hls audionco, and ox pressed hla pleasuro at tho oordlal recei> tlon oxtonded to hlm upon the flrat stop' of hls long trlp and thon turnlng dl roctly to tho audionco In front of him/"^ proceeded In hls peouliarly energetlc man nor to dollver hls addross. The addresa throughout was recoived ln a most cor- - dlal munner. PRESIDENT'S SPEECH. Tho addross was as follows: Mr. Chnlrman, Lmdles and Gentlemen; To-dny I wlsh to speak to you, ' np| , merely about 'the Monroe dootrlne, bin i nboat our entlro posltlon in the Westorn, . Heral*jiher3--a posltlon bo peoullar and predominant that out of' lt has grown tha acCoptaneo of tho Monroe doctrlno as a cardlnal foaturo of our forolgn ppll-. cy; and in parllcuhir I wlsh to polnt oiit what has boen dono durlng the llfetlme of tho laat Congross to make good our posl? tlon ln accordance wlth thls hlstorid polloy. ; . ,. Ever slnce tho tlme whon we deflnltely. oxtendod our boundaries -westwnrd to", tho Paclllc nnd southward to the Gutf. h'iico the time whon tho old Spnnlsh nnd PortuguoKO oolnnle-i to tho south pl '>. u.s nsserted t'h?>lr Independonee, our No,. . tlon hSH Insisted that becouso of lts prl macy ln strength among tho natlons of tho Wostorn Homlsphero it has coftatti dutlos and rosponslbllltles whlch obltatf lt Ta tnko a leadlng part thoreon. W< hold that our tnterrsta ln thls hemlspher^ - aro Breat?r thnn those of ?ny Europonrf power posslbly enn bo, nnd that our dutj to ourselveB nnd to tho wealwr repiitx - lics who are our nelghbora requlres \u, to soo that nono of tho great mllltar/ powers from ncross the serm shall en? orbadi upon th? terrltpry of the Amerl< enn nepubllcs or nequl're cont.^l thqro^ ovor, Thls polloy, th'arofore, not only forbld* us To noqulesow ln such torrltorlal acqulaN; tlon, but nlso caiikes us to object to th* ncqulromont of a control whlch would tn lts offoo* be equal to terrltorlnl aggran^ dlzemont. Thls la why tho Unlted B^atea haa steadlly bellovod that tho construo tlon of tho great Isthmlnn Canal,, tho , bulldlng of whlch Is to etnnd as the grent ost matorlal foat of the twentloth con tury?greater than any simllar fo*t ln .' any procodlng century~s?>ould be tlone by no forolgn natlon, but by oursolyca. Tho cannl must of nocoaslty go through tho torritory of ono of our amollor alnter republics. We have boen acrupulotwly capeful to abataln. from porpetratlng nVy wrong upon any of theso ropubllci lnS> thla mntjer. Wo do not Trlsh to inter- *' foro wlth thelr rlghta In the lecat; byt, whlle rarefully aafogunrdjng them, to bulld the cannl ouratdvos under provts tons whlch wlll enable ua, If necesaary, to pollco and. protect lt, and to guaran tee lts noutrallty, we bolng the aola guarantor. Our intentlon was steadfastj wo deslrod aotlon taken ao that tho canal could alwnya be usod by ua ln tlme of neaca and war allke, and In tlme of war oould never be usod to our detrlmeht by any natlon whlch was hostlla to ua. Suoh actlon, by the oircntnstances suri*'-;;. loundlng H. was iKrqa^sailly for tho ? beneflt and not the detrlment of the ad Jacent Amerlcau republlcs. THE OAl'SE. Aftor conslderably rnore than ha? ot :; a centnry theae objecta have been exactly fulftlled by tho leglalatlon and treatlea of kiiM? i_?t two *?aj_ Two y?a? aga ?*).