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THETONE WASHEAVY Stock Market Almost Wholly ln Professlonal Hands. OPERATIONS WERE SMALL Southern Paclflc Quarrel Kept Alive a Fear of Speculativo Duel and There Was Renewed Selllng of Pennsylvanla. (By Assoclntod Preaa.) . NEW YOHK, Aprll 2.?The stook market to-day contlnued almost wholly ln pro fosslonal hands and there was a furtper 'dwlndllng In tho volumo of oporations. The tono of the markot was hoavy to weak throughout. Tho motlves whlch prompt the professlonal oporators aro dlflictMy to dlscem. The Southern Pacl? flc quarrel kept allvo a fear that a speo ulatlve duel mlght bo proeipltatod ln thq etock market ltself with probably dlsas trous consequences to many lnnocont on lookers. Anothor dlsturblng factor was the ronewal of liquldallon 7n Pennsylva? nla, carrylng lt back to last weok s low leVel. Tho selllng rocolved a renewed lm potus from the Fobruary staioment of net earnings, whlch showed tho exponses ln creased moro than. twlco as much ns tho lricroase ln gross earnings. Tho not eanj Ings for two month's are ln consequenco ove' ra mlllion dollars loss) than for tne ?a emtwo months last yoar. Taken ln oorinoctlon wlth Unlon Faclnc's Fobruary Btatoment, publlshed on Tuesdny, showirig a decreaso in net earnings of $413,4.4, thero is a dlsposltlon to surmlse that^io recent llquldatlon in that stock may havo , been by otlier than professlonnl bonr i BOurcea. Tho questlon of tho nctlon to bo . tokon by tho Wabaah omployoa followlng the dlssolution of tho strlke Injunctlon ls . awaJted wlth some concorn, aa was indl cated by the hoavlness of tho wabaah etocka to-day. Tho docllno ln western Unlon haa no other oxplation than tlio progross roported to be mnltlng towarus . a commerclal basis by tho wlreless sys tem. A sharp brenk ln tho local coppor market affectod Amnlgamated Coppor. Tho attack on Colorado Fuol was profoss ; edly based on tho proposed bond Issuo. Largo customs jiayments, doposlts to ro tlre clrculatlon, and somo largo mlscelln neous collections resulted ln an absorp tlon by tho sub-Troasury yostordny of 11,244,000, ln splte of tho government In? terest payablo. This proved a disappolnt ment. The statements of tho great for? elgn banks for tho wook roflected the enormoua reqpulrements for the Aprll BOttlements. A. roflux of funds to tho markot. however, Is now ln ordor, botn ln forolgn money markets and hero, so that tho lmmedlato money sltuatlon ls of ? dccllnlng Importnnco. Bonds were wenk. Total snJcs, pnr . Value, $1,000,000. Unltod States now 4 s do Ellned % per cent. on the last call. The total sales of stocks for the day *fero 306,700 Bhares... iiONEY AND EXCHANGE?CLOSE: Money on call flrm at 6@>12 per cent, | oloslng, 8 per cent.: tlme money, noml nal; alxty days, 6\?@G% por cent.; nlnoty days, 6(406^ per cont.; six months. BVi(u-S% per cent.; prime mcrcantllo paper, EVi(fU per cont. Sterllng exchange steady wlth Rctual buslness ln bunkers' bllls at S4.S7 for demnnd and at $4.S3.76@4.S3.S0 for slxty day bllls; posted Vates, J4.84V4 nnd J4.S7V4? 4.88; commerclal bllls, $4.S3@?1.73Vfc. Bar sll vor, 49%; Moxlcan dollars, 3SV6. Gqvern ? inont bonds easler; rallroad bonds weak. EDITORS' VIEWS. What the New York Evening Papei/s Have to Say of Yesterday's Trading (Speelnl to The Tlmua-DlapAtch.) NEW YORK, April 2.?The Moll and Express says: To-da/a stock market was an lnslpld aitalr and mado a closa ipproach to stagnatlon at frequent lnter vals. Nothlng llke lt has been witnessed 1 ? for a long tlme past. Tho extreme dull ness was uccompanled by weakness, Northwest, Western Unlon and Cdlorado Fuel and Iron falllng 2 to 5 points and a number of the usually actlvo stocks 1 to U&,'Wlth Southern Paclflc and Pennsyl? vanla In tho lead.;<Whllo tho fallure of the'. money markot to; roturn to noxmal tori'dltlous w'aa'.Junxlouotcdiy a detorront I. factor, tho dlsblosures ln tho Southern Paclflc sult formed a stlll greator ln - lluenco ln chocklng buslnoss and brlng Ing about net lossos. Thls matter Is dls? turblng confldenco, hence spoculatlve Wall .. Street is walting tho outcoino wlth con \slderablo anxlety. The Commerclal-Advertlser says: Opera tlons by tho bear contlngent wero resumod ln a tontatlvo fashlon, yet wlth consld erable Buccess, In to-day's markot. The pressure, however, was conflned malnly to a few stocks whlch, for ono reason or another, were thought to bo moro vulner able thun tho rtai. A'gother largo de orease in the Pennsylvanla not oarnlngs reported: for February encouraged a fresh attack on that stock, whlch carrled lt down a polnt and a half from last nlght's flnal. Thero was also somo desultory ralding of Now York Contral and tho Wabaah etocks. Tho Bharpest declln'es, however, >ccurred among somo of tho loss im kortant Issues, such as Western Unlon tnd Colorado Fuel and Iron. Theso woro kasos whero spoculatlve holders who had nanaged to hold their own whllo the gen ?ral downward movement was in progress kuocumbed when thelr Issues wero select Ed aa speclal objocts of attack. Prlces foll back slowly, ? but very stondlly, throughout the sesslon. Solllng, as a rule, was llght and orlg-lnated almost wholly in professlonal quarters. But the dlscour aglng fact was tha entlro absence of any deslro to buy. So far as outsldo news was concornod, it was not partleularly otlmulatlng. Tho banks lost heavlly apain to tne sub-Treasury; thoy are IndeVtQd now for tho week so far. to tho oxtent of Jl.000,000. Abrond tho markets found now cause for depresslon ln, the latest ebullltons In Macodonia, nnd Ixindon ro prOBentativos agaln sold In the local. Probably, however, tho most effectlve check upon tho speculativo deallngs was the uncertalnty of the outsomo of tho Southern Paciflo hearlnB at Nnshvllle. Oplnlon ln nmny quartera of Wall Stroet ls strong that nothlng ran bo dono ln tho market untll thls Incldent ls out of tho way. Tho market olosod heavy, but tho trading was too small to mako lt seern woak. In a number of tho leadlng stocks Veslstanco to the tlccllno could be said to nave been very good, Tlio Evonlng Post says: Attentlon was somewhat dlverted to-day from prlces on the Stock Exchnngo to prlces ln the motnl trade. A ratlier sharp docllno ln Copper?soinothlnK" llke %c. per pound? AttratU-d attentlon, partly because of tho mysterious rocont moveg in tho coppor trado but bhlefly, perhaps, because t.hls Is the flrst notownthy cheek to tho rlso In the prleo slnce the upwanl movement alnrled, at 12c. n pound, exactly throo months ago. On Its face. there Ih nothlng very extraprdlnary In the fact that tho me hns halh-d. Even tho optlmlgts of tho copper trndi?nnd In thls market thoy - have beon numo/ouB?never belloved Viat tho prlco mnlntalned in tho copper trust's HOMAS BR&NCH & GO (BSTABLISHKn 1838.) MEMBERS New York Stock Exohange, N?w York Cotton Exohange, PRIVATE WIRES TO PRINCIPAL MARKETS. s lovettmonf Securitiet. OFFICIAL RANCE AND SALE OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK SALES: Open 300 Amortoan Cah oom..........?..<. 1% 100 Amerioan Can pfd............... <3 Amerloan Cotton 011 com........ <>? coo .AineHoAii UHiomotlvte oom. 27Vt 700 Amerloan Looomottve pfd.i..., 95 800 Anaconda ,...,,...,......,i.... M 000 Amerlcnti Car and FoUhdrjK... 40 4SO0 Amorlcan Sugar..............i...< 1$!* 14000 A., T. and Sante Fo oom... SlH 200 A., T. and Santo Fe pfd.. 97V4 19500 Amnlgamated Copper............ MV4 SSOO Baltlmore and Ohlo.............. 81 7000 Brooklyn Rapld Translt..... J* 8900 Canadlan Paclflc.... IS* 1200 Chosapeake nnd Ohlo... ' 45Vi 100 Canada Southern...i. 73,, 000 Colorado Southern oom.... 2oH 6O0 Colorado Southern 1st pfd. 66vti Colorado Southern 2d ofd. ... 30CO0 Chl., Mll. and St. Paul,. 162% 40000 Chl., Rock lsland and Pao. 44V4 11900 Colorado Fuol nnd Iron. 01 1200 Chlcngo Groat Western. 23% C., C.. C. and St. Louls. y. 1000 Consolldated Gas.,. 2*Vi Delaware nnd Hutlson....;. Deh, iMck and Western.i. ; 8000 15rlo com..,.. ??? 1500 Erlo 1st pfd.i. ?? 900 Erlo 2d Pfd..... ?3 200 Gonornl Electrlo.* i??, S00 Illlnols Contral. w?4 4000 Leather '???;?''l-???'?,;;. Aif 1400 Louisvlllo nnd NashvlUo. JiS; SOOO Manhnttan . ]?' 1300 Metropolltan ..?. 1J0 Branch * Co,, Banksrs and Brokers, SALES: 1900 Moxlonn Contral................ 10000 Mlseourl Paclflc...,..;,........ 100 Mo., Kan. ahd Texae oom... 200 Mo,, Kan. and Texaa pfd.,, 0200 New York Contral.,,,.,...?.. 2300 N. Y., Ont. and Western,... 1G00 Norfolk and Western........ 40000 Pennsylvanla,.<i.i 100 Prossed Steol Car.,,.. , 100 Prossed Stoel Car pfd. 200 Pooplo's Goa Truat.?? 10000 Roadlng com,...,..,.. Readlng 1st pfd'..,.V.,. Rendlng 2d pfd................. G00 RepublFa Iron ahd Stoel com. 200 Ropubllo Iron and Stoel pfd. 700 Sloss ..........m.m. 200 St. U and San Frnnoisoo.,.. 100 Bt. I* ahd San Fran..2d pfd... Seaboard Atr Llno com.,. Seaboard Alr Un'e pfd....... 200 St. L. nnd Southwestorn pfd.. 9600 Southern Paclflc.,..... 000 Southern Rallway com. Southern Rallway pfd....... 1900 Tennossoe Ooal and Iron. 900 Toxas Paciflo .................. 20300 Unlon Paciflo com......?..' 100 TJnlon Paciflo pfd...,, flOOO Unltod States Stoel oom. 3900 Unltod Statos Stoel pfd. 200 Va-Corollnn Chem. oom,.,.... Vn,-Carolfna Cliom. pfd. 400 Wnbnsh oom.,.| 7200 Wabnsh pfd..,.'..? 7900 Wostern Unlon..... 1600 Wlsoonsln Contral..,..,. 000 Wlsoonsln Contral pfd. Hlgh. P 02 ? 45% 84Vi 24Vi 47$ 66, 181} m 186V 106VS 2H f 69V 186V 60V 924 101* M .f9 m *B4 8Sy 86V 62V 121* 20Vi 46% 84% 47*4 CLOSINO BOND QUOTATIONS. U. S. refundlng 2'b, reglatered. 100 U. S. refundlng 2's, coupon. 100 U. S. 8'b .reglstered.M" ? U. S. 3's, coupon. WSW Ui S. Now 4's, reglstered.}m*. U. S. New 4'a, coupon..ldb-u U. S. old 4's, reglstered. U0V4 U. S. old 4's, coupon.110$ U. S. B's, reglstered.103/4 U. S. G's, coupon.10314 Atchlson, general 4's.,.... ?% Atchlson, ndjustment 4 a. w Haltlmore and Ohlo 4s;..-100 Bnltlmoro and O.hlo 3V4's.:. W% Bnltlmore and Ohlo Conv. 4 b..101 Cnnnda Southern 2d's...lunj* Central of Oeorgla 5'b....-??7? Central of Qeorgla 1st Ino. 78 Chosapeako and Ohlo 4V4 s.1W$ Chlongo nnd Alton 3%'s. W< Chlcago, B. and Qulncy-new 4 s.. -VM, Chlcago, M. and St. Paul gon. 4 a.... 110}i Chicago and Northwestorn oon. 7*s.... 181% Chicago, Rock Island and Pao. 4s.... 106 C? C, C and St. L.ouls gon. 4's.... 1O0W Chicago Termlnal 4's...;... ??$ Colorado and Southern 4s. VfA Dcnvor ahd Rlo Grande 4's. ?? Erlo prlor lien 4's. ?' Erlo General 4's./...-....;i.. * Fort Worth and Denver Clty 1sts.... 110 Hocklng Volley 4%'s....?..????;;.}&? LoulBVlTle and Nash, Unifled 4's.10OV4 Manhattan Consolldatod gold 4 s.Ijw Mcxlcan Contral 4's. 78 Mexlcan Contral 1st Inc. 25/4 Mlnn. and St, Lpuls 4's...... 00% Mlssotirl, Kan. ahd Texas 4's. 08V4 Mlssotirl; Kan. and Texas 2d. 80% Now York Contral gen. 3%'s. 102% Now Jorsoy Contral gen. 6 s. iju Northern !Paclflc 4's. ly3W Northern Paclflc 3's. fi-u Norfolk and Wostern con, 4's. 07% Road'lng General 4's,..... 96% St. L. and Iron Mountaln con. 5's.... 111% St. Tjouls and San Franolaoo 4'a.9&A St, Loula Southweatern lat'a. ??? St. Loul8 Southweatern 2d'a......... gi San Antonlo and Arkaneaa Paaa 4 a.. fm Southern Paclflo 4's......... *?'ft Southern Rallway 6'b. JJg'/ti Texns and Paolflo lst'B. fi? Tolodo, St, _; and Weatern 4'a. 77 Unlon Paolflo 4'a.Jgj Unlon Paolflo Conv. 4'a. }? Wnlmsh lst'B. }!___ AVnhash 2d's....... IWJJ Wabrtsh Deb, B'a. ,Uip AVost Shore 4'a...????? 1J^L Wheellng and Lako Brle 4's. ?p% Wlsconsin Central, 4'a..,. ? Contlnontal Tobacoo 4'a. ^Vi Colorado Fuol .-.. ?* Rock Island .?. ??4 Pennsylvania. JJ'tt M. and O., collateral trust 4's. OjjVS Central of Georgla 2d Inc.? 87 Va.-Carollna Chemical Co, com. 62V4 Va.-Cnrollna Chemical Co, pfd. 121% costly advonturo of 1901 could be roached agaln- thls season. . That prlco was 17c. per pound. As tho low lovol in last year's decllne was 11c., It should bo obvious that the riso to tho prcsont week's flgure nenrly 15c., dioVa good d'onl of "dlscountlng" for tho Cuilirc. Tho sllght decllno In to-day s plg-Iron prlcos may or may not have boen symjoto maUc. It would bo no great mlsfortune [f lt wero. Ayear ngo, tho hlg.n prlco of Iron and steol was presslng hard on every lndutsry. Yesterdny*s prlco was hlgher by 26 per cent. than that of twelvo months slnce, and had rlsen slnce 1902. On tho Stock Exohango prlces ngaln wont lower, though tho buslness done was small and the net dccllnos as a rulo of no great conscqiience. Taken as n whoie, tho markot closed at lowost prlces. The Evonlng Sun says: Practlcally all of tho moro pronounced movemonts ln prlces to-day wore toward lower lovels, and ln a number of Instnnces tho days very dull deallngs brought about sub atantlal decllnos. Thus, ln the oarly deal? lngs, thoro took place qulto heavy sell Ing of Westorn Unlon, a stock ln whlch for a long tlmo past there has been llttle snoculatlon, nnd In consequence t broKo rapldly ovor 2 points. Nothlng whateyor, nslde from tochnlcal causes, came to llght to oxplaln tho shorp broak In this stock'i whlch at its low polnt to-day was selllng vory nearly upon a 6 per cont. basls. Thero woro othor ovldences ot pressure among tho mlscellnnoous stocks, ?notably ln Amnlgnmatod Copper Rubbor Goods nnd Colorado Fuol and Iion. In tho easo of tho latter tho solllng was verv cloarlv based upon the expected new Issu'e ot addltlonnl convertlble bonds, but It was not easy to.nsslgn speclflc roaaona for tho othor movnm'ents. ' ,'? ' , ln tho rallway. lls't. dacllnes whlch woro In oxcess of 1 polnt took place In.-.a-num ber of stocks, onses ln polnt belng Catm dlan Paclflc, New York Contral, Ponnsyl vanla. Wabaah profcrred and Southern Whlle tho money markot contlnued very flrm and actlvo,' and whllo the day s In telllgonce wlth respect to tho labor sit uaton In varlous directlons was naturnl lv dlsconcertlng, lt Is probably truo that Fe iinsettled state of affalra fn Southern Paclflc was tho domlnant Innuence ln the dull nnd docllnlng market. It- was tfo general oplnlon thnt the sworn Btatoments made beforo the United Stntos Court by tho representatlvos of tho Unlon Paclflc Company yosterday placcd tho leaders of the Southern Paclflc pool in a posltion be? foro tho publlc from whloh they cannot hop'o to oxtrlcato thomselvos by.the uao of moro dcnlols._ RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Rlchmond, Va? Aprll 2, 1903. SABES. Vlrglnla Centurles-?500 at 92. Broad-Stroot Bank-60 shares at 26%. Virglnla-Carollna Chemloal common?l shares at 63; 10 sharos at 62. ?Seaboard-Alr 1.1 ne preferred-100 shares at 40 Seaboard Alr Lino common-100 shares at 24. STATE SECURIT1ES. Bld. Askcd North Caroltna 4's. C;,- 1910.... 102 ... Va. 3'a, new, C. and R., 1932. 92 Va. Cehturlos, 2-3, C. and R. 91% 92 rVAII.nOAP BONDS. Ga. and Alabama Con. 5'b, 1945.. 111 N. and W. Ry. Pocahontas 4 s.. 91 Pot7 Class A B's, R. C, 1026.... 114 ... Pet. Class 0.6's, R,,C? 1926.... 120 ... RIoh. and.Moek. 1st -l's, 1948.... 86 ... S A. L. Con. 1st 4's, 19o0.81% 8i'/i RA1LROAD STOCKS. Par, Atlanta and ' Charlotte.100 160 ... R & P & R., F. & P. Connee. .70 ;v. 120 Seaboard Alr Llne pfd.100 40 .... Seaboard Alr Llne com.100 24 2-1% B/VNK ANIi TRUST COS. Amorlcun Natlonal .100 126 1J0 Broad-Street Bank .25 %X 2t,"/j citv .*a " Flrst Natlonal ...............100 200 ... Metropolltan Bank of Va....25... 21 Natlonal Bank of Va.100 128 U9V4 Planters Natlonal .100 340 ... Savlngs Bank of Rlchmond....? ??? 65 Southorn Trust Co.100 U2VS 116% Vlrglnla Trust Co.100 ... 145 INSURANCH COMPAN1ES, Va. Flro and Marlno.26 37 MISCICI.UANEOtJS. Amor.'Tob. Co. pfd.. 8 p, c.,100 ... 150 ?Amerloan locomotlve pfd....100 05 06 Va.-Car. Chem. pfd.. 8 p. c.100 123 12o Va.-Carollna Chem. com.,???.100 61% W'4 BAI/riMoTuTsTOCK MARKET. BAI.TIMORE. MD., Aprll 2,-Seaboard Alr l.lne common, 24; do, preferrud, 39%. Seaboard 4's, m't- asked. Atlanllo Coast l.lno common, 126; do, preferrcd, no sale, WALL STREET GOSSIP Copper and Stoel Stocks Affected by Cost in Price of Metal. (Bneclul to 'lhe Tlmpa-lllapateh.) Nl'OW YORK. Aprll 2.?Thu stoek market .jiado about tho tnmest openlng in any tlmo In tho past few weeks and showod clearly that coininlsalon Jioiibbs wero wlthout ordora of coiiHequonue. The aeri monlous Southern Paciflo dlspute made Us inftuoiice folt to a corluln oxtont, mid the professlonal olement seemed to ba rather pesslmlstlc, AMABOAMATEB "copper: Copper sold off on decllno ln Rlo Tlntos ln London and tho uusympnlhellc attltiujo of tho forelgn copper trado genornlly. lt ls sald, however, that Amalgamated Cop? per at thoae lovels has been accuinulated by lnterests who sold a heavy llne of Stock betwoen 73 and 76. UNTON-SOUTHERN PACIFIC: Unlon and Southern Pnelflcs woro both heavy and lower wlthout any serlous preaaure. There waa a dienosltlon to uwalt the rcsult of the Southorn Pacllls oult nnd (u the inoantlmo both stocks sagged of thelr own welght. J1ANKH I.OBE Ca"sh7 at the clearlng-house on Wodnesday $460, 000, tho banks lost to that Instltutlon $1,244,000 on the day's bualneaa as fo'lpw.8 Customa, $41S,000; rotlrlng elrculatlon, $450. 000; miscellaneous payments over the countor, $804,000. EARI/Y TRADING! :?';...:,-y , , , .. Tho flrat hour'a tradlng deyeloped rather moro woakness than mlght havo beon ox peotod, and a rosumptlon of aggrossive solllng In Important stocks llke Pennsyl? vania and Westorn Unlon. Traders wero bearlsh and were helplng the decllno on the thoory that tho market only showed actlvlty on the down grado and merely became dull on advancos. WESTERN UNION; ? ' , ? . Tho attnck on Westorn Unlon seems to havo boen cono'erted and oiuno from a numbre of houses credltod wlth operatlng for tho largest bear trader In the market, There wero plonty of stories ourrent nono of them very probable nnd mostly bear Ing some relatlon to wlroloss compotl.tlon; It loolced, howover, more llkely that; a stock woll known to be wldely held by tho publlc liad 'boen attacked to induce gen? eral outsldo llquldatlon. COLORADO FUEL, BONDS: Tho moro tho streot looked nt the pro posed Colorado Fuel bond issue the less ft llked lt. Tho rallroad proporty proposed tobo bondod was thought by some people to bo an lnsufflclent socurlty, as It could probably bo dupllcated at less than tho amount of tho bonda. WABASH ISSUB9 WI3AK: Wnbnsh Issuos wero woak on the uncor taln Inbor outlook and the absenco of any aupport from the controlllng Interests in the road. lt is fnlrly sure that tho Gould peoplo have not done anyt.hlng slnco thoy advanccd tfiba stock In tho. proijoss of mahlng thelr cohtrol absolutely cortaln. THB SECOND HOUR: ? Tho market ln the second hour wns rnggod and Incllned to sag on very mod ernto transactlons. I/ondon was Obso luteiv no Tnctor, nnd what llttle the com? mlsslon houses were dolng soemed to be scattorlng rballzlng. Tho money rato had some effect, although lt tendod oasior, and tho Standard Oll banks were lenders. /lhe talk of an odverse doclslon in th'e Minnle Healy case. whlch was usod as a bear argumont on Amalgamated Copper, prob? ably dld not roprosent anythlng moro than guesaea. The reduction In tho price of plg-lron had aomo.unfavorable effect upon the Unlted States Steel Issuos. PENNSYLVANIA: '? The hoavy tone ln Pennsylvania waa partly caused by tho dlsappolntlng show Ing of tho earnlngs, although there ls good renson to thlnk that tho decrense ls cxplicable on speclal reasons and repre sents about the last of lts klnd. AFTBIWOON TRAXtlNG: Tho tone In the early afternoon was extrembly dull and tho tradlng was ln too llght a volume to have any real slgnl tlcnnco. Even the. small room traders, who are contont wlth fractlonal tufns, were dolng nothlng, and tho publlc offlces of the local brokerago houses wore almost desertod, VANDERBIIVT ISSUES: ':?; - - The room had a numbor of stories to account for tho extrome dullnosa and tho Bagglng tondency, and among them ono of some important Intorost snld to be in closo touch wlth the vnnderhllts gettlng out of stocks. Tho transactlons contra dioted the atory and mado lt absolutely unnocoasary to attempt to got conflrma tlon. _ THE CLOSB: . ? , , . * The'closo wns oxtremoly dull and fent ureleas. Traders covorod shorts or Bold stock to even up, hut aptirt from thla thoro was no tradlng of consequonce. Tho most that could be sald was that no stock wns comlng out, but on tho other hand tho traders who took tho boar vlt>v sald lt would havo beon foollsh to force sale In such n market. COTTON MARKETS. NEW YORK, Aprll 2.?Tho cotton mar? ket after a verv aetlvo scsslon closod flrm with prices at about tho best lovol of tho day, net 8<fi? points over tho finnl flgurea of yealordny. Tho oponlng was tlnn at an advnnco of OUTS points, nnd follnwlng tho call workod up a llttle Jilgher undor b'etter I,lvcrpool cablos tlian oxpootod und cov orlng In conneotlon wlth forolgn domnnd, but abpn turned oasior under heavler es tlmates fnr tho day's rocolpts and contln? ued favorahlo crop oocounts. Under tho Inlluoncc uf these faotora, whlch onc.our nged renowod pressure from room boars, tho innrkot doollned to a lovol about 2rcifi points under tho oponlng llgurPs wlth the lato mont.hs showlug oomparntlvo woakness, bolng moro spoolally affooted by tho favorahlo r'eport Of new crop pro greas. At'thla lovol, howevor, tho market turned vory flrm, chlelly ns a result of moro bulllsh lntorprotatlons placcd on tho Ccnaua Burenu's report of yosterrtny, and I durlng tho lmlanoo of the sosslon dlH ? played a genorally upward tondency, '1 ho 1 unoxpoctcd flrmnoBB of Ldvorpoo) waa i taken hero aa Indlcntlng that tho traae uliroad wore Incllnod to rogard tho ceiw ? hus report as a bullish documont. Thls 1 vlew of tho sttuatlon was strongthenod I wihon, a mosaiiKo was rocolvod from Wash ! Ington stittlng that the roport Inoludod , all cotton glnned from tlio 1903 crop, whethor or not that cotton had beon glnned prlor ?o Septomhor 1, 1903. Thls naturally made a ronaldornblo dlfforence ' In Hgurlng avallahlo aupplloa stlll to coma ! forward and was rosponslblo for much of ? the day's advance. Anothor factnr whloh oxortod soino sontlniontnl effoct on nearby posltlnns was tbe onnroctlon In tha eortl llcatod atoclt, nmklng tho amount 33,007 baloa avallablo for iinrnedlate dollvory on contruct, thmigh It mado no materlal ul toration ln tlio total auiwlioa. Port re coipta for tho day woro 9,2ti8 balos agalnst 6.M11 liales last year, nnd the oxports woro Binall. amountlng to only 0,485 balcs. To talo sales futures tlmatod ttt 260,000 balea. Cotton futuros oponed flrm and closcd vory stoady. ,_' ? " '' Open. High. l,nw. Clo?. Aprll . 9.$3 .0.83 9.83 0.82 May .... 9.7* 990 9.69 9.89 fm itfimwW w ** w July . 9.63 9.GI 0.49 9.61 August . ?.20 9.28 9.17 9.27 September .... 8,67 I 8.73 8.60 ? 8.73 Octobor .8.41 8.40 8.39 . 8.45 Decomber.8.32 8,37 8.29 8..J4 Spot cotton clbsed qulot. 10 points hlgh er; mlddllng uplands, 10.05; mlddllng gulf, 10.30; sales, 300 bales, Cototn, qulot; mlddllng, 10.06: net re celpts, 0 bales; gross, (1,284 bales; sales, 300 bales; stock, 60,926 balua. ; .. Total to-day at all seuports?Net re celpts, 92,801 bales; export to Great Brltaln. 0,485 bales; stock, .106,219 bales. Consolldated at all . soaports?Not re colpts, 92,861 bales; export. to Great Brltaln, 63.51S bales; to France, 16,016 bales; to the Contlnent, 76.2S6 bales. . - Total slnce September st -at :>all-. s/ea ports-Net rocelpts. 6,070,SS1 bales; export to Great Brltaln, 2.6S6,S57 balos; to Franoe' 722,42-1 bnloa; to the Contlnent,- 2,696,617 bales. NBW ORLEANS, 'Aprll 2.-COTTON The spot cotton market was very flrm to day; quotatlons unchanged. ? ? ? Futurea opened from 5@0 points up un? der tho lead of New York and later galned 6 points addltlonal. Tradlng was neavy ln. July. From the highest flgures of the mornlng thls was a sllght recesslon op a quloter feollng . toward noon. Tho bears all se'omed to havo news from the ooun? try. Plnntlng was sald to be progrosslng, nnd in some dlstrlcts reports were that farmors were proparing to cultlvate,jhe largest crop In years. Thls news was -not at all nlarmlng to tho longp slde, whlch sees nothlng to bo afrald of in the next crop outlook. After frequent mlld fluctua tlons tho board at tho closo showed net galns of 9<fpl4 points. ._..., Cotton futuros stendy: Aprll. 9.73 bid; May. 9.73@9.76; Juno, 9.76(ft0.7S; July, 9,7ig 9.78; August; 9.42ifT9.43; September, 8.72? 8.73; Octobor, 8.34(<t8.3a; November, 8.23? 8.26; Decomber, S.23@S.24. PRODUCB MARKETS. Rlchmond, Va., Aprll 2, 1903. QU0TATION3 WT-TEAT- ? ? Longberry .?} -W** Mlxed . 81 |S2. Shortberry .?"Si "^ No. 2 red.??? ?2 .. .-, Va. baglots.,.70 081 Va. bag lots. 70 @b0 CORN- rn ??-. Whlte (Va. baglots. 00 @o2 No. 2 whlte . Bl No. 3 whlte. B0 No. 2 mlxed . BO No. 3 mlxod. ? OATS No. 2 mlxed . 39 No. 3 mlxed. 2^,-?? RYE. B8 ?C3 NEW YORK, Aprll 2.?FLdUR?Un? changed. Rye Flour?Dull. Cornmeal? Steady. Rye?Steady. Barley?Qulet. Whoat?Flrm; No. 2 red, 79%c. Opllons developed actlvlty and strength thls mornlng on sharn advances ln the North west, higher cablos, bulllsh Russlan crop news and llghtor Argentlne offerlngs. Later it aold stlll higher on export de mand and furthor ooVerlng, wlth the closo/ flrm at u*>v,c, not advanco. May closed at 73%c; July,. 76?4o.; September, Oo'rn?Stoady; No. 2, nomlnal. Optlon market aftor a steady opening udvnnced on cables, predlctlona of raln and sym pathy wlth whoat. It sold off at noon undor small cloaranoe'i but ralllod agaln and closed. flrm at %@%a net ndvtftce. iMay closod at Ol'/jc; July, 49%c; Septem? ber, 49c. Oats?Dull; No. 2. 42c. Optlona falrly actlvo and ateadier. May closed Bocf? Easv. Cut MeatB?-Qulet; ploKled bollles. ?M4ift|llV4e.; plckled shouldors. 9@ 9Mc; plckled hams, n%Hi)l2o. Lard Stoady: roflned. full; Contlnent, J10.50. Pork-Stoady. Tallnw?Easy; clty, 6 0-lilc,; country, 6mYtc RoBln?Qulet. Turpen tlne?Nomlnal at tiOo. Coffeo?Tho market for coffee futurea opened steadv "nd ruled falrly actlvo. The closo was steady at unchanged prices to a dftcllno of 6 points. Salos, 44,700 bngs. Spot Rlo, qulot. Sugar?Nomlnal; fnir reiln lng. 8?o.; contrlfugal, 90 test, 3 0-16c; mo lassos sugar, 2%o.; reflned unsottlod. Rlco?Flrm. Molasses?Flrm. Butter?Flrm; oxtra i cronmory, 20c; State dalry, 17<S>27o, Cheose-FIrm; Stato, full cronm, fanoy small, colorod, fall mado, I6o.; small whlte, fal made, 14'Tio,. Kgga?Flrm; Stato and Ponnsyvnnla, 14% (fPloVio,! Southern; HWo. Potatoes? Steady; (southern, tl,60@2; State nnd wost ern. por 180 pnunds, $1.75@2; Long Islnnd, J2.2C; South Jorsoy sweets,? $2.50ff?fl.E0. P#u nuts?Fanoy handpickod, 4^<ftVt%c.; othtir domestlc, 8@4%0. Onbbnges?Dull; domes tlo, por bnrrol, old, GOo.JPIl; now, $1.M?2.B0. Cotton?By stoamor to Dlvorpool, 12c. CHIOACIO, IM,., Aprll 2.?Strength wns manlfostod In the wheat market to-day, duo to bulllsh fnrelgn advlces,' nnd May closed at l?l%o. Ulghor; May com waa up Mo., wlth oats unchangod. ProvlBlons were lirm, tho May producta closlng nu changod to Bo. higher, ? ? ? Tho londlng tutnres rnnpod aa follows; Opon. Hlgli. Dow. ClQse. IW^Z.*? T? 73* ' 74V, jliiy . m m m m Sent. !..,,... CS>2 69 US% 68% coun-No. 2. ;?;-. Anrll . .. ?? 1"H May .... 43U 43% 43 M julv . 43% iV 43% 44 sopt.::..::..: m ?% ?* m OATS-No. 2, Anrll .i . ? 33 4 May ,..'...... 33% 84% 83% 33% j"y w m m m sopt,. 27%; 87% m ?D? July .17.L0 17.30 17,20 17.&) Botft.18.97V6 16.HTV4 10.96 10.95 U$M?!?.MH 10.02% 9.97V, 10.02% Jifly 9W 9.824? 9.80 , 8,82$ Sopt, :..:..:.. 9.77% B.BO B.77% 9.80 SHORT RIBB-Por 100 Ihs, May . 9.78 9.80 8.72% 9.7a July ....9.67% 9.70 0.65 8.67% Sopt. ......... 8 00 8.62% 9.67% .9.57% Cash quotatlona were aa follow?5 F1P,ur steady. No. 2 spring wI'mLJ8;3^.: NP,; 3, 69(&7Bc; No. 2 rud, 7."i?c. No.-a corn, 42^c, | No. j) yellow, 4ja^o.. No, i onta,'Mf.o.i No, H whlte, ?ir?4?fo<Wc, Mo. * ryo, 40V4O, Good feodlnf barley, 8B0JOO.I fair to ohbioo maltmf. 47?Mo. No, 1, fla* 9,07%| Bhort itibs eiae* t,00A?>'*/&iara7z dry aalted ahouldHra^CbOMd). W.TO(OT.?Vil Bhoro oloar lldei , (bp*od), ?10.87%?10,?, Whlakey. baals of hlghwlnes, jl.M,OJoj* err, oontraot gradq. I11.7MWUC, jPW**. wae flrmi oroamoriel, M??%0.| dalrlee, 14?94o. Eajgs ateadr ?t martj, .giweaj ln oludeA, 18o, Cheese etendy at 13018V4 to 13Ko. _. BALOTMORB, MD? Aotii 8.-rijOl3tV Slow and unohanged. ,Wh?a.t-8tron<jtfid hlgheri spot and Aprll, ,WW?T?%o.i M&y? ttoTRye-Dull| No. S, 67o! Butter, EggB and Cheesle-Flrm and unohanged. sugaivj Steady and lowori reflned ahd coarao granulated, <4,91%._ RICHMOND PRODUCB MARKET. WHOLE8ALE. Thursdy, Aprll 2, Offlclal quotatlons pf tho Riohmond Frult and Produoe Bxchangos LIVE POULTRY. Hens. per lb..'.......?? ? g? ? Roostors, old. io a 1R UuckB, per lb.<). ? [9 jg Turkoyhcns, per lb........... i? w \?. Turkoy gobblerB, per lb. }i % A Geoso, enoh............?????"'??, ?" St !S Cltiokena (sprlng) small, lb. '35 ? ? Chlckens, medlum, per lb.. 22 ? ?0 Chlckons large, perfb.. 18 <H> >? EGGS. ?. <n _, ,. Cratos, noarby, fresh, do?...$ 13 01 14 Other seotlons, froflh.doa.... 13? Utfi Bnrrets and boxes, frosh, dos. w Gulntea, frosh, per do*.-.. 10 ..'. BUTTER. Fancy, dalry packed, por lb..$ 22 ?$ *f Cholce, dalry packod. lb. 20 ? ?i Cholce, .famlly packed, lb. 22 w ii Cholce, storo packod. lb...... 17 ? i? Modlum, storo packod, lb.... 14 ? 16. Common gradea. \o.i.......... i<> ? " LIVE STOCK. ? ? ^. ... Beef cattlo, very b'est.Llb....? i & ?$ 5% Boof oattle, extra, por lb.... 4,% ? , Beef cattle, good. por lb...... 3%? 1 .. Common to medlum, per lb.. 2%?..; .<[ Shoep, por lb............... B..?? ? Sprlng lambs, per lb.. ?? ? Hogs, llve, per lb....;. p%@ 7% Bufia por lb. 2%? 3% VeolB, best, per lb.............. 7 ? 7% Vcals, common to prlme, lb..' 0 ? 6% COUNTRY BACON. Hnms, small, old, per lb..$ 18 ?$ 20 Large, old, por lb. 15 & 17 Now. :per lb. U <9 16 Sldes, por lb...... R 9- 12 Shouldors, por lb. 10 ? 11 Lard, per lb.../...... 10? ? Dreased hogs, small, per lb.. 7%? & Erossod hogs^large^lb..??. ? ? Apples, brlght, sllcod, lb....$ 4 ?$ 4% Brlght, quartered, lb. 8%? 1 Dark lb ....'. ? "S; Paachos, peeled, brlght, lb... 13 #14 Peoled, dark, por lb.,. 10 ? U Unpeoled, lb... ,? S .9 OherrleB, pltted, lb. 13 ? ? Blackborrfes. por lb. 6 ra 7 Whortleberriee, lb. u> @ 10 Raspberrles, lb.,. 16 (8> *7 WOOL. ?, nJ Tub-washed. froe of burrs, lb/? 23 &% 24 Unwaahod, free or burs, lb.... 18 ? ia Burry. per lb?2?6c. lb. leas. HIDES. Dry fllnt, No. 1, per lb.$ 12 Dry salt, No. 1, por lb... 10 Grecn salt, No. 1, per lb. 6% Oreen, No. 1, per lb. 6% GIute'tPOrlb---FkuiTS.. 3 ? * Cholce, hand-packed,. bbl.... 2.00 # 2.26 Medlum, hand-paclted,. bbl.... 1.60 & 1,75 , Common; bbl..;;.,_ 7o @ l.Zo Grnpe furlt, per'box....??? ?-00 ? ?? Lemons, cholce,-por-box.; 2.76 ? 3.00 Strawberrles, per quart..;./..-.15 @> 26 VEGETABL.ES. ? Potatbes, new, No. 1 bbl...,..$5.0$ g"$0.00 Potatoes, old, por bus.... ?fe'.S?I2 ? Cabbage, per 100..,...'.2.60 @ 3.00 Cabbage, Fla., por crate...... 1.60 @ 1.7o Cabbago, S. C., por crate.... 2.00 g 2.2o Cabbage. N C, por .crate.... 1.2o @ 1.60 Tomatoes, por carrlor, fancy. 2.60 & 8.00 Tomatoes, No, 1. per carrler.. 2.00 & 2.25 Tomatoos, amall, No. 2. 1.2o ? 1.75 Squash, cholce, por box.2.00 0 2.60 Cukes, cholce, per box.3.00 ?4.00 Boets, cholco, por box. 75 ? l.pO Beets, cholce, per crate. 2.00 ?2.2a BennB, Fla., round, crt, green 3.00- ? Peas, English. por crate.2.00 ?3,00 Lettuce, por hampor. 2.00 ?21,50 Asparagua, por bunch. 10 @ 3o Celerj-, large, per crate.2.50 ?3.00 Caullflower, per crato. 2.50 ?3.00 Egg plant, per crate. 2.00 @ 2,50 bB MISCELLANEOUS. Boans, navy, whlte, No.l, bua.$2.00 (^$2.15 Beans, navy, whlto, com., bus 1.75 ? 1,85 Beans. colored, per bus.1.50 ?1.00 Peas, black-eye, No. 1, bus... 1.00 Peas, black-eye, No, 2, bus.. 75 ? 85 Peas, black, per bus. 90 ? 1.00 Peas, clay, per bus. 75 ? 85 Flnxsecd, per buB.".... 1.20 ?1.40 Beeswax, por lb. 25 ? 26 Tallow, per lb. 6 ? 6% Feathers, llve, goose, per lb,. 45 ? 50 Foathers, mlxod, per lb. 35 ? 40 Peanuts, No. 1, per lb. 3%? Poanuts, No. 2, perlb. 3 ? 3% Walnut korn'ols, por lb. 12 @ 13 Walnuts, per bus..-. 30 ? 40 Ginseng, cholce, por lb.3.75 ? 4.25 Wlre chlckon ooops. 85 ? 90 WIro turkey coops. 1.00 ? 1.10 Egg crates. 60 CATTLE MARKET. CHICAGO, ILL,.. AprlJ 2.-CATTLE Rocelpts, 8,000 hoad; strong to 10c. hlgher; good to prlmo steors, $4.90?5.4O; poor. to medlum, $4@4.76; stookers and . feeders, $2.76?4.7r.; cows, $1.60?4.B0: bulls, $2.60? 4.40; Toxas-fed steors, $4?4.50. Hogs?Re colpts to-cly, 18,000 head; to-morrow, 15,000 head; loft ovor, 3,500 head; average, steady, Mlxnd and butchors, $7.25?7.35; good to cholco heavy, $7.45?7.65; bulk of sales, $7.2Q?7.40. Sheop?RocelptB. 12,000 head; shoep and lambs steady to 15c. low? er. Good to cholco wethers. $5.50?6.65; fair to cholco mlxod, $4.60?5.50; natlce lambs, $5.60?7.60. NEW YORK, Aprll 2.?BEEVES?No sales. Clty dressod, natlve sldns, 6%@9e, Veals. $5$?9. Clty dressed, 8@12c. Sheop and Lambs?Top gradea steady to flrm; common and medlum slow and easler, TJnshorn sheep, $4.25570.90; cllppod, $6: un shorii lambs, $6.7fi@8,25; cllpped, $0.25?fl.6O; Stato sprlng lambs, $3?4.50 each; Jqrsey, $6, Dressed mutton, 8%?11c'.; dressed lambs, 10%?14c. Hogs?l'Mrm; State nnd Pennsylvanla hogs, $7.00. EAST BUFFADO, N. Y., April 2,?CAT TBE?Unchanged. Veals steady, Tops, $7?7.25; common to good, $5?6.90. Hogs? Actlvo and .strong, 5c. h|gher, Heavy, $7.70trc7.80; YorkerB, $7.45?7.65; plgs, $7.25; stags, $5.50(R6. Sheep?Steady. Top natlve lambs.i $8.10#8.16; culls to good, .$6.5008; Wostofn. SSfJS.lO; yoarllngs, J7IW.25; top mlxed. $0.25?0.60; culls to good, $6.25@6.50. CINCINNATI, O., Aprll 2.?HOGS? Qulet at $6?7.60. Cattle?Ensy at $2,50? 4.85 Sheep?Actlvo and hlgh'er nt $3.7ni5? 6.23, Lambs?Actlvo and hlghor at $5?7.60. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS, PEANUT AND PEA MARKET. NORFOLK, VA? Aprll 2,-Tho peanut market is qulet to-day. The only change In prlcos Is Spanlsh nuta, whloli have dropped In prlco to 77%o a buahel Tho prlces aro as followB! Fancy, qulot at 3c: strlctly prlme, 2-Mc.; prlme. 2Wo.; low gradea, 2c; ma chlne plckod, 2@2V4c,i Spanlah, 77%o. per buahel. Blaokoye peas, $2.26 bag; black and speckle poas, $1; olay nnd red peaa, 60e. Peanut bags In balos-68 ln.. 7 4-10c. PISTEIRSBIIRG, VA., Aprll 2,-PEA NUTS?Spanlsh now, markot very flrm at T/Wo.; sollers asklng more. Vlrglnla's? Qulet at 3o, HIDES AND TALLOW MARKET. CHICAGO, ILL., April 2.?Allen & Mlle* markot letter: Country market qulet, but *?~? Allen-Miles Co. DEALERS AND EXPORTER8, ; HIDES, TALLOW, &c. Write for Prlces. ;| Seo our Market Letter on this | Pago. Allen-Miles Building, , ? ATLANTA. OAi . jt^^,<.<.e.?n.?yf;.fi ie*t.-ej*?*ie^tieT*>| VlMAttCfAt. , LARG-S? CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Or AMT BAMK OR TfttlST COMPANY Wfttlfi JOUOTl-Al'LArmC WtAVM Richmond Trust and Safe Oeoosit Tenth and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. Capltal and Surplus ? $ 1,712,188.69 ttanniitna Truata. Hecolves Depos|ta from $1.00 and Upwnrde. AUowa 8 p?T oont int&eat on Dafly_ Balancoa flubject to Chook. ? Aocotintfl BolloltetJ. COrreBpondence Ihvlted. ? ? 3UO, 8KBLTON WILLIAMB, MQWIB D. CRENBHAW,, JR? prwaidimt Treaauror. / - AMES H. ^OOLE^HENRY^. CARELL, VIRCINIUS NEWTON, Prealdent. 3. H. BEABLEY, Caahler. UNION BANK OF RICHMOND ' QRGANIZED MAY 3, 1866. Deposlt your aavlngs wlth a Solld Inatltutlon. Tho atrongeat In tha Bouth Capltal. .$219,750.00 Undivided Profit.$350,000.00 Deposits...............$.,400,000.00 v > '? ' DIRECTORS: VIRGINIUB NEWTON, R. T. ARRINGTON, Jr., R. ALSOP, T. W. PEM HBRTON/^N. W. BOWB, CHAB DAVENPORT, J. H. BEABL.ET. Small ?and Large Dcpoalta Bo'llclted. .... Intereat Allowed. later comforts and even luxuries. Every per son should make it a fixed rule to save some thing every week or month. The "Provident" k the ideal Bank for such purpoHes. All sums accepted. interest Allowed From First Day and Compounded Seml-anhually. 911 East Main Street. S.QALESKI, Prea. W. QRAY WATTSON, Cathter. steady In abaenco of orders. Two or three cars buffs could be secured at elght <juar ter and aeven quarter, but no sales report-. ed on other heavy or?llght. Clty tannera sold small. car" clty calf to Mllwaukee at t-welve half. Roaton advlceB say tannenj apprehenslve of 'labor troubles and will only. buy from hand to mouth. Btrlkera here plckotlng tannerlcB and only will nl low offlco . force to enter plants; no at tempt at sottlement belng made. Now York wlres large aaloa Orinoco dry hldea at half cent decllno, wlth market weakl Llberal tradlng ln unlon backa at ahade under thlrty-two for all welght number ono, whlch lndlcates very dull leother market. Paokor hldea keop dull wlth tot colpta of cattlo keeplng large. Packers holdlng offorlnga at flrm prices, but tan? nera not' Intereated to any oxtont. Car January blg four Colorados sold ten three quarters. Car January-Feberuary heavy, natlve oowa brought nlne three-quartera one car of llght natlve cowa nlne half. DRY GOODB MARKET. NEW YORK, Aprll 2.?Tho dry^gooda market has boen featureles wlth buyera rofralnlng from maklng llberal purchases. While atocka on hand nre not large, there ls no deslre to apoculate. and purchaaea are made Blmply to supply current needs, Jobbors' trade has been a llttle more brlsk,- owlng to tho better weather con dltlons. NAVAL BTORES. WILMINGTON. .N. C, Aprll 2.?SPIR IT8 TURPENTINE?Nothlng dolng; re celpt8, 9 casks. Roaln?Flrm at 11.96; ro celpts, 72 bnrrela. Crude Turpentlne?Flrm at $2.40?4; recelptB, 21 barrola. Uar? Flrm at $1.05; rocoipts, 210 barrola. SAVANNAH, QA.. Aprll 2.-TURFEN TINB?Nothlng dolng; recelpta, 317mcn6ks; sales. nono; oxports, 112 caaks. Roaln? Flrm; recolpts, 1,243 barrola; salea, 2,143 barreis; expuorts. 243 barrels, CHARLEBTON, S. C, Aprll 2.?TUR? PENTINE?Nomlnal at 64c. Roaln?Nom? lnal. ___^ COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. ;'( NEW YORK. Aprll 2.^-CottonBeed oll steady wlth ealca of prlmo aummer yol low at 41c. on apot; prlmo crude hero nomlnal; prlmo crude, f. o. b. mllla, 3o@ 2Gc.; 'prlme aummer yellow, 41c; off aum? mer yellow; 88c: prlme whlte, ?c; prime wlnt'er yellow, 4Sc; prlme meal, $20.BO?27 nomlnal. ' ' _ MARINB WtELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, APRIL 2, 1903. ARRIVED. Steamer Berkeloy. Ouy, Norfollc, mer chandlse and passengora, Old Domlplon Une. ? .'?"??' ??'?.?'. . Steamer Pocahontaa, Oravea. Norfolk nnd pnssengerB. VIrglnla Navlgatlon C'o. and James Rlver landlnca. merchandlso Steamer Wlnyah. O'Nelll. Phlladelphla, Po.', morchandfse and passengers, Clyde 'a"6' SAILED. Steamer Berkeley. Guy, Norfolk, mer chundlso- and passengers, Old Domlnlon Une. : PORT NEWPORT NEWS, APRIL 2, 1903. ARRIVED. Steamer Elawlok House, New Orleans. Steamer Iran, Boaton._ 3AII.ED. Steamer Elswlck House, Rotterdam. ' Schooner Auguatus Hunt, Portland. Schooner Frank T. StlnBon,- Boaton. Schooner H. T, Hayward. Galveston. Schooner Geo, A. McPadden, Bnngor. A Out In Iron. (Spoolal to Tho Tluiea-Dlanntch.) PITTSBURG, PA? Aprll 2.-Orders for Bossemer iplg-lron, booked for the flrat alx months of tha current year, were gen eraly at $21 per ton. but for the aecond half of tho year booklngs .have been mado at $20 a ton. Other Gia.tos have ahown a proportlonate decllno. Oonsumers are now buylng aa necosslty demands, and aro evldently. holdlng off to take advan tage of any further recessions ln prices, The deollne has boen account'ed for to some extent by the feet that tho Unlted States Steol Corporatlon falled to make eontracts, wlth outslde furnace men for approxlmately 1.40,000 tons of Bessemer pig, as waa contempltaed earller ln the year, The corporatlon, however, could not come to anagreement wlth the Bessemer assoolatlon aa to nrloeB, and negotlatlona fell through. In the meantlme the cor? poratlon ls ruBhlng work on several blast furnacos that should be ciompleted dur? lng the year, and.some of them wlll probably be blown ln wltliln tho next few months. The oomblnod otitput of theso now furnacea ia 'eatimated at 1.760,000 tona. Thls, )t (a belleved, wlll more than BUPPly the requlrementa of the oorporatlon for aome tlme tio come. Ihe market ahows no falllng off ln- tho di-mand for elther tho raw or llnlshed ?prr.duct, and ln. the caao of steol sheots the domand haa ln creased and prlcea have not only stead led, but show a tendc-ney to ndvance. Thero ls also a probabliiiy that tho coke supply wlll be larger than heretofore, and tho one serlouu foaturo of the outlook ia the poaslble lnabillty of tho rallroads to meet the demand for transportatlon. Stlll Considerlng, The Senate Commlttees on Roads and Courta ot Justjco held u jopy; oonfarenoe agaln laat nlght and further conoldered the oorporatlon measures ln exeoutlvo aeaalon. No ponolutilona were reached, nnd It wlll take Bevornl pmor meotlnsa t<3 copipiota tbe worit, 1 RICHARD W. MAURY Banker and Broker. 1015 E.Maln St. Riohmond. Va. Bondi and Stooht Bought and Sold for Caih or Cirrlod on the Moit Favorablo Tormi. Inmtment Soourltles a Speolally. 'Phone 366. , ? ' - .-* JONN L. WILLIAMS & SONS BANKERS, Dealere ln RICHMOND, VJL, SOUTHERN INVESTNENT SECURITIES. MUNICIPATj'BONDS A SPECIALTY. Correspondence lnvited. Vlrglnla Contury Bonds, Rlchmond City j, Bonds,-Chemlcal preforred and c'ommon stock, bought and sold for cash or or. ? margln. , WYNDHAM BOLLING & BRO. BOTH 'PHONEB 412, No, 1018 E. MAIN. MAY COTTON PRICE JUMPED 14 POINTS Excltement Caused Among Bears Who Sold Short on Wednesday. (lty AaaoclnteU l'rraa.) NEW YORK, Aprll 2.?The price of May cotton on the Cotton Exchange waa forced up 14 points tb-da'y, and consld erablo excltement. lollowed among the bears,. who sold short yestorday on tha government ostlmate. May roso v from 9.73 to 9.87, but thero was a break.then eased off and roso again to 9.86, The'aavanco.followed an ofllclnl stnte ment from Washlngton to tho eftect that yesterday's government report Incjuded all cotton glnned from tho growth of 1908 and also glnnors" ostlmatos of the cjuan tlty remnlnlng to bo ginned from tha growth of 1902. Many had token lt for grantod tliiat yostorday's government re? ? port lnoluded no cotton of last year % growth glnned before Soptomber ist,. the boglnnng of tho cotton statlstloa year, As about 200,000 bales of last yoar's croj had been glnned before September, no. cordlng to popular ostlmatos, tho roport, whlch yeaterday was rogarded as bearlah, became a bullfsh factor nnd a vlgorou* omiuid for all classes of buyors sot In, MaT short" were practlculnrly anxlouj Vo cover, and it was not J?W^(flr? thJ market sfiowed an odvanco of 16 to K pJlnts frt)"n the. lowest polnt yestorday, Outlook for Money. (Spectal to Tho 'Nmna-PlapBtcli.* NETV YORK, Aprll 2,-Tho galn by tn? banks of $189,000 pn aub-Trcaaury opera? tlon's reported on "Wodn'esday for the fp-up Hsfeff .rthWoAcr n$ Uuywash'due entlroly to the payment ol t3 000000 on nccount of the appropriatlon for the rellof of dlstroas ln the PhlllPr ^Tha sub-Treasury has been authprlsooj tnVeoelva depoalts of $1,200,000 for tho ro. fremenrof bank olrculatlon ln Aprll, of whle i $450,000 has a ready beon pald ln, Custpms are usually smaller ln Aprll than ln March nnd so are collectlons of intenial rovenue. whllo the expondltureaj of the government are largor, Thero Js no posslblllty, however, the banks galnlng upon sub-Treasury opera? tlons for the month, but the loss will be |"b sthan In either March or Fobruary. Tha galn ln reeervo this month mu*% oomo, ns it always does nt thls aoaBon, from morcnntllo remlttanees to New YThrouRh theso no emall part of the losses of (he hunks by tho paymont of customs will bo made good, fpr the price to the Jobher6 and- retailers of tinported merchandlse lncludes tho dutles pald by, ' "i ., .