Newspaper Page Text
OK MINIMUM OENT OHARGE i 25G0I..S, WORD. CaihlnAdvmei TRESEARETHEWQNDER WORKING WANT ADS. THAT BRINQ BREATEST RESULTS. MINIMUM OMMI 26 Gtirtt, Oiihln*(hnnct OHE OUT I WORO. MBI.P WATTrBD-PBMA-i. wTnt'edTtwo ASSIBTANT "MlUA; ' N_!U? ttt JA8. DONALD & CO.'S, 3 W. Broad Btreot. _ ' WANTED, A 8ETTLED WHITE W0-' MAN for-cooklng nnd house oleanlng, wlthout Inoumborancej good wagea. Ad dreaa, by lettor, L., Qaro thla offlce. WANTED, A dOOD COOK, ALSO A NURSE, whlto or oolored, for a chlld throe yeara old: roforeneoa requlred. Apply at No. lOQJ Floyd Avenuo. "wANTBD. 'A REFINED_ YOUNG (wJilte) WOMAN, not under 26, aa nurae for infant; referonCea roqulred, Ad droas Mra. WM, BLOANE, Bouth Nor? folk, Va._ . .WaNTED, LADIE8 TO MAKE NECK woar from aample; experlonco not nepea aary; atoady work; good pay. Sond Bolf ftddreaaed atamned rnvelopo. ? IDHAIj MFG. CO., 608 "VVoat 133d St., Now York. 8ITUATION8 WANTED? FEMALE, .WANTED, RY A WELL-EDUCATED lady, a posltlon ln a buslness houso or offlce; she Is very qulok at flgures. Ad dresfl EMPLOYMENT, 410 Pearl Street, Lynchhurg, Va. i_ .WANTED, AT ONCE. POSITION BY an cxporlenced lady atenographcr, with food rcforencca. Addroaa Mlas J., caro hla .offlco, -_:_- ' LADY OF EXPER1ENCE DESIRE8 posltlon durlng aummer months or by fall; teacher of Engllsh, Matnematics, French, Collathonlcs, Piano, Banjo, Guf tar and Fancy Work. Addresa CABLE, Carrollton, Va,_ HELP WANTED?MALB. B WJ WANTED, PIIESSMAN. APPLY AT once MOOBB BROS. COMPANY, Lynch burg, Va. _____ WANTED, HAND DRILLERS. BLEDG era and Block Makers. Apply DELA WARE GRANITE & MINING COM PANY._ .,______ PRINTER WANTED;. STEADY EM? ploymont to good, aober, rellab|e man; aui lncompetent man will be dlaobarged Immedlatcly; st?l?C wages ?, wantedo' GEORGE VAN HORN, HarrlsOnburtf,] Va. . ? f ' ' ' ' ? ? \ WANTED, MAN ON SMALL FARM: ' one who underatanda farmlng and truok Ing: good home for rlght man. Apply JO S. A. ALLEN, Cralgton Road, throe mlles from Rlchmond._ WANTED, FOR THE U. 8. ARMY: Able-, bodlcd, unmarrlfcd men. betweon nges of a i.nd.35, cltlzons of Unlted States, of good Character'and tomperate hablta, who can apeak,' read and wrlte Engllsh. For Infor ' iatlon appy to RECRUIT1NG OFF1CER. 10'East Hroad Btreet. Rlchmond, Va. ; tVANTED, A 8ETTLED MAN TO COL loct and aollcit for furnlturo lnstall ment houae; muat havo good refer ence as to honeatyand attentlveneas to buslness; wo pay small salary and com mlaBlon; a good opporfunlty for rlght party. Call 302 Weat Broad Btreet rANTED?FIR S T - OL A S 8 BOIUteR - MAKERS AND >IRON SHIPBUIDERS ? union or non-union; steady work; pre vailing rates of wages at New; Tork. Now Yirk Mital Tradti Asitolatlon, "730Cprilandt St., New York City. 8ITUATIONS WANTED? MALE. BXPBRIENCED MERCHANDI8E clork and asslstant book-keeper wanta posltlon at once; roforence from laat employer. Addresa V. W. PUGH, care J. A. D. & Son., Doggara, Va._ WANTED, POSITION AS ASSISTANT book-keeper or offlco work by young man of soveral yeara' experlence; can furnlsh gllt-edge roferences; strlctly temperate. Addresa "B.," care thls of? flco. ^^___________"' ' WANTED. A POSITION AS 8TENOG rapher, book-keeper. clty aalesman. V gonernl offlco man; best refererrea glven; slx yoara' experlence. Addreas ENERGrETIC, care thls.offlce. WANTED. BY A GRADUATE OF THE Unlvorslty of VIrglnla, wlth many yeara: experlence, a. posltlon aa aunerin tendent or prlnclpal of publlo achpola; ?tate salary pald. Addross TEACHER. caro thls offlce. ' &__* DXPERIENCED HOTEL MAN. ?wlth a lot of good help. is open.for aum-? iner cmployment, Addross MANAGER. e*re Hotel, Jackson. Springs, N. C. WANTED. posiijqn by stbnogra pher and typewirlter; capable'of hand .fing correspondence; wllllng to as'slst book-keeper, do gonoral offlce or olerl eal work; experlenced, capable and ac icurate; own machlno. CAPABLE, thla offlco. \_ " 8a"lesme7Twantec. BALESMEN-SIDE LINE, PAY8 HOtSl and clgar money every day; gooda pald for when aold; pocket aamples. Glve resent llne and terrltory- MAER GUM !0., Memphls, Tenn. . SIX PRIZES CARTOON C0NTE5T N1NTH WEEK. FIFTH PRIZE. T< /'<?' 1 0N? CENT FOR EACH'WORD. - l<? MRS. M. W. GLASS, No. 711, East Leigh Street, City. Slx prisee will be awarded each week for the best drawln* sub mltted, /Illustratlng that lt p*ys ad vertlKers to use The Tlmes-Dlspatch want.colurans. Tho slx prfzes will awarded in the followlng order. vU.: Flrst prlse, |2; second. thlrd, fourtn, flftb and slxth prlzes. $1 each. _ ALL DRAWINGS MUST BEORTG INAL AND MUST BE MADE WITH BLACK INK ON WHITB^PAPBR OR CARDBOARD, AND SHOULD BE FIVE TO SEVEN INCHE8 IN WIDTH, Name and addreaa must be wrltten ? plalnly ON BACK OF DRAWING. Do not send lettere, but inclose stamp if you wish drawing returned. Do not fold, but roll, rhen malllng. Addresa all drawlngs , to "Cartoon Contest," Room No. 17, Tlmse Bulldlng. All drawlngs must reach lhe Tlmes-DIspatch offlce not latar than 12 p. M. each Saturday, ln order to be counted ln the week's contest. x Every reader Is cordlally Invlted to take part ln thls hlghly Instruotive Contest. BUSINESS 0PP0RTUI4IT1ES. - , WANTED. AN^NFLUBNTIAL TOUNO man to joln mo ln well-ostabllshedbus lnesa; about $900.requlred. . Address X. L. Z,," care thls offlce. $500-WANTBD PARTY TO GHARAN tee payment of $500 at nlnety dayai wlth collateral ln hand: 26 per cent. bonua pald. or would take in partner. Ad? dress SURETY, care thls offlce. $10.000-WANTED. PARTY , AND CAPI talto orgnnlze an actlvo.. vlBorousJont . atock publlcatlon company. to. speclally ? handle certaln clasaea ot rareqandUval i -uable Manuscrlpts; thls->'.ls> indeed, a rare chanco. and verlly, Rlcbmondjiow offers a unlque openlng *<>? such muoh ' needed enterprlse; Incalculable resources are at command. Address JOINT STOCK CO.. care thl3 offlce. FOR SALE. FOR SALE-BRAND NEW NO. 8 OLI ver TYPEWRITER: ln uae less than thlrty days; will sell ehean to a quick buyer. THE BAR-LOCK 'rYPEWRIT ER OFFICE, 712 East Maln Street, FOR SALE. WANTED. TO SELL A $160 NATTONAL ? Caah REG1STER, ln gerfoct condltlon, for $90. Addresa CASH REG18TER, I care thls offlce. -_? WANTED, TO SELL FTNE HORSBS Whltby. 2:18Mi Fannlo .Cox, 2:20; Flor once Mlles, 2:21'i; Kittle B., 2:24M; Crls slo, out of Mlsa Thompson. 2;20Mi: at COSBY'B FIFTH-8TREBT 8TABLE, WANTED T0 REnt; WANTED, TO RENT A 6 OR 6-ROOM 1 HOUSE, . convenlent to car Ilne. Ad ? "dress, statlng locatlon, prlce, etc, j "TENANT," care thla offlce. WANTED, TO RENT FROM MAY 1BT i for the aummer montha, a furniahed country place ln the VIrglnla moun talns, convenlent to the rallway; muat have a garden and stablea! no farm lng land desired. Addreas "B.," Btatlon A, Rlchmond, Va. =r=_? for RENT. . ~j~ WE HAVE NINE 8TALLS, IN NICB atable, central part clty, to rent very cheap. BTABLE. care thla offlco. FOR RBNT. FOR RBNT-MODBRN 0-ROOM HOUSE, wlth bathl 108 South Fourth Btreet! lm? medlato posseoslon. Aiwly t? REAi. B9TATB TRUST CO., 1107 E. Maln. FLAT8 FOR RENT. FOR RENT? BI3CONJJ-8TOHT; JTIjAX. flve rooms, all modern convenleneea, at 411 N. Boventh Btreet.___ L08tT~ . " LOST-APRIX. 2D ON W. BROAD NEAR baae-ballpark, gold WATCII and FOB. Reward If returned KELLAM HOSPI TAL, TwolUh and Bank Btroeta. ? LOST?LADYS GOLD WATCII, ELGIN wbrke, In Monroe Park, to Laurol Strcot to Broad, out Broad to Graham, up Mar shall to Hanoook. Roturn and recelvo a reward to 11VA Weat Cary Street. " ROOM3 WANTED. WANTED. BY A. 1/ADY BMPLOYBD durlng the day, a small, unfurnlshed ROOM, wlthout board. Address, st,at Ing terms. "0.," care thls offlce._ ~ WANTED, ~~" WANTED, TO BUY AFEATHER. BED for cash. Addi'css J. M. C, care thls offlce. _ BU8INESS WANT8. FUDQB AT KAMMrTB, 110 Nlnth Bt ] MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY REAI? ES tate; 409 East Broad. ., GOOD VTNEOAR, 18C. OALLON. GEO.' U HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Btghteenth Btreet. _. WANTED. DEAD OR ALIVE-ANIMAL8 moved from all parta; no oharge. BICKERSTAFF: 'phone 3398. DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD books, pamphlete. papera, eto., I buy thom. D. H. HEY, 733 EaBt Cary. SPANISH YUM TUM FOOD FOR THE gods at KAEMPF'B, Nlnth Street. WE CARRY THE MOST COMPLBTE ; and variod llne of Watches in the clty ' and take pleasure in showlng. them, JAIINKB BROS., Watchmakers and Jewelers, 912 East Maln. < WANTED, TO BELL 200 BUSHBLB Blackoye Peata at 6o. per quart. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., m N. Elghteenth Street. DREW'S NEW WAY TO REPAIR 8HOES; a whole sole; no Jotnt to leak, no nalls to tear the sock: Mon's, $1] Ladies, 86c. 'Phone 2667. WlU call and dellver. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY, 716 E. Maln. DTD YOU NOTICE IT7 MEN 8 HALF eole, 35o.; ladies' half-solo, 30o.: heels, 16c.; all work guaranteed, called for nnd dellverod free. BALTIMORB ? SHOB HOUSE. 1719 East Maln. WANTED, THB FUBLIC TO KNOW that I am'nelllng seasoned Plno Wood, sawed, at $4.60 per oord: long, $4. A. 3. BOISSBAU, Lfnden and Beverly Bts. POTTED HAM OR TONGUB, 4C. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elgh? teenth Street. 5C. BAG GOOD SMOKING TOBACCO for 4c. GEO. L. HAYNES A CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Street. WANTED?WB TAKB YOUR OLD Watches ln part payment on elegant new Watches. JAHNKE BROS.. Watchemakera! and Jewelers, 912 East ?Maln.v \r ? '? ?:'" _'-_ WANTED. B00 BOYS AND MEN TO keep thelr best glrls or wlves ln good humor by feedlnjr them on our best?the old fashloned Itallan Oream Chocolates; only at MARCHETTI BROS.' STORES, aXK Eaat Maln and 617 East Broad. LADIES' COLUMN. SCOTCH KISSES AT KAEMPF'B. Nlnth Street. VANLLLA CHOCOLATE AND WAxl nut Caramels, at KABMPF'S; Purn and Fresh.: ??-????? GOOD CHIPPED BEEF 8 AND 10C. PER half,pound ean. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Street --J THE GIRLS ARE PRETTY, THB GntLS are sweet, but they llke t.he delletous phosphates of every flavor at "THB FOUNTAIN.?' 906 East Maln. GOOD SALT HERRINGS 6C~ PER doren at GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 North Elghteenth Street. 10 BARS GOOD LAUNDRY SOAP FOR 2Sc. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Street. 3 CANS THISTLB BRAND CORN FOR 25o. GEO. T* HAYNES & .CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Btroet. MISCELLANgQUS. EMBLBM JEWBLRY FOR THE 'NEW Order of Eagles at 8MITH & WEB STER'S, 626 ,E. Maln. ? 8 8-POUND CANS TOMATOES FOR 25C.S slngle can, 9o. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO? 118 N. Elghteenth Street. RINGS AND BUTTONS FOR THE NEW Order of Eagles. Step ln and see them at SMITH & WEBSTER'S, 626 E. Maln. MI6CEL.LANE0US. QUART JAR 8WEET MtXED PICKLE8 for 100. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 113 N. Elghtftcnth Btreot/ ___________ LARGE" CAN GOOD LUCK BAK1NG POWDEU for 8c_ small enn 4c. GEO. L. HAYNES &" CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Btreot..'_ LARGE JAR CHOW CHOW FOR WOj. regular 2f,p. alao, GEO. L. HAYNES & CO.. 118 N. Elghteenth Btroet. i ??? GET A NICE EMBLEM BUTTON FOR tho Order of Eagles at SMITH^ft WEB BTBR'B, 020 E. Maln. _> KAEMPF'B CANDIES ARE THB BESTj trythem. -_?<_,_ IF IT'S WALL PAPER YOU'RB LOOK lng for nnd want tho best at Batlsfap tory prices call and nce ua. F. L. BRAuBR & BROTHER. 208-210 North Flfth;_ . per80NALq; ALL THB LADIBS RBCOMMBND KAEMPFB CA-NDIEB._ DONT DO ANYTHING UNTTL_YOU seo ua. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER. BEST AMERICAN SARDINE8. 40. HOX. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elgh? teenth Street-_? ? WE DO PRrNTTNO THAT IB PR32JT ilng. RICHMOND PRINTING CO.. 1M8 East Franklln Street. 'Phone 2668. WANTED, CLARA, KATIE AND ALL the reat of the glrla to tell thelr best fellowa to buy our old faahloned Itallan Crenm Chocolatea; boat ln the olty. MARCHETTI BR08.. two stores, 908 E. Maln and 617 E. Broad. _ BNCOURAGE HOME -NDUSTRlf. Sulta $15 un. Trousers $3 up. RICH? MOND TAlLORING CO? Charlea A. Sponce, manager, Slxth and Maln._ 2 POUND8 GOOD G1NGER BNAPS OR Soda Crackera for 8o. , GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Bt. LARGB JARS MU8TARD, 6C. EACH. GEO. L. KAYNES & CO., U8 N. Elgh teonth Street._ AWNIN03, TENT8 AND PIAQST" LET^US^MAKB YOUR AWNINGS NOW and put them up whon you are ready; wlndow awnlngs made all 8laea. Juat 'Phone 2142 and wo will call and gtjie es tlmTltes. J. ROSB JONES & BROT, 902 Eaat Broad._' SAVE MONEY AND ORDER YOUR Awnlnga now; remember the hot wave al eomlng. 'Phone 21570 and we wlll call. M, G. COPELAND CO., 10S N. NInth Street Out-of-town ordera recelvo prompt at tentlon. ' ANTIQUE8. RICHMOND ANTIQUE FURNITURE CO., dealera ln Antlquo Furnlture, Brasa Goods, Copper Plato. Ctrt Glass, China, eto.; 219 W. Broad Street: BABY-CARRIAGE8 AND QO-CART8. BUY OF" THE MANUFACTURERJBi Srettlest and latest 1903 deslgns. CHRBMjP & TUMA. 817 North Flfth Btreet Old ones clearied and rebleach BICYCLB8. _________ IVER JOHNSON BICTCLBS, BBST Wheel in Rlohmond, for the money. Only at TOMPKINS' CYCLB STORB, $11 Weat Broad. ' ;: y ___' BOOKBINDINQ AND PRINTINO. WB DO BOOKBINDING. LETTERING and prlntlng. S. B. ADKINS _ CO., No. 6 Governor Street ' , t BICYCLBS AND REPAIR8. THAT'S HTM?JO BICTCBRSTAFF, THB expert?He has one atore, 1803 Eaat Maln. He aells, buya. rents exohangea or re palra anythlng In ahapo of a blcycle. 'Phone 8398._ BOARDINQ AND LIVERY STABLBS. FOR COMMODIOUS, DRY, WARM Stalls, send your Horses to the "Tem? ple" and1 "Madlaon" Boardlng and \Bale Stables; flfrst-elaaa attentlon at rea aonable prlcee; apeelal rates for fanoy horaea. B. D. ? KAY, Proprletor. CREAM PUFF8. SPECIALS?POLKA ROLLS. WBLL fllled Cream Puffa, Snow Balla, Jelly Roila, flllrd wlth the flneat currant Jelly. 'Phone . ln your order. "wlll be. Sohnny on the epot." E. PERKIN80N, Baker, 421 N. Slxth Street. CARD8 AND BILL-HBAD8. CARDS.IBILL HBAD8, NOTE HBADS, etc., rirlnted neatly and qulckly; we never dlsappolnt RICHMOND PRINT? ING CC. 1208 Eaat Franklln Btreet 'Phone 2662._? CONFBCTION8. ICE CREAM, $1 PER GALLONj PIBS, Cokes and Paatrlea ln every atyle; Frults, Tobacco, etc; 'phone 2263, WIN STONB. 637 Brook Avenue. , . home cowronri. UNION HOTEL-HOME LIK_, COM- . fortable, reasonable. FOR 6ALK-BAROAIN8, TME LATBST tN ART WALL PAPBRS. F. L, BRAUBR & BROTHER. ' WANTED, TO BELL COUNTRY PEO ple groeerlefi at low prlcea. All orqers by mall shlpped promptly andi satlsfac tfou guarantned. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO.. 118 N. Elghteenth Street LARGE"bOTTLB GOOD TOMATO GATj 8UP. lOo. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N, Elghteenth Btreet._ OLD HOME8TEAD VTNEOAR, PURK ? and good: full quart bottle for 10c. GBO. L. HAYNES & CO.. 118 N, Elghteenth ? Stroet.' ;? _ . LARGB BUPPLY FRESH COUNTRY Ekpta,- Butter nnd OUL Vlrgjnia Hams. GBO. L. HAYNES A 00., 118 N. Blgh toenth Street. - ??_ FOR SALE, A FINB ASSOKTMDNT OF Grocory Wngona. If you noed Rubber Tlros, Runabout, call to boo tne. I can sav* you money. B. C. BRIBTOW, 19 South Flfteonth Street. FR^S0? PAINTINO, BTC. FRESCO PAINTTNG, SQUIRT .WORK, Rellef Work, Tlntlng, fenamollnp, Blgn Palntlng. Hardwood flnlshlng, eto. For flno work at modorato prlcea see A. ALPBRIN, 207 North Flfth Btreet.' (Only uhlon men employed.) QROUND MEAL. IF YOU WANT GOOD, CORN-BREAD buy pure country wator-ground meal from GEO. L, HAYNES & C0? 118. N. Elghteenth Street. GENTS' COLUMN. i fja<ajwajajMiaa?*aw><a?Aa1?W^?Wi???***?a^^ KAEMPF'S 40C. MIXTURB CAN'T BB beat. OUR PRTDE FLOUR, 25C. , PEIT BAG: wo guaranteod It. GEO. L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Street. GOOD MIXED CAKES, 3 POUNDS FOR ?5c. GEO. L., HAYNES & CO.. 118 N. ? Eightoenth Streot. __r BEFORE ORDERING THAT NBW SUTT como and eeo the nlce aBaortmont at Sixth and Maln, Suits. $16 up: Trousers, $5 up. BICHMOND TAILORING CO., Chas. A. Bpencq, Manager. 3 PLUGS RBYNOLDS' SUN-CURED, Sweet Brlor, Old Peaeh, Grape or Plum Tobaeco for 26c. GEO, L. HAYNES & CO., 118 N. Elghteenth Street. THE GIRI.S ARE PRETTY, THE OIRL8 are sweet, but. they llke tho dellclous ihosphates of every flavor at "THE TTAIN," 906 Eaat Maln. phosphi FOUNI _ 75C. HALF SOLING MEN'S BHOES; Ladies, 60c; best leather; every nalr restltchod! no nalls, no pegs. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOB FACTORY., 710 E. Maln; 'phone 2667. Will call and dellver. Thls advertlaement good for 10c. payment half gollng. Q0Lp CAKE8 SOMETHING NICB, 26C; 15 KINDS famlly Pies, 3 26o.i 8-layer Chocolate, Cocoanut and Orange Cakea. 16a.; our 25 and 16a. Pound Cakes are dellclous, PRINKARP'B 423H N. Slxth._ ~~~~ MILLINERY. I AM NOW BHOWING A COMPLBTE llne of .Sprlng and Summer Mllllnery; nlso ladies! furnlBhlnga and notlons; up to-dato styloB ? at lowest prlces. MRS. JULIUS BEAR, 1423 E. Maln Street. HOTBL8, UNION HOTEL. CATBRB TO R__l_LA-l and translent boarrtera. Ratee. $1.6* a?d $2 por day; lodglng, 60, 76c_and_U raeaae. 50c eaoh. Wcekly rates, $7 to t^Js^edUl rates to' partloa and exouralonlataj ?vorythlng new; culolne unsurpaaaad. _?-.-'?'? ' ' ?..? NOTICE. M^tThTpEACB WILL BE GLAJt) ,T0 seo hls frlonda and citstomers at 11$ N. Elghteenth Street, whero ho, can aoll them grocorles cheap. PARAS0L8. mnrrnri-innrrni-r-r'Vr--nr1Vrr-"^ri-i"--.....--.?.. *.<>>? i?f________l WB MAKE THEM. SCHRBMP A TUMA, 317 North Fltth Btreet, PRINTING. - -,?'?.-, PRINTINGI PRINTING!! PRINTTNGIll,'' RCHMOND PRINTING CO,,' 1208 Eaat Franklln Stroot. 'Phono 2662. SUIT3 TO ORDBR. > "EVBIRY STITCH MADB IN RICH mqnd." Nlce assortmont of Sulta,-'tll\ up. Trousers, 15 up, RICHMOND TAIa.?'? LORING CO., Blxth and Maiiu Charlea! A. Spence, Manager. ??-? ? ' - ... ? ? " '' ' ' ? ?I-'-' ^_SAvVED WOOp. ' SAVE MONEY BY BTJTINO: V?OUll_ Wood at H. 3. URBAN'S.. Sawed Plna,^ $4.60 and $6.60; Oak, Wood, $5.76. Bowa.V and Marshall Streotsv 'Old 'Phone 138V . ? ,.' " ?i ? ??"-<. SAVE MONEY. ?.-? ?ii..1-?m??_. .'.???.?.,.?.?? ._______ IF YOU WILL SAVE MONBT ' ON grocerlea glve ua your number and *? wlll eend n poltte aaleaman to Toju*': door, who will take your ordera and da- ' llver the good8 promptly. ? GEO. I*. HAYNES & CO.. m N. ElghteantB Bfa . - T0WN TOp)C8i STOP AT THB UNION HOTBL. RATES, $1.60 and $2 per day. . ? ' ' ' ?-jf tbas. '.,-. ? '.,;.?;;. OUR GRBEN, . BLACK ., BNQLIS*-.. Breokfaat or Mlxed T0a:,can't be__aM,': for the money. GEO..L. HAYNES 4a. ? CO? 118 N. Elghteenth Btreot. '????_:??' ' wall papbfT -.;;?? jjt: AN BLEGANT LINE .OF ART WAIOi ' PAPBR8. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHBR.,;; TBN DOLLARff WORTH ?OF WAL*;: Paper glven away abaolutely Free.'??}?. humbug.' Wrlto to-day for parttculyijU: No communloatlon anawered , unieaaj . Htamped envelopo la eent ua for rapljV P. A. ARTHUR 4 CO., No. 802 __at Maln Btreot, Rlchmond. ya. . - "- ??? UPHOLSTERING. ;.? " .?-.,.,'..,....,.'.!...,.;?;..;.i '.;.,<?<-? C. C. LBVY, NO. 644 BROOK AVBNOTV Upholsterer and Mattreas maker. Olf Halr Mattress made ' good aa new. ."'Itfi pack and ahip furritfure; alao maM'v Cuahlon and SIlp C?vere to order. ?Phono 1036. . ;, , ?? .' .. .. ??. ? WATCHE8, CLOCK8 REPAIREPT^ WATCHES, -CLOcks AND JBWBXiR^'. repalred at very loweat prleaa. J? WBINBTBIN, 1601 E? Maln Btreet ? WOOD AND COAL. $1.26, $2 TO $2.75- FOR HALF CORD S_UU aoned Plno and Oak Wood deltvared, Anthraclto and Bpllnt Coalat bottOTO prlcea. Boo or 'pnono J. B, LAOY. GET RESULTS A m SOUTH'S '??"?? SUPPUEB THE JHi TIMES-DISPATCH Want Columns JUST PHONE DANIELS (OLD'PHllNE 38) ? HE WILL CALL FOR YOUR WANT ADS. NO TROUBLE SPARED AND EVERY EFFORT USED TO FURTHER YOUR INTERESTS RAILROADS. Chesapeake 7MTBr & Ohio Ry. 2 Hours and 25 Mlnuttt toNorfoik. LBAVE RICHMOND?EASTBOUND, 1;to A. M.-Week daya?local to Newport News and way atations, t;00 A. M.?Dally?Llmlted?Arrlvea WlU llamsburg 9:56 A. M., Newport News, 10:30 A. M., Old Polnt U:00 A. M.. i , 'Norfolk 11:25 A. M. ? , , . . 4:00- P. M.?Week days?Speclal?Arrlvea Wllliamsburg 4:56 P. M.. Newport News 6:30 P, M., Old Polnt 0:00 P. M., Norfolk 6:25 P. M.. ? - 1:00 P. M.-Dally?Local to Old Polnt. MAIN LINK-WESTBOUND. . 10:10 A. M.?Week days?Local to Cllfton Forpe'and way atations. 1*0 P. M.?Dally-Speclal to Clnclnnatl, Loulsvlllo, St Louls and Chicago, 5:15 P. M.?Week days?Local to Dqswell. M-30 P. M.?Dally?Llmlted to Clnolnnatl, Loulavllle, St Louls and Chicago. ' JAMES R1VER LINE. M:30 A. M,-Dally?Express tp Lynchburg, Cllfton Forge and prlnolpal atations. ?'15 P. M.?Woek days?Local to Bremo. O. B DOYLE W O WARTHBN. Clen'l Manager. Dlat. Paas. Agt. N^WNorfolk^Wesiem LEAVB RICHMOND DAILY. ?:00 A. M.. NORFOLK LIMITBD, Arj rlvcs Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Stons only at Petersburg, Wavorly and Suffolk, ?:00 A. M? CHICAGO EXPRBSS. Buffet Pnrlor Car. Petersburg to Lynchburg and lioanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoks to Columbus, Bluefleld to- Clnolnnatl; also Aoanoke to Knoxvllle, and Knoxvllla to Chattanooga and Memphls, 12:20 P. M., ROANOKE EXPRBSS for ?Tarmvllle. Lynchburg and Roanoke. 8:00 P, M..OCEAN SHORH LIMITED. Arrlvea Norfolk 6:20 P. M. Stopg only ot refersburg, Waverly and Siiffolk. Conneots wlth ateamerw to Boston, Provldence, New ,York. Baltjmore and Washlngton. *fl:66 P. M., for Norfolk and ali iUtlune east of Petersburg. ,|:45?PwM., NBW.ORLEANS SHORT I4NE. PuUnian Sleepar, Rlchmond to Lyn.cnburg. Petersburg to Roanokel Lynchburg to ClmttanooKa, Memphls and New Orleans. Caf<? Dlnlntr Car. Trains a'rrlve from the West 7:8.1 A. Sf.. I p. M. nnd S:&a P, M.; from Norfolk U:19 i. M.. 11:42 A. M. and 8:50 P. M, Offlce No. 838 Eitut Mnln Street. ' W. B. BBVILL, C. H. BOSLEY, Gen. Pass, Ageut Dis. Paas. Agent. RAILROADS. RC ?D Richmond,'fredericlce a la W Ta burg & Potomac R. R Tralna Leave Rlchraona-NorUiward. 4:16 A. M? dally, Byrd Bt.'Through. 6:16 A. M., dally, Maln St. Through. 6:45 A. M.. dally, Maln St. Through. All Pullman Cara. . _..?,? 6:64 A. M., except Monday. Byrd Bt Through. All Pullman Cara. 7:15 A. 7d? week daya. Elba. Aahland ac commodatlon. 8:00 A. M., Sunday only. Byrd St Through. _ _,. 8:40 A. M., week daya. Bryd St. Through, 12:05 noon. week daya. Byrd St. Through. 4:00 P. M., week daya. Byrd St. Fred erlcksburg accommodatlon. _," ' . 6:06 P, M? dally, Maln St, Through. 6:25 P..M.. week daya. Elba. Ashlandao commodatlon. 8:05 P, M.. dally, Byrd St. Through. 11:10 P, M., week daya, Elba. Aahland ac? commodatlon. . ,_.??'.' , . Tralna Arrlve Rlchmond-Southward. 1:40 A. M.. week daya. Elba-.Aahland ac commodatlon. ?? __ _. 8:00 A M? dally, Byrd St. Through. ?:? A. M? week daya. Byrd Bt.. Fred erlckaburg accommodatlon. _? _ 12:06 P. M., weeK daya. Byrd St. Through. 2:05 P. M? dally.'Maln St. Through. 8:00 P? M., week daya. Elba. Aahland. *o* commodatlon. - ' _ 6:46 P. M., dally, Byrd St. Through, ?:00 P. M., dally. Byrd St. Thrpugh. M>:26 P. M.. dally, Maln Bt. Through. All Pullman Cara. ,. ? 11:00 P, M., week daya. Elba. Aahland ac? commodatlon. U:40 p. M., week daya. Byrd Bt. Through, All Pullman Cara. --?_*? ? 12:26 A. M? dally. Maln St. Through. Nnte?Pullman Sloeplng or Parlor Cara on all tralns exceot lomtl nccommndntlnns. W. D.DUKE.O. W.OULP.W. P.TAYLOR, Gon'l Man'r. Aas't Gen'l Man'r. Traf. Man r ATLANTICCOASTLINE TRAINS LBAVE RICHMOND DAILY 8YRD-STREET STATION. 6:80 A. M. To all pcinte Bouth. 9:00 A, M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. *.W. Waat. 3:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk, t4:10 P. M. Goldsboro Local. 6:60 P. M. Petersburg locat 6:66 P. M, To polnta Boutfi. . __ . 9:36 P. M. Peter.iburg and N. _ W. Weat 11:80 P, M. Petersburg local. 111:50 P. M. "Florlda Spocial." TRAINB ARRIVE RICHMOND. _ 4:07 A. M., $6:40 A. M? 7:33 A. M.. t?'? A. M., 11:10 A. M., 11:42 A. M., 2:00 P. M? 6:60 P. M.. 7:46 P. M.L 8:66 P. M. ? Excent Bundav. t Except Monday. C. S. OAMFBELL, D|v. Paus. Agt, W, J. ORAIG. Qen, Paas. Agt, RAILROADS._ _ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ?OHEDUXE IH KFFEOX EEB. tt. 180$. TBAIHg IEAVE RIOHMOND. - 7:00 A. M.?Dally. Local tor Charlotte. 12:60 P. M.?Dally. Llmlted, ' Buffet Putl man to Atlanta and Blrmingham. New Orloans, Memphls, Cbattanooga and all 6:00 P. M.~Ex. Sunday. Keysville Local. 11:06 P. M.-Dally. Llmlted: Pullman ready 9:30 P. M.. for all the South. YORK RXVEB MHR. Tho favorlte route to B<vltlmore and easterh points. Leave Rlchmond 4:80 P. M, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 6:00 A. M.?Except Sunday, Local mlred for West Polnt. ' ? 2:15 p. M.?Local. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for West Polnt. ? 4:80 P. M.?Except Sunday. For West Polnt, conneotlng wlth steamers for Bal timore and rlver landlnge Mtondays, Wednesdays and Frldays. TRAWB ARRIVE RIOHMOND. 6:55 A. M. and 6:26 P. M.?From all the South. 3:25 P. M. '- ? ? 8:40 A.M.?From Keysville. . ?_ : 9:15 A. M.?Baltlmore and West Polnt, 4:60 P. M.?From West Polnt n. 0. ACKKItT. O. M S. H. HARDWIOK. G, P. A, O, W. WB8TDUUY, D. P, A? Ulchmong. Va., SEABOARD AiR Iaare Railwav TRA1NS LBAVE RJCHMOND-DAILY. 10:28 P. M. Seaboard Florlda Llmlted to St. Augustlne. ,.....? 8:16 P. M. Seaboard Mall to Savannah, Jacksonville, Atlanta and Southwertt. 12:33 A. M. Seahoard Express to Savan? nah, Jacksonville, Atlanta and Bouth 9:10 A. M. I/ooal for Norllna and Hamlet. TRAINS ARRIVE RJCHMOND-DAILY. 6:40 A. M? No. 34. from Florlda. 6:10 A. M. No- 50, from Florlda, Atlanta and Southwest. 4:55 P. M., No. 66, from Florlda, Atlanta and Southwest. , ... 5:45 P. M? from Norllna and local points. V ' ( cjty ticketofficb. ?Phone 405_1006 Baat Maln B{. THE VAUNTINE MUSEUM TWBLFTH AND OLAY STRBBT8, Opens dally from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. ^dmlsHlon, 25 cents. Free on Saturday*, RAILROADS. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY. _, Beglnning April Ut. 1902, CarB leave corner Perry and Seyenth Streets. Manchester, every hour (on the hour) from 0 A. M. to 10 P. M,, last car U:60 P, M. Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Syca more Street. every hour from 6:30 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS, 60 CBNTS-ROUND TRIP-?0 CENTS. 8TEAMBOAT8. *******+i***^i***++***0*H^***+*'***m* ***mmmyf***ag0*tma0**amiaim! Clyde Steamshio'Co.'! PHILADELPHXA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAM SHIP 1INX. Appolnted aaliing days: Every TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY. at daylight. Freight reoeived duily till 5 P, M. F BAY LINE TO BALTIM0KE 1. k O, Rwy. and Old T U. B, MAIL ROUTE, Vla 0. k 0, Rwy, and Old ?olnt, V, S, MAIL ROUTE. I.cnT* lllohraonrt rla 0.4 O.dnlljr except Buiidny, ut 4 V. M., con, ut Old Polnt H-ltU atouiuura ot Old Day , in Llno. loiivlng T:15 V. M., orrtrtng / V Baltimoro 0:30 A. M? con. North, East and Woat. For Uckets und lnforuiullon up. 61y to 0, & 0, Rwy, und Trunsfer Company, 1000 ??t Maln Street. WRQIHIA NAVIQATION COMPANY JAMES RIYK1X DAY I4N1D. Steamer POCAHONTAS Uaves MON? DAY. WEDNBSDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth. Old Polnt. Newport News, Claremont and James Rlver landfngs, and oonnecttng at Old Polnt for Washlngton, Baltlmore erid the North. State-rooms roserved for the nlght at modoratn prlces. Llectric cius dlroct to whnrf. Fare only jtl.50 and, II to Norfolk. Muaio by Qranu Orohestrlon. Frelght recelved tor above-namod places and all points in Eu.itern Vlrglnla und Notrh Caroltna. 1RVIN WEl$faBR? Guneral , SJ. A. Barber, Jr., Swretarv, 6TBAMBOAT8. OLD OOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. Nlght Llna for Norfolk Leave Rlchmond dally at 7 P, M? atop plng at Nowport News ln both dlrectlona. Dally except Bunday by C. and O. Rall? way, 9:00 A. M., 4 P. M., 9 A. M. and 3 p. M. by N. and W. Rallway; all llnea connect at Norfolk wlth direot ateamera for New York, aalllng dally except Sun? day, 7 P. M. Bteamera aall from company'a wharf (foot of Aah Street) Rocketta, H. B. WALKER, Traf. Man. Now York. JOHN F. MAYBR, Agent, 1212 Eaat Maln Btreet, Rlohmond, Va. DI8S0LUTI0N OF PARTNER8HIP. ____-,.. .uujjjjjjayiru-fnrru'n'j'JiiTri' ? 'VriTf"*.?" Rlchmond, Vn? Aprll 2, 1903, THB PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORB exlstlng botweon I. H. EVANS and E. B. FORD, undor tho flrm namo of I. H. EVANS & CO., haa thls day boon dls solved. Mr. I. H. Evnna haa purohaaed tho lntorest of Mr. E. B, Ford In tho bus lnesa of tho flrm, nnd has asaumed a U?o llabllltlea of the aald flrm anil wlll settle wlth all the credltors of tho aald Mr. Ford bespeaks for Mr. Bvana a con tlnuance of the goneroua patronage hero tofore beatowed'upon tha flrm of I. H. Evana & Co. I. H. EVANS, E. B. I^ORD. Havlng purohnsad tho lntore8t of Mr. E. R. Ford ln the bualneaa of I. H. EVANS & CO., I ahall contlnuo to conc'luot a gon? oral grocory bualneaa in my own imme ot No. 2510 Eaat Broad Streot. All partloa Indebted to the late tlrm pf I. H. Eraiw & Co. wlll pleaso settle wlth me, and all partloa to whom tho aald flrm la indobtod wlll pleasa preaent thelr accounts to mo for settlomcnt. " ,-'.. ?? ;\~ ThuiiUtng my frlonda and tho publlc for tho aupport glven the lnto flrm of I. H. Evana &, Co., nnd aollcltlng a oontlnu uance of Ihelr aupport wlth tho promiao of good and ol'flolont aervlce, I am. LEGAL NOTICES. TO W. F. ROSS: You aro horeby notlfled that a lot of land deaorlbed as follows: Lot No. 8, In the Plan of Robln Park, Falrfleld Magla teriol Diatrlct, Henrlco county, Va., was aold on tho-day of ? for dellnquent taxes, levioa, Intereata and costa due theroon for tho year 1892 to tho Common wcalth of VIrglnla; an applicatlon for tho purchase thereof has been flled In thla offico, and lt anooarlng from the recorda of thla otflce that you aro lnterestod ln tho aald land, you are further notlfled to anpoar hore ln four months from the date of thls notlco and do what may be neces eary to proteot your Intereata. Glven under my hand thla 28th day ot Maroh, 1903. v ' < ' _. _? SAMUBL P. WADDILL,, Clerk of tho County Court of Henrlco county, Va. A copy?Teste: . , BAMUEL P. WADDILL, Clerk. TOR. C. WILLIAMS: You aro heroby notlfled that a lot of land deaorlbed aa followa: Lot No. 7, ln Robln Park, located ln Falrrtold Magls terlai Dlstrlct, Honrlco county, Va... was aold on tho ? day of ? for dellnquent taxes, lovloa,- Intereata and costa due theroon for the year U93, to the Cpiumon wealth of VIrglnla: an applicatlon for the purchase thoreof haa been flled ln thls offica, and it further appearlng from the recordu In thla offlco that you grre luter eated In the aald land, you aro further notlfled to ftppear here In four months from tho date of thls notlne and do whilC may be neeeasary tP protect your Inter? eata. CUvon undor my Imnd thla 20th day of March, 1903. am_Bu _ WADDI_U Clerk of tho County Court of Henrlco county, Va. A copy?Teato: , , SAMUEL P. WADDILL, Clerk. B0ST0CK5 5-ANIMAL AREHjA TWICB DAILY AT i AND 7 P, At. n ADA1ISSION 25s CIIILDREN, l&W, LEGAL NOTICV TO ANNA S1MPKINS: it: You are hereby notl.fled that a lot of - land descrlbed aa follows: Lot No, 11, U Robln Park, Falrfleld Magisterlal Distrtet, Henrlco county, Va,, wae sold on the ? day of ?? for dellnquent taxes, leviea, ln- i terests and cost duethereon for.the year' 1603 to the Commonwoalth of Vlrglnla; j an applicatlon for'the purchase thoreof haa boen flled'ln thls offlce, and lt appear-. Ing from the recorda in thls offlce that you are Interested ln sald land, you are further notlfted to appear here ln four months from the date of thls notlce and. do what may be nocessary to protect your ' Intoreots. Olven under my hand thls 20th day of March, 1D03. _ mi_. SAMUEL P, WADDTLL, Clerlc of the County Court of Henrtee county, Va, A copy?Teste: SAMUEL P, WADDILL, Clerk. TO T. S. WIIEBLWRIOHT: You are hereby notltled that a lot of land descrlbed as follows: Lot No. 15, la Robln Parlt, located ln Falrfleld Magla* terinl Dlstrlct, Henrlco county, Va., waa. sold on the -? day of ? for dellnquent, tiucrs, levles, (nteresta and costs du<\. Uiereon for tho year 1893 to'the Commonr " wonth of Vlrglnla; an applioatlon for tha. purchase thareof has been dled In thls offloe, and it further appeuring from tha reoords of thls oltlco thut you are lntw osted ln tho aald land, you are furthor nottflod to appear here ln four months from tho da?vpf thls notlce and do what may bo np ;A<ry to protect your Inter estn. Olven under ??;^;hand thta 88th day ol March. 1903. SAMUEL P. WADDnJU.. Clerlc of the County Court of Ilenrice county, Va. A copy?Teste: SAMUEL P. WADPILU Ojer*. M. A. WHITTY. BROAD AND NINTH STRBSTi, ?Puonei 509 and 93I9. FLORIST, 109,000 Bedding Flants. Largest Stock Ia \U Soutk,_ ... -?? ?-???ajajaa???fc H ? 1 111 ? v"fc^ * j,v\'t ** ?<Y