Newspaper Page Text
Miller & Rhoads. Miller 6 Rhoads. Men's Negligee Shirts ?*^chMadras Bosoms 50c SMRokiBd that sold uia jiffjr laativeek at 50d each. Another Wiiphieut feeeived yoatowUy aiid ttwy're the best ydJubb ivo eve* flatf ?i 60c. ' TheboaoRisareofexactlvtlieBtiinomaterialaiid finlah that go ln a $1.50 sliirfc. Our Men's Dopartiiieiit people thitik the patterns '_wovettprGttIor than thoso we had laat Tveek-that'a a mattej of ohoico. Most pooplo thought lt iinposaiblo to iinprov? 011 tha deslgmi Wo had. Oood Wlndow Shades. All bIi?b of Stock Slmtlos. All klntts of Shadcs mado to nicasure, Bamboo Poroh and Door Screotia. Sumnier Floor Coverings. Japonoao Mnttlng. Olilntt Mnttlng. Parloe Qrnss Citrpet. Baultttrj lfiber Ruga and Dniggotai rfut^t^r*^ | Social and ? ZPersonai \ One of the prettlost of tho April wed dlnge was oelebratod last evonlng, 8:30 o'.oloclt, at "Shorwood," tho home ot Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Walker, when tholr daughter, Mlss DolU W.'Walker. beoamo the brlde of Mr. Henry Martyn Maglo, 1 the Rev. Dr. W. W. Lear, of Contenary Mdthodlst Episcopal Churoh, offlclating. 'The halls and porlors of the Walker thome were oanvastfd ln whlte. ine xnaxrlage altor was e.rectod ln the front roarlor where Eastor Ullos und sllvor can delebra were massed against a back arround of palms. Clmndeliers woro .wreathed in smllax and mantols banked kn moldonhalr ferns and whlte roses. In the library and hall the color tones [were in glowing crlmson, Amerlcan beau tles and red azaleas making beautiful floral adornment, The dlnlng room was ln plnk, the centerpioco of the tablo be? lng a great plaque of plnk roses wlth a. dellcate tracery of ferns, and tho border formed a smllax thJckly studdcd wlth plnk rosebuds. Prqtty plnk shadcs ln Bllk, showlng through sllver flagree, wero jused wlth dainty effect. ?'.-?: The brlde, who entered with hor fatnei, xvas oxqulsltely.gowned ln an Imported costume of ivory. whlte sllk volle, trlin rnod wlth hand embroldory, sllk lnsert Ing modalllons and sprays of Irlsh polnt lace and chiffon ruchlnga about tho col lar and sleoves. Hor vell was held in place bv sprays of lily of the valloy nnd eho carrled a shower of the samo fragrant flowers. Her dame of honor, Mrs. Clnudo A Walker, woro shlrrod and accordion plalted llberty slLk, with transparent laco yoke, over peach-blosaom sllk. Her bou nuet was a cluster of la Franco roses. Mrs. Thomas J. Walker, tho brido s rnother, was very handsome in a jet robe TLbove whlte duchcsso satin nnd chif? fon. Sho had on a corsago bouquot of Parma violets. _'?'_?'?', The groom. was attendcd by hls best man. Mr. Samuel Loech Magio, ot New York. and by Mr. C. A. Walker. and Mr. A T Rngland. The muslc was dlrocted bv Mlss Mary Willle Smoot, who, whllo the puesls woro assembllng, gavo the following solectlona: My Hoart Ever Falthful, Bach; 0, Per fect Love, Bnrnby; Nocturno in G Mlnor, fl Chopin; Tompost of tho Ueart, Verdl; Eerenade, G'unod; Elsa'a Dream, Wngner; Thou Art Ligo Unton a Flowor, Liszt. The weddlng march from Mldsummer JJlght's Dream, by Mondelssohn, was the fproccsslonal, nnd Mlss Smoot touched tho keys softly durlng tho coromony. cvok Ing that most beautlful of airs: "BeUove ? Me, lf All Thoso Endenring Ydung Cliarms." '_ Mrs. W. L. Ferrall, of Wlnston, N. C, %nd Mrs. Honry B. Watklns servod punch ?nd a quartotte of pretty young glrls In whlte moussollno wlth plnk ribbons, who S ferved Jn tho dlnlng room, wore: Mlss Ma mio Walker, tho slster of the brlde, from Hollins Inatitute; Miss I'imma Walker, of ,Cew York; Mlss Lora Forrall, nf Wlnston, jj. C, and Mlss Fay Honry, of thls clty. ? Among tho out-of-town guests. who at tended the weddlng and tho recoptlon, M'hlch followed, were: . Mr. and Mrs. "ViV L. Walker, Mrs. J. LA.. Magle, Mlssjes .Walke'r and Mlsses Magle, of New York; -Mr. and Mrs. W. ? ? Ferrall and Mlss Ferrall, of Wlnston, N. C; Mlss Mamlo Walker, from Holllns, >he Blster of tho brlde; Mr. and Mrs. N. I, tsrael, of Hartford, Conn.; Mr. Wtlllam B. Morris, of Danvllle, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bradshur nnd Mr. and Mrs. W. JT. O'Brlen. of Durham. N, C. The weddlng gifts wore very numorous ?nd exceedlngly handsome. Mr. and Mra. Magio loft last evenlng for a Northern prldal tour. Their future home ln Rich Viond wlll be No, 122 North Plum Streot. Bruner?Qsvathmey. Tho mnrriage of Mlss Marla Ownthmoy, ?bo daughter of Mrs. Abby M, and tho late Dr. Wllliam H. Owathmey, to tho ftev. AVeston Brtmor, D, ?>.; the futuro pastor of Caivary Baptlst Church, thls fclty, took placo ln tho Flrst Raprlst Church last evcnlng. the Rov. Dr. Georgo Cooper porformlng tlio ceremony, Church tloral doconulons wero In whlte and gveen. The brlde, gownod In whlte, waa attcnded by her mald of honor, Mlss Alberta Gwathmey, who wore plnk. Tho brldesinalds wero Mlsa Bossla Bell Davls. Mlss Jano McCarthy, Mlss Alta Coopor, JflBH lda Chrlstlan, Mlss Lucy Moseley. Mlss lda Bruner. Mlsa IJessle Hagnn and MJbs Abby D. Owathmey. They wero al tomately in whlto and plnk, Mr. R. C. Frazlor, of Baltlmoro, was boat man, Othor nttendants wero Mr. Wlllie Duko, Mr. 12111s Cmnshaw, Mr, Pry or Llpscomb, Mr. Rlchard Gwathmioy.j Mr Judson Bosber, Mr. George ChrlKtian. )Dr. E. J. Moseley, Jr.. and Mr. Brnest Plairi Among the wedflliig guests wero Mra. A J. Carnp. of Roanoko; Mlss Carollno \Vosimorolaiid, of Atlanta, Ga.l Mlss lda Brunor, of ' Haltlmorn, Md.; Mr. lt C. Krazier, of l'.altlmore; Mr. W. B., Montu gue, of Newark, N. J.; Mrs. Robort W. Whitehurst, of Norfolk, Va.; Mrs. Jamea T. Alontgonifiry, of Spartanbnrg, B. C.; Hloonor Owathmey, of Tayloravllle, Mr. and Mrs. J. M, S. Loaeh. of Ingneld, Maps. ter thelr return from thelr weddlng Dr. and Mra, Bruner will bo ln Rleh !old, whoro the Dootor will enter upon fifpastoral duile.i at Caivary Church. Ardan?Rofoerts. gpllaa Minnle Cabell Roberta and Dr. rflcholas l. Ardan were innirled at 8 /clock last evenlng ln the homo of tho >?irlde'6 aunt, MIsb Roberts, of No. 7 East dCary Btreot, by tbe Rov, Dr. Hobert A, Fooodwln, of St. John'a Eplscopal Church. ' Tho brlde and groom left by tha l?:35 traln for Duflltld. Southwt-st VIrglnla, their future home, whero Dr. Ardan ls the eurgeon for tho Tug Rlver I.umber r'ompany. Mra. Ardan was before her marrlago o nurse at the VIrglnla Hew pttal, and Dr. Ardan waa at ono tlme rc-a <denl phyalclan there. Confederate Pazaar. Aa tho date of the oponlng for the Con f#dsraU Basaar, Aprll 16tb, draws ncac er, eaoh mooting aooma more onthualaatlo than all whloh have gono bofore. That of yeaterday appeared to be es peclally aa. It waa only oloudod by tho fooling of deep aympathy oxpresaed on boholf of thoso oflloora of tho.aBSoclation who were absont bcoauao of alcknoaa or troubta In thelr famllloat those who have beon the foromoat flgurea and tho most loyal hearte ln everytblng ' tl#it has touched tho Intoroata of the Cotfflodorato oauao. M ? Sovoral Important mnttera wore den nltoly settled yeaterday, Ono waa that tho basoor wlll opon eaoh day durlng lta oontlnuanco at 11 A. M., and close eaoh evonlng at H P. M. Anothor waai that tho namo of the basaar papor wlll be "Tho Old Confoderate." Mra. Edgar Taylor, ln maklng her report conoernlng tho paper, oflkod tho ohalrmon of dlffor ont tables to send her tho lsts of tholr commltteeB for lnsortlon, also tho llsts and dates of tho' dlttteront entertalnmonta to be glven durlng tha bazaar. The reports from tho tablea wero very entertainlng. The prescnce of Mrs. John Poo. of Baitlmore, gavo added intoreat to what Mrs. John Mos.ely Walker told of lotters and boxos for tho Maryland table. . ... . Mrs. Archer Anderaon, on oehaif or VIrglnla, sald that an addltlonal thlrty soven and a half dollars had boen made by tho last Wllllamsburg excurslon; also thnt sho hnd had several handaome do nations from various sources. Mlss Blnncho Morgan elootrlfled ovory body bv tho nnnouncement that Mr. G-lf fen had generously glven the North Car? ollna tablo four boxes at tho Aoadomy for Easter Monday ovenlng, Aprll 18th. Mlss Morgan also mentlonod tho entor tainmont to be glven under hor dlrectlon for Aprll 29th. Mrs, John L. Eubnnk had just held a Bplendld comnvitteo mooting wlth sub stantlal results. Her souvenlr ? plates contlnued to boII romarkably well, and boxes from Carollna wero stlll comlng ln, Mrs. John T. Hiighes had also had a most satisfactory meetlng of tho Geor gla table, whlch ls under tho ablo mnn agoment of the ladies of Oakwood Mo morial Assoclation, and has nlways been ono of the tables that everybody folt aulto suro about. ' Mrs. Cnsklo Caboll. ln spoaklng for Florldn, sald that b\io had rooelved sev? eral ohecks and boxes, and folt qulto assured of thlngs working well for the tablo. Mrs. Drako roported a great suocoss. Tho concort glven by Mlss Mamlo Harrl son and tho muslclans who gnvo hor such splendld help, resujted ln a fund of $86 to Alabnmn's crodlt. Assurancos had nlso como.from the Alnbama Chaptor, Daughlers of. tho Confederacy, of thelr help and sympathy. MIssIsslppl's chairmnn, Mrs, John J-lnr wood, hnH had addltlonal boxes, and folt that MIssIsslppl's affalrs wero prosperlng. The entortalnmont to bo glven by the tablo on Aprll ISth will talce tho form of a "Dolly Arnrden danco," and promises to bo nltogcther fotchlng. Louislnna recelved $300 from the "Bos tnck beneflt," of whlch one-half will go to Mr. Boslock nnd tho other hnlf will bo dlvlded, Loulslana to-recelvo about S90 for her share. Thls table will aell soda wntcr, and has had nll syrups pecessary for uso dpnntod alrendy, Boxos for Texas, Mrs, Drewry sald, had been sent and would soon bo re cclved. The Texas souvcnlrs, the "Lone Star" of oak nnd wild ollve. with the lnscrlption burnt ln, had been placed on Bnle In tho State, whlch is very enthu slastlo over tho table. Chock3 had come )n frora Arkansas wlth othor' klnds of help, and Mrs. Meado, with her alternate, were qulto suro of Arkansas' future. Tonnossco, the Solld South, and the flower tablo, all had tho most favornble represcntatlons to make. All reported donatlons, aid were full of energy In making flnn! plans end arrangements. Maryland Committee. Mrs.' John Moseley Walker ls chalrman of the commlttee for the Maryland ta? blo, wlth Mrs C. O'B. Cowardin as al? ternate a-ttd Mrs. Joslah flyland as chalr? man of the Entertalnment Commlttee. othor tabln nsslstants aro: Mra. E. T. D. Myers, Mra. Ev. A. Honn, Mrs. A. B. Blalr, troaatirer: Mrs. Small, Mrs. Frank Hiiuslrton, Mrs. Jnmes Patton. Mrs. Frank Woodward, Mrs. Waller Morton, Mrs. Warrlngton Wlse, Mra. Adolph Osterloh, Mra. Frank Powera. Mrs. Wllllam E. Evans, Mrs, Edward Mayo. Mrs, Courtney Jenklns, Mrs. Jamoa E. Tyler, Mlss Suo Spilrhan, Mlss Amabel Deo Ooorgo, of Bojtlmorei Mlss Jenklna, Mlss Connlo Evans, Mlss Lou Adklns, Mlss Mary Bruce, Mlss Mary Biorno and Mlss Sophle Whlte, Tho Arkansas room of tho Confoderuto Musenm is to bo congratulatod ln Its new regont, Mrs. Rufus J. Polk, of Llttlo Rock. Mrs, Pollt waa Mlss Cynthla Mnrtln, and elalms Rovolutlonnry nncostry through four VlrglnK lines. Sho Is a momber of the Soelety of Colonlnl llnitios through her maternnl griindmothor, who wns a flrst coimin of Mlss Dolly Payno, nftor wtirds Mrs. Dolly Mndlson, and tho mo3t hrllllant hoatess whlch tho Whlta IIouho has over known. Mrs. Pnlk will vlslt Mrs. Docatur Axtell durlng tho Eastor Koason. Personal Mention. Mlss Jeanotto Powers, tlio charmlng dobutanta daughtor of Mr, D. B. Powera, of Port Royal, Va., ls vlsltlng Mrs. II. P. Lcfebvro, pf No. 216 South Thlrd Stroet. Mlss Powers has beon vlsltlng ln Orango, where she recolvcd much attentlon, She is tho sleter of Mr. D, B. Powers, Jr? tho popular young leglslator from Caro? llno, ' a t * The Rcataurnnt Commlttee will hold tho last meetlng beforo tho openlng of tho bazaar next Friday at i P. M. Mr3, Wado has rnado excellent arrangements, and every one ls confldont that the restau rant will bc n great credlt to hor and to tho bazaar, Mrs. Wllliam Ml'chel!, wlth her friend, Mrs. McCowan, of Now Orleana, is at the Jefferson llotel, Mlss Kalhcrlne Trlce, of Bucknor's StatlQn, In expected to nrrlvo In Rlch? mond thls week to vislt her aunt, Mrs. N, M. Blbort, BRENT, OF THB BADQER Romance of tlte Ktdnapping otd Oovernor-Oeneral. ' Copyrlght, by PHILIP LtTTLE. CHAPTIMI 3CX1X Now tho hour to leiivo the Bnilgor had nrrlvcil. TJio nlght waa oven more qulet than before, as at thls tlme all naturo sleeps. Bllently the mon went over the alde lnto the boats, and, all prepafaUona ho,v Ins boen mado wlth tbe greatest oaro to Insuro no nolset woro ehoved off oue by one. ; "You wlll movo up lnto posltlon nt about biDO?* saltl tho govorhor to Brcnt. "Ayo, n.yo, slr, I. wlll bo thero a,? euro aa falo, and at tho flrst giitiBhot wo opett flro on the oastorn slde of tho fort Olvo them a good druibblng and my com* pllmentB to that ohap that catno on board, If you should hnppon to moot hlm," The, boata, led by that oommanded by Broughton, Steorod off, to tho shpro op poslte to tlie fort, ond ln an Inatant moro could not be noon on tho dark surfaco ot the wnter. The pi'ogresB waa slow, but nolseloBS. A llno wns onrrlod from tho lendlng oraft to tbe Becond, and from that to Uio ono aatorn. so that thoro would be no loslng ono another ln tho darknoss. . ., ., After reaohlng the ooast on the opposlto sldo of tho bay, thoy kept along wlthout ohanglng dlreoUon for aonio tlme. At last n, tug to port showed the boats ln the rear that tho loadlng ono had oommencod to oroas bhe harbor, and was presumably hoadod toward tho landlng place. Not a word or a sound of any klnd cnme from tho party. All was lntonse eilence nbout them, oxcept whero a dlsmal oroak oamo from a horon huntlng for flsh. Buddonly tho llno slaokod up and tho tnreo boats were olongaido of each othor onco moro. Broughton loaned ovor the slde und ln a whlspor saldl "Lord FltamorrlBl" "Horo," was tho guardod reply. "Wo aro at tho mouth of tlho llttle bay. now, and wo havo but a short dlstanoo to go. It wlll bo ao woll that ,wo all koop t-ogothor at thla tlme." "Vory good; I am roady." Tho boats movod on agaln qulotly, nnd ln a fow minutoB tho bown gratod on tho ennd. _ ... The crews woro qulokly ovor tho sldo In tho shallow wator, nnd, haullng tlio boats up on tho boaoh, allowed tho Oov emor to stop out onto tlho dry land. Sl lontly tho mon ,wero muatarod in alngle flle, and led by Broughton and Fltamorrls, mado tholr way up tho bank abovo tho beaoh. , , , On they went quletly and quickly, and In a fow mlnutes woro in tho thick woods nnd close to the fort. Fltzmorrls, who cnrrted a amall pookot oleotilo lantorn, shot a flame onto the face of hls watch. "Quartor after 8," ho sald ln a whls per to Broughton, who stood sldo of hlm. "I wlll move to the edgo of tho wood and soe lf thero aro any slgns of llfe about." In a few momonta ho returned, "Not a soul," ho whlspered, "It la Just gottlng so that you can see your way about. Just bofore i will bo about rlght." "Very well. Wo are roady ,to movo when you sny tho word." For half an hour or more thore wub sllence, and thon Broughton touched tho Governor on tlhe arm. "It ls tlmo, I thlnk," ho sald. The attacklng party spread out llke a fan, .and moved cautloiiHly to tho very odge of the woods, whero thoy hnlted. At that moment a cock crow lustlly, and thero wero slgns of llfo In tho fort ahead of them. Fitzmorrls gavo a slgn to Broughton, and a dash was made for tho nearest bulldlilgs whero tho troopa wero quar tcred. Thore was a suddon nlarm, nnd a fow nhota rang out from the wlndows, to be instanly nnswored by tho ntttacking party wlth a slmultnneops fusllade. At the snmo tlmo tho guns of tho Bad ger opencd flro on the eastern slde, and tho shells explodod ln rapld succosslon agnlnst tho moss-covored stones, and spUn'tered them to bits. "Go It, boys," yellod Fitzmonis, rush Ing hlthor and thlthor in groat oxcite ment whnrever tho fightlng was thickost. I Broughton had led part of tho men to 'tho back of tho lnrgest bulldlng,, nnd Into lt they dashecr and up tho stnlrs, to the dlsmay and su'rprlso of tho occu pants, who fled beforo thom out on to tho broad voranda, from whonce they dropped to tho ground beiow. _, In about half an hour tho fort was tliolrs, and among tho dead was found the body of the man that Broughton called tho "goneral." "That's good rlddanco," remarked tho lntter as ho stood over tho prostrato form ' "I owed you a shot, my man, and you got lt, even though you wero run nlng >away. Theso fellows will do noth? lng wlthout thls chap, I fancy. He mado moro trouble than any .one else. That wim the way that ho llved. He nover dld any work of any klnd oxcept wlth his mouth." , ??Havo wo any kllled or wounded?" asked Fitzmonis. ??None kllled, but two or three have hullets ln them. No ono ls badly hurt. Now'WQ'd better round up our prlsonors. clvo thom a blt. of good ndvlco, and then fet them go.. Thoy will do us no harm ir wo tnko tholr arms away, "It will bo juBt as well to glve them tholr llberty," sald tho governor. A\ e cannot take caro of them, and now that thelr leader ls dead. thoy probably. .as you snv, will make no further trouble Boforo long tho prlsoners wore lined un ln front of tho governor, and, Broughton nctlng as Interp.otor, wero n-tvnn some good advlco. SFrom ono of the older men t was learKed that thoy had noj.anhr.oaty agalnst tho Badgor's orow, but that the ZiiA genernl had told them that the veasei had come thoro to cnpture them all and tn mako thom slaves. When they found that thoy wero freo to go nnd como ns thoy pleasod, thoy were dnoplv grntoful. Fltzmnrrls, accompanled by soveral 01 hls ex-enemles, mndo a tonr of Inspoc tlon of tho fort, It wns tbroe sldes of) n hoxagon, ns tho doscrlptlon had sald, Tho old wnlls, lOW nnd thlck, wero nlorced for threo guns on tho front fnce, and one on cnch sldo, In tho cnntor of tho enolosure wns nn old houso wlth 1m monsoly thlck wnlls, whlch wns used for HtorlnB nunmunltlon. What thore was loft of tho powdcr was tnken outslde and Tho nttaoking pnrty thon roturnod to thelr boats nnd rowod out to the Bndgor, whloh nnd nnohorod whero she hnd flre'd upon tho fort. CIIAPTEP, XNX. Tho followlng duy was qulet, and rapld preparatlona were puslied forward to get tho dlvlng appnnitus ln ordor for tho suiirch of tho sunken treasure. AVhi]o thls waa golng on thcr captain and Fltzmorrls, accompanled by Made b-lno and Broughton, wero rowed over the spot whero tho old shlp wns sinik, Ba cqlm wns tho water and so olear thfU, wlthout tha ald of tho water glass, tho fonn of tho anclept vesfel waa plaln to tho vlow hs ahe lay half imbeddcd ln tha sand. Try your oounding lead, Broughton, and bcb how much water theso fellows will havo to go through to get to her after dcck." "Plvo fathoms," roported the snllor In a fow momenta, "It wjll be lyery eaay for. them In suob. cienr water. and wlth nelther tlde nor curront to lilhder them, AVe must tnke nilvnutnge of thls weather, aa nobody kntiws whon We mny get a btow ln thls lntllude." j . "lt la near the hurrloane season, flir," snld tiroughton. "I know lt*" answered the captaln, "ahd that ls the reason that I wlsh to wnste ho ?tlmo," "Thero ls a boat oomtng o)it from the Bliorel" ojtelnlmed Mndololno. "No more mossngoB, 1 hopol" "No," sald her tt father, "that ls a wo hinn." Broughton uttorod an exolamatlon ns ho looltod Bhorbward. "May r~ hnvo your glnsscs a tnomont captaln?" ho asked. Braiit handed thom to hlm, nnd. the man gaeed atendly at the approaohng bont. "It's I^ssal" ho exalntmed, "She mtwt have found out that I waii on board the Btenmer, nnd oomo aftor tnt, Sho <nay brlng news of lmportnnae." "I hope not, Wo hnvo hnd enounh for tho .present," trrowled tho sklppor. "Sho handltyj her paddle wolt," orled Madelelno In admlratlon. ,"Bho ls send Ing tho dtigout ttlong at a groat rnto." "Sho han done lt all her llfo, MIbs," ropllod Broughton. "I know fow of the nntlvo women who onn do it bettor," Tlio Bllm oraft oamo rnpldly toward tho Jtchooner, but at a ory from tho Hallor, voored oft nnd mado for tho spot whoro t^hoy woro anohored, As sho noared thom sho stopped pad dllng, and ralsod her hand to sliartp hor eyos. "Llesa.t' oalled Broughton T "Llssn: horo I am, llttlo glrl." A ory of Joy broko from tho girl'n llps, nnd aho qulokly swung tho oanoo alongside of tho glg. "You aro eafo, doaroatl" ehe oiied, wlthout a glanoo at tho othors. "Yos, thanka to theno klnd poople." Sho turnod and smllod her grntituda at tho others. ' "You wero flgh-tlng thls morning," sho Bnld. "I heard the shots and oamo as qulokly as I oould. I foarod that thoy would stop me, .lcnowing that I must bo golng to you, but thoso who woro loft wero glad to holp mo wlth my boiti. But you an? not safo here. AVhlch ls the cap tnln of tho Hhlp?" indlcatlng the Badgor wlth hor paddle. "I am, young lady," replled Brent, ralsing his hat polltely. "AATiy are we not safo? Surely, they cannot moan to at? tack us again." "No, no: you"need not foor thom. It ls somethlng worse than that whloh you have to dread." "What la that?" exclalmed all with blanched cheeka. "TKo earthquako. and the hurrioonel" "Tho earthquako and hurrloane But how ho y|iu know that these are oom ing?" demanded Brent. "ATi, we know too surelyl Thero ls a dull rumbling.ln the wolls that tells us as plalnly as words. My fathor bade me tcll you to be prepared for lt." "Tho Bound In the wolla that you apeak of, ohild. Is it often heard?" "No, not often, for we do not often have earthquakes, I havo nover heard lt before, but my father has, and ho knows that there can be no mlstake," "But wh&t can we do? Is not thls harbor safe?" "No, for you cannot rely on tho bot tom ln cnse of a heavy quake. You must run for the deop lnner harbor." "The lnner harbor! Where la It?" "I wlll gulde you," she sald. "You need havo no fcar. You havo plenty of tlme, and Inslde you are porfoctly safe. There mlght be a tida! wavo here and' no ono knows what mlght .hnppen were you caught whero you are." "How much tlmo havo wo?" "Probably twelvo hours, perhaps less, but not more. The sooner you,go the bet ter you will bo prepared." "Lot us go at once," and tho two boats wero heddcd for the Badger wlth? out delay, Once on board tho captaln gave his orders In a qulclc, doclslve volco. Tho anchor waa welghed, nnd under the guld ance of Llssa, who stood calmly by Mar champ at tho wheel, the vessers head was put about, and she steamed up tho harbor. "I see no slgns of any entrance?" ex clalmqd Brent, as ho Jolned' her, "No, you will not at present, Steer dlrectly for tho blg palm at the head of thls bay. You have plenty of watorA ? Stralght ahead thoy werit, each traln lng tholr eyes to got a gllmpsc of the opening. Tho treos grow down to the wator's edge ln profuslon. Suddonly, as thoy wero wlthfi what appeared to bo 50 yards of a ibreuch, tho glrl spoko In a low tono to Marchamp,' and tho vossel's head swung qulckly to port. A narrow channel oponed ahead of thom ln tlio sand, not moro than BO feot wlde. wlth pnlm.'t on either slde. Mnrchamp fnllnwed her dlrectlons to the lottor. Nothlng but thlck yegotatlon wns nppnrently ln front of them, and so dense was It under the poworful rays of the troplcnl sun that lt tired tho oyes to loolc at it. "Now!" exolalmod the glrl sharply. Off swung the bow, and almost boforo they reallssed what had hnppened they wero In a great qulet pool, 600 or 000 feot in lpngth. Thn englnes woro rovoitsed rapldly and tho vesse) becamo motlonless, "Now you enn anchor," sald Llssa. The sound of the chaln runnlng through the hnwscr hole broko tho allllnoss that had relgned ovor the entlre party. "I cannot thank you too much," sald Brent. "You havo probably savod my ahip and all our llves." "I atn glnd to have boen able to do lt?" she sald, but her ,eyes wore on Broughton, who stood at a llttle dlstance. "ln hero you aro perfeolly safo. No hur rlcane, however severe, can ever touch you. Seo how tho hllls rlso on overy Hlde except olose to the entranco. Thls ls known as the Blue Holo, and at times there have ln tho past been the rendc-z vous of plrntes hero. They ran thelr ves sels In for safety whon chnsod by tho enemy. It is not known now to any ono outsltle of tho islnnd, There aro no p|. ratos of tho old aort." Brent turned and wtnkod at Fltzmor rls. f'No," ha sald. "they are Bniugglors now. Thls must have boen a grand placo to hido ln?" ho added. "I should not have suspocted lt, and should never have thought of coinlng ln hbre to look for tt. AA'hnt do you thlnk of Bondlng down tho topmasts nnd yarda?'.' he sald, turnlng to Llssa dofornntlally, "You brought us here nnn" you must know boat," "l should sny thnt lt was unneoesBary to do So. Tho enla cannot posslbly come ln hore. Lookl Your topmasts do not brgin to reach up to tho tops of those slopos. If there is< an earthquako, of courso T do not know what will happon, but vou will hnvo to tako your ohanoes," "Wo shall havo to do that. You will ntay wlth us, of course. Thls Is my daugh? ter, Mlss Rrent. I do not Hnow you by namo, otherwlse than I have heard Hrougbton call you I/lssa.!' "Llssa is enough," sho replted wlth a smile. "My nnmo Is Campboll, but I would bo called Llssa. If you please." j,Tg be Contlnued To^nwrow,! . Jim Dumps, good Sunny Jim, enjoy9 The mernment of girls arid boys, For them he puts a boolclet bnght In every package. With delight They read the book of "Force" and viiw, Which tells true tales of Sunny Jim. 'S 99 Crocker-Wheeler Company, Manufacturers of DYNAMOS and MOTORS. Electrical Engineers for an economical drive of Pumps, Blowers Hoists, Printing Presses, Machlne Tools, etc. Washington Offlce: 1417 New York Avenue. Officesand Works, AMPERE, N. J. j..^H~M-H"l"I-l"I";"l"W"I^^"I^H^lj' \Chestnut Jft'll and :: | vfcighland &*ark ?: MIbb Bnrbar'a Keane, who haa boen yIb ltlng . Mlss Grotchen ? Lewis,. of j Enslow Avenue, Hlghland Park,' where she waa the reclplent b'f much flattorlng attentlon, returned to her homo ln Louhm county yeaterday, The Sunbeam Socloty, whloh met at the home of Mrs. Ainslle, on Second Ave? nue, Hlghland Park, Wodnesday. after? noon, proved a very sattsfactory meetlng, especlally from the flnanclal standpolnt. Among those preBont wero Mrs. Charles Howard, Mlsses Ellzaboth and Luoy Scott, of AVeat Grace Streot, Rlchmond; Mlss Mabol H, Board, of Fourth Avonuo; Mlss? es Marlon and Sue Starke, of Hlghland Park, and Mlss Alma Vaughan, of Thlrd Avonuo, and Mastor Ervln Trgle, Charllo Vaughan. Jr,, and Molvllle Starke, Mrs. Amella Chrlstlan, of Fourth Ave-r nue and Junlper Streot, who has been qulto slck, Is somewhat lmproved. Mrs. Ratcllffe, who has beon visltlng Mrs. Rlchard D. Haller, of FIfth Ave nuo and AAMIlow Streot, has returned homo, after a most dollghtful vlslt. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, of Wost Frank lin Street, Riohmond, will shortly move to Fourth Avenue and Chestnut Street, wliare thoy will epond the summer wlth Mr. and Mrs. McGraw. Mlss Sallle Guerant, who has been spend Ing the wlnter wlth her relntlvo, Mrs. Garland H. Clark, on Thlrd Avenuo and Chestnut Street, hns returned to hor homo in ChrlstinnRburg, Montgomory county. Tho contrnct has been let for the build? lng of the house of Mr. KIleB. on Second Avenuo, Illghland Park, near the home of Mr, Propst, ?'?'_?'??, Mlss Etna Ashton Kelly, who Isivlrit lng frlends in Ashlond, Va., wlll ahorty return to hor homo on Thlrd Avonue and Junlper Btreot. Bev J. B. Askow, pastor of tho Hlgh 'land Park Mothodlst Eplscopal Church, Is vlsltlng hls aunt ln Bouth Carollna, Hls pulplt durlng hls absonco has boen flllod by Rev, H. C 'Boggs, Mr. Askow wlll soon return to IiIb homo In Hlghlnnd Park nnd agaln take charge, of hls congrega Mr. Andrew Scott, who ls vlsltlng In Klng and Quoen county, wlll vory short ly return home, Mlss Kathorlne G, Wntklna, of Thlrd Avenite and Aldor Streot, who hns boen aulto slck, ls somewhnt Improved. Mr. C, L, Bowman, of Thlrd Avenue, Is away from homo on an extensive buslnesB trlp, THE MAN-MONKEY He Wlll Glve a Receptlon at the Jcffer son on Saturday. Tho man-monkoy of the Bostock showa wlll recoivo old acquaintances and make new ones nt tho Jefforson Hotel Satur? day afternoon between 12 and 2 o'olook. Mr. Bostock has Issued tho followlng.ln vitatlonst Consull The most romarkable llvlng oxponont of tho Ufe-thoory of the lnto Profossor Charles Darwin. Dlrector Boa took most oourteoualy asks your accop tance of an Invitatlon to study the forma* tlon, hnblts and oharactorlsjlcs of thls truly romarkable and almost humun creature, between tho hours ot 12 noon and 2 'P. M., on Saturday next, Aprll tth, luoa. at tho Jofforsop Hotel (Room B, nt Maln Btreet ontranco, on opposlte slde of lobby to drug atoro). Dlrector Bos took foels suro that an Inspeotlon of Consul will bo most Intereatlng to you, as ho consldera hlm the most wondorful of all the mnny rnrltles he haa Boen, An Intoroatlng slght yesterday waa two baby wolvos, Ixtrn at Boetook's & couplo lo< weeka ago, They ware brought dowa OUR : 5PRING : STOCK Now Ready for Inspectlon. Repalntinjr and Repalrlng Done In the Best Manner. All the Latest Styles and Novelties. Harness, Robes, and Whips. MORE THAN 100 CARRIAGES TO 8ELECT FROM. SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU PURCHASE A VEHICLE OF ANY DESCRIPTION. R. H. BOSHER'S SONS, ISS.NInthSt., Rlchmond. Va. .M..H.M-I"M"I"I"M"t"l?! M-M-I-*^-W^-M-I-W-I"i~W^t~i""'-t"?"?-?-r^> ? ? FREE! A Handsome $15 Mandolin will be given away Absolutely Free to the customer pmchasing, the Wesfc araountof music from to-morrow, March lotJi, to Wednesday, April 1st. Cut prices in music con tiimes. Don't fail to attend the big sale. FERGUSSON BROS. 11 WEST BROAD STREET. riantels Chandeliers Haths Plumbing Tinning Gas-Fittlng Pasteur Filters Inatantnncous Water Heaters Qas Ranges QUICK REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. Richmond Plumbino & Mantel Co. 26 NORTH NINTH STREET. PHONE 636. -Mw-awppa __________: town by Captain Maitlnnd, tho press agent. The palr greatly resemble young ilogs. They nro as gontlo as kittena, Dr, Taylor Qraduatea. Hermon Marshall Taylor, Bon of Rev. Br, Jamea B, Taylor, now of Atlanta, haa Just graduated wlth dt8tlnctlon at the Atlanta Collego of physlclans and Surgeons. He roceived hls M. D, dl ploma at tha oommencement held InBt Tuesday nlght at tho Grnnd Oyera House. Tho famlly ls widely known and loved throughout VIrglnla, thelr natlve State. Mra, Birdsonp III, Mra. Blrdsong la quite alck at tho rea? ldence of her son, Mr. ?, h, Blrdsong, No. 200 Thlrd Avenue, Chestnut Hlll, hav ipg been copflned to her bed for the past ?week. Mra. Blrdsong la attondcd by one of tha omoJala of tha i.iedioal taoulty^ who oonslders the cobo of a serloAis charao ter, though not necossqiily fatal, if further complicatlons can bo avoided. Mayor Taylor Was There. In the report of the meetlng of the Slnklng Vund ComnilSBloners AVednosday the numo Of Mayor R. M. Taylor waa unlntentlonally omitted. The Mayor has nevor miBsed a moetlng of tho body, TEN CONCEPTIONS OF CHRIST, One of the most lnterestlng foaturea of tho splendld Ebstor edltlon of Th? Tlmoa-Dlspatoh, to be |asued on Sunday, Will be a full page Jllustration, in colore, glvlng Ton Conoeptlons of Chrlst by ten masters. ln thls colleetlon are repro? duoed the works of Hofmann, Tltlan. Llska, Hunt, Donl, Dolaroche, Qresj?** Va, Vlnol, Veron?sa ?nd Muiuva