Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW DEFENDER A WONDER %r -. ln Porm the Rellance lsof tho Scow Type. LONGER THAN HER PREDEGESSORS Length Over All ls One Hun dred Feet and Flve Inches. REDUCTION OF TONS IN THE DISPLACEMENT Tha Deck, Unllke the Constitution's, Will Not Be of Steel, But of Alumnum, Three-Elghth of an Inch Thickand Cov , ered Wlth Cork. ' Bigger Bilges. . (gpaoUl to Tlie Tlmaa-DUpatcb.) NEW YORK, Aprll, 2,-Many accountB purporting to givo tho dbrrect llnos and deocrlbo tho form of tho now cup do fieDder, Rellance, now bulldlng at tho HerroBhofta' yard, In Brlatol, U. I., havo beon prlnted, but thoy havo all been very wldn of the mark. ln form, tho new boat la a scow. Bo, far aa. iher dcadrlso la concerned, aho.ia fully os much of tho scow typb na lhe Independence, and, strangely enough, thls form has been carrled Into tho forward overhang. In' tho hull propor all of tho ?pced characterlstlca of the center-board boat havo been lncorporated, wlth the . beam of the koel boat, and at the samo tlme there ls the deep keel of the keel typn. Tho lateral plant has been cut nway to tho last degroo, so that tho koel la nothlng moro than the pcrmanent cen? ter-board. LONGEST YET.. Tho length over all ls 143 feet flve Inchea, or thereabouts?longer than any other cup defender over bullt. Tho draft of Uio ncw boat'may be a Httlo lesa than that of the ConstlUttlon, but tho dlffcrenco la bo Bllght that it could not be detccted by slmply looking her over, whllo her beam 1* about twenty-flvo feet ten inchea, or abotit one foot moro than the Conatitutlon. Tha deck will not bo of Btecl, as ln tho of tho Constltution, but will be of Blumlnum, threo-olghtha of an inch thlck. Thls will bo covered wlth cork, as waa tho Columbla'a. The klng'' plank and.the water-wayB will bo ateel. TakJhg at tbe leaat calculation bIx Inchoa from tha frea-board, aa comparad wlth the Conatitutlon, and llghtening tho framca and decking. means a proportlon nte reductlon of many tons.ln displace ment. The boat has harder bilges and flattor doors than any prevlous Herres hoft cup Ccfender. whlch means natural etablllty-tre atabillty of form. TWO KILLED (Contlnued From First Pago.) after .the traln for pler if waa made up at 12:15. The brakeman on tbe .traln of empty coal cara'aaw the overtoanglng car whon hla flrat car waa a length ln front of the Over-eAending car, but It waa too lute to apply.tho brake8 wlth effeot, and ' the latter car waa atruck aufflctently hard to movo all of tho cars in tho long lino of the traok^ Tho three mon were working on the truck of a car mldway; Jn the Hne, too fa'r removed from the ecene of the colllslon tothear the.-nolse,] Tho car on whlch they tvero working' Btartcd wlth intenao forco, and lt hap jwmed bo qulck that they woro caught ln thelr cramped poaltlon, wlthout wnrn Ing or wlthout an opportunlty to es cape. The necks . of Roborts and Mapea were brokcn Inatantly. Fonton waa caught tinder the truck and badly moshed. Hla crles Boon brotight a crowd of men, who released hlm. Beforo tha bodles of Rob erts and Mapes could bo moved, tho car bod to iW-Jacked up, Tho lnjured man . waa removed to the hospltal. Ab far aa known tho dead men had no relatlves liere. Fenton la marrled, ' ', ? The verdlct of tho coronor's Jury waa rs followsi "We, the Jury, flnd that Robort Mapes ,vas kllled Aprll 2, 1303, by a Cheaapoake Bthd Ohlo car maahlng hlm whlla at work. We do not bolleve that hla death waa diie to any fault of hla." The Jury Blmply heard evldence ln tho caso of ono of tho men, but'lts vordlot applies to all three, ABQVE HARMONY , (Contlnued From Flrat Puge,) ?upport of tha Chlcago and Knneas Clty filatforms than wero polled by Mr, Clevei and, even bofore hla pollllcul oi Imes were oxposed, Whut would bo tho re Bult to-day If tho standurd were put In tho handa of men known to ba unfalth ftil to Demncratlo prlnolples or even In the handa of those that aro not known to be falthful? But there ls a aordldnoss epout the argumenta made by tha reor B-anlzera whlch ought to dlsguat nny wel nieunlng or hlffh-mlllded cltlzon, It la jeally Inaullliig to inttmata that ha thliiks lt ls moro Important that wo get oon trol than that wa admlnlator power In accordanco wlth Democratla intereats and ln the interest of tho people at large, IS R1PICULOUS. "To eay that a right prlnclplo must ba droppcd beeausa tho party has auffercd defeat ln support of tho prlnclpla ls as jrldlouloua as lt ls cowardly, Tht* Demor crat|o party has been defeated moro of ten on the tarlff Issuo than any other Jsauo, and that ls tho issuo that the renrganlaer would make the paramnuut one, Tho trustf auontton was an Issua both ln 1898 and 1000, and thero la aa mMch fcaaon for declnrlng that the eloctlona vln dlcated prlvato niuuopolles aa to say that ihar vindlcuU'd the gold standard. In Your Spring Suit. The thrce points about the new Spring Suits: FIRST, the cut of the lapet; SECOND, the cut of tho front llnc, and THIRD, the cut of the back. The three points of advantage in gct tlng a Suit herei FIRST, we flt you rlght. SECOND, we treat you rlght. THIRD, the right styles are rlght here, and we right anything that goca wrong. $10.00 fo $30.00. 1900 the truBt quoatlon waa moro dlaouaaed than tho monoy quoatlon, and yot tho peoplo w!ho want to drop the money quear tion pretond to fecl an Interest In the trust quoatlon. Imperlallam waa the par nmount Issuo iln 1900 and ovorshadowcd all othera, and yet thoso who aro opposed to impcrlallBm would not be wllllng to drop lhat Issuo. "Whlle clrcumatancoB determine tho omphasia that ahould be placed upon par tlcular Isbuos, no party can afford to abandon a rlghteous poaltlon onco takcn for fear that to malntain'lt would bo un popular." Mr, Bryan referred to Governor Cum mlns as at the head of a protest in Iowa "agalnat tho domlnatlon of the Republlcan party by tho corporatlons," and contlnued: IOWA IDEA. "' ( "He ls try to Ingraft tho 'Iowa ldea|' on tho natlonal Jtepubllcan plat? form. Whllo he aeema deatlnod to fall ln hla purpoae and whllo ho may support the Republlcan tlcket, no matter how odloua tho domlnatlon of his corporatlons may bucome, let us encourago hlm, for every word that he apeaks In favor of tarlff rcform or antl-trust leglslatlon will havo an educatlonal Infltience. Hla worda will go on maklng converta, even though he may recant rather than leave hla par? ty. Governor Cummlna ls hlmaelf a Re? publlcan, but by ahowlng somo aympathy wlth tho peoplo as against tho corpora tlona, he proves that ho ls much nearor the Democratlc party than-the men who ln 1S9G. who In 1837 boaated of the support they. had gtven to tho Republlcan party who now make thelr return to tho party contingent upon tho party's abandonment of tho people'a Interest. Govarnor tafollette, of Wlaconain, haa alao shown aomo restlvenosa under Re? publlcan methoda. Tbese are lndlcatlons of the"lnfluencos that aro atwork and en courages ua to mako our appeal to the awakened conaclencea of tho people." A letter waa read from C. A. Walsh, of Ottumway, secrotary of tho Natlonal Commltteo, In whlch ho stated that In tho Kanaas Clty pkitform la to bo found a Democratlc expresslon of Democratlc prln clples made by Democrats, wlthout cor poratlon dlotatlon and wlthout corpora tlon cotflrol. Among t!:s other apeakera waa General Jamos B. Weaker. Tho banquet proper was announcod as the gathoring of Democrata wlthout re gard to the dlfferences of oplnlon as to party pollcy, but In the afternoon a moct Ing of Kansaa Clty platform adhoronts was hold at whlch an organlzatioh was formed and a central commlttee "cro-i ated to work to place In the next State. platform tho principles of tho Kansaa Clty platform. Mr. Bryan attended tho meeting and endorsed tho movement, "The Democ racy. of Amorlca does not waht 'har mon,' " ho told those preaent. "It wants tho trlumph of Democratlc principles." ? Died on Sleeping-Car. (Hy AssocUted Preaa.) CHATTANOOGA, TENN., -April 2.-^The Florlda Ltmlted traln, wh|ch arrlved In thla clty thla afternoon, brought tha body of John Hlcks, presldent of the Bt. Johns, Mlch., Natlonal Eank, who dled on a speclal Pullman Bleepor thla mornlrig from heart fallure. Ho was soventy-nino yearB of age, and had boen ln Florlda for his health. BLUE JACKETS GUARD CONSULATE Sltuatlon In Santo Domingo ls Crltical and Marlnes from the Atlanta Landed. ' (Uy Amioclated I'reai.) GAPE HAYTIEN, HAYTI, Aprll 2.?The sltuatlon ln Banto Domtngo Clty la very crltical, Tha commandor of tho United Btatoa crulaor Atlanta, whlch has arrlved at Banto Domingo from thls port, yester day landed a dotachment of flfty blue Jackets to guard tho United Statea con aulato-general ln that olty, A shell flred last nlght by tha Domlnlcuri crulaer Prealdante, whlch is.on tho alda of Presldent Yasquea, foll on tho Garman con? sulato, The ciuumge done, howover, was purely Immaterlal, aa tho projeotile hap plly dld pot burst, A Imtilo luatlng threa hours took placa yeaterday mornlug between tho govern pient troops iiiw tnu, I'rtvuluiluiil.itH on the banlcs of tha Rlver'Ossama, whlch (Iowa Into the Carlbbean Saa at Banto Domingo. A hundred men woro klllod or wounded, Presldent Vasquesstdemands tho surren der of Santq Domingo Clty, but the revo lutioniats are dlaposed to reslst up to thn last moment. Took Laudanum. E1U Jonipaon, colored, awnllowud an ovordoso of laudanum last nlght at H o'olock at Broad and Adams Btroeta. Bho waa attonded by Dr. Proalor, of tho Am bulailoe Corps. Sho will recover. TEN OONOEPTIONSOF CHRIST. One of tho niost Interestlng featurea of tho gplHiidld K'aster edlllon of Tha Tlmea-Dispafcl), to bo lasued on Smiday, will he a full puge lllustrallnn, In colors, glvlug Toii Concuptlons of Chrlst by ten maators. Tn thl^ coltectlon aro ropro ducecl tho worki-i of llofmann, Tltian, t,|ska, Hunt, i>om\, Delaroche; Crespl, Da Vlncl, Voronojso and Matsya, . FIFTY WERE INJURED Southern Passenger Traln v Wrecked In Tennessee. A VERY NARROW ESCAPE Empty Pullman Saved the Llvea of Many Passengera?Frelght Englne Plowed Through the Rear Sleep j er?Judge Haynes Hurt. fSpcclnl to Th? Tlmoa-Dliptitcli.) BR1STOD, VA., Aprll 2,-Tho aouth bound locnl passenger traln on tho Southern Rallway, whloh left Brlstol oariy thla mornlng for Knoxvlllo, waa ln a aerlous wreck at Afton, flfty mllea aouth of Brlatoi, wlilch resultod In tho Injurlng of about flfty poasengers. Tho paaaonger traln belng detalncd at Af? ton, a flagman waa aont back, but fallod to atop a frelght traln followlng. Tho frolght locomotivo plowed almoat through, a dead-head Pullman car attachod to the rear of tho passongbr traln. Tho Pull? man car saved twonty paaserigera In the coach ahcad from bolng klllod. Thoso moat serlously lnjurod were Judge Hal. H. Haynes, Brlstol, bruisod and back hurt; Mlsa Bosslo Anderson, Bakoravlllo, N. C, head gaehed and body bruisod; Mlas Annlo Hadden, Koo ton, B. C, body bruisod and leg lnjured; A- Jcaraldtown phyBlclan, named not lenrned, Berlously lnjurod. ROOT ON TARIFF Says it Is Impossible for Reduction o Duties 16 Wipe Out Truata. fHy Aiwoclated Prom.) BOSTON, Aprll 2,-Ellhu Root Secretary qf War,, and TJnitcd Statcs 'Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, of Maasachusctts, wore the guo?t? of honor and prlnclpal apeakers to-nlght at the annual dlnner of tho Homo Market 'Club, tho rcpresentatlve Republlcan organlzatton of New England. The occaslon was of slgnal Jnterest, not only becauso at lt as at all meotlngs of tho Home Market Club, were expound ed tho prlnclples and pollcles of the Re? publlcan party, but becauso to-nlght the apeeches of Secretnry Root nnd Senator Dodgo were regarded partlcularly aa the words of the admlnlstr'atlon at Washlng-. ton on the nntlclpated Issuea of the next: canvass. Mr. Root spoke on the tariff, Mr. Lodge^ on the qiiestlon of Canadlan reclproclty^ nnd of tho charges made agalat the Amer? lcan soldlers In tho Phlllpplnea. Secretary Root nald lt was lmpoaslble thnt reduction of duties should wlpeout trusta except as it wlpes out Amerlcan manufacture. Ho argued that tariff re vision should only be undertaken whon Congress ls free from the dlstractlon of polltlca] carapalgn, and that; the tariff should bo rovlsed by itn friends. Senator Ixsdgo opnosed the rSclprocity treaty wlth Newfoundland and defended hlmself from the chargo of balked inqulry lnto Phlllpplno crucltles. NO VI0LENCE Hibernlans are Opposed to Carlcatur Ingof Any Nationality. (By AsiOcUtcd I'reii.) SYRACUSE, N. Y. Aprll 2.?James B. Dolan, natlonal presldent of tho Anclent Order of Hibernlans, haa Issued the fol? lowlng offlclal statement; "The ^Anclent Ordor, of Hibernlans doea not recomroond or co'untenanoe any VIo lenco ln dolng away wlth tho baboon faced 8tago- Irlshmen. but wo aro de'ter mined to wlpe out tho flagrant irisult to our. people. "Wo rocommend that our mombera with hold the patronage of themselvos and tholr famllJes from theatres nnd amuse ment halls whero the outrageoua and ln sulting attractlons aro permlttod to bo produced. We do not object to Irlsh wlt, but ln vlew of all wo havo contrlbutod toward the advaricement and devolopment ot thla great natlon, wo aak all alncere cltizena to Joln wlth ua in Btopplng thoso lnaulta to our raco, and we condemn auch ridlculoua matter of what pooplo or nationality," W1LL COMMAND FLAQSHIP Captain Cfoyer Aaslgned to the Brook lyn, of European Squadron. iBr Aisoclatod Prea?.) WASHTNGTON, Aprll 2.?It la the prea ont lntentlon of Navy Department omclals that when Captain RIchardsbn Clovor 18 relleved as naval attacho of tho Amerl? can Bmbassy at I-ondon thls sprlng ho wlll be plaoed In command of the Brook lyn, nnd that- the vessel shall becomo the flagship of tho Europoan Squadron. The Brooklyn ls now undergoing oxten slvo repatrs at the Now York navy-yard, but wlll bo reody for commlsslon about Juno 1. I, MAY REC0VER Rumor That Baron de- Pallange Dled Was Not True. (By Assoclntod Presn.) NICB, Aprll 2.?Contradlotory reporta woro clrculatod yeaterday concernlng Baron do Pallnnge, who aotod aa ohaf feur for Cotint Zbrowskl, and lod to tho nnnouncemont of hla death, It de voloped to-day, howevor, that tha Baron dld not Buocumb to hls Injurlea, and the persona In attondance on hlm oxpresa tho hope that he will rooover lf oomplloatlona do not onsue, Aa ~a reault of tha aecl dent tha Prefect to-day put a stop to the furthor usa of tha Nloo La Turbla oouraa and haa prohlbltod, a mlle race whlah was to have taken plaoo noxt Sunday on tho promennde Dea Anglala, s STEVENSON SAID TO FAVOR HEARST BOOM (Ity AmocUtufl 1'rean.) DES MOINES, IA., Aprll 2,?Former VIoe-ProBldont Btevanson, who waa re? garded aa a represantatlvo of tho "har inonlBta" at JoffeiBon banqiiet hore to nlght, aloaed hla addreaa wlth a rofer enco to W, R. IJearat, whlch waa taken by many who henrd it as an endoraomont of tho New York nwn's boom fop tha Demooratlo presldantlal nomlnatlon, Mr, Stovenson spoko of Mr. Hearst ua a splon dld roproBentatlvo of tho young Domoo raoy, whoso paat is but tho earnest of wliat ho wlll yet acoompllBh for hls pnrty and hls country, .?i t . i i Machlnes Work Well, For the benefit of the Health Oommlttea, Suporlntendont Honry Oohn yosterday a( lernooij cleanod Batik and Govornor Btreets wlth tho two new stroet-awoeplng mnchlnea Ihnt reanhed Rlohmond Wcdiies dny, The. demonatratlon waa riulte antls fuclory, tho alfalra working well on a grado eituer up or dowp,, SICK HEADACHE CURED And its return provouted by USING Dr. David's Liver Pills. Dcst on earth for CoiiBtlpation, nillotiBnoBB, Dyspcpsla and Liver Troubles. Price, asc. everywhere. L1FEIS WORTH LIVING If a liver would live As a liver should llvo, And kcep from all llvcr illa, He must take for hla liver That certaln health glvcr, Dr. David's Bcst Liver Pills. Price, 25c. a box everywhere. OWENS & MINOR DRUG C0M Bichmond, Va. WILL CRUISE IN V1RG1N1A WATERS Seventy New Yorkers Have Chartered Old Domlnlon Steamer Ouyandotte. (Spuclal to Tbe Tlmea-Dlapatcb.) NEW YORK, Aprll 2,?A party of bov enty porsons, realdenta of Brooklyn, Man hattan and ylclnlty, havo chartered tlhe Old Domlnlon Llne steamahlp Ouyandotte for a four-days' crulae'ln Vlrglnla wa ters, leavlrig next Saturday. Many ploces farnbiis'ln the country's history and somo well known reaorts will bo vlslted,? includ ing Old Point' Comfort, Newport Nowb, Norfolk nn'd Vlrglnla Beach. The Jamea Rlver will alao ba explqred for over flfty mile'a and a day sperit In the Mobjack Bay sectlon. THE CHALLENQER FAST New Contender for Amerlca'a Cup Shows Much Speed In Try Out (By Aasoclnted Preaa.) ; WTOOOK, BCOTDAND, Aprll 1?To day*? trlal. of the Shamrook III. were plannod on tha princlple of the majorlty of tho Amerloan'a cup races, the yaohta golng to wlndward and to leeward, and wore chlefly remarkable for tho flrat ap pearance of tho challenger under her spinnaker which contains more cloth than any evor made. Tho challenger outfqoted and outpolnted her r?val on every pqlnt of the aalllng to-day. The wind waa fresh. DATE IS SET FOR THE PENNELLi INQUEST (By Aauoclatod Presa.) BUFFALO, N. Y., April 2.?Judge Mur phy announcod that the lnquost into tho death of Arthur R. Pennell will be held at the afflce of tho medical examlnor at 3 o'clook noxt Friday afternoon. MORE BLOODSHED IN SULTAN'S DOMINION (By Aaaoclnted . Preaa.) CONTANTINOPLE, Aprll 2.-Confilcts .between Turkiah troopa and rovolutloniata reaulting in bloodahed, aro reported from Kumanova, eixty-slx mllea from Uahkub and Okhrlda, olghty-eight miles from Monaatlr. , Masslng Troops. (By Aaaoclatefl Prana,) VIBNNA, Aprll 2.-The Belgrade oorrea pondent of tho Neu Frlo Preaae tele graphs that owing to the masslng of tha Turklsh troopa on th Servlan frontlor Bor vla has removed her frontlor garrlson, and la contomplatlng calllng up the ro aervea, Balloonlst lnjured, (Br Aaaoclnted Preaa.) BUDAPE8T, Aprll 3.-Threo balloon lataT ex-Deputy Ordody, Lleutonant Krnl and M. Kublk, a brother of the momber of the DIat of that name, were fatally lnjured In a balloon accident to-day, Whlla tho balloon Inflated lt auddonly broko nway wlth tho oar oontainlng th? men namod and Captaln Tolnay, of tho navy. M. Ordody felt out of tho car to the roof of a faotory. Ltnutonant Krnl punotured tha balloon, whlch deaeended wlth great veloolty, Btrlklng wlth Bitoh force that he and M, Kublb were horrl? bly lnjured, Captaln Tolnay was leas aerlously hurt. Glven Declslon on Foul. (Bv Aaaoulutud Preaa.) UOTJiaVlLDE, KY? April 2,-Marvln Hurt, of thla clty, was awarded the d<i dslon over Jnck Bonnor, of Bummlt'WHI, Pa., by Refereo Qoorge Sller, on a foul ln the fourth ronnd of a twanty-round aontost before tho I^oulsvllla Athlotlo Club hero to-nlght, Bonnor's buttlng taotlos lost hlm the flght, though up to the tlme of tha declslon Ilart had the battar of tha contest, landlng rlght and laft ut will, except In tho thlrd round, whon ho bocama rattlod for a few momenta and allowed Bonner to land somo tolllng hlows. American Wresiler Won. [Ity Auiioi'lutud 1'ruuu.) NTQW YORK, Aprll 8,-Jii a wrestllng matoh for tho jight welght nhamplanshlp of tho world, Ooorgo Bothner, of thls clty, the Amarlcan ohamplon, aaally de foatod Tom RIloy, ohamplon of England, at tho Now York Polo Athletlo Club to nlght. Bothnor gained tho fall lu throe mlnutea and Hirea seoonds, and tho sooond fall ln olght mlnutea and thlrty two seconds. -? Riots in Spaln, (I))" ABBlllllUtud I'rcuH.) MA^BID, April 2.-Student rlota hnve brokon out at Salatnaivca 113 an outoomo of a quarrel betwocn tho studonts and the polloa, Tho olvilguards flred aeveral rounds, kiiling three studonts and vvound jliy many Qtherg, NEW PLANT INCOVINGTON Electflcal Supplles to Be Manufactured There. IS IMPORTANT INDUSTRY Covlngton Already Bonsts Manufactur Ing Plants of Great ImpoHance, and Has n Large Payroll In Pl-opor tlon to lts Populatlon. (Speelnl to Tlio Tlmei-Dlnpiitcli.) COVINGTON, VA., Aprll 4,?In a few days Mr. \V. R. Matm, bullder nnd oon tractor, wlll bogln the orectlon of a large brlck buildlng ln Covlngton, to bo usod by tho Allpghany Pln and Brnckot Com? pany, In whlch to manufaeture olectrlcal supplles, conalstlng ospeuiftltv of attch thlnga aa aro used In puttlng up 'phone llnea and llghting systoms, Thla ,cotn pany haa purchnaed tho olectrio llght plant and Ico faotory at thla placo, nnd wlll operato both In connectlon wlth thelr new factory. Mr. T. M. Gnthrlght, of Fnlrmont, W. Va? Is presldent, nnd gerioral managor of the company, nnd Mt'. R. W, Crowdor, of Waynoaboro, Va? is vlco-prosldent. The oo'mlng of thls now plant adds groatly to tho Industrial, ImpOrtanco of Covlngton. Fow towns'ln VIrglnla, tho slze of Covlngton, havo as many manu fncturlng plants and other Industrles. Al? ready, locatod wlthln a radlus of half of a mlle, thero nro a largo pu)p and pa per mlll, a woll equlpped flour and graln mlll, machlno works and foundry, a steam tannery, a plnnlng mlll and' nn Iron furnace. vTha money pald out oach month by theao aovoral Induatrles glvos Cov? lngton th'o second largost pay-roll In tha Stato ln proportlon to tho popuUthn. Tho pulp and paper mlll, ownel nnd oporated by the West VIrglnla Pulp nnd Pnpor Company, omploys about flvo hun dred men and womon, nnd Is ono of th-e largest plnnts of tho klnd In tlu South., Not only Is pulp mado from tho raw materlal, but ln tho papor mlll, whii.h Jolns tho pulp mlll, It la convertod lnto! paper of the flnest qunllty. Much of tho papers usod by HarperB ln publtshlng thelr magazlno and weekly, ls madi In thls mlll. All of tho machlnory ls mod orn In ovory roapect. At preaont a log-poollng macnlne is belng put ln, whlch wlll greatly add to the equlpment of tho mlll, and facllltnto the handllng of tho hoavy logs out of whlch tho pulp Is mado. The mlll is lo cated JUBt aoross the rlvor from tho north orn extenslon of the town, the bulldlngs oxtondlng for soveral hundred feot along thorlvor. THE TANNERY. Tho steam tannery, whloh la ono of tho largest tannerles In tho Stato, Is owned by tho Do Ford Company, Tho dally ca pacltv ls very larga Thla Induatry ib es peclahy valuable to thla part of All.eghany county, as'lt furnlshos an excellent mar? ket to those who can supply bark, the demand holng far ln excess of the local supply. The furnace, whloh la one of tho soveral owned by tho Low Moor Iron Company, has a dally capaolty of about one hundred and twenty tona. Thls furnaco'waa bullt about twelvo, yoara ago, and haa been In operdtlbn almoat oontlnuously evor alnco, The machlne shops and foundry, knowi. as tho Covlngton Machlne Works, l? ono of tho most Important plant. ln Covlng? ton. Theso. shops havo nlwnys had a large volume of work to do; many tlmes durlng each yoar tho full oapaclty of both foundry and machlno shbps',. haa , boen tested. These piants, whloh have boen mentiem ed, togother wlth other smaller buslness ontorprlses, mako of Covlngton an Import? ant Industrial town ln thls part of tho Stato. Rooaefelt and the Unlverslty. Edltor of The Timea-Dlapatch: Slr,?Aftor readlng ln your Sunday iasuo an artlclo slgne-d "Vlrglnla," ln whlch tho wrlter scoros the Unlverslty authori tlea for Invlting the Prosident to bo pres ont at the flnal ceremonlea ln Juno, I fool that a few worda on the 8UbJect by an alumnua, who la alao a Vlrginlan, would' not be out of place. Above all, the fact should be bbrne ln mlnd that tho invitatlon was oxtend ed to tho Proaldent of our Unltod Statoa and not to Mr. Theodoro Rooaevolt per aonally, and, thorofore, ao long aa we reproaenta ua In that capaclty we ahould not bo>remlaa'ln accordlng hlm tho hoa pltallty of our glorloua old Stato, howovor mlslnformod ho may bo on the raco quea tlon, Thougb not acqualnted wlth Mr, Rooae? volt mysolf, I am told by thoao who have a poraonal acqualntonco wlth hlm that ho la a man of vory cordlal mannora, charming peraonallty, wondorful magnet lam, and of oxcoedlngly good lntentlons, a man who ls trylng to do tho right thlng and who ia senslblo enough to sworvo from tho wrong path whon ho seea tho error of hla way. Somo mon nro a trlfle too theorotlcol In tholr notlons, and too courngooua ln tholr convlctlona, but whon a thorough acqualntanco wlth cold. baro facta la tholra alao, brought about by tho rlght ooua Indlgnatlon of a peoplo who know whereof they Bpoak, It requlrea but a very llttlo epund, common aenaa to aeo mattera In tnolr propor llght, And It la to thla clnss of mon that, I thlnk, Mo\ Roosovolt bolongs, That he has acted rashly, no Benslble man will'dony, yot when ono conaldera that auch mon as Thomaa Nelson Page, Judge Basrll Duko and othors of llko prbmlrienco havo beon among hla advlsera, wo Bhould bo Iobh prono to condemn hlm. It la truo, the Bookor Waahlngton epl eode, aa woll aa tho Crum affalr, were, lndcod, very unfortunato aots. As a hoavy ponalty, howover, will havo to bo pald for them at tho noxt Natlonal Rapublloan Convontlon, for that reason we should glvo ouraolvos llttlo concern about a probablo ropotltlon of such acts. Thore la sald to bo a movemont on foot to Invlte MIbb AHco Roosovolt alao, and should tho Invitatlon ho oxtondod, I hopo flho will accopt. Suroly, Vlrglnla would not ontortaln hor lo?a hospltably than Doulaiana dld whon sho waa tho gueat of tho Mollhannya durlng tho Mardl GrnB, Thla glft of liospltallty, whlch has do Bcoudod to uh aa a rlcli horttugo from our forofathors, wo r^ntiM cling to and let no occaslon paaa to lavlah lt when oppor tunlty la offored or duty domanda. May hoaven contlnue to help the doar old U. Vat ? , ? t J- 1'- M Aloxandrla, Va? Maroh Stst. .--f Maury's Prophecy Fulfllled, Edltor of Tha Tlmaa-DlBpatohl Blr,-? has been very reeently raport ed through Presldent Markha-m that tha Brltlah Anturnllo ahlp Dlaoovory has provod oonoluslvely that the groator part of tlm Antarollo reglon ls u vuat coutl nent. "Captaln Bcott, tho oonimmuloi of tha Dlsoovery, penetrated 100 irillen fur tbor south than any provloua oxplorer and dlaoovered an extonatvo mouritulnous reglon, hlthorto absolutoly uiikiwwn, ox tondhig to 83.20 dograes south, |Io thlnka thla Indlcatos that tho land strotchos to tho polfl, ln a Horlos of yery lofty inoun lulns, whlch ls conoldered to bo far tho nioat importont goographlcnl result over achioYed In Antarctlo oxplorutlons." Uut this la only n realUatlon of a pronhotlo vlslon whlch that grupd MatUew Jhalhimers Skirts. Jpeclal Stamine Press Jklrts, colors btue and blaek, cut ssVen gorad flare, paml front, panel trlmmedMlh p*r< pendicular taffeta bands, finlshed at bottom wlth * - nQ graduated tajfeta bands. Only..? <.??+O.VV Alght and Medium Qray ^nfUMt-ChMCM^fui nauflare, hip trimmingand panel front finlshed wlth stltGhed bands and cloth buttons. beautlfully stitched, a *_ -R perfect tailor made garment at. Pf#*ro b)aists. Joft finlshed Percale tfialsts. tucked front bfaid. Qib soneffect, new shaped shen, white ground, dalnty .^ . black figures, of..-..."' On tha bargain counter for to-day you wlll findacholce varletu of Uaists. best materlals, that haM been thrown out becauso they are sllghtly solled, and wlll be soldat half prlce. fiasement jpargams. 8 and IQc Qlass frult and Salad Bowls, for, ^ each.?.".>" " Aarga Jteel fry Pans for Uc each. 15c Mckel-Plated Jtralners, wlth long enamet _ handles, for, each.????. M sizs Jin Pot Conrs for 2c each. I pound Japanned Jea and Coffee Canisters for, - each.??.'. Fontalno Maury had nearly half a century agDr B B. Mlnor. of thls clty, has pro nared a sketch of hln frlond nnd the pupll oTllB^onaTedlrather-ln-law^mmodor M F Maury, whlch was dollvcred last sprlng at Ash and, In tho Chapel of Ran dolKacon Colloge. ln lt was tho fol-. l0^vaPdayH,raaPevcra. nat.ona are taklng a deop and practtcal Incciost ln. Antarctlo exploratlon. Maur/s broad nnd prophetlo ylBlon embraced eventhb, aub-. joet, Afl far back aa August 20. -1800, he wrote from Frederrlckaburg, Va., to hla belovod precoptor, Rt. Rov. Jamoa II. Otey. D. D., blahop of Tenneaaeo: I havorcaaon to bellove that thero la about the aouth polo a comparatlvoly mlld cll mdto Tho unexplored reglona thero cm braoe an aroa oqual ln extent to^bout ono-alxth of all tho known land on tho surface of the carth.' I am quletly seek-^ lng to creato in the mlnds of aome an In? terest in the subjoct. hoplng thoreby to foster a deaire in the rlght .quarteraor an Antarctlo oxpedltlon.1 TI.Ib^ afforda nn Inkllngof one dlrectlon.whlch hla efforta mlght havo taken, but for the WNo" one' would bo moro wllllng to_do honor to Commodore Maury^ tkn Mr. Markham. presldent of the Wal Goo graphlcal Boclety of Grejit Britalii, fo. yeara ago ho was cordlally ln fayor -ot oroctlng a aultable "lntornatlonal Mo: morlnl of Maury'a groat servlces to Mnn klnd." PHILO. March 30, 1903. _" ' ? A Ploa for the Negro Edltor of Tho Tlmes-Dlapatoh: ?gjr|_Through c'ourtesy of a frlend, Tho Tlmea-Dlspatch has for severnl daya found its welcomo way lnto my homo, and proves a eourco of much interest. I regret, howevor, that I cannot mpre fully concur ln the aontlment repcatedly oxpreased relatlve to tho raco questlon. Napoleon, who was a phllOBophor and statesman aa woll as Boldlor, sald on an occasloni "Ono hostilo nowspaper can do moro harm to a cause than a thousand bayonots." It la ovldont to every un prejudlced reader that tho newapapers, especlally of tho South, are hostlle to tho negro, Whether Justly or unjustly so I will not now venturo an oplnlon, but lt seoms never tho less n fact, If tho negro constltuto tho mnjor part of tho porplox lng raoo questlon?If, indeed, he ls sololy and ontlrely the cause of tho exlstence of such a questlon, and ln conaequonce all of the . nowapnporB conoentrate tholr forcea and make a "defenalvo" oharge, there would bo a moro deatruotlva hoat after the negro to-day than waa after "Grant" ln 1SQ5. I am thoroughly convlnced that tno wlly, prejudlolng rant that bllghta tho oolumna of mnny a nowapapor ln the, South, both whlte nnd colored, doea more harm by a thouaand-fold than good. It ought to bo, moro than ever beforo, tho sacred ofllco of the preaa to mark wlth oqulty tho llno of rlght betwoon man and man, lncllnlng nclthor to tho one nor to tho othor. That popor whlch falls to do thla must bo friondly to tho one and hoattlo to tho othor, and capablo of dolng "hlm moro harm than a thousand b.ayo neta." Tho nogro la horo wlth us, nnd whethor ho remalna la for ua to say; but so long as wo forbcar to order thnt ho shall not romaln, It la our inevitnble duty to ro gard hlm wlth nll posslblo conatderatlon nnd oomlty, for through thla botter than through any other way do wo ostabllsh our auporlorlty. If tho negro la boast ful and Ignorant, lot ua plty and edu oato hlm; If hla hablta aro dcpravod and Immoral, let ua unlfy our offbrts to ele vate himj lf hla Inollnatlons aro shlft loaa, vngrant and morconary, lot ua put ouraelvea ln ao frlondly nn attltude to wards hlm as to Induco hlm to copy ua ln domoatlo eoonomy, nggrosBlve atabll Ity and aggrandlzomont, Wo do ourselves and our postorlty a most sorl oua Injuatlco when wo by oomment or by oonatruotlon throw barrlora ln tho way to ohock tho nogro's progreaa or to ourb hla n-splratlona. Mowever rapld may ha hla progroas, howover obatlnato may bo hla aggroaalon, wo aro Iobb than cownrdfl If wo aa A raco entortaln tho romoteBt .foar of them aa a raco, Thero waa a clmo whon, hnd wo tolerated Bome npprehenslon, lt mlght havo beon groundod;- tho tlmo whou nagroea, Igno rant, but ainltltlous, aaplred to vvery olllca wlthln tho glft of tho peoplo from that of ronglstrnto to thnt of the Unltt-d Stiitos Benato, nnd In mnny casos per fonned.tho funotlon of tho oflloea wlth? out loavlng upon thelr record a elnglo etaln, anvlng auoh perhapa na mlght havo boen Justly prosumed to orlglnlite ln lgnoranoai tha tlmo whon tho Btatoa wore Biifforlng from poverty thnt followod In tha wako of war, whon tho North ooou pled an unfrlondly posltlon towards tho Bouth and boasled In tho pomp of lta power, nnd ns coadjntors tho negroea were grappllng for the rolna of Bouthern govornmont, but thnt tlme has long slnco puaaed, and wlth lt paaaod tha nogro'o [lolllloa! uuplratlons to thu oxtont thnt ln mnny a locnllty whuro thoy mlght Imvo olinseh from nmong thomsolvos men who would hnvo fllled ofllces wlth toler able oredlt, they havo dollghted to sup? port whlta man for no othor ronaon than that whlta mon wera moro compotont. It aeamed platwlble to hopo that such a course would not only Beeuro to the governmontH, botli Stata nnd natlonal, mon of Buparlor Utnoss, but would alao court a more wholesome relatlonshlp. boV-\ tween tho two races, who seem'to have' been thrown togother by tho uncrrlnaj hnnd of provldenco and destlnod bo ta . remaln, Thnt our liopes havo been ln a meas* uro renlljted. cannot bo aucceaafully conj >' tradloted, but lt ls equally true that aucljy relntlonahlp haa beon nolther ao-rlch In ,: longovlty nor so clenvlng ln tenaclty . aa., was the hopo of the more thoughtful ot .,-'; both races. If our nntlclpatlona have not been more thoroughliy reallzedl, whera' . rests tho responslblllty? Have we dona .; anythlng to allenato the negro's frlend-;. . shlp for us or our own for hlm? Haya wo boen lnslncere in our pretenslonsT^ Havo wo been Impatlent In our effortsl,. Have we been hnrsh or hanty ln our uc* cusatlons?' Havo wo been rash or unfati;-.; ln our crltlclsms? Have we in anyway, . nt nny tlme, or under any clrcumstances, dono or sald that whlch may be construea as repelllng n more cordlal rolationsnlp? If our edltors enn securo tho snnctlon,, of thelr conscienco. ln making; negativs answers to thoso quoBtlons, then the popr ? uloco, North and Bouth nllke. can untte?;,, ln tho senslble concluslon that the negro;:; nlono Is nt faulf. that he only^is respon- ,. slblo for tho unfrlendly condltlpna tljat . Beem not to havo reached thelr cllmaa , evon yet. And ln unlting ln such awn-v clusion thoy would also unlte in an ?oftort , to alter the condltlona, not by "flre and ? he sword," "knocklng he negro, back, briblng, shootlng and lyncWnB ? m but byvouohsaflng to hlm. that fra-: lornal sentlment whlch wllll hlm. o, , rpeoenlze our superlorlty nnd strlve to, , ?olTow our example. Thoso edltors mora;?; nan nny other clnss of profesapnahvwho havo not lont aome ? ' * ,M? ; rntlnn of tho present condltlons, nnva . neglected a most Imperatlvo duty, and aooner or lator they must feel the stlng of remorso. w Slncerely, ??.?',*.' ' M. CRAL.I/E. . MacfarlandB, Vn. The Oldest Odd-Fellow. To tho Edltor ot The Tlmos-Dlspatoh: Slr-Inotlcolnyouredltlonotthla date, under, the captlon of "The. Oldest Oddy Follow" the communlcatlon from my honorld nnd ren-ered frlend and brother, Cnntaln A 'S. Whltfleld, of Woldon, N., C whonV lt has been my pleaaure to Un'ow from the earllest reoollootlon: Mp chlldhood. Whlle I do not wlah to do. .Eict from tho laurela of tho "Old North State," whlch ls vory doar to me. yet aa tar, i must clalm the honor of haylng tho "oldest Odd-Fellow, for my mother Stato (the Old Domlnlon) and natlva.; clty. (Potersburg) Past Grand eamuel JFJ.; Marks, of thls clty. a^ "leniber of m,y lodgo (Appomattox, No. 16). was ad mltted to mombershlp wlth ua by card "em Monroe, No. 8. of thla clty (whlch: ls alao In exlstenco. charterod ln 1827). ot, May 1, 188B. m examlnlng tho olI pro ceedlngs of tho Grnnd Lodgo, I. O. Q.jF-.. whlch I found thls mornlng In^the offlco of Pnst Grnnd Master James B. Blanks. I nnd that Brother Marks was tho repre sontatlvo of Appomattox Dodge, No 16, ? of thls clty, In the Grand Dodgo of VIr? glnla. whlch met July 8. 1839. _ Ho was orlglnally a member of No, 8, but ln Aprll 1833, ho and slx others were grantod n charter for No. 16, and ho ap poarod ns lts flrst represontativb. He re cently pasaod'the ninoty-fffth mlle-stonf on Hfo's roadway, and we hope he. maj be apared many yoara to como. Brother T. J Clarke was Inltlatod a member of No. 16 on Ootobor 20, 1843. and |a atlll wlth us We have sovoral othors wlth us yet, wlio wero made Odd-Fellowa In tho "tCa," nll' of whom are past four-acora yeara. Thnnklng you ln advanco for your valu-! nhlo Bpaco, and apologlalng for treapasa Ing, I am very truly, W. D. MORiRIfl, P, G., Appomattox. No, II. Poteraburg. Va? Mnrch 31, 10O3. fee. pen\ a 8 n Much In a Name, To tha Edltor of The Timos-DiRpatohJ Bir,?In thls mornlng's Issua of yotir valuablo papor I read a communicatlon headed "What's In a Name?" Its read lng goes to pfctve bo forclbly how much) There ls In a name, nnd tho grent lm portance there ls In preservlng a?d nd hertng to ourront hlatory, especlnlly as tq all thlngs rolatlng to the hlstory of the Confffloraey. Tn thla artlole, of cour? all recognleo the cnrofully propared of Mlss Kate Maaon Roland, nnd aa momber of the Loulalan Tabla Commltteo, n momber of tha Confedornte I,ltorary Socloty, a Daughter of the Confedoracy, I thank her for her correotlop, and ex-. press the w|sh that she will over devo.t. hor tmle nnd pen to bo sacred a work, thi puilty of the Bouthem Confederaoy Hl0> tory. Riohmond, Va., Maroh 81." ?? ? a t John McQuade, (By Aaaoclatcd Preaa.) NEW YORK, Aprll 8.~>Tohn McQuade, for thlrty-threa yeara trenaurer of Tam? many Hall, dled to-day. MoQuade was aa ex-Pollce Justtce and dlstrlot loader._ THe~sbTeNoe ofboxinq. "Iloxlng as a Form of Phyalca| Culturo" will bo dlsoussed by Professor Anthony Barker In the Eostar edltion Ql Tho Tlmaa-Dlapatch on Sunday next. Every young man will bo Interested (a thls artlol*, v