Newspaper Page Text
BODY THAT OFL.L.LUCK Remalns Found ln the Dock Have Been Identlfled, :WAS MISSINO MANY WEEKS Young Man Dliappeared Chrlstmas Eve, Slnce When Hla Relatives Have Used Every Effort to Locate Hlm. ino body of Ltndsay L Luck, who dls appeared from hla homa ln Fulton on Chrlstmas Evo, was found ilontlng ln tho idock early yestorday mo'rnlng, The body was dlsoovored by W. I. Elllngton at tho foot of Elghteonth Streot, who notlfled tho pollco. Coroner Taylor was Jnformed, and ho had tho body removed to. Blllupa' undortaklng parlots, whoro bo held a post morlen oxaralnatlori ut 10 o'clock. Several persons rccognlzed the body ns that of Llndaay Luck by marks on tho body, and a llttlo lator Wllson Luck Identlfled tho body aa his brothor. Tho body waa vory much deoomposed from .its. long stay in the wator. The faco was I BwoUen beypng .recognltlon. . ',, Tho unfortunate young man was twen , ty-nlne ycars of age, tlvo feet two Inches in hoight and wclghed, about 16G pounds. Ke waa attlrod ln a ncat black aultof I oloths, bluo ovorcoat, vlcl kld ahoes, ' (now), whlte shlrt and and black'; ?tring tle. ' RECOGNIZBD BY MARKS. His brother rococniized the body by the fotlowing marka: Large mole on left i.?houlder blado, three L'a and two hearts fplorced wlth an arrdw, tuttootd on tho right fore arm. A number., of artlcles wero found ln hla pocket, among them a half-plnt bottlo.of "Old Black Thprn whlakey, nearly full; six labor tlcketa of 'tho Vlrglnla Poaaengor and PowerCom ipany, a two-blado': pockct-knlfo, > wlth black handle, 'lidlf'Tackago of Algarotto tObaccp and two' books of clgarotto pa pors, whtto handkerchlof wlth three rod llnea around border, and *1.30 ln change. On Chriatama Eve mornlng ho left his brother's home, at No. 009 Nlcholaon Street, wlth, whom ho boarded, went to tho Amorlcaii Locomotlvo Worka and drow his money. About noon he accom panlod several frlends to Broad Street nnd the last seen of hlm was about two o'clock, whon ho promlsed to walt for a frlend to purchase.several artlcles.ln tne flve and ten cent store. Slnce that day his parents and brothara have used every effort ln.thelr power to locate hlm. Tele ' grams havo been oent all over the coun tryr glvlng a descrlptlon of hlm, out tnelr eftorta wero in valn. ^ WAS WELL KNOWN. Luck was well known In thls clty, and ?was for a longI tlme employed wlth the Rlchmond Traction Company as motor mah and conductor; later he held a good ? po^tlon in North Carollna. He is sur . vlved by his parents. Mr. and Mra. Geo. I o Luck. of Carollno county; aeven broth I er's I^issrs. Wilson, Samuel. Wert and RoydeWof thla clty; John Charles and 1 Otey, of Carollno; three a sters, Mlasea Nettie nn<5 Mary, ofCarollne, and Mra.. Annle Luck, of Wlnston. Maaa. Tho body will be taken to his parents' *.^n? in-dtiv at 10:10 o'clock. and tho r Sal wmVoUy take piace thls af ? .ternoon. ; ;?.' 7_ JUSTICE JOHN HasQained Thlrty Pounds and Doing Busineas at the Old Stand. JusUce john, tho nonparell pollco mag !s?rat. of tho capitarcity of the State has rapldly regalned his strcngth and health slnce tho ordeal of several opera tlons of a dtstresslng olmractor last wlntor. Ho la admlnlstering juatice ;on Ue samo patent lover prlnclple as of voro, and works the pump handle of the law'wlth a vlgor that atrlkea terror to tho heart of the evil-door. and koepa well ln hand hla temperance clasa. ' Those who wonderod if his job would bo empty are now looklng for other omolumept. Rlchard ls hlmself again and dolng buslneaa at the same old Btahd, dolng the squaro thlng betwoen 'man and man, throwing ln a joke and an autograph wlth each declslon, ao cordlng to the most up-to-date style of . Justlco. Ho has.,galned thlrty pounds ln weight in the last few weeks. Tho Great Dlspenser ls on deck Keep ?>ft tho grass. \ HE MIXED 'EM UP West End Residents Buy Thelr Nelgh bors' Plants and Flowers. The palms stolen out of Justlco Crutch field's yard havo beon rccovered. The 'thtef sold them to his nolghbors. and when thoy aaw the account pf tho rob bory ln The Ttmes-Dlapatch they notl ried hlm. ' At orio realdonce, whoro the lady of tne houae deollned to buy, tho thieveB added to thelr bootyby taklng her flowers alao ,off the front walkway. There was a conaldorable awapping of flowers ana palma betwoen nelghbors ln /the We#. End yeatordny. i, Moral: Do not buy flowera unleas you . I know whoro thoy como from. ) GOVERNOR AND JUDOE DEW IN WASHINGTON I Governor Montague and Judge John ''O. Dow, Socond Audltor of tho State, ilo'ft yeaterday afternoon for Waahlngton, ? whoro they go In an effort to brlng ?bout a aettloment botween Vlrglnla and ?tho United Stntea government of the ' accpunta ovor whlch thero has boen such a long wrangle, Congress has recently passed an act dlreotlng a sottlement at a tlme when the aooounts will balance themselvea, jand the State offloera are of oplnlon that thla la true now. ' Vnrloua eatlmatos and caloulatlons havo been mnda by both aldes from tlme to 'tlmo, and lt has been. held by Vlrglnla ? tithorltles that the general government iwos Indebted to tho State In tho sum of ,!?omethlng llke *0OO,OOO. But thls was iiever conceded, ?a clalms, of Interest and c-ther offaeta wero br'ouiht to aliow that thore wat but llttle, ,lf any, dlf* foroncii. | J'ulton 9/ows. | Mr, Arthur _.' Powers, Junlor member of the flrm'?' of Powera Brothera, brlok manufacturers, fell yeaterday at the yards and stistitlni.'d a sovero apraln of hls rlght arikle. . , Ho waa removed to hla realdence on Churoh Hlll, Whoro ho reoelved modlcal attontlon: Wllllo Davta, the llttle fellow who was aerlotialy Injiircd at tho Codar Works on Monday, la stlll In a aerlous condltlon at tho VIrglnla Hospltal. Tho Govornment Rood la growlng worso ovory day. On yosterday nttothor large portlon of tho road slld down. N6 steps wlll bo takon to ropalr the road urttll It flnishea settilng, Suporlntendont Bryant aald last nlght that ItvWas ImpoaBlblo to toll when tho road would bo oponed to travol. No cttll haa yet been Issued by tho Commltteo on PnstorB for tho Fulton Bnptlst Churoh. Tho commltteo has sev oral namos under advlsomont, but havo not yet Bflttled on any speclal one. A dollghtrul box party and soclal was glvon last nlght by Mrs, J. Doc Scara at hor realdence, No, 614 LoulBlana Street. The ovenlng waa apont enjoylng a musical progrommo, conalstlng of plano, grapho phono, voonl. jaoloctlons, and aelectlona from the Fulton Mandolln and Gultar Club, compoaed of Meaars. John H, Bot/1 waro, Herman Porr, Georgo Baker and Auatln. Among those ln >. attondancb wore: MIbhos Minnle Burch; Ducy Petry, Ruth Seara, Carrle Klrby, Fannlo Hlg glns, Minnle Hancock,' EthalMcDonough, Norma Mosby, Annle Schmldt,--Fannlo Pnead.VLIIIIe Klrby, Nelllo McCluer.'Pearl Throckmorton, Ireno 8mlth. Maymo and Hosslo Anglo; Mossrs. Charlea Deonard, J. Doc Sears, D. A. Dooppe, Jr? 'Percy Pollard, C. A. Schmldt, Percy MoCabe, Howard Redftrd, Tonoy Cavedo, Joseph Dipford, Doe Deonard, Charloa Smlth, Doiils Deoppo, Honry Sears, Shorly Sut ton, Randolph Dipford, Georgo Beala, and Honry Duke. Mr. Amerlcus Basslnger, of Fulton Hlll, has returned from a buslneBS trlp tp Florida. '. , ,?,-? ! ' Mr. John T. Neagle, whq?haB peen^jn dlsposed for sevoral wcek's, .ls ablohto be out. Tho sprlng openlng of Mlss Mayme Jordan'B new rollllnery wlll take place to-day and to-morrow at 3916 Wllllams burg Avenue. .?'_'."':-'' ''? SIx candldatea were Inltiated at Henrlco Councll, No, 733, Royal Arcanum, last "itev W. 8. Deake, former pastor of Fulton Baptlat Church, now State tnla alonnry, haB moyed hls realdence to ,27 West Maln Street. Rev. Mr. Deake wlll bfe*ln hla work on Saturday at Hlgh Polnt. whero he wlll hold revlval eer^ V'm?' Chrlatlan Scara! one :of.,the oldest German cltixena of Fulton, who haa boon in several weokfl, la able to be out. Mrs A Basslnger and chlldren. who havo been vlsltlng relatlv* ln Amolia. have returned home. Property Tranafera. __SS.^St>??"--?' on aouth alde Ivy Street, 108 f;Mt east of "s^toTR^-Owlea. _ feat on aouth sldHvy StVeot. 135 feot oaat of Meadow, ^cTbomlnlci and- wife to Henry Gunst bi i 1-2-12 foet on north alde Franklin Btrit No-"W and 1710 East. MO,500. Tt H. Harwood and wlfo to Sarah E. Uilman, 25 feet on east alde Adama Street, 243 6-12 feet from Cary. $900. . H R. Pollard, Jr., and wife and John Bagby and wife to Sarah E. Uilman, 30 feet on north aldo Taylor Street, between ReBervoIr and Randolph. $1,400. George D. Prlddy and wife to Edward W. Stephena, 29 8-12 feet on west alde St. Paul Street, 134 feet north of Baker, $1, 300 Jamea C. Pugh and wife to E. A., Cat lin, 27 4-12 foet on west alde Twenty seventh Street. 62 feet north of M. $625. Honry H. Reid to Louise W. Reld, 25 feet on north side Moore Street, $5. ? ? Edward B. Hoae, sub-trustee, Edward S Boae and wife, T. Dee Carter, L. D. Mlnnlgerodo and wlfo to C. K. Coulllng, 120 feet on sotrth slde Ivy Street, 42 feet east of Meadow, $3,600. Walter J. Todd and wife to Mllton W. Haynes, 61 feot on east slde Randolph Btreot, 160 feet south' ?f Wlnder, $460. Henrlco: Jamea H. Dooley and wife to Mlss Julla Mayo, record of deed recorded June 3, 1SS7. '.",', .," ' Nannlo M. and Rylarid H, Ford to Spottswood Dowls, 43 acres about 8..mlles northwest of Rlchmond, on tho Broad . Street rood, $430. Mlss Jblla Mayo to Walter R? John T., John H,, James S. nnd Wllton T. Francls, tradlrig as W, S. Francls & Bros., 100 feet on south sldo maln Btreet, squtheaat cor nor flycamoro, $3,300. MANY VISITORS SEE THE GOVERNOR His Excellency Had to Spend Afternoon at Work to Catch Up With Correspondence. , Not for many days has tho Governor hnd bo many vlsltors ns on yestorday. It waa 'practlcally Imposslblo for hlm to do much work at tho offlce, and ho went to tho Manslon about 2 o'clock to spond the afternoon In work. Many of tho callors wero membors of the Jameatown delegatlon from the Tldo water aeotlon. The blll wlll very llkely havo tho Exocutlve's approval lf lt ronohoa hlm, Commlssloner of Agrloulturo Kolner spont a pnrt of yesterday at Rlohmond Collego, where ho assisted the studonts and Dr, Charlea H. Ryland In plantlng trees and observlng "Arbor Day." In Mr, Brent'a offlce buslnesa ls movlng along smoothly. E. C, Glnas and Seoro tary Brent havo completed arrangomonts ?for tho blg Bumroor school of methods, Ito be hold at the Unlvorslty of VIrglnla, boglnnlng lato ln June. The prospects aro exceedlngly brlght for ono of the greateat aesalons Mr. Glasa has ever yet conduated. DR. PRICE'S TRYABITA FOOD THE ONLY WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD* "I consider Tryabita Food the greatest achievemeJ of my We." GROCEItS 8ELL IT. TEN MILLION ACREHAND State of Florlda Secures Title in Pee Slmple. ALL IN FROSTLESS BELT Belleved That Wlth Drainage it Will Be. come Very Valuable for Frult Qrow Ing Purposei?Long Conten? tlon Isat LastSettled. (By Aatoclated Preaa.) WASrilNOTON, Aprll 2.-Commlssloner Rlchards, of tho General ' Land Offlce, to-day took practlcally the flnal step In the aettlomont of the long-drawn-out con tontlon betweon the United States and the State-of Florlda over the ownerahlp of the landa lncludod ln the portton of the State of Florlda known aa the Ever glades. Thls aotlon conslBtod ln certlfy mg the llsts ot the landa to th6 State authorltles, The landa all lle south of Lake Okeechoboe. The ccrtlflcatlon made to-day covers not only the entlre area of the Everglodea, but alao tho lands ln-' cliided In Mangove Swamp, whloh lles atlll beyond the Bverglade rcglon. The entlre llst inoludea about ten milllon axsrea, all of whioh goea to tho State in fee slmple and will be at Its dlapOaal. The controvorBy over tho landa began ln 1880, and haa-been In progrosa evor slnce. In ordor to aottlo the dlsputod polnt as to ^whethor the country Is Bwampy, and thereforo tha property of the State under the swamp land act of 1860, a survey waa made. The reflult of the survey was' favorable to the conten? tlon of the State, and ln 1897 the secro tary approved certlflca'tlon of tho lands to the Stato. But beforc the patenta could be Issued frlends of the Semlnole Indlans lntervened, alleglng that the . remnants of that trlbe of aborlginea, who Btlll'rem'alned upon the EvorglodeB, thelr orlginal homo, would bo diapossessed. Thla complaint roBUlted In another In veatlgatlon and a opecial survey, and ln tha and small tracts of land were wlthdrawn for the Indlans romalnlng. , It ls not belloved that slmllar or any otbor obataolea can now-arlao to prevent the flnal cloalng of the transactlon at a very' early day. Secretary Hltchcoek ' ' ?;'T thought Mr. Brown was comlng thls evening." "He dld come; don't you see hlm?" ? Solution of puzzle in yesterday's Times-Dispatch: Her profile is formed by the front of lady's coat. had already slgnifled his approval of the seleotlons before Commissioner Rlcharda, apponded hla certiflcate. and all that re malns ls for the Interior Department to lasue a patent to the land, whlch, ac cordlng to precedent, wlllbe d one upon the reauest of the Governor of the State. ?The1 landa are all wlthln the froatlesa belt, and it la'believed that with drain age they will aoon become very valuablo for frult growlng purpoaes. - ? MES9AQE FROM COGHLAN Says United States Interesti In Qulf Waters are Protected. (By Aaaoclntcd Preaa.) WASHINGTON. D. q., Aprll 2.-The Navy Dopartmont to-day rocelved the fol lowmg cablogram from Admlral Coghlan, dated Guatemala, Aprll lat: "Following sent by Marlotta, en routo Bellzo for atorea; Roleigh arriyed; Trux v^l e captured by rovolutlonlats 24th. Our Intereata proteated, Condltions unsettled. CommunleaUon uncertaln and another col Uer needed.. Brutua nearly empty, The colller Marcellua will probably be eent to Admlral Coghlan, In addlt on to the colller Marcellus ordera were iesued nV tha Navy Department detaohlng tho suDPly sWp Culgoa from tho North At fanMc Squadron for duty wlth Rear-Ad mlral Coghlan and sho will proceed at nnee from Pensacola. To Admlral Coghlan's dlscretlon has been left the tlme of hla deporture from Central Amerlpan watora, but tho tenor of hla dltpatoh recelvod to-day lndlcatea that hla proaence there will aoon be un nocessary Upon atartlng north he wll joln the North Atlanalc Squadror. at Pen? sacola. The Bhlpa' of the Cnrlhbean Sea divlslon wlU probably be dookod at, No> fom and Boston. Admlral Hlgglnaon's Squadron Is expected to reaoh New York earlv ln May, and such vossels ns neecl vepalrs will be docked at the New York yard. . HAS NO AUTHORITY TO.BREAKCONTRACT (By Aaaoclated Preaa.) WASHINGTON, Aprll 2.-Aotlng Seo retary of the Navy Darllng to-day de cfded that the government has no legal grounds for rovoklng Its contract wlth a Norfolk meat company. Tho Hocro-, tary foels that the government will bo foroed to pay exoess prlces for moat aa a rasult of the hlgh price of that artlcle when tho contraot was oloaed last year. 9 ?*' l ? TWO POLJCE AND TWO CITIZENS KILLED (By Aaaoctated Preia.) MONTERBY, M'EXICO, Aprll 8.-Dur ing the colebratlon hero to-day of the vlo tory of the Republlo wlth, troopa under General Plas, at Puobla, Aprll 2, 1807, po, litlcarcapltal was made of the affalr by the partlsans of tho varjous candldates for Governor of tho State of Nouvo Leou, and a mob of 1(1,000 olttiens fortped and tharohed to tho realdence of Oovemof Reyos and hurled a showet ot stones ftt tho Goverflor and shouted "Doath to .Royesl" ? . The polltie wero sont for, and ln the mlx-ttp that ensuod ln dfsporslng the tnoo two pollcetnen and two cltlr.ons were klllcd and many wottrided. Qulet now provalts, but It la not un llkely that the troubte may break out afresh, aa polltlcal Sontlmont Is hlgh and a HtfOflg fcellng prevulls aKalHHl Governor Reyes. VIOLENT DEMONSTRATION Soclallst Meetlng Proteats Agalnat Ar y rest of Qoetz. flJy AMociatod Preat.V , . . ROME. Aprll 2.-A dlspatch to .the Popolo Romano from Mllan says a vlo lent domonstratlon oocurrcd thore yea? terday evenlng, followlng a aoelallstio meetlng, called to protost agalnat the arroat of Mlchaol Goeta, a Ruaalan, at Naplea, Maroh aith, on the oherge of belng Impllcated In a plot to klll the C?ar durlng hls approachlng vlalt to Rome. A mob of about a hundred eo clallnts proceeded to the Russlan con aulate at Mllan, stnglng a aoclallst hymn and shoutlng, "Down wlth Caarlsm. The pollce attomptod to dlaperse the so clallets, and durlng the fightlng whlch followed a stone was hurled at the os cutcheons on tho consulate, lts flng ataft was broken, a pollce .ofneer' was ln Jured, and four men were arrosted. ? i WILL VISIT ROME Klng Edward Haa Declded to go to See the Pope. . (Br AMoelated Prew.) ROME, Aprll 2.?Prlnce Collonna, the Mayor of Rome, haa been ofllolally ln formed by the Itallan Oovernment that Klng Edward wlll vlalt Rome at the end of thls month, Mgr. Stonor, Canon of St. John Dateran, the hlgheat Engllah prelate ?here, has been enrusted wlth the nego tlatfona to arrange a vlalt of Klng Ed? ward to the Pope. It Ib propoaed that the Klng eltherigo to the EngUsh eccleslastl cal college hbro, or to the realdonoe of Prlnce Masslmo, whom he met when here, as Prlnce of Walea, durlng the" lffetlme of Pope Piua TX. From olthor of these jlaces he would atrat for tho Vtlcan, not ln a carrlago of the klnd of Italy, ut ln a prl wato vehlcle.: a STRUCK BY BOTTLE Coroner Takea Ante-Mortem State ment of Oolonel Sennard. (Br A??oclatcd Press.) . NEW YORK, Aprll 2.?Coroner Golden cranz has been-iordered to take the ante mortom statement of Colonel Dennard, aged seventy, aald to havo been a colo nel in the Confedorate, army, who la ex? pected to dle from a blow upon the head wlth a bottlo, In hla ante-mortem statement, Colonel Lennard aald hla name was Louman Lewls Lennard, and that he i8 a brother of Dr. Amos L Lennard, of Chlcago, He doclarod that ho becamo Involved ln a quarrel wlth Gllbert Mooro, proprletor of the Amorican Carrlago Exchango, and that Moore knocked hlm down, fraoturlng hla Jaw. Physlclans at" tho hoapltal, he aays, told hlm he waa not serlously ln? jured, but hla own famlly phyalolnn, 8ee lng hla condltlon, notlfled the coronor, ? ??^??? BAD MIX-UP Schooner to Avoid Collision Crossed Tow Llne. (ny AsHocluted Presa.) NEW YORK, April 2,?The Italian'steamer Cltti dl Napoll, whlch arrlved here to-day from Napios, whllo backlng "froni her anchorago at quarantlne on her way to her dock, crossed the courso of ? the schooner Colllns W. Walton, of Phlla dolphla, bound In from JnckBonvllle, and for a moment a collision seemed lmml nent. The schooner gavo way and ln so do? lng waa obllged to croas tho tow llne of an Incomlng mud acow and a nilx-up reaulted. Tho aohooner, ln croaslng tho tow llno fell across the mud scow, but owlng to tho prompt slacltlng of tho tow llno by the tug, managed to escape wlthout eerl ous Injury. The sohooner had hor Jlbboom carrled nway and was probably raspcd along tho bottom by the tow llne, Ttttt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Perfect Health. Keep the syHtem in perfect ordef by the occasional use of Tutt'i Liver Pills, They regulatt th? boweig and produce A Vigorous Body For sick hendache, malarla, biU iounneM, constipation and kivtdrea iiseauet an abaolute cu'fc lUTT'S ll\m IPILLSaV CORDES, MOSBY & GO. Ladies' Readrto-Wear Apparel Thoroughly Qood and Rldiculously Low PHced. To cloan tip the balanoe of our last season'e stook of these goods, we have made their prices so ridioulously small that their qttiok moving is positively assured. In every in&tance theso goods are marked at one fonrth of their former prices and in no case is the aotual cost of the bare material covered. Owing to the greatly reduced prices on these no alterationa willbe made. .,, . 26 very serviceable Suife ot oitra quality cheviot, oolors blaok, navy and brown, collarless Etori and jaoket effects, silk lined. Bkits ont seven-goro, full flares or graduated flourices, _? ? AA nicely trimmod and lined, former prices, $22.50 and \ k 1111 $17.50, now, choioe.....'..< ?P-??vV 22 Dress 81rirts of nioe quality cloth and oheviot, oolors navy, gray and black, skirts seven-gore, full flare and trimmed -^ _ '_ withtuoks and stitohedbanda of toffetas, former prioes W UX $9.00 and $10.00, now, ohoice.....i.Vs/*,w Taffeta and Peau de Soie Etons, Bilk lined, aome . ,.? ttioked, some corded and some lace trimmed, former \\ yQ price, $12.50, now..,...- ?-.*r ? LadieB* nicely tailored Jaokets of Bpring weight mel- ^ j_ ton and kersev, colors blaok and tan, jackets suk lined, \7 UX slot seams, former price, $12.98, now. ?r * ? ' v Ask to see our new Spring-weight Oovert ^^fcif- OO Jackets, tans only, special....'.'/..;.'.... ?K*t>e"W Cordes, Mosby & Go. THE ARGUMENTS ARE C0NT1NUED Flflht for Cpntrol of Southern Pacinc Still on ln United States Court. {B? AaBoclated Preaa.) NABHVILLB, TBNN.. April 2.-The struggle for oontrol of the Southern Pa ciflc betweon James R. Keene and the. Unlon Paoific Rallroad went on ln the United States'Court to-day. Judge. Alex ander Humphrey, of Loutavllle, replylng for the Harriman intereata to the address of Edward Lauterbaoh, of New York, rep reBentlng'Mr.: Keene/r contlnued hla re markB'begun'late yeaterday afternoon. He read' largely ' from Mr. .Harriman a affldavlts, already madepubUc, and sald ho would leave the law to be, discuased later by hla aaaoclatea.- . ?, .r?.?>? The Bpeaker then adverted to tne devei opment and improvement of both prop ertlea, and aald there i was no-.ovldenoe to show that the directors ever.. contemplated turning over the Contral Paclflc to tho Unlon Paclflc. Judge Humphrey discuas? ed the appolntment of Jolnt agents for tho Unlon and Southern Paclflc and alao the alleged divoralon of frolght from Chlcago to varloua polnta, and contended that no dlaorlmlnatlonhad been practlced fgainat the Southern ?Paolflc. Ho. traced the do velopment ot the Contral Paclflc and sald the plana of put'tlng the property ln better phyalcal condltlon aa inaugurated by Mr. Huntlngton had boen carrled out. NO COitPETITION. Judge Humphrey sald that tho appro prlatlon of earnlngs to the lmprovement of rallroad properlles, Inatead of paying divldenda to preferred stockholdors, had boon held by the Supreme Court of tho United States to be for tho best lntor ests of all the sharoholdera and that tho complalnant thought tho way to modern Izo a road was to issue seourltleS. Judge Humphrey sald ln responae to a questlon by Judgo Lurton that there could bo no competltion betwoen tho Unlon and Southern Paclflc, and, thereforo, there could be no possiblo grounds for tho ap pllcation for an injunctlon. Judgo .Humphrey waa followed by Mr. EvartB, who contondod that, the Unlon Paciflo wna not beforo the court, and tho court, thoroforo, had no jurlsdiotion. Ho lnalatod that a court of oqulty could not abrldgo tho rlghts of a majorlty of tho stockholdors or dlvoat them ot the mnn agement of a corporatlon. Ho lnalated that no ovldonce had been Introducod to ehow that compotltlon oxlatod betwoen the Southern Paolflo and Unlon Paciflo ln Kentucky, and that competltion be? tweon theso llnes was conflnod to certdln points outsldo that State._ UNIQUE FEATURES FOR THE REUNION (By Anaoeluted ProiB.) NTEW OREA*T6, Aprll 2,?Preparationa for the Confodonito. reunlon, whlch boglna May 10th, aro now well undor way, A numbor of novol foaturos wlll bo in troducod. Each. State dlvlslon wfll have a band prooodlng lt ln tho parade. Fourteon young ludlos of tho hlghost Confoderato stnnding wlll rlde ln a beautlfully de corated tally-ho at tho head of the pa rndo, and wlll be known as horalda. Thoy wlll bo dressod ontlrely ln whlto, nnd wlll hoivo bannorB denotlng the Stato they roprosont -nnd tho coat-of-arms of the States wlll bo wrought )n flpwors on tho sldos of tho tally-ho, The tally-ho wlll 'bo preceded by tho Memphls Bugle Cor,pa, of forty-flve pleces, compoaod of young soctety mon who have been tralhlng for the purpose. Roservatlnns for the dlvlslon and de partment oommandora and tholr sponsors nnd malds, eto., havo boen made at tho St. Charlos, and ovory nocommodatlon has been prm/lded for tho ontortnlnmont of tho vetorans, RIVER COND1TIONS CONSIDERED IMPROVED (Br AHsocluted Preis.) NEW ORDEANS, Aprll a.-Wlth tho successful JoIhIiik of the ends of the crlb work leadlng from elthey elda of the broken Hymolla leveo, an aohlevoment whloh waa accoinpllahed aarly thls morn? lng, tho orltloal stago is conalderod to havo boen pasaed ln the attempt to oloso tho oravasBo, now soven hundred foot In wldth Only tho moat unoKpocted mla ^fortuuo rosultlng In tho carryjng a way of tho crlbblng cun preyent the auccoss of the undertoklng. Genernlly tho rlver oondltlims are con? alderod to bo Improvod ln I?ulslana- Tho intoryentlon ot good' weather hati oon trtbuted largely to the atrengthenlng of the leyoo aystem. Every .embankment In tho Stato abbvo Now Oi'leans la holdlng except those at Bougero and Angola, where the damage done ls Iocal, and lt Is felt that the maxlmum flood ls at least ln sight The rlver hero remalnod statlonary at 20.1 to-day. EMPEROR WILLIAM ON VISIT TO DENMARK (BrAaaoclated Pmm.) ^' COPBNHAOBN, Aprll 2.?Emperor Wll 11am arrlved here to-day from Vienna and recelved a oordlal greetlng from thousandfa of epeotafcors and from a great gathering of diplomata and clvtl and mtlltnry authorltles. The Bmperor, who was ln the beat splrlta, was warmly welcomed by Klng Chrlstlan and roplled most klndly to the latter'e remarks. The. epeeohea. whloh King Chrlstlan and tho Emperor will dellver the gala dlnnor at the palaco to-nlght will not be of aipblltlcaroharaetor.'' '?'''?/ > It 1? bfflblally ahnounbooj'that the Bm? peror has expreased hlmeelf^atrongly ln fayor of the malntenance of good rala tlonsubetweenr.Gormany, and Denmork. JUDGE HAYNES HURT ? iN 1?AILWAY ACCIDENT (By Aaaoclnted Proas.) KNOXVILLB, TENN., Aprll 2.?Paa senger traln No. 16 and frelght No. 61 oollldod on tho Southern Rallway at Af ton, Tenn., olghty miles ea?t of Knox vliro, to-day, Four paasengers wero ln? jured. Thelr names are: _ - ? ?? Mlss Annlo Hardln, Klnton, S. C, leg hurt, _ ?? ..;:,':- _ Judge Hal. H. Haynes, Brlstol, Tenn., baok'lnjured, ' _ O. A. Andefesm, Johnoon Clty,. Tenn., knee. lnjured. ,. ,,. W. F. Carter, Johnson Clty, Tenn,, hip brulsed. ? ? m SHOOT1NG OF NORTH ATLANTIC SQUADRON (By Aaioctated1 Prinw.) WASHINGTON, Aprll 2.-JThe North Atlantl quadron ls makingr more good gun praotlce from reporta to the Navy Depart mont. To-dny'a report from Lloutonant Commander Simma, the inapector of rlfle prooUco, with thla aquadron, who la now at Pensacola, Flo,, la to the effeot that throo out of tho four gun-polnters in tho 13-inch' turreta of tho Indlana made a porcontago?of 100 In hlts. On the Illlnols, all four of the gun-polnters of the 13-lnoh gung made an avernge of aovonty-flve per cont. In hlta. Thla waa not aub callber praotloe, but was made at a dlatance of 1,000 yarda, each ahot atrJkmg a target 17 by 21 feet, Captain Was Burned. (By Amioclntea Pre??.) SAVANNAII, OA., April 2.?The sohoon or Isabolla Glll, Captain Colllson, from Baltlmoro, arrlved thla mornlng wlth Captain Dlx and olght men of the sohoon er 1D, H. Woavor, lost oft Chnrloston Monday mornlng, The Weavor was ltnnbor-lndon from Fornnndlna to Now Ifnvon. The wreck cnught flro nnd Cap tnln Dlx was badly burned whllo trying to extlngulsh lt, .> Stock More Than Doubled. (By AnaoRlatflrt Preia,) PORTDAKD, MB,, Aprll 2.?At a spo olal meetlng of the stockholders of Mo hawk Valley Steol and Wlro Company horo tb-da^ .It w?a ,voted to Inoroaso tho capltal Btbok of the company from $25, tb ?oo,ooo,ooo; Thla Incronso mnkca tho oorporatlon tho largest ln thls State. Tho company waa organlaed threo months ago by New York oapltallsta, and ls buildlng a |6> 000,000 plant ln the South and acqulring iron and steol lnnds In Southern States. ? Two Negroe8 Killed. (By Awnclsted l,ro??.) DOUISVIDDE, KY., Aprll 2.-Two no groes wero killed, two serlously hurt and nlno sllghtly lnjured by falllng walla In a brlok tenement house at No. 318 Dn fayette Street to-day. Tl>e viotlms wero nsleen when the ornah came. _. . . r iRVINQ BAOHEtUER'S NEW STORY, The pppular author of "Eben Holden" haa wrltten a new atory that wlll odd greatly to hla fame. It la called "Darrel of the Ulessod iHles," and la of thrllllng Intey est, Tho Tlmea-Dlapatch hae, In oon Junctlon wlth tho Now York Horald, so curod the rlght to prlnt thla wondarful atory, and lt wlll nppear ln our Haster cdttton of Sunday next. Don't mlss read? Ing lt._ THE 6OIEN0E OF BQXINQ. "Doxlng aa a Fnrm of Phyaioal. Cuituro" will bo dlacusaed by Profesaor Anthony Parkor in the Eaater odltlon of The Tlmea-DIspatch on Sunday next. Every young man wlll be Intereated, ln thla urtjel* STRIKE ON IN THE PAN HANDLb Eleven Alines and Over a^ Thousand Miners Are Idie; S as Result of New Scale. (Speclal to Tha Tlmw-Dlapateh.) 'M.y BDUETFIBDD. W. VA, Aprll, 2.'?EUeTen... mlnea and over one thousand mlnera ara ldle In the Panhandle aectlon of Weat VIrglnla. Bofore the end of the weelc - aa many more mlnea wlll probably ba_: closed unleaa some agreement Is arrived, at between'the unlon and the operators. The cause of the atrike ls due to tha, retusal of the operators,to, attend ing-of the unlon mlhe'rs' held laat week,; at whloh meetlng'a new' acale waa litgu- - gurated. The operatora also refused sto eign the new acale. Thla strlke doea not affeot the Flat-Top fleld. "?? . BROADUS-flEMORIAL Preaching There Thla Mornlng at 10:30 O'clock and To-Night. The meetlng at Broadua-MemorlaJ laat nlght .waa an enthualaatlo one, and thoro' were aeveral converslona. Rev. C. C. Coleman wlll preaoh at 10:flO ' o'clock thla mornlng and agaln at. 8', o'clook to-nlght, when hla atibjeot v "A Great Invitatloh." Park Place Church. Mornlng: ;?"?'?' Prelude, "Dargo".HandeL, Hymn?Offertory, "Klng of Klnga." .';::\J ?. Btmper* Hymn?Anthem, "Hla Glorioua Name," Porter, Hymn?Poatlude, '"Ptlgrlma' Chorue," Wagneru Eventng: /? Freluda, "Gloria" .Jtoaaurt Hymn?Offertory, "Alleluia! The Lord !: Llvoth" .;....;Harria?,: Hymn?Anthem, "Hla Glorioua Wune/"; ;PoTtety',-. Hymn?Poatlude, "March Pontifloate," Oounod^ The membera of the ohoir ar? tha toU, lowlng! ' VC-ty'i Boprano?Mlaaea M. Edna Blanton, QracC Frltaoho, Boaale Deo, Allca Crutohfteid a__l Mra. Kate Crutahfleld. j Alto?MIbbob Maude Wllklnaon. Ducy|( Dee. . i Tenor?C. W. Montgomery, R. B. For-I reat and W. A, Page. Baae?C. H. Graham and O. EL Blanton. I, D. Brlgga, Jr? organlat, C, E. Blan? ton, dlrector. Vlrglnlana Here. Murphy'a?Dr. W. B; Roberteon, Tapy pahannocki H, J. Jordan, Staunton; R. W. Fry, Roanoke; H. Si Armond, Dr. Charloa F, Turman, Rpanoke; W. J. Mathowa, Glaagow, John T. Weet, Nor folk county; J. W. Bowden, Blooromj H. D, Bayler, J. H. C. Boverly Eaaex. Now Ford's?Thomaa H, Fox, Aahland; Georgo D, Yarroll. Vlrglnlaj Peter Gun ter, VIrglnla; Theo. F, Merabandt, Char lottesvlllo; W. F. Selorlngen, Clarksvllle. Mr. Qlasa Here. Hon, Carter Glaas, of Dynohburg, mem- j ber of the Houso of Representatlvea from tho Slxth Dlstrlot. Ib In tho olty,, and waa a caller at; the Capltoj yeaterday. Mr, Glaaa la here on prlvate bualneaa nnd la ln flne health and aplrlta, He waa warmly greetod by hla old colleaguea about tho Capltol durlng hls brlef atay there. Pay Penalona, The Auditor of Publlo Aooounts deslrea It known that he wlll begln to pay pan* alona under tho aot of 4838 and epaclal. acta on May lat, and that thoae allowW under aubsequant acta wlll bo patd bey-. glnnlng June lat. V ? Farmera Hore. Among the diatlnguluhwd agrloulturlaU ln the olty are Meaara. J, M. Barker. ot Honry, and J. H. 0. Beverly, of Baaax. They are both member* of tha SUta Board of AgrlouKure, bi?t thelr vlalt to ? the olty la aald to haye no ofncjal algnln- ] canc'6. ' Board pfFlaherlea. Tho Stato Board of Flatoerloa wlll meotj here on Wedneeday noxt ln regular mooth-. lf ly aeaalon. Dr. J. W, Bowdoin, preel- i? oanfc o? the board, ia now ln the plty, I but Is here on prlvatt bualneaa. , Warmh/ Qreated. Judge B. B. Witt. of the HusUnga Court. / who haa bo long been J1I, b?t who b?ev now about roooyered hU health, wa* at 1 Murphy'a for a wfcile laat nlght, and va* I varmlj ?reoted by flto ?a?r ttUm4m '