Newspaper Page Text
IN FRISON FOR DEBT J. H. Gurganus of North Car ollna is in Jall at Norfolk. NEGRO OUTLAW CAPTURED New Fllter Plant at Clty Water Worki / is Now In Operatlon?Young Qlrl Working ln a Sllk Mill ls Palnfully lnjured. (Bpeclal to Tba Ttmaa-Dlapatcli.! NOCRFOLK. VA.. Aprll J.-Deaplte the Impreaalon that tmprtaonment for debt ls abollshad, there la a caae of lt here-to day. The Borvlce of a ?ummorui waa made on J. BL Ourgamua. of North Caro Ilna, for a debt of, *?0.M, yeaterday, ?loubtleM wlth the Idea that he would pay rather than, go to jall. The oourt record la to the effoct that the J. W. Pert-y) company complaina to tho Court of Law and Chanoery that the defandant s an absoondlng debtor for the ^mou1ntJtf*e?? and asks that he be prevonted from eav lng the juriadlotlonof the court tUhe ' pay. or tlll the oase ls heard by the oourt, The defendant will not pay or la . not able to ipay, for he waa detainedln the Jall last nlght. and waa there thls' ?v morning when the oourt fO"rened.),Kyl? etated by tho court offlclals that the de fendant ls a man of property, and that v. he wfll make arrangementa for reuer. In the Pollco Court thla momlng JtisUce Taylor.held tho negro outlaw 'Wllliam "?? Harria, of Cbarlotte N. C, for the offl cere to come for hlm. The man is a deeperato charaoter. Ho saya his nnmo V u Wllliam Robert James Sandera, and that he got tho namo, Wllliam Harrls from aasoolatlon with friends of that Bame. The offlolal, dosorlptlon from ' XoVth Carollna.'meritlone that he has 'a bull-frog bulld" atyle of archlctooture; that his wrlstn and anklos are smoll, and hta legi and arms correapondlngly largo; that his body la phenomenally strong, and that he haa more enduranoe than a horae, and oan escape from either horses or dogs by runnlng all day. He ls chargod wlth houso-iburnlng, robbery, bnrn-burn lng and wlth ehootlng with lntent to klll. Tbe negro fletooflve who puratiod and oaught hlm, Van Griftin, pf Oharlotto, eays that there la evldenoo sufflclent to hang HarrlB in Charlotto. _ FILTBR PX/ANT IN OFERATION. ? The work of flnstalllng tha. Contlnento.1 JTekel Flltratton Plant at tho Norfolk ^water works waa oomploted yestorday, and the iplant waa placad in operatlon, at'onee. In ovent the plant proves a suc oeas after slx months' trlnl, tho clty will pay to the oompany the sum of $18,000, One of tha olarms of tho company Is that lt will aavo filterlng oxpenso and bet ter water will result. Tho dHTerenoe be? twoen tho new and the old plnnt la that the new ohe employa Iron. whlle tho old ? ohe employod alum as a ooagulant. Iron ls''choapor than alum, . Mlaa Ethol Cromwoll, of Konslngton, whlle at work at tho sllk mlll yeBterday momlng wasvbndly lnjured. Mltm Crom well at the tlme aho waa hurt waa at tacblng tho broken enfla ot allk ln the : wlii'dlng framcs.' Hor long hatr caught on ono of tho apoole and qulokly worked ln the wheols. Mlas Cromwell rotalnod hor iproaence of mlnd aufTlclontly to graap her halr tightly ln hor hand, and thua aho naved lt from all belng tnken out. Tho flesh on Mlsa Cromwell'a hand was torn, ""lt havlng been caught ln tho maohlno alao. fleveral of tho glrla who wero work? ing near by Mlaa Cromwoll camo to hor asslBtanoo and out her halr off wlth Bdssora. Mlaa Cromwoll was ovorcomo by '. the Bhock and falntod. flho was eont to her homo, whero ahols Btlll sufteripg from the hock and torn Hcalp. HABEAS CORPP SUIT FOR BOY. Sult will begln to-morrow for tho poa Boaslon ot a. boy. Tho Bult for tho body wlU begln ln the United etatea Dlstrlot Court ognlnat tho commandant of the ro celving ship Franklln, for Adam J. "?chrelbor, His mother, Llzilo Schrolber, 1 of Albany, N. T., brlngs the ault, al legtng that the boy ran away from home wlthout hor conacnt nnd Jotnod tho nniry r ns a landaman. She aaya that Adnm waa born In Juno, 18S3, and conseqtiontly was not of age whon he Jolned tho navy, and, therofore, ah(> dpffrands .that ho bo re leasod and rotufhed'to'hor. Judgo Wnd dlll entered an order to that offoot a ' month ago, but wlthheld the exeoutlon of ;? lt after th,o appearanco of Captaln . Thompaon ln oppoaltlon. The cnso will be argued beforo Judgo Waddtll to dotor mtn* the dlapoaltlon of the young man, He Jolned tho navy durlng a Inrk wlth Boveral othor boya, and was sont here for tralnlng. a ? DISPENSARY W1NS A Settlement for n Time at Least Is Renched in Farmvtllo. (Speclnl to Tlio IMmoa-niapateb.) ? , FARMVILLB. VA., Aprll 2.?Tho whla? key questlon, whlch haa creatod bo muoh excltemont In Farmvlllo for tho past two Veoka, haa" boen BOttled for a whlle, at least, reaultlng in a viotory for tho dla penaary peoplo. Tho blll orfered by Mr. J, J, Owon, nsklng thnt tho dlaponaary aot for Farmvllle dlstrlct be repealed, waa wlthdrawn by hlm yoatorday, whloh was tho day aot for tho hearlng betore tbo Houso commlttoo. Now that tho mattor has boon settlod, bo far as tho Loglalaturo ls ooncorned, tbe Town Councll will In all probablllty roeet shortly nnd appolnt a now dlapon eary board, make the necoasary appro prlation for carrylng on tho llquor traf fle, and aeo that the law la onforoad. Dr. Peter Wlnston, who 1b a momber ' of the dlspensary board appolntod two yeara ago by the Councll, will tondor hla reslgnatlon as member of such board, Dr. Wlnatnn'a torm, howover, oxplrea the jcth of thla month. It la not known dell nltely what Dr. Rlchard OMdgood will do, but It ln aald he wlU aluo roslgn. llls term doea not explra utitll tho 16th of Aprll, 10M. So when tha Councll iiutota they wlU havo to nume thraa now inein. b'.lu. ? . 0 <"? ARBORDAYOBSERVRD Pocahontas Colllerles Oompany Pro vldes Shado Trees for the Town. f?i,erlnl to fh" 'flnir?.|)Upatoli.) POCAHONTAH, VA? Aplil 8.-The Po? cahontas Colllerles Company, os tha ra ?ult of tha publlu uplill nnd anterprlae of Cotonal Thomaa II, Maglnnlu, lumj wgent, lias ordared a lurgo supply of tihada trc-.;a, whlch irere aof pijt ou thu ytraetu of the town whara tholr property |k loc.atfcii| alao a Ibrgo nuinbor whlch wera ' yet out lu putur perta of tha town to. day, ln the observanco of A>'bor Day, li, whluli tho Mayor, Cotmoll, publlo schoola and oitlsotiu took an apIIvm nart, Tha CounoII ot tho town hus rocently adoiHed >>. new charter, whic:h nt-iims |q he more fiatiafactory than tho otd ono, juid lt U oxpoetnrj will tmol with tho up proval <tl the oitlKonu, Pcnvltfion ls made imm thm Jjwuuuue of bonda to Ji'juidatt. the pfeaent Indebtedttass' of tha town, and for tha Improvetnent of the atreeta ahd aewor Dyatetii. An effoft to have tho ttmotlht of lloanao on llquor daalora ralaed to IhOOO waa defeated, and the tax remalna aa heretofofo; *800 por year. Some oialrrt that the matter la not aettled aa yet #?ut tliera wlll probably not be any ohatige made. 3, D flnbor, whn has been a leadlng eltlaen atid probably the moat auocoaa ful nferohant In thla aectlon of the State, left thla mornlng; wlth hla famlly for Jjynehburg, whore they wlll roelde In future. ' Tho rumora of a atrlkei ln the ooal flelda the flrat of Aprll dld not materlallae to day, nnd there doea not aeem to be any cvldence that there wlll be a atrike t _a SUmmer. a ? Fallure In Staunton. (Speclil to Tha ?MmM'Dlapatch.) STAUNTON, VA., Aprll 2.-J. W. Au? g-tiatus, agalnat whom Georgo R. Klnge lor obtalnod a vordlot yeaterday In tho Corporatlon Court for two thouaand dol Itira, asslgnod to-day. Hls llabllltiea are sald to be olght thouaand dollara. . -*^???-???".' NO COMPROMISE IN FIGHT WITH DAY Antl-Saloon League of Am herst Nalls lts Colors tothe Mast. (Bptual to Tha Ttmai-Dlapateb.) AMHERST, VA, Aprll 2.?At a called meetlng of the Antl-Saloon Deagua of Amherst, held thla mornlng, the followlng reaolutlona were unanlmously adopted relatlve to an offer of compromlao mado to Juatlco Edgar Whitehead, by Drug giat S. A. Day, to provido for the wlth d'rawal of furthbr prbsecutlon or investl gatlon . of charges agalnst Day for the lllloit aalo of whlskey at Amherst: "Flrat. It ls the unanlmoua lmpresalon of the Antl-Baloon Leaguo that thoy have no rlgbt to wlthdraw tho prosocutlon, or make any oompromiso wlth the sald S. A. Day, aa the caae ls now ln the hands of the court to bo dealt with accordlng to tho law and evldenco, "Sooond. That lt Ia the unanlmoua sen tlment of the Antl-Saloon League that they have no rlght to oxouse any wltneaa or wltnossos, that have boen niummon od by tho Commonwoalth." Justlce Edgar Whitehead wlll proeeed to-morrow mornlng with' a further Inves tlgation of tho ohargos agalnst Drugglst S. A. Day for eelllng whlskey unlaw fully at Amherst Courthouae, t POSTOFFICE ROBBED Burglars' Secure Over Four Hundred Dollara atWarm Springs. (Spaclal to Tlio Tlmoi-Dlipatch.) HOT SPRINGS, VA., Aprll 2.?Burglars ontered tho Warm Springs postoftlce last nlght and. carrled away about f?? ln atampa and J10 in eaah. The entrance waa mado from the front door wlth a orow bar and chieol, both of whlch were left behind.-belng. tho only traoe of the rob bory, Tho offlco ls a great dlatanoo from any r'osidence, honce tho thlevoa had full play, There la no Idea as to who .tha gullty partlos wero, but the Job waa ovldontly the work of expert robbors, tho money drawer bolng tha only part dam aged. Every other nrtlojo was left ln placo, and no damngo to tho offlco waa dono, savo tho sprlnglng of tho door. Dast nlght ln Thpmastown, ono mlle bo low hore, a negro,'hut waa burned and two nogro woraon perlehed ln the flamea, ? Condltlon Critlcal. fSpoelnl to Tho TlmoB-DlBpntoh.) CREWE, VA., Aprll 2.?Tho condltlon of Conductor Duther Robertaon, who waa wounded by a negro, ia critlcal. Hls death ls oxpeotod hourly. ? ?? EXCELLENT MICA IN SP0TSYLVAN1A People of Madison Are Clam oring for an Electrlc Road to Orange Courthouse. fSpoclul to Tlio Tlmos-DUpatch,). FREDERICKSBURG, VA? Aprll 2. Mr. T. H. Twyman has eold hla mloa mlno in Spotsylyanla county to a Texaa company, who wlll work the property. Tho quallty ot the mloa taken from thls inlne Is sald to be oxcellont. The peoplo of Madlsoji oounty are atlll olamorlng for an eleotrlo rallrood from polnta ln that county to Orange Court houBo, td'oonnoot wlth tho throo rail roada at tho lalter pluce. An effort la bolng mado to organlae tho movement lnto praotloal ahape, and lt la probablo that an eleotlon on the queatlon ot tha oounty ssubscrlblng to the atock wlll bo oarrlod. Tho now Btoamor Carollne, of tho Woema llne, due to loave horo yeaterday at 11 o'clock wlth the flrat mnll for tho new rlver routo from hore to Tappahan nook, dld not arrlve untll late ln tho af? ternoon, owlng to a Btorm, but left wlth tho mall as aoon aa tho frelght waa loftded, . Thla atenmor wlll make tho trlp regulnrly botwoon thlo clty and tlr lumna every Monriay, Wodiieadny and Frlday, roturnlng Tuesday, Thuraduy and Baturday, A largo mimnor ot laborera left horo Jaat nlght for Plttsburg, Pa., to engago ln rallroad work. Weddlng Carda. rHpoctnl to Tha Tlmfli-Dlupntcli,) NOfRPODK, VA? Aprll 2,?Mr, Wllllam Ottloy, of Mlaalaslppl, has Isuucd Juvlta tlona announolng tho marrlaga of hls dnughter, MUs Denn, to Mr. Georgo D, Parker, Jr,, of Portamouth. to take placo on Wndnoaduy, tho lRth Inatant, Mlss Ottloy Ih tha nlflco of Colonel J, J, Ottloy nnd Mra. XCatta Ivea, of thla place, and has many frlenda hero, havlng vlalted her peoplo here aaveral tlmes, Mr, Parker ja tha eou nf Judge O. D, Parker and la a popular attoruoy ot Borkloy, INVINQ BACHELLER'S NEW STORY Tho popular uuihor of "Ebnn Uolden" haa wrjtton a now ulary thjtt Wlll Bfld groally lo hls fanifj, Jt ia called "Darrel of tha Ttletfsed lslos," pnd ls of thrllJliia Inter est. The Thnes-DiHpatoh has, ln con Junctlon wlth the Now York Iferald, ho cured tha I'ight to print thla wondeiful atory, and lt wlll appoar iu our Kaalep odliion of Hunduy next. Don't mlss road. ing H._ THE SCIENCE OF BOXINQ, ?'Boxliig as a, Form pf Pliyuical Culture" wlll ba dlscuasad by Profuaaor Antho/iy Rurlior ln (ho Eustor edltlan of The Tliu?B-Pl8naloh qji Biiiui.iy next, iivmy yimiis man wlll bo intereated 1" thls artlcle. MILITARY WILL COME Great Preparatlons for the Carnlva) at NewportNews. THE BLACKSBURG CADETS Tha Rlchmond Blues and Several Com panles ot the Severlteenth Regiment Will Be Present at the Launch Ing of the West Vlrglnla. (Spaclal to Tbe Ttmaa-DIipstcb.) NEWPORT NBWS, VA., April S.-Cap taln T, A, Johnson, coinmandlng Com? pany C, Soventy-flrat Vlrglnla, and ona of tbe members of the oommlttoe ln ohargo of tho oarnlval preparatlon, to day recelved tnformatlon that tho oorps of Blackaburg oadots will bo here dur lng tho Iaat two days of tho carnlval, and will march iri tho mllltary and naval' parade that wlU follow tho launohlng of tlio orulaor West Vlrglnla on tho 18th, the laat day of tho oarnlval. The aadets will ooiho hero Friday ovonlng and wJU remaln in oamp untll Sunday morn? ing. Tho Rlchmond Blues and aeveral companlas of tho Seventleth Infantry will bo hore. The entlre Sevonty-flrat will be on hand. The .aailors on the Gorman orulser Gaaelle Will oome ashore to maroh. There wlU alao, be half a doeen oompanloa of artlllery from Fort Monroe and a large detaclunont of United States seamon and marlnea from tho ships of the North Atlantlo Squad ron, whlch are expected to arrlvo here about the 17th. Eaoh day brlnge new featuros for tho red-letter day of the car? nlval and what wfll^be the red-letter day ln the hlstory of Newport News. The new Old Domlnlon Uner Monroe will go over to Norfolk to-morroW afternoon or early Saturday morning. She will load a general cargo thero, and Sunday morn? ing, after tho arrlval of a party of the Old Domlnlon offlclals from New York, will aa.ll for tha motropolla on her flnal nccoptanoe trlal. On the run up the ooast the ahlp'a Bpoed will be tested, Captaln W. E. Hudglns, of the oyater steamar Rappahannock, and commodore of tho Vlrglnla Oyater Navy, haa been up the Jamoa i?or several days wntohlng the oystermen at work, and he roports that the greatest caro ls belng observed in oulllng, and that apparehtly thero ls llttle vlolatlon .of the law,. Mra R. B. Wllson, ot No. 2311 Cheatnut Avonue, f& confldent that the handaoma young woman who waB kllled in New York Boveral days ngo by belng knocked down under the wheels of a cab, and. whose body haa not been identlfled, ia that of her cousln, Mlaa Nellle Kennedy, for merly of Cheator, Pa. Mlsa Kennedy wont to New York recently, is ls sald, and in tho post slx weeks Mrs. Wllson has not heard from her. The wearlng apparel of the young woman who was kllled showa the lnltlala "N. K. She was an attractive perBon, and her gen? eral doscrlptlon answors to that of Mlaa Kennedy. Mrs..:Wll8on .may'.go to, New York to-morrow to vlew tho body and aatisfy heraelf whother or not Mlaa Ken nodiy la doad. KILLEDAT KEYSVILLE Albert Rogers of Petersbnrg Run Over . by a Traln. (Spnclnl to Tha Tlmea-Diapatch.) KEYSVILLE), VA., Aprll 2.-A whlte man who gave hla name as Albert Rog? ers, was kllled here last nlght by a traln on the R. and M. Rallroad, about flfty yarda from the statlori. Mr. Joe Coles, who vlowed the remalna. atatea that de coaaed la tha aon of Albort Rogera, of Petoraburg, and that ho waa b.orn near Worahnm ln Prlnco Edwaxd county. Dooeased' was tall and olondor, belng about twenty-flve years old. Ho stated at the atatlon that he waa a sohool-mato of Attorney Walter Wataon, of Notto way. Tt has been learnod that he bought his rallroad tloket at Dralces Branoh and arrlved here at 4:12 P. M. yeater day. He attomptod to board a traln and waa takon into cuatody by the town aor geant, who roleased hlm aa aoon as ho seomod ablo to take care of hlmaelf. Hla body was found oarly thls morning lylng In tho mlddle of tho rallroad track, whoro it runs parallol wlth the Southern Rallway. His akull was crushed and ono arm nlmost soverod from hla body and horrlbly moshed. ? BUILDINQ IN ORANQE A Number of Substantlal Structures Ke cently Completed. (Spoclnl to Tha Tlmoa-Ulapntch,) ORWVNQE, VA? Aprll 2.?J. E, Morrls la now nddlng an addltton to hla hotel. j, B, Long will ereot a handsome dwol llng on his lot on Maln Street. D, P, Colcman haa contraoted for a ton-room bulldlng on tho lot he rocently purchaaed of D, May. It Ib alao probablo that Mr. Mny will ereot anothor storehouse ad Jolnlng his prosont handsome bulldlng. Wlthtn tho last alx or Beven yeara thlr ty-one new, aubBtantlal bulldlnga have boen ereoted In thls plaoe, a large ma Jorlty of thom very handaomo, Bealdea theae othera will ba bullt thla summar, A handaoma llbrary wob complatod thls aprlng, and haa a flne oolleotlon of oholoe booka, Maohlnery ls now belng put ln the Orango mlll. and whon comploted will turn out ono hundred barrels of flour a day, . a ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Remalna ofCapt. O. E. MoMurdo Oar rled toCharlottesvllle. fBpoolnl to Tlio Tlmoa-piapatoh,) CHARLOTTBSVILLE, VA., Aprll 2. The remalna of Captaln C, B. MoMurdo, who dled yosterday noar Tyro Shop, N, C, wliero ho was aooldantally ahot, reaohed thla clty at o'.OO o'olook thls nf' tornoon over tho Southern Rallway, The/ funoral will ocour at 11 o'claok to-morrow morning from the Eplsaopal Church. Captaln MoMurdo was aevonty-flva yoars of ogo, Ho waa born ln Enaland and Joinod tho Hrltlsh army when (esa than Bovontoon years of ago, aarvlng wlth dls tlnotlon in tha Orlmenn Wnr and ln tho Indlnn mutlny. Ho cunia to thls country lli 1870, and to Albomarla county twenty three yaais ago, Cupluln MoMurdo had been ln North Cuxolna nvo mnntha, havilg gona there to" traln dogs for hunting. Ho is survlved by hlh wlfe and eloven chlldren. ??i-1 ? ' Roadsln Oharles. Qlty, '(Biniclttl to Tho Tluios-Waputcu.), VA., Aprll fl.-Qulte a pumber ot *ho clttisens in tha npper end of thls county aro ugltatlng u movenionl by whlch tho ronds can bo worUed by the funnuiH furnishlng thelr l-ounw gratin und upplylng to tho county for tmftl-, olant moriey t6 pay the day labof em ployed. Tha plan seema fensibla, and wlll no doubt aobft ba put In operatlon, FOR FOURTEEN /IILfiS Chaae Olt/t Town Ssrgeatit Tracked a Stolen Ox Thla Dlatance. OHASta canr, va,, aphi a.-tt waa auppoaed that eattle-atcallng had beon ono of tho abandoned oeoupntlons ln thla aectlon, but reoontly the praotlce has beoti rovlved. Oattls have beon mlsaed, and It haa been a myatory for tho ownera to acoount for thelr dlaappe'urancb. One mornlng thla woek "Georga Wtilker, llvlng near here, mlsaed an ox worth about 126 from ? hla preintsos, It had ralnod, and he rettdlly traokod hlm to tho town. H?re Town Bergoarit Curtls, a very good deteotlve, Interoctod hlmaelf, took tho track and followed lt ln dovtoua waya fourteen mllaa to the Btaunton Rlvor, at Clarkaville, whore ho had boen ferrlod over. Investigatlon doveloped the faot that the ox had been aold for IS and killed. Tlio hlde Waa ldentlflsd, and tho purchaser pald the -aergoant a compro mlse value. From the deabrip.tlon, tho thlof was a negro who had been engaged In tho bualneaa for aome tlme. Hoarlng of hls purault ho mado hla oscape after tho ox waa found, but efforta Wlll soouro hla capturo. He usually eolootod fat cowu or oxen and drove or led thom away In tho nlght followlng tho least travelod routoa. t Sprlng la at leaat throo wcoks earjlor than uaual. One large ralser of straw berrlos saya he wlll-havo them thls yoar by tho flrat of May, and probably oarller, Ustially thoy oorae In from tho mlddlo to the Tast of May. Ho says hla nsparagus Is fully three weeka ahoad, whlch he has beon uslng alnoa the 26th of March. There haa been no damage to frult of onv klnd reported. Wheat flolds, clover lotn and lawna now exhlblt a luxuriant verdure. Country roadahave groatly 1m proved alnoe wlhter. i a '"?' STOLE SHEET GOLD FROM A DENT1ST p. M. Sours Says He ls from Rlchmond?Oives Refer ences Unknown Here. (Bpeelol to Tho Tlmes-Dlspntch.) ADEXANDRIA, VA? Aprll 2,-Tho don tal offlco of Dr. Thomas Cochran here wae robbod thla mornlng of a batoh of shoet gold uaod ln dentlstry, and a few minutes later an elderly man glvlng hla name aa P. M. Sours, and saylng that ho came from Rlohmond, waa ln the tolla. He was glvon a hoarlng by Mayor .'Slrap-.' son ln the Pollce Court, but rofuaedto make any addltlohal Btatemonta. The atolen gold, valued nt |20, waa rocovered, Dr, Coohran testlfled that the man; had como lnto hla offlco for asslstance. He gave hlm a quarter and when hls back was turned the theft was commltted. Sours was fined *60, ln default of whloh sum ho wlll apend three montha in Jall. He had ln hls pocket a numbor of artl clos, whlch the pollce say look llke burg lur's tools. Ho also had a letter of rec ommbndlng, whlch boro the slgnature, "M. D. Lum, chlef englneer of the Chesapeako and Ohlo Rallroad, Rlchmond, Va" WATER FOR LYNCHBURQ Expert Reporta on a Supply Syetem from Pedlar Rlver In Amherst. (Spoclnl to The Timea-Dlipntch.) .LYNCHBURG, VA., Aprll 2.?Jamea H. Fuertes, of Now York, tho expert englneer ongogod by tho Clty Councll to lnveatlgate the feaslblllty of obtolnlng a supply of water from tho mountalna of Amher?t by meana of gravlty, sent in hla report to day, Ho recommenda' tha conatruotlon of a alxty-foot dam on Pedlar Rlvor, wlth a storago capaolty of from ? ono bllllon, flvo hundred mlllion, to two bllllon gal lons; tho laylng of twonty-twp mlles of plpo?nlneteen mlles of wbodon stave plpe, two mllea of caat iron pipo under atreams and ono milo of steel plpe for tho hlghest preBsure polnts. He calculates that tho clty can secure from the dam a dally supply the year around ot twelve mlllion, flvo hundred thousand gallons. The total oost ls placed nt $710,000.. a ' Soon to be Morrled. fSpoclnl to Tho Times-Dlanatch.) . . VASHTI, VA., Aprll 2.?Invltations have been recelvod horo to the marrlage of Mlss Loula W. Polndextor to Mr. James W. Ferroll, at Scott Momorlal Church, at RocRy Mount, on Aprll 8th, The brldo to-be la well known here, la a beautlful and accompllshod1 young lody, and tho only daughter of Mr. John Polndexter, who was the popular sherlff of Fronklln county at tho tlmo of hls death. Mr. John Muse, ot Brlstol, 1b vlsltlng hla mothor here, . ? WANTPROPERTYAT GLOUCESTER POINT Reported that Mr. Wllliams Is Endeavoring to Secure Water-Front Holdings. (SpeoUl to Tha Xun?a-Dl?P?teh.) , YORKTOWN, YA? Aprll 2,-Partloa who havo bought the land around Glou oeator Polnt andl violnlty have their repreaentatlvo there now, taklng up tho optlona that have follan due, and taklng posaeaalon of the property. It la undor atood hero that representatlves ot John Skelton WllUama, of Rlohmond, havo beon hero durlng tha paat week and at Glouoeator Polnt, endeavoring to obtaln any avallable water front prbporty thut oould be had. They found tha land protty well taken up, ' Tha agltation ot the eleotrlo llne \n tereata to thls polnt oontlnuo nnd grow tnora and moro docldod, Thla la under utQod to be an extenalon of tho olty pas aongor aervlce from Rlohmond, nnd de slgned to purallol tho Ohosapeak* and Ohlo and to bo usod prlnolpally for paa senger eervloo. Tho route of O, D, Jack Hon, from Jameatnwn to Old Polnt, may llguro jiromlnoiitly ln tho doal, Mr, T, B. liarrlu, of Harrls Grove, has nnnounoed hlmaelf a pandldato for oom inlaulanor of tho revenue for York oouuty, aubjoot to tha Demooratlo prlmarles, Thla makes the iight qulto Intereatlng, a trlmisular ono, tha other two partloa belntf Mr, W. F. Whlte and W, F, Daw non, of Pocjuoson Intllctod ln Sussox, (Hi.uclul to Tho Tluiub-Dlspntdi.) 8TONY OREEiK. VA-, $prU' P.-The pegro John Rally waa Indloted by a spo-> clal grand Jury to-day for uttempted urlmlnul asHault on Mra, Coker, near ptraw Hlll, in Susso*, on February 87th, Muoh fuelliig oxlBts, but there la no llka lUinod uf a lynohlng, provlded the negro ls glveii tho full uUeut of tha law for auoh crluies. KNOWN IN PETERSBURfr Albert Rogers, Found Dead at Keysvllle, from That Clty MR. HATCHER DECLINES He Cannot Become Presldent of the Epworth Leagues of Vlrglnla. Ladies Boidly Rout and Flre Upon Three Whlte Thleves. (Spaclal to Tha Timea-Dlnpatch.) ' PETERSBURG, VA., April 2.-Informa tlon whb rcoleved.ln Potoraburg to-day to the offoot that Albert Rogers had boen found dead on tha Southern Rall? way traolc at Koyevllla. Tho young man waa Juat twonty-flvo yeara of age, und from tho doscriptlou ,ln tho tolograrn ra oolvod la bollovod to bo Mr, Albort Rog-. ors, spn of Mr, Albert Rugors, and brolhor of Mr. Samuel Rogors, of thla ulty. He left Petoraburg several w.eeks ago for Pfince iSdwaid county, and the fact that ho froquently vlalted Keyavlllo leaVes no doubt ln, tho mlnds of hla frlends ln thla olty that he la tho man who was kllled. Mr. Samuel Rogers left thls afternoon for Kcysville. Mr. Albert Rogers, Jr., waa excoeedlngly well known ln Polersburg, and untll he left for Prlnco Edward county had been" ln the omploy of the Soward Trunk and ?Bog Company. On ttocount of speolal plana, togethor wlth work among his own oongregutton, Rov. S. C. Hatchor Will bo Unable. to serve as proaldont of tho Epworth Lcaguoa of Vlrglnla. Mr. Hatcher waa olectcd proaident at tho reoent conven tlon In Danvlllo, nnd whlle ho has com munlcatod to hla frlends ' that he could not Aocopt tho offlce ho hns been'unable to notlfy tho loague, ns ho has not yet been notlflod of hla eloctlon. Ho has ro oelvod many ^ommunlcationa ln refer once to varloua matters ln whlch the lenguo la concerned, and-doslrlng that' no doiay mny'bo oecaaloned ln nny of Its work, he has stated that lt will bo 1m poaslblo for hlm to aerva aa prealdent The Common Councll last evenlng transacted rugular bualness, but no apo clal mattera of lmportance eame beforo tho body. A general meotlng will be held on tho l&th to .conalder llconBo ordlnance. Tho petltlon from the Vlrglnla Pasaenger and Power Company, aaktng to bo al lowed tq put In a "Y" at Eranklln and Sycamoro Street, ' haa been wlth drawn. Tho company haa beon excee'd Ingly anxlotta to havo thelr cara to run from Franklln Street to Broad Streot, Rlchmond, but the wlthdrawal of thla potltion would (make -it necesaary for them to seek another plaoe as a atart lng polnt _ THREE WHITE THIEV'EB. Three whlto thleves were dlsoovered taklng flowera from Klrkham's. flowor garden Tueaday evoning. One of tha men had prevloualy called at the houao and deslred to purohaso aomo hyaclnths. Mrs. Klrkham and her nloce, Mra. R, B. Btilea, armed themselves wlth plstols and went to investlgate the nolae they heard ln the hot-houBe. Aa the thlevoa ran off Mra. Stllea flred at them, They eacaped and havo not been detoctod. Dr. R. D. McTlwalne waa tak'en sud denly 111 on Sycamoro Street this after? noon wlth aouto Indlgestlon. His Mnees lasted only a ehort timo, and he waB tendlng hla praotlce regularly wlthln a very fow mlnutes. Thoro are aald to be about twenty-flve orthodox Jowlah famlllea ln Potoraburg, who will In a. short tlmo undertako the bulldlng of a synagogue. Rev. Davld Kuaner wlU be in ohargo, He haa beon ln thla country only a few yeara, but ppeaka' Engliah fluently and ia popular among. hia peoplo. , . ! Thero la conaldorable Interest ln the mbotlngs ln progreaa at WoBt End Ba.p tlat Church. Each nlght the attondanco. la large and there havo beon several oon veralona. Tho paator, Rov, Mr. Doan, ls conduotlng the mootlnga. HASTHR GERMAN. The Vlrglnlan Gorman Club will hold its Easter german at Llbrary Hall Aprll 14th. Many ladies ln Potorsburg are lnter estod ln the Confedorate Bnsanr to bo he.d ln Rlchmond Aprll 15th, and are working vlgoroualy In Ita Intereat. Alex, Davla, tho negro arrostod ln Lynohburg on ausplclon of belng tho party who.shot Mr. Luther Robinson, the 'frelght oonduator on the Norfolk and Weatern Rallway, near Crewo,, Tueaday nlght, waa brought to Poteraburg thla morning and lator returned to Crewo. Davla denies any gullt, and stoutly as Berta hla Innooence. Tho pollco here do not bellove that he la tho man wanted. -???-r NEOROES PAYINQ UP Preparing to Quallfy ns Voters by Tax Paylng In Hallfax, (Speelal to The Tlmoa-Dlapatch.) SOUTH BOBTON, VA, Aprll 2.?Tax oollootora roport that tho negroes aro moro prompt ln paylng taxos ,thls year than ever boforo. They are proparing tq quall? fy as votors. Parmere are cornplalnlng in many local itles that tho contlnued wet spell lnjured wheat consldorably, ospoolally on bot tom lands. It haa, ln ma'ny ae'atlons, turn ed yellow, and does not branch out. The W. O. Slate seed farm on Hyco, sold alxty bushels of tobacco seed duiing the wlnter. Tho farm produced nearly one hundred buahols last year, In 1,T,'0 R, L. Ragland ooncelvod the Idoa of ralatng to baoco seed for brlght tobaoco, He sua ceeded udmlrably, and annually dlspoaed ot hla aeeda ln South Amerloa and Afrl ca, The farm ls stlll kept up by his suo aessor, The negrooa oontlnue to leavo the farms and go to rallroadlng ln Weat Vlrglnla; thoy say tha pay Is muoh batter, Large quantltles of fortlllssers aro bolng shlpped to ajjenta In the county, but whara the labor i.i to noma from to make the orop ia a problem to bo solvod, Major H, A. Edmondson, the far-aeotng ohalrman of tho Board of Bupervlsora, has purolmsed flve new road maohluea and a rook oruaher, Thoao maahlnea have arrlved and will ba put into operatlon at onoo, iTiillfax intends to have good roads, if poaslble, FOR MALPRACTICE Dr. B, H. Sparks Arrested In Ohnr' lottesville Yesterday, (Spactul to Tha Tlmea.pjaputcb,) OHARLO'ITESVH.LE, VA., April 8.? Dr, B. H. Sparks, a praotltloner of West Main Street, thls clty, was arrested thls morning by Chlof of Pollco T, A, Trioe ua the ohurga ol' malpruotloa. A, speolttl auaHiiin of tho Polloa Court waa oulled by Justtca Edward O, MoOuo to try tha tiaao, and ?s curtnln wltnesaaa could not uppoar tha Justioa contlnued the caaa untll Aprll 10th. Dv, Spurlts wus ailowed to go on bai) of 11,000, Mr Charlos U*aylor golng hla bond. Tha warrant was sworn out by Mr, Dan Bnead, who llves Just outslda tho clty Ilmlts on Roao 'Hill, and wlth whotn tho glrl on'whom Dr, Sparks, Jt la al iBjfed praotloed, is llving. This glrl j? Mf. Bnead'B nltoe, and the on*? oomea wtthln thejurladlotlon ot the oatise the hielpractlce t? ?ald to have ooourred In the^oftlce of Dr. Bparke on Maln Sfroet, Tho Ellls glrl 1* too 111 to appear n oourt at thla tlme, and It 1? even ea-ld thnt her llfe ls lti danger. Judg6 R. T. W, Dtike, Jr., repreaents the acduiea, whlle tho prosebUtlon'B caae ls ln the handa of Oommonweitlth's Attorney irrnnk Gllmer. In tho lohB ilst of wlt neeaoB for, the proseotltlon are Drs.J. Ht Brownlng, H, *. Nelson and Charle* 8, Vehable, and Justlce of the County Mr. E, G, Haden, ? ? , >--~ Pallure In Dnnvllle. (Speolal to Tb? *hnaa-Wapatcli.) DANVILLH, VA? Aprll B.-J'Yank J. Dofortlor, owner and proprletor of tne St. Lnwrenoe grooery, whlch waa ro cently lovled upon to satlsfy & olalm for rent, flled by, the Manonlo fraternlty, flled a volunthry polltloa ln bnnkruptoy In tho olork's oflloe of tho United Btatea Court to-day. He Bohodulos dobts nmountlng to 14,288.08, wlth aasets ag gregatlng $2,208.48. VIRGINIA DEBATERS IN PHILADELPHIA ii-? Pehnsylvanla-Vlrglnla Debate at Houstoh Hall at the Unl? verslty of Pennsylvanla. ? (Spcclal to-Tha iTIraea-Dlauatch.) UNIVERS1TY OV VIRGINIA, VA., Aprll. 2.?Tho: outcome of tho Pennaylva nla-Vlrglnltt dobate, whloh ooours to morrow eventna; :ln Houaton Hall, at tho Unlverslty of Pennsylvanla, la looked for ward to wlth much Intaroat by tho metn bors of the fltorary Bocletlea of thls In stltutlon. It ls fully expectod that the contest wlU be nn exccodlngly Interesting ono, as tho reprosontatlvea of tho Unl voralty of Pennsylvanla havo catabllahcd a reputatlon. of whlch they aro Jtiatly proud, b"y dcfoatlng ln auccessloti the tcaniB of Mlchfgan, Columbla and Cornoll, and the Vlrglnla team, though leaa ox perlenced, la regarded as a falrly strong one. " . ,. j The "Reaolved, That In the eettlement ofilobor dlsputos concemlng wages nnd hours of work, crnployea. aro Justined1 ln rofualng to make ngroemonta wlth labor unlons, of whlch a majortty of thelr employes are membera." Tho questlon waa chosen by tho PonnBylvn nla Debate Commlttee nnd BUbmltted to a commltteo from tho Washlngton and Jofforson Lltcrary .Soclotlos of the Unl? verslty of Vlrglnla, who choso tho noga tlve sldo. It la the flrat debate Vlrglnla will have wlth the etudenta of a North orn unlverslty'. Mr. Rlchard C. Dala, a truatee of the Unlveralty of Ponnaylvanln, will proBldo, and of the three Jndgea, only ono has th'u?'far\been'obtalnod, Robort C. Ogden, Esq? of New. York. Both toama havo been actlvo lh the preparatlon for tho do? bate for aevoral wecka. The Pennaylvanla team conalata of Thomaa D. Copo, of West Choster, Pa.j Robort T. Moore, of Haddonfiold, N. J.; John A, Wllllama, 'of Norrlatown, Pa,, wlth Winton J, Whlte, of Columbla, Pa.. aa altornato. The followlng ptudonts nro the mom bers of tho Unlveralty of Vlrglnla team: Irvln W. Ayers, of Oakland, Cal.; Wln Bton Parrloh, of Portamouth. Va., and Jamos 8. Earron, of Warsaw. Vn.: tho alternate la Roger B. Wood, of Fted erlck, Md, ; Tho commlttee In'Charge of the dcbates n> tfie Unlverslty of Pennaylvanla con Blstfl of Dr. Jamea' T, Young and Dr. Clarence G. Hong, of the college faculty, and Profeasor Owon J. Roberta, of the law faculty. Tho Btudent mombers of tho commlttee ?5xe Jnmoa E. Maraha 1 and Walter B. Saul, of tho law achool, and Paxaon Deotor, TliomaB D. Copo nnd Henry C. Dlller, of the college, the latter two aotlng aa eecretary and ohalrman, rospectlvely. All tho mombers of the Vlrglnla team aro Btudonta ln the law department ex oept Ayera, who la puraulng ndvanoed courses ln tho ocadomlo department. CHARLOTTE'S LEAQUE Antl-Saloon Movement Organlzed and Officers Elected. (Spoclul to The Tlmea-Dlapatch.) EUREKA MILLS, VA., Aprll B.-An Antl-Saloon League for the oounty waa organlsed at Charlotte Coqrthouse Tues day, wlth the followlng offloers: Super-. Intendent, Captaln A. J. Torry; Chalr man Rav. J. C. Granny. Jr.; Socrotary, Loe W. Mortonj Vice-Prosldonta. Revs. j ia Hoarne, W. J. Jonea, Moaara. W. D Rlco, A, J. Adklns. J. H. Hanklns.. \y E Halloy, N. L, Shaw. and W. Q. WUllamB.' Great enthuaiasm was manl-,, fested Tho fblowlng made apaoches of n, hlrch ord'er: Dr, John Hannon, of Rlch? mond; Rov. J. W. Weat fleld jocretnry of the league of the State; Rem W. MoO. Mlller and J. M. W. Elder nnd Captaln N. L. Shaw. '? Boulah Mothodlat Church haa been torn down and sold to the negroea for a ohuroh, and a new ohurch bulldlng will be soon ereoted In Rlace of the old one, ' ?? PLAYINO WITH TORPEDO Two Srrtall Ohlldren at Cllfton Forga :J,aVe Palnfully lnjured. r'Hru'cUl to Th? Tlmi>a.DI?i?tch.) CtLII^TON' WrQIE, VA., Aprll S.-Two small ohlldren of H. F. Vonce, who moved hore from Rlchmond, were badly lnjured to-day by the oxploslon of a rallroad torpedo, One of tho ohlldren lald the torpedo on a pleca of wood and. struok lt wlth an axe. A plooe atruok the glrl on the oheek and stlll another ploce Infllcted a painful wounft on tho llttle boy's forehead. Dr, II. H, Tatum waa called and admlnlstered the noces sary madlcal attentlon, .-?> SIXTEENYEARSFOR CHESTER MURDER Negress Who Kllled Roanoke Drummer Severely Punish ed byAbingdonJury. (Spaclal to Tho TliueaDlapatcU.) ^ BRISTOL. VA., Aprll 'i~fn the caso of Ella Baker Gray, tho uogreas ,who Bhot and Ullled 0, M, Ohester, a West Vlrglnla trayellng man, at Ablngdon, Va., on tho nlght of Junuary Sl2d, an Ablngdon Jury to-day convlcted the wo? man of nuirder ln tho soe.nnd degreo and flxod. hor punhihment at ?i.\teon yeara 1? the penitentlary, Thero were no eye wltneases to the ti'agedy, and whlip tho Jury perhaps felt that ij. was a cusa of murder ln the flrst degrfjo, thero.wa? no delliilte evldence to that effect, Tlio wo man ileolared on tha star,d that sha kllled Oheater ln her own lioine aftor ho had orlminally asaaultad ber,| Her reputatlon was not suoh ns to glvo forco to hor toa tlmony, Tho young mari Bhe kllled rep resented an Instnlment liouse on tho road, Ho waa a, stranger ln thla sectlun,. |ila homo belng; ln PUtsbur^ p*. t'l . ' PASTORIS ONTRIAL Charged Wlth Forging Call in Hope of Oettlng More Money HOLINESS CHURCH SPLIT Ohargea and 8peclflcatlona are Belng Heard ln Becret In Danvllle Before a Repreaentative of the Holl? neaa Natlonal Board. (Bpaclal to Tha Timaa-Dlapateh.) DANVIDDE, VA? Aprll I.-fter. J. W? Parker, former paator of tha' Danrilla Hollneaa Churoh, la belng trled to-day. upon ehargee and apeolfloatlona heretofore fiied wlth Rev. Charlea F. Walgele, tha evangellat, who holda a oommlaalon from Seth C. Reeae, chairman of tha Natlonal lioard of the Hollneaa Church, to conduct auah Inveatlgatlon. The trlal la balng held. at the home of lt, N. Farmer, on Cabell Street. The reault of tha Invaatlgatloal eannot be foreoaated. The chargee on whlch Mr, Parker la ba. Ing trled are conduct unbecomlng i mlai liiter, falae atatementa and tha forging oi n letter from a churoh in North CaroH llnn, purportlng to bo a call, ln tha hopa of gottlng an ,lncreaae of aalary. Tha church waa lockad aome tlme ago, and Mr, Parker organlaed a branch church ln North Danvllle. It Ia reported to-nlght that tho two footlona are expectod to bo unlted, and wlll unlte on another man, Buggcated by Rev. Welgele. Two mem bera atato. thla, but the Inveatlgatlon com? mltteo wlll not deny or ararm, Mr.'Parker, the acoused man, la tn tha clty and Ia confident that he wlll be Yln dlcated at tho trlal. A great many wlt iiesses have been examlned, The utmoat' aecrocy j haa been preeerved throughout. Tho trlal waa not concluded to-day. '? <KJAINT OLD HOME BURNED Splendid Realdence of Dr. J. M. White? head In Lee County Deatroyed. (Hpvclnl to Tha TtmcavDUpateh.) JONBSVHXE, VA., Aprll 2,?The maa> nlflcent and quaint old reaklenc* of Dr. J. M. WliUehead, ex-ropreeentative of Deo county ln the VIrginia Degialature, altuated aome flve milea from Jonaavllle, was completoly deatroyed by flre Tuea day nlgh,t. Only a few amall, unimport ant thinga were reacued- from the burn ln_. btdldlng. It la thought that the flre was atartcd from an 111 oonatruoted flue. aiid tho materlal used ln tho buildlng be? lng of auch a combuatible nature, the fl.'unes sproad bo quickly that the houaa wau.-gono bofore help could be aum moned. Tho Doctor waa an archltect, and Bpent mauy yeara ln drawlng the plana of the buildlng, whlch aeemed to ba hla greateat amultlon, Ono whoihiia vlowed thla magnlncent atmcturo wlll not bo llkely to forget lt, wlth lta tall cupola, from whloh a very extenaivo view of the town of Jonea vllle could be obtalned. For the laat few yeara the upper atoriea of the cupola havo been taken poaaeaalon by beea, whlch furaiahed the' Doctor wlth lm menBO amounta of honoy, but kept hlm from uslng thla part of the buildlng'aa an observatory. The buildlng waa large ly covered by inauranoe. .' ? -a NEW 'PHONE COflPANY Covlngton Determlned Not to Pay Ad vancoof Rates Demanded. (Spacial to The Timaa-Dltpateh.) OOVTNGTON, VA., Aprll 2--In re? sppnae to tho call for a meetlng of tha cltiaena of Covlngton for the purpoae ot dlflouflslng plans for the organUation of a ' local tolophone company, quite a crowd gathorcd in the courthouae Wed nesday nlght It was very evident that all of the 'pljone rentera who attonded the meetlng had determlned to do two thlnga-to refuae to pay the Increaae in tho 'phone' renta, rocenUy demanded by the Cllfton Forge Telephone Company, and to eatabllsh a 'phone syatem to be owned and oporated by the clUsena of Covlngton. Deflnlto plans could not ba formed at thla flrat moetlng. but two oom mltteea were appol'nted' to make auoh orrangomenta aa were./deemed necoaaary befbro proceedlng tb formally organtae a company. The flrat commlttee. conalat Ing of Meaara. Wlll McAlliater, M. M. Colllna, C. W. Rush, W. R. Mann and E. P. Robey, Ib to dotermlne eosta of bulldlnir and bporattng of a 'phono aya? tem. The second oomralttee. conslatlng of Mr. W. a Allen, Dr. W. B. Payne and Mr. F, C. Jesser, ls to secure a fran chlso from the Town Councll. Anothe* meetlng wlll be held on Aprll 10th ATTHE NAVY-YARD Qbvernment Will at Once Erect a Wtre? lesa Telegraph Station. (Speolal to The Ttm?a-Dl?p?tch.) NORJITODK, VA., Aprll 2.?Tho govern ment la to orect at thla navy yard a wlrelesa telegraph atatlon that wlll com munloate wlth tho one to bo erooted at Capo Honry, as woll aa wlth the over- ? land atatlona at Washlngton and Annap olla, Tho Inveatlgatlon of the navy'e,. syatom of wlrelesa communtoatlon wlll oonttnue through the medlum of the.ia atatlona, and put thom to practlcal overy-day use as aoon aa lt-ta demon atrated that tho tmportant measagea of tho govenunont can be eent aoourately by tho aystem. The work ta ln charga of Cuptaln Cltnton K.. Curtts, at thla navy yard. The Departmant ia advertla Ing for blds for tho ereotlon of the potea, whloh are belng construoted tn the maat house of thla yard. NEGRO IDENTIFIED Aasallant ofConductor at Crewa Jailed} In Fartwllle for Safekeeplng. (Hneclul to Tb'? Tliues-DUputcb.) FARMVIDLE. VA., Aprll 2,-One of. tho two negrooa arrested and taken be? fore Conduotor Duthor Robertson at Crewe was poatttvoly Identtned by hlm as the man who ahot hlm on tha traln Tueaday nlght. Tho negro waa brought to PaBmvllle thls afternoon by Detectlve WrlBht and Polloeman Allan for aafe keeplug, Had ha been kept at tho homo of hls vlotlin, there mlsht havo been ae~ ? rlous troublo to-nlght. D.nvla Is dlscreel and talks but llttle about hlmself or any* thlng olso, only aaya. that If glven a ohanca ho wlll proyo hla Innooence. Hal aaya hla home la tn Dynohburtr. -? Plvorce Suit Instituted. fg^peUl to Tho Tlniea.piauatch.) WINCHESTER, YA? Api'il 2.-Davld C\ Mlller, a wealthy county man, haa lnatU tuted ault fov a dlvorco from hls wlfo. WOODWARD _ SON LUMBER HOUGH AND ORESSKtt