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REMOVED TO GREENSBORO Offlces of Southern Rallway Dlvlslon Superlntendent. THEY WERE AT SALISBURY IWo Whlte Men Clelmlng to Be from Ratelgh Arrealed and Flned for Belling Patent Medlclnea Wlthout a Llcenae. , (Speelal te Tha Tiuies-Mapateb,) OREBNftBORO, N? 0., Aprll fl.-Sev> ?ral membere of the offlco force of Gen eial Superlntendent Colllns, who arrlved Tueeday nlght, have famlllee, and are new In eearoh of dwelllnga., The tranafer of tha offlce from Sailabury to Qreqnaboro haa about been corapleted, and the thirty Bve employea are now comfortably doml elled ln the handsomely rofltted offlcea tn the Bouthcrn pasaenger depot here. Two" whlte mcn^-Jamee Mack and J. IWVBurton, ctalmliig to be from Ralelgli, were arreatad here yeaterday for Bell? ing patent medlolriea wlthout a llcenae. They were flned 120, and in default of paymeiU are now ln Jall. Theao men had boen dolng a ruahlng bualneaa about the tobaceo warehouaea, aelllng to farmerp dolUr boltlea of aome preparatlon of eprlng tonio for twenty-flva cents, aa they aald. for Introduotlon. > The fainlly of Mr. Harry Thornton, the nelghbora and the'pollce were vory Jnuoh exerclecd for a tlme laat nlght over tha etrange dtaappenrance of two llttlo trlrla, aged, reapeotlvely, slx and- elght yoara. They were tn the houae Just be-, fore dark, but when Mra. Thornton looked for Uiarn to oome to a'upper they could not be found. Uwivalllag acarch' waa made In the nclghborhood. Tho ald of the pollce was Voaured, and for an' hour there waa much excitement and olarm. Tha chlldren thon appeared. They had crawlod under the house and were there ln the dark all the tlme, jilaylng Aprll fool on mamma and papa. Tbe Poet?I Telcerraph Company yeater? day opened four new ofrlcoa at Huntlng ton, W. Va.. OreenvlUe, Oaffnay and Bpartanburg, S. C Dr. JT. W. Oriesom la havtng the thlrd floor of hla buildlng fltted up for offlooa, and a large room on the rear wlll bo usod by a bualneaa oollegw. Mr. caarance Scott, of the grocery de partment of the J. ,W. Scott & Co.V busiceas, haa purohased that flrni'a seed bastnea, and will open a aoed and gro cery atore tn the McAdoo Hotel bulldlnga Invttattona have been iaaued for a re ceptlon ta be gtven Re?. and Mra. H. W. BatUe Aprll 7th at the Sunday-sohool room of tha Flrat Baptiat Church. A NEORO BBATEN And Flfty Negroea in the Coect Une Shops go on Strlke. WnJa_N^T^f-N?^^^--Be: cauae a negro ouracd ono of tha work men ln tho Atlantlo Coaat Une ahopa here. over two hundred fellow-worktnen almost mobbed hlm to-day at the noon bour, when' all the men knocked off for dlnner. The negro. whose nama ia Frank Sandera, waa badly pounded by the lndlg nant whlte men for a few mlnutea, and hla crioa for help and meroy were pa thetlc He. wai badly beaten, but no very sarloua Injory resulted. He waa frightened almoat to doath. : Sandera, wlth flfty other neffroea, Is employed about the ahopa to do heavy work., Aa a reault of tha trouble to-day tha entlre force of negroea w&lked Out and refused to work thla afternoon. Just what the outoome will be la not known, but the Coaat Une manngement atarted an Inveatlgatlon thla afternoon, and wlll probe tbe matter to the bottom. It ta rumored that trouble between the two races has been brewlng for aome tlme, and the negro'a Inaolence thla mornlng was only the eperk that set tt off. Soveral hundred whlte men are em? ployed ln tho ahopa here, and they atand about as a unlt on tho queatlon. It la bolleved the trouble brougbt to an amicable settlemant, and that the'half a hundred nogroes wlll rettirn to work wlthout a recurrehce of any outbreakV.'J SYRIANS IN HENDERSON A Prieat of The'r Own Falth Vlafta Them and Breachea to Them. (Spcclal to Tbe Tlman-Dlapatch.) HESNDHRSON, N. C, Aprll 2.?Syriana, dlrect from Palostlne, for the paat few yoara have contlnued to arrive ln. amall groups until thoro la quite a colony In Henderson. They aro law-abldlng and peaceful cltiaena and tull of buslnosa, TJio flrat Byrian prloat that evor vialted thla town was preaent wlth hla peoplo thla week, Mr. Nemtolla, Ho admlnlatered the boly communlon and preached. Sov rral, Contilas wore preaent, but could aot underatand tho aermon, whlch waa doliv ered ln Arablc, They aro zealoua Chrta tituis, and thelr oreod la almilar to that of the Greek and Cathollo churohea. Complalnta mado by aundry partiea agalnat Mr, J. R, Mooro, repreaentlng the Industrial Ald Aaaoclatlon, Atlanta, Ga., led to hla arreat. On belng arralgned be? fore the Mayor lt waa provon the com? pany had oom'plied wlth the law and llcenae had been pald, but the company had neglected, unlntentlonally, to provlde l county aollcitlng certifloate. Tho Mayor dlamlsaed tho oaae on the payment of ?oitte, BIDS UNSATISFACTORY Four Per Cent, North Carollna Bonda Wlll Be Advertised. _pccUl to, The Times-Dljpatch.) _ JUDWGH, N. C? Aprll 8,-r-The Gov ernor'a counael to-day opened blda for tlte 1300,009 Btate bonda, authorlzed by tbe laat Leglsla"turo and advertised for tho paat twonty daya, and found them unsatiafs-tiory, thoso offerlntr par and above par not belng in aunlcient quantlty to warrant accoptanco. All were rejeoted and new blda on four per oent, bonda are aeked for. Three per cent. bonda were ftrat orfered, the Leirlilatute havlnt btdncrlbcd that three' ner eeltt. hitlBt be flonted If ponalhle, but hone hlgher than four pef cenrt. could be Itaued, AYCOCK'S TOUR , Ralelgh to Vot? ttit'CKlMiton of Oor , porate LtmlU.' tlMMhail, N, ,0.i Aprll l.-Governor Aycock left to-day for a week'e tour of Enstorn Carollna, He went to Golds boro to-nl?ht, and will dellver an eduoa tlonal address at Mt Ollvo to-morrow. Monday he goes to Wlhdsor to dellver an address TUoaday and Bpend eeveral daye wlth Judge franclB t). Wlneton. He will Vlslt several ot tho targeet flflh> erles thereaboule. He will not return to Ralelgh untll about the 10th. ? The Board of 'Aldormen to-nlght order cd that lhe questlon of eatendlng the oorporate Mmlta of Ralelgh ln accord ance wlth the reoSnt aot of the Legjsla ture be Voted ort at the regular eprlnt electlon, May Bth, The vote will be by those ln all terrllory intereated.. A hard flght wlU devalop. MADISON-CRAWLEY Beautlful GhurchOeremony at Adrlance ln Gumberland, , (Spaclal to The Tliiica-Dlapatch,) ADHlANCE, VA;, Aprll t.-The tnar rlage of Mlaa S. K. Crawley to .Mr, B W. Madlaon took place at Cenfenary Methodlat Church last eventng, The church waa Hnndaomely deoorated wlth evorgreeri and orango bloaBoms, To the etralne of the weddlng maroh, rendered by MIbb Emma Venable, of Hampden Bldnoy, tho brido entared lhe ohurch wlth her brother, Mr, Coleman Crawley and waa met at the alter hy the groom, at tended by his beat man, Dr/ThomM Ar imlHtend, of Roanoke. Sho was attlred ln whlte ohlffon. over tnffeta silk, and car-; rled'Easter llllea. Tho mnld of honor, hor elster..Miss-Fonnell Crawley, was atltred ln whlte Bllk mull and carrled vlolete. Tho tmliors woro Me?srB. W. G, Garnett, E. fl. Walker and J. W. Cruto. The brldes malds wero, attlred ln whlte organdy, The attondante wero Mlss Ellen Llgon wlth Mr. Nat Stoger, Mlaa Mary Morton wlth Mr. Davld Llgon, Mlss Bello Blan ton wlth Mr. 8am Mlller, Mlss Lllllo Walton wlth Mr, Ray Mathews, MIbb Pet Cruto wlth Mr. Bcn Wnlton, Mlss Fan nle Mlller wlth Mr. IHugh Jbhneon. Mlas Mary Hughes wlth Mr. Henry AValthall. Tho rlbbon gtrls wero Sallle Garnett/ Bljen Walker, Janlo Stratton and Ca-, mllla Bedlnger. Tho prosente werenu*. meroua and handsome. Imm'edlartely'af? ter the ceremony, performed by Rey. Mr. Grant, the brldal party left for tho home of the gxoom'a father, whoro a handsome reoeptlon waa tendered them. m .i LEWIS?LEE E. Interestlng Soclal Evenl of tha Seaion at Emporia. ' (Bpeclal to Tba Ttmea-Dtopirtefc.) ]? EMPORIA, VA, April 2,-r-One of the moat lntcresUng aooial evenU of -the aea* Bon took place at the Methodlat Church in Kmporla on Thuraday afternoon, when M*. F. Aahb'y Lewls and. Mlaa SaUle P. Leo wero marrled. Tho church was beauUfully decorated for the oocaslon and waa Olled to over Dowlng wlth frlends and relatlvea of the brido and groom. Mlaa Hatue Lee, a slster of tbe brfde, waa mald of honor, and Mr, T. C Lewls, of Brunswlck, beat man. The attend anta were aa follows: Mlss Hart Powell wlth Mr. E. C. Prilmar, Mlaa Lella PoweU witb Dr. K. M. Parker, Mlas Elalne Cooh ran wlth Mr. E. E. Ooodwyn, Mlas Irene Michael, of Lawrencevllle, wlth Mr. P. W. . D. Jones, Mlss Maggle Wyche, of Richniond. with Mr. C. A, Reld. Mlss Annle Grant, of Oaryaburg, N. C, wlth Mr. A a Klag, Mlaa Lil* Wyche wlth Mr. N. W. Lewla, of Brunawlck, Mlas Dalay Kelly wlth Mr. R. A. Hall, Mlaa Dalsy Walton, of Rlchmond, wlth Mr, A O. Slato. Mlss Mary Newsotn with Mr. A A Rotbschlld. The ushers wero: Messrs. L. M. Lee, a A Loc, Jease Lee and C. P. Bounds. Tbe brlde is one of tbe moat attractlra and popular young ladies of the town. She ls a. daughter of Sberlff B. W Lee. Mr. Lewla waa orlglnally from Brunswlok county, but haa durlng the, paat flve yeara made Emporia hla home. He ls ongaged ln, the publlcation of the Em? poria Mesaenger. The coupie will be at homo to thelr frlends ln Emporia in a week or ten days.' SMITH?SALE Beautiful Home Ceremony Near Fair fleld ln Essex. (Spaclal to Tha Tlmaa-DUpatch.) OHANCE, VA, Aprll 2.-Mlss Mary Latane Sale, daughter of the late Chaa. Jonos Sale, of Falrfleld, Essex county, and Mr. Merlweather Smlth, formorly of Klng and Queen oounty, now of "VVashlng ton, D. C? were marrled to-day, Rev. Wllliam C. Latane, the unole of the brlde; offlclating, assisted by Rev. Mr, Burks, rector of the parlsh. The marrlage was a very quiet, but pretty, home ceremony, tho members of the immedlato famlly only belng pres ent. Promptly at Wgh noon the brlde and groom entered, proceded by the mald of honor, Miss May Sale, of Loretto, cousln of the brjde, and Mr. Franola W. Smlth, beat man, and brother of the groom. Tho brido' was ^fefon away by hor eldeat brother, Mr. Cti-les Sale, of Tappahannock. Sho woro white organdy and carrled brldo's rosoa. The maid of honor wore whlte and blue organdy and carrled brldeamald's roses. Mr. Smlth haa for some yeara held a roaponalblo poaltlon wifh the W. S. Ex prees Coi^pnny, Among many handaome preBenta waa an antlquo bracolot of halr, tho glft of the brlde'a mothdr. After dlnner, aerved ln trua Old Vlr? glnla stylo, Mr, and Mrs. Smlth left for a brldal trip, Qarrett?Davls. (BpeeUV to Tho Tlmea-Plapatch.) ' FRKI>ERICa<:SfBlORG, VA., Aprll 2.? Mlss Hva Davls, of near Bolla Falr Mllls, ln Stafford oounty, waa marrled yeaterday to Mr. Harvey Garrott, of (Fairfax oounty, at Bello Haven Churoh, ln Prlnce Wllliam oounty, Rev, A J. CummlngB offlolatlng. ? ? i Cave?McQehee. (Speclnl to Tho Tlmoa.Dlapatcb.) OHAHLOaTESVILLE, VA., Aprll 3, Mr, Thomas L. Oave atid MIbb Berta B, MoGehee, of Loulaa oounty, were mar? rled at 7:80 o'clock last evanlng at the resldence of Mr, E, N. Vost, the Rev. Dr, John B. Turpln, pastor of the Flrst Baptlst Churoh, offlclating. The brlde la The Measure qf the Man who favora >no wlth Ws ordor for * ?ult 1h tiiken wlth grcat caro, nnd out and roooo by export outtors and tallors ln ipy nwn shop, ajpdorn and progres*. blomototuru very acmeof in? Tulloring Idcna onablo mo to turn out Buita wnloh nro tho very acme o< perfeoplon m stylo, flt, and flnlsh. My llne of Bluo fior??? ls lmmonso, Schnurm&n, Tillor, HatUr, Habardaahar, Wearing Points are the be.t "SELLING POINTSM| On lts wearing points ALONE the REMINGTON TYPEWKITER. ' outsells every other wrlllng machine REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY Remington Type writer Company, 7oo East Main Street. Richmond. tho daughter of Mr. G. C. McGehee, whlle tho groom la a member of tho Douiea famlly of that name. Tha young ooupte wlll realde In Phlladelphla, whore tho groom has been employed for aaveral yeara. i a Dunlnp?Potterfleld. (Sitclal to Tbe ?rl-aa-Olipatcb.) D__f_BURG,. VA., Aprll 2,-MJsa Clara Potterfleld, daughter of Mr. D..H. Potterfleld, of ? Dovattavllle, thla oounty, waa marrlad on Thuraday mornlng, Aprll 2d, to Mr. Jamea A, Dunlap, aon of Mr. 8. A. Dunlap, of Auguata oounty, Tho oeremony waa performed by the Rev. Mr. Dampe, of the Reform Church. Mr. Dunlap ls a proralnent aleotrlclan, now statloned at Buena Vlata. A weddlng re ceptlon waa held the nlght before the marrlage at the home of the brlde. Mr. and Mra. Dunlap left after the oere? mony for m weddlng tour, .a ' " Rlttenour?Albert. (Bpaclal to Tha Tltaaa-planatca.l ?WOODBTOCttC, VA., Aprll S.?Mlas Myrtle OIIyo Albert and Mr. "W". C Rlt? tenour, both of Toma Brook, wera mar rled to-day. The brida la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. O. D. Albert, at whose home the oeremony waa performed by Rev. T. J. Feaster, paetor of the Unlted Brethren Church. Durlng the oeremony the brlde wore a gown of blua cloth trlmmed In whlte allk, and waa waRed upon by Mlaa IBva Retlley, of Bharpeburg, Mary land, and Mr. Edward Rlttenour, a brother of the groom. ???- * '. ' Chlnn?Roaa. (flpeatol to Tha Tlmaa-DUpeteb.) ' FraJMJRICJKSBORG, VA., Aprll 2.~ Mr. Robert Chlnn, formerly of Btaffbrd county, waa marrled a few daya ago at Coateevllle, Pa., to Mlaa Nettle Roaa, of that place. They wlll reslde at Coates vllle. AT DRAKE'S BRANCH A Charter of Incorporatlon for Thle Live Bualneaa Town. (SpMial to Tha Tlmaa-Dlapatcb.) _ D___>S BRANCH, VA., Aprll I.-At laat the town of Drake'a Brench haa been granted a oharter of Incorporatlon by the Leglalatura, whlch ahould have been done long aince for a town aa llve as thla in a bualneaa way, aelllng aome flve mlllion pounds of tobacoo annually, wlth three large aale houaaa; abx.or elght prlae and ateam orderlng tobaooo housoaj wlth a atrong foroe of buyera, ahould be Incorporated, aven If lt haa loaa than flve hundred Inhabltanta ln the clroumferehce of a mlle, The exoeaalve ralna have materlally re tardad farm and garden work, and tho. bad roada have kept Baok muoh tobaoco, whlch ahould have been marketed be? fore thla If condltlona had been moro favorable. Quite a number of blrd doga are ablpped here to Mr. Maul, manager of a game preaerva near here, for tralnlng. Ho la quite an expert in that art, A few daya alnoe he recelvad two very large nnd handaome male and female bloodhounda. VIRdlNIA PISH FRY Mra. Rooaevett end Her Ohildren Learn Somethlng of Old-Tlme Oorn-Bread. (Spaclal to Tha Ttmei-Dlipatcb.) NORFOLK. VA., Aprll 2.?Mra. Rooae valt and the Rooaevelt chlldren enjoyed an Old VIrglnla flah-fry on the ahorea of Dynnhaven Bay to-day and an open-alr oyater-roaat aa well. The party left the May flower, flve mllea oft the beaoh, ln a cut ter, and came to the bar, where- they wore tranaferred to a aklff and rowed aahore. Aa the guesta of Prealdent J, W. Cole, of the Cheaapeake Tranait Com? pany, they wero taken on a prlvato car to VIrglnla Beaoh, and then, at Lynn haven Inlet, a blg flah-fry, with old-tlme qornbread on tho alde, waa partaken of. A barrol of the flnaat Lynnhaven oystora wore roaated ln tho open alr on tho Bhoros of Dynnhavon Bay and aerved ln meltod butter to the party, Young Thoo dore Rooeevolt trled hla luok wlth rod and roel In Lake Smlth agaln to-day, but tho curloua orowd or oountry folk must Havo frightened the baas away, aa tho youngstor had very poor luok. Mra. Rooaevelt haa poejponed the trlp to Port "toynl for aomo daya. ^. a ? REFUSES TO WED Flrat Breach of Promlse Sult Ever Brought In Newport News, (Jpcctal to Th* Tlinoi.DUpatoh.) NHWPORT NHWS, VA? Aprll 2.-The flrst breach of promlae eult ever brought ln thls clty waa entered ln tho olork'a offlce of tho Corporatlon Court to-day, Annio Noftol, of Chlcago, Inatltuted buU agalnst Harry Morrowlta, a young mer chant of thla olty, for *6,000 damagoa, cjalming breach of promlso. Tho glrl eaya eho oame to thla oountry from Ger many ln 18W and went to llve wlth tho Morrowlta famlly in Baltlmoro. Sho and young Morrowlta becamo engagod whlla aho waa Hving ln the houBe. Dater. tho famlly moved to thla eUy and ohe went to Phlladelphla to llve wlth relatlvoa. Recently, aho aaya, Morrowlta wrote her to come to thla clty and marry hlm. She arrlved here Sunday and then Morrowlta refused to wed, She aeourod counsol and entored euit, Steamer Oarollne on Flre. fBpaclal to Tba TlmM-Plapatch.) TAPPAHANNOOK, VA? Aprll 3?As tho new atearoer Carollne, of the "vVeoma Uno, waa basalng Ttvppjahonnook on hor way to Fr _,eriolwburg to begln her re?uJar aohadule Ino suddenly took flre In the aaloon, and but for tho prompt action of the officera and orew tho steamer would have been burned, Howeyer, not much damage waa done. Rallroada Come to Tarma, (apaelal to Tlio 'i'lma?.l)lij>?teh.) WOODBTOOK. VA,, ApriJ 8.?Tlio Aprll ierm Of tho CHroult Oourt oonvaned hwe yeaterday, with Hon. T. W. HarrJ-. aon, of Wlnoheeter, preeldln*/ Tbe auit Involving oonnootlons betwoen the South? ern Rallway Company and tho Baltlmore and Ohlo Rallroad Company at Btraa burg JunoUon waa contlnued, the two oompanles appeartng befors the Judge ln vaoatlon wlth slajnod agreementa to make the requlred oonneotton untll the mattor oan be ttied at the noxt Soptomber tenn, At tho January term a rule waa iBNUed agalnst the Southern and Baltl? more and Ohlo to oompel them to show causo why the ordor roqulring thls oon? neotton should not be enforoed. MORE PROMISINQ Datto Pallgman Passan Hai No Deslre Fight. (By Asaoolnted Praaa.) MANILA, Aprll il.-The sltuatlon In Jolo ls more protnlslng. Datto Pagllman Pns pnn, tho most powerful natlve leader, vla Ited Colonel Wallaco recently and dla olalmed any deslre to flght. Ho acbepted tho Colonol's explanatlon of Amerlcan pollcy and promlsed to be peaoeful. Thore has been conaldorablo lntor-trlbal trouble. No demonatratlona have ooourred latterly In Jolo agalnat Amerioana. General Davla had planned to locate a ?trong mllltary post ln the oonter of Jolo laiand. It la belleved thls will ensure peace. The General, as ropresentatlve of the Phlllpplno Government, will go to Jolo ahortly and have V conferonco wlth the Sultan. The government ls dealrous of abrogatlng the Batee treaty wlth the Bul ti.n, wOiIch haa provod unworkahlo, and whlch -iconfilota .wlth tho Amerlcan lawe. Tha ? government. also wlshes to eatabllah a government for the Moros and formu late & deflntte Moro pollcy. At preeent the mllltary authorltlea exerclae general control over the Dattos, The mllltary prevents Jhe recapture of fugltlve elaves and pitnlsh flngrant orlmes, but thoy do not Interfere wlth slavery, polygamy .or trlbal ouatoma, The general oondltlons are unsatlafactory and reform ls lmperatlve. Tho government has tharetofore refralned from taklrig aotlon, aa lt dld not dealre to causo trouble. ... j fllSS RANDOLPH Funeral of Thls Well-Beloved Young Lady at 4 O'clock Thls Afternoon. The funeral of Mlss Janet Olelland Ran dolph, who dled yeaterday' morning at the rosldenco of her mother, No. flil East Franklln Btreet, will take place at 4 o'clock thls afternoon from St. Po'ter'B Cathe dral. A commlttoa from the Junlor Hol lywood Memorlal Aaaociatlon, of whlch she waa a membor, will attend. The ln terment will be made prlvately ln tho famlly Beotlon ln Hollywood. Tho pall boarers will- be as follows: Messre. Hunter McGulre,' Jr? Walter Jones, Wllliam Jones, Joffereon Archer, Boverly Randolph, Lewls W, Brandor, John Leary and Charles Wlllls. The Daughtera of the Confederaoy wlU meot at the Cathcdral at 8:46 o'olook thls afternoon and attend tho funeral ln a body. LIEUT ENANT-GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTER IS ILL Lleutenant-Governor Willard was not preaent yeaterday at tho Senate aosslon, belng detalned ln New .York, whoro hla llttlo glrl wos takon for an operatlon to be porformed. Colonel Button,'olerk of tho Sonato, rooolved a telogram yester day morning statlng slrnply thatv ho would not bo ablo to get here on ao oouut of tho Ulnesa of his chlld. Personal and Qeneral. Mrs. Dr. J. T. Montgomery, of Spar tanburg, S, 0., ls vlsltlng her brother, Rev. E. E Boraor, of No WO East Clay Streot. The revlval aerviees at Randolph-Streot Baptlat Church contlnue, Rev, W. S. Leake preachlng wlth groat power. Tho ordlnanoe of baptlsm wlU be admlnlBtered Sunday nlght, Mlaa Mary Bruce ls the guest of Mrs, George Ben Johnaton, and will spend the month of Aprll. Mlsa Blanche Morgan has returned from a vlslt to Mr, Morgan's huntlng lodgo, near Lamb's, South Carollna, In the brlghtest of splrita and lookB, ... ' a .Telegraphlc Brevitles. NEW YORK.?Meotlnga of the direotors, Exeoutlve and Flnance Commtttoes of tho Internattonal Mercantlle Marlne Company were held ln thls clty to-day, Recent nmendments to tho charter of the com? pany wore formally approvod. Other bUB Ineaa waa of a routlno oharaoter, NEW YORK.?Tho adjourned meetlng of the Finanoo Commlttee of tho: United States Steol Corporatlon wlU be held on Tuesdny of next woek, lt ls expected that a Btatemont of earnlngs for tho.quar ter endlng Maroh 31st wlU ba lasued, NEW YORK.?Thla . was the rogular meetlng day '.of tlhe dtrootors of tho St. Louls and San Frnnciaco road, but ln tho ahsence of a quorum tha meetlng was In deflnltely postponed. Presldent Yoakum returned from the West to-day, but thera were no devolopements ln the reported 'Frlsco-Rock Island doal. -.-_, Rlchmonders In Now York, (Bpeoiul to Tho Tltnoa-niupntcti.) NEW YORK; Aprll ?.?Navarre, Mra. j. Coleman, J. Coloman, Grand, C. B, Wlllls, ? ?? , Accldentally Shot. Thomas Glonn, nged ntna, oolored, was accldentally wounded yeaterday morning ln tho face by tfho dlsoharge of a "platol that waan't loaded." Ho wus shot by Ed dle Broadus, IRVINQ BAOHELUER'8 NEvTsTORY, The popular author of "B)ben Holden" hna writton a now fltory that will add greatly to hlS famo. Jt is callod "Darrol of the Ulessod Isles," and Is of thrllllng Inter? est, The Tlmea-Dlspatoh haa, In cpn junotlon wlth tho Now York Hernld, so-, oured tho right to print thls woudorful ?tory, and lt will oppear In our Etuster edltton of Sunday nejtt, Don't iulu* JAMESTOWN WINS OUT IN HOUSE (Contlnued From Flrat Page.) domposed of three memfeera from eaoh houao. UNIV1E1UTY BtLL. > The ?onnto passed tbe blll to allow the oreatlbn of an eaeoutlvo hend for * the Unlverelty of Vlrglnla, and to flx the lerm* of the Corporatlon Courts of Rad ford and Brlatol, There wore two Intereatlng meaeures offered In the Senato, One waa by Mr, Oold to requlre the oloslng of ealoone on prlmary aa well m general eleotion days, and the other wae by Mr, Harman to regulate .tho sale. of oplum and other druga. Tho latter amenda the law bo aa to restrlot thn aalo of oplum, morphlne, oooalne and klndred druge by 'regularly lloonsed physlolans and drugglats, and prohiblts thalr Mle exoepi upon preaorlp tlon, Hoavy penalttee are flxed for the vllola tlon of the propoaed aeotlons. The Houao will take Up the Harvey ostoopath blll aa a apeolal order at 13lW to-day. THE DAY* 8 PROOHHDmGfl. The Houae was oalled to order at 10 o'olook by Spoakor Ryan and prayer 'wae offered by Rov. W. B, Beauohamp, ot the Methodlat ohuroh. A number of billa wero reported, among them belng one to oroate a Department of Insurance and to amend the law ln relatlon to the oon? duot of the 'lnsuranoe busliiess ln Vlr? glnla. lrhe followlng WUs wwe offered and roforredl By Mr, Staffordt To oompel fldnolarlee to aettle. By M*. Armatrongi To provlde fo*v working the roads of Cumberland ooun* ty. , ? < By Mr. Sobrelll To provlde for the pre> teotlon Of fish ln Vlrglnla. By Mr. Cardwell: To repeal an aot ap proved. February 21, 1817, entltled an aot lnoorporatln*r a comnsny to eetabllah a turnplke road from tho clty of Rlchmond 'oroselng Chlokahomlny rlver botweon Meadow and Now Bridges, untll lt tnter* soots ln Swnmp road on the north Blds of sald rlver. When the general lnsuranoe blll oamo us, Mr. Churchman moved to dlspense wlth Its readlng and to havo it prlnted. Thle motion prevalted and the House prooeeded to the conalderatlon of, Its oalondar, When the general revenue blll came up on a roport from tho Flnanoe Commit tee, rojeotlng all the- Sehate Oommlttee amendments, Mr. Boaa moved the a4op tlon of tho raport, "> BRU8H ON MANN BILL. Mr. Davla moved that so muoh of the oommlttee'a report be adopted aa dld not relate to tho Mann llquor amendmont He also moved that thls part 'of the re? port ?be rejocted by the House, and.that the Mann blll be adopted by tha House. Ho oaked that the matter go by, but be-, fore thla ho Bpoke Btrongly for the prin? ciples of the blll, wJilch he aald he be lioved waa domanded by the people, who had.overwhelmnod the Loglslature wlth petltlohs.; Ho had no orlticlem upon the prospeotlvo' oonforence oommlttee, but he wanted an expreeelon 'of "the House, and dld not belleve ao lmportant a matter should be left. entlrely to a conference commtltee. Mr. Davls' speeoh wae a atrong on'e and he waa replled to warmly by Mr. Folkes, who declared that the House should prooeed on the old ooneer vartlve llnes. The Houae voted to paas by untll to day after Mr, Davl? had Btated that a aubatltute for the Mann blll waa belng prepared. HOSPITAL BILL. The'advooates of the'Mann blll took thla aotiori as Bomethlng of a vlotory, though thls waa not ooncoded by ItB op pononts. The House agreed to the Sonato amendments to tho bill oreatlng the of flco of Commlsaloner of State HoBpltals and doflnlng his powera and dutles and rogulotlng tho conduct of these lnstltu tlons. Tho blll leavea the flalarlea of the State Hospltal BuperlntendenU aa flxed by tho House originally, whloh are as follows! Eastern f,2,000, Wcatern 12,380, Contral |2,B0O, South westorn'- $1,800. Tha Edmoneon good roada measure, whlch was aroended so aa to embraoo some of tho features of the Lasslter-Mur rell blll was ordored to ItB engrossmont whloh means Its passago to-day. One of the moet lnterestlng ana lm? portant bllls engroseed by the House, waa that by Mr. Caton, of Atexandrla, for tha proteotlon of wholesale merohants, agalnst the fraud ulent aale ln bulk of atooks of goods purchnaod by retall mer? ohants. JAMESTOWN BILL. At 12 o'olook Mr. Cummlng oalled the apoolal order whlch was tha Jameatown approprlatlon blll and tho questlon re curred upon his motion to reoonsidor the voto by whloh the Houbo refusod to paas the measure somo days ago. The hall was paokod almost to suffooatlon. and around the ralllng was a porfoot fluttor of whlto rlbbon pinned upon the advo oates of the measure. Captaln Card? well was the flrst speaker and ho vlg oroualy opposed the motion to reoonsidor, oontondlng that whllo he favorod tho onterprlae, yet he dld not thlnk tho State should bo askod to flnance lt. If the blll was passed, approprlatlons to State ln etltutlons would have to bo cut down. Mr. Boaa, cholrman of the Houea Flnance Commlttee, made a strong sp'eeoh agalnat the blll and agaln oontendod ably that tho State oould not afford tho ap? proprlatlon, Mr. Boas grew rathor popperyln nls romorka at tlmes and rldlouled the Id'ea that those ln oharge of the blll had ali lotted hlm flve mlnutea ln whloh to speak. He deolared that lf the blll should paas, no othor approprlatlons, not already made, could poaslbly bo mado, as thero would be no funds avallable,, Mr. Cummlng, havlng oharge of the blll, spolce earnostly for Its paasage and contended that from every polnt of vlew tho State could afford the approprlatlon and ho spoko of tha publlo plamor oom Ing up from tho mountalns to the eeashore in favor of tho blll. Mr. Cummlng made a stlrrlng appeal for. the blll and was oaked a number of qtiestions, whloh he answered wlth ohar aoterlstlo ablllty and whon he had oon cluded Mr. Chrlstlan moved the pendlng queetlon, It recurred on tho motion to reoon? sidor and upon roll oall lt waa adopted. ayea 69, lioes 27, A BWEBPING VICTORY. Tho announcomont of the vote threw tho groat audlonoe luto a perfeot apaam of ahoutlng and npplnuao and It wa? some momehtsj, beforo the Speaker wlth the vlgorous rapplng of his gavel oould suppress lt. Thls was praotloally a test vote upon the passage of the blll and tha next roll oall was largely formal. there havlng been but tey/ changee. Pendlng the roll call upon Its pasange, Mr. Slpe made a brlef, but vlgorous speoch ln expianatlon of his negatlve1 vote In whloh J?e contended that the blll was clearly unoonstitutlonal, Tho pendlng questlon was Ihen ordered upon the passage of the blll and upon thls the roll call resulted ai? follows: Ayea?Mesers. Armstrong, O, Conway Btmer, W. W. Baker, Barllam, Blscoe, Choa. T. Bland, Bowmon, Branch, Oan naijlay, C&bcll, Carter, Catpn, Chrlstlan,. Ouromlng, Davls, Edwardo, Featheraton, Folkes, Fulton, Gardner, G'ent, Goodwln, Gravely, Qravea, Hoermaps, Hoffman, Hunl'ey, B. 0- Jordan, Walter Jordan, Kolloy, Lasslter, Lawson, Me, Lewls, Llon, Lowry, Lyoll, Mathews, Murrell, Newhouso, Nattlngham, Overby, Owen, Owens, Powers, Purdy, Qulsenberry, P.loo, Bebrell, aettle, Snead, Bteurne*, Toney, Waddy, Wallaee, Ware, Whltehead, and VVoodard-fls, Nocsr-Messrs. Angell, Bankii, Boaa, .Cardwell, Chwohman, Oolemau, Dtidlay, ?pulto, EdmouAton, Bloni, Georgo, Graon, Fourdtifean, fWqurean, Temple 6 Co. Temple O Co. Light Dress Woolen.r For the Spring Gown. THERE is still good choosing amongst Spring Dress Goods, even if Easter is almost in heiil ing distance. Just the dress goods, too, that current vogues requires Thin, Poroua Weaves? Voiles, Etamines,/ Mistrals, Mohairs, etc., the most seiisible fabrics for this climate that have yet been invented. You can wear them with comfort, even in warmest weather and i;ight now with utmost effeotiveness. Here is a word of some eminently proper onest Bilk and Wool Etamines, 44-inch, (1.25 to $1.60 yerd. Fleoked Voilea in Suit Patterns, no two alike, 11.50 yard. Mohoire, nowest good shadee, 42-inoh, ?0o. to 76o. yard. ' Metalho Fleoked Ohattis, very new, 82 inchee wide, 75o. yard. Bnow-Flaked Voilea, stylish broken surfaoee, 42-inoh, $1.00 yard. Challls, VeilingB and Albatross, most good shad ings, 60o, yard, , Navy Blue Mistrals, are hard twisied and dura blo, $1.00 yard. Wool Voiles, best spring ahades, 44 inches wide, ? $1.00 yard. More Mattings. The Matting Display to-day is better than the, extensive ^athering you last sawby more than a hundred pieoes. The new arrivals add a multi tude of enticing patterns to an , already extensive seleotion, and the new values, by aotual comparir son, will prqve a bit more interesting than those any store we know can boast of. Best Obina Mattings, expertly laid, 25o., 28o. and 30o. yard. Grass Mattings, hygienio and durably laid, 40o. yard. Orass Mattings, newest oarpet patterns, laid, 50o. yard. Grass Matting Rtigs and Dru__ets?all siiei. Fourqure&n, Temple & Co., 429 E. Broad and Annex. HQarman, Huffl, Jennlnga, Lacy. Maya, Moore, Orgaln, Road, Reynolds, Robeon, Slpe, Blaokburn Smith, J. W. Smlth, Staf Xord, Taylor, Turpln, "Walker and West?30, When the flnal vote waa announced the Houae at 12:40 P. M. adjoumed untll 10 o'clock to-day. The Senate. The Senate aaaalon yeaterday waa pre alded over by Senator Wiokham, preal dent pro tempore, . Dr, George Cooper offored tho opening prayer, Senator Mollwalrie reported aeveral billa whloh had beon aoted upon by the. Com? mlttee for Courta of Juatlce. Senate Blll. No. 804-To requlre elerka of droult Courta of ooun^lea and corpor atlonB or huatlnga courta of olties, to aend to the Boorotary of the Commonwoalth, oertlflod llati; of county, dlatrlot and olty offloera and to provlde a penalty for fall uro to do ao, wlthout amendment, Senate Bill No. 813.?To araend and re onaot aootlon 8799 of the oode of VIrglnla of 1887 in relatlon to vlolatlon of the Babbath and punlahment therefore, wlth amendment. Houae Blll No. 1U.?To amend and re onaot on aot ontltled an aot to provlde for the goxnlahment of and levy of ex ocutlon on wagoa and ealarlee of thb State officialB, cforka and employea, approved li'obruary 24, 1900, wlthout amendment. Houae Blll No. W.-$o amend and re onaot Bootton 931 of tha oode of VIrglnla, wlthout amondmont. COMPL.ETH CON\FI0I>ERAT_ ROSTER. Tho Govtornor trahamltted bo the body a oommunioation from Seoretavy of War Koot rolating to securlng- complete roa tora of the Confederate Boldlers ln whlch offort tho Stato of VIrglnla la oaked to aaelat in every poaalblo way. Upon mo? tlon the lettor of Seoretary Root waa flled with tho requeat of the Executlve for aultable aotlon to glve tho ald dealred. Senator Shaokelford offered a resolu tlon whloh waa adopted referrlng to Sen? ate blll No. 249, preventlng authora, eto., from becomlng membera of. the Stato Board of Educatton to the attorney-gene ral for hla oplnlon aa to tho constitutlon allty of the propoaed meoaure, that hav tng boen queatloned. , TO ADJOURN IN MAY. Houae obnourrent reaolutlon rolating to tho roooaa of tha General Aasembly waa takon up and the amondmenta attaohed by tho Commltteo for Courta of Juatlce reported.' Chl'of among tho amendmenta la that tho rovlslng commlttee ahall oon Blat of alx membors, three from eaoh branch, Senator Mcllwnlno argulng that as the bodloa wore oo-ordlnate bodlea and aa the commltfee w?a to be one of oon foronco, thoy ahould have! repre sontatlon. _ ? __'.'?.? Senator Harmon offored a aubetltute for tho Kouae reaolutlon provldlng that tha rovlalng commlaalon ahall alt durlng tho aosalon of tho Ooneral Aaaembly and that no bllla be offored after Aprll 16th. Senator Mollwaine apoke ln favor of tho Houae rosolutlon aa amended and Sena or Harmon explalned and apoke for hla substltute. The aubetltute waa loat and the reaolutlon as amended waa adopted. B1X*L8 PAS3ED. Billa paasad weroi Houso Blll No. 137.?To amend aeottona Noa, 1446 and 1651 of the oode ln relatlon to tho Board of Visttors of tho Unlvoralty ot VIrglnla. Sonato Blll No, 360-To flx the terma of tho oorporatlon Judgea of Brlatol and Houae' Blll No. 98.?To authorlae and appolnt a apoolal Joint oommlttoe of tha Houae and Senate to lnvostlgate leaalng out barren area of Baylor aurvoy, House Blll No. 166.?Authorlalng the olty of CharlotteaYllIe to oloao a certaln Hou'so Bllla Noa. 88 and 132?To reptal oharter ot tlio town of Bowllng Green and to Jncorporato tho town ot Bowllng Green. Houae Blll No. 124?To add an addltlonal aootlon to an aot to Jnoorporate tha town of Courtland. ln Southampton county. _ OFPI3RIQD AND RBPBRRHD, Bllla offored and roferred werei By Mr, Harmon?To regulate the aale of oplum and other druga ln tha Btate of VIrglnla. . _ - By Mr. Harmon?To prohlbtt the aala of oplum or cooalno or any of thelr do rlvatlvea by drugglata excopt upon tha preaorlptlon of praotlcing phyajolana. To amond and re-enact aaotlons 8848, 3847 and 8848 of the oode. Congressman Oorter Glasa waa on the noor of the Senate yeaterday. He wa.4 glven a cordiaj greetlng by hla former oolleaguea. Quite a large number of via ltora wore ln the Senata Chambar and thoy have gotten so much ln the hablt of taklng the chairs of the membera that: Doorkeeper Donald had to slt by the. gate and kaep lt Bhut WASWIFTWON CONSOLATlONPURst Beat Scotch Plaid Easily Ir Feature Raco on Mem phls. Tenn.. Track. (By Asaoclatfd PrtM.).'.? MBMPHIS, TBNN., Aprll 2.?Wuwlll won the Montgomery handloap consohv' tton purse at one mlle to-day ln easy fashion from Scotch Plald, who beaf Potente three lengtha for aecond money, Three favorltea won. Summaryi Flrst raoe? seven and a half furlongs, solllng?Drummond (3 to 1) flrat, Alfred. C. (12 to 1) second, Censor (8 to 1) thlrd. Tlmo, 1:S8. Second race?four and a half furlongs, two-year-olds, eelllntr-^Montholon (40 to 1) flrst, Benflcent (even) second, .Myron* dale TTto lH-hlrd. Tlme, :C71-t. Thlrd raoe?flve furlongs, eolllnaj?Ben aonhurat (1 to 3) flrst, Uranlum (7 to IX sooond, Irene Mao (7 to 1) thlrd. Tlme, 1:03 1-2. 'Wgm ?\li?i'.\i" Fourth race?mlle, Montgomery handle cnp, consolatlon?WaswiftQl to N) flrat,. Scotch Plald (20 to 1) r second, Potente (1 to 2) thlrd. Tlme, l!421-4; Flfth race?shont courae, steepleoteae, solllng?Coylon (6 to 5) flrat, Bv? Moe i (8 to 2) sesond, Klngalonaj (14 to 1) tbifd, Tlme. B1631-2. Blxth raoe?mlle and a atxteenth, aelU Ing?Bondage (even) flrat, Jamea F. (3 to 1) second, Farmer Jim (8 to 1) tbir*. Tlme, 1 i491-2. e ? CORBETT-JEFFRIES BOUT IN AUGUST (By Aaaoclated PrctS.) BAN FRANCISCO. Aprll 8.?Tha Toa*. mlte Club, of thls olty, haa been award ed tho heavy-weight champlonshlp battla betweon James J, Corbott and Jamea J. Jeffrles ln a oompetitlvo blddlng affalr that hardly developed a oonteat. Tha bout will be held the latter part of Au guat, and the olub will either gnarantea tho flghters 120,000 ln caah or allow thera to take 70 per cenC. of the gross reoelpte, but not tioth. On or bofore May 16th tha prlnolpala will make the seleotlon and nrrango suoh other detnlls as may aug gest thomselves ln *Vv meanttme. IRVINQ BACHELLER'S NEW STORY. The popular author of "Eben Holden" haa wrltten a new story that will add graathj to his fame. It ts oalled "Darrel of th? Blessod Islea," and ls of thrllltng InUr-. eat. The Tlmes-Dlspatoh haa, ln oon Junotion wlth tbe New York Harald, aa ourod the rlght to prlnt thla wonderfu! story, and lt will atppear in our Eaiter edltlon of Sunday next. Don't mlaa read Ing lt, L. J. HAYDEN, MANUFACTURER OF PURE HERB MEDICINE Ia one pf the Oreuteet Heslere of ou Earth. Curea all Dtstauva or no 1 cure all dlaeases that are know \. ?heiloaj pb*rgs. huniuii raoe or. no gharge. dlseoae, slck restore you followl 18 or pw?. der. StrfeJ' piilnsy., 8ora fiidlgestlon^Cj the followlng ConsumptU . Cohstlpatloh. R Vaiiii and AahM Consumptlou Icture, Bore "Mseasea, all itchlng ?en*alione,a,U Ft ^mplsJnjs, La .Orlpno. or J*Reiitt Complaints, ^La Gripne. or Fnauwoniai Uloeru. Cbrbunclea. Bolla. Cuucer. tbg woiat forma. wlthout JJiejise of kalfa ot a^K&nym? o?? UfJ Plseaee oflho Kldnays. I cur? a*nr 3i?? lase. nq matter of what natura Jffl v?n: ereal dlseases a, apeolalty. Medlclne mii| to any addrt>e?by eaprena. For, fwj Wtl? il\l ":