Newspaper Page Text
STREETS IN MANCHESTER CommUtee Not Yet Decided How to Use Approprlatlotn MAY BE EQUALLY DIVIDED Mr. Rudd'a Reaolutlon, Wlth an Amend ment, Goea Back to the Oouticll. Funeral of Mrs Fratiklln. Flremen Elocted. Manohcatcr Bureau Tlmea-Dlspatoh, l No. 1102 Hull Street f Tho Street Commltteo of Mancheater haa money on lts bands, whloh lt haa not been able to decldo what to do wlth. When tho budgot wna mado out the sum of $7,000 wna approprlnlod for streeta. At thnt tlme It was gonerally undorstood that wlth thls approprlatlon a Bystematid nlan of pormanent Btroet Improvementa would be atarted, wlth tho ldea that year by year euoh ImprovementB would bo made, uhttl witliln afow yoara the olty could boaat of ns flno ntroota aa any otn tr olty ita alao ln tho oountry. Tho general ImproBBlon in Oounoll clr cles. aa well as by tho publ o, waa that Stockton and Semmos Btreota would bo ihe flrat of tho bod atroeta to be Im nrovod. Sommee Street, lt ia oonceded. ls uaed more than any othor atxoot ln the city. It la, alao, conoodod that that itroet la ln a worso condltlon than any >thor atreet ln the clty. In aaking for, the approprlatlon, Chnlr man Patram' lntlmatod that tho Stroot , .Commlttee had prnctically decided to per manently Improvo tho two streeta rererrea to. although no offlclal actlonhad boen ;When the budgot came up In the Bonrd for odoption, Mr. Rudd, ot the Pirat Ward, offerwl a, rosolutlon lnBtruotlng the Street Commltteo to apportlon tJio money out athong, the four warda ln <tc cordanco wlth';the amount oftaxatlon pold ln by tho respeqtive wards. ?Thls resolution was sent to the Btreot Commltteo for aotioh. It waa laid on the tablo upon lts flrst readlng. and was taken up laat nlght, upon motlon by Mr. Tho resolution croatod considorablo dls cusslon, tho debate growlng hot at tlmes, and lt developed that each ward deloga tiori was on tho look-out for hls own As a result of the dobate, the men who had all olong stuck to the orlglnal propo sltlon to permanently Improve Semmos >nd .Stockton. Streots, woro. wllllng^to iliavo the" approprlatlon equally dlvlded ''amons: the four wards. 'Mr. Wakefleld, who at a previous meet? lng was tho. champlon of tho perma hent improvemont scheme, switchod, and spoke strongly ln favor of the dlvialon ln proportlon to taxatlon, and ho would not agree to an equnl dlvlslon, malntoln . ing hls atand to the end. .The result of the whole thlng was that tho resolution was sent back to Coun cll wlth the amendment to dlvlde equally, ,.and wlth tho recommendatlon that It be ': adopted. Mr. Wakefleld gave notlce that he would flght the proposltlon ln Council and lt ls Ukoly that It wlll be some tlme beforo the commltteo flnds out what It ls golng to do. with lts monoy. In tho meantlmo a large portlon of lt ls golng to temporary lmprovements, as requlred. Those who voted on the resolu? tion as It finally passed wore: Ayes?Pa? tram, Sampson, Ferguson, Barrett. Grlz tard, Reams, Tlllory?7. Noes?Wakefleld, Hookor?2. FRENCH-DIPSCOMB AFFAIR. "? The subcommlttoe nppolnted to Investl pato the chargo made by Mr. Robert Prench that Clty Englnoor Llpscomb had aiado away wlth a contrnot he had sent In for street work, embraclng Moasra. Bampson and Grizzard, . mado a raport Moneratlng tho Clty Englneer, and ex ; plalnlng that. In thelr oplnlon, tho whole matter was filmply n mlsundorstnndlng. TEIiEFHONE MATTERQ. The quostlon of permlttlng Woodwnrd fc Company to havo 'phono connection by funnlng a wiro lnto thelr buildlng from icross the street, was dlsposed of by tho ?', itatomont from the commlttee that they had no authortty to grnnt such a permlt. A lettcr from tho now tolephono com? pany oaklng the rlght to dlsposo of lts (ranchlso, and whlch was roferred to tho ?ommlttoo by Councll, was laid ovor to j, apoclol meetlng to bo called for one , fcrening noxt week, nnd actlon on a no tlce of sult by^Ashly-Ttawllngs for $2,000 jgatnst the 'e1ty**for lnjurles sustolned ln [alllng in an aroawiiy, was also deferrqd io that moetlng. FIRE COMM3SSTONERS. At the meetlng of tho Flre Commifl iloners last nlght, the work of eloctlng the men for tho depnrtment was com Jleted. Tho ontlre llst: Chlef, W. B. Crooks; Asslstant, R. E. Owen; Stntlon men, W. T. Smlth, C. A. Coltor: Runnors, f. ?. Redford, W. E. Smlth, J. II. Brown, Et. H. I>ee. W. J. Osterblnd, A. W. Fnr Joj'j SubBtltutes, T. F. Rondurnnt, H. B. Hart, B. W, Shaw, C. C. Eldor, G. W. Goodlng, and Chrls Cox; Flre Pollcemon, J. _, Rodford and W, E. Smlth; Sub .^tltute Statlonman, W. E. Smlth. Mr. Chrls Cox ls the only now man. All the f.Temon havo recelvcd thelr now badgoK. Tliey are quite nttrnctlvo, nnd represent a Bhlold wlth a (Vve-pdint Uar ln tho center. ROW ON inn^ STREET. A wnrrant wns sworn out last nlght by Frarik -Mnddey, charglng George Meru , dlth and Robert Andorson wllh nssault Ing and beating hlm wlth a whlskey bot tel. The young men, In company wlth others, went out to Forost Hlll earjy In the evening. About 8 o'clock thoy camo back, lcavlng Maddoy out thoro. He re? turned on tho next car, and ns ho was passlng Twelfth and Hull Streots ho nlleges that ono of tho men ngnlnst whom ho awore out tho warrnnt eurscd hlm and aald he "would klll hlm beforo tho nlght was over," nnd thon ho threw a whlskey bottle at hlm. whlch struclc hlm on the lof't alde of hls faco, He sald bo far as ho knew thoro was no reasou for the assault. Mayor Maurlch wlll Inveatlgate thla mornlng. PUNBRATj OF MR. FRANKX.IN. The funeral of Mr, Georgo W. Frank lin wlll be from Bainbrldgo-Stroot Churoh at .6 o'clock thls afternoon, Rev, E. V. Bajdy ofllctatlng, Tho pall-bearoro: From J. O. U, A. M.?R. U Adams, Willlam Smlth. Charlea Rnach, Wllllam A- Upscomb; R:ilnbrIdgorBtrout Church? li. C. Brooddus, Jarnea T. Abbott, W. A. Tatum and J. C. Donnelly. Mr. Franklln was for a long tlme em ployed ot tho Southern shops, Ho was a natlvo of Frederloksburg, and marrled Mlaa JJaura E. Owena, of Powhatan county. Ho wna III about two weoks, ?and dled at 31:10 yestorday mornlng at hls homo, Elovonth and Evorott Streeta. I??N?S8 OF MR TOPPAN. Mr. RoWErt Toppian, n popular nnd well known cltlzon, Is aeriously 111 nt hls res idence, Eloventh and Deoatur Btr&eta. Mr. Toppan waa for many yeara a pllot on Jamea Rlver, nnd was latnr chlef on Cneer at WDliamsburg. Hls many frlenda ?o aorry to learn cf hls lllneva. COUNCH, COMMITTBKS. The Ordlnanco Commltteo wlll meet at | o'clock to-nlght. At 0 o'clock thlB afternoon the Ceme tery Commlttee wlll meet nt the olflco of Superlntendent Allen. RELIGfOUS ITBMS. The Bev. W, W. Slak. paator of Clop ,a?B-Btreet Churoh, continuas to preach Tht PtendU pU$s (he pUno* Anyon* cAn pUy tt. No techntcat knowtedge ntcm&ty, litsA nurvet* ONLY PIAMO PUYER fHE ENDORSED BY MUSIOUNS. PianolA It is poesible to play the piano bo well by moans of the fianola that even a orltio cau not tell the plaring from that of a human performeri Without any musical eduoatioii whatever, any pieoe of muslo over oomposed oan be playod, not only correotly, but "with expression. ; NOT AN AUTOMATIC ATTACHMENT. The Pianola 1b not an automatlo attachment for a piano. It ia not, even when ln use, at taohed to tho planoi It is not plaoed within tho piano to nll up the sounding-space and destroy the instrument'B tone. It is plaoed in front of the piano, so that its fingers rest upon the keye j but it is at all times soparato and distinct from the piano itself. FREE PIANOLA CONCERTS DAILY, II A. M., 4P. M. Vlslt tha Piano Eipoaltlon. All lhe beat maket are repreaenfed. WALTER D. KoTeS & GO Largeit and Oldest Maslo Hoflso In the South, 103 East Broad Street. to a large congrogatlon at East End Bap Sat Churoh ln Rlohmond. Tuesday nlght thero wero sovontoen converslona. Young men's prayer meetlng at Olop ton-Street Churoh Baturday nlght wlll ]be conducted by Mr, Forguaon. All young TrvTcosTciopton-Street Church Sun daS; wlU be cond/oted by tho paetor, Rev ?W. W. Slsk. Sorvlces at 11 A. M. ana 7:o0 P.' M. '_ 1 j{t the Vheatros* Of tho auccess of Managor Glffen b lateat venture, tho Acadcmy Muslcal Comedy Company, thero can be no doubt. It was a foregono concluslon that thls would be so, becauso reports from Nor folk, whore the company opened a week ago, were of the most euloglstlc nature, and thoso reports have been enthuslaatl cally endorsed Dy the local press and by the play-golng publlo. _ ? . If "The _ady Slavey," whlch ls run ning at tho Acadetny thls week, 1b an earnestof what Is In store for the rost of the spring and summer season, then one nood not expoot anythlng but laughter. and color, and wlt. and hoauty, and a good tlme generally, for that ls proclsely what you get at tho Elghth Street Thoatro thls wcok; Next week tho company wlll bo seon ln "The Fronch Mald." In the second act of "On tho Suwaneo R?vor," tho nttrnctlon at tho Bljou thls woek ln tho pl.antatlon seceno whoro Aunt Llndy ls mnster of ceromonles and hor falthful followora ontortaln. the audi onco wlth slnglng and danclng, thero s lntroduced a llttlo sldo play whlch ls very amusliiK. The flold hands havo a couplo of real gamo cocks and thoy liold . a maln ln full vlo'w of the audlonce. Tho cocks flght hard as dld ovor any two of tholr klnd, but aro preventod from In jurlng each other hy llttlo glovcs or cushlons whlch aro fastened upon tholr spiirs, Mr. Howard Hall, in his frrent success, "Tho Man AVho Dnrod." Is supported by Mlss NIna Morrls, and ono of tho most promtncnt casts oror brought togothor ln a popular prlced nttrnctlon will bo secn at tho Bljou Thoatro noxt Mondny. Tuos day nnd Wednosday, TIiIb nttrnctlon hna nlroady os'tabllshcd Itself throughout the country as tho very hlghest cIosb organl zaUon of Its klnd now travollng. The more suocoa'sful plays in thls day and ngo aro raroly nllowod to go to the usos of stock compnnles for many yeara aftor ,.tholr Inltlnl produotlon. but by a Bpoclal arrnngomont Georgo Fnwcott has Bobured tempbrary controi of tUe'fammts play, "Mlstross Noll," nnd will prosont Mlss Porcy Haswoll nnd ono of,hls com panlca horo ln thls plny. boglnnlng wlth tho Thursdav matlneo of noxt woek at tho Bljou. Thls will bo tho flrst tlmo thls exoellont play hna over boon 'soon horo at anv price, and comtnfr ns it doos now wlth thnt excollont nctrcss, Poroy Has? woll, In tho tltln pnrt, lt will bo an ovont of frront Inportnnco thoatrlcnlly horo. Ap .nonrliiR wlth Mlss Tlaswoll will ho tho full stronpth nf thls sectlon of tho Georgo Fawcott Company, THE TEACHERS LEAVE After Thoroughly Inspectlng Rlchmond, They go to Oharlottesvllle. Tho Cnpltol and Llbrafy partlcularly, and Rlchmond ln gonoral, woro overrun yeaterday ln tho onrly part of the day by tho schnol teachors, scliool prlnolpnls and puplls of Indlanapolls and M'unclo. Soon nftor spring ls folt ln Indlanapolls, the hlgli soIiooIh havo a weok'a holidny, and they nnnually tako trlps and atudy history whero hlstory was mado, Thls year ' thoy decided to go, go to Waahlngton nnd seo tho Capltol, nnd thon come to VIrglnla, tho (Irst Stato In polnt of hlstnrlc nssoclnlions. Nonrly two hundrod prlncipals, toachors and puplls wero found who wanted to oome. and tho trlp, countlng all tho costs, menns nn outlay of only $86. Thoy aro travollng In a spoclal traln of all Pull inans. Aftor apondlng tho mornlng look Ing around thoy left at noon for the Unlvorslty of VIrglnla, Thero, besldos vlsltlng tho (TnWerslty, they wont to Montlcollo. From Charlnttosvlllo thoy mako "a beo llne" for homo. Royal Saluto FIred. (Dr Aaaoelated Prosa.) MBBON, Aprll 2.-Tho Brltlah royal yacht Vlctorla and Albert, wlth Klng Ed? ward on l>oard, arrlved ln tho Togus to-day from Portamouth, and waa sululed by the wnrshlps nnd forta. A roynl aaluto was flrod as ICIng Carjpa ombarked nt the arBonnl on bourd the roynl gulloy, whlch waa bullt for tho inarrlugo of Momm Marla, and Carlos IV. FIRST BATTALION HAS FINE DRILL Flve Companles of the Sev entleth Go Through the New Evolutlons. Colonel G'eorgo Wayno Anderson, of the Seventleth Rogimont ordored a battalton lnspeotlon and drlll at tho Roglmonlal Armory last nlght. Companles A, B, C, F and H, the flvo Rlchmond organlza tions, composlng tho Flrut Battallon In the roglment, turned out wlth good avor ages, Tho ovolutlons wero lnterestlng, and the spectators groatly onjoyod tho drlll. This was a speclal lnspeotlon and drlll and the companles mado a gratlfylng showlng. Some of the evolutlons woro now, pretty and lnterestlng. Aftor tho drlll Company F hold a mootlng and tho questlon of golng to Newport News to the launchlng of tho West Vlrglnla jiprll 18th, was dlsoussed, but tho declslon was doforred. Tho Bluos aro also thlnklng of going. j DELINQUENT TAXES Receipts Must Be Shown Before One Can Vote Next Year. Mr. T, C. Wolford, colloctor of delln quont taxes, is now arranglng his 11st of delmquentB for publicatlon. Tho 11st wlU be turned over tp tho Flnanco Commlttee and will be prlnted in tho papcrs. All thoso who pay up in tho moantlme will be slrlcken o(t the list. It Is Important to pay taxos now, for under tho now Constltutlon It will bo nocossary to show recolpts for" 1901, 1903 nnd 1903 beforo a man can voto at tho uex't sprlng olcotlons. Sunshlne Saturday Night, Tho mombers of tho Young Mon's Chrls? tlan Assoclation will Jiavo n groat treat on Saturday nlght at 8:30 o'clock, when Dr, A. A. Wllllts, of Dayton, Ohlo, a groat apostlo of sunshlne and tho "Old ? Man Eloquent," dellvors his famous hu morous nnd stlrring lecturo, "Sunshlno." Dr. Wllllts has boen long nnd most fa vorably rocelved on tho lyceum platform. His locturos are moat lnterestlng, fllled wlth brllllant wlt nnd humor, and when you havo heard hlm onco you will want to hear hlm ngaln. Wedded In Baltlmore. (Speolnl to Tlio TlmoB-Dlspntch.) BAI/TIMORE, MD? Aprll 2.?Mlss Vlola Blondholm, of thls clty, waa marrled to nlght to Mr. Samuol Kahn, of Norfolk, Va., at tho homo of tho brldo's slstor, on McCulloh Street. . e Amicable Adjustment Probable. (By AhsocIiUoiI PrcaB.) ST, I..OUIS, MO., Aprll 2.?Evorythlng sooms to polnt to tho nmlcablo adjust mr-nt wlthln n short tlmo of the diffor c-ncos oxlstlng botweon the Wabasli Rall road Company nnd lta ornployos. TEN OONCEPTIONS OF CHRIST. Ono of tho most lntorostlng features of tho splondld Enstcr odltlon of Tho Tlmes-Dlspntch, to'bo Issuod on Sunday, wlll bo a full pago lllustratlon, In colors, glvlng Ton Conooptlona of Chrlst by ten mastors. In thls collectlnn aro ropro duced tho works of llofmnnn, Tltlan, Llska, Hunt, Donl, Balnrocha, Crospl, Da Vlncl, Voroncso nnd Matsys. CONFEDERATE VETERANS RE UNION. New Orleans, May 10-22, vla Ohesa peake & Ohlo Route. Tho Chesapeako and Ohlo Rnllway wlll Holl ronntl trlp tlokots May lGth lo 21?t, In clualvo, to Now Orleans, for U. 0, V. Re unlon, at S'jO.DO, roturnlng not later than May gjtlli oxcept by doposlt of tlokot wlth feo of 60 c.cntB, oxtenslon wlll bo grnnted to Juno 15th. No &top over allowed ln olthor dlrefctlon. IRVINQ BACHELLER'SNEWSTORY. The popular nuthor of "Ebon Holden" has wrltten n nAw atory that wlll add groatly to hla fninu, lt Is callod "Barrel of tho Blossod Islef," and Is of thrllllng Intor est. Tho Tlmea-Dlspatch has, ln con Junctlon wltb tho Now York Horald, ao cured tho rlght to prlnt thla wonderful atory, and it wlll oippoar ln our Eastor cdltlon of Sunday noxt. Don't mlss road Ing lt- / t;.he scienoe of boxiing. "Boxing as a Form of Physlcal CqlVtiro" wlll bu dlsouHsed by Profesaor Pthony Parker ln tho Easter odltlon of o Tjmos-pispatch. <>n Sunday next, i'1-y young man will bo lutorostod in i urtlvla. i \ NOCHANGE INPOLICE The Sanltnry Offlcers Will Remaln as They Are. CITY ATTORNEY'S OPINION Read by Mayor Taylor, gut lt Dld Not Turn the Tldo?Pollce to Re? maln on Duty Regularly Untll Relleved. After hearlng an oplnlon of Clty At torney Pollard refleoted upon and the Sani tary Dopartmont of tho clty donounoed fca a faroo, the Board of Pollce CotnmlB Bloners yeaterday afternoon, by a voto of 4 to 8, rooordod ltaclf ofl opposod to romovlng any of tho sanltnry inBpoctora from thelr presont posltlona to plaoes on the patrol foroe, In addltlon, tho Board passed a resolutlon Instruotlng tho Chlof to see that ln the future any pollceman who has been detatled for house duty ro malns in aotlvo servlbe untll ho has boen rolloved at a glven hour of ohatige. Consldorablo feeUng was dlsplaycd over oaoh of the mattors and tho dobato at tlmes was exooedlngly Intorostlng, ln Btruotlve and eploy, although all momborB uppoarod cordlal at all tlmes. ODD VB. YOUNG. The voto consldorcd,, tho rosult of tho mosting yostorday afternoon may be eum marlBed as a decldod spllt botwcon the old and young mombers of tho Board, the formor maklng what they thlnk ls a oon slstent and wlso effort to lmprove the Pollce Department, not only lnorooslng tho force, but moro thoroughly con trolllng tho men. An effort on tho part of CommlsBloners BoBhor and Landerkln to go lnto exoou tivo scsslon was stronuously and succobb fully oppoBod by MessrB. Mnnnlng and Welsh. The motion was novor put, but oh a precaution tlio mlnutes of tho lnnt mootlng?a eccrot scsslon?woro not road. Mr. Mannlng, patron of tho plan to bet tor the by romovlng at least two of tho sanitary lnspeotors to tho pollco foroo, argued that both Mossrs Walton and La'mkln are sufllolontly halo and hoarty to porform actlvo duty. Ho thought that tho posltloh thoy now hold mlght bo flllcd by superannuatcd mombors of the dopnrtment, and' suggested several mom? bors. . ., Mr. Whittot eald that ho favored the Bohomo. and upon inveotigatlon had dls covored that tho Sanltnry Departmont now does llttlo. if any, work. Horegardod tho work as a Joke, saylng it;was.a por foct faroe. Probably ten or'a dozon houses woro lnspected eaoh day by the mon, and in ordor to make tholr work look voluml nous, thelr roports wore scattored over a wholo day. MAYOR OPPOSED/' . Mayor Taylor, presldlng ofllcor,.-lnter rupted to say that he was agalnst the schomo and wishod ho had a voto. Ho said that Clty Attorney PoTlard had ren derod an oplnlon in regard to tho powers of tho board to transfer men, and ex cused hlmsolf long enough to get the oplnlon, ?? , ? ? : The paper was read. It set forth that In Mr. Pollard'B oplnlon' tho"board' had no authorlty to trahsfer or romovo any mombors of tho sanltary foroe, unlesB charges wore preferrod and establlshed. Tho flnal voto showed that Moasrs. Mannlng, Whlttet nnd MoCarthy favored the transfer, whlle Messrs. Boshor, Larv dorkin and Jacob were \ opposed to tho step. And tho mattor rests ns it was, Mr. Whlttet brought up tho proposltlon about mon leaving tho statlonB before tho hour they wero supposed to be relleved. Ho thought lt a bad precedent, and after much disciission the board votod to re qulre fho mon to remaln on duty untll. tho rcgulor hour of rellef hnd nrrlved. On motion of ,Mr. Botfhor tho board ex tonded to those' mombors of tho Socond Dlstrlct corps who tooTt part ln tho flre at Murphy's Hotol a vote of thanks and commendatlon for tho oxcellcnt duty per formcd. Thls wns prompted by a lettor from Captaln Hulco. L (Contlnued From Flrst Pago.) mlght offor It, nnd" havo the two oon Bldered at tho samo tlme. Mr. Sebrell hns proparod hls amondment ln the naturo of a BUbstltuto, and wlll offor it to-day, If tho Houso Bhall adopt Mr. Davls' motlon, and ovor both pro posltions a blg flght is llkoly. Tho Sobroll amendment, whlch ls prlntod In full below, presonts nn on llroly new plnn of controlllng tho llquor buslnoss In tho rural dlstrlcts, and brlstlos wlth Interost ln ovory llno, It proposos to npply to tho Idonttcal sec tlons doniKiiod by tho Mnnn blll, and ln atead of llconslng bar-rooms, to break thom up ontlroly. RETATIi STORES. But to retall llquor Btoros, llconses at $100 eaoh wlll bo grantod, ns are bar rooms undor tho preBont Inws, wlth nu morous rostrlctlona and Bnfcgunrds, Ono ls that no llquor shall be drunk whoro sold. Another ls thnt theso storos shnll close nt aundnwn nnd romaln closod un tll sun up. Tho snles ahall bo only In sonlod and unhrnkon packagos, In quaii tltles ranglng from one-half ptnt to four gallons. On onch of thoso packagos thero shall bo a Stato revonuo stamp of ono cent por ono-half plnt or tho froc tlon thoreof, whlch wlll amount to bIx toon conts por gallon, All thls gocs to tho Stato. Mr. Bobrell tlilnks hls amondmont wlll come noarer solvlng tho problom thtn wlll tho Mann blll. Ho declnros thnt lt ls a temporanco measure, and thnt he wlll press It for nll It Is worth, Tho pop ulnr Bouthomptnn member says hls blll wlll break up tho soclal featuro alto gother, nnd wlll bo, n (Ino rovenuo gottcr. In hls blll Mr. Sobrell Imposos hoavy flnos upon porsotia for vlolutlons of lts p'rovlslnns, Ono of tho blggest flghts of the ees slon Ib looked for over theso two Jnter estlng proposltlnns to-day, SWBRRIvr, SUBSTITUTB. Tho ono to bo offored by Mr. Sobroll rends as follnws: 1. Any peraon, flrm, partnershlp or corporntlon deslrlng to soll wlne, ardent spliitB or tnnlt llquors ln tho cnuntry and ln towns of loss thnn one thousand pop ulatlon shall flrat obtoln a llconso thore for ns provlded now for solllng llqnors by retall ln tho Commonwenlth. Such llconso shall "glvo the prlvlloge of solllng only ln tho ninnner nnd upon tho torms nnd oondltlons of thls aet. 2. Such wlne, ardent splrlts or mnlt llquors shall bo sold only ln amall paolc ngoB of not leHK thun hnlf-plnt nor moro than four gallons each. and no unsonlod or brokon packagos shall bo kept ln tho room whero auch llquors aro offerod for Balo, 3. No winea, ardont Bpirlts or walt Ilqtiors Bhali be dftthk wliere Aoid not Wlthirt ono hundred yattbl thefeof, tntoept that thls ptovlsjbn ehalt not affecti th? Hght of nny pfetBon ? resldlng of having a tuaco qf buainesa wlthlh enJd one hun oYed yhfds of sueh pinee to' drltik suoh wlne, ardeht aplrits of malt tiduors In suoh resldonce or flnefr of bUslheBfl. t. No roofti or place M tho sale of any wlne, nrdent aplrlta or malt Imuors alinll 1)6 bnened, nnd ho. wlne, hrflent splrlts of malt llquora ahall he eoldto' tween bunset and sunttoo, nor on Bun day, HOf oti doya oh whlch pn ele-dlloft Bhall be held, nor oh any day or at any tlme how nroliibltod by law. ONtiY ON PttlQBCRtPTION. B. No wlne, ardont splrlts or malt Hquora Bhall be sold to any mlnor, lti natle, Idlot or Insntte pbrflon or to any person known to be an habltual drunk ard Unless upon tho proaorlptlon of a regular lloensed physlclan, ???,,?.? And any person who ehnll purohase for dellvery to, or ln any mannor know ingly ttld in gettlng for any mlnor, u tiatlo, idlot, Itiaano person or habltual drunltard, "any Intoxlcatlng Ikjuor, shall be flned not less than flve nor more than flfty dollara, ? . ... 0. No person, flrm or eorporatlon with ln one mlle of any plftco whero Intoxl ontlng llquors hre sold shall furnlsh for oomponsatlon nuy glaas or other vossoi to bo usod in drlnklng or mlxlng any in? toxlcatlng llqflor, nor any IngrodlotitB, Uion and thero to be usedi ln mlxng or to be mlxed wlth any Intoxlcatlng Inuor, A?y pcreon ylolatlng tho provlslon of thls Seotlon shall bo flnod not less than twonty no'r "moro than ono hunflrodaoi lars. And any glft takon or othor thlng Vecolvod for suoh. glnss, vcbboI or Ingro dlont shall bo prosumod to bo oomponaa tlon. ' , t Any person, Qrm, partnorshlp or eorporatlon obtalnlng a llcenso to soll In? toxlcatlng llquors as provlded hereln, ln nddltlon to the llcense tax roqulred by Boolon elglit of tho ortlolo L, Bhall pay a rovonuetnx of one cent oneaoh pacK ago contalntng ono-half plnt. fuitl an ad dltlonnl one oont for enoh addltlonal( halft plnt or f raotlon thoreof J sold,, afflx-, Ing an adhoslVo Btamp for tho amount ?of suoh tax on each paokage bo sold, CANCEHAiATION. Buch adhesive stomp Bhnll be oan oellod ln liiTt by tho pei-Bon, flrm or eor? poratlon afflxlng suoh Intoxlcatlng llquor for snlo by marklng thoroon tho dato on whloh suoh Btamp 1b afflxed and thojnl tlals of tho porson, afflxlng lt It Bhall be tho duty of tho Audltor of Publlo Aooounts to provlde tho stnmps heroby roqulrofl, and to furnlsh eamo to tho treasurers ot tho countles upon thelr roqulsltlon for tho same, oharglng the sald troaBuror on tho book of hle offlop for tho amountB thoreof. ..... - i ? The eovoral county treasurers Bhall be held acoountable under tholr omclalbonds for all Buch.stampe so provldod ttiom n tho same mannor ne they aro now held accountablo for monoys or other property cuming Into thelr hands. It Bhall bo tho duty of eald county treas? urers nt all ttmos to keep on hand a eup rly of sald stamps of the dlfferent.denom lnatlons,' and ? to Boll tho same for cajh to nny porson wlshlng to -purohase tho eamo, chnrglng therefor the prlc6 lndl cated on tiho Btamp, and for such sorv co tho eoveral county troasurerB Bhall recoivo a oommlsslon of ? per cent. on oll Btnmps SOld. ??" ._.,.. TheUroasurerj of each county enali re port Bomt-annually on or bofore the flrat day of January nnd the flrst day of July of eaoh yoar the number of adhesive Btamps, wlth donomlnation of oach, Boid bv hlm durlng the precedlng Blxmonthe, and Bhall at once pay Into the treaaury the money recelved for the somo, less his ccmmlaslon, ? ,._. ___ MUTH/ATED STAMPS, All mutllated or unuaed stamps may be roturnod to tho Audltor of Publlo Ao oounta, under auch rogulatlons as he may provldo, and when bo returned propor credlt Bhall be glven upon tho booka of hla offlce. . ? A.ny person maklng a fnlse or counter folt'stamp, or proourlng the samo to bo dono; ' or usos or' bo used " a Btamp provlously uaod, ahall for each of fenso'be deemed gullty of a felony, and shall bo lmprlsonod ln tho Stato poniten tlary for a pe'rlod of not less than ono nor more than flvo yeara. 8. Any peraon engnged ln aelllng Intox lcatlng llquors under tho provlslona of thlB aet, who shall vlolate any of tho provla lonB theroof, shall bo flned not less than flfty nor moro than two hundred dollars, and for a second convlctlon, ln addltlon to sald flne, shall have hls llconso ro voked and shall not agaln bo grantod 'snme, ... ? '9. Tho provlslona of thls aot shall not apply to the sale of Intoxlcatlng llquors ln cltlos and' ln towns of moro than flvo hundred popu'.atlon, nor to h'oalth rosorts havlng mlneral springs or sltuated by fho sea or any largo body of salt water con nectcd therowlth. 10. All acts and parts of acts ln con fllct herowlth are heroby repealed. CHANGE AND PROMOTION AMONG SOUTHERN'SMEN (By Aasoclntod Proaa.) WASHINGTON, Aprll 2.?At tho offlco of; tho general managor of tho .Southern Rnllway, tho followlng announcomeut of chnngo and promotlona ln the ofllclal stai.! of tho system waa mado to-day: Colonol John A. Dodson, formerly os slstant to tho gonoral manager, appolnt ed suporlntondont of constructlon, ln chargo of dbublo-trocklng and now work, W. A. Vaughnn, formerly aupertntend tnt of the Atlanta Dlvlslon, appolnted nBslstant gonoral superlntendent of tho Wostorn Dlstrlct. W, N. Foroaoro, formorly superlntond ent of tho Mobllo Dlylslon, appolntod bu perlhtondont pf tho Atlanta Dlvlslon, vlco W, A, Vaugn^ J. J. Cotton, appolnted superlntondont of tho Mobllo Dlvlslon, vlce W. N, Foro acro, transforred. a TREES PLANTED AT THE COLLEGE Arbor Day Was Fittingly Ob Served Yesteiday at the Instltutlon. An Intereatlng programme was arrangod by tho faoulty of Rlchmond Collogo for tho obsorvanco of "Arbor Day." Classos bolng suspondod at 12 o'clock, the stu dcnts and thelr frionda asaembled ln front of tho collego buildlng, and aftor an ln vocatlon by Dr. Whltsltt nnd tiho reod Ing of tho Governor's proclamatlon, lls-. ttned to an oloquont addross by Prosldont Boatwrlght on tho Importanco of the cul tlvatlon of treos and'the wlsdom of Arbor Day obsorvanco. Mlss E, W, Wllllama, of the groduatlng class, was thon Introduced, nnd road WU Uam Cullen Bryant'a "Foreat Hymn," nftor whlch, accordlng to tho progrannno, the trees wero planted as a momorlal to tho grnduatlng class of 1002. Mr. Robort Gllllam, of tho B. D. classj Mr. Jullan D. Jones, of tho B. S. claBs; Mr, J. D. Quarlos, of tho B. A. class; Mr. T. T. liolote, of the M. A, class, encji proslded wlth flttlng romnrks at Wio planttng of a treo in commcmorntlon of hls class, At tho closo of thoso oxorclsos tho crowd Joincd ln slnglng "Amerlcn," and waa then dlamlsaod by Rev. J. Calvln Stew? art, Tho occaslon was n most enjoyablo one, and many such aro hopod for In tho fu turo. Dr. Mosos D. Hogo suggested that at tho noxt observnnco of Arbor Day a tree bo planted by the nlumnl of tho collogo, Thls suggestlon met wlth the hearty ap ptoval of thoso present. and a stlll bettof tlmo ls luokcd for at tiho noxt obsorvanco, TELLS GHARACTERS BY HEAD'S BUMPS Many, Well-Known Rlclimond Peofrie Hear Protessor Wlndsor's Address. Profeeaor WMIam Wdndsor, LU ?.. Ph. D? for whom lt is clalmed that ho la the "world'a moat emlnont phrcnologlflt,' dollvered hla aeoond looturo at tho Ma eonlo Temple last nlght and was hoard a'f a largo audlonce, In whloh were many well known peoplo, Tho Bubjeot ot tho ?vvenlpg'a dlaooUrso waa "How to B? come Rloh." But tho ohlef . Ititoroat among tho peoplo seomed to bo hla ox hlbltlon of phrehology. Two gantletnon wore nomlnated by thelr frlonda ln tho nudienco and Profossor Wlndsor undor took to tell tholr babite and dlspoaltlona by tholr hoada. Among tliose preaant who aeemed- to be onjoylng thomaolvea greatty, wore Com mlaslonor of Agrloulturo Kolnor, who haa a well shaped head Wtnsolf and who Is known to bo doeply Intorostcd ln phnhi 'okigy; Dr. O. _,.'? Hartman, a woll k??wn dentlst and Maaon, whoso frlonda loudly called for hlm to havo hls shapoly hoaa oxamjned; 'Mr, Rlchmond M. Dncy, tho woll known attornoy at law, and.othora. 'To-nlght Profosaor Wlndaor wlll dlscusa "Hoalth." ThlB dlscourao closea tho sorloa, but tho .looturer wlll conduct a.. sohool of phrenology for a short whllo, lt ls undorstood, *v r':'?'?-_ ". i; :,i < V'iFoot Mashed. The condltlon of Mr. Robort Euker, wfho was atruok by a falllng boam whllo at work, at the ponltontlary yostcrday and had hls foot badly mashed, wns reported aaeaay laat nlght. Ho la reatlng? aa woll aa poaalble at hla homo, No. 017 Eaat I.olgh Btreot, AUOTfON 8ALBS?THIS DAV. Geo. W. Mayo, Auotlonoer, BANKRUPT SaIe OF BNTM. PR1NTING FHANT. A^Tj RIOHIB TO. WARROCK RICHARDSON ADMA NAC, ENGINE AND BOIDER, 13LEC TRIC MOTOR, TYPEWRITEK. IRON SAFE, .ETC.;'AT AUCTION. By-vlrtuo.of a dncroo entored ln tho Unltod Statea Dlstrlct Court for tho Enat orn Dlatrlot of VIrglnla, on Mnrch 21, 1003, ln tho mattor of John T. West, a bankrupt. I wlll offor for sale, nt publlc aiictlon, at No. 7 North Sovonth Btroot, at 10:30 A. M. FRIDAY, APRIL 3. 1003. 1 Whltlack Prcss, 37x52; 1 Whltlook Prcss. 20x42; 1 Chandlor & Prlce Job, 1 Whltlook Cuttlng Krilfe. slzo 44 Inchca, 1 Denny Tag Machlno, 1 Hlckok's Pcrforat Ing Machlne, 1 Emplre Typosettlng Ma? chlno and Dlstrlbutor, 105 fonts of.Job Typo. 1 Dlohl Eloctrtc Motor, 1 Englno nnd Boller, Composlng Btones nnd Racka,/ 'Typo Cnbln'et, Gnlley Racks. Proof Press, Labor-Savlng Furnlturo, Typo Stands Sort Caso, Case Raok, Punchlng Machlne. Bpok and Job Galloys, QuoJns. Pfcter.t KAentro-. type Blocka, Yaegor's Stap'.lng Machlne/] Cases, Lead Cuttors. Composlng Stlcks, Sl Chasoa, and numerous other .'.rtlelos founu ln a flrBt-class plant of thls charaotor. Iron Safe, Romlngton Typowrlter, Offlco Furnlturo, oto. , , \ All rlghta and prlvlleges portalnlng to tho copyrlght of Uio Warrook Rlchard son Almnnao. ThlB Is an especlally valu ablo publlcatlon. A llno of morahandlso, conalstlng of ar tlclee takon ln exchango for advortlse ments In the Warrock Rlchardson Alroa nao, ? ? THOS. B. BNEAD, Recelver. Geo. W. Mayo, Auctloneer, '.?.;-,,. ' By Tho Valontlne Auctibn Co? 612 East Brond Street. ADARGE AND WEL.D-KEPT HOUSE HOL-D FURNITURB. CHOCKERYt TOILET SETS. MBRARY TABLE, ART SQUAHES. RUGS, PORTIERES, PrC TURES, HADL. CHA1RS AND TABLES, SHOW-CASES, ETC., AT AUCTION. Wo will sell at our auctlon ware-room, 012 East Broad Stroet, '_i? BT, THIS (Friday) MORNING. APRIL 3D, commenolng at 10:30 o'clock, 10 Walnut and Oak Chambor Sults. 4 Oak and wal? nut Wnrdrobes, Oak Chlffonlor, 4 Onk nnd Walnut Extenslon Tables, 8-foot Onk Llbrary Tnblo, wlth drnwors; Oval-front Chlna Casos,; Morris Chalr, Cushlon-seat. nnd othor Rockers, 2 nlce Pnrlor Suits,. upholstered ln Brockct'cllo and Crash Plush; a largo ossortment of Crockery of every' desorlptlon, llno llno of Plc tures, handsome Hall Chalrs, Tnblo to mntch; Fenthor Beds, Bolstcrs and Pll lows, Tollot Sets, Cnn'e-soat Chnlrs, Chorry Center Tables, handsomo llno of Aro Squares and-Rugs, Refrlgerator nnd lec Chost. Walnut and Oak Hall Racka, Brnss Bods. Sprlngs and Mattresscs, Couchos ln Volour nnd Denthcr, Clocks, BIbl08, Sofn PIUows, fl-foot Motnl Show Coso. Thls Is a very large sale of fur-, nlturo, etc, and goods must bo sold tov mnke room for a largo conslgnmont eom lng ln on Saturday. Attend thls sale? 'FrldayfflT'sale^lf you wnnt bargalns. Tho ladies' Invlt'cd to attend. TfHD-VADENTINE AUCTION CO. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. j | SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE QFFIGES. Newly orranged and papered, on the THIRD FLOOR of the TIMES blSPATCH . BUILOINQ. Llght, hdat and Janltor eervlce. For price and partlculars apply to the TIMES-DISPATCH offlce. MEETINGS, ffl MASONIC NOTICE.?A STATED VSf COIMMUNICATION OF TEMPLE /V\ DODGE, NO. 9, A. F. & A. M,, will bo held at t.ho Mssonlc Tomple. Broad and Adams Streets, THIS (Friday) EVE NING at 7:30 o'clock. Mombers of slstor lodgos nnd translont brothron ure fra ternally Invltcd toi be prosent, Bv order of tho w. M. y ALEX. W. ARCHBR, Soorotary. Mutual Assuranco Bpcloty of Vlrglnla. Rlchmond, Ya? March 20, 190,1. NOTICE IS HEREBV OIVEN THAT tho annual meetlng of tho members of thls Bocloty will h? hfld at the offlce. of tho Boclety, in Rlchmond, Vu,, MON DAY. tho 20tfl ^w?lV a'^P&ER. l'rlnclpal Agent. Atlantlc Coast Llno Rallroad Company, Offlco of tho Siicrotary. NOTICE IS HEHEliY OIVEN THAT A eonoral or apecial meotlng of tho Stock? holdors of the ATLANTK? COAST LINE RAluuoAD COMPANY has boen callod by tho Board of Dlrecinra to bo held at tho offlce of the Company m tho Clty pf Rlchmond. Vlrglnla. nl 11 o'clock A, M.. on TUESDAY, THE 21ST PAY OF APR1U A. D.- 1003. (or the purposo of conslaurlnR and notlin; upon tho pur ohaso of tho i-nllroads and other nroper tv, rlghts, prlvlloges amj frnnohlsos of the Florlda Southern Hullroad Company, and nlso for tho purpove of conslderlng and actlng upon tho. purchase of the rnllronds und othor property, rlghts, prlv llogos aud franchlsps c,r u10 Sanford nnd St. Petcrsburg Rallroiui Company, botn cnrporatlopfl created nini oxlstlng jundor tho laws of tho St'ite nf l^lurida, wldch will bo submlttod for thelr apjirovnl. I U. L. BORDEN, \ Secrotary, AUCTION SALBS-FUTURat bAVi. ! By Jajnea H, Cfehahawi f . Real Estato Auetlotieer, . J ? 1018 E. Maln Street. (Postpbned from March 80, 1*08,; to datti below oh aecoUtit of raln,) ,( ^RUBTEB'B SALfcT . ' DEBtKABLE 8UBURBAN RESIDENC_ f ON BROOK TURNPIKE WITH 16ft ACItEB OF LAND, fiy vlrtuo of fi eortaln fleedof trtiat dated tho 13th day of Fobruary. 1890, and recorded In the clork'a offlco of Henrlco County Court ln D. B. 129 "A." page 898. default havlhg been mndo !h tho payment of a part of tho dobt aoourod thereby, and belng requtred eo to do by the bene* flclary thereln, I wlll sell. by publlo aue* tlon, on the promlses, on _ BATURDAY, APRtL ll, 1808, : i: at 4 o'clock P. M., tho proporty descrrbad In aald truet dood. tttt that ploco or par* cel of land, with tho lhiprovemcnta thore* on, lylng nnd bolng In Henrlco countft i Va? contalnlng flttecn and ono-half (l&VW , acrea, moro or loaa, frontlng on tho woal; aldo of Brook Turnplke, throo-fourtha ol a mlle from tho clty of Rlohmond: Iny provomonta conalat of a Stuoooed BrlcM. Dwelllng of nlno roorna nhd othor bulld-j Inga, formorly the resldonco of John B. f Crctishaw, decensod. I wlll aell aald landi to pay tho folldwlng charges: TERMS-Cash aurtfclont to pay exppnaee of excoutlng thla truat, all unpnld takca to day of sale, and to pay 83.000 (balance duo on tho last noto for $3,640) and inter cat on sald $3,000 from Februnry 16, 1902J tho reBldup nt one and two yeara, ,to ba ovldenced by negotlablo notos, wlth Inter 08t addod and socured by trust deod ott eald proporty. ? . _,_ ' _ W. A. R1CKS, By James H. Cronshaw, Audtloneor, MiirM-lds -1_-1 _< By Pollard & Bagby, Real Eatato Auctloneera. TRUBTEES' AUCTION SALE OF '_,/ THREE FRAME DWELLINOBON | NORTH B1DE OF MAIDEN LANB BETWEEN FIRHT AND ___? BELV1DERE-. BTRBETS, ' , ? NOS, 10, 10^4 AND 12. i In 'exccutlon ot a deed of trust dated Decombor 12, 1894, and rocorded in clerk'B offlco of Rlchmond Chancerv Court, D. B. 1C3 A, page 284, dofault havlng been made In payment of a portlon of the debt thero* In Bccured, wo wlll aoll by auctlon, on the) promlses, on _ .'?_??! . '!._, ! MONDAY. APRIL 6, 190$. J at 6 o'clock P. M., tho above deacrlbe* proporty. Lot 44 feet 8 tnohea front J TBKMfl-Enough ln caah to pay cqat; of, sale, any taxes due. and tho sum of 81.600, wlth tntorcst from Maroh 10, 1901;, realdue at one and two yeara. H. R. POLLARD, Jr.. WILLIAM ELLYBON. Apl 1-tda _,'?'??'.'' Truateea. / By J. D. Xfdrneal & Bon, i Real Eatato'Auctloneera. TRUSTEE'B AUCTION SALE ' OF. 'A Comparativoly New Well-Bullt Bercn; room Detached Dwelllng in one of the Deat, locatlona In Falrmount, belng No. 1110 N.t Twonty-Bccond Streot. By virtuo of a certaln deed of trusl dnted Juno 2, 1002. ahd recorded ln the Henrlco County Court clcrk's offlce, ln D. B. 164 B.'pago 815, default havlng been mado In the payment of a portlon of the dobt Bocured thereby, and havlng been ro? qulred by tho beneflclary thorcln ao to do, ' Wl" BATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1803. '? at'5 o'clock P. M., on tho premlaea, pro ceod to-Bell by pUbllo nuotlon the prop* , erty convoyed thereln. vlr. : i All that lot of land. wlth all lmprovo montB thcreon, In tho town of Falrmount,' Kanrlco county, Va.. beglnnlng at a polnt, on the weat llno-of Twenty-aocond Street botwebn Q and R Streeta, dlstpnt 161 feot 0 Inchea north of the polnt of Interaoctlon of tho sold west llno of TWenty-aecond Streot wlth the north llno of Q Streot,, oxtendlng thenco northwnrdly along. the Buld west llno of Twenty-second Street j and frontlng thcreon 30 feet. and running, back at rlght nngles and botwpen parnllell Unes 125 feet 8 Inches to an alley ln rear.' 14 feet wide, belng a part of Lot No. 6 and Lot No. 0 ln Squaro 131 of tho Plan of. Falrmount. ? . TERMS-Cash aufflolont to pay all cost. of sale. all taxoa, to,day j>f aalo, ?y?dva' defot of $114.60, now duo; S0j>aymonts-ae ovidenced by 9 notes for $13.50 each,; 20 notes for $40.60 each nnd one noto for $44. all datod Juno 2, 1902, nayable respectlvols* at 10 11, 12. 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 27. 30. 33. 36, 39, 42. 4fJ. 48. 61, 64, 67, 60, 63\ C0. 69, 72, 75, 78 and one yonr after date/ana resldue at 12 months. to bo secured by; deed of trust on^jooarty.,^ jr . _ Mar31-5t Truatoc. f By N. W. Bowo, Real Estato Auotloneer. TRUBTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF THE FARM 0F 250- ACRES KNOWN AS "SWBENBY'S," ADJOIN* ING CURL'S NECK PDANJATION. IN HENRICO COUNTY. , - In pursuanco of a doed 'of truaffronl Martha F. Smlth to tho underalgned. datcd May 20, 1880, of record ln D. B. 104, pago 4G3, Henrlco county. clork a oftloo, and by authorlty^ of at flec"Bl??,' 'I,* Chnncory Court of tho^Clty of Rlchmond. ontered Mnrch 5, 1903, In tho ault of Cox. Admlnlstrntor. &c? va. Cox, Exo cutor, &c, belng requlred to do ao| W sald decreo, 1 wlll boII at publlc auctlon, ln front of Henrlco County Courthouao^ af 12 o'clock M., on t't--. MONDAY?,APRIL 13, 1003, . that bolng the flrat. day ot the Apr I term of tho County Court that. well known farm.or tract of land ln the lower ond of Henrlco, county, about 12 mHea bolow Rlchmond, called "SWEENE>. S, and contalnlng 250W, acrea. nore oj, less. Bltuated on tho Char es Clty Road, od jolning tho Curl's Neck Plantatlon, no*. ownod by Mr.'C. H. Senff. . - TERMS-The doed roqulres cash aa. to tho dobt secured and costs pf aalo. nua by consont of tho pnrt es ln erested the purchascr wlll bo pormltted to pny-oncj thlrd ot tho nurchaso prlco- in caah- and glvo negotlablo notes. wlth Interest .add? od at 6, 12 and 18 montha for tho real? due, acoured by a deed of trust on tha .?propcrty; or all cjas.^ as^cferrod. Apl2-tds ..? .. ? Trusteo. ; By J. B. Elam & Co.. Real Estato Auctloneera. pXECUTOR'S SaI^BY THAT CONVENIENTLY LOCATEO* MODERN. VBRY SUBSTANTIAL AND VALUABLE DETACHED L, THREE-STORY BRICIC RESIDENCE, ; No. 14 East Main Street, NORTH SIDI3 MAIN BETWEEN FIRST AND FOUSHEE. By dlrectlon of tho oxecutor. and1 foa the purposo ot closlng an estato, we ahall sell bv mibllc nuctlon, on tho premlaea, pn at BTO_?.D^'tn\P?Do^n?SSd aft Sl'S^WVlSo^h^tno SweVllne thorwn. IwIng? n most aubatnntlal. HonrlotiB nnd woll appolnted dotnehed ?h oo-storv br ck structuro, oontoJnlng about Jlfteen roon,s of good slse tho uauol ' modern oonvonloncoa, largo bnth-ropm, nantryV cloaeta, large, atatlonan- kltchen Pniin laundrv tuba, Latrobo stovo, lnrge fuefva m. ano a largo brlck stable on. tha lot ? the premlaea bofng ln good repalr. Tho prosent rentnl of the houae Is $700 ner ann im, If doslrod the buildlng could Go convorUd lnto flats, for wbloh thoro la Bufflc ont wldth or depth. or both. / TERMB-One-thlrd cash. balanco' by' negotlablo notes at 1 and 2 years, wlth in? terest ndded and secured bv deed pf truat; or all ln cash, at tho option of tho pur chaser. _ B BjjAM & co ; Apl 2,8,4,7,8*-_Auotloneers, - MEETINQS. ' ^ ? ?uni-riiVJJ'J^'"""^'"'1'1'!"*"...^*www?-w?*???wm..??< Rlchmond, Vn., March 24, 1903. THE REOULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the Btockholdors of THE ALBE MARLE PAPER MANUFACTURING COMPANY wlll bo held nt tho offlce of Messre. Wllllnms. Bryan & Wllllama, First Natlonal Bnnk Buildlng, Rlohr mond, Va., on THURSDAY. Aprll 9. 1003. ot 12 o'clock M. " ' CHARLES M. BOSWKLTi, Beorotary and Trensuror. "" r: Rlchin'ond. Va.. March 23, 1903. A MEET1NG OF THE STOOKHOLDERS of THE T1MES COMPANY wlll bo held oii BATURDAY, Aprll 4. 1003. at .11 o'clock M., it the ortico of tho company # ta WcHmond. ; KOLpeBBT(.Jrit, ? "- P.ecretftry,