Newspaper Page Text
THESE ARE THE WONDER WORKING WANT ADS. THIT Milla GREATEST RESULTS. MINIMUM CHIME 26 Denti.) .?ihlnA-rano. ONE OEIT A WORO. H BU? WAftt-D~raMA|.<. ?WANTEJD. TO ??^???? A ?A?V CASH,? 1ER for millinery department. Apply ?THALHIMIOB BROS, Fifth and Broad HtreeiH._, _ '? . '? (WANTED, LADtE? TO MAKE NECK* wear front .ample; experience not necee. nary; steady work) good pay. Send soli addressed stamped envelope, IDEAL / ...MFC?. CO.. K* west 183d St.. New York, WnTBD. FEMALE STENOGRAPHER, able to Increase her Income by using a machine 20 to 40 per cent, speedier than the rest and on account of up-to-date features must turn out better work with less mental and physical effort. Address OLIVER STANDARD VISIBL? ^WRITER, Rlolimohd.______Li' j SITUATIONS v^?t?d?hFe"male. ?WANTED, A POSITION ByXstENOG rapher; four years experience; Bar-Lock Typewriter. Address Miss ?., Y. M. C, ?., olty. WANTED, AT ONCE, POSITION BY an experienced lady stenographer, with f:ood references. Address Mis. J.. car? his'office. > ? . .1 ,1 -ii-.I X/ADY OP EXPERIENCE DESIRES fiosltlon during summer months or by alii toucher of English, Ma thematic?, French, Calisthenics, Piano. Banjo, Qui-, tar and ,Fancy Work. Address CABLE, Carroll ton, Va. WANTED, ? ??T????? AS ASSISTANT housekeeper, companion or to take charge of children. Terms moderate, Address with references, MISS R, 711 East Franklin Street, Rlohmond, Va. "^ HELP WANTED? MAL?. ~ -..-.-.-...,_-____.-.-_?. .WANTED, FIFTY BOYS AND GIRLS. between ages 14 and 20 years, Apply AMERICAN CAN CO., Twenty-fourth ami Venable Streets, to-morrow. ?wanted; hand drill.ers, sledg er? nnd Block Makers. Apply DBLA i, WARE ORANITE & M?NINO COM? PANY. Wilmington, Del. WANTED, SIXTY GOOD OBANITE CUTTERS at once; permanent work; good wages. JOHN > G. CRAIG, Man? ager, Maryland Granit. Company, Gull jlord, Md. y, ?12 PER THOUSAND COPYING LET tors at home; either sex. Send two stamp- for particulars. BLACKNEY & CO., 6057 Halsted St., Chicago. STENOGRAPHER FOR WHOLESALE grocery house, Blackstone; must ?sal?t in book-keeping; ?leo one needed for local R. R. Co. EMPLOYMENT BU? REAU, Southern Stamp & Stationery Co. _'. ' ' '. WANTED, A THOROUGHLY CAPABLE solicitor to sell stock In a Colorado Gold Mine, out of which, $2,000,000 has been taken; only first-class man need ap? ply; salary and commission. Address ?., P. O. Box 26l WANTED. ALL-ROUND HARNB8B MAKBRS, who can put up factory work; / steady employment. Address LOWENSTEIN ? SONS, Charleston. W, Va. -.--. SALESMAN WANTED?TO OA3-L ON doctors only on behalf of the leading firm In the business; established trade; position permanent; state experience. Address P. O. Box 868, Philadelphia. COLORED LABORERS WANTED FOR ?excavation on B. & O. contract at Key scr, W, Va.; wu^es, $1.40 per day and werk nil summer. Apply at once to W. A. SILLER, Keyser, W. Va. ^i; AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN SHOULD write for our large free" book," "Strug?-' Kles With the World." Illustrating, Ad? vertising, Journalism, Proofreading, Practl?jal Electricity. Stenography, Book? keeping or Electrical Engineering taujrht by mat!. Mention profusion which, in? terests you. CORRESPONDENCE IN? STITUTE OF AMERICA, ? Box 240, Bcranton, Pa Wanted'. PERSON TO CALL ON RE.. tall trade and ngents for manufacturing ' house; local territory; salary $19.70, paid weekly, and expense" money advanced; previous ?experience unnecessary: busi? ness successful. Inclose self-addreeeed envelope. P. DALLE MURA. 411 North Second 'Street,' Richmond. Va. Wanted, for theu.s. army: Abie ,i died, unmarried men. between ages of 21 ?.. d 35, citizens of United States, of good r, krncter and temperate habits, who can ipeak. read and write English. For Infor? mation apny to RECRUITING OFFICER, 110 East Broad Street. Richmond, Va. ?_-:$ WANTED, AGENTS FOR RAND. Mc Nallv & Co.'s Pocket Atlas of the World, Just published, containing col? ored maps of every country and civil division upon the face of the glohe; ngents now selling 600 a month. Send for terms or save time by remitting 26c. for sample, terms, etc Address RAND. MoNALLY & CO,, 143 Fifth Avenue, New York. >?? '? , ,, ..__- ,,:,", , , ' : 8=3 SITUATIONS WANTED?MALE. WANTED. BY A GRADUATE OF THE University of Virginia, with many years' experience, a position as superin? tendent or principal of public ecnools; ?tate salary paid. Address TEACHER, care this office. ? ? A RECENT GRADUATE OF EASTMAN College desires a position as book-keep? er; would prefer a position In a bank; best references. Address W. L. ED? WARDS. FergUBSon's Wharf. Va, .Wanted, a position, as stenog rapher. book-kee)ier, city salesman or general office man; best references riven: six years' experience. Address ENERGETIC, care this office. six.;* ftiZES CARTOON CONTEST TENTH WEEK. THIRD PRIZE. ???'t LETmtMAotDTmrm URNEY?U OUT OF BUSINESS* THETlMES-lilSPAm WANT COLUMN STANDS REAUTTO HELP YOU RAISE ANY AMOUNT YOU NEED. rm times 1 A. T., care of Carrier, 47, City. Six pris?e will be awarded each week for the best drawing sub? mitted, illustrating that It pays ad? vertisers to use The Tlmes-Dlspatch want columns. The six prises will awarded In the following order, vis.: First prise, 12; second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth prizes, fl each. ALL DRAWINGS MUST BE ORIG? INAL AND MUST BE MADE WITH BLACK INK ON WHITE PAPER OR CARDBOARD. AND SHOULD BE FTVB TO SEVEN INCHES IN WrDTH. Name and address mnet be written plainly ON BACK OS* DRAWING. Do not send letter?, but Inclose stamp if you wish drawing returned. Do not fold, but roll, ?hen !? mailing. Address all drawings to "Cartoon Contest," Room No, 17, Tlmse Building. Ail drawings must >'reach The TImee-Dlspatch office not later than 12 P. M. each Saturday, In order to be counted In the week's contest. Every reader Is cordially Invlrod to take part' In this highly lnstnio?ve Contest SITUATIONS WANTED?MALE. WANTED, BT AN EXPERIENCED registered Pharmacist, a position; be-st of references. Address PHARMACIST. 713 Cameron Street, Alexandria, Va,. A GENTLEMAN. NOW HOLDING RB sponslble executive position with large company, desires to" make a chango; eight years' experience In wide rango of office work; highest references fur? nished and satisfactory reasons for ?hanging. ?Address "OFFICE," care this office. AN EXPERIENCED HOTEL MAN,, with a lot of good help. Is open for sum? mer employment. Address MANAGER, care Hotel, Jackson Springs. N. C. 8ALE6MEN WANTED. SALESMEN-SIDE LINE. PAYS HOTEL and cigar money overy day; goods paid for when sold; pocket samples. Give piesent line and territory. MAER GUM CO., Memphis. Tenn; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. naoor"buys '""LEASE, good-will! Stock and Fixtures of one of the nicest Hotels In State, clearing $3,000 year; great bargain; must sell, good reason. MELVILLE DANIELS, IhVs office. 110.000-WANTED. PARTY AND CAPI tal., to organize an active, vigorous Joint stock publication company lo specially handlo certain classes of rare and val? uable Manuscripts; this Is Indeed a rare chance, and verily, Riohmond now offers a unique opening for such much needed enterprise; Incalculable resources aro at command. Address JOINT STOCK CO.. care this office. ; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $500?WANTED PARTY TO GUARA.N tee payment of $500 at ninety days with collateral in hand: 2S per cent, bonus paid, or would take In partner. Ad? dress SURETY, care this office, JUST IN?A GOOD IDEA FOR THE manufacturer who sells a ten-cent pack? age; It will increase sales. Call us, 'Phone: sixteen' sixty-three. THE WHITEHEAD & HOAG CO., Twelve Nineteen Main. BOARD WANTED. A QUIET GBNTLBJIAN WANTS ROOM and board In a private family ? will pay $18 per month. R, S? care this office. WANTBD. BY A YOUNG LADY. BOARD in private family; state term*. Address L. R., care this office. WANTED, BOARD FOR TWO GENTLE men, either In the olty or suburbs; one room. Address J. J. C.. P. O. Box 871. _______ WANTED, TO SELL, CHEAP. THE most complete set of House Moving Tools. Apply to 413 North Twenty-third Street, city. FOR SALE-BRAND NEW NO; I OLI ver TYPEWRITER; In use less than thirty dnys; will sell cheap tq a quick buyer. THE BAR-LOCK TYPEWRIT? ER OFFICE, 712 East Main Street FOR SALE?A TWO-HORSE CABRJO LET, in first-class order, built by Alns lle. and two Black HORSES an<l HAR? NESS. The horses aro gentle and stund. W. T. HANCOCK, No. ? N. Twenty second Streot ? POR SALE. FOR BALK?THE BEST HOTEL IN A summer and winter resort; good busl neii all year; a ?nap for party wanting a hotel; gstlsfaotory reason for selline. MELVILLE DANIELS, this oiMce. ~~ BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED, BOARDERS FOR DELKJBT ful second story rooms, a room always for transient 201 East Franklin Street, PRIVATE FAMILY CAN ACCOMMO date a few BOARDERS;, nice rooms, good table, all modern conveniences; moderate term?, CENTRAL LOCATION, care this office._^^ ~ - FOR RENT FOR RENT?NICE SECOND FLOOR OF FICB. Apply at FOSTER'S STUDIO, 112 North Ninth. WANTED, TENANT, 1213 FLOYD AVB nue; possession at once; eight rooms. Stabi?, lete, Apply at 911 Floyd Avenue or 1481 East Main ? tree I,__^ WANTEJD, TO RENT A FLAT OF FIVE rooms, bath, etc., on Chestnut Hill; de? sirable location, on oar Una; board with family If desired. Address RICHMOND, P. O, Bos 6W._ ^____?______ FOR"RENT-FLAT OF THREE UN furnished rooms twlth bath) for light housekeeping; oentral location: moderate rent Apply ?3 North Ninth Btreet. -?? LOST. BTRAY-D?FROM MY PREMISES LAST ? evening, s small, spotted, female Beagle HOUND. A liberal reword If returned to IU North Twontfsth Btreet_ WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, DWE?LING HOUSE SOUTH of Broad and west of Sixth Street on lease of five years, commencing Sep? tember? 1, 1W8; willing to pay $000 per annum for house to suit) large two-story house preferred. Address "?.," P. O. Bo? No, 410._ ~ ROOMS POR RENT. ~ WANTED, WITH BOARD, OCCUPANTe for centrally located rooms. Apply at 102 East Grace Sunday and Wednesday. LARGE WELL-FURNIBHED FRONT parlor, bath and 'phone; with or without board. CENTRAL, oare this office. WANTED. WANTBD, TO BUY A FEATHER B_D for cash. Address J. M. C, P1IH4 West Gary Street. WANTED, 'TO BUY HOME. $1.000 TO $1,600 on time, say I or 4 year?; prefer to buy from ' owner. Address W. R., care this office, WANTBD TO BORROW $900; RETURN In equal payments May 1, 19?4-*05-'0? ? per oent interest; can make party safe. Address M, J., Hat ton, Va._.. BUSINESS WANTS. DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD books. Pamphlete, papers, etc., I buy them. D. H. HEY, 733 East Cary. 5,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten days at 6c F. L. BRAUER & BRO. WANTBD, DEAD OR ALIVE?ANIMALS moved from all parts; no charge. BICKERSTAFF; 'Phone 2811. WE CARRY THE MOST COMPLETE and varied line of Watches In the city and take pleasure in showing them. JAHNICE BROS.. Watchmakers and Jewelers, 912 East Main. DREW'S NEW' WAY TO REPAIR SHOES; a whole sole: no joint to leak. no nails to tear the nock; Men's, $1; Ladles, 8Sc. 'Phone 26?7. Will call and deliver. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY, 71? E. Main. WRITE- FOR OUR PRICE LIST OF Oak Tanned pelting and Raw-Hide Lace Leather. The only manufacturers in tho State. Repair work neatly done. THE VIRGINIA LEATHER CO.. Rich? mond. WANTED?WB TAKE YOUR OLD Watches in part payment on elegant new Watches. JAHNKB BROS.. Watch<emakors and Jewelers, M.2 East Main._ WANTED, 800 B0Y8 AND MEN TO keep their best girls or wives In good humor by feeding them on our best?the old fashioned Italian Cream Chocolates; only at MARCHETTI BROS.' STORES. 606 East Main and'in East Broad. ___^______.__ ._ FRESH - SALTED PEANUTS AT KBAMPF"S, Ninth Street. ' v B.0O0 ROLLS OF WALL PAPBR FOR next ten days at Ko. F. L. BRAUER & BRO. HHR THE GIRLS ARB PRETTY, THB GIRLS are sweet, but they like the delicious phosphates of every flavor, at "THB FOUNTAIN,?? 908 Bast Ma|n. MlaCELtANEOUS. " TRY KABMPF'S SOFT CREAM CANDY; Just the candy for the babies, A CLASS OF YOUNG PEOPLE IB BE Ing formed for instructive travel and sight seeing In Europe the coming sum? mer. For particulars address Miss CLARA CROWLBY. 53 North Gllmor Street. Baltimore, Md. MISCELLANEOUS, WE PRINT TO PLEASE. TRY US AND ???. RICHMOND PRINTNG CO., 1208 East Franklin Street; 'phone 2662. Richmond, are the only man? ufacturers Of Oak Tanned Belting Sntl Raw-Hide Lace Leather In . the tat?. Repair work neatly done, GET A'NICE EMBLEM BUTTON FOR the Order of Eagles at SMITH"* WEB? STER'S, m ?. Main. ?,??? ROLLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten day? at Bo. F. L. BRAUER ft BRO. IF IT'S WALL PAPER YOU'RE LOOK . lng for and want the beet at satisfac? tory prices call and see us. F, L. BRAUER St BROTHER, I08-?_> North Fl.fth._ . PERSONALS. _~~ ' HAVE YOU TRIED''"'?_AJ_M_?F*S ' ?C. Mixture. N DON'T DO ???????? UNTIL YOU see us. F. L. BRAUER* BROTHER. WANTED, CLARA, KATIE AND ALL the rest of the girls to tell their best fellow? to buy our old fashioned Italian Cream Chooolatest beet In the olty. MARCHETTI BROS., two etor??, ?0? ?. Main and f?l7 E. Broad. _-?_. JANE, EVERYBODY IS PRAISING COBBY'S CLIMAX CLEANER; It make? house cleaning eo easy. Go to 18 East Broad Street and get some, we'll try it ENCOURAGE HOME INDUBTR3C. Suit? $15 UP? Trousers $5 up. RICH? MOND TAILORING . CO., Charles A. Spenoe, manager, Sixth and Main. WE DO PRINT-NO THAT IB PRINT lng. RICHMOND PRINTING CO.. 1298 Franklin Street. 'Phone 2662. WANTED, TOU TO CALL 'PHONE MSI and we will send our representative to see you. RICHMOND PRINTING CO., 1308 East Franklin Stroeti 'phone ?ttX , AWNINGS, TENTS AND FLAGS. LET US MAKE YOUR AWNINGS NOW end put them up when you are ready; window awnings made all sliee. Just 'phone 2148 and we will call ?nd give es? tim?tes. J. ROSS JONES & BRO.. $03 East Broad. SAVE MONEY AND ORDER YOUR Awnings now; remember the hot wave il coming. 'Pilone 2676 and we will call. M. G. COPELAND CO,, 108 N. Ninth Street. Out-of-town orders receive prompt at? tention. / ANTIQUES. - RICHMOND ANTIQUE FURN-TRUB Co., dealer? In Antique Furniture, Brass Goods. Copper Plate, Cc1?? Glass. China, etc.. a? W. Broad Sty. ?.???-. BADY-CARRIAGlES AJ.t ;/ GO-CARTS, BUY OF THE MAlA'ACTURERS! prettiest and latest 1?08 designe. SCHREMP & TUMA, 817 North Fifth Street Old ones cleaned and rebleach ?ed. BOOKBINDING AND PRINTING. MAGAZINES BOUND AND BACK NUM bere furnished. S. B. ADKIN8 A CO. BICYCLES. TVER JOHNSON BICYCLES, BEST Wheel ln Richmond, for the money. Only at TOMPKINS* CYCLE STORE, SII West Broad. BICYCLES AND REPAIRS. THAT'S HIM?JO BICKERSTAFF,' THE expert?He has one store, 1803 East Main. He sells, buys, rents exchanges or re? pairs anything In shape of a bicycle. 'Phone 3398. ?_ ? BELTING AND LACE LEATHER. BEST OAK TANNED BELTING AND Rawhide Lace Leather. THE VIRGINIA LEATHER CO.. Richmond, the only manufacturers In the State. Repair work neatly done._ BOARDING AND LIVERY 8TABLES. FOR COMMODIOUS. DRY. WARM Stalls, send your Horses to the "Tem? ple" and "Madison" Boarding and Sale Stables; ? flirst-claa? attention at roa.? ?onabio prices; special rates for fancy horses. B. D, KAY. Proprietor. ______________ ?CREAM PUFFS. POUND CAKES. '??! dozen; they are fine; 80 kinds fanoy Cakes; our 26o, Pound Cakes are talk of the town. DRINKARD'S, 423 1-? North Sixth Street SPECIALS-POLKA ROLLS. WBLL Slled Cream Puffs, Snow Balls, Jelly lolls, filled with the finest current .telly. "Phone In your order, "will be Johnny on the spot." E. PARKINSON, Baker, 431 N, Sixth Street. CARDS AND BILL-HEADS. CARDS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, etc., printed neatly and oulckly; we never disappoint. ? RICHMOND PRINT? ING CO.. 1201 Bast Franklin Street 'Phone 2?6?. FRESH TAFPY. FRB3H MOLASSES TAFFY AT KABMPF-S. HOME COMFORTS. UNION HOTEL?HOME LIKE, COM? fortable, reasonable. CONFECTIONS. IO- CREAM, Il PER GALLONI P?AS, Cakes and Pastries In every style; Fruita, Tobacco, erta. I 'phone 22M. WIN? STON'S. 637 Brook Avenue. DYEING AND CLEANING. LADIES' AND OBNTS' CtX>THJNG thoroughly cleenod and pressed. THE MODEL DYEING & CLEANING WORKS, 41? W. Broad Street; 'Phone FRE800 PAINTING, ETC. FRESCO PAINTING. SQUIRT WORK, Rollet Work, Tinting, Enameling, Sign Painting. Hardwood finishing, etc. For ftpe work at moderate prices see A. ALPBRIN. 207 North Fifth Btreet. (Only union men employed.) '?? ? ? . ? . ; . ?. . i?. FOR SALE? BARGAINS. KB_??!MONBY^W^OTJtO?LATIONv''AT hojne by using the VIRGINIA LEATH? ER Co.S Oak Tanned Belting and Raw Hide Laoe Leather of Rlohmond. The only manufacturers in the State. Satis? faction guaranteed. FOR BALE, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Grocery Wagons. If you need' Rubber Tires, Runabout call to see me, I can iav? you money, B, C. BRIBT?W, 1? South Fifteenth Btreet GENTS' COLUMN. BEFORE ORDERINO THAT ? BW SUIT come and see the nice assortment ai Sixth and Main. Suits, $1B up; Trousers, $6 up. PICHMOND TAILORING CO,, Chas. A Spence, Manager. THE GTOLS ARE PRETTY, THB OIRL8 are sweet, but they like the dellolous phosphates of every flavor at "THE FOUNTAIN," 906 Bast Main. 7BC.. HALF SOLING MEN'S SH0E8; Ladle?, 00c.; host leather; every pair restltehed; no nails, no pegs. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY. 716 E. Main; 'phone 2667. Will call and deliver. This advertisement good for 10c. payment half soling. HOTELS. UNION HOTEL, ADJOINS NEW ??G? Streot' Depot, Cars pass door, every thitry seconds to all parts of city;.(every? thing new) reasonable ratos. UNION HOTEL, CATBRB TO REGULAR and transient boarders. 2tates.jn.B0 and $2 per day; lodging, SO. 75o, nnd $1; meals, 50o. each. Weekly rates. $7 to $9. Special rate? to parties and excursionists; everything new; cuisine unsurpassed. =f= MILLINERY. I AM NOW SHOWING A COMPLETE line Of Spring and Summer Millinery: also ladles' furnishings and notions; up to-date styles at lowest prices. MRS. JULIUS BEAR.. 1423 E. Main.Street i" '-: ^'?PR?NT?Na'l'Vii'ii ? PRINTING! 'PRINTING!! PRrNTINGIIl' RCHMOND PRINTING CO.. U08 East Franklin Street 'Phone 2868. OUR BUSINESS IS PRODUCING PRINT Ing thnt,is a business bringer for you. Try us and eee. RICHMOND PRINT/NO CO., 1208 B. Franklin Street 'Phone 2662. 8PECIAL PRICES. UNIONHOTEL? SFECI ALMBALRATBfl to business men. 8UITS TO ORDER. "EVERY STITCH MADB IN RICH mond." Nico assortment of Suits, $1B uo. Trousers, $5 up. RICHMOND TAI? LORING CO.. Sixth and Mairi, Charlee A. Spenoe, Manager. SPECIAL NOTfOC CHEflmniLLY oiyTOf PRINTING? da# IM ? ?et. 'Phone ?eftl . WANTED, A YOUNG MAN Afl M?JlJ'i clerk; must have good habit? Mid be well raised; position wltl pay moderai? ao.ln.ry at ?tart, but will admit of pro? motion and increase, accordimi to _?ll< ity and application of employer ? ? atre and reference. Address "FRO? GRESS," caxe this ?ffioe. TO MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC!. I no longer work for Taylor A Brown, .T, A. Grigi- Shoe Co. or the w, L, Douglas Shoe Co. po not aooept th? same as my work. For the same high grade shoo repairing send Work direct; If It Is not the neatest and ?best work done In Richmond there wfll bis no : charge. J. G. LELAND, 208 ? Fifth Street. MR. JOHN, J. WILSON, FORMERLY of the firm of Allen & Wilson, hatter? Snd genfe furnishing, I? now with the TAR CLOTHING HOUSE, oomer Main and Fourteenth Street?. The many Mend? ot this oongenlal gentleman will be' : glad to learn that he will oontlnue hi? home ln Richmond, and that they oen command the same courteous treatment In the future that they have alwaya received from his hands in the past. : Mr. Wilson oarrlea with him the beet wishes of his old friends and patrona and the STAR CLOTHING? H?US? ' Is to be oongratulated on having ss? cured his servioes. ESTIMATES RICHMOND Franklin Street RUNABOUT8 AND WAGONS. FOR NEW AND SECOND HAND IttJM??! abouts. Wagons, Phaetons, Surreys, Day?? [ tons, come to see me, W, C, SMITH,' No. 814 North Fifth Street SIGNS. . . > . j TOBACCO MENI HAVE YOU BEEN; the Crystalold Sign the Patterson Com? pany is using for th*ilr "Lucky Striker",. They are helping sell the tobaooo. Whftehead makes 'em, I. sell 'em. C, R. CAPBRTON, Twelve Nineteen Main? SAWED WOOD. . .'-.-??. .! SAVE MONEY BY BUYING. YOUR l . Wood at H. S. URBAN'S. Sawe? Fin?. K60 and *d??0; Oak wood, 86.78,- Bow? and Marshall Streets. Old 'PhoAe 1880. TOWN TOPICS. STOP AT THE UNION HOTEL. RATES,? 81.60 and 82 per day. .. , HANOVER STREETS AT ATB_TN8?W?; BAKERY, 837 Brook Avenue. 'Phone i ; .019. ? ? .. ??'??'?-.? ? .Ot. G*NITNIRP DNOMHOTR; THAf means us. RICHMOND FRINTlMq CO., 1208 East Franklin Street! 'phon? 2662. \ ________,' UPHOLSTERING. JACOB UMLAUF. 708 W. MA?N STREET ;,? We do all kinds of Upholstery! make ' nice Hair Mattresses to order j max? over Hair Mattresses like newt pack and' ship furniture, China, etc.; cut and make Slip Covers, Prices alway? rigiit Bel) ?phone 3293, ?' O. C, LEVYING. 544 BROOK AVENUE,' Upholsterer and Mattress maker. Old Hair M_.ttro.ta made good as new. * pack and si.ip furniture; also make. Cushion and Slip Covers to ? orti?!*,: " ?Phone 1038. . %>. -r? ? . . , ? - .? _-=_N WALL PAPER. TEN DOLLARS' WORTH OFi V?Al?l_ Paper given away absolutely Free. N? humbug. Write to-day for particular?. ;i No communication answered unlesg stamped envelope is sent us for reply. P. A. ARTHUR & CO., No. 303 Ba*| Main Street, Richmond, Va. GET RESULTS ? THE SOUTHS mtm" $Wf_l THE H_t TIMES-DISPATCH Want Columns JUST PHONE DANIELS (OLD 'PHONE 38) F , RE WILL OALL FOR YOUft WANT ADS. NO TROUBLE SPARED AND EVERY EFFORT USED TO FURTHER YOUR INTERESTS RAILR0AD8. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE ?* EFFECT FEB. M,' INI. THAINB LEAVE &IOHKOND. 7:00 ?. M.?Dally. Local lo>- Charlotte. 12:6? P. M.?Dally, Limited, Buffet Pull man to Atlanta and Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga and all the South. i;00 P, M.?Ex. Sunday. Keysvllle Local. 11:06 P, M.-Dally. Limited: Pullman ready 9:30 P. M,, for all the South. YOBS MVZB UNE. The favorite routo to Baltimore and eastern points. Leave Richmond 4:30 P, M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 6:00 A, M.?Except Sunday. Local mixed for West Point. MB P. M.?Looal. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for West Point _ 4:S0 P. M.?Bxoept Sunday. For West Point, connecting with steamers for Bal? timore and river landings Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ISAIM8 ABB1VE BIOJIMOND. , ?:55 A. M. and 6:26 P, M.-From all the South. 1:25 P. M. 8:40 A.M.-From Keysvllle. 8:16 A. M.?Baltimore and West Point 4:60 P. M.?From West JPoint. IT. O. ACKKRT. O. il. ?. ?. FIAIilTWICK, Q. P. ?. 07W. Wl?BTBURY, D, ?, ?., BIcBaurod, V?. ?.I ' "?" ...?. ' , ? SEABOARD ??? I/lNB Rajlwav " TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND-DAILT, ?0-28 P. M. Seaboard Florida Limited to St. AuBUStlne. 2:16 P. M. Seaboard Mall to Savannah, Jacksonville, Atlanta and Southwest. 12:03 A. M. Seaboard Express to Savan? nah, Jacksonville, Atlanta- and South? west. 8:10 A. M. Local for Norllna and Hamlet. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND-DAILY. 6:40 A. M., No. $4. from Florid?. *;10 A. M. No. 60, from Florid?, Atlant* and Southwest. 4:65 P. M., No. 66, from Florid?, Atlant? and Southwest. , |i45 P, M?, from Norllna and local points, ? CJTV TICKET OFFICE. ; '?bon? 405. WOG East Main SU RAILROADS. ATLANTIC COAST UNE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILT- | - BYRD-STRBBT STATION. 8:80 A, M. To all points South. 9:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West 3:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk, t4:10 P. M. Ooldsboro Local. 6:56 P. M. Petersburg local. 6:66 P. M. To points South. ?:85 P. M. Petersburg and N. AW, Weit 11:80 P. M. Petersburg: local. ?11:50 P. M. "Florida Special." TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND, 4;07 A. M., t0:40 A. M? 7:83 A. M., f8:a A. M?, UHO A. M? tl:4? A. M? 2:00 P. M 8:50 P. M., 7:45 P. M.. 8:66 P, M. t Except Sunday. 1 Except Monday, ? C. 8. CAMPBELL, Dlv. Pass, Agt, W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agt. orfblkaWesiern LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY, 8:00,A. M.. NORFOLK LIMITED, Ar? rives Norfolk, 11:20 ?, ??G????? only "at Petersburg, Wavorly and Suffolk, -Slob A. M? CHICAGO EXCESS. Buffet ' Parlor Car. Petersburg to Lynohburg and , Roanoko. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke to Columbus, Blueneld to CinoInnfttl?.alBO Roanoke to Knoxvllle, and Knoxvlllo to Chattanooga and Memphis, W12:20 P. M?, ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmville. Lynohburg and Roanoke,.' 8:00 P. k. OCEAN .SHORE LIMITED. Arrives Norfolk. ??20 V. M. Stops only ai , p?feveburg. Waverly and fiirtolk. Connect? with ?teamer? to Boston. Providence. New ?6?& PBe? ?ranfc'4ons ??(?3*% ORLEANS SHORT "NEj, t?uUineJ? t^Sleap*jr. ^ehmon?, to | 1 yyn?nburg. Petersburg to Roanoke; /ynohburg to Chattanooga, Memphis and Jew Orleans. Cafe Dining Car. Trains arrive from the West 7:35 A M.. I P. M. and 8:56 P. M.; from Norfolk 11:10 A. M.. 11:? A. M. and ?:??I'. M. Office ?o. 888 East Wain Street. WW. ?? BBVILL. ' ?. H. BOSLEjY,. Gen. Pail, Agent ? Pis. Pass. Agent. RAILROADS. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. 2 Hours and 25 Minuti, (oNorfolk. L8AVH nrOEIMOND? BASTBOUND. 7i.D A. -t.?Week day??Looal to Newport Newa and way stations. ?tOO A, M.?Daily?Limit?.?Att?toj WlUlam? bure 0:6? A ?..Newport Ntwa IO18? A. M., Old Point lllOO A. U? Norfolk 11:28 A. M. 4:00 P. U?Week daya-?p?cla.--ArilT?j? Wll? Ilamsburg 4:50 P. U.. Newport New? BiM 1'. M., Old Point ? ?00 li li., Mottolk 6:25 P, U, BlOO l?, M,?Dally?Loca! to Old Point MAIN LINI^-WESTBO-NoT IO ?IO A. M.?Weak days?Local to ?li ft?? Worm* and way nations. 3:00 ?, M_Dally?Spedai to Olnctwatt, Louis-vili?, Bt. Louis and Chicago, 8:15 P, M.?Week dar??Looal to DoawalJ. 10 ?80 P. M.?Dally?tlmited to Cliwl?natl, Louisville, Bt. Louts and Chicago, JAMB RIVDR UNH,. 10:5? A, M.?Dally?Express to Lynda.?*, Clifton Porge aud principal station?. 8:36 P. U,?Wert days?Looal to ?reme. ARRIVO RICHMOND?MAIN ?WB. 0:10 A. M.?From 8t. Lout-, Chicago, Otnde natl and Lqu|it111o. _:85 A. M.?.Week day??From Poaw?13? Local. 4:80 P. ?.--Dally?Prom et. Loula, Chicago. Cincinnati and LoulaTllle. T:16 P. M,?Week day??From Otlftoa Forge? IplOS A.CM--Datly?rrow 014 Point and Nor? folk?Looal. Hit? A. M.?Week daye?From Old Point ?nd Norfolk?Limited. ?A*80 P. M.?Dally?From Old Point ?nd Nor folk?Limited. ? i-O P. M.?Week days?From Nat^wrt New?? Local, JAM-d RIVBR DIVISION, 8:40 A. it?Week ?Jera?From Rrenw, 01M P. M,?From Ollftpn Forg> 0. ID. POYL?. W. 0, WlRTOBNt, > Oen'l Mnnatcr. DUt. p?u. Agt. Exchange for Woman'? Work, 300 EAST FRANKLJty STREET, invites your inspection and puroliase ot Us EASTER NOVELTIE- and pther article?, all reasonably priced. ? liberal patronage Is requested RAILROADS. Ri ? ? Richmond, Fredericks ? G? ? G? burg & Potomac R, R Trains Leave Richmond?Northward. 4:16 A. M., dally. ByTd St. Through. 6:16 A M., dally, Main St Through. 1:46 A. M., dally, Main St Through. All Pullman Car?. _, ' . ? . ?. 1:64 A. M., except Monday. Byrd fit Through, All Pullman Cars, "?16-?. M.. week day?. Bib?. Aahland ac? commodation. , _ ? _. 6:00 A. M? Sunday only, Byrd St Through, 6:40 A. W,. week days. Bryd St. Through. 12:06 noon, week days. Byrd St. Through. 4:00 P. 11, week days. Byrd St. Fred? erlcksburg accommodation, 6:06 p. ?, dally. Main Bt. Through. <:te P. M? Week days, Elba. Aahland ac? commodation. ? ? _ . 8-flB P. it., dally. Byrd Bt, Through. 11:10 ?, E., week days. Bloa. Aahland ac? commodation. , . J'::'_? ??'.'? Trains Arrive Rlohmond?Southward, 6140 A. M., week days. Bios- Aahland ae oommodatton. -????_ ? 8:00 A. M.. daly, Byrd Bt. Through. t-JB A fi,,' weeli days, Syrd Bt.. Fred ?riekaburg accommodation. ?:06 P. M., week daye. Byrd St. Through. ?f? V.^Jt., dally. Main B?. Through. 6:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac? commodation. - .. ' ? ?... . u ml. tftft .fcRssfc 10:86 P. M.. dally, Main St. Through. All Pullman Car?. ? _. . ., M 11:00 ?, M-, week days. Elba, Ashland aa commodatlon. _ . _. _. _?. $1:40 P. M., week day?. Byrd Bt. Through. AH -"* ?3? _*'A5 Nqte^-'Puifman Sleeping or Parlor .Cere ?40 P. M., week day?, ?yra Bt. Tbrougn. All Pullman Car?. _k . l?? A. M-, rtallv, Main St. Through. Note?Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Cars on all trains ?xoept l?eal aceommoiWIon?. , W, D.DUKB.O. W.OULP.W. P.TAYLOrt. Osn'l Man'r. Ase't Gen'l Vivir, Traf. Man'r | STEAMBOAT?. ? BAY iOnSIQ? ftUTWOBS LeaTiiKlohmotid tlaO. A O.dutlr except Kumiaj?, ?t 4 P. M-, eon. at Old Polet ? Itti etesiutre uf Old O*/ Un?, leailng 7ll5 P. U? ?rrlrln? Baltimore 6*80 A. II.. cod. Nodo, Bait and Weit. Por ticket? and Informatici? ?u? ply to O. * 0, Rvry, ?u4 'ft?W?r Ce?p?i* ^B*ut Maia BUwt, STEAMBOATS. Office of Old Dominion Htearnahlp Co., April i, 1808. -SPECIAL NOTICE Steamer Brandon ha? been withdrawn for annual overhaul. The steamer Rloh? mond will supply her place, salting April 8th, Bth and 10th. carrying freight and ?eoond-cl-BN passenger? only. The Berkeley will ?all April Tth, ?th and 11th, carrying freight and first and ?eoond-class passengere, ao usual, JOHN P. .?????, Agent OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. Night Usi ter Norfolk Leave Richmond dally at ? ?, M., stop? ping at Newport New? In both direction?. Dally ?Jtoept Sunday by O, and O, Rail? way. t>:00 A. M., 4 P. M?, ? A, M. and 8 ? Ht. by ?. and W. Railway) all line? oonneot at Norfolk with direct steamer? for New York, ?ailing dally except Sun? day, IP, M, Steamer? ?all from company'? wharf (foot of Ash Street) Rooketts. ?. B. WALKER, Vice-President and Trafilo Manager, New Yorlc ,TO HN P. MAYER. Agent 1213 East Main Street, Rlohmond, V?, Clyde Steamehlo Co.'s * PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAM? SHIP LINE. Appointed ?ailing day? ? Every TUESDAY, FRIDAY ??d SUNDAY, at daylight, Freight reoelved daily till \6 e.u, 8TEAM BOATS. Merchants and Miners Transportation Company. Steamship Lane. Direct Route to Boston, Mats., and Provider?-?, R. I. Steamers leave Norfolk for Boston Tues? day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. For Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur? day at ? P, M. Passengers and froi?ht (alien for all New England points, Ttclc et? on eele at 0. <fc O. Ry, and N, & W, Ry, offices and No. 819 East Main Street. B_ IlVrIO?T, Agi. Norfolk. Va, VIRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY JAMES RIVEH. DAY LINE. Steamer POOAHONTAS leaves MON? DAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk;. Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Claremont and Js.rnes River landings, and connecting at Old Point for Washington, Baltimore, and the North, State-rooms reserved for the nlgbt ?t moderate prices. Ele?trlo cars dlreot to wharf. Faro only 81.60 and it to Norfolk. Muslo by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received tor above-named places end all points In Eastern Virginia and Notrh Carolina. 1RVIN WBIBIOBR,, General Manager. H. A. Barber, Jr.. Secretary, RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY, Beginning April let, 180?, Care leave corner Perry and Seventh Streets, 'Munchceier, every hour (on the hour) from 6 A. M. to 10 P. M.. last car 11:60 P. MV. Cars leave Petersburg, foot of Syca? more Street, ?very hour croni ??:30 A. M. to 10:80 P. M. friday and sunday special? excursion.. tv CENTS-ROUND TRI.P-M CENTS. MEETINGS. Rlohmond, Ya., March M, 1903. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of THE ALBE? MARLS PAPER MANUFACTURING COMPANY will be held at the office ol Messrs. Williams, Bryan <& Williams, First National Bank Building, Rich' mond, Va., on THURSDAY. April ?, 1903, at li o'clock M. CilARLES M, BCWWELL, Seoretary and Treasurer, Atlantic Go__t Line Railroad Company? Office _o^jthe_8eoretavry_. NOTICI- IS" HEREBY ??VKN THAT A Ik?!; ^?^?????)'\s?)_???^ has 'been, q?tlo?! general ~or special moo'tl?g of the StookJ Colder? of ihe_ ATLANTIC COAST UNr by the Board of Directors to be held sf the offloe of the Company In the City ol ??ta^?? ??? ?^a? & APRIL, A, D.. 1903, for the purpose of considering and uotlng upon the pur? ohaue of uie railroads and other proper? tv, rights, privileges and franchise? of the Florida Southern Railroad Company, and also tot the purpose of considering and anting upon the purchase of the railroads and other property, rights, prlv?, lieges and franchise? of the Sanford and Bt. Petersburg Railroad Company, both corporations areated and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, which will be submitted for their approval. H. L. BORDEN, Beoretary. , Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia, Rlohmond, Vn.,, Maroh 16, 1903. NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the members of thl? Society will be held at the of?lo? of the Society, In Richmond, Va., MON? DAY, the 30th day of April. 1903. EDWIN A. PALMER, Principal Agsnt. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a cantil? daw for TBBASURHB ot B_n& oounty, eobjoob to tho ,p?Amoc??tto Fink wary, and l'o-pfotfully ?cilici? ib? ??. mmmmmmmm*immm*vm*fm*m?mmmmimEmegimfl?