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Mr.: John B. Rose Will Not Run Again. CANDIDATES COMINO OUT The Fruit Trees Injured by the Recent Frosts?f he County Court to Grant Liquor Licenses at S Coming Term. There wilt be at least two changes In ' the Board of Supervisors of Henrlco coun? ty after tho next election, Two of the fnost prominent members, both of whom have been on tho board many years, will rotlro, ono to 'run for another otflce and I tha othor to got out of publlo Ufe. It was stated positively yesterday by -, Mr, John B. Roso, tho mombor from Brookland, that ho will not bo a candl 'dute again. Mr, Rose, when he retires next January, will have sorved ton years and six months. Ho Is ono of tho best known members of tho board. It Is re? ported that soveral aspirants for the po eition ho will vacato havo appeared, among them tho following: Constablo Ooorgo H. Waldrop,, Mr, Penlcks, ;Mr. Saunders and Mr. Herbert Floyd. Mr. V.. Hechlor, chalrman'of the board, will retiro to run ?gainst Mr. W. II. Brauor for troasuror. Mr. Hechlor has ,,-? been on tho board twelve years and has ^* boon Its chairman for the past ten years. Ho Is tho member from Falrfleld, where several likely candidates uro appearing. ; Among tho names bolng mentioned ar? the following: Mr. Walter Bowcs, Mr, Al? bert Franck, Mr. P. M. Houston and Mr. S. Arohio Allen, Mr.' Browning, the member from Tucka hqo, has Just definitely decided to run again. Aftor some consideration he stated positively yesterday that ho would be in tho field this year. " '?."..,?; Mr. W. B.? Frazor, of Varino, lias not yot sotttad upon his course. He said yes? terday ho would malto an announcement In about a week. Recent frosts have done more or less damage to crops In Henrlco county. In certain sections fruit trees are badly Injured and the yield will be considerably curtailed. On tho other hand /certain fictions escaped almost unscratched. "fogotablcs suffered lees than fruits. There Is quito a demand ln Henrlco just now for forms. The prospective purchasers are Western men who want p to settle here. Mr. Robert Carter, who for the j;ost ten years has been superintendent at the Lakeside Park, has resigned and gone to Charlotte county. He has bought a farm there and will go in for stock raising. He has beon succeeded at Lakeside by Mr. IL W. Beatile. A negro man named Tom Turner Is in the county Jail charged with stealing a pistol from Stanley. Taylor. Ho was ar? rested by' Special Officer Irving Mills, ??"Who had a lively chaso after the nogro before he succeeded In catching him. Tho children of the Mt. Vernon Bap? tist Church, on the Broad-Btreet Road, are rehearsing for a May festival, which will be given early ln next month. The County Court will meet next Mtm? day for the regular April term, No spe? cial casee. are up this timo. The chief event of Interest will be the granting of liquor licenses. A large number of ap? plications have been posted In fr?nt of the courthouse. DOWN-TOWN SERVICES OF BROTHERHOOD MEN The Rev. William Meade Clarke, rector of St. James Episcopal Church, led yes. torday the special down-town Holy Week services being held by St. Andrew's Brotherhood ln tho vacant stor?room at tho corner of Tenth and Main Streets. Tho service? were begun promptly at 1 P. M.. and wero continued Just half an hour. Tho Rev. Mr, Clarke's brief ser? mon to the flfty-flve business men who found time to bo present was a man-to i rcan talk for the utmost sincerity In the ?/iV./ofeBslon of Christ. Ho cited St. Paul's iiamous letter to the Philllplans, defining that great apostle's conception of Chris? tian Ufe: "Lot this mind bo yours which Is In Christ Jesus our Lord," Tho. pastor maintained, In his usual remarkably clear and convincing man? ner, tho truth of' that other old sacred text: "As a man thlnketh in his heart, so is he," and showed that no amount of external professions and protensions count for anything without tho bed-rock conviction and tho holy aspiration within . that can Inspire men to truo "outward nnd vislblo expressions of Inward and spiritual graco." . . At the conclusion of tho services the Rov. Mr. Clarke, llko tho Rov. Mr. Sommes t' before, ;was surrounded by many of tho gentlomon prtwent and was warmly thanked for his enlightening nnd helpful dlscourso. Those down-town meetings aro already a groat success, nnd a much-increased attendahco is an? ticipated for to-day, when tho Rov. W, E. Evans, recttv of Monumental Church, will have ?marge. ' The Brotherhood mon Invito not ofrty all Episcopalians, but mon of any or of no denomination to Join them In this, dally Interval of worship of our Saviour, MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS When They Meet and Their Present Worshipful Masters, The following are the dates of meeting of the Richmond and Manchester Masonic Lodges and tho names of their respective .worshipful mastors: RICHMOND,' First Monday?No. 130, Mlnltree Folkes, ?W. M. Second Monday?No. 63, M. E. Marcuse, ?W. M. First Tuesday?No. 10, Dr. F. M. Reade, ,W. M. Second Tuesday?No. 86, F, W, Cunning? ham, W. M, First Thursday?No. 40, F, T, Button, W. M. Second Thursday?No. 11, W. M. Myers, ,W. ?. ? First Friday-No. 9, J. J. English, W. W. Second Friday?No, 51, W, C. Mercer, ?W. M. Third Tuesday?No. 19, T, Nelson Dar Vin, W. M. Third Thursday-No. 207, John H, Reed, W. M. Third Tuesday?No. 76, John R. Hooper, W M., Manchester. Monday on or before full moon?No, 14, ?. P. Owen, W. M. WEEK OF MISSIONS Interesting Services in the Christian Churches?Religious Notes. Tho Disciples' Churches of tlio olty are observing a week ol missions, designed to arouse Interest in the foreign work, Two returned missionaries, Dr. Rosa Lee Oxer and Miss Elsie Cordon, are In the city and are tho centurs of attraction ?_- the meeUpus. Last night thoy sjpofce BEST PIANOS! BEST VALUES! This is a broad state? ment, but if you will visit our warcfooms wc can demonstrate that we.can <make It to your interest to deal here. No expert?' ment when you invest in such makes of fine Pianos as the Conover, Cible, Klngtbury ind Wellington?, They are all true and tried makes, and/ will af iord a lifetime of satis? faction. Headquarter? for SHEET MUSIC j and Small. Musical Instruments. Our stock of EASTER Classics and y Popular Music? is most complete at this time. We offer you the best selection in the city. Talking Machines. Drop around and hear a few of the funny pieces rendered on the EDI? SON, COLUMBIA and VICTOR Machines. We are headquarters in this line. Chase DIANO ? -Baker G LAYER. The King of Piano Players. FREE Concerts daily on this remarkable machine. Attend our next recital.' THE CABLE COMPANY, OLDEST Broad-Strait Muslo Houit. J. 6. CORLEY, Manager. to a large congregation at the Third Christian Church. To-night they will he at? Seventh-Street, and to-morrow at Mar? shall-Street. A reception in honor of the two missionaries was held yesterday af? ternoon at the Seventh-Street Church. The Rev. Maurice Penfleld Fikes, of Bultimore, will lecture Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Belvldere Hall for the benefit ot the Randolph-Street Baptist Church. Dr. J. B. Hawthorne will deliver' an address before tho Hawthorne Literary Society jOf the Southern Female College In Atlanta, on May Bth. Tho Rev. Mr. MoNutt, of New York, will hold a serles of son-Ices In the dif? ferent ohurclies hero, beginning April 10th and continuing through the week. MR, KING'S CASETO BE HEARD IN MAY The docket In the Hustle's Court for tho April term was called yesterday and a number of cases were set for trial. The second hearing of ex-Alderman John M. King, charged with bribery, went over until the 6th of next month, when It is expected It will go to trial. The grand Jury In this court returned thirteen Indictments, but none of them were of any great Importance or cons?? quence. Mr. Fuller Here. H. W. F?ller, genero^ passenger agent of the Chesapeake and Ohio, with head? quarters in Washington, passed through Richmond yestorday en route to tho West. He stopped over, for a few hours, and was a welcome visitor at a number of local railroad offices. He was with Lo? cal Posseoiger Agent Warthen for some little time. y Woman's Missionary Circle. The quarterly meeting of the Baptist Woman's Missionary Circle of RlohmoncL, nnd vicinity will bo held Thursday af? ternoon at Graco-Street Baptist Church, at 4:30 o'clock. As this le also the annual meeting and time for the olootlon of ofllcers, a largo. attendance Is earnestly desired. Mr. Burke 'Chosen. Tho olork selected for the commission which is to make an Investigation of the area In. tho Baylor oyster survey Is Mr. John J. Burke, of Mathews county. Both Quite Sick. ' ? Misses Rosyllnd and Virgil, daughters of Mrs. Charles J. Johnson, are lying oiilte slpk at their home. No. MS North Twenty-seventh Street, ' ONE OF THE CITY'S PRIDES, The mammoth Trunk. B&- and Caso De pertinenti occupying tho basement floor of the Men's and Boys' Outfitting estab? lishment of O. H. Berry &, Co,, Is really a great Innovation for a Southern city, and present facilities for buying these travelers' indispensables from first hands thirt from, as ample and rich stocks as may be found anywhere In America. .Nearly four thousand square feet of floor space le utilized In displaying trunks alone, and In this line they have ap? parently every make and character of trunk on the market, unless,\ as thoy say. It |e the elephant's. The walls surrounding all these are a veritable network of cases and fixtures, upon which are displayed all sorts o? traveling and hand bags, suit pases, tele? scopes, carry-fill?, &o. While O. H. Berry & Co. carry lines of trunks and hags of a much higher grade than were formerly handled In Richmond, thoy also make a specialty uf priced goods, bo that any ono with any sized purse, going traveling hy land, sea or "ox carl, may Und Just the thing need? ed ft.t Berry.'?, , . ? /' APPOINTMENT t WELL RECEIVED i ^.i..W.|...ll !???!!?? I. | Governor Mohtagtle Makes a Popular Choice In Col. L. W. Lane, Jr. Colonel L, W. Lane, Jr., of Williams burg, who woe yesterday appointed by 'the Governor as State Commissioner of Hospitals, le a gentleman of high char actor, and'hi* fine business qualifications and executive ability mako him peculiarly fitted to flit the responsible and Impor? tant position to whloh he has Just been appointed. He Is an expert accountant, and It may be confidently expeo-Cd that he will make a thoroughly efficient offi? cer. His present position will be the first publie officer held by Colonel Lane, While it was not generally known that His Excellency had In/mind the appoint? ment of Colonel Lane, yet tho announos meht caused no groat surprise Inasmuch as no and Governor Montague ./were schoolmates,, and have been close per? sonal and political friends for many yoare. The Senate took but a few moments to consider the nomination, and then con? firmed It unanimously, and the appoint? ment was rocel>vod with much satisfaction by tho public men about the Capitol. The now (Hospital Commissioner Is expected >o All his position In a most satisfactory manner, as he Is regarded as a man of fine business qualities, COST OF THE FESTIVAL Wednesday Club's Anniversary Celebra? tion Will Cost a Cool 66,000. ? Wednesday Club em?lale are casting about for a Plan to raise the subscrip tldn list to. thr?ie hundred and fifty mem? bers. This number is needed In order to meet the guarantee that has to be paid to the Boston festival Orchestra and tho ten eminent soloists who are to appear ln the annual festival of the organization. The festival scheme this yoar is the' most elaborate ever devised by the directors. Tha^ It Is along popular lines le a faot that seems to suggest the success of the festival, but the expenses are ; In tho neighborhood of $5,000, and the club's di? rectors aro anxious to have a guarantee list that will let them off the anxious bench before the sale of seats for the festival Opens at the Academy. The officie- of the club have been, opened at the usual place, 821 East Main Street, .whore Intending subscribers should leave their names without delay, as seats will bo reserved In the order ln which the names appear on the subscribers' list' FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT The Petit Jury That Has Been Called for the Present Term, ' The April term of the Federal District Court has now fairly begun and will probably continue for three weeks or more. Little was done yesterday furthor than calling the petit Jury list and the common law docket ,and the setting of. a few cases. The work of the term will begin ln'earnest, to-day. Hero is tho petit Jury for the term: C. C Brown, Levi Hexter, Ernest Bow? ers, John B. Harvle. John J. Dn^ls, James Sweeney, A. D. Lawton, Camper Wendllnger and J. R.. Tyrea, Richmond, Va,; E. A. Ennlss, LeRoy Roper and)John R. Wade, Petersburg; C. E Braedon and George A. Walker, Frederlcksburg; E. B. Howie and ?. H. Smith. Manchester; 8. H. Apperson, Talleysvlllei A. J. Didlako. Locust Hill, Vo.; K- B. Combs, Tackett's Mill, Stafford county; Mack C. Wheeler. Ezell. Va? Brumrwlck county; X. J. Wlngflold, Hanover Courthouse; Thomas N. Cocks, Prospect, Va ; R. V. Robinson, Doswell; T. E. Jones, Urban ? a. ? ?SSSS??^?S??MS???W?S?*S^???*^S?^?^???????M??? ????M?? &atrmount Tfews ^^^?rfWW_^^?.A?<W?W?^W?^^A%^?WW^?W?>i A petition Is in circulation to be pre-. sented to the county supervisors for Im? provements to be made, on Carrlngton Street, leading into Falrmount. Mr. William W. Pendleton, who has beon very sick for several days, Is better. ? Mrs. H. C.. Hechlor, of Mechonlcsvllie Turnpiko, Is reported better. Mrs. Charles Drew, of Twenty-eighth Street, is quite sick at her home. Rov. Mr. Maxoy. of Asbury Church, West Bed, will preach Thursday and Fri? day nights at . Falrmount >Iethodlet 1 Church. Little George Troxler Is ill with con? gestion of the lungs. Mr. George Tuzzell, brother of Mrs. Walter Delaney. Is quite sick at his home In East Richmond. Mrs. Jones, of Twenty-second Btreet, in Falrfield, Is better to-day. Mr. Thomas Morris, of -No? 12M Twen? ty-second Street, has bought Mr. Blunt's home at tho corner of Twenty-first and R Streets, and expects to move In It at an early date. Mr, Tom Teagle, of the Powers-Taylor Drug Company, Is In Now York. , Mr. Leslie Butler Is able to be out after suffering with an abscess of the face for sometlmo and undergoing an operation on Saturday. Little Otis Llvsey Is still 111, but is bet? ter. Dr. Hnrry Baker Is In attendance. Mr. C. P. Perkins' little children, who have been sick with moaales, aro much bettor. Flower thieves aro getting to work again. Saturday night they made off with potted plants and roso bushes from soveral yards, and Monday night carried a wagon load from yards on Twenty third Street. Tho residents take great prldo Iti tholr beautiful flowers, and would be glad to hear of the arrest of the thieves, The youngest son of Rev. C C. Cox Is sick with measles and whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. Montlo Mlcklo, of No. 1331 Twenty-second Street, returned homo yes? terday from a visit to Mrs. E, M. Mlchle, of Gordonsvllle. Mr, Willie Overby,? of No. 2219 Fair mount Avenue, expects to take a part of Mr. Pockle's house with him when he moves to his new home at the corner of Twenty-first and Short Q Streets. Little Elsies daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith, of No. ?00 Twenty-flrst Street, Is sick with measles, .H-H-M-M-M-M \ I"MM.hH-M-WJ } Chestnut Jftii and JVtyhtand ?Parhl ^_?-?.?.?.?.?-?"?"?? M ? 11 1'??'?' Mrs Walter Harrison, of ??_???* Ave? nu?. Highland Park, Is visiting her ?on In Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Harrison exjects to st-end some time In tho So-ih, fin the purpose of recuperating her health. She is .reported as being much Im? proved, _ Miss pduntlce Gay Carter expects to?, visit hor sister, Miss Virginia G. Carter, in Washington this week, ? Mr. H. F. Baker, of Alder Street, ha? gone South on a business trip. Mies Agnes' Royal is visiting Mrs. Lynn Bnslow, on Bnslow Avenue. Alles Addle C. Huffman, who Is teach? ing school In Henrlco county, will spend Easter with her parents at "Strawberry HU??" Mr, Mayo vWUls hut returaed 1? bJ_ homo on Third Avenuo, after a delight? ful visit to relatives In ivm-hatnn coun? ty. The second Quarterly Conference will be held Ih? the leaturc room of Highland Park Methodist Episcopal Church this evening at the close of tho regular ser? vices;. Dr. Tudor, of Richmond, presiding older of this district? will orriclute. 'The members of tho official board aio request? ed to bo prosont. ? Tho regular monthly meeting or tho Missionary Society of the lll?hlnnd Park Methodist Episcopal Church was hold Monday ? overling '?st? A large number from ft distance Wero In attendance, and quito a nice sum was collected for this work, Tho society Is lending valuable assistance In eocondlrw the efforts of their representativo, Miss Coffee. Mr?, Amollo. Christian, who hue' beon quito sick, has entirely recovered. Mrs. John H. Llvosay and family Will move from Third Avenue and Willow Street to-morrow to tholr now homo on South Third Street., In Hlrhmond. Mrs, Llvenay's family Is desorvetlly popular In eoolety? and tholr departure from our, midst will bo rogrotted. Their present home will bo occupied by Mr. Kolls and family, ' Mrs. William R. Vawtor, who hoe boon visiting her father, Captain Miller, in Brauwell, W. Va., has returned to her homo, In Highland Park. Captain Miller has been quito elck, but Is much Improved. Miss Oretchert Lowls has been > quito sick at her homo on Enelow Avenuo, Highland Park, but le now greatly im? proved.? , '. '?.'.' Miss Eloanor Carrlngton, of Richmond, has boon visiting Mrs. Charles O. Shafor, on Third Avchue. and Juniper Street. Misses ConHtance and Paulino Redd and Mastor Willie ?,Chap?n, who have beon quite elck, aro much Improved. DREW NO REVOLVER Mrs. Juliette C. Smith' Writes a Denial of the Story. ;Mre. Juliette C. Smith had written The Times-Dispatch, denying tho stories sent out from Chicago thnt sho collected money from Owen Burns at tho point of a revolver. Mrs Smith says that she did ! colleot a portion of the mone.y owing her through an attorney, but tho rest of tho story, she ?ays, is wholly imaginary. SANDRIDGE WAS NOT EXAMINED Case Went Over Because of the Illness of the Prisoner. ? Alfred Sandridge, the young man charged with the'murder of his sweet? heart, Miss Nannie Morris, was unable to standi the strain of the trial In the Police Court yesterday morning, and upon the advice of Dr. Parker, the case wont over to the 21st. The case had been called and counsel had expressed a willingness to proceed. and Miss Birdie Morris, sister of tho vic? tim of Sandrldge's madness, was on the stand.. She had gone Into her testimony to some extent. She heard tho firing of five, shots, and heard her sister scream. She ran into tho hallway. "Why don't you go to your sister, you fool?" said Sandridge to lier; "she needs you." At this point the accused, who sat be? side his counsel, almost collapsed in his chair, and it was plainly seen that he was 111 and suffering. "This case .can't go on with tho pris? oner In that condition," said Justice Crutohfleld, and It was postponed. Sandridge went back to Jail where he will receive tho best of treatment Upholstery Coverings... In many attractive design? and colors are just jn, suitable for covering parlor Suites, Couches, \ odd pieces, &cVL_. .See our UnejOJI^OUCjiES, "Immense" and prices.^ $9.90 uPj_JK_y_qu don't want a Box Couch, buv one that is not. They cost less. ?.. Slip Covers Nice and cool for summer. We make them, and will be pleased to give you an JjjtjiM?e. You may not know, but we have the most .completo uphol? stery, LMeJ^rtalii, Portiers and Shade Department in Richmond.. 709-11-13 E. Broad. Crocker-Wheeler Comp&ny, Manufacturers of DYNAMOS atti MOTORS. Electrical Engineers for an economical drive of Pumps; Blowers Hoists, Printing Presses, Machine Tools, etc. Waehlngtot? Office: '1417 New York Avenue. Officesand Works, AMPERE, N. J. THE NEW BOARD OF AGRICULTURE Reorganization Under New Constitution Occurs April 14? New Members. The State Board of Agriculture will not moot to-day, but Tuesday, April 14th. This will bo one of the most Important eeaeione the board has hold for a long time, as the reorganisation' under the new Constitution takes place then. The now board will have but two new members, . losing .the two whom thoy succeed. The addition? ar? Professor Ma-' Bryde and Mr. G?llosplo; ?f the Ninth Congressional District. They eucceed Mr.' J. 8. Browning, of tho Ninth, and Mr. K?lner, Commissioner of Agriculture, Vho undor the new Constitution cease? to be a member of tho board. The now board will be composed as follows: J. H. C Bovorly?First Congressional District A, O. Mauok?Second Congressional Dis? trict. Julian M. Ruffln?Third Congressional, District. -' ? ? ,, J, Thomas Geode?Fourth Congreesional District. J. M. Barker?Fifth Congressional > Dis? trict. J, T. Cowan?Sixth Congressional Dis? trict. C. W. Heater?Seventh Congressional District. Wm, H. Eggborn?Eighth Congressional District. !;? Mr. Gallosple?Ninth Congressional Dis? trict. W. B, F. Leech?Tenth Congressional ! District. :, .. Prof. McBryde? Ninth Congressional Dis? trict The chief business probably will bo. the election of officers for tho next year, Mr. C. W. Heater, of the Seventh Dis? trict, ie the president at present. No slato has.been made up, and likely there will be none. Mr. Heater may succeed himself, and probably will. Mr. K?lner will doubtless be made secretary, as he has always acted In that capacity. i jft the TJheatres. ? "The French Maid,", which la being ;glven at the Academy this week, Is a riot of hilarity and a' kaleidoscope of color. It Is far brighter and prettier, even than "The Lady Slavey," with which the organization so successfully inaugurated the spring season at tho Eighth Street theatre last week. It Is full of\ glitter and specialty. Tho bevy of, pretty g(rle In gorgeous raiment carry ,all before them. Plot, dialogue, oven tho comedians' pet jokes go for naught while the womon In their bewilderlngly fascinating dressos hold the stage. The prima donna, Miss Dora de Fellppe, sings delightfully, and does not fuss about It?a raro charm In musical comedy. There aro generally funnny scenes, a real plot, and three comedians who do not fall to make you laugh. Mr. Davles, the tenor of the eomrany, has his pportunlty, and makos the most of It. Good tenors are so rare that they ought to have a chanco to distinguish themselves. Mr, Hbopor Is supposed to represent the admiral. His rendering of a son?; In the first act is one of tho genuinely funny things In the performance, He sings as badly and as much off the key ns he acts. Mr. Honlelgh is funereally sad as the Mahragah, but apart from these two exceptions, the performance Is clean and bright. There will be a matinee to-day and the usual performance for the rest- of the week. "The Man Who Dared," at the Bijou, fulfills the demand of tho hour for what is sensational In' melodrama?, In the .mat? ter of stage settings It Is far )ri arlvanoo ot the majority of melodramas Rotn here this season. Arrangements have been ,made for the display of the lions In a cago In tho Bijou lobby to-day. Tho animala will bo put in a smaller cage and will bo on view all this afternoon. There will bo a special matinee this afternoon,' nnd. after tho performance tho lions will be fed on the stage, and will hold a reception, to which ail who attend the matlnoo are tnvltod. This afternoon and to-night will afford the last opportunities of witnessing this delightful romanoe. That It has thorough? ly delighted tho audiences at tho Bijou is an established fact, and the demand for soats has boon very largo, Two crowded houeea aro expected to-day. To-morrow, matinee and night, thnt Faweett Company hended hy Peroy Hhs wcll will opon ? brlof engagement at the Bijou In Henrietta Grossman's great play, "Mistress Nell," There will be no performance on Good Friday,' nnd the en? gagement closes with two performances on Saturday. Seats are now on sale. WILL AWARD PRIZES Reception at Albemarle Olub This Even? lng?Token to Retiring President, Tho Albemnrlo Chili will hold an In? formal reception af their club building this evening at 8:30 o'clock. At this time tho prises awarded to tho winner*. In tho pool inuni?iui.nt will bo presented, and the club will tender to Its retiring presi? dent a token of esteem. Mr. ~W, R. Scott Is tho chairman of the Entertainment Committee, and with that body of gen tlemon has porfocted every ? arrangement for a delightful evening. Holy Week Services. The services bring conducted during Holy Week at Tenth and Main Streets by tho Brotherhood of St. Andrew aru being well attentimi from the start. The Bev. W. Monde Clark, rector of si, James, proaohed at 1 o'olock yosterday afternoon to a good crowd;? Dr. W E. ISvuns. of Monumental, will conduct the service lu-diiy. The meeting begins al I o'clock .M?-jtBjfj^^^jaj^-hA}^? . ANNUAL? ??????-?? G??? THE tEAIt UNDING DECEMBER 81, IBO?, OF ??? CON. DITION AND AFI'AIKB OF TITO ROOHEBTBR OBKMAN INBUItANOB COMPANY OF UOCtIE8T_R, OUOANI-EI.? UNDER THE LAWS OF THE 8TATB OF NEW YORI?. MAD3 TO THE AUDITOR OP l'UIIMO ACCOUNTS Ol? ,??? COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, IN PUltKUANT TO THE ?AWS OF VIIIOINIA, . ' , ??-?_ President, FHEDEr.ICK COOK; Becretarr, ?. F. ATWOOD; Principal 0_lc?. ROCHES. TUR, NEW YORK) Organised or Incorporate?!. FEBRUARY 1?, 1872; Commenced Builmrii, FEU31UAR- 28, 1872. - Amount of capital ?took subscribed. 9 _3S'SS2 52 Amount ot capital stock paid up la cash. 300,000 00 ABBET8. ? Value of real ??tate owned br the company.? fllMW O? Loan? on,mortgage (duly recorded and being tie flrat Hep? on the fee simple) npoa ?_..?. ' whjch notimore than on? year's Interest I? duo. 8?_?5?? II Interest due on all ?nid mortgage loan?, $017.Of)?, Interest accrued thereon, ?5,8?0.??.. ?,??? 21 value of laud? mortgaged, cxulimlvo of building? and porUihablo Im? provement? .;.$888.800 00 Volue of building!! mortgaged (lneuroil for >?304,880.00 as collateral),... 430,780 00 Total TBluo of ?aid mortgaged promises (carrto? Inside),........... ?780,810 00 BONDS AND STOCKS OWNED ABB0_UT__T BY THE COMPANY. Par Morket Value. Value. Rochester Hallway: Company, bond?. $178,000 00 ?102,800 00 Rochester, Ori? and Electric Company, bond?. 80,000 00 81,800 00 Rochester Telephone Company, bond. 28,000 00 25,000 00 Georgia State, bond?.'.. 30.000 00 11,400 00 Virginia Btat?, bond?;. 10.CO0 00 0,830 00 Toledo, St. Loul? and'Western Railway Co;, bond?. 80,000 00 88.000 00 Bantn Fo, Preecott and Phoenix Railway Co., bond?. 28.000 00 28,000 00 Union' Pacific Railway Co., bond?. 20.000 00 20,800 00 Southern Railway Co,, bond?. 20.000 00" 28.000 00 Erie Railway. Prior Linn, ? bonds. 10.000 00 0,8G?? 00 Northern Pacific Rnllwny Co., bond?..'..:. lO.noo 00 30,800 00 NaehTlIln .Chattanooga and St. Louis Rwy. Co.. bond?.... 10.000 00 11,800 00 . . Atcheeon, Topeka and .Santa Fa Rwy. Co., bond?. 30,000 00 30,800.00 - German American Bank.of Rochester, N. Y.. stock. 10.000 00 28,000 00? Title and Guarantee Co. .of Rochester, N, Y., ?tock. 30.000 00 10,000 00 Rochester Gas and Electric Co.. stock. 88,000 00 30,780 00 Stromberg-Corlson Telephone Mfg. Co.. stock. 28.000 00 20.000 00 ? ? Eastman Kodak Co.'i of Rochester,' N. Y., stock. 28,000 00 20,000 00 Total par and market Value (carried'out ?t mar? kot t?????).......;.*. ?Slp.OOO 00 ?847,180 00? 847.180 00 Cash ln the company's principal'office,..?. 1,007 03 Cash belonging to the company ln bank..... 187,110 11 Interest dtimaiid accrued on honds not Included In market vnlue. ..i......... 4,204 18 Gros? premiums (as written In the policies) In course of collection, not more than ' three months due.i. 168,817 72 Aggregate amount of all assets of the company, stated at their actual vaine. / . LIABILITIES. , Gross claims for adjusted and unpaid tosse? due and to become due.... $ 17,158 21 Gross losses In process of adjustment, or In suspense, Including'all report? ed ' nnd supposed lopses....'....;.'.. 78,177 77 Losses resisted, Including Interest, costs ?nd other expenses thereon...... 18,182 43 TotHl gross amount of claims .-for. losses. ?108,488 48 Deduct,, reinsurance, thereon,.^ ........'..'. 28,327 1(8 ? Net amount.of unpaid'losses............\':.~. ? 80,187 Si Gross premiums received and" receivable upon nil unexnlred Ore risks runnlng""?ne * year or'? le?? from/_nte ? of nollcy, Including Internst, premium? on perpetual fire rinks, ?842,323.72; unearned premiums (80 per cent.)....,,'.......>.?321,180 88 Grons premium? received and receivable upon . all unexnlred fire risks running more than one year from date of policy, $078,883.48 i un? earned premiums (pro rata)...... 330,742 48 Total unearned promlums as computed above. 481,903 83 Commissions, brokerage and other charges duo and to becomo duo to agent? nnd brokers,' on premiums paid and In course of collection.,. 88,842 19 Totu) amount of nil liabilities, except capital stock and not surplus. ? 770,003 08 Joint stock capital actually paid ujKln cash. .200,000 00 Surplus beyond ospitai and all other liabilities. 401,000 65 Aggregate amount of ? all liabilities. Including paid-up, capital ?tock and net surplu?..?,'.???.. ?1,401.003 63 ".".'.'. BEOTIPTB BURINO THE YEAR. :\ Fire. Gros? premium? and bills unpaid at close of last year. ? 137.4S3 00 Net collected. 317,48100 Gross premiums on risk- written and renewed during the year. 1,307,782 20 Total..'.-. ?1,425.203 20 ' Deduct gross premiums and billa.In course of collection nt this date.... 153,817 72 Entire premiums collected /during the year,...91,271,648 07 Deduct reinsurance, rebate, abutement and return premiums. 423,8016 Net oaeh actually receivod for premium?.....,:..:. 880,843 08 Received for Interest on mortgages. 37,084 33 Received for Interest nnd dividends on stocks and bonds, collateral loon?, and - from all other sources.... . 38,502 27 Received from rent?. ?10,008.08; Commission profit, from local office, ?7,000; Profit on salo or maturity,.of,,ledger .asset-, ?2,872,60. 10,666 64. Aggregati'imo?ni'Of receipt*actually received during the year in ca?h..? 91??,25? 07 . ? IJflT* ?? .-tv ??'-,:!???-? -?'1 '?_' BIBBtn-SE-UCHTB DURING THE TEAR. ' Fire. Grots amount uctaslly paid for losses (including ?30.001.41 loases occurr? ing In previous years). ?588,028 61 Deduct all amount- actually I received for salvage (whether on losses of tho last or of previous years, ?1,004.70 and sil amounts actually re? ceived for reinsurance In other companies, ?330,207.63. Total deduction 141 172 80 ' Net amount paid during the year for losses.....,...'. ? ?324,851.Si Cash dividends actually paid stockholders during the year. 20,000 08 l'ald for commission or brokerage,.V???,?.?". 22?.011 83 I'ald for aalarlce, feus, or other charge? of officers, clerks, agents, and all other employes..... ,. 82,141 S3 Paid for State nnd : local taxes In this and other Btates. . 22,113 Ot All other pnyments and ripentiitures.. 61,473 83 Aggregat? amount (rf actual disbursement? doting the year, ln cash...,.?788,867 23 . BTJBIN-8B IN THE STATE OF VIH-INIA DURING THE TSAR Risks written...'......?...._... ?e???? 00 Premiarne received (gross).??......... 12,405 l!) Lobbo? Incurred. i...?..?...,..,. 180 oo (Signed.) FBBDEKIOK COOK. President., (Blined.) B. T. ATWOOD, Secretarr? Btate of New York; County of Monroe?Mt Sworn to January 22, 1008, bofore EDWARD H. OERKE, Notary Pub??. D. N. WALKER & CO, Agent?, No. 1014 East Main Street. OUR : SPRING : STOCK! and Repairing i^^?? ^3^!^p*^^^^>l^V^^t7 Marness? Best Manner. ' *^' and Whips. MORE THAN 100 CARRIAGES TO SELECT FROM. 8EE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU PURCHASE A VEHICLE OF ANY DESCRIPTION, R. H. BOSHER'S SONS, 15S ?Ninth St., Rlchmond^Va, TANNER PAINT AND OIL CO., 1419 East Main Street, RICHMOND, VA.. - COLD WATER PAINTS, FLOOR STA&4B, BRUSHES, and PAINT? ERS' SUPPLIES. Typ ewriters and Stenographers always en cull ?it our offlcti. Will coma to your olllcrn always * ypewiltor whua jou w*ut assistance, ot ai, rk Lor?. NU OIIAHUS for us? of mnchlaa, ?...JTIIKKN HTAMl' A aTATUlNKHY CO.. rhum im. 'fcuUrs ??<, Turin ?SI? Ualu, Uiuliiuouo, V* Jaw Wills! Yes, ot course, we manufacture them?and of the very beet con? struction! We^have built many a aaiv-mlll during our vast experi? ence of over thirty years I We know a great deal about them. We also repair them ?t reasonable prices) Estimates cheerfully given or mailed upon request, Richmond Iron Works," (Estab'd 1863. Ineorp'd 18?.} ?th & Broad and 15th & Grs.ce Sta. Richmond, Va.