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REFORMERS DEFEATED Failure In Sunday-Liquor Sell? ing Cases In Norfolk. EVIDENCE TOO MEAGRE La Belle Asia Refuses to Testify Against Her Stage Partner, and He Escapes the Penitentiary, but is Sent to ?Jail. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspetcli.) NORlFOLK. VA., April ".-Tliero was a notable defeat for the liquor crusaders ? In tho Police Court this morning- before Justice Taylor. Tho court .room waa filled yesterday and to-day with alleged | culprits and witnesses In tho cnse? of J. W .Murphy. A. B. Tennis, -white, and GeorGO Brown, colored, charged with eelllng liquor on Sunday In Smith Stroot, ?t Nicholas. There was a raid on tho place, ostensibly a cook shop, which was productivo of ton negroes and several white men. They wero oil paroled In court yesterday, and after a searching trial to-day1 Justice Taylor dismissed tho ? cases, with some show of annoyance, be? cause thero was no evidence to show that liquors wore sold or that anybody was guilty of any Infraction of any of tho stringent laws against the sale of l?quor on Sunday. Vet It was evident : that tho cook shop was open and busy on Sunday for that purpose. The ovldence was by Implication only. Thero was no direct evidence, and tho Justico said ho must discharge the entire bunch. The men who made tho arrests wero much chagrined at tho failure. La Bollo Asia, a stout woman who uses that nomo on( tho stage as a dancer at the Atlantic Garden, would not testify against William Bodonberg In tho Cor? poration Court this morning. Suo had been fearfully beaten In her rooms and her head has been cut opon with a sau? sage grlndor, so that sho was left uncon? scious. When tho physicians camo they had somo difficulty In sewing hot- face together and saving her life, In the Po? lice Court she said that Bodetiberg com? mitted tho assault, but .In the trial to ,day, that would havo sent him to tho penitontiary, .she said that sho did not know who struck her. Sho snld she .had ? collapsed end was not conscious of what had happened. Her refusal to testify saved tho man who struck her. Her name is Lilllo Nelson, and the two are partners on tho stage. The Jury took a more serious view of tho assault, and Imposed a fino of $300. nnd sent the man i to Jail for three months. REPLACES THE OLIVE. Tho side-wheel steamer Nantlcoko, purchased from tho Baltimore, Chesa? peake and Atlantic Railway Company hy the, Albemarlo Navigation Company, ot Norfolk, coa.led up yosterday and salted from Baltimore to-day for Nor? folk and tho Carolina Sounds. Sho re? places the Olive, which was capsized on the night of February llith in the sounds. Tho Nantlcoko was formerly the steamer Chownn, and wos built in Wilmington, Del,', In 1.875. Sixty Chinamen passed through Ports? mouth yesterday in charge of United States Marshal.Bennet and eight depililo-,-. The Chinamen were ordered'back to their homes under the terms of tho 'Chinese exclusion net, as they were smuggled into this country. They came from Provi? dence, R. I. Thoy will go to New Or? leans, whence the Southern Pneli?o 'vili take them to San Franclseo. The men will bo transported from Ran Francisco by tho first steamer. The Chinamen laid over nt Pinner's Point yesterday awaiting the departure or the Southern train last night. Thoy seemed to be In gond spirits, - and showed much surprise at the pres? ence of a large number of negroes who assembled about the coaches In which i.iey were. \ BROKE HOWARD'S NOSE, S. J.'Ford, a young white man, was ar? rested last night on the charge of felon? iously assaulting: Harry Howard at Mio Bijou Theatre -In Ojilon Sheet Howard and Ford ?becamn engaged In on alterca? tion at the theatre, when Ford struck Howard, breaking ills noso, Tho blow was a stunning one. and It was feared for a while that the man had been killed. Ford was looked up, charged with felony. Jfo was sent to the Corporation Court to? day far trial. Truckers near Berkley report thoC the heavy front Sunday night liad a disas? trous effect nn growing crops (hat wero above ground, as well as the fruit. Beans, cucumbers and other tender plants woro allied. Tho opening strawberries and tiloso In full blossom wore killed. Tho ponchea, apples and pears are more or less dam? aged, which will cause a light crop, If It Is not a total failure. Plans for the .pavilion nt Cape Henry nro completed. The pavilion will be on? of tho largest in the South. ? will cost 530,000, and will be a double-decker, and Is built by tho Chesapeake and Ohio Transit Company. At the morning service nt the Colley ..y, .... ?..?,,.-? ,,, ?,:????,..?, >?? un; ? G??? Orphanage nt Lynchbure, No .action . he token on tho resignation until ?a meeting of the congregation. -? -*?-, CORNELL AND LEIIIGH Two of the Season's Best Contests at the University. ((Special to Tin? Tlmee.nisrmtsli i UNlVFBSiT? OF VIRGINIA, VA., April 7,?In the Cornell and Lehlgh games this week, Cornell on to-morrow and I.e. lil?h on Thursday, the students: are promised Iwo of Hie prettiest eonteste , on the home grounds tills season. Cor? nell recently inflicted on the naval ca? dets the Ilrst del eat they had suffered this season. Lehlgh, too, Ih unusuully strong. Manager Roble, of the Virginia team, has secured, at considerable expense, a professional umpire. Mr. Colllnower, to ofllciate in tho Cornell, LehlKh, Vale mid Princeton games. Mr. Colllilowor Is a h*ll player of ability. For several years past ho has officiated In the capacity of .?' umpire in the Connecticut Htate League,. SURPRISE MARRIAOE Ceremony Performed in Front of a Portsmouth Parsonage. (Stii-ctul to ?liu 'I'liiii-s-iilsjiiiuli.) NORFOLK. VA., April ".- An unusual rparrluKO ceremony was performed in Portsmouth this morning at S::;i) o'clock, Mr. Aurellus Ulysse? Newborn? and Mis? Mary B. ot?elo, of I'l'iitls Piare, weit the principals in tin? affair, which was u surprise to their most intim?te friends. The groom secured a Desuso In the county iilerk's' otlic? at 8 o'clock this morning id, with his'prospective bride, walked tho residence of Rev, IS, li, RuwUsisa, und, or, Court Street, wti?rft thoy wore rrintln mn? rtnd wlfo. ilio knot being timi Ih front ot tlio parsonage und vrllnOsstHl by ? muti bor of piumcra-by. ? t. th? con? clusion of Ilio oeromniiy 11m liftpp?' pitir rlcpnrtod Tor Ih? brldo's borne, when tho family received tbelr first inilinatioti o? what lind ocoutrod, Titolo wns 110 objec? tion to Ilvo union, congratulations fol? lowing tlio 'announcement. ;- ? . Mnrtln??oyle. fRnrclal to The Tlines-Dlsiiatch,) VASI-ITI, VA., April ?.-Mr. ] Mnrtln nnd Miss Ellen Doylo wero mar? ried at the Baptist Cburob nt Rockr Mount on aridity. The bride la tho dnugh ter of Mr. .lames Doyle. Tho groom Is nn enterprising farmer of tihe Snow Creek section. ? > , Soon to bo Married, (Special to The Tlmos-Dloptitch.) CAnTl?n^VTT.T.lO, VA., April 7.-Mr. nnd Mrs. II, J. Rhodes, of Cnrtersvllle, Va., announce the mnrrlngo of their daughter, Miss Ethel Dnncnn Rhodos, to Mr Houston Male Crowder, of Tonno, Vn,? on the mornlhg of April 22d. ? FAILED TO INDICT DAVID EDMONDSON True Bill Found Against Al? bert Rhodes for Burning of Middletbwn Store. (Special to Tlio Times-Dispatch.) WINCHESTER, VA.,' April 7.-? sec? ond grand jury, called to Investigate further developments In. the burning ,of c! E. Edmondson's store ln MIddlotown last Febrtlnry, failed to Indict ex-Mnyor David E. Edmondson, but found three true bills against Albert Rhodos. Rhodes confessed that ho fired the building, but suld David Edmondson paid him to do so. Both men wero Indicted for tho burning last month. The snme jury again Indicted P?_to Dlxon and Josoph ILowla for maiming cattle. Tho eijht-months-old daughter of Jnmos Vance, of Redbud, while playing about tho iioor of her homo Saturday, pulled, over a coffee pot nnd spilled the hot fluid upon herself. The child was so budly scalded that she died this morning. ?. ?. Steele attempted to ropalr a ma? chine w.hlle it was In motion at Gardner saw-mill, In the county. Tho man's coat caught In the belt. Beforo tho ma? chinery oould bo stopped his arm was badly mangled. Mr. O. P. Mayers, a wealthy nnd promi? nent resident of Stephen City, and daugh? ter, narrowly escaped Injury yesterday nfternonn. They hnd just stepped from their locomobile when tho gasoline tank exploded, wrecking the mnehlno. RED-LETTER DAY Appropriately Observed by the Lexing? ton W. C. T. U. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) LEXINGTON, VA.;' April 7.-TI10 Lex? ington AVomnn's Christian Temperance Union to-night appropriately observed "Virginia Rod Dotter Day," The exercises wero held In their hall, which was taste? fully decoated with flowers and Vir? ginia flags, nnd also W. C. T. U, emblems nnd mottoes. Mrs. Lawrence Embreo, president of the Union, presided. An Interesting programme was carried out, consisting of music, recitations and readings. The Lexington W. C. T. U. wns orga? nized several years ago, nnd tho move? ment has been instrumental In holplncr to create and maintain a temporaneo sen? timent In tho community. With earnest and capnble officers controlling Its af? fairs, tho Union has a hopeful future of still greater usefulness, CAUGHT BETWEEN TELESCOPING CARS Conductor, Buried Under the Wreck, Gives Orders for Care of Train and Men. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatcli.) DRAKE'- BRANCH, VA., April 7.? This evening whllo northbound extra freight was pulling out from this sta? tion, fho drawhead in the third box car from the engine pulled out, causing? two curs In tho rear part of tho train to tele? scope, nnd catching Conductor J. D. Prlco In between them. Both his hands were Injured so that threo fingers op the left nnd tw'p on the right hand hnd to lie amputated by Drs, Hugh C. Henry, 1? J. Gregory and A. S. Priddy. Con? ductor Price has been with the Southern Railway for a number of years. Though pinned under tho wreck, ho did not fall to give orders to protect his train and look after others. Ho stood tho operation well, and Is getting on nicely. Ho will bo taken to his homo at Mehorrlu to? morrow. Gold Medal At Pun?American Exposition. Unlike Any Other! The full flavor, the deli? cious quality, the absolute Purity ot Downey's Ideale fast Cocoa distinguish it from all others. No "treatment" with alkalies j no adulteration with (lour, .Uareli or ground cocoa shells! nothiiij.; but the nutritive, und digestible product of the choic? est Cocou lieuiiB, Ask Your Dealer for It. ???-?__??G????????????-_-?-?????-????_???????t-?G>?? SALES NOW ARE LIGHT Three-fourths of the Tobacco in This Section Marketed. DR. BATTLE'S SUCCESSOR The First Baptist Church Will Go About Their Work Slowly?Chamber of Commerce and Young Men's As? sociation My Consolidate. (Simclnt to The Tinios'lllspstch.) PETERSBURG, VA., April 7,?The donlors In Petersburg estimate that about three-fourths ot the tobacco crop In this section has been sold. Sales, aro held at all the warehouses each day, but nro right light. About nil the flue cured to? bacco lias beon marketed. Tho prices brought for wrappers are firm, but prices on all other grades are rather low. It Is not known exactly What progress has been made by tho expert raiser, who is visiting the farmors In this vicinity, in? structing them In the raising of flue cured tobacco. Those interested hardly hope for any considerable acreage this year, but thoy believe that this will bo the beginning of the bright tobacco rais? ing ngaln in this section, Tho First Baptist Church Committee hns not yet considerad n'ny ; liame or names of minist?re to succeed Dr. Battle as pastor of this church. They have re? ceived nuiiiy letters concerning Eevoral ministers, but no single name has beon brought up In the committee. They will go about the matter slowly, but ? Is likely that the pulpit will not long re? main vacant. MAY CONSOLIDATE. , Tho Committee' of the Chamber of Commerce and the Young Men's Busi? ness Association appointed to confer in reference to the advisability of consoli? dating the two commercial bodies will meet to-night. It is very probnblo that the consolldlulon will be effected nnd the consolidated bodies will begin work with renewed vigor. -James Hlnes, a, negro who is thought to be in a dying condition, was taken from the Norfolk and Western passengo'r train upon Its arrival from tho West this morning and taken to the Home for the Sick for treatment. Hlnes says his homo is In this city. He has been working In tho mines of Bluelleld, XV. Ya., and was ill when he left that city. Mr. Richard Felld Bernard, son of the late Judge D. M. Bernard, of this city, has been appointed by Congresman Solititeli a cadet In the United States Naval A#.demy nt Annapolis. Air. Ber? nard left this afternoon for Annapolis for tho purpose of entering the prepara? tory school. Tho meetings, which have been held ? during the past week at Tabb-Street Prsbyterlnn Church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. S. Poster, will be con? tinued during this week, Rev. Dr. Cecil, of Richmond, will assist in the meetings, The committee for the Homo of Needy Confederate Women, consisting of Mes? dames Montague, Pylo and Roddy and Miss Bodokcr, have Issued a letter of thanks to tholr friends In this city for their liberal response to their appeal for the Home. DAUGHTERS OP LI BERT Y. Virginia Dar? Council, No. ii, Daughters of Liberty, celebrated Its seventh anni? versary last evening In Odd-Fellows' Hall. Rev. Mr. Dona, of West End Bap? tist Church, delivered the address. Captain E. A. Goodwyn Is ill at his homo on South Sycamore Street. Dr. James W, Clalborne, who has been ill for sometime, Is now abie to bo out.-' There will bo a large delegation from Petersburg and Mntoaca to attend the Believers' Convertion In Richmond this week. The Portnor Browing Company may not orect tholr new depot at the corner of Second and River Streets. The pass? age of tho Mann bill is said to have changed tho plans of the company, Tho remains of Mr. Abram M. Cinte, who died nt tho ?home of his brother-in law, Mr. George Ii. Brown, In Norfolk, Sunday, aged fifty yenrs, wero brought to Petersburg yosterday morning and in? terred In Blnndford Cemetery, LIGHTNING'S FREAKS Destructive Work of the Storm Which Visited Grayson Recently. (Speclnl to Tho Tlnics-Dlspntch.) WYTHEVFLLE, VA., April . 7.?The electrical storm which visited this sec? tion wrought considerable damage and played some curious-- freaks in the' sec? tion ot Grayson county near the post? onico known as Oradell, some four or five miles from the county seat, Inde? pendence. Lightning Btruck a tree, whence It descended to a log and thon to the ground, tearing a. hole In the earth thirty feet long, four foot deep and flvo feet wide. Thon tho storm King j visited the home of James Groen, where light? ning entered through a window, burning tho fraine and shattering tho glass, and set fire to tho curtains. At tho homo of Jeff Jones lightning also entered through a window and sot flro to a bed. Fortun? ately both lires wero speedily extin? guished. Telephone polos woro In somo Instances entirely burned, and iu somo spots thoy fell In a red-hot condition burning holes In mil fences on which they fell. ,' Wlillo Mr. M. J,' Swecker, a woll-known resident of Wythovllle. was standing near a pflmlng machino In the planing mill of? William Hi Dodglon Saturday, his nvorcout was drawn Into tho machino and ho was thrown under It on top of a rnpldly-rovolving pulley, whloh wns threatening to draw him to Instant death. By a miracle bo mnnoged to hold himself away from tho doath-denllng machinery, with tho assistance of ijn employe of the mill, and ha.wns pulloi? from ids precarious position, receiving no worse hurts than bruises on the head. CHARGED WITH MURDER Arrest of Dr. H. B. Sparks Follows the Death of Miss Ellis. (Specilli I? Til? 'nilliH-IUsnutcll.) CllARl.OTTKSVlLLH. \'A., April 7. Dr. H. 13. Hpurks, of this city. Is now confined In the City Station house, awaiting trial for murder, H will be re? membered that the poo to ? was before tho Police Justice of this city recently for malpractice on'tho person of Miss Ellis, of Rose mil, a niece of Mr. Dan Snead, Binen that trial, which was continued until April loth, tho young girl has died and tho arrest has been made. Miss K.lls died last evening about 0 o'clock. At 10 o'clock the coroner's Jury hud viewed the remains, and the Jury adjourned until I o'clock tills afternoon, Tho Jury Is In session this evening, hut It Is bpllQveq that tho Undings will not ho rendered until 'Wednesday or later, When tho police of the city hoard of the young lady's death, an Immediate arrest ot Dr. Sparks was made, and the Doctor now Is Incarcerated "In tho city jail. The arrest was made ut 11 o'clock last evening. The preliminary trial will not he lu'ini until the result o? the co??' oruei-'tf hi'iuc-H u heard, Haskltis-Lee Fight Left by Committees to Precincts. A HOT CONTEST AHEAD Quite Penible ??hat a Third Man Ma?) Enter? the Field Against/Both Has kins and Lee?Great Interest Has Been Aroused. (Specie! to The Tlmei-Dlspatch.) ? BLACKSTpNB, VA? April 7.?The Demooratlo County Committee? of Amelia nnd ? otto way, In joint session here to? day, -oolded not to nominate either Col? onel Meado Ilaeklns or Mr, Honry M. Loo, the two candidates to sucoeed SoUthkll In the House of Delegates, but Instead to leave the selection to precinct meetings, This meeting watt callod In pursuance to a written request signed by the two gontlemen Interested. There was quito a wangle In the meeting upon tlio re? port of the Committee on Credentials as to who were, entitled to votes. This was' occasioned by there being only eight of twenty-one members from Amelia pres? ent, these eight claiming that n'y direc? tion of their committee meeting, hold ln Amelia lost week, ? nuthorlty whs given those who attended hero to cast tho full vote of the committee A majority of tho Nottoway Committee was aigainst nny ono being permitted to vote unless present or represented by proxy. Tho alignment on this vole was re garded as tho tost of thoso favoring each 'of tho two candidates. On this voto Not? toway en at .'twenty-two votes against six for It, while Amelia was permitted to cast Its twenty-??? votes ln tholr own favor, thus docldlng tho question. It was expected by tho outsiders then that the next movo would bo tho nomination of Colonel Hn.skIne, ns the nbovo vote was regarded as the tesi between the two, but Inter developments proved to tho contrary, . The report from the Committee on Reso? lutions wns mnde, and this advised against any nomination being mndo by the committee, but Instead that, precinct meetings bo hold and a nomination mndo by that method.. These meetings are lo bo held t\wo weeks from to-day. Tho resolutions alscrecommondcd thnt neither of the present candidates be chosen.1 but that somo farmer be selected. This lat? ter portion of the resolutions wns not ndopted, which leaves tho field open to any or all wTio may choose to enter. ?A good _eal of feeling has been en? gendered as a.-result of to-day's meeting of the committees, and no one can safely predict what the outcome will be. Mem? bers of the Amelia committee said to-day thnt while they wore pledged to Colonel Hnsklns, they conceded tho selection of tho candidate to Nottoway, and that see? ing the Nottoway committee aland 22 for Lee to ? for Hasklns, they hesitated to go contrary to what they thought Not toway's choice was, and therefore pre? ferred leaving tho matter to bo settled by the people in mass-meetings. Whether or not both of the above can? didates will remain ln tho rnce Is not known. There is talk of bringing out another candidate In opposition to both, ns lias been previously predicted in this correspondence. There nre wnrm times ahead, and the fight will bo one of tho hottest over seen In this county, where tho political game Is always played for high stakes. FRUIT KILLED Find of a Human Jawbone, Buried Over a Hundred Years. (Special to Tho Tlmef.-DUpatcli.') COMORN, VA., April 7.?Investigations show that nearly all of the peaches, ap? ples, apricots and early cherries in this section Qiave been killed by lco and frost since Saturday night. .The fruit ^trees have been shedding the blighted bloom all day to-day, and are well-nigh' naked. Cabbage and tomato plants have also been seriously Injured. Tho ground wns fro? zen and the ponds covered with thin lee up to 11 o'clock yesterday, and there was some Ice again this morning. Several days ago o, Westmoreland coun? ty former, while plowing In an open Held, | accidentally unearthed tho lower Jawbone of a man, which 'Bind beon burled moro than a hundred years. The of bono contains nine perfectly preserved teeth, and Is an Interesting curiosity. Mr. Ned Pratt, of Richmond county, hns this curi? osity, and says that it can bo proven that no burial hns been made where this bono was found at any time in the last ono hundred years. Constable H. M. Burchell, of this coun? ty, and his hroUher-ln-law, Robert Mc Cauley, had nn altercation several, days ago, when McCauley Inflicted some terri? ble wounds about tho head and faee of Burchell. McCauley- used a largo Iron weight ns his weapon, nnd had to pay a fine and costs for thus mutlllating hi? brother-in-law's face. Judgo Johtl E. Mason and family, who spent the past winter in Froderlcksburg, havo returned to tholr magnificent homo here for t'ho spring and summer months, Judgo and Mrs. Mason are very popular here, and are being warmly welcomed by the whole people. DAVIS IS MOVED TO LYNCHBURG Authorities Believed That He Would Be Much Safer Than in Farmvllle. (Succiai tu The Tlunis-lllaputcb.) PAUMYlMvH, VA., Aprii 7.-Ale_ Davis, tho negro who Is charged with the shooting of Conductor Robertson, was taken to I.ynchburg thin, afternoon In ohnrge of the sheriff of Nottoway coun? ty. John Ivoe Is t ho negro's counsel. Tho train stopped just above the Planters' Warehouse, und the negro taken from tho Jail and hurriedly placed on It. The removal of tho negro to Ivynchburg wus because the authorities bollavo he would bo much .saler thoro than In Farmvlll?. Th'ore wiih nothing at ?II that InilloatoJ mob violence to-night, however, If he had not been ninoved. BROWN'SWr "Tlio in-.i iircpurutlou for celti?,*. mu? Ukllliin?." UIIS, ti, ?. WATSON, ???????-'?-?? l.rd urer. " l'll-L'lllllii ail,? Iho III"?!." iu:v. ii-nu? WABH nummi.. ^?meem?mmitmmmmimtmtm?m??^^? SWEAT-BOX CASEAGAIN Judge Blackstone Has Sus? tained the City's Demurrer. A FREE-FOR-ALL FIGHT It Occured Between a Party of Boys and I Some Men on the Beach on Sun? day?Two at Least Were In , Jured-A Knife was Used. ' ; (Special to Tu? fimes-Dlepiitch,) NEWPORT NEWS, VA? April 7.-At torney C, C. Berkeley is preparing a pe? tition for a writ of error In the case ot John G, Horn, In whloh Judge Blaolt stone yosterday sustained the alty's do? ' uiurrer. Horn Is the man who was placed In the sw?at-boi? and allowed to romain until ho was uneonsolous. He is suing, for $6,000, . V A froe-for-nll fight ocourrod Sunday on the boaoh above the olty and nearly culminated In a riot, The affair was to portod to tho county police force to-day, and warrants may bo sworn out for somo of tho offenders. It Is said .lliat eoveral boys wore playing on Ilio bench, when two white men came along ft-nd ordered tho boyH to wado out and bring in small sail-boat anchored near the shore. Tho boys refused, and the mon began to assault thorn. In the light which followed Georgo Cox,, agod fifteen yoars, nnd a man named John Crow woro seriously in? jured. It is charged that a knifo was used. Tho grand Jury of Elizabeth City county to-day returned true hills against A. H. J. Prltchard", a Phoebus snloon-keepor; William S. Ryan, allas William S, Shelby (now snld to ho a mombor of tho Wash? ington police force), and Sylvester Pirklo, at present on his way to the- Philippine Islands, for the murder of Amos Dysart, an artilleryman stationed at Old Point, two years ?ago. The nrreRt of Prltchard and the Investigation of the mattor grew out of a letter written somo weeks ago by F. H. Fight, from Plattsburg bar? racks. It Is reported that tho officials havoj telephoned to Major Sylvester, of the 'Washington police force, nsklng for tho arrest of Shelby, and to the War De? partment, -asking thnt Plrkje be taken Into custody on his arrival at the Philip? pines. John Gary, Bud Harrlrf, George Oronn, Goorgo Dennlson, Aloxandor Shields and David Stevenson wero indicted on tho chnrge of stealing $100 from Edward No? lan while nil tho parties wero In Jail. Nolan claimed that the monoy was sowed up in his trousers. The Indicted men are colored. v Tho Hampton Chapter, Daughters of ?the Confederacy, met to-day and decided to begin work on a Confederate homo In that city. FRUIT INJURED Serious Fears Entertained In the North? ern Neck, (Speclnl to Ttio Tltncs-Dlsjinteh.) HEATHSVILLB, VA.. April 7.?Reports heard hero to-day from tho surrounding country show that tho fruit throughout the Northern Neck has suffered serious? ly from the cold spell during Saturday and Sunday. On-Saturday the tempera? ture fell below the freezing point, and remained thero the Wholo day. The wind rose until it was blowing a perfect galo and towards night, it became exceedingly cold, and this continued throughout tho night until lato Sunday. On Monday morning the ground was covered with frost. Apple, peach, pear and cherry trees wore full In otoom, and U Is evi? dent that they havo suffered serious dam ago. Many claim that the fruit has not boon hurt, and tell of Instances where fruit trees in full bloom had been covered with sloet and yet produced largo yields. Statements of this kind tond to encour courago peoplo to think that after all fruit has suffered but little damage. Many of the fruit growers, who are sup? posed to know, say that tho frost ruined tho pears, cherries and peaches. Apples nro not quite as far advanced aa the oth? or fruit and It is hoped that they aro but slightly damaged. Tho Bteamer Northumberland, of the Weems line, ran aground In Smith's Creek on Friday morning and remained' there nearly nil of the day. Tho Cnlvert finally succeeded In pulling her off. Mr. Bohannon, first officer on tho Colvert, was seriously injured by the breaking ot a liawsor. IN CUMBERLAND The Cold Wave Did Great Injury to the Fruit Orop Thereabouts. (Special to The Tlince-Dlspiitcli.) - CARTERSVILI/E, VA? Apr? 7.?Tho cold spoil of Friday, Saturday and Bun day has greatly Injured, If not entirely destroyed, tho fruit crop of this section. Especially havo tho .ponches .b.oon dam? aged, because most of the treos haa drop? ped their bloom, Tho apples may not bo so badly Injured, as th? trees are later In blooming. Fnrmors nre behind with their work, because tho land ha? beon two wot to bo plowed, but tho winds of to-day and yes? terday have dried oft the ground con? siderably, ^ A local option election will be hold In tho county of Cumberland In May. Peti? tions In favor of it were died at the last County Court, and tho uppor districts win have nn eloatlon on the second of May. On account of tho petition from this district being a few days late get? ting In, tho election hero will 'ho on tho r?th Instead of the 2d of May, It Is gen? erally thought that the county will be dry with a largo majority. PEACHES INJURED The Apple Crop in Amherst Probably Escaped Unhurt. (Hnoelui to Tliu Tiwes.PlsjistoU.) AJMVIERST, VA., April 1-Tho cold weatlipr and frost of Saturday night and Sunday morning, H Is thought, has ,de ?troyed all <>f the early fruit' in this section. ' The thermometer ranged frpm twenty-eight to thirty degrees, and Ice froze frpm ono-ojuurtor to one-half Inch. It Is thought that tho appio crop Is not seriously Injured, but losing tho poaches moans a groat deal to nmiiy of the fruit .growers in this county, for tho peaclios sold from one orchard in Amh?rst will bring from ?G.00 to'|?00 ? year, and thoro Is a largo number of smaller orchards that have beon very prolltablO to the ?owuors. Damaged In Halifax, (Spedili tu Tin? ??"?*D)?pu(cU.) PACES, VA? April 7.?Tho cold weath? er and heavy frosts of the past few days and nights have tlouo ponsidoraWo dum? ago to tho fruit und early vegetable? in tills section. Most of tho fruit is re? ported killed, it is UiuUpUt, that about halt of Hit entire wheat nnd oat crop* are greatly Injured. Very Util? damn ire to tobaoco plants Was done, Damage Ir) Highland, (gocciar ti) Thfl .ItaM-lllitriiitcli.) MONTER_0_, VA.t April ,7,-Tlicre Is ihtioh kegret ovot* the heavy ffooiie of Saturday night, Tho hior?tiry carne dowH to Ilfteohi nnd the fine prospect tor an Immenso fruit crop was 'blantod In a singlo, night.. Othor crops wot'o fnr In advance ot former ??a???? and darting? to ttid wheat and grass must, nssurediy follow. ? ?.-?*'?(?:, Old Mountaineer Dead. . , (Siwjclitl to Tlio' Tltned-Dlmiatcli.) BRISTOL, VA., April 7.-? special from Osborne, Jf6hn_an county, Toil?., states ? that Timothy-Itoark, a Mountaineer, l? dead thoro at the ago of 108 year?. He Was a soldier in Ilio war of 1812, and was perhaps tho oldost.matt In tlio Slate., ?.?' ?-? / Roanoke Carnival to be Taxed. (?peci?! to Tlio Tlmex-tMnpatcb.') '?h BpANOI-t-, VA? April 7.-Tho. City Colinoli to-night refused to rollovo from taxation the Commercial Travelers* Car? nival, which Will begin on tho 4th of May. TRYING TO SECURE HER OWN CHILD Mrs. J. H, Hartwell, of ftich ' mond. Appeals to Courts In Roanoke for Aid. (Special to The Tlmon-Dliipntcli.) ROANOKE, VA., April 7,-Mrs. S. H. Hartwoll, of Richmond, wife of Dr, Hart? well, ot Franklin county, who separai??? from her husband some time ago, Is In tho olty socking through tho, Hustings Court tho custody ot her child, a, little girl three years of ago, who Is now with liBi? grandparents, Colonel and Mrs. .1. W. Hartwell, of this city. Tho matter will come up before tho Hustings Court on Saturday/ Mrs. qiartwoll Is a young woman, and Is engaged as a stenographer In Richmond. OFFICERS ELECTED Lee Oamp of Alexandria Is Preparing 'for Memorial Day. (Spoclal to Tlin TlmcB-DISiintcli.) ALEXANDRIA, VA., April 7.?These officers han-e been elected for tho ensuing year by It. B, Leo Camp, Confederate Veterane: ?. Kernper, .cominandor; ?. H. O'Brien, flrst-lloutonnnt commander; ?Toltn M. Johnson, sccond-lleutennnt comman? der; William ?. May, third-lieutenant icommandor; S. ,C. Boush, adjutant; John W, Hammond, quartermaster; W, W, Sherwood, treasured; Rev. Dr. Frank .T. Brooke, chaplain;, Alexander Lylns, officer of the day; Dr. John S. Powell, surgeon: Charles S. Taylor, vldotte; John Vi\ Sutherland, color-hearer, and the follow? ing members of the Executive Commit? tee: Thomas Whl te, F, J. Davidson and John S. Blnckbufn. The camp lnw up pointed committees to mako suitable prep? arations for tho observance, of Confod? erato Memorial Day, which will bo held this year Monday. ?lay 25th, as the regu? lar date falls on Sunday. Charlotte Wants Protection. (Special to ite Tlmes-Dla|i_tcli.) EUREKA MILLB, VA., April 7.^-At ti mass meeting of tho farmers held at Charlotte Courthouso yesterday, Leo W. Morton was made chairman and Carrlng ton Grlgsby secretary. The following,.? resolutions were iinaniinously-adoptcd: ,, "Resolved, That tho farmers of Char-' lotte county do most heartily endorse] tho bill offered by Hon. John J. Owen," of Prlnco Edward county, for tho pro? toctton ot tho farmors against tho com? mission merchants, "Wo heroby Instruct our representa? tives In tho Legislature to co-operate with Mr. Owen In securing tho passage of this act." GOOD ROADS FOR KING WILLIAM Active Work Taken Lip and a Campaign Outlined at the Meeting at Beulahville. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) ETNA MILLS, VA., April 7,-Tho meet? ing ot tho Hanover and King William counties Good Roads Association, held at Heiilnhvillo on Saturday,'?April 4th, nnd presided over by R. 8. Ryluud, vice-pres? ident, was largely attended and very on thislastlc, and was entertained and In? structed by very ublo speeches from Judge O. O. Gwathmey, Rev. II. A. Willis and the president, Mr, H, B, ?smith, Jr., who congratulated tho new members ln that district on tho feood showing thoy had made on t'ho road since thoy had Joined , tho association 'on March 20th, and assured them that It was a move In tho right direction, and that the results nttnlncd during tho coming season would amply ropay them for tholr efforts. i It was unanimously ordored that tlio report of the Committee on By-Laws be accepted and that It bo printed, and thnt tho names of the special committee of flvo activo members, wlho have full charge of thC?issoclntlon, nnd the seventy-four ex? ecutive oommlttecmen, who superviso tlio seventy-four miles of road now within tho territory of the association, be also print? ed therein, it was also' ordered that tho boundaries of the association comprise every road within tho boundaries of the two coun? ties, and thnt thoy be voted Into the as? sociation as rapidly ns requests from out? lying territory are socured .and cornmlt mon are named to serve, covering tho same, Tho matter of broad tiros on iioavy wagons was discusseli, and tho subject of county tax per wagon, lovled through license tags ,to be paid to tlio Supervisors of tho county, aijd disbursed for road uses only, was brought up, No dofliflte action was tuken at this motlng. Tho ob? ject was t'o create a rovonuo from tho' people who aro "mostly responsible 'for damages,, The meeting was unanimously In favor of the.passing of some good rouds Villi at tho prosont session of tho Legislature, nnd the secretary was instructed to cor? respond with the proper representativos tp that effeot, 'asking Dhelr. co-oporatlon and Influence, and leaving It to their dis? cretion and Judgment ns to which of the several bills presented on tho good roitds question Is tlio most dea|rablo to pass; ? Wedding Cards, (Specilli to Tlio Tlnu<--]>l-pi)t<-h.> FREDE RICKBBURP, VA?, April 7. Currts aro out for the marrlago ol? Miss Martha Carter CSrymes, daughter of Mr. Benjamin C. Orymes, of King George county, to Mr, George Carter Meado, tito ceremony to take placo at "Woodstock," the homo ot tho prospectivo bride, on Wednesday, May 0th, at 6 o'clock p. M, ! Vict??ry for St. Aibans, (-mieliti tu Tlio TlUlftJ'l'Wpiitcli.) WAST RAUliVJRD, VA., April 7.-St? Alban* dufoated Ilio SI, John's College leutn of AnnnpolU, Md., hero tills ovov nitiB Uy a scoro of 1% lo 8. The diamond was muddy nnd ruin mude.the game uu l>loasant. GOOD ROADS MOVEMENT Interest In Spotsylvanla Is Shown byXarge Attendance TO FORMULATE A PLAN A Strong Committee I? Appointed? Bishop Gibson's Confirmation Ser? vices at Trinity and St. Qeorge. Episcopal Churches? (Specilli to Tho Tluips-Blspntcb.) FREDBRICK.SB?RG, VA., April T.-? At Spoteylvnnlft Courthouse' ytmtordnn thoro was a largo crowd present, It be? lng the April term of tho County Court? A goad roads mooting was hold, wltU Lewis A. Boggsi chairman, nnd S. (1, Howlsori. secretary. After u general die? cussiou ot tho subject, a coiiitiilttoo win appointed to draft a plan for the Im? provemont of tho publlo highways, to be submitted lo a mooting to bo held at the May torm of tho court. Tho com? mittee named to formulato the plan it composed of Henry Warden, Captain M? B. Rowo, Thomas P. Payno, W. G. DU? lard und M. F. Walte. Mr. Honry War? den wns recommended as vice-president for Spotsylvanla county ot the State Oooii Roads Association, . Bishop R. A. Gibson preached an able sermon at Trinity Eplseopul Church In this city last night, and at its conclu? sion confirmed a class of candidates. To-night l'io preached at St. George's? Episcopal Church here to a largo con? gregation and conducted confirmation services. 'Flro destroyed a part of the resident? una kltchon of Mr. Joseph' Monroe, In Stafford county, and It was with great dllllculty thut the remainder of tho house was saved. Thero waa no insurance. A vnluablo Percheron horso belonging to Hon. James E. McC'lcHand, of Balti? more, by some menus got down In Its ?l'ali at the farm of William Green, near Flnchvllle, In Spotsylvanla county, and . In struggling broke his leg. The fine animal had to be shot, A-trade excursion will bo given Thurs? day by the'steamer Tourist, of the (Peo? ple's lino, from all points along the Rap? pa ha n nock River, between this city and Urbanna. Elaborate preparations aro being made for the Easter gorman, which will .take placo In tho Opera House hero next Mon? day night. A largo number o? etrang?rsi uro expected to participate. Major W. S. Ernbrey, of this city, hns purchased tho Tookmnn estate, near Parker's, in Spotsylvanla county, contain? ing 1,361 acres of valuable timber land, besides tho residence ?*nd outbuildings, for ?U00. During a trial at Spotsylvanla Obunty Court, Commonwealth's Attorney Lee J. Graves and Attorney E. H. Do Jarnetto while engaged in a case, became Involved In a disputo nnd high words passed. Each was nbout to let nn Ink-stand fly nt tho othor.f when the Shorlft stepped between them and slopped the trouble, judge Waller lined the lawyers J5 each, but af? terwards remitted It. John' Allen, colored, of Orange county, was found dead on the road, near liM homo, from tho ffects of a.big spree. ? ? IN STAUNTON 1 Good Work of Ladles' Auxiliary to the Y. M. C'A. (Spediti to Tlie Tlmns-Dlspntcb,) STAUNTON, VA., April 7.-Tho Ladles' Auxiliary to tho Young Men's Christian Association held their annual meeting in the parlors of the Y. M. C. A. yester? day afternoon at 4 o'clock. The meeting was opened by prayer by General Secre? tary Walter D. Hogo. Matters ot a gen? eral business character Svero taken up. after which Mrs. W. W. King, president, submitted her report, which showed that somo good work has been done by the socloty in the/past yenr, and that the present membership Is OS. Mrs. Charles Curry, chairman of tho Ladles* Auxiliary library, submitted her report, showing , a small balance of funds .on hand. Tho following officers wero olected for the ensuing year: Mrs. John A. Alex? ander, president; Mrs. James Woodward, tronsurcr; Mrs. Joseph Barkmnn, secre? tary; Mrs. Henry Ilutchlnson. first vice president; Mrs.' Frank Holt, second vice president; Mrs. A. D. R.Hnnchcr. third H'Icn-presldcnt; Mrs. G. G. Child, fourlh vlco-prosldont; Mrs. Preston Lnnk'ford, fifth vice-president; Mre. Walter Hobo. sixth vice-president. In selecting tho fix vice-presidents one was selected from onch of tho denominations represented In tho Ladles' Auxiliary. The Psstorlul Association of Augusta county met in regular session yesterday In Christ Church chapel. Anumber o'f new members wrro recolvod, after whloh the following ofllcers wero.olected: E. A, Rnpnss, president; A. D, R. Handier, sec rotary; Y, von Riser, treasurer. SERIOUS FREIGHT WRECK Train Diyldesand Then Crashes To? gether Near Evington. t I (SPoelnl to Tlio Tliriee-Dlepiitcli.)' LYNCH STATION, VA.? April 7,-A' serious freight wreck occurred 'on the? Southorn Railway near Evington yes? terdny morning nbout 6:80 o'clock, Three tramps aro reported to bo badly Injured, but all of tho trainmen escaped. The twin wns coming south and broke a coupling, which caused tho two parts to come together, Twelve"' or fifteen cars woro wrocke* and the track torn up for a considerable distance, The passenger? wero transferred, across tho break thla morning. ' .... H. C. Peatherston, of the Lynohburg bar, was hero Saturday, and Mr. IL C, Hester, attorney, was horo yestorday, Thoy are counsel for Tom Anderson, charged with the murder of Henry Thomas. This case has attracted atten? tion from tho fact that It has been once trlod'Mn the County Court and taken to the Supremo Court of Appeals nnd sent hack to tho County Court for another trial, Tho caso Is to trlod next woelt. Rev. James Arthur Called. (Spoclul to Ttiu Tlmns-Dlspiitcli.) CHATHAM, VA., April 7??At a meet? ing of tho members of tho Presbyterian Church 'Sunday morning, Rev. Junios Arthur, of Oampboll county, was called as a supply for this ohureji nnd tho ohtiroh at Sprlns Gardon. The result of years of experiment Gorham S'i&ybr Polish Doca not cake or fill un interstices CJcuua aa well ?s polishes