Newspaper Page Text
ARGE DEAL IN TOBACCO Tho Continental Said to Havo Secured Williams Co. REPORT IS NOT CONFIRMED There Seems Every Reason, However, to Believe That it Is True?Those In Authority Decline to Talk. While no direct confirmation can be ob talntid from those alono /in a position to know the actual facts, there Is every rea? son to regard as at least well founded rumors which gained curroncy yesterday ? morning to ?ho effect that tho T. C. Wil? liams Tobacco Company, of this city, per? haps the largest. I?d.?a<mdcut concern of It'? kind ln the oountry, has been acquired by the Continental Tobacco Company. ? The head of tho big concern declines to make any statement whatsoever, nnd this ?f itself Is rogarded as significant. The -vloe-'jresldent of the company, who rep? resenta a1 controlling Intorest ln It, Is 'now ln New York, understood to be In ?onforoiioo with roforonco to the sale. When he returns there will probably bo ?some Information given out, but until then no expression is made. That tho ne? gotiations aro on thero can be no doubt; that they havo been closed, or practically ? BO, Is gonorally bellevod. Tho purchoso price is 60ld to approximate 43,500,000 or 14,000,000. HAS BEEN AFTER IT. ? ;'?. For the past year or two the Continen? tal, a branch of tine great trust which vir? tually controls the tobacco Industry of tho country, has been costing Its longing oyes ln tho direction of tho big Richmond plant. It already controlled ono big es? tablishment here?tho P. H. Mayo branch ?but 'the, sise and success of tho other ..'firm mode It a most desirable acquisition, If It could be secured. But somehow things did not progress with great facility. TheT. C. Williams Company sot a lig? ure, it Is Bald, and refused to budgo from It. Tho Continental went off for a while, ?nd then came back, but with the same er similar success. Since this time there have been period-'? Ically circulated rumors that the company had at last sold out, but timo only showed that tho rumors amounted to nothing, Hence when they came, to the surface again yesterday scant heed was paid to them at first.' But they were repeated and with such show of correctness that they commanded more than the ordinary re . epect. Before long tho report was all around Shockoo Slip, and .tobacco mon were gathered about ln knots discussing If. ?: DECLINE TO TALK, Efforts to get some positive denial or confirmation of the report were altogether Without effect. Mr. R, S. Boshor, presi? dent of the T. C. Williams Company, declined to make any statement whatso? ever. He was non-committal. He would neither deny nor confirm. Mr. Williams himself could not be seen. For several days past he has been ln New York, and lie will not be back for several days more. When he comes something definite .may be given out. j Meanwhile tobacco men. Judging all the Indications and circumstances, havo come to the conclusion that the rumor Is cor " rcet: A gentleman more or less closely Identified with the trust expressed the opinion yesterday that there was good ground for the report. The deal, it is said, is practically settled. It was closed within the last few days?some say on last Friday, So much and no more can be learned about the reported deal. Everybody Is guessing, and It is a curious circumstance that while they have discredited the ru? mors before, everybody seems to believe that it is right this tlm*. A GREAT CONCERN. The T. C. Williams Company, as stated above, is perhaps the largest Independent tobacco manufactory in the United States. It operates os a single concern two giant factories, and manufactures plug 'and twist chiefly and fine export tobaccos largely. The plant was first established by James Thomas, Jr., more than sixty years ago. Tho late T. C. Williams was manager ot It for the founder of the business before he reached the head of it himself, and It Is to him largely that the success ot the enterprise Is good. In 1862 he succeed? ed Mr. Thomas, and the firm of T. C. Williams & Company succeeded him In ISSO. Upon the defcth of Mr. Williams, tho present T. C. William's Company was1 In? corporated, about 1SS9. The president of the company to-day Is Mr. Robert S. Bosher; tho vlct-presldent, Mr. Thomas C. Williams, Jr.; the secretary and treas? urer. Mr. W. S. Wortham. The man? ager ot factory No. 3 1s Mr. J. C. Knox. The capital stock of tho company la about $400,000. The output of tlve factories Is about 4,000,000 pounds of finished stock annually. The concern employs from 800 to 1.000 hnnds. Its best known brand Is, perhaps, the famous "Lucy Illnton." Others are "Mnttaponl," "May Apple." "Nosegay," "Paris Medal," "Golden Eagle," "Plum," "Old Dominion" and many others for domestic consumption; and for foreign trade, "Impr.rlnl Ruby," "Blrd's-Eye 'Twist," "Victory," Golden Eagle," "Mabel," "Juno," "Jonas," and so on. MISS DEYO SCOTT The Famous Dancer to Join the Acad? emy Musical Comedy Company. Manager Giften mnde the announce? ment yesterday that Miss Deyo Scott will be here at tho end of this week und will appear In tho production of '"Die Olrl From Paris," which Is to lie tho bill of the Academy Musical Comedy Company next week. Miss Scott, who Is known to the profes? sional stage ns "Deyo," has a world-wtdo reputation as? a dancer, Sho has f.lled 'prominent a position with the Daly Musi? cal Comedy Company In the New York production of "A Country Girl." BHe closes with the Daly Company on Sat? urday night nnd will leiuve at once for Richmond. She will play the part (if Mademoiselle Bon-bon In "Tha Olrl From l'arie." The announcement thnt Mlas Deyo Scott Is to Join the Glffen forres Will be received with great pleasure here, for she firmly established herself in pop? ular favor last summer as a member of the Dramatic Stock Company. Manager Glffen Mid last night that ho was particularly well pleased that Mis? ?cott could come herp. "A dancing sou? brette Ih Just what the. company wanted" ??he said, "I think It will then be tlie etrongest musical comedy company I have seen. Miss du Pollppe ^.?.?,, ?f couree, sing Ihe prima donna rolRs In ?|| the productions to be made by my com? pany," Miss Orayce Scott will r.omc to Rich? mond with her sister next Sunday, she will not appear with the company but Will ?pend the summer here with' her husband. Mrs. Scott Is also expected to Mooompany her daughters. Ministers Here. Rev. J. Sidney Peters, of Hampton Va pa-tor of the First Methodist Ch'uri h ?m ha tho city yeneiOay _re?iJug 0m' Distinctive Easter Suits. w E now havo a line of Spring and Summer Suits for Yourig Men that wo actually bc-^ lieve to be superior in quality of fabric, stylo and excellence of tailoring, At and wearing quality. They are built for yoking men?designed for young men?in smart styles that young men ad? mire. It's clothing that's distinctive?with marks of high gracledness all over it. , . ' ? $10.00. $12.50 to $30.00. We have the same distinctive clothing for men of middle age and' thoso more advanced in years. $10.00, $15.00 to #35.00. In fact, a/13) man who wants to be in the latest Btyle in clothes should come in and look at a suit;' if our $15.00 Special is too snappy for you we'll show you another which will Btiit you. Jacobs ? Levy, 70S East Broad Street. Wo havo divorced many a man who thought ho was wedded to his tailor. Manhattan Shirts. Howard Hats. Crossett Shoes. friends horo. Mr, Peters was a member ot tho Houso of Delegates somo years ago, prior to his outrance upon tho work of tho ministry, Rov. B. F. Llpscomb, D. D? treasurer of tho Randolph-MHcon College, Asltland, was In the city yesterday on business connected with the college. PROF. LANE TO LECTURE He Appears To-Morrow Night In the Lyceum Course. Professor Charles Lane, the celebrated southern lecturer, will appear In the Lyceum Course to-morrow evening at S-.30 o'clock at the Y. M. C>A. Hall. The subject of the lecture will be "Talks and Talkers," and tho discourse Is" spoken of very highly, as Is also tho lecturer hlmsolt. Sam Jones says of Professor Lane: "He Is undoubtedly tho finest humorist In tho South." ',-!,-;?;..:. The Atlanta Constitution says: "Pro? fessor Lane would grace any occasion and any platform, Ho has no superior as a humorist In the South." The Atlanta Journal says: "Tho man that Professor Lane don't make laugh may as well buy a cemetery lot, He Is a dead shot on blues and to?pid liver. Hear him and you will get a new lease on Ufo." All who have heard him speak In the | highest terms of his laughter-provoking powers. He Is a Georgian by birth. NOT DISCOURAGED Hon. Charles T. Bland Discusses His Firemen's Bill. Delegate Charles T. Bland, of Ports? mouth, patron of the firemen's relief bill, now before tho Senate Committee on Finance, stated lost night to a Times Dispatch reporter that he was not at all discouraged by the failure of tho com? mittee to report tho bill yesterday. In? deed, he declares that sufficient members of the clmmltee are favorable to tho measure to Insure its favorable report to the Senato. Tho failure of the committee to take any action was duo to Senator Goorgo Wuyne Anderson, of this city, who desires to obtain an opinion from the Attorney-General as to the authority of the G?ngsal Assembly to appropriate the public funds for the purposes stated In tho bill. He did not express any hos? tility to the measure or to tho object sought to be attained by It, but merely desires Information as to the constitu? tionality of action by tho General As? sembly. . a ON TRIAL FOR MURDER OF GOVERNOR GOEBEL fBjr Associated Press.) FRANKFORT, ICS., April 7.-The do fetiso In the Howard murder cuso to? day withdrew Its application for a ohango of venue, and the caso was culled for trial. -The Commonwealth answered ready and the defense was given until to-mor? row morning at 8 o'clodk to answer, Howard has beon convicted of tho mur? der of 'Governor William Goobel over three years ago nnd sentenced to be hiingod?. He was on appeal granted a. new trial, which Is now pending. DEATHS OF A DAY. (?t AssocliitBd Press,) WASHINGTON, D, C, April 7.?A dis? patch wns received at tho Navy Depart? ment to-day from Key. West, announc? ing tho death of Rear-Admiral George E. ftelknap, United States Navy, retired. Death occurred of apoplexy, The deceased was detailed by the general board for es? tablishing a naval liase. He will be burled at Brooklyn, Mass. PLACED UNDER HEAVY BONDS Hattie Banks and Robt. Alex? ander Fined for Disorder In Rochelle's Bar. R. L, McCormlck and Charles ??? Donatigli wore placed under VM lioniia In Iho Police Court yesterday on the charge of being suspicioni) <-hn ruoter?, but wero dismissed o? tho charge of tak? ing clothe? from Hurlt & Company's store. They furnished the bonds. William Hell got drunk luid disorderly and paid $5 for It, Fannie Hopkins cut Liscie Kerell (Id worth. , Sam Mills paid $2.50 for being drunk ami disorderly on Ilio pi omises of Mrs, L. C. Hawluy. ( George Vnughan'and Ned Foster went down for thirty du>?? for drunkenness. tiflttle Bunks paid $10 for being dis orderly in Itpchollp'? Lar-room, ami Rob' ert Alexander was charged f?S for throw? ing a botile und breaking a mirror In the saino place. Julia Johnson and l^uru Smith were assessed |2.W) each for star-gazing and belli?; too Kay, THE ONIONS IN CAPITOL SQUARE Two Hundred Dollars for a Plan to Exterminate Them. The Salcrri Tlmes-Rcgleter of recent date took Colonel John W. Richardson, Register of the Land Office, protty sound? ly to task for allowing wild onions to grow In the Capitol Square. Colonel Richardson replied, stating that his appropriation for keeping tho Square in.order has, until last year, been limited. Despite this he hns tried w?t,10Ut success every suggestion offered to eradicate tho onions. Ho offered to send tlhe editor of the Times-Register Ills chock for ?50 Ih return for a successful plan to extermi? nate tho mnlodorous growth. The editor returns to tho charge with the statement that tho condition of the Square is not at all creditable to Col? onel Richardson's management, and that there are many people In Richmond and about the State offices who tlhink like? wise. He suggests that be keep his check for $50 to hire convicts to pick the onions in ^the Square, saying It will be sufficient for the purpose and leave enough over to purchase a present for the Register of the Land Office. To the' above Colonel Richardson has just replied as follows: In reply again, I wish to say that tihe above plan of ridding the Square of on .lcns has been thoroughly tried and has proven completely Ineffective. So tho edi? tor will have to come'again. As to using the {SO to hire convicts, I don't get them thnt way, and If 1 could I would not think o.f hiring them in preference to hon? est white labor. I am authorized to state for Hons. W. W. George, A. M. Bowman and A. L, Huff, members of the present General Assembly, that thoy will supplement my offer of G50 for a remody to get rid of wild onions, J?O each, making a total sum of ?200. I hope thnt the many people In Rich? mond and about tho State offices, referred to above, will havo the kindness of heart, the candor nnd the courage to bring their grievances to mo and help mo out by the suggestion of' some method of wild onion extermination, Instead of making their complaints to persons 200 miles remoto from tho capital. JOHN W. RICHARDSON. Fine Steam Yacht. ? vory fine steam yacht, apparently about 3?0 feet In length und of tho first class, yesterday steamed up the rlvor and anchored off tho chemical works, just below tho city. Sho had white masts and is a vory hnndsomo craft, but none of thoso who saw her knew her name nor hor ownor's. About 3:30 P. M. sho steamed down tho rlvor again. The newly completed revenue crutter Tusoarora Is now moored Just off the Clyde Lino dock. SICK HEADACHE CURED And its return provented by USING ' Dr. David's Liver Pills. Best on earth for Constipation, Biliousness, Dyspepsia und Liver Tro u b lea, Price, 25c. everywhere. LIFE IS WORTH LIVING If a liver would Jive Ah u liver sbottiti live, And keep from all liver ills, He miiiit take for his livor That curtain health (fiver, bi. Durili'* Heut Liver lJMs. Price, ase, a box everywhere. OWENS & MINOR DRUG CO., iii.luuoucl, Va.*" MANY GOOD HERE Southern Vehicle Manufac? turers ln session. WELCOMED BY THE MAYOR A Visit to Bo-toek?.': LMt Night ?nd ? Trip Out to Seven Pine? to? .' Day?List of Those Who Ara Here. ? ? -_ ' With probably a hundred membere proscnt, the second annual Convention of tho Southern Vehicle Manufacturera 'con? vened yesterday hamming ln tho spacious hall ln Murphy's Annex Mayor Taylor was IntrodUoed by Mr, C. O. Bosher and made tlio following address of welcome: "1 appreciate highly the honor conferred upon mo by this auspicious occasion. This gathorlng from? our Bouthland Inspires us with tho hope .that we, are always to? gether in Dixie. Your mooting, fraught with tho good o? your calling, will do much towards a concentration ot thought and action in ' bringing about all that is nocossary for your association, Here you will meet friendly hands, ln the grasp of which you will readily feel at home. This historio city, wliich naturally bo longs to Virginia, is a part and parcel of tho South and so Mended In the common lssuos which once confronted us that you will havo a fellow-feeling toward us. We aro glad to "have you with us and our pooplo will show : their appreciation of your coming by their courtesy and kind? ness towards you,[ You aro surrounded by our loading citisene, who will soe to it that your stay is pleasant, and'now, on behalf of tho city, and as her Mayor, I bid you all a? sincero and hearty wel? come." HflHH TUB PROGRAMME!. Tho programme for tho remaining days of the convention Is as follows: N I April 8, 30 A. M.?.Reading minutes of 1 precodlng day. Unfinished business. Ap? pointment of Nominating Committee. Re? port of Freight Committee. Paper by Mr. R. S. Unrbour on "Economy In Office and Factory." 2 P. M.?Trip to battlefield of Seven Pines. 8 P. M.?Academy. April 0, 10 A, M.?Reading of minut?e, etc. Reiwrt of Nominating Committee. Election of officers. Seleotlon of next Iliaco of meeting. Paper by C. P. Hender? son on "Credit Bureau." Paper by J. O. Anderson on "Fire Protection and Insur? ance." 2 P. M.?Acquaintance social at Mur? phy's Hotel. 8:30 P. M.?Banquet, assembly hall, Mur? phy's Hotel, A CARRIAGE DRIVE. At 2 o'clock: yesterday afternoon the visitors wore tendered a carrlago drive over tho city, ' A number of tho historic old points of interest were visited, whllo the fashionable West End was not over? looked. In fact, tho routo was so plan? ned that every ono was pleased and well Impressed with what ho saw. Last night they went to Bostock's. To-day the convention iwlll convene at 10 o'clock, and until noon will confine It? self strictly to shop talk nnd a general discussion of points In which they are directly Interested, In the afternoon, promptly at 2 o'clock, the makers of ve? hicles will congregate at Seventh and Broad Streets, whore they will board spe-, clal cars and ride to Seven Pines. The return will bo made by 6 o'clock, and at night tho entire crowd will be taken to the Academy of Music. Tho convention will adjourn Thursday, when tho officers for the ensuing year will be elected and tho next place of meeting decided upon. THOSE WHO ARE HERE. Among the members of tho association who are here are tho following: J. L. Thurston, Hildreth Varnish Company; William Hat ton, T. P. Powell & Co., Newark, N. J.; D. J. Moore, Sherwln Wllllams Company; D. J. Bagwell. Gainesville, Oa.; W. J. Comer, Charles? ton, S. C ; Harry Cantey, Standard Var? nish Compnny. Atlanta, Ga. ; J. K. Rogers, Newburg, N. Y.; W. A. Snyder, Plqua (O.) Pioneer Bending Company; Standard Antl-Frlctlon Equipment Com? pany, 60 Brondwny, Now York; F. L. Schneider (W. A. Eberly Wheel Works), York, Pa.; Charles E. Adams, Cleveland. Hardware Company; James R. Swan, Cleveland Hardware Company; J. B. Armstrong Manufacturing Company, Flint, Mich.; S. E. Wright, Philadelphia, Pn. (Roush); King Springs Compnny, Buffalo, N. Y.; Pratt & Lambert, Now York, N. Y.; B, B. Lynch, Baltimore, Md.; J. A. McCroskery, Hlggln Manu? facturing Company; B. McGovorn, Lime Rock, Conn.; Atwator Manufacturing Company; Southlngton Company; Impe? rial Lea Compnny, Newark, N. J.; Hess Spring nnd Axle Company, Carthago, O.; C. M. Foucho, Pittsburg Spring Com? pany; D. P. Hale, Sandersvlllo, Go,; W. R. Alloman, LltUetow.riV Pa.; S. M. Seo wald, Morgan & Wright, C. D. Franko & Co., Charleston. S. C.J John W. Mnsury & Bon, New York. N. Y.i Holdt & Bul llngton, Atlanta, Gn.; J. A. & D. P. Cooper Company, Strutbers, O.; Shorer & Co.. Detroit, Mich.; W. J. Hoynes, Kelly Moss, Chicago, 111.; ?oorgo Stongel Company, Nownrk, N. J.; C. A. Wllloy, Hunter's Point, Now York city; C. L. Pilfer, Royer Wheel Company; B. Thomas, Danville. Va.! J. B. Horner Manufacturing Company; Campbell &' Dan Manufacturing Company, Tullnlioma, Tonn.; E. F. Rogers Company, Phlladcl jVhla, Pn.; Motal Stamping Company, New York, N. Y. Back From Funeral. Mr. N. A. Btnll'and Mrs. J. F. Klnnoy returned yesterday from Akron, Ohio, where thoy went to attend the funeral of Mrs, Klnnoy's mother, Mrs, Alice 8, Mills, Mrs. Mills was a former resldont of Rich? mond, but more reoently ot Allegheny, T'a. Sho Is survived by two daughters In Richmond?Mrs. N. A, Stall and Mrs. J. F. Klnney, both well known residents of this city, BUILD AN ANNEX TO M1ZPAH CHURCH Nearly tho Amount Necessary Was'Raised on Last Sunday.? At Mlzpah Church, Chestnut Hill, aftor the sorrnon Sunday morning ~y the pas? tor, Rev. 1). ic. walthall, which was from Acts 20:3G. "it la moro blessed to give than to receive," there was a con? gregational niuutlng of special internst. The object was to complote tlio subscrip? tion for building an annox to the hout,e of worship for the accommodation of tho Habbuth-school, whlel) now meets in the audience room, spirited addresses wero dullvontrl by luyniun, and much enthu? siasm was shown. The result was ?fery ?(ratifying to pastor and people. Of tho ?I.Wu required, an i,ut $123 was subscribed; and the whole amount is so well assured that a committee was appointed to pro? ceed with the erection Pf the building at? , foou as possi blu, MN*M*MHrfWMN*M^|M^''?,<**?**?**'*,|: V Time To See / Our Refrigerators. Every section has its own peculiar Refrigerator re? quirements?we have ours ?our Refrigerators meet those requirements. One minute's time will save you money and the possibility of buying something that will not suit you. 17*45 will buy a good Re? frigerator, i-. , $13.08 will buy one with a large porcelain tank to hold the ice and water to? gether. Enameled and china lined ones up to $50.00. Let us show you our Re? frigerators and tell' you how easy we make the terms.. Furniture, Floor Cover? ings, Stoves, etc. / Ryan, Smith arid Taiman, 609 E. ?road St. Richmond, . . . ? . Va. SOME VIEWS ON CAMPBELL'S PAPER General Impression That It Has Not Helped His Cause. Members of the General' Aesembly, with a few exceptions, are carefully refrain? ing from any expressions as to the merits or domerlts of the answer of Judgo Clar? ence J. CampBoll to the notice served upon him by the Legislature. The mem? bers take tho position that Inasmuch as they must sit as Jurors in the caso in a few days It would be manifestly and highly Improper for thom to express an opinion as to tho answer or any other phaso of tho case at this time. Even those who have expressed themselves aro unwilling to be quoted, and it may be said that not one will talk for publi? cation. A great variety of expressions may be heard second hand, many remarking that tho paper "Is a pretty warm docu- ; ment," whatever that may mean. A few | characterize th? answer as strongly writ? ten, but express doubt that Its tono will strengthen tho Judge's defense. The moro | conservative and non-partisan k element aro inclined to the belief that thJi answer will hurt rathor than holp Judge Camp? bell, and some contond that his strictures | upon counsel In the case In no way weak? ens the case against himself. One gontlsmnn, who did not care to be quoted for, publication, stated that tho effort of the Judge to provo animus on the part of prosecutors and witnesses ought to havo weight in the caso, which he declared was a matter of equity, Gen? erally, however, the Impression seems to be that the Judge's attack on Judge Lov? ing and others cannot In any event holp his own cause, Evening of Music. The quartette and chorus choir of Leigh Stroet Baptist Churoh will givo on Easter Sunday at 8 P.'M. an "evening of mu? elo," consisting of a well-prepared and pleasing programmo. The pastor, Rov. M. Ashby Jones, will not deliver any ser? mon, and Instead the choir will render a beautiful cantata, ."The Risen King," by 'Schnecker. It Is repleto with gems of | melody In solos, trios and quartettes for both malo and fournie voices, and It will be the first time sung In Richmond. For Expenses. Tho House Committee on Flnanco. yes? terday afternoon roported the Cabell bill to appropriato ?7.500 to defray the-ox penses of the Committee on Final Re? vision and Adjustment. Tho bill, ns originally offered, carried $5.000, but was amended Jn the committee. Archbishop of Manila. ( (llv ?sHoclntpd Press.) ROME, April 7.-Rlght Rov. fJooree Montgomery, coadjutor archbishop nf Ban Francisco, Cal., has been appointed archbishop of Maniai. REAL? ESTATE. COIL AND TIMBER LANDS WANTED. WE DESIRE TO COMMUNICATE with parties owning or having for sale COAL AND TIMBER LANDS In Vir? ginia and West Virginia. Address INVESTOR, V. O. Box V*, Newport News, Va, AUCTION 8AH8-FUTURE DAYS THOMPSON BROWN TotH?* ~ Highest Bidder ?nkwood Av. ?n irne ttofi lino on premises, Thurs., Apr. 9? & CO. m M. 3 SUBURBAN TRACTS Mnn-feHld???t ooirife?ny alesl?g OUI. ..LABT CHANCE t? bUy tt?Hl flfit hatids Prov?Sus Bar? HAVE RESOLD at DOUBLE PttOiTBl ?there have. built. CHEAPBUT SPECULATIVE property,, and BEST HOME BITES for the moneys ,OOOD ?????????? many Improvements. Sapid transiti easy tbrmb? oet plat and handbill for pat 'tiniitnra shawlne- LOTS SOLD and Improved, tlauiars, snowing uno |R0WN & co.,. Auctioneer?, 111? Main Streot. _MM^M[r____^^^ssMii????i??s?s?s^d?sis??s^??s?g AUCTION ?ALES-???? DAY. By J, ?. Elam & Co., Real Estate Auctioneers, EXECUTOR'S SALE BY ' ?_, ?? PUBLTC AUCTION OIT . ___ THAT -1?1VVBNIENTLY? LOCATED, MODERN, VERY SUBSTANTIAL AND VALUABLE DETACHED. THREE-STORY BRICK REB1DENCE, No. 14 East Main Street, NORTH SIDE MAIN BETWEEN FIRST AND FOUSHEE. By direction ot tho, executor, and for the purpose of closing'on estate, wo shall sell by public auction, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1902, at 6 o'clo?k P. M? tho abovo-namod at? tractive and valuable residence, the lot fronting 28 8-12 foot, running back within parallel lines IK toot, thoro or loss, to an alley ln common 10 feet wido, and tho dwelling thereon, being .a most substantial, spacious and well appointed detached three-story brick structure, containing about fifteen rooms of good size, the Usual modern conveniences, large, bath-room, pantry, closets, largo stationary kitchen range, laundry tubs, Latrobe stove, large fuol vault, and a large brick stahlo on the lot; tho promises being In good repair, The prosont rental of the house Is $700 per annum. If desired the building could be converted Into flats, for which there Is sufficient width or depth, or both. TERMS?Ono-third cash, balance by nogotlablo notes at 1 and 2 years, with In-? terest added end secured by deed of trust; or all ln cash, at tho option of the pur? chaser. ?/, ?y?<< 3. ?. ELAM & CO.. Api 2,a,4,7,8 Auctioneers. By Tho VnlentlntB Auction Co., 612 East Brpod Street LANDLORD SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC. We will sell at our auction ware-rooms, 612 East Brond Street, ? THIS (WEDNESDAY) MORNING, APRH. 8TH, AT 10:30 O'CLOCK, for whom It may concern, Brass and Enameled Bods, Mattresses and Springs. Wanut and Oak Bedetoads, Walnut and Oak Chamber Suits, Sideboards. Exten? sion Tables, Refrigerators, Baby Car? riages, Rockers, Folding Beds, with mir? ror fronts, Bed Lounges, Library TO We"; Desk, China Case; Bewlng Muchlnos, Din? ing-room Chairs, Pictures. Clocks, I Hat Rack, Lace Curtains, 60 Tablecloths, Rugs, Pillows and Bolster Coses, Countorpanos, Sheets, Center Tables, Old-fashion Ma? hogany Case Square Plano. Lampa, Drug, gets, Stoves, Crockery, Oak and Walnut Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, and other good and useful household articles. At 12 o'clock a niimbor of good now Suits of Men's Clothes. Terms?Cosh. ? ???? VALENTINE AUCTION CO. UIGH CONSTABLE'S SALE. By virtue of sundry attachments ln my hands against J. C. Pugh, and at the re? quest of tho said J. C. Pugh. I will sell at public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1903, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at No. 1801 East Main Street, tho following property, to-wlt:.. CASH REGISTER. IRON SAFE, SHOW-CASE. STOVE. FOUR CHAIRS, TABLE. BACK-BAR AND MIRROR. BAR COUNTER, ICE-BOX, BOTTLES, ETC. TERMS-Cash. B. C. OARRIBON^ H. C. C. R. AUCTION SALES?FUTURE DAYS. By Chas. A. Rose, Real Estate Auctioneers COMMISSIONERS' BALE OF VACANT LOT FRONTING 81 FEET BY 70 FEET DEEP, ON THE SOUTHERN LINE OF CABELL STREET BETWEEN TYLER AND HICKORY STREETS. Tn execution of decree entered ln the Law and Equity Court of Richmond, Va., In cause of Allen vs. Allen, dated March 18, 1903, tho undersigned Sixi.clal Commis? sioners will sell on the nromlses THURSDAY, THE 9TH. AT ? P. M., tho above described lot, which Is well lo? cated for building purposes. TERMS?Cash. DAVID MEADE WHITE, W. D. GAY, Special Commissioners, The bond required of the Special Com? missioners by the abovo decreo has beon duly given. p p WINBTON. Api 8-2t Clerk. Geo. W: Mayo, Auctioneer. HORSES. MUIvEs7~COW8, WAGONS, BUGGY, PLOWS, ETC.. AT AUC? TION. By virtue of a certain deed o? trust dated the ICth day of November. 1301, and recordod In tho clerk's oiTlcc of Hen? rlco County Court In D. B, 104 "B." page 81, default .having been made In the pay? ment of the debt secured thereby, and being required so to do by the beneficiary therein, I will sell by public nuctlon, on the promises occupied by ?olon F. Greon, near Short Pump, In Henrlco county, at 10:80 A. M. WEDNESDAY, APRTL 15, 1903, 2 Horsos, 1 Mulo, 3 Cows, 1 Heifer. 2 Wagons, l.Buggy, 2 Doublo Plows, 3 Sin? gle Plows. CORNELIUS MTMMS, JAMES H. BLACKWELL, Goo, W. Mayo, Auctioneer, Trustees. Api 8,11.12,14,15 FOR RENT. SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE OFFICES. Newly arranged and papered, on the THIRD FLOOR of the TIME8? DISPATCH BUILDING. Light, heat and Janitor service. For price and particulars apply to the Tiiyies.Qi-PAT-H office, COR RENT. A WELL-ESTABLISHED CORNER GROCERY,/ FEED AND LIQUOR STORE, AND IN?' a good. locality on Churoh Hill; only |25 tier month. Good reasons for giving up business. WM. B. PIBZINI CO.. Tenth and Bank Strouts. COR RENT. ~ ." G I FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, until September 1st, No. 822 W. Grace Street. Unexptred lease. Cheap to quick tenant. Apply 922 w. Grace Street. COR RENT, NO. 100% EAST CLAV STREET; VERY desirably located Brick Dwelling; all modern Improvements; rent reasonable. Q. U & H. L. DENOON, N . - '?.'?*? Main Street, . By Pollard A Bnkby, Real Estate Auctioneer?, pOMMISStONBR'B AUCTION BAL? ^ OF VALUABLE PROPERTY ON UTTHV PAGE BTRBET, MATTOX HILL; COTTAGE DWELLING AND . , VERY LARGE LOT, KNOWN ?? KORTB PLACE. In execution of a decreo of ''the C?roult Court of ; Honrlco, entered on April !?, 1903. In the suit of Joseph Korto, win? sues. vs. Mary Korto et nie., I will sell by auotlon on the premises, on FRIDAY. APRIL 10. 1903, at 5 o'clock P. M.. the abovoi-montlonod property. Tho dwelling Is a good double two-story cottage of five or six rnoms, Thoro aro several outbuildings on tno lot of considerable vaino. The lot has a Inrg? frontage on Llttlopage Street and lg very, deep,, A plot of the property con be seen; at the office of tho auctioneers. TERMS?Ono-thlrd cash,' reelduo nt ? nnd 12 months, credit payments to bear] Interest and' he evidenced by negotiable! notes; title retained until tho whole ot\ tho purchase monev Is paid.. ? CONWAY R. BANDS, Special Commissioner, 1 I, John E. Broaddus. clerk of the sal* court, do. certify that tho bond required' of tho Special Commissioner by tho de? cree rendered in said cause on the 3d day of April, 1903. has been duly given. JOHN E. BROADDUS. / Api B-tds Clerk. By N. W. Bowo, Real Estate Auctioneer. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION BALE OF THE FARM OF 250: ACRES KNOWN AS "SWEENEY'S," ADJOIN-1 INO CURL'S NECK PLANTATION. /?. IN HENRICO COUNTY. j In pursuance of a deed of trust from Martha F. Smith, to the undersigned, dated May 30, 1S80, of rocord in D. B. 104, pago 463; Henrlco county clerk's office, and by authority of a decreo of the Chancery Court of the City of Richmond. ? entered March 5, 1903, in the suit o? Cox, Administrator, &o., vs. Cox, Exo-1 cutor, &c, being reoulrod to do so by suld decree, 1 will sell at publlo auction, In front ot Henrlco County Courthouse, at 12 o'clock M., on MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1903, that being the first day of tho April term of the County Court, that well known farm or tract of land in the lower end of Henrlco county, about 12 miles below Richmond, called "SWEENEY'S." and containing 2COV4 acres, more or less, situated on the Charles City Road, ad? joining tho Curl's Neck Plantation, now owned by? Mr. C. H. Benff. TERMS?Tho deed requires cash as to the debt secured and costs of Bale, but by consont of the parties Interested the purchaser will bo permitted to pay one third of tho purchaso price In cash and give negotiable? notes, with Interest add? ed, at 6, 12 and .18'months, for the real due, secured by a -dood or trust on the property; or all cash, as preforrod. A. R. COURTNEY, Api 2-tds Trustee. 4 By James H. Crenshaw, Real Estate Auctioneer, ;,jl013 E. Main Street. '?(Postponed from March 30, 1903, to date below on account of rain.) TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A DESIRABLE BUBURBAN RESIDENCB ON BROOK TURNPIKE WITH 16% ACRES OF LAND. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated the 13th day of February, 1890, and) recorded In tho clerk's office of Henrlco County Court In D. B. 129 "A." page 39?.| default having been made in the payment! of a part of the debt secured thereby, and being required so to do by the bene? ficiary therein, I will sell, by public auc-( tlon, on the premises, on SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1903, at 4 o'clock P. M., the property described In said trust' deed, as that piece or par-> eel of land, with the Improvements there? on, lying and being In Henrlco county, I Va., containing fifteen and one-half (15Vj) acres, more or less, fronting on the west side of Brook Turnpike, throe-fourths ot a mile from the city of Richmond; Im? provements consist of a Stuccoed Brick? Dwelling of nine rooms and othor build-;. Ings, formerly the residence of John ?. ? Crenshaw, deceased. I will sell said land! to pay the following charges: TERMS?Cash sufficient to pay expenses of executing this trust, all unpaid taxes to day of sale, and to pny $3.000 (balance1, duo oh tho lost note for $3.540) and Inter- ] est on said $3.000 from February 18, 1602; I the residue at one and two years, to bel evidenced by negotiable notes, with Inter? est added and secured by trust deed on ' said property. W. A. RICK8, Trusto? ? By James Hi Cronshaw, Auctioneer. Mar Sl-tds By Reni Estato Trust Company, Real Estate Auctioneers. COMMISSIONER'S SA LE ?IO That Well-Located Dwelling No. 115, on 'Second Streot between Cary and Canal Streets; also a iBrlcfe Store. No. 825, With Dwelling Above, on tho Southeast Corner, nf Third and Baker Streets, and? Two Frame Tenements on Bnker Street In rear ! of the Brick Store. By virtue of a decree of the Chancery! Court of tho city of Richmond, enterod Mnrch 11, 1903. In the suit of A. C. Kar? man. Substituted Trustee, vs. Casper ! Emile Wendllnger and others, I will ns > Special -Commissioner, sell by public auc? tion, on the premisos, on FRIDAY. APRIL 10, 1903, tho real estate above mentioned, In the following order; Commencing at 4:30 P. M. with the Brick Dwelling No. 11B South Second Street. The lot fronts 30 feet and runs bnck'lll feet 7 ?nehesto an alley. 2d. Suy at 6:30 P. M., the Brick Store and Dwelling above, No. 825 North Third ? Street, together with tho two Frame Tene? ments In roar, The lot fronts 20 feet and runs back 122 foot to a 18-foot alley. The location of this property should at? tract lnvostors. ., , ," ? TERMS-Ono-thlrel cash, and the liai-, anco at 8, 12 and 18 months for negotiable notes, with Interest added, and title re? tained, -i A.C.HARMAN. Special Commissioner. The bond required of the Special Com-j mlssloner by tho above decreo has been duly given. cnABi. a SAVILLE. ? Apl6-tds Clerk. *| ? ? -?? I ? ? By ?. AV. Bowo, Real Estato Auctioneer. . TRUSTEE'S SAL?T7 -. OF 160 ACRES OF LAND ABOUT 10 MILES NORTHWEST OF RICHMOND, I BY AUCTION. In execution of a' deed of trust dnted February 23, 1E93, and recorded In Honrlco County Court on the 17th day of Feb? ruary. 1903, I wilt sell by auction, In front of Henrlco County Courthouse, on ?MONDAY, APRIL 13. 1B03, that being court day, at 12:30 o'clock P. M., that certain trnot or parcel of land '? above referred to, bounded bv the landa of Miss Molile F. Winston. T. A. Cary,! Shoiipnrd's heirs and othters, TERMS?Cash sufficient to pay the coBts of ???? nnd taxes on tho land for the past ten years, and to discharge tho balance duo for purchase money, amounting to 1200, with Interest thereon from Deeemf ber 2. 190O, and the residuo to he paid at stich timo and scoured in such manner as .the grantor or his assigns sholl pr?. serlbe and fllreot, but should no such direction ho given then the residuo Is to bo on a eredjt of one yeor. for noto with Interest added nnd secured hy a trust deed on the property, . 4 .,,.., ' ?>*- ?. W. BOWE, I