Newspaper Page Text
?&?, S8IK iSSS: I'WHOLE NUMBER, 16,217, KICHMOND, VA., PllIDAY, AP1UL 17, i 1908 PRICE TWO CENTS. SURIMARY OF DAY'S NEWS THEWEATHER. WAHmNGTON, Aprll lO.-Forecaflt for Kriday ahU Kiiturday: Vlrglnla?Falr Frlday; Baturdny warm ei'i freah notth to cnst wlnds. North Carollno?Partly cloudy Frlday: Baturday warmorj fresh horth to cast iwlnds, Yoaterday wan ofTlclnlly proniatnced tlio Goldest day of tho montli. 'Hm morcury got ii8 low a? forty-four degrocrt nt i o'clock, lnit theroafter II. began to rlne, nnd at inldnlght Htood al llfty-one. l-filr ?woatlier Is predictcd Cor to-day, and ?wnrmcr to-morrow. BTATB OF THE 'JMIEBMOMETER. V A, M. % n m.f. B P. M. i.*\ 0 P. M.?."'?? & 0 P, M.'?.? ? 12 roldnlght . ^_ Avorugo.?. 47 M lHgheat tempernturo yoaterday. ? Lowcat tempcraturo yoaterday...'*{ ilean tempcrature yesterday.. Jg Normal tcmpenituro for Aprll.... w Depurturo from normal tempcraturo. Jl Prccipltatlon durlng past 24 hours.01 MINTATTJBE iAL/MANAC. Aprll 17, 1003. Bun rl8M.....5:30 | H1GH TiDE. Hun acta.f!:4? I Mornlng.>\-'>? fcfoon rlscs...l:28 | Evenlng.U:M RICHMOND. doMoir.or algna the Slann llquor blll? aamtBtown wlns Its vlctory before Utfi Bonate Flnunoe Commtttet, Dut tho Poly teclmic IiiBtltuto and tho Stato Norma Behool at FarmvlMo lost-FlKy tbousand dollars extra provided for the penlteii tlarj-Flght the eatabllshment of a Buloon near Bcservolr Park-Commltteo woeta to-day to llx the time for conBldera tlon of the leaolutlon removlng Jtidgo Cumpbctll from offlce-Corporation blll to bo reportcd to-day wlth a numuor oc nmtndments??Blll Introduccd in Ihe Sen ate to regulatc company stores at mlnea or faetorics-No settlement yot of the tonnago tax blll-Barkeeper fined for Belling to mlners<-Governor appointa doU-gatca to Good Boada Conference?? Ktatc Board of Agrleulture concludea IU worlt-Two minlstora decllne ealls?? Bonator Mcllwalne rfonies tnnt he wlll opposb Senalor Martin for tho Hnitod fitates ficnate-Manchester le.ft out ot tho Fotir-Clty kwitfuo-Flremen s rellef blll adversely ropprted by commlttop-?? Itlchmoiidors vUH. the Mecklenburg Hotel at Cbaso Clty-Weddlngs tn the Eoxt Und-Wharton liistirnnce law may no re onacted-Importarit tobacco appolntment xriade-East Hauover Pr?sbytory :? tta Jourhs to mot next Septnmhnr at iilack Hlom.'?city Flnnnce Cotnmlitee heors T?rotr?its from llquor men. hut has not yot formulated any roport-McC.lll >>n"?n iir?parln? for a r.vry handsomft club Yiom-c-Vosterday the coltlest day of tho rnonth-Voterana to nttenil Uie enn f-rteratf Ilnzaar to-nlght. MANCltRS rvy.Yl-Board of Aldfrmen meeta to-night .-Tclopbono questlon to ,be ronsldor^d ..-Permanent otre?t Improvoment? Olrbratlon of Ilendorson l^idfje?-FrftTiK Mnddrf.i potn flvo montha In )all?~Oeorpe Mcrcdfth flned ? and placcd iindar bonrls _MiMrv-mftkers at T.endor Ha.ll to-alcht ?SJearch for a mlsalnc- t>ov. VIRGINIA. Rwlft Crtek In Chealeitleld hlfch atraln ?-XtOHket-lMill at: Charlott<sHVlll???J-orfl Falrfax and ofher flne Umdnun tiorgoa eold-UnlverHlty defeata V. M. .X. bjn Hcore of 7 to 1-J'erilnHula Pank at wll llamsburjj onlarKOK dlroctOTalft? Mount Bogors and Bastern aurveylng a l.wo aqrosa Pittsylvanla-Mquor men glv? up the tlght In Wythevlllo and tho town wlll go dry-Caao agalnft. A. H. J Pritchurd nollo proascd In Now-port Now? -Old ?ponn moulds In Augusta-I-'B3", nlmTs freaka In Mecklenburg?-**? J Guntcr nomlnatfd to 8UccecdtDr._Lo Cftto -?Shootlng nffalr In Carroll-Chrlstlan rollegc to bo ostabllshed in Lyncnbiirff^T; Tho Ncwberry trlal In ^ythov lk.--Not enoiiffh i coal comlns to Norfnlk-? I'trat Btravvbcrrlea of the sr-naon ploked near Norfolk?Soclety gathers for tbp-racoa iit Warrenton-Concert for old Rlandford Clmi-ch n.-ar Petersburg-Senaatlona! day In trlai of Edmondsnn In WWcheater. niddlek and M s? Allce V. Grlffln ln P,\r ' moii ?B. U Klng and Mlsa Blancho Wi k-r In Be Ifl Haven: B. H. Bosher and Mh i Krcle Bdwards in Frederlokslu.rK; DeorKC Morrlson arid Mlaa Adelalde Goffi ?i.i CapofGhorle?; M. W. Da by and Ml"s Ada U Bobinson ln Newport Nows; f K. AwnbrlRhl and Mias Mattle I.lnda mood ln Stauhton; R. TO Nlckril unrt M Satitle P. Grlanor In Stannton; J. B. Utz ?n 1 JWoiimli" Blount ln Eost Badford: M1 K Bover and Mlsa Vlrglnla Corder ln Mongomery; Bov. S. H- Epwell and Ml" OHvA Firgnason at jrcKonney T. ?t Booklng and MIsS W*ry^,mnm*r at iron Gote- A. I.. Tvree and Mlas Blla 1^. iin l>q at Cal'ley Mlnes: W. Wyatt and illsa Wlll'ie Powoll ln Belle. Uaven. Deaths llZjfrV W. W. Bouas in Wlnohcater; Charlep Brldgbtt ln Clifton Porge; BIqh nn F Tucker ln Alexandrla; Captaln Charles U. Bayd in Wythevlllo. NORTH CAROLINA. Funorul of Captaln Wllliam B. Kanan Bt Wlimlngton-Btoadniix to liang near nViMVvilia for murder of Blalr on May gd^The fiitetimer. Pompton burned wWle undersolng rnpalra at a Wlimlngton shlp Sa>d~Convocatlon nt Tarborc?-Sprlng r ? defeata Wndd.dl In seoond, prlmary or Mavnr? . oC Wlimlngton-Utley wrltea Bherllt whero to tlnd lock of jai-Madl B'on ln Boeklngham dmi't want ajunJpn depot-Young glrl who had written father that he wotUd.neyef sue her agaJn found ln gunet. CiENERAL. Natlonal Convontlon of IjMwsri ln Dub lln acceiJtfl tho HIhIi land blll by an unanl rnou.swotfi-i-Uiwyoi-B engaged l?J conteat lov the poHsessloif of youni? mllllonalre havo a Itat llght ln court and domonstrato tlm thcy 'uro no mean PU^ferSenaa. llonnl Hiiceches made In New i iirk Htate K? OVC the rejectlon of Governor n oll'q nomlnoo for Oommlaslonor of B n\Uvs---Mam.faoturoIS' Aaaoelatlon S?m off eers and adjoui rii-Youtsy tella hls atory "f To kllllng of Goebel and aavs- Uuit U.nvird ilrod tho fatal ahot. hut Tavlor WRS tho head of tho oon apln ??--?'K.ock m?rket^tron6Qr;yeatflr, Snv nnd nrlooa roachod a Jilgher Ihvbi. SHonav eUle ?-?-1 - oro of Maf.dOng, Major f nnernl li en-l'owell, on a vIbUmtflr lh B country nnd wlll Ko ?vor buttledo a ln WrBinfn_Mr. Swanaon saya ho wlll bo B caii,llrtnw ror hO gcveruorshlp ln the next oainiialgn-Bullanola poatmnatar ls atlH draXg bor aalary, Hiough tho of CongPasmap Swanson tllseiissea wlth an nroval Mr. Clevelnnd'a a<ldreaa oii tho negro questlon?V. M. L Kn.duatea imong tliosa de.algnated by tho Secrotary *f the Navy lo b? exnmlnod for appol.u jnent ua socond lleutenants In tlio marlna >nrpa. Y. [S\. C, A. ORCHESTRA WON NEW LAUREUS Tho' orohestra of the rallroad dopart nient of the i'oung JMen'a C'hrlatian A? fpclHtloti, whloh la wnnlng laurala ror Usalt gayq n dt-llghtful' concert In tho Y. M. C A. hall In the Maln-Street Depot. Kx\ appreciatlve audience wus ori hand to expresa a'pprovul of tho ofl'orls of Olioclor Collvlla and hi.-i uaaoclatea. Tho progrfiipipa urrangod for the occa aloii embraced much protty puislo of a lilgh-clnsa. Thls was ull woll rendered tiii,l coidlally applaudud. The orche.atia vfMrt inost accoptably asaisted by K*ke Pnller. reador, and allsa JMa|jel Mc i*?'u. contrallo toloUU A VICTORY WASWONBY JAMESTOWN The Committee Madea Favorable Report. SEVEN TO SIX THE WAY THEY STOOD Fifty Thousand Provided for the Penitentiary. THE MONEY IS GIVEN. BUT A PROTEST MADE The V. P. I. and the Normal School at Farmville Reflised the Funds, and No Provision Made for the Re lief of the Disabled Flre nien?Long Session of the Committee. Jamestown wlns. Tho Senate CommiUee on Flnance yes lerday afternoon declded by a mujority of ono to report the blll maklng an appro prlaUon of $200,000 to the JUmestown Expositlon, wlth a recommendatlou that lt pass. The'matter waa declded In executlvo session of the committee, which dld not rlso lintl) 0 P. M., after a altting of two hours. A. number of other bllla carrylng approprlations were consldercd and ro ports made thereon. In fact, bllls carry? lng approprlations aggrcgatlng over flvo hundred thousand dollara wero beforo the committee for conaldoratlon. Of thcso the blll proposing an appro priation of $15,000 to tho Unlverslty of Vlrglnla was not acted on, being post poned on account of the absence of Sena tor Chapman. ? Hore ls an cpitome of the actlnn of the committee on tho varlous bllla. given no MONicnr. Vlrglnla Polytechnlc Instltutc; blll ap? propriatlng ?40,000, adversely reported. ? , Blll appropriatlng $05,000 for the en largemont and Improvemont of the State Female Normal School at Farmville; ad? versely Veporled. Blll appropriatlng $5,000 to the Peters hurg Normal and Industrlal School; favoj-ably reported. Bland ftlremen's rcllef blll, carrylng an approprlation; adversely reported. Blll appropriatlng $50,00) additional to supplament the approprlation of $180,000 last yenr for tho.constructlon of the new cell bullding' at the State ponltentlary: favorably reported. but wlth a protest agalnst the actlon of the Penitentiary Bullding Committee In exceedlng the nrnount of the orlglnal approprlation In lettlng the contract for the constructlon of tho bullding. Blll proposing an approprlation for a teachers' ponslon fund; adversely re? ported. ' QUARTRR OF A MILMON. ,Tota] of aprf-^rlatlons recommended by tbe Sanate Flnanco Committee yes terday, $22S.0O0. 'Tho $15,000 approprla? tion a-sked for tho Unlverslty of Vlrglnia ls yot to bo consldered, but lt la Impossl blo to forecast the commlttoo's actJon theroon. Tho favorable report on the .Tnmostown blll and the probablllty that tho Senato wtll nonflrm tho <?ommtttee's actlon In appropriatlng ?20O,00O for that projoct undoubtedly had much to do wlth tho fallure of the committee to make a favora.blo report on some of tlie nther measures. The report of the committee may not be aecepted ns flnal by tho ad vocates of somo nf the other approprla? tlons, but the Senate wtll prohably con flrm tho actlon of the committee In ea?*.h rasn. , The Jamestown Erpoaltton blll was ra pnrted by a majorlty of but ono vote, as atatod. The session of the commlttoe wns executlvo, and tho nttendanco of mern bers was not' stated. Tt ls understood, however, that every merobir of the com? mittee was elthar prwent or palrod on the bt'l. Tnolxidtng tho paJrs, tha nommlt tno ls sald to havo stood 7 to 0 In favor of thio mea-sure. ON A, CONTrNGTWOY. Tha approprlation of tha $200,000 asltod la condltloned upon tha ralslng by the expoaltlon company nf ono mllllon dol? lars, und shall not ba avallable untll that sum has been pledgod, lt ls stated by oftlclals of tha expositlon nompany that naurly $-100,000 has already beaD ratsod. M'lLWAINE TREATS ITj\SAJOKE Says Ho Will Not Run for Sen ator Martln's Seat at Next Election. "I am In no aensa a candldna for th.e Unltod States Senate, to suocead the Hon, Thotnas 8. M'artln," aald Stato Senator W. B. MoUwiilne, of Potersburg,. at tho Capltol yestarday afternoon, "nor do I axpeot to ctiange rny mlnd on the sub Joot." "So. tboroughly dld I treat the story frniri Washliigl'"1 ua a Joke," oontlnuod tho Sanator. "that l eent Senator Mar? tln tho followlng telograin to-day: "See Tlmes-Dlspatoh of to-day; page ten, col unin slx; keulslature urianlmous for me; read and tremble," "No, ) shall not run for tho Senate. for many reaaona, I would profor to be out of publlo lifo and I am sure l liavo no ldea of golns li> deeyer,."; lilttto dlmeulty ls antlclpated In socurlng the remalnder of llw mllliott dollars pledged, Tho approprlation of a hondsome sum by the natlonal governmont wlll now bo urged by Xho expositlon ofllclals, atid thoro la ovofy reason to antlclpate thnt tlio offort wlll bo succossful. Meanwhllo tho ndvocales of tho State approprlation aro not restlng on thclr lnurels, but wlll mnko nnsurnnco doufoly suro by urglng' tipon tho Sotiato tha adoptlon of the Fl hanco Commltteo's recommendntlon. Tho hoarlng In tho Jamostown mat tor was rosumod boforo tho eommltteo yesterday mornlng In room No. B of tho Capltol. 15lreotor-Gonoral I/Owenberg, of tlio expositlon compnny, nnd Mr. C. S, Shorwod'd spoke In ndvocacy of tho ap? proprlation, tho two spcechM eonsumlng noarly two hours. PRES1DENT HAS NOT FIRED A SINGLE SHOT (By Assoclated Preas.) CXNNABAR, MONT.; Aprll 16.T-Presl dent Roosovelt camo Into Fort Yellow stono to-day, appe^rlng In eplendld con dttlon and enthuslastlo over the good tlme he has had. On enterlng tho park the PresJdent Jn formod Major Pltcher that he would not, undor any clroumstances, tlre a shot at anythlng whllo ln tho park, and he took nelthor rlfle nor shot-gun wlth hlm. The party had some good flahlng, and the Presldont and Mr. BurroughB spent a large part of Uiclr tlme ln followlng and watchlng at cloao quarters the great herds of gamo, chlefly elk, but aLso mountaln sheep, deer and antelopo. Tho party wlll start to-morrow for the Interl pr of the park to vlslt the goysers. and perhaps, tho falls of the Yellowstone. REPUBLICAN PARTY CREATED FOR NEGRO (Br ABBOClated PreM.) NEW YORIC Aprll 16.-The Ropubllcan Edltorlal Assoclatlon of the State of New York. held lts annual conventlon to-'day. In hls report, the presldent, Thomas B. Petera, of Brooklyn,, speaklng of Presl? dent Roosevelt, hls colored appointees and the -Booker T. Washlngton Incldent, sald tho Ropubllcan party had como Into be? ing for the purpose of gM'lng the black men hls freedom, and the party' was In exlstence to-day to malntain hls rlghts. Resolutlons were adopted cndorsing the adnilnlstratlon of Presidont Roosevelt, and caltlng upon tho Republlcans ln Con gress to provlde for the enforceinent pt the fourteenth amendment of tho Corfstl tutlon, by requirlng the reductlon of rep resentatlon ln proportlon to abrldgoment of the right of suffrage. Mr. and Mrs. Reggle. (By Aisoolntod Prcsa.') BOSTON, Aprll 16.?Mr. and Mrs. Reg inald C. Vanderbllt left for Montreal qn the express over the Boston and! Malne" road to-nlght and wlll contlnue thelr brldal tour in Canada. MANN BILL NOW A LAW The Governor Has Affixed His Sighature to it. BILL'S SAL1ENT POINTS Widespread Interest is Felt In lts Pro vislons?The General Revenue. Bill?Goes Into EfFect at Once. OovsmoT Montague yesterday afTIxed hts slg-nature to the enrolled eopy of tho afeneral revenue Uill, whlch enfbraces tho Mall blll regulatlng the llquor traf fto blll ln manuscript Is a volumtnous tlre blll ln manuscrlpt Is a volumlnous document and oven ln prlnt Is rather formldablo. The blll Is now law. Members of the two houses of the Gen? eral Assemly are recelvlng lnqulrles from all parts of the State for coples of the Mann blll as lt passed the two houses, but a3 tho meaaure has not yet becn prlnted It ls linposstblo to comply wlth* thoso raqueats. Abstraces of tho blll more or less complete have been prlnted, and ln a day or two the entlre text of he new revonua blll, Inoludlng the Mnnn blll, wlll be prlnted, BIL.US SAX.IJ3NT POiNT. In vlew of tho widespread publlc Inter? est ln the mcasure as lt became a law, a reported for Tho Tlmes-Dlspateh yastej day made he followlng surnmary of the provUlons of he blll relatlng to the ap plloation for atid the condltlons of grant ing llcenses: A wholesale llquor Ucense permlts tho e-st In the measure as lt became a law, a lons or more or In bpttles or Jugs ln qunn tltles not less than a dozen to llcensed re tnll dealnrs only. A rotall llconse permlts he grantoo to scll ln quailtllles liot cxcoedlng tlve gal lons at any tlme to any Indlvldual, and sueli llconso shall itiolude both tlio prlv llego of selllng to bo dollvered to tlio purchasor In Jugs, bottles, demljohns or other vossol and tho prlvllego of soll ing llquor to bo drunk at the place wheip S?A llccnse to keep an ordlmxry or hotel conter all tho rlghts und prlvllegcs of a retall dealer. ,. ,, Under a Ucense to keep a malt llquor saloon malt llquor* or inlxUiros tliorouf muy ba sold to be drunk whoro soUl. W'hcro ono ls both a wholesale and n re? tall dealor a separato Ucense ls roqulred for euch. Flne and imprlsoninent are pro vldod for vlolatton of theso provslons. APPUCATIONS FOR l.lOKNSKa Appllcatlons for llcenses inuat be made to tha county courta untll they are aupor seded by the new clrcuit courtft. and thereafter to the clrcuit or corpomtlon courts, and llcenses obtnlned thorofrom. A wiltten appllcatlou must be niado ta tho commlsstoner of revonuo and the nmount of tho Ucense deposlted wlth the trcaaurer at tho tlme of tho qppllcatlon. The blll throws sucli safeguarda and condltlons tiround tho gruntlng of llcenses In towna of leas than fivu hundrod In (Coiitlnusd on Beventh Pugo.) HAD FIST FIGHTIN THECOURT Lawyers Demonstrate Abilityas Pucjilists. LANDED RIGHT AND LEFT BLGWS ON JAW One Who Struck First BIow Was Fined and Apologlzed. STRUGGLE IS OVER ? YOUNG MILLIONAIRE Moses Fowler Chase Alleged to Be In sane and Proceedings Are Brought to Have a Guardian Appointed for Hlm?The Charge of Falsehood Followed by Blows. i, (By AsaodatPd Priwi.) IiAFAYETTE, IND? Aprll 16.?There was a Ost-flght ln tho Clrcul Court-room thla afteruoon betwoen Attorneys Dan Slms, representlng Fred. Chaae, father of Moses Fowler Chaso, and A. L>. Kumler, representlng Mr. and Mrs, Charloa Duhme, of Cinclnnatl, who are,struggling for tho possesslon of young .Chaso, the millloiialra. Tho attorneys had met for a conferenco wlth the judge as to what should bo done wlth Moses Fowler Chase, pendlng the hearlng of tho guardlanahlp case. Kumler denounced tho attornoys on the other side, and also Chase's fath? er, and declared that Moses Fowler Chaso had beon brought to Indlana from France by force and fraud. He had further assorted that tha unfor tunato young man was put on oxhibltlon at tho law oft'lces of Chase's attorneys. when ex-Judge E. P. Hammond ahout ed "that's an abaolute falsehood." Attorney SImma. jumped from hls seat and approached Kuinler. .v.'ho tr!ed to ward hlm off. Simma then landed a florce rlght-hand swlng on Kumler'a jaw.' and followed lt wlth hls left. Both blows landed, Kumler protaotlng hlrosalf aabest he could. The court-room was orowdod and law? yers, court offlclals and speotatora aprang toward tho combatants and dragged tbom apart. The Judge flned Slmms S35 for striklng the flrst blow and thla quleted matters. FINE REMITTBD. Slmms then apologlzed and Kumler ask ed the Court to remlt the flno, as he sald he folt sure that Slmms struok ln a moment of temper. The Court remltted the flne and dlrected that Mobob Fowler Chaae remaln ln the Court's jurlsdlctlon wlth the understandlng that Mr. and Mrs. Duhme, hls ,aunt and unoJa, aro . not to Interfere wlth hlm. They hava tho CORPORATION BILL WILL BE REPORTED Sweeping Changes Made in the House Measure by Committee. Tho Sanato Commlttees on Roads and Courts of Juatlce held an exocutlvo ses? sion last night and comploted the oon'ald oratlon of House blll No. 102, relatlng to the organ'/ratlon and govornment of corporatlons, and a great many changes were made. Indeed, it Is sald that should Colonol Caton, who drow tho orlglnal blll, meot lt on tho strcot as lt comes from the Senate commlttees, lw would not recog Jll!,'e u- , , , A Tho chlef clttinge conshitn in amoud ments modlfying tho mergor olause, they havlng beon prosented ln tho Sonato by Messrs. Whlteheud and Cogblll, and adopted by the commlttees. Tlte blll now forblds tho merglng of parallol and eompetlng, llnes, and places all forolgn corporutlons on tho samo foot Ing wlth domestle onos In tlila mattor. Another Important modlflcation ls that whlcli keeps all chartered corporatlons undor leglslatlvo rontrol by striklng out tho provlslons whiclf gavo almost iw llmltod and unrestrlcted powers to cor poratlons. All fnrolgn corporatlons are made do inoatlc to all Intents and purposea when they eome Into Vlrglnla, and they aro requlrod to pay regular churtor foes and othorwlso onnform to State laws govern Ing domostlo corporatlons. But theso aro but a few of tho amend monts and ohange*, Tlin blll wlll bo reported to tho Sonato to-day, and mfimbers of the commlt? tees doclare that ln lts prosont shapo they bollovo It satlsfactory to all partles concernod. Notwltlistandlng thls vlow, thero wlll llkely be somethlng of a flght In the Senate. INDUNA ARRIVES WHHCREW IN IRONS (By Aasoclfttod Press.) GUIM8BV. I;:XClbAND, Aprll 10.-The' Britlsh stcamcr Induiiu, from Pensacola and Nort'olk, arrfvecl liera to-day wlth tlvo of hor crew ln irona. They , charsed wlth mutlny, prlvllege of applylng to oourt for au thorlty to soe hlm, howovor, The gruardlanshlp appllcatlon wervod on the young mllllonalra, Ib roturnable Aprll 27th, for whlch day the case (a sot. Du toctlve Wllliam Wolnhart was placnd on guard at the offlcos of Chaso's attorneytt and shut out evorybody but tho sherirf. Notthor Mr. und Mrn. Duhme waa at tho traln, as they wlBhed }o avold a acmie, butDuhme's privale aecretnry waa there to look after thelr Interests. Drs. M., M. I^ilry, B. C. Davldson and W. W. Vlnnodgo, of Liafnyette, and Dr. C, B. Burr, of Fllnt, Mlch., oxarntned young Chaso thls aftornoon and pro nouncod hla Insane. They declared hls answers to the most almplo questlona woro Incohorent although he appeared porfeotly aanc when takqn off tho traln. HERO OF MAFEKING IN THIS COUNTRY (By Assoclated Presa.) jWASIIINGTON, D. C, Aprll lC.-MaJor Gef.eral R. Baden-Powoll. the "Hero of Mafeklng," recnntly appolnted cblet of cavalry of tho Engllsh arfny, ls on a vlalt to tho Uhltod States to study Amerlcan cavalry tactics and methods. In ordor that he may accompllsh hla purpose wlth as littlo publlclty and ceremony as i pos alblo, he ls travellng Incognlto and unof ficlally. He arrlved here last nlght un announccd and reglstered at the Arllngton Hotel undor an assumed name. Ho vlalted the War Department to-day and pald hls respects to Secrotary Root, Llentenant General Mllcs and Adjutant-Gcncral Cor bln. Genornl Corbln made tho acqualnt anco of General Baden-Powoll on hls ro ccnt vlalt to England. Tho cavalrv troops at Fort Myer gavo a speclal exhibltlon of thelr proflcloncy In cavalry drlll and tactics thls afternoon for the bonoflt of the dlstlngulshed vlsl tor, who left hero thls evenlng to vlslt tho battloflelds of Vlrglnla, followlng the route of McClellnn's campalgn on tho Penlnstila. He wlll mako a vlslt to the "West Polnt Mllitary Academy, and wlll sall for England on tho 2Cth Instant t NORTH CAROLINATO BE REPRESENTED Colonel John S. Cunlngham, Qf North Carollna, a well known tobacco grower and publlclst of that State, well known ln Vlrglnla, last night commended the ao t'.on of the Sonate Flnanco Committee ln recommendlng the Jamestown approprla? tion, and expressed tho bellof that North Carollna would fall Into line and do Ita part towards tho exposltton. He exprcssed regret that ho could not bo here to aid ln urgtng the blll, for wlth hls exporlence in connection wlth expositlons ho gavo tho movement unquallfied ondorsement. I-ro was/k commlssloner to tho Parls Ex? posltton, and stated that tho State's ex hiblt at that exposltton had boen worth a largo sum to It and had borne abundant fruit. He promlsos that hls State wlll be rcpresented at Jamestown. March to Bazaar, The members of Lee Camp wlll moet ln. thelr hall at S o'clock to-night ln. full- urri-" form and after a brlef session wlll march tothe Confoderato'Bazaar at the Masonlc Temple. 1 COURT Henry E.-Youtsy Tells of the Killing of Goebel. SAYS JAMES HOWARD DID IT Was Offored a Pardon and More to Firo the Fatal Shot?William S. Taylor Was the Head of the Whole Conspiracy. (By Aasocluted t'resli.) FRANKFORT; KY? Aprll 18.?Henry E. Youtsy to-day for tho flrst tlme told on the wltness stand hla story of the kllllng of the late Governor Goebel. He named Jaiiies Howard, the defendant, os tho nian who flred tho sl'iot. Youtsy sald he saw Howard for the (irst timo a few lnlmttes before the-ahootlng. Howard hud a let tor sent hlm aeveral days before by tha wltness, at Oovernor Taylor'a dlctatlon. Youtsy says ho toolc Hownrd Into the cftico of Caleb Powers, thon Sooretary of Ptnte, whlch had boen especlally arronged for tho ahootlng. Ho showod Howard tha Marlln rllle, tho bulleta and tho wlndow from whluh tho ahootlng waa to bo done. Ile says Howard askod what ho waa to cct for dolng tho ahootlng. "What do you want for It?" Youtsy sr.ya he askod, and that Howard sald ho wanted a pardon for kllllng George Bakor. "I told hlm ho could havo that and moro too," sald Youtsy. "About that tlme " aald tho wltness, "Goebel came In tho gato, and r polnted hlm out to How? nrd and thon ran from tho room. As 1 dfappeared down the stops to the base nilnt T heard tho crack of Iloward'.s rllle." youtsy aald that after the ahootlng ho pr.Fsfd ihrough tho State House lmsemont nnd n few mlnutes Jator cnmo back Into the oxeouUye bullding from the cast sldo c"tr"n"jvyX/0n WAS OTRECTOR. "I stnyed In tho offlco of Asslstant S.oo retary of State Matthows." sald ho, "for a few momonts, and saw Matthews hroak cnen Caleb Powors' oilico nnd llnd tho c :ns that had boen lol't ln thero," Youtsy aald at tho tlmo of tho shoot Inir he was privnto secrotary to Auclltor L&onW W|" thttt Whllo Hla polltical statua was mit deflnltely flxod, lt was un derHtPOd that he was to hnvo a good plaoe undor Tavlor. "Oovernor Tnylor," sald Youtsy' "dlrocted ovorythlng we dld. Wo rosraraed. hlm as our leader. and ho was morullv reSPOnslblp for all we dld. Wo lir-ew wo had tho Oovernor and the par ?nnlna power Imhlnd us, and wo wora not afi' .1 of punlHhmcnt for kllllng Ooobol." Youtsy on cioss-exanilnatlon, aald that nfter he was nrrivited and lnter sent to "he penitentiary, he Mlll hud hope of galn ng hls liberty. He thought Vorkes would ,e elected Governor and would pardon Mm VorkciH was defeated, howover. and about a year ago ho declded to talk. nnd dld tell hls atory to Prlson Physlclur, 'lo Youtsy sald furthor that ho had an ad ciltlonal Incentlve to tell tho story, as Taylor, Powers and othors luid used hlm a* a oat'B-paw and scapogout and then dcsertcd hlm vAw'. he i*ot luto trouMa. ,, . THE IRISH ACCEPTTHE LAJID BILL National Convention En dorses it Unanimously GATHERING WAS REPRESENTATIVE Clare Farmers. Dublln Labor ers and Cork Landlords. JOHN REDMOND SPOKE FOR THE MEASURE Deprecated Carplng Criticlsm and Beg ged Delegates to Remember That the Future Wellfare of Ireland and Generatlons Yet Un born Depended Upon Their Votes. (By Annoclated Press.) ?DUBt/IN, APRIL 16.?Tho National Convention convoned by tho Unlted Irlah Lengue mat to-day in tho hlatorlo round room of tho Manalon Houso. About two thtisand detegatea assembled ln the crowded rotunda, whlch waa Incapable of holdlng all who had come from overy part of Ireland. to dlacuaa tho Irlsh land blll. On the platform aat almoat every Natlonallst momber of Parliament, wlth A scattoring of prolatos. In tho body of the rotunda waa a gathorlng \seldonv eouallod in rcprcsentntlve capaclty. Far? mers from Clare. in top boota; laborors from Dublln county. landlords from Cork. and prlosta from all parta, tho latter's somhre clothlng and tnll hats contrastlng pleasantly wlth tlie bright homaspun ap parel of the mnjorlty. It waa essentlally a coroventlon of the tollers, though a llghtor touch waa glvon by tho prosanco of tho well-dreased women who f.'llad tho gallerlea. Lord Mnyor Hnrrington and Mlehael Davttt Inducted .Tohn Bodmond into tha chatr, and tho delegates rose to their feet. chaered and waved tholr; hnts. Mr. Redmond opened :tha proceedtnga wlth' nn -iTOpreaslve-Bpeecb. ? ? - "Thls convention," he declared, la tho most solemn, the most momentoiis ovont ln tho hlstory of Ilving Trlshmen. wlth the exceptton of tha introductlon of, tho homo rulo bill. Thnre aro In tho l!?vos of nations as tbare are ln the llves of Indl vlduals, opportiinltles whlch onca lost oaVi never bo resrained. Sneh an occasion I bollove tho presont to be." TRBMENDOUS RESPONSIBTOTY. Mr. Bedmond begged hls hearera to ra membor their tromenflous responslblllty. If they rojectbd the blll It .waa doad for ever. nnd tho groatost prospect of frao dom sinca the "Infnmous nbt of nnlon waa passed" would dlsappenr. Contlnu ing. ho saldi "Whatever defects 'Mr. Wyndham a blll has and I am Inclined to minimUa thom. Ita object Is tha completn and flnal abnlitlon of lnndlordlsm In all Ita easan tlnls. Irolnnd is unlted ns Bhe neVer waa before. Eoch man muat well welgh hla words and remomber that the wholo futiiro of hls country nnd tha welfare of hls chlldron and that of tmbom genej-, atlons may dopend upon tho coirrentlon's deelslon. I hopo wtthout knowing what that ronowal means? tho Indaflnltn delay of Induatrlal and ooonomla wolfaro. and even of polltlcal freedom." Mr. Bedmond deprecated cwrptng criti? clsm and advocatod a frlondly dlscus slon of tho suggested nmandments. TB?\ ropod tha convention would paas Mr. O'Brlen's motlon welcoming tho blll and amonding it In vnrlous partlcular.4, and ontrustlng tha amendmentB to tha dacl slon of tha Irlah parllamentary party, "nnd." concludod Mr. Beflmond. "let us glvo the world, whlch la watchlng us, by our nderllnoss, wlsdom, and restrnint, proof of our capaclty for self-govern ment." T^engthy ngenda had heen provtded for to-day'a proccodlngs. These conslated of mnny proposed nmendments to tho detalls of Secretary Wyndhnm's propnsnla. Tha chlaf mm-nra wore AVIUInm (VBrie'n and Mlohiiol navltt. The former. while con gratulatlng Ireland on the fact that tha Brltlah mlnlatry Introduced a blll aocept Ing In prlnclplo. nftor centurles of strug gle, that tho land should be rostored to tho peopl? of Iroland. urged tho dele? gates to presa amendments onlarglnc tho flnajictal scope of the bill. Mr. O'Brlon, howover, nBkod the convention tn ontruat to tho parllamontary party tho" powor and responslblltty of ovontually doallng In (Contlnued on Seventh Pago.) CAMPBELL'S CASE TH1S AFTERNOON Courts of Justice Committee to FIx Tlme for Its Con slderatlon, Tho Courta of Juatlco Commltteo of tho Senalo wlll hold a rogtilar meeting thla alternoon at 8 o'clock in the Supremo C'ourt room, and It la altogether llkely that they wlll tako tip the Cariipboll cuao. Benntor Mcllwalno, chalrmau of tho com niltteo, sald last nlght that ho hopod It would bo found expedlent to muko nn onrly roport, and that lt dependod, In hla vlew of the mntter, largely upon the oplniou of tho moniber3 us to the scopo of tho rosolutlon undor whlch they would havo to aot. If lt ahould bo daternilned that oaoh momber wua roqulrod to road thb recor'd at longth and dlgeat tho samo, ho waa of oplnlon that thls would requlre a great deal of tlme. If not, ho eaw no rcauon why a report could tiot be brought ln wlthln a reasonably short tlme. San r.tor Mcllwalno dld not expiess hla own oplnlon as to the seopo of tho rosolutlon, and H la evtdont that Ita acope wlll ba tho ftrst thlng consldered wiien tho oom THE MOST ATTRACTIVE OF PLACES Oreat Success of Con federate Bazaar. THE PROGRAMME IS MOST EXCELLEN1 And the Varlous Tables Fliled With Pleasing Things. TO HAVE LUNCH DAILY FOR gUSINESS-MENi A Plece of Ertterprlae on the Part of tha , Management Which Will Be Taken Advantage of by Many?TheAt tracttons Provlded, for To? Day and To-Nlght?A ??. Blg Sum Assured, Bazaar Opens at 11 A. M. To-day (Aprll 17th) wlll bo Vtr-. cltila and Secesslon Day at the Con-i' fedorate Bazaar, ln commemoratlon of Aprll 17, 1881, the day when thls State pasaed the Ordlnande of Sbobs slon. In the evenlng Mrs. W. L. Royall,. the chalrman of the Entertalnment Committee for the Vlrglnla Table, wlll flttlngly celebrate the pnnlversary by a Camp Flre and approprlate'cere monles, beglnnlng at 8:30 o'olock. An effort was made by the ladles to seoure the upper hall of the Temple, but thoy failed In thls, that hall havlnn. boen already taken by the .Rlchmond Co-' tlllon Club for thelr Easter dance. lt la fortunate that Mrs. RoyalL'a taste and Judgment In decoratlon wlll bo transform the lower hall as to render the forest scene whlch she wlshea to reproduce so reallstlo that spectatom wlll have roam for llttle elso In thelr obaervatlon, Followlng ls ,the full program'me for - VIRGINIA BAZAAR NIGHTl Battallon of the Sevantleth. Reglment Infantry, commanded" by Major C. -O." Savllle,' wlth Staff Adjiitant, Lleutenant John .C Page and Lleu ? tenant and Surgeon W. A. Gllls. ;;! Revellle sounds*. Camp wakes ?ip, Band plays Dlxle. All slng. "Her Brlght Smlle Haunts Me vStHI".. -Quartetto Speaklngj Mr. W. L. Royall, Governor A. J. Montagus. "Lorena".. .3.Quartetta. "Bonnle Blua Flag,", led by band and: sung by Lee and-Plckett Camps. Speaklngi Senatoi' 'John W. Danlel, who wlll come from Washhijrton to attend the "Camp Flre." "Maryland, My Maryland.........Band Speaklng: Ceneral Fltzhugh Lee. Slnglngi "Massa's ln tho Colcl, Cold Ground".. ........Band Dress Pnrade. Tapa. Offlcera who wtll also be present In clude Colonel George Wayno Ander son, commandlng Seventleth Infantryj Rcglmental Adjutant Captnln C. G. Bonsleux; Captaln W. A. Mlller, Com. pany B| Lloutenant L. T. Mathewe, Lleutenant W. A. Stack, Captaln Q. P, Shackelford, Company C; Lleuten? ant G. N. Sklpwlth, Lleutenant E. M. Hardy, Captaln T, C. Baptlst, Com? pany H| Lleutenant J. E. Johnson. Lleutenant H. R. Luffaey, Captaln.W. E. Thompson, Company F; Captaln H. L. Stone, Captaln R. E. Norvall, Captaln H. G. Dlckeraon, Company A| Lleutenant R. L. Masurlor, Lleutenant H. I? Janklns. DOLL'S RECEPTION. In the afternoon there wlll be a Doll's Roceptlon, undor the dlrectlon of Mlss Mattls Harrls and the ladlea of the Kentucky Table. Receptlon guests wlll bs recelvod by Mlss Nelllo Addlson Rennolda and Master Warner Courtenoy Harrls. ?t i Anothor larga crowd was at tho basaar last nJgnt, though the pressure was no? so great as on Wednesday evealn*. There was more room to walk atioUt and more oomfort in walking. ?very ono present, Hoemed bant on hls ot her dlver slon. '* The brllUaut Ughts, the pretty decora tlons und tho many attraotlorui wero more oonsplouaua last nlght because tharej waa a batter opportunlty for aba&rvatioit. The, "'Wayalda Inu." wlth lts dalnty tabloa, lts shlnlng allvor and ghiaa, uxid' lts h.nidsoaio decorutlous was fliled wlth guosU, many suppnr purtles stttlng and taklng refreshments togotlier, ii'OH BUSJNKiiS M'IBN. Speclal hours are obaerved here for buslness men, an oxcellunt and varled manu bolng sorvod from li to 3 P, M. eueh day ftt Sfi conts, without any charga (ar Hdiulsslun. Aduilsslon tlokets can be obtalned at J'lrouch H. Allon's. Main feiroet, or tha t'oleman-MIUer Drug C'oin pany's, Flrst and Llroad StreeU', aaturday next tlio vlsitors from "Wosh Ington wlll have a genulne Vlrglnla lun? cheon served In tho up-stalrs dlnlng room of the Masonlo Temple, and wlll than coma dowu to vislt the bazaar. The Bostoclc bonont last ovenlng waa for tho Texus table. X'rofessor Brooka gava hls wondorful pertormonoea every ,.alf hour and they wero all well attend ort. A valuablo gttt to tho chalrman of tha Mlsslsslppl table yesterday afternoon waa a cttJto sout by Mr. John T. Chrlstlan. tha coustn of Judjfe Oeorgo U Chrlattan, e< Ronky Mount. Thls cana w?w beautlfully oarved wlth a head of Oonei^l T^ee on lt, and a, verse from FVthar Ilyan'i "Con. quBred Bannar." The cane wlll be vited to a popular veteran. It Is great!/ ad mlred and utout hlghjy appreolatecL Mrs. Tuylor Ellyaui at tha VlrgtttU table has beon gWen by Pr, J. Wllliam Joues fvo ten-dollar Confeclera?.? notas whle.h wura ln Cuuend L?o'a BOckata kl