Newspaper Page Text
STOCKS WERE STMGER Prlces bt Many Issues Ad vanced and Closed at Top. MONEY WAS MUCH EASIER Fall In Northerh Securltlos Stock Was Ignored?Speculntlve Party on Long Slde of Market?Bonds Wero Rathor Dull, but Flrm. (Speclnl to Tho Tlmna-Dlapntch.) TtK\V VORK. Aprll lti.-The spociilatlvo nctlvlty whlch developed yesterday and wns Interrupted by the n??0"nf1'in,1f.n,-tl?r ? the refusnl of the dcmands made. by tne MaVhettan Elevated Rallway ???0>?es ? viu venowod to-dny when suppprt *>*.as rrthcomlng for'Majihattan. Wnei, lt wm unrrelved tlint tho markot was to oe ex emnt for tne presont from tho dlsturb enro of o drop ln thls stock, opportunlty Vat take?n to? start. an .^^^movement nn tho nart of a spoculatlve part> wnicn fBnbelfeved to havecovored lts short oon trncte on the recent slump and to havo ione long of tho markot. fhclr oporatlons were conspicuous ln Baltimoro and Ohlo on the ground of the large in not iaVnings dlsclosed by tlie March^Btatef mmiL Potuisylvan a ond Norfolk anci , $&tarrT?Sore Inoludod ln U.c.operat ?under thls leadershlp. Othor Bastern trunk llnSs and coalers showod somo sym T,?thv Imt the btiying in thoso anai eise ?vhere in the market could not be traced to the same sources as tho moyoment lu the Ponnsylvanla group. Karty ln the i?,,. wiii, tho exceptlon of tho gpod ap sorptloh of MlSEourl Paclflc, bascd on lts larsrfi Prbrunry oarnlngs, the Western and Pa'llflJsfocks woro Incllned to hang back The tostimony regnrdlrig tl10 11nailcea of the Motropolltan Streot Rallway in the ?Seartng of a sult agalnst the Prosldon for llbel resulled also ln some selllng of the stock In the early doallngs and a . fcllghtlv sympathotlc dopresslon. Late ln tho day St. Paul eamo Into, ful Svn^nnthv wlth tho Btrength of tho mar ef nnd othor Westorn and Southwestern ? etockB -par lv so. wlth tho cxcoptlor,, of iouthern Pncflc. whlch was PerslstenUy ?henvy and mado a. galn of only ht ?"l"f, dav Amalgamated Copper was ltfted *hArnlv on a professed expectation that ?ht ouartorlv dlvidond would be ncreased JnrlSv Tho stock reacted about a potnt *0*' r?tenanco of tho provalllng cltyl S^SS?i fractlonal not galn, fn anlto of "he woaknoss ?f raw copper nnd copper "sfocks ln twfwmtriMj, SkTdwedik!rnrdeSv,o?w o? ?rf trade mmwm "compensatlon by the cuttlng off ot lm K{,SJ mnnov situatlon is consplouously es^er a^d shows largoly incroased sup ?&V5SJ2 o ?thTrfeolrth^ & tho top l?ve,-.;X-flr0iPn St Touls and Son Telephone and of 7 hj Bt. ??ulsaocoutlted Pranc s<-o (1 st [>^tcrrr^,lous saies doted tmck'toX^ihl? recent vlolont docllne 'Vh* ?ernnrket was rather rulK.but ^Th'^toin'l 'sa'lcs of stocks for the day were '.1S.900 lOinreB._ nnd Tt? R3 (W74.K).7(I for slxty clnys' bilsl, *". j..!? u?l?, nnd S1.K7VA; commerclnl KcV&m Bar sllver, fb; Mox Ican'dol'lars Sii. Govornment bonds steady; rallroad; bonds flrm. EDITORS1 VIEWS What the New York Afternoon Papers Say About Yesterday's Trading. (S|,cclal to Tbe ThOM-Dlsimtch.) ( WT?nV YORK, Aprll IG.-The Coramor ',Ni A)ivBrtlBor savs: To-day s markot ro 'tradlm,' elemcnt hnd 'pxpected. Pr cos opened down a trlfle with ono or two ahorp docllnes among the tract ona. But nelther the InclfrmU at yeaterday a Mo tropolltan hcarln.g . nor the threatenefl Manhattan afrlka Baemed to have any vrpight ln the trading. The flrst losses were Instantly regalned; then the markot began to hnrden. and ln the afternoon broke loose ln- a sharp adyance. The so-called soft coal stocks exhlbltefl tho most strongth on fnvorablo roports of thelr eamlnj?s and divtdend prnspects, and Pennsvlvanla naturally mnvod In nympathy. 'f1? refnsnl of the oppper dlrcctors tn inereoso tho quartorly dlvl dend rate cnused a polnt rtecllno ln the Btock Just aftor the nnnouncement, but 1ho rest of the Ust was not affected, nnd <>ven coppor Bharee mlllod tn tho lnter iflenllngs. Tho marltet os a whole unquestlonnbly Fhowed grenter vttallty t.ban ln u long tlme past. It wns obtdotis thnt the nd vance wns based on somethlnK more sub ntantlal than oovcrlng of short rorrtrnHs; Jn ftict. there wa? very Knod evlrtence thnt leadlng banlt InterestB bottght Kenerously ln thelr varlous HpeHaltlos to-day. The close ww nnlmnten nnd ntrons nt pearly the best prlces. The Mnil nnd Expresa says: Btock prIeeB moved up In n conservntlve rnannnr tn-dfl.v. nnn the markot made n hetter ox hlhltlon of strengtli than generally ex peeted. In nearlv all dlrectlons tlie feel liicr wns more nptlmlstlc than of Into. nnd there wns nn Inereased dlspoKltlnn tn pnv prentrr heofl to surh fnr-tors as the stondv imprnvetnent on the mnnelnrv *|tnntlnn rontlnned 1nree rnllnvirt ntiriflnRR, the favorable hnrvest outlnok nnd the on larfem"nt of mir exnort trade. The Im'iort.inee nf the rnuntry's oxpnrl rm?lfinn Is hnHnnlnir tn roontvo that eon Kldernllnn tt dosoryeB. nnd the fact ls now dnwplnir tinnn t.Vio puhlle rnlnd thnt at the TTf.^MH rnif nf the nnlcn n? rlnmectln pro rluol* rrar otipntles wlll be urently dlmln jjji.o.i innfnro tlm new hnrveRts. Prnfefmlnpnl nnerntnr? for n Innr porlnrt p,.(i,.o nn tlie he? r ?tde, nv? nnnnrorHv ul,lfl|n? iti?t,- lm-rl'Pt iin?ltlnn. utiil to-dnv r'.rnn m^n nrnm|n,.nl ln |hl= rtp??, tnnliwl. ),-.. n.r., nlornent vr*TP frre tmvera of ctn"i'?. P..tchnPln>' hv niit-ftMriwn een <-i' r.r.-.,.Hv v.-nn nlpn mnrp of n feature Iht-n ?t late. r-,.?n(..,,. TV?t ,?,..? N'elther the <.v,.ii n.-?.oTT.r.nt " wtilrti -vnr aflver, ,.^ri,,r/>.,.. mnrnlng, nnr (he drBpnfr. r.i,.t.. whleb wiin ?tnrte,l vecterdav THOMAS BRANCH & GO (KSTABL1HHKI) 183S.) MEMBERS New York Stock Exohange, New York Cotton Exchange, PRIYATE WIRES TO PBINCIPAL MARKETS, Inmtment Securities. OFFICIAL RANGE AND SALE OF STOCKS IN NEW YORK )0OOOOO0?XXX>f^^ OOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXDOCJOOO By Thomas drfltlch A Co., BankarB and Brokers. Open. Hlgh, LoW. Close. 7% SALES: 800 Amerlcan Can com.? > 100 Amerlcan Can pfd...>? AincMctin Cotton Oil com.,,. 1000 Amerlcan Locomotlvo com,. 200 Amerlcan Locomotlve pfd,, 900 Anacondn .'."i.".'.'JiV'J. 700 Amerlcan Car and Foundrs PSOO Amerlcan Sunnr .............. 32200 A., T. and Banlo Ke eom., 1400 A? T. and Sante Po pfd. 38400 Amalgamatod Coppor. 87SO0 Bnltlmore nnd Olio......... 7100 Brooklyn Kapld Uranslt.,.. 3200 Cansdlan Paclllo. 3000 Chesapeake nnd Ohio.. Canada Southern. 000 Colorndo Southern com..,.. Colorndo Southern lflt pfd. Colorado Solitberii 2d pfd... 34500 Ghlcngo, Mll. atid St. lrvu 28600 Chl.. Rock Lsland and Pacino 3100 Colorndo Fuol nnd Iron. 200 Chlcago Grent Sv.08ter.ii. 100 C, C.. C. nnd St. Louls.... S00 ConSolldated Oiis. 400 Dolawttre and Iludnon...... 200 Bol.. Laclt and Wcstern... 23.100 Krlo com . 1000 Erle 1st pfd. 2200 Krln 2d pfd. 000 Oonoral Elnctrlc . 2300 Illlnois CentroJ . S LoulB^nie^dNashvui;';, 03(i0 Mnnhattnn. 17000 Motropolltan.?' 1100 Mexlcan Central . 1S100 Mlssourl Pacinc . 33% 06% 52 185 135 14% 11(1% i:wu 133% 26% 100% SALI3S; 1600 Mo.. Kan and Toxas cotn 1G00 RO00 3S00 14300 42000 200 200 2400 14100 200 200 100 100 4400, St 1300 161M 6!HX? 500 2400 2200 84400 700 7-100 9100 S00 100 400 8000 S0() R0O 300 Mo., Kan. nnd Texns pfd.i Now York Ceniral......?"? N, Y? Ont and Wostcrh,... Norfolk alltl Wostern....... PontiBylvanla."? rressod Steel Ca''-.-y,'. Prossed Steel Car pfd. Peoplo's Gas 'lrust. Readlng com....." Ileadlng 1st pfd;. ltepuhllc iron and 8 on com Itnpubilc Iron and fateol pra. '3l0SL.'and 'Sat'i' >V?nc'lscoj'.'. St. L. and San Frnn. 2d pfd Soabottrd Air Llne pfd,. Soaboard Air Llne coMi>m St. L and Southwostern pfd Southern Paclflo ???????;??" Southom Rallway com.... Southern Rallway pfd........ Tennesseo Cdal nnd Iron. Toxas Paclllo .?? Unlon Paolfle com. Unlon Paolfle l'J,rt? ? ? ? ?? ?" Unlted Stlttoa Steel com. Unlted States Steel pfd... Va.-Carollna Che.m. com Vo.-Carollna Chom. pfd AYabash com. Wabnah Pfd . Weslern Unlon. Wlsconsln Central Hlgh. - 24% o3Vi 181%. 20% 70% 180% oiu 93 102% 54% '67% 19% 77% or. : 70% 08% 60% 3o% 91'A 04% 33 MV6 80 ?T)% 80% 01% 121% 2(1% 46% 80 24% 47 ^'Wo^bLWrLfnl-common andpreferrod, Low. 24 52% 130 28% (19 134 ???0% 93 101 63% '00% 19 77% 65 ? 07 00% 66% "9% 91% 01 ' 32% *m kx% 34% So jCI 121% 20% 45 86% 23% 4l>% bld. CLOSINQ BOND QUOTATIONS. U. S. refundlng 2's, regtsterod.Wj. U. S. refundlng 2*s, coupon.J"' U. S. 8*s, reglstered.*.'?'iLy U. S. 8's, coupon.;.*V;_' V. S. Now 4'a. reglstered. '?''? U. S. NewVs, coupon.???* U. S. old 4'b, reglstered.BJ A U. S. old t's, coupon.. \"A U. S. 5's, rogistored...i.}?-*? U. S. fi"s, coupon. iXsl Atohlson, goneral 4s...... j?l"? AtchlBon. odjustment 4 s. w Baltlmoro and Ohloi 4 s. iw Baltlmore nnd Ohlo 3VjS....... >? Baltlmoro and Ohlo Conv. 4 s. l" Ciuiada Southorn 2d h. ?gw Central of Goorgla 5's........ l"* Central of .Georgia Iflt Ine. "" ijhesapeake and Ohlo4V4s. *"<# Chlcago and Alton 3.H.?;.????? <??;,". >?A Chlcago. B. and Qulncy now 4 s.. Ji? Choago M nnd St. Paul gon. 4's.... 10 Chlcago and Northwestern can. 7 s.. 132V4 ?ilrngo. Bock Island n.nd Pac. 4's... 10i> ., C. C. nnd St. Louls gen. 4's. M*h hiuago Terminal 4's. ??* ?nlorado nnd Southern 4*s. &A !">eiivor and Rlo Grande 4's. ?S?i Mrlo prlor lion 4's. ^14 liJrlo Genoral 4's.....????? ?'?'.,??'? ,;,ffi I'-ort Worth nnd Denyer Clty 1st s,. 07VS HocUIng /Valley4Ws..........????. }??'* l.oulsvlTle nnd Nash. Unlfind 4 a...... 01 Manhattan Consolldntod gold 4 s.... UWV4 .Ntexlciin Central 4 a,... >'f Mexlcan Central lst Iiic. *IA Mlnn and St. Louls 4s........ ?? Mlsso'url; Kan, and Tftxas 4s. BS% Missourl, Kan. nnd Texas 2d s. M Now York Central gen. *v6 s. 01 New Jersey Central gen. 5 s. 1JU Northern Paclflc 4*s . w-w Northom Pnclflc 3's. 71 Norfolk and "Wostorn con. 4 s. 03 Roadlng General 4's..... M St. L. and lron MOuntaln con. Bs.... lUVa =?t. Louls and San Franclsco 4's. <t. Louls Southwestern lst's. 06% St. Louls Southwestern 2d's. '* San Antonlo and Arkansas Pass 4's.. 5. Sniithern Paclflo 4's.,?9V Southern Rallway 5's. "y* Tt'xns and Paclflo lst's.??. '?". Toledo, St. L. and Westorn 4 s. i;t Unlon Paclflo 4'b."'?>? ITiilon Pnclflc Conv, 4's. 'Wft Wab.ish lst's. \y?n Wabash 2d's. lL*Vv Wnbash Dcb. B's . .">? West Shore 4's;............??. uf! Whcollng nnd Lako Erlo f s. ??"? Wlsconsln Central 4's. Contlnental Tobacco 4's. Cnlorado Fuol. *J!7, Rock Island . ??? Bonnsylvanla '>'....'.?.;??.;?. i'."1 M. and O.. collatoral trust 4 s. ?4 fontral ot Georgla 2d Inc. J3 Vn.-Onrollna Chomlcal Co. com. nja Va.-Carollna' Cliemlcal Co. pfd. 1-iVii afternoon. showod any slgn of oontlnuance Vo-aav. Movomont of prTces on the Stock ?xcianKe was irregular, but on the whole tho mo.rket advanced. Thla waa malnly becauso frlght over an 1?P?M? '?tlc up" on the Elevated seomed to have vnnlshed over'-nlght. ?,nmo Wall Stroot was renssurofl by a some what novel process. Actlng for onco as amatour Hawkshaws, buaInaa man on Lhelr way down-town questlonod tho Ete vntod rnards and tralnmen and ro cetvod %oh?anawani as satlsfled most of them that a strlk-o on tho basls of the refisnl of a nlne-hour day was not nt all nrobable Thla was as much llght as rould actualIv he nbtalned, for the trnln hnnd ballotlng, held to-day and not oom leate at tbe markot's closo. wns secrot. neUovedl ln some degree. of these nnpleaa ffidrebodlngsi tho stock "J^t -eaunv ed lts slow recnrory; and, In fact grow r.-tthor aggroBslvaly strong ln the Wc Son Ono or two Chleagp, ornclfes even eamo out Into tho open tn chlde Wall Street for lettlng tho mnrltot atay so low Tt ls well onomrh that such yolcos shoum be heard; Wall Street has heard oo much In the nnst f ^"/j'AEri irv and Ita Investmcnt pronert fs.iWWfl i.ocnuse tbe Northern Seenrltles Company hnrt nst lts Inw s?R. ,. __ Closlng prlres for stooks were rn.ther -enernlly nt the besl. notlyUy ln tho last half hour belnsr very rcapectab e^vNn news developed to Inflnoneo prlres. thoucrn lliere wore some nttnmnts tn ropeat the moenl Stncl: TSxchnntro mnnneuvres nf "?'?45 V. M. rumnrs"?thnt Is. nf ontirsn. n.mors snt nflont tno late to be denled. There wns nlsn somo effnrt. to Invlte tbe enstntn'er hv rtlsplnv nf snmethlng new nnd stnrtllnc- nmnpg the spoeulntlve'ron Tostordnv II wn<i "Lenflier pre c>v^n,i ?' tn-flnv lt wnq "Colnradn FunV There l? nlwnvp somo pntrnnnnfo whloh ~>n he ntt'rnnrofl !>?" thls snrt nf Ttnworv -.-,??., Ttnl tl tn <nlr to pnv t.hnt the hot ..... nlncq nf Qlnel'-q irnre 'ho ronllv tinto mnrlW pplnts nf ctrontrth. Most nf tho .-.nn/inr't Invostmont shnres Imprnvod sitb ?HintlnUy. viORMnwr* crnnc WA'PTnr.T Ttle.hmnnd. Va., Aprll 1B, 1903. SALTC8, Vlrglnla S's-JR.OOO ot. 91%. Vlrglnla Ocnturle.s-JlOO at 92; $100 at 92; <i.000 at 02. i,,' .?? TSroad-Street R*nk?20 sbares at 26%; 60 sharns at 20%. STATE 8F.CCJR1TTES. Bld. Aflked North Carollna 4's. C, 1910.... 102 ... Va. 8's. now. C. and R., 1932.... 91% 01% Va. Conturles, 2-3. C. nnd R. 91% 92 rtAu.noAP noNDR A. C. L. R. R. Con. T. 4's...... 93 ... Char.', Col. and Aug. 2d 7'b, C... 112 Oeorgla Paclflo lsl. Cs. C. 1032.. 120 On.. Southern nnd Fla.. 1045.... 113 Hn. and Alabama Con. n*B....110 Norfolk nnd Westnrn Ry. 4'a.... 97 N. and W, Ry. Pocnhontns 4'b,-. 90% ... Pet. CIhhs A O'b, R. C. 1920.... 112 Pet. Class R fl's. R. C.,1926.... 125 Illck. nnd Meck. 1st. 4's, 194S.... SO ... S. A. L. Con. lst 4's, 1950.... v 80 St RA1LROAD RTOCICS. i*ar. Norfolk and "Western com..100 09 ... Soaboard Air Llne pfd.100 S9% 40 Saaboard Air Llne;com.Kio 23% 24 Southern Rallway pfd.100 91 ... Southern Rallway com.100 30 KANfc' AND TRUST COS. Amerlcan Natlonal .100 124 ... Broad-Stroot Rank.25 20% M% Clty .25 33 Motropollton Rank of Va....2R 2f>% 2S% Merchants Natlonal .100 200 Planters Natlonal '.J? 330 ... State Bank of Va...100. 169% ... Southern Trust Co....100 112% ... Unlon Rank of Rlchrnond.50 ... 155 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Va. Flro nnd Mnrine.25 37 MJSOELLANKOUS; Amer. Toh. Co. pfd., S p. c.100 ... 150 Amerlcan Locomotlve pfd....100 93 94 Amerlcan Locomotlve com. ,100 20% '27% Va.-C'ar. Chem. pfd., 8 p. c.100 121% 122% Va.-Carolltm Chem. com....100 00% 01% UALT1MORE STOClTTrARKKT. HALTIMORK, MO.. Aprll 16.?Soaboard Air Llne pommon, 23%; do, iireferrod, 89%. Soaboard Vh. 80. Atlantle Coast Llne coimnon, 121; do. preferred, uiiehnngcd. ( WALL STREET QOSSIP Norfolk and Western and Loulsvlllo Both Enjoy a Good Advance. (g'poflvl to Tlitf Tluii.?-Ul?p?tcli.l NBW YORK. Aprll 10.?Tho stock mar? ket bliowed Buina uncortalnty ln tho tlrst uuotutloiis ln vlew of the ralher easy way ln whlch It sold off nn tho prevlouB nlght. Thoro wkb nothliig in tho Loudon quota tions to glvo any lead. and oommlsalon housos dld not seem to ho vory well aup plled wlth ordcrH Tho tracllons rclleeted tho Inllueiue of th? uiimUtled labor slt> uation. Tho rallroad stocka hardenod up rutlier oaslly after tho nrst few iiilinilu.s MANHATTAN lliOLD W1.0LL: Manhattan held woll ln Bplta of the Btrlkn reports. People llkcly to know uny that tho placCH of the men rotild be fUhd at onco If a Btrlko whs doclared. SUGAR WAfl FfBMKRl Amerloan Sugar wrs flrnicr On tho ovl dr-ucfi of rOVlVCd BQtlvlty lll thn trado Fhown by the miirklng up ot tho piioo of reflnod, ?* BALT1MOR19 A OHIO: Thoro woro some Bcatterlng huylng or ddro In Baltlmore and Ohlo through the comtnlBslon Iioiibps on tho llne eurnliig* publlshrd on Wodnosday. TRAB1NO V1CRY AQT'VR! Tradlng ?'im iioi vory acijvt |n the flrst hour. but thn toni' was frenerully h'H'd and pricea mos.tly .'idvuiicccl afiar \\h> flrst frw inlnui'-u. whlle the triu'tlniiH rallled uUoiodv, 'XiiuUmm W*a ,V?W Uxaeli i'l'O fesslonnl, and about tho only aetlyo Intor? est of lmportanco seemed to be tho wesi ern elemont. METROPOLITAN: '-?.-,.''?'.?; In vlew of the alleged revelatlona of ?Metropolltan lt was vory stgniucant thnt Wormsor was tlio prlnclpal buyor of tho stock eorly ln tho day. Tho room natur ally took It that he was llkely us anybody to know the real facta of the caso, AMALGAMATED COPPER: On the rolly In A. C. P. thero was some attompt to glve the Impressloiv that an advanco In tho dlvldend mlght be ox pocted. Oplnlon was.dlvlded. but tho pre pondorating scntlnvent was the other way. COLORADO FUEL: ;.'?''",' '. That Westorn Interest w.hlch at one tlme mado a flght for the control of Col orado Funl was said to bo short of that stock and talklng lower prlcea for lt. MARKETSHOWEDSPIB.IT: Tho market shnwed moro splrlt ln tno socond hour than it. had dono for somo tlmo past, nnd although the tradlng was stUl professlonal, lt lookod as If the most actlvo oporatora wero worklng for hlghor prlcos. One or two prominent shorts wero orodlted wlth n comploto cbange ln posl? tlon. NORFOLK & WESTBRN: Tho Weatern crowd waa talklng hlghor p'rloes for Norfolk and Wostorn, but tholr predlotlons of an advance in tho dlvidoml dld not have much wolght, In vlow of tholr Inaccurnte Informntlon on tho sub ject at tlie last declnration. SAN FRANCTSCO: .'-. The Baltlmore control waa credilod wlth marklng up the prlce of "Frlsco common. T.hnro wns, of course, a very narrow mar? ket In vlew of the large pool holdlngs, but frlends of the control clnlmed tlio stock was oheap at golng prlcos on lts earnlngs and prospects. PENNSVLVAN1A: . . Tho hohvv huylng of Ponnsylvania by Street fc f.orton was taken to Indlcato n c-.hungo of posltlon by a leadlng operatar for the foll. LOUTSVILLE & NASHVILLE: Thoro seemed to be good huylng ot Loulsvllle, and the clOBlng prlce was tho best of the day. AFTERNOON TRADING: . " In the early aftornoon the market be camo extroninly dull ln splto of the Amal gamatod Copper dlvldend, but held lts oarly ndvance falrly well. Tho Wostorn crowd were stlll the prlnclpal Influence on the. long sldo. Although thoy wero prob? ably gottlng a long stock, thoy wero abio to "hold tho market up wlthout much trouhle. THE CLOSE: , .. . . '? ,'uAi. Tho c.loso wns flrm, ond but for a llttle ?prnflt-t.aking by the floor trndors, who do not. as a rulo, go homo uneven. would havo boon about tho best of the day. Thore wns good huylng round the room, and In some casoB It wns of more lmport? anco than tho chango of heart shown In Uic Waldorf-Astnrla and othor cllques. COTTON MARJCETS; N11W YORK, Aprll IC?Tlio cotton mar? ket oponod stoady nt unchanged prlcos to a decllno ot 3 polnts and ruled gonor ally oitBlar durlng tho ontlro sesslon; Soon after tha call .Tulv advnncod 2?3 polntB, and aftor mld-day short cbvorlng brought about: a sllght ndvauoo. Tho market plosed barely stoadv at'wlthln 1 iiotnt of tho low est nnd at docllno of 4?7 polnts. Spoculatlon was qulot durlng most of tha day and soeuiod to conslat nltnost on tlrely of profosslonal operatlons, partak Ing ot an evonlng up onaraoter. Tlio do cllning tendoncy wns largnly duo to runi ors conoernlng shlpmonts of cotton to thls point for delivery ?" Mav an<1 Jll,v oon* traots, should such bo requlrod. Nothlng vory tlotlnlto dovolopod along thls llne, but lt wns stated that some 2,000 bales had beon shlppod horo from Llvorpool wlth moro to follow both Crom thoro and from Bremon lu fiaso of another advanco. Those roports wero met wlth Incrcdullty ln somo quartors, but tho bull ollquo vee'meq porfoolly wllllng to allow prloes to slldo bnok, poBslbly to dlscourago shlp? monts In UiIh dlrectlon. nnd tholr aotlons oneouraged tho room to go short. Othor nows wiib not pnrticulnrly important, but had n bourlsh averngo. Port rocolpts woro 0,000 balou ugalnst 8,863 laBt year. Woathor oonditlons remaln favorable. Tho Llvorpool mnrkot acted about aa oxpootod, and was gonorally wlthout Influnnco. Tho Bouthorn spot niarkets nro lirmly held, but thoro Is llttle huslness reportod, Total Btilos of fuluros estlmatod at 100, 010 balos. Cotton futures opened steady; closed barely steady. Open. Aprll .10.84 May .10.44 June . Jnly . 008 August . 0 49 Beptomber ..?? *.M Oetobor . K.f.4 Novomber .... 8 12 Decembor . 8.8S Spot cotton olnsod dulll mlddllng up lunds, 10.G0; mlddllng gulf, 10.75; bbIob, 17 bnlea. Cotton, dulll mlddllng, 10.M); net re celptB. 104 baleaugrosB, 239 balos; sales, 17 bales i stock. 67.0S4 balos. , Total to-day nt all saaports-Nei ro? colpts. 9,006 bales; export to G rei i BrltalQi 842 balo?! to tho Continent, 8.194 balos; stock. 329.0773 balos, .... , Consolldatod ut all Boaporta?Not ro? colpts, 60,197 balos; oxport to Groat Hrltnln, 10.9M bales: to Frnnce, 81 balos; to the Contlnont. 20.479 bales. Total Blnco Beptember 1st at all sea poitH-Net rceelpts. 7.201.474 baler; export o Great Hrlmln. 8.670.378 balos; to Pranco. r.*0.700 b.i'.es: to the Contlnont. 2,070,819 baies. NBVY. OJiLEANB, Aprll W.-OOUTOW Tho spot cotton markot was very qulet to-day; quotatlons roduced l-16c. on ntt grades. ;?? n?u, In tho future markot trading wris llght, the bulk of the buBlnoss belii" ln May. July and October. Prlces opened at a;ae cllno of 307polnts and later lti the day. as a result ot unloadlng on the part or weak longs. prlces eased ort a few polnts moro. flnnlly closlng wlth net lossea or 9012 polnts on Aprll to July Inclus vo, atid yr,i] polnts on the balanco of the ust. . Cotton futurcs stendy: ;AA.prll..ilO.Op.bld1 May. 10.11010.12; June. 10.11010.13: July, 10.I4@10.15 August,. O.flO'tJO.Ol; Septemher, S.790S.SO; October, 8.38<3S.?9: November, 8.2408.20;'. December, 8.25(58.20. PRODUCE MARKETS. NEW YORK, Aprll 10.?FLOUR?Flrm, but rather less actlve. Ryo Flour?Steady. Cornmeal-Steady. Ryo?Flrm: No. 2 Western, COc. afloat. Barloy?Qulet. Wheat?Steady; No. 2 red, 81%c. Op tlons had a weak oponlng because of poor cables and llquldatlon, but fully rocov ered ln the afternoon. Thls1 upturn wns based on unexpoctedly large export busl? ness In the Northwost and gonerul cov ering. but near. the close prlces droppod sllghtly nnd left off %0%c. not lower. May closed at 80 7-lGc; July, 70%c; September, Com?Flrm; No.2 elevatbr, 60%c. afloat. Optlon markot opened ensy wlth w.neat. but became very strong on a squeezo of May shorts, duo to llght cpntract sup plle's hero. The close was unsottled at ?%0%c. net advance. Aprll closed nt o2Wc.; May, 52%c; July, 50%c; September, 49%e. Oats?Qulet; No. 2. 30%c. Optlons markot aftor an easler openlng rallled and be? came flrm wlth other markots. May closed at 39c. __, CMa> Tnllow?Eosy; clty, 6%a: country, 6%0 5%c. Rosln?Steady. Turpentlno?Qulet. Beef-Weak; famlly. $12.50013; paoket. $10 50012. Cut Meats-Steady. Lard?uull; roflned, steady. -Pork Steady. ' Coffee?The markct for coffee futures opened steady nt a partlal decllne of 5 polnts. with May selllng at $3.80, and thus ostabllshlng a new low record. Protlt taklng by shorts sustalned vnlues, ancl brought about a closlng reactlon so thnt the "markot was flnajly. steady, net 5 polnts lower to 5 polnts hlgher. Snles, 2S.600 btLgs. Spot Rlo. qulot. Rlce? V Irm. Molnsses?Flrm. Butter?Steady; sxtra oreamery, <nc., State dalry, 1802c. Cheese?Flrm; Stato. full croam, fancy small, oolored. rall mado. 15c; do. whlte, fall mado Wo. Eggs?Steady; Stato and Pennsylvanla, 15015%c: Southern, 14014%c. Potatoes Steadv: Southern. $2'<r3: Stnte and West? ern. per 180 pounds, $1.6001-87%: Long[s[ apd. $1.7603; South Jorsey sweets. $2:750 3 76. Peanuts?Stendy: fancy handplcked, 4%04%fl.: othor domostlc. 2iK<riM%c. Cnb bages?Basy; Southorn, 75c. 0$1.5O. Cot? ton?By steamer to LIvorpool, 12c. CH1CAGO, TLL? Aprll 16.?Tradlng In whent was aotlve to-day and thore wns n ronowal of. buvliig bv tho leadlng l.ongs, whlch rosultad ln a strong close, May belng Ho: hlghor and July .up 4c. May corn closed %o. lowoc. wlth oats off 4? %c. Provlslons wero ensy, the May pro ducts closlng from 24@74c. lower. Tho leadlng futures rnnped as follows: Open. Hlgh. Low. Closo. %NMayAT"N!?:.Sfi% .77% m 774 Sedt; CORN-No. 2 09 l?% '?% Am'll ..'...'-. 434 434 434 43V, July . 444 44V4 ?% 444 Sopt. 43V. 43% 434 4.1% OATS-No. 2. - 3W May1.:::::::: a% m %$ &i July . 304 -804 ?J? M? Sopt. 27% 27% ? 27% 27% ML3S PORIC-Por bbl. :?'' ,, ? May .17.00 17.96 17.90 17,98 J,Sy 17.35 17.374. 17.30 17.32% Sopt.17.00 17.05 10.9d 17.02 LARD-Per 100 Ihs. M?v . 9.80 9.K5 9.80 9.824 J V . 8.784 9-774 9.724 9.724 Sopt.9.7T, 9.774 !>-70 9.724 SHORT RIBS-IVr 100 lbs. May . 9.824 9.824 ?>?% 9?f4 tuiv . >ji;7>,i 9.70 MR Sopt ......... 900 9.024 ???? ? Cnsh quotalloiiB wore as fOllowB*. Klour steady. No. 2 sprlng wheat. VMpSOo.,.Np. 3, 70@78o.; No. 2 red, 7n4'fir77o. No. 2 corn. 434c; No. 2 yellow, 434c. No 2 oals, 33110.; No. 3 whlte. 324??f;4o. No. i rya. ?lfli?<ftf.0o. Good foeillng'harlee, 37<P9c., falr to oholce mnltliiK. 4S(f|64o. No. 1 llaxsi-ed, $1.09; No. 1 northwestorn, f .ui prinie Tlmothy sood. J8.m, Mess pork. per bnr rol. W.Ptv&'i*; lard, por iOOiPWgPi- $9,800 0.824; short rlba sldos (loosa), $9.7Mf9.!v>, drv saltod shnuldors (boxed),J*^?:f:^> short elonr Bldes fhoxod). *10.124'&10> fi. Whlskoy, baslH of hlgh wllies. J1.S0. Clpv or, cnntract grade, $12. Butter eaaierj oreamerles, l8?CB4c.| dnlrlos, HfitMo. Kggs stoiuly at mark .cases InchUled, 13%c. Choese steady at 124?? to 13-B>134o. BALT1MORF,. MD., Aprllty^LOXm Steady nnd unohanged. Wheat-Flim, Bpot and the month, SW5*2c.: Bouthorn bv samplo, 77062c. Corn-Flrnier; spot, 60%?61o.: Aprll. r/W/pT.ic.; Bouthorn whlte corn. 4*nW Onts-Dull and easy; No 3 whlto, IWJM14C. liyo-Hteady; No. 2. 67? 674c. Buttor and Bggs?Firm and un ohanged. CIiroko -Steady and unohanged. Sugar?Strong nnd unchangod. RICHMOND GRAJN MARKET, Richmond, Va., Aprll W 1003' v QUOTATIONB Longborry .,.,..???? ? Mi Mlxud . |1 %% Shortborry . " ?" No, 2 rod .,. ni\etsa Va. bag lota. 7a 0*1 CORN- ,, No. i whlto. ?.J No. 3 whlto .,.....'? No. 2 mlxed .,. J2,4 No. 3 inlx^d .,,,,?,i?m ^4 OATS- ' 4 N.Q, 2 paU?l ,,..,.?..vMA.?V*+*t?? **? No. 8 mlxed ,.,,..'"'At' M, ItYB w,..i..,.,.,,........,.68 008 j RICttMONt) PROfttJCE MARKBT. ' WiloLESA.LEr' ..;. .h(?l ThtlrHda'y, Aprll 16, 1?M. Offlclnl quotatlons of tho Rlchtnond Ft'tllt atid Prodtice EXchahgC! , , LtVtt POULTRY. ? , ,. Hens. per lb.J 18 0* ? Roostera, each. 30 0 aa Dttcks, per lb. 1? 0 \i Titrkey hena, per lb. 14 0 M? Turltoy goiibleis, ixit'lb. 10 0 Ji Oeose, oach ,..?. 40 0 75 Chlckens (sprlng), Btnall, lb.. 30 0 35 Chlckohs ftnedluirt). lb. 2g 0 2g Chlckons (largo), per lb. 18 0 22 EOOS, CratpB, nen.rby, fresh, (107,...$ ]* Other BOotlotis, fresh, rlor..,.. JJ Bttrrals and boxes, fresh, doc. 13 ^P '? Oulnea, fresh, dor.. J? ? ll Fnticy. dalry pnokod, por b..$ 24 08 26. Cholco. dalry packod, por lb.. 22 0 23 Cholce, fnmlly pncltod, lb.,... 22 0 25 Cholce, slofe paolted. per lb.'. 18 0 $. Modlutn, store paoked. lb.,.. \\ % iv ] Comtnon grndes. por lb....... i? "P ?>? L1VI5 STOCK. Beof cattlo. very Ib....$ 5%0$ 8 Beef cattlo, extra. lb,. & 0 6% Beof cattle, good lb... 4 0 4/4 Common to metltum, lb. 2%,0, J7* Sheep, per lb. 4 ^ 5 Sprlng lambs, nor,,. ? w ? Hofrs, llvo, porlb.,'. ?#f "? Bulis. por lb. 2%? 8w Voals, best, por lb.. <% , Vcals. common to nrlme. ln.. 0 ? 7 NEW CONTRY BACON. Ilnms, small. per lb...,.$ lg ?* }2 Hnins, largo, por lb. 12 m 14 Sldon. porlb. 1 ^ ? Shculdora. por lb.... 0 ? }' Lard. oer lb. ll 0 " ' p Jdried !fruits. _?. . Apploa. brlght, allced. lb......J 3%0$ 4 Brlght, qunrtered, 3 Jp Wi Dnrk ner lb. ' W A Peachos,, pooled. brlght, lb.. 12 0 13 l.fnpeolod. lb. 0 0 8 Chorrles. pltted. lb. 13 ?9 14j IllaeUborrles. por lb. ? ? J Whortlohorrles. lb. 15 ? 10 Rnsiibcrrlcs. lb............. 10? 17, Tub-washed. froe of burrs, lb.$ 22 0$ 23 Utiwnshcd, free or burs, lb.... 18 @ 1? Burry, per 1)j?2iJI3o. per lb. less. Drv fllnt, No. 1, por lb.".$ 12 ? Dry snlt.^o. 1, por lb... 10 Oreen snlt, No. 1, por lb. 0% Groen, No. 1, por lb. 6%' GU,e'r,?rlb.FRiiiTS.. 3 ? * ASePr?bbl fn"?J:...!,!m.Ck.0tl$2.W 013.00 Cholce, hand-packed;'bbl.... 200 0 2.25 Medlum, hand-packed. bbl,... I.jjO 0 J.7o Common. bbl. .'.'. ./fi <B> ?,.->u Orape furlt. per box..'..o.OO l.emons. cholce. per box.2.60 e? 3.W Strnwborrles. per qunr. 12 ? M VEGETABLES. ^Y Potntnes, new. Nn. 1 bbl....$ 8.00 0$ 9.00 Pntatoes. old.-por bus. Go 0 70 Cabbngo, ner 100. 2.nO 0 3.00 Cablmge. Fla.. per crato..?.... 1.60 f .;.; .Cnbbnge. S. C. per crnte.... 2.00 02.23 Cnbbnge. N. C. per crnte.... 1.50 & 1.76 Tomntoes, per carrler. fancy.- 2-50 ? 3.00 Tomatoes, No. 1. per earrlor.. 2.00 ? 2.2a Tomntoes, small, No, 2. 1.2n 0 l.<? Squash. cholce, por crato.... 2.50, Squash, cholce, per box.2.00 0 2.60 Cukes. cholce. per box.3.00 ? 4.00 Heets, cholce, per box. w & 75 Beets. cholce, por crato. 2.00 W Z.?j Beans, Fla.. round. hamper.. 3.00 0 3.50 Pcns. English. per hamper.. 3.00 Lettuce. per hamper. 2.00 w Z.oo Aspnragus. per buneh. 10 0 &? Celerv, lnrge. per crato. 2.50 ? 3.TO CaulKlowor, per crato.,... 2.50 ?3.00 Egg plnnt. per icrato. 2.00 0 2.60 MISCELLANEOUS. Beans. navy, whlto, No. 1, _ per bus....$l-7n ?W1.W> Common. por bus.1.2? <sl l.wo Colored. per bus. 1.00 ? l.2o Peas. hlackeyo, No. 1. bus..... 90 fff 1.00 Blaokoyo, No. 2, bus. 75 & rS5 Black. per bus. S? 0 1-00 Clay. por bus.?? to 0.90 Plnxseed. por bus...,? 1.30 0 1.40 Beeswax. per lb. 20 Tallnw, por 1b. 5 Peathcrs. live. poose. porlb.. 4u ot 50 Eeathers, mlxed, per lb. 30 Si 40 Peanuts, No. 1. per lb. 3MM 3% Peatiuts,' No. 2. per lb. 2%? 3 Wnlnuts, per bus. 25 0 30 Wlre nhlcken coops. 8n ? 90 Wlre turkey coops. 1.00 ? l.W Egg crntes. 45 0 50 CATTLE MARKET. CITtCAGO. ILL.. Aprll 10.-CATTLE? Rocelpts. 11,000 head; steady to 10c. lower. Good to prlmo stcers, $8.10?5.7fi; poor to medlum. $4.25?5; stockers and feeders, $3 (at; nows, Jl.60iM.75; helfers. $2.50<RS: can ners. Jl.0OfT2.7B; bulls, J2.50?4.50; calves, $3? 6; Texns-fed steors, J4?f>.10. Hogs?Re colpts, 19.000 head; to-morrow, lf..(<X) head; loft ovor. 2,500 head; oponed dull, 5@l()c. lowor, closed stronger. Good to cholce hoavy, J7.80tfT7.45; rough hoavy, J7U7.30; llght, $r>.75(fJJ7.10; bulk of sales, $7.05?7.26. Sheep?Recelpts, 9,000 hoad: shoop slow, weak; lambs, cholco strong. othors weak. Good to cholco wethers. $4.7G?'>.7.v, falr td cholco mlxed, $4@4.75; natlves, $4.50?7. NEW TOKK, Aprll 16.?BEEVES Dreesed boof steady; clty drossed, nativo sldos. cxtremo welght, 7?8%c. per pound, Calvo'a?A fow common veala sold nt $4(8> 5. Clty dressed voals, oxtromo range, 8? 124c Sheep and Lambs?Prlmo steady; othors uncommonly dull. almost nomlnal. Unshorn sheep sold at $6 per 100 pounds, Drossed muttons, goneral salos. 8?104c. per pound; drossed lambs, 94@134c. por pound. Hogs?Roported sales at J7.B0 per 100 pounds for Btato hogs. EAST BUFFALO, N. V., Aprll 16,-CAT TLE?Butchers' grades strong.lOc. hlghor, othors flrm. Veals-Steady. Tops, $7? 7.25; common to good. $5.50?6.50. Hogs? Slow: heavy and mlxed, 10?16c. lowor, othors steady. Heavy, J7.6O07.6O; yorkors, J7.30?7.40; plgs, J7.26<S7.3r>; stags. J5.oO0fl. Sheep?Steady; lambs. 10c. lower; year llngs 25c. lower. Top nativo lambs. J7.50? 7 65; wostorn lambs, J7.40@7.60; yearlings, JC50#6,7B; nwes, $C?6.26; sheoj. top mlxed, J6ffT6,23: culls to good, J3.25?b.00. CINCrNNATI. O.TAprll lO.-HOGS-Bull nnd lowor at $S?7. at 12.*? 4 85. Sheep? Dull at $3?6. Lambs?Dull at J4.26?0.60. ______ TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond. Va.. Aprll 10, 1903. Tho condltlon of the tobnecc.markot durlng tho woek ondlng Aprll 3d closed vory llrm. and wo can roport hlgher prlcos on nll grados In good ordor. Tho narkot startod off tho flrst of tho woek Vory actlvo nnd has kept up about top neures at provlous quotatlons. Thero woro aorne good tobnccos for -to-rlay'a Fnles (Frlday) and sevoral lots sold for flne prices. ranglng from $15 to $23.60 por hundred-tho hlghost prlco of tho season for aun-oured tobacco. ?:. Tho markot haa taken on renowed act v Itv and strongth, and Indlcatlons polnt toward hlgher prices for good tobacco. nark stemmlng tobnccos havo nlso ad vnnced ln prlcos and are solllng abovo tha uBUal quotatlons. Wo nntlclpato n market abova tho avorage for tho coming week. Totnt lunount sold for tho woek nt the four? warehousea. 138.131 pounds. Total amount to dato, 8,737,727 pounds. Quotatlons nro os follows: ?UN-CURED TOBACCOB. PrlmlngB ."....'..I ?.gjgl ??? Lugs, common.i. 4.60? 0.00 Luga, good to prlme. 8.AO 0.00 Leaf. common . ????? *?* heat, medlum . 8.B0O 9.60 Leaf, flno. ".60? 3.00 Wr?pper* . H'??0 l6'M BRIGHT TOBACCOB. Smokera. common .'JHS'S Smokors. medlum . ".fiflffl 8.00 Smokera. flno . 8.50? 0.00 CutteiB, common ...... inoo? 200 futters, medlum . g.00j? 2.00 niitforH flnn . 12,50? 15.00 LiuioiB, iiiio ..,.<??? wnivsiTnn Outters, fanoy .[""''iSS-M Flllerfl. common . ??$? I*? ailSJ nnnodlu.m...:."?."?:.::::::: 5:88812:88 rvraTpWsnemedium . %?%$% ! Allen-Miles Co. j j DEALERS AND EXPORTERS.' j HIDE5, j TALLOW, &c. ! Wrlte for Prices. ,, J ? Seo' our Market Lottor on thls } J Pago, ? { Allen-Miles Building. j j ATLANTA. GA, , frlNAMClAt, LARGEST CAPITAL AND SURPLUS^ .' OF ANY BANK Qtt ttttlBT COMPANY IN THE aOUl^ATLANTJO BfATEB Richmond Trust and Safe Deoosit Company/ Tenth and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. Capital and Surplus ? $1,712,188.69 Exeetilos TrttstB, RecciVes Deposlts from $1.00 nnd Upwards, AII0W8 8 por cont', mtetest on Dafiy Balnnocs. Subject to Chock. Accounts Sollclted, CorroBpondonoo Invltcn. ; JNO. SKELTON WILLIAMS, i LHVVIS D. CIIBNSHAW, JR., t>ri>nirtr.nt Treasurer. ? JAMES H. DOOLEY. HENRY L. CABELL, Vlce-Presldonts. VIROINIUS NEWTON, Presldent, J. B, BBABLEY, Cashlor. UNION BANK OF RICHMOND ORGANIZED MAY 3, 1866. Deposlt your savlngs wlth & Solld InsUtution. The strongest ln the South Capita!. .$219,750.00 Undivided Profit......$350,000.00 Deposlts.$1,400,000.00 DIRECTORSi VIRGINIUS- NEWTON, R. T. ARRtNOTON, Jr.. B. ALSOP. T. W. PEM bbrton; N. W. BOWB, CHAS DAVENPORT. J. B. BBASLET. Small and Largo Deposlts Sollclted. | ? |l -^-xJ?A ? J ,?,.,?.,.,,.?.<. Loans Negotiated lnter comforts and eveu luxurios. ' Evory por sori should make it a fixed rule to savo somo thing every week or month. .The "Provldent" is the ideal Bank for such purposes. All sums accepted. lnterest Allowed from Flrst Day and Compounded Seml-Annually, i 911 East Main Street. S.GALESKI, Pres. W.GRAY WATTSON, Cashler I Leaf, medlum . B.W9 ?.M Leaf. good . 6-60? 80C BllOWN SHIPPINO TOBACCOS L,Ues. $4,500$ 6.50 Leaf. medlum . 0.750 7.M Leaf good. 8.000 9.W ' h W. D. OUSHMAN, Suporvlsor of Sales. LYNCHBURG TOBACCO MARKET. Lynchburg. Va., Aprll 10, 1903. Rocelpts of tobacco In tho warehouses of tho clty last week amounted to 3X7,000 poundB, whlch was a conslderable falllng off ns compored wlth several precedlnK weeks. The condltlon ot the tobacco of? fered Bhows some Improvement, though there wns a llttle mould on much of lt. Prlces showed a tendency to ndvnnce. and It Is expootod that they wlll be stlll better. Quotatlons nre ns follows: DARK GRADES. PRIMINGB.$ 1.500$ 3.00 Common nnd dnrk lugs.3l9?!? '*'30 DARIC STI-TMTMING TOBACCOS. ?? mS8 .$ 3.oO0$ d.oo Medlum dark lugs . 4-000 4.30 Good dark lugs. 4-250 5.00 Common dark leaf. 5.000 8.00 Medtum dark leaf. B.KWJ 6.t? Good dark leaf. 7.00? J.0O Flne dark leaf. ]??22""' Extra flne dark leaf. 11.MO 18.00 Black wrappers . 10.000 20.00 BRIGHT TOBACCOS. ?Common . jj.oora 0.00 KT..?^.:::::::::::::::: S I? ^mmon cutters .$ '??????? Good cuttors..-VXS,1,1? Flne cutters . H-00? ^ BRIGHT WRAPPERS- ???..? Common . SnnSinM Medlum . ,l'?2S-i?'SS (-jnn.i. 12.005* 18.00 F?na '\\\\...V......... 15.000 20.00 MAHOGANY WRAPPERS- ^ Medlum'::::::::::.? 12.000 20.00 Uc"mmPonRS~ .?.* 8.00?J12.00 Memt.Jm ........ .12.50? 17.50 Sum . . 17.50? 35.00 Fancy"::::::::.'-''"-::.35.00? 55.00 Sales of tobacco on tho Lynchburg markot for the two woeks ondlng March 28 1003. n? reported liy Mr. John Oglesuj, ?iVd"Cwh;ekWennrde.hn7BMarch ^?? pounds; sold week ondlng Mnrch 28th. Mr, 500 pounds; decrenae for woek eiullng March 28th, 587.000 pounds. Sold from;Q&; tober 111902. to March 28. 1903. 18.251,000 pounds Bold from October 1. 1901, to March 28. 1902. I0.4-Jt.P00 pounds; Increaso Cor 1903. 1.S09.10O pounds. Rocelpts last week woro much lighter thon for tho past fow wcoks. Thls wtis cnused by the bot and damn wenther. whlch KOt the tobacco In very bad condl? tlon. Two-thlrds of lt at lenst wns olt.her In vory snft ordor and bot or moro or less mnuldv. There waa hardlv a crop offered that was nofdamaged. Thls materlnlly reduced prlces on nll grades, excojil flno wrappers. whlch was fully. sustalned. Thls caused tho plnntors to stop brlnglng thelr tobacco tn markot. but put thern to reorderlng nnd puttlng thelr tobacco in hottor condltlon before offorlng lt for sale Recelpts nf brlght tnbnccos contlnue vorv llght. Wlth dry wenther we ?x pec't mueh lighter recelpts for .t.ho next few weeks. The quotatlons aro ns follows: DARIC TOBACCO. Common lugs .$ 3.000$ 4.50 Medlum lugs . 4.50? 600 Good lugs .>??? r,?0? 6.00 CommonT leaf..'.?. {..oo? Medlum leaf .,.i\'.?\. \ 00g 7.60 Oond lenf.i. P? 10.00 Flne leaf ..'..'.. fe.H.M Wrappers. A.000-22.00 BRIGHT TOBACCO. Greon lugs.$ M|? Green leaf .',?. -Wf, 5W Common brlght lugs. 000 7.50 Good brlght lugs. -500 8.60 Flne brlght lugs . |50? ??j Common cutters Good 00? 9.50 . ...tte-rr':..::::::::;::::::: tm.m Flne cutters .,. 1?.00? 12.60 No wrappers orferod. PETERSBURO TOBACCO MaWbT. Potersburg. Va., Aprll.16, 1903. The fiuotatlons for thls markot are as Common to medlum lugs.$ 300tfT$ 4.00 Oood lugs ..;..... 4000 6.00 Poor sliort leaf. 5-000 6.50 Medlum short leaf . [7.000 7.60 Medlum to good wrappers.?9'?1)2 l?XX Good to nne wrappers. |.M0 25.00 Flno Bhlpplng. 8.600 15.00 MISCELLANEOUS MARtfETS. HIDES AND TALLOW MARKET. CHICAGO. ILL., Aprll J6.-f(Allen-Mlles &? Co.'s Hlde and Leather Letter-Better deniand ln country marke,* to-day, at Eastorn tanners have art-vanced uieir vlews elght cent and hav/t been plaems ordors as noted by sales helow. namelj . Twonty-four hundred MSKs, cpntalnlng one-thlrd cows. elght thjree-elghths and seven thero-elghths; also/ thousand Np. 2 buffs seven three-olghtl*. Three dealers offer car each above Ibasls. Reported trust ls blddlng elght hiflf and seven half In Mlchlgan for hldes tf enty-tlve up, not Includlng steors. Bostoil tanners wlll pay elght half and seven hilf ln Ohlo; o her Unes unohanged, but nJm. Packer hldes atrong on llffbl natlxe fowa, and branded. Vlrglnla Century Bonds. Richmond Clty Bonda, Ohomlcal preferred and common atook. bought and sold for cash or on margln. WYNOHAM BOLLING & BRO. BOTH 'PHONES 412, No. 1018 E. MAIN. JONN L. W8LLIAMS & SONS BANKERS, Doalors In RICHMOND, VA, SOUTHERN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. MUNICIPAL BONDS A SPECIALTY. Corrospondonco Invited. BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACGOUNTS SOLIOITED BY THE STATE BANK OF VIRGINIA, 1111 E. Main St.. Richmond, Va. cows steady on heavy nativo steors. Two cars March ltght Toxas steers boUI olevon half; seven thousand Eebruary-March brandod cows sold ut nlno. Rumored 12,000 Di'comber branded cowh sold nlne-quarter from St. Louls. Butt brand stocrs are ln largo supply and domand Ih llght. Colora do steers hldes falr supply; demnnd mod erate. Hoavy nntlve cow hldes large supply; deinand ensy. I1RY GOODS MARKET. NEW YORK. Aprll 16.?A sllghtly im provcd lono is evliient In tho gonernl mar? kot for dry goods, but buyors aro stlll coiiscrvntlve ln tholr Idens regnrdlng tha future. Instructlons hnvo beon recelved Ijy. departnieiit heads ln Johblng housos thxougho'ut tho country to rcduce stock arf.fnr as posslble bcforo adding to aup plles on hand. NAVAL^ STORES, BAVANNAH, C.A., Aprll 1G.-TURPEN TINE?Nomlnal at 4!)4c; rocolpts, 624 oiislts; expnrts, 237 casks. Roslu?Qulot; reoelpts, 1.321 bnrrols; salos, 60 bnrrels; exports. 465 Imrrels. CHARLBSTON. S. C, Aprll 16.-TUR I'ENTINE?Nomlnal at 484c. Rosin? Nomlnal. COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. NI3W YORK, Aprll IC.-On furthor do niands from shorts thn cotlouseed oll mnrkot wiih strong on spot nnd ngaln hlgher. Prlmo orudo, f. o, h. mllls, SiffB 300;! prlmo Biimmor yollow, 44?45c!: off sunimor yollow. 884?31io;;. prlmej whlte. 46?47u.; prlmo wliiter yollow, 4r,g47c; prlmo moal, $27?27.50 nomlnal. MARINE rNTELLIQENCS. PORT OP R|CIlMoT?'b, ArRIL 10. 1903. ARIUVED. Bteamer Berkeloy, Ouy, Norfolk. mer chuiidlso and passeiigors, Old Domlnlon 'st'eamor Wlnyah, O'Nelll. Phllndelphlii, Pn., merchiuidlao and pnsBengors, Clyde Steamor Ponahontas, Oravcs. Jamea Rlvei' lnndlngs and Ndrfolk. irtrchnndlse and passengors, Vlrglnla Niivlgutlon Co, SAILED. Steamer Rorknloy, Ouy, Norfolk, mer chnndlse and passongers, Old Domlnlon llne, PORT NEWPORT NEWS, APRIL 16, 1903. ARRIVEB, Bchooner Goorge E. W'nlcott. Boston, Schooner Allre M. Colburn, Provldnnoo. Schooner Leorlum Thurlow, Now Vork. SAILED. Si'hoonor J. Holmes Blrdsnll, Provldence. Sarge Ohlo, Now Bedford. PORT BERMUDA HUNDRED, APRIL 18, ARR1VI0D. Barge Magnolla, Engol, to load rallroad tlos. Barge W. II. Zlinmorman, Mayo, to load lumher. SAILED. Sohooner E. R. Klrk, Crammer, loaM plne, wood, Brooklyn, N,<U,