Newspaper Page Text
V 4* OAF CENT A WORD. MINIMUM CHARQE 26Cents, CnhlnAdunoi THESEARETHEWQNDER WORKING WANT ADS. THAT BRINQ QREftTEST RESULTS. MINIMUM CHARQE 25 Gents, CathlnArfvanoa ONE CENT A WORD. _/ HBLP WArTreo-FErMLK. WANTED, A COOK AND WABHBttj ,' >1BQ NURBE. Apply 302 W. Orace. WANTBD BXPBH1KNCED BHIRT ' walet hand? and aklrt makarsj nyust be thoroughly competent to handle flne . work. AddresB '"OLADES," oart thli ' offlco._ iWANTBD, A BERVANT TO CLEAN VV _nd wnlt at table for small famllyon Chestnut Hill! ono who can llve on tho lot preferred; good home to the rlght party. Apply between the houry of 4 and B P. M. to 13 N. Elovcnth Btreet. WANTED, LADIES TO MAKE NECK wear from aampla, 17 to 112 weekly; ex parlence not neccBsnry. Sehrt seir-na aressod envelope. IDEAL M'P'O. COM? PANY. 508 West,133d Bt., New York. 6ITUATI0N8 WA7Jt_D--FEMAL_, " WANTED, AT ONCeI POSITION BY an exporlenced lady.Btenogra.pher, -wlth Sood referencea. AddresB Mlss J., care ,1b offlce. \ I.ADY OF KXPBRIBNCB DESIRES posltlon durlng BiitnmM months or by falli teacher of EngllBh, Mathematlcs, French, CaHsthenlcs Piano, BanJ* ?"i tar and Fancy Work. Address CABLB, Carrollton, Va. , HELP WANTED?MALE, JVANTED. A COAClttlAN. APPLY, wlth recommendatlomi, at 18 N. Pltta. : 'tVANTED. HAKNBS3 OTTTEjlBl Awu Harnosa Makera. Apply toT. J.OCON NOB. 9 and U E. Pratt Bt, Baltlmore, Md. _ . WANTED A YOUNG MAN, WITH folk, Va._. COLORBD LABORBRS WANTED FOR i_cavatlon on B. & O. eontxact at Ko> ?er, W. Va.; wagos, ?1.40 per day and work all mmmer, Apply at once to w. A. LILLBB, Keyser, W. Va._-_ JPANTED, EXFEIUENCED HARD ware travoltng wlesman for Vlrglnla, and Carollna lerrltory; must be sober and a huatler; no one but *>$?rto"C?d hardware man need apply: &'?^ur?r_ referencee. Address HARDWAB.E. care thls offlca._| WANTED, HAND DRILLER9. BLEDG ere and Block Makerfl. Apply DBLA *VARB GRAN1TB & MI&SnO COM PANT, Wlimlngton, Pel._ WANTED. FOR THE U. S. ARMY: Able bodled. unmarrlad men. between agw of a ndK cltUens of Unlted States, of good Jharacter and temperate habHa who can iDoak. read and rrrlt* Emjllsh. For infor ?faation appy to RECTRD^NG OFFICER. UO East Broad Btreet, Richmond, va. WANTED. AN EXPERIBNCEp COL ' LECTOR; no other need apply: J?**1 *? glvfl beBt of referencoB, Answer COLr ' LECTOR, care thla offlce._ -TRUBTWORTHT PERSON IN EACH county to manag* bu.fineiw of old entab llshed house of aolld flnanolal atandlng; stralpht bona flde weekly salary of fis i?_ pnld by check each TVodnesdny. wlth all exponsefi. dlrect from headqi,artcr?; monev advanced for ?xr/enses. MANA OER.'SG Caxton Bldg., Chlcaeo., VaNTED-AT ONCE, AREGISTBTtED DTtTJOGTST; houra *?w*r. dutles vory llght; -want^d prlnclpnlly for dlnloma: man ln mlddle or advancWI 1tfo wlll me^t renulramentn; mu?t b? wllllnsr to work for Romcwhat Bmall ealary.'Glvie ref orencfts nnd utat" salary. Aadress HOP KTNS DRUO CO., Newport News, Va. 6ITUATIONS WANTED?MALE. REGISTERBD PHARMACIST, AGED 28, slnglo, deslres posltlon in g-ood town.. of Bevaral thousand population; oapable of managlnK- frtora. Address DRTJG GIST, 2.9, care thls offlce. FIR8T-CLASS OFFTCE MAN WANTS posltlon ln South; can flll anv offlce posltlon: permanent posltlon moro of an obiect thnn hl_h nalary; A-l references. Address S? 51 Woodward Ave., Detrolt, Mlch. SALESMEN WANTEC.< JALESMEN-SIDE LINE, PATS HOTET. and dgnr money rvery day; g-ooda paid for when sold; pocket samples. Glvo present llne and terrltory. MABR GUM CO.. MemphlB. Tenn. _ BUSINESS CHANCE3. to BOOK MEN WHO CAN PURNISH TOO, wlth sorvlcen ln an A-l book en terprlse. corporata or co-partnerahlp. Advartlser owns copyrlghts of slx sev eral new manuscrlps, edlted and pro nounced irood; needa ready capital to atarf their publlcatlon; the capital "ad viinced aeoured and rofunded -wlthln four months, wlth one-fourth Interest thereof ln tha buslness: prompt nctlon nacessary. Addresn for Inton'iew BOOK ENTERPRISE, thls offlco. BUSINESS OPPORTUNItTes] KDVERTISER WOULD LTKR TO' ASSO clate hlmeelf In manufacturlng: buslness ln Baltlmore wlth a party practlcal and hlghly comnotent to auperlntend rnanu fscturlng Cedar and Oak Cooperasre In all ll? bronches; ndvortlser wlll contrl bute a llberal sum of monoy and take charge of mereantlle department. Ap plicant pleaso state axporlonce and how much cash he wlll Invest In tha enter prlse, All correspondence troated strlct fv confldontlal. and If po doslred, return ?d. CHARLEB WILLMH, Jr.. No. 19 E. Fayetto Btreet, Baltlmore, Md, ROOMS FOR RENT, 5TANTED, OrCITPANTS FOR NF.WLY Sapered ROOMS ovor FOSTER'S 8TU >IO, 113 N. Nlnth Street. RAILROADS. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. 2 Houn and 25 Mlnutes to Norfolk. LBAVB niOBMOND?KASTD00KD, f:4S A, U.?VS'eelc dayi?Locul to Newport News and way stutloni, ?;00 A. M.?Dally?Llmlted?Arrlvci Wllllami burg 0:08 A M.. Newport Noivi 10:80 A. M? Old I'olat 11:00 A. M., Norfolk 11:28 4:00 V. m'.?Woolc dny??SpoclAl?Arrltes Wlb llumabure 4:08 V. M.. Noiviiort Nuw? 0:80 P. M., Old Polut 8:00 V, M? Norfolk 0:23 V, M. B:O0 1". M.?Dallr?r/>cal to OM Polnt. MAIN LINH?WESTHOONP. 10:10 A. M.?Week duya?Uicul to Cllfton Korge aud ivny Htiitlona, tiOO V, M.?Paily?Spoclnl to CInclnnatI, I.oiiIhvIIIc. St. Loula unil Cblcaeo, B:18 V. M.?Woek daya?I^ical to Poawell. . 10:80 P. m.?ruiiir?Umltcii to OlnctDoatl, Loutavllle, Bt. I>iuU und Chlcugo. JAMI5 IIIV13M L1NB, 10:20 A. II.?Dally?Bxprcaa to [.ynctiburg, fllftim Forge and prlnclpal atatlona. B;1H P. M.?Woelt dnya?tocal to hremo. TKAINS AltKIVB RICHMOND PllOM Nmfolk nnd Old I'olnt 10:00 A. II, dally, 11:40 A. M. Bt. Siin., and 8:80 P, M. dally, Bewport Newa I.ocal 7:20 1*. M. Kx. Bun. Krom Ctnclunatl and Weet 8:1S A. II. dally inil 8:80 l\ M. dally. Miilu I.luo I.ocal from Dllflon I'mr.o 7:10 P. M. ??, San. Poawell lri>.,m. 8:80 A. M. Kx. Bun. Jamoa nivL>r Llno I/ical from Cllfton Torge 1:30 P. M. dally. Brtmo Accuni. 8:40 A. M. Ex. fiun. 0. 13. POYI.H, W, 0. WARTHBN, Oon'l Munager. Dlnt. jPaaa, Agt ta-,-_?. The Valentine Musetim SLEVENTH AND CLAy STREETS. OPEN 10 A. M. TO B P, H, ADMISION. 2SSC, V '?, ? 1'ItSfi) OH aAXUBDAXA. SIX PRIZES CARTOON CONTEST ELEVENTH WEEK. FIFTH PRIZE. \jvtAi uaUvj "tivt IjVcuit CUl?, fli sfvUtcUufl tUA) hyfU/Y* *^MVVIAA?Jf4 ij1^ ??L I tJUiuiciA--; WXCt/ri, 5jv^t J. B. JONES, Spottsville, Va. Slx prizea wlll be awarded each woptt for the best drawlng sub mltted, lllustratlng that It pays ad vertiserB to use The Tlmes-Dispatch want columns. The slx prlzea will awarded In the followlng order, vw.: Flrst prlze, $2; second, thlrd, rourtn, flfth and sbcth prlzes. $1 eaoh. ALL DRAWINGS MUST BE ORIG . INAL AND MUST BE MADE WITH. BLACK INK ON WHITK ? PAPHR OR CARDBOARD. AND SHOULD BE FIVB TO SEVEN INCHES IN WTDTH. Name and address must be wrltten plalnly ON BACK OF DRAWING. Do not send letters, but incloae stamp if ydu wish drawlng returned. Do not fold, but roll, vheu malllng. Address all drawings to "Cartoon Contest," Room No. 17, Tlmse Bullding. All drawings must reach The TlmeB-Dlspatch ofllce not later than 12 P, M.each Saturday, ln order to be counted ln thr -week's contest. Every reader is Jordlally invltod to take part ln thls highly lnstructlvo Contest FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE, 846 ACRES; DWEL llng. 6 rooms; good ottbulldlngs. Further informatlon address F. ?i- ?>?? Belsches, Va., Svtssex county._ FOR BALE-THB BEST HOTEL IN A sumrner and wlnter resort; good busl neas nll year; a snap for party wanting a hotel: Batlsfactory reasor, for selllng. MELVH.L-E DANIELS, thls, office. WANTED TO BELL 2 VOLS. BLACiv stonl'JICommentarles, 2 vols. Chitty's Blackstone. 8 vols. Memoirs of Thomas JertcTson? i vol. The Federallst, 1 vol. Proof Convention of Vlrjrlnla In 17S8. Address W. W. HASKINS, Bucklngham, Va,_. ___ FARM. FOR SALE-FARM OF 00 ACRES at Drowry's Bluflt. frontlng on Richmond and Petersburg Rallroad, 8 milca from .Richmond; good Dwelllng of 7 rooms, large hall. rttnnlng through large shady yard; barns. stables; good orchardl pf cholce frults; flpring. pf good Llthla water; 20 acres In culttvatlon. balance In tlmber. Apnly to J. M. CHALKLEY, Drewry's Bluff, Va. FOR RENT. FOR RENT OR SALE?FORTY-ROOM HOTEL at Mannssas, Va.; wlll sell fur nlture, bar, 'stock and flxtures. Apply to Mrs. A. DAVIS, Mnnassns, Va. FOR RENT?A GOOD CARPENTER shop rear 112 N. Nlnth Street; also a shop sultable for lco, wood and coal. W. W. FOSTER. FOR RENT FOR THE SUMMER months, a nlcely furnlshcd 9-rpom houso, locnted on Church Hlll near tho park; possfesslon glven May 15th. Anply, with reforences, by letter to HOTJSB ? HOLDER, caro of Cnrrler No. 11, clty. BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED. OCCUPANTS FOR FRONT ROOM; flrst-class board; terms reason able; 608 West Grnce Street. WANTED. BOARDERS FOR DELIGHT ful second Btory rooms. A room nlwnys for translont. 201 East Frnnklln Street. WANTED-T1TREE OR FOUR NICE young men can obtnln good Board nnd Room at No. 119 W. Elghth Street; rea Bonnble prlces. WANTED?TO EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE FOR ANTTI-TINCJ usefui, several Tralned and Untrnlned Polnters, Betters and Droppers; nlso Bome Pupples; valueg from $5 to $100. WATSON, Nlmrod Hall, Va. LOST. LOST?WILL THE PERSON WHO took by mlstako from t.he bnzaar on Tuesday aftornoon a Oold-hnnd1ed UM BRELLA. wlth nmothylst, pleose fo turn same to 2209 East Maln Street and recelve reward. RAILROADS. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURQ ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Beglnning Aprll Ist, 1802, Cars leave corner Perry and Soventh Streets. Manchester, every hour (on the hour) from 6 A. M. to 10 P. M., last car U!60 P, M. Cara loave Petersburg, foot of Syca moro Street. overy hour from 0:30 A. M, to 10:30 P, M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. M CENTB-ROUND TR1F-60 CBNTS. I^WNorfo^Weslern LEAVB RICHMOND DAILY. 9:00 A, M.. NORFOLK L1MITED, Ar rlyes Norfolk 11:20 A. M. Stopa Tpnly at Peteraburg. Waverly nnd Sultolk. * 9:00 A. M.. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car, Petersburg to Lynchburg and Roauoke. Pullman Sleopera Rounoko to Columbus, Bluetleld to Clnoinnatl: also Roanoke to Knoxvllle, and Knoxvlllo to Chattanooga and Memphls. 12:20 P. M., ROANOKE EXPRESS for Farmville, Lynchbure; and Roanoke. 8:00 P. M.. OCEAN SHORE LIMITBX), Arrlves Norfolk 6:20 P. M. Stops onfy at Petersburg. Waverly and Suffolk. Connecta wlth steamert* to Boston. Provldenco. New York, Baltlmpra and, Washlngton. 6:66 P. M., for Norfolk and all statlons ea9S:35? P,8M.r,8 Nlfw ORLJ3ANS SHORT 1JNE. Pullman Sleeper, Richmond to Lynehburg. Petersburg tq, Roanoke; Lynchburg to ChaUanooga, Memphia and N/ew OrieaiiB. Cafe Plnlug Car. Tralns arrlve from the West 7:35 A.M., 2 p. M. and 8:56 P, M.j from Norfolk 11:1(1 A. M. U:4a A. M. and 0:50 P. M. Office No. 838 East Maln Street.' W, B. 8EIYI&U C. H. BOSLBY. p??, JU^M>...> ????< TO-.^?-??,.*?.?lL, FOUND. FOUND. AT THE CHESAPEAKE AND* Ohlo Depot, Richmond, on Easter Mon? day evening's excurelon, lady's gold wntch, wlth inltlals. Owner proveprop erty, to MRS. F. E. McGILL, Ewell, Va, WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, TO RENT A 6 OR 7-ROOM -HOUSE ln suburbs, convenient to elec tric road. Address S., care thls office. WANTErl ~ WANTED, TO RENT A MODERN 6 OR 7-room HOUSE; western part of city preferred. Address S., care thls office. WANTED, A SECOND-HAND INCUBA TOR, 600 egg s!ze: will buy or exchange Game Chickens for same. Address I-L H. JOHNSON. Waverly, Va. WANTED, TO BUY A FEATHER BBD for cash. Address J. lt' C, 916% West Cary Street. WANTED, A GOOD FARM, 600 OR over, near rlver or rallroad, wlth brick manslon; state nrlce and full partlcu lara. W. S. PLUM. Stevena. Pa._ CHANGE IN POSlflON. ~ EM1IET SAUNDERS HAS CONNTECTBD hlmself with the HOFHEIMER'S ECONOMY BROAD-STREET STORE, NO. 311, where he sollclts a call from hls friends and acqualntancos. bWiFTess WANTS. DON'T 'THROW AWAY YOUR OLD books, namnhlets. paners, etc, I buy them. D. H. HEY, 733 East Cary. 5,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten days at 5c. F. L. BRAUER & BRO. SHAKB WELL BEFORE USTNG?IT grows hair on bald heads and reatores prray hnlr to natural color. KOENIG'S HAIR TONIC, 427 North Slxth. WANTED. DEAD OR ALIA'E-ANIMALS moved from all parts; no chargo. BICKERSTAFF; 'Phone 2811. DREW'S NEW WAY TO RBPAIR SHOES; a whole sole; no Jolnr to leak. no nalla to tear the sock; Mon's, tt: Lndles. 85c. 'Phone 2867. Wlll eall and dellver. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY. 718 B. Maln. KEEP OUT THE WEATHER: 'PHONE na to put in your wlndow glnss. If ln nned of carpenters* tools, hardware of nny deserlntlon. llmn plaster, lnths. balr . T. J. KING COMPANVS nrlee. wlll savo you money; 508 East Marshall. I POSITTVELY GUARANTEI3 TO IN creaso the ohost expanslon of nny lady or gontlemnn to 8 Inohes ln 6 weeks by my method of doen broathlng and phvslcal nuUut-o. MELVILLB DAN 1HLS' SCHOOL. 627 E. Broad. Speclal nttentlon glven to chlldren; lady always ln attendanco. RAILROAD8, ATLANTIGCOASTLINE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY BYRD-STREET STATION. 8:30 A. M. To all polnts South. 9:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West 8:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. t4:l0 P. M. Goldsboro Local, 6:66 P. M.'Petersburg local. 6:50 P. M. To /polnts South. 9:35 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West, 11:30 P. M. Petersburg local. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 4:07 A. M.. 7:35 A. M., 8:25 A. M? except Sunday, 11:10 A. lt. 11:43 A. M., 2:00 P. M., 0:50 P. M., 7:45 P. M., 8:45 P. M. t Excont Sunday. C. 8. CAMPBELL, Dlv. Pass, Agt. W, J. CRAIO, Gen. Pass. Agt. SEABOARD Air Line Railwav TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 2:20 p. M.?Seaboard Mall?10:35 P. M.? Peaboard Express?To Savannah, Japk Bonville, Atlanta and Bouthwoat, 9:10 A. M.?Local?For Norllna and Ham let TRAINS ARRPVB RICHMOND DAILY, 6:30 A. M.-No. 34-4:65 P. M.-No. 63 From Florida, Atlanta nnd Southwest. 5:30 P, M.?From Norllna and local P CltyTlcket Office 100(5 East Maln Street. ?Phone 405. THE CONFEQERATE MUSEUM TV/ELFTH AND CLA.Y STREETS. Opena dally from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M., ' Admlaalon, ?6 cent* Fr?> on Saturdaya. BU8INES9 WANT8. WANTED-WE TAKE YOUR OLD Watohes ln part imyment on elewant niw Wntchos. JAHNKE BROS., Watehomalters und Jowelers. 612 East Maln,_?__ WRIT13 FOR OUR PRICB LIST OF Oak Tnnned Beltlng and Raw-Hlda Lace Leather. Tha only manufuoturerB In tho Stato. Reoalr wnrk neatly dono. THE VIRGINIA LEATHEtt CO.. Rich? mond._ WE CARRY THE MOST COMPLETH and varlod llno of Watchea In the clty and take pleasilro ln showlng them. .TAHNKB BROS., Watchmakora and Jewelerfl, .912 East Maln._ WANTED, 600 BOYS AND MBN TO keep thelr best glrls or wlvcs In good humor by feedlng them on our best?the old fashlone.d Itnilart <?ronm Choeolateai / only at MARCHBTTI BROS.' 8TORES, 90fl East Maln and 017 East Broad. ?... LADIES' COLUMN: 'PHONE 034 IS KAEMPF'S CANDIES. Call them up when ln neod of FreBh Candles. s\_, SEE THE LABOR AND MONEY-SAV Ing Blue-Flamo OIL STOVES: lowest prfces. T. J. KING COMPANY, 508 East Marshall._ WHAT COULD THE POOR GIRL DO, but take advantape of low prlces?eash or credlt-at JONES BROS.r, 1406 Enat Maln, Headquarters for House Furnlsh Inga._ IF YOU WISH TO "TIE" UP COME AND sce our Oxfords; new, stylish. good and at rlght pricoB. J. A. GRIGG SHOE CO., 121 East Broad._ 6,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten days at 6c. F. L. BRAUBR & BRO. _' BETTER THAN DOCTORS AND MED1 clnes?DANIELS' method of deep breathing and physlcal culture. It costs nothlng to lnvestlgate; 627 East Broad, THE GLRLS ARE PRETTY, THE OTRLB aro1 swoet. but they llke the dollcloUB fhosphates of every flavor at "THE OUNTAIN," 906 East Maln. CHANGE IN POSITION. BJfMET SAUNDERS HAS CONNBCTED hlmself wlth tho HOFHDIMER'S ECONOMY BROAD-STREET STORE, NO. 811, where he sollclts a call from hla friends and acqualntances. MISCELLANEOUS. ALL THE RAGE? SCOTCH KISSES AT KAEMPF'S. WE PRINT TO PLEABE. TRY US AND eee. RICHMOND PRINTNG CO.. 1208 East Franklln Street; 'phone 2662. MEND YOUR LBAKY ROOFS?TAR Rooflng Paper onlv 75c per roll at T. J. KING COMPANY"S, 008 East Mar? shall._ PATRONIZE HOME TNDUSTRY. THE VTRGINIA LEATHER COMPANY, Richmond, are the only man ufacturers of Oak Tanned Beltlng and Raw-Hlde Lace Leather In the State. Repalr work neatly done.. GET A NICE BMBLEM BUTTON FOR the Order of Eagles at SM3TH"& WEB BTER'S, 026 E. Main. 5,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER FOR next ten days at 5c. F. L. BRAUER & BRO._ IF IT'S WALL PAPER YOU'RE LOOK ing for and w;ant the best at satisfao tory prlces call and aee us. F. T?. BRAUER & BROTHER, 205-210 North Fltth._ TO BE AN ACTOR OR ACTRESS TAKE the shortest road to the stn*e via DAN? IELS' SCHOOL OF ACTING; most complete school ln the South; private theatre in connectlon; 627 Enat Broad. PERSONAL9. A BOX OF KAEMPF'S CANDIES WTLL .-make your lady frlend happy._ DON'T DO ANYTHING UNTILYOU see ua. F. L. BRAUER & BROTHER. FOR THAT "TIRED FEELTNG" OUR Oxford Ties. Come qulck. J. A. GRIGG SHOE CO., 121 E. Broad. WANTED, CLARA. KATIE AND ALL the reat of the glrls to tell thelr best fellows to buv our old fashloned Itallan Cream Chocolatea: best ln the clty. MARCHBTTI BROS.. two stores, 906 B. Main and 617 E. Broad. 50 ENVBLOPES, YOUR NAME. BUSI ness neatlv prlnted in corn'er for 25c. HARRIS PRINTING CO.,.1303 B. Frank? lln Street, Richmond, Va. OUR SPECIALTY-STUMPF'S OWN make Devll Crabs; flnest little neck Clams: be convlnced; try them. B. A. STUMPF, Elghth and Maln. 'Phono (753) your order. LADIES' CHESTS AND' BUSTS DBVEL oped (no massage); results posltlvely guaranteed; best cltv referenoe; lady al? ways In attendance. DANIELS' SCHOOL PHYSICAL CULTURE. 627 East Broad. ENCOURAGE HOME TNDUSTRsr, Sults $15 up. Trousers $5 tin. RICH? MOND TAILORTNG CO., Charles A. Spence, manager, Slxth and Maln. WE DO PRTNTING THAT. TS PRINT Ing. RICHMOND PRrNTTNO CO., 120S East Franklln Street. 'Phone 2663. WANTED, YOU TO CALL 'PHONE 2662 nnd we wlll send our repronentatlve to soo vou. RICHMOND PRTNTINa CO? 1208 East Franklln Street; 'phone 2662. MOHPHINE, LAUDANUM, COCAINE and Llnuor Hablts permanently and palnlessiv cttred at home; no detentlon from bus'lness; nctlon Immodlate; leaves patlent in naturnl. healthy condltlon wlthout doslrc for drugs; ctire guaran? teed for $10,00. Write for partlculare. Dr. LONG CO., Atlanta, Ga, RAILROADS. Rr D n Richmond, Frederlcka ? ? ? tt ? i burg & Potomac R. R Tralna Leave Rlchrnond?Northward. 4:15 A. M? dally. Byrd St. Through. 6:45 A. M., daily. Maln St.- Through. 7:15 A. M? week days. Elba. Aehland ao commodation. ? - 8:00 A. M,, Sunday only, Byrd St Through. _ _ ?. 8;40 A. M? week days. Bryd St. Through. 12:05noon, week days. Byrd St, Through. 4:00 P. M., week days. Byrd St. Fred erlcksburg accnrnmodatlan, 5:05 P. M? dally, Main St, Through, 6:25 P, M., week days. Elba. Ashland ao? commodatlon. ^ ?.'?'.?''? LL 8:06 P. M., dally, Byrd St, Through. 11:10 P. M? week days. Elba. Ashland ao. commodatlon. Tralna Arrlva Rlchrnond?Southward. 6:40 A. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ao< commodatlon. ,, ,"?'??,.'?.?_ 8:00 A. M? dally, Byrd St. Through. 8:26 A. M., week dnvs. Byrd St.. Fred erlcksburg accommodfitlon. 13:06 P. M-. week days. Byrd St. Through. 8:05 P. M? dnlly, Maln St. Through. 0:00 P, M., week days. Elba. Ashland ao? commodatlon. ? _ . -' * ? . 0:46 P. M? dnllv. Byrd St. Through. 9:00 P. M.. dally. Byrd St. Through, 10:25 P, M.. dally. Maln St. Through. 11:00 P. M., week days, Elba. Ashland ao? commodatlon. ?'-' _, ,T- ?;?_ Note-Pullman Sleeplng or Parlor Cars on all trnlnn 'ixeent locil aeeommodationB. W, D. DUKE, C. W. CULP. W. P. TAYLOll, Gen'l Msn'r. Ass't Gen'l Man'r. Traf. Man'r STEAMBOATS, UAY LIWE TO B4LTIMOEE Vi? 0. * O, Rwy. and Old Polnt, U. 8. MAir, BOUTE, I.ctToltlehmoud tIs 0. * 0. dally iixcept Biimluy, at -4 P. M., con, ut Oldl'clut ivltb ituumers ot Old Usy Llne, le?vlnjt 7:16 1?, Ji., urrlrlng Uultlmoro 0:30 A. M.. con. North, Bimt and Wost. For tleketa and lutoruiutlon ui> plj- to 0, * O. Ilwy. uud TrttunKT Ceuipaur. 1000 Llllt UiUu Btr^t AWNING8, TjENTB ANO rLAOS. , WS MAKE a'sPECIALTY OF MAKING Wlndow Awnlnga, 'Phone us, 2142, and we wlll gladly call and giva estlmatos, 3, ROS9 JONES _ BRO., W3 East Broad, WE MAKB AWNINOS-B A R T O N Helghts nnd Cbestnut HIII-wlthout_ex tra ohargo. 'Phone J. ROBB JONES & BRO._L_ BAVE MONEr AND ORDER YOUR Awnings now; remamber tho hot waye si coming. 'Pnono 257(1 and we wlll call. M. G. COPELAND CO? 108 N. Nlnth Street. Out-of-town orderfl recolve prompt at - tentlon. ANTIQUE3. SPECIAL SALE FOR TEN DAYS OP Boveral flno pleces of Antlque Furnlturo and Brlc-a-Brac, 300 and 311 North Elghth Street. __ BAKERY. HANOVER STRAIGHTS AT ATKIN SON'S BAKERY, 327 Broolt Avenuo. sPhone 2019. _;_ BICYCLES. IVER JOHNSON BICYCLES, BEST Wheel ln Richmond, for the money. Only at TOMPKIN9' CYCLE STORE, 811 West Broad._ ? _ r BARBERGOODS, MURDERI NO. NOI OLD RAZORS made now, Hollowground. ^oned *nd Strapped to perfeotlon. 400 Eaat Broad. and r"epa"ir87"' ~~~] thats h1m-jo bic1cep.staff. the pxpert-Ho haa one storo. 1S03 East Maln. ile Jsells. buys. rents exchanges orjo palra anything In shape of a bicycle. ?Phone 3108._ _'_-___=^: iIeITtYng and lace leather. BEST OAK TANNED BELTrNG^AND Rawhldo Lace Leather. THE VIRGINiA LEATf-rER CO.. Richmond, the only mahufacturers ln the State. Repatr work ncatly dono. _ BOARD'iNG AND LIVERY 8TABLES. FOR COMMODIOU8, DRY, WARM Stallfl. send your Horsea to tho Tem ple" and "Madlson" Board lng and Bale Btables; ftrst-class. nttentlon at rea Bonablo prices; speclal ratea for fancy horses. B. D. KAY, Proprletor. bicyc'iTes and m"6t1)"~~cyci:e3., tires guaranteed not to punc ture; blcyclo reoalrlng a speclaity: it not pleased, no chargas. Coahter JrakM <ruaranreed asralnst anything. D. w. VAUOHAN. 618 Eaat Maln. ^ ^ BOOKBINPINQ AND PRINTINQ. BLANK BOOKS MADE TO .ORDER AND Frlntln*. B..B. ADKTNS & CO., G Gov? ernor Street. CARDS AND BILL-HEADS. CARDS. BILL HEADS, NOTB HBADS. etc; prlntcd neatly aridI oulckly;: we never dlsappolnt. RICHMOND FRINT ING CO.. 1208 Eaat Franklln Street, 'Phone 2062.___________ ~~'""" CONFECTIONS. ICE CREAM, tl PER GALLON; FIES, Oakea and Pastrles , in every ?tyle; FrultB. Tobacco. etc; 'phone 2253. WIN BTON'B. 537 Brook Avenue._ _r_== = -.REAM puFFS. CREAM PUFFS, POUND CAKES. 20C. doien; they aro ^ne; 8?Jklnds fancy Cakeq: our SSe. Pound Cakes aro tnlk of theTt'own DRrNKABD'S, 423 1-3 North Blxth Stroot. '_???____= =_-_ change |N pOsTfToN. t?.r\r-p"T BAUNDERS HAS CONNECTED fwffi wlth E tta HOFHETMERS ECONOMY BROAD-STKEET STORE. NO. 311, where ho sollclts a call from Jua frienda and acquaintancos. _ r^= "fresco painting7~-"tc. FRESCO PArNTTNG. SQUTRT WORK. Rellef Work, Tlntlnft. Ennmellng, Stgn Paintlng. Hordwood Flnlshfng, etc. For flne work at modorato nrlces see A. ALPERIN, 207 North Fifth Street. DYEING AND CLEANING. LADIES* AND GENTS* CLOTHTNG thorouKhly cleaned and pressed. THJ MODEL DYEING AND CLEANING TVORKS. 413 West Broad Street: 'phon? 2905. ?; ,--;.?_ GENTS' COLUMN. BEFORE ORDERING THAT NEW SUTT come and see tho nloo aasortmant at Blxth and Maln. Sults. $16 up: Trousera, 13 up. RICHMOND TAILORING CO., Chaa. A, Bpence, Mannger._,- . DON'T SUFFER?COME AND BRING vour feet for Oxford Tles to J. A. GRIGG SHOE CO., 121 E. Broad Btreet. THE GIRLS ARE PRETTY, THE GIRLS are sweet, but they UUe the dellclous &hosphatos of every flavor at "THE GUNTAIN," 9M East Maln. 75C. HALF. SOLING MKN'S SHOEB; Ladle-i. (Wo.; hast loather; every pnlr rostltehed: no nalls. no pprs. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY. 718 E. Maln: 'phone 2067. Wlll call and dellver, Thls advertlsament good for lOo. payment half sollng^_ FRESH CAND1ES. ICAE]VD?F*S CANDIES ARE FRESH ovory hour. _ HOME COMFORT8. UNION HOTEL.-HOMB LIICE, COM fortable. reasonable. HOME-MADE CANDY. ENDLESS VARIETY OF CANDIES AT KAEMPF'S, All homo-mado. RAILROADS, S0UTHERN RAILWAY. . S0HEDUI.E IN EFFEDT FEB, 38. 1003. THAINB L?AV? EIOHMOND. 7:00 A. M.?Dally. Local for Charlotta. 12:50 P. M.?Dally. Llmftod. Buffot Pulh man to Atlanta and Blrmlngham, New Orloans, Memphls, Chattanooga and all tho South. 6:00 P. M.?Ex. Bunday, Kaysvllle T^ocal. 11:05 P, M.?Dally. Limlted; Pullman ready 9:30 P. M., fnr all the South. YOEK HrVER LINE. Tho favorite routo to Baltlmore and ?astern polnts. I.eava Richmond 4:30 P, M. Mondny, Wednnsday and Frlday. 6:00 A. M.?Except Bunday. Local mlxed for Wost Polnt. a _r _. 2:15 P. M.?Local. Mondny. Wadnesday nnd Frlday for Wost, Polnt. 4:30 P. M.?Except Bunday. For West Polnt, connectlng wlth steamors for Bal? tlmore and rlver landlngs M'ondays, Wednesda.VB and Frldays. TBAINB ARRIVE RIOKMOND. ? ;, 6:55 A. M. and 6:26 P. M.?From all tha South. 8:40 A'.M.-From Keysvllla. 0:15 A. M?Raltlmore and West Polnt, 4:50 P. M-?From Wost Polnt. tl 0 A( KF.IIT. 0- M- H. II. HAHIIWICK, Q. P, A. O, W. WKSTBURV, 1?. V. A.. ttlchmoud^Va. STEAMBOAT8, Clyde Sfeamshlo Co.'s PHILADEIPHTA, RICHMOND AND NORFO-K STBAM SUIP MNE. Appointed sailing days: Every TUESDAY, FR1PAV apd BUNDAY at dayligUt. treitflit roceived daily. iill fi P. M. FOR SALE?BARQAIN9. POULTRY NETTINO, 1 FT. H/OH, 2C. per yardi 2 ft., 3o.t 8 ft., 4p.: 4 fU 6c.; R ft.. 70.i 6 ft. 8c. T. J. KING COM? PANY, 508 East Marahall. .... "kEEP MONBY IN CinCULATION AT homo by uslng tho VIROrNIA LHATH ER CO.'S Oak Tannod Boltlng and Raw Hldo Lace Leather of ? Richmond. The only mnnufacturerfl ln the Stato. Satls factlon guaranteed._ FOR SALB^A FINB ABSOltTMENT OF Grocery Wagons. If you need Rubber Tlros, Runabout, call to see mo. I can savo you money. B. C. BRISTOW, 19 South Flfteenth Street. HOTELS. UNION HOTEL, CATERS TO REGULAR and tranBlent boarrters. Rates, $1.50 atid $2 per day; lodglng, 50. 7Bc, and $1! meals. 60c. each. Weekly rates. $7 to $0. Speclal rates to partlos nnd cxcurslonista; everythlng new; oulalne tmsurpasaed. oxfordIT oxfords for men, womt5n and chlldron. Where? J. A. GRIGG 3HOB CO.. 121 East Broad, _ PLANT6 ANdTlQWERS. WANTED, LOT OWNERS TO KNOW that Growlng Plnnts ftnd Flowors can bo had for beautlfylng thelr soctlons M tho Cemetery's Greon Houses, near the maln entrance,_ =._.. pWTntTnq. ~~~ printino! printino!! printtno!!! RCHMOND PRINTINO CO.. 1208 East Franklln Street. 'Phone 2062._ OUR BUSINESS IS PRODUCTNG PRINT lng that ls a buslness brtngor for you. Trv us nnd see, RICHMOND PRINTfNG CO., 1208 E. Franklln Street. 'Phone 2063. PHOTOGRAPH8. DAVIS GALLERY IS STILL THE MOST rellable place for photographs. Comparn our work and prlces. From 25c. up; 222 and 817 Broad. j PLUMBING AND TINNING. C. H. COSBY, 423 WEST BROAD Street. You can have your plumblns and tlnning dom> promptly and stove repalred. Old 'phone 2738. REDUCED prices. PRICES REDUCED ON WATCH WORK: Cleanlng, $1: Maln Sprlng. $1; twenty years' experlence. WM. TOBIEN, Jr., 408 E. Hrond Street, Richmond, Va, Spectacles and Eyeglases, 25o.; all work guaranteed._ "rugs AND CARPETS CLEANED. CARPETS AND' RUGS CLEANTSD AND stored. THB MODEL DYEING AND CLEANTNG WORKS, 412 West Broad. 'Phone 2905. RUNABOUTS AND WAGONS. FOR NEW AND SECOND HAND RUN nbouts, Wagons, Phaetons, Surreys. Day tons, come to see me. W. C. SMITH, No. 314 North Flfth Street. _____ 9EEDS, SEEDS-ALL KINDS OF SBBDS at lowest prlcea at Seed Headquarters, T. ,T. KING COMPANY, 508 East Mar? shall. SUMMER. RESORTS. IN THE MOUNTAINS. THB BRANDON, BASIC CITY, VA., OPEN JUNE 1ST. TERMS SAME AS LAST YEAR MISS DODSON, 2901 V St N. W? Wash ington, D. C, untll June 1st. 8PECIA- NOTIOB. EST1MATES CHEERFULLYV OJVEN. RICHMOND PRINT1NG CO., 1208 B, Franklln Btroet. 'Phone 2062._ WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND Bllvorware at wholasaleprtces. Call at J. WEINSTEIN's, 1501 E. Maln Street, TO MY FRtENDS AND THE PUBLICt I no longor work for Taylor & Brown, J, A. Grleg Shoe Co. or the W. L, Douglas Shoe Co, Do not accept th*. ' same as my work. For the same hlgh grade ahoo repalrlng s?nd work dlrect; If It Is not the neatest and best work done In Richmond thore wlll b* . np oharge. J. G. LELAND, 206 N. Fifth Btreet. 8PECIAL PRICES. UNIONHOTEL-SPECIALM?ALRATEB to buslnaas men. - "EVEtRY STITCH MADE TN RICH mond." Nlce assortmont of Sults, t'.l up. Trousors, $6 up. RICHMOND TAV LOR1NG CO.. Blxth and Maln. Caarle, A. Spence, Managor, __.-? 8AWED WOOD. SAVB MONEY BY BlITINO YOUR Wood at H. S. URBAN'S. Sawed Plne, $4.50 and $5.50: Oak wood, $6.7*5. Bowe and Marshall Streets, Old ,'Phont 1320. TOWN TOPICS. STOP AT THE UNION HOTEL. RATES, ? $1.50 and $2 per day. ,OC G*NITNrRP DNOMHCTRt THAT ,''? moans us. RICHMOND PRXNTTNO CO,, 1208 East Franklln Street; 'phone ? 2662._ -i ; u^rTO-STERlNO ~ C. C. LEVY, NO. 544 BROOK AV_tNU_. Upholstorer and Mattress maker. OlA Halr Mattress mado good aa nww. 1 / paek and flhlp furnlturo; nlso maka Cushlon and Sllp Covors to order. 'Phone 1030, , . , ??- ^ : JACOB UMLAUP, 708 W. MADNT STREET.,- - We do all klnda of upholstery; make?,,, nlce Halr Mattressen to ordtert inakai-j. over Halr Mattressoa Uko new; pack and>y ship furniture, Chlnn, etc; cut and maka - Sllp Covers. Prlcea always rlght. Ball , 'phone 3292. ._? ? i ??--:- ' ' - WALL PAPER. TEN DOLLARS* WORTH OF WA_I?'7 Paper given away absolutely Free. Na : humbug. Wrlto -to-day for partioularsj .;? No communlcatlon Rnswerea unles* <'> Btamped envelopa ls sent us for reply. p. A. ARTHUR & CO., No. 302 Eaat Maln Btreet. Richmond, Va. ?; FOR RENT. ; A_MAU_M___IU__U____A__AM__ i for rentH I SEVERAL VERY OESIRABLE ' ! OFFICES. j Newly arranged and papered, on the THIRD FLOOR of the TIME3 DISPATCH BUILDING. Llght, heat and Janltor aervlce. For prlce and partlculars apply to tha TIMES-DISPATCH offlce. a pr SAVE BOTH TIME - MONEY A?vmuanm WANT AD IT WILL assREACHiaa 100,000 READERS DAILY WHO WILL READ IT IT WILL GOYER VIRGINIA AND NORTH GAROLINA LIKE A BLANKET. s%LRYr WANT WBB TO ALL JUST 'PHONE DANIELS ('PHONE 38) He will oall for your Ads, No trouble spared and every effort used lo Boor ? Your ? Business STEAMB0AT3. OLD DOMINIOK STEAMSHIP CO. ,, Nlght LEns for Norfolk Leave Rlohmond dally at 7 P, M., stop plng nt Newport News In both dlrectlona. Dally oxcept Sunday by C. and O. Rall? way, 9;00 A. M., 4 P. M? 0 A. M. and 3 P. M. by N. and W. Rallway; all Unea oonneot at Norfolk with direct steamera for New York, sailtng dally excopt Sun? day, 7 P. M, . , Bteamers sail from oompany- wharf (foot of Ash Street) Rocketts. H. B. WALKER, Vlce-Presldont and Traillo Manager, Now Tork. JOHN F. MAYER, Agent. 1212 East Maln Street. Kjohmond. Va. American Line. NEW YORK. SOUTHAMPTON, LONDON Saillng Wednesnuys at 1? A. M- ? Phlladelphm, Aprll 22. New York, May 0. St. Paul. Aprll 20. Phlladelphla, May U Red Star Line. NEW YORK-ANTWEBP-PARIS. Saillng Saturday at 10 A. M. Flnland, Aprll 26. Kroonhind, May 9. Vaderland, May 2. tfeeland. May 16. Plers H and 10. North Rlyer. Office. 7.1 Broadway. N. Y. __^ W. 3. PALWER & CO., CHANGE IN POSITIC-N. Emmet Saundors has connected hlm eelf with ? the Hofhelmer's Economy Brood-Btreot storo, No. 811, where bo sollolts a call from hla friends and ao quulnttuicos. 6TEAMB0ATS. Merchanls and Miners Transportalion Company. Stoamship Lino. Direofc Koute to Boston, Mass., and Providenoe, R. I. Bteamors leave Norfolk for Boston Tuati day, Wednesday, Frlday and Bunday. For Provldanca Monday, Thursday and Satur day at 6 P. M- Pasaengers and fraight taken for all New England Polnts. Tick ets on stila at C. & O. Ry. and N. _ W, VIRGINIA WAVIQATION COMPANY JAMES 1?\ _B DAY DINM. Bteainer POCAHONTAS leaves MON? DAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A* M. for Norfolk, PorUmouth, Old Polnt, Nowport Nows, Claremont and Jauno* Itlver laudinga, and counectlng at Old Polnt for Wauhlngton, Baltlmore and tbe North. State-rooma reservad for the nlght at modorato prices. Eleotrlo caro dlreqt t? wluirf, Pare only and $1 to Norfolk. Muslc by Grand Orcha_trion, Fraight recelved tor above-named plaoM and all polnts InEaatern Vlrglnla aui* Notrh Carollna. IRVTN W-MfaBR.. Gonorul Manager. _,' A. Barber, Jr., Becretwy. 8PECIA- NOTICE. O, & O. Excursjon to Ne wport N"W To-Morrow. Traln leave* Richmond 0:16 A- M. R*? turnla* leave Old .Polnt S;? P, M- W* port Nows |P, it